#but Nicole is of course also an icon and THE moment
museenkuss · 1 year
A little reminder that Isa Welly is doing a 10 days Pilates challenge for beginners! If you’re interested in trying Pilates or want to just get motivated and held accountable for 10 days, this might be a fun idea :) It’s free, you sign up for little 20 minute workout links into your inbox and it started today (Monday, 4th September). You can still sign up!
Here’s the video that explains the challenge :)
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billythesimp · 2 months
His Starlight
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...
I was requested for write more Billy headcanons with a fem!s/o so here's some short snippets. So thank you for the request! I'll be opening requests after I finish another piece so letting you all know ahead.
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙
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⋈ Billy makes some strange decisions at time, either cuz he’s trying to be cheap in order to save more, or he’s just not thinking straight and makes an impromptu purchase. As his s/o, you’re able to reel him in and help him make smarter decisions that’ll leave him so grateful that you care as much to aid him. Of course, this doesn’t count when he decides to splurge on you, because his girlfriend deserves only the best.
⋈ The girls in the Cunning Hares have at least met you a couple times before, after all they do care for Billy so only want to know who his new girlfriend is. That being said, Nicole is probably the one who can see the benefits of keeping you around, only to drop them once she sees just how much you adore their android friend that they��ve started noticing changes in him that are for the better. He still is goofy and oftentimes causing a ruckus with the others, but he’s become more thoughtful and acknowledges when things are going wrong or when they need to make a decisive decision in their work or expenses. Nicole doesn’t mind having you come around often, as long as you don’t become another mouth to feed. 
⋈ Best part of having such a cute girlfriend is being able to binge watch movies together and go out on dates. His favorites being the ones where they explore Lumina Square and stop to take photos. Of course, he loves doing the iconic poses from his favorite shows and movies, impersonating the actors to the point that it embarrasses you but he does it in a loving matter. But he also loves taking photos of you, drinking coffee at the Tin man’s shop, fawning over the shop bangboos, or even experimenting with the makeup in the salon there. He has a whole file saved of his favorite moments from your dates. 
⋈ Of course, dating Billy has its cons. For one he is usually cold to the touch because he’s made of metal and need to have his joints lubricated. But no worries, he does his best to maintain himself and makes subtle changes that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. Like buying a heating module to help increase his body heat, though the dealer he bought it from was kinda sketchy and now he overheats too quickly just from seeing your cute face. And when it comes to lubrates, he gets only the finest of lubes to help him move to the best of his ability. A little too well as you’ll have him turning head at record speed when you call him. Maybe even trip over his own feet trying to catch up to you. 
⋈ Billy can be a fool but he’s your fool. He loves and cherishes every day he gets to spend with you; And whenever he’s in a pinch, down in the hollows completing the hardest of commissions all for the sake of getting by with the Cunning Hares, he can only think of how you’ll be waiting for him on the outside. Ready to give him the biggest hug and rewatch Oh~ Sweetie where now he no longer finds joy in admiring the main actress as you shine brighter than any other starlight knight.
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disregardcanon · 1 year
yellowjackets full names i made up on my drive today
Shauna Elise Shipman- already had this one. I just like it idk what to tell y'all. elise sounds pretty with shauna
Jacqueline Kennedy Taylor- i'm sorry, but with jackie's parents? she was clearly named for jackie kennedy and i feel like they WOULD go that far.
Laura Lee- she doesn't have a middle name. her parents just gave her a first and last so that when she gets married to a man she can be Laura Lee Husband's-Last-Name.
Natalie Antonia Scatorccio- i don't remember which fic it was that used this one for "something catholic" but i love it. very pretty will keep
Misty Ann Quigley- it just feels like something that would be RIGHT for misty. something very generic that doesn't quite fit but isn't bad.
Vanessa Irene Palmer- I like the sound of it and i do feel like when van was born her mom would have been the type to think "VIP" as initials is really funny.
Taissa Nadine Turner- this one was also chosen for the initials because i feel like taivan both having that is cute. tai's initials are TNT and Nadine both sounds good with with other two and means "hope" which i feel like would fit with both her parents' dreams for her and taissa's personality. the girl just keeps going
Benjamin David Scott- i like the sound of it and it would be fun for his middle name to match a queer icon: david bowie
Akilah Nicole King- nicole means victory, which i think would be tragic with akilah who's trying so hard to keep going but we know won't make it. and king just sounds really good with akilah AND is a common name across the board
Mari Gabriella Flores- middle name is from the angel gabriel that declared to mary that she was gonna have a baby because mari "i hope that shauna doesn't die" being named after gabriel is PEAK comedy to me. also flores is one of my favorite hispanic last names and i want to give her flowers. on account of the pit
Genesis Stevie Kondo- okay look, i know a person named after genesis the band and the idea of gen being named after genesis the band AND stevie nicks is entertaining to me. also marie kondo and getting rid of stuff with care and kindness and poor gen is getting thrown out of the cast by being killed. do you see my Vision TM
Melissa Jean Collins- common middle name and last name that i thought worked well with hers
Kristin Cassandra Megat- i made this name up for god honoring cannibalism and i'm very fond of it for crystal <3
Charlotte Elizabeth Matthews- of course mr. matthews would give lottie both an incredibly bland and aristocratic sounding name. middle name comes from both elizabeth ii and it just sounding fancy
Travis Rosario Martinez- i know that rosario skews female, but it IS gender neutral still. and let me tell you, travis One of the Girls TM, virginity was jealousy guarded and then he was punished for having lost it being named partially after a famous devotion to the VIRGIN mary. i like the themes
Javier Alejandro Martinez- alejandro is very pretty, means warrior which is a sad sort of ironic, and then his initials are jam which makes me giggle
Jeffrey Lee Sadecki- lee is very common, very short, and could facilitate some funny moments with small callie where she mishears jeffrey as jeff lee or jeffrey as jeff free. and thinks her dad's name is either jeff lee sadecki or jeff free sadecki
Jacqueline Elise Sadecki- ha. ha ha. hahAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Simone Jada Abara- jada means wise, which is a trait i would associate with simone, and it also sounds good in there.
Samuel Isaac Abara-Turner- i am worried about sammy tonight in this chili's so i am giving him the worst curse i can on a christian child: naming him isaac after abraham's issac. i make things worse on purpose :)
Walter Ichabod Tattersall- he has no glory because he's just a weird little guy and i like that about him :)
Kevyn Ringo Tan- i am cursing kevyn with not only the y he already has but his parents being this type of beatles fan. idk i feel like someone using a y for kevin in the late seventies would be the kind of person to name their kid after ringo starr
Lisa Marie Hawthorne- giving lisa a very common middle name and a fancy, wasp-y last name complete with nathaniel hawthorne's generations away from puritanism guilt. it feels right with her mom being the way she is
that's it! that's the end of the characters i care enough about to do this for
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 years
I’m sorry if you’ve been asked this before, but we’re getting crumbs (tasty crumbs, but crumbs all the same), which has made me nostalgic so…
What are your top five Brainy/Nia scenes so far?
I'm always in a Brainia mood, but in the hopes we'll be getting fed some more content next episode, in no particular order, here are five of my favourite Brainia moments so far:
- Brainy skidding across the floor to get to Nia when the Bad!Brainy hurt her. That whole scene lives rent free in my mind 24/7
- The 9 to 5 scene. The way Nia and Brainy interact with each other in that scene is so pure. I am obsessed with that look of adoration in Brainy's eyes throughout, and how Nia takes his hands to help encourage him. Just, so so cute!! I've re-watched it an unhealthy amount of times.
- Perhaps rather bittersweet, but the break-up scene. I've said it before, but this scene is incredible to study performance-wise. Nicole and Jesse are both showing their absolute A game (as they always do) but it just shines in this scene. It's painful to watch every time, but also from an acting perspective, it's just really good. (Also Brainia hug, yay!)
- The slow dance scene! I actually wrote a slow dance scene for a chapter of my Brainia fic a long while ago now, and since then I'd always hoped to see it realised in the show. And when it actually happened, I think my brain shut down to be honest. It's such a lovely scene, with some very important dialogue - and also the spin! The spin!!!!
- Of course I'm including a kiss scene here. If I had the room I'd say all of them because every kiss Brainy and Nia have shared has been ICONIC. It pains me to pick one, but if I had to, I'd say it was the "kiss me" scene. I'm such a sucker for the cliché of character A clearing the room to kiss character B, and the way Brainy's expression changes when Nia asks him to kiss her, how ardently he's wanted it and how they both just melt into each other... It's all so good and also lives rent free in my brain.
(I ran out of room but if I could I'd also just include, like, every Brainia scene from 6x01 and also the Prom episodes respectfully.)
Anyway, hope you like my picks! Feel free to share your own! x
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
@superkingofpriderock​ @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark​ @lachica50​ @sunlit-music​ @princesssarisa​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @amalthea9​ @captain-dad​ @astrangechoiceoffavourites​ @theancientvaleofsoulmaking​ @anne-white-star​ @littlewomenchannel​ @lieutenant-hel-odinsdottir​ @filmcityworld1​ 
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Rodopis. Ye Xan. Cenerentola. Cendrillon. Aschenputtel.  Aschenbrödel. Zolushka. Cenicienta. Gata Borralheira. Cinderella. The heroine has several names around the world, but all of them experience the same tale: young ladies who are opressed and marginalized by father and stepfamily, but, thanks to their kindness and bravery, receive assistance to rise from the ashes more strong and beautifull, learning to love themselves and eventually finding the love of a prince that will make them happy. The tale is very old, its first writen version dating back to Ancient Egypt, and has been told, retold, writen and rewriten in several different versions, and has been adapted into a variety of media like cartoons, films, radio shows, and comics from around the Globe, wich possibilated anyone to choose their favorite versions. And today, i will share with my favorite portrayal of one of the most iconic fairy tale heroines of all time.
12º Daphne Zuniga in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995)
This animated fairy tale anthology series produced by HBO camed with the twist of transporting well known european versions of fairy tales to different cultures, like China, Cuba and the Caribbean. In this episode, they adapted Cinderella by setting the story in a Kingdom that had culture and population inspired by Mexico, making it one of the first portrayals of the character as a mexican, wich turns it a very significative work. Cinderella herself could show a bit more range of emotions, because in this portrayal she is at her most passive, her voice is always very sweet and low and she rarely her smile facial expression, but the character design and how she interacts with the colorfull and creative world and characters in the episode still makes it wort checking it out.
