#zenless zone zero angst
wwaheoh · 3 months
"The Dangers of Hollow Work", Cunning Hares x gnReader (Platonic), SFW, Angst no Comfort
c/w: contains mentions of blood, death, injury, and body mutation.
a/n: in chapter 2, sorry if it's ooc. fun game, even if it is a bit mindless. i like the animation a lot, can't wait for further updates and for more fics for it!!
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To be trapped in a Hollow without a proxy was a death sentence. Depending on one’s aptitude, it would be a quick transformation after half an hour or so, or would be a slow, painful change. Your body would mutate, cells being created at an accelerated rate as the environment forced your body to change into something inhuman. New appendages, body parts being ripped apart as it struggled to keep up. Your psyche only knowing pain, for hours, before finally setting into a new shape, your DNA having been broken and reshaped.
Only pain and destruction filled your mind, mindless, memories of what you once were and those you knew washed away like a sandcastle on the beach.
The Cunning Hares were no stranger to traversing the Hollows, oftentimes enlisting the help of the legendary Phaethon. This time their leader, Nicole, had accepted a lower paying commission. One that seemed simple, quick in and out, so they skimped on the premium and gone with a cheaper proxy. Something perfect for you, still easing into working with them. A mistake that would cost them dearly.
It started off normally, following a Bangboo through the formerly human-inhabited city. It was more rudimentary than the premium one Phaethon used, without the syncing and high-tech they had, it couldn’t do the same as theirs could. As they delved deeper, the proxy reported a nearby disturbance, their tech couldn’t identify that it was a monster magnitudes higher than what they were being paid to fight.
They learned the hard way, with only a moment of notice before the monster sprang out, a head split open, revealing a mass of unstable energy. Green splitting their charcoal body. It was monstrous, forearms the size of entire car. It crashed through a wall, as if on a mission to kill them, and only them.
“Nicole! The proxy’s trying to tell us something!” Billy the Kid, an sentient AI, spoke out, kneeling as the Bangboo held out text, encrypted in case anyone apart from them got hold of this information. Nicole, the leader of the Cunning Hares, made her way over, a sense of unease as they continued along their mission. “It says…” She read the small text that was displayed on the Bangboo’s eyes.
“Something’s coming!” Anby spoke, rushing with blinding speed from her spot guarding the group to parrying a monster that smashed through the wall. It was a monster too strong for them to handle right now- or at least until they were being paid to.
“Fall back! We’ll do this commision later!” Nicole shouted, swinging her suitcase forward as she shot out a ball of energy, erupting as it began to pull the monster and anything nearby to its epicenter. “It won’t hold it for long, let’s go!”
You, Nicole, Billy, and Anby ran out, picking up the Bangboo and having it direct the group on the go. There were monsters on the way out, having to slow down every once in a while to combat them before making a break for it. “We better get a bonus for this!” Nicole shouted as the telltale screech of the monster echoed through the city.
Finally after seemingly forever, the Cunning Hares had reached the exit, a swirly mess of blue and purple, with a white bubbly outline was their way out of this mess.
“Trial by fire eh!” Billy joked, slowing down to your pace, his long legs easily making him the fastest out of the group. He helped keep you calm, someone who could make the best out of unfortunate circumstances.
“C’mon guys! Only a bit further left.” Nicole directed, someone emotionally sturdy, who had been the first of the group to meet you. Originally you’d been friends outside of this whole Hollows business, until the two of you learned that you’d shared this “hobby” together. She’d invited you to join the Cunning Hares, happy for one friend to meet her other friends.
The portal out got closer as they moved, yet the stomping of the monsters got arrived first. It landed from the air, with Billy saving you from being squashed by the several ton monster. He tossed you to Nicole, having her help right yourself as he unloaded bullets onto the monster. It didn’t do much but helped distract the monster for Anby to rush in.
“Say hello to my little friend.” She spoke in her monotone voice, seemingly to herself, as she unsheathed her blade and rocketed forward, slashing at the monster, sparks flying as electricity flowed through her blade.
Quickly they moved, hurrying to the exit as the monster was riddled with electricity coursing through their body, locking their joints and nerves, immobilizing them.
It seemed to be smooth sailing from there, with the adrenaline that had been coursing through your veins seemingly evaporating in seconds. A mistake, as you were not out of the woodworks just yet. A stray piece of debris on the ground made you trip, with a small yelp as you slipped onto the ground.
The monster recovered from their stun, now more ferocious than ever, they charged. Nicole and the others hadn’t seen you fall, caught up in keeping the monster busy and keeping the Bangboo safe. Once they had reached the portal and turned back to the monster, they’d seen you on the ground.
It was a shock, with Nicole nearly rushing forward to help you before being stopped by Anby. “The monster is too strong for us. It should’ve been incapacitated for 72.3% longer. We need to come back again.” “But we have to save them!” “We will all die if we do. We can come back, with Phaethon to aid us.” Nicole couldn’t bring herself to agree to what Anby was saying, it would basically be agreeing to abandon one of their own, even if for seemingly a short while. But she stopped protesting, letting herself be dragged out. Once she got to the outside world, she made a break for the video store, in search for the legendary Proxy’s help.
You lasted for half an hour against the monster. Running and dodging, clashing for a minute before making a break for it when you could. You knew the Cunning Hares would be back, but this was an enemy unlike anything they’d come up against previously, the only monster akin to them would’ve been the Dead End Butcher.
The monster had caught up, pulverizing your ribs with a single hit and leaving you concussed, falling down several floors. Your vision was blurry, the world felt like it was spinning. Pain, unbearable. Unable to move without the chance of nicking an artery or damaging an internal organ. Nothing to say of your spine having been shattered as you hit the ground.
You lay there for half an hour, your screams and cries rang out for thirteen minutes before, your voice failing on you. Before a groaning and inhuman screams replaced what was left.
