#but I dont think its likely lololol
bruhainrot · 3 months
Purityguy responded to my questions about Sydney!! If you have any other questions about Sydney you can directly message them as they get back to you very quickly and very active on discord 🫠🫠
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The embarrassing tea response got me going “KID KYLAR U SLY MF💀💀” Man kylar can be cool if he doesn’t have a lack of self awareness.
Sydney pissing Whitney off id like to see that hueheuheu 🍿🍿
edit ion know guys. I feel like there could be a Sydney dismissal event for that last one cause im gettin the chills. As Syd can have a big reaction when PC confesses to them about their broken vow, it’s likely that Sydney would react strongly if PC cheats on them with Whitney during PC/Sydneys pregnancy. Whitney might do some cheeky blackmailing like with Kylar. Siding with Whitney leads Sydney to break up with the PC as a result. Just a speculation. So far we have Whitney making Sydney moan during their little fight in the library, being able to impreg/be fucked by Sydney during science class and Sirris prolly be like “thats my boy/girl!!! Grandchildren rahhhhh” in syd’s future pregnancy content, so ima expect something real funky.
So far, I can think of two long-term consequences:
Dismissal event: Sydney feels betrayed.
Sydney may not be able to let go of what happened, leading him to make a stupid long term plan to kidnap the PC. He may end up kidnapping the PC in the adult shop/his house's basement for some kinky bdsm session cause he doesn't want the PC to leave him due to abandonment issues. PC developing yet another stockholm syndrome.
edit edit sydney sucks at science, damn sirris ur own kid lacking in ur own class 💀
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
My headcannon is that Duck has been in a state of awareness throughout the series much like Yellow was in Electricity, the visual tell for this bring their big ass eyes. Yellow's enlarged sclera is obvious because his eyes are radiation green. Duck's eyes are brown so they just look like slightly bigger black dots than the others. What I'm getting at is Duck has some awareness. He's just naturally deranged.
HAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD! okay! from MY POV, the idea of Duck having any awareness about their situation at all is so fucked up.
The pupil thing could be a good way to hide it, and totally a route I could see BB&J (becky,baker and joe) taking, realistically. He also does just have MASSIVE pupils.
Anyways, the reason that ideas super duper fucked up to me is because um… well one of Ducks main motivators in like EVERY episode is just keeping the three of them together. Even in eps like Jobs or Family where they're separated, he spends all his energy and spare thoughts on the other two (where are they, what are they doing, who are they talking to, ect). Now I assumed this was because their little trio-ship is the ONLY thing in that house that matters to him or that he even remotely cares about.
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But sure, let's get meta with it and say for the sake of argument that Duck has been FULLY aware of the fact that they're in a forever looping TV show and that theyre puppets.
That makes some lines like "That's not allowed (in reference to going outside of the house)!" and "People are dying to know what your final guess would have been." a lot more … explainable I guess? But it also makes his weird dedication to keeping the three of them together undeniably sinister (e.g is he doing this bc he knows who Lesley is or something?? Is he doing this bc he's aware theres nothing for them OUTSIDE of this house??). It means it's not that he tries to keep them together BECAUSE he cares about them, he tries to keep them together for the sake of the keeping the SHOW GOING.
It also means he is WELL AWARE that the other two are miserable in that house and just DOES NOT CARE, because he thinks the three of them being together is better than the alternative. It also would kind of paint the "I like looking at you too" scene in a bit of a different light,no? For all we know, he could be referring to Red (the puppet) as opposed to Red (the character).
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I don't even think him being aware would make him… deranged, I think it would literally just make him ACTUALLY irredeemable. Which I'm fine with! Best boy either way! A character doesn't have to be morally sound for me to like this, just interesting. But like. think about the implications of what you're saying here.
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diathadevil · 1 year
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Both have the same energy. No I shall not elaborate any further.
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storge · 1 year
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Actually, I don't have to wait for the three-month period to end. I can tell you to leave now. If my investigative methods did cause trouble for everyone, I'm willing to reflect on myself and accept all decisions. If you cause trouble again… You can punish me anyhow you see fit.
When a Snail Falls in Love (2023)
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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he ordered the special kiss not the regular stuff
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matchaflavored · 10 months
re: your last post, so real man... honestly the least they could do is censor the ship name if they're going to be really vocal about their dislike for it. also seeing someone call treyrid... too mother-son coded to ship? help girl
Oof, yeah. I think people can dislike whatever they want, whatever their personal relationship is with how they interpret and consume media is beyond my control (WITHIN REASON...!!!). Which is also why I'm like sure you can express that dislike... that is human... but at least be considerate about it haha.
