#bangboo notice
billythesimp · 2 months
His Starlight
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...
I was requested for write more Billy headcanons with a fem!s/o so here's some short snippets. So thank you for the request! I'll be opening requests after I finish another piece so letting you all know ahead.
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙
tagging: None
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tw: none
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⋈ Billy makes some strange decisions at time, either cuz he’s trying to be cheap in order to save more, or he’s just not thinking straight and makes an impromptu purchase. As his s/o, you’re able to reel him in and help him make smarter decisions that’ll leave him so grateful that you care as much to aid him. Of course, this doesn’t count when he decides to splurge on you, because his girlfriend deserves only the best.
⋈ The girls in the Cunning Hares have at least met you a couple times before, after all they do care for Billy so only want to know who his new girlfriend is. That being said, Nicole is probably the one who can see the benefits of keeping you around, only to drop them once she sees just how much you adore their android friend that they’ve started noticing changes in him that are for the better. He still is goofy and oftentimes causing a ruckus with the others, but he’s become more thoughtful and acknowledges when things are going wrong or when they need to make a decisive decision in their work or expenses. Nicole doesn’t mind having you come around often, as long as you don’t become another mouth to feed. 
⋈ Best part of having such a cute girlfriend is being able to binge watch movies together and go out on dates. His favorites being the ones where they explore Lumina Square and stop to take photos. Of course, he loves doing the iconic poses from his favorite shows and movies, impersonating the actors to the point that it embarrasses you but he does it in a loving matter. But he also loves taking photos of you, drinking coffee at the Tin man’s shop, fawning over the shop bangboos, or even experimenting with the makeup in the salon there. He has a whole file saved of his favorite moments from your dates. 
⋈ Of course, dating Billy has its cons. For one he is usually cold to the touch because he’s made of metal and need to have his joints lubricated. But no worries, he does his best to maintain himself and makes subtle changes that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. Like buying a heating module to help increase his body heat, though the dealer he bought it from was kinda sketchy and now he overheats too quickly just from seeing your cute face. And when it comes to lubrates, he gets only the finest of lubes to help him move to the best of his ability. A little too well as you’ll have him turning head at record speed when you call him. Maybe even trip over his own feet trying to catch up to you. 
⋈ Billy can be a fool but he’s your fool. He loves and cherishes every day he gets to spend with you; And whenever he’s in a pinch, down in the hollows completing the hardest of commissions all for the sake of getting by with the Cunning Hares, he can only think of how you’ll be waiting for him on the outside. Ready to give him the biggest hug and rewatch Oh~ Sweetie where now he no longer finds joy in admiring the main actress as you shine brighter than any other starlight knight.
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vxnuslogy · 2 months
– my proxy.
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pairing: wise x gn!reader
premise: belle is currently suffering from an incurable disease of watching her brother play oblivious to your obvious hints of affection. she only prays that you confess soon or at least realize that wise actually feels the same.
– warnings: none
– author's notes: i am so normal about wise. whenever he starts talking in game i just burst into a fit of giggles. filler post for now. | ~700 words.
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wise despite his name, wasn’t all that wise when it comes to noticing the very obvious hints you throw at him (or maybe he does know, he just isn’t speaking up about it). but belle does, and it sends her into a fit of giddy giggles that she hides behind her fist whenever it happens.
a fond and amused glint in her eyes whenever wise gets flustered after you call him “my proxy”. it wasn’t anything out of ordinary, wise always calls himself your proxy anyways, but whenever you do it on missions or when you go to hollows to accompany the cunning hares, it never fails to flush his cheeks a pretty pink. belle would let out a snicker and kick his feet from under the table and she’s always met with a warning glare. not once has he mentioned the romantic undertones of your words despite picking up on it himself. 
or the times when you would always drop by their store to hangout in his room. more often than not, when belle comes to check on you both, you’d be fast asleep on his bed with a bangboo in between you two. a devious smirk would always creep up belle’s face when she tip toes into the room and quietly open the cap of a washable marker to write on both of your faces. wise, when he wakes up, would come running down the stairs to chase belle around for writing “[name]’s proxy” in big bold letters on his cheek while you laugh. never once wiping the words of “wise’s hollow raider” with a heart on the cheek opposite to wise’s. 
belle isn’t ignorant nor is wise, but it does frustrate her when her brother doesn’t speak up about his very obvious feelings about you. a sudden feeling of irritation blooming within her chest when she sees your crestfallen expression when wise keeps calling you “just a friend” when general cop or the tin master ask what your relationship is. belle doesn't miss the flash of slight hurt in your eyes before you mask it with an awkward smile and wave of your hand, agreeing with what wise said even though you obviously want to be something more than just a friend.
she’s frustrated with you too. the hours the two of you spend in their workspace, curled up on the couch as you vent out your frustration at wise’s obliviousness. eight out of ten times, belle would just urge you to confess directly, however, you would always go quiet and murmur into the bangboo in your arms that confessing isn’t an option. at first, belle was rightfully confused. she saw how you looked at wise; you looked at him as if he hung the sun and moon himself. he was your entire world and you had him putty in your hands with just two words. it wasn’t until the day after when belle finally realizes –when nicole has her arms wrapped around your waist and an angry flush on her face when you enter their store battered and bruised, but still smiling– that this was a first for you too. 
before becoming a regular client, you would recklessly jump into hollows without a carrot or a proxy. barely making it out alive if nicole hadn’t found you and made you a member of her little band of misfits. you were enamored with wise when he first patched you up. you didn’t have anyone before him that cared enough to lecture you about danger, your recklessness, and bad habits. he was probably the first person that genuinely showed concern for you so belle understood for a moment why you didn’t want to confess. she’s watched enough romance movies and read books and comics to know that confessing has its risks. your friendship that you painstakingly built with her brother brick by brick would come crumbling down if you said those three words.
“my dearest proxies,” you barreled into their store front with a bright grin. belle doesn’t miss the twinkle in wise’s eyes when he sees you. “let’s go out for lunch. my treat!”
“what’s the occasion?” wise asks, putting down the boxes of videotapes on the counter to give you his undiverted attention.
your grin reached your eyes as you waved a piece of parchment in front of them both. “it’s paycheck day! and what better way than to treat my proxies to lunch for taking such good care of me.”
“count me in!” belle merrily jogs towards you and gives you a high five.
“what do you say wise?” belle flashed her brother with a knowing look. the boy only shook his head and started leading the two of you out the store.
“well, how can i say no to free food?”
wise stole a laugh from your lungs as you tangled your arms with them both. “that’s my proxy. now let’s go!”
belle never misses the way wise’s cheeks flush whenever you intertwine your arms together; it was as easy as breathing for you. she just hopes that one day you’ll see for yourself that wise also feels the same, he’s just clueless and a little shy to show it unlike you.
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© vxnuslogy 2024. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my works without my knowledge or consent in other platforms or websites.
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akutasoda · 1 month
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help! my bangboo is trying match-make me!
