#but alas I can't find it and I can't spend more time looking ]]
taifenggg · 10 months
love Language HC’s for the brothers? Like love languages that if you do certain things they’ll fall harder, like spending time with mammon when you don’t have too. Or getting new books for Satan that he couldn’t budget.
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I love you more than words can convey.
CW: none
Characters: GN!Reader, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie
Authors Notes: ahhh this is so cute <3. Based on what you said, I'm assuming that this is the brother's favorite love language to receive lol
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Lucifer [🦚💙]
Lucifer's favorite love language is quality time, but it can be argued that acts of service are his love language as well.
Lucifer is fairly busy in his day-to-day affairs, and it pains him whenever he's too busy to spend time with you. He's always busy working on paperwork that has been piled up so high that you can barely see him behind all of the papers. However, your presence brightens up his day as you make your way into his room. You don't say a word as you plop onto the sofa in his room, absentmindedly scrolling through your DDD or reading a book that you brought yourself. Just your presence is enough to get him to relax and get right back to work so that he can go to bed sooner to cuddle with you.
Furthermore, if you just so happened to brew his favorite Hell Coffee, setting it down on his desk, he'll feel himself soften even more in your presence. The coffee you make for him is always especially bitter, not that he minds. Lucifer is always looking after everyone, his brothers, Diavolo, and you. So going out of your way to do things just for him makes his pride swell. This man is so whipped for you even if he won't outwardly say it LMAO.
Mammon [💰💛]
Mammon's favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that words of affirmation are his love language as well.
Always the tsundere, Mammon is not one to ask you for your attention directly, instead implying it and waiting for you to take action. Being the Avatar of Greed, Mammon is determined to hold onto every shred of attention that you give to him, which contributes to how possessive he is over you. Somehow he always has a hand on you, whether it's his hand wrapped around your shoulder protectively as you two navigate the bustling streets of the Devildom or the way he holds your hand tracing circles against your palm as the two of you lay together in bed. He can't keep his hands to himself, but thankfully you don't mind.
Mammon's self-esteem always takes a hit whenever his brothers berate him for being a "greedy scumbag". Please reassure him and tell him how amazing he is. Brush your hands through his hair, and press a gentle kiss to his forehead as you tell him how much you love him. Tell him about how he's your favorite, how he's the best thing that has ever happened to you and he's putty in your hands.
Leviathan [🐍🧡]
Leviathan's favorite love language is quality time, but it can be argued that receiving gifts is his love language as well.
Levi enjoys the company you provide. If he could, he would spend hours upon hours holed up in his room, playing video games, or watching anime, or reading manga. Of course with you at his side at all times. Perhaps maybe the two of you could even do matching couple cosplays together, but alas Levi is too shy to even bring it up without his face flushing 5 different shades of red at the thought. Really, he just enjoys doing things together with you, and he cherishes all the little moments you have together.
He's always doing his best to get his hands on the latest anime merch, or the newest release of his favorite manga, but he appears crestfallen whenever he can't get his hands on what he wants despite waiting in line for 5 hours. His face lights up however when he finds that you managed to get your hands on the exact thing that he wants and he feels his heart flutter when you hand it to him, telling him that it's a gift for him. Levi swears that he just fell more in love with you than he was before.
Satan [😾💚]
Satan's favorite love language is words of affirmation, but it can be argued that quality time is his love language as well.
To Satan, words are the best way he can convey his emotions, especially if it's written down. He struggles a lot with who he is, without feeling a surge of anger whenever he feels that he's starting to be a little too similar to Lucifer. He wants to be his own demon without constantly feeling like he's just a copy of Lucifer. Tell him about how smart he is, how he always knows what to do, or how reliable he is. He'll have the smugest smile on his face as he listens to your praise, and he shoots it at Lucifer because he knows that he's your favorite and not Lucifer.
At the end of the day, Satan just wants to spend as much time as he can with you, unwinding with a book in one hand, and preferably with you sitting in his lap reading with him. Not many words are spoken between the two of you, but just the feeling of you resting against his chest is enough to help Satan relax and forget about his troubles. As much as he enjoys listening to your voice, and hearing you ramble about your day or things that interest you, he also enjoys the silence with the two of you basking in each other's presence.
Asmodeus [💋🩷]
Asmodeus' favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that acts of service are his love language as well.
Asmo can't get enough of you. Asmo is so open with his affection towards you and he's not afraid to show it when he openly holds your face in his hands and coos about just how adorable the two of you are together. Whether it's in class, when you're out and about, or when the two of you are hanging out together, Asmo either has his fingers threaded into yours or has his leg pressing against yours. You don't mind though, his presence is comforting to you.
Asmo loves it whenever you get all fussy over him and do things for him. Don't get him wrong, he's independent and can do things on his own, but he enjoys being pampered and taken care of by you. Yes please do his nails for him, please paint his nails for him while the two of you have your regularly scheduled gossip sesh, please massage his shoulders, he was feeling a bit sore around his neck.
Beelzebub [🍔❤️]
Beelzebub's favorite love language is acts of service, but it can be argued that words of affirmation are his love language as well.
Beel loves you and the fact that you're so willing to indulge him and his hunger. He knows that he has a voracious appetite, but does that stop you from making more than enough of his favorite foods? Hell no. You wanna make this man melt even more? Offer to help him whenever he works out, maybe sitting on his back so he can use you as a weight, or stay there by his side and hand him some water whenever he finishes working out so he can stay hydrated.
Beel struggles with conveying his emotions and ever since what happened with Lilith, that has worsened exponentially. He's not the best at saying how he's feeling and at times he can get depressed and insecure over things that happened in the past. Reassure this gentle giant, tell him that what happened was not his fault and that no matter what happens, you'll always love him unconditionally. He's so, so soft for you.
Belphegor [🐮💜]
Belphegor's favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that quality time is his love language as well.
Belphie is clingy, that's an established fact lmao. He always has his tail wrapped around you to ensure that you don't suddenly leave him. Pillows don't have legs after all! He's such a little brat too, he would totally slip his ice-cold hands underneath your shirt right as you're about to fall asleep and would blink sleepily at you unapologetically as you jump and squirm to get away from his freezing fingers. Belphie discovered that he couldn't sleep without keeping his hands on you. He'll pout and whine until you oblige and slide into bed with him.
He loves taking naps with you, and he'll keep you trapped there for as long as he can. There's just something that's so comforting about you and him lying together in bed. He'll press his forehead against yours and squeeze you so tight to the point where you can't breathe. Sometimes Belphie wonders how he got so lucky, managing to get the chance to call you his own. It's only when he watches over you, cuddled up to him that he feels his heart melt. He wants to keep you with him like this forever, no matter the cost.
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whiskeyskin · 2 months
Praise You
Premise: Thaniel and Oliver are reunited and Halsin's feeling a bit aimless, a head massage is just what Silvanus ordered. Not that kind.. well, maybe that kind too 😏🍆💦
• Halsin x gn!tav • M rating • Religious themes •
Cleric Gn!tav, religious experience but it's sexy?, Silvanus take the wheel, m!masturbation, hair braiding, massages, taking care of Halsin, kissing, confessions, revelations, deliciously wet Halsin, horny, connection, divine threesome if you squint?
5.4k words
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Gods bless @naariel for these beautiful shots of this delicious man 😚👌✨ Get The Full Picture
(Just imagine Tav is the bedroll 😏)
It was a particularly jovial time in camp this evening, despite the grim surroundings, however they seemed a little less bleak now that Thaniel and Oliver were together again.
From inside the protection of the Moondome, they sat together with many bottles of wine, as so generously provided by the Last Light's cellar.
They still had Ketheric Thorm to deal with but that was tomorrow's problem. Tonight, they drank.
Halsin had been carrying the weight of the Shadowcurse for over a century, now he'd finally been able to lessen it's hold and rescue his childhood friend from a terrible fate. There was almost a glow about him as he sat nursing his only glass.
He looked a little lost at times, almost in mild shock. As though he couldn't quite believe what had happened.
Tav smiled warmly, they wondered what was in store for Halsin Silverbough.
They'd been brushing out Shadowheart's hair for 45 minutes to redo her hair ready for tomorrow's foray into Shar's Gauntlet, down to find the Nightsong.
Finally, the brush glided through her long raven locks with ease.
"There, that's half the battle won already. Ketheric will be a walk in the park after dealing with your tenday's long hair." Tav jested, brushing her hair up into a ponytail.
"Oh, shut up you," she threw with failed derision, "I would have done it myself, but you offered." She shrugged, taking a sip of wine.
"Oh, yes. Forlornly calling out that you wanted to gussy yourself for Shar, only.. alas! You can't remember how to do your hair. The pinnacle of passive aggressive whinging." Astarion threw across the fire, nursing his own goblet.
"Well, you're the expert." Shadowheart countered, illiciting a jeering reaction from the group.
"Ooh, she's got you there Fangs!" Karlach nudged his shoulder with her elbow, a little too forcefully. Astarion rubbed yelped and rubbed his shoulder.
"What do you mean? When I'm unhappy, I come right out and say it. I don't waste time beating around the bush."
"Correct, but your continued and incessant complaints regarding self-cleanliness in this wilderness are tiresome." Lae'zel sneered.
"Not to play devil's advocate, Lae'zel but I have to agree with Astarion on this one. Trying to maintain any kind of a bathing routine whilst braving these perilous lands is a task most impossible to undertake." Gale retorted, holding his hands up in gesture.
"Well, now that Thaniel and Oliver are restored, these lands will flourish once more when nature takes it's course. Oakfather willing." Halsin did his customary gesture.
"I don't really mind, and you've been a very good model sitting here without whining." Tav stated, tying off her hair and pulling it tight but comfortable, "it reminds me of my childhood, we'd spend hours brushing and braiding each other's hair. It was practice for when we'd be braiding those in ceremony."
"Ah yes, the braids of your people are intricate indeed." Wyll nodded, "I've met a few with the most complicated of braidwork, it's very impressive."
"Well, I was never good enough to braid those. It's more about the smaller victories that I specialise in. Smaller and more personal to the individual." They explained, twisting her hair to make it more manageable to thread through her hair adornment.
"Smaller victories?" Lae'zel narrowed her eyes with a curious tilt.
Shadowheart handed Tav her silver adornment, "Yes, they can be anything really. Anything that the person overcame; hardships, trials, successes, even failures."
"Your people celebrate failure? Bah. Mediocrity must be cleansed-"
"-Cleansed, yes we know what the Gith think about all of that. Despite this apparently fatal flaw, my people are great warriors, Lae'zel." Tav interceded, threading Shadowheart's hair through the chains to secure the hair piece.
"I know this. You have shown yourself distinguished in battle many times." Lae'zel insisted, frowning in the way she did.
"And yet, I'm not your 'typical' warrior. I'm valued because of the strengths I do have, not shunned for the ones I don't. My people embrace failure without shame, or repulsion because it takes more from a person to admit their mistakes, than to admit their success."
A hush fell over the group as Tav's words sank in. A few uncomfortable shuffles echoed around the group.
"I feel like there was more I could do to help the Tiefling refugees. I should have done more." Wyll said, breaking the silence.
"That's not a failure, that's a regret. Regrets are useless, Wyll. They keep us from seeing the good. You taught those children enough to survive that attack. You told Umi it's about giving him enough time to escape and they did. So, I'd count that as a success." Tav replied, smiling. Wyll took a stuttered inhale, surprised by their perspective.
"I failed to stop the Shadowcurse, it shouldn't have come to this." Halsin admitted, a pained expression on his face.
"You failed to kill Ketheric Thorm but so did many others that day. But you, my friend," Tav leaned to rest a firm hand on his muscular shoulder, "are the only reason it's ended now."
"If it had not been for you-"
"-Then you would have found a way. Your failure, is now your triumph, Halsin. This pain that has clouded you for a century, is finally done." Tav jolted him hard to emphasise their point, then scanned his hair, "I need to give you a new braid."
His head jerked to look up, hazel green eyes wide, "I did not think-"
"You need two; one for your failing, one for your victory. We are defined by both and must wear them proudly. If you'll permit me?" Tav paused, seeking consent.
They allowed the revelation to seep inward. The tenants of their people were often the cause of deep realisations regarding the self. Even when those people were as wise as Halsin.
"You would honour me." His warm, kind eyes brimmed with the threat of tears but he stoically swallowed them down.
The evening passed in reflective revelry, the gang admitted many deep seated secrets that had shamed them. It bonded them further, in a way that was Tadpole-free. By the end, Tav would need to braid all of their friends.
Lae'zel touched the fresh re-plaiting Tav had done for her, adding another to symbolise her small achievement of befriending Istiki. She seemed pleased.
Halsin had peeled away from the fire a short while ago but hadn't returned. Tav hoped that they hadn't caused him hurt by what they had said.
After such a long time of carrying this burden, taking a step back and looking at the situation in it's entirety after being so intrinsically entwined with it.. blinded within it.. would take time.
But they'd meant every word. He was an incredible man. And they hoped he saw that in himself.
Eventually, everyone resigned to their bedrolls. A goodnight hug from Karlach, Wyll, Gale and surprisingly Shadowheart, a pat on the shoulder from Astarion, and the usual nod from Lae'zel, imparted with more warmth than before.
"You can feed on me again tonight, let me just go check on where Halsin's got to." Tav gently patted Astarion's arm.
"I appreciate that. Unless I want to eat cow, there's nothing around here."
"Cow can be delicious but not in the way you experience taste, I'll bet."
"Ugh, no. Livestock taste - ugh - well, you can imagine." He curled his lip in disgust.
Tav laughed, "If they taste as bad as they smell, I think I can."
After very little searching, Tav found Halsin by the lakeside, just inside Isobel's protection. There seemed to be a large, silver basin in front of him.
He was naked from the waist up, revealing his impossibly muscled physique. Tav gasped. They'd obviously seen his barely contained body in his Druidic armour, but laid bare in front of them like this, their mouth had suddenly run dry, yet salivated hungrily simultaneously.
His hair looked longer, almost freer, as he took the basin over his head with ease and poured it over his hair.
Again, Tav gasped and a pooling of lust hit low in their belly watching this mountain of an Elf drench himself in water.
Halsin placed the basin back on the rock and pinched the water out of his eyes. He shook with an exhale, squeezing out the excess water from his hair and caught Tav's gaze.
Immediately feeling foolish, Tav jerked themselves out of their stupor and waved nonchalantly, making their way down to him. Halsin returned with a half wave as he wiped his face down with his hand.
"I didn't see you there, didn't realise anyone else was awake." He smiled brightly, towering half naked and beautiful.
Tav returned the smile, "I just wanted to make sure you were alright."
"You were concerned for me?" He sounded surprised.
"Of course, I understand that what I said might have been quite a lot to digest before one sleeps. I wanted to see that you were well, and rested."
Halsin's brows pulsed together but his expression remained warm, "It has been quite some time since someone checked to make sure I was rested but I promise you, I'm perfectly fine."
"I didn't mean to offend, or speak out of turn. The Shadowcurse has superceded everything else in your life and having that finally lifted from your burdens-"
Halsin held up a large paw to silence them, "Hush now, you did not speak out of turn. In fact, you spoke more truth than I've heard in a long time. A redeeming quality of yours.." he trailed off, with an intense stare.
"I'm glad to not offend, because I don't regret what I said. What you've achieved today will change the course of this land forever, for good this time."
"I must admit, it is a strange feeling to see hope sprout anew in these lands, after so much darkness." He mused, looking to the spot he'd brought Thaniel through from the Shadowfell.
Tav thought on the fierce battle for the portal, the desperate need to keep Halsin safe. The sheer relief that flooded them when they saw him return with Thaniel unconscious in his strong arms.
They stole a glance at him while he looked out towards the water. He truly was beautiful.
The strong line of his scarred jaw, the definition of his muscles, the uncharacteristic growth of chest hair dark against his sun-kissed skin. The lingering droplets of water chasing each other down the contours of his torso and into the damp waistband of his camp clothes.
Tav swallowed. Halsin was obviously a stunningly attractive man, but the energy and presence that exuded from his very soul was intoxicating; His strength, his compassion, his bravery and his boundless capacity for goodness and hope-
He'd taken out his braids.