The Cunning Hares had been able to take down the mysterious monster; what would usually call for celebration had to be postponed as they followed Phaethon deeper into the Hollow, searching for the last signal of human life. It had been seventeen minutes since the last ping. Phaethon warned them that what they would find would either be a corpse but the Cunning Hares refused to believe that, not wanting to part with you so early into your career, not when you had become integrated into the group.
Finally reaching the last known location, they found a puddle of blood, drying up, with no body. A monster nearby, with scraps of clothing still hanging on, yours.
They couldn't even leave with a body to bury.
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bitterbutblue · 30 days
the person you're calling has turned into an ethereal...
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let my last thought be you ☆ zzz x fem!reader
characters : Ellen Joe (platonic), Anby Demara, Grace Howard, Zhu Yuan
~ LMAOO U TURN INTO AN ETHEREAL AND ITS THEIR FAULT LMAOOOO.. also i wrote this for my fav artist yurieater69.. hi yurieater69.. <33
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let me see tomorrow ☆ platonic!ellen joe x reader
This was supposed to be one of their easiest missions yet. There wasn't even supposed to be any weapons drawn, for fuck's sake. Lycaon sent in you and her for a reason- an in and out hollows mission. You were her closest... coworker? Could she call you a friend? She would like to call you a friend. You were around her age, but you always managed to somehow balance this odd job and your school work flawlessly- something she deeply envied. You never seemed tired, always at the top of your game. For the longest time she despised you, until you two were sent on this mission.
Just the two of you.
And she realised there was much more to you than just perfection. Of course, perfection is only an idealistic dream but to her you were perfection. Your moments of weakness she found herself overlooking because she had already idealised you in her head. It was really only two hours, yet she found herself regretting not talking to you earlier.
But now, Ellen can only watch in horror, unable to move, staring in horror as you collapse to the ground. She finally manages to move, pushing herself off the ground, dashing towards you.
"Hey, hey, stay with me."
Cool, calm, collected. That's how a maid from Victoria' Housekeeping should be acting but as each second ticks by she can feel herself losing her calm. You lunge at her, fear swallowing your every move and thought as you grab onto her collar.
"Ellen, Ellen I don't wanna turn- Ellen please-"
You both knew it was too late but you were panicking, tears falling before you even know it because you can just feel yourself falling down that abyss. All she can do is watch. She doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know you well. Should she hold you? Should she grab your hand and run? She can feel her own panic surfacing, eyes darting all over the place. Her head feels light, breathing shallow as she tries to calm herself because this isn't about her. This isn't about her.
"Ellen, call Lycaon, Rina, please, Ellen-"
Your begging is all she can hears and she's never heard you sound like this. So afraid, frantic, desperate. Your usual put together self now thrown away as you scramble to keep yourself together.
"Ellen, I'm scared. Ellen, please-"
Her instincts take over, rushing over to you. She holds you in an awkward embrace, collapsing to her knees as she pulls you in close.
"It's okay."
The words sound awkward coming out of her, and she can hear how choked her own voice is. She's scared, she has no right to be but she's scared. She doesn't want to lose you.
"I want my mom, I'm scared. I don't wanna turn, Ellen-"
The last thing you hear is her heartbeat and the last thing she hears is your cries before you go limp. And it's only a matter of time until you start moving again so she grabs her weapon as fast as she can. She doesn't even realise she's crying until she moves to stab her shears through your now-ethereal body. She doesn't even realise she's sobbing and her chest hurts until she hears Lycaon's voice calling out to her. The puzzle pieces click in his head when he sees your weapon lying on the ground and the usually stoic and emotionless Ellen Joe on her knees, tears flowing silently as she lets out choked cries of apologies.
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love me one last time ☆ anby demara x reader
When she fell in love with you, Anby swore to herself she would always put your safety over her own because to her, you were more than the world itself. Working with her in the Cunning Hares is and always will be a danger, and she knows she can't let her emotions get the best of it all. But you always saw it differently. You always wore the softest smile around Anby, one that had her usual stoicism fading into an embarrassed and shy smile. You were her exception, and that was the problem.
Yet this time it was all her fault. She led you guys the wrong way, deeper and deeper into the hollows while thinking you were on your way out. You told her it's okay, you told her that you trusted her no matter what and she just wanted to believe that but the sinking feeling in her gut had her growing more and more worried over time.
You play off how you feel something going wrong, because you wanted to trust her so badly but something was definitely not right. And your theories came true when you feel yourself growing dizzy and weak. Anby catches on, growing more and more panicked when you suddenly stumble and fall to the ground.
"Don't worry- I'll call for someone, I'll-"
Your voice is so quiet, so hoarse. Her heart drops when she looks into your eyes because she sees it too now and she feels like throwing up. This can't be happening.
Was this... her fault?
"Just stay close."
You were hunched over, her kneeling next to you and she hated feeling so helpless. She hated knowing that right now it was happening all over again, she's losing someone and it's her fault.
"Don't talk like you're dying." She hisses out angrily, scrambling to help you up onto your feet but you refuse to budge.
"Anby please."
You sound tired, drained. If she listens carefully she can hear the hint of fear you are so desperately trying to hide from her.
"Just stay close."
You knew what was happening- you weren't stupid.
"It's not your fault."
Anby didn't register the tears falling until she feels your hand reach up to wipe away the stray tears that are falling from her eyes.
"I'm sorry."
She's never heard herself sound so vulnerable and afraid. The sound of her own voice has her shocked.
"It was bound to happen."
She hated how casual you sounded about it all, how you tried to swallow back the tremor in your voice.
"No it fucking wasn't." She's lost control now. She snaps at you despite the fact that she knows she shouldn't be doing that but she can't help it because she's so scared. "I could've gotten us out, I shouldn't have been..."
She trails off when she sees the look in your eyes. Even now it's still soft and loving and she wants to hold you forever. Instead she pulls you in for a hug. Tight, but gentle. Your hearts are beating against one another, like a perfectly tuned macine.
