22 year old writer and blogger who lives in her own fantasy world. I like books, coffee, cats, and badass female protagonists.
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“In every end, there is also a beginning.” -Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What’s new with you? Give me some life updates that I missed while I was on hiatus, I’ve missed you all! ❤️ 🍄 🍁 I’m baaaaaack 😎 it’s been a long and busy semester, but I’m home for the summer and ready to get back into the swing of bookstagram! I’ve missed it so much, and I’m excited to come back and take everything at my own pace 😊 I feel a big theme switch coming, but I’m not really ready to commit to anything just yet. Who knows, maybe I’ll just play around with it for now! Bookstagram is my oyster!!!! Anyway, it’s good to be back and I can’t wait to see what this summer has to offer 🎉 ☁️ 🍂 #agreatandterriblebeauty #rebelangels #thesweetfarthing #libbabray #piano #music #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #fall #autumn #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #blogger #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNicQ6nb5D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kkqnizs9tnog
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“She was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius—and she would not be afraid.” -Heir of Fire, Sarah J. Maas 🦊 ➡️QOTD: Do you have any bookish tattoos? If not, would you ever get one? 🍄 🍁 Okay so I know I’m supposed to be on hiatus BUT I couldn’t get this tattoo and not show it off 😏 As a lot of you might know (since I try to be open with my mental state on here to help #endthestigma ) I’ve struggled with mild to severe anxiety my entire life. However, at 16 I was given Throne of Glass and it quite literally changed my life. I won’t go into a lot of detail on it since I know we all have our connections to this series but long story short I was inspired by this series and Sarah J. Maas to not only pursue a career as a published author, but to do so within the YA Fantasy genre. This tattoo is a reminder to keep writing even when things get rough, and to never let some silly chemical imbalance keep me from reaching my goals. ☁️ 🍂 #tattoo #inkedgirls #blackrabbittattoo #sarahjmaas #throneofglass #crownofmidnight #heiroffire #queenofshadows #empireofstorms #towerofdawn #kingdomofash #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultfiction #youngadultbooks #youngadultfantasy #writer #amwriting #bookstagram #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu16EHEnftH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14itrd4z5k5x6
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“When her mind was discomposed... a book was the opiate that lulled it to repose.” -Ann Radcliffe, The Romance of the Forest 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What are a few of your non-bookish hobbies? 🍄 🍁 It’s been a while, hasn’t it! Life has definitely picked up over the past few months and so far 2019 has been filled with ups, downs, and everything in between. I’m currently in the middle of the most hectic semester I’ve had so far and I’m constantly studying or cranking out essays and new short stories/novel projects! But since I’m on spring break this week, which means it’s my 3 year bookstagram anniversary this month, I figured I’d post just to let y’all know I’m still here and haven’t quit yet. To be honest, lately bookstagram felt like a chore and I was tired of focusing on numbers and only posting books I knew would get me more likes. BUT, that mentality is cancelled. I’ve decided that when I’m able to post I’m going to post books that bring me joy without caring about how people are going to engage with it. Bookstagram is a hobby, and I need to remember that. Thank you for being patient with me and sticking with me through all this, it means a lot to me. Here’s to 3 years, and hopefully many more 🥂 ☁️ 🍂 #theitalian #themysteriesofudolpho #theromanceoftheforest #annradcliffe #gothicliterature #romanticliterature #britishliterature #painting #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #hygge #art #writer #blogger #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BupAp8fnpp9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ur4qm7skl9dl
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“I believe it is the mark of a great leader to question the decisions that came before him.” -Marissa Meyer, Cress 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What’s one series (other than HP/ToG/ACOTAR) that you could read over and over again? 🍄 🍁 So we finally finished the Lunar Chronicles trading card series by @shelflovecrate ! I can’t wait to display all 10 on my bookshelves 😊 I adore the Lunar Chronicles and absolutely devoured every book. It’s coming up on 2 years since I read them all and I’m seriously feeling a reread 😱 would anyone be down to participate with me? ☕️ Also, did you know you can still use my code EMMA10 on a new month-to-month subscription in time to get January’s ‘Squad Goals’ ShelfLoveCrate? Well now you know, and it’s on sale now! 💙 ☁️ 🍂 #thelunarchronicles #marissameyer #cinder #scarlet #cress #fairest #winter #tradingcards #shelflovecrate #shelflove #subscriptionbox #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultficion #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br8FJ4cHXUn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tbcpaf5na1au