Tav blinked twice, then glanced down to the empty silver basin and now what they saw to be soaps, glass bottles and tubs.
"What are you doing down here, Halsin?" They asked, plainly.
He blinked, returning his gaze to them, "Well, I had hoped to commemorate this occasion, as you suggested. That you would honour me with a new braid. However, my cleanliness has not been the top priority these last days and my hair is seldom touched by anyone but me. It required some attending to." He chose his words delicately. It made Tav laugh.
"Would you like some help?"
"I think I have imposed enough on your good will for one day. Although, I must admit, I do not know anything about hair care." He admitted with a chuckle.
"Well, I see you come fully stocked." They motioned to the jars, picking them up to read the labels.
"I spoke to Isobel about blessing some water so that I may bathe, one of the Harpers kindly gave me some of their own poltices and potions to use."
Tav opened a container to gauge the consistency, Halsin also reaching for a bottle. They took a sniff of the thick, white poltice and found it to be coconut.
"Ah, this is to soften and strengthen hair. Plus it smells divine." They offered Halsin to smell the balm, to which he let out a hum of agreement.
"This is an oil. To help with hair?" He said shrugging his shoulders and unstoppering it, the scent of lavender and rosemary strong on the air.
Tav nodded in agreement, "That's for the scalp as well as the hair. A scalp massage is unlike anything else for relaxation."
"Is that so?" Halsin asked with a playful lilt.
"It is so. Would you like a scalp massage? I am very proficient in them." Tav boasted, taking the oil bottle Halsin offered.
"Another of your many talents." He admired in a low register. Another intense gaze burned them in place.
"Well, in order for me to braid you, your hair must be in a good condition. If you'll allow me?" They gestured for him to sit.
"Now? Here?" He asked.
"Where else could be better than at the site of your achievement?" Tav posited, gesturing to the jutting rock.
Halsin turned down his lips and nodded in agreement, "I can't argue with that."
They both settled on the rocks, Halsin sat lower down in front of Tav's crossed legs. Tav rolled his camp shirt to place against the rock to afford Halsin more comfort, to which he rewarded them with another warm smile.
Once they were both in position, Tav pushed their sleeves up, "Tilt your head back for me." Halsin dutifully acquiesced, and they poured a good helping of the rosemary and lavender oil, assuring that it didn't drip.
"That smells wonderful." Halsin said through a smile.
"That it does," Tav agreed, flexing their fingers against Halsin's scalp in small circles, "It should feel even better." They returned with a smirk.
"Ooh, that it does." He mimicked, after a few moments of groans.
Tav proceeded with the scalp massage, fingers practised and strong, offering healing and relaxation.
They saw the tension in his shoulders ripple away and he sank lower into the feeling, "You can rest your head against my legs if you'd like." They offered. A normal suggestion in these circumstances but this time it felt far more loaded.
They'd given hundreds of these kinds of treatments but this time felt different, important.. charged.
Wordlessly, Halsin sank back into them. The back of his neck resting on their crossed calves, as they continued their practice. His handsome face was contented.. at peace, as he gently lay on them.
Tav watched the small changes in his expression as their fingers worked their magic. His brows would flex, his closed eyelids would stretch as though his eyes were rolling back in his head.
Tav employed the subtle use of their nails to awaken the scalp for regeneration, raking them across his head. Halsin's jaw tensed and he let out a low rumble that sounded not quite human but it made their stomach tumble over uncomfortably.
"Apologies," Halsin's voice came out slightly breathlessly, "This is feeling quite good, and my grip over the animal within can be tenuous at times. I hope it doesn't frighten you." He opened his eyes to look up at them, his incomparable green hazel eyes shadowed with lashes and uncertainty.
"You could never frighten me, Halsin. You make me feel safe, protected. Never afraid." Tav spoke in a hushed tone and moved their thumbs to massage the worry lines that appeared there, "You are immense and powerful and you deserve to feel good."
"Mm, you make me feel good. Very good." Halsin licked his bottom lip and took a shaky breath.
Tav paused to add more oil to their hands, rubbing them together and gliding their full width to smooth his hair down. Then tossing his hair from side to side to work their way to the underside to massage the back of his neck.
Halsin groaned at the force of their fingers, "Tav, that feels quite extraordinary. You have a real talent for this." He let out a breathy chuckle.
"I'm not even started yet, Bear man." They teased, "You'll be practically unconscious by the time I'm finished with you." The tinge of unintentional sexual energy peppered their words, as they pushed the muscles of his neck under their hands.
"Bear man?" He shot out a laugh, "We shall both be exhausted after this, I'll wager."
"I've been doing this for many years, I could do this for hours." They braced into their strength and worked the heel of their palms hard, down into the extremely tight musculature of his shoulders.
Halsin let out a shuddering yelp, then a rumble paired with a gasp, "That.. was unfair."
"You're wound tighter than a Patrirar's arse, Halsin. You need to relax."
He sat up a little, pushing against the force.
"Oh, and how would you suggest I do that, when you're burying your fingers into my shoulders? Gods." He strained through gritted teeth.
"Besides a massage? A bath, masturbation, meditation, booze? There are lots of fun ways to unwind." Tav smirked, thumbs working over his wound muscles.
"All sound suggestions, apart from masturbation. That would be a tad inappropriate, don't you agree?" His tone was light and dark at the same time, it curled a devious smile to Tav's lips.
Their eyes flitted down to Halsin's crotch subconsciousally, only to almost choke at the sight of the thick snake straining against the fabric.
The aroma of arousal suffused around them, now turned to a thick smog, covering them unabashedly.
It gripped Tav low in their belly and held them by the throat, their own desire throbbing between their legs.
They folded themselves over him and leaned to whisper in his ear, their firm hands gliding down the strong plains of his chest.
They had never been good at being coy.
"Halsin. I would love you to touch yourself while I massage you. I would love to hear the sweet sounds of your pleasure and satisfaction, as we celebrate this together. To see you, to hear you. To bless this with an act of self love." Their lips caught on the hard edges of his Elvish ears, and he shuddered beneath them, his muscles bunching under their palms.
"You would?" He muttered, swallowing thickly.
"To see your beauty laid bare to me in such an intimate and scared act, yes I would.." They hummed into the shell of his ear.
He stretched his head back, pulling his lips back and baring fangs for a split second.
"Show that you're free of this regret, that it holds you no longer. Own this. Take this moment as yours. Praise the Gods with your surrender and pleasure."
Halsin huffed out an unsteady breath and began unfastening his trousers until his large, thick erection jutted free, sprouting from dark hair.
Tav eyed his cock hungrily with trepidation and intrigue, the image of Halsin buried deep inside them flashing before their eyes. The ghost of the stretch around him clenched their sex, filling their mouth saliva.
"Is this truly what you want?" Halsin asked, his large hand waiting in a fist on his toned thigh.
"If you mean to ask; is this an appropriate scenario for two friends to participate in, then no, it's probably not."
His fist squeezed tightly in frustration, as he sighed.
"I thought not." He said bitterly through tight lips.
"However, I was never one to follow rules." They moaned through a grin, as they flicked the tip of their tongue across his earlobe, nipping lightly with their teeth.
The air from Halsin's lungs whooshed out, as he slammed his to grip the back of their head, the other placed on their's across his heart. He fisted their hair, as he writhed against their suckling of his sensitive ears.
He pulled on their thickest braid, desire tugged them deeper with every follicle. Tav's eyes rolled back as they moaned, open-mouthed. Halsin trembled out a repressed groan, biting down on his lip and closing his eyes.
"Silvanus forgive me." He whined, sliding his hand from their hair, finally allowing himself the freedom to touch his twitching, weeping cock.
"No, 'Silvanus bless me'," Tav corrected, as they slid their oiled hand from under his grasp and held his forearm across his chest. They looked up, passed the moon barrier, to the sky, "Silvanus, bare witness to your faithful servant. Bless this act of devotion."
"Yes.. yes." He uttered, head sliding to their shoulder, cradled into their embrace. His huffed, hot breath jagged against their jaw.
Tav looked down to watch him pump his cock mercilessly, the beading precum that had leaked coating the blows. They swallowed his gasps and moans as he pushed against them.
Suddenly, the cold night of the shadows were ushered away, replaced by the sensation of sunlight and the smell of the trees and fresh earth. Tav could taste the juice of the fruits bore and the brilliance of light shining.
Tav smiled joyfully, bathed in the light of Halsin's God.
The All-Father was here with them.
"Do you feel-" He barely managed through gasps. They nodded against the sweat of his skin.
"Silvanus sees you, Halsin," they breathed, an irreverent smile across their face.
They heard words that had no source booming through their mind, they knew the meaning and listened.
"He has felt your faith and love. Your devotion and dedication to him and to the task of freeing these lands. He has found you deserving of his blessings. He granted you passage to retrieve Thaniel because he knew that you are worthy."
The divine words came out without thought, as tears slid down their cheeks.
"Thank you, Oakfather.. but.. none of this.. would have been possible.. without Tav." He keened, grip on his throbbing cock intensifying, "Bless them, Silvanus. Bless them."
The swell of the divine enhanced tenfold. Tav wept at the radiance coursing through them. The heat, the force.. it was indescribable. Incomparable.
"We would have been lost without you. All would have been lost without you." A low whimper rang from the back of his throat, as they kissed his markings.
The voice thundered inside their head once more, words of affirmation and benevolent boon. Tav gasped, their vision blinded by light, their lips rounded into a serene smile.
"You are the catalyst, Halsin. You are the might that wrenches away the rot, you are the sunlight and water to feed the earth.. Yours is the seed that brings new life."
Their other hand came down to grasp at his forearm, feeling the furious movement of Halsin's joy. Halsin yelped, gulping moans as he pumped his massive cock in abandon, thumping his strong hips to meet every stroke.
"I'm-I'm.." He choked, his jaw clenching, rhythm erratic.
"Yes, Halsin. Spread your fertile seed upon this land.." The feeling of the divine power crescendoing in their head.
"Silvanus.. Silvanus.." He struggled, "Bless me.."
Halsin convulsed and spasmed, roaring as he climaxed in hard, thick shoots of cum, spilling over the cold, grey earth beneath him. He jerked and strained, as he spurted thick and full, spattering the grass.
Tav held him close, guiding him through his orgasm, soothing him with sweet words, until his white seed wept down the sides of his softening member.
Still panting heavily, he licked his dry lips and removed his grip from his trembling cock; the remnants of his elation coating his fingers.
Tav's hand slid up his forearm in delicious abandon, bringing his hand to their mouth and greedily licking his cum off his fingers. Halsin hummed in appreciation of their enthusiasm.
Suddenly, the night was cold again, the warmth of divine embrace ended. However, heat rolled of Halsin in waves, chasing away the chill.
Several moments stretched between them, their breath still calming; both needing a moment to recompose. Tav moved their fingers to his temples and wound them in strong circles, Halsin exhaled long and slow.
Tav was reeling. Their body wrung out, their ears ringing. It had not been the first time a God had spoken to them but it was certainly the first time they acted as messenger for a God, especially for one that wasn't their own. They weren't even sure it had ever happened before, and especially not during such a sexual explicit act.
It was incredible.
"That was.." Halsin eventually began.
"..I know." Tav finished, as they carded their hands through his hair.
"What do we do now?" He asked, cock large and limp against his taut belly. An uncomfortable air of something akin to shame tinged his voice.
"We continue the celebration." Tav smiled, picking up the poultice beside them, smoothing it into Halsin's semi-dry, oiled mane of hair.
Wordlessly time spanned before them, as Tav slowly worked through his tangled hair. The coconut poultice soaked into the mess and loosened the knots, the scents of lavender, rosemary and coconut dancing together on the silent air.
Nothing stirred, apart from Halsin's soothed groans and the sounds of the brush through untangling hair.
"Did you feel it too?" He asked, uncertainly.
"Silvanus?" Tav clarified.
"Yes. I've heard his words before but that was.. different." He said, gravely. He sat taller removing himself from their touch, "I took advantage of the situation. I have been without the touch of another for some time now and I sullied this act of friendship with my own desires-"
"-Hush now," Tav murmured, gently pulling back into their chest, "You did not sully anything, nor take advantage of anyone." They kneaded their cheek into his to offer comfort.
"Silvanus was able to speak through me because I opened myself to you and by extension, to him. Put aside these fears. I wanted this too." Tav reassured him, grazing his cheek with the back of their hand. Halsin turned his head, nuzzling slightly and rested his hand on theirs, with another warm smile.
"That is good to hear. Thank you, my friend."
Tav laid their chin upon his head and pressed a small kiss there. A happy moment surrounded them both.
Conversation flowed easily between the two, now that the air had been cleared.
Tav brushed his hair through, with a modicum of difficulty, then sectioned his hair and retied the braids that had previously existed with Halsin's guidance. While he regaled the story of how the Shadowlands had come to be, Ketheric Thorm, Shar, the Harpers and Druids coming together. Fierce battles, death, terror, success, hubris and finally how he'd dedicated his life to the eradication of this curse.
Tav was just finishing the last braid, the one commorating his achievement.
"I've spent this last hundred years of my life in persuit of this goal, forsaking most everything else. Now that it's nearly done, I do not know. I-I feel.. hollowed.. aimless. Like I am without purpose. Apart from helping you with your tadpole, of course." He added with a incline of his head.
"Is that why you're helping us? To feel like you still have a mission?" Tav asked, curious.
The only reason he'd come to Moonrise with them in the first place was to get closer to the Curse. It would make sense that he would return to the Grove, now that that part was complete.
"Gods no, never think that. I'm here with you till the end, regardless of what comes next. You have aided me in ways I could never repay, there's not a chance I'll abandon you now." He said firmly.
"But you mustn't need to feel like you owe us anything, there's no-"
Halsin reached across himself to grab their arm, and with a fluidity becoming of an Elf, he slowly turned to face them.
His earthen eyes looked up at them with a fierceness and urgency that stopped their thoughts.
"My friend, I have lived a very long time. Many lifetimes of others. But I have never met anyone quite like you before. Your bravery, your warmth, your valour. You are unique," his big, warm hands covered theirs with ease as he edged closer, "and I am yours, for as long as you need me. Against Ketheric, against the Absolute.. everything."
Tav swallowed. The radiant energy flowing from his heart was almost unbearable to withstand. They felt themselves drawn to him, leaning in. Halsin followed.
The distance between them seemed miles and nothing at all, as they were pulled together. His eyes focused on their lips, head tilting to accommodate their impending meeting.
The air was hot and doused with lavender and clean soap; the energy palpable. Tav closed their eyes to let it overtake them.
"Ahem." Came a voice far too close, "Not to break up this lovely little moment, but that strange ox is looking more appetising by the second." Astarion drawled with a sass that was entirely his alone, "Any chance of wrapping this up?"
Tav opened their eyes to see Halsin looking irritated but resigned to the intrusion.
They laughed between themselves; the bubble of their celebration had clearly clouded their awareness for intruders.
"I'll be back up shortly." Tav said, tight lipped, their focus still on Halsin.
"I told you to leave it." Came angry, hushed chiding from Shadowheart. Tav heard a small scuffle of clothes being wrenched and Astarion being dragged away, bickering following their leave.
"Reality beckons it seems." Halsin said with a small smile.
"It seems so." Tav breathed out, disappointed.
They pressed their foreheads together, chuckling lightly. A moment shared between them, connecting them.
They both took cleansing breaths and Halsin kneeled up to stand. He took a little time to familiarise himself with his new braids, while they gathered the various glass containers, soap and brush, placing them gently within the silver basin for ease.
Tav had chosen one above either ear, pulling them up into his half-do, to help secure it.
He gave a murmur of agreement, "I will wear them with pride. Thank you for honouring me."
"Thank you for trusting me to do so." They leaned up and pulled out his usual loose curls around his ears to frame his handsome face.
Their eyes met and air around them stilled, cloaked in coconut and lavender.
Halsin quickly grasped them into a desperate kiss, wrapping his strong arms under them and pulling them into him.
Tav's arms wrapped around his neck, pulling in closer, willingly losing themself in him.
Halsin's heat flooded into them; his desire, his adoration, his need.. and into him they poured their reverence, their respect and loyalty, their awe and their unyielding desire.
They felt is arousal pressed flush against their own, and Halsin huffed out air.
