match-your-steps · 10 months
Ok I always thought the "I am ---" trilogy and the Clé trilogy were two separate things but I've also always been confused by "I am YOU," the featured track from the final "I am ---" album. Like, it's sweet and all, and it makes a little sense (the line "I see myself in you" really clears things up for that one tbh), but it's never really felt like a resolution.
If I think about it, though, the Clé trilogy seems to be another identity-finding journey that centers on separating your identity from others. I don't mean, like, uniqueness, but rather not relying on others for your sense of identity. If I'm right, then Clé is actually a continuation of the "I am ---" albums.
However, the I am WHO album kind of doesn't fit very well here, because the main featured track is "My Pace," which is about not paying attention to like. peer pressure and stuff and doing the things you want to how you want to do them instead without comparing yourself to others. That kind of feels like it fits better with the whole separating self from others thing Clé has going on.
I vaguely remember hearing that the other song they were considering making the main track for I am WHO was "Awkward Silence," which, don't get me wrong, I LOVE that song, but it does not fit the vibe of the album so I'm kind of glad they did not do that, but it's also about not feeling pressured in social situations.
I guess you could say "My Pace" and "Awkward Silence" fit the progression of the "I am ---" albums, in a way, because they're starting to realize who they are, but I feel like they're too far ahead for having a whole 'nother album left. To be honest, I've always thought "Question" fits the vibes the best.
Anyways, I have a sort of theory for how the progression goes and ties together between these 6 albums:
I am NOT - hold on a minute who do I really want to be? what do I want in life? are the things I want really the things people tell me I should/do?
Representative songs: "NOT!" "Awaken"
I am WHO - if I'm not who everyone says I am, then who am I? (starts discovering self a bit)
Representative songs: "WHO?" "Question"
I am YOU - forming a good relationship (of any kind; could be significant other, friend, parent, whatever), or perhaps returning to one. it could be like a new relationship they're very happy with or it could be reaching an understanding with the people they rejected in I am NOT. part of their identity comes from this relationship. a large part of their identity, actually, probably, because like. it's. I am you. uh yeah
Representative songs: "YOU." "I am YOU" "Hero's Soup"
Clé 1: MIROH - whoah guys I'm pretty rad amirite
Representative songs: "MIROH" "Victory Song" "Boxer"
Clé 2: Yellow Wood - wait actually something is wrong? life is not as easy as I thought (kind of like that)
Representative songs: "Side Effects" "TMT" (not gonna count any of the mixtapes bc they're really more like singles that just happened to be released in this album)
Clé: LEVANTER - I defined myself too much by my relationship with this person (maybe the person from I am YOU) and lost sight of what I wanted for myself, so when they left me (possibly in Clé 2) I no longer knew what I to do. However, I now realize this and can take hold of my desires for myself.
Representative songs: "STOP" "Levanter" (most of the other songs carry similar 'I'm gonna do what I want now' sentiments, however, they do not include the same ideas about breaking free as "Levanter" and "STOP," while it also does not in words, the fact that it is pretty close to being the same song as "Road Not Taken" from Clé 2 but with mostly different lyrics indicates a connection to the unsureness of that album with a sense of moving on from it)
From the resolution of the Clé albums, most of their albums follow a trend of confidence, like that in Clé: MIROH except they haven't gone back to an uncertain theme afterward. Not every song is so confident, but there were confident songs in the beginning, so why shouldn't it be the other way around?. Case in point: "Grow Up," from I am NOT didn't start with confidence, but it ended with it, and there's also "YAYAYA" from the album from even before their debut. In TOP, which, yes, is now like 3 years old or something (I'm really behind on their newer albums so idk what most of the songs are but I am literally actively working on it right at this moment) and was for an anime, there's "SLUMP," which was written/composed/arranged by Han and Chan so it definitely fully counts, and it's fully super not confident. Nevertheless, the fact that I knew all the songs up through, like, THUNDEROUS, and still had a really hard time thinking of less confident stuff means there's definitely a trend of confidence since the resolution of the clé albums.
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chastiefoul · 2 years
seeing you cry for the first time
characters: xiao, zhongli, scara, cyno, alhaitham, kaeya.
tags: fluff and comfort
a/n: idk why writing this makes me sad, like sad sad | also if you notice that it gets noticeably shorter as you go on, no you don't!!
Xiao is everywhere but also nowhere. It’s pretty hard for him to keep you at arms-length when he’s always up and about doing his duty to protect a nation—not that you couldn’t handle yourself, he’s just worried. Although no matter what, he always succeeded in finding you with the biggest smile on your face, greeting him when he returns. So when one day the Wangshuu Inn felt a little quiet, he spots you with your hands on the railing, little whimpers filled the silence.
Is that animal noises? He thought while approaching you when he saw your shoulders shook lightly. “Hey,” he spoke, scaring you out of your skin. You thought he wouldn’t be there that day, you’d just wanted to feel the night breeze until this wave of sadness and exhaustion gushes over you. It felt comfortable there, like Xiao was with you, and to think he’s actually there.
“Xiao!” You claimed, without turning your back unsure that you could keep it together at the sight of his face. Xiao who’s been expecting to be greeted by that smile of yours, teleported right beside you in a flash. You quickly wiped your tears and offered him a little smile. “You’ve been crying,” he said, unconfident on his own tone. As if confirming the event that’s clearly just unfolding right before his eyes.
He timidly hold your hand. “Why?” He peered, worriedly. “Oh it’s nothing, I’m just tired,” the same smile was on your face, yet it strangely made the yaksha’s chest ache. For you who’s always smiling so happily, isn’t it fine once a while to be sad?
“I’ll listen if you want to talk,” he said, a bit awkwardly if you may add. At his clumsy kindness you could not help but chuckle. “Thank you, Xiao.”
As warm and gentle as the sunshine. Perhaps that’s a phrase he will use if people asked him what kind of person are you, as we all knew, the former geo archon has a knack for exaggeration. One peaceful night as he made his way to his usual route of his daily walk, he spotted a familiar figure on the docks looking far ahead into the view of the moon.
He felt himself smiling at the sight of you. Ah, what a funny thought. When did such childish feelings had harbored so liberally in my chest?
Yet, he stopped his step abruptly when he saw you wiped your eyes with the back of your hands. The leisure steps he’s taken quickly turns into a hasty one in approaching you. “Dear?” He cautiosly called. It was obvious that you didn’t really want people to know what you’re doing. There was a solid minute of silence with your back still facing him. You hoped to god—though it’s futile since the ‘god’’s standing right behind you—that he didn’t have an idea that you’ve been crying and he’s just calling out to you because he saw you here. “Zhongli? What brings you here?”
He sighed at the response, seeing that you rather chose to hide your feelings before him. “It’s rather uncouth to not see the other party face when speaking, no?” He said, although he made no effort whatsoever to force you to face him. You turned your back unwillingly, wishing that the dimness of the moonlight hid your expression. You glanced at him, eyes still wet from tears. Zhongli would have to be stupid if he did not realize you’ve been crying.
He took of one his glove, the tip of his finger wiped the tears residue on your bottom lashes. He saw your bottom lips quiver and he felt a scratch on his heart. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked gently, bringing you into a warm embrace. “Maybe later.” You hugged him back, closing your eyes at the comfort. “Of course, anything for you.” He said, consoling. And as the nightfall continued, Zhongli just stayed with you, kissing your temple and the top of your head as a constant reassurance.
Contrary of the nice breeze as you’re sitting on a peaceful field at the outskirt of Sumeru, your feelings that evening were in disarray. You lied down, letting the tears fall freely as you cover your eyes with the back of your arm. You bit your lips, preventing any further sob coming out from out of your mouth. You heard a gentle rustle beside you, guessing it was some small harmless animal was your best guest. Then you went to uncover your face, you saw a familiar face sitting beside you.
“Cyno?” You sat up immediately, recalling if you promised to meet him that day. He said nothing for a while then brought your head to his lap. “Cry it out if it makes you feel better. I’ll be here.” His gentle smile washes over your worry, you cried once again but somehow the slight smile on your face refused to leave your side. He did not say anything else after that, he didn’t need to. You know he’s there, as he comb your hair back occasionally, probably telling you to take as much time as you need.
He can be pretty out of touch with people’s emotions, however seeing your crying face somehow put a horrible itch on the inside of his chest. He brought you to his arms, “Why are you making such an ugly expression?” Contrary to the harsh words, his hold was the gentlest as it’s ever been, his right hand led your head to lean on his shoulder. “Just don’t get snot on my clothes.” He added, as if to distract you from the kind gesture he just did. “I.. already did,” you sobbed softly. “Damn it,” he cursed, although it’s obvious that was an empty bark, since he kept patting your back slowly like consoling a child. Like something he managed learn from someone, once.
He really wasn’t sure what to do, but one thing for sure that he was willing to do anything to stop anything that makes you cry like this. He kissed the tears away gently, hovering a second longer before pulling away, “Who?” He asked curtly, though you understood what he meant. You shook your head, “No one,” another tear escaped, Alhaitham cupped your cheek with his palm, his thumb wiped the under of your eye. “Then what?” He continued. You nuzzled into the touch of his palm, putting your own hand atop of his. “It’s nothing too, just stay with me for a while,” you said. He calmed down, hearing the urgence of your voice. His heart throbbed, at the thought of not being able to do anything as you cried the sadness away. Truly, he hoped to never experience it again.
“What’s hurting?” He said gently, while rubbing a soothing gesture on your back. “I don’t know,” you manage to answer. “Seems like my lover has had quite the rough day,” he kissed the crown of your head, continuing to say sweet words to cheer you up throughout. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He kept repeating in whispers, he didn’t leave your side even for a second.
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takenbypeter · 9 months
Hii! I just saw Wonka for the first time and I loved it, everything was soo good I’d love to request something. Could I request something with Wonka x fem!(or gn)reader in which reader comforts him after everything goes wrong with his shop? He was so sad and it broke my heart when he said that his mum didn’t show up and everything was just a stupid dream, I wanted to give him a hug so bad. Feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t inspire you ofc, have a great day 💞
I Believe In You
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 658
Love love love this request💖sorry I suck at angst but I hope you still like it 
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None of you could’ve ever predicted what just took place. 
