#but I miss the gang I got so attached to the characters I need a reunion of everyone in the shop :(
supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
freya not around as much in coffee talk 2? what's even the point...
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snowthedemonfox · 1 month
So we got some screenshots for Ep 3, and I'm going to talk about some things I've noticed + some theories
I went off for over an hour in the bunnydoll burrow's VC talking about everything I noticed, but I'm realising writing it all down would be a smarter move, cause I know I'd forget it. If I've missed anything you think is important, let me know! I'll edit this post with new notes.
Let's start with the first screenshot, because that just makes the most sense:
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The elephant in the room is the realistic human hand. I don't doubt this is the scene that has some level of blood and gore in it. We can't see what the hand is connected to, but whatever it is, it seems to be taller than Pomni and Kinger. They're both looking up, and the camera angle is facing down towards them both.
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We can see 2 heads hanging from the wall behind Kinger, and what we can assume to be a 3rd behind the desk behind the hand.
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One of these heads, as many have pointed out, seems to resemble Pomni. The face is entirely white, what I can assume is an eye seems to be the same size as Pomni's, and you can see that familiar looking hair on the side.
Even the other two things we see look like other members of the cast!
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The head to the right of Kinger looks like Ragatha. It's got the hair, and even the face looks to be made of actual fabric, like a real doll. It seems whatever these things are, they're meant to look like more 'horror' versions of the characters.
(Side note, but if I had to guess, if Glitch releases a 3rd sticker sheet for episode 3, I wouldn't surprised if we got a new set of icon variations for the main cast. But instead of candy, we get these horror versions instead. I think that'd be cool, and I really hope that's what happens.)
You could even go as far to say the 'human' hand we're seeing is from the horror version of Kinger. Like I said before, the camera is looking down at them. Why would it be looking down? Because whatever's looking at them, is attached to the wall.
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Moving onto other details in the room, we can see there's a chair behind Pomni with some kind of light on it. At first, I thought this might have been the tape recorder from the February trailer, but you can see the tape recorder is on a desk, not a chair.
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And while there is a desk in the room, whatever is on there doesn't look like a tape recorder. It looks more like a photo, or some kind of radio.
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The giant 'M' on the rug. We know the ghost lady's name is Martha Mildenhall, so this probably implies she owns the mansion the gang are exploring. Why would she need their help, though? Maybe whatever force is moving the hand in the screenshot, is some kind of 'evil' ghost, and that's why Pomni and the others are there to help. There's evil ghosts inhabitating the mansion, and Martha needs help to get rid of them. It's simple, it's your basic video game quest, it seems like a normal adventure plot that Caine would come up with.
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There seems to be something behind the chair, but I can't make out if it's a door, some curtains, or some kind of closet. The lighting isn't doing me any favours. Either way, I doubt it's important to the episode, probably just background decoration.
As for my other thoughts that aren't as related to the screenshot itself, I do believe that everyone is going to be split up. Obviously Kinger and Pomni are working together, but I'm still not sure if Jax would be hanging with Ragatha & Gangle, or if he'd be off doing his own thing. As for Zooble, I'll get to them later.
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And this might just be me looking into things too much, but it almost looks like one of Kinger's eyes is focused entirely on whatever is behind the camera, while the other isn't focused at all. Like he's half paying attention to the 'danger' he and Pomni are in.
But that's really all I have to say about the first screenshot. Let's move onto the main event:
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Again, let's get the obvious out of the way: new Zooble design! They've got some new parts, like the arms, unicorn horn, and the blocky yellow and pink thing, but also some old parts, like the bluish-green ring, and their classic black and white antenna. So far, I like this design! I'm happy to see that they've decided to mix things up a bit. Not my favourite design, but still decent. They've got good taste.
Before I talk about Zooble and Caine, I first want to talk about the location they're in. At first, I thought this might've been Zooble's room, but looking closer, it's obviously not. Then I thought it was that little desk area at the end of the dorm hallway.
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But nope, the hallway has different plants, picture frames, wallpaper, and no chairs to be seen. The plants we can see look similar to those seen in Caine's resturant realm from Ep 1, so I think I can safely guess that this is a new location, made specifically for him and Zooble to chat.
Speaking of that, I think that's going to be the driving point of Zooble's character development this episode. Something is going to convince them to join the future adventures, and it seems this will be that something. We know thanks to the AMA, that Zooble not going on adventures is important to their character, so having their episode focus on this topic makes sense.
What I can assume happened to lead up to this interaction is this:
Caine announced the adventure, and just like in both Ep 1&2, Zooble immediately expresses that they are not interested, and walks off. Caine can't really do anything about it yet, so he focuses on everyone else. Explains the rest of the adventure to them, and sends them on their way.
He then catches up to Zooble before they reach wherever they planned on going, and teleports them both to this new room. It looks almost like some kind of waiting room, or a room where they're both supposed to talk things out. It's got the comfy chairs, wall art, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a little table between them.
Zooble, obviously, is not impressed. They don't care about Caine's adventures, and want nothing to do with whatever he has planned for them in the meantime. Caine, on the other hand, just wants to figure out why Zooble doesn't want to go on his adventures. He spends so much time figuring them out! Just for the humans! Why won't Zooble participate!?
This very likely evolves into an argument between the two. I like how Caine is clearly angry in this screenshot. It's nice to see him show some more variety when it comes to emotion!! Zooble doesn't care for whatever Caine is saying, and Caine just wants to understand why they don't care.
Something happens, maybe they do talk it out, maybe something else, but by the end of the episode, Zooble decides that maybe going on a few adventures isn't that bad. I think it's way too early to guess what happens in that huge timeskip, but for now, this is the best I've got.
I feel Zooble's arc in this episode might touch on a few topics, like how while they might think staying by themselves all day and doing their own thing is better for them, isolating themselves isn't doing anyone any favours, and that, for lack of a better term, going 'outside' every once in a while can't hurt.
... and that's pretty much all I can think of to say regarding these two screenshots! I'm sure we'll get to learn more as the episode release gets closer, but I'm excited to see how things turn out!! :3
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Miles 42 headcannons pls?
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A/N: OK, I never usually write stuff like this so please correct me if I messed up on some stuff!
WARNING: I dont speak spanish so I will be using google translate, lol. However, if anyone is a translator and can help me out please do!
Earth 42 Miles is definitely a nonchalant person in general. After his dad was taken away from him he feels like he has nothing left to say to anyone about anything. He definitely struggles in relationships with this character trait.
I like to believe he keeps girlfriends but doesn't keep the title of a player. I feel like he dates a ton of girls to fill the void of that missing love he got from his father...you know?
I also believe that most of his relationships fall out because he doesn't just swoon after the girl because like I said before he has a nonchalant behavior.
If he was to get a long-term girlfriend. He would get attached really quickly and most definitely would not play about her.
The more and more deeper yall get into the relationship the more and more possessive he gets.
He's really possessive because he feels like you will slip away from him. Like his dad did.
Earth 42 Miles became the prowler because it is his way of acting out.
After his dad died, he slipped into a depressive episode that kept replaying, replaying & replaying. There's already enough stress on his mom with being a single parent, her job, and trying to keep the bills paid.
So him being a "bad" kid and getting into fights would not help her at all. So when Uncle Aaron introduced this job to him he was immediately in.
Killing these innocent people allows him to let out all his vexation on the city that brought his father to death.
He comes every night in bloody clothes, with purple bruises painting his brown complexion.
In all honesty, he's fucking miserable.
Miles 42 definitely has the habit of speaking Spanglish.
Since he converses communication from his Mother to Uncle Aaron.
He definitely has A+ in Spanish. (LMFAOOOO i just thought this was funny to add in here)
Spanish is the language he speaks when he's angry
Like, for example when he's beating someone to death senselessly (im sorry i don't know how else to put this..)
He speaks Spanish in anger.