11º Aylin Tezel in Sechs auf einen Streich (2011)
Grimm’s Finest Fairy Tales (Sechs auf einen Streich in Germany and Holland) is a live action TV Movie anthology series from Germany made between 2008 and 2019. In 2011, they released their adaptation of Cinderella (Grimm’s Aschenputtel) staring german-turkish actress Aylin Tezel. Tezel brings a sense of playfullness to the role, as well as a sense of altruism in helping the servants in her Stepmother’s house and a wild free spirit that she fights to keep despite the opressive rulling of her Stepmother over her life. She is basically borrowing some elements of the humanity that other actresses before her brought to the role, while making this version of the character her own, wich is not easy feet, and deserves all the praises in the world.
10º Mitsuko Horie/Lara Cody in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
Another fairy tale anthology series, this time made as a japanese anime that, despite the title, didn’t necessarily limited itself to the tales written by the Grimm Brothers. But in the case of this Cinderella episode, the Grimm’s version is the one they choosed to adapt, excluding the gory element of the sisters cutting their feet. This encarnation of Cinderella is probably the one with the most highlighted innocence, wich could both bring people to love and help her, but also be turned against her by the villains. The moment where this is most explicit is when after returning from the ball, she casually comments with the birds about the tree that gaved her the ball gown to wear, without knowing that the Stepmother is listening, and later her Stepmother not only locks her in the attic, but calls a woodcutter to cut down the tree, leaving poor Cinderella to suffer in deep guilt. It’s not often that a Cinderella adaptation explores the character’s innocence having negative consequences for her, and that is what makes this portrayal of one the most refreshing.
09º Maria Kawamura in Cinderella Monogatari (1996)
The Story of Cinderella (Cinderella Monogatari) is an Italian-Japanese anime television series of 26 episodes, wich were later edited into a two part feature lenght movie. This Cinderella is the 16 year old daughter of a rich Duke who dreams of someday going to live in a castle, having her own horse and many friends. But those dreams start to become remote for her when her father has to make a long travel and her Stepmother and Stepsisters reveal their true faces: Cinderella is taken out of her room, turned into their servant, often receiving hard tasks in short spans of time, and several times is exposed to situations of danger and harm by her Stepmother, like when she is unfairly framed for stealing grapes from the royal vines. Her situation is one of the most vulnerable, and troughout the series we get nervous to see if she will keep being a hopefull teenager, or if the hardships will crush her spirit despite the support that she has from her friends.
08º Ilene Woods in Disney’s Cinderella (1950)
Going from a teenager who has just recently started to experience adversity, to a grown adult who has experienced adversity since childhood. Having lost both of her parents as a child, it becamed more easy for Lady Tremaine to lock Cinderella away from the world and educate her to be an apparently perfect servant who does every domestic shore well, fast and without any sign of complaints. But, when she is alone with her animal friends, is the moment that Cinderella voices her fealings of fear, longing, anger, sadness and tiredness, dreaming of someday becoming free. She also gives them food and handmade clothes, showing how thankfull she is for their friendship, and this inspires the animals, as well as the Fairy Godmother who sees everything, to want to help her. And in her night out at the ball, she shows a natural grace and sweetness that charms people like the Prince to instantly fall in love with her. Basically, an inspirational role model.
07º Gemma Craven in The Slipper and The Rose (1976)
An intersting bridge between Disney’s Cinderella and Cinderella Monogatari. Like Disney’s Cinderella, she is a grown adult orphaned of both parents. Like Cinderella Monogatari, since her father died when she is an adult, her entrapment into servitude is more recent, wich makes clear that she has difficulty with domestic shores and also gives her a more intense will to rebel, to the point that this is one of the few portrayals of Cinderella that says “I hate you” in her Stepmother’s face. And the rebeliousness is well mixed with a very romantic personality that specially shines after she falls in love with the Prince, who is also an idealistic rebel that matches perfectly well with our relatable heroine.
06º Drew Barrymore as Danielle de Barbarac in Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
In american cinema during the 90s, it was growing in popularity the fantasy heroine who was a warrior rebel and an intelectual bookworm. Capitaling in this fenomenon, Ever After: A Cinderella Story, was made, eschewing the magical elements in favour of Pseudo-Historical Fiction retelling.
The story begins when The Brothers Grimm are invited to the home of a French noblewoman who tells them how much she enjoyed their story of Cinderella, but that they got some details wrong. She then proceeds to tell them this story: Danielle de Barbarac  is the beloved only child of the widowed Auguste de Barbarac and his late wife, Nicole de Lancret. When she is eight years old, he remarries the Baroness Rodmilla de Ghent (Anjelica Huston), and brings her home along with her two daughters, spoiled and cruel Marguerite and gentle but weak-willed Jacqueline. Shortly thereafter, he dies, leaving Danielle to the care of her stepmother, who already resents the love that he displays to his daughter (especially as he calls for her over his wife in his final moments), and the estate's three devoted servants - the housemaids, Paulette and Louise, and the retainer, Louise's husband Maurice. The movie skips ahead ten years, to when Danielle is eighteen. Their estate has fallen onto hard times and things keep "disappearing," to the anger of the Baroness. Danielle has, of course, become a virtual house slave to the family, but takes comfort in the familial love she shares with the servants and the kindness she receives from Jacqueline. One morning, she is gathering apples in the estate's orchard when she spies someone stealing the horse of her late father. Enraged, she chucks apples at him, ultimately causing him to fall. It turns out to be the Crown Prince of France, running away from a father who wants to marry him off. To buy her silence, he gives her a great amount of gold. Danielle and the Prince meet again when Danielle, disguised as a courtier and using her mother's name, goes to the castle to rescue Maurice, whom the Baroness had sold into slavery to pay off some of her debt. The Prince is intrigued by "Nicole's" beliefs and courage, and asks to meet her again. A courtship ensues, in which Danielle keeps trying to tell Henry that she is really not a countess and the Baroness gets increasingly suspicious of Danielle's odd appearances and disappearances. The King and Queen, desperate to marry their son off, are delighted that he has found a girl... but are keen to meet her, something Danielle wishes to avoid. Meanwhile, Leonardo da Vinci, who has been invited to court, befriends both Danielle and Henry and everything seems to be going along well, save for Danielle's growing anxiety about maintaining the masquerade.
Barrymore’s Danielle channels the idealism and dreaminess of the Cinderella character trough her love of books, specially Thomas Moore’s Utopia, and also expands the rebeliousness brought by her predecessours by being writen as skillfull in swordfight, making her able to save herself and the ones she loves in more than one ocasion, wich was a very new take. At least for american audiences in the 90s, anyway, but we will get there later...
05º Brandy Norwood in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1997)
When i was kid i watched mainly three film versions of Cinderella: the 1950 Disney animated film, Ever After: A Cinderella Story, and this TV Movie production of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical released by the Disney Channel. It was one the first examples of a diverse, colorblind period fairy tale production i remember seeing, and it was an important mark for me ever since.
As played by pop singer and actress Brandy Norwood, this encarnation of Cinderella is a courteous, gentle young woman who is nevertheless unafraid to speak her mind, ocasionally making snarky comments as a way to cope with her stepfamily’s abuse. But she is still shown to need some boosting in confidence by her Fairy Godmother, who teaches Cinderella to see the valour and beauty in herself, and never stoping asking for the impossible.
04º  Lesley Ann Warren in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1965)
Whereas Brandy Norwood’s Cinderella would more easily find a way to confront others who mistreated her and become a confident person, Lesley Ann Warren’s Cinderella was a more shy and frightened person, who had to take a more slow path into becoming confident and take her chance of happiness. Because of that, the viewer has the more intense feeling that when she goes to the ball in the beautifull magic gown, she is a more glamorous and happy person, different from the meek and sad lady who usually hides around the fireplace. This was Warren’s first starring role, and we must commend her for portraying two faces of the same character in her debut as a leading lady.
03º Jennifer Beals in Fairy Tale Theater (1985)
The most simple, straightforward adaptation of Charles Perrault’s Cinderella ever made, and the simplicity is its greatest strenght. That strenght is personified in Jennifer Beals’s performance as the title character. This Cinderella is the quintessential no nonsense girl next door, who even tough finding herself in a situation of unimpowerment, always refuses to accept the absurd injustice of her exploitation as a servant, speaking her mind clearly to her stepfamily. This make all the more satisfatory when she receives the visit of her Fairy Godmother, and is reward with the deserved rich and happy life that she was loosing hope of ever receiving.
02º Libuše Šafránková in Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973)
This czech film is one of the first cinematic portrayals of Cinderella as a wild, adventurous, free spirited trickster character, who with the help of three wish granting magic nuts, can go outside and woo her beloved Prince. She enjoys horse riding, trowing snow balls, and hunting, as well as wearing pretty dresses to dance at balls. A highlight is when she cleverly hides her face with a veil to avoid being recognized by her stepfamily, and teases the Prince with riddles about who she is. You can see that she oppened the door for portrayals like Barrymore’s and Tenzel’s.
And my number one is the version that opened the door for her and many others...
01º Leslie Caron in The Glass Slipper (1955)
In this ballet-movie, french-american ballerina and actress Leslie Caron portrays Ella, a girl who not only is abused by her stepfamily, but also ostracized by the people in her village due to constantly apearing covered in ashes and not being traditionally beautifull with her short hair and big teeth. Because of that, Ella grows into a lonely, awkward and agressive person, whose only refuge is the prophecy of a fortune teller who told that someday she would live in the beautifull Palace of the Duke, and the daydreams in wich she imagine herself as a gracious ballerina. One day, Ella meets two people: Mrs Toquet, an old lady who everyone calls crazy, and a young man who presents himself as son of the Palace’s Cook, but is secretly the Duke’s son, Prince Charles. Those two are the first people who treat Ella with kindness, and because of that, she slowly blooms into a more merry person, who learns to love herself and accept the love of others.
This adaptation is very influential, being one of the first where the heroine’s birth name is Ella (wich would be later used in Ella Enchanted and Disney’s Cinderella 2015), one of the first that makes the supernatural elements more subtle (paving the way for Ever After’s complet schewing of them), one of the first that portrays a more angry and rebellious Cinderella (paving the way for Three Wishes for Cinderella, The Slipper and The Rose, Fairy Tale Theater, Ever After and Aylin Tezel’s 2011 Cinderella) and one of the first to make her meet and fall in love with the Prince before the ball, without knowing his true identity (paving the way for Three Wishes for Cinderella, Ever After , Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella 1997 production and Aylin Tezel’s 2011 Cinderella). 
And because of how awkward and agressive Ella acts in her everyday life, her ballet daydreams and the transformation in the mysteryous “belle of the ball” feels more radical, like two different faces of the same coin, thanks to Leslie Caron’s full of range performance. For being the version that brought the raw humanity to Cinderella, influencing several portrayals ever since, is the reason that Leslie Caron is my number one favorite portrayal of Cinderella.
Honorable Mentions: Kim Crosby in Into the Woods (1987), The Triplets (1998).