Melted chocolate and burned candies surrounded all around as you stood there in disbelief. 
The crowd that quickly grew to love Wonka’s chocolates turned on them just as quickly. All because of something that wasn’t even his fault. 
You, along with the few others who helped, stood, unsure where to go from here. Noodle ran to Wonka trying her best to motivate him, but Abacus gently encouraged her to give him some time before he left. Then Piper left, and one by one the others followed. 
You stuck close to them, about to take your own departure and leave the chocolatier to his own thinkings, but you stopped in your tracks giving it another thought. You couldn’t just leave him there. It wouldn’t be right. 
So back you walked and you parked yourself beside him. 
You sat there noiseless, as you were unconfident of your next words. What do you say to a man who’s lost so much. 
“Willy this is just a minor setback,” you start. 
“No it’s not. This all is just some stupid dream and it didn’t even work. She didn’t even show up.”
Your brows furrowed together, the crease between them deepening. You know grief is difficult and different for everyone, no one reacts the same way and you knew Willy truly believed his mother would appear. Although you didn’t know Willys mother personally it broke your heart to see him like this. 
“She wouldn’t break a promise,” he whispered more to himself with his eyes downcast. 
You made a little, hm, noise pondering on your next words, “…maybe this wasn’t the time.”
Willy’s eyes finally raise, meeting yours and although they still hold emptiness in them you can spot the tiniest glint of curiosity. 
“Think about it. Things went wrong, horribly wrong. I mean it could not have gone any more wrong,” you said getting louder with every sentence and Willy couldn’t help but spit out a single self deprecating laugh at how true your words were. 
“So maybe this wasn’t the time…we try again and when things are right it will happen,” you say sounding more positive than you expected yourself to be, “she will be there. Maybe not in the way you think, but she’ll be there.”
“And what if she’s not.”
“And what if she is.” You said raising your brow in questioning. He seems to mull your comments over. 
“If not for yourself, do it for Abacus. Do it for Piper; Chucklesworth, Lottie, Noodle…do it for me. You have touched all of our hearts. You make us believe in our own dreams because you’re so passionate about yours. Even if you have to start everything all over again we will be right there starting over with you. So just…don’t give up. Please.”
Willy peers up at you, his expression still disheartened. He knew you meant well and he appreciated you for that. It did help to know he had a group of capable people following behind him. 
Willy loved making chocolate, that is a fact that would never change. The way his chocolate affects people is beyond all imagination. But to start over, especially after he disappointed you all. He wasn’t entirely sure if he could do that again.
You wait patiently as he sits there in thought. “Willy,” your hand rests on his giving it an assuring squeeze. “I will be right here with you.”
Willy finally expresses an appreciative smile while he turns his hand in yours, squeezing it back. 
With his cheeks a bit rosy from either the embarrassment he felt or the warmth of encouragement you gave him, he says, “it’ll take some time.”
You nod, “then it’ll take some time, that’s fine. Whatever you need.”
Willy didn’t know exactly how it would all workout but he could tell you truly believed it to be true and because of that…he started to believe it too. 
Feel free to request more Wonka pics I love this man!!!!!
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 months
How I See You/ 1
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 7k
Includes- Unconfident Yoongi, angst, cheating (don't do this), blow job, deepthroating, pussy eating, cum eating, cock riding, multiple orgasms, physical violence, blood
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @yeosayang @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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I watch Mia at the bar, flirting and smiling with some guy
Then I move my gaze to her boyfriend, Yoongi, who also happens to be my best friend
He's watching her with a sad expression from his seat at the table next to me
And I get so fucking angry
This girl has no idea what she has with Yoongi
He's the sweetest guy who does everything for her
She doesn't have to lift a finger, all she has to do is call him and he'll drop whatever he's doing to get to her or help her fix whatever problem she has
He's always so attentive, knowing when something's wrong with her immediately
He's like that with me too but we've been best friends since we were children so that's not so surprising that he knows me so well
But he got to know her that well too
He treats her like a princess, buying her whatever she wants, whenever she wants, spends an absorbent amount of time with her, cooks for her, does her laundry, takes her wherever she wants to go because she doesn't have a car
He looks like a fuck boy with his many tattoos, his lip ring and eyebrow ring but he's not
He's a one woman kind of guy
He's very shy and sensitive and is passionate in everything he does
He's the perfect boyfriend
And this idiot is hurting him by flirting with another guy
I honestly don't even know why she's looking at another guy when she has Yoongi
He's insanely gorgeous- long black hair he normally keeps in a ponytail, beautiful brown eyes, cute nose, perfect lips
His smile is stunning
He's short for a guy but still tall, is fit and his hands and fingers are a work of art
He is the entire package
And this bitch doesn't see that
I can't count the times I've seen her flirting with other guys and in front of him too
Like he's not there
Then she comes back and acts like nothing happened and he never brings anything up
Just once I'd like to see him confront her but he never will
He doesn't like confrontation and I think he thinks she'll break up with him if he says anything
I don't know what she says or does to him but lately it seems like he lost some confidence
He was never outgoing or braggy and he's even more introverted than normal
I've tried to talk about it with him but he shuts me down, saying everything is fine
I think her flirting is getting to him
Standing up, I make my way over to the bar
Not only is she flirting, she's keeping the rest of us waiting because she was the one going to the bar to get our drinks
I'm killing two birds with one stone
"Excuse me", I say, moving in-between her and the guy
"What are you doing Jo?", she asks and has the audacity to look confused
"We're tired of waiting so I'm getting our drinks", I answer
She blinks, "Oh sorry. I just got to talking to Jae and-"
"Yeah I know", I interrupt, glaring at her then at Jae, "And Yoongi knows too. You know, your boyfriend?"
Jae gets a surprised look on his face as he glances at Mia
"Oh he doesn't care", Mia says, "It's just conversation"
She is so very wrong
"Yeah well you were taking too long and I'm getting the drinks now, so you can go back to Yoongi"
She looks miffed but nods then heads back to the table
I look at Jae who says, "I didn't know she had a boyfriend"
"Fuck off", I snap, then turn to the bar to get the bartenders attention
When the drinks are finally made, I take them to the table
"Thanks Jo", Mia says to me, takes her drink then turns her attention back to my ex and date for tonight, Hongjoong
Hongjoong and I stayed friends after we broke up
When Yoongi asked me to come out with him and Mia, I asked if I could bring someone
No way did I want to be the third wheel
Yoongi said yes, I hit up all my friends and Hongjoong was the only one available
He's always up to go out, especially when he knows he's gonna get fucked at the end of the night
I sip my drink, Mia blatantly flirting with Hongjoong while holding onto Yoongi's hand
Hongjoong, for his part looks unamused and is totally not engaging in her flirting, instead reaching out and putting his arm around me, holding me against him like he's silently telling Mia that he's with me
I lean against him, laying my head on his shoulder but Mia either doesn't notice or doesn't care and just keeps flirting with him
Yoongi is just silently sitting there, his face blank and it enrages me
Mia doesn't know how lucky she is to be with Yoongi
She doesn't know how other girls wished he looked at them the way he looks at her
Notice them the way he notices her
She doesn't know how in love with him some girls are, how some would do anything for him, do anything to be with him
She has that and she doesn't even realize
She's a fucking idiot
And I hate her
"Hey Yoongi", I greet, opening my apartment door for him to come in
He called me earlier asking to hang out and of course I said yes
It's not like I was doing anything anyway
"Hey Jo", he says, coming inside and I instantly know he's upset
Probably about Mia
Closing the door, we walk to the living room section of my studio apartment
"You want food? Drink?", I ask but he shakes his head
I shrug as we sitting on the couch
"Where's Mia? I thought you'd be with her on a Saturday night?"
His face falls
I knew it was because of her
"She's with her friends. They're having a girl's night at a club"
A club?
She went to a club without her boyfriend?
If it was anyone but Mia it wouldn't be a big deal but I know she's going to flirt and dance with other guys and he knows it to
She flirts it in front of Yoongi, I have no doubt she'll amp it up when he's not there
"And you're ok with that?", I ask, not bothering to hide my shock
He needs to realize what she's doing is shitty
"I can't do anything about it Jo. I can't tell her she can't go", he says softly
I mean he can say he's not happy about it, not pretend that everything is fine
"I'm....worried", he says lowly
I raise my eyebrow, surprised he's actually confiding in me
He used to all the time until he got with her
"About what Yoongi?"
"I offered to give her money for drinks at the club but she...she refused. She said she'll just flirt with guys to get them to buy her drinks"
My mouth drops at her fucking audacity
"She said that to you?"
He nods, "I..I'm worried she's going to go too far. I already know she's going to dance with guys"
I'm so pissed off and I can't hold back anymore
"Yoongi why are you putting up with that shit?", I ask, "She blatantly flirts with guys in front of you. She flirted with Hongjoong while holding your hand! Why don't you tell her to cut it out?"
"Because she'll leave me!", he exclaims, tears filling his eyes
I'm not going to lie, I'm surprised at the tears
He never cries
For anything
And he's going to cry over that skank?
"So what Yoongi? You deserve so much better than her!"
He shakes his head, a few tears escaping, "No other woman wants me"
I stare at him in complete disbelief, "What are you talking about?"
Why would he say such a dumbass thing like that?
