#but I can not say the N word bc that is a racial slur and I am not part of that race like
actual-corpse · 1 month
Who the fuck decided the word "curvy" equaled "fat"?
Because they can go fuck themselves.
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k0sk1 · 6 months
Guys I'm so sorry to ruin the fun but uhmm did you know sbn3 aka the creator of co09 said the n word multiple times (he's white and 30) and is kind of an incel and also apparently called ppl cosplaying HIS OWN CHARACTERS sluts and allowed cp on a chat he was in? There's a whole thread on it actually and I think it's important to mention it bc uhmm... It's really weird. The n word and incel rethoric ones are def true bc there's literal recordings of him saying those but the calling cosplayers sluts and allowing cp on a chat I haven't seen any confirmation for it so take it with a grain of salt if u want but I def dont doubt it
also, pls reblog so more ppl get to see it! i dont know how many of u also have a twitter acc and i didnt see anyone on tumblr talk abt it besides me soo pls let ppl know!
Update (cw for f slur and n word, incel rethoric, transphobia too): someone told me they couldn't see the thread and it'd be nice if i uploaded some pics so that's what I'll do! There are also videos, I'm gonna listen to and write exactly what sbn3 says on those videos here, but for now I'll have to just say a little overview of what he said in those. There are four videos, two are recordings of him singing (one being him saying the n word while singing a rap song and the other being him saying the f slur repeatedly with a Jeffery voice in a song called "homophobia the song" and the lyrics are basically just him saying "I hate f slurs I wanna kill f slurs" it's really bad. The other two are vc recordings. In one he talks about how 18-19 yr old girls aren't mature and are really stupid, but the goes on to say he would date an 18-19 yr old if she was "mature enough" which is weird bc he's almost thirty! But at least not explicitly pedophilic. The other vc recording is of him talking about how women can be friends with people they're attracted to but men can't, basically leaving implicit that it's because men can't "control themselves" around people they're attracted and will always see them in an erotic light. Basically the idea that men are sex beasts which is why they harass people, and that's bad!
Now, onto the pictures! Two of these are claims of things he did, but there are no videos, though I wouldn't doubt for him to do the things claimed + the person talks about how they were seeing those things first hand
TW misogyny, racism, transphobia and mentions of CP and ableism.
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Also, just a personal thought, but isn't it weird that every co09 character is white? Just a thought, really, it doesn't mean he's racist but he did say the n word multiple times and then there's a really big lack of diversity in the game he made, despite it constantly talking abt race and racial issues. Idk just found that weird and wanted to leave it here.
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saw a post a while ago that was like “the donkey comment towards ed was mean and classist, but it wasn’t racist bc donkey isn’t a slur/insult against Māori people” and then it went into more detail abt what kind of slurs colonizers have used and invented for different racial and ethnic groups which was kind of cool as a history lesson and i do get what they were saying abt how not all racial/ethnic groups have had the same experiences and whatnot
but like. i’ll be the first to say that i know next to nothing abt the history of persecution that Māori people have faced, and as a white person i’m not gonna tell anyone which insults they should take more seriously. but i WILL say that my people are not smart enough to use slurs accurately. yes white people have come up with some very specific slurs for all the cultures they’ve encountered while colonizing the entire world, but your average white american (bc this IS an american show, even tho the actors are from all over the place) are not gonna think “wait that’s the wrong insult for this person’s ethnicity” they’re just gonna make demeaning and derogatory comments with little thought aside from “this person is inferior to me.” like calling pretty much any BIPOC a donkey is bad. calling someone a donkey is another way of calling them stupid/uneducated and while that might not be an insult developed specifically as a way to demean BIPOC, it takes a different edge when used on BIPOC that’s not there when it’s used on a white person.
and on a somewhat related note, i know there’s been discussion abt how ofmd uses extremely old-fashioned insults for gay people to soften the blow of homophobia for modern audiences. because there IS homophobia in ofmd, but it’s not done in the same heavy-handed style that pretty much every show that has homophobia does it. nobody’s being called a fag, there’s never a “coming out” scene where people respond with shock/surprise/disgust. and the result is that when the show came out, queer viewers were all gushing about how great it was to not have to wince though any scenes of explicit and potentially triggering homophobia.
