#but I trust the writers more than that
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annwayne · 2 years ago
Y’all don’t need to “ignore canon” to think Tech’s not dead…. It’s Star Wars.. He fell from a cloudy-obscured-depth-height….
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If these guys can all come back, under much worse and more dangerous situations, then so can Tech.
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chattematsu · 2 years ago
[4.0 archon quest spoilers]
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blackbatcass · 1 year ago
the first thing every dick grayson writer has to keep in mind is that he is defined by his kindness. second thing is that he’s an asshole. third thing is that he’s so, so angry. fourth thing is that he loves donna hinckley stacy troy more than life itself.
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monabee-draws · 2 months ago
Okay but HOW did the South all fall to the Blight anyways? I get that Ghilan'nain altered it to be more vicious but the world of Thedas has survived Blights more than a century long with no knowledge of how to 'safely' combat them (the First Blight lasted 192 years) and though yes parts of the Anderfels remained Blighted for centuries, they managed to repel it well enough that other parts of the region remained habitable. By contrast, modern Thedas has survived five Blights, each of which was combatted more efficiently the last. Even the disastrous Fourth Blight which resulted in the near extinction of the griffons was managed. You're telling me that two of the world's biggest powers (Ferelden and Orlais) just rolled over and died in the span of what must be no longer than a few months??? The latter Empire which did not even 'recently' suffer a Blight and may well have both absorbed the forces of the Inquisition and had the aid of the entire Southern division of Wardens after they defect from Weisshaupt.) Or Ferelden which has a good chance of being ruled by a former warden who may be getting on in years but is deeply aware of the threat of the Blight and likely to be quick to mobilise?
This is why we needed a proper worldstate system. Because it would only (VERY BARELY) make any sense that Orlais and Ferelden fall so easily if you completely ruined both kingdoms' political relations with each other, they fought a war that depleted both countries' resources, AND all the Southern wardens were killed or exiled to Weisshaupt. Which sure, COULD be the canon. But instead we get nothing at all. Except a convenient wiping clear of the board as if none of those places and people ever existed. And we can't say or do anything about it despite the Eluvian network almost certainly reaching those locations as well.
Ghilly isn't even PRESENT in the South at any point according to the Inquisitor's letters, so the presence of the Evanuris speeding the spread/voracity of the Blight (which is implied through D'Meta's Crossing and the Blighting of Minrathous and Treviso) doesn't even apply there. There's no direction for a darkspawn hoard in the South - no Archdemon or Evanuris. And we're told repeatedly that the Blight is dangerous (in comparison to the general darkspawn presence) because their leadership makes them smart. They are organised and fight well against martial resistance. The new darkspawn are clearly less intelligent and do not work together using tactics, but rather swarm or do their own individual things. And yet no one can organise a meaningful resistance against them such that two ENTIRE COUNTRIES WORTH OF LAND aren't completely annihilated? Nah. This will always be the biggest plot hole contrivance nonsense to me.
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charmac · 5 months ago
How are you feeling about S17? I'm getting reaaal worried that it's going to be terrible. No Glenn in the writers room? A crossover episode?? Rob's gradual transformation into pondslime??? Help
Pondslime 😭Lmfao
I'm feeling more than fine about 17, really truly. I don't think anyone should be worried at all.
I think sometimes my interactions with Glenn come off a little more serious or abrasive than they really happened in real life (because we have to shout due to how loud it is in the bars), and my immediate transcription is just to get people *information*, which really doesn't convey tone.
For example, reporting that Glenn said "you don't want to know" in response to me asking for any teasers (as to plots this season) was met with a lot of "oh so this season is gonna suck" on Twitter, and that could not be further than the truth (sorry to the people I split-react blocked for saying that lol). In hindsight I get the reaction, because written out it's a response that can be easily misinterpreted and reads as potentially concerning, but know that when Glenn said "you don't want to know" he looked like this:
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And when I was genuinely just asking for script information (regarding writers of individual scripts after he mentioned they had broken already) and mentioned Nina (Inflates) and Ross (DTAMHD), he gushed about both of them and then said, transcribed word for word, "It's been a good room, I'll say this it's been a great room. It's been an all-star room, it's been...like, breaking the stories this year has been really fun. [Me: Yeah?] Yeah. [That's great, that is great to hear.] It's been really fun."
