#but I'm eepy
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sophiegoose · 6 months ago
Me, sitting in the theater watching Transformers ONE after spending over a decade watching the live action films:
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narnianvalkyrieofberk · 1 year ago
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I don't have the energy to write fic rn so enjoy a random scene from a @comicaurora AU fic that's been rolling around in my head for months
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erinyaya · 1 year ago
crying over spilled milk cuz my stupid dorm fridge door was jammed and I yanked it open and my roommates milk fell and broke open 😑
Omw to the grocery store at rn
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deadn30n · 2 months ago
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We would first like to introduce you to the angels and their world, Lazarus. ✧
➢ The conception of Lazarus is known to none but it's god, who has -- for some reason -- elected not to inform his people of the age of their planet. None have deigned to question him, however, as his verdict is law. Some have theorized Lazarus to be more than a million years old, while others surmise it may only be a couple hundred. It's age is one of several mysteries surrounding the planet that often fascinates the angels. When picking a name for this particular planet, I chose 'Lazarus' for the fact that it has actually gone through a handful of birth && then death cycles, always resurrecting in the end, no matter how long it's been 'dead'. This cycle of death && rebirth is something hidden from the angels -- and every time the planet has 'died', the entire race of angels has been completely wiped clean alongside, only to later be remade after the planet wakes again. There's a specific reason for this, but telling you would spoil the story :)
➢ Lazarus is located on the very edge of the universe, directly east of where Earth is. However, it is unreachable by anyone who tries to go searching for it. Entry is permitted only to those of the Lazarian race, making it impossible to find or draw a map to. This is why no one is actually aware the planet exists... yet.
➢ Lazarus is a planet of both light and dark, though the concepts of 'light' and 'dark' are exceedingly different from what we're used to. For example, the entire surface is coated in a blanket of endless night -- yet is it also somehow bright at the same time. Lazarus also doesn't have a 'moon', given that it's drenched in eternal midnight, but it does have a black sun that looks more or less like this
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The weather in Lazarus is also rather unremarkable to note. Snow, rain, cold, & hot are not definitive factors of it's atmosphere. In fact, the planet is best described as simply lukewarm at best. Angels are incapable of feeling temperatures, so it's unsurprising that their home wouldn't have a specific weather pattern or seasons.
➢ Architecture in Lazarus is probably it's most intriguing facet. From edge to edge the planet is covered in bizarrely shaped buildings, some even appearing to defy the laws of gravity itself. Plants && animals do not exist, and everything is a blinding shade of white. However, it's a far cry from the heavenly paradise that people always imagine 'heaven' to be, as though the city is made of white, if one who isn't an angel were to walk through it, they would feel rather lifeless and cold. The cities carry and eerie kind of weight with them, almost like their haunted, and are far too quiet for something that's very much inhabited. The city looks a little like Scala Ad Caelum from Kingdom Hearts 3, to give you an idea.
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➢ Lazarus and it's people are governed by The Holy Court which handles all affairs, big and small. There are very much laws in Lazarus, and anyone caught breaking them is taken to the Holy Court for judgement. When it comes to who operates the Holy Court, God has chosen the Caedieux family -- the very same that Faustus and Astraeus ( the two seraphim sent to accompany Eden ) were born into. The Caedieux family has served as God's closest confidants since time immemorial, and thus far, only they are aware of what God really looks like. Originally Faustus served as the judge while Astraeus served as her jury. All judgements were delegated and maintained between the two of them. Before their ascension to these jobs, it was their parents who served as judge and jury before them. Curiously enough, none who enter the Holy Court are ever seen again afterward, serving as warning to those who wish to go against God's wishes to think twice. For the most part this maintains order, but every now and then someone will get up to no good.
