#but all have important real world functions that a human need to survive
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stagefoureddiediaz · 10 months ago
Something something about Buck and learning and or teaching.
Something something about Buck teaching when he really needed to be learning.
I just keep thinking about how the show has increasingly - especially last season - put Buck into the role of 'teacher' - including his coma dream. (i'm using teacher for the lack of a better term!) and how in the aftermath of the coma dream - he's been trying to teach but it hasn't worked - instead he's been learning.
I've been musing on the fact that even back in season 1 Buck has been in a teacher role -
Abby learning to chose herself and go for her happiness,
Bobby learning to let people in and Buck being a major part of that because of their developing father-son type relationship
'teaching' Eddie that he could rely on other people for help
Maddie learning at Bucks hand that she didn't need to keep running, that she could lean on him for support and build a new life for herself
Ravi being tutored by Buck in the fire house
even Lucy being given advice by Buck - teaching her through his own experiences in dumb luck
Buck making himself into a teacher in his coma dream and the idea that all these people he has helped teach teaching him that he has a place with them and that he is important
and so many more examples through the seasons that I won't list or I'd be here forever!
Because there has been a lot of emphasis on teaching and learning since Buck woke up from his coma - he learnt he was good at maths, but then wasn't allowed to help Chris with his maths homework because it would be cheating.
used his maths skills to win at Poker - but got taught lessons even in victory - rather than teaching others lessons (whatever they might have been)
Natalia being interested in him because he could teach her about death and things going south pretty quickly when it became evident that Buck needed to learn how to live again rather than be stuck in death
And now we've had several mentions by Tommy of him teaching Buck things - teaching him to fly, teaching him Mauy Thai, all the way to him being his bi awakening is teaching him about a part of himself he didn't know. Things are turned on their head - Buck is the student not the master now
Even with Eddie this season, we've seen him teaching Buck things - rather than Eddie learning from him - Eddie handing over this really important thing going on with Chris - Eddie knowing that Buck would be a better option - that Chris would open up to him more - is teaching Buck about his importance in the Diaz family - re-enforcing that he is part of their life. Its also Eddie who has had the good advice for Buck this time rather than the other way round.
Something something about 'you like to be the guy with the answers' to Buck becoming the guy with the (maths) answers - only for it to fade away and now he's having to learn
Something something about the tie to Buck and death and the resurrection and how Christ was the teacher up to and immediately after his death and resurrection when he left others on earth to spread his teachings and he ascended to learn at the right hand of god
Something something about how that is the key to happiness and that is what Buck has figured out and that is why his journey to figuring that out has had him wearing the bright blue - because in Christianity - that shade of blue is the colour of the kingdom of heaven (because it is the colour of the sky!) so putting Buck in it at all these key markers of his journey is showing him as being on the road to ascension.
This post is a mess - I don't even know what it is any more! I started with one idea about teaching and Tommy and then more kept coming and we ended up here!!!!
#I know technically that they all teach and learn from each other and that others were also involved in these scenes#but I'm just interested in the fact that the tables have now been turned on Buck specifically and he is now the student#I think thats interesting as a character study - Buck who learnt to survive on his own and teach himself now getting to go back to learning#look here I am - atheist me blabbering on about religious symbolism around Buck once again!!!#Im fascinated in it though - especially in relation to Eddies catholic guilt and the way that the show is using much more#scientific symbolism around him - hearts and guts and the mind - all working organs (or groups of organs)#that have these metaphorical and intuitive attributes attached to them#but all have important real world functions that a human need to survive#and the fact that we've got Buck to this point of 'ascension' and Eddie effectively working on the last of the three - the gut#well I think that is pretty telling - once Eddie has his gut under control/ worked out (catholic guilt) then he will be in a position to#'ascend' as well.#and don't even get me started on the triangle symbolisim within all of this - the holy trinity and the trifecta of heart mind and gut#because they are playing into the triangles this season - literally every where!!!#I feel like at this point if they put Buck in purple (esp if hes wearing it when buddie go canon) - the holiest of colours and#one associated with magic -then I will be the one ascending - because that would be the ultimate#this show is insane!!#it makes me insane - I'm insane!!#evan buckley#eddie diaz#911 abc#911 meta
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ranticore · 4 months ago
Centaur anatomy notes which I might turn into diagrams (courtesy of me in 2023)
The air flow is one-way, in the nose and out the mouth, the main body lungs do the most work and the human torso lungs work to strip out the last % of oxygen, so they are actually engaged on the lower chest exhale which passes air back out through the human lungs and mouth. In times of exertion they can inhale and exhale simultaneously using their two sets of intercostal muscles. Even non-athletic centaurs have very high endurance and good breath control. lower respiratory tract infections are extremely dangerous as are any conditions that might partially occlude the airway (like a common cold), so pulmonary health is very important to centaurs
cardiac system is similarly duplicated, there's a big barrel heart and a smaller human chest heart which aids in the circulation of blood from the upper lungs. the human half heart and lungs are larger than their equivalents in humans because the alimentary canal is not duplicated, so there's lots of free real estate in there (i.e past the human half diaphragm there's no stomach, liver, etc, those are all in the animal half)
a centaur can survive their upper-body heart and lungs ceasing to function (by trauma, disease, etc) but not the reverse. in the modern era, it is actually possible for a centaur to give a(n upper) heart transplant and survive but they would experience reduced quality of life as a result (having low tolerance to physical exertion). however it is an option for recipients whose lower heart has reduced function as this is life threatening
diet is determined by animal type. ungulates are nearly all vegetarians, they need a specialised diet high in cellulose and enough roughage to save them from getting painful ulcers. they drink spirulina water and consume specially-formulated hay/grass/etc products. they could eat a handful of plain grass if they wanted but there's not much flavour in that. grazers eat as many as six or seven small meals a day, carnivores would eat one or two.
the babies are all altricial like human babies. this means ungulates are born with their lower halves less developed than their newborn animal equivalents and can't walk for the first few months of life (coordinating six limbs is tricky). human chest handles the lactation as it's easier to cradle a baby there. i know we were all dying to know
flexibility is pretty good as previously mentioned but it does vary by species. the big cats can even climb ladders and have an easier time living in conventional housing
an ungulate centaur has two ways of lying down; sternal recumbency and lateral recumbency. in sternal recumbency the human half is held upright, in lateral, that's the full 'passed out' lying on ur side experience, and lateral recumbency is required for REM sleep. beds consist of thick pads or bedding (straw etc) and are usually ground-level. REM sleep time varies for animal type, for horses they'll need about 2 hours of it every day. they can nap and sleep shallowly while standing up. too much time spent lying down is bad for circulation as weight on hooves is actually a part of the circulatory system in horses, so they will spend most of their time standing to avoid issues with venous drainage. where a centaur is injured, a full body sling (suspended from a wheeled frame usually) can help them keep as much weight on their hooves as possible while also supporting them.