He broke the kiss, breathing heavily, "My heart. If I could, I would take you as many times as you would allow. I would caress your skin and fill my mouth with your taste until you could bare it no longer," he licked his lips with the ghosting thought of your essence on his tongue.
"I would bury myself slowly inside you, feel you gloriously stretch around me. Gently make love to you underneath the light of the moon again and again until we are both spent.."
There was a pregnant pause.
"But?" Tav asked, eventually. Halsin gave a long, frustrated sigh.
"But.. tonight is not that night. Not here." Halsin looked disappointed but sure in his judgement. Tav brought a hand to cup his face, pulling their lips into a side smile.
"I know, I agree," Barely nodding, Tav looked into Halsin's gorgeous face, "But know that every fantasy that keeps me awake at night, has your name falling from my lips."
Halsin's eyes darkened, then softened with a sheepish grin.
"Those are unfair words spoken to a man so close to giving in." He teased, still grinning, "I would like to at least repay you for your efforts. It seems a travesty that I should reach orgasm and you should not."
"Dear one, I had Silvanus' light coarsing through me. Trust me when I say that is more than enough excitement," They paused for a moment, "I do believe you're the only man to have actually made me 'see the Gods'." They laughed, quoting previous, over-confident lovers. Halsin joined them, his chuckle warming through the night.
They kissed again, softly this time. Several slow, peppered kisses. Each one reaching new depths in their desire for him.
"We'll have to continue the celebration another time." Tav licked their bottom lip and gently sucked it between their teeth, trying to contain more words, that could potentially leave them delightfully bruised and aching the next day.
"I will sorrowfully count the hours until that moment comes." His loving gaze pouring over their face.
"I will gladly kill anyone who tries to stop it."
Halsin gave a short, breathy chuckle, "I'll take care of this, you have another waiting for you." He swallowed, beginning to pull away but stopped. His eyes narrowed in confusion and he looked to the ground.
Tav turned to see what he was concentrating on, to see a tree sapling unfurling out of lush greenery, on the spot where he had spilled himself.
Their mouth gawped open, eyes wide.
"That's an oak sapling." He breathed in shock.
Tav blinked hard twice, "Well. Silvanus did say that you were the seed to fertilise the land. Apparently that wasn't an aphorism." They returned their gaze to him, expression almost identical.
Halsin shot out a laugh, "Praise Silvanus. Praise you, my heart." He chorused, pulling them close, cupping their jaw.
"Praise you, my love."
Mmhm, that's some good eatin'.. want some more? 👀😏
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golden-cherry · 1 year
deal - cl16 (9/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Finding an outfit is harder that it seams. Especially when your roommate can't really help you, because he's at his other apartment.
Warnings: fluff, angst (whoops), mentions of cheating (not Charles), mentions of smut (oral, fingering, p in v), angry Charles, text messages
Word Count: 3.6k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: here it is friends. did my absolute best and honestly, I'm sweating so hard. I chose the name for Charles ex bc it’s the name of the girl my best friend absolutely despises. and this is not a Charlotte hate acc. hope you like it still. feedback is appreciated!
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The weather app on your phone is of relatively little help. 
Charles had said that you were going out to dinner around eight o'clock in the evening, and according to the app, it should still be fifteen degrees then, even though it's December. While he had said that "it doesn't matter what you wear," but if you were going to be spending more time with him soon, and by extension his friends, you would want to make a good first impression. 
Not that your first impression on Charles was particularly good. 
Since you promised Charles that he could sleep in his bed tonight, you try to keep the mess of clothes to a minimum. Instead of pulling each piece of clothing out of the closet and then tossing it into the nearest corner because it doesn't match what you had in mind, you put things neatly folded back in their place. 
After your roommate left the apartment, you started cleaning up your room so it wouldn't be too embarrassing if Charles stayed there tonight. After all, he doesn't need to see your underwear or the little stuffed animal turtle that sleeps in bed with you. Generally things that maybe old friends know about you, but definitely not the roommate you've been living with for two days.
The roommate who is no help to you when it comes to choosing clothes for tonight. Since he hasn't told you which restaurant it is, you don't know exactly what the dress code looks like, which is why you're now standing in front of the closet at a loss. 
In Monaco, when it comes to restaurant choice, anything is possible. You could dine at Le Louis XV, the most expensive restaurant in Monte-Carlo, or Jack Monaco, which is significantly cheaper, but you have a direct view of the harbor with the oversized and expensive yachts.
Secretly, you hope it won't be too expensive tonight. Joris would pay you back the rent soon, but you're still unemployed and unfortunately can't live quite as carefree Charles, who apparently has enough money at his disposal to have not one, but two apartments in Monaco. 
A fact that you would never blame him for. 
When you can't find anything that would theoretically go with any restaurant visit, you drop onto the bed, annoyed. It can't be that hard to find something, right? You fish your cell phone out of the pocket of your sweater and start typing. 
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Briefly, you consider actually sending the message, but alas, you're so desperate that you feel you have no choice. You hit send and are about to throw the phone across the room as if you've just confessed to your school crush that you like him. 
But Charles isn't your school crush. He's your roommate and first and foremost your friend, which is why you just drop the phone on the bed next to you. 
You sit up and narrow your eyes as you go through the clothes in the open closet. Somewhere in there is a pair of dark gray, straight-cut jeans that match the white blouse you carefully hung back on the hanger a few minutes ago. 
And sure enough. After a few minutes of rummaging around in the clothes, you find the jeans and as you hold them up next to the blouse, you're relatively pleased with the choice. There should also be shoes floating around somewhere that should go with them. But at least this is a good start. 
Satisfied, you clean up the rest of the room. Since Charles has not invited you to dinner, but also to a club, you will certainly be home late, so you decide to make up Charles' bed. Your bedding disappears into the hall closet after you take Charles' things out. As you bring them into the bedroom and spread them out on the bed, you find yourself briefly considering pressing your face into the pillow. For sure, Charles smells attached to it. 
But before you can do that, your cell phone vibrates. It's a message from Charles. 
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Your heart skips a beat. Do friends give each other compliments like that? You glance from your phone to Charles' pillow, then to your outfit for tonight. You bite the inside of your cheek and start typing. 
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You plug your phone into the charging cord as you head toward the bathroom to shower and get ready for the evening, so you don't see the two messages Charles sends you.
The Ferrari feels different somehow. After Charles sat in your old Renault yesterday, the expensive Ferrari feels strange under him. Not wrong, but different. Like something is missing. 
He feels the stares on him as he steers the car through the streets of Monaco. The gray Ferrari attracts attention, with its red and white stripes and the number 16 on the side. But not just because the 488 Pista Spider is a beautiful car. 
But because people know who owns the car.
The fact that you don't know that Charles is the Charles Leclerc is refreshing for him, but the guilty conscience gnaws at him. He should tell you that he drives in Formula 1, because after all, you would be dragged into the limelight by him, should people find out that you are friends and, above all, that you live together. Before that happens, he should at least give you the opportunity to get out of it. 
But Charles is too selfish for that. 
Even though you've only known each other for a short time, Charles enjoys your company too much to mess it up. You're so normal, so kind, without asking for anything in return like most want him to do. You're just you. And by God, he's never felt better than in his short time with you. 
He expertly steers the Ferrari into a parking garage entrance, where he has to type a pin into the designated keypad next to him before the barrier. The barrier opens so that he can drive a few meters further, where a metal gate awaits him, where he also has to enter a pin - a different one. Only then does he reach the parking lot that rightfully belongs to him. 
It has been some time since he has been here. After driving the last race of the season in Abu Dhabi about three weeks ago and becoming vice world champion, he had stayed on site for a short time to soak up some sun and recover from the stress before flying back to Maranello with his team for a final briefing and to discuss the upcoming season. But even that only lasted a few days. He could have been back in Monaco by now. 
But he didn't want to. 
He knew exactly what was waiting for him here. A conversation he wanted to delay as long as possible. He didn't stay away from Monaco for so long for no reason, and he wondered if he hadn't returned too soon. But he can't, first, avoid this conversation, and second, stay away from his home. He loves it here too much for that. Just like other things he'd rather not think about right now. 
In the elevator, he puts his key in the designated hole and then presses the button with the number of the floor where his apartment is located. Just a few weeks ago, he thought that if he entered this building again, his heart would be beating wildly in his chest or his palms would be sweaty, but he is not even nervous. 
He knows what's waiting for him behind the elevator door. And he's ready to wrap things up.
Charles enters the apartment as he has thousands of times before. And just like hundreds of times before, he hears the sound of footsteps on the floor moving quickly in his direction. But never before has he felt this indifference to those footsteps. 
"Charles?" A woman comes out of the room where the living room is located and rushes toward him with her arms outstretched. When she reaches him, she wraps her arms around his torso to hold him close, but Charles puts his hands on her shoulders and gently but firmly pushes her away. "Charles, I'm so sorry. What I did is inexcusable and I will-"
"'You won't do anything,'" he interrupts her, wishing he could jump in the shower to wash her touch off him. "I'm just here to get some things. And to ask you to stop calling." He walks past her down the hall and into the room where his clothes are. 
"And I told you I would do everything I could to make this right between us," the woman says as she follows him. She places herself in the doorway with her arms crossed as he packs some of his clothes into a large gym bag. "I'm not ready to give up on us yet, Charles. I love you."
Charles can't stop the laughter that escapes him. After stuffing several pairs of socks into his side pocket, he turns to her and puts a hand on his hip. "You gave us up when you fucked that guy, Annika. And dare you to talk about love. You don't even know what that is."
As his phone vibrates in his pocket, he fishes it out. A message from Y/N. He doesn't even notice that a small smile creeps onto his face at that. 
But she does. "Who's that? Do you have a new one already?" 
Charles quickly types a reply and presses send before turning back to his clothes. "No," he says coldly. "And even if it were, it wouldn't be any of your business."
"Of course it's my business!" Annika almost screeches as she takes a few steps toward him. "I'm your girlfriend, after all!"
"You," Charles zips up the bag and stands in front of her, "are the absolute last person I want anything to do with." He pushes past her into the hallway, where he drops the bag on the floor to go into the bedroom, where some odds and ends are waiting for him to take as well.
Annika follows him like a dog follows its master. "And why do you let me stay here then?"
"Because I'm nice."
"You're not that nice. We both know that."
Charles looks at the picture frames sitting on the windowsill. Among them is a picture of him and his father when Charles was little and went karting. It's a fond memory that he certainly doesn't want to leave here with her. "I've changed."
In disbelief, Annika laughs. "Never. In the two years we were together, I asked you so many times for things that should have been natural for a relationship, but what came from you? Nothing." Now it's her turn to put her hands on her hips. "You're so focused on your job that you don't notice what's going on around you! If you had paid more attention to me, then-"
"Then what? Then you wouldn't have slept with that idiot? Then we would have been happy forever? Peace and happiness?" Charles takes some pictures out of the frames and carefully lays them on top of each other so they don't scratch. He would leave the frames here, after all, they were gifts from Annika. And he definitely doesn't want to keep them. "Grow up, Annika. You knew what you were getting into from the start."
"But not that I have to share you with the whole world." Slowly, she walks toward him and as she stands in front of him, she places her perfectly manicured hands against his chest. "You're all I've ever wanted, Charles. But you were never there. And even when you were there, your mind was always at work or somewhere else, but never with me."
She's not exactly wrong about that. The season had cost him quite a few nerves and he definitely hadn't been a good boyfriend, and maybe none of this would have happened if he had paid more attention to her. But that's definitely not a justification for what she did. Charles knows his worth. And that's exactly why he clasps Annika's wrists with his thumbs and forefingers to take her hands off him. 
"For not being a good boyfriend, I am truly sorry." He drops her hands. "But that's no reason to cheat. You and I are done." Charles leaves the bedroom and grabs his bag in the hallway before heading for the elevator door. 
"You're leaving? Just like that? Throwing away two years like they never happened?"
Again, his phone vibrates in his pocket. Another message from Y/N, making his heart skip a beat. He grins to himself and types a response that, under different circumstances, he might have thought twice about. But the quicker he replies, the quicker he's out of this place and back to you. 
"I'm not throwing it away, you already did." Charles puts his phone back in his pocket and presses the button to make the elevator come. "I'm letting you stay here because I know how bad I've been to you and that this year hasn't been so easy for you either. But if I need this place one day, for whatever reason, you're out of here. And I don't care where you end up. Find someplace to live. Move back in with your parents. But this," he points to the space between you, "is over. Forever."
Annika runs a hand through her hair, then crosses her arms in front of her chest. "Then I hope for your sake that you treat them better than you treat me."
The elevator door opens, but Charles doesn't move a bit. Instead, he looks at his ex-girlfriend, who stands before him with raised eyebrows. "Who do you mean?" 
"Do you think I'm that stupid? Or blind?" She points her finger at his pants pocket. "The person you just answered immediately."
"And what's so special about that?" he asks, confused. 
Annika takes a step toward him. "You always make everyone wait for you. You make your fans wait for good results, your friends wait for calls. You even make your mother wait for you, because I'm pretty sure she doesn't know you're home yet." Annika stops in front of him. "But whoever that is - that person has all your attention. She doesn't have to wait for you. Let me give you a hint along the way, Charlie."
"Don't call me that. And I don't need your help."
"And even if you did." Annika stretches her arm out, past him, so the elevator door doesn't close. "The fact that she doesn't have to wait for you is good. Don't make her wait for you, too. It's not fair to her. And not to you, either."
As he sits back in the Ferrari - the sports bag and pictures safely stowed in the trunk - he doesn't know what to do with himself. 
Charles made it clear to Annika that their relationship was over, and it had been overdue for at least a month. But what she said at the end stuck. 
He actually keeps everyone waiting, which is why he keeps blaming himself. He could have told his mother he was back in Monaco a long time ago, but somehow he didn't. He could have told you that he's not just Charles, but he didn't, and so he keeps you waiting for the truth that you know nothing about. 
Would you even want to be friends with him anymore if you knew who he was? Or would you want to be friends with him all the more? 
Never, he thinks to himself. That's not who you are. And he can say that even though you've only known each other for a short time. 
And even though you've only known each other for two days, you're all he can think about. He thinks about how you sat together on the grass and talked about his father. He thinks about how you cried at Cars. He thinks about how you flirted with him even though, in your opinion, it wasn't flirting (it was to him, of course; he wanted to know how to win you over for a reason). He thinks about how you told him about your ex-boyfriend and how he would love to beat him up. He thinks of you standing next to each other in the kitchen washing the dishes. 
He thinks of you standing in front of him dressed only in a towel. With bare shoulders and bare legs and that - if he would get the opportunity again - he would not hesitate to pull you into the bedroom and fuck you with his tongue, his fingers or his cock in such a way that he would ruin all other men for you.
Charles closes his eyes briefly to get the image of you on his mind, and then drives off. He would love to drive to the lookout and talk to his father about the situation, but somehow it doesn't feel right without you there. 
But he can't talk to you about it either, because it involves you, and although it would certainly be best, he doesn't have the heart to tell you the truth. Not because he doesn't trust you, but because he's afraid of losing you. 
He slaps his hand against his forehead. "Get a grip, damn it," he says to himself. The two of you haven't even touched, and he's thinking about how he'd take you on every surface in the small apartment. That's just not normal. 
And most of all, it's not fair. You confided in him about your ex-boyfriend because Charles is your friend. And your roommate. And that's what he needs to be to you. 
It wouldn't be fair for him to get into a relationship with you because one, you don't know who exactly he is, and two, he can never be what you need him to be. You need someone who is there for you, who takes time for you. Someone you can laugh and cry with. Not someone who is away most weeks of the year and can't even manage to call his own mother. 
You would always be waiting for him. And even though he doesn't want to agree with Annika, he has to. The whole thing is not fair to you. 
And so he deletes the last two messages he sent you, which you apparently haven't read yet, as he parks his Ferrari in an underground garage and walks the last few meters to your apartment. 
He decides that he is your friend. Only your friend. Because he has to be, and because he can't be anything else. Because you need a real friend, and not a relationship. 
Charles unlocks the apartment door and drops the gym bag to the floor beside him. 