¿Dónde está el dinero, hijo de puta?
¡Deja de gritar antes de que te alimente a las ratas de la calle!
....He speaks very out of character when hes killing
In all honesty if he had some free time on his hands he woud kill some actual bad people, like robbers,muggers, gangs...etc.
But in my opinion he's just a kid whos trying to fill a void from his dead father and he just needs love!!
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 months
I need to clarify that Duke Thomas did not create the We Are Robin movement. It was already up and running, albeit in its early days, when he joined. He was the last addition to his cell. This is their first appearance.
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From left to right, not counting the guys who’ve been and are being knocked out: Duke, Izzy Ortiz, Troy Walker, Daxton Chill, Riko Sheridan and Andre Cipriani. Duke is down here looking for his missing, Joker-gassed parents among the homeless. The others are here to foil a terrorist cult of homeless people, and also because their shadowy true leader has his eye on Duke and specifically sent them to give him the chance to sign up. Duke jumps into their dangerous mission like the hero he is. That same day, Troy dies. He stays behind to defuse a bomb and can’t, while his close friends and teammates, and Duke who just got here, escape on a train. In the wake of this trauma, Duke decides that he doesn’t care that that could happen to him. He wants to be a hero.
He goes on to be one of the network’s most influential and accomplished members, being a natural leader and impressing the official Robins the most (along with his friends, they’re the best team). The movement really takes off after he joins. Mostly due to exponential expanding numbers, but partly due to him. So I understand why fans think he started it, on top of him being the obvious choice as the one who becomes a proper Bat. But he didn’t.
We never learn the original amateur Robin’s name. It could have been anyone. An unseen, unremarkable background character lit a spark that set Gotham ablaze. I think that’s pretty beautiful. It definitely fits for the comic’s themes of community, being part of something greater than yourself and how ordinary people collectively can have a powerful impact that transcends their individual weakness. What’s important is that We Are Robin exists and endures. That we are all Robins together. It’s the “Anyone can be Spider-Man” idea from the Spider-Verse movies with no superpowers attached.
So who is the mysterious mastermind, the reason Duke enlisted in the first place?
Alfred Pennyworth. He either founded or cofounded We Are Robin himself or stepped in to organize and equip the very first wave of kids. He acts anonymously in disguises or online, using the handle the Nest. He gives his recruits special phones that connect them to him and each other, their armoured uniforms, information and weapons if they need them. Some, like Dax with his wrench and later handmade grappling hook guns, prefer their own tools. But he does tell Dax the key to making the grapple guns compact.
Stop joking about Duke founding a teen vigilante street gang. Alfred founding a teen vigilante street gang is much funnier. He should never hear the end of it. It’s implied that he did it all independently and kept it secret from the rest of the Batfamily, so they might not even know about it until Duke, who figured it out during his first meeting with Alfred out of disguise, informs them. And Duke’s real origin story needs no exaggeration. It shows him to be a proactive, altruistic menace with no regard for rules or his own safety just fine.
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nocturnalazure · 5 months
Character Focus: Romeo (Part III)
Omar and Romeo, each in their own way, act as mentors of sorts to Laurie and Erik. They both quickly get attached to the boys.
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Romeo has been the only one to notice that Laurie and Erik's relationship might hide something more. Probably because he's very good at keeping his feelings hidden too. But conversations like this one with Erik may have set him thinking.
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But if he wondered at that point, it was quickly forgotten because this was also the night he met Jamie, Gloria's cellist friend! Who dropped heavy hints just in case 'cause, you know, (I quote) "the man is cute".
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In the end, Erik and Gloria weren't those who got some that night...
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Jamie acts so disillusioned that Romeo tells him the truth: that he's still married and about to be a father. Jamie reacts... unexpectedly.
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By accepting Romeo just the way he is, Jamie unknowingly unlocks something in Romeo's heart. When Romeo goes on "paternity leave", he takes the time to go and see Jamie so that he doesn't feel abandoned. This starts to feel like the first serious relationship Romeo has ever had.
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But Romeo is now a father. And little Vincenzo is heir to the Pastorini legacy. What will that mean for him? His future hangs on Romeo's decisions for his family activities.
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When Romeo gets back to Anne Arbor, he realizes just how much he has missed the gang.
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The relationship between Laurie and Erik has suddenly deteriorated but even Omar doesn't have any insight to offer.
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He doesn't really have the opportunity to dig into this, because he's come for something else. He demands Laurie to set a clear date for the end of his assignment. By opposing Laurie for the first time, he asserts himself as his equal.
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Laurie asks for Romeo's participation to "one last move" against the Hei clan. It's still quite unclear but Romeo at least knows his time in Anne Arbor is coming to an end. But what about his relationship with Jamie? If he wants to give this a chance, he first needs to be completely honest with him...
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And once again, Jamie doesn't seem put off. Jamie has his own complicated history (with Ash - you can read more about it here) and now that he's found someone who seems to like him back, he's not ready to let go.
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Romeo has been asked by Laurie to arrange for Gloria to meet a notorious conductor on the lookout for talented musicians for his temporary orchestra in Los Aniegos. He also knows that Laurie specifically wanted to see Gloria play.
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That is how he suddenly understands what must have happened.
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This is all the more frustrating to him that he is very well aware of the reasons why Laurie pushes Erik away. Guilt has guided Romeo's whole life, and like Laurie, he didn't think he had the right to be happy.
Romeo goes to Tokyosou with Omar and Laurie to convince the Umeda family to join their alliance against the Hei clan.
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He is dismayed to find out that Laurie had sex with the Umeda daughter and therefore now seems to use physical intimacy as a way to get information. He sees it for what it is: an escape mechanism.
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When they get back and Erik is waiting for Laurie, demanding a conversation with him, Romeo knows what it must be about. Erik has been sent to Los Aniegos, the same place Gloria has now conveniently moved to. He tries to comfort Erik and invites him to his place. But Erik is in a very bad mood and unwilling to confide. He gets drunk on Romeo's homemade limoncello instead.
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Romeo does manage to get some points across though. Including the fact that he has guessed Laurie and Erik's situation.
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Laurie now confirms that the "last move" will be a mission in Shang Simla to destroy the Hei clan's main source of income: the plasma fruits crops. And that Romeo will be free of his bonds after that.
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Which prompts Romeo to ask Jamie to come live with him in Monte Vista once the whole business is over (on the condition that he doesn't die!).
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Laurie and Romeo now address each other as equals, both (reluctant) mob bosses but as close as can be to being friends. When they go back to Northeney for the first time since Luca's execution, they discuss for the first time Romeo's father's last words.
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Will Romeo survive the Shang Simla mission? Will he get to be happy in Monte Vista with Jamie? Stay tuned. ;)
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Undertale Yellow Car Headcanons 2
People liked the first one, so I figured I'd go do a few more to cover some folks I missed and add some extras for ones I already covered. Kudos to a friend on Discord who's a massive car nut and suggested quite a few of these. First one in case you haven't seen it. This one's a bit chonkier, so grab a snack or something.
Martlet: Electric Bike
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Even if Martlet getting her hands on a driver's license is nigh impossible, we figured she should at least have something, even if she doesn't use it that much. Electric bikes seem to fit her style. Dunno if she'd use it often, but if the surface has no-fly laws or whatever, it'd probably help her out some.
Toriel: 2CV
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...okay, Tori isn't really a UTY-exclusive character, but she has a minor role in the game, so does she count? Anyway, my friend had the idea of her using what they described as 'everybody's favorite little wine snail' and I think it fits her too well.
Chujin: Loud Ass 90s Tuner Car
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If Chujin didn't inject raw Mountain Dew Voltage into his soul and survived to see the surface, he'd probably drive something like this. It ties in with the whole Ben 10 thing and it's a great way to express himself, as obnoxious as it may be. Usually, Ceroba makes him drive the family sedan.