"It's okay. I'm still me."
She's breaking down now. She can feel how hard you're fighting to stay in this body for just a second longer.
"I love you, Anby."
She can feel herself shaking and trembling, swallowing back her sobs as she whispers out the last words you'll hear- right before piercing her blade through your still-human chest. You slump over, head in her shoulder, a ghost of a smile on your face as she sobs into your still body.
"I love you."
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let us love for another day more ☆ grace howard x reader
Perhaps it was time to put it all to rest. Maybe she had taken it too far this time. You had warned her not to get to carried away at night with her experiments and she keeps brushing you off, promising to be home soon... soon... soon.
You grew sick of waiting for her, so one night you decide to venture off to Belobog Industries on your own. She's been spending too much time with her robots (or her children, as she likes to call them) and staying out this late in New Eridu is always unsafe. So you drive to her, but on your way there you find yourself lost. The surroundings grow unfamiliar, and you feel a cold chill down your spine when you realise your situation.
You've fallen into a hollow.
Grace realises far too late that you're not picking up her calls, and that her messages aren't going through. She panics as soon as she realises, calling Koleda in a frantic rush. They woke Phaethon up at 1 in the morning (frankly, both of them we're still awake so was it really waking them up?). She follows the Bangboo into the hollow, Koleda tailing her.
"Seriously, sis, why didn't you just let her know you would be home soon?"
"Not the time, Koleda."
Koleda pauses when she hears her name slip out of Grace's lips. No pet name, no 'sis' or 'sweet pea'. 'Koleda'. Grace is scared. Her usual, lighthearted self now replaced with a pale, worried and shaky demeanour that has Koleda growing anxious too.
"She's okay, seriously."
The Phaethon's panicked voice causes her to jump, she turns around, quickly identifying the source of the sound. Her heart drops at the sight.
The Bangboo is crouched next to this figure, who is slumped over next to their car. Grace could recognise that figure from fucking anywhere because that's you. That's her fucking wife. A pang of guilt hits her so hard she almost stumbles. She rushes towards you, picking up your limp body in her arms.
"Darling, baby, can you hear me? Are you okay?"
Your eyes fluttered open, breathing shallow as you looked up. A ghost of a smile forms on your face.
"Grace.. I made dinner for us.. at home.."
Your voice was weak, shaky and she can feel her throat closing up as she blinks back tears.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry baby-"
"Can you take me home?"
Koleda just stands to the side awkwardly, watching as Grace pulls your limp body close to her.
"Yes, let's go home, darling."
Grace knows the situation. Koleda knows the situation. Fuck, even Phaethon knows the situation. You're not making it home.
"I feel weird."
"I know, baby."
Grace pulls you onto her lap, your head resting against her chest as you struggle to breath properly. Ethereal matter is no joke, and Grace knows it too but right now she can't care that they're in a hollow with limited time. All she can think about is you.
"It's gonna be okay, just look at me?"
She can't even have it in her to remain calm, her words come out through her tears as she holds you closer. You can feel her regret through her actions, and you can feel her tears dripping down her face and onto the top of your head as she hugs you close.
"Grace... I wanna go home."
She breaks down now, sobbing messily as her cries echo through the night. She tells you false promises, tells you that you guys are going home. She tells you she will prepare a warm bath for you, and you guys can go to bed together, and sleep in the next day. She tells you it will be alright, and that she will make you breakfast tomorrow. You let out a content sigh, before closing your eyes.
Koleda takes this opportunity, watching you right as you turned to an Ethereal, and strikes it down. Grace can only watch as the rest of you fades from her arms into the air, hugging herself- as if clutching the remains of you to her heart.
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my mistakes haunt my nights ☆ zhu yuan x reader
The day she became the captain of N.E.P.S. was essentially the day she devoted her life to protecting you and people like you. Each night she would come home with a grateful smile that she could come home to you. You spend the rest of the evening cooking dinner together, laughing, talking about whatever case she had going on that day and whatever stupid thing your boss had told you to do during work.
Zhu Yuan put you first. She always had put you first.
So the one time she doesn't, it comes back to get her.
The unpredictability of New Eridu meant that anyone could fall into a hollow any day. Zhu Yuan knew that, so did you. And you trusted that if it were to ever happen, she would find you. And she promised she would. And like predicted, You and other civilians had fallen into a hollow one day. And Zhu Yuan intends to fulfil her promise.
It was just a rescuse mission, save those who have fallen in hollows. The civilians they were after had already been saved, yet they kept mentioning 'someone who ran off'. Zhu Yuan clicks her tongue in annoyance.
"Another one who ran off?"
She quickly picks up the walkie talkie. They had managed to get the first group out, leaving her and Qingyi trying to find the others.
"W-we found the others, but..."
"We're north of where you are now, you need to come, fast. It's- it's your wife, we think she's-"
She runs. She runs before he even finishes his sentence. She hears the fear in his voice and that fear is what they can't have on field because that fear is what breaks them. Qingyi follows her, right at her tail as they finally find the group of PUBSEC officers that stand with their guns pointed up.
"Captain, she's-"
She feels her heart dropping when she sees the sight in front of her. You were curled up into a ball, looking pale and sickly and so scared of all the officers that had their guns pointed at you. Your eyes widened when you noticed Zhu Yuan.
"Zhu Yuan- please, they won't let me leave..."
Zhu Yuan's heart stutters in her chest as she approaches you slowly, dropping onto her knees in front of you. She can feel the tears pricking at her eyes because she knows she's too late. She's encountered innocent civilians turning into Ethereals, she learned to predict when it was too late and when there was still time left to save them but this.
"I just wanted to see you at work." You croaked out weakly, holding onto her jacket.
Never has she ever let people see her cry, or have her fellow officers see her in a moment of weakness but she can't hold back this time. She takes in a shaky breath, feeling her tears fall from her eyes as she takes off her glove, before putting a hand to your cheek. You sigh at the skin to skin contact, leaning into her touch and that simple act has her letting out a pained sob.