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synopsis - your bangboo decides that it's time to set you on a date
includes - wise, belle, seth, ellen
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight crack, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, awkward encounters, wc - 1.6k
a/n: shout-out to my friend, she was sat there in the hotel with me and gave me some amazing ideas (and listened to my rambling and even joined in-)
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wise ★↷
you stared down at the list in your hand, you needed quite a few items although you reckoned that most could be obtained from the one four one. it was only going to be a simple errand or two but you still thought to bring along your bangboo, the company would be rather nice.
you managed to get most of your things, some extras as well, before deciding that a couple would have to be sought elsewhere. but as you looked up from the list you noticed that your bangboo was nowhere to be seen. slight panic was rising inside of you and then you finally noticed it.
out the corner of your eye you could see your bangboo running down the street, more panic set in as you went after it. luckily it only ran into the video store down the street, not any further but you definitely would have to apologise to whoever the owner was for your bangboo’s poor behaviour - it'd never done this before so you wondered what had gotten into it all of a sudden.
your panic only doubled however when you opened the door to the video store just in time to see your bangboo run into a grey haired guy. fortunately he didn't seem too bothered, more concerned about the bangboo that was now lying on the ground. wise quickly noted how the bangboo must belong to you, based upon how quickly you ran towards it and the look of concern on your face.
you hurriedly helped your bangboo back up before apologising to the unfortunate victim of your bangboo's “rampage”. wise assured you that it wasn't an issue, you were rather relieved that he wasn't so bothered but a small bit of guilt nagged away at you. while you were talking with wise, your bangboo kept observing the two of you before coming to it's own conclusion that neither of you were aware of.
and so as you tried to leave you noticed your bangboo stood rather firmly next to wise. you both tried encouraging it but it refused. eventually it made it's way over only to try and push you back towards wise. you let out a sigh of disbelief as wise held back a small laugh. after a very long while you managed to convince it to leave.
now everytime you visited sixth street your bangboo would end up dragging you to random play, and more specifically wise. and eventually as you started becoming friends with wise, your bangboo never looked so proud of itself - but it certainly wouldn't stop until you two actually got together.
belle ★↷
recently you had heard of a new video tape circulating that you were dying to get ahold of and see, fortunately you knew of a great video store on sixth street. so as soon as you had the time you made your way to random play accompanied by your bangboo.
admittedly you were quite the regular there, it definitely held up to the reputation it had. so you figured that if anyone would have that new video tape, it'd be them. over the times you visited, you'd become quite friendly with the siblings who ran the store and so you're sure that they'd help you find it regardless of whether or not they actually had it themselves.
you arrived eventually and immediately went to ask the bangboo at the counter for some assistance, belle emerged from the staff only rather quickly afterwards. she listened to your request before agreeing to help you find it, she wasn't too sure that they had it, they hadn't exactly updated their stock recently, but she would try to get ahold of it for you.
she promised to return in a few minutes before disappearing to the staff only for a while, and in the meantime you decided to glance through the other video tapes to pass the time. eventually she re-emerged with good news but you'd have to return the next day to collect it. you thanked her before making your way home, except as soon as you left the store, you noticed your bangboo was nowhere to be seen.
immediately, you turned heel and went back into random play and saw belle trying to urge your bangboo out of the staff only. this wasn't exactly the first time your bangboo had tried to stay at the store and you had a bad feeling it wouldn't be the last. belle only laughed when you apologised again as she assured you it's not a big deal - if anything she found it rather cute that your bangboo liked the store so much, unaware of its real reason.
and as soon as you returned the next day, your bangboo did the exact same thing. every single time. it certainly wasn't going to give up, it wanted the two of you to spend more time with each other and you both would soon come to learn that it would stop at nothing.
seth lowell ★↷
you sighed as you stretched out your arms, you looked down at the remaining paperwork on the desk before glancing at the clock. the remaining paperwork would have to wait, it was your break and you certainly weren't going to waste it on leftover files. standing up, you started thinking what to actually do with your free time before you noticed the lack of bangboo's around you.
more specifically your bangboo who usually stayed by your side at all times. only now it wasn't anywhere to be seen, not near your desk or anywhere in sight. panic started setting in as you now had to go search for your bangboo - not exactly how you saw your break going but maybe you could find it quickly enough.
so far, you're bangboo was nowhere to be found. the panic was increasing and you were worried something bad had happened to it. but you were quickly snapped out your worried daze by the sight of seth crouched down in front of something in the hallway. he heard you approaching and stood up to reveal your bangboo behind him.
he explained how he saw it wondering around aimlessly and got rather excited when it spotted him, and since he knew it was yours he figured he could wait with it untill you showed up. you thanked seth for helping return your bangboo, you both knew how much trouble you could land in for letting it run around like it did - even if it wasn't entirely your fault.
he assured you it was no real problem and he was glad that you two were reunited. you and seth bid farewell but your bangboo wasn't so happy about the short encounter and before anybody noticed it ran infront of you as you walked off, causing you to trip.
rather fortunately, seth was just quick enough to catch you before you fell. except now you were both a blushing mess and your bangboo was rather proud of itself - admittedly your bangboo was much more aware of your feelings for eachother than either of you. you and seth quickly parted afterwards, but your bangboo was not going to stop until one of you confessed.
ellen joe ★↷
lumina square was always busy around this time. you knew that but yet you still couldn't help but agree to meet with some of your friends there. idly glancing down at your phone, you became less aware of your surroundings, only noticing anything when you realised the weight of your bangboo leaning on your leg was no longer there.
panic set in almost immediately as you were worried something may have happened to your bangboo or it could get lost. fortunately, you managed to spot it waddling its way over towards the teamilk store and you could only hope to catch up to it before something bad happened - the busy streets didn't exactly fill you with much hope that it wouldn't be hurt if you didn't catch it quick enough.
it had never done something like this before and so you were struggling to think why it would run off all of a sudden, maybe it just really wanted some teamilk? the reasons didn't matter, all that mattered now was catching your bangboo and making sure it didn't cause any trouble.
you paused when you watched it run toward your classmate ellen. you two had talked on occasion, more so recently, but you two were definitely not friendly enough to walk away from this encounter being anything other than embarrassing. as soon as you realised you stopped, you quickly caught up to your bangboo which was now bothering ellen.
luckily, she was currently waiting alone and so you wouldn't run the risk of anyone else seeing the awkward encounter. still, you apologised and explained that you didn't know what had gotten into your bangboo and ellen only muttered something as you tried ushering your bangboo away.
you felt slightly bad and so you offered to buy her a teamilk as an apology, one she didn't turn down. fortunately for you, she agreed but only to share one seeing as she was planning to meet with her friends later. but this simple encounter couldn't of made your bangboo more happy as it new it was helping you two move in the right direction.
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postmoe · 2 months
Wise x
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ok hear me out-
yandere, smutty, sharing, reader degradation
Scenario 1:
You're a solo agent who has relied on Phatheon - relied on Wise - for years. Being in such crippling debt is not ideal, the only way you can really pay off anything is through the hollows. You're just lucky to have such a doting Proxy.
It's scary fighting all those monsters, but, with such a handy companion, you know you're safe. Even so, it can get very embarrassing.
"Didn't you wear that underwear yesterday?"
"You really don't leave much to the imagination, do ya, (Y/n)?"
"I'll jump first, just make sure to land on my face, 'kay?"
You can try and retaliate, but, if you don't show up wearing a skirt or change inside the hollow, then he's just going to sit there and not lead you. Complaining and pushing him does nothing, he may as well just be disconnected.
At least, if you're ever being chased on the 'safe' side by other gangs or some criminal or public secs, you can hide safely in his bedroom. In his bed. Him in you.
Well, you have to thank him for being so kind, don't you? It's only polite.
Don't even think about asking other Proxys for help, he'll easily overshadow them or spread misinformation. Honestly, no one wants to get on Phatheon's bad side anyway.
Whether it's him or his Bangboo, you can bet he's going to be one annoying, clingy pervert.
Scenario 2
You're part of the Cunning Hares. You join thinking you're going to help make some cash to survive on the streets, only for Nicole to throw you to Wise as "Interest on their outstanding payment with Phatheon."
Cue you sitting between his legs while he's at his computer, soft cock just warming up in your mouth. Docile you is too meek to do anything about it, especially when your wrists are cuffed to the legs or arms of his chair.
If you want to talk you have to get his attention somehow, don't remove your mouth unless he explicitly says you can. Otherwise, a good spanking is in order.
Nicole ain't gonna bust you out, either. She'll be telling you to up the performance in hopes of getting even more shaved off the bill.
If you're lucky (not), Wise will invite Billy in for some fun. "How about it, let her grind on your face while she sucks my cock?"