Ceroba: If She Owned the Hummer (Semi-Joke one)
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I meant for it as a shitpost, but we thought up an idea if she actually did own the car. Don't worry, she always looks before merging. Anyway, we figured she got it mainly because it's pretty cool. However, it is a massive waste of gas money, so she only uses it for camping or driving Kanako and Clover around on their birthdays. Otherwise, it mainly collects dust in her garage while she uses the more fuel-efficient sedan.
El Bailador: Lowrider
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Kudos to @cheddarchandelure for suggesting this and it couldn't fit any better. Lowriders fit him like a glove. You know he just has this thing modded like crazy. It's nearly 20 feet of car, too. You don't get much more expressive than that.
Feisty Five: GMC Vandura
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I gave the Feisty Five individual vehicles, but they also kinda need a car for the whole gang and what better vehicle for a group of crime fighting dinguses. Perfect for missions, lassons, or just hanging out as a group together. Starlo technically owns it, but usually Moray or Ace drive the thing.
Ace: Antique Mercedes
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Okay, I know I technically already did Ace in the first part, but my friend suggested an Antique Mercedes, which I think fits a lot better than the Porche. I'll let you guys draw your own conclusions, tho.
Moray: SLK Roadster
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Still a convertible, but I didn't like the image I used in the last one. So now we got a specific model for our favorite fish with no gender.
Mooch: Pretty Much Anything, but here's a Corolla
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On the chance that Mooch somehow gets her license back, she'd be willing to drive whatever. Hopefully more responsibly this time around.
Dina: 5th Gen Mustang
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My friend suggested that a classier style of muscle car would fit better than the more aggressive model I used in the first, and I think it suits her more laid-back nature well.
Blackjack: Antique Flatbed
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It's been in his family for generations, and he's way too attached to the thing to get rid of it. Generally, he just fixes up anything that breaks down on him.
Starlo's Family: Uh...Trucks
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The main workhorses for the Sunnyside Farm. Sure, they got a few dents and aren't the cleanest or most advanced, but hey, they get the job done. Mainly driven by Solomon and Orion, occasionally Starlo. The Cabover (bottom) is generally used for the big harvests and the pickup works for everything else.
Mo: C4 Corvette
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The perfect car for a sleazy businessman! Well, not sleazy, but you get what I mean. He likes to act stylish with his choice of car, but his is constantly breaking down mechanically, since he doesn't really bother fixing the thing, just detailing it. Doesn't leave the best impressions for shoppers.
Honeydew Shopkeeper: Figaro
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Why? Well, simple, it's small and cute, just like she is! Not much else to say beyond that.
Kanako: '70 Dodge Challenger
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Kanako's still a bit too young to drive, but we settled on this for a dream car of hers, with both a road and track package. She got the idea from both the racing games she plays and Dina's own muscle car. Nobody understands why, But she really wants to visit San Francisco with it
Clover: Ford Galaxie Convertible
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Figured we should do Clover's dream car as well. Not much a reasoning, we thought this just fit their style. Once they come of age, you know darn well they'll be racing Kanako.
Warned ya that would be a big one! Anyway, lemme know what y'all think!
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You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past.
Chapters: 14/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter Fourteen: Fathers and Sons (Terry McGinnis' POV)
I hadn’t heard from Jason in over two years, but he was at the funeral. I thought it was strange. I wondered who invited him. I wondered why he stood so far away. Mom couldn’t move. She couldn’t process any of it. So, we stood beside her as everyone paid their respects and went home. They could go home. I couldn’t. I could never go home again. I had to officially move in with Mom once they let me into the crime scene that was once my dad’s apartment. Everyone left, and I stayed behind. Mom took Matt home, and Jason finally approached. I couldn’t pretend. I resented him for letting me go without a reason. So, I let him have it. I couldn’t remember what I said, but I know it was harsh. He stood there, tall and strong with sadness in his eyes. Jason didn’t move. He didn’t flinch. I tore into him until I didn’t have any other words to describe how I felt. And without missing a beat, he said, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you… But I knew you were good. I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t think you could handle it… But I missed it. Every moment.”
I swallowed hard. My stomach was in knots. It only took a few little sentences for me to forgive him. I knew he’d understand my grief. My anger. My emptiness. “What are you doing here?” I questioned, my voice breaking as I asked him. 
“I promised Mary that I’d look after you while you got your things. I also promised her that I’d try to get you to eat. We could get whatever you want,” Jason whispered, “We’ll go eat… And then we’ll get your stuff. I promise.” 
“Why? Why now?” I asked. 
“Because I lost my parents as a kid. And in retrospect, I think I needed someone who could show me how to process grief without being pacified with emotionally addictive coping mechanisms. Are you alright with me coming around for a little while?” Jason questioned. I wanted to say no. I wanted to pretend I didn’t need him, but I couldn’t lie. I nodded. 
After Jason took me to eat, we went to the apartment. Jason came with me, and he stood by quietly while I packed everything that I could into a box. Everything I owned fit into one big box. It made me feel sick and empty in my chest. I looked up at Jason, almost pleading for him to feel it for me. Feel my pain.  
“One of the kids in my program took my family from me. He got too attached… And he—. He developed a jealous streak. He thought I passed his case on because of my children… And he took them from me. I was afraid that those feelings would keep me from helping you… And I didn’t want to make the same mistake of passing your case onto someone else, so I stepped away. Besides, you were so independent. You didn’t need me as much. You and Warren were doing alright. But, he—. He called me. He said something changed a few months ago. What was it?” Jason questioned. The confession seemed out of place. 
“It wasn’t like that. I get into with some guy at school sometimes, but it’s—. Dad was swamped at work. He didn’t have the time to talk about it anymore… So, I stopped explaining. I’m not messing around with gangs or stealing anymore. I swear,” I promised him. He nodded. “I would’ve understood if you told me what happened to your kids. I’m sorry, Jason.”
“It’s—. Thank you… I probably should’ve explained, but I—. It’s a lot to dredge up,” Jason replied, “Which is why I want you to talk about this on your own time. I’ll be available whenever you feel like talking about him. I spent a lot of time talking to Warren. We became friends. He was kind to me.”
“What did you have in common with my dad?” I questioned. 
Jason smiled as tears slid down his cheeks. “He had a normal life… Normal problems… But this—.”
“Feels wrong… I don’t think Dad would’ve opened the door for those twips,” I interrupted him.
Jason nodded as he looked around. He must’ve seen something because his jaw tightened. “Terry, after today… don’t come back here. Something’s not right. This isn’t—. If you see something weird, I want you to call me,” Jason whispered. He stepped into the doorway, and I could tell there was something wrong in his eyes. A switch flipped, and he scanned over everything. 
“What is it?” I questioned. Jason shook his head as he took me to his car. His face went dark, and he looked around. 
“I don’t know… I just feel strange about all of this, Terry. Get in the car, and I’ll take you to Mary’s. It’s getting dark,” Jason whispered. He shut the door and got in the driver’s seat. I looked at Jason. 
“Does this mean I’m back in the program?” I asked. I felt stupid as soon as I asked it. 
“Is that what you want?” Jason questioned. 
He wanted me to say it. Not for his ego. I don’t think he had one, but it was all for me. He wanted to know what I wanted. And he needed me to ask him. I started hyperventilating, and Jason tapped the dashboard between us until I calmed down. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without my dad,” I mumbled.
“And I can’t fill that space, but I can create a space for you to cope if you’ll let me help you,” Jason answered. 
We didn’t say anything else for the whole ride home, and he walked me up to the door and said goodbye to my mom and Matt before leaving. And somewhere in between me entering my room and seeing Matt, I dropped my dad’s picture and found the disc. And that’s when I decided to get involved with Bruce Wayne. I didn’t know much about the old man, and I didn’t really care, but I needed his help. I knew I couldn’t go to Jason because he’d tell me not to get involved. He would’ve taken over, and I wanted my own answers… and it was Mr. Wayne’s company. 