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jelliclekay · 3 years
top 5 moments in cats
this is mostly going to be using Cats 98 as a reference since I've seen that the most but I'll try to include other productions as well!
1. Rum Tum Tugger Truly my favorite part in the entire musical and the part I watch at least 2-3 times a day. There's just so much to love. First, the song is my favorite song in the entire show. The fact that the choreography and the way Partridge in particular sings it makes it so suggestive but the lyrics are just about a dumb cat who gets stuck in drawers. Him kicking the ball of yarn over at Misto who misses entirely. The Tuggerlurina moment that is so *chef kiss* How he starts messing with the older cats like kissing Jenny and Jelly on the cheeks while they are doing stitch work, how he tries to get Demeter's attention but she isn't fazed and hisses him away. The older cats in general being judgemental in the back of the problem child that is Tugger (also Skimble trying to stop Teazer at first from joining in on the fun). And then the kittens actually fangirling over him, Etcetera in particular just screaming and passing out. It's all so good and the moment I always look forward to the most when I rewatch 98.
2. Macavity the Mystery Cat I love this moment. Not only is the song fun as hell and Bombalurina and Demeter are hot, but Bomba and Demeter's past with Macavity is such a fascinating aspect to their characters and the story of Cats in general. Demeter being the more cautious one when it comes to Macavity, singing about his criminal past and how dangerous he is. Bombalurina knowing Macavity is dangerous but still being in her fangirl stage and singing about his looks. Demeter's past relationship with Macavity being reveled through dance rather than outright stated. Their voices sound so powerful together (when I saw it in January I saw Elana Valastro and Chelsea Nicole Mitchell as Demeter and Bomba and they KILLED IT). And then the other queens join in towards the end of the song, uGH it's all so good.
3. The Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles I always say this is one of my favorite moments no matter the production because of how ridiculous it is. But also, it really shows off what Cats is about- about cats. Because of course cats would tell a story about the time a bunch of dogs barked, then a cat walked up and the dogs stopped barking and the cats take credit for "saving the day." Just... the concept of the cats dressing up in trash to take the piss out of dogs and pretend bark is so precious and silly. I love Teazer and Jerrie during this song, especially in the 98 film where they mess up and also Teazer messes with Munk the entire time. I also love in the revival productions where Gus sings this number. (ALSO BAGPIPES)
4. The Journey to the Heaviside Layer While I go back and forth over whether Grizabella was the cat that deserved to be reborn, I will say that the moment she is accepted back into the tribe and chosen has never not made me emotional. There's something about the build up of seeing Griz being rejected by everyone (except for the younger cats who try to touch her but are stopped) finally being touched and welcomed back that gets me. Like I KNOW IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN but it get me every single time. Griz looks so happy to be accepted and then the genuine look of surprise when she realizes she is the Jellicle Choice. All the cats belting "the mystical divinity of unashamed felinity" as the Everlasting Cat takes Griz away... it's so powerful and I love it a lot.
5. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer I was torn between this or Mr. Mistoffelees but I chose them in the end because this number is so fun and silly and I WISH WE HAD THE FULL VERION OF IT FOR THE 98 FILM WHEN WE KNOW THEY RECORDED THE ENTIRE SONG. Anyways, the chemistry between Jo Gibb and Drew Varley is unmatched. But Max Craven and Kelly Donah also were iconic to see live, especially the double cartwheel. Absolutely slayed.
(This came out a lot longer than I anticipated but all well)
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miumoou · 4 years
My Life In a Nutshell ~ Chapter 1
Dazai X Reader 💞
It was a usual morning. 
I woke up and attended my 3D modelling class. It was 9am and I almost fell asleep as I was waiting for my turn to speak up. As much as I loved to 3D model this class felt like I was imprisoned by expensive high quality bars of iron. It was a fancy experience where I lost my freedom. All of a sudden I heard my name "[Y/N]! Are you even listening to me? You'll never pass like this!" My face turned into a pale soulless expression as I watched my teacher speak such words. I showed him what I had done and rushed back to my bed grabbing on tightly to anything that I could grab onto like my pastel blue dinosaur plush Coco, my pillow and my messy blanket.
"I don't want to feel like this but I just can't stop...no matter what I I could never satisfy anyone...if only...just only I could escape..."
I gently reach out for my phone and search 'Dazai Clips'on YouTube. My mouth line curves upwards as I see his brown soft hair, those immersing eyes and those bandaged arms which love to wave around. Then suddenly a clip of him singing his favourite song turns on. I laugh as my friends pass by my room. I hear my friend shout out "What's so funny at 10am [Y/N]?"... I put my hand near my mouth "Oh its nothing it's just....it's just my favourite boy from my favourite anime" I continue smiling up until the point where I hear my friend say "Oh haha of course... well I'm off to see my boyfriend at his place see ya!"...My mouth line all of a sudden became straight as my heart sunk just a little bit. "Yeah have a good time" I smiled but really I'm lonely. I've been trying to find someone for me but it never turned out well. Once I liked this guy who was rather similar to me. Whenever our eyes would meet time would freeze and I know I know that sound's cliché but for real it was like that. It was not a fantasy but a reality up until everything went wrong. I miss him but I know that he would be here if he loved me the way I loved him.
Now I just sit around here trying to distract myself with anything that I can. I've got several hobbies. I love to draw. Animals, characters, anything really it just makes me happy. I've even managed to create a whole world filled with characters with my friend. And I must say my character Ace is one heck of a man haha. I also adore fashion. Like putting together outfits from the clothes I own its so fun! I would recommend it to anyone who would love to try it! Photography is great too. I often go out for walks at the beach to capture moments to show to my parents later. I just love seeing their genuine smiling faces as they look through the photos. It fills me with a warm feeling inside where I feel like I can do anything at the moment that's how happy I get. My parents are the ones who have been here for me since forever and it breaks my heart how they have to see me in that state where I feel like I shouldn't be in this world... They've done so much to keep me happy and yet I easily go back into that state.
Finally I also simply love listening to music and editing music videos. Music makes me makes me feel strong and motivated. I also often feel like a protagonist from some anime but... music also played a big role in my previous love story and all I can say is that it definitely made me fall harder.
Hmm? Who would be awake at this time? 'My maths teacher is actually a wet towel like he just gave me an assignment to get done in two days...in two days what is this?? Who does he think he is?' Oh haha I know exactly who it is. It's my best friend Carys. I laugh a little but I try to act serious as I reply 'Damn what the heck why! *insert angry emoji*. Then I receive another *ping* it's from Nicole...of course it's a voice message. I normally hate receiving voice messages because it takes so long to listen to them but despite what I say it does cheer me up. It's just that...hearing her reaction is so funny to me it's like listening to my favourite YouTuber. *ping* Carys sent a voice message back. As I lie on my soft bed I listen to their voice messages. They are both funny to listen to. This is what I needed to hear my friends.
I've always tried to find friends like these. I've been in several friendship groups but none of them made me this happy during an early morning.
We have Carys who is actually such a sassy queen at times and I love that about her like her lines are all so iconic. I remember in college I couldn't stop using her lines haha. She is also such a kind soul like as soon as I feel like the world is collapsing in front of my eyes she sends me such sweet message like if someone were to walk into my room whilst I read them they would just see me both laughing and crying as she often inserts a few of our inside jokes here and there. Haha even thinking about it makes me happy so happy.
And then we have Nicole who I originally met on Instagram. She is so funny and I love hearing stories about her life as she is such an exciting person and yet she still doesn't believe me! She has been here with me through my mistakes and more and she is the same friend whom I made a world of characters with like imagine having a friend who you can make a whole world with?
These two have kept me going and smiling and I couldn't ask for better friends. If I ever lose them I don't know what I would do. I would be crashed they are way too precious to me.
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radramblog · 3 years
Elder Dragon Highlander
 Commander is a format of Magic the Gathering that has become almost completely detached from its original premise. Much of what the format is is built upon the concept of Elder Dragon Highlander- 21 Commander damage is lethal because that’s 3 hits from an Elder Dragon, the slow grindy format built to accommodate the original 5’s heavy mana investment and limited effects.
But that was a long time ago, and the designers at WoTC have opted to attach the moniker of Elder Dragon to a number of additional cards. 21 total cards hold the name, 4 cycles of 5 apiece with one straggler at the back.
What is considered “elder” is largely to do with lore, I think, but due to its association with such iconic cards, it’s interesting to see how and what the label is attached to.
I’ll, uh….do cube something next week? I dunno. But this is the Elder Dragons.
 The original 5
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The first elder dragon cycle is kind of iconic of Magic in general. Released in Legends, they were the first tricoloured cards in the entire game, were I believe the biggest and most expensive cards of the time, and all represented characters from the comics that I think just about everyone forgets existed.
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They do not even remotely resemble modern design. Clunky is one thing, but the quintuplets are almost aberrant to what would be considered attractive Magic cards. A monstrous investment of mana in multiple colours that has a continuous upkeep of more mana, all for an arguably understatted flying creature with one extra ability. Chromium gets Rampage, a keyword that started in Legends, ended in Mirage, and doesn’t have reminder text despite being arguably confusing. Palladia-Mors gets Trample, making it arguably one of the best ones. Vaevictis Asmadi gets Firebreathing in all 3 of its colours, in case 8+3+3+3… wasn’t enough mana-shaped eggs in one basket for you. Arcades gets a bonus ability in toughness-breathing, to make up for it’s deliberately mediocre ability- the “oh cool I can use this with vigilance” eureka/fun brain moment quashed by its pointless limitation.
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And then, of course, there’s Nicol Bolas. Somehow one of the game’s most iconic characters, in an art rendition that makes a powerful villain look like a gentle draconic geriatric. (EDITORS NOTE: still Rad here but I just now noticed this mf has a fucking dragon nipple, wtf?) I suppose Bolas becoming so well known was inevitable, if only because it was the only one of the most popular cycles with an actually cool and powerful ability. There are currently 210 more Bolas decks than any other member of this cycle, and that difference also happens to be twice what the other four have combined.
Bolas is arguably the only one that stood the test of time, the only one to ever show up independently of the other 4. I suppose we’ll see if any of the rest do the same, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.
(Elder) Dragons of Tarkir
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The titular Dragons of Tarkir’s third set (Dragons of Tarkir) were a set I was excited to see as the cards were being spoiled. The lore of the plane was interesting, with Magic stepping into a plot with time travel and finally showing us what Ugin looked like after almost 10 years of curiosity. The dragons that would become the Clan leaders had appeared previously in Fate Reforged, and the editions that we’d see as Elders- 10,000 years older and in some cases even wiser- presented a powerful and exciting cycle. Unlike with the Legends dragons, I’m pretty sure all of these saw play somewhere.