So the idea of "no Glenn in the writers room" is really much more akin to Season 16 than 13/14. He was there to break stories (meaning he was in the room when they were brainstorming plot ideas and when they settled on which plots would be turned into scripts) but Rob and Charlie are taking the brunt of writing their (RCG's) scripts because of Sirens. This is the same thing that happened with The Gang Goes Bowling. Glenn's name is on the script, but Rob and Charlie wrote the majority of it while Glenn was shooting Blackberry. (I remember originally being convinced it was a mistake Glenn was listed as a writer for Bowling, lmfao). And Glenn is definitely still contributing, will be on revisions for the non-RCG scripts, and will classically change or improv whatever he thinks is best for Dennis when he's on set (see: the Risk E. Rats script).
Also, I know the crossover is concerning to a lot of people just given the nature of it, but as of what we know right now it's only on Abbott, so it's really just as if this season's The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell or The Janitor Always Mops Twice took place on a different show instead of ours...
I promise promise promise Glenn was clearly holding his tongue for good things coming up, and Friday night very much restored my confidence that Season 17 will be good. (But..if you don't think Glenn has good contributions to Sunny or understands the agenda, then sorry this response probably sucks lmfao)
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nerdishpursuits · 2 months ago
I'm sat here perusing various posts and thinking that even when the narrative is developing in a way that's not utterly predicable and the resolution to conflicts is, mostly, decent or satisfactory? There seems to be cause for alarm. Maybe I'm missing something but it baffles me. Now that Pelayo has revealed himself to be gay, there's concern it might actually be a ruse to entrap Marta in his web of deceit. Judging by the looks of him and the revenue of his company, which far exceeds that of Marta's family, it stands to reason this man doesn't need artifice to ensnare a wife. There must be candidates aplenty. Least of all does he need to play the gay-man-card in Franquist Spain. That his motives go deeper than sheer altruism and helping out a fellow misfit in her time of need? Very likely. After all, next episode he tells Marta he has his eyes set on politics. Whether he will try and convince her they both stand to benefit from a lavender marriage, or something else happens that puts one of them, or both, in jeopardy, thus resulting in a union of convenience? All the speculation as of late might be way off the mark, all thanks to some supposed spoiler, unverified and clickbaity. We'll have to wait and see. What's clear is that he is here to stay and his fortunes will become linked with Marta & Fina. I will say, Pelayo's coming-out scene was one I very much enjoyed. Marta lacks friends, especially ones she can be herself around. Doubly gratifying if said friends could also have her back when it comes to the perilous world of business. Especially now that Marta’s position within the company has been weakened by ceding shares to Tasio. So all in all, it was nice seeing both Marta and Pelayo relieved at having stumbled upon an unlikely ally. The mythical unicorn, as it were. Pelayo: I too went to the Uni of Corn Marta: You? Intro to Introverts? I studied under Dr. Sapphis Cunnilingus, SeraFina Valero, class of 1958
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That being said? It’s pretty obvious Pelayo’s request that Marta doesn’t reveal his truth to anyone at all, not even esa chica? Will result in some measure of drama. Mafin is well established as a couple and doubting if they love each other is never the issue. Their next hurdle will be one of communication and one which poses somewhat of a moral dilemma: does sharing someone’s secret with your partner, when said person asked you to keep it, a betrayal make? The drama this will stir can be seen from miles away, Legolas style. Marta’s loyalty resides with Fina, no doubt about it. But I'm guessing they will find ways to draw out this narrative and cause tension between them. If well written? It should be entertaining and result in plenty of rewarding scenes.
I also have to say, in all fairness, it irks me that Pelayo referred to Fina as esa chica. It’s obvious he knows who Marta’s partner is (imho, one glimpse at them in Marta’s office and the wheels are turning). But it comes across a tad condescending. I wonder how Fina will take to him initially, but a picnic it won’t be. Fina’s allergic to most men and this one? This one she’ll find particularly irritating. Especially if she doesn’t have all the information. She’s already worried Pelayo has ulterior motives and that Marta might end up paying the price. I will say, I love the fact that Fina’s not jealous, as her trust in Marta is absolute and their relationship has never been plagued by toxicity. What she doesn’t trust is the good intentions of men, especially those who hold information they could use against you.
And now that I’m thinking about it, I do wonder why it’s such a problem for Pelayo that Marta’s partner learns the truth. They’re all in the same boat. They all walk the gauntlet, every day, keenly aware of the dangers their lifestyle exposes them to. Fina wouldn’t betray him. Though I assume, for someone who wants to enter politics? Trusting a stranger to not accidentally spill the beans might prove unwise. In time, he’ll get to know Fina and change his mind - that's a given. I do believe the three of them will ultimately become the best of friends and it will be satisfying to watch them embark upon this journey together. But until then? I expect some drama awaits, right around the corner (also, shout-out to the novelita for adding a gay man to its list of characters: let it not be said we're not getting spoiled) I’ve also been thinking about the garden scenes. They could well have been symbols of Marta and Fina’s new-found freedom. Open space, fresh air, no walls closing in on them. A place they could fence out the world and pretend they could escape it. Alas. Said world is once again closing in on them, presenting them with new limitations to struggle with.