Jason picked me up from school after Powers’ people accosted me. He pinched the bridge of his nose, before sighing. Avery-Marie sat in the back seat, kicking her feet. She had noise-canceling headphones on. “Are you okay?” Jason asked.
“I’m alright… Is that Avery-Marie? She’s so big now,” I whispered. 
“Yeah… She’s in kindergarten… Why is Powers’ muscle hassling you?” Jason questioned. 
I shook my head like I didn’t know, and he accepted it. He knew I was lying, but he didn’t push for an answer. “Powerphones off,” Jason commanded, and Avery-Marie looked up. 
“Grandpa, can I have a cookie in the car?” Avery-Marie asked. 
“Sure, Avie. Did you see Terry in the front seat?” Jason questioned.
“Hi, Terry! Do you want a cookie too?” Avery-Marie offered. Her blonde curls reached past her shoulders, and she wore glitter star stickers on her face. “Grandpa, is Terry coming over to play?” 
Jason tapped the steering wheel as he started driving. “Not today, Sweetpea… Terry’s busy.” Avery-Marie pouted as she handed me a cookie.
“Maybe some other time… ‘Kay, Avery-Marie?” I offered. 
Jason nodded. “If he’s free, maybe he can babysit sometimes,” Jason suggested. He wanted me at the office. I knew what that meant. He wasn’t ready to let the situation with Powers go. Not completely anyway.
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 1 month
damn. i miss aventurine sm..............
i feel like i did him SO dirty bc he was the character i was most excited for and knew right away i was making an oc to ship with
his whole story in the trailblaze mission hit me like i truck like. i sobbed multiple times and it was so agonizing because i got SPOILED for the 2.1 quest bc genshit/hsr twt is horrendous and were posting CONSTANTLY about 'oh look here's his broken cornerstone and this text message that said he may or may not be alive' so i was so fucking anxious leading up to the actual quest
but at the same time i was in a different fandom space at the time (probably still sobbing over neuvi/wetrabbit........ or wait no it was otto i think) i was so emotionally invested but also. not at the same time jfdsklfds
like aster/pollux has got to be one of my most complex characters ive made:
was raised in an annihilation gang sub-faction of halovians and probably committed wayyyy to many war crimes, including ravaging entire planets into Nothing
has some sort of epiphany that causes her to defect from the annihilation gang; not out of guilt but they were rabidly fall into ix's shadow and was just like, 'nothing matters, whats the point of living to destroy or to destroy to live'
she is pulled out of the void by a self annihilator/doctor of chaos, the 'real' aster. who happens to be a victim of a civilization that was decimated by the annihilation, the sole survivor that will be remembered by none
i can't even describe aster & pollux relationship; its completely undefinable. they are two nobodies who would travel the universe and no one will remember them.... but its ok bc they have each other.
aster eventually dies, loosing the fight against ix's shadow. and pollux is about to be completely swallowed by the void, you would think that theyre like 'oh no i cant be alone i dont want to be alone the only person that knows me is gone and nothing else matters' but theyre actually just experiencing the overwhelming feeling 'they cant die, they deserve to be remembered by anyone and everyone this wonderful human being CANNOT be remembered by just me'
and thats when she is gazed upon by fuili, becoming an emanator of remembrance: all because she wanted to keep the memory of her friend alive.
thus pollux takes on the identity of 'aster' becoming her friend, its her way of keeping aster 'alive' and honoring their memory: with a goal of interaction with as many people as possible so that aster will be remembered by them.
the guardian of recollection's purpose to preserve ALL memory of the universe while aster's purpose is to keep the memory of ONE person alive
wiat this was. supposed to be abt aventurine and avenaster.............
i guess bc aster is so developed on her own w/o the need to attach her to a canon character romance for a good chunk of her development. i'd say that acheron and the astral express have the BIGGEST influence on aster
like i love wetrabbit and silvanus so much but. silvie is much more of a personal character to me, she still have complex character traits but a lot of her development is fueled by nearly the entire fontaine cast and that allowed me to think more abt her close relationships with the cast & especially neuvi. so i get more ship content
but anyways. stan luckyrabbits <3
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cvbullshit · 10 months
Now that Yandere Dev is dead in the water and his game is as deep in the sand as he is.. I, a random person on the internet, vote that we as a community take the concept of Yandere Simulator and make it into something better!
Because the concept IS decent, just the execution needs work... A lot of work.
Everyone should have their own ideas for it so Imma say my vague concept that I probably won't ever bring up again.
For my new take on the concept, for one, almost all the main characters are actually going to be adults. It's stated that they already are but that's bullshit that Yandere Dev clearly used to justify some in game bullshit, they're in fucking high school, maybe one could be 18, but not fucking all of them.
Second, I might replace Ayano with some demonic or otherworldly being that's not exactly in love with Taro but heavily obsessive and interested in him, possessive even. Because honestly, while the point of the story IS a Yandere school girl, that topic has been milked to absolute death and is prone to get boring as hell. Plus, it's my idea to rewrite the story, I can take it as far as I damn want!
If Ayano is a demonic being in this, possibly Taro could be in this occult team/club/gang/cult so that way Ayano has REASON to be interested and connected to him.
Taro, in this rewrite, is a complex person. He's a nice guy, lives alone with and takes care of his 13 year old sister after his dad ditched them and he kiiiinnnda murdered his mom for the cult he's in and because he just disliked her. Yeah, Taro ain't no goodie two shoes bland mf now! He may be nice, treats his sister well, and partly believes he's a good person but he's in a cult, is willing to murder people who he thinks deserves it or anyone who threatens to find out about his crimes, and he supports cannibalism, under the right circumstances though. He still comes off as, and kinda is, a nice guy who wants to help people in any way he can, real protective of his friends and whom he dubs as innocent. He's got the mentality of wanting to see half the world burn and half the world blossom, he wants all those he thinks are bad or beyond helping to suffer while he wants the ones he believes are innocent to live happy and healthy lives.
Him and Ayano's dynamic is something I'm still thinking about honestly, as while rewriting the other characters is somehow easy, rewriting Ayano is just a pain for me somehow, it's hard to really rewrite anything about her and I don't know why. I may keep her emotionless thing going on though, not sure.
For Taro's sister, she's a slightly bratty newly teen, is very attached to her brother as he's the only family she has left but isn't overly affectionate with him, if anything, she's the most bratty with him. She doesn't expect too much from him and doesn't believe she can pout or whine to get her way but slightly does so to be petty and because Taro doesn't really react negatively to it... Yet. She has no idea what happened to her mom, just views her as missing, and has no idea Taro is in a cult. To her, she's got a normal life, despite her mom going missing and viewing her dad as the biggest jackass alive.
Taro and Osana's relationship and meeting is pretty different in this, Osana won't be Taro's childhood friend, I'll be giving that to someone else, instead Osana is a girl living in an apartment building, cooped up in her apartment and barely interacting with the outside world. After a stalking and obsessive situation she was the victim of, leading to the death of her cat, she swore she'd never trust the world again. Her apartment is a mess as she has no friends, she cut off her family, and she has no one to even talk to, she could technically be counted as a slob but at least she keeps herself clean. She hates the world and especially has issues with men.
When she meets with Taro for the first time, she wants absolutely nothing to do with him, constantly is mean to him, insults him, ect. Taro would've not dealt with her after their first interaction but learns what a state she's in from the apartment building owner and vows to try to help her and be kind to her. Why? Because he feels bad for her... And because he accidentally ran over a cat so he feels the need to feel better about himself, using the excuse of trying to prove to the world or some higher force that he can still be a good person. So...
I will leave it there! My ramblings went off the rails and this is only a concept that I have no idea I'll even touch on again.