"Charles?" Unlike Annika's voice, his heart starts to beat faster at yours and his palms start to sweat, so he quickly wipes them on his jeans. You come out of the bathroom dressed in dark gray jeans and a white blouse that accentuates your curves. As you stand in front of him, you turn once so he can check you out from all sides. In all his life, he's never seen anyone look so divine. "I'm sorry, I wasn't sure what to wear. I hope that's all right."
His smile is gentle and he hopes you don't notice how hard he has to swallow, and he would have loved to wrap you in his arms and never let you go. But his ex-girlfriend is still clinging to him, and before you touch each other properly for the first time, he wants her washed off.
It's not fair.
"It's okay," he says with a smile and goes to the fridge for a glass of orange juice. You stop by the apartment door next to the gym bag, but don't ask where the stuff is from. And for that, he's very grateful. "I'm just going to jump in the shower and then we can go, okay?"
He doesn't wait for your answer as he pulls new clothes out of his suitcase, walks into the bathroom, undresses, and stands under the hot stream of water. Even now, he keeps you waiting, which further solidifies his decision to keep your relationship purely platonic. While he's shampooing his hair, he makes a deal with himself that he'll do whatever it takes to make this friendship work. Even if that means suppressing his feelings. 
As he leaves the bathroom freshly showered and ready to go, you sit on the couch. He's looking at you, thinking about what Annika said, what he'd like to do with you, and all the things he could lose. And all of that just isn't fair. 
"I'm sorry you had to wait for me," he says softly, reaching for your car key that's on the dining room table. It feels better in his hand than the one from the Ferrari. So familiar. Like the key will fulfill everything he's ever wanted. 
"It's okay," you reply, getting up from the couch. You take a few steps toward him and smile at him, and his heart melts. "I'm fine with waiting."
the messages Charles deleted -
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next part
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astrasng · 15 days
i love you, i'm sorry || n.j
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just to think about jaemin calming you down after you had a fight with your parents means everything to you. you knew he would listen to you and comfort you, he always does, but now he really carved himself into your heart.
you feel like you could spend your entire life with him, even if it means doing nothing.
because the minute you break down in your old room, crying so hard you can't even take a breath makes you dizzy, immediately reaching for your phone at 3 AM.you know jaemin works until late night, sometimes at night as being an idol. and you hate calling him or rather bothering him. So you just look at your phone screen with teary eyes, the sentences your mother said to your face just minutes ago replays in your mind, inevitably making you cry more. 
“And how long do you think he stays with you? He’s an idol, basically he has no time for you so why do you waste your time on him?” 
“He’s going to leave you sooner or later. Finds someone more available.” 
you shouldn’t be surprised, your parents never approved of your relationship with jaemin, even though it’s been months now that you two are together. It occurred to your mind that what if he finds someone better? after all, why would he be with you particularly?but whenever these questions popped into your mind, jaemin made sure they all went away. but can you blame yourself? He’s everything a girl can ask for. and you don’t feel like your parents will ever understand how he treats you, even though he’s an idol. 
are you home?
the message is sent by the time you realize what you did, burying your face in your hands. there’s a tight knot in your stomach that wants to pop out, the nerves killing you just by staying in the same house as your parents. right now, all you want to do is leave and escape in his arms. you wanted to visit your parents over the weekend, telling them about stories and how everything is going on in your life since you moved out, but alas, it didn’t happen the way you wanted. all you wanted was that your parents finally let him in their lives too, just as you did. 
just got home, everything alright baby?
the loud ping snaps your head up and as you scan over his reply, you can feel a heavy rock lifted up from your chest. 
I really need you. I know that you’re working tomorrow too but can i come over?
with a sigh you wait for his answer, going through all the possibilities if he says no. then you would just have to suffer through your emotions, maybe calm yourself down with a hot bath? or watching something you like?
of course honey. don’t worry about work, i’ll handle it. 
with a weak smile you reply - i’ll be there in a few.
you hear another ping after you put down your phone, but you don’t bother to check it, packing immediately so you can leave early. 
and that’s what happened. with a single bag in your hand you slip out the house, your parents probably long asleep after your fight. You don’t want to think about it again. you just want jaemin.
and in no time, you find yourself in front of his door, your hand lifting up to knock but he’s already opening the door for you. as you take in his presence you realize you're okay now, you’re with him. nobody can take away that. for now at least.
jaemin looks at you with worry in his eyes as he sees your puffy red eyes, his hands grabbing your cheeks softly when he sees you getting teary again. 
what’s wrong baby? did someone hurt you? his voice rings in your ears like smooth honey, your eyes searching for his as he scans your face. hmm? tell me my love,, he swipes the tear away, tilting his down to be eye level. 
I missed you.
two strong arms wrap around your waist, squeezing your bodies together as jaemin softly takes steps further back into his apartment, eventually closing the door behind him when you bury your face into his neck. 
you can feel that he just took a shower, his soft clothes touching your skin brings you comfort along with the smell of his shampoo. 
my love, i missed you more than anything. 
and you can no longer hold your tears back, you let yourself sob in his arms as he caresses your waist, squeezing his eyes shut as jaemin hears your cries next to his ear, his own heart breaking along with yours. 
he knows you often have problems with your parents, and as you told him earlier today that you went out to have dinner with them, he only assumes you’re crying because of that. but he doesn’t bring it up, 
he instead kisses away your crystal tears on your pink cheeks, his hands never leaving your cheeks and hair, swiping it back to see more of you.
what can i do to make you forget about it?
jaemin asks as he looks deep into your eyes, every emotion swimming in his orbs like he wants to take away your pain and suffering. and he really does too. It pains him to see you like this. It wasn't the first time you ran into his arms when you couldn't handle your emotions well, and it’s not the last either. he wants to adopt everything you feel into his body and mind, easing you up this way. 
you blink up at him, focusing on his eyes before you look down at his lips. kiss me,,
jaemin kisses you softly, his warm lips melting into yours as he keeps his hand on the side of your face, bringing you even closer. your grip on his shirt thightens, basically wanting to hide away from everyone with jaemin. but as he continues to kiss you, now deepening the kiss when you lean more forward you have to stay in the present. You have to ease your stress, and you know jaemin is the one who will catch all of your worries. 
your tongue swipes slightly over his bottom lip, initiating something that never happened before. as much as he doesn’t want to, jaemin stops, pulling further away to lock eyes with you. are you sure you want this? he softly spoke, not wanting to scare you away when another tear rolls down your face. with a simple nod you bring him back down, your lips immediately attaching to his soft ones, making jaemin sigh into the kiss. 
your hands snake up into his hair, playing with the hair at his nape as you take steps further back into the apartment, knowing the sketches of his apartment blindly. jaemin doesn’t waste any other time, picking you up ins his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carries you further to is bedroom. 
the heavy tension lingers in the air when he softly places you on the fresh sheets, skin burning when he caresses your arms up and down to calm you down. tears seem to stop by his magic, replaced with lust and raw emotions in your eyes when you pull away from the kiss, scanning his beautifully carved face. a small smile appears on your face when you lift your hand to caress his face now, thinking about how lucky you are to have him. 
jaemin blinks at you softly, his smile sending you butterflies in your whole body as he silently says ‘s okay, i got you now. 
feather- like kisses pains your skin on your neck as he moves further down, scrunching up your shirt that gets in his way to kiss your skin, eventually taking it off completely of you. looking down at him, he’s already situated between your legs, his arms wrapping around your thighs to keep you close to him. jaemin softly kisses the skin on your thighs, his own warm breath tickling you slightly as he buries himself between them. you hands snake into his hair again, massaging his scalp when he nudges your core slightly with his nose, making you groan out.
the room feels heavy as you and jaemin can’t seem to stop groaning and moaning, his mouth now latched onto your sopping cunt the minute he pulled your shorts down. butterflies erupt in your stomach whenever you look down, seeing his broad shoulders moving under your calves with anticipation. 
the feeling of his tongue moving in and out inside you, his finger circling around your clit makes you dizzy, unable not to throw your head back while letting out a low moan. as you curse into the thick air, jaemin can’t seem to stop his movements, now his own hip rutting against the sheets to ease his own pain. he can feel you nearing your orgasm as you take the air in quicker, your thighs shaking around his head. jaemin,,please, i need you-
you let out another moan as you come around his digits, throwing your head back on the pillow as you cry out his name like a mantra. he can’t stop himself as he continues to lap at your juices, having every single drop until you cry out again and bring his face up to kiss him hardly, and deeply. 
i was thinking about you all day darling,
jaemin says before he deepens the kiss, now propped up above you before pulling you on his lap, sitting up fully against him. With a whine you kiss him back, your tongues colliding clumsily when he pulls your hips closer to his , feeling his wet cock between your bodies. his hand sneaks up behind you to unclasp your bra, letting it fall down on the bed as he pulls back to admire your hazed look. as he taps your hips you lift them up, feeling him sliding his cock between your folds slowly, moaning against your chest as he dips his member deeper into you, your walls squeezing around him because of the stretch. ‘’s so tight,,,fuck baby-
a whine flies past your lips as he finally bottoms out, practically feeling himself finally melting into you when you scratch his back slowly, bringing your nails up on his skin. pleas echos around the room as he thrusts up deep inside you over and over again desperately, like he wants to fuck all of your problems out of you - if thats even possible.
your heart overflowing with emotions you let out a moan, grabbing jaemin’s face to make him look at you, up into your eyes, the ones where he sees the future ahead of him with you. and only you. 
jaem,,i think i’m-
he knows.he wraps his arms around your naked body and thrusts up into you deeply.
I know sweetheart, let it all out. he groans and kisses your collarbone softly.
and you do. You can’t stop the tears rolling down your cheeks as jaemin thrusts up into you again, panting against your neck as you moan the words out desperately into his ear. it’s all too much, your hands move to grip his hair as your hips are unable to stop moving against his.
tell me you love me,
with one final thrust, he paints your walls with white drops of cum, you squeezing him tightly in every way, your arms never letting go of his shoulders. he doesn’t either, his once shut eyes now scanning your glistening one, the light from outside his living room the only thing illuminating the both of you, making you look like a goddess with ruined makeup and messy hair just for him. jaemin can’t take his eyes off of your beauty, kissing the corner of your mouth, slowly peppering kisses all over your face to calm your beating heart with reassurance. 
then he finally says,,
my love is yours, y/n. my heart belongs to you.
and jaemin knew that in that moment, it was the last time when you escaped in his arms.
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this is a drabble that i wanted to write out, it's not proofread so i'm sorry if something is rushed or doesn't make sense.
reblogging and feedback is appreciated! ♡
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rotthepoet · 22 days
Hear me out on this ☝️
We've already established that Lorenzo is mEANNNNNNNN like hella mean. Ofc we like it but like, sometimes he's just too rough and goes crazy and next thing we know we can't cover up the too many red marks on our body and our legs sore and we struggle to walk 😾 and my heart is sensitive he can't be mean all the time or imma cry </3
SO SO let's say because of whatever reasons (maybe for an important exam or maybe cause bro is like a dog in heat and our lady down there need to breathe), we implemented a sex ban/no sexual touch 😼✋ for like a couple weeks or smth
Lorenzo would prbly go crazy and lose his shit during the ban and once the ban gets lifted, honestly, it might backfire on us and he'll pounce on us 🫠
guwjikdshfweuihguierjfweiophguiorwbgui actually losing my shit rn because WHATTT i mean??? how can someone be such a freaking genius MWAH(thats me kissing your brain)
Lorenzo's been too fucking much recently. I mean. it feels great, but its EVERY FUCKING NIGHT OMG you havent been able to walk right in two weeks at least. so of course, whenever finals came up, you pounced at a break.
It hurt of course, watching his puppy eyes break in sadness whenever you told him you needed to spend the week focused on your studies and not be fucked out. But alas, he folded, finding himself working hard right alongside you. It was nice. For about two days before his hand inched its way to your thigh in class, nearly shaking. You give him a warning look, and if you happened to glance down, you could see the obvious tent in his pants. he slams his hands on the desk and storms out of the room.
He makes it about three more days, just until finals are over, before you're walking through an empty corridor when arms are suddenly around your waist, and there's heavy panting against your neck. He hugs you closer, and you can feel his painfully hard boner. He can barely utter words while he slips his cold hands under your shirt, feeling your skin.
You two dont even make it to a dorm, just half hazard stumbling into a broom closet to shove your pants down. he almost cries as soon as hes inside of you, taking only a moment to adjust before your back is shoved against shelves while he bucks into you wildly. hes not bothering with being quiet, just taking every ounce of frustration out on you, making you swear you'll never deprive him again as he makes you squirt<333
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ximiiixx · 13 days
down, boy!
in which cove has cravings, which is nothing out of the ordinary. but it's what he's craving exactly that might be a bit out of left field.
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♡ nsfw, no au, fem + afab reader ♡ gentle dom top cove + sweet sub bottom reader ♡ pre-established relationship, oral sex (reader receiving), cove talks way dirty in this but in a pathetic way ehe, very much inspired by @sugar-omi's pussy hungry cove drabble <3
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you'd never really voice it out loud ... but sometimes, cove reminds you of an excitable puppy.
from the way he lights up to how his smile stutters into something so much more jovial to how excited he gets when talking about his favorite things - the centerpiece of which, most notably, is you; as long as he feels comfortable, he brings a shimmering light to the function that nobody else could hope to replicate.
you'll be watching him go about his business with one of those rare ear-to-ear smiles, and you're sure you can imagine a tail wagging so hard it smacks against anyone within two feet of him. it's so cute, you can't help but to think.
and the way he responds to your praises, oh. you wish you could muster up the courage to ask if you could maybe record him going down on you sometime, if only to immortalize how he looks when the saccharine of your honeyed words seeps into him with miniature jolts; every time he squirms and whimpers and nods fervently when you stroke his hair and tell him he's doing so good, he's being such a good boy for you, he's making you feel so good and fuck, you're gonna cum-
he just looks too cute.
you wish you could spend every hour of every day letting him fuck into you, fingers and tongue and cock burying themselves against your gummy walls as he wails and moans and begs you to praise him more, love him more, cum for him just one more time-
but alas. work has had you tangled up lately, and you've only now managed to pull away from your third overtime in the past week. you'd barely managed to make it through the door before your (im)patiently awaiting boyfriend had snatched you right up from the porch and pushed you up against the wall without a word.
and that's where you find yourself now, pressed haphazardly against the wall with your ...
...pants yanked down unceremoniously, pooling at your ankles.
...skirt hitched to your tummy, shoved carelessly up your thighs.
cove's long since made himself comfortable between your plush thighs, nosing your panties out of the way and latching his mouth onto your clit without so much as a hi, how was your day.
which you're normally not opposed to, but it's been a long day at work ... you haven't even put your bags down yet!
"c- cove, c'mon," you protest weakly, unable to put up much of a fight when his tongue's raring to rock against your wet folds. he peers up at you, brow crumpled in a furrow as he whimpers against your cunt, pulling off of you obediently - even if he doesn't seem pleased to have to do so.
you're grateful for the chance to catch your breath ... but you can't help but mourn the loss of his warm, willing mouth.
still ...
"god- what's got you so excited?" you mumble incredulously as you attempt to gulp in a lungful of air without being interrupted by a moan or a whine. "i wasn't gone that long...?"
cove whines, face still pressed against your inner thigh. with how he's refusing to pull off, you could swear he's trying to nuzzle against your skin. "missed you. you were gone so long, and i just missed you, and- please, can i go back to what i was doing? please, please?"
you're no stranger to hearing him beg, but out of nowhere is a little unprecedented ... even as your arousal is practically dripping down your leg, waiting to be cleaned by an eager mouth.
before you can speak, he's grasping onto your thighs with eyes wide and pooling with desperate wetness.
"PLEASE, oh please-! c'mon, i'll be so good for you! i PROMISE!" he cries, gripping your thighs almost hard enough to bruise. "don't i deserve you 'n- 'nd your pretty pussy? haven't i been good for you?"
the mumbled whimpers are accentuated with kiss - and tear - marks against your inner thighs, sending rivulets of pleasure cascading down your spine as you shiver. still, your silence is taken as unrelenting refusal, and cove lets out a sob.