"Jo, I'm thirty years old. Mia is the only one who has even looked at me as more than a one night stand in years. All women see me as a fuck boy. They sleep with me and then that's all it is. Mia is the only one who stayed. And she's younger than me, she wants to party and have fun. I can understand that"
"Bullshit", I snap
Yeah Mia is younger than us, 25, but not all twenty-five year olds are as disrespectful to their significant others like she is
"It doesn't matter if she's younger Yoongi. Her flirting is disrespectful to you and you shouldn't put up with it", I tell him, "There are other women who will see past your image and want to be with you. Ones who will respect you and treat you so much better"
He scoffs, "Where are they? I don't see anyone. At the bar the other night all the girls were looking at Hongjoong, not me"
I was looking at him but of course he'd never notice me
"The truth is no one wants to be with me long term. They don't want to bother getting to know me. And I get it, I'm shy, I'm introverted, I don't talk much at first. It would take awhile for me to warm up to someone and no one wants to waste their time. I'm lucky Mia wants to be with me"
I honestly can't believe he's saying this
It's so heartbreaking
"You're insane Yoongi", I say softly, "Any woman would be so lucky to have you"
"No they wouldn't", he says sadly
I can't handle him thinking this way about himself
He's just so wrong
"My god Yoongi, you don't know how others see you do you?", I say, "You are literally the entire package. You're so sweet, so loving. So attentive. So giving. You're willing to put your girlfriend first, do anything for her. Help in any way you can. Drop what you're doing and run to her side in seconds. You're so in tune with feelings that you know the instant something is wrong with someone and you try to comfort them. You're passionate in everything you do. You treat her like a queen. And you're absolutely beautiful. Your eyes are so deep and such a pretty brown. Your smile is so freaking amazing, so beautiful, it lights up any room"
I glance over at him to see him staring at me in utter shock
I tear my gaze away, my entire face heating up in embarrassment
But I'm fine with being embarrassed as long as he knows he is the perfect boyfriend
"So I know that other women could see the real you and would want to be with you. Don't sell yourself short"
It's silent for a few seconds and I hope he just changes the subject
"Do...do you really see me like that?", he asks softly
I close my eyes, putting my face in my hands, knowing I just outted myself
"Yeah, I really do", I answer, hoping he drops it now
I really don't know how I'm supposed to look him in the eyes anymore
I feel his hand touch mine, pulling them down from my face
I keep my head down, freaking out on the inside
He lifts my face to his, his brown eyes on mine, a look in them I can't read
The next thing I know, he's closer to me, his lips pressing against mine
My body instantly reacts, fireworks going off in my vision, fire running through my body, my head spinning
My arms wrap around his neck, his around my waist, pulling me closer until I'm against him
Somewhere in the back of my head, I know we shouldn't be doing this, I know that he's cheating on Mia
But I can't stop
He's finally kissing me and I can't stop
His tongue licks my lip and I open for it eagerly, his tongue against mine as soon as it slips in my mouth
I can't get enough of him, wishing I could have his kisses all the time
His fingers slip under the hem of my shirt, touching the skin on my lower back, sparks zipping up my spine
My fingers move into his hair, pulling out his ponytail then tangling in the soft silky strands
We continue kissing, bodies presses against each other and I have never been more content in my life
If all he wants is to kiss, I'll happily do it all night
After awhile, his hands travel up my back, pulling my shirt with it
I let him slide it up, moving my arms from around him to pull through the sleeves then reluctantly moving away from his lips so he can take it off
I look at him as I take his black shirt and move it up his body, waiting for him to tell me to stop
He doesn't, moving his arms through the sleeves too and letting me get it over his head
Throwing the shirt on the floor, I finally look at his body and get turned on even more than I already am
He's perfect
He's fit, no hard muscles cut into him but as soon as I touch his chest, I can feel the muscles, the strength under his smooth inked skin
His entire chest is tattooed, the bright colors swirling on his skin to make a beautiful image
The tattoo continues to his ribs where it tapers off but there is room to add more if he chooses
Spreading my hands I run them along his arms, both heavily tattooed in sleeves, again the colors so vibrant
Moving closer to him, I lay my hands on his back, running up the huge back tattoo he has there as well
As I trail my fingers up his back, his breathing increases and I lean forward, pressing kisses into his neck
He moans softly, the pretty sound making me so wet
He tilts his head slightly back, letting me kiss more of his neck, his skin so soft under my lips
Trailing my kisses down his neck, I keep kissing across his shoulder, his skin trembling
Lifting his arm, I kiss every inch of inked skin I can, trailing my fingers up and down his arm, my lips following in their wake
I can feel his eyes on me as I get to his wrists, kissing along the back of his hand, then on his tattooed fingers
Turning his hand over, I press kisses into his palm, then the tips of each of his fingers
I switch to his other hand, moving my eyes to his as I kiss him, awe swirling in his gaze
I continue my ascent up his other arm, kissing him, showing him that he's wanted
I get back to his neck, his body shivering as I press my lips into his skin
Finally, I press my lips against his and he immediately falls into it, his tongue against mine as his arms wrap around me
It feels so right being in his arms and I can't think about it too much because I know I will never have this again
I gently push him back as we kiss, him laying down and taking me with him, his warm, soft skin against mine
I drag kisses down to his jaw, then press kisses into his neck
Moving lower, I kiss down his body, my fingers following the path my lips made, his skin trembling against my fingers
As I press my lips to his lower stomach, I slide my fingers in his sweatpants waistband, waiting to see if he's going to take them out
When he doesn't, I get braver and push down his sweatpants
He surprises me by lifting his hips up, letting me get the pants completely off, leaving him in just his boxers with a visible tent where his dick is
I'm kinda blown away that I made him hard
But I guess it's because of kissing him
Just a reaction, nothing to make a huge deal about
I lift my gaze to his as I kiss his lower stomach again, slide my hand up his thigh and over his hard on
His breath catches, his brown eyes on mine as I touch him through his boxers
He feels huge and he's rock hard
Taking a chance, I move my lips to his dick, kissing him through the fabric of his boxers
Her groans, his eyes closing and I take that as a cue to keep going
Pulling his boxers down, just enough to free his cock, I stare at it in shock
It is massive, long and thick and so hard, cum leaking from his slit
Without thinking, I wrap my hand around his base and run my tongue over his head, tasting him
He gasps, his eyes opening and on me as my brain tries to comprehend how he can taste so good
Like how?
I've blown guys before and yeah it tastes alright but Yoongi's tastes really good
And I want more
My gaze locks with his as I run my tongue up his length, swirling around his head, licking up more cum
"Should I stop?", I ask
I want to suck his dick so much but I won't if he's uncomfortable
I never want to make him uncomfortable with anything
"No", he whispers
Without answering, I move my mouth around his head, sucking softly
"Fuck", he groans, his legs shaking
I move down his length an inch at a time, sucking long but soft and slow on him
His chest rises and falls rapidly as his breathing quickens, his brown eyes watching me, biting his lower lip
Pushing down more, his head hits my throat and I stop before I gag
I still have a few inches left to take but I need to get used to him first
Slowly, I bob my head, sliding up his cock, then going back down while moving my hands up and down the rest of him I haven't taken yet
"Fuck Jo", he moans, "Fuck, it's so good"
I smile around his dick, bobbing a few more times before I take a bit more of him
I continue to blow him like this, slowly taking more of him every few bobs, tears springing into my eyes the deeper he goes
It takes a little bit but I finally slide him all in my throat without gagging once
I'm proud of myself
I swallow on his huge dick, his moan so loud, his body shaking
Pulling back, I slide back up his length half way, then slowly go back down, feeling him open my throat and I'm surprised at how good that feels
I keep moving, going just slightly faster but still at a slow pace for a blow job
I just want him to feel everything
I want to please him
The next time I slide back down his length, his hips roll up, softly sliding him all the way in my throat
My gaze meets his and I nod, letting him know I'm good with what he's doing
As I move up his cock, he pulls out a little, then we move at the same time, slowly, his hips up, pushing his cock in while I move down taking him in
"Oh god", he whimpers, his hand sliding in my hair, fingers tangling in the strands, holding on
We move together seamlessly, him fucking into my throat gently while I deep throat him, his fingers tightening in my hair
"Baby", he moans, "Baby, so good baby"
His words make me happy that I can make him feel so good
The fact that I'm enjoying this too is just a plus
His whole body shakes as we keep going, his cock twitching in my throat
I'm so fucking excited to taste him again, to swallow his load
I don't know what's wrong with me but I assume I'm being such a slut because it's Yoongi
I doubt I'd be like this with anyone else
"I...I'm... I'm", he chokes out and I nod to let him know it's ok
Sinking down on his cock, his hips move up, his length going in deep
He holds me on his dick as his warm yummy cum spurts down my throat
"Fuck Joanne, oh fuck", he cries as I swallow and suck, eager to get it all as I watch him cum
My god, it's such a beautiful sight
The pleasure on his face makes him look so ethereal
When he finishes, he loosens his grip on my hair, his fingers sliding out, looking dazed as he breathes hard
I move off his dick, making sure I lick his slit for the rest of his cum
Sitting up, I swallow a few more times, the waistband of his boxers slipping back up
He sits up right away, startling me, a look I can't place in his eyes and I hope he's not going to say he regrets what happened
Although he probably will
It's cheating and once he's over the shock he'll probably be upset with himself and me for letting it happen
He doesn't say anything, instead shocking me as his hand moves back in my hair and he pulls me to him, his lips crashing into mine
I don't think, throwing my arms around his neck, kissing him back, my body so hot and electrified
He pulls me into his lap and the next thing I know, he's standing up, carrying me as he walks
He bumps into the walls a few times but no damage is done to either of us as he gets into my room
He sits on my bed with me in his lap, his hands on my back, undoing my bra, his lips never leaving mine
I reluctantly move my arms from his neck so he can get the bra off
His hands are immediately around my boobs, squeezing gently while his fingers play with my nipples
Pleasure zaps down to my already soaked cunt, a small moan escaping against his lips
I feel him smile into the kiss, his arms back around me as he turns us, laying me on the bed
His lips leave mine instead pressing right into my neck, a moan now leaving my mouth
"God, you sound so fucking pretty"
He peppers kisses all over my neck then starts going down to my collarbone and my chest
His hands are on another path, slowly running down my body, setting my skin alight with every touch of his fingers
His mouth moves around my nipple, sucking gently as his hands reach my pants, making my cunt so much more fucking wet, my body arching off the bed
"Yoongi", I cry as a moan comes from him
He switches to my other nipple, his tongue flying over it as he pulls my pants and panties down at the same time
He gets everything off, leaving me completely naked, his lips now travelling down my stomach, feeling so soft, so fucking good
When he gets to my lower stomach, he kisses everywhere as he opens my legs, pulling me down the bed as he kneels on the floor
He kisses lower and lower, the anticipation killing me
His tongue finally licks along my pussy and I let out the loudest pornographic moan I've ever had
Just that one touch has me seeing stars, feeling utterly good
His tongue licks over and over, up and down as he buries his face in my pussy, his tattooed fingers digging into my thighs as he holds me wide open
"So fucking good jagi", he groans, between licks, "So fucking sweet. God fucking damnit I love the way you taste"
My brain malfunctions as his words struggle to penetrate, the pleasure taking over
His tongue slides down, dipping into my hole, both of us moaning lewdly as my pussy clenches his tongue
His tongue leaves my cunt only to slide back in, deeper than before, my hips raising, pushing my cunt into his mouth more
As he tongue fucks my pussy, I plunge my hands in his hair, holding on and grinding my pussy against his face
"Yoongi", I cry, lost in the bliss he's providing
Lost in him
"Yes jagi", he groans, "Say my name baby. Fuck, wanna hear you say my name"
That will not be a problem whatsoever
"Yoongi", I moan, "Fuck baby, that tongue is so fucking good"
"Mmm", he murmurs, sliding up out of my hole and flicking my clit
"Fuck!", I scream, my whole body shaking
"Feels good?", he asks, his beautiful eyes meeting mine
I nod, panting hard
He licks my clit again, running his entire tongue over it, from the back to the tip
And repeats the same movements over and over, driving me insane and throwing me into pleasure I've never known before
Pleasure I know only Yoongi can give me
His mouth wraps around my clit, sucking long and hard, my thighs shaking around his head as I pull his hair and scream
"Yes baby, fuck", I yell, "Don't stop. Yoongi! Fuck!"