but racism in ofmd is not done so subtly. when the british guy yells “enough, slave!” to frenchie in episode 1, i grimaced. the guy calling roach “darkie" or "dog” (i cant tell which he's saying but either way it's bad) in episode 9 also made me very uncomfortable (shoutout to roach for slapping him across the face right after, legend behavior). part of this makes sense bc of the time period when ofmd takes place; making the racism subtle might accidentally come across as downplaying the atrocities going on at the time (and ofmd has done an Excellent job at taking a very firm anti-colonialism stance). but whenever i hear people say “it’s so great that queer people can finally watch a show where they don’t have to wince through triggering insults!” im like. well. the WHITE queer people don’t, maybe.
so the donkey comment makes sense as an insult that’s very clearly reacially-coded, but it’s not super specific to ed’s culture because like… why would we want that. why do we need to hear ed or any of the other BIPOC in this show get called slurs that are extremely specific to their race/ethnicity to know that the insults being hurled at them are motivated by racism. just like how chauncey doesn’t have to call stede a faggot for us to understand that the “monster, plague, defile beautiful things” speech is motivated by homophobia, we shouldn’t need the british to start calling people the n word to know they’re being racist
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babiebom · 9 months
Accidental Prey (II)
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A/N: hehhhhh this is not going to be posted until I'm maybe done with two more chapters? Idk bc i have so many other wips and I cannot finish them all at once pls. Also the time in which this is all happening is kept vague. So it's not canon time, but it's also not recent? I would like to think its like 70s- early 2000s? I obviously wasn't around for all of that so hopefully keeping it vague will work in my favor
tw:kidnapping, assault, cursing, cannibalism, talks of murder, blood, gore, self harm, pregnancy racism/racial slurs, physical and verbal abuse.
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The Texas sun shines high above, casting the heat down onto everyone and everything that exists below it. In the middle of summer, the sun was more like a death ray instead of a warming beam, burning everything that is so unfortunate to be caught under its rays. Now, basking in her freedom, Fawn couldn't care less about her skin burning. She only had a few more weeks to go until she starts showing and her parents lock her away until the baby arrives.
Her parents had graciously allowed her to go on a drive, stating that there was no way she could get herself into any more trouble than she already had. With the sun kissing her skin, and the sun whipping her hair around, she had no worries in her mind.
Okay maybe one worry.
A lone man walked down the long, empty expanse that was the road she happened to be taking. He looked as if he was suffering, panting and dragging his feet. Frowning, Fawn slows down her car, coming to a crawl next to the man. His green shirt stuck to his body, damp with sweat, the same as his long stringy black hair that was plastered to his forehead. Grimacing, she rolled down the window, leaning over so he would be able to hear her.
His head whipped around quickly, his eyes squinting at her from how bright the sun was. She offered a smile when he didn't say anything, waiting for him to step closer to the car before she said anything else.
"Want a ride?" The man smiled widely, opening the car door quickly, getting into the vehicle in the most awkward way she's ever seen. As soon as he slams the door shut, she begins driving again.
The ride is silent for a second, nothing but the road in front of them. The man was giggling to himself, rummaging around in the little bag made of fur hanging around his neck. Glancing at him, she frowns and hopes that the grease in his hair doesn't stain her seats. "So where to?"
"Can ya drop me off at the gas station? My brothers work there! It won't take long."
"Sure…" the man was still poking around in his bag, and it made Fawn very uncomfortable. Maybe she shouldn't have picked up this hitchhiker, girls have been going missing lately. "Say, what's that you got there?" She hoped making conversation would ease the fear and anxiety brewing in her belly.
"Pictures! Wanna see?"
"Not right now, I'm driving. Maybe later when I drop you off?" She looks over at him and flashes a smile, hoping that she hadn't pissed him off or something. He seemed not all sane, constantly squirming and giggling to himself.
"Yeah! I like to take pictures! My sister got me a camera, she says the pictures I take are pretty. I got a red room in my bedroom!" He laughs at his own words and keeps talking about all his pictures. Fawn tunes him out, his rambling reminding her of the woman she had met in the store a few weeks prior. At least she was going to be able to get out of the conversation when she drops him off. People in the countryside sure are weird.