"please, PLEASE just let me fffFUCK you already-! i'll- i'll do anything-!" he nearly wails, sea-blue eyes imploring and needy, so needy. "i'll make you cum 'til you can't walk, i'll- i'll tongue fuck you so good, so GOOD-"
all this filth that's leaving his mouth is making your head spin. you hadn't known cove was capable of saying such degenerate things - even if you find it completely sexy.
... well, today was stressful anyway.
the feeling of your thighs tightening their hold around his face has him perking up almost immediately, a wide - and very grateful - smile overtaking his earlier simper. before you can even warn him to take it a little slower, he's practically nosediving into your cunt and eating you out without so much as a pause to let you prepare.
high whines, moans, and whatever may come between fill the entryway to your home as your boyfriend fucks into your pussy with as little decorum as he usually does when he's eating. the door behind you trembles with every rock of your hips against his face, grinding your cunt against his pliant mouth.
you're sure the neighbors can hear both of you at this point. you're not entirely sure you care.
"god, fuck- 's been so long, 's been forEVER," cove snivels out in a muffled moan against your puffy folds. "fuck, i missed this SO fucking much. why did you keep this from me, WHY- fffffuck, do you even love me anymore-?"
even through the din of your lust and the struggle of your day melting from your shoulders, you can't help but scoff affectionately at his dramatics - which is immediately followed by a loud cry as you feel his tongue curl up into you, as if trying to remind you of all the sensations you had been denying yourself of the longer you denied him.
his tongue only continues to fuck into you at a brutal pace, desperate to drink up everything he'd missed out on since the last time you two had done this - which could not have been more than, what...a couple days ago? god, he's insatiable.
"fuck, waited so long for this- SO fucking long, you have no IDEA- waited too fucking long to feel your tight pussy sucking my tongue back inside you," cove whimpers, each word pushed out against your cunt as he drives his mouth back against you between every pause, as if he can't bear to pull away from your dripping sex for even a moment. "god, feels like it's been AGES. missed you so much, fuck-"
you've never heard him curse this much ... ever. the vulgarity of it all, the obscenity of the slurping sounds beneath you mixed with the thrill of all that filth he's talking - it's enough to tip you over the edge, a moan just shy of a scream muffled into your palm as your vision explodes in stars, your orgasm hitting you so hard your ears ring.
he lets you ride it out on his tongue, drinking up your juices with all the greed of a depraved, starved man. his hands remain firmly fixed on your thighs, a vice grip that could have left marks if he wanted it to; his way of making sure you know you're not going anywhere until he's had his fill of you.
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buckgasms · 1 month
Ok let's get some of these trailer park Bucky ideas out shall we?
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- This is what I need in my life ☝🏼
- Maybe you live opposite each other and one of you is the new neighbour?
- You could be the newbie maybe and you find he's very helpful when moving boxes.
- You both flirt a little but nothing serious, just a smirk or a touch here and there.
- But alas, nothing happens beyond that, and you settle in to your new home.
- Ah but perhaps you start noticing that Bucky has a lot of female visitors throughout the week.
- You mostly only see them leaving his place, but occasionally you get a bit more than that.
- From across the way, in the late hours you hear them whimpering and whining as his trailer creaks. You might hear a hand meet ass cheek or a shrill giggle.
- It's a little annoying no infuriating
- But sometimes, if you listen really closely which you'd never admit to you hear him.
- His grunts.
- His groans.
- "That's it. Take it."
- It's the sweetest form of torture and you try to resist but sometimes it just drives you to the edge and you desperately need release, imagining his hot, sweaty body working on you.
- Perhaps one morning you are sitting out front, reading a book and he appears, waving off another woman who looks satisfied and somewhat disappointed to be sent on her way.
- You smile and try to go back to your book, but he's intrigued. And a tease.
- "Morning sugar."
- "Good mornin Bucky" you reply turning a page you haven't read a word of in your book.
- He pulls up a chair and settles next to you.
- "Wow. Our bedroom windows are pretty close to each other huh?" He remarks, a smile tugging at his lips as you clear your throat.
- "I never noticed" you say, voice clearly strained.
- He stands to leave but first leans down, right by your ear.
- "But I have sweetheart."
- You spend the rest of the day totally paranoid.
- Had he heard you? Has he seen you?
- You don't hate the idea of him wanting you, but you don't want to be a notch on his belt.
- If he's going to tease, why don't you tease right back?
- Ice lollies are your weapon of choice.
- You sit in your chair, book open, skirt short, top skimpy and a ice lolly popping lewdly from your mouth.
- He looks like he's leaving but when he catches sight of you he seems to change his mind.
- Instead he sets himself up with a beer and a pack of cigarettes and enjoys the show you e decided to put on.
- Naturally, your plan immediately backfires because damn he looks so hot.
- It's Bucky....
- He distracts you by offering a beer, which you accept once your lolly is finished.
- He distracts you by asking about your book.
- He distracts you by talking about where you are from.
- Before you know it, he's back next to you, you are feeling warm from the beer and you can't help but notice how blue his eyes are.
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- But wait I am getting ahead of myself.
- Because maybe????
- One night after the "sweetheart" incident you see Bucky come home, head into his trailer and open his bedroom window wide.
- You crawl into bed and slowly push your window open, enjoying the cool air streaming into the room.
- "Can you hear me sweet girl?"
- You freeze, sweat springs up on your brow despite the cool air.
- "I know you can baby. God, you should see what you do to me. Fuck."
- Your heart is thumping in your chest. Oh god, he's going to give you a heart attack.
- "You're gonna touch yourself baby girl? Gonna think about what I might do to ya huh?"
- Despite yourself, you find yourself thinking all those things, doing all the things he says as the night goes on.
- It ends with your sweet voice calling out his name in the dark and a deep chuckle from his bedroom window.
- So...
- with all this in mind....
- After all this teasing and flirting he leans in a presses a soft kiss to your lips.
- "I wanna hear you moan for me baby. Properly this time..."
- He pinches your chin between his fingers and deepens the kiss and you instinctively wrap your arms around him.
- He breaks the kiss with a chuckle.
- "Come on sweetheart, let me give you the tour."
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- The tour takes moments because you want to kiss him. He presses your body up against a wall, you can barely breathe as he dominates your mouth, hands squeezing at your waist.
- Finally you land on the bed, and he growls as your skirt flips up and reveals your skimpy underwear.
- "Such a little tease huh?"
- You watch as he unbuckles his belt, you admire his rings but swiftly get distracted by his thick cock springing towards you.
- He strokes himself but you take over, shimmying forward so you can get nice and close.
- "Oh I see baby girl, not so innocent are we?"
- His grin turns to a growl as your lips wrap around his length, fingers wrapping around what you can't swallow.
- Your chokes fill the room, as he sinks further down your throat, his hand lacing through your hair holding you in place.
- Finally he pulls you off him, smears your spit over your face before pushing you back down onto the bed.
- He rips your underwear and leans over, pushing the fabric into your mouth.
- "You just hold onto those for me sweetheart" he chuckles as he moves your legs, gripping your ankles, pressing a kiss to them as he lines himself up.
- His fat cock slaps against your aching heat. You groan around your underwear, as he rubs against you until suddenly he slides in, filling you, stretching you until your eyes roll.
- "Sweet jesus baby girl. Knew you'd be perfect for me. So tight. Takin me so well baby..."
- He presses your legs back, so he can bring himself closer to you. He pulls the gag from your mouth and presses a kiss to your lips. You try your best to return but you've lost control of pretty much everything.
- All you can feel is his cock stretching you and hitting that point inside that has been neglected for so long.
- "Wanna hear those pretty moans angel. Want everyone to hear you, let them know what a pretty little slut you are. How desperate you are for me, for this."
- He defines the word with a smooth thrust of his hips that draws a long groan from your lips.
- "Thatta girl, just what I wanted."
- It's hours of endless pleasure.
- He explores your body, working out every pleasure point, finding your secret kinks that you swore no one would ever know.
- His fingers flex in your pussy as he fucks your ass, watching as he spits on your heat. It sends you crashing over the edge again as he rubs it over your heat, a scream leaving you as tears track down your cheeks.
- "Bucky.... I can't... So sensitive" you wail as he slowly continues fucking your ass, a thumb lazily rubbing your swollen clit.
- "Not my fault angel, you can't stop coming for me can ya?"
- He still sounds remarkably put together, but he isn't. He's just as gone as you are, mesmerized by what you can do, what he can pull out of you.
- Laying out before him, you are divine.
- Your legs tremble as another wave of pleasure rips through you and it drags him with you.
- Your walls pulse and squeeze as you emit a long weak cry. It mixes with his groan, a loud curse slips from his lips as he fills you up, again.
- Finally he crashes down, dragging you in close as exhaustion takes over your body.
Like sign me up.
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God I want a trailer park Bucky 🥺
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
[FIC] Chaos and Calm
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling Rated: G Word Count: 1551 Tags: fluff, domesticity, single dads, pre-relationship, outings in the park, feeding the ducks, rain
Notes: For Day 1 of Dreamling Week 2024 as organized by @mr-sadman, for the prompt 'hunt'. Also dedicated to the wonderful @chaosheadspace, whose single-dads AU Castle in the Sand rotates in the back of my head quite often - I meant to have this coincide with your birthday but didn't quite make it, alas.
Summary: Searching for rain boots and meeting friends in the park. No real plot, just meandering domestic parenting vibes.
On AO3
"Robyn! You 'bout ready, kiddo?"
Hob winces at the sound of something heavy thudding on the floor above, and then his son appears at the top of the stairs. "I can't find my boots!"
Hob suppresses the urge to sigh. "Do you remember where you had them last?"
Robyn's brow furrows. "Maybe? They might be in the cupboard? But I think I might have used 'em as astronaut boots and forgot to put 'em back."
"Did you check by the washing machine?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. You keep looking in your room; I'll check down here and then come help you look if I don't find them."
"'Kay." Robyn scrambles back up from where he'd started down the stairs and dashes back to his room, and Hob heads to check the coat cupboard in the front hallway.
They're meant to be meeting Dream and Orpheus at the park in fifteen minutes. The day has turned out to be dreary and grey, light rain off and on keeping it misty and damp and a raincoat plus wellies are definitely called for.
If only he or his son could be relied upon to consistently put things back in their expected places. Ellie had always scolded them about it, gently, and for all the years since she's been gone Hob has kept trying to do better, but it's not always top of his mind and they're both surviving okay, despite the current inconvenience.
He checks the bottom of the coat cupboard; no boots.
He lets the sigh out this time, since Robyn's not there to see the frustration. He checks the utility room next, where last year's too-small snow boots are still sitting next to this year's because Hob hasn't gotten round to dropping them off at the charity shop yet. This year's snow boots will have to do if they can't find the wellies, but he's not giving up yet.
He's not going to tear the house apart looking, either, though; he's eager to get going. Letting Robyn spend time with his best friend is important, but also. Hob really looks forward to seeing Dream, for—well. For lots of reasons, that he's comfortably aware of but cautious about acting on because the kids would be caught in the middle if it didn't work out and that's the last thing he wants. Right now he just wants to let himself enjoy the possibilities. Hanging out, conversations while the kids play, watching Dream's pretty face go soft and expressive as they talk.
So. Best check all the likely spots in this comfortably-cluttered chaos he lives in, then, so they can find the boots and get going. It would certainly be easier if his home was less messy, but he's a single dad with a very active kid, he teaches secondary school, and taking the time to make his home look like a magazine spread is just not on his agenda. And sure sometimes it bites him in the arse, like now, but most times the chaos is of a manageable level and more importantly, it works for them.
Just. Not today, apparently.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, fires off a quick text to Dream.
May be a few minutes late We've a crisis of missing wellies over here Keep you posted
Dream's response comes through almost instantly.
I wish you luck in your hunt, then. We will wait.
Hob smiles, tucks the phone back in his pocket and heads up the stairs to join the search.
Robyn's room is a little bit of a disaster zone, as he's been throwing things around in his haste, and Hob kneels to crawl around the floor and help him look. He'll help him straighten up later, too, but for now they're boot-hunting.
Robyn is a little worried, as it turns out. "What if Orpheus and his dad leave before we get there? What if they think we're not coming because I can't find my stupid boots?"
Hob laughs, a small laugh full of kindness. "They wouldn't," he assures, pulling his kid into a one-armed hug as they sit on the floor. "And besides—I texted Orpheus's dad so they know we're running late." He drops a kiss in Robyn's hair. "Now let's find those blasted wellies so we can get going, yeah?"
The boots are not under the bed, or the desk in the corner; they're not in the toy chest, nor the basket for Robyn's dirty laundry, nor under the laundry that hasn't quite made it into the basket. Hob helps that last category get to where it was meant to be and sits back with a sigh, making a mental note—and hopefully he'll remember later—to be sure to run a load of Robyn's clothes.
"Alright, kiddo, is there anywhere you haven't looked yet?"
Robyn ponders for a moment, face scrunched in thought, and then lights up. "Oh!" He scrambles off the floor and over to the wardrobe, yanks it open. Hob would have thought that would be the first place to check, so he hadn't looked himself but obviously he should have, because Robyn dives into it with a little yell of victory and emerges with a boot held high in either hand and triumph radiating from his grin.
~ They're only a little bit late to the park; Robyn and Orpheus spot each other at the same instant and yell in excited unison, charging across the wet grass and crashing into a hug that also involves a lot of jumping up and down. Hob grins at their enthusiasm, eyes searching beyond them to find Dream looking for him as well; the smile that blooms on Dream's face, visible even at this distance, makes Hob's heart do a pleasant little flop in his chest.
"Your hunt was successful, I see," Dream says, when they are close enough for speaking; they are trailing after the boys, who are cavorting in the general direction of the duck pond, splashing in collected puddles on the path. Dream's got his umbrella up, even though it's not raining right this moment, which somehow just enhances his general goth vibe.
Hob stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, time to do a major cleaning. His room's a bit of a mess but we finally found his wellies in the wardrobe. Which honestly would have been the first place I checked if I'd realized he hadn't. Kid brains work on different logic, I suppose."
"True." Dream shifts a little, casts a glance sideways at Hob. "Robyn is fortunate to have a father so skilled at finding lost items."
"Got a lot of experience misplacing my own crap," Hob offers, laughing to cover the flustery warmth seeping into his chest at Dream's simple compliment. "And he found the boots himself, just needed some help thinking it through."
"As I said. He is fortunate to have your guidance," Dream reiterates, and Hob is saved from having to respond when Robyn comes running back to where the two of them have stopped at the path's edge. Orpheus is over by the pond, bending down to peer between the rails of the short wooden fence that surrounds it as several ducks swim toward him.
"Dad! Did you bring the peas? The ducks're hungry!" There's eager excitement in Robyn's voice and Hob smiles.
"'Course I did, kiddo, here." He rummages in the bag at his hip, slung comfortably across his chest, and hands over the snack-size freezer bag of peas; Robyn thanks him and dashes back over to Orpheus. Whether or not the ducks are 'hungry' is arguable, but Hob won't deny his kid the human joy of personifying the world around him nor of feeding the ducks, which is generally their purpose in coming to this park. He glances sideways at Dream—who is Hob's own private secondary reason for any of the activities they do together with their kids—and finds him watching the boys with the softest little smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.
He's so beautiful.
It starts raining, then, just a light misty sprinkle. The boys put up the hoods on their raincoats and carry on tossing peas to the eager birds who've gathered for the feast; Hob is about to dig his own umbrella out of his bag but Dream steps closer and shifts his own broad umbrella over Hob as well. His arm presses up against Hob's, from shoulder to elbow, and Hob swallows the urge to lift his arm and put it around Dream's shoulders, leans solidly into the touch instead. It's nice.
It's so, so nice, and Hob revels in the imagined warmth he can feel seeping into the contact despite the layers between them, the way that seconds turn to minutes and neither of them moves away, how they both watch their boys in comfortable silence. Hob's thoughts and emotions often feel chaotic and jumbled up in the same way his house manages to be a mild-but-functional disaster zone but this—sharing an everyday domestic moment with Dream, the casual unremarked closeness between them—it quiets something in his head, makes anything and everything seem gloriously possible.
This, this is a feeling worth finding, a feeling he did not even realize he was searching for.
He is still entirely grateful to have found it.