"I'm sorry, baby-"
She wasn't fast enough. If she had come earlier, you wouldn't have ran to try to help the civilians. Curse you- curse you and your stupidly kind heart and your need to help everyone. Zhu Yuan just wants you to be selfish for once because if you're selfish then you would've still been here, smiling with the intention to go home.
"Are you going to kill me, Zhu Yuan?"
The fear in your voice is evident and Zhu Yuan shuts her eyes tight, taking in a deep breath as she pulls your head onto her lap. She moves a hand, gently stroking your hair. She feels the softness thread between her fingers, and you feel her tears drip onto your cheek.
"I just- wanted to see you."
You were shaking now, gripping onto her hand as if it's a life raft that could ground you, take you home.
"I don't want to die."
Zhu Yuan screws her eyes shut, biting down on her lip to prevent another sob from escaping but she can't stop her shoulders from quaking.
"I love you."
The words flow out of her, unstoppable. She knows this is the last time she can talk to you.
"I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough. I'm sorry, baby, I love you. I love you..."
"Zhu Yuan-"
Your words are hoarse and choked, your grip on Zhu Yuan's arm is so tight. She can feel your nails digging into her skin but she can't care about that in the moment.
"I don't want to die... please..."
"I love you-" she cries, moving to hold your hand tight "I love you, I'm sorry, I love you-"
And she can only watch in horror as you let out a sharp gasp, body freezing up as your eyes widened. And Qingyi steps in, firing a shot right through your head- right before you turned.
Officers could only stand and watch- another successful case, majority of the civilians rescued.
But at what cost?
She couldn't stop herself- she let out a scream, grabbing onto your body and holding it close as she sobbed out meaningless apologies that only fade into the night sky.
Zhu Yuan returned to an dark and empty home, cold and harsh. She takes off her jacket, now stained in your blood, and just stares at it. She stares, and stares, before her knees finally give out as she breaks into loud wails and sobs. She clutches the jacket close, it's the last of you she can hold onto. But also a painful reminder of why it's all she has left.
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falling-star-cygnus · 13 days
Billy chronically rocks with ass-kickin women and i love that for him -> he really went from:
the Sons of Calydon [and i see you, Lighter, bbg, i do] to the Cunning Hares and in neither is he in a commanding role -> this man supports women's right's AND women's wrongs!!
if we ever get a reveal of the drifters he had travelled with before the Sons, i really hope they're all women too
BUT IF THEY'RE NOT- [if they're all MEN] -> i invite you to imagine with me:
Drifter, trying to tug Billy off to the side: Hey- hey, Kid. Billy, swatting him off but leaning down to sort of have a private convo: What? *the rest of the hares' not so covertly listen in* Drifter, whispering: We sold you to those Sons of Calydon people, why are you with the Cunning Hares!? Billy, also whispering: They recruited me! Drifter: What!? *bewildered silence* Drifter: ...Damn. Damn, Kid. All the broads want you Billy: Don't- call my coworkers.. broads. Please.
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takethelx3 · 3 months
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Every moment they're on screen I want to draw them. Thank god for sketchbook.
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blueblurseptember · 27 days
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anyway, this photo scares me bc there's nothing hoyoverse hates more than two happy siblings
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salubriwrites-blog · 17 days
LycaWise Angst story I'll never publish
I'm part of a LycaWise discord where we all circle jerk and share things we cooked.
After reading someone's little angsty one shot they wrote I was inspired. I'll probably never turn this into a full length story especially cause it was piggy backing off someone else, shout out Dartrickx and would only turn this isn't a full scale story with their permission and collaboration.
So I wanted to post what I had cooked in this feral brainstorm frenzy! (I'm literally copy pasting this from Discord, so it'll be disjointed, feral, and I'm NOT sorry). The story kicked off pretty cute - Lycaon and Wise go on a date where Lycoan proposes. Their romantic evening ends with Lycaon fighting off Ethereals, only to realize that he was somehow drugged during his evening with Wise. The Ethereals he fought did not exist, and the large one he fought was actually Wise. Who now lays dead, at the hands of Lycaon. Hugo Vlad - disguised as their waiter for the evening - had managed to drug Lycaon and has effectively framed the thiren for the death of the Proxy.
Here is my addition to what I think would transpire afterward: When PubSec arrives, all they see is a maddened thiren out of control of himself. Lycaon's defense is paper thin, the blood is on his hands, no one believed that he had been drugged and so there's no proof of Hugo's actions. The best thing they can do for him to avoid a more severe sentence is to plead insanity. He is a Hollow Raider after all, all that Ether corruption had to have an impact on him some how... so they plead insanity to save Lycaon.
So Lycaon pleads insanity, gets sent to a psychiatric prison. Hugo infiltrates it and masquerades as doctors, guards, whatever he needs to be around Lycaon. This causes the staff to panic because he's trying to attack the staff, not a good look for him. As a result the prison isolates him further, muzzles him up, puts him in a high risk ward. Basically only has like, two or three people that he sees at any given time of day (a therapist, a guard, a doctor, that kind of thing). Through a series of manipulations (social and medical), Lycaon starts to lose touch with reality. He becomes convinced that he is beyond redemption. Everyone has forgotten about him; Wise is dead, Belle will never forgive him, VHS had to distance themselves to save face. Hugo is all that remains. This does not happen within months either, mind you. We're talking like, years of Hugo doing this. Until everyone that Lycaon knew stops calling him, stops visiting, stops writing letters. He feels completely forgotten about and the only connection he has to his past is Hugo. Let's say about ~5 years go by. VHS has moved on, Ellen is maybe looking at a change in lifestyle. She works at a catgirl/maid cafe full time now, and gets a visit from a PubSec officer. One of them introduces herself as Zhu Yuan, investigator for NEPS. "Are you Ellen Joe?" They ask. She's suspicious, but confirms her identity. "When was the last time you were in touch with Von Lycaon?" They ask. Panic "Maybe three years ago. Why?" "He's part of an ongoing investigation." "I just said I haven't seen him in years, last I saw him he was in prison for murder. You should know where he is." silence "You… do know where he is, right?"