After a while, she realizes he didn't tell her which gas station, and the sun was on its way towards setting. The second she opens her mouth to speak to him, she glances over and screams in shock. The man had whipped out a straight razor, and was laughing while pressing it into the hand of his skin. "Oh my-" her voice waivers as she contemplates pulling over. But still there was nothing really in front of them, and she didn't want to abandon him on the side of the road. No matter how insane he had to be, she would still feel bad.
So with the fear growing and clawing its way up her throat she begins to drive faster, ignoring the speed limit in order to limit her time left with the man. Looking over again for a second, she sees him smear the blood on the inside of her car door. She gags, swallowing repeatedly as a lone building on the side of the road comes into view. "I-is this the gas station?"
The man looked up from his mess and nodded quickly. Fawn lets out a shaky breath, thankful that the man would be away from her as soon as she could get him out. In the silence, and in her focus she doesn't even see him shuffling. As the car gets nearer to the gas station, which was looking more and more run down now that she gets closer to it, her focus only allows her to see the distance between her and the building.
A couple feet away the man lunges at her, causing her to jerk the wheel and send the car spinning. No one stood outside of the building, and thankfully there were no other cars on the road. The world spins around her, making her nauseous as she attempts to get the car under control. With the added stress of her screaming and his taunting laughs, Fawn wants to give up on getting the car under control and instead tear her hair out. What the fuck was wrong with this dude?
A couple feet away from the building, she gets the car to stop spinning, immediately putting it in park so she can properly kick the guy out. Regrettably, it seems the man has other plans, he slashes at her arm making a shallow wound that bleeds more than she thought it would. Screaming, she swings at the man who swings with his razor at her. Feeling trapped she frantically gets out of the car, ripping her seatbelt off as she attempts to escape. She's now angry at herself for taking pity on the man.
Running around to the other side, she rips the door open, grabbing the man by his hair and yanking him out of the seat, grateful that the prick hadn't bothered to put his own seat belt on. His knees scrape against the ground as he swings at her, but she keeps dragging until he's in the middle of the road, delivering a swift kick to his side as she sprints back towards her car.
Not noticing the people coming out to see the commotion at the gas station, she opens the driver's seat door, falling into the car, trying unsuccessfully to put it into drive. The blood everywhere made everything slippery, and now with the adrenaline rushing through her veins, her hands were too shaky to grab ahold of anything. She begged herself to get it together as she fumbled with the stick, crying. It never occurred to her that she needed to press on the break to get the stick to move. The man was up now, and racing towards her. She closed the passenger side door quickly, stretching her body to the limit to reach the door before him.
Thankfully she was somewhat safe, being able to lock all of the doors, keeping the man and his violence out in the street. Of course he could break the windows, but she doubted he would after seeing him stand dumbly outside the passenger side door after being unable to open it. He kicked at the car for a second before taking off towards the gas station, where another man waited for him.
Fawn wondered just how much the man had seen of that little fight. Putting the car into drive, now calmer than she was now that she was safe, she speeds off away from the gas station and away from the man, she was never going to pick up a random again that was for sure.
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"What in the hell was that?"
Drayton was pissed.
He had seen that little negro girl drag Nubbins out into the middle of the street. Was he dumb or something? Well, Drayton already knew the answer to that, knew it from the moment the stupid boy was born, he just couldn't believe he would be this dumb. The second Nubbins stepped under the roof of the gas station, Drayton took his broom stick handle to his head. The boy had to learn somehow.
"Are you trying to get us caught, you idiot?"
Nubbins tried to shield himself with his scraped up arms. This only served to make Drayton angrier, the boy deserved to be punished for his absolute stupidity. His actions would only get them caught, especially bringing people back to the gas station. He was trying to run a business, not be caught by police. It was enough that Johnny was going around and killing people left and right, now he had one more person to watch, their every move now a point of his growing concern.
Sighing, Drayton goes back into the gas station, still a couple of hours until he could close for the night and head back home. On the way they had to look for the girl, luckily for them she had gone in the direction of their homes, and past that was absolutely nothing for miles. Hoping that God would be on his side, he prays that she doesn't get too far, his back hurts and he's getting too old to drag people back to have for dinner.