= Started: 6/2/24 Drafted: 6/3/24 Posted: 6/3/24
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oct0bra1ns · 5 months
Oki oki I know you're probably like busy and stuff but I just thought of a good one (well I like to think I did). Obv take as much time as you need to get to this, don't you dare rush or overwork yourself
But basically, (possibly illegal?) racer yandere with a reader who's absolutely terrified of driving and generally hates most vehicles. Especially the loud ones, like he'd usually use
Also yay, you're alive! Also yay, I'm alive too
i'm so close to dropping my entire format bro, it takes so much time and half my motivation disappears the moment i'm reminded i have to do all that shit LOL and YAY YOUR ALIVE, MY BELOVED ANON!! I'm so sorry if this seems rushed UGEFWBJC'
reblogs and comments are appreciated
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♡ Yandere racer who had an entire career in front of him, big dreams to make it to the big leagues only for it to have it all crumble in a matter of seconds because of one stupid scandal. It took everything from him and no longer was he the person who people greeted and brought random things to sign, he was abandoned, the crowd that gathered to greet him no longer cared about him.
♡ Just when Marcus thought all hope was lost, he met you, a cashier at a new coffee shop he decided to try out. Everytime he went there you greeted him with a phony smile, giving him the customer greeting as though he was like any other person and not a disgraced racer.
♡ His obsession only grew when consistent pestering, asking if you knew him or how famous he was ended with you slamming his cup on the counter, giving him a curt smile , told him that you did not care for such matters.
♡ He decides he wants to know everything about you, from your likes to your dislikes, where you live, how you travel from place to place, when you clock in, when you clock out. All this information to make a 'chance' meeting happen.
♡ Marcus knows your running late waiting for the bus, he takes it as an opportunity to pick your up in his sleek sports car, claming how he was heading the same direction and how he felt bad leaving you when he had enough time to drop you off.
♡ He who tries to show off with his speed, only to see how unfortable you look when he glanced at you through the corner of his eyes. He's aware of the way you clutch the seatbelt, how your eyes keep flickering to his speedometer, how you seem to flinch every time his engine roars.
♡ He wastes no time in offering you a deal, he'll drive you to work everyday so that you don't end up late and you can treat him to a coffee on the house every now and then and if you can't give it to him on the house, he'll pay for it, no worries. If you decline, he'll find more and more ways to make you late, running the risk of getting you fired, finding ways to keep making you late. If you use the fact that his sports car makes you uncomfortable with it's speed and noise, no worries, he has plenty of other luxury cars for you.
♡ Sometimes you wonder how he makes all the money for all these cars seeing as how he was basically forced to step down from his work but oh well, as long as you could get to work on time, what did you care?
♡ Usually Marcus would let you go back on your own, as he didn't want to seem too clingy with you but when he gets a text from you at midnight, asking if he can drop you home, he's got tough choices to make.
♡ He'd never give up the opportunity to pick you up but if he didn't make it to his race, his sponsor would have his head on a plate. Alas he has no choice but to take you with him to the race.
♡ He spends the entire car ride apologising to you, about how he didn't want to leave you but how his sponsor was insistent on him attending. Hell, he'll even beg for your forgiveness as long as you don't as him to let you off anywhere.
♡ Marcus makes it a point to feed on your fear on cars when you reach the venue, make you stay close to him all the time, making sure you stick close to him all the time, holding your hand, draping his coat over you so nobody has the audacity to talk to you.
♡ He takes every chance to get you to stick closer to him, taking up seats in the front, closer to the venue, even the attendants are surprised when they see someone whos always in the back, not only bring someone along with him but also take seats in the front.
♡ If you don't want to spend time with him after this, no worries, when your employer finds out just where you've been and be running back to him.
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valorant-drabbles · 9 months
The iso x reader is really good! Alas, a part 3 would be great where they confess or reader's feelings get outed by either yoru or phoenix and gets teased about when reader will tell Iso but he already knows and reciprocates and just wants to hear it directly from them
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The long awaited Part 3 of the Iso Saga!
Consider this my belated Christmas Present to all you Iso-Lovers!
Word Count: 3.6k+
Warnings: Mild Swearing
Gender-Neutral Reader
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Cold Shoulder
Reader x Iso
It had been a fair few months since Iso had officially joined the Protocol, and the two of you were nearly inseparable. Whenever being sent on a mission, if there was a free spot on a team, you'd always try to find excuses to bring the each other along if one was going without the other. To the point that Brimstone had to pull you each aside and gently scold you. You simply can't be on every mission together. What matters is the skillset that is put into each team, not the person specifically.
It was a tad embarrassing being called out by Brimstone like that, and overtime, it was made clear that he wasn't the only one aware of how close you two were. How you and Iso were rarely seen without the other by their side, never too far if they weren't in view. It was almost instinctual, to be nearby.
Far too soon, a few of the other agents started picking up on certain hints that went over even your head, though you saw yourself as rather... aware of how others felt about you, especially after spending however long by their side. For instance, you knew Yoru often had an ego to show off, and acted like he didn't give a shit about anybody; but he would have your back if you were in danger, without a doubt. He'd warp to your side without a second thought. No matter how many times he'd deny it, he'd claim it was a coincidence.
So you were confident that if somebody's feelings towards you changed, you'd catch it. Or, if your own feelings had changed from platonic to... something more.
Boy, were you ever wrong.
Sage had stopped by your room to visit, bringing some freshly brewed herbal tea alongside a small plate of biscuits. She'd made a habit of making sure every agent was alright mentally, providing a safe space to vent or talk about feelings without judgement. She felt quite responsible for both the physical state of everyone, as well as their mental state. To put it simply, she was acting as the Protocol's therapist. And she was damn good at it.
Opening your door, you stepped aside to allow Sage entrance to your room. She'd already alerted you of your monthly checkup that day, so you'd made sure to tidy your bedroom as best as possible. She had always given off motherly vibes, so the last thing you wanted was for her to see a messy room on one of the few times she visits.
Sitting down on the floor, Sage sets up her favourite tea set on the short table by your bed, and begins to pour two cups of herbal tea. The tea set was painted with vines and flowers, giving off some Skye vibes. Perhaps it was a gift from her?
You sit yourself across from Sage, sitting on your legs comfortably as you reach for one of the cups, perhaps adding a little sugar to the warm liquid before settling into a more... relaxed mindset.
"So." Sage had started, hands wrapped delicately around her own teacup. "I see you and Iso have been progressing very well over the last few months, mm?"
You gave a simple nod. "In combat, we triumph over our opponents with ease. We have a good system going."
"That's wonderful to hear!... although not quite what I meant." She chuckled softly to herself, a warm smile on her face contradicting the confused look you'd given her.
"You've been getting to know Iso on a more personal level, more so than anybody. Which is a little strange, admittedly. Ever since you joined the Protocol, you usually kept to yourself and didn't make many connections with other agents. So I'm very relieved to know you've found somebody in which you can rely on-"
"Hold on." You pipe up to interrupt, eyebrows knitted together in mild confusion. "What are you talking about? Yeah, I spend some time with Iso, but I wouldn't say we're on a personal level. That makes it sound like we're friends." Or more, your thoughts added, but you are swift to dismiss the thought as quickly as it arrived.
Sage took a slow sip of her drink as she let the following silence linger amongst the room, deciding to let it sink in naturally.
Her silence made something click in your head.
"We're friends."
"Mhm." Sage confirmed. "A bit more than that, perhaps. Some of us can't help but notice how rosy your cheeks get when Iso stands a little too close to you. How you two are rarely ever seen apart. And how, aside from me, He is the only one you allow in your room; your safe haven."
Your gaze slowly drops to look at the tea in your cup, seeing your reflection in the mildly rippling liquid, caused by the mild shake of your hands. You'd never really thought you had social habits, and yet... apparently they were blaringly obvious. Giving away hints to something you didn't understand yourself. "What... what does this mean?" You ask slowly, with eyes timidly flicking back up to meet Sage's calming, blue gaze. What she said next hit you like a wall of bricks.
"I believe you are in love, Y/N."
Love. Sage told you that you may be in love. It made you shudder. Far too soft of a word. How were you supposed to keep up your reputation amongst your team members? They might all see you as some... lovesick fool! You hated the thought of it. What were you meant to do now...? Well, Sage had advised you to take some time to think about what she'd said, and to get in touch with your feelings. Figure out how you really feel for Iso, and if it dips into being 'love' or not.
After all, Sage didn't know everything. She simply had her theories. Though she did coach you through some ways to self-reflect. Though it did feel somewhat pointless, you indulged her idea, and spent the next few days carefully doing some serious reflection on your feelings and interactions with Iso as of late. And the more you thought on Sage's words, the more that everything kind of... made sense.
You undeniably had feelings for Iso. The two of you working so harmoniously together, and how close you were outside of missions... the way you felt an odd, fluttering feelings in your stomach. The way your cheeks heat up when he casually rests his elbow on your shoulder... these previously unexplainable feelings, suddenly making sense. Clicking together like puzzle pieces.
Step one was complete, you supposed. You were aware of your feelings... now what? What were you meant to do with these feelings now? Surely not... expressing them to Iso?
The mere thought shot a bone-cold chill down your spine. No way were you ready to do anything of the sort.
"Just... act like normal." You coached yourself in the hallway, rubbing your face in an attempt to pull yourself together. "You like Iso, so what? That won't change anything- it shouldn't. I'm sure if you just... keep acting like normal, these ridiculous feelings will eventually go away..."
"Oh, that is rich."
The sudden voice nearly caused you to draw your pistol, if it weren't for your immediate reflex to look before shooting. What a relief, you nearly put a bullet into... the wall?
The next second, you see Yoru casually step out of his portal, removing his oni-styled mask with a faint smirk on his face.
"Yoru, what have I said about spying on me?" You scolded him with a narrowing glare, subconsciously gripping the front of your shirt. The bastard had made it a personal challenge to try and scare you when you were on your own- many times having been stopped by Iso a lot of the time. Iso's reflexes were often very helpful in catching Yoru before he had the chance to startle you. Besides, he seldom actually scared you.
"I wasn't spying about you. I was just trying to get to my room without bumping into anybody, and what happens? I find out some very interesting information..." A wide smirk grew across his face, as the realization quickly dawned on you.
"Listen, you didn't hear anything, got it?" Your voice pitched higher in a mild form of panic, which simply made Yoru's grin grow wider. "Damn. You're down bad, eh?"
Gritting your teeth, you storm closer to the man, preparing to grab him, and give him a thorough threatening- only for Yoru to warp out of your vicinity, a fair few feet away; arms crossed in a taunting way. "Phoenix is gonna get a kick 'outta this. Iso as well, I bet..." He cackled softly to himself, as he casually took a step backwards and fell into another portal, vanishing completely from the hallway.
Frozen in place, your mind had to slowly catch up to the moment of what had just happened. Yoru surely wouldn't spill such a serious secret just for the hell of it... right? Right?
You couldn't trust Yoru to keep his mouth shut. He was going to tell somebody- possibly even Iso if he felt like that much of an asshole. So, with quick steps, you ran towards the commons room, desperately in search of the masked bastard who was about to expose your most precious secret.
After searching what felt like half the headquarters building, you finally managed to find him. He was leaning against the kitchen counter casually, talking to the two people he'd threatened to tell. Phoenix; who wouldn't keep his mouth shut to keep a secret to save his life... and Iso.
By chance, Yoru happened to glance in your direction, keeping his usual smirk on his face as he kept the two men's attention on himself.
"Yeah, can you believe it? I wouldn't have figured if I hadn't been there. Y/N has always been so cold..." Yoru continued to speak as if you weren't there, only making your blood boil faster than before.
"''Ey, I wouldn't say that. They just... like to keep to themselves! Like Omen!... Probably!" Phoenix chimed in to defend you, which would've made you feel a bit better if you weren't on the verge of throwing a chair at Yoru.
"Still, you really heard them say that?" The British man raised a suspicious eyebrow towards Yoru, who simply nodded. "Why would I lie about something like this? It's hilarious."
Finally, Iso seemed to have enough. He made a point to slam down his soda bottle, with his eyes firing daggers in Yoru's direction, causing the other to stiffen ever to slightly, shoulders squared subtly in a sense of defense.
"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't care for your pointless gossip? How old are you, twelve? You truly think I would take your word as fact; especially with such a delicate subject? You truly have no shame, do you?" His voice was as cold as his gaze was, slicing through the thick, tension-filled air that had consumed the room the second the line was crossed.
Yoru struggled to find any kind of defense or escape from the conversation, his gaze quickly moving from you, back to Iso. "H... hah, as if I give a shit what you think. Don't act like you're above all this. Aren't you curious over what Y/N really thinks about you? Behind that cold exterior they put up all the time?"
"They only put it up around people they can't trust, like you. Besides, even if I were to trust your word, I'd rather hear it from Y/N themself." Iso retorted, as he plucked up his soda bottle, making his way back to his room, by the look of it. You felt yourself relax. Thank god; he didn't believe Yoru... and with that scolding Yoru got, you doubted he'd be running his mouth and telling anyone else for awhile, if he knew what was good for him.
The next few days came and went. And you were pacing your room, twirling a knife between your fingers as you tried your best to think of how you wanted to progress with the knowledge of your feelings being... somewhat out there. Iso was aware now that it was a possibility, so... what were you meant to do now?
Sage had been there to hear you out when you needed to vent about Yoru's little 'stunt', and promised that he'd be held accountable for his gossiping behavior. All the agents were teammates, so any actions taken to potentially degrade everyone's teamwork would be dealt with and punished accordingly.
She had also assured you that there was absolutely no pressure to confess, even if Iso does know your feelings. Who knows, perhaps this was a one-time crush, and it would go away?
Well, it had already been about a week since you initially found out about these feelings, and they hadn't exactly gotten weaker. In fact, it seemed almost as if they grew stronger by each passing day you spent by Iso's side.
Sage had coached you further, to ask yourself some questions before you made any decisions that may affect you and Iso both. Take a deep breath, collect your thoughts, and ask yourself; Do you truly like Iso romantically?
Looking back on all your adventures and quiet moments with one another... how could you possibly say you didn't? Iso was somebody you felt like you could be honest with. Any chaotic feelings you might have in a single moment can be seemingly vanquished by him simply... being there. Even if you two don't talk to each other, the amount of comfort his presence alone was able to give you was something you felt like you couldn't find anywhere else. And if that wasn't an important staple in a romantic relationship... well, then maybe you were as much of a loner than Yoru had suggested.
But none of that mattered now. You felt oddly confident in your feelings, and now, knowing they were real by your own decision... it felt like you could confess to Iso. It was a bizarre experience; you'd been terrified of the idea of love and romance up until a few days ago. And now... you were actually contemplating a committed relationship with Iso? The thought still made your cheeks warm up with blush. The idea was... nice; welcomed, even.
Now it was just a matter of... figuring out how to actually confess.
The day of confessing came a lot faster than you'd expected.
You were often the type to plan things out ahead of time. Pick a day to confess, maybe write a few scripts for yourself so you had options of what to say when the time came... and inevitably hope it would go well. And yet... though you thought you were accounting for every possibility;
When the day came, it was... unexpected, to say the least.
You and Iso were in your room, quietly doing your own things, as the two of you usually do. And yet... today it felt different. It felt like an awkward silence that wouldn't end, no matter how many times you tried to strike up a conversation. The awkward air was indestructible, it felt like.
How were you meant to start an important talk when things are like this?
"So... I heard that Yoru got in trouble with Sage the other day." Iso suddenly spoke up, which very nearly startled you off the bed; but in a firm attempt to act like everything was normal, you stayed in place. You inhaled quietly. You got this.
"Yeah..." You started awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck, struggling to do so much as making eye contact with the other. "I... I thought I heard some arguing in the kitchen awhile back. Guess she dealt with whoever started it." Deciding to play the oblivious card, apparently. Though... did this count as lying? You weren't sure. You just hoped it wouldn't backfire on you in the long run.
"She certainly did deal with the perpetrator." He'd nodded slowly in response, his gaze moving towards you without your knowledge. "... you know, Yoru is pretty terrible at hiding when he's doing something mischievous at the cost of others. That being said; I saw you eavesdropping on us the other day." Iso couldn't hide the slight smile that grew on his face when your cheeks reddened with embarrassment. "... I mean, he kept looking in your direction and everything. It was clear someone was there."
