#but I love me some aliens
navar44 · 2 years
Zero Gravity
A bit of writing based on @aaytaro-gt ‘s Inktober prompt list.
Day 17 - Moon
Doctor Brown was in dire straits at the moment, drifting through the zero-gravity environment of the giant Marki’sheen ship. This was going poorly, and he’d seen it coming. 
He just didn’t think it’d be this bad.
“Yeah, he emptied his stomach twice now… no, it's zero-g nausea… yes, I’m sure: he mentioned it being a possibility when I picked him up Earthside…”
The giant, Marki’sheen eyes of Keri’is lingered on him for a moment before looking back at the monitor before them. “Oh, shut up Mero’is, this was supposed to be a quick trip to the Earth’s moon to drop Doctor Brown off at their colony! The fact that I don’t have human-sized facilities wasn’t supposed to be an issue!”
The relatively small Doctor lifted his head as he drifted across Keri’is’s field of view. “I’ll be fine.” He managed with an absurdly fake smile.
Keri’is’s eyes flickered in dry amusement. “Sure you are, doctor.” Their eyes looked back to the screen in front of them with another flicker indicating the equivalent of a human sigh. “They’ve dispatched a tug to bring us out of Earth’s gravity well, then it's on to your moon. You’ll just have to ride out your nausea until then.”
“That's… great.” Doctor Brown managed, swallowing down what little remained of his breakfast. “Though, next time, I think I’ll just wait for a human shuttle.”
The Marki’shen shook its head, a shared expression between their species.
“Nonsense, I signed up to ferry you little- rather, you humans, and I intend to do just that.” They smirked, a human expression that was barely possible on their face. “Your updated ships won’t be ready for a few years, so you’ll be stuck with us till then.”
Doctor Brown grumbled as their giant… “hand” equivalent scooped him out of the zero gravity float he’d been on, lowering him to the desktop of the controls. He gripped a tiny bar that had been stuck on the console, thankful for the anchor. 
“Just sit tight, Doctor. We’ll get this sorted out in no time.”
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cloudcastor · 4 months
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"let me drown myself in you"
round 6 changed me....
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bass-alien · 7 months
Because sometimes a song is so 🔥🔥🔥 you gotta stop during the flow sesh and dance a little 🖤
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phantome29 · 2 months
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oh my clematis, hope withered in the abyss
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redraw of Vivinos's own art hehe
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freckleslikestars · 10 months
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FARSCAPE | 1.06 Thank God It's Friday, Again.
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mummer · 1 year
just saw asteroid city last night, pls explain the proposed significance of the kiss!!
answering this publicly hope thats ok! cant do a readmore im on mobile *****asteroid city spoilers below beware*****
i dont remember anyones names so this is gonna sound partly unhinged. okay so the edward norton playwright and jason schwartzman actor (not character, in the black and white parts) are lovers right. tbh i thought this was kind of a gag and forgot about it. but later we find out that the playwright died 6 months into the production. i didnt make the connection that THAT’s why the actor-jason has to suddenly leave the stage and freaks out backstage about how he’s not sure he’s Doing it right. hes not talking about acting!! because he himself is literally grieving his lover while he’s playing a character who’s grieving his wife written by his lover so obviously it’s too much!!! actor-jason is trying to find meaning in his death through his writing but there isnt any meaning in death [gerris drinkwater voice] which is what the play is trying to say anyway. he doesnt think he’s performing grief right even in his own life!!! (and tbh it’s the 50s so he wouldnt be able to perform grief publicly anyway!!!!) the play starts with a car accident… anyone would search for some hidden meaning there, some sign…. so when he talks to margot robbie outside it’s not really about finding the CHARACTER’s motivations it’s about the actor himself being able to process the playwright’s death! and adrien brody director was probably also dealing with that too (him and norton seemed to be good buddies) so the whole “sleeping backstage” thing gets a bit sadder maybe? maybe everyone else got this in the theatre and im just stupid lol but crazy making stuff to me!!! the whole story is about sublimated gay grief that cannot be expressed?!?!
the tweet that caught me onto this was here which posits that the playwright’s death was a suicide but i think that’s pretty stupid and unnecessary because the whole thing about the play asteroid city is that death is random and meaningless. im pretty sure that’s what the alien represents— a shocking and absurd event that isnt outright evil or menacing, not something anyone can predict or make sense of, it’s just a thing that happens to you out of nowhere, it doesnt mean anything. he’s a little black figure, he’s death! giving and taking! aagh
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crustyfloor · 2 months
“My amazing daughter” ❌
Too human, not dystopian enough
“my lovable creature” ✅
Unintentionally objectifying, affectionate in a dystopian way, true to the canon “pet and owner” dynamic most aliens have with their pet-humans, “Aliens can never truly understand humans they are two different species”
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cyellolemon · 4 months
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Modern Ivantill because i wanted to draw them in cool outfits and had some ideas :))
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dreadark · 29 days
bugs me a bit when people assume Ivan is some kind of genius or somehow naturally talented
he's really not at all. he just works ridiculously hard I mean we've seen his schedule what is this
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literally anyone who put in this amount of work would end up getting good grades... if they didn't have a complete breakdown first guess you can consider that his "talent" can't break if you're already broken
Sua does actually seem like a natural genius though, she's tied with Ivan despite not doing... all that well she basically says as much
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and she worked as a model (among other things) while attending Anakt Garden, so she managed being top of the class while also already having her career Ivan didn't do any of that, he only got popular after round 3 (idk what these rankings are out of, but if he's only 78th when Till was 5th...) despite being a top student I suppose Ivan didn't actually stand out much at first?