"Mm jagi", he murmurs, speeding up how fast he sucks
My entire body is in ecstasy, feeling like I'm going to explode
The next suck sends me head first into an explosive orgasm and I scream his name as ecstasy tsunamis over me
"Yoongi!", I scream, "Yoongi! Yoongi! Yoongi!"
My vision turns white as pleasure wracks my body, Yoongi's talented mouth not stopping
He groans into my clit, the vibrations only adding to the bliss and running up my spine
It's so much, too much, just enough and not enough all at the same time
Yoongi slides his tongue down to my hole as I come down from my orgasm, licking up and moaning about how good I taste
"So sweet. Fuck"
When he's done, he moves on top of me, kissing me softly
Wrapping my arms around his body, I hold him tightly, trailing my fingers up and down his back
I swear I could kiss him forever
As we make out, I feel his dick becoming harder against my leg
Reaching down, I slide my hand in his boxers, wrapping around his semi hard length and move up and down
He breaks the kiss, his forehead against mine as he moans softly
He grows harder and harder in my hand with every stroke, his whimpers so fucking pretty
Increasing my speed, I get him fully hard but I don't stop, intending on making him cum again
His eyes close as his hand moves down, stopping mine and taking it out of his boxers
I'm immediately embarrassed and scolding myself for assuming he wanted more
I'm about to apologize when he murmurs, "I want to be inside you"
My breath hitches, wondering, hoping I heard him right
His eyes open, looking into mine, "Can I be inside you?"
My god, I want that so much
I didn't think he'd actually want sex
I thought oral would have been enough
But he wants more and I'm going to give him whatever he wants
"Yes", I answer, lifting my head and kissing his soft lips while I push his boxers down
He moves off me to get them completely off and when he comes back, I sit up and taking his hand, I pull him down, moving him to his back as I climb in his lap
He doesn't need to do any work tonight
I want to show him how much he's wanted, how worth it he is
I want to make him feel good
Hovering over his cock, I move him to my hole and sink down on him
His body tenses as he whimpers, his cock so fucking big that I have to push down hard just to get the first inch in
He stretches my hole wider than I've ever been stretched before, making my cunt water like a faucet, shivers of pleasure running up my spine
"Fuck, fuck, fuck", I chant as I take one fat inch at a time, my pussy sucking him in, throbbing hard already
"Oh fuck, Jo, oh fuck", he cries, the pleasure on his face so fucking beautiful, his breathing escalating, his hands on my hips, pushing me down on him
He bottoms out with both of us yelling loudly, shivers taking over my body
We're a completely snug fit, no extra room, his head nestled against my spot
I know any rock on his cock will feel amazing
"Oh my fucking god, you're so tight", he groans, his eyes squeezing shut, "How..I can't...so good... Never been in a pussy this tight before. Fuck"
I smile to myself as I lean back on his legs and slide up his cock
His eyes shoot open and look down just as I descend down his length, watching my pussy take him
I stop right before I bottom him out, then surge down hard, letting his fat head crash into my spot, bliss shooting up my body
With that I start bouncing, getting a good pace going, throwing both of us into pleasure
His fingers dig into my hips as I move, his eyes slowly looking up my body, starting from my pussy, all the way up to my face
He bites his lip as he looks and for some reason I don't feel shy at all when normally I would
Yoongi just always made me feel comfortable around him and that hasn't changed because we're naked together
His fingers slide up my body so softly, slowly, his touch making my skin shiver, feeling so good as I bounce on him
Closing my eyes, I revel in his touch, riding him a bit harder, the drag of his cock going in and out of me so fucking incredible
His head hits my spot with every bounce down, spreading me open so wide, so pleasurably
I swear I've never had sex this good before
His hands move around my boobs, squeezing gently, his thumbs running over my nipples, sending pleasure straight down to my cunt
"Yoongi", I whimper, so close
"Cum for me", he whispers and that seals it
Dropping my hips down, I take him all in, moaning his name so loudly as pure ecstasy takes over my body
"Yoongi", I cry, my body shaking on top of him, my cunt clenching him over and over as I cum, his pretty moans reaching my ears
My god this has to be the best orgasm I ever experienced
Of course Yoongi is the one to give it to me
Of course
"Please ride me", he begs as I finish, "I need more"
I nod, leaning on his stomach, resuming my bounces
"Oh fuck", he moans, his head pushing back into the pillow as I take him inside me over and over, making sure I clench down on his cock as I do
He's so fucking big, I can feel every ridge, every fucking inch inside me
I'm so fucking wet, making it easier to take his big cock
As I move on him, I move my hands up his body slowly, reveling in how soft his sweaty skin is under my palms, the beautiful colors of his tattoos swirling together
I wish I could spend an entire night tracing the lines, kissing every tattoo, every part of his body
I wish I could love him like I want to, tell him how much I love him so he knows he's worth everything
So he knows someone wants him more than anything in this world
I can't so I have to settle for showing him this way, knowing he'll never understand how much he means to me
Pushing those thoughts away, I focus on him right now, on making him feel good
Taking his whole cock inside me, I rock on him, throbbing hard, sliding my hand to his cheek, stroking gently
His eyes open and he looks up at me through his wet hair, sweat glistening on his body
He is utterly ethereal
"Fuck Yoongi", I whisper, running my fingers in his hair as I grind on him, "You're so fucking beautiful"
His cheeks immediately blush as he sits up, pulling me right against him, his lips kissing mine
Falling into his kiss, I move my arms around his neck, sliding my fingers in the back of his hair, as I keep rocking my hips
His arm moves around me, holding me against him, our sweat mixing together
His free hand moves between us, his fingers against my clit, rubbing quickly
Pleasure surges through me as I moan in his mouth, grinding on him faster, his tongue pressed against mine
His fingers keep moving as I pulse around his fat cock, his head rubbing my spot
The pleasure is so intense and the next movements send me head first into another blissful orgasm
I kiss him harder, his fingers rubbing me through it as he swallows my moans
When I finish, his arms wrap around me, laying down, taking me with him
He kisses me as his hands slide down my back to my ass, gripping hard
He thrusts up into me, his cock forcing me open, his head hitting my spot so hard, stars blast in my vision from the sheer bliss
He moves faster, fucking into my pussy, going so deep inside me I can feel him in my stomach
Breaking the kiss, he moans loudly as I bury my face in his neck
"Feels so good", he moans, "So fucking good"
I moan into his neck at how utterly good he feels
"Small tight pussy", he murmurs, thrusting harder, his cock completely wrecking me, "So good. So wet for me"
"Mmm, only wet like this for you", I murmur
"Fuck", he groans, pumping faster, the sound of his cock plunging in my wet hole so loud and erotic
"So big Yoongi, fuck your cock is so big. Feels so good"
"Yeah, it's good enough for you?", he asks softly as he pants
"Perfect Yoongi", I tell him, "You're so perfect"
"Fuck", he whimpers, his hips not missing a single stroke as I clench down on his length again and again
His fingers press into my skin so hard I'm sure I'm going to have bruises and I'm more than fine with that
"I...I..where should I....fuck....", he groans
"Inside", I whine
"Are you sure?", he moans, bringing me right there, his cock throbbing so fast inside my pussy
"Yes!", I cry, falling over the edge, a typhoon of ecstasy crashing over me, "Cum inside me Yoongi!"
"Fuck!", he screams, slamming inside, his hot sticky cum exploding inside me, my pussy milking him for everything as we ride the pleasure together
"Joanne, oh fuck", he cries, "Yes, yes fuck"
"Yes Yoongi", I whimper, watching the gorgeous sight of him orgasming as he moans my name
I wish I could see this all the time, he's so fucking beautiful it's stupid
Little by little the pleasure fades, leaving both of us breathless
I slide off him, laying next to him, trying to catch my breath
His eyes are closed, his chest rising, his hair soaked in sweat
He's never looked so good
After a few minutes, his eyes open, he looks over at me and whispers, "Shit"
Dread is filling my body and my heart hurts as I wait for what I know is coming
He sits up and I follow suit, grabbing my blanket and covering myself
Almost like it's armor for what's coming
"We shouldn't have done this", he says softly
I knew it
"I don't cheat. I never cheated. I don't know why I....we shouldn't have"
Tears fill my eyes but I hold them back
I won't cry in front of him, not over sex he regrets
"We should have stopped. After the first kiss we should have stopped"
I just nod slowly, "I'm sorry"
I knew he would regret it
Deep down I knew that
He's all about Mia, he puts up with her flirting, he wants her
I was a mistake
I don't regret it but that's because I'm in love with him
I didn't mean for him to cheat on Mia, it's just...when he kissed me everything left my mind except for him
I wasn't thinking about anything but him, how he felt, wanting to make him feel good
I should of thought and stopped it
Because I rather have not had him at all instead of him regretting being with me
"I need to go", he says, getting up
"Ok", I whisper
I stay rooted in my bed as he gets his boxers on
He leaves my room and I hear him moving in the living room, probably getting dressed
I hear his footsteps then my front door opening and closing
He left
He didn't say goodbye, didn't say anything
Just left
The tears pool in my eyes as I get up
Leaving my room, I lock my front door then go to the bathroom and clean up
I breathe in, trying to calm myself down while I get PJs on
Crawling back into bed, I pull the covers over me as I lay down, holding onto one of my pillows
And I finally break, sobbing into my pillow, the pain of my heart breaking intense
I'm terrified I lost Yoongi completely, lost his friendship
We've been by each other's side since we were kids, I don't know how to be without him
It wasn't worth it if I lose him
I was so happy in the beginning of the night when he kissed me and now I'm miserable
And I wish it never happened
One month later
Parking my car, I get out and head towards Yoongi's house
I haven't heard from him since the night we were together
I tried calling him, tried texting him for a month
I sent apology message after apology message through text and voicemails
Asking if we could talk
Then telling him that we can pretend it didn't happen
Then begging him to just call me back, just send me one message
Just let me know he's ok
This is the last resort
I know I most likely lost him but I need to know for sure
If I have to try to get over him, I need to know for sure that our friendship is over
This is the only way
As I get closer to his door, I hear arguing and a girl's voice yelling but I can't make out what's being said
I'm not sure if it's a real argument or one from a movie or TV show
If it's a real argument with him and Mia, I'll leave
Going up the three stairs to his door, I take a breath, reach out and ring the doorbell
As I wait, I hear the yelling get closer
"...have to be fucking kidding me!"