You just wanted the ground below you to open up and swallow you whole. So lying was pointless, huh. And Iso knew you were acting off for a reason now. Shit.
"Well... whatever. It makes this whole thing easier then, I guess." You mutter dismissively, keeping your gaze away from Iso's at any cost. Though you couldn't help but be mildly curious to what Iso was looking like in that particular moment. Was he as flustered as you felt? By the knowing tone in his voice, you assumed not.
"Not quite. You know I don't listen to petty gossip." Iso responded rather dryly, raising an eyebrow at you. "And if you were there to hear what he said, then surely you know what my question is going to be."
You just wanted to flee, or hide under your bed. God, this felt humiliating... though maybe it was just because you weren't used to being so emotionally vulnerable. Every word he spoke just felt extra dangerous.
“I hardly heard the whole conversation. I kind of just… turned the corner and saw you three. Besides, you obviously know what Yoru said. Do you really need me to say anything?” You asked hesitantly, your own logic seeming to make less sense by the second; and making you dug yourself deeper into a hole.
You feel Iso place his hand gently on top of your’s. The sudden contact was finally enough to make you turn to look at him, your cheeks not any less red than they already had been. Iso gave a small, reassuring smile to you.
“Yes. Because if it’s true, I want to hear it from you, Y/N. But… only if you want to say it.”
His voice was so… comforting. Holding no judgement nor expectation. He wasn’t going to make you confess that very moment if you weren’t ready; but it was clear he knew your feelings regardless. So… what were you meant to do now? If you put it off for another day, who knows how long it’d take you to get around to confessing.
Your nervous gaze moved to look at your hands, feeling your heart rate pick up by the second. This… this was it. Now or never, you decided. Iso deserved a proper answer.
“I… I have… feelings for you. Sage believes they are… romantic feelings. And I think I agree.” You speak softly, so quietly that if the room hadn’t already been silent, he may not have heard you. You swallow the nervous lump you felt in your throat. “I… do really like you, Iso. And… I’m sorry you had to find out from Yoru first of all people…”
Before you could even think about rambling further with some inane apologies, Iso’s hand had moved to rest on your cheek before you’d realized. It all happened so fast, and yet… ever so slowly, at the same time…
Iso had slowly brought your face closer to his, pausing when you two were mere inches away from each other. He didn’t move further, wanting you to initiate further if this was something you wanted. He truly wasn’t the type to force anything onto anyone…
It admittedly took you a few seconds to realize what he was waiting for… a… a kiss? The thought seemed overwhelming at first- you’d just confessed, and now he was offering to kiss you? Was that his way of saying he felt the same?
Your heart had never beat as fast as it did in that moment. Sure, you were new to the whole… romantic-feelings thing… and by all accounts, you’d probably reject the offer in any other situation… and yet…
In those few lingering moments, with his lips so close to your’s… you couldn’t turn away. Taking all the courage you had within you, you leant forward and gently pressed your lips to Iso’s; though it was a little awkward at first, with your lack of experience.
The kiss merely lasted a few seconds before you’d pulled back, face feeling as red as a cherry. You found it hard to make direct eye contact with Iso for a few moments, before you heard him chuckle slightly.
“For someone who used to be so intimidating… you sure are adorable whenever you’re embarrassed.” He’d hummed innocently. You shot a glare in his direction and punched his arm relatively hard, earning a more genuine laugh from the man.
“I’m sorry- it’s true!” Iso snickered softly as he scooted a bit closer to you, keeping your hands intertwined ever so gently. You’d barely noticed you two had been holding hands for a short while already. “So… was my answer sufficient enough for you, Y/N?” He raised an eyebrow curiously to you, giving you a moment to pause and think.
“Mm… No. I don’t think your answer was clear enough.” You responded, rather deadpan. This gave Iso a genuine feeling of confusion, as you turned towards him, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull him closer, your face still rather red.
“Perhaps you should give me your answer again… and again.”
The two of you spent the remainder of the evening in each other’s company.
Sage may have had to heal a bruised lip or two the following morning.
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imagineredwood · 5 months
"Is this okay? Did I do well?" - Yandere Prompt with Bottles
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Summary: After a night out, Bottles finds that you're jealous of another girl, and he absolutely cannot have that.
Warnings: Major overstimulation, tears, oral sex, bondage, Bottles is a munch
A/N: This adorable man just brings out something unhinged in me
@mama-mischief it’s up 🫣
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A sob breaks from your lips as you shudder, your thighs a tense and quivering mess. Instinct tells you to close them, to protect your clit from the assault it's been enduring, and you would if you didn't have your ankles bound to the bed posts. Your legs are spread wide, ankles feeling raw from your flailing against the bindings as Bottles makes you come for what feels like the millionth time now.
How many it actually was, you weren't sure. You stopped counting after 7.
It was pure torture now, the line between pleasure and pain so muddied and blurred, you could barely see, let alone form words. You still tried though.
You can't seem to get anything else out despite trying for a while now. You begged and pleaded after the fourth orgasm for him to let up, but he'd done the exact opposite, his forearm casing you down by the pelvis, his mouth eating you like a man starved. Now you were on the brink of losing consciousness as this shy man devoured you like a feral animal.
He ignores you still for a handul of seconds more, continuing to use the tip of his nose to abuse your clit while he laps at your hole, tongue slithering within you like the devil he is for putting you through this. Alas he pulls away from you, face a mess in both his spit and your arousal as he answers, voice full of rasp and determination as he looked up at your with pure adoration in his eyes.
"Not yet. I don't think it's enough. You have to know that you're the only one for me. I wasn't even looking at her, you have to know that. You're the only one. I have to make you see that."
His mouth is back on you then and tears spill from the corners of you eyes as you curse your little jealous teasing from earlier. You were both at a club party, Bottles hustling around doing every little task the boys asked of him. EZ had finally given him a break and of course, he had used to seek you out, eager to look at your beautiful face and spend time with you. Apart from the club, his entire world revolved around you. You were his angel. His goddess. His diamond. From the moment he had laid eyes on you, you had consumed him. You were everything to him.
So when you had teasingly scolded him tonight, saying that you were jealous of the girl with the cherry red hair who had gotten to work the bar with him because she had gotten more of his attention than you, he hadn't taken it lightly. He hadn't taken it as a joke at all, actually.
And now here you were. He'd begged you to let him worship you when you'd gotten home and you'd obliged, letting the meek Prospect tie you up. You'd had no idea what you were in for and it was a mistake that you would live to regret for at least the next few days.
"I do! I believe you! Please baby!"
You felt his mouth falter and he pulled away some, looking up at you through fogged glasses.
"You sure?"
You prayed he would believe you, your pussy not able to take another second. After a few seconds more, he sighed and sat up some, pupils blown as they looked down at you splayed out before him, an absolute mess.
"Is this okay? Did I do well?"
You nodded feverishly, words still escaping you for the moment. The Prospect nodded and then gently undid the bindings on your ankles, calloused fingers rubbing comfortingly at the raw skin. He pulled your legs up into his lap as he sat down beside you on the bed, lips kissing along your ankles and the tops of your feet.
"I don't even know her, barely."
You nodded again, your breathing slowly coming down to a normal pace, your eyes spaced out still as you gazed up at him.
"I...know. I know. I didn't mean it."
Bottles smiled, eyes twinkling.
"I belong to you. And you to me."
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera  @woahitslucyylu  @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts  @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95  @cruzwalters @myakai13   @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous    @choochoo284 @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady @choochoo284 @whitetxilwxlf @ravennaortiz @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name  @blessedboo  @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @redpoodlern @xonickibaby @myakai13 @cruzwalters  @po3ticb3auty  @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @kaykaysuh @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous  @lovelytricia @carma-fanficaddict
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kookie-doughs · 11 months
Daddy Cupid
Modern!Various One Piece Men X Reader
-When your father grows weary of your single life, he takes it upon himself to play matchmaker. With him knowing the entire city, he embarks on a mission to find you the perfect match.
Chapter 3: Cupid's Aim
The morning arrives, and you find yourself grumbling, knowing that your date is just around the corner. The thought of yet another attempt by your father to play matchmaker has you feeling less than enthusiastic about the day ahead.
As you check your phone, you find messages from various people. Shanks sends you a congratulations for your date, Smoker and Buggy both wish you good luck, and your dad sends you a reminder. You sigh and reluctantly get out of bed. Your date is in just three hours, so you decide to start getting ready, mentally preparing yourself for what lies ahead.
For your date, you decide to go with a cute and casual look that's both comfortable and stylish. You choose a knee-length, floral-print sundress with a cinched waist that flatters your figure. Pair it with a light denim jacket for a touch of warmth if needed.
To complete the look, slip on some white sneakers for comfort during your date. Keep your accessories minimal with a delicate necklace and a few bangle bracelets. Finish it off with a crossbody bag for practicality, and you're ready to go with a charming and effortless outfit.
After spending a bit more time on your makeup than you anticipated, you finally finish getting ready, and you're satisfied with the way you look. With your cute outfit and makeup in place, you're now good to go for your date, feeling confident and prepared for whatever the day may bring.
Feeling better about the day and your appearance, you step out of your apartment with confidence. However, your confidence is short-lived as you accidentally bump into someone in the hallway. You look up to see that it's Perona.
"Ah! Sorry, miss!" she apologize.
You waves off her apology with a smile. "It's fine, sweetie, but you really shouldn't run in the halls."
She explain hurriedly, "I need to get to Zoro, miss. Sorry, but my dad will kill me if I'm late!"
You nods understandingly, and you continue on your way, hoping to avoid any further delays on this already eventful day. You ran to get on the elevator.
You quickly press the hold button on the elevator as someone calls out to hold it. To your surprise, it's Mihawk who steps inside.
"Thanks for holding," he acknowledges.
You smile at him. "No problem."
"By the way, have you seen the kids anywhere? They ran off after taking my wallet."
You can't help but hold back a laugh as you remember the incident. "Ah, so that's why they were in such a hurry. I think they took the stairs," you inform him, sharing a knowing look about the mischievous kids.
You take a moment to check your phone, hoping to see if your date has sent you any messages. However, you roll your eyes in annoyance when you realize he hasn't.
Mihawk notices your formal attire and makes an observation, "You're dressed formally today. I'll assume it's another date arranged by your father?"
You respond with a sarcastic laugh, "Yeah, it's so tiring. But alas, he always wins." You motion at your dress, highlighting the fact that you're once again going along with your father's matchmaking schemes.
Mihawk offers a supportive smile and says, "Well, let's hope you dressed nicely for something worth your while this time."
As the elevator doors open, he steps out, and you follow suit. After exchanging your goodbyes, you continue on with your day, hoping that this date arranged by your father will at least be an interesting one.
You arrive at the coffee shop, and Law, who is manning the cashier, greets you with a smirk. He takes note of your attire and can't resist making a comment.
"Your date hasn't come in yet," he remarks teasingly.
You roll your eyes and reply, "Shut up."
Law leans in conspiratorially, "Is it my uncle? I saw him getting ready this morning."
You groan in exasperation, saying, "I will literally jump off a cliff."
Law chuckles and decides, "Well, I'm not taking your order until your date comes, so go and take your spot."
With a sigh, you follow Law's instructions and head to your designated spot, prepared to wait for your date's arrival.
As you wait for your date, you occupy yourself by scrolling through your phone. You take note of various posts, ranging from your friends' daily updates to adorable pictures of other people's kids. You even stumble upon a post from your ex-boyfriend, which brings back some memories and mixed feelings.
"How come he doesn't have to go through these stupid dates..."
Law calls you over after a few minutes, and you walk over to him. He points in the direction of a man seated at a table. You observe the man, noting his tall and slim yet muscular build, arched eyebrows, and a close-shaved goatee. His shoulder-length wavy black hair gives him a distinct appearance. He's dressed in a two-piece black suit with the sleeves casually rolled up, wearing black leather shoes, and a white tie and handkerchief tucked into the breast pocket.
You stare at the man, unsure whether he's your date or not. You slowly approach him and tap his shoulder.
As the man lifts his head and his eyes lock with yours, he stares at you intently. You start to feel a bit nervous under his gaze and let out a nervous laugh.
"Are you waiting for someone? Perhaps a date?" you ask, breaking the silence.
He shakes his head, face slowly turning red as he cleared his throat. "N-No, I am not. Sorry, I just..."
You chuckle, "I see. Well, sorry for bothering you. I thought you were my date with how you're dressed."
The man keeps his eyes fixed on you, seemingly mesmerized, and takes a deep breath before asking, "May I get your name?"
You chuckle softly at his admiration and reply, "Of course, it's-"
Your conversation with the man is interrupted when you hear your phone chime. You look at the notification.
Seeing it was a text from your date you rolled your eyes.
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You shoot a "K" reply and grumbled. Looking down on your outfit and get up you frowned.
"Uhm..." The man got your attention. "I'm Rob Lucci."
"Y/N." You offer your hand and he takes it. "Sorry, I'm really upset right now..."
"Why? Did something happen?"
"My date ditched me." You raise your hand and Law understood.
Frustrated by the events, you decide to take a seat at Lucci's table. You vent your frustration by posting about how your date ditched you on social media, making sure to hide the post from your dad's friends to avoid any further meddling in your love life.
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Previous | Masterlist
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Hey guyssss!! This is the end of these parts you need to go to the masterlist and select which route you want to go to!
Obviously they're not all going to be written at once I'll write them one at a time and uploads will come every monday. I'm not gonna post chapter for marco and a chapter for that and for that guy every monday only one chapter the character varies with whoever I felt like writing </3 i hope you'll understand its to keep myself from dropping this story
I'll write whoever I want to write first I'm not going to follow the arrangement on the masterlist >< unless you request a character to come first
I hope youll enjoy this story thank you for your support!
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@nykie-love-anime @gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @angstylittleb1tch @valen-yamyam16 @melodyidk @anicega @littlegreekgirl1 @rebeccawinters
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kimis-gloves · 7 months
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Runnin' Home To You - read on ao3
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The winter break. The time of year that either leaves people longing for more, or an appreciated break from the world of cars and speed. For Charles leclerc it's a different situation. During this time of year, he's apart from everything he loves, everyone he loves. The way he grabs onto charles when they share a podium, the looks they share while they achieve one of their few moments alone. Charles can't see his life in racing without Max Verstappen being there with him. From the early years of karting, Charles knew he loved max. His entire mind and way of thinking revolves around max. The way he races, the way he does not find any genuine attraction to anyone other than max. It's almost as if he's been poisoned and rotted by his fellow dutchman. 
After Abu Dhabi, Charles found himself not wanting to leave Max's side because he knew that once he did, it would be one of if not the last time he saw Max before the next season's testing. His heart ached everytime he had to spend time away from max. He wondered if Max ever felt the same way, he doubted that as he watched Max walk over to his new girlfriend, one that came upon somewhat suddenly. He watched as they hugged each other tightly, embracing the other's presence as Max exclaimed with joy after winning his fourth world drivers championship. When Max leans in to kiss her, Charles can't bear to watch as it just hurts too much to see the man he's loved for his entire life, act so affectionately to someone that isn't him. 
That was what Charles thought would be the last time he saw Max that year. He spent most of his winter break attempting to take his mind off of the fact that he is so in love with the boy who was sent from the stars. He spent nights laying in bed, deeply wishing Max was there with him. To laugh with and to hold, to stare into his oceans of eyes and tell him how right from the start, he was the light in the dark. 
But alas he can't. He lay there in his cold, empty bed and continued to wish. It's a colder & rainy night, not cold enough to snow. He listens to the droplets of rain rattle against his windows, as he turns over to face the moonlit & rain scattered window, he hears a loud, but stern knock at his apartment door. 
“What the-”
knock, knock, knock
After quickly checking his phone, Charles drags himsout of his bed, throwing on the nearest joggers and whatever loose tee he can get his hands on. As he's making his way towards his front door, hes wondering who on earth could be at his door at this hour, surely nobody import-
“Charles.. May I please come in?”
“Oh, of course here..”
As Charles is making wax for Max, he's left utterly speechless as to why Max Verstappen is at his door, dripping wet with monacan rain, asking to be let in. surely there's no logical reason for this. 