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juggalogojackerbox · 3 months
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Lumière Lemarr - 27 y/o (D.O.B. April 3rd, 1972) - Male (He/They/It/Bolt) - Monster
Lumière is an infamous nuisance on Chaostale Island, while not exactly to the extent of some of his neighbors he definitely causes a stir whenever hes around with his beloved motorcycle Marcilla and his little faux biker gang with his other buddies from the Pinesage Trailer Park, he wasn't exactly always like this but after nearly dying after losing control of his bike one day, and not long after his mother going missing under... "mysterious circumstances" he's not exactly much of the charismatic socializer he used to be, nor is he eager to try to be one again anyways.
"Fun facts under the read more" time has arrived once again
Lumière was made after I had some sorta weird dream/nightmare thing about an old ex friend who groomed me when i was like 13, and the dream was something about me being given their oc for some reason and it fucked me up really bad so I used it to make a character to try and help me calm down a bit and it worked, and I accidentally got really attached to him
Before his ripped to hell shirt became unrecognizable, it was 100% an ACDC shirt, ACDC is his all time favorite band
He's very objectum and very much in love with his motorcycle there is no intended ambiguity to this
He keeps batteries in his pockets to eat sometimes as a snack to keep his energy up if he needs it, if he's desperate enough to get more after running out he will just start making out with a nearby power outlet if given a chance (well not actually making out but it looks like he is)
He's too afraid of water to bathe properly, you can smell his body spray from at least a block away, and yes its AXE
He can crawl/walk up the side of walls like an insect, he is not a bug not even he really knows why he can do this
Also a bonus ref I made a hot minute ago since I mentioned him getting "low energy" and "overcharged" multiple times this is the context for that
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csolarstorm · 11 months
Thoughts on Loki, Episode 2-5: Science/Fiction
Can these characters just cool it with the dying metaphors for one second? First we get pruning, which sends people to the end of time, which is basically purgatory. Mobius gets pruned, Loki gets pruned. Sylvie feels left out so she prunes herself.
Now that pruning is old, spaghetti-fying takes its spot this season as the new way to not really die at least not permanently. Not only does p-p-poor Mr. Victor Timely "die" heroically, we can assume everyone else got spaghetti-fied in the explosion of the Temporal Loom. And then when Loki gets the gang back together in Ep. 5, they get noodle-d all over again! Not to mention the poor record store guy, whose first reaction to the incomprensible failure of spactime was to warn and/or protect Sylvie. Aw, what a guy.
I have to confess I still don't understand the Temporal Loom. It's taking raw time and weaving it into timelines, and without it...time falls apart? Without it, time is "raw" and organized time doesn't exist? Okay, then how did the universe work BEFORE the Temporal Loom? Does every universe have a TVA and a Temporal Loom literally creating their timeline? Why does the fabric of spacetime literally depend on Kang? That doesn't seem right.
It would make more sense if "raw" time is still something people can live in, and the Loom was just organizing "raw" time for He Who Remains' timeline. But after Episode 5, it's pretty clear that the literal fate of the multiverse depends on the Temporal Loom working, and I find that a bit ridiculous. Hopefully I'm missing something.
I have a theory about Loki's time jumping. We see him meeting himself at different points in time several times in the show. He really seems fractured, scattered throughout time. What if this is what it's like to be spaghetti? Maybe each of these Lokis are a single noodle of the Loki scattered through time, and each noodles looks like a snapshot of Loki, until they glitch and twist and collapse on themselves, snapping to other times like a noodle attached to another end.
Does this theory affect anything? Absolutely not.
In the next episode, Loki, the fledgling God of Stories, will attempt to rewrite the Temporal Loom explosion so they can save the TVA and all time, always, because apparently the multiverse needs the TVA to function. As he keeps trying, we are sure to see more explosions and more spaghetti before he figures it out. And that leads me to my point:
Dying and being reborn with new knowledge is such an integral theme to Loki. This new Loki is a symbolic reincarnation of the Loki that that Thanos killed. He made friends, learned humility, fell in love, seriously considered questions about the greater good, and then acknowledged his power and responsibility as a voice in the reform of the TVA.
Whenever he experiences metaphorical "death", he learns information that changes his entire paradigm. When he's pruned in the first season, he goes through his own little Divine Comedy. He learns perspective about himself from spending time with his variants. He learns about Alioth, a pivotal piece of the multiversal war. And he meets He Who Remains, who changes his entire perspective on existence.
In Season 2, Loki's rebirth after the explosion of the Temporal Loom shows him his friends and their backstories, what gives them joy and why he wants to save the TVA so badly. With this new understanding of what he really wants, he is able to control his time jumping, as if he's been reborn onto a higher plane.
The fall streaming schedule this year has been a gold mine. There was Gen V, Loki, Rick and Morty (ironically the spaghetti episode is coming up...or is it on purpose...) and now even the return of Invincible. Loki has come really close to the quality of last season, and it does a good job of doing something really different and yet thematically the same to keep a coherent and gripping show.
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roobylavender · 1 year
hi! idk if someone asked this already but who are your top skam couples :o
someone has not! there are three i feel particularly attached to though
incantava / i feel aaaaabsolutely crazy about these two. in my opinion they're the best couple out of every single skam adaptation combined. skam italia in general was a series which while it had a lot of issues somehow managed to strike gold with the execution of its version of noorhelm and i like to think giancarlo and bernadetta were instrumental to that. like giancarlo himself said “edoardo and eleonora are very mature characters. their relationship is mature. they dialogue with one other. there hasn’t been a love scene so far, precisely, to celebrate their relationship, their union. there’s love, maturity and so much respect" and i don't think any other pair of noorhelm actors ever verbalized that about their characters. noorhelm's narrative is a difficult one to execute without the wilhelm character looking like a piece of shit even if only briefly but there were these tiny nuances skam italia added bc there was so much emphasis on edoardo's respect for and reverence of eleonora even when he was upset with her. he's the only wilhelm who apologizes to eleonora for what happened to her before the grand reunion kiss and if memory serves the only one who actually dialogues with her at all when she's trying to win him back rather than him simply walking away without a word. it's that emphasis on dialogue between them that constantly drew me in and made me feel like i was watching a relationship between two people who actually grew with each other
zoenne / the only other noorhelm i truly grew to love! albeit for slightly different reasons. where the maturity within incantava's relationship was focused in their dialogue with each other i think zoenne's maturity was focused in their accountability to each other. esp senne's accountability to zoe. every wilhelm tends to think with his heart before his head but beyond the gang fight incident there's not much they actually have to be accountable for and they still tend to come off a bit dickheaded. senne is someone who to me came off less so. similarly to edoardo (and alejandro albeit i'm not as attached to norandro personally) you could tell senne really listened to what zoe had to say and internalized it and acted upon it. so when he recognized what his brother had done to her it wasn't only about saying sorry but also about supporting her to file a case against him with the police. when he lived with zoe it wasn't only about living there for her but also about demonstrating a presence and compassion for her roommates and their problems as much as her own. when zoe broke up with him bc he pushed her too hard to fight the case it wasn't only about missing her but also about recognizing what his support of her actually needed to look like. he genuinely grew as a person rather than remaining stagnant and isn't that poignant considering what he pointed out about humans and their tendency to evolve at the end of season one? i realize i haven't talked as much about zoe here but ofc her holding him accountable to all of these things and standards of a relationship was what made them compelling to watch together. they were a great exercise in conflict resolution so despite there being road bumps those road bumps were undeniably worthwhile
virugo / almost every version of vilde and magnus is literally terrible. like some versions of skam do manage to do good by their noora and vilde's relationship with each other so you don't feel supremely peeved but maybe mildly annoyed by the fact that vilde ends up with a complete dunce who simply happened to crush on her long enough to where she could reciprocate when she got over wilhelm. but skam españa which fortunately happens to be probably the most healthy depiction of skam dynamics as a whole (next to druck) decides to actually do something with its vilde and magnus dynamic bc it makes the genius decision to instate viri as a main character. so you get to see in detail why and how viri has developed all of these insecurities and why she's so desperate to be recognized and loved and then on top of it we get to see how hugo in turn is that person who sees her and recognizes all that she does for everyone and who loves who she is beneath all of the glamour. like it's so simple and sweet and endearing and when she's telling the girls about how he makes her happy and his jokes are like paracetamol and he loves fish it literally makes me want to cry.. i love it when two people are the only ones to see each other in a room it's so good it's so achey
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spadotto-ottodespade · 10 months
S P O I L E R details for all the season
Things I don't wanna get:
- Angelica and the toxic man had children.