A lot of what people dislike about ♣️🌹comes down to personal taste or straight up projection because that is an insane thing to claim lol. 'Coded' lost all its meaning to a lot of people who really mean 'this is what I want their relationship to be'. In general I don't like to box relationships into certain labels (mother-son... really man...) because I feel like it can be pretty restrictive to how you approach nuance like how do you look at Trey and Riddle and go oh their relationship is the epitome of nuclear family dynamics, actually.
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imblocking-you · 1 year
#my in laws are obsessed with me#i'm so deeply inlove with this manhwa i cant#like i have an emotional attachment to it almost chz#// maple#manhwa#webtoon#all the characters i feel them i resonate with them#i know why they feel that way and even when i dont ITS SO GOOD#all the complex emotions all the growth in so little panels and dialogue LOOM AT THAT ISNT THAT AMAZING#and when they change the angle or mute a scene so that we're not privy of some things so that what they did or said can give off different-#-meanings? SCRUMPTIOUS#well written characters literally melt my knees#the author and artist were so hot for this work bro#not everything needs to be said to be understood#it's literally fantasy but pretty realistic lol#one of the couples in this genre of historical romance that i'm actually rooting for lol#pls no love triangle pls no love triangle pls no lo-#these webtoon comments are getting too good LMAO#adeus u little shit#help every character is interesting when u think they'll be an archetype they lead u the other way lololol#dark suave and mysterious hasn't been more attractive than now therdeo is so hot bro#and ung effort ung initiative gagi nakakapangflashback sa pride and prejudice#the comments actually being thought provoking (and thirsting) instead of simply thirsting says so much ab the greatness of this story#ik i'll never shut up ab it#pereshati is so awesome#i wanna be her level of awesome and likeable one day#the undertones the hidden messages THE IMPLIED STUFF UGH#it's also not purely romance centric LOVE EVERY INTERACTION#im going crazy for this manhwa#the comments calling the duke and duchess papa bear and mama bear is so cute T^T
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dapperrokyuu · 1 year
Fact about me that will only be understood and potentially found amusing by a niche amount of people: oddly, the first Vocaloid project I found myself getting into was Shuuen no Shiori and then Kagerou Project. I clicked on a Kagerou Days thumbnail thinking it was a PART of Shuuen no Shiori, lol.
#dee p thoughts#music series#shuuen no shiori#kagerou project#vocaloid#I find myself curious and wanting to dig into more series but ah...Ill have to go out of my way and look into it sometime lol#these projects are music first story second at the end of the day when youve consumed enough you gotta realize none of these will be#particularly stellar at the very least you can wish them to be barely comprehensible but even then lololol#ironically I dont know if this would be a hot take but I think shuuen no shiori IS more comprehensible and tangible in meaning than kagerou#project adlkjbnadfkjn- hey shout out to my mikagura school suite fans what was that lol#admittedly theres some shorter ''series'' nowadays that are more solid but Im not sure if Id call them series and/or theyre intended to be#as opposed to just...songs that are connected to each other with a storyline. my distinctor is that theyre very brief#like nilfruits with shama kilmaa and aranjando(sp?) theyre very solid but Im not sure if theyre an intended SERIES its only 3 songs#theres also the color series from hiiragi kirai but I...theres something going on there but its very vague not sure if they seriously want#to do anything with that ajdlknbfdakljn#and then yuri kuriyama with neurosis ope and vital sign ah...#I feel like projects are technically still here but also at the same time not its very interesting haha#theres also milgram but admittedly my feelings towards it are kind of. *shrugs* eh#anyways reader if you wanted another series to get into I recommend alien stage its the most solid series Ive been into imo and its a#current running one!!! I REALLY LIKE IT AHHH#I FORGOT ABOUT ROYAL SCANDAL UWAGHHH I enjoy that one too lol
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Operation I Listen To One Album From Each Country Volume 1
Caifanes - El Silencio (1992)
Starting my journey around the world with Caifanes, a band hailing from Mexico City, Mexico. I enjoyed this one, I tend to enjoy something with a good blend of things happening in them. Lately, I've found myself drawn a lot to new wave and goth rock, and this implements things I like about the genres. The keyboard, the guitar, the dreamy sounding vocals, all present and accounted for here. The horn section only added to my delight here. I can see myself returning to this album, and I definitely will be exploring the rest of this groups discography. And one last casual observation, the vocals here remind me of Julián Mayorga and (just a tad) Shinji Sato of Fishmans fame. Needless to say an almost androgynous style that I can really get behind.