Ellen finds out that Lycaon escaped his isolation cell and they think he took one of the prison's staff hostage. Now Ellen may not think that he's totally mentally stable, but this is still Von Lycoan, Head Butler of Victoria Housekeeping Services and Hollow Raider we're talking about. He knows how to evade detection, hack any level of security clearance, and skilled in different forms of combat. If Lycaon doesn't want to be found, he absolutely can disappear. So she teams up with PubSec to find Lycaon, putting all of the training he inparted onto her to track him down. Doing her own freelance investigation, Ellen learns the truth about what happened. How Hugo had been there, following Lycaon and Wise, orchestrating the perfect crime with Lycoan at the center of it. She figures out that Hugo has been in that prison the whole time, and that this psycho has been torturing Lycaon all this time. Basically uncovers a whole gross discrepancy in the prison's system. "We'll make this right, but we have to find him before Hugo influences him to do something else" Zhu Yuan promises Ellen as they are closing in on Lycaon's location. Eventually, they find Lycoan and Hugo. They're back in the attic playing house or some weird shit like that. Ellen insists that she be the one to go up first and will call if things go side ways, because the presence of cops might agitate Lycaon. "Remember," Zhu Yuan says to Ellen before she disappears inside. "So long as he doesn't hurt anyone else, we can get his sentence commuted or even cleared. That includes you." "I'll talk some sense into him," Ellen promises. Except- "Boss?" She calls, relying on her senses to penetrate the dark room. Though it was day time, the sun hanging directly over head cast the room in unmoving shadows. Lycaon attacks Ellen, she jams the handle of her pole arm between his teeth to stop him from biting her. He doesn't recognize her anymore, she barely recognizes him. He's gray, gaunt, and wild now. A trace of the regal thiren she knew, he's become something of Hugo's creation. As Hugo is standing over Ellen, giving a monologue about how he's won (because he has to) while Lycaon slobbers and snaps at her face as she holds him off with her pole arm, she manages to reach into her shirt and pull out a necklace, and hanging from the chain is the wedding band. Wise's wedding band.
Lycaon sees it and he freezes up as she says something not very dramatic but to the extent of "You forgot about me, that's fine. I deserve that because I forgot about you first. But you would never forget him." Because it's true, Lycaon could never forget Wise. Even when everyone else forgot about Lycaon, and his love for them turned to bitter resentment turned to nothingness. As Lycaon is having this mental collapse, she beats Lycaon over the head and he blacks out. Now that his weapon is out of commission and no longer a danger, Hugo starts to beg for clemency. Then threatening her. But Ellen Joe is a badass, and she calls in PubSec to take care of him and get Lycaon the help she needs. After that day she promises to never leave his side again. She failed him once already.
Hugo goes away for a long time for the grocery list of crimes hes committed. (Tampering with a crime, 1st degree murder, impersonating law enforcement, aiding and abetting a prisoner's escape, unlawful imprisonment). It takes Lycaon a long time to come back from all of that. Ellen and Corin stick around to help him, Lycoan may never get his job back as an attendant for VHS, but maybe Lily's family rehire him full time. It all comes to a head when Belle forgives Lycaon. So they start penpalling, then phone calling, and finally one day they decide to meet somewhere in person - we're talking years later. When Belle arrives she's older now, and she's not alone. There's a young boy with her that looks sort of like her, and at the sight of Lycoan gets really shy, but she insists that Lycaon is a friend of the family. He knows that this is her son, and recognizes how important it is to her that she introduce an important man in her life back to Lycaon. The trust that they've rebuilt is fragile and all hinges on if this child approves of him or not. "This is my son, baby do you wanna tell him your name?" She asks. "My name is Wise..." He is hesitant to say it, maybe he thinks its stupid, or other kids bully him for it. He doesn't know its significance. Choking back tears, Belle watches as Lycaon gets down on a knee and takes kid Wise's hand and gives him a formal little handshake. He can tell that he's immediately imprinted onto her son, who will now have a bodyguard and best friend for life. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young master. Your mother and uncle are very dear to me, should you ever need my assistance, I will be at your side at a moment's notice." Kid Wise stares up at him with these big eyes and goes, "Cool… can I touch your tail?"
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coyotescribbles · 1 month
And it's on AO3 now, too
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fandomzwriterk · 4 months
Requests you can ask for and Ones I’ve done!
I will take requests for the following fandoms. There are links to each one.
Mortal Mombat/MK1 ⬇️
➡️Smoke & Mirrors - Smoke/Tomas Vrbada x OC pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, pt9,
➡️Smokey Love - Smoke x Reader -Fluff
➡️Tomas/Bi Han/Raiden - Lazy reader -headcanons
➡️Lin Kuei Trio - Little sister reader -fluff
➡️Lin Kuei Trio w/ a daughter headcanons - fluff
➡️Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x Fem reader - no warnings
➡️Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x Fem!Reader - cursing
➡️Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x Reader - teasing
➡️Lose My Breath - Smoke x Reader - fluff
➡️Liu Kang x Reader - none
➡️Lin Kuei Trio - giving your child a lemon - fluf
➡️Lin Kuei Trio - Deadpool/wolverine reader - none
X-Men ‘97⬇️
➡️My queen of Hearts - Remy Lebeau x Reader -smut
➡️The New Grey - Scott Summers x Reader -Angst
➡️The New Grey pt2 - Smut
➡️Stars in Your Eyes - Remy Lebeau x reader pt1 , pt2, pt3,
➡️F.R.I.E.N.D.S - Scott Sunmers x Reader pt1, pt2, pt3
Honkai Star Rail⬇️
Zenless Zone Zero⬇️
Wuthering Waves⬇️
Ghost of Tsushima⬇️
Genshin Impact⬇️
➡️Honorary Knight of Mondstadt - Diluc x Reader -smut
Baldurs Gate⬇️
Vox Machina⬇️
💖I’m willing to do both SFW & NSFW if you want. Just send the request to me and I’ll do it as long as it’s not “harmful content”💝
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roboenthuser · 10 months
Taking Zenless Zone Zero requests! ( character x reader)
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Characters ill write for:
Billy kid
(This list will grow in the future)
What I will write
(MAYBE.) yandere
Reader x character
sfw/nsfw alphabets
What I will NOT write
Character x character
Toxic relationship (main)
Romantic or nsfw for underage characters (platonic ONLY)
Dead dove content
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Feel free to request! Leaning more towards Billy requests atm (what noooo I’m not biased at all)
EDIT: Also open to small art reqs for the characters above along with writing (or standalone!)