spinal injuries are very common in centaurs for obvious reasons, particularly torsion or compression fractures to the acute spine, which is the junction between the upper and lower body. this area is heavily reinforced and incorporates a structure similar to the stay structure in a horse's leg, which makes supporting the upright torso effortless. but all the reinforcement in the world won't stop nearly every centaur getting a sore back in their later years. ruptured discs are extremely common. in modern times, many would have brace implants fitted there. because there's more than just the torso's own muscles supporting it, it's easy for a centaur to hold their torso in what might seem like a high-effort position to humans (i.e not just upright)
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goat-fanatic · 2 months ago
Wait I'm actually lowkey really interested in the whole vampire thing and like how it works and stuff in your creature AU!! Could you explain please? /nf :3
hopefully you mean the biology and society around vampires so i dont look stupid... but yeah.
so in order to be turned, one has to be bit, then consume/come in contact with the sires blood, then die and boom you wake up a vampire! very important fact of this universe is that creatures and humans have been assimilated for centuries atp, so society has been built around that. humans and creatures dont attack eachother, and theres laws in place to accomodate all the different species that are part of the world. so vampires dont need human blood to survive since there are whole shops, restaurants, cafes and bars that base their products on animal blood/synthetic blood, cuz lets be honest plain blood would get pretty boring fast. vampires dont take any nutritional values from human food but can still eat it, even tho it does taste slightly different to them. for that reason drinking from humans is looked down on as animalistic and crude, and without the humans consent its plain illegal. ofc there are humans who are into being a 'drink' and theres communities and clubs in place for that sort of a thing. theres also humans who want to get turned and can do so after a psych and medical evaluation and a bunch of legal paperwork for both the human and the vampire. but again turning someone without consent and agreements is a crime. after turning the vampires body stays in roughly the same state as at the time of death (fun fact, thats why gee is colder and paler than most vampires, cuz he bled out so at the time of death his body was almost bloodless). it kinda freezes, thats why thwy dont have pulses but if yoy cut them they still bleed. they also have wacky fast healing which is great for small injuries but kinda sucks for bigger ones (again thats where gees chronic neck pains come from. the skin over his bite wound scarred very fast but his muscles and nerves didnt catch up so theyre all messed up resulting in frequent pains yowch). the only thing i could not get a ligical reason for is vamp gee aging but hey its my universe so behold the sciency medical aging pill/treatment engenereed for vamps wjo want to age along with their loved ones! the aging is still a bit slower than the regular kind but its something.
silly facts include twilight and other 2000s' sexy vampire movies being the unhealthy vampire beauty standard that some of them hate and are working to abolish. makeup companies are selling sparkly lotions for that skin of a killer look. also yes they get irritated by garlic but its more like an allergy. also my vamoires have two sets of fangs. and more batlike ears. and nocturnal eyes so sunglasses are on high demand. their skin is sensitive to sun but doesnt exactly burn, more like very potent to sunburn. and theyre nocturnal but just like humans, they can have fucked up sleep scheduels and kinda train themselves to function in the day, altough most dont do it. vampires gather in clans which are usually a few families or completely non blood related ppl froming a tight community. theres some slight differences between turned and born vampires and there are vampire purists who only accept born vampires as real ones. theres also some more conservative humans who dont like turned vampires for abandoning their humanity.
i think thats most of the stuff that matters but feel free to ask abt anything bcs im serious when i say i put an unnecessary amount kf tought into the worldbuilding of this thing lmao
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squidsinashirt · 7 days ago
If you could be a pro at any sport, what would it be?
How do you relax after a stressful day?
What does being a man mean to you?
 Would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or an extrovert?
 Do you want kids? Why or why not?
What's your biggest phobia?
If you had the day off with nothing to do, how would you spend it?
There’s a real mix here Anon, I’ll give it to you.
If you could be a pro at any sport, what would it be?
Ohhhh, I don’t know, couldn’t imagine it at all…
Okay, I kinda was. Sort of. Little bit. Olympics little bit.
There’s a huge amount of pressure at that level of any sport - you’ve gotta love it to survive. Sometimes I really miss it. I’d love to be able to compete in the pool like I used to, although I’m pretty sure I’d get my tail handed to me by the new gang of teenagers on the block these days.
How do you relax after a stressful day?
In a totally surprising answer given the previous, the pool. That’s my first port of call to burn off steam. Something to be said for the burn of lactic acid in making everything seem a little better…
We are really good at coming together for a bit of a team debrief when there’s been a harder rescue, or one that hasn’t quite gone to plan. Family movie nights are good for this too!
What does being a man mean to you?
Philosophical bomb thrown right in the middle of an ask, I see.
For clarity, I’m not a big fan of societal pressure to be ‘x’ on anybody. I’m not really sure this is ‘being a man’ and not just ‘being a good human’ but… I guess it’s something and if my Kansas starts showing, somebody smack me.
I guess this comes from my family, and it’s easy to sum up with two words, one from each of parents - kindness and integrity.
Having kindness, compassion, empathy for everything around you, especially other people but also the rest of the planet. Helping others, without judgement. Protecting people and things more vulnerable than you are, in any way, and putting others’ needs before your own when you need to. You can be big and strong and tough and brave… but being gentle, soft hearted, caring and not being afraid of showing how you feel is just as important.
Also spreading a little happiness where you can. Finding the silver linings and the bright sides, making people laugh, lifting the mood.
Integrity - knowing who you are, and what that means. The weight of your word, and the importance of keeping it. Taking responsibility for your actions, being honest, not being afraid to speak up for what you know is right. Doing the right thing, even when it’s the hard thing and especially when no one is looking. Having the courage to face your fears, and to face yourself.
(Straight out of the school of Scott Tracy at the end there, definitely Kansas showing)
Would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or an extrovert?
100% an introvert. Shyest person you’ll ever meet. Your regular wallflower at social events. Good luck getting a word out of me, I’m a total recluse and a functional mute at gatherings.
this is sarcasm, in case anyone was unaware
Do you want kids? Why or why not?