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Ironically, though, I’m pretty sure these were deliberately tuned for Standard rather than the format named after their typeline. Even outside of Kolaghan’s line of text that….doesn’t do a whole lot in the format, Ojutai and Silumgar were pretty obviously built to be the finishers in the Esper Dragons deck that ran them, Atarka a clear top-end for Gruul Monsters (and, eventually, Eldrazi Ramp), and Dromoka a potential menace in Dromoka’s Command-backed Midrange lists. These cards are all quite powerful, but they’re built for a different kind of game.
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That’s I suppose the biggest issue with the Dragons of Dragons of Tarkir, they were underwhelming. The set as a whole was fairly middling, though I did truly enjoy the draft format. I’m pretty sure the most played card in the set is fucking Collected Company, one I kind of despise, followed with Kolaghan’s Command which is just a traumatic experience for me. And while 3 of these 5 are seeing more play than their past counterparts, including Dragonlord Ojutai being literally 10 times more commonly seen than Soul of Winter, that difference is largely a matter of power (or lack thereof), the Mythic Dragonlords being obviously stronger than their Rare originals. The rare ones are arguably more fun, though, and that’s what matters to me.
 Legends…2! (aka core set 2019)
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Part of the theme of Core Set 2019 was the story (read: retcon so the ending of War of the Spark makes more sense) of Bolas and Ugin in their youth, which meant that we got to get updated, modern designs of the original Elder Dragons (not Ugin tho lmao). And by Modern, I kind of mean postmodern, because we’re at the point where Commander cards start getting absurd All The Time.
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Each of the Elder Dragons of Core 2019 (copyright WoTC 2018) have the benefits of updated design practices with 24 extra years of experience, as well as not having to have a million words on them for silly reasons like extra mana sacrifice triggers. Even Palladia-Mors, probably the weakest of them (and still pretty threatening!), gets to have flavour text hinting at a potential return (which hasn’t happened yet).
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When you’re designing cards like these, though, it’s inevitable that some are going to be overshadowed by others. Baby Bolas, of course, was one of the flagship cards for the set, being a transforming Planeswalker with lots of abilities that wins the game in just the most classy way I’ve seen in a minute. And Arcades took a fun niche deck people liked and blew it wide open, making Defenders into one of the most disgusting Offensive decks in a minute.
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But then there’s Chromium, a fairly powerful Voltron/Control finisher but not one that leads you in any particular direction. Vaevictis does lead in fun directions, but would then be completely dwarfed by the absurdity that is Lord Windgrace the same year and Korvold the next one.
Outside of a few, this cycle feels like it got kind of lost in the shuffle, and I think that’s not really that much a reflection of the cards (except maybe Palladia, the Naya Problem rearing its ugly head again), and more the greater issue with Magic as a whole just shitting out cards constantly faster than most can catch up.
Welcome to Strixhaven School of Magecraft and Sideboardary
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Our final cycle is the new kids on the block, the Strixhaven dragons. I suppose one way to make the definitely not Hogwarts Houses (they’re colleges, Clearly) seem important is attach a giant Fuckoff Dragon next to them.
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A thing I like a lot about Strixhaven as a set is how it was introducing a new Thing for each of the enemy colour pairs to do- Golgari Lifegain, Boros Graveyard, Izzet Spells But Big Ones Instead Also Treasures?. The set came with loads and loads of cards supporting each of these themes, and having Commander 2021 alongside it and associated with it means they’re well supported by that as well. But, and this is the important part, the Elder Dragons aren’t as overshadowed because they too are doing something different, even if its rather slight in some cases, on their own- but each supporting or being supported by the Dragon in question.
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Beledros is a Big Mana Golgari commander (normally seen in Mono-Green or Gruul) whose huge life cost is assisted by the Lifegain cards Witherbloom got. Galazeth helps ramp into the giant spells associated with Prismari while also making the alternate discard into treasure option some of those spells have a lot better. Tanazir doubles the power of Quandrix’s Fractal tokens, and makes them even more huge when attacking due to then natively being 0/0s. And I don’t really know what the idea in Silverquill is other than “Politics”, but Shadrix looks fucking cool and probably plays really nicely. It’s just a really fucking solid cycle.
It’s not really possible to tell how these 5 are going to play out- Strixhaven is still the latest Standard Set to release at time of writing. But I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the most successful Elder Dragon cycle as a whole assuming you’re looking at, like, mean Decks.
And then there’s The Other One
As part of Modern Horizons 2, cards for a set of characters from alllll the way back from those Legends stories were created- a new Dakkon, a Geyadrone Dihada, and the Elder Dragon that showed up in their story- Piru.
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Piru is, obviously, a reference to the original cycle of Elder Dragons, but in a Wedge colour rather than a Shard. And with an extra keyword, which is something I missed, because it makes all the difference. I had written this card off, until I realised that Lifelink triggered from the death trigger, and when this thing dies it isn’t too hard to gain dozens of life points. That’s a lot and combined with clearing the board it’s not too hard to get virtually unkillable. I love leaning into the downside from the original dragons by adding a powerful death trigger like this.
Piru released very recently, and already has 112 decks to her name. I wouldn’t be surprised if that plateaus, but it’s still rather promising. 8 mana is a lot in non-green colours, but I like Piru, and I’d be happy to see her see lots and lots of play going forward.
While 2021 has so far had more Elder Dragons than any other year, they’ve been a very promising cadre with a lot of interesting ideas going on. With that said, I’m not sure that I want the trend to continue, because the more they make (the more Elders in general, really), the less special they get. But for now at least, it looks like we’re finally getting to a good place for Elder Dragons. Only took us 27 years.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
“It’s a fake article apparently.” The quotes from the parody account are fake, but there is real article about Harry Lambert in The Times.
Meet Harry Lambert, The A List’s Secret Style Weapon
Whether it’s Harry Styles’s internet‑breaking cardigan or Emma Corrin in head‑to‑toe Miu Miu, he’s the stylist responsible for the hottest celeb looks of the moment. So how did a former River Island shopboy become the man influencing the way we dress today?
In February 2020 Harry Lambert was helping Harry Styles get ready to perform on NBC’s Today show. Lambert, an affable, bright-eyed 34-year-old, had been Styles’s stylist for a good five years by then, helping the One Directioner develop a distinct visual brand — and yet Styles still wasn’t quite sure why Lambert was so insistent that he wear a bright, multicoloured patchwork cardigan by JW Anderson.“I remember him saying, ‘OK, I love it, I just don’t know why we’re wearing it for rehearsals,’” Lambert relays from his east London studio. But the stylist had “a weird feeling”, he says with a little smile. “I was like, ‘Wear it for rehearsal — I promise you.’”The choice of the garment, and the knowledge of when and where to wear it, sums up Lambert’s gifts neatly. Pictures of Styles promptly went viral, so much so that the cardigan became a TikTok craze, with fans trying to replicate the knit at home. By the end of the year the V&A had announced it was buying the original, since it said so much about fashion in 2020. “It makes me a bit giddy, I guess,” says Lambert, to think that this moment he concocted will sit in a national collection for ever.
Right now Lambert can lay claim to being one of the most influential stylists in the world. The Styles collaboration is of course his calling card: a parade of eye-raising and/or mouthwatering outfits that have progressed from a much-memed floral suit at the American Music awards in 2015 to a couple of feather boas at this year’s Grammys and a Gucci women’s handbag at the Brit awards last month. His few other celebrity clients (it’s an elite bunch) include Emma Corrin, who, in the absence of any awards ceremony red carpets to be seen on following her star turn as Princess Diana in The Crown last November, took to Instagram to showcase a series of exciting, adventurous looks; and also her Crown co-star Josh O’Connor. It’s no surprise that, along the way, Lambert has become a name in his own right: his Instagram account boasts more than half a million followers. And to think — the Topman in his hometown of Norwich turned him down for a job as a teenager because “I wasn’t cool enough”, he giggles. He got one instead at River Island, where he was occasionally allowed to style the mannequins in cardigans of a somewhat less avant-garde calibre.Lambert, dressed in shorts, T-shirt and a plaid shirt, is sitting in his whitewashed studio surrounded by clothes racks for each client and mementoes from friends. He was an up-and-coming stylist, with lots of edgy editorial work and a long stint working for Topman’s head office on his CV (the brand did eventually hire him), when industry insiders introduced him to Styles in 2014. The 1D megastar was setting out his solo stall (1D would officially split in 2015) and Lambert brought racks filled with pieces by JW Anderson, Saint Laurent and future long-term collaborator Gucci on the hangers. He got the job the next day.“Harry has always been interested in fashion essentially,” Lambert says. “You could kind of tell already from the way he was dressing and the decisions that he was making with brands. So there’s never been, like, a battle. Everything with Harry is super-collaborative and it’s always been, it sounds cheesy to say, heavenly, but … !”
The two are clearly mates — they call each other Susan and Sue (Lambert is Susan), and a poster from Styles, signed “To Lamby” (his other nickname), has pride of place on Lambert’s desk. From the way he tells it, neither has blinked when it comes to the sexy, campy, gender-twisting work that has made Styles stand out from his peers. Indeed, other boy band veterans — Robbie Williams or Justin Timberlake — never tried anything this visually brave. But Lambert is clear that this isn’t just him dressing a marionette: “I think it’s part of his, you know, part of his character — it’s part of him. I never want it to feel like he’s wearing a costume, I never want to feel like something is wearing him. We’re not doing it for lols — it should feel like part of the performance or part of the whole, you know?”Lambert admits to finding online critique culture overwhelming, but he points out, slightly apologetically, that most them, for him, have been good (no doubt partly thanks to the millions of Styles superfans). “I’m lucky that I have a lot of positive feedback. But when I see something that is negative, you remember that so much more than the positive things. I used to be like, ‘Social media doesn’t bother me,’ but it does kind of f*** with your head.” Still, he’s all for it: “What’s worse — being so boring that nobody talks about you?” As for Corrin, they actually met at a Styles gig and the two became friends before she asked him to work with her for the media blitz for The Crown. “There’s something about her energy that’s just so infectious,” he raves today. Many have loved her appearances in fashion-forward London brands such as Knwls (a stringy black sheer party number, showcased in a lift), or more eccentric insiders like new-era Schiaparelli and Miu Miu. For Lambert, who loves to champion up-and-coming British brands such as Maximilian, SS Daley or his good friend Harris Reed, it was a no-brainer. “There’s a tendency sometimes for young actresses or young talent to make them look older or more ‘mature’. People are trying to hurry them along.” Corrin may be a leading lady already, “but she’s young too, and cool”, he reasons. “We didn’t want it to feel stuffy.”