All the eager to comply, you're soon letting the robot explore you while you actively please your employer's proxy with your mouth. The three of you sure make a cute trio.
It's rare you go on hunts with them, though if you do, you're usually stuck on supply duty. Can't risk you unable to 'work', yanno? Leave the fighting to the professionals, and you can stick with what you're good at!
It also makes for some fun moments between you, Billy and the Bangboo.
You just exist to be bullied, it seems.
... ... ...
Wise will make sure you're completely dependent on him. If you need money, food, a roof over your head then you better believe it's him you go to. In a world with Hollows, gangs, corrupted law, it's not that hard to 'fake' an accident if you went elsewhere.
He's not worried about you running around and leaving the store, as long as you know you to come back when you've got it out of your system. He's not above punishment and chaining you up.
Don't believe his calm and collected responses, just pay attention to his eyes and you're bound to notice what kind of emotion he's emitting.
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r0-boat · 1 month
May I request some Yandere Von lycaon headcanons please? Thank you! 💗
Hot wolf headcanons coming right up
Yandere Von Lycaon Headcannons
Cw: Yandere, possessive, excessive,and overprotective behavior, super controlling, super toxic, kidnapping.
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Von Lycaon knows every little thing about you down to the last beauty mark on your skin. He is a hyperstalker, MF has a leather notebook filled with meticulous notes on you. Along with pictures photos or sketches to go with it. He takes such great pride into knowing every little thing about you.
He wants to know your likes your dislikes everyone you hang out with your family members, He will know you down to what soap you use.
First he was just happy with stalking you knowing everything about you but after a while he would want more. You would start bumping into you on the street slowly starting to hang out with you. And as a handsome and very charismatic wolfman you will be in tranced too much so to even notice what's going on before it's too late.
You will be kidnapped, He had to do it as soon as he could and it's not like it was hard either He had stolen things before. He was rusty but once he knew your schedule and how to get you alone it was so easy to lead you with stray.
Lycaon is not stupid. He knows what he's doing is wrong. You are his guilty pleasure and he cannot help himself. at first he was very conflicted and holding his feelings back but now he does not care.
he assures you that him being your captor is a better option than literally anything else out in the world. With his salary he could easily provide for you then when he is not working you are his one and only. If you know your place, he will happily serve you and give you anything you wish.
Just because he serves you that doesn't mean he's a pushover. Far from it He's only like this because he wants to serve you However he is not afraid to take back what little control you thought you had.
Of course, obedience is not without punishment, and as a strict wolf, he must uphold his rules. And there are a lot of them.
-Supervise internet for 1 hour only, of course certain social medias are blocked and restricted.
-Going outside without his chaperoning is prohibited
-wondering around the house when he is at work is prohibitive However once you're good you will get this privilege.
-You must eat meals by him and him alone Von lygon will provide three meals a day along with snacks and dessert He shall leave warm breakfast out for you before he leaves for work. His Bangboo shall provide you with lunch.
-no tempering with the Bangboo, it's there for your safety surveillance and to provide You with any necessities while he's away.
-television for no more than 2 hours a day. Anymore then 1 hour over this limit and you'll get a scolding. More hours maybe negotiated.
-any books or TV series you want to watch or read must be checked and green lit with von Lycaon first
-hanging out with friends is out of the question unless greenlit by Von Lycaon.
-when he calls you must pick up immediately.
-do not feel yourself up on snacks and sweets. You'll spoil your dinner.
Honestly he doesn't think he's that controlling.
Von Lycaon had a connection set up cameras in your room and everywhere around the house, which was attached to an app on his phone so he could see what you're doing at all times.
Von Lycaon Will cook for you cloth you, bathe with you, He would even goddamn brush your damn teeth for you.
Your Butler by force may look common collected but internally he has no chill when it comes to you and will clear out grocery stores when you even mention you have a craving for any snack or dish.
He is self-aware but he is still delulu from the fact that he wants to get married to you someday. It will happen You just have to trust him more. In one of your many fights with him You yell at him that "You can't force someone to fall in love" and with a straight face looking you dead in the eye he answers " you can love someone by force that's called Stockholm syndrome. I researched that extensively"... You never had that argument with him again.
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vonlycsnn · 2 months
Hi :) I'm not sure if you do angst or not, so if you don't feel free to ignore this. I was wondering if you could do Billy Kid and Lycaon with an injured reader.
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SUMMARY: You get severely injured by Ethereals. Billy tries his best to help you, Lycaon stays by your side while you rest.
- cw/tw: mentions of injuries. hurt/comfort.
- A/N: hello! I love reading angst, I don't write em that often so this was good practice. Kinda a coincidence because I just maxed out Billy's trust rank today lol. Thank you for your request, hope you enjoy reading this! (may or may not overdid it with lycaon 😭)
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"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Billy dropped his guns and quickly ran towards you; your anxious bangboo followed. You were hurt badly. The two of you didn't realize that there was going to be so many Ethereals in one area. If you knew earlier, you wouldn't have separated from Nicole and the others.
Yet here you two were, covered in bruises and scratches.
"Oh god, oh god!" The robot kneels beside you, panicking. You were lying on the ground, staring at the gloomy sky. Trying to process what happened.
"Are you okay?! Did the giant Ethereal hurt you anywhere?! Ah, I should've helped you earlier!" Billy carefully inspected your body, noticing the light bruises and scars on your arms and legs. You lightly grabbed his metallic arm; he looked at you. Those yellow eyes looked so tearful. If he wasn't a robot, he would be crying right now.
"It's okay, Billy...im—" As you tried to get up and calm him down, you let out a hiss. Forcing yourself back down as you felt a painful sting on your back.
"You are hurt! Hang on, let me see how bad it is." He carefully helped you sit up; your bangboo jumped on your lap as you did. Absolutely worried about what happened to you.
You assured the bangboo that you were fine, trying to bite back any noises you made from the pain you were experiencing.
Billy slowly lifted up your shirt, revealing a large scar that ran from your shoulder to your hip. He gasped.
"B-billy, how bad is it?" You asked your robotic partner. He quickly stood up, scanning the area to see if there's anything he can use to patch you up.
"Bad! Like really bad!" He ran towards every corner of the area you two were in, hoping that there would be anything to help you.
"Damnit! There's nothing here! Agh, what would Nicole do in this situation?!" He started to panic again. You slowly and carefully stand up, setting down your bangboo on the floor. Noticing what you're doing, he ran to you. Putting your arm around his shoulder to prevent you from falling. You were so exhausted from fighting; if he wasn't supporting you, you would've fallen to the ground.
"It's okay, Billy. The exit should be across here... Let's just get out of here before more ethereals appear—" you let out another hiss. Billy stutters, still panicked by your condition. With a scar like that, you should be treated immediately. But knowing that there's nothing to treat you with, he just hopes that Nicole and the others are already outside the hollow to help you two.
You felt something being thrown to your shoulders; it was Billy's jacket.
"Do not fret! For I, the legendary Starlight Knight, shall protect you til the very end!" You heard him exclaim. You chuckled; you're glad that Billy is still the same as ever.
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You were trembling.
You pointed your weapon towards the tall Ethereal that was cornering you, waving it around as a way to threaten the monster. Unfortunately, that did not work.
It slowly walked towards you, like a predator hunting its poor prey. Run, run, run. Your mind begged you to do something, but you just couldn't. You couldn't move your legs, so you were practically crawling backwards as the Ethereal approached you. Your breathing pattern was a mess; you couldn't think straight. All you knew was fear.
The Ethereal raised its blade, ready to tear you to shreds. You closed your eyes, preparing for the worst. You're going to die right here in the ballet twins, where no one could hear you scream. No one would find your body unless they sent public security to fin—
You heard the monster cry in pain, followed by a sudden breeze of cold air. Just as you were about to open your eyes to see what happened, you heard a familiar voice whispering close to your ear.