The door swings open and I'm face to face with Mia, Yoongi coming towards the door behind her
"You", she snarls and the next thing I know pain explodes in my face as my vision swims and my head snaps to the side
My body follows my head and I wobble to the side, my foot flying off the step
I hit the ground, my body tumbling hard down the stairs, my temple smacking and scraping against the last step
Oh god it hurts
"Joanne!", I hear Yoongi yell
"You slept with my boyfriend?", Mia shrieks, her voice painfully going right through my head
I close my eyes for a second, willing the nausea to go away
"You fucking slut!", Mia yells as I slowly sit up, "Do you open your whore legs for anyone? Not only do you fuck your ex, now you want to fuck your best friend too?"
I'm trying so hard to focus on what she's saying but it's hard
It feels like my head is swimming and I'm trying not to throw up
I touch my temple where the pain is and it feels wet
Pulling my hand away, I see red all over my finger tips
I'm bleeding
"Mia, stop"
"Shut up Yoongi!", she yells, "You fucking cheated on me. With that!"
"It was a mistake", I groan out, slowly standing, needing to get the fuck away from here, "He regrets it"
"No I don't", I hear him say
Or I think he said but I'm not sure
My head feels woozy
He probably said something else and I misheard
"But you don't regret it do you?", she snarls
"I uh...", I say, forcing my eyes open, "Uh, no"
"You fucking bitch", she snaps, starting to come towards me
Oh god, I'm gonna get my ass kicked
"Stop it Mia", Yoongi yells, moving in front of her, stopping her, his back to me
I need to leave asap
"You stay the fuck away from him!", she yells, "Don't fucking come near him or I'll kill you!"
I believe her and right now I'm not in any condition to fight
"Do you hear me?", she shouts
"Yes", I answer, backing away as I realize that Yoongi isn't telling her to stop
He isn't arguing with her
He's letting her say these things to me and he...agrees with it
The rest of my heart that was intact completely shatters
I lost him
I turn around, hurrying back to my car, tears falling down my face as Mia continues to scream at me to never come back
She doesn't have to worry
I won't
Yoongi doesn't want me there, doesn't want me in his life so she'll never see me again
Getting in my car, I start it and take off
I need to go home
Not only am I heartbroken, I'm injured, bleeding and I think I may have a concussion
I need to get home so I can fall apart in peace
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hopelessromantic423 · 2 years
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When The Anxiety Is Too Much
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Anxious!Reader
Summary: On a day when your anxiety is getting to you, Bucky comes to the rescue.
Warnings: Mentions of Anxiety. Angst. Fluff. Nickname, buttercup used once.
A/N: Anxiety looks different on everybody, but this is what it feels like to me sometimes. Maybe I’m not the only one, but this was a scenario I created in my silly little brain.
To Bucky, you were sunshine. The second you walked in a room, his day got a little bit better. That's one of the reasons he fell in love with you. Luckily, you had fallen just as hard and were taking the beginning steps at dating. You two had been on about three dates and Bucky was over the moon.
Hey buttercup, wondering if you wanted to get takeout and watch a movie tonight?
Bucky sent the text around 10am, knowing you were awake. He sat with a smile for a few moments and then went into the team meeting scheduled at the time.
Once the meeting had ended, you still had not answered. Which is odd because you usually answered around this time, and you hadn't told him you would be busy. He decided to call. You didn't answer.
He brushed it off. Probably just a miscommunication. His thoughts went wild for one minute thinking of scenarios, but then he took a deep breath and reminded himself you were probably okay.
The entire day he was checking his phone every few minutes to see if you had responded. Then he called about five or more times to see if you were alright. Finally, he decided to check on you.
"(Y/N), it's Bucky."
You opened the door with an anxious look on your face. Like the last thing you wanted to see was Bucky. Bucky scanned your body up and down like it was an ops mission and you came from enemy lines. No blood, no bruises, no clattering from inside the apartment. Normal.
"Hey," Bucky said in a soft tone. His eyes were worried but soft as he smiled at you.
"I'm sorry Buck, it's just- I saw your text, I did. My mind it went into a thousand circles and I couldn't answ-"
You were cut off by your words being muffled by the warmth that was Bucky Barnes embrace. "I'm glad you're okay," he whispered before placing a kiss on your forehead, holding you so tight he was afraid he could hurt you.
You didn't fight back or saying anything, you just reciprocated the hug and shed a few tears on his leather jacket. You forgot how nice it was for someone to care about you like this.
"Can I come in?" Bucky continued his soft tone as he pulled away, which made you feel like a million butterflies were in your stomach.
"Yea, of course," you muttered.
He gave you an assuring soft smile while taking your hand in his and stepping towards the doorframe. He made his entrance and you closed the door behind you. Bucky took a few steps, peeking in your bedroom to make sure there were no intruders.
"You're not in any danger?" He asked in all seriousness. A little line formed in between his eyebrows as he continued his concerned stare.
"I'm safe Buck, really. My mind is what's playing tricks on me."
Bucky took a deep breath and gave you a look that wasn’t pity or sad, it was of understanding. "Do you want to talk about it? We don't have to if you don't-"
"Will you sit with me on the couch?” Your expression was nervous and anxious as you interrupted, like Bucky could walk out the door at any moment if you didn’t say what needed to be said.
Bucky nodded with a soft smile, pacing towards you and grabbing your hand. He lightly tugged you to the couch and led you so that you were sitting on his lap. His left arm protectively wrapped around your waist and the right stayed intertwined with yours.
"I have anxiety," you said matter of factly, with a thin layer of unconfident mixed in. "Sometimes that anxiety makes me push people away, and do things that I usually don't want to do."
Bucky listened intently, his thumb continually brushed lightly against your skin as you spoke timidly. He knew the feeling all too well, he just didn't expect someone so full of sunshine would be able to feel that too.
"Today was pretty bad, I wanted to answer but I got into a spiral and that led to me throwing my phone across the room and not looking at it all day."
"It's okay (Y/N), thank you for telling me," Bucky assured, moving his hand to brush up and down your back.
"There's days where I don't even want to get out of bed," Bucky muttered.
"So, what do I do if today happens again."
"We work on it, but talking to your therapist about this would be a step in the right direction."
"Here," Bucky lightly set you off his lap and stood up. "I want you to lay down."
"Don't get any ideas Barnes," you teased with a smirk.
"Ha ha," he deadpanned and he leaned down to kiss you lightly on the lips before laying down on top of you. Most of his weight was on you, but not enough where you couldn't breath.
"This feels nice," you mumbled as the pressure made your thoughts ten times lighter. Bucky let out a deep chuckled while leaning to grab the television remote.
“How about a movie?” He suggested.
“Perfect,” you hummed while placing your hands in Bucky’s hair to play with the brunette curls.
That’s what you did. The two of you laid together and watched a movie together, which you didn’t expect would be happening only a few hours before. It was nice that someone finally understood you, and that someone could help you through it one step at a time.
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etheries1015 · 10 months
so long story i rewatched corpse bride had a brainrot of it + vil brainrot and i was wondering about a corpse bride au vil x reader (like possibly vil being a corpse/undead groom (idk if i used that word correctly) if that makes sense, and the reader just reciting their wedding vows and accidentally marrying him
tldr: vil x reader corpse bride au where vil is an undead groom request
This was actually kind of fun to write, Lol. I surprised myself with how interesting this was! Thank you for the fun lil' request <3
My (perfect) undead groom
Vil X reader
General warnings: Gender neutral reader, corpse bride au
You stood at the altar to be married off with some...stranger. Riddled with nerves you could not help but become a shaking stuttering mess, after managing to set your soon-to-be mother-in-law on fire and stumbling over your vows, you left in a moment of embarrassment and weakness.
You wandered into the forest, rubbing the engagement ring in your hand with your thumb as you swung your legs back and forth sighing.
"How can I possibly be so stupid," You grumbled to yourself, "Can't even remember just a few silly words? I swear I had them down earlier! why can't I just..."
You took a deep breath with your eyes closed, holding the ring in your hand with a tight grip before exhaling and slowly opening your eyes. With one hand on your chest and the other holding the ring up to the sky, you began to perfectly, clearly, and confidently speak your vows. As you came to the finishing line, you gracefully placed the ring onto a thin branch before your final declaration, and your ultimate life sentence;
"Will you marry me?" A moment of silence, the wind blowing through the leafless trees as you let out a breathless sigh and a pitiful smile with sad eyes. The moment you bent down to retrieve the ring, the branches seemed to come alive as your wrist was suddenly grasped tightly within the brambles, pulling you to the ground. You let out a screech of shock as you pulled your arm roughly back from nature's grasp, falling to the ground. Before you had the chance to get back up, a tall figure was looming over you.
Whoever it was, was incredibly handsome. Strangely, you couldn't really describe how uneasy yet...attracted it made you feel. The man had skin of a blue tint, sunken cheeks, and torn-up wedding attire. One arm was fully shown to be a skeleton, with a portion of his rib bones showing in an opening of his torn tuxedo. Despite this...he was tall, with his blue-tinted skin free from impurities and hair forming his facial features elegantly. His arms were crossed, staring down at your trembling body.