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“You humans fascinate me. I am shattered fragments of what I once once. But even with all the King's horses and all the King's men, I wonder if even I could truly comprehend you.” -Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff, Gemina 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What books did you get for Christmas? And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, what series did you think you’d hate but ended up loving? 🍄 🍁 Okay here’s the tea: I used to HATE the Illuminae files series. Mainly because Kady Grant couldn’t go 2 pages without mentioning how short she was... my BIGGEST YA PET PEEVE. (As a beautiful Amazon woman I’d appreciate more tall protagonists please... not all of us are 5’2 and petite 🤷🏼♀️ but also let’s stop making being petite a major character ‘flaw’ too thank you) But I gave it a second chance and thought it was alright. However, when I listened to Gemina on audiobook I truly fell in love. The humor, the characters and the intricacies of the plot had me hooked! Obsidian was... a trip to be honest and I’d love to hear y’all a opinions about the ending of the series (in my DMs though, we don’t do spoilers at emmareadsforfun!). ☁️ 🍂 #illuminae #gemina #obsidio #amiekaufman #jaykristoff #error #novelheartbeatcreations #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br3QVUdHDaE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t2z8ei5nuxsv
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‘“Why do we write fiction?" Professor Piper asked. Cath looked down at her notebook. To disappear.’ -Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl 🦊 ➡️QOTD: Tag your bookstagram besties ❤️ 🍄 🍁 It’s the coziest time of the year y’all 😍 the most perfect time of year to get some writing done! I’ve had a kick of motivation/inspiration that has fueled the creation of a few short stories. I hope that I’ll be able to keep up the productivity over the next few weeks and maybe I’ll have something worth reading by the time my Spring semester starts 😱 it’s a Christmas miracle 😂 ☁️ 🍂 #fangirl #carryon #eleanorandpark #rainbowrowell #christmas #merrychristmas #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BryGsOSHvO9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=131w5w7nqp0ec
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“You two never could follow rules, could you?” -Anna-Marie McLemore, Blanca & Roja 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What 3 people (real/fictional, alive/dead) would be in your dream squad? 🍄 🍁 Today is the first day of winter and in true Virginia fashion it’s 67 degrees outside. It was snowing and 20-40 degrees all last week. I think it’s safe to say that Va has some of the most inconsistent weather on the east coast 😂 BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I have a special November ‘Sibling Rivalries’ @shelflovecrate unboxing 😊 Here’s what we got this time: ☕️BOTM: Blanca & Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore ☕️Sisters in Wonderland pouch by LeysaBlackbird ☕️Three Dark Crowns inspired keychain ☕️ Loki/Thor double sided bookmark by @dianadworak ☕️ Honor Above Life candle by @mlc_co ☕️ Wolf Trading Card (final in the Lunar Chronicles trading card series) by @kat_adara ☕️ Monthly cover & bookmark art also by @kat_adara 🌨 Remember to use my code EMMA10 for 10% off a new monthly subscription (or a new book-only monthly sub) at ShelfLoveCrate! December’s theme will be ‘Feats of Illusions’ featuring items inspired by The Belles, The Night Circus and ACOMAF (shipping out as we speak) and January’s theme will be ‘Squad Goals’ which you can also use my code on because it’s on sale now! I say this all too often but I’ve been subscribed to @shelflovecrate for over a year now and I’ve never been disappointed ❤️ ☁️ 🍂 #shelflovecrate #unboxing #blancaandroja #annemariemclemore #subscriptionbox #bookishbox #shelflove #thor #aliceinwonderland #skyinthedeep #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrqcgIInskF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oixwafkqh8cn
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“Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.” -Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass 🦊 ➡️QOTD: Quick! You get to design your own dream library, what are 3 things you’d have in it? 📚 🍄 🍁 Alright I’m back! Took a bit of a break to get through finals week so now I’m back home and relaxing for a whole month 😎 I’m hoping to get a lot of reading done so I can reach my new goal of 40 books this year! It’s been a rough reading year for me so I’m hoping I can get back to where I want to be in 2019. ☁️ 🍂 #throneofglass #specialedition #crownofmidnight #heiroffire #queenofshadows #empireofstorms #towerofdawn #kingdomofash #sarahjmaas #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #bookblogger #fall #autumn #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brfmpkin9hE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=twiha3re0gkd
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“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” -Charles Dickens 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What’s your favorite gift you’ve ever given? 🍄 🍁 There’s less than a month until Christmas and y’all know what that means... it’s time to shop! 😎 I love giving gifts, I’m the reading life Leslie Knope of gift giving. Receiving gifts is cool and all but watching people open up a gift and their face lighting up - absolutely priceless. I’ve been saving up my @shelflovecrate boxes all year so I can use them as gift boxes for the holidays, and if you want to know how to get your box to look like this check out the ‘crafts’ story in my highlights! Don’t forget to give the gift (that keeps on giving) of a new subscription to ShelfLoveCrate this holiday season! Even better, you can use my code EMMA10 for 10% off 🤗 I’ve been subscribed for over a year and I’ve never been disappointed by a box I’ve gotten and I truly believe they’re the best gift to give all the bookworms in your life 💙 ☁️ 🍂 #shelflovecrate #repcode #subscriptionbox #shelflove #shelflovereads #christmas #gifts #leslieknope #cozy #hygge #holidays #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at University of Mary Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxcfMVHvQN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15p9qyp7k7nb3