"I apologize for what I'm about to do, master. This is for your safety."
Before you could even process anything, Lycaon lifted you up effortlessly. You gasped in surprise, holding on to his shoulders for support. Soon after, he ran as quickly as he could from the Ethereal. You looked up to see his focused face; your mind calmed down knowing that Lycaon is here to save you.
The thiren made a quick and harsh turn to a dark corner; it was fast enough for the Ethereal to lose sight of you two. Lycaon carefully puts you down on the floor, laying your head on the wall.
"Don't move." He instructed.
He stood up and carefully scanned the outside area to see if the Ethereal was gone. Fortunately, it was. He sighed in relief, adjusting his clothes as he turned around and approached you. You were gasping for air, your heart beating fast from what had happened. Lycaon crouched to get on your eye level, looking at you so softly.
"Are you hurt, master?" He asked. Having no idea what to say, you nodded. pointing at your right leg. Lycaon carefully grabbed your leg, and before he could do anything, he looked at you for permission. You nodded again.
Lycaon gently removed your shoe, revealing a bruise on your ankle.
"It seems that you sprained your ankle. Not to worry, I can do some physical therapy to help ease the pain if you'd like." The thiren suggested. Your voice was quiet, but he could still hear you saying "please" thanks to his canine abilities.
"Very well then. You might experience discomfort, but I assure you I shall be quick with the treatment." You nodded at his statement, tightly closing your eyes as you felt his hands around your leg.
After a few minutes of pain, Lycaon stopped. He carefully sets down your leg on the floor, looking at you to see if you were uncomfortable in any way.
"How do you feel?" He asked. "Weird, but I feel better now. Thank you, Lycaon." The thiren smiled softly; he gently held your hand to comfort you. Only to then grab his pocket watch to check the time. It was getting late.
"Master, there should be an exit not far from here. Since you cannot walk because of your condition, I will escort you there." As Lycaon begins to stand up, you protest by tugging on his arm. He looks at you in confusion.
"Can we just...stay here for a few minutes? I need a moment to fully relax." You shyly requested. As much as Lycaon wanted to protest, he couldn't disobey his master's orders. He sighed, walking to your side and sat next to you. Removing the weapon from your hands, his thumb caress your hand to once again comfort you.
"...I'm sorry you had to see me like this, Lycaon. It was a foolish decision of mine to fight that monster alone." You felt so guilty over the fact that you were powerless against the tall Ethereal; you didn't want anyone to save you. You've dealt worse, so having to be saved all because you sprained your ankle was embarrassing.
"Nonsense. It is simply my duty to keep you safe from anything that tries to harm you." Lycaon said. You looked at him, tears in your eyes as you tried your hardest not to cry.
The thiren took notice of this and carefully wiped your tears with his thumb.
"I'm here for you, master."
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ihaznoclue · 1 month
Von Lycaon x Female Reader
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This was a bad idea, you didn't know that this hollow had so many ethereal to fight, but you were too dumb enough to not follow Lycaon's orders since he knew you couldn't keep your stamina like he and the others can
You just wanted to prove that you could keep up with the others, you wanted to prove yourself worthy for the sake of yourself, to protect yourself but man you screwed up, you should've listened to Lycaon and now your in big problem big time
You already fought four ethereals already but more were coming by your sides, if you stayed in this hollow for any longer then you were surely going to turn yourself into a ethereal yourself and you didn't want that
'Come on Name, keep going' You thought, it's not like you could run anywhere anyways or else you would be chased down and find more ethereals in your path
was anyone going to save you, was anyone going to notice you left at all? You mind ran with thoughts that wouldn't go away as you dodged the creatures attacks as you already had cuts and bruises
After two more, you defeated every one of them. you were stuffed, you wanted to lay down for a bit but if you stayed in the hollow any longer than you should've been you'll turn so you kept going
You didn't know how to get out so you walked around the abandoned train station, it was just like how Corin got lost in the hollow one but she got saved so maybe you'll be saved to.. right?
You were now running away from any other creature that might be lurking in the area, so you decided to find somewhere to hide to rest
You found an abandoned train cart, which had a small hole you could fit through, you climbed through as it was quite dark but there was enough room for you to rest for now
You just hope someone, anyone would come looking for you, your eyes decided to drift close on their own, maybe a little nap won't hurt right, you couldn't tell there that you have a big cut on your forehead as well as some cuts along your legs and arms from the ethereals
It has been twenty minutes, where have you gone? Lycaon have been trying to find you but couldn't find you anywhere, so he decided to ask some people around town if they have seen anyone that has your descripted details but then instantly remembered that he could ask one of the proxy's to help find you
You might of went into a hollow, or in a accident or maybe got terribly hurt.. All of them were true and he never knew
he instantly went to the video store to belle, he walked up to belle asking for help
"You lost Name? Are you sure she went into the hollow?" Belle asked, Lycaon nodded "It seems that I went too hard on her, I think she went into the hollow to prove herself that she was worthy like me and the other maids" He explained, belle lead Lycaon to the back where it said staff only as they went to find you
Lycaon was now in the hollow, it seemed that belle said you were staying in one place, where you dead? No you can't be.
"Master proxy, where to now?" Lycaon asked through the communicator, "Take a left here and keep going straight, It seems she's stuck in one place?" Belle was confused
Lycaon followed Belle's orders as he was met with a train cart, a train cart? why would you be here of all places and how long were you there for?
"It seems she's in a train cart, try looking in each one of them" Belle said as Lycaon started to look in each one of them until he was met with a small hole in the train cart, "I think she's in there, She's right in front of us” Belle said
How is he going to get you, he couldn't possibly fit through, "Master Proxy is there any chance you can fit through there?" He asked the bangboo which Belle was connected to
"Yeah I'm pretty sure I can, hold on a second" The scarf wearing bangboo squeezed through the hole as she couldn't see anything but darkness but she could see a silhouette of a person, she walked up to the person to see it was you
"Lycaon, I found her!" Belle yelled from the other side, "Is she awake?" Lycaon asked
"No, It doesn't seem that she is are awake, Let me-" Belle paused as she saw the cut on your forehead with dry blood on your face, she could also see the cuts and bruises on your arms and legs
"What's wrong Master Proxy?" Lycaon worriedly asked, "She's badly injured, We need to get her out of here Asap" Belle's words worried Lycaon
"try waking her up, she's a light sleeper" Lycaon suggested as the bangboo shook you awake, she could see you opening your eyes slowly
"Mm?" You were fully awake, looking around the see a scarf wearing bangboo near your leg, you blinked a few times as you scatted backwards as you bumped your head "Ow!" You shouted, holding on your head from the impact
"Woah, your okay, I'm here to get you out of here. Lycaon is just on the other side, As soon as we get you out of this hollow you'll need treatment for your injuries" The bangboo said trying to calm you down
"Master Proxy is she awake?" You could hear Lycaon on the other side, you were scared that you were in trouble but you needed to get out as soon as possible so you nodded towards the bangboo
The bangboo insisted that you should go first. Squeezing through the hole was quite tough then the first time but you simply made it through, you were met with metal steel legs as you were lifted up by the one and only Lycaon, your boss
He was looking at your bad injuries, his gloved paws were on your cheeks softly, he moved some of your hair out of the way to see that the injury was bad and that he could see some dirt on it
"Master Proxy, We need to get out of here. Tell me where to go and I’ll follow” Lycaon then picked you up bridle style as you seemed tired
"Hang on, we're going to get you out of here as soon as possible, try to stay awake" Lycaon softly spoke as he ran after the bangboo who was leading to the hollow exit
"I'm sorry.. I thought I could mange on my own, I just wanted to prove you that I could keep up" You spoke, Lycaon spoke "You're lucky I found you in time, I'm just glad that you're alive" He gently spoke
Its been a while since you were out of the hollow, you were now in bed resting as Lycaon stayed by your side making sure you weren't feel ill or anything else. You wounds were treated, bandages were on your arms and legs as well as on your forehead.