"Hmm," He said, bending over to get a better look at you with a finger up to his chin in thought. With a tilted head, his beautifully decorated yet empty amethyst eyes looked you up and down- you suddenly felt incredibly insecure at the sudden attention.
"Unkempt outfit, unconfident gaze, and the resemblance of a half-priced sack of potatoes," You shook your head and furrowed your eyebrows, flabbergasted at his brazen comments. You opened your mouth to protest before he roughly grabbed your cheeks and turned your head left and right. "However, confident vows, elegant execution, and heartfelt emotions" You felt yourself side-eye awkwardly, feeling this very one-sided conversation further your confusion (and lowkey hurt your ego while inflating it all the same.)
"You could use some work, but.." He removed his skeleton hand from your face to take a look at the ring you had put upon what was a branch only moments before, admiring the way it glittered in the moonlight. The strange man smiled fondly before looking back down at you.
"I do."
"You do what?" You exasperated.
"I will marry you, potato."
You suddenly scrambled to your feet and began to spit out incoherent words of protest- all falling upon deaf ears. The tall, mysterious man grabbed you by your hand and began to lead you into his world.
"I must introduce you to Rook and Epel," He said, turning to you with a handsome smile, "They must know I have finally found myself a spouse. And I need all the help I can get to fix you up to be suitable to be called mine."
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jaydencoolguy · 6 months
George's Color Schemes: A BTTF Analysis
I noticed some symbolism and characterization George has with his different color palettes. Let's see what they are! (Warning: VERY long analysis ahead)
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Twin Pines George (Original 1985) - White, gray, and black (monochrome colors): George's color palette is monochrome to show how, well, monochrome his life is. It shows that his life, and even George himself, is sad, dull, and boring. These colors represent how dispassionate he is. Gray represents how indifferent and modest he is due to him being unable to stand up for himself and letting others walk all over him, seemingly not caring enough. Since George has no confidence, passion, or liveliness, he has no color. His palette reflects how bland and colorless he is.
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1955 George - Blue and gray (+ some white and black): George's palette is similar to his future self in the original timeline, but with a lot of blue added to the mix. Blue represents his shyness, passiveness, and possibly sadness too. The monochrome colors mirror his 1985 TP palette, showing how he pretty much stayed the same throughout his life. However, the blue is there to show he still has some color and passion in him, albeit hidden; he loves writing and sci-fi, and would be willing to stand up for himself/others if pushed to do so. The blue is not very vibrant, but it's there. His palette is calm and mellow, just like he is, which also pushes the passive aspect of his character. The colors are overall not very vibrant, which shows how reclusive and unconfident he is, but the palette isn't boring because he still has a lot of personality in him. TP George practically had all of his liveliness drained, hence his lack of color.
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Lone Pine George (Fixed 1985) - Red, gray, and white (+ a little black): Red is a way more vibrant color, showing George's increase in confidence and passion. He is more successful and lively now. Red is considered to be a fiery and passionate color, which reflects George in the Lone Pine timeline. However, his color scheme still has gray and white to balance it. He still has monochrome colors in his palette, showing that he is, after all the changes, still George. Gray and white show how he is still calm and collected, but with red standing out to show how he's more confident and passionate. Additionally, his palette compliments his 1955 palette, showing how he changed in some ways but is still himself in others. Instead of having his color drained like in the original timeline, his color changed instead, becoming more vibrant!
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The prominent color changes show how George fluctuated throughout the movie, with different colors representing different aspects of his personality. He went from having no passion/confidence (TP), to having some passion/confidence (1955), and finally having a lot of passion/confidence (LP). Even so, there is still some consistency within his character; his kindness and calmness. The consistent colors throughout all three of his palettes are the monochromatic colors, which mellow and balance out the other colors. They represent his consistent calmness and maturity throughout the different versions of George. The monochrome colors are consistent because his calm and collectiveness are. His kind and relaxed nature is an overarching aspect of his character. The different color schemes show that George changed a lot, but he's still himself.
Also, Marty's color schemes primarily consist of orange, red, and blue. His palette is very vibrant and colorful, showing his confidence and passion. The orange and red contrasts/compliments George's blues in 1955, and Lone Pine 1985 George's red matches with Marty because he was the one who helped him gain confidence. There's a lot of meaning when you associate red/orange with confidence. Additionally, the blue in Marty's palette, although not as prominent, matches the blue 1955 George has!
Thanks for reading! I enjoy analyzing details like this in Back to the Future, despite how small they are. It just goes to show how there's so much to think about once you look closer. I hope you enjoy this analysis, feel free to add onto this post too!
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carmesi-butterfly · 8 months
hii love ur work! how would gunwook act with an insecure chubby reader? sfw ofc
gunwook with an insecure chubby reader
park gunwook + gn chubby reader. word count 487. warnings topics as insecurities and low self-esteem. not proofread.
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you can't even imagine the amount of pain he feels every time you say something hurtful about your body, of course, you try to not say that kind of stuff aloud but sometimes one comment slips out your mouth…
he always tries to make you love and accept yourself the way you look, and also encourages you to try to change healthily if that's what you want but never forget about the love and acceptance!! that's the most important thing and it's going to work with you every day reminding you that you're loved the way you are <3
gunwook’s hands would be all over your body and face all day if the situation allows it, squishing your cheeks (softly of course) and tugging you into strong hugs, this can be a problem generator and a problem-solving at the same time.
problem generator: you don't want his hands over you, you don't want to sit on his lap or him to carry you piggyback (over all the stuff he wants to do) because it makes you feel insecure :(
“my weight is too much for him to carry”, “he would feel my belly, i don't want that”, and “why is he dating someone who looks like this?” were the kinds of questions that circled your mind in these situations, a pile of the worst thoughts about yourself unlocked in your mind making you fall into a spiral of more unconfident ideas.
problem-solving: gunwook is not an idiot and he can notice pretty easily when you're having trouble with your image, just the look on your face and the way you act is enough for him to understand.
therefore he resorts to the method he knows is gonna work, cuddles :D he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable by touching the specific zones you're conflicted with at the moment, so a hug to start always goes well.
these types of moments that lead to profound conversations tend to happen more usually than he wishes to, not because he's tired or “done with the topic” but because he doesn't want you to feel sad about your looks anymore :(
gunwook knows his words and acts are not enough and that you have to do the hard work by treating to eliminate slowly your self-esteem problems, but at the same time can't stop thinking about how it would be easier for you if you had the opportunity to see yourself with his eyes, the opportunity to admire yourself and all of your qualities and attributes that made you the one for him ♡
in the end, it can be a slow way to reach the self-love and respect you need and want to have for yourself, but don't worry! gunwook is always going to be with you in your complicated moments.
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tteokdoroki · 7 months
Ok you said you wanted ideas for one-shots, so hear me out... (sorry this is really long, I'm bad at keeping my ideas short 💀)
Reader and Jock BF!Yuji have been together for a while but def not more than like a year. Yuji wants to be more intimate with Reader but every time he tries, they always change the subject or make a joke etc. He's fine with it at first but over time, the more it happens, poor bb starts getting all up in his head about it, thinking Reader doesn't wanna get closer to him or doesn't trust him or maybe even isn't as serious about him as he is about them (though he feels awful for that thought even crossing his mind). He tries again one day only to be met with the same response and because of all the anxiety over it, he asks what's up, only for it to come out more combative than he wanted.
You said you were thinking of arguments so this could possibly lead into an argument or it could lead into Reader being startled at how mad he seemed to have gotten. Either way— yadda yadda, angst right? Yeah. 💀 But then Reader tells him that they've just never been physically intimate with someone before. Maybe Reader is just a shy person or is unconfident or something, either way soft apologies happen and this could lead into Yuji waiting for Reader's sake ORRRRR (the better option /j) it could be that they do a whole sweet, soft, lowkey apology based, first time right then and there.
Idk this is so long and might be ooc I apologize SJFBZK I don't even know if you specifically meant sex when you said "first times" but here this is either way I guess 💀💀 Feel free to elaborate if you wanna and sorry if this isn't want you had in mind. Tbh I just want super soft lovey sex with that man. I literally would stfu and never ask for anything AGAIN 😫😫
FIRSTLY!! DONT STFU!! i love hearing people’s takes and headcanons on jock bf yuuji n weird reader !! it makes me happy n it’s super fun to chat wit you!! :3
also omg… this is so on point !! i think yuuji would be sad that you don’t wanna be intimate but also doesn’t wanna pressure you so when he’s finally had enough he sort of snaps :( it would definitely lead to like a nice healthy discussion of yuuji reassuring you and saying he’ll wait but also… soft first time with constant praise and consent checks with a big jock man? I WILL SCREAM
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digitalstardust · 2 years
TFP Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee and Arcee with a human s/o that likes to sing
Hi everyone! I know that I said I would post Part 2 of Wildest Dreams this week, but I'm not sure when I would finish it since I have a TON of work to finish, so I'll see do I get around to finish it at all.
There are a couple of songs that I will mention and the links' below! There are some in Chinese and Korean, so if you want the translation you can search it up or ask me for them :)
Notes: Fluff, fluff, gender neutral reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus has a pretty nice voice so I would say he used to sing before the war.
He was relatively shocked to find out that you sang too.
He found out one day when you and the humans were having fun and goofing around. Miko was trying to sing a song in Mandarin and the kids were covering their ears due to the limited Mandarin words she could speak.
You took that as a chance and took over for her, not missing a single word and reaching every high note.
That left them speechless and left you with a very red face.
After that, he would silently with you would sing all the time.
You can't blame him, honestly, since he has a love for music too.
I think the music on Cybertron is quite different from Earth, so he would love to listen to you sing.
He doesn't care if you sing well or not, he just loves your voice.
His favorite song would probably be 'Something just like this' because it somewhat reminds him of the life he had when he was a clerk in the Iacon Hall of Records.
He would probably ask you to sing for him when he's feeling down.
He would also sing for you when you don't feel well or is feeling sad, and honestly that man has the voice of a god.
You are the only one he sings to, so don't abuse that privilege.