- Nadia and her 'great love and loss for Aureliano' that wanted to die at 20 years(?)
They said a possible sequel could be on the female characters.... Yeah, great (all the fights at beginning, recreating Spadino/Aureliano moments for nothing)
Useless death, It was like watching a cheap teen drama by Netflix. So Manfredi's son killing her 'sister', even if you tried u didn't get my revival tears😑
Her hairstyle😑
- Alberto killed his 'Spadino' going away from the city, new life, new boyfriend... But at the end he decides that THAT is Its family and he stays... So Aureliano's sacrifice means nothing.
His hairstyle😑
Metus will be part of the gang?!?!?
Burning all the Spadino's clothes (I wanted to die) to say goodbye to the past for nothing. I'm still wondering: where the hell is Aureliano's beanie?
They did it👏👏 they ruined my Spadino.
(I saw Aureliano in Mesut at the end, the laugh I made)
Oh: I'm never gonna wait for them to fu*k, for sure.
- name a more toxic father than Cinaglia. I'm sorry I can't take him as seriously as Samurai/Aureliano. His and Alberto's emotional scenes...please.
- the girl buried in a church case, what a shame to tell a story on THAT way in our country
- I moved forward on every Vatican scenes because I didn't care less, it was boring, including Cinaglia and the wanna-be-prime-minister.
- Okay, It's 3 years after what happened... But I'm watching and I want to feel Aureliano in town, flashback with scenes attached from the mothership isn't enough. It's like that meant nothing especially for 'Albè', I need to watch other useless eps to some words?
Too many action scenes
At some point I couldn't listen to the songs anymore, the rap is missing
No tradition at the post credits
- the Luciani's can't become the Adami's, It's science🤷
Guerino and Alberto's moments.
Victor, Alberto can adopt him. Vic take Spadino to the hairsaloon.
Ercole is cool, the Lele💔
Cinaglia's daughter... Got a secret that will she keep?👀
Showing the camps, the shops of Sinti
I can't find more.
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tabbi-mysteries · 1 year
That's actually two nights worth of episodes I was just busy.
Phantom of Konpira is well phantom of the opera so fairly straightforward. I do like that someone on the anime original writing team got attached to this little theatre troupe they made they and I'm sad that the wiki says that's there last appearance so far. Bring them back again.
Preview screening is a fun case cause it goes a little against the normal structure with the prevention of the crime instead and I like that and the hopeful ending. If I must nitpick tho, the guy didn't need to be in love with the victim as well, he can be sad his friend died without needing to be in love with her good grief. (Also my friend lost it at the star wars parody cause he had no idea it was coming) also hi widescreen!
The overturned conclusion is a fun detective boys case and I think it's the start of 'genta panicks thinking he accidentally killed someone' which will proceed to happen multiple times poor boy. I have no idea how the culprit planned on getting away with this long term tho. He's not good at thinking things through.
The mystery I loved could have been as simple as maybe ask the old lady first you idiot. If she's that good of a mystery writer to impress Shinichi and she was down for it this plan could have gone way better.
Sonoko's red handkerchief is a case I adore because a) Sonoko and b) Ran and Makoto sending a gang's worth of old men flying as a conclusion. I kinda wish the fight had been longer to be honest.
A mysterious man is one of those weird little cases where everyone is a bit fucked up and the plan seems not very well thought through...
Ova 7 (I think) is very cute and I like recognising the method to solving codes and ciphers even if I can't read them so that was neat. Also I relate hard to Agasa's poor eyesight here. I would be useless at providing information in my whereabouts without my glasses.
Class 1B's great operation is adorable though! So so good! Again with fun codes with recognisable methods even if you don't know Japanese and Haibara gets a spotlight in mystery solving and leading the kids and it was very cute.
The missing page is also cute. Simple but has a cute little message. Genta's book report is a mood even tho I'm a bookworm myself.
The shadow of the black organization is... well the cases are fine but the link to the overarching plot feels... a little eh I guess? Eisuke is one of the characters I want to like and yet find myself struggling to :( also the victim from the second half sure was a terrible person. Divorce was probably still the better option tho guy.
(my friend has a collection of bizarre half formed theories here that are okay but mostly a little off cause they are of the opinion that Eisuke and Rena don't actually look that alike somehow XD)
The unsmashable snowman is a nice case cause I think the trick is neat and the detective boys are particularly cute. Damn the victim/culprit and suspects are all kinda like what on earth is with you people though.
Phew that was a lot of EPs. I should get my thoughts out on the daily instead of doing this again. Looking forward to tomorrow tho! My boy KID is there! The next film! Of which all I know is it's pirate themed. Babby Shinichi and Ran! Teasing my friend who lives Eri and despairs over Eri/Kogoro! And maybe even reaching Genta killing a man. Maybe. Depends how much time we have. But theres a lot to look forward to.
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So, I finally watched Velma.
Before I go any further I just want to make something clear, no I’m not defending this show against criticism, nor am I trying to convince you that it’s some sort of hidden gem. I’ve watched all the episodes that have been released at the time of writing, and in all honesty, I think Velma is pretty mediocre. 
Not good, but nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be. So, if you just wanted my honest thoughts about Velma, there you go, you can stop reading now, go back to whatever it is you’re currently doing. As for everyone else, get comfy, because this is gonna be a long post.
I wanna get the positives out of the way first, I genuinely like the show’s artstyle, in an era where every single “adult” cartoon has to look like Rick & Morty, this show stands out from the rest by having its own unique artstyle, that being said, Norville does look weird whenever he’s facing forward. But that’s a minor nitpick. 
Kinda wish the quality of the animation was a bit better though, but it’s an animated show made specifically for streaming, so the animation quality was always gonna be so-so.
As for the characters, I didn’t find them as unlikable or annoying as other people did - mostly because I never really had that much of a personal attachment to the Scooby gang to begin with - though if I had to pick a favorite I’d have to go with Norville, I find that his optimism and general good nature is a breath of fresh air, as I’m so sick of every modern adult animated series having every character be an unlikable asshole or a complete dumbass.  
Nevertheless I do agree that the “Look at how much of a loser Fred is!” jokes got old real quick, and I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t even like Fred. But those jokes weren’t bad enough to make me want to quit watching. 
As for the other jokes, they’re super hit and miss, I do feel like if the first two episodes just toned down the raunchy/”meta” jokes then the backlash wouldn’t have been so bad, because there were some jokes that made me chuckle, like Brenda’s funeral, Norville’s hair brained schemes to win Velma over, the school fighting tournament name being too long etc. But sadly, those types of jokes are few and far between. 
Oh, and the hallucination sequences are pretty cool. 
Now that we got the positives out the way, let’s talk about the negatives. I really don’t understand why this show needs a recap at the start of each episode. Did the showrunners think people were gonna watch the show out of order? Or did they do that because they were planning on airing the show on Adult Swim in the near future? Either way, it’s super annoying.
Also, I really hate how the show just awkwardly cuts to the end credits. I know Harley Quinn also did this, but it’s way more noticeable here. Almost like the end credits are trying to jump scare you to death. 
But I think my biggest issue with the series as a whole is its obsession with trying to be as “meta” as possible, it really got on my nerves, to the point where I legit wanted to yell out “I get it! You’re self aware.” 