Being a stylist is a star turn in itself now. In the glory days of the Noughties Rachel Zoe styled the likes of Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan in a very Zoe way (big sunglasses, bigger bags, gladiator sandals and anything boho). She has been followed by the likes of Karla Welch, who has put clients such as Tracee Ellis Ross and Elisabeth Moss in considered yet still fashion-forward choices, and the other current hot favourite Law Roach, who earned the respect of the entire world for decking out Céline Dion in Vetements. Lambert’s contribution is to blur not only genders, a bit, but also the distinction between “editorial” (traditionally edgy, fashy) and “red carpet” (which is to say glossy, a bit staid).Lambert finds most red-carpet dressing fearsomely dull, to be clear: “I really cannot see another black tie! Just no. No, thank you.” The last “iconic” red-carpet moment was, he thinks, Rihanna’s omelette dress at the Met Ball, and that was 2015. In fact what has really got him buzzing is RiRi’s latest series of outfits papped as “she comes out of restaurants, goes up escalators … it looks so good”, he says. “It’s better than most of what’s on the red carpet!” Back in Norwich, Lambert had no clue what a stylist was when he was growing up. The child of a policeman dad and a nurse mum, he had an extensive interest in clothes but no knowledge of fashion per se. It was only when he went to study photography at the University for the Creative Arts Rochester, in Kent, that he was alerted to it. He interned at fashion magazines during his summer holidays, then started working for a senior menswear stylist, and then the position at Topman came up. He speaks fondly of home — he says his dad is quite a “flamboyant” dresser, actually — but admits it took everyone a minute to suss out what he does. “Even up until five years ago my parents would tell people, ‘He’s a stylist,’ and they’d say, ‘Oh, he does hair?’
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maxdoesbb · 4 years
Big Brother Tumblr Tag Game
So I was tagged by @vanessacries to take part in their Big Brother Tumblr Tag Game and here are my answers
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If you are tagged copy and paste the rules and all questions
Answer the questions
Tag 3-5 people to also complete the questions
Tagged by @vanessacries (legend)
About Me
1. Name or nickname? - My name is Max, but ya’ll already knew that
2. Age/Age Group? - 18, but there is an episode on my 19th birthday!
3. Zodiac Sign - Libra
4. Favorite Color? - Some days it’s orange, some days it’s purple
5. Favorite Animal? - I love love love LOVE Red Pandas...google them they’re so cute
6.  First Season of BB you remember watching? - In terms of BBUS, season 16. In terms of Big Brother as the franchise, BBUK Season 7
7. Would you ever want to go on BB, if so, what type of player would you be? - I Would love to, I would try and have like a Jun Song Floater game, but new school bb hates that so...i’d be out week one
8.  Are there other CBS shows you’d want to go on, and if so, why? - I would love to do the amazing race, but i’m from the UK so they won’t let me shshhs
9.  What other Reality shows do you watch? -  I watched The Only Way Is Essex up until 2017, I could also rewatch ANY season of Geordie Shore or BBUK
10.  All time favorite houseguest? - This is a hard one, Idk if it counts, but Nikki Grahame was on BBCAN and any house she’s in turns the season up to 11 for me, If I don’t count and has to be from BBUS, Vanessa from bb17
About the Show
1. What is your all time Favorite twist? - The Twin Twist, if the twins don’t tell anyone (which is sadly always going to happen) it feels so tense like sumn about two people having to act like one person is just iconic to me!
2. What is a twist that you like, but kind of flopped? - The MVP twist, In my eyes this flopped like the season, I think if they made it so you could only be the MVP once then it would have worked better in season 15, but they also could have flipped it so that the evictee picks who goes up, that would have been iconic watching everyone asking who put up the 3rd nominee, but it was actually the person they sent out the door the week before
3. If you were the new Grodner and had to remake the show, what would you keep the same? - The art team, I don’t think they get enough credit, Sure sometimes it’s a bit meh, but the den of temptation was just *chef’s kiss*
4. What would you change? Casting, that is all i have to say about that.
5. What’s your all time favorite comp? Generic answer, but OTEV is actually so iconic to me, the strategies, the fights, It also gave me one of my favourite Janelle moments ever
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6. What’s your all time favorite competition? - idk if i’m being a clown, but this is basically the same as question 5 sksksk
7. All time favorite punishment? - To me all the punishments are kinda dull, like i feel like the producers do it more for comedy on the shows to shy away from the actual problematic stuff that happens every season.
8. If you could bring any houseguest back to be in the house (not to play the game) who would it be and why? - So they just like sit around and observe from inside? If I’m allowed, I’d say miss tea queen Angela Clancy from BBAU12 cause she is some good TV.
9. If you could bring any houseguest back to play, who would it be? - Jackie Ibarra, Hands down!
10.  What is your most memorable episode? - BBCAN5, Week 5′s Eviction episode a.k.a THAT double eviction!
11. If you could have any reality star from any other show on BB who would it be? She’s been on the UK version already, but Gemma Collins!!!!!
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12. What’s your favorite BB series outside of normal BBUS (normal BBUS does not include CBBUS or BBOTT)  - BBUK cause I grew up with it (and thought it was the only version until bbus16 started)
13. Favorite Julie Chen sign off? - I prefer Arisa Cox’s “Someone is always watching” so Julie doesn’t speak in my mind sjsjsjsj
14. Is there anything from old BB that you would bring back, why or why not, and if yes, what would it be? - Casting, cause a lot of older seasons had a mixture of old and young players and they don’t have jobs like “Social Media influencer” or “Podcast maker” or “Jewellery Maker” they have jobs that they can apply to big brother and don’t have to worry about their social media reputation!
15. If you were in the BB house and you won HoH what album would be in your HoH basket and who would you want to receive a letter from? - I’m torn between LM5, Future Nostalgia, and Sweetner, In terms of letter, I’d say my best friend, I’ve known her for almost 10 years and we’ve spoken literally everyday since we met so uhhh sorry to my mother sksksks
16. Favorite Alliance - Danielle and Jason from bb3, that is what an Alliance should be, not the 10 mayo alliances they make in new big brother
17. Funniest BB moment  - (it’s not bbus, but it’s the only valid answer!)
18. Favorite first boot?  - JODI ROLLINS DESERVED BETTER!
19. Least favorite houseguest? - Frankie cause him being related to Ariana is the reason i watch this shit show...
This or That
1. Old School BB or New School BB
2. Julia or Liz Nolan
3. Vaness Rousso or Jun Song?
4. Cody Calafiore or Cody Nickson?  (Nickson was the face my sleep paralysis demon during bb19)
5. Swaggy or Bayleigh (I’ve seen more of Bayleigh then I have Swaggy)
6. Janelle or Kaysar? (Only because of her views)
7. Orwell or the rubber duck?
8. Hacker twist or Pandora’s Box?
9. Nicole A or Nicole F? (Both are bad, F gets -100 points for not shutting up about her damn wedding!)
10. Dan or Will?
11. Bathroom with Bathroom sand (BB18) or The Fidget Spinner Wall (BB20)?
12. The Hive or The Spy Grils
13. PB&J or Slop?
14. Nerdy Guy archetype or Quirky Girl archetype?
15. The cursed liztin gif or the Maven (BB19) cum rag?
Tag Questions
1. First Season you blogged - Lurking since BB17, started posting a bit BB20, but didn’t start posting fully until BB21
2. Favorite season to blog - Like 2 of you were there but Big Brother Australia 12
3. Favorite Bloggers? the list is too LONG! so top 3 in no particular order @stanningbb @charlchen-moonves @bathroom-sand
4. Favorite tag cryptid (i.e. djmrod, the confession accounts, the bayler stan account, stella) - Stella (could you say lin is kind of a cryptid?)
5. Build an ideal alliance with people from the tag - The trio from hell of course! ( @charlchen-moonves, @stanningbb and I)
6. Favorite content creator (gifs, videos, posts). - So far this season i gotta say @charlchen-moonves and her bob edits!!!
7. Person in the tag that you like but are too nervous to talk to? Literally EVERYONE like something just tells me ya’ll secretly hate me ssjsjs
8. Have you played in any tag games (like bbdiscords, orgs, etc.,) if so what was your favorite experience? - I’ve been in a couple of bbsims, when my account was maxat3am i actually won my first bbsim, forgot who hosted it sksksk
9. Favorite gate? - Selfiegate cause ya’ll are so cute and I just love the positive energy we create!
10. What opinions do you have that you feel would be unpopular in the tag? - I don’t really know if it’s that unpopular but Meg Maley from bb17 deserved better like she won no HoHs no Vetos like, I was rooting of her during bb17!
11. Have you thirst followed anyone after a selfiesgate? - whY would i Ever diSclose that
12. Whose someone in the tag that has stopped blogging bb that you miss? - Is it bad i haven’t noticed anyone leave...
13. Favorite holiday people have called Christmas? - I saw someone call her Toyotathon and i was wheezing for about 10 minutes
14. If you could steal any url whose would it be? I don’t know, I like my URL, however I do like @kidnappedbyacrow​‘s url so uhh hand it over sjsjsj (jk love you really!)
15. Favorite tag meme? (i.e. Paul;s mistake, victim noises, claling chr*stmas anything but her name, etc.,) Paul’s mistake made me wanna join the tag so uhh yeah that!
Tag 3-5 people (or more or less)
I tag @stanningbb​ @charlchen-moonves​ @bathroom-sand​ @kidnappedbyacrow​ and @peterbrownismydaddy​
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Wynonna Earp 3x02 When you Call My Name
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Who is the fucker dragging Waverly away?! And the first thing that Wynonna says, even before she fully regains consciousness, is “Waverly.” I love these two sisters, I love that their relationship is the backbone of this show. Also, WTF.
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How the fuck did she get there?
2) And I fucking love Wynonna Earp…
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3) Is she… hallucinating her mother? I was wondering why, out of everyone else in her life, she would be fantasizing about her mother, but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. First of all, her ghost-mom reminds her of the survival rules she’d taught her when she was little. But most importantly, she reminds her that no matter how much pain she’s in right now, the pain of losing Waverly will be much worse. And that’s exactly what Wynonna needs to find in her the strength to survive.
4) Is the dude who kidnapped Waverly some time of supernatural weirdo or is he just your run-of-the-mill weird loner guy who lives in the woods and slowly goes batshit crazy? I’m still not sure…
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5) Wynonna can’t leave Peacemaker there, can’t she? Why isn’t it like Thor’s hammer? Can’t she just like magically pull it back to her? Anyway, this badass motherfucker is going to climb the fucking rocks wearing a dress and heels. How is not the entire world in love with Wynonna Earp?
6) Oh, he’s not just a weirdo, he’s also a supernatural impersonator. He fucking stole Waverly’s voice and answered the phone pretending to be her. And now Waverly can’t scream for help, that’s just dandy.