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waitinqroom · 2 years
the whole affirmative action scotus case bothers me sooooo much just because i feel like nobody understands what the core issue is here. the problem is not that college admissions are racist against asian-americans (a narrative, which although not false, is mainly being perpetuated by white supremacist/anti-black interest groups) but rather that college admissions continuously fail to create genuine equity within their playing fields. it is not affirmative action that negatively impacts asians, but rather the inherently biased institution of college admissions themselves--from preconceived notions and stereotypes against alll races (ie: an asian good at math is not unique enough to be accepted) to the existence of "personality scores" (which rate students based on their personality, and have been known to most negatively affect asians) to a systemic socioeconomic inequality (which impacts everything from gpas to sat scores to extracurriculars to income to need-based financial aid). from my understanding, affirmative action's focus on race also fails to consider other factors, and heavily favors the RICH--as terrible as it sounds, i read a new york times example that compared a wealthy nigerian immigrant and a poor vietnamese immigrant. although both first gen college students in america, the nigerian would most likely be accepted over the vietnamese due to the narrow scope of affirmative action, failing to acknowledge the vastly different struggles both students of color have likely faced. cases like this fail to acknowledge the more systemic origins of racism in the us (slavery), which have affected the entire college process as we KNOW it. in fact, no part of affirmative action seems to aim to benefit the direct descendants of slaves--those who, in my opinion, deserve these reparations first and foremost. on an even greater level of inequity, legacies (which almost solely benefit RICH WHITE PEOPLE) still exist, and many top colleges pre-dedicate a massive portion of their acceptances to these legacies. studies have shown that affirmative action primarily benefits white women. it's just not working for anyone!!!!! conservatives think that affirmative action "discriminates" against whites and asians, but that's not even the case! the college admissions process in itself is racist and classist, and it has nothing to do with affirmative action.
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lovingaeth · 2 months
wanting to write but being so so scared
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snekdood · 1 year
a dialogue cant develop between two people if either one or both of them dont trust the other. until a level of trust is gained, the person who's untrusting will be defensive and will probably dig their heels in. this is where I think a lot of issues happen when it comes to political conversations. whether its not trusting someone bc you just dont know them or bc they seem pretty manipulative and dogmatic about their beliefs or bc of their political leanings and the misinfo they're spewing. nothing will really ever bridge that gap like trust does enough for anyone to actually be able to walk over it and change.
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sorikkung · 1 year
one of these days when i actually have the executive function to write im gonna do a kinktober challenge with actually deranged prompts and half of them will be piss. god bless
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leviachan-of-envy · 1 year
talking abt how i remember my appearance ^-^
despite a popular headcanon being that i have mermaid or fish-like ears, mine are actually pointed and go downward. i like it when people depict me with mermaid ears though!
my hair is actually dyed, the original color is brown. i dont let my roots show too often.
i do have fish scales on my skin, actually. they're bluish in hue.
also im surprised im not drawn with dark circles under my eyes often staying up to consume media does its damage lolol
i am taller than the body but idk how tall exactly i am. somewhere between 5’6 and 6ft. unlike how some people say that me and my brothers are some kind of giants with the shortest one being 6ft something, we are actually quite an average height the same as humans. maybe a little taller but not as much as a foot!!!
the clothes i remember wearing are pretty much the same as in source but i prefer staying in my demon form when im alone ngl. its more comfortable.
if i think of anything else ill add it
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
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@longagoitwastuesday see you get it lol
I dont remember Alice's voice tbh I think it was like one of those voices where I just shrugged off because every female anime character sounds like that... not to say thats a GOOD thing but its just 😔 Ah. Okay
BUT OK you get what I mean right?? about Jack's voice?? Like it's not Jack. It's a good voice just not for HIS character >_>
I don't remember much about the anime either. Last time I watched it was 4 years ago when I finally revisited PH, so I only ever remember being nitpicky about Leo and that's also because Elliot and Leo were the reasons I picked up the series and finally finished it again jfndndn so I was like. sorely disappointed fjdjdj
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29121996 · 2 years
the more i research adhd the more i real8se maybe i do infact have it
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