Lycaon hasn't said a word as you thought he was angry at you.. "I'm sorry Mr Lycaon, if you're mad at me, I'm really sorry. I won't do it again" You spoke up, but instantly was stopped by his hand on your head, it seems that he was gently petting you
"I'm not mad, I'm just upset at myself for going hard on you. I should be the one to say sorry" Lycaon spoke which made you confused to why he was the one at fault
You bit your lip nervously as you said he wasn't his fault, Lycaon insisted that you should rest after being in the hollow for quite some time "Rest now dear. You look tired, don't worry I'll be here when you wake up" Lycaon said
You nodded as you were quite tired, you slowly closed your eyes. Feeling a sense of presence near your forehead, feeling a gentle kiss on your forehead as you heard a gentle "Goodnight, Love"
you then slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully, feeling safe and loved.
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May I request Belle (zzz) finding a long-lost gn!younger sibling that's super oblivious and airheaded while she's doing proxy work?
Belle finds her and Wise's younger sibling while she's doing proxy work
I usually don't do gn stuff anymore unless the mood hits me but I like this idea a lot so let's get to it~
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•Not many people knew it, but Belle and Wise actually have a younger sibling. Unfortunately, you were missing at the moment
•The reason being is that during the collapse of the old Eridu, they ended up being separated from you
•Hell a reason they actually started doing proxy work because they thought it might actually help find their lost sibling
•They knew the chances if you being found were slim and you actually surviving were even slimmer
•Especially since you weren't exactly the brightest person out there, you were airheaded and could be pretty oblivious at times
•That didn't stop them from holding out hope for you, though, since while you were airheaded, you are also weirdly competent and could always get yourself out of a bind
•And thankfully the siblings faith in you was rewarded
•It's took places a few months before they lost their Phaethon account
•Belle was in doing proxy work with the Cunning hares when they came across a random Agent in the middle if fighting several Ethereals
•And while normally they wouldn't interfere in such a mess, given that they didn't know who you were or if you were with Public security they still ended up watching
•Why well it was because of how despite the odds the fight was so incredible one-sided
•You skillfully and swiftly dispatched ethereals left and right dispatching them all in short time
•That when you start acting in a way completely different from when you dispatched those ethereal
•You were acting like an energetic kid, even bragging out loud about how cool you were, It was a stranger familiar feeling to Belle
•That's when you surprised everyone by suddenly popping out of nowhere right next to them and just started asking about directions
•Needless to say, everyone was confused at that point and caught off guard, with the exception of Anby who seemed to just be going with the flow seemed to be striking up a conversation with you
•That's when Belle noticed your way of speaking being extremely familiar, that being talking in the third person and your familiar hair color being a silver that fades into a dark blue
•That's when finally you stated what your name was in that energetic and ditzy way is when it finally hit her like a truck, lead to her to actually repeat your name out loud through Eos
•The way Belle had said your name caused the Cunning hares, to look at Eos with a questioning look, that's when she said your full name shocking you and asking a typical airheaded question of if she was psychic
•That's when she exclaimed in an emotional voice how you hadn't changed a bit and then called you by your childhood nickname that only your siblings knew you by leaving you stunned
•That's when you said her name out loud, shocking the cunning hares, asking if that was you
•Of course the moment ended up being broken when you asked how he ended up inside a bangboo.
•Being used to how you acted, Belle took the question in stride and introduced who you were to everyone else there
•That's when she asked the Cunning hares if they could put the current mission on hold promising them a discount on this and future missions as long as you got back safely, she wanted to get you back to random play as soon as possible to see you in person and to tell Wise the good news
•They'd finally be reunited with their younger sibling after so long, and when you finally showed up on their front door, a long and tearful reunion took place
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wwaheoh · 3 months
"The Dangers of Hollow Work", Cunning Hares x gnReader (Platonic), SFW, Angst no Comfort
c/w: contains mentions of blood, death, injury, and body mutation.
a/n: in chapter 2, sorry if it's ooc. fun game, even if it is a bit mindless. i like the animation a lot, can't wait for further updates and for more fics for it!!
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To be trapped in a Hollow without a proxy was a death sentence. Depending on one’s aptitude, it would be a quick transformation after half an hour or so, or would be a slow, painful change. Your body would mutate, cells being created at an accelerated rate as the environment forced your body to change into something inhuman. New appendages, body parts being ripped apart as it struggled to keep up. Your psyche only knowing pain, for hours, before finally setting into a new shape, your DNA having been broken and reshaped.
Only pain and destruction filled your mind, mindless, memories of what you once were and those you knew washed away like a sandcastle on the beach.
The Cunning Hares were no stranger to traversing the Hollows, oftentimes enlisting the help of the legendary Phaethon. This time their leader, Nicole, had accepted a lower paying commission. One that seemed simple, quick in and out, so they skimped on the premium and gone with a cheaper proxy. Something perfect for you, still easing into working with them. A mistake that would cost them dearly.
It started off normally, following a Bangboo through the formerly human-inhabited city. It was more rudimentary than the premium one Phaethon used, without the syncing and high-tech they had, it couldn’t do the same as theirs could. As they delved deeper, the proxy reported a nearby disturbance, their tech couldn’t identify that it was a monster magnitudes higher than what they were being paid to fight.
They learned the hard way, with only a moment of notice before the monster sprang out, a head split open, revealing a mass of unstable energy. Green splitting their charcoal body. It was monstrous, forearms the size of entire car. It crashed through a wall, as if on a mission to kill them, and only them.
“Nicole! The proxy’s trying to tell us something!” Billy the Kid, an sentient AI, spoke out, kneeling as the Bangboo held out text, encrypted in case anyone apart from them got hold of this information. Nicole, the leader of the Cunning Hares, made her way over, a sense of unease as they continued along their mission. “It says…” She read the small text that was displayed on the Bangboo’s eyes.
“Something’s coming!” Anby spoke, rushing with blinding speed from her spot guarding the group to parrying a monster that smashed through the wall. It was a monster too strong for them to handle right now- or at least until they were being paid to.
“Fall back! We’ll do this commision later!” Nicole shouted, swinging her suitcase forward as she shot out a ball of energy, erupting as it began to pull the monster and anything nearby to its epicenter. “It won’t hold it for long, let’s go!”
You, Nicole, Billy, and Anby ran out, picking up the Bangboo and having it direct the group on the go. There were monsters on the way out, having to slow down every once in a while to combat them before making a break for it. “We better get a bonus for this!” Nicole shouted as the telltale screech of the monster echoed through the city.
Finally after seemingly forever, the Cunning Hares had reached the exit, a swirly mess of blue and purple, with a white bubbly outline was their way out of this mess.
“Trial by fire eh!” Billy joked, slowing down to your pace, his long legs easily making him the fastest out of the group. He helped keep you calm, someone who could make the best out of unfortunate circumstances.
“C’mon guys! Only a bit further left.” Nicole directed, someone emotionally sturdy, who had been the first of the group to meet you. Originally you’d been friends outside of this whole Hollows business, until the two of you learned that you’d shared this “hobby” together. She’d invited you to join the Cunning Hares, happy for one friend to meet her other friends.
The portal out got closer as they moved, yet the stomping of the monsters got arrived first. It landed from the air, with Billy saving you from being squashed by the several ton monster. He tossed you to Nicole, having her help right yourself as he unloaded bullets onto the monster. It didn’t do much but helped distract the monster for Anby to rush in.
“Say hello to my little friend.” She spoke in her monotone voice, seemingly to herself, as she unsheathed her blade and rocketed forward, slashing at the monster, sparks flying as electricity flowed through her blade.