Out of nowhere Nubbins starts mumbling, glaring at Drayton so obviously that it makes the older man's blood boil; why did he have to be stuck taking care of the mistakes his parents left behind? He didn't even want siblings, he was fully content being the youngest and then his parents had to go popping out disappointment after disappointment. Then they die. Drayton did miss his momma, but he still hated her for cursing him with the burden of taking care of his younger siblings. Because of that (and grandpa's hatred of outside relations) he had never had kids himself, a decision that was only supported day by day living with the fools he calls a family.
"Oh what do you know? You're nothing but a cook!"
Spinning around on his heel, Drayton glares at his younger brother, wishing that he would go up in flames. He just had to make a dig at him and make things worse. With a frown, Drayton swings at him, beating him over the head with his fists. Though the old man wasn't as strong as he used to be, his 50s not really being all that kind to him, he still knew how to make his hits hurt. Nubbins doesn't stand a chance against his older brother, so he takes off and runs away, taking a shortcut home to avoid getting beaten anymore.
With a sigh, Drayton re-enters the building, having chased Nubbins down the road. His back ached even more now, and glancing at the clock he had exactly 3 more hours to go, though he doubted anyone would come by during that time. Hell, Nubbins could've at least let the girl buy something before he attacked her. With a grunt he returns to his spot behind the counter, sitting in the uncomfortable folding chair, hoping the time goes by faster.
God he hopes they find that girl.
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It has been weeks since Johnny had last seen the girl, but he couldn’t really get her out of his mind. Sissy was sort of annoyed with him, for allowing the girl to get away. They had to get a whole new person for dinner when in her words they had the perfect person right there. Though, she changed her tune after a minute saying she thought the girl was sweet so maybe it was a good thing they didn't kill her.
Now, working on the farm, he still thought about her. It wasn't love in any way, shape, or form; it was more like an obsession. Johnny wasn't sitting there, daydreaming about the girl and their future together, no. He was dragging around craps while silently fuming that she didn't recognize him one bit. Of course he didn't really want her to stand there and declare him the man that took her virginity, but in his mind it would be nice to be recognized. He deserved to be recognized. Because he recognized her, immediately knew her voice and face even if it wasn't blurred by being tipsy, even if her speech wasn't slurred by her drunkenness. He knew. He would recognize his little mouse anywhere.
That's right, his little mouse. He had her first, claimed her before anyone else could. Even if she didn't remember it, he practically owned her, painted her insides with his own seed just to prove it. And she didn't even know it, she was just going to go about life not even realizing that he is the reason she is still alive, him alone.
Slamming the barrel down, he forces the thought of her out of his head, he wouldn't see her again, he knew that much. So he didn't need to be thinking about her as much as he is.
The arrival of his older brothers quickly makes his thoughts disappear, the men dragging a woman from the truck with two different emotions, that Johnny just knew meant that Nubbins had almost gotten the family into trouble…again.
The woman they dragged was small, her head bobbing with their movement, her eyes closed. The sun was already low over the horizon, which meant he couldn't see well from how far away the lights were from them. The closer they got, the more annoyed he grew when he realized this meant that he would have to carry the body downstairs, Bubba was already busy down there cutting up the latest victim they had. Which meant that they had more meat than they needed. Meat spoiled quickly, even in the freezers because the Texas heat meant that sometimes the power went out for random amounts of time. He frowned thinking about the smell of rotting flesh. It was not one that he was fond of.
"What the fuck?" Johnny questions his older brothers as the girl they were bringing inside was the very one he had thought he would never see again, the very girl he wanted to get out of his head. He was almost mad that she had managed to get caught by these two, all she had to do was stay away. And he was mad at the fact that they had killed her, or knocked her out rather seeing as she was still breathing.
"What?" Drayton asked, allowing the girl to drop onto the porch, not wanting to carry her any longer.
"What's she doin' here?" It was bad to get upset about a girl that he isn't even supposed to know, he knows, but he felt like his territory was being invaded by how they were treating her. If she was being manhandled and knocked out he would be the one to do it. No one else.
"This idiot had to go and attack her. And the broad luckily got stuck on the side of the road-wait what do you mean she?"