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cynarisgayass · 2 months
𓍊𓋼~Zenless Zone Zero~𓋼𓍊
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(Ratings: (F)=Fluff (A)=Angst (M)=Mature (E)=Explicit)
(All the letters of the alphabet: Billy Kid (E)
(In the heat of the moment: Nicole, Billy kid (M)
(Cat therian reader: Ellen, Nicole, Billy kid (F)
(Under the webther: Billy kid (F)
(Starlight knights and chill: Billy Kid (E)
(Caught with your heart on fire: Billy Kid (F)
(Purr for me: Billy Kid (E)
(Rescue me: Billy Kid (M/A)
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Honestly need more zenless requests. Will accept mostly any with billy...
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wwaheoh · 2 months
Hey, Hi, Hello!! I don’t know if you’re not taking request or not but If it’s not too much of a hassle or if you have the free time, could I please request a part two of that unrequited love post where the reader starts intentionally avoiding those same characters you posted? Like basically the aftermath of the confession. If you’re closed or busy you really don’t have to accept this but thank you for that read 😭
“Aversion to Heartache…” Zenless Zone Zero x gnReader
Von Lycaon, Zhu Yuan
a/n: not including Anby, since she’s the one avoiding you at the end of Unrequited. also i am always open to requests or chats! just know that it might take some time to get back to you, since i write when i take a break or can’t draw
Sequel to: “Unrequited” (Lycaon, Zhu Yuan, Anby)
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It’s been a couple of weeks since your failed confession. You had been purposefully avoiding Lycaon- even Victoria Housekeeping as well as the cafe they used as a front. Ads would pop up on websites, various members on it but the pure white fur of the Therian on your mind sticking out like a sore thumb against the muted colors of the rest of the staff.
Sighing, you clicked on the X to delete the ad, not wanting to see it any longer. You misclicked, accidentally clicking on the web link and being rerouted to the contact page of Victoria Housekeeping. It was familiar- having used it to venture into the Hollow, where you met Lycaon.
Quickly closing the tab, you tried to clear your mind. Lycaon, Lycaon, Lycaon, every day it felt like you got reminded of him. The good times you both had, spending afternoons and sometimes nights with him. Then quickly being soured by you confessing to him- the look on his face more unflattering than what really occurred.
You should go out for a bit… maybe some fresh air would help. Standing up, you put on some casual clothes, fixing a hoodie on and zipping it up before taking your keys.
Closing the door behind you and locking it, you took a deep breath of the cold afternoon air. Fresh, with only a couple of people milling about. A car or two passing by every couple of minutes. Stepping out from the front of your apartment, you began your aimless walk. Letting the sounds of the city fill your ears.
After tens of minutes, you found yourself in Lumina Square. Somewhere bustling with traffic. Following the crowd, you looked through the windows, commenting on things mentally- before something caught your eye.
Lycaon. The wolf-Therian was sitting in front of a noodle shop with… someone else. A figure wearing a blue-orange jacket, hair reaching their chin. Here you were, constantly on the verge of tears and Lycaon had already moved on. Seemingly having replaced you, seeing as how expressive this person was to him.
His ear twitched, a tell-tale sign of where he was going to look- having either heard or smelled something of note. Quickly you lifted your hood up, hiding your face as you quickly followed the crowd, hoping to avoid his gaze and possible confrontation, forever if possible.
Yet he knew you were there. With the aroma and cooking of the noodle shop covering up most of your tracks, but that familiar scent you had snaked its way in. Yet you were already gone, faded back into the crowd.
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After the revelation of who Zhu Yuan’s heart had been captivated by, you had begun to slowly avoid Zhu Yuan. The heartache you felt as you spent time with her became more pervasive with each day. Something you wanted became poisoned, leading you to call hangouts off or declining Zhu Yuan whenever she invited you.
She very easily figured this out, but the question was ‘why?’. The two of you hadn’t had a falling out- nothing egregious and there was no reason for you to have any bad blood. Yet every time she approached you, you quickly tried to find an out- you weren’t as slick as you thought you were.
It became harder and harder for her to initiate anything, being stationed in different areas of New Eridu, as well as growing feelings for her partner Qingyi. Yet it still ate at her.
One day on patrol, you were responding to an urgent call, pulling up with lights flashing. A man had a girl hostage, blade to her neck as they ordered the cops to hand them a vehicle to make their escape from a robbery gone wrong.
Just as you were about to go in, a blur passed you, a familiar figure grabbed the girl, cuffing the suspect before roundhouse kicking them, knocking them and a piece of the wall out. As well as a couple of molars.
You watched her in a trance as she consoled the victim. Then you noticed that she was about to turn, with you quickly walking away back to your car. She stepped to follow you but was stopped, having to give a recount and file paperwork for the arrest, as well as return to film the rest of the promotional material for the director.