People really love this question, huh? This is like the sixth one…
I think the expected ‘Tracy boy’ answer here is five sons, right? Not my answer, before I get quoted. We’re gonna need a lot of Thunderbirds if that’s the case for us all.
Given that, thanks to the roll of the universe’s dice, it isn’t me doing the difficult part of having said children, I don’t really think the final word rests with me. It’s a decision you make together, right?
But sure, yeah to kids one day (maybe five, maybe not). Why? Eh, why would I not want to continue my reign of terror by procuring smaller versions of myself to spread only more chaos around the world?
Okay, okay, that’s the flippant answer. The real answer’s selfish (I think most answers to this probably are though, right?). My family is everything to me, and I guess it would be nice to get to pass all that love on. Having this little soul that’s a piece of you and a piece of the person you love the most, and getting to nurture them and love them and watching them turn into their own amazing person, and everything that comes with that, sounds like my sort of adventure.
Plus an excuse to be a big kid and tell dad jokes forever more? Bingo, Gordon’s sold.
(For the clarity, Mr H Harbuckle from Just About! Magazine - ten year plan, quite a lot on the list before that. Do not send me any media requests or so help me…)
What's your biggest phobia?
Those ridiculously intelligent and caring people that work at hospitals (also included in the fear) and all the crazy things they do (like save lives, but does it need to be with sharp pointy things?)
Also giant lizards. Yes, those ones. Nope, no thanks. I can love the planet and all her inhabitants from a distance. A big one.
If you had the day off with nothing to do, how would you spend it?
Pool then beach. Lying in a hammock. Drinking pineapple juice. Topping up my tan. Catching a wave or ten. Diving a reef. World’s most perfect sandwich. Hope that my favourite people are around to bother for a while for a hug or ten. Long night-time, starlit, Tracy Island beach walk with one of them in particular.
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tou-dai · 22 days ago
the owner of this blog is dead
i died three days ago while i was asleep.
i was lucky. my cats were there. and i love them the most in this world.
i was born into this world but i am not of it.
everything in my life was yelling at me that that was the case.
i don't belong here. in this world, how it is. and if I do belong here, I'm not supposed to be doing the same thing
other people do.
that's another thing life has been shaking me unrelentingly to understand.
always hungry. always tired. always thirsty. always wanting to know more. to experience more. but also.. someone who experiences intensely and deeply. someone who can be overwhelmed by too many people in too bright a place.
there are things I'm not good at.
being a human
these don't make me a bad person.
imagine telling someone who never has enough
imagine telling someone who shouldn't be here (or is otherwise unwelcome)
imagine telling someone who never felt love from another person
...that the only thing they have to do to acquire these things is to be like other people.
when they're not like other people.
when they're not even people.
I've been poor my whole life. Poor folks are bad with money. We've been through hell and back. Many of us wonder if we'll die in our sleep or be rounded up.
We need money in this world to survive. It's a tool to use for things we need.
But the things we need aren't always the only things we need. Or, it's not what other people think we need.
Because everyone is unique.
Most people I've met in my life smoke/drink/do drugs. Because they NEED to. That's what life has done to us.
The relief of joy and relaxation on a body that has been through what mine has? It's almost as important as eating.
Because there are many times I cannot eat or sleep... because what I am but also because what this world has done to people like me.
Yet, when people like me - who are poor and brown - run out of money or use it "irresponsibly" we're looked down on.
It is the same sort of thing.. being told that I cannot express my emotions or see things a certain way..
When all my life I have had perspectives and persuasions thrown into my face without another place to look.
Like the idea that people aren't equal. Like the idea I'm defective just for not being normal. Like the idea there's no such thing as normal, despite the fact I've lived a life of discrimination and persecution which flies in the face of that.
There's no harm in there being differences. Of someone being better or worse at one thing or another. At our bodies and minds being shaped differently or with different functions.
The harm is in denying the truth. And in being a dick about it, one way or another.
That's what got us here. Acting like there's no such thing as better or only acknowledging something as better or worse when it's convenient..
My whole life has been people telling me I'm wrong just for existing or experiencing the way I do.
And thus I would describe it:
Imagine being a monster, dragon, or some such, born into a human body.
Your body, made out of energy as it is, has taken on some peculiarities of your spiritual form.
Some of these things make it very difficult to live among humans.
But! No one knows or really believes that you're different. Or at least, they tell themselves that such creatures are myth. OR! That most people are like this..
however. That is not the case. You could say "most people are human or humanoid" and that would be more correct.
Now you, a demi-human, are treated poorly. You have many of the same traits outwardly.. but there are some things that make it difficult to get along with you. This is mostly bigotry.
The real issue is that people can SENSE that you're not human.
Despite seeming mostly normal.. no matter who you come across... they KNOW.. you're not like them.
And they may chalk it up to anything -- your gender, your race, your beliefs -- but ultimately it is that they can sense something "other".
And so they do not like you. They do not trust you. They are intimidated by you. Etc
All while saying you're worse than them for things... which aren't actually that bad or even untrue.
So: The owner of this blog is dead.
This being still inhabits the world
And needs help to survive among humans
venmo: @torchport
cashapp: $onepeaceman
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basicsofislam · 2 months ago
BASICS OF ISLAM: Fasting: On Fasting&Self-control.Part2
As far as the social dimension is concerned, fasting is a way of experiencing hunger and developing sympathy for the less fortunate and thus learning thankfulness and appreciation for all of God’s bounties. Fasting increases people’s sympathy and compassion for those who have been deprived of their daily means of survival.
Although everybody knows, in an abstract sense, that there are people who suffer from hunger and poverty around the world, this knowledge may not be great enough to have an impact on our daily behavior. During the fast of Ramadan, this knowledge is internalized, because we now not only know that there are hungry people, but we have a glimpse into their experience of hunger. This deeper, internalized knowledge helps us minimize wastefulness and to sincerely do our best to help those in need.
Ramadan is also a time of generosity.
People are more generous, more cordial, and more ready than at other times of the year to do good and charitable work. Muslims often invite one another, friends and guests, Muslims and non-Muslims, in particular neighbors, regardless of creed, to share the evening meal and exchange gifts and best wishes.
Fasting establishes a continuity of practice with religions such as Judaism and Christianity, in which fasting is recognized as an important element of devotion to God. The very verse in the Qur’an that commands Muslims to fast reminds them of this connection:
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed on you just as it was prescribed on the people before you.”