"I've been reading tales of old, the legends and the myths..."
This man... He is the complete opposite of Optimus Prime.
He would pretend he hates your singing because it 'disturbs him' but he actually looks forward to listening to your voice.
He discovered that you loved to sing when he heard you singing when working one day.
He grumbled and asked if you could stop because it was disrupting his work and when you didn't stop, he went over to see what was going on.
It turns out you had headphones in and couldn't hear him, still singing to whatever song you were singing to.
He secretly enjoyed your singing and was somewhat disappointed when you stopped.
But of course he said 'Thank Primus' or something along those lines.
He would pretend to hate your voice so much that you actually believed it and stopped singing.
Once he saw you crying in one of the vents (how did you get there?) and was surprised when you said you were crying because of how unconfident you felt whenever you sang.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that he was the reason you felt unconfident.
He immediately apologized and reassured you that you have a beautiful singing voice.
Honestly... That's just the way he is. A pretty nice guy pretending to be a jerk for some reason.
He hates to admit that he wants to hear you sing, but you usually know what he wants and sings for him.
His favorite song would be '白月光与朱砂痣', because it's the song you sang when he first discovered your beautiful voice. Even though he doesn't completely understand the lyrics, it sounds peaceful and soothing.
"白月光在照耀 你才想起她���好..."
This boy is the most supporting boyfriend anyone could ever have. You are lucky to have him. Do not break his heart or you would be seeing me tonight.
He's young. Like really young. He was born into the war so he has little time where he could actually let loose and be a child, despite him always acting like one.
He has this certain pressure on him to be mature and a warrior, so he has never had a peaceful life.
He loves music on Earth, especially hype music. He would be the type that hates classical music since it's too boring.
A Kpop fan. A huge one. He would be listening to Kpop 24/7, and I'd say that his favorite band is Stray Kids (because who doesn't love them)
He would be the type that doesn't go out of his way to learn a song or a certain dance but just jumps to the rhythm and hums to the music.
He discovered your singing voice when you were singing to a tune under your breath when you heard the song coming from his speakers.
Needless to say he asked you to sing it again and again.
He would watch all the MVs and try to dance along (and breaking stuff in the process)
His favorite song would be 'Zoo', indefinitely. He loves the beat and the rhythm, and it makes him feel alive. It makes him want to jump up and dance, so it would be a bad choice for music when he's driving.
"Head to toe, cool like a lion, CEO, boss like a bison..."
I feel like she wouldn't like songs that are too noisy because they actually disturb her (unlike a certain person mentioned above) but she wouldn't like songs that are way too quiet.
She would listen to classical music when trying to focus or work, but overall she would like to listen to songs that aren't too boring but aren't too hype.
I think she would be a great singer but decides not to because she needs to focus on whatever she's doing, same when she was back on Cybertron.
If she's a good singer, then she would be an even better dancer.
She's really agile and quick on her feet (unlike me lmao) and she could hear the beat in music 10 times faster than anyone else and can come up with dances for every song.
She used to be a dance teacher as a part-time back at Cybertron and was good at it. Why do you think she can do cartwheels, backflips and splits without a second thought? She was either a gymnast or dancer and I'm saying dancer.
She would somewhat be like Ratchet, not going to admit she loves your voice but not going to say she hates it too.
She discovered your love for singing when Miko was learning a new song to dance and sing to when you popped in.
Since she was Japanese, it was a bit hard for her to learn something in Korean, despite them being similar (I'm saying this because I have that difficulty too, but for those that don't have this problem correct me pls).
You popped in and taught her how to pronounce the words correctly and proceeding to sing the song yourself.
She was pleasantly surprised, to say the least.
I think her favorite song would be Chandelier by Sia, because it sounds really nice and she just loves the song for some reason.
I might make a second part with the rest of Team Prime or the Decepticons, but we'll see. I was going to make a full Team Prime for this one, but I didn't have enough time.
Songs are below:
Something Just Like This (Optimus):
白月光与朱砂痣 (Ratchet):
Zoo (Bumblebee):
Chandelier (Arcee):
This wasn't good, I know but it was an idea I had and I wanted to finish it before I lost motivation :(
See you next week!
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whiteruncat · 7 months
I hope Netflix never gets ahold of another person’s artwork in attempt of a LA like they did with ATLA. If you can’t fully honor someone’s art and respect their ideas then don’t bother with a LA. It’s the most legal form of stealing artwork and creativity. It’s just cruel. And it’s so agitating to see the people saying “Well they tried” “They did their best” “You have to consider” Netflix should have been the ones to consider that maybe they should never have took on something they couldn’t do correctly. They have disrespected so many characters.
* Netflix took out sexism only to throw is back in! Yeah Sokka was sexist but the level of audacity to make the mighty Kyoshi Warrior Suki just another romantic interest is shameful.
* What happened to Katara saving a village of earthbenders? Katara started out strong and only got stronger by walking boldly with compassion, love, and the strength to help those around her.
* Let’s not forget about Bato & Hakoda. They are honorable and respected warriors of the Southern Water Tribe. Neither of them would let Sokka pass his ice dodging test if he failed it. They both love Sokka and respect Sokka too much to lie to him. Sokka passed his ice dodging test btw with Katara, Aang, and Bato.
* Ozai’s attitude towards Azula doesn’t make sense at all. Ozai basks in the glory of being a powerful firebender. His identity is firebending. Ozai married Ursa so his children would be powerful firebenders. Ozai wanted to kill baby Zuko because he wasn’t a powerful firebender. Ozai almost killed Zuko again after he rudely asked for the thrown and was told to sacrifice his son. Azula is Ozai’s pride and joy. She’s the firebending prodigy that’s perfect. Azula has never had to worry about whether her father loves her because Ozai has always favored Azula.
* Just me thing but I think Ozai was way scarier without a face. Only knowing him as Zuko’s father that burned his eye was like wow this dude is evil. Then the season 1 ending with Azula was an ominous beginning for them both.
* It’s kind of sad seeing Sokka so unconfident as a warrior. Sokka is a genius and he’s a warrior. He saw through Jet and saved a village. He played airball with Aang to cheer him up at the Southern Air Temple. Sokka helped trick the Sages to open the door for Aang to meet Roku. Sokka also got covered in snot when he first met Appa.
* Pakku didn’t find Katara’s necklace on the ground and I can’t believe they’re going to just write off Gramp Gramp like that. Why doesn’t Aang ever learn waterbending? Like the first season/book is called water and he is supposed to go the North Pole to learn waterbending. He doesn’t even know any waterbending by the end of the first season. You wrote out Iroh hitting on June but you wrote in June hitting on Iroh. Seriously?? Is Smellerbee the only girl in this LA that’s correctly done right? The Cave of Two Lovers isn’t even in season one!! It’s in season two.
* Bumi was done dirty. Aang, Katara, and Sokka got arrested for being goofy kids and destroying cabbages. Bumi came off as this mad king that was giving Aang three deadly challenges. Each one Aang had to think differently to solve. At the end when Aang realized the king was Bumi they laughed together and reminisced. Bumi set it up to show Aang that he would have to face many difficulties ahead as the avatar. He had no hard feelings towards Aang once. Bumi was so hateful in the LA towards Aang he acted like he flat out just wanted to hurt Aang.
* Aang is another big one obviously. He’s a kid and that’s just how he acts. Aang also chose to runaway. He was almost alone once he learned about being the avatar. His friends didn’t play the way they used to. And his best friend Gyatsu was all he had. When Aang heard they were going to take him away from Gyatsu he ran away because he knew that he would be alone. Being avatar wasn’t so much seen as a heavy responsibility at the time to a kid like Aang but it was the cause of his loneliness and he resented the title. Learning the abilities that followed were cool to Aang because he wasn’t alone and had new friends. LA Aang acts so serious and mature when Aang is serious-ly not mature at all.
I have to congratulate Netflix on one thing though. I hated the LA so much it made me miss the animated ATLA so I went out to the store and bought the animated set. Rewatching it is reliving the best days of my life.
I don’t blame any actors in the LA. I truly think they all did the best with what Netflix gave them. It’s not easy to act with bad script. 10/10 would have loved to have seen them in a good LA of ATLA made by the creators.
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runawaymun · 6 months
Something I want to talk about for a second is the quickness with which people are trying to call out "AI art" here. I've already seen one artist (who has proven their process) get run off of Tumblr because so many people were quick to accuse them of posting AI generated images.
undefined or wonky hands are not always an indicator of an AI generated image. AI is getting better at generating images that have less wonky hands. Some artists are simply unpracticed with hands and that doesn't mean that they're using AI! What you're looking for here is fingers bent at unnatural angles, or extra fingers, if you are looking at the hands -- not simply undefined hands.
Sometimes artists blend out their edges because they're unconfident in their work. Sometimes that's just their style. A lot of artists have a style that resembles the stuff AI is putting out because, again, computer programs are being fed real artist's work. So of course some artists might ping your AI art radar even though that's absolutely their work.
So, if a person is posting their own art (it's not a repost from another site), I just would like to ask that people slow down before they start trying to call it out as AI. Are the hands actually wonky or is the artist just not good at making hands? Are the edges undefined in the way that AI art is actually undefined, or is the artist just unconfident? Are there mistakes or less rendered areas because it's a human artist who can make mistakes, or is it AI art?
There are some true hallmarks of computer generated images, but please slow down and be cautious of calling out an individual artist. You can politely go into their inbox and ask them to show their process, like -- "hey, just curious, would you mind posting a video of your process maybe, or some sketches? This looks a bit like AI art but I don't want to assume anything" -- or something like that. Any real artist (might be slightly offended) but they will still be able to produce sketches or videos of their process if you ask. An AI "artist" or reposter will refuse.
Idk I just have already seen an artist run off the platform, and it makes me sad. Please remember to slow down, and be thoughtful and kind. AI art is bad, but it's harming artists in more ways than one here.
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love-takes-work · 5 months
Hi, I started wondering something about SU and wanted to get some other perspectives:
Do you think Steven would have been able to fix the crack in the geode in "House Guest" if Greg hadn't lied about his leg being healed?
It's really hard to say. Steven's healing powers in the show don't have a lot of consistency to them.
On the one hand, it's obvious his emotions and confidence and state of mind have a lot to do with how and whether he can access his powers.