Qingyi watched you leave as she stepped out of the car, dots connecting in her head as she watched the hurt look on both you and Zhu Yuan’s face. She needed to do something about this...
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bitterbutblue · 21 days
jane doe toxic? <3
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bam yang gang ☆ jane doe x fem!reader
~ As you were leaving, you said to me "You always want far too much If even for a moment, I look away from you It’s like my mind ignites into flames." I hold back the tears about to flow Struggling to suppress the words I longed to share With just a single "Yes, I’m sorry" I closed the chapter on the days we spent together - bibi, bam yang gang ~
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
She grips tightly at the door, bag in hand and your sobs by her side.
"Don't make this harder than it should be."
Her voice is cold enough for you to cease your sobs for just a second because how is she so cruel about all this? Was your love just a fucking joke to her? Was your pain just a simple toy she finds herself able to throw around for fun? Something she can toss aside when she's sick of it?
"You know I can't do this."
"Why the fuck not?"
"God- FUCK!"
Her sudden outburst had you flinching slightly. Her cheeks reddened from anger as her tail swishes, irritated, from this whole dispute. She had always appeared so loving and caring, always looking out for you and always putting you before herself so why this? Why now? Why now with the ring stored away in your bottom drawer in your bedside table does she suddenly want to pack and leave?
"You're too much. You're so much, all the fucking time."
"Oh bullshit!" You cry, throwing the nearest thing, which just so happened to be a box of tissues, at her. She just lets it hit her chest defeatedly, watching you pick up random items like couch cushions or plastic figures from the shelves and hurling it at her and she lets each item hit her. She lets you take our your frustrations on her until you've run out of items and you just sink into the ground. You let yourself melt into the ground, becoming like a statue frozen in time- a memory forever engrained into Jane's memory. You stay in that state, perhaps not physically, but for a long time after.
"I've never fucking asked you for anything, Jane." You say through gritted teeth, your anger now growing. It's like a starving beast, willing to take anything as a excuse to fuel itself. Eating up even crumbs or specks of words to fuel this hatred to block out the searing pain, to block out the way she carves your heart out. Not even methodically- just messily. She does it with a rusted dagger, blunt.
"You ask me all the time-"
Silence rings throughout the apartment again as Jane's eyes darken, yous see the way her throat bobbed as she takes a deep breath in. She looks away.
The fucking coward looks away.
"Well I can't give you that."
"Why the hell not?"
"You- you ask-"
"Don't you fucking say I ask too much of you." You're seething now "Tell me, when have I ever asked you to love me more? I love the way you love me, I never complain about you not loving me in love or not- not loving in the conventional way."
Jane is silent as she stares at you. You've stood up now, knees shaky and you feel like you'll fall over any second but you still stand. You still push yourself up to look at her in the eyes.
"Tell me, Jane."
She loves you.
She really does.
But she can't.
They'll find you.
"You always ask me for too much." Is all she says, before she turns. You scream at her, you want to throw yourself at her but you want to punch her at the same time. You yell curses at her, how you wished you had never given her the chance. How you just want her to love you, how you don't even ask for much and she's just being so selfish but she's gone. The door had already closed before you could even tell her a proper goodbye.
Is this the end of your story? This the chapter you close now, the story of you two coming to an end on a Friday night in your apartment with you sobbing on the kitchen floor for the rest of the knight as your favourite melody to share with her becomes a reminder of a cruel ending.
"As you were leaving you turned around and said to me "You always want far too much" No what I’ve always wanted was one thing Just one thing sweet chestnut red bean jelly"
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
✨📣fanfare music📣✨
Master List Post for The Billy Kid Angst Chronicles >:3 -> hopefully, this will keep me a wee bit more organized with what I have or have not posted. feel free to leave requests on this too, or just feedback about any fic you particularly liked or disliked!!
Computer Virus Dismemberment Matpat Corrupted or Crushed [pt.2] Puppet Taking the Hit Sick Demara's Silly Sister Caesar Hare Headcanons [pt.1, pt.2] Shut Down Memory Loss Badass Billy
and more to come :D so check back from time to time!!
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bitterchocoo · 1 year
An INTP whose first language is not English trying to write. What's the worst that could happen?
Request : OPEN!
Fandoms :
Bungou stray dogs/Bungou stray dogs gaiden
Honkai star rail
Zenless Zone Zero
Wuthering Waves
Reverse: 1999
Genshin Impact
Twisted Wonderland
Moriarty the patriot
Project Sekai
What I do :
Crossovers (Basically based the reader off of a character from a whole different thing)
What I don't do :
I write for readers for who are masculine aligning, but if you have a specific gender in mind please specify.
Rules in request :
What genre it will be (fluff, angst, etc)
What's the readers gender
What character/characters the reader is with
What kind of relationship they have with said character
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Rules (Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, prefrences, Master List, and Current Works)
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(Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, and prefrences)
“I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams.”-Howard Philips Lovecraft
Hello I'm Mr. Cosmic, I am a Romantic Asexual Man (Not sex repulsed, I actually find the concept of sex and how deeply it is ingrained in humanity fascinating) my birthday is September 26th, My favorite food is Spaghetti and Garlic Bread (I know I know, Asexuals and garlic bread), my favorite drink is home made Mountain Tea, I love writing romantic and fluffy things but I also may right angst if I'm in the right mood, My favorite bands are Queens Of The Stone Age, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Iron Maiden, Nujabes (RIP), Megadeth, Rob Zombie, and Foo Fighters, I hope we can all get along!
I take recommendations for shows to watch and add to the list of fandoms and music to listen to while I write (I am partial to fast paced songs, but I also enjoy slower ones)
I am also associated with the @favonius-library and @ecrin-de-litterature
One Hundred One Word Prompts
My Pet Peeves For Asks
One Of My Pet Peeves For Asks: Fighters, Not Body Builders
I only write romance for female characters but I'm perfectly fine with writing platonic male relationships (There are a few exceptions but most of the time this is the rule of thumb to go by)
I write for G/N, Male, and Female readers
Like any other Tumblr I reserve the right to reject asks
Be Respectful.