The spiritual dimension
In the spiritual dimension, fasting during Ramadan is an act of obedience.
It leads to sincere thankfulness, which is the heart of worship.
It also empowers our spiritual side over our physical tendencies. If we imagine our body as a vessel, such as a ship, our mind, heart and carnal desires are like hands that are trying to control this vessel. Fasting weakens the effect of the carnal self and strengthens the effects of the mind and the heart on the control of the body.
The experience of hunger in fasting breaks the illusory lordship of the carnal self, or ego, and, reminding the carnal self of its innate helplessness, convinces it that it is only a servant. Self consciousness, or the notion of “I,” is part of the “trust” that has been given to humans as the vicegerents of God on earth [The Qur’an, Ahzab 33:72].
“The All-Wise Creator entrusted each human being with an ego that has clues and examples that urge and enable them to recognize the truths about the attributes of the Lord of Creation and His essential qualities. Ego is the measure that makes known the qualities of His Lordship and the functions of His Divinity.” 
Although God is closer to us than our jugular vein [The Qur’an], His names and attributes cannot be fully comprehended as they are infinite and we are finite, mortal, limited creatures. The virtual attributes that God gives us can serve as units of measure for comparison and for a better appreciation of God’s names and attributes.
It may be asked “Why did God make our ego a means to know His attributes and names?”
We answer this question as follows:
An absolute and all-encompassing entity has no limits or terms, and therefore cannot be shaped or formed, and cannot be determined in such a way that its essential nature can be comprehended. For example, light undetermined by darkness cannot be known or perceived. However, light can be determined if a real or hypothetical boundary line of darkness is drawn. In the same way, the Divine Attributes and Names (e.g., Knowledge, Power, Wisdom, and Compassion) cannot be determined, for they are all-encompassing and have no limits or like. Thus what they essentially are cannot be known or perceived. A hypothetical boundary is needed for them to become known.
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phvle · 2 years ago
Subtype Trait Structures: sp8
The lustful have a deficiency in the experience to feel things, and in the self-preservation this is more pronounced by a physical resistance to pain, which often leads to risk-taking and a feeling of being impenetrable.
Related to the previous trait, there's the disconnection from feeling which comes from the denial of their own weaknesses and vulnerability. They wanna forget about their inner child that so deeply suffered, and are now unforgiving of themselves and others.
Existential Emptiness, «Demand»
Like all self-preservation subtypes, there's a sense of lack, a fear of being with no resources, no chances to survive. The healthy functioning of the instinct is corrupted by Lust, which craves intensity, leading into a voracity and demand that cover the fear of abandonment, vulnerability, betrayal.
Blind To The Other, Callous
The other does not exist as free agents, they're either potential enemies or useful objects for the assertion of their desires. If they ever develop a close bond, it'll most likely operate under the basis of “I command, you obey”.
Cynical, Hopelessness
The childhood was marked by aggression, humiliation, violence, and a real sense of danger. Like E5, E8 equates love with violence, and so they resign from the hopes of being loved in a world that is seemingly a jungle that goes by the law of survival of the strongest.
Masked Antisocial
As Naranjo said, they're wolves in sheep's clothing. They're the most antisocial and detached from humanity, but they're driven by personal satisfaction, so they do not intend to make their lust noticed. They prefer to walk about life without getting attention, only concerned with their own pleasure and nothing else.
This subtype is less impulsive than the other two. There's a greater use of intellect as a way to guarantee power and the stability of their possessions, and they often use knowledge as means of ursuping what's desired (Henry VIII orientation to theology, in the process of going against the church).
There's the egocentric need for pleasure, especially earthly ones. Here we see a harsh, masculine looking individual, smoking a cuban cigar, carrying himself as the most important person, but without caring about what others think of them, saying to the barman “Hey! Another one.”
They don't need anyone or anything, and if they ever do, they'll get it through manipulation or forcefully steal it. Need is something they repress the most, asking is not an option.
Source: @/Promethee on PDB
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shantitechnology · 2 years ago
5 Unique Benefits of ERP for Manufacturers
STERP (Shanti Technology) is one of the leading ERP software companies in India, offering comprehensive solutions for businesses in the manufacturing sector.  Among the top ERP software providers in India, STERP has emerged as a frontrunner thanks to its dedication to serving manufacturers.
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The STERP ERP software has helped Indian manufacturers become more productive, automate processes that formerly required human labour, and foster a culture of collaboration.  Production scheduling, inventory management, quality control, and material need planning are just some of the ways in which this software may help businesses better meet customer needs and deliver superior products.  Researching aggregate statistics may tell you a lot about the spread of enterprise resource planning software around the world.
General worldwide statistics for ERP Software:
The worldwide enterprise resource planning (ERP) software market is valued at over $25 billion, with yearly growth of 10%–20%.
More than half (53%) of all businesses agree that ERP is a promising sector in which to invest.
From 2019 to 2026, the worldwide market for ERP software is projected to expand to $78.40 billion, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.2%.
The defence and aerospace sectors will have the highest ERP software adoption rates by 2026.
88% of organisations say that ERP has helped their chances of success.
Among all enterprises, 62.7% favour cloud-based ERP solutions over locally hosted ones.
When it comes to using an ERP solution, about 27% of firms worry that their data would be jeopardised.
Half of all companies will soon install an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system or enhance their current one.
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Manufacturing companies in India need to improve their productivity and efficiency to compete in the global manufacturing market.  ERP software is a key component in achieving these goals, and STERP is the leading ERP software provider in India.
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Final Thoughts:
For manufacturing companies in India, ERP software has certain particularly useful features.  As the industry standard for enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, STERP creates tailor-made solutions for businesses in the manufacturing sector.  ERP software opens the way for the effective administration of resources by optimising stock levels, improving production planning, and cutting costs.  Manufacturers can save money by improving their procurement processes, throwing away less, and using their resources more efficiently.  STERP is one of the top-ranked ERP software providers in India if you need ERP software for your manufacturing business.
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How an ERP Company in Hyderabad Can Help an Organization
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Organizations need effective system to streamline operations to enhance productivity and improve decision-making. An ERP company in Hyderabad plays an important role in the journey of businesses to integrate the process, optimize the available sources for sustainable growth. A business with the help of technology can overcome its day-to-day issues of coordination among departments, streamlining tasks, employee’s attendance and many. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) provides a centralized platform where all departments and tasks are streamlined. Maven Group is an IT and Digital marketing company in Hyderabad, which offers various services under IT including ERP Solutions in Hyderabad.