Johnny sucked in a breath, glaring at Drayton in annoyance. Of course he didn't miss how he asked, anyone with half a brain wouldn't miss how he asked. Nubbins looked pleased with himself, and it only made Johnny angrier. He tried so hard, well not that hard because how hard could staying away from this place be? But he tried to keep her away from his home, his family, and refused to even bring her near. He didn't care about the girl, not really. She just was too pathetic to be seen as proper prey, and he had taken away her virginity in a drunken one night stand. He felt like he owed her. Yes he killed people, but he wasn't disrespectful…okay he is but sometimes he isn't and that counts for something. "Well, we're not killing her."
The old man in front of him glared right back, Johnny immediately knew there was going to be a problem. There were a lot of things his older brother was, but someone that backs down isn't one of them. "And why the hell not?"
For a second Johnny couldn't think of any real answer. He couldn't just tell the truth, it wouldn't be a good enough reason, and the girl would be killed on the spot. Drayton hated relationships, the man hated love, and making it, and having babies; it was so bad that sometimes Johnny thought that Drayton wanted to end their side of the Sawyer line with them. Saying he spared her after fucking her in a motel room because of how he viewed her would just put her in the same place Maria ended up, and he never even got that far with her.
"I wanna keep 'er as a pet."
"Ha ha! Johnny has a little girlfriend!"
Johnny punched Nubbins hard in the gut, glaring at him as he now stood over the doubled over man. "Shut your mouth you idiot," moving back he looks back up at Drayton who was staring at him with that same suspicious look in his eyes, "and yeah. I wanna keep 'er as a pet. Been stalking 'er since we met at…a bar somewhere in town."
"You wanna keep her as a pet?" Drayton lets out a laugh, his head falling back as he opens his mouth wide. "Just like you wanted to keep that Mexican girl? Now you wanna keep this coon?"
Blinking twice Johnny had to keep his temper under control. He wanted to convince, and manipulate if he had to. He was used to the constant racism, Drayton was always cursing and using slurs when he got particularly worked up, he just hated being questioned. "Man, I didn't know you had a fetish for colored girls!" Drayton continued to laugh, copied by Nubbins who had recovered from his gut punch.
Rolling his eyes, Johnny steps closer towards the girl. "Whatever, I'm gonna-"
The girl moved, causing everyone to look down at her. She mumbled something as she attempted to sit up, looking at them with the most fearful look in her eyes. At this point most people would start screaming for help, fighting, or running. Survival responses and all that. The girl just sat there, looking between the men standing above her, her eyes filling up with tears.
The second she moves, all three men flinch, getting ready to catch her if she tries to take off. Instead she moves to sit on her knees, hands wrapping around herself.
"Please!" She trembled as she sat there. "Don't kill me!"
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The road in front of her was deserted, and while Fawn was grateful that she had gotten away from that creep, but now as the sun set in front of her, she was terrified at what was to come. She only had so much gas, and though turning around was the best option, she didn't even know if she would actually make it anywhere. And turning around meant that she could run out of gas at that station, and she really didn't want to risk that.
It took all of five more minutes. Before the loud chugging filled her ears, she could feel her car basically crawling along. Groaning, she pulls the car over to the side of the road, wanting to at least be safe until she could get some help. Maybe by the morning a trucker or something would see that she needs help.
Annoyed, she gets out of her car for a second, staring down the empty road. What were the chances of that? Her heart raced with the fear that she was possibly stuck here with no way to contact anyone let alone her parents. Walking the whole way back to find any sort of civilization would take days and as a black person stuck in the country it would probably just get her killed.
Kicking the wheel in a fit of anger, she gets back in the car, slamming the door hard; any type of game plan at this point meant absolutely nothing, doing anything especially now that she was nauseous was impossible.
After sitting still for an hour, and by sitting still Fawn actually was very antsy and considered sleeping, but ended up being too worked up ; she could see the bright lights of a vehicle coming towards her. But all she could feel in her gut was dread. It was almost night time, as a lone car was dangerous, she didn't even know if they would help, but even if they wanted to, she wasn't so sure she would take it. Unless they offered to get gas.
The car slowed as it neared her, and as the lights passed her eyes she could see that it was a truck instead, the bed covered with a tarp. She couldn't see who was inside, and as they pulled over in front of her, she felt as if she was going to be harassed by a weirdo.