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Their freedom has been hard-won but it’s been infringed upon. As such, the garden no longer feels secure or liberating and the scenes have moved indoors. Like a retreat to the tower, after the courtyard has been taken. It should feel somewhat claustrophobic, which it does: Fina worries someone is spying on them, that their beloved sanctuary isn’t the refuge they had hoped it would be. She’s still licking her wounds, weary and mistrusting. And with good reason. Not only has she been through hell and back, but now learns Marta has been on the verge of being sent to prison herself. That she's been exposed in a way that could lead to her downfall. Their downfall. Fina’s worry has as always revolved around something happening to Marta, leading to the loss of the woman she loves. Her anguished “if anything should befall you, it would kill me” is ever telling. And let's not forget this is the second time Fina confesses to this fear. It plagues her nights and waking hours and the show is now emphasizing it. Must be for a reason, because it sounds almost prophetic. I, for one, would like to see something happen to Marta because I’d be curious to watch Fina reacting to that. After all, Fina’s been stabbed, imprisoned and assaulted. Marta’s been spared so far. Let’s see if that changes at some point, in the name of good ol’ fashioned drama.
On a different note. Damián cautioning Marta that this is the life you chose was a good way of addressing Damián’s lingering bias. He has come a really long way and supports his daughter, but he continues to struggle with preconceived notions that don't align with Marta’s truth. Her response to this was perfect too: One doesn’t choose to be who they are.
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Lastly. Carmen continuing to infantilize Tasio, absolving him of any and all fault, is laughable. After all, she trusts him as far as she can throw him and it shows. Nevertheless, her over-the-top anger at Marta is a valid portrayal of the type of woman who makes excuses for her husband and demonizes another woman instead. All because she’s managed to fix him and under her care he’s a reformed man. Room to grow for Carmen here, that’s a given. Furthermore, Tasio himself could have shown more backbone and assumed responsibility for his actions but he’s too scared of Carmen’s wrath. The Harridan’s Tale, a book by Carmen Recas. I do look forward to her and Marta patching things up though, which we know they will. Extra points if Fina gets to be a part of that.
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rotting-inkblot · 2 months ago
I wanna write a stalker!barry or stalker!rafe fic and i cant decide which one i want lol- do i wanna write stalker!barry following after Rafe and being my fav horny bastard creep, or do i wanna write stalker!rafe watching Sofia through cameras and tapping her phone to watch her screen activity? decisions decisions.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months ago
wishing that the hype for sonic 3 would just die already because im tired of hearing about it vs knowing that the suffering wouldnt truly be over because theyre talking about making a fourth movie . hell on earth
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You know what? Buck also deserves to experience what a good, loving reciprocal relationship looks like and feels like. I'm Buddie endgame, always, but I want them both to be READY damnit, and Buck’s track record up to now has been him bending himself out of shape to be whatever he thinks his partner needs. And the way they are writing Tommy? Like, he's grown so damn much from his Chimney/Hen begins days. He knows HIMSELF, he ACCEPTS himself and he doesn’t need Evan (love love love that he calls Buck Evan BTW!) to be anything but a baby bi. He knows the job, so he's not running, as far as we know he doesn’t need emotional support, he has his career and they are COMPATIBLE, and he's already seen Buck at his worst, most petty and he KISSED HIM ABOUT IT!!!!! and also I will die on this hill, nobody try sway me, he knows he himself is not Buck’s forever and he's absolutely cool with that. So Buck can have a nice, just NICE AND EASY relationship, figure out what he likes in a partner, how to solve conflicts like an adult, experience being appreciated for EXACTLY WHO HE IS - and when the time is right, be exactly the kind of partner and father he WANTS to be for his forever FAMILY
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i-may-be-an-emu · 5 months ago
(It’s here by the way, and my pinned post :))
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bootlegramdomneess · 7 months ago
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I want Sydney to just start screaming in the middle of the kitchen when Carmy and Richie have another fight next season. Just a full on blood curdling scream. She's owed that at least.
or just becomes a raging cranky bitch from the stress of it all.
or at least give her some good dick. It doesn't solve anything but...
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patheticblorbloscholar · 7 months ago
I'm here for Deamons redemption arc. He will find peace long before he faces Aemond. I'm so happy the writers went in this direction it will be so powerful when the battle finally comes and Aemond tells him he's lived long enough and he agrees.