ERP Helps in Enhanced Business Efficiency
An ERP company in Hyderabad can provide solutions to organize the business functions to name a few such as human resources, finance, sales, customer service and inventory management. By streamlining the processes there will be reduction in manual errors and improve overall efficiency.
Improved Decision-Making
With the available real-time data analytics, reporting features the accurate insights of a company’s performance can easily obtained. Every department’s performance can be analysed, if necessary, resources can be allotted to improve the performance of the respective department. An ERP company in Hyderabad ensures that data analytics tools are available to businesses to have actionable intelligence to stay them ahead of competition.
Cost Savings and ROI
Initial investment is required to setup ERP system, but in the long term it has many benefits. The businesses have operational expenses to incur in day-to-day activities, with the help of ERP businesses wastage can be controlled, available resources can be used efficiently. Maven Group, an ERP company in Hyderabad provides customizable solutions that align business need which ensures businesses to achieve a high return on investment (ROI) over time. 
Scalability and Growth
Businesses can survive this competitive world only by expanding their operations and spreading to different locations. This is a challenge for any business to handle with manual process, whereas ERP system is scalable which allows to add new features, modules and customize as required by the businesses. Maven Group, with its experienced team of developers can deliver the projects within the timelines.
Better Customer Relationship Management
An ERP system not only benefits internal operations but also enhances customer satisfaction. By integrating customer relationship management (CRM) functionalities, businesses can track customer interactions, manage orders, and provide personalized services. An ERP company in Hyderabad ensures that businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers by offering a seamless and efficient service experience.
Incorporating an ERP system into an organization’s operations is a strategic move that enhances efficiency, decision-making, and overall business performance. Maven Group, an ERP company in Hyderabad offers tailored solutions to meet the unique requirements of businesses across various industries. By implementing an ERP system, companies can optimize their resources, reduce costs, and stay ahead in a competitive market. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, partnering with us an ERP provider in Hyderabad can drive growth, innovation, and long-term success.
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void-galaxy-shenanigans · 26 days ago
I had a thought about community, religion/cults, diversity, & exclusion/inclusion that I think some will appreciate (though others may hate it). I just wanna put it out somewhere so it stops rattling around in my brain (/met), and maybe it’ll help people.
(This is coming from a queer, polyam, trans/nonbinary, auDHD, physically disabled, mentally ill (+ partially prescription medicated) person/collective. It’s based in research/science, but inspired from my own diversity/divergence and interactions with the world.)
Cults and cult-like churches hate diversity (DEIA) because they require group cohesion to maintain control.
You can’t have group cohesion and unity without (a) an outside enemy to unite everyone & (b) an intolerance of what makes that enemy (or enemies) different. You need everyone to be the same so it’s clear who isn’t in the good group—you have a distinct common enemy, to avoid ‘friendly fire’.
A lot of Christian denominations and churches do this. Sins (& sinner vs saint dichotomy), specific ways of appropriate dress (especially binary (man/woman, priest/member)), taboo phrases and actions - these are weaponized as methods of control.
They take advantage of people who are seeking community (often desperately), especially those who want a concrete/clear schema* or multiple of those to make sense of something (being handed one is simpler than forming your own complex webs of schema). They especially take advantage of children (born with very few schema), but also of people in poverty seeking a way out & of people who feel like they’ve lost their way in life (or even their own identity).
(* fancy word for ‘map/concept/framing of how the world works’)
Diversity becomes their enemy.
If people are allowed to be diverse, and your members learn to accept diversity, that means they also learn critical thinking skills that make them question you & your authority. They may even find a schema that works better for them & leave your cult / religion (which you really don’t want when you seek this level of control).
So you (cult/controlling leadership) make them fear & hate those who are “outside”, to not just exclude/ostracize but oppress The Other, because ‘if they didn’t want to be oppressed they could choose to be Correct’, AKA choose to believe what you (or, more, the powerful people in charge) want them to.
It is inherently manipulative.
But it takes advantage of real physiological (body function) wiring already in your body - to be wary of the other*, to feel powerful emotions & feel validated in those emotions. (These are important for survival, not evil on their own but easy to take advantage of.) It relies on members who are ignorant, or afraid to stand out/speak up.
(* which usually allows room for curiosity, if not overwritten with hate)
That’s also why deconstruction is so difficult. They control so much of what you’re allowed to say/do/be/consume. They shape the way you believe the whole world works, or should work.
This also means they want all human people united under their Good Group, because power & unity are “good”. This requires converting or eliminating The Other by any means necessary.
The contradictory reality of this world is that people do need community, but community requires some exclusion.
A community of nuns excludes those who aren’t nuns. A community built at a football game excludes those who aren’t watching or playing in the game. A community built around profit excludes those who can’t generate endless profit.
The world needs diversity of community. We can’t cram everyone in the world (all our experiences, needs, appearances, etc.) into one box. We require access to communities that are accessible to, inclusive for, and well-suited for us. We need people we share commonalities with. We also desire to learn about other communities, especially when this isn’t vilified/demonized.
Division and hatred breed PTSD / traumagenic disorders (anxiety, depression, borderline, etc.) and autoimmune diseases and chronic illness. Exclusion makes us physically sick/injured (including mentally ill, because the brain is the body’s pilot, & inherently part of the physical body).
Some disabilities are genetic. People can be born with disabilities. However, some disabilities are created by the scrambling for world cohesion, for assimilation that erases diversity, and the inherent damage caused by surviving / trying to live that environment.
This sprung from social science classes (last semester, & current). I’m finally making sense of what I learned, and this interconnected web of concepts has been rattling around in my brain.
I hope some of y’all appreciate this. It brought me peace and clarity. 💜
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jcmarchi · 1 month ago
It’s Time to Pass the AI Baton From Software to Hardware
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/its-time-to-pass-the-ai-baton-from-software-to-hardware/
It’s Time to Pass the AI Baton From Software to Hardware
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It’s unlikely that we’re going to encounter any technology more consequential and important than AI in our lifetimes. The presence of artificial intelligence has already altered the human experience and how technology can reshape our lives, and its trajectory of impact is only getting wider.
With that in mind, AI innovators and leaders have spent the past quarter of a century aggregating data and advancing the models to attain the software that powers generative AI. AI represents the peak of software: An amorphous tool that can reproduce tools to solve problems across abstraction layers. Companies building compute empires or those acquiring LLMs to bolster their software offering are now common sights.