Thing is, I don’t mind meta humor. Archer and American Dad are two great examples of how to properly implement meta humor into a sitcom narrative, but what makes those two shows work is that they’re not trying to impress the audience by showing how smart they are. 
Simply having the characters point out tired old cliches and tropes isn’t clever, it’s taking the easy way out. I honestly wouldn’t have minded this as much if Velma was the only character who was making “meta” references, but every single character does this. To the point where I was expecting someone to look directly at the camera and say “Are these self aware meta jokes doing anything for you?” 
Look, I get it, the reason why they’re doing this is because of Rick and Morty, a network executive most likely looked at the meta humor from that show and said “Do that for a Scooby Doo spin off aimed at adults.” 
If the show would just tone down the “We’re so meta” gimmick and put more effort into fleshing its characters and story out, then I honestly think it could be pretty decent. But as of this writing, it just feels like it’s struggling to find its own identity. 
Who knows, maybe the writing will get better down the line, but as of right now it’s a mess. 
Alright, time to talk about the “controversy” surrounding this show - because that’s all anyone wants to talk about - so here goes……
I don’t give a shit about any of this culture war nonsense, nor do I give a shit about these Twitter threads over analyzing every single joke, and I certainly don’t give a shit about Mindy Kaling or her political views, so why am I bringing any of this up? Because the discourse is annoying. 
It’s okay to just admit that you don’t like the show, or that you think it’s “cringe” or whatever, but all this discourse has become unbearable. You cannot go anywhere online without running into someone complaining about the show. It’s Ghostbusters 2016 all over again, and I’m just so tired. 
I’m tired of the internet latching onto a piece of media and creating never ending discourse about said media, I’m tired of seeing people who genuinely liked working on shows/movies get bullied and harassed. And I’m just tired of people being unwilling to say “Wow, this looks like shit” and moving on with their lives. 
Yes, no media should be immune to criticism, but going out of your way to ruin someone’s livelihood because they created or worked on something you hated just makes you an asshole who deserves no sympathy.
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seven-oomen · 2 months
Okay, let’s see if I can make anything coherent out of this, even though I should really be going to bed. XD  Will try to break up the rambling as best I can for readability.
First off, jeebus christ that opening.  They did not even slightly play around about what to expect from this movie.  I was *WHEEZING* the whole time because my brain just playing that “I’M GONNA BEAT A MOTHERFUCKER, WITH ANOTHER MOTHERFUCKER” meme the whole goddamn time.  The moment when Wade straps on the claws and manages to use them was both horrifying and genius.  XD
Also, holy crap the levels of references and meta in this film.  (A friend actually sent me a YT video that covers ALL of the Easter eggs in the film, but I’ve not had time to watch it yet, as the only comment she added was “It’s LOOOONG”)  I keep telling the coworkers I’m trying to get to watch it that “It doesn’t so much break the fourth wall as nuke it from orbit."  XD  The comments about how you’d never know that Lady DP just had a baby, about Hugh’s divorce, all the stuff with the Legacy gang.  My favorite was probably the shop called Liefeld’s Just Feet from the end sequence, every time it popped up I had to choke down a cackle.  The callbacks to the old films, the recreations of popular cover art.  Just the sheer amount of research that went into this film was just *chef’s kiss*.  I’m sure there were things I missed because I’m not totally caught up on everything, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen some of it, and everything was just happening so much, but it doesn’t even matter because everything I did catch was amazing.  Also, very much appreciated the TVA agent who was clearly meant to represent all of us.  XD  Treasure that mask my dude.  (Funnily enough, I didn’t even know about that because I hadn’t really even seen all the trailers, I went into the film fairly blind.  Was DEFINITELY part of the cheering section when he pulled that on.  And then immediately knew I had a coworker who NEEDED to do that costume.  XD )
And, omfg, the CAMEOS.  I almost screamed so many times at some of the reveals.  I’d heard lots of speculation on who (actor) and who (character) might appear, but I knew there was no way all of it was going to be true, so I just let myself be surprised in the best ways.  The only one that we didn’t get that I saw people talking about that I wish had happened was Daniel Radcliffe as "Height-Appropriate Wolvie”, especially after some of the pics I’ve seen from that film where he has guns attached to his hands or whatever.  I think it would have been fun.  One that might have been cute would have been Taron Egerton as Patch, mostly because I occasionally see him mentioned as a possible future replacement for Hugh (even though he’s not 90 yet XD, and I don’t know that Taron has quite the feral quality the character needs), as well as a possible future Bond.  Also kinda hoped for Ice Man to pop up since Pyro was there, or for a possible Loki mention because of the TVA.  My mom said that RR’s kids all appeared in the film, but I haven’t had a chance to look into that yet (maybe Thor was crying because he stole his move XD ).
But without doubt I had three favorite cameos (listed in no particular order.)  When CEvans appeared I think the whole theater lost its collective mind.  Like, literally spontaneous cheering.  I kinda wondered a bit at first, because like, the facial hair, and he didn’t really have the Dorito shape going, but I’d also heard a little about the whole Nomad thing, but as soon as he pushed the hood back and I got a better look at the collar/shoulder of his outfit, my brain started up this slow “wait…WAIT…hold up, that looks like…” and then he says it and I started cackling like a fucking hyena.  That was a truly brilliant bit of misdirection.  (Side note, I assume you saw the end end credits scene?  XD  How much do you think he enjoyed that?)  On a somewhat related note, absolute props to Emma Corrin for being so believably James McAvoy’s sister.  And also hellaciously terrifying.
Shortest favorite cameo (but worth every moment), absolutely hands-down, The Cavill-rine.  I had heard people speculating he might pop up as various characters, but again, I wasn’t particularly expecting anything or anyone.  I could tell it was someone new from the beginning, but I wasn’t certain until he turned around and then there was a whole lot of screaming from a lot of different people.  I did appreciate the adaptation of his “arm-loading” maneuver from M:I for deploying the claws, I found it very effective (though maybe it was just the tank top XD )  I’ve seen some people saying that this could be a sign that he’ll be moving over to the MCU at some point now, which I have slightly complicated feelings on mostly just because the main character I could see him being used for is Captain Britain (which would be amusing because he’d have to go blond, and if anyone remembers Stardust that can be…tricky…  XD ), but I can’t stand CB, but he also leads my fave X-team so if he DID take that part maybe we’d get an Excalibur movie, which I would love.  Part of me would want RR involved with that, though, because I’d trust him to do Nightcrawler correctly, and make commentary about it when he does (also, I don’t know if they’ve actually interacted much/at all in the comics, but I feel like Wade would absolutely enjoy meeting a guy who not only also dual wields swords on occasion, but can actually triple wield because that tail is prehensile [and yes, I have indeed seen fic where he used his tail exactly the way Wade would imagine - often on Logan as it happens.  Ah, the lawless early days of fic found on people’s unregulated personal sites or behind AdultFanFic.com’s rather lax security protocols. XD ])  Uh…sorry, went a bit off topic there…
Lastly, but very certainly not least, I almost LOST MY SHIT when Channing Tatum strolled out.  Like barely restrained dolphin screeches and wriggly seat bouncing (I choose to believe they were mostly restrained at least.)  Gambit is probably my second favorite X-man, and I have been desperate to see him done justice in a film.  Ironically the only appearance he’s had was in the same dumpster fire that gave us our first “Deadpool”, and I’m pretty sure they didn’t even make sure he had the proper accent, which.  How very dare.  I’d heard mention of Tatum’s attempts to get a solo film made off and on, and now I’m even more disappointed it never happened because he was an absolute delight.  And they did such a good job showing how useful his powers can be in a fight (I may have been chanting “where tf is his bo staff?!” in my head when the fight began, then almost cheered when I saw him using it, shhh, don’t judge me.)  That whole thing with the Legacy gang was a hoot (loved “Elektra” not being upset about the lack of a “DD"  XD )
Okay, moving along (kinda?), to the main boys.  I feel like possibly one of the only ones who engages in the more shippy side of fandom culture who didn’t see the car scene as sex?  Like, I can see WHY so many people do, but I just didn’t even process it that way in the moment.  I feel like it’s possibly just one of those aspec confusion things where my brain just doesn’t tend to make that sort of assumption about interactions, coupled with my own personal opinion of Logan’s mental state at that point.  Like, I feel like it’s entirely probable that one or both of them got off at some point during the fight, but I don’t think they "fucked nasty in the Odyssey."  Wade would absolutely have been DTF, because he’s absolutely attracted to Logan (understandable), and also, it’s what he knows, it would have been an easy outlet for all the BIG EMOTIONS that just kept happening for him, but I feel like Logan wouldn’t have been, even if he was also interested, because at that point he was still so deep in his self-loathing that I don’t think he’d have allowed himself something "pleasurable” like that.  I mean, he’d get something very similar from a fight, but he wouldn’t have to acknowledge it the same way.  It felt more like a “I’m going to punch something until the screaming in my head stops because I’m now too sober to regulate my emotions properly” type of moment to me.