7) “You ever seen me move when I’m pissed? I’m a frigging snow cheetah!” How is everything that comes out of her mouth so iconic?
8) So far, Ghost Mom seems to be doing a good job of helping Wynonna keep her head on your shoulders and not act impulsively, which could end up with both her and Waverly dead. She’s following her mom’s survival rules, and it seems to be working, and there’s this little moment when both of them push their hair behind their ears in perfect synchrony…
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And I don’t know what I’m to make out of this? Does this mean that Ghost Mom is only a reflection of Wynonna herself? I mean, obviously, she is, it’s a figment of Wynonna’s imagination and it’s what Wynonna believes her mom would do and say in such a situation. But… are we meant to infer that there’s a stronger connection between the two of them than we were led to believe during the course of two seasons? Ghost Mom also called her a “Gibson girl” – her mom’s last name – and also mentioned how Wynonna got her snark from her. Wynonna even jokes that she got the crazy from her. It feels the writers are setting up this relationship as one of the arcs of this season. I guess it makes sense, after Wynonna became a mother herself. But I still don’t know what to make of Ghost Mom or Real Mom, for that matter.
9) Jeremy, Nicole, and Dolls have no idea what’s going on with Wynonna and Waverly, of course, and they’ve figured out that the demon responsible for the massacres is like a Flash demon that got to all their victims within seconds of one another. Also, the massacres may continue. Cool. Cool cool cool.
10) Jeremy is the biggest sweetheart in this show and he’s the biggest fan of literally everyone. I felt so bad for him when Dolls told him to get a life or something and stop bothering him, and did Jeremy get butthurt? No, he told Dolls he’s fighting for him, and my heart swelled a little. He’s the best. He was such a great addition to the gang. At least Dolls had the decency to indulge Jeremy with his pop culture references before leaving, and it was a nice way to say he was sorry and that he appreciates everything that Jeremy does.
11) OMFG, Wynonna was a Hanson fan, just like I was!
12) Not liking Ghost Mom right now…
WYNONNA: Why me, though? You never brought Willa or Waverly, it was always just you and me... GHOST MOM: Willa was Ward's right from the get-go, and Waverly... She was everyone else's, but you... Ooh, you... You came into this world wailing and kicking just like I was so I wanted to make sure you could survive by yourself. But you know what? Being an heir, it has made you soft. WYNONNA: What's that supposed to mean? GHOST MOM: It means... You're leaning on your team of outlaws and misfits. WYNONNA: They're my people and I trust them. GHOST MOM: Yeah, well where the hell are they? It's been hours. WYNONNA: I don't know. GHOST MOM: Yeah. The moment that you rely on someone... to protect you, be there for you... you're dead.
Is this Wynonna’s own fear, that her relying so much on her friends is making her soft and weak and vulnerable? Because I feel that her relationships with everyone else have made her stronger. I hate the idea that a hero can’t be vulnerable, you know? It’s like what Buffy says, “my emotions give me power.” If you don’t have bonds and love in your life, is there really a reason to fight at all?
13) “We are the same, Wynonna, and that is what scares you, how similar we are.” Alright, yeah, definitely Wynonna’s own fears manifesting themselves via Ghost Mom. I mean, obviously, she’d conjure up her mom at this moment! Waverly is in danger, and she fears she’s going to fail her just like their mom did…
14) Wow, Doc is having an existential crisis after being shot by Dolls and going to hell in the alternate reality. He’s afraid that being good and doing the right thing is pointless if he’ll end up in hell with all the other demons anyway. But… I mean, he went to hell in that other reality where he had embraced his dark side, you know? How does he know that he’s destined for the same here and now? I wouldn’t think so. And damn, Dolls has some truth bomb…
DOC: We are murderers, you and I. Destined for the dark. DOLLS: We're not the same. Because I don't need a threat of damnation to fight for the right side.
 (EDIT: how did I not realize this was foreshadowing Dolls’s death?! And these words will probably haunt Doc... this was basically their last conversation...)
15) Nicole found the truck!
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16) Hannibal the Impersonator is using Waverly’s voice to lure other people into the cabin…
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Is he a revenant, though? He seems to be, but what about his weird stealing-voices power? Do revenants get special powers? I mean, Bobo did, but I thought he was an exception…
17) Jeremy is also so emotionally healthy? Like, he immediately called Doc out on assuming the worst of people and basically told him to get over obsessing over losing his immortality. But… why didn’t he call Dolls like Doc told him to? Is he also assuming the worst…? Does he not trust Dolls?
18) Oh, my god, Waverly and Wynonna’s entire “charades” conversation was fucking priceless!
19) I laughed and I also awww-ed.
DOC: You trust Wynonna's instincts? NICOLE: I helped her kill the revenant she had sex with! DOC: Let me rephrase. Do you trust her instincts about Waverly?
20) Are Waverly and Wynonna really having the you-didn’t-tell-me-about-mom talk right now, in this life or death situation? Of course they are.
21) I DIED!
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Wynonna doesn’t have Peacemaker, so how is she going to fight the revenant? It should be interesting to see her fight without her special power…
22) So Jeremy also assumed the worst about Dolls. Interesting.
23) Like Buffy said, when scary things are scared, that’s bad news. The revenant almost shit his pants when Waverly mentioned Bulshar. Wynonna used her wits and booby-trapped him, so good on her. But look who’s stalking…
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Does he have nazis with him or something?
24) So… Waverly didn’t take it too well. And I get it, it feels like she’s been made a fool by everyone she's ever trusted. She doesn’t even know who her real parents are…
25) Nicole is going to climb down the rocks and get Peacemaker back like a boss.
26) Uh-oh… I guess Jeremy was right…
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Why is he saying that Wynonna is going to need Waverly more than ever?
27) WTF!!!
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Fucking ghost terminator nazis!
28) Nicole is literally hanging from a wire and trying to get Peacemaker back! And I think Dolls is going to wolf out and get rid of the fucking nazi but will probably lose his soul in the process? I didn’t think the chilliest part of the episode would be a fucking voice-stealing cannibal revenant…
29) Nicole is asking Wynonna to let go of the wire…  what the fuck is this episode doing to me?
30) Why did he smile before doing this…?
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Was he saying goodbye? Was that why he said that Wynonna was going to need Waverly more than ever?
31) He’s dead, and Nicole is trying to resuscitate him, and Wynonna and Doc are losing their shit… I wasn’t expecting this in episode two…
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She doesn’t want to leave his side. Damn.
32) Wow. This is heavier stuff than I’d expected at the beginning of the season, especially after the heartbreak of giving birth to Alice only to lose her in the season finale. I feel like this episode is a game-changer, obviously because of Dolls’ death, who is going to take up his role? I mean, Nicole had become sort of his disciple, but no one can really fill his shoes, can they? There’s also the heavy emphasis on Wynonna’s relationship with her mother, which I think will definitely be one of this season’s arcs. And there’s the dooming presence of Bulshar, who still needs to introduce himself in a more memorable way.
I don’t know what to make of Dolls’ death, though. Personally, I wasn’t so attached to his character as to feel devastated, though I was truly shocked and if Wynonna cries, then I cry. There’s also this nagging feeling that no one can be really dead in supernatural shows unless TPBT wish it so, you know? There’s always a small chance he might return, in different forms – either through flashbacks or because he might actually be brought back from the dead.
Anyway, I’m super excited to see where this season takes us!
33) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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gothytrash · 4 years
rules: tag people you want to get to know better!!!
tagged by: @transseven (kinda im just bored and wanna do it)
your name and what you would’ve named yourself: finn...and i named myself that:))) i considered kalen and max also but finn felt right. might fuck around n change it again tbh
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): virgo sun/libra moon/aries rising
when did you join tumblr and why: 2012 maybe?? i was a ~hipster aesthetic blog~ until i became the mess i am today
top 5 fandoms: i dont consider myself really IN any fandoms but,,,mortal kombat, overwatch, polygon, animal crossing, and unus annus are things im really into rn!!
top 5 films: i really dont watch movies much um....jawbreaker, my neighbor totoro, howl's moving castle, spirited away, clueless, pretty much anything ghibli or disgustingly 90's
go-to song when you want to feel something: i have a playlist that is all megan thee stallion for when im extra mentally ill and need to feel like a bad bitch again
what’s your religion or faith if you have one: i don't feel strongly about any really?? i used to relate to wicca when i was younger until i realized a lot of it is stolen closed practices and cultural appropriation and it just didnt feel...right i guess?? im actually a very spiritual person in private though u might not guess it from the everything about me!! im just still not sure if there is a religion i would feel totally comfortable in, although buddhism has always intrigued me!!
a song that makes you feel seen: dog teeth by nicole dollanganger ... teen idle by marina ... vienna by billy joel ...
if you could have any career: i'd love to perform, idk what but i just wanna create for people!!! even as a youtuber, a streamer, or more original performing like in a band or doing drag i just..love to be seen and make people happy:)))
do you have a type: um not really??? hot alt queers to the front of course, and i prefer someone else to be able to take the lead in most things, but that rarely factors into my attraction. if u cute u cute and i will kiss u
what does my heart/soul yearn for: to feel cared for:))) to be a first choice:))) independence:)))
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone: blunt, compassionate, easygoing, impulsive, ditzy
favorite subjects in school: music, english, and forensics
where does your soul feel the most at home: anywhere there is fresh air and some peace and quiet
top 5 fictional characters: mileena, yuri, dva, kuromi, howl
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: FUCK um. many moments in the promised neverland i cant even pick one so just the show as a whole....the abortion scene in sex education......and also all of your lie in april just so much of it
earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the stars
favorite kind of weather: that time in either fall or spring when its perfect sweater weather, the sun is shining but the breeze is cool enough that u don't sweat at all, and it stays that way until the sun goes down:') and everything smells so nice....it's different for spring and fall but they both smell lovely
top 3 kins: mileena, yuri, and kuromi
favorite medium of art: to do? graphite or digital bc im bad and must erase a lot! to enjoy? all of it literally all art makes my heart go whoosh
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: ambivert
favorite literary quote: i had to search so hard for this bc i couldnt remember it all but my fave book in my early teens was across the universe by beth revis and i always really liked this quote idk why: " I stare at the stars... And even though there are so many and they look so close together, I know they are light years apart. The glitter in the sky looks as if I could scoop it all up in my hands and let the stars swirl and touch one another, but they are so distant, so very far apart, that they cannot feel the warmth of each other, even though they are made of burning. This is the secret of the stars, I tell myself. In the end, we are alone. No matter how close you seem, no one else can touch you."
some of your favorite books: i dont read as much as i used to so most of the books i loved are young adult books but: the crank series by ellen hopkins, the painter from shanghai by jennifer cody epstein, every day by david levithan, i am the messenger by marcus zusak
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: i want to travel as much as possible, but i think i'll always wanna come home to canada. maybe not where i live now, but canada just feels the most like home and id love to live somewhere beautiful here
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: i mean i guess my gay ass is in the most ideal timeline right now, but bigotry and such out of the picture i would have fucked w the 70s so hard....big hair big shoes and just not giving a fuck??? gimme
if you could play any instrument masterfully what would it be?: guitar or piano are obvious choices but tbh id be an iconic saxophone player
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you have a connection to?: artemis and apollo were the first deities i was drawn to when i started my craft and figuring out religion and such, but recently i have been very drawn to persephone and dionysus??
lastly, favorite recent selfie from your camera roll: (i never take selfies this is the most up to date pic i have and its bad but oh well)
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i'm not gonna tag anyone bc i dont have friends but pls do it if u wanna!! i wanna know yall better!!!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
DC Fandome: Complete DC TV Panel Schedule
We’re very excited for next Saturday’s DC Fandome. Honestly, the DC Entertainment-run virtual event looks way more impressive that Comic Con at Home, boasting 24 hours of content for fans of the page and screen stories of DC Comics to nerd out over. DC just released the complete schedule for the event and, while there’s plenty of big screen stuff to look out for, from Wonder Woman 1984 to The Batman, there’s also some pretty exciting TV content on the docket. Here’s the complete DC TV schedule, with times (in ET) and panel descriptions.