“Max.. why are you here”
“Shit- charles im sorry, i knew it would be a mistake coming here.”
“No, talk to me.”
Charles brings them both over to the sofa, he offers max a drink but he abruptly declines
“So max, are you going to tell me why you've shown up at my doorstep, at 3 in the morning and soaking wet?”
“She left me, charles.”
‘Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, but it doesn't really explain why you're here like this.”
“Something in me just really needed to see you, I tried calling Daniel for a word of advice but nothing and nobody is helping. I guess I just- really needed to be with you for this. You understand, right?”
Charles is at a loss for words. THE max verstappen.. needed him?? He didn't know how to respond or how to feel about this information, all he could do was sit there and stare at his beloved, not noticing his gaze moving to the freckle on Max’s light pink lip. 
“Uh- yes max. I get how you feel. Sometimes you just can't help but only want one specific person at times.”
The two men sit there in silence, thoughts racing through minds. Max worries that he's making Charles uncomfortable so he's urged by his mind to get up and leave. He really doesn't want to, but he doesn't want to make his situation worse by ruining things with the person he genuinely loved. The person that was the root of his breakup with his now ex girlfriend.  
 - 40 minutes before -
“You only talk about charles!! Charles did this, Charles said that. Charles talked about these things and that person charles charles charles!! I’M supposed to be your girlfriend, not charles. I've had enough of being put second to somebody you're supposed to be rivals with. It's going to be either me or Charles, Max.”
Max did not respond to her, instead he walked out the door and walked straight to charles apartment where he knew charles would lie awake at that hour. 
Ever since Max was a young boy, he knew he had some types of feelings for charles. He didn't care about winning against the other racers, he only enjoyed racing against charles. Seeing the way Charles would be left frustrated after knowing Max is the only one he couldn't take on. He enjoyed the rush he got from teasing Charles of the win, knowing he would come out on top every single time. 
When Max met Kelly, he thought he had found it all, but soon he started to feel as if there was something missing. He felt empty. When he realized it was because of these feelings for Charles, he tried so desperately to ignore them but the more he tried the more he couldn't keep his mind, or his eyes off of charles. He thought Charles was the most beautiful thing to have ever existed. Charles was everything to max and max was everything to charles, but neither of the which knew of the others “secret”
“I think i should leave, im sorry charles”
“What? Why?’
“This was wrong. Enjoy your night.”
Max turns towards the door aiming to leave but charles quickly follows and grabs max by the back of his shoulder
Brushing off Charles's hand, he stands there, slightly hovering over charles.
“Please stay” he says, looking up into the madness of max's eyes.
And that was all max needed to feel sure that coming here was, in fact, not a mistake. 
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milomarigold · 1 year
Baxter Ward Headcanon - Lunch Dates
Gender neutral | SFW Fluff | Baxter Ward x MC
First headcanon, hope ya enjoy!
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🍁 Being a wedding planner is no easy feat! From planning bigger details like the wedding theme to smaller details like stainless steel or wooden cutlery. That's where Baxter's diligence, organization, and flexibility (📏) comes in handy!
🍁 However, planning such grand events also means our Victorian emo boy tends to skips out on lunch to get more work done. Especially during bigger assignments!
🍁 Since you know he usually only has a black coffee in the morning, you decide to suggest you both get lunch breaks together! It takes a bit of convincing, he wouldn't want to inconvenience you, but in the end he can't resist a chance to spend more time with his charming MC~
Baxter: "You're worried about me skipping meals? Well, my schedule can get hectic. Are you sure it wouldn't trouble you? I wouldn't want to get in the way of what you have to do… Although I'll admit, a chance to see your charming self sounds lovely. Alright then, having lunch dates sounds excellent~"
🍁 His lunch breaks are an hour long. Before your lunch dates he usually didn't use the full time (only the required 30 min) because…
Baxter: (on the phone) "What do you mean the tablecloths are cotton and not linen?? Linda, stay put, I'm on my way."
However, he does try to remain the whole hour with you when your lunch dates begin. He adjusts letting the wedding couple know he will be gone for an hour, but as soon as the break is over they'll have his undivided attention.
🍁 It takes a bit of getting used to at the beginning. He can't help but check his phone when notifications come in, for example. As long as it's not an emergency, you gently remind him it's his time and to enjoy the snack in front of him.
Baxter: "But darling, you're the whole damn meal~"
🍁 He prefers to eat out rather than stay in the office. To avoid co-workers asking questions that lead to him helping to find that one file, and answer that call, oh and he has to call this one place-
🍁 He quickly comes to look forward to your little lunch dates. Seeing how passionately you talk about your interests and the smile on your face when you eat your favorite snack has him smitten!!
🍁 You guys are gossip buddies. Neither of you share anything hurtful, but you two also can't help talking about the shenanigans that go on at your respective workplaces.
Baxter: "One morning Michael came in complaining about a speed bump on the highway…I ponder who he ran over." (Sips coffee casually)
🍁 Baxter's eyes sparkle if you surprise him with a homemade meal. Especially touched if you remember his preferences; such as something pescatarian or something with peaches. You don't have to worry about your cooking skills, your intention matters more to him! His co-workers will notice he's extra chipper that afternoon.
🍁 In return, he'll also prepare a lunch for both of you the night before. He plans to make something that's only a "tad" extra, but always gets carried away and creates the most Instagram/Pinterest worthy aesthetic lunches you ever did see.
Baxter: "It's just a little something to thank you for the other day." 💜
🍁 You both agree to meet at a chill little park near work when you make lunches for each other. You have a special picnic blanket for the occasion that's so comfy you almost lose track of time.
🍁 On days where you can't meet up, you either face call each other or simply text each other to make sure the other has eaten.
💬 Yes, darling I just finished off lunch. It was great, I would've enjoyed it far more with your company, but alas! How about you, have you eaten yet?
🍁 Sometimes you send donuts, muffins and other treats to Baxter's office where he shares with his co-workers. His co-workers like you very much for this reason, haha! It also gives Baxter the opportunity to make more friends.
🍁 Over lunch, he occasionally brings up some wedding planning hitches. You help him figure out solutions when he's stumped.
Baxter: "Darling you're brilliant! Perhaps you're due for a reward? Are you free tonight? I'd love to show you my gratitude~"
Overall, meeting for lunch gives you both another opportunity to take care of each other. He feels the stress melt away as soon as he sees his favorite person and it makes his lunch that much sweeter.
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rileythelonelyalien · 2 years
Dottore x GN! Reader
A/N: Hello! this fic was slightly rushed lol, I hope you enjoy this fan fiction , it hasn't been proofread so far so if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes i do apologise !!!
this is a Fluff Dottore fan fiction that is about a small interaction with the clones , this does have a 3.1 spoiler , maybe???(i mention the name of one of the dottores clones used in the game).
You were waiting for prime dottore outside his lab. He had told you to wait outside his lab as he still had some unfinished business to do. You let your legs hover above the ground as you sat on a bench nearby , humming to yourself as you began to observe your surroundings, finally taking into account the decor that was used just outside his lab. You smile to yourself as you know this could not have been done by Dottore himself, it looks too stylish and chic , he would never care for such things.
In this time that you were spending to take in the interior design you caught a familiar tinge of blue hair , the same hair that belonged to your lover. However as you turn to face him  you notice this isn't the current dottore who is still in the lab. He wore a different mask and he stood across from you , almost as he was apprehensive to approach you. He continued to stand across from you , in an effort to ease some tension you give him a soft smile and wave at him. This seemed to work in encouraging Dottore to ease up and be more comfortable in approaching you , as he gets closer , you shuffle up on the bench you were sitting on and pat the space next to you , maintaining your smile. In response you get a sharp toothed grin from him as he promptly sets himself beside you.
Before you realise , he is already playing with your hair , it almost seemed like he was examining it entranced by your features. It was almost as if he was trying to admire all of you and give all of you attention , he just so happened to start with the hair. You let out a chuckle as you find this behaviour frankly to be quite adorable. As soon as you let out an indication of joy , his crimson eyes lock onto yours , his fascination clearly evident. His hand moves from your hair to your chin gently bringing your face closer to his as he continues to maintain eye contact. ‘What was that you just did? Do it again!’ his silence had been broken, you nervously break eye contact with him. ‘I- uh what do you mean?, do you mean me laughing? I- i can't just do that on demand’ you assumed that was what he was asking for. His lips pressed together almost as if he were in deep thought , you maintained still in his grasp. However unbeknownst to you his other hand had already begun to slither downwards , picking out the places that would be your weak spot and soon enough ; an attack ensued. He had managed to deduce all your ticklish areas and took this advantage , being attacked in such a way you couldn't help but burst out with laughter as you tried to grab the hand that was tickling you. As you squirmed and laughed uncontrollably in Dottore’s arms his smile once again exposed his unusually pointed teeth. He too let out a lowly chuckle as he revelled in your laughter , truly it sounded just as good if not better than the screams of his ‘patients’. 
Unfortunately this moment was cut short as the sound of heavy and angry footsteps was coming your way , soon enough you heard another familiar voice shouting ‘ NUMBER 6 WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU RUN OFF TOO?!’. Just by hearing this you could tell it was Dottores favourite clone , the omega build, the clone he relies on the most. The clone with you currently stiffened, as he looked around to make out where the other Dottore was. Alas it was too late for this clone to escape once again as the other dottore had emerged into the hall you were waiting in. ‘AH ! there you are number 6 you are definitely a scoundrel , although i don't remember being so rebellious at this age ’ he talks out loud to himself as he approaches Dottore , the sixth one according to the other dottore. He opens his mouth to scold the clone when he catches you , within the clone's arms, he goes quiet and averts his eyes between you and Dottore. A sigh escapes his lips , you were preparing yourself to get scolded by him too but then he sits himself on the other side of you and turns to face you and the other clone. ‘How Come our darling was finally out of the primes iron grip and you were about to have them all to yourself? , i think not’ and with that said a mischievous grin tugs at his lips as he gets closer to you and brings you into his arms.Although they were clones they were all unique versions of Dottore each showed different traits of the prime Dottore , most traits of which you adored, and they were warm just like he is. As you get pulled from the apparent sixth clone you hear him let out a whine of disapproval. You can feel Dottores' breath against your skin as he pulls you in closer , you manage to catch him mumble to himself ‘Oh i have waited too long to hold you like this ,it feels even better than i imagined it to be’. With such an unexpected comment being made you could feel your face getting warmer as you became bashful , in an attempt to ground yourself you lean into Dottore’s chest burying your face into his body. You feel his chest vibrate as he laughs to himself as he muses at how much he finds your peculiar behaviour so amusing, in an endearing way. 
In the comfort of his arms you begin to drift away into sleep , desperately trying to fight it but unfortunately the harder you fight the more exhausted you feel. Soon enough you had completely lost yourself to the land of unconsciousness. By the time you brought yourself back you had no idea how long you had fallen asleep for , you were still within the same dottore clones arms so must have been not that long , right? You pull yourself up and you hear Dottore whisper to you ‘ oh , you're awake , don't worry my love I have kept you safe in my arms whilst you rested’ he left a chaste kiss on your forehead , a symbol of his affection. You smile at this to yourself. However as you move your head up you see that there are many more Dottore’s here looking at you inquisitively. All in varying ages and made within different periods of the doctors research , yet they all share one thing , their affection and love towards you. You manage to break free from the dottore holding you in his arms as you sit up to properly absorb your situation , you are surrounded by different variations of your lover who all yearn for your affection and attention. In a moment of spontaneity you offered the dottres a deal , since you figured they all had jobs to do given to them from the original Dottore. Thus you struck a deal , they shall all go back to work but you’ll give each of them a kiss. As soon as you had uttered those words all the clones enthusiastically lined up in front of you , expectantly waiting for the promised kiss. You couldn't help but smile at the sight.
Just as the first clone leaned down in order for you to be able to smooch them the lab door burst open.
Silence takes over the hall.
Prime observes his clones all lined up , and as he follows the line it starts with you , just what on earth were his clones plotting whilst he was busy? Then it clicked ‘SCRAM ALL OF YOU , DON'T YOU HAVE WORK I'VE ASSIGNED TO ALL OF YOU ? SHOO , ONLY I'M ENTITLED TO THEIR KISSES , SHOO SHOO GO ON NOW’ his voice booms , bewildered you watched as all the clones leave disappointment and frowns painted in each and everyone one of their faces. You couldn't help but feel just a little bit sorry for them.
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deadbydangit · 8 months
i wanted to request something if you dont mind :)
how do you think the killers (of your choice) would react to string tricks? like a survivor that specializes on doing very fun tricks with strings?
if this is very confusing, sorry 😅
I'm not too sure what string tricks are, but I do know of yo-yo tricks. I can write about that. I hope that's an okay substitute. Please enjoy.
With a reader who could do yo-yo tricks: Mastermind, Hillbilly, Huntress
A yo-yo?
"Aren't you a bit old for that?"
"That seems rather childish."
Don't let Wesker's pretentious talking discourage you from doing what you love.
Just because he finds it childish doesn't mean he'll make you stop.
He wishes you would spend time learning something more useful.
Alas, he will not complain about it.
"Well, I suppose it promotes good hand eye coordination."
"Very well dearheart. If it makes you that happy."
People outright tell you to leave him alone, but he isn't too interested in your tricks.
Again, it just isn't something that's practical.
"Why don't you practice something useful. Like using a gun or learning the chemical formulas I'm studying?"
His idea of fun and your idea of fun may be totally different.
However, he does enjoy seeing the look on your face when you're practicing.
You have this child-like innocence that he finds irresistible and adorable.
Like, for that moment, you're able to ignore all the horrible awful things in the world.
Like you're able to focus on only the good and pure things.
He actually finds himself rather jealous.
During times when he feels like everything is hopeless he'll often come and watch you.
It gives him a sense of hope that he had otherwise thought he had lost.
"Dearheart, would you please show me that trick where the yo-yo goes over your head? I enjoy that one."
Even if he finds the talent ridiculous, he loves seeing the joy on your face.
"What's that?"
Max has never seen one before.
Maybe on tv, but never in real life.
He was deprived of all those fun things a normal child would have.
Even doing the most basic thing with the yo-yo Max finds amazing.
So when you show him tricks?
He's in awe.
Like he had seen a unicorn or something.
You'll hear that at least five more times after you've done a trick.
He can't help it.
The person he loves the most doing such amazing things?
"It's magic!"
You'll have to explain to Max that, no, it isn't magic.
He wants to try!
You can try and teach him, but he'll usually end up hitting himself in the face trying to do some elaborate trick.
He's easily discouraged because he has been told his whole life that he was useless.
But don't let him give up. Make sure you show him the basics and do so slowly.
He'll pick it up eventually.
And when he does, you better believe he'll be showing you the trick about 50 times.
Even if it's just making the yo-yo go up and down like normal.
He's really trying hard to impress you, so make sure you praise him a lot.
Like Max, Anna will also be in awe.
However, she knows that it isn't magic.
She does think it's some sort of weapon though.
She had never seen a yo-yo before.
She'll want to try out this new and unique 'weapon' of yours.
You're going to have to explain to her that no, it isn't a weapon.
That it's a hobby; a toy you could learn tricks with.
To her, anything could be used as a weapon. But she won't break your favorite toy by trying to use it as a weapon.
She knows doing something like that would hurt you. It would be like someone breaking her mask.
As someone who has practiced the art of throwing hatchets meticulously, she appreciates the time and effort you've put into learning the yo-yo.
Even if it doesn't do any damage, she's still really impressed by you.
She might want to try it.
Make sure you show her how to hold it properly and the correct strength to use.
We all know how strong Anna is and how unaware she is of that strength.
She might accidentally yank the string so hard the yo-yo part comes off.
If that's happened she'll be devastated and crying, begging for your forgiveness.
Asure her that you aren't upset.
You'll just have to teach her to be a little more careful.
She's a fast learner, she picks up on things very quickly.
And, with her axe throwing skills, she's able to learn the yo-yo even faster.
She claims the wrist flicking motions are very similar.
Once she gets good enough, try and find her own yo-yo.
Because she'll be playing with it all the time.
And, when she has her own, she'll get to play with you.
To her, that's the best part about it.
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