Quickly they moved, hurrying to the exit as the monster was riddled with electricity coursing through their body, locking their joints and nerves, immobilizing them.
It seemed to be smooth sailing from there, with the adrenaline that had been coursing through your veins seemingly evaporating in seconds. A mistake, as you were not out of the woodworks just yet. A stray piece of debris on the ground made you trip, with a small yelp as you slipped onto the ground.
The monster recovered from their stun, now more ferocious than ever, they charged. Nicole and the others hadn’t seen you fall, caught up in keeping the monster busy and keeping the Bangboo safe. Once they had reached the portal and turned back to the monster, they’d seen you on the ground.
It was a shock, with Nicole nearly rushing forward to help you before being stopped by Anby. “The monster is too strong for us. It should’ve been incapacitated for 72.3% longer. We need to come back again.” “But we have to save them!” “We will all die if we do. We can come back, with Phaethon to aid us.” Nicole couldn’t bring herself to agree to what Anby was saying, it would basically be agreeing to abandon one of their own, even if for seemingly a short while. But she stopped protesting, letting herself be dragged out. Once she got to the outside world, she made a break for the video store, in search for the legendary Proxy’s help.
You lasted for half an hour against the monster. Running and dodging, clashing for a minute before making a break for it when you could. You knew the Cunning Hares would be back, but this was an enemy unlike anything they’d come up against previously, the only monster akin to them would’ve been the Dead End Butcher.
The monster had caught up, pulverizing your ribs with a single hit and leaving you concussed, falling down several floors. Your vision was blurry, the world felt like it was spinning. Pain, unbearable. Unable to move without the chance of nicking an artery or damaging an internal organ. Nothing to say of your spine having been shattered as you hit the ground.
You lay there for half an hour, your screams and cries rang out for thirteen minutes before, your voice failing on you. Before a groaning and inhuman screams replaced what was left.
The Cunning Hares had been able to take down the mysterious monster; what would usually call for celebration had to be postponed as they followed Phaethon deeper into the Hollow, searching for the last signal of human life. It had been seventeen minutes since the last ping. Phaethon warned them that what they would find would either be a corpse but the Cunning Hares refused to believe that, not wanting to part with you so early into your career, not when you had become integrated into the group.
Finally reaching the last known location, they found a puddle of blood, drying up, with no body. A monster nearby, with scraps of clothing still hanging on, yours.
They couldn't even leave with a body to bury.
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alex88899alex · 2 months
Zhu yuan and Billy kid
Zhu Yuan Special Investigation Unit memberOne day, Zhu Yuan joined an operation to apprehend a criminal in the Hollow, the same place where Billy from Cunning Hares had become separated from Nicole, Anby, and Nekomata.
Zhu Yuan had been tracking the criminal until she couldn't keep up anymore.
Zhu Yuan gradually stepped back and looked around until her back collided with something. When she turned around, she found Billy.
Billy: Ahhhhhh!?
Zhu Yuan: Ahhhhhh!?
Both were startled and raised their guns at each other.
Billy: Security Unit!?
Zhu Yuan: Hollow Raider!?
Billy: Wow, Security Unit, I didn’t expect to see you here.
Zhu Yuan: Hollow Raiders... What are you doing here?
Billy: Uh... I'm just passing through.
Zhu Yuan: Regardless, as a Security Unit, my duty is to apprehend you.
The two fought fiercely until Zhu Yuan tried to handcuff Billy, but chaos ensued and the handcuffs locked around both of their wrists.
Billy: This is worse than I thought.
Zhu Yuan: At least I’ve caught you now, Hollow Raider.
Billy pulled Zhu Yuan close before quickly jumping back, surprising her.
Zhu Yuan: What are you doing!? Let me go!
Billy: Calm down and look over there.
He pointed to a group of Ethereal approaching. Both had to fight the Ethereal clumsily due to the handcuffs.
Billy: With us stuck together like this, I can’t fight properly!
Zhu Yuan: There are too many of them...
Billy: Agreed. We should escape first.
Zhu Yuan: I agree.
Billy shot a fire extinguisher, creating smoke, and quickly led Zhu Yuan away.
Zhu Yuan: I’ll use the key to free us.
Billy: Oh! Great!
Zhu Yuan: Huh?...
She searched her pants pocket but couldn’t find the key.
Billy: What’s wrong, Security Unit?
Zhu Yuan: The key... It’s... gone!!
Billy: What!!!!???? How did this happen!?
Zhu Yuan: I don’t know how it’s gone!! I thought I kept it in my pocket!
Billy: Oh no, the key too!!
Zhu Yuan: Maybe it happened when we were fighting. The key might still be where we just escaped from!
Now they had to reluctantly search for the key together. The journey was silent until...
Billy: So... um... Security Unit... I think we should introduce ourselves. I’m Billy, and you?
Zhu Yuan: I’m Zhu Yuan, head of the Security Unit.
They started talking during their journey to pass the time, eventually returning to where they first encountered each other.As they searched for the key, Ethereal suddenly appeared again.
They had to fight once more, but the handcuffs made it difficult.
Billy: Damn, this is tough. I can't fight properly because of these handcuffs.
Zhu Yuan: Yes, but where could the key be? If we don’t find it now, it will only get worse.
Soon, during the fight, Zhu Yuan’s gun fell from her hand and was crushed by some Ethereal.
Billy: Here, Security Unit.
He handed his gun to Zhu Yuan to use in the fight instead of her broken one.
Zhu Yuan: Thanks.
She took his gun but wasn’t used to it, and eventually, they managed to defeat the Ethereal, but the key was still missing.Soon, they came across Platinum Bangboo.
Billy: Wow!!!!! That’s Platinum Bangboo! Rare item indeed.
Zhu Yuan: Yes, this is the first time I’ve ever seen one.
Noticing that Platinum Bangboo had the key they were looking for in its hand.
Billy: Security Unit, is that what I think it is?
Zhu Yuan: Yes, it’s definitely the key we’ve been searching for!
They chased Platinum Bangboo to an open construction site.
Billy: Alright, you troublemaker. You have nowhere to run now. Hand over that key.He raised his gun, ready to act.
Zhu Yuan: Don’t, I think we should try to negotiate with Platinum Bangboo first.
While they were discussing, Dullahan and Farbauti, powerful mutated Ethereal, suddenly appeared.Farbauti roared and leaped towards them. Billy and Zhu Yuan had to dodge but were hindered by the handcuffs.Soon, Billy pulled Zhu Yuan to dodge an attack from Dullahan.
Billy: Are you okay, Security Unit!?
Zhu Yuan: I’m fine, but my leg...
Billy: This is bad, this won’t end well!
He supported Zhu Yuan and carried her away, but then he came up with a plan.
Billy: Hey! Attack this way!
Dullahan lunged at them. Billy seized the opportunity to use the handcuff to block the attack, causing the handcuffs to snap open.
Billy: Awesome!Finally free,
Billy carried Zhu Yuan and hurried away until they stopped at a building.
Billy: Phew, that was close. Finally, we’re free.
Zhu Yuan: Yes, thank you for your help.
Billy: No problem, as a Starlight Knight!
Zhu Yuan: Starlight Knight?
As Zhu Yuan looked at Billy,
she felt it was strange that a Hollow Raider like him was interested in hero stories like Starlight Night.
Billy: “We need to get out of here quickly, or if we stay too long, our bodies will be corroded into Ethereal for sure.”
Zhu Yuan: “But the problem is, where is the exit?”
Billy: “If we’re lucky, we might find it.”
Soon, Zhu Yuan began to feel more discouraged as she had not apprehended Billy and was now injured, making her feel useless. Her weapon was also broken.
Zhu Yuan: “I’m really useless. My weapon is broken, and I’m injured. I’m just a burden.”