DC Superhero Girls Season 2 Sneak Peek – 1 pm
A long-awaited character will be making their debut in season two of DC Super Hero Girls. Do you know who it is? You will soon!
The Flash – 1 pm
Executive producer Eric Wallace joins cast members Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Nicolet, Kayla Compton and Brandon McKnight to discuss all things Flash with Entertainment Weekly’s Chancellor Agard. Team Flash will break down both parts of season six and look ahead at what is to come with an exclusive trailer for season seven. Fans will also get a look at the exclusive black-and-white noir episode “Kiss Kiss Breach Breach,” available on the Season 6 Blu-ray and DVD.
Teen Titans Go! – 1 pm
Don’t miss a special cast table read of some of your favorite moments from the series with executive producer Peter Michail and voice cast members Tara Strong, Khary Payton, Greg Cipes and Scott Menville.
Black Lightning – 1:45 pm
Join Black Lightning stars Cress Williams, China Anne McClain, Nafessa Williams, Christine Adams, Marvin “Krondon” Jones III, Jordan Calloway and James Remar with actor/filmmaker Robert Townsend moderating as they pay homage to the ’90s.
Truth, Justice, and the DC Comics Way – 1:45 pm
Who would have thought the “injustices of the world” first read in comic books and then acted out in some of today’s most popular DC Super Hero films and television series would intersect with today’s real-life civil, social and political unrest? Series stars David Harewood and Nicole Maines (Supergirl), Marvin “Krondon” Jones III (Black Lightning), Anna Diop (Titans) and executive producer/showrunner Eric Wallace (The Flash) discuss how the genesis of comic books has always been rooted in the search of truth and justice: it’s the DC Comics way!
Multiverse 101 – 2:15 pm
Get schooled in this engaging refresher course on the creation of the Multiverse with DC Chief Creative Officer/Publisher Jim Lee, Warner Bros. Pictures President of DC-Based Film Production Walter Hamada, and Berlanti Productions founder/DCTV mega-producer Greg Berlanti.
Pennyworth – 2:30 pm
Join series stars Jack Bannon, Ben Aldridge, Paloma Faith, Emma Paetz, and executive producers Bruno Heller and Danny Cannon as they talk about this unique origin story of the famed butler behind Batman, Alfred Pennyworth. Join in for a fond look back at the show’s exciting first season and the inspiration behind its stunning and edgy 1960s London setting, plus a few unexpected secrets about the new season ahead!
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – 3 pm 
Join the cast and producers of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow for a Q&A and, of course, lots of laughs! Be sure to tune in to get the inside scoop on favorite moments from past seasons and what they have in store for season six. Series stars Caity Lotz, Nick Zano, Matt Ryan, Tala Ashe, Jes Macallan, Olivia Swann, Amy Louise Pemberton and Shayan Sobhian join executive producers Phil Klemmer, Keto Shimizu and Grainne Godfree for a panel moderated by Entertainment Weekly’s Chancellor Agard.
BAWSE Females of Color Within the DC Universe – 3:45 pm
What’s a BAWSE? Find out here as some of the hottest actresses across DC television and film sit down with celebrity DJ D-Nice and Grammy-winning singer/actress Estelle to discuss how they use their confidence and vulnerability to navigate their careers in Hollywood. Panelists include Meagan Good (SHAZAM!), Javicia Leslie (Batwoman), Candice Patton (The Flash), Tala Ashe (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), Nafessa Williams and Chantal Thuy (Black Lightning), and Anna Diop and Damaris Lewis (Titans).
Doom Patrol – 4:15 pm
Join the “world’s strangest heroes” — the Doom Patrol — for a deep-dive discussion into the beloved and bizarre series. Panel will feature executive producers Jeremy Carver and Chris Dingess, co-executive producer Tamara Becher-Wilkinson, and series stars Matt Bomer, Diane Guerrero, April Bowlby, Joivan Wade, Timothy Dalton, Karen Obilom, Abigail Shapiro, Riley Shanahan and Matthew Zuk.
Superman & Lois – 5:35 pm
Join DC Chief Creative Officer/Publisher Jim Lee in a conversation with executive producer/showrunner Todd Helbing and series stars Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch as they discuss the history of Superman from the comics to the screen, what fans can expect from the upcoming series, and the significance of the characters in the world of today.
Lucifer – 8 pm
Lucifer is back from Hell, and the series is bringing a never-before-seen blooper reel from season four along with an exclusive clip of “Another One Bites the Dust” from the upcoming musical episode. Director Sherwin Shilati and Lucifer executive producers/showrunners Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich discuss what it took to put together such a massive musical episode — and how they have been able to keep it under wraps for so long.
Titans – 8:30 pm
Join executive producer Greg Walker and series stars Brenton Thwaites, Anna Diop, Teagan Croft, Ryan Potter, Conor Leslie, Curran Walters, Joshua Orpin, Damaris Lewis, with Alan Ritchson and Minka Kelly for a preview of the new season as well as a discussion on the “Top Titans Moments” of the first two seasons.
Young Justice – 9 pm
Join executive producers Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti plus voice cast members Jason Spisak, Khary Payton, Stephanie Lemelin, Nolan North, Denise Boutte, Danica McKellar and Crispin Freeman for a special audio play performance of a brand-new Young Justice episode. After the table read, stick around for a Q&A session previewing the new season.
DC’s Stargirl – 9:45 pm
DC’s Stargirl creator/executive producer Geoff Johns joins cast members Brec Bassinger, Amy Smart, Yvette Monreal, Anjelika Washington and Cameron Gellman for a panel full of fun and inside scoop. Join the new Justice Society of America as they dive into that epic showdown and learn a little more about each other through some special lenses.
Batwoman – 10:30 pm
Join executive producers Caroline Dries and Sarah Schechter plus cast members Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Camrus Johnson and Nicole Kang for the exclusive first discussion with the highly anticipated new Batwoman Javicia Leslie as she prepares to step into the iconic role. The cast will break down season one and give a sneak peek at season two, featuring new arrival Ryan Wilder, aka Batwoman.
The post DC Fandome: Complete DC TV Panel Schedule appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2E4cCUF
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femalechibiblogger · 5 years
5 Heart Wrenching Moments in Funny Cartoons
1. Goodbye Adam West (Family Guy)
Adam West has been the mayor of Family Guy’s Quahog since season 2. As the eccentric mayor of Quahog, Rhode Island, Adam West has been one of the most beloved characters in the entire series. His strange and funny behavior, from launching cats at a pizza guy to dancing in a laundromat, has made him quite the fan favorite. Unfortunately...we had to say goodbye to this one-of-a-kind mayor in season 17′s ‘Adam West High’. After the death of the real life ‘Adam West’, the show gave a proper farewell to iconic actor when Brian Griffin and Glenn Quagmire both tried to run for mayor. After nearly falling to their deaths, they are suddenly saved by Adam West...only for us to see that Brian had actually grabbed a tree branch and merely hallucinated Adam West. This moment really hit hard for those who have been fans of both the show and Adam West for many years, as they had to accept that both the actor and character were truly gone. But even if Quahog does get a new mayor, Adam West will never be forgotten.
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2. Hotori’s Accident (And Yet The Town Moves)
The underrated anime series And Yet The Town Moves is a hilarious series filled with comedy, love, and friendship. The show’s main character, Hotori, is a high school girl who loves detective stories, hates math, works at a maid cafe, and is always able to see the bright side of things. Hotori also has a reputation of being a mischievous and air headed girl who can make one nearly lose their minds. But in the anime series’ final episode, Hotori is hit by a garbage truck and her soul goes to Heaven. While in Heaven, Hotori looks to see what is going on back on Earth. She sees how greatly devastated her family is, her friends are trying to remain hopeful but have great difficulty in doing so, the people who saw her as a troublemaker crying over this tragedy, and others wanting revenge on the driver who hit her by accident. She also sees her friends asking why something like this had to happen to her, as she was just a girl with the heart of a child and the mind of a detective. But one of the most emotional scenes has to be when her father prays for her to come back...as nothing is more devastating for a parent than losing their child. After seeing all of this, Hotori cries as she does not wish to leave everyone she loves. But it turns out that her body is in a coma, which means that Hotori can go back to Earth, but will forget anything that had happened in Heaven. After waking up from her coma, Hotori has no memory of what she had just experienced...but all that matters is that she is alive and well. Truly an emotional moment in a funny, slice of life anime. 
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3. The End of a Generation (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was the fourth generation of the My Little Pony Universe. The show began in 2010, and had become a series loved by people of all ages. The series follows the seven main characters: Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike as they learn about friendship and protect Equestria from evil. Friendship is Magic has brought many people in real life together, and has created friendships all over the world. The show had many emotional moments...but the one that hit the most was the series finale. The final episode shows the main characters are now older and have their own responsibilities...but that doesn’t mean that they are no longer friends. No matter how far apart they were, their bond could never be broken no matter what. The series finale signaled the end of a generation, but not the end of everlasting friendships. 