So, where do we go from here?
Even with limitless compute, the collection of deductions using all existing data will asymptotically approach the existing body of human knowledge. Just as humans need to experiment with the external world, the next frontier in AI lies in having the technology interact meaningfully with the physical realm to generate novel data and push the boundaries of knowledge.
Interaction through experimentation
Exploring AI’s potential requires transcending its usage on personal computers or smartphones. Yes, these tools are likely to remain the easiest access points for AI technology, but it does put a limit on what the technology can achieve.
Although the execution left much to be desired, the Ray-Ban Smart Sunglasses powered by Meta’s AI system demonstrated a proof of concept in wearables infused with AI technology. These examples of hardware-first integrations are critical to building the familiarity and usability of AI outside of a device setting because they illustrate how to make these grand technological advancements seamless.
Not every experiment with AI in the real world is going to be a success, that’s precisely why they’re experiments. However, demonstrating the potential of hardware-first AI applications broadens the spectrum of how this technology can be both useful and applicable outside of the “personal assistant” box it’s put in now.
Ultimately, companies showcasing how to make AI practical and legitimate will be the ones to generate experimental data points that you simply cannot get from web applications. Of course, all of this requires compute and infrastructure to properly function, which necessitates a greater influx of investment in building out AI’s physical infrastructure.
But are AI companies ready and willing to do that?
The hardware and software dialogue
It’s easy to say that computationally intense AI applications in physical products will become the norm eventually, but making it a reality demands much more rigor. There’s only so much resources and will available to go down the road less traveled.
What we’re seeing today is a form of short-term AI overexuberance, mirroring the typical market reaction to disruptive technologies poised to create new industries. So, it’s clear why there may be hesitancy from companies building AI software or dabbling in it to embark on costly and computationally intense hardware outings.
But anyone with a wider outlook can see why this might be a myopic approach to innovation.
Unsurprisingly, there are plenty of comparisons made between the AI boom and the early internet’s dot-com bubble, where projects focused on short-term goals did die off once it burst. But if we were to collectively write off the internet because of the dot-com bubble’s aftermath instead of refocusing on the long-term ideas that have survived long past it, we would be nowhere near the technological landscape we’re in today. Great ideas outlast any trend.
Additionally, compute is the linchpin for any AI innovation to keep progressing. And as any AI developer will tell you—compute is worth its weight in gold. However, that also puts a limit on how many projects can feasibly afford to explore real-world AI applications when model development alone already eats up resources. But no company can maintain market dominance on software alone—no matter how impressive their LLM is.
It’s comfortable for AI companies to lead with software and wait patiently for a hardware provider to swoop in and acquire or license its technology. Not only is this severely limiting, it leaves many incredible projects at the mercy of outsiders who may never come knocking.
AI is a multi-generational technology that will only become more customized and designed for individuals as time progresses. However, it’s up to projects to take advantage of a mostly-even playing field software-wise to take real strides into the physical realm. Without bold experimentation, and even failure, there will be no path forward for AI technology to realize its full potential in improving the human experience.
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thekollab · 6 months ago
How a Crypto Marketing Agency Can Help You Stand Out in a Crowded Market?
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Hiring a crypto agency is an excellent way to tackle your growth and positioning, especially in the face of increasing noise across other projects. They have the expertise to launch focused campaigns, develop interactive content, and engage the community with your project. 
Their knowledge makes them more effective in reaching your target audience, building credibility, and achieving long-term business growth. Their wisdom ensures that your brand survives and rules the market full of fierce competition in the crypto sphere.
Why Do You Need a Tailored Approach to Crypto Marketing?
The cryptocurrency market is unique in its swift operation. The fast-moving online landscape makes traditional marketing precedents useless. That is where crypto marketing companies specializing in it play a role. 
They give you a strategy that is made for your project, not some mass-produced idea. Social media, ads, and SEO are usually common marketing strategies. Nevertheless, you are handling a much more niche and tech-savvy audience in the crypto world. They distrust traditional advertising and are drawn in seemingly infinite directions by novel ideas, blockchain progressions, and influencers hawking new coins or platforms.
This means your strategy should be just as special as your selling item. A crypto marketing company goes beyond implying your brand and creates an experience that people can truly relate to, restoring trust in the market.
Expertise in Navigating Crypto Communities
More than groups of interested people, crypto communities are cohesive societies with behaviors, values, and language. Successful marketing in this space requires a thorough understanding of how these communities function. 
A crypto marketing company knows if it is Reddit, Telegram, or Discord where your potential supporters are and how to communicate with them. They can help you contribute to forums/discussions that align with your audience. Also, working on open communication to build trust. Plus, conducting contests and airdrops, and creating campaigns to attract participants.
By building true human connections with your customers, you can create a group of loyal advocates who are both consumers and proponents of it.
Leveraging Crypto Influencers to Amplify Your Message
In the cryptocurrency space, influencers are extremely important to both gaining credibility and driving traffic. So content is key, and crypto enthusiasts trust those they see as influencers or thought leaders. This is where you need an agency providing a crypto influencer marketing agency.
Although you can run traditional endorsements, a crypto influencer strategy is more organic. When you work with people who believe in what they're promoting, the message shows and is received well by their audience. 
Influencers can review your project, interview your team, and make tutorial videos about how your technology functions.
This type of content is informative and makes your project look trustworthy and legitimate. A crypto influencer marketing agency will guarantee that you're sending out the right voices to spread the word about what you have to offer.
SEO for Blockchain and Crypto Why It Matters
Good old search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for exposure, but when it comes to SEO within the cryptocurrency space, you must be an expert. Sure, you might think one size fits all, but in this case, crypto is just different with its set of keywords that come with new challenges and opportunities. 
A real agency with a crypto focus always knows how to boost your rankings by using terms like " blockchain development," "DeFi solutions," or "NFT marketplace."
The involvement of the right specialized agency can even guarantee the following:
Your site is optimized for both search and user experience, including the major content, it has a ranking for trending crypto-specific terms. 
Your project will get more attention and more traffic to your website, but now you have a well-performing website.
When key investors or new users are searching for a solution you provide, it is about positioning your brand at the top of this market landscape.
Building Trust Through Transparency
The issue of trust is massive in the cryptocurrency sphere. Almost everyone is skeptical because of all the scams and failed projects out there. Transparent and trusting messaging are necessary components of a successful long-term approach, something sought out with marketing for crypto companies.