The door to the truck opened and shut, and in response she closed her eyes, trying to stay calm. It was hard to be sure if it was instincts telling her that danger was near or if it was her pregnancy hormones making her paranoid. Either way, she would need to be calm in order to make it out safely.
With her eyes closed it was like her other senses heightened. Or maybe it was the paranoia. Either way she could hear each crunch of the dirt and gravel under the shoes of what she assumed to be a man, men always walked much heavier than women. Like they wanted to be seen and heard no matter what; like each step was purposeful even if they were unsure and without direction. The only reason she opened her eyes to look was because of the knock at the window.
Turning her head, she locks eyes with an older man through the glass. A chill runs down her spine, but looking at his age, she takes a chance and rolls down the window a bit; believing that if he got too worked up she would be able to overpower him. At least long enough to take his truck and book it towards the nearest police station.
The man gave her a smile, looking behind her into her car for a second before speaking. She immediately felt uncomfortable, the man was old and that didn't take away from his creep factor. "Having car troubles?"
"Uhh, yeah. I ran out of gas…" Fawn laughs awkwardly, averting her eyes to where his truck sat feet in front of her.
"Oh! That's not good," the man looks up and down the road before looking back at Fawn, "do you need a ride?"
"Um…not a ride, but I can spare some money if you can get me gas?"
The man shook his head, letting out a little chuckle that has the hair on her arms standing up. "I don't think any gas stations would be open right now…at least none close by. I can give you a ride to somewhere safe, like the police station until you can get someone to get it in the morning."
"Um, no thanks. I'll just wait here until morning. Thanks though."
In a second, everything changed. Fawn didn't even realize where everything was headed, and if she did her brain just didn't work fast enough for her to process. His arm forced itself through the window, and for a quick second she let him before letting out a scream.
Obviously there was no one around, no one that could save her, and still she screamed helplessly, frantically trying to roll the window back up, her arms burning from how quickly she was moving them. The man screamed out as she squished his arm in the window, calling out for someone to help him as she scrambled through the passenger side door.
Falling out of the car and onto her butt, Fawn cried as she struggled to stand, her mind moving too fast for her body to keep up with, even with all the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Slipping, she takes off the way she came, away from the man and his helper and back towards the gas station. There had to be a payphone somewhere around it, gas stations almost always had them.
She could hear the man screaming behind her. His pain increased for just a moment before she heard "just go get the girl". Her feet moved faster even though she knew eventually she would be caught. The footsteps behind her sends her into a panic, her legs begging her to give up so they could give out. It sounded like a dog was chasing after her, a clumsy dog that is. She could hear the way the gravel slid under his shoes and looking back she was horrified to see that the very man that she was running for hours earlier was once again chasing her. The man in the green shirt was gaining on her, his longer limbs able to shorten the distance between them easily. Letting out a sob she turned forward again, running with a new burst of energy at least to save the child within her.
There was a sort of burst of rage as well, she deeply disliked the man that got her into this situation, and she wondered while she ran why he had something against her. She wanted to beat him into a bloody pulp but knew that she didn’t have the confidence nor the strength to. His laughter behind her made her want to vomit from how close it was, but she didn’t want to turn around and look to see just how much distance he had managed to close. What was wrong with these people?
Fawn cried out in pain as the man tackled her to the ground, both of them falling hard. The gravel dug into her skin, the man slicing her again with his razor. Terrified she swung and scratched at him as if she were a cat trying to not be caught by animal control. The man cried out as her nails made contact with his skin, screaming in pain from how much the scratches burned. She hoped that even if she died she made at least a little scar on him as payback. The two rolled around on the ground, hitting each other and screaming, it would’ve been comical if the situation was anything other than life or death.
Fawn was so focused on causing as much damage as she could on the green shirt man that she didn’t notice the sound of rapid footsteps approaching. Yelping, her scalp burns as she is pulled by her hair, causing her hands to stop hitting and instead grab at her hair to lessen the pain. She still kicked at the man that was now trying to stand, she was still angry at him, but now she had the old man to worry about. She struggled against him as he forced a cloth to her face, whatever it was drenched in made her lungs burn as if she were set on fire, frantically she tried to turn her face any way she could get her neck to bend, not wanting anymore of whatever it was to go into her body. If she lives it could not be good for the baby.