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4. Time Adventure (Adventure Time)
The song ‘TIme Adventure’ is a song featured in the series finale of the Cartoon Network series: Adventure Time. A battle between the evil entity GOLB and the citizens of Ooo has broken out, and it seems like a hopeless battle. BMO finds a shrunken Jake, who is scared and worried about the outcome of the battle, and decided to comfort him by singing a song. BMO begins to sing about how time is an illusion, but that it helps us make sense of things...even when something good has to end. As BMO is singing, it turns out that the harmonious song is able to weaken the chaotic GOLB. Princess Bubblegum soon has everyone sing along with BMO. If you listen carefully, it seems as though the song is telling us how it is sad that something that we love...like a beloved show...as to end. And how we wish that we could go back to the very beginning. But just because the show is ending, doesn’t mean that it will be gone and forgotten forever. 
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5. Nicole’s Relationship with her Parents (The Amazing World of Gumball)
The Amazing World of Gumball is a show filled with hilarity and humor, as it follows the lives of the Watterson Family and the citizens of Elmore. In the episode, ‘The Parents’, Nicole unexpectedly reunites with her parents: Daniel and Mary Senicourt. As shown throughout the episode, Nicole’s relationship with her parents has been very strained for many years. Her whole life, Daniel and Mary pressured Nicole to succeed at everything: Having her join a million clubs, having her only get straight A’s in school, wanting her to have a successful career as a CEO or lawyer, and wanting her to marry a doctor or banker. This made Nicole believe that her parents didn’t love her and only wanted her to be perfect, even when they claimed that they just wanted what was best for her. But instead, Nicole did not become a successful career woman or marry a successful man. Because of their high expectations and strict parenting, Nicole grew to resent her parents and believed that it was better that they never see each other again. This, of course, saddens Daniel and Mary...who seem to understand that their parenting skills are the reason for their estranged relationship with their daughter. But while Gumball is singing, ‘If It’s Too Hard To Forgive’, Nicole chases after her regretful parents, and the three of them are finally able to forgive each other and reconcile. It is truly sad to see how parents, who believed that they were only trying to help their child have a bright future, unknowingly drove them away instead. And while their child may not want to forgive them for their past mistakes, having regrets and dwelling on the past can be even worse. 
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Why Eggman Is the Only Good Thing to Come out of Sonic X
  There’s a saying that all great heroes need a great villain, and in the case of Sonic the Hedgehog, that really couldn’t be any more true; after all, where would SEGA’s iconic mascot be without his equally great villain, Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik? While everyone is hopping on the Jim Carey train thanks to the new live-action movie, we figured now was a great time to remind everyone of the one true shining Chaos Emerald of the Sonic X anime: Eggman himself! That’s right, the rotund and robust professor of pain is, really, the only thing Sonic X did that’s worth remembering. So, for this momentous movie event, we figured there’s no better way to honor the legacy of Eggman than to talk about why he single handedly made Sonic X worth watching.  
Chances are that if you grew up in the US sometime between the '90s and '10s, you watched a lot of your anime on TV during your childhood. For many anime fans, that meant healthy doses of WB and 4Kids inspired treatments of shows, and Sonic always featured prominently in those Saturday morning blocks somewhere. But the first real Sonic anime to hit American television, Sonic X, took a departure from the Archie comics inspired weirdness of previous Sonic cartoons to present a modern, updated, post-Sonic Adventure 2 vision of Sonic: Sonic X! And boy, was it not very good! 
Now, we get it, we aren’t trying to assassinate your childhood or anything; we thought the show was kinda fun too when we were younger. But looking back on it, the weird story of Sonic and company being transported to Earth and living with a generic, no-name character and his weirdo family certainly wasn’t the type of Sonic storylines we expected to be seeing (although the opening song was pretty legendary). Even worse, the show tried to balance the absolutely bloated cast of Sonic Adventure, including appearances by Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, Amy Rose, Cream the Bunny, Big the Cat, and even the Chaotix team for some reason. But the true star that made the show entertaining was the good doctor himself, Eggman! Without Eggman, the show was frankly boring and pretty flat, with storylines like Sonic trying to beat a racecar driver (which we all knew he could do anyway, right?!). No, Sonic X owes all of its greatest moments to Eggman: blowing up the moon and making a new, better moon, awakening Shadow, and even defeating the intergalactic horror of the Metarex were all only possible because of the ingenious skills inside that beautiful brain.
And, yes, Eggman is the villain of a kids show; most of his plans aren’t very complicated or evil, but they propelled the entire plot of the series in most cases; heck, he even draws his own money while pretending to be President instead of doing anything really evil or creative with the idea. But without Eggman’s schemes, most of the first two seasons go absolutely nowhere, and it’s only due to his determination to defeat Sonic and take over the world that Shadow is even discovered in the first place.
But perhaps Eggman’s greatest single accomplishment in Sonic X is the story of how he blew up the moon. Yes, you read that correctly: the sphere in the sky responsible for controlling tidal flow and other things was “accidentally” destroyed by the great doctor; we know, he probably didn’t mean to cause any real harm. After all, he invented a NEW moon to take its place! What a great guy!
The moon saga of Sonic X remains one of the funniest memories of the entire series (and, personally, the main reason I even remember the show at all). It features all of the general ridiculous ideas you might expect in a Saturday morning cartoon, with the cast acting almost entirely out of character, save for Eggman, who of course is working a long con of helping the people of Earth after he LITERALLY BLEW UP THEIR MOON ON PURPOSE by selling “sunshine balls,” and when Sonic catches on that this plan isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, gets the President of “a country” to agree to take martial action against Sonic.
Honestly, rewatching it, the entire sequence feels like it’s borrowing cues from the conclusion of Devilman, with the main cast being harassed and swarmed by angry mobs of random people, lusting for the blood of Sonic, while Eggman simply reclines and bides his time before finally gagging the President and… drawing money with his own face on it. That’s it. That’s his final, real idea for this caper. Assuming that he’ll become the next President once Sonic is dead and the world is at his fingertips, Eggman simply ties up the current President and… doodles fake money, before, of course, Sonic comes and ruins everything by saving the day. Nerd.
Almost every story in Sonic X works in this fashion when Eggman is involved, and the 70+ episode-long series really owes it to him for carrying all of the weight of the show on his back. The Earth-based storylines, like the race car driver and other goofy things, are barely even worth watching, let alone remembering, and it isn’t until Eggman makes some sort of appearance on screen that anyone should even care about the show. Eggman is reverse Poochy: everyone should be asking where Eggman is at all times, but unironically.
In the climactic ending of the third season, Super Sonic and Super Shadow can’t even defeat the Metarex without Eggman’s help, and literally no other character is in any way more useful than the doctor that they’ve all been negging on for the entire series. Shows how grateful they really are! Frankly, this type of villain reversal was always a common, but fun, trope in Saturday morning TV fair, and Sonic X really nailed it by taking advantage of how awesome Eggman really was in order to pull it off effectively.
Honestly, maybe that’s what makes Eggman so great in general as far as a villain and a character is concerned. Although his plans usually amount to being totally ridiculous (seriously, just… going to turn animals into robots? That’s your big plan?), when Sonic series media wants things done or explained, it generally falls to Eggman to do it. Shadow? Eggman. Chaos? Eggman. Chaos Control? Also Eggman. The entire point of Sonic in any game, comic, show or movie has no momentum unless Eggman appears to push things along and get the blue rat to lace up his sneakers.
Even the final episode of Sonic X requires Eggman to intervene in order to send original character and human protagonist, Chris, back to Earth, because no one else is smart enough to get the dimensional machine working again. Without Eggman, Chris would have just been stuck in Sonic’s world as a 12 year old forever, but you didn’t hear Eggman begging to be thanked for all of his hard work! Instead, Eggman simply takes it all in stride, claiming that Chris makes Sonic too strong, and sends him home. What a secret softie!
As Sonic’s movie hits theaters and people start to fondly reminisce on what they loved the most about the franchise, we hope that this little PSA has reminded you of what’s truly important: that Sonic X was a pretty whatever show with one of the best characters of all time: Dr. Eggman! Doctor, we salute you in all that you do!  
Are you an Eggman fan? Did Eggman write this? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Nicole is a frequent wordsmith for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
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danaidana · 4 years
A little bit about me
Dear Reader,
Hello, my name is Danai Dana. Before you ask, it’s pronounced Dan-eye Dan-ah, work with that in your accent. Today, in the year 2020, amidst the coronavirus pandemic I’m starting a blog. I’m late to the party – yes, I know, the party’s almost over, but oh well.
It’s gonna be pretty random, don’t expect any pattern in the essays, articles or abstract chunks of words. Whatever. I make the rules. I’m supposed to be a professional writer, so it’s gonna be good, I promise. One thing is for sure; it’s all about me.
Now, let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m Greek, this is the first thing I always tell people (it’s a patriotic reflex), half-grew up in Thessaloniki, Greece, half-grew up in the outskirts of London (aka where the middle class peaks). I like to say that I was raised in Greece and matured in the UK. Like a barrel of Sainsbury’s feta, the organic one, obviously. Actually, scratch that, I don’t want to be remembered with that slogan.
When I was younger I wanted to be a famous artist, whatever that meant. Actor, musician, singer, film director, painter, writer, I went through phases. I have a pretty cool, catchy and artsy name (and I’m so fucking interesting), so I wanted to make a name of myself. I have become a writer, and I guess I’m working my way up to fame, so I’m getting there. But, if you want to hire me for any of the listed occupations, I’m down.
I won’t list everything on my CV, but for a bit of background info, I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life (as I mentioned above), so I decided I wanted to study psychology, it’s like a good base-degree, you know? Acts as a good foundation for a lot of jobs. But I also minored in creative writing, to spice things up. I then made up my mind, and went and down the road of journalism. 
I consider myself a beauty connoisseur, I love makeup and skincare, but I sometimes get bitchy when I talk about it, because I think I know better than everyone else. I have an obsession with sleek, shiny hair, I really like blue eyeshadow, highlighter and blush, and I have codependent relationship with rosewater, oils and all the acids. And lip balm, of course.
Socks and printed short-sleeve shirts are my favourite things. I’m also very into tie dye at the moment. I basically kind of want to look like a Lana del Rey, Zoe Kravitz, Camille Rowe and Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas meet Euphoria-inspired Instagram girls and a cool Korean fashion student at UAL. Did that make sense? I also stan Donald Glover and everything he wears, also Tyler The Creator and Harry Styles. And, Nicole Richie is my soulmate; style, but also spirit-wise. I’ll stop listing style icons now, it’s getting weird.
I’m a pop culture addict, in many ways. I’m a huge drag stan, I’m very opinionated on the film industry, but I’m also a bit of a basic bitch. I like reading, but I get bored easily when reading. I still buy magazines, and I want Lana Del Rey as the soundtrack to my life. So, do expect a lot of social and pop culture commentary. You’ll find out my favourite films and albums soon enough, don’t worry.
This is the end of my stream of consciousness, for now.
Please check in again, I’ll be back.
Danai Dana
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