For similar reasons I wasn’t really all that surprised when they didn’t obviously get together at the end.  Now, if they hadn’t pulled that stupid shit with Wade and Vanessa, it would be a different story, but they needed to wrap up that drama first.  Fix what the idiot writers decided was necessary for “growth” or whatever, (even though I feel like Wade would have also been just as determined to save his universe if they were together, even if she was encouraging him to try to do more) before you expand things, as it were (which now that I think about it is rather similar to how I felt about the OG trio in Jurassic World: Dominion…  anyway…)  And I feel like Logan was just reaching the point of allowing himself to have friends and make connections again (because did I mis-hear, or was Cassandra implying he’d had to basically mercy kill some/most of them?  Because holy shit), I don’t know that he’d be at the point of actively pursuing anything yet, though.  Like, it almost felt like they’ve seen the potential in each other as a partner by the end, but weren’t quite in a place to do anything about it yet until they’d worked through some things first (which means the sequel needs to be a full on romance.)  Like, the most I might have expected given where they were (and also, y'know, Disney) would have been Logan just sort of casually throwing his arm around Wade’s shoulders, maybe a little kiss on the temple.  (In my defense I am weak for fluff.)
However, again, so much potential for places to go from there.  I feel like it might be a little awkward at first, because Wade might not really know quite what to DO here.  Like, flirting and sex are one thing, attempting an actual relationship are very much another (especially since he’s not 100% sure where Logan stands on polyamory, and would rather not accidentally offend the man he’s trying to woo.)  He has no doubts he could seduce Logan, but he LIKES him, and convincing him of that he’s less certain of.  And it’s not like it was with Vanessa, who was just as confident and forward about what she wanted as he was.  Logan is much more reserved, and still occasionally irritable, and Wade isn’t known for coming across as serious and sincere, even when he genuinely is.  And while Logan likes him, too, he’s still adjusting to this new reality, and getting a feel for how all the dynamics work in the group.  So they dance around each other for a little while, while Vanessa keeps encouraging him to “just ASK him already!"  And then when he finally does broach the idea, he finds out Logan is not only totally down, but "this ain’t my first rodeo, so to speak."  (So.  My thought process here is partially influenced by the whole thing in one of the comic runs where people were joking that he, Jean, and Scott were in a throuple because of some weird bedroom layouts.  [Sadly the artist eventually commented on it and said that they weren’t, although my first response in my head was "they could be if you weren’t a coward.”]  And the other part was because it had seemed a little odd to me that when Logan was telling Laura about what happened in his universe, he referred to Scott and Jean by name, and everyone else by codename.  Which probably doesn’t mean anything, but I decided it did.  The fact that they were trying to get him to join them could imply that he hadn’t known them long, but there’s also no reason they couldn’t have been encouraging him to join because they’d been dating for a while, too.)  Wade is like, immediately incensed about this (“why didn’t you tell me?!” “you never asked.”), because they apparently COULD have now been fucking nasty already.  Vanessa and Al both give him much crap about this (“Boy, I’m blind as shit and even I could see he was interested in you.”)  Also, I feel like Yukio would absolutely adore Logan, but can’t decide if Negasonic and him would get along like a house on fire, or if she’d be put off by how alike they are.  XD  Given his history with volatile young girls the odds are probably in his favor.  I mean honestly; Rogue, Jubilee, Kitty, Laura.  And being besties at various points with Wade, Kurt, Ororo, etc.  For a guy who so staunchly considers himself a loner he has quite the support network.  XD
…I feel like there were probably other things, but it’s almost two o'clock in the morning, and I open tomorrow.  Also, this is already hella long (again, my apologies, lol.)  Hopefully this mostly makes sense, and is at least somewhat of an enjoyable read.  Tbf, you did encourage me.  ;P  Anyway, hope you’re still doing well, and may the weather calm down soon.  Take care!  *HUGS!*
It is approaching 1 am where I’m at, so I’m gonna reply to some of this now and maybe to some of it later. I definitely think Logan had to mercy kill at least some of his teammates in his own universe. It’s heavily implied in my opinion. Which, ooofffff, man. No wonder he feels that much guilt and is that messed up. Oh Yukio absolutely adores Logan, I feel like she might just hug him one day and just says; I’m glad you joined the family. And Logan, the big fucking softy he is, just absolutely melts and adopts the girl on the spot. As for Ellie/Negasonic, I’d say there’s a lot of posturing at first between the two. With Logan just mostly being really confused by the way she’s acting, but eventually Logan wins her over and they get along splendidly after that. I do think Laura and Negasonic become instant besties. Which spells hell for anyone else involved because they are ferocious and MeanTM. I did write some premises down for a fic for them where they slowly get together, sticking to mostly canon, with some comic references thrown around. (Creatively working my way through the messy, messy timelines). https://www.tumblr.com/seven-oomen/757474833241096192/so-story-idea-for-deadpool-and-wolverine-obvious?source=share
I think the way I’d tackle their relationship is that they didn’t get together at the end of Deadpool 3 for exactly the reasons you list above. While I would have loved the movie that much more if they did, from a character standpoint I think both Wade and Logan have some shit to figure out until they get to that point. It’s fun to wish for it though.
Things it will feature and the premise: Omega Logan Wade is just Wade/Deadpool as we know him Dualsex Omegas from Logan’s universe Deadpool and Wolverine prequel/midquel/sequel Jimmy Hudson & Ellie are twins born of Logan and Wade (Ellie is loosely based of Eleanor Camacho) Trans Jimmy Hudson Laura Kinney is adopted into the family Slow burn Poolverine Wade has some kinky shit that really ends up helping Logan through his heat. Logan and Wade are bad at feelings Flashbacks to Logan’s life during weapon X and the X-men In Logan’s timeline he and Wade met during weapon X times, though back then nothing really came out of their relationship. Logan was very much under Victor’s thumb until the aftermath of Lagos where he and Victor were experimented on. Logan survived his experimentation, Victor didn’t. Which left Logan with some abandonment and bonding issues. Eventually Logan found his way to the X-mansion, and was taken in, though that too ended in tragedy by his own making. He didn’t join when his team needed him the most and paid for that decision by losing everything. He even had to put Jean, Scott, and the professor out of their misery in the end. After that faithful night, the hunt for mutants in his universe began, with him being one of the few survivors of the purge. By the time Wade pulls him out of his own universe to act as an anchor being for his, guilt and anger are eating away at him. After shit goes down, and he realizes there’s no way back, Logan tries his best to settle back into civilian life with Wade and the rest of the family. Things get incredibly complicated when Logan’s heat hits with lasting consequences for the newly formed family.
I’m working out the kinks in this stage and figuring out the tone of the story. Would love to read your thoughts though :)
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