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fiona-fififi · 2 days ago
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street-corner-felines · 8 months ago
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Zero Day (2002)
#movies film cinema#zero day#ben coccio#I actually talked to the director on Facebook super nice guy and he told#me a lot about the filmmaking process and even helped me with tips on directing non-actors and new actors#I remember him telling me to always be supportive and tell your new actors they're doing a good job even if they aren't in the first take#cause you can instill confidence and still reshape and change their choices and mistakes later#Sometimes I'd message him for advice when I was running into problems on some of my early projects#he told me once ''did ya choose to collaborate with this actor cause you were lonely or you guys had passion and chemistry''#“collaborating is like a relationship” and he was so right#there's nothing worse than working with people you disdain cause there's no communication and no trust.#he told me how he wrote the first couple of drafts of Place Beyond the Pines but his take on the 3rd act wasn't clicking for the director#so he took the script and went and had another writer rewrite the 3rd act but he liked the process cause he learned a lot and still got pai#but I'd still like to see Ben Coccio's take on Place Beyond The Pines he says the 1st and 2nd act are mostly unchanged#Ryan Gosling's scenes are still mostly the same he said but he couldn't tell me too much cause of the NDA he signed#The bloopers of Zero Day are hilarious his tip he gave me about being supportive#“This is actually great but can we-” and Cal interrupts him “He says that no matter what if you're doing good or bad!” and everyone lols#I hope I can make it and ask him to collab with me on a script#He's such a nice dude compared to the harrowing film he made.#I wish there was BTS but he had only one tape to film on and this was made when digital camcorders were infants#I think he had only one 2 hour tape that's how low budget#The bloopers is just Cal or Andre secretly filming and Ben getting annoyed “Is it recording?” and Cal going “Nah..."#Cal is such a funny guy IRL I wanna see him act more cause he's so good. He was so great at playing a sadistic psychopath in this.#the final shooting is so harrowing and disturbing#I told Ben he srsly gut punched me/disturbed me and this is what made him really open up.
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exactlyspookykxala · 2 months ago
dare I say this patch is better than the entire penacony arc, for me at least. idk, it feels less dialogue-heavy than penacony. the characters are still using more words than they need to, but not to the point where i question if their throat is getting dry. except aglaea, I think 😭 but i think that part was intentional lmao. all in all, definitely left an impression, but a foreboding one.
#hoyoverse#honkai star rail#hsr#like the dialogue didn't feel dragged out#idk if it was just me but it felt like there were just a bit more battles than previous patches#it's probably bc the tb mission took 7 hrs i didn't even notice hours were passing lmao#spent 16 tb fuel to farm trace mats for rmc i have no regrets#my moze watching me farm trace mats and relics for rmc while his relics are all shite: 😒😑#i was genuinely thinking herta wasn't gonna appear in the mission but when se did it felt so damn random 😭#also whew wanna know about ohainon's past so bad ughhhh#theory that march is the other half castorice mentioned purely bc she mentioned she liked to take photos#was thinking of doing the world missions to figure out the lore but then i remembered i have a lot of farming to do ☠️#i WILL clear apocalyptic shadow stage 5 with three stars trust#i feel like destruction is too obvious an answer for the third paths that reside in amphoreus#but also that could be what the writers WANT us to think#i think it has something to do with the black tide#tb lore was not on my bingo card but yk what hell yeah#also march lore#hyv just dangling the tb and march lore in front of me only to pull it back once i reach out for it#GIVE IT TO MEEEEE#i just realized no ruan mei next christmas smh#this is the price we pay#let's hope someone actually gets unalived in amphoreus i feel like the stakes weren't high enough in the previous patches#hyv don't be cowards!#mem is such cute thooo#i was giggling each time she spoke#it's inoue marina WGAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO!?#hsr 3.0 spoilers(?)
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dark-night-star-light · 6 months ago
This was supposed to be a Talina post, but it turned into a fucking Talon backstory post instead. Whoopsie. It's long. Be warned.
Talon is Stetriolan. Naturally, this meant she joined the Conqueror army. But it's so much more than that.
Drina met her when they were seven. She was sneaking off during a royal procession in her honor (she was crown princess, which she was eventually knocked down from after she got bonding sickness) and Talon was there. Drina was intrigued because she'd never seen much of kids her own age besides Shane.
They stole food together. Drina had money, but who cares about that.
Talon's father had a spirit animal and the bonding sickness, and keeled over from it when Talon was ten years old.
Drina snuck out of the palace a lot to meet Talon, whose family was significantly poorer, and eventually started inviting her over. They grew up together, basically. Talon's family benefited a lot from her connection the the royal family.