They do this by formulating clear channels of communication and building trust throughout the community, showcasing your team, roadmap, and tech accomplishments, and making sure that all promotional work fits within your brand and project goals.
These tendencies all translate to looking for ways you are missing rather than being open about what this project offers, what hills you need to climb, and how you intend to make your company more reliable.
Final Words
If you are trying to find ways for your cryptocurrency to stand out in the big and powerful digital world of cryptocurrencies, it is not impossible but challenging. 
A step-by-step process solution is needed to help differentiate it from others. By engaging a Crypto Marketing Agency, you are preparing yourself and your project for success with an approach that fits best in the money world. 
Whether that means connecting with key players or putting together a campaign your focus explains, the top agency has all you need to step in and ensure your project soars. Visit theKollab. Get started with sponsored content and show some love for their marketing prowess in the crypto space.
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ratlombot2 · 9 months ago
In Defence of Evil
In Defence of Evil “Evil people” are needed! – They are “Vital”! "Goodness" cannot defend itself. It needs ‘evil’ to defend it against other ‘evil’. . Harming a fellow human being, in any way, shape or form, is Always wrong. No exceptions. ALL violence against a fellow human being, in any way, shape or form, is Always wrong. No exceptions. Killing a fellow human being is ALWAYS wrong. Absolutely NO Exceptions! . But if some were not willing to commit the ‘evil’ act of harming and killing other fellow human beings to defend the "good," THEN there would be no ‘good’ people! . …And don’t give me bullshit about what’s “legal” being the same as “what is right”. Because the ‘upper planes’ don’t give a VERY Literal “DAM” whose ‘rag on a stick’ you kill for or what political body ordered you or permitted you to harm other fellow humans. . Those who defend the ‘good’ often condemn themselves to some version of hell so ‘the gentle’, ‘the kind’, ‘the loving’, and ‘the holy’ can be allowed to exist in peace. Their sacrifice is not just their mere lives, Their sacrifice is far more Nobel, and their personal price is far higher and more extreme than just their mere lives. “The defenders of the good” sacrifice their eternal souls. . For those of us born without gentle natures. For those of us born cursed with rage and insanity, For those of us who are able, Both in our natures, abilities and skills to harm other fellow humans. Allowing “gentle good people” to exist and defending the “good people” of this world IS the most important thing a “non-good” person can ever do. . The ‘good’ can NOT defend themselves without becoming either dead or forced into becoming ‘evil’ themselves in their own self-defence, or to defend those that they love. Only the ‘evil’ can shelter them against that fate. Only the ‘evil’ can protect them against other ‘evil’ . The “good” never need to know how they were protected or approve of what some other ‘evil’ people had to do, to make their innocence possible. No acknowledgement or thanks are needed – “the good” simply never needs to ever know, what had to be done! – They must never find out! . “The good” just have to stay “Good”, that’s their job, function and real purpose. . However - The greedy, the selfish, and the mindlessly lustful, don’t care… …And they won't be stopped by ‘kind words’, ‘reason’, ‘conscience’ and ‘begging for mercy’. ‘The greedy’, ‘the selfish’, and ‘the mindlessly lustful’ can only ever be stopped by other ‘evil people’ willing to fight, harm, and force them to stop by any means necessary. – including, unfortunately, sometimes, killing them. Because genuine redemption is hard and very rare. – and hope alone will not protect the innocent who need that protection. . ‘god’ (or whatever it is out there) is a total shithead and an absolute dick for this crappy yet intentional ‘divine’ design. This is heaven's ultimate “Sick Joke” at humanity's expense. But that is not the fault of the “good people” and they should not have to suffer for gods cruelty and heavens gross ironic sarcasm.(Lowercase 'g' on purpose out of intentional disrespect for that wanker) . “The good” still needs to be Ruthlessly protected at Any and All costs. “The good” still needs to be protected whether they want to be protected or approve of how they are protected, or not. They do not get to make that decision – because they are incapable by the very nature of them being “good” of making the correct decision. Others have to make those decisions for them! Others have to be ‘evil’ on their behalf to protect them and allow them to survive and exist. . I may never be able to be ‘good’ There is too much poison and anger there… I can never see heaven – but I can help others get there. . I am willing to spend eternity in hell so others may one day spend eternity in heaven. .
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basicsofislam · 1 year ago
BASICS OF ISLAM: Fasting: On Fasting&Self-control.Part2
As far as the social dimension is concerned, fasting is a way of experiencing hunger and developing sympathy for the less fortunate and thus learning thankfulness and appreciation for all of God’s bounties. Fasting increases people’s sympathy and compassion for those who have been deprived of their daily means of survival.
Although everybody knows, in an abstract sense, that there are people who suffer from hunger and poverty around the world, this knowledge may not be great enough to have an impact on our daily behavior. During the fast of Ramadan, this knowledge is internalized, because we now not only know that there are hungry people, but we have a glimpse into their experience of hunger. This deeper, internalized knowledge helps us minimize wastefulness and to sincerely do our best to help those in need.
Ramadan is also a time of generosity.
People are more generous, more cordial, and more ready than at other times of the year to do good and charitable work. Muslims often invite one another, friends and guests, Muslims and non-Muslims, in particular neighbors, regardless of creed, to share the evening meal and exchange gifts and best wishes.
Fasting establishes a continuity of practice with religions such as Judaism and Christianity, in which fasting is recognized as an important element of devotion to God. The very verse in the Qur’an that commands Muslims to fast reminds them of this connection:
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed on you just as it was prescribed on the people before you.”
The spiritual dimension
In the spiritual dimension, fasting during Ramadan is an act of obedience.
It leads to sincere thankfulness, which is the heart of worship.
It also empowers our spiritual side over our physical tendencies. If we imagine our body as a vessel, such as a ship, our mind, heart and carnal desires are like hands that are trying to control this vessel. Fasting weakens the effect of the carnal self and strengthens the effects of the mind and the heart on the control of the body.
The experience of hunger in fasting breaks the illusory lordship of the carnal self, or ego, and, reminding the carnal self of its innate helplessness, convinces it that it is only a servant. Self consciousness, or the notion of “I,” is part of the “trust” that has been given to humans as the vicegerents of God on earth [The Qur’an, Ahzab 33:72].
“The All-Wise Creator entrusted each human being with an ego that has clues and examples that urge and enable them to recognize the truths about the attributes of the Lord of Creation and His essential qualities. Ego is the measure that makes known the qualities of His Lordship and the functions of His Divinity.” 