Billy: “Don’t say that. As a Security Unit, getting injured during work is normal.”
Billy gently patted her back to comfort her.
Billy: “No matter what happens, don’t underestimate or devalue yourself. Even if you fall, you can get back up because you are a Security Unit, just like the Starlight Knight who will never give up until evil is defeated.”
Zhu Yuan felt better from his comforting words.
Zhu Yuan: “Thank you.”
After that, Billy helped Zhu Yuan continue their journey to find a way out of Hollow.During their journey, Zhu Yuan felt more and more discouraged, fearing she would be corroded and turn into an Ethereal. But Billy remained determined to get them out.
Billy: “Don’t lose hope. We will definitely get out of here.”
But then they were attacked by an axe made from bus signs and a barrier. Looking in the direction of the attack, they saw Dead End Butcher, the most dangerous Ethereal.
Billy: “Dead End Butcher!? This is the worst.”
Billy knew he couldn’t fight because Zhu Yuan was injured and her weapon was broken, so he carried Zhu Yuan and quickly fled from Dead End Butcher. They ran until Dead End Butcher jumped in their path and swung its weapon, causing them to be thrown away.
Zhu Yuan: “Leave me behind. I’m a burden.”
Billy: “No way! You’re a Security Unit. What’s your duty? Don’t underestimate yourself just because you’re injured.”
Billy stood up, raising his gun to fight.
Billy: “No matter what happens, never give up because a Starlight Knight will never surrender!”
Billy rushed to fight Dead End Butcher, even though he knew it might be futile.
Zhu Yuan watched him fight and struggle before she recalled his words and was determined to live on. She looked for anything that could help and saw a crane with a wrecking ball. She decided to support herself and rush over there.
Billy struggled against Dead End Butcher, and his ammunition was running low.
Billy: “I’m running out of bullets. We’re probably doomed.”
Suddenly, the nearby building started to collapse. Billy quickly ran to avoid it. The building fell on Dead End Butcher. He looked for Zhu Yuan, who had descended from the crane.
Billy: “Are you okay?”
Zhu Yuan: “I’m fine. At least it bought us enough time to escape.”
Billy nodded and quickly carried her away, running until they returned to the starting point.
Billy: “Back to where we started.”
Zhu Yuan: “Look, that must be the exit. Let’s hurry.”
Billy hesitated but had no time to waste. They rushed in, and finally, they escaped from Hollow.
Zhu Yuan: “We finally made it out.”
She felt relieved and leaned her head on Billy’s shoulder in exhaustion.
Billy: “I’ll take you to the hospital.”
Billy took her to the hospital, and on the way.
Billy: “So what about catching me? Are you still going to pursue me?”
Zhu Yuan: “Of course, I’ll catch.":
Billy managed to get Zhu Yuan to the hospital, where her leg was treated. As she was being attended to, Billy decided to call Nicole.
Nicole: "Billy!!?? Are you okay? Did you make it out of Hollow?"
Billy: "Yes, I made it out. It was quite a struggle, though."
Nicole sighed in relief.
Nicole: "I’m really glad you’re safe. Where are you now?"
Billy: "I’m at the hospital. I ran into a Security Unit member in Hollow, so I brought her here for treatment."
After ending the call, Billy went to check on Zhu Yuan.
Billy: "You’re safe now. I guess it’s time for me to go."
Zhu Yuan: "Is that so? Well, good luck. And when we meet again in the future, I’ll be sure to catch you."
Billy: "Ha! You probably won’t catch me because I’m not going to let you."
Billy waved goodbye and walked out of the hospital. Zhu Yuan watched him leave until he was out of sight, reflecting on their unexpected alliance.
Zhu Yuan: "Good luck, Billy."
As she looked at his departing figure, she felt a mix of gratitude and respect. Despite the adversities, they had forged a connection that transcended their roles.The story ends with a sense of closure and the anticipation of future encounters.
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billythesimp · 2 months
Movie Night
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...
A little Belle pinning. Something short and sweet, experimenting with more writing. Hope you like it!
Belle x Gn!Reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙
tagging: none
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tw: Fluff, pinning
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With a sigh, I pushed off the desk in the staff room, the hum of monitors and the low-setting of the running fan being the only thing filling the silence. Wise was busy running the shop while I worked on our Inter-knot account, yet it was already getting late so I figured I’d finish up work and head to bed early. As I stand up, groaning as my legs tremble in a dull ache of being neglected, the sound of someone coming in left me turning to see Wise; my older brother coming to check up on me.  “Hey Belle, I’m closing up shop now, how’d the commission go?”
“Ah, another success for Phaethon, no worries. Though I hadn’t realized how long I’ve been working on this new account.” Yawning into my hand, Wise only rolled his eyes before coming over and patting my shoulder. In the past we used to take turns between taking commissions, however now that we’re facing some financial debt and need to reset our progress in our Proxy work to make our living again, we’ve both decided it would be best to split up and focus on both the store and our commissions to help cover our trail and act up the role of being another pair of normal residents in New Eridu.
“Hey, as long as you remember to eat lunch and dinner. By the way, [Name] came by earlier while you were at work.”
Hearing this, I perked up and trailed after my brother into the shop, curious about their visit. “Oh!? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? What did they come by for?”
“Eh, I figured you’d say that- they insisted that they’d come by later so you could focus on your work. I guess they wanted to hang out tonight. Check your messages, they probably texted you already.” I sigh in annoyance before taking out my phone and wandering into my room upstairs, gnawing on my fingernails in a nervous habit when it comes to [Name]. I’ve known them for a while now, they used to be a regular at our shop before we became close friends. They are an amazing person, being truly caring and compassionate. You can’t help but listen when they speak because they speak so beautifully about everything and anything. With a sign, I flop down on my bed, feeling warmer than usual,
‘Man, maybe I really do have it bad for [Name]. Wahh, why me and my cute friend!’
My messages were filled with our friends and clients, however my recent messages are from them, seeing another pop up as I stare longingly at the screen. Opening it quickly, I misclick on their icon leaving me to call them instead. In a panic I squeal and attempt to hang up… only for the call to be answered.
“Hello? Belle, you there?” I pick my phone up and up to my ear, blinking away my embarrassment and try to strain my voice to be normal again. “A-AH Hi [Name]! How’ve you been? Heard you came by earlier, why didn’t you come bother me?” I joke in a teasing tone, ignoring how my door was left open for Wise to conveniently walk by, stalling at the doorway with an all knowing smirk. I could only glare at my sweet [name] responses in light.
“Ah, you know I wouldn’t interfere with your job! But yeah, I did come by earlier. Sorry I didn’t tell you ahead of time.” Rolling over to my stomach, I could only smile as they muttered sweetly to themselves on the other line. My feet kicking in the air as I twirl a lock of my hair, “Don’t worry you pretty head about it. So- What did you want earlier?”
They are quiet on the other side of the line, probably flustered over my compliment. I’ve known them long enough to know how they’d react. How they easily get flustered over things like praises and compliments, something I’ve always teased them about in the past but now I always push for when I hang out with them. The joy it gives me when I can make them pink and stumble over their own words, fiddling with their fingers to process their next words carefully.
“Well, I wanted to see if you’d be busy tonight. I-I’ve been pretty lonely lately so I’ve tried reaching out to some friends to see if they wanted to hang out but none of them… well it was whatever. So I came to see if you wanted to… um- idk watch a movie and eat snacks or something.”
I clutch my chest at how heartbreaking they sound, getting up to go to my brother’s room, standing in his doorway to get his attention while I talk quickly. “NO-NO, I’m not busy at all tonight! Why don’t you come over and we can watch any film you want. I have some snacks and Wise won’t even be here for long tonight-”
“W-What? But I don’t-”
“Yeah, he has a dinner date with General Chops at his ramen shop. So I’ll also be alone so come over! We can even cuddle with Eous on the couch, he loves you!” I nod my head towards Wise as he gets up, my brother rolling his eyes as I push him out of the room and down the stairs carefully. [Name] was coming over and I didn’t want my brother bothering us now that we have a chance to be together, alone!