➢ The most crucial part of Lazarus is it's neon sky, and where the name 'Dead N30n' came from for this book. This sky, which is indeed filled with a swirl of neon colours is both revered and feared by the angels of Lazarus. It is believed among them that when one dies, your soul is returned to The Neon where it awaits being reborn again. At the same time, the neon sky is also the source of all power on Lazarus as not just their life force, but essentially to operating everything you find on Lazarus. Over the last decade, the Lazarians have begun to note the gradual decline of the neon. The colours are becoming washed out, and their powers are fading, gripping them with a great fear that they're doome to fade. For this very reason, God created 'Eden' with the intent of bridging a connection with another planet that the angels could migrate to later on. ( This, of course, is a clever farce if you take into account earlier points I've made. There are ulterior motives at play here, but for the sake of keeping up his image, God is playing along with their fear and promising to take them somewhere new. ) The real reason the neon is fading out is actually much more sinister than the Lazarians might realize.
➢ There is a book in Lazarus called The Book of the Nightless which is their equivalent of a 'bible'. It is a fabricated story of the origins of Lazarus, as well as god, and tells the tale of how everything began. The book is the shade of bright marble and is made with gold-trimmed paper. This book is highly revered in Lazarus and is enthusiastically venerated amongst it's people. Every single angel -- and I mean every single angel -- owns a copy of this book and has memorized it from front to back. This is, of course, due to God's own decree. Failure to familiarize yourself with it's contents have often lead to you going missing at one point or another, never to be seen again. The design of the book cover looks like this:
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➢ Likewise, The Palette of Bright Night is what's known as the 'law' of Lazarus. It is a fairly thin book with an ordinary cover the colour of sage and no remarkable traits to it. However, this is another essential item that every angel possesses and must have memorized from front to back. The laws of Lazarus are few, but maintained with an iron fist. The angel's fear of their God is the reason they needn't have very many laws to begin with.
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( kinda like this but w/o the spirals )
➢ Things like food, sleep, baths, etc are unnecessary for angels, as you might expect. The angels of Lazarus are more like a... concept, than something physically perceived. They can make themselves physically present, but this is not something you'd probably want, at least as a human. The angels of Lazarus are more closely designed to what we call biblically accurate angels and are the most frightening thing to witness. Each angel is unique in it's own right, and no two look the same, although some may have similar traits. There are various kinds of angels, including demons ( which also resemble biblically angels... just in demon form ). If you're unfamiliar with what biblically accurate angels look like, this link is a good start to what some of the Lazarians look like. Ironically, there are a handful of demons that actually rank above some Lazarian angels. Demons are not considered evil in Lazarus, and actually coexist peacefully with the angels. Instead, demons hold similar positions of power.
➢ Lazarus does *technically* have an army of it's own, but the soldiers aren't utilized by God, as he claims the Lazarian race are peaceful. Having an army is more for show of threat than anything else, reminding potential invaders that though Lazarus is a peaceful land, they can most certainly hold their own when it comes down to it. The miliary was created and is run by Kou && Sae's family. Like Faustus && Astraeus, their family has been serving god since the planet first began.
➢ Lazarus is a highly advanced technological society with inventions that far transcend what any human progress has made. Going into detail about their technology actually spoils an important point of the book ( i know i keep saying this lol ) so I have to refrain, but just know that what they have is what any human dreams of. They have *everything* and it's all provided by God && a team of scientists he personally employs.
➢ I mentioned it before, but I will expand on it here: gender does not exist in Lazarian society. All angels && demons, regardless of who they are, are born and live androgynously. In Lazarian eyes, there is no need for gender identity as their social structure isn't built around how a person looks. This, of course, doesn't mean that there aren't Lazarians who identify with a specific gender based on their own preferences, but rather than be given an identifier at birth, they are instead presented with the option later on, if they so choose. Sex =/= gender, as well. Angels inherently do not possess reproductive organs, so their gender cannot be tied to their reproductive organs. Instead, reproductive organs are produced later on in life once an angel has found it's mate -- if they decide to find one. Procreation is entirely optional, and no matter what reproductive organs the angel chooses, it still doesn't tie in with their gender identity, even if they have chosen a specific one. In the same vein, an angel's name operates under a similar mentality. You are given an identifier at birth, but can later choose to change it if you so wish.