Then Drina summoned Iskos, and it all went downhill. Screaming, crying, you name it, but the entire relationship went sideways. But Talon couldn't let go of her attachment to Drina.
Talon tried to teach Drina how to use a crossbow, but Drina was hopeless. Talon stopped trying to teach her when Drina almost shot the iconic Stetriolan throne.
Talon always saw Shane as an annoying younger brother, and treated him as such. She also taught him how to use a saber, and is the reason he's so good at it today.
Drina eventually begged Talon to join the Conqueror army, and Talon did it for Drina.
Yeah, Drina and Talon were kissing behind the scenes during the entire war, actually. This is canon, actually.
Talon became a double agent during the war. She pretended to join the Greencloaks after summoning her bird, claiming she bonded to it naturally. They believed her, and always seemed skittish around her, because bonding naturally meant they, the Greencloaks, the supposed protectors of Erdas, hadn't been able to protect her. Talon hated them, but pretend it was all fine and dandy.
She became friends with Keith. Who's Keith? Some guy. Shit fighter, he was. He eventually caught her sending letters via her bird to Drina. Fortunately for Talon, the letters were written in code, and they appeared to the layman as disgustingly over-the-top love letters.
Thus, Keith learns that Talon has a girlfriend. He is the biggest Talon-girlfriend shipper ever. Talon refuses to tell him who the girlfriend actually is, but lies and says she's Euran. Keith learns to make a shepherd's pie to impress the girlfriend for "when I finally meet her". He never does.
Talon is a trans girlie, by the way. In case you care.
Talon learns Drina got killed through Shane himself. He took it upon himself to tell her. He tells her that the sacrifice was worth it, and to come home for the final victory. It's through writing, so Talon can't decipher his tone.
Out of grief and rage, Talon recklessly tries to escape Greenhaven. Of course, she runs into Keith on the way out. He asks her where she's going, and she tries to knock him out. He's a better fighter now so he blocks her. She runs into the woods, but unfortunately Greenhaven's an island. That's not good for her.
She waits in the woods until Keith leaves, and hopes he doesn't hate her. But she has a feeling he already knows.
She sneaks onto a boat and eventually ends up back at Stetriol. Shane's there. They talk about Drina. It doesn't really help.
She sees Drina's dead body and now her entire purpose feels destroyed. Drina was the reason she joined the Conquerors and now she won't even be there to celebrate the final victory.
She tries to kill herself, but Gerathon herself stops her using the Bile-control. She thinks it's ironic that Gerathon killed Drina against her will but is keeping her alive against her will.
She sees Keith at the battle at the base of Muttering Rock. She feels nothing. He feels nothing. They fight like two soldiers on opposite sides, not two friends. But she can't help but notice that he doesn't make any truly dangerous moves against her. And she can't help but notice the same about herself.
The Conquerors lose. Talon doesn't care anymore. Shane does his best to keep her alive because he knows Drina would want him to. They eventually part ways.
. . . Until Shane hires her to the Redcloaks. She'd been noticing how her features were slowly warping, but she didn't take much notice. She just felt numb. Just nothingness.
Shane brings her back. Tells her that there's a new threat, and that they finally have a chance to redeem themselves. And that the real Drina, the Drina that existed before the bonding sickness and the Bile warped her beyond repair, would want them to. He begs her to do it for Drina. And he tells her about his conversation with Yumaris. She is the only one to know besides Anya, Yumaris, and Shane himself.
Shane didn't send her after Grif and Anuqi. She sent herself. Shane pretends to be annoyed, but in reality, he's glad she has some drive and is acting like her old self again.
She disrespects Shane in front of the other Redcloaks. A lot. She'll never see him as a leader, just as the annoying preteen that asked her what that painting in the palace was supposed to mean and flicked food at her across the table as a kid.
When she saw Keith on the mission with Grif and Anuqi, she knew that she had to make things up to him, and him personally.
After the mess with the Wyrm, she makes a journey to Greenhaven with Stead. Keith isn't there. So she travels to Amaya, where he's from, to meet him herself.
He has incredibly mixed feelings upon seeing her again. But he knows who the Redcloaks are, really. And he's wondered whether she'd be with them since he found out about them.
He's shocked at her transformation. Naturally.
Eventually they make up. They spar. He's better than ever.
When the Oathbound are hunting Greencloaks, Talon hides Keith with the Redcloaks. They almost find him, too. The irony in Keith pretending to be a Redcloak is not lost on either of them.
Once things settle down, Talon helps Keith find the two missing bond tokens in the sea near the Zhongese palace. Keith returns one and Talon returns the other, which symbolizes for how the Greencloaks and Redcloaks are really and truly working for the same side now.
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