Although God is closer to us than our jugular vein [The Qur’an], His names and attributes cannot be fully comprehended as they are infinite and we are finite, mortal, limited creatures. The virtual attributes that God gives us can serve as units of measure for comparison and for a better appreciation of God’s names and attributes.
It may be asked “Why did God make our ego a means to know His attributes and names?”
We answer this question as follows:
An absolute and all-encompassing entity has no limits or terms, and therefore cannot be shaped or formed, and cannot be determined in such a way that its essential nature can be comprehended. For example, light undetermined by darkness cannot be known or perceived. However, light can be determined if a real or hypothetical boundary line of darkness is drawn. In the same way, the Divine Attributes and Names (e.g., Knowledge, Power, Wisdom, and Compassion) cannot be determined, for they are all-encompassing and have no limits or like. Thus what they essentially are cannot be known or perceived. A hypothetical boundary is needed for them to become known.
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threew-com · 1 year ago
3W.com: Hybrid wallet creates a secure traffic entrance, and cutting-edge technology applications connect the virtual and real worlds
As a typical traffic entrance for most online services, especially financial business-related application scenarios, wallets are a technology track that leading financial technology companies have focused on in recent years, especially with the rapid development and widespread use of digital wallet technology. The wallet business market has gradually become a battleground for military strategists in the industry. ​ 3W.com noticed that a fresh market news showed that Coinbase, the world’s leading digital currency trading platform, will launch its embedded wallet product as an enterprise-level solution, which will be powered by Coinbase’s “Wallet as a Service” Powered by technology that allows developers to create non-custodial white label crypto wallets. ​ In fact, the embedded wallet that Coinbase will launch this time is already a relatively cutting-edge development and application exploration in this track, and is more suitable for the Web3 environment. Although Web3 has experienced rapid rise and dormancy in the past few years, it has gone out of a certain cycle. , but for the more “mainstream” ordinary people, the understanding of Web3 still lacks a clear outline. The two naturally have higher quality in terms of conceptual understanding, technical background and application accessibility. threshold. ​ At this time, a special wallet with new technology functions becomes a pass for ordinary people in the real world to enter the novel world of Web3. It provides a suitable entrance for Web3 and becomes an important connection between the Web2 and Web3 environments. Through this wallet, users will be able to travel smoothly in the Web3 world and better protect the security of their assets. ​ 3W.com is well aware that wallets not only undertake the function of managing assets in the traditional sense in the Web3 world, but also carry the mission of interacting between humans and the blockchain, and are an essential tool in the Web3 world. And if the wallet threshold cannot be lowered to the point where everyone can easily use it, it will be difficult for Web3 to be popularized. Even if innovative applications emerge in endlessly, it will be difficult to survive without enough users to support it. It can be said that without the existence of wallet products to lower the threshold of use, the cornerstone of the development of the Web3 world will not be stable. ​ After the birth of Ethereum, wallets entered the era of smart contracts. In addition to the initial simple transfer and accounting functions, wallets can also interact with smart contracts. Currently, Web3 wallets have entered the era of multi-scenarios and can support multiple blockchains and It has the ability to manage different assets on multiple chains at the same time. ​ The hybrid wallet product launched by 3W.com — 3W Wallet is one of the few mature application tools on the market that connects Web2 and Web3. It is not only the Web3 identity credential for users to participate in the interaction, but also the user’s legal currency assets and digital assets. A custody/storage account for all assets, capable of realizing diversified functions such as payment transfer, consumption, and transactions. ​ Regardless of whether they are in a Web2 or Web3 environment, 3W.com users, including end users of C-side and B-side customers, can choose to use their blockchain wallet or legal currency wallet for credit card consumption according to their personal needs. ​ Through the hybrid wallet application function of the 3W.com technology platform, all users can use decentralized wallets within the 3W.com platform application to deposit and withdraw cryptocurrency assets, NFT, etc. 3W Wallet uses ERC-4337 abstract account technology, so that users no longer need mnemonic words or worry about losing their private keys. They can use various services in the blockchain very conveniently and experience the wonders of the Web3 world.
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sassypotatoe1 · 2 years ago
Look I've noticed that the "all human life has intrinsic value because they're human and exist and your value should not be based on your material contributions to society" are also starting to trend towards "you're a coward if you step back from activism because you're taking care of yourself you don't really care about x group you're just performative" and while I can absolutely understand the latter, and there is a trend among cis white allies to only participate in activism that's low effort and looks good for them while not bothering to address implicit bias, there's also the very real intersectional problem of compassion fatigue.
I suffer from it frequently, I learned about performative activism years ago and decided that my voice is no more import than other voices on issues I do face, but even less important than other voices on issues I don't face. I try my best to approach my activism from an angle of uplifting other voices instead of raising my own.
I also get frustrated and exhausted and literally suicidal if I spend too much time in a cycle of righteous outrage for myself or others. If you spend so much time looking at voices against you or the people you care about, getting angry at them, trying to fix things, your view of the world becomes one of victimization. You start to feel like the entire world hates you and hates each other and it'll never get fixed so what's the point?
It's important when this happens to take a step back. Enjoy company in your communities, partake in entertainment, play, companionship. Stop fighting for a while. Maintained high levels of cortisol can cause literal brain damage that you need to physically recover from if you want to be functional, and you need to be functional if you want to keep fighting, because the alternative is ending it because you have no hope and the world losing another person that cares and wants to help.
I understand the frustration with people dropping out of the fight, especially people who were very vocal and loud about their support, but denoting all people who take a step back to cowards that are performative disregards the real impact of prolonged participation in a fight over human rights. The people that empathize with you can do so because they also often face some kind of oppression.
A poc can't step back from experiencing racism, a queer person can't step back from experiencing queerphobia, a woman can't step back from experiencing sexism, a poor person can't step back from experiencing poverty, an abuse victim can't step back from being abused, a disabled person can't step back from being disabled, a chronically ill person can't step back from being chronically ill. Stepping back from fighting everyone's fights to keep yourself alive will not take away the oppression you face yourself, but will help make the load lighter for a bit.
When a person steps back from public activism for their health, they're not abandoning the experience of oppression in favor of privilege. They're making sure they survive long enough to continue to bring value (the value of existence) to this world.
If we truly believe all life has value, we need to allow that life to preserve itself, or we'll just lose people on our side until we're all dead from this fight and the oppressors win.
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