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“Thanks to George R. R. Martin, who asked me to write him a story.” -Gillian Flynn, The Grownup 🦊 ➡️QOTD: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? 🍄 🍁 I love Gillian Flynn!! I read Gone Girl around this time last year, and Sharp Objects earlier this year. I have Dark Places but I’m waiting for the right time to read it, ya know? But my cousin told me about The Grownup and I had to pick it up. Look at how cute and little it is! Although if you’ve read the synopsis you’ll know it’s anything but 😂 I’ve really enjoyed adult thrillers lately, and I’m always open to recs 📚 ☁️ 🍂 #gillianflynn #thegrownup #darkplaces #sharpobjects #gonegirl #thriller #mystery #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddkct #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at University of Mary Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqvLX0SHUl2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nmlhezwxvai5
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“Thanks to George R. R. Martin, who asked me to write him a story.” -Gillian Flynn, The Grownup 🦊 ➡️QOTD: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? 🍄 🍁 I love Gillian Flynn!! I read Gone Girl around this time last year, and Sharp Objects earlier this year. I have Dark Places but I’m waiting for the right time to read it, ya know? But my cousin told me about The Grownup and I had to pick it up. Look at how cute and little it is! Although if you’ve read the synopsis you’ll know it’s anything but 😂 I’ve really enjoyed adult thrillers lately, and I’m always open to recs 📚 ☁️ 🍂 #gillianflynn #thegrownup #darkplaces #sharpobjects #gonegirl #thriller #mystery #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddkct #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at University of Mary Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqvLRQzH2Dw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s12b61w6tefn
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“Unfaithful lover long since dead. Deep asleep in thy wormy bed. Wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist thy fingers toward the sky. Life is sweet, be not shy. On thy feet. So sayeth I!” -Hocus Pocus (1993) 🦊 ➡️QOTD: If you could create a new magic spell, what would it do and what would you name it? 🔮 🍄 🍁 How cute are these little magnetic Sanderson Sisters bookmarks by @silketara from Ocotber’s @shelflovecrate ?? The December ‘Feats of Illusions’ boxes are on sale now, use my code EMMA10 for 10% off of a new subscription! I know it’s technically Christmas season now but I think for us fantasy lovers they’ll work year round for our witchy reads 😍 speaking of, here are a few books with witches that I’m excited to read in 2019, or even for the reading challenge @samanthashares and @starsabovejess are hosting, it’s really cool and y’all should go check it out! ☁️ 🍂 #truthwitch #susandennard #trialbyfire #adiscoveryofwitches #hocuspocus #sandersonsisters #magneticbookmarks #silketara #shelflovecrate #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at University of Mary Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqqC3moHS-N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ej34dnlpyfrc
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“This is the story of what a Woman's patience can endure, and what a Man's resolution can achieve.” -Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What has been your favorite read of 2018? 🍄 🍁 THIS. BOOK. I read The Woman in White for a Victorian Gothic Lit course and fell in love. Not only is the plot intricate and well planned, but the characters and how they interact with one another gives it soap opera vibes. Genuinely one of the most interesting classics I’ve read in a long time, and even though it’s a little thicc I’d strongly recommend it to anyone who’s up for the challenge. Also because I want more people to talk to about Wilkie Collins 😂 I can’t wait to read The Moonstone! ☁️ 🍂 #thewomaninwhite #themoonstone #wilkiecollins #victorianliterature #classicbooks #gothicliterature #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction ##youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqiN3E0nRfJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lknkvz4dzxld
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“As Athera. To grow. As Pyrata. To burn. As Illumae. To light. As Orense. To open. As Anase. To dispel. As Hasari. To heal. As Travars. To Travel.” -V.E. Schwab, A Darker Shade of Magic 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What’s your favorite fall trend?? ☕️ 🍄 🍁 The year is almost over and I still haven’t gotten to A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab 😱 it’s on my 2018 TBR, alomg with a few other books, so I hope I can get to it soon! But more importantly, how cute is this ADSOM beanie by @kdpletters ?? I’m not a hat person, but I might have to become one! Got this beanie in @shelflovecrate ‘s October ‘Magic and Mischief’ Box, and I can’t wait to wear it once winter comes around. Don’t forget you can use my code ‘EMMA10’ for 10% off a subscription to ShelfLoveCrate! November’s ‘Sibling Rivalries’ Box will be delayed due to an item shipping problem, but make sure you order the December ‘Feats of Illusion’ Box before they sell out! ☁️ 🍂 #darkershadeofmagic #adsom #shadesofmagic #victoriaschwab #veschwab #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #autumn #fall #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at Richmond, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqarbzRn5-3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rwh9qrrkcf8z