“Oh- Um, oki! I’ll come over now then, I should be over in 20 minutes then? See you soon B! I’m so excited to see you!” After hanging up, I squeal mentally before I’m hit on the head, groaning in pain as Wise scoffs at my quick thinking. “Really Belle. Dinner date with Chops?”
“I need you to help me here! [Name] is coming over, I need this now and I need you to be out! Go hang out with your friends, I promise we’ll be fine while you're out!”
I plead with him while he only laughs at me, taking his wallet and phone on him before taking the keys of the store car. “Fine, fine! Just this once. Call me if you need anything.” I cried in joy as he agreed with me, giving him a hug before letting him leave the parking lot. Now the real work starts, running around the shop and my room. Cleaning up old laundry, making my bed neatly to match Wise’s, sweeping up the shop until everything is clean and looks neat. 
‘Hopefully, this is enough to make them think that we aren’t living in a total slum.’ Sure, before this wouldn’t matter much in the past when they’ve come over multiple before, but tonight felt different. I could feel it. 
Finally, after a short while, longer than I expected- a knock is hard on the storefront and I rush over and peer through the window. It’s [Name], wearing their iconic sweater and fidgeting their hands like they usually do. Opening the door, I smile as they nervously gasp and grin. 
“H-Hi Belle! Sorry I’m late! I stopped by the shop to grab some more snacks, I even got your favorites! So I’m ready for tonight!” They cheer sweetly, holding up a plastic bag filled with an assortment of candies and chips, proud of their haul that I can’t help but stare, my heart thumping fast before letting them into the store. 
‘God, could they be any cuter? Anymore and I might just kiss them right here and now.’
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liviavanrouge · 1 month
Isabelle(16): *Looks around, walking with her friends through the Hollow* WOAH!
Jasp: Cool right?
Isabelle: Yeah!
Rosie: Haha! Too bad your little friend isn't here
Isabelle: Me and Zackie aren't really friends, I was just kinda stuck with him!
???: We're not friends...
Isabelle: *Looks at the Bangboo alarmed*
Flower: OOOOOOO, busted~
Bangboo(Zackie): Nice to know *Turns and runs off*
Isabelle: Zaza!
Flower: *Laughs, grinning at Zackie* That's just sad~
Rosie: Ignore him, Isabelle! If you wanna worry then worry about your fur, girl!
Isabelle: *Perks up, her ears twitching* Hm?
Isabelle: *Looks back, sniffing the air* Guys! We need to go, now...
Jasp: Why, this place is awesome
Isabelle: ETHEREALS!! *Turns and runs off, her eyes wide* GO GO NOW!!!
Isabelle: *Looks back her eyes wide then gasps as she fell, finding herself outside the hollow*
Jasp: *Laughs, standing up* That was AWESOME!! I didn't know being chased can be so fun!
Flower: *Giggles* Yeah!
Isabelle: *Turns away, growling* I'm out of here!
Jasp: Come on, don't act so boring like your Dad, Isa
Rosie: Yeah, it's bad enough you took after him with your whole...appearance..and to make it worse your Mom married a wolf of wll things
Flower: And those people he works with are total freaks, your Mom really downplayed her taste of romance and friends
Isabelle: *Snarls at them, baring her teeth* EXCUSE YOU!?
Rosie: *Gasps, her eyes widening*
Isabelle: And if THIS is how some of you humans act it seems our animal species is gonna outlive the STUPID and IDIOTIC!
Isabelle: Don't come at me for my family, how I look and how I act because you know what I AM ME! I am Isabelle Lycaon and if you "geniuses" can't accept that then there is no need for me to associate with you all!
Jasp: Isa, come on-
Isabelle: *Snarls at him* That nickname is reserved for my DAD! Von Lycaon!! Don't you ever refer to me as that when you're NOTHING compared to him.
Isabelle: *Turns and storms away, a scowl on her face as her tail lashed around*
Rosie: She's dramatic...
Flower: Agreed!
Jasp: *Sighs and shakes his head*
Lycaon: *Perks up, looking away as Isabelle came in* Isa? You're back early..
Isabelle: *Walks over and hugs him, sitting beside the wolf man* Some humans are jerks...
Lycaon: What's the matter, Isa?
Lycaon: *Perks up, noticing she was fast asleep*
Rina: *Chuckles* How cute~
Corin: *Giggles, smiling at Isabelle*
Ellen: *Takes a picture of Isabelle then puts her phone away* Mhm...
Lycaon: *Picks Isabelle up, carrying her* Seems like she's tired herself out..
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xtheresnothinghere · 2 months
that's what happens when you gain weight, wise 😌
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i mean wise doesn't even move when he's on the mission, he just sits and controls the bangboo. these missions can last for hours so he obviously has to keep food around somewhere and stress often leads to mindless snacking. wise is so focused on his work that he doesn't even notice those few empty bags of chips and bottles of soda laying on the floor.
in the meantime belle is cleaning his mess so when the mission is over and he's back in the real world he doesn't acknowledge how much he actually ate. so he just feels full but is confused cause he doesn't remember eating anything at all. and then belle just reassures him that everything's fine and that he only ate just a bit cause she doesn't want him to start worrying about his weight. she just wants wise to enjoy the moment :3
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billythesimp · 2 months
Hi guys, I just wanted to randomly say- THANK YOU FOR SENDING REQUESTS!
I does mean a lot to me and I love the prompts and asks I've gotten so far. I find this a healthy outlet to find my creativity again and get back to my roots via a media I love! It also makes me happy to see others in the ZZZ community!
I'm currently working on more requests as we speak, I also have plans to do my own pieces as well as work on more detailed pieces. I had someone requests a SFW Alphabet which- I've never done before so that one will take a while but I wanna get it right!
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Take good care of yourselve! Make sure to drink water and best of luck towards your grinds! I think we get Zhu Yaun in like a day or 2 so GOOD LUCK TO THOSE WHO ARE PULLING!
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billythesimp · 2 months
Hi! No request from me because I don't have anything in mind at the moment that I haven't already requested from other writers. I know you've said you're open to conversation but I don't know if you're open to Thirst so I won't bother you with that. Who do you think are the sexiest and most attractive playable characters? Both currenty available and that we know are going to be available in the future. Personally I'd go with Nicole, Qingyi, and Corin/Nekomata. I know other characters are more popular but for Nicole and Corin at least it was love at first sight whereas Nekomata and Qingyi's designs grew on me after playing their agent story and are doing the Chapter 2 Intermission respectively.
Omg hi! Um yes, I don't mind thirst! I thirst all the time that you'd think I'm like dehydrated! So thanks for checking in, always feel free to ask first! I don't mind clarifying any questions!
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For sexiest character- cough Von and Grace cough Though I adore Billy, the detail they have on Billy's figure and all the plates to make up his masculine figure. Brah I wanna run my hands down his body and see if he has heat sensors that activate to the touch. [drools over buff men]
And Anton is just one of my favs so he's already on the roster of sexy men.
For the women, I can already tell that Grace and Nicole are a fan favorite by the team and also the community. I mean, they both are beautiful and have so much attention to detail. I'm pretty sure everyone had seen the original version, but NICOLE HAD HUGE BADONGAS AND THE JIGGLE PHYICS. I can't lie, it was one of the main reasons I found ZZZ. Because the public was going wild!
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I love all the characters we have so far, they all are cool! Though I am excited for Seth- fucken cat boy I want ;-;
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billythesimp · 2 months
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I literally got ellen my last twn pull so back to back- it doesn't help that im working on requests for both of these boys- I will hold this up in honor
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