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interesting how out of all of them, Ivan seems the least suited to singing on stage Sua's clearly talented, Till is a musical prodigy, and Mizi genuinely loves singing Luka is literally made for it, and Hyuna also loves singing and seems to have this natural stage presence
but all Ivan's good at is following orders
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mo-ok · 4 months
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happy pride month to the sci-fi yuri trifecta that is Bioman, Changeman, and Flashman
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neolxzr · 5 months
as much as i believe you can headcanon whatever you like i really think that the idea that till secretly was also in love with ivan the whole time but was in denial about it or didnt realize it kind of detracts from their story
till doesn't have any reason to be in denial about his feelings, he just simply doesn't feel the same. he wasn't raised in an environment that would give him any reason to have internalized homophobia. nothing would change if ivan was a girl. he just doesn't love him back.
but looking at any of the supplementary material like the beach scene art COUGH or any official actor or student AU stuff shows that maybe, in another life. till could have loved ivan. if the two of them were raised in a different environment and met and lived under different circumstances, they could have been in love. in another life. in another universe.
but in the world of alien stage, it was never going to be that way. and that's what makes it all the more tragic.
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)
SEASON FIVE — What do you hope to find? I mean, in the end.
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shorlinesorrows · 3 months
okay, a couple things on alien stage/ivantill that I think some folks maybe need to consider and internalize.
Till does not "need" to return Ivan's feelings in the slightest if he doesn't feel that way. It's heart wrenching to see Ivan love him and have those feelings unreturned, but please remember that no one is required to return romantic feelings for someone else. You can't make yourself love someone, and you shouldn't. Especially out of guilt or obligation. That's Unhealthy 101, and would only set a relationship up for failure. (I do think Till cared about Ivan, and that he's going to have a Guilt Complex based on the fact that he didn't fully notice Ivan's feelings/care toward him until the guy died, but I've seen a couple of people tear into Till for not noticing/reciprocating Ivan's feelings??? Don't do that??? their situation is shitty, the fact that they didn't get to talk is shitty, but please don't blame Till for things he Can't Control.)
The kiss was not consensual. It wasn't meant to be portrayed as such. It wasn't even really romantic, it was a desperate, selfish act that Ivan used to get Till's attention (in more ways than one) and to give himself some sense of closure before he died. It was him saying everything that he felt at once, with no chance for Till to reciprocate or deny the affection. In a perfect world, they could have talked instead of this, maybe kissed knowing both wanted it, or given Till a chance to refuse. But they're both in the middle of an essential death tournament and one of them is going to be murdered sometime in the next few minutes. Neither of them really wants to live, but Ivan feels he has unfinished business before his sacrifice, so he finishes it. Their situation sucks. That doesn't mean the kiss was consensual. (especially considering the theory/implication that Till was/is being sexually assaulted by aliens, I wouldn't be surprised if this affects him badly in the future, for multiple reasons. Everyone should always get the chance to say "no" and have that fully respected. This also extends to the fact that Ivan died for Till without giving him a chance to stop it, which is probably going to mess with Till's head a lot. Then again, Ivan likely didn't think it would affect Till much because as far as he/we know, the feelings aren't reciprocated in this moment in canon, or are extremely repressed. Ivan might believe that Till simply hates him, or the kiss/subsequent "choking" may have been a way of trying to make Till hate him so that his death wouldn't hurt as much. Of course that thinking is flawed, because it would hurt Till no matter what, but still, it makes me sad)
Ivan... is kinda messed up. I adore him, but we've got to acknowledge that he has little to no emotional and relationship maturity due to the fact that he was quite literally raised as a pet and learned at a young age to do whatever his masters said to keep himself safe and pain-free. His fascination with Till appears to largely stem from Till's sense of rebellion. Ivan's examples of relationship dynamics and what constitutes as "love" is dangerously unbalanced, and he does not know how to build a healthy relationship. (Neither of them do.) This is also built onto the fact that the person he became dependent on only paid attention to him when they were fighting or Ivan was annoying him. Ivan cares about Till desperately, but he is also dangerously reliant on him to the point of self-detriment. Again, in an ideal world, they would be able to get out of this situation and gradually make a healthy relationship/friendship (depending on Till's feelings) over time while starting to undo the dangerous relationship patterns that they fell into when they didn't have any way to know better. But they're in a terrible situation, and Ivan really just doesn't get the chance to grow as a person and realize that his sense of possessiveness and reliance on Till's attention isn't healthy.
Basically, their situation makes me want to sob and its heart wrenching. Their circumstances have set them up for failure. Both of them are in the midst of attempting to survive an abusive situation and massive amounts of dehumanization. I beg, please try not to sanitize their complicated relationship or blame either of them for the pain the other is going through. I've seen some of that going around, and it's making me sad :(
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front-facing-pokemon · 7 months
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razmerry · 7 days
this is a genuinely vulnerable, touching, and emotionally powerful moment of seeking out connection from jason to dick until you remember that being "all back to normal" refers to when jason got digested by an alien, trapped in a goo egg, and then turned into a tentacle monster that ate people
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holysheithyall · 4 months
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holysheithyall posting sheith? unbelievable. extremely normal about them rn ignore this moment of weakness please
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