Unfortunately luck refused to be on her side and the man got a good grip on her, trying to soothe her into passing out, the green shirt man moved around in front of her laughing and babbling in a way that made her want to kick him in the jaw. The fire within her was extinguished however, as her vision became blurry and faded.
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The girl was silent except for her sniffling as they led her down into the basement, covering her eyes with an old potato bag they had lying around and holding her arms as if she were a prisoner and they were the police taking her into jail. Walking her down into the basement, Johnny couldn’t help but sigh at the sight of her. Was she incapable of not getting herself into less than ideal situations? This is exactly why she couldn’t be prey in the first place, there was no fun in it, the girl was weak and even weaker minded, at least in his opinion.
The girl stumbled over her feet, basically being dragged instead of actually walking. She seemed even smaller, frailer than she looked before, than how she looked the last time he had seen her at the grocery store. Forcing her down, she didn’t fight at all against him or Nubbins, allowing the two men to manhandle her down into a sitting position on a dirty old mattress. It wasn’t hard at all to tie her up, even when they snatched the potato bag off of her head, she didn’t move other than to glare at Nubbins and to wipe her nose and eyes.
Kneeling down, Johnny forces the girl to look into his eyes. She stared at him for a second, fear taking over every feature in her face, she looked like a wounded animal, her eyes watery and big staring at him with no other emotion other than terror. It made his heart beat a little faster, he was amused with how terrified she was, with how easily she was at his mercy. Yet again, killing her or scaring her more didn’t seem like it was going to give him any pleasure, she wouldn’t react in any way that would make it fun, judging by how she sat in front of him now she would just cry and scream no matter what he does. Every person they kill screams and cries, most try to beg at least, some try to fight back, even less give them much of a fight that is fun or even challenging. She wouldn’t do anything at all, and he wondered how difficult it had to be for them to even get her here.
Her eyes flickered for a second, making his heart race again, and instead of fear she sat up straighter, her eyes widening the longer she was forced to stare at him. ‘Oh…’ he thought for a second, feeling giddy at the thought of her recognizing him. “It’s you…” her voice was hoarse, shaky as she spoke. Johnny shuffled around, moving his face closer to hers causing her to move back, he could almost hear how quickly her heart was beating, and he could hear how quickly she was breathing. He couldn’t stop himself from quirking up an eyebrow, intimidating her without even meaning or thinking to. “From the store…I remember!”
And just like that his amusement dies. For a second he thought she remembered him from the first time they met, from when he had claimed her as his. But unfortunately she didn't. She thought the first time they met was at the store, when Sissy talked her ear off about absolute nonsense, when they hadn’t really interacted or anything. It annoyed him a bit, he wanted her to remember, he wanted her to realize that she had somehow come back to him. Frowning he moves back away from her, not letting her break eye contact. Standing, he follows Nubbins out of the metal door that trapped her in the basement, making a show of locking it and staring at her through the gate. She whimpers for a second, moving around, eyes locking onto everything within eyesight. Johnny stared at her, watching as the panic started taking over her. Smirking he slowly walks up the stairs, listening as she shouts after him to wait and not leave.
He would get her to need him, he had to. Otherwise she would be dinner.
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tacroyy · 10 months
first week of school. also want to add that ill try to do content warnings better for these! haven’t done a good job of that at all. mentions of racial and ableist slurs, discussion of stressed kids, food insecurity, institutional neglect and harm, general discussion of trauma
ok, thursday and friday weren’t bad other than me being beyond exhausted. i truly couldn’t have functioned without my adhd meds. the seventh graders are fucking amazing and we had The Best discussion, totally out of the blue, about prejudicial language, specifically the n-word and the r-word (both are problems at our school 🙃). i basically don’t have classroom management over them rn (or at least am not bothering to Exert It) bc their other teachers are Overreacting and being Too Intense bc it’s the start of the year so since they already know me it’s all steam blowing off in my class but honestly that’s fine. they don’t have to be non-feral until next week bc i just want them to Relax right now. the sixth graders just got lockers and are Going Through It emotionally so there’s a lot of “breathe, try again” and “nobody is doing tardies right now” bc some of them literally haven’t developed their fine motor skills enough yet and our locks and lockers are, no lie!!!!!, forty years old and Cranky. so that’s a lot of unregulated stress to channel off. i think i say this twice a week but i Do Not Understand how ANYONE teaches elementary school. makes No sense to me. beginning of sixth grade is often too young for me, really; so many of them haven’t developed that, like, independent rationality yet, and it’s A Lot when there are So Many of them.