Do Not Hate On People In The Comments!
No Homophobia, Transphobia, etc. etc.
If You Have A Question About A Post Ask In The Comments Of The Post please.
No Politics!
I prefer to write for Ladies but I will do guys once in a blue moon if they're a part of the ask.
Due to a recent attempt to write trans readers and the anxiety attack which affected my willingness to write I have made the decision to (For the moment this may change though it is unlikely) not write Trans readers there is nothing wrong with Trans People I just feel like I can't portray them properly.
IF ONE MORE GODDAMN FUCKING PORN BOT OR BLANK BLOG FOLLOWS ME I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL GO ON A GODDAMN PURGE SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CUSTOMIZE YOUR TUMBLR OR I MIGHT ACCIDENTALLY BAN HAMMER YOU!!! Please, if you have a question or an ask, ask me the question in the INBOX not in my MESSAGES. My MESSAGES are for my mutuals to talk to me. Not to receive asks through, that is what the ASK BUTTON is for. If I continue to receive asks in my MESSAGES I WILL start blocking people.
Fate Grand Order and TYPE-MOON in general
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Zenless Zone Zero
Reverse 1999
Goddess Of Victory: Nikke
Blue Archive
Girls Front Line
Limbus Company
Lobotomy Corporation
Library Of Ruina
Elden Ring
Baldur’s Gate 3
Senran Kagura
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
Shin Megami Tensei
Dungeon Fighter Online
Dungeon Fighter Duel
River City Girls
King Of Fighters
Guilty Gear
Granblue Fantasy
Under Night In Birth
Street Fighter
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Fear & Hunger
Fear & Hunger: Termina
Hi-Fi Rush
Trails Of Cold Steel
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ikki Tousen
Highschool DxD
(To Be Added)
What I Will Do
Character x Reader
All of the dere's (Yandere, Kudere, Tsundere, Goudere, Masodere, Sadodere etc. etc.)
Character x Multiple (Separate from Poly, NSFW only Ex. Free Use)
Platonic Relationships
NSFW (If You Want a Specific Kink You Have To Ask)
(More To Be Added)
What I Won’t Do
Non-Con (I might do CNC)
Kinks like Scat and Vore
(More To Be Added)
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thebluester2020 · 1 month
"Welcome To The Slime Den!"
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"Howdy person reading this, welcome to my 18+ writing/drawing page!"
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Call me Blue or Bluester! || She/Her || 20 || Requests: Open || Art Comm(s) are OPEN! [Ko-Fi] || Feel free to talk to me in DMs! I'm pretty friendly if not a yapper when you catch my attention via hot guys / hot chicks.
. . .
Multi-Fandom [I'm decently consistent in these following places, however—]
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|| Stardew Valley || I. Recommended By Yours Truly :: [SDV] "Sins of the Guilty" Most Popular Work :: SDV Bachelors x Farmer Who Squirts
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|| Twisted Wonderland || I. Recommended By Yours Truly :: [TWST] "Free" Lodging At SavannaClaw Most Popular Work :: [TWST] "Free" Lodging At SavannaClaw
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|| Zenless Zone Zero || I.
Recommended By Yours Truly :: "How To Recieve An A+ In Housekeeping!" Most Popular Work :: "How To Recieve An A+ In Housekeeping!"
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Recommended By Yours Truly :: "Heket v. Dionysus Artwork"
Most Popular Work :: "Heket v. Dionysus Artwork"
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|| OC Stuff || I. OC Rant(s) + World-Building Rant(s) :: Masterlist
. . .
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Extra Information
♡ - Lol I know I put my pronouns at the beginning of this masterlist but I really don't care + won't get offended if you address me a different way. It's the internet. ♡ - I write afab and/or gender-neutral readers (I will, however, write male-centered readers when explicitly asked to) ♡ - I don't take nsfw writing requests involving minor characters from any form of media. ♡ - I love drawing for people! But please make sure to be specific as to what you want if it involves your character with a canon character [If not specified. I may ignore the request entirely. I'll also only take three characters max per request and nothing more!] ^ to add to the drawing bit... here are my do(s) and don't(s) for doodle/art requests.
I will draw NSFW / Suggestive material (NSFW material will be censored per the guidelines and trying to make sure I don't get shadowbanned and/or smited from Tumblr.)
I will draw OCs
I will draw canon x canon characters
I will draw angst (nothing involving gore though)
I won't draw anything homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist etc.
I won't draw any NSFW material involving minors (I'll only draw SFW material when asked to draw a minor character)
I won't draw any hardcore kinky stuff (Scat, piss etc. are a big no for me)
Do not request for me to design a character for you, please!
[I reserve the right to add onto this should the need arise]
⚠️ I don't believe that it is my job as a smut writer/artist to be a beacon of safe or realistic sex. Everything I write is rooted in fantasy and unrealisim ⚠️
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"See ya later person who stumbled upon this cave of mine! While you're at it, search up these fellows of mine and follow 'em. They're the bomb.com!"
. . .
["They're super sweet and have an amazingly cute art style! They're my main source of inspiration when it comes to anything I draw + write!"]
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Comm(s): Open! https://ko-fi.com/cowfii
["I'll always boost up my fellow degens + they're a fellow writer who has a great sense of humor! They have a work-in-progress book with a juicy story plot so far!"]
. . .
If you have the funds and are looking for another way to spend them—
Please donate to @mahmoudayyad go-fundme campaign! []
I don't have to explain, everyone already knows that this genocide is the most recorded but denied massacre in human history. No person in Gaza deserves to go through this so please, if you have something extra to give. Please donate it to this family! They need $100,000 to leave and are only sitting at 53 donations!
. . .
Ongoing Event(s):
100+ Follower Event! [End Date: October 1st]
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