But on the other hand, the healing powers don't seem to always obey the precedents. Steven's first known use of healing powers was an accident that developed while he was feeling low and rejected and hopeless (specifically about his powers): He "healed" Connie while being super sad that he hadn't been able to heal Amethyst. So that seems like an awfully weird time for his healing powers to START working if they depended on him believing he could do it.
(I also think it's kinda weird that "healing" Connie was presented as adjusting her eyesight to typical vision settings. That wasn't a wound or an illness. It makes me wonder if Steven's spit would "heal" other things that were nonstandard but not wounds, like closing up people's pierced ears or whatever. But we never saw anything like that before.)
So the healing powers seem to be a passive thing; if Steven puts his spit on something, it heals. He doesn't necessarily need to be thinking about or doing anything. There were several times when he tried to use his healing powers and nothing happened, so I guess we can conclude it's some kind of substance or energy that either is or isn't being produced in his spit--and when it's not there, it's not there, regardless of how he feels. If Rose's fountain can heal even without her being there, that means her healing tears worked the same way.
I'm guessing he suddenly stopped being able to heal when his dad made him think he hadn't succeeded at it for a reason, but I feel like his "you can't do it, therefore you're not useful to the team" feeling was VERY similar to how he was feeling when his healing powers FIRST manifested. So I'm not sure why feeling low and unconfident didn't affect his powers the first time but the second time the same feeling deleted them from his arsenal for over 60 episodes. (And since the first thing he healed--also accidentally--when his powers came back was a teddy bear, we know it doesn't have anything to do with whether the intended healing subject is alive.)
I feel like the healing powers in particular aren't written with a lot of consistency, but I think that contributes to the overall understanding of Steven. He IS inconsistent! He's growing up with a lot of unknowns, so it makes sense that at least one of his abilities would be sort of fickle.
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angwlhr3t · 6 months
How to be a bad bitch ˚₊‧ guide ‧₊˚
no borax, no glue <3
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Hey babes.. have you been feeling down lately? not yourself?? unconfident???? Lucky for you I have a step by step guide on how to gain your confidence back ..
so prepare yourself a snack, get comfy, and read on ~ 🩷
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so ur feeling sad over what others have been saying? why girl?? you are a literal QUEEN
now, we have ALL had that one girl or group of girls that are complete bitches for no reason at all.. wondering why ?
first you need to realize a few things .. NEVER waste your time on people that are lower then u, they just want to see you sad.. and guess what. you are doing exactly. what. they. want. 90% of the time we get upset over other peoples actions or words.. just think.. "are they really worth my time"..? now if a bitch is talking bad about you behind your back just know.. she is intimidated by you girl. you have beauty and confidence that she dreams of. theres a reason shes talking behind your back. Another thing, if another girl calls you ugly.. she is insecure and you are NOT ugly just think .. has she ever called u ugly or made fun of you for something and then turned around and did the same thing? yup that's a jealous bitch for ya.. she is completely jealous of you!! take everthing she says like a grain of salt because that bitch just wants to see you down!! you have something she doesn't which intimidates her!! and remember, you will always be ahead of that girl. nobody can replace the original.
think of it like like shein and their lulu dupes.. sure they get the job done for a little while.. but after a few washes they are run down and good for nothing!! you are worth way more than a jealous bitch trust me.
there is a HUGE difference between a bad bitch. and a bitch.
you can be a bad bitch without being rude.. and I'ma tell you how!!
okay so in the last section we talked about how to keep your confidence going even though there are people trying to let you down. first off It's good to have confidence but that cocky attitude where you think you are better than everybody is not at all. even if you think you are better than everybody you don't have to put others down to gain your confidence.. karma is 100% real and the energy that you reflect on others will come back and bite you in the ass and that's a fact..
thats another reason why you shouldnt get involved in school drama because it's honestly pointless. always be kind to people even if you don't really like them..
also something I have been struggling with personally and may help u is that not everybody has the same views as you.. nobody is the same and people view things differently than you almost always.. so always be open to others opinions because you can learn a lot and gain some listening skills
okay so just about every girl loves anything beauty..
so heres some tips and ideas for u <33
hair: okay so for hair I wouldn't wash my hair everyday because it can strip your hair of its natural oils.. I highly recommend hair masks. they are absolutely amazing .. expecially the natural ones !! you can always look on Pinterest for recipes on what you are trying to fix and they almost always work or help.
(for example- hair mask for split ends)
now I live by this.. silk pillow cases.. they are amazing and super beneficial to the skin and hair so are scalp scrubbers!! scalp scrubbers help get rid of dandruff and build up. AND even if you don't have dandruff or buildup they can help get healthy hair !!
makeup: if you are looking to switch up your makeup routine or try something new don't be scared !! try something new on the weekend to see if you like it first!
if you struggle with eyeliner don't give up! use an angled brush and brown eyeshadow instead of liquid eyeliner.. it is so much easier to use and saves so much time.
lips are important girl ! you want your lips to stand out so find your own lip combo that suits u!! aquaphor or Vaseline helps tons with blending out your lip liner.
my opinion but I think everybody looks good with blush on their nose and a little tiny bit of highlighter. it tops the look off and it doesn't leave your nose looking so dull. Also if you havent you should try layering mascaras ! putting on more than one mascara can create a fuller and prettier look. Always remember that makeup is to enhance your features not cover them.. your unique features are what makes you, you !
pinterest is the perfect place to look for makeup inspo.. try something new you might like it <33
skincare: everybodys skin is different.. so never follow just anybody's skincare routine because they have a different skin type than u. what works on their skin might not work on yours.. so be careful what you use and do your research before anything.
Natural ingredients are the best thing for your skin. they are packed with good oils that feed your skin into looking healthy and glowy !
if u want a sharp jawline or to reduce swelling in your face get a gua sha! or you could look up on Pinterest face massages that help with a better jawline they work almost the same. so you want to find a essential oil that targets what you are wanting to fix.
heres some examples <33
oils ᡣ𐭩
avocado oil - helps with preventing signs of premature aging skin, like dark spots
tea tree oil - (used best for acne)
jojoba oil - helps with smooth dry skin, prevent flakiness, and improve skin elasticity
argan oil - helps reduce the appearance of spots, acne scars, dark spots and pigmentation, and dark circles under the eyes.
after you have found the oil for you put a small amount all over your face and massage it In. There is a correct way to use a gua sha so I would look up a YouTube tutorial on how to use it.
Acne is a whole other story.. there are different kinds of acne and not every kind of acne can be treated with the same thing.
but remember acne doesn't make you ugly <3 almost everybody goes through it and it will not last forever.
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<3 love -angwl
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brainrots over my own oc bc i miss her
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but there's something about yingyue that makes me so sad and love her so deeply. she's something of a story about generational trauma, as is a well-used and effectively tragic trope throughout the xianzhou's history, and i love using her to explore the possibilities of "birth" defects present in vidyadhara, and not just the genetic ones that cause rapid aging or dwarfism -- there are identified cases of things going wrong within the egg due to the past life, and I'd very much like to explore that more with her.
while i've noted that the damage and pain from the sedition on meiyu's life has had a lasting impact on yingyue and left her meek and timid, that's not the only reason. with the way the preceptors are, anyone who was close to dan feng in a past life would naturally end up watched very closely, especially with a bond like hers. that kind of external pressure absolutely destroyed yingyue's confidence.. but i wonder if her emotional attachment to bailu is not as strong as meiyu's was to dan feng, since the dragon heart was split in two. while meiyu was perfectly content to serve as dan feng's attendant, yingyue has a little more freedom, so to speak -- freedom she has no idea what to do with. as a result, she feels lost and even more unconfident, and sticks to what is familiar: bailu.
but what i'd love to write for her is a journey in which she can learn to be more comfortable with that freedom, maybe even find a different calling, and from that, gain new confidence and learn to like herself.
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mecchantheotaku · 8 months
Since I already made a post on the Voices when they're sick, how about a post on the Voices when others are sick and they have to look after them?
Totally not coping
Hero: Despite being awful at looking after himself, he's great at looking after others. He makes sure whoever he's looking after is cared for in the best way possible and comforted throughout their illness.
Broken: He's basically already mourning whoever he has to look after, too unconfident in himself to even will himself to try and look after them. This does, however, motivate the sick person to start looking after themself.
Cheated: He'll look after the sick person but WILL complain all the way. However, he doesn't do it out of ill will towards the sick person and actually cares a lot. He's just very vocal whenever he's annoyed by anything.
Cold: Puts in the absolute bare minimum. Absolutely terrible at looking after others. You feel bad for anyone that's stuck with him when they're sick. He doesn't really care for things like illness much anyway and just suggests to sleep it off like he does.
Contrarian: His attempts of taking care of people's needs are... well... he tries. However, he goes by "laughter is the best medicine" and will attempt to cheer the sick person up no matter what. It's kind of sad when he fails...
Hunted: Hunted cares a bit too much. He is not leaving the sick person alone for a second. He won't allow anyone else near them except under specific circumstances. He's always either fetching what the person needs or comforting them through their illness protectively. And he's always on the lookout for potential threats.
Opportunist: He doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to looking after someone who's sick but attempts to hide that via constant reassurance. But that constant reassurance actually has the opposite effect and usually makes the sick person scared. He's just in general a disaster in this situation.
Paranoid: Oh God, he's even worse. To say he overdoes it would be an understatement. He fusses over medicine too much, he worries about it potentially being worse than it actually is, he checks their temperature way too often, and more often than not, he ends up getting sick himself by the end of it from the sheer stress. Poor guy.
Skeptic: He focuses more on helping the sick person get better than comforting them, outright admitting he's not the best at that due to his cynical mindset. He keeps a calm and rational head as he gives them their medicine and brings them what they need.
Smitten: The exact opposite of Skeptic. He's bad at actually treating illness (again, something he admits to), but he will do his best to make the sick person as comfortable as possible. Especially if the sick person is his beloved. He's very good at it, too.
Stubborn: Stubborn is passionate about helping the sick person get better. A bit too passionate, as he tends to go for rather brutal and extreme methods, like having them sweat out a fever by making them eat spicy soup. Usually, he ends up making it worse without even realising. He doesn't seem to understand that not everyone is built like him.
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