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“You thirst for magic so you can exact revenge. You want to destroy, to tear down. I see it in your eyes." ~ "And what's wrong with that?" ~ "Nothing, my dear, as long as you don't mind living in a broken world.” -Megan Shepherd, Grim Lovelies 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What’s one fairytale you’d like to see a modern retelling of that you haven’t seen already? 🏰 🍄 🍁 I feel like now that we’re halfway through November I can finally post an unboxing of @shelflovecrate ‘s October ‘Mischief and Magic’ Box! I personally loved this box because it came WITH A BEANIE? Oh, and not to mention super spooky Raven Cycle tarot cards 🔮 Anyway, here’s what I got: ⚰️ BOTM: Grim Lovelies by @meganshepherdauthor (ShelfloveCrate Signed Exclusive edition) ⚰️ Raven Cycle Tarot Cards by @morgana0anagrom ⚰️Witch’S Bree Coffee by @loveyoumorestudio ⚰️ Sanderson Sisters magnetic bookmarks by @silketara ⚰️ ADSOM Inspired Beanie by @kdpletters ⚰️ Wand page flags (ShelfLoveCrate) ⚰️ BONUS Prince Kai trading card (9/10) by @kat_adara ↪️ Monthly art & bookmark designed by @kat_adara as well 🥀 Did you know I’m also a rep for ShelfLoveCrate? Use my code EMMA10 to save 10% off when you subscribe! And don’t forget, November’s theme will be ‘Sibling Rivalries’ and December’s theme will be ‘Feats if Illusion’! 😱✨ ☁️ 🍂 #shelflovecrate #shelflove #rep #repcode #bookishbox #subscriptionbox #unboxing #grimlovelies #meganshepherd #bookishgoodies #spooky #october #hocuspocus #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #bookstagrammer #bookblogger #autumn #fall #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at University of Mary Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqN48esHPLz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1414rpifnpezu
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“It's okay to write a cliché in a first draft; it sets a marker that you can get far, far away from in the rewrites.” -Stewart Stafford 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What’s your favorite first line? Can be from a movie, book or TV show! 🍄 🍁 Before anyone comes at me, I’m not calling this book cliche! I actually haven’t read it yet 🤔 it’s book by Maria V. Snyder... if you can guess what book it is then you’ll get a shoutout! But more importantly, I wanted to talk first drafts. Since it’s #nanowrimo and some of us are writing our first drafts (currently editing mine - please send coffee and kittens) and I wanted to say that first drafts are always cringey. Get past the beginning chapters and everything will flow from there. Sending lots of love to my fellow writers because y’all got this!! We’re halfway through, let’s finish strong 😊 ☁️ 🍂 #writer #write #amwriting #amediting #amreading #mariavsnyder #poisonstudy #book #fiction #fantasy #youngadultbooks #youngadultfiction #youngadultfantasy #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd #bookcover #bookworm #bookaddict #bookporn #bookblogger #fall #autumn #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #emmareadsforfun (at University of Mary Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqIOdSfHr8g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=54ye41ix1whg
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“One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best.” -Jane Austen, Persuasion 🦊 ➡️QOTD: What’s your bookstagram pet peeve? 😤 🍄 🍁 Happy Sunday y’all! I’m very late in posting this since it all went down about a week ago but this is me laying on my books and apparently that means I don’t read them! I absolutely love using books as props because books are completely worthless and so I can lay on them and use them for clout as much as I’d like 😊 books have no purpose other than to make ME, AN INTELLECTUAL, look like my life is better than yours! Because it is! Look at how those fake leaves are just scattered around the PIPING TEA... absolutely magical! I think out of all the Brontë women, I’d be more of a Lucy Snow than an Agnes Grey... don’t you think? 🥀 OOF if y’all thought I was being serious I’m sorry 😂 my biggest pet peeve on bookstagram is when people crap on others because of some harmless thing they choose to do. Whether it be not liking SJM, posting unpopular opinions or recommending classics there’s always something someone gets attacked for. And now on top of all that we’ve got this vulture article swooping in (ba dum tss) and attacking a whole community for doing something that makes them happy. Reading is a personal experience, and how people treat their books IS A PERSONAL CHOICE. The woman who wrote the article completely generalized and removed the personalities of bloggers (aka REAL PEOPLE) in order to further her agenda of ‘REAL readers’ for reasons unknown to us. How are you going to sit there and act like you’re so much better than everyone else that you can just assume what kind of people we are by what we choose to post on Instagram? Get out of here with that negativity. Let people read what they want to read and treat their books how they choose to treat them. If it ain’t hurting you then it’s none of your business. And that’s the tea. ☕️ ☁️ 🍂 (at Fredericksburg, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqDko3_Hc3b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pzsyncsk3s7o
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