If you're curious and want to know how all of this applies to Eden specifically, you can read this post.
I know a good deal of this is kinda vague, but I wanted to create a basic outline for the Lazarian society to help you get an idea of who they are, what they are, and how they function. I plan to flesh out other details as the story progresses. You're meant to discover more crucial things as you read, so giving it all away too soon would ruin the fun of discovering!
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princeofhorrors · 4 months ago
I need to start posting again 😭
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pigeonstab · 1 month ago
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He do his little dancey dance
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noodles-07 · 1 year ago
god people have always been people. victorian noblewomen stubbed their toes and swore about it. medieval peasants ripped hangnails a little too hard and sucked on it to make it better. cavemen put kids on their shoulders so the kids could get their handprints up on the wall. someone in the 1760s played with their dog and someone in the 1340s dragged themself out of bed at some unholy hour of the morning to soothe a crying baby and someone in the 1550s stuck a flower behind their lovers ear. I'm gonna be sick people have always been people
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softichill · 1 year ago
Trying this again since my last one was missing so many
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originalartblog · 1 year ago
Part one here, part two ↓
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Dazai is very eager to get to work today idk...
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semi-completely-original · 3 months ago
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i didn't quite enjoy how the render for this turned out but a couple encouraging mutuals convinced me to at least post the version w just the flats :'3
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kia-ko · 1 month ago
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amymbona · 8 months ago
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its-a-me-mango · 5 months ago
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Holy crap I did not expect so many people to like my silly lil cosplay, thanks you all for the kind words so far, they mean so much!!! ;W;
Day one is over so enjoy some pics I got at the convention, so tiring but it was so much fun!!! Gonna get more tomorrow hopefully so watch out! >:3
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this-hopeless-war · 1 month ago
don't listen to whatever shit anyone in your life may be spouting, all forms of antisemitism are incredibly dangerous no matter what
don't ever try to explain away antisemitism, care about the people around you, our friends are scared
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imdoingjustgr8 · 8 months ago
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generic lowishbutkindadidtakeastupidamountof-effort meme bandwagoning post
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hypertranced · 1 month ago
i could make a millions posts abt arcane and how impressive and meaningful season 1 was and how season 2 just butchers the interesting elements of the story entirely
i loved the previous interpretation of vander and silco not knowing the children they were taking in at all, it added so much weight. vander took vi and powder in because he felt responsible for what happened and silco took in powder because he related to her. implying that they adopted them because they were the kids of a friend cheapens the whole thing.
on the topic of vander, I really found it so cheesy how often they referred to him as their dad this season, especially when they never did in s1. and having jinxs relationship with him suddenly be so much closer just didn't make sense to me. in s1 powder seemed to respect him as an authority figure but she seemed to valued vi more as a guardian. maybe this can be chalked up to the fact that vander only had one scene with powder, but even then powder doesn't open to him like she does with vi. so having jinx suddenly be all affectionate with warwick seemed off but idk maybe that's just me. I also think warwick was handled badly tbh but w/e
moving on to vi and jinx. oh my god the way their arcs and relationship were shoved aside this season makes me want to cry. in s1 they had so much agency. the things vi and jinx did would ripple through the rest of the plot. I came into s2 expecting them to be doing the absolute most but they were so passive. it felt vi kinda just goes with whatever the plot wanted instead of how in s1 it felt like her actions shaped the plot, if that makes sense. and the way jinxs hallucinations are like barely they anymore?? in ep 9 of s1 it's heavily implied that the shimmer surgery made her paranoia and hallucinations worse but in s2 she's kind of just depressed and cold, nothing like the slightly erratic and manic girl she was in s1. dropping a kid on her and making her mellow put so much was kinda corny and I mourn s1 jinx everyday.
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