the ideal way to end this first week would have been to have like a half day for prep so we could meet w teachers, contact parents/guardians, do sped referrals, seating chart upheavals, etc. there’s a lot of “ah, okay, here’s what This batch needs” even 3 or 4 days in, and it would just be so lovely and useful and productive and overall good for everyone to have that. for example i overheard a convo that made it clear that a family hadn’t signed their kid up for free lunch this year and so the kid didn’t get lunch so i had to run around and tell the right people (teachers don’t have access to that info) and make sure they got fed and all but it took my whole prep, and im obviously delighted to do that, but then i didn’t have any prep time and did my last three classes on the fly. not that this kind of thing doesn’t happen most days. it’s just that more prep time is imo the number one thing we need as a profession. i cant begin to express how much it would help everyone.
plus there are, as always, the kids that i just want to have a four hour productive meeting about every single day, where we hash out an Actual Plan. with a social worker, a reading specialist, a developmental psychologist, a pediatrician, a therapist, a sped expert, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a case manager, a para AND an ea and a secretary for notes. instead it’s me and the counselor who has a 250 kid caseload for ten minutes in the hall.
ive had a dream for a while, since grad school actually, of studying the affect of referred trauma on kids’ peers and school faculty and staff, especially peers and faculty and staff who also have trauma. the amount of shit that slides off of me now because you Have to grow the most perfectly balanced shield of “i will Act on this and Not ignore it” and “i must Remain Calm” and “I’ve just heard the Worst Thing Ever and have to teach for another four hours”. what does it do to you long term? what about the ones who get inured? and the ones who don’t? how can we actually help people handle this well? i know there’s So much stuff out there about secondary/vicarious trauma, and trauma informed education, and i want to be able to know if it’s at all useful or if it’s too tainted to use, like i now expect from basically all educational academia. to be clear i have already done a lot of work in this area but not for a while, and i wanted to reframe the fundamentals.
so glad we have a three day weekend now.
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bixy · 6 months
So, I'm an only child, but I have this one friend and I feel like he would be the closest to what I would call like a younger brother. He's always been like someone that would just love to bother you or say something ridiculous just to get a reaction out of someone.
And his one friend has a crush on me so he'd make a group chat for the three of us, but I noticed his one friend says the n word kind of often and when I asked my one friend what was up with that he got so extremely defensive but also he is one of the types of people, that will defend his guy friends no matter what, and he only hangs out with like the same 10 people so it's kind of like an echochamber, but also if I was doing something shitty I'd want my friends to tell me or I'd tell my friends too. And then he told me I wouldn't get it because I'm not from the hood (for reference both of these guys are Mexican), and then told me it isn't even a big deal and that he says it all the time, which is not true at all bc if it was I wouldn't have been his friend for so long lmao but ever since I asked him about why his friend said that he says it excessively, and the last time I saw it kept being like "can you say the n word" to me and just wanted to make me uncomfortable lmao like how pathetic, but I think what pisses me off more than anything is that this guy truly claims to be a leftist lmao
and I've met one of my closest friends from him and I told her I'm not going to hang out with him anymore and she was like "really, thats so sad why?" and we've already talked about this in the past, and she was like maybe its just a phase he'll grow out of, but also her lack of reaction is like also upsetting to me too?? I mean she grew up in Mexico so maybe she doesn't understand the complexity and weight of that word but I cannot wrap my head around why people want to say that word so bad? And like, at one point, I considered him a friend so I tried to explain why you shouldn't, and it just felt like he brushed me off, and if anything I am just so like ? do fucking better? you're a fucking adult? but also to claim to be a leftist and support minorities and talk about what it's like to be an immigrant all the time to just mock me for the dumbest reason, just because you surround yourself by shitty people lmao
and I was at a party the other day and I invited one of my best friends there, who is a black man and my other friends met him, and the other day my friend was like "do you think your friend would care if I said it" and it was just weird?? like do you hear yourself???
anyways, this means I'm gonna cut out like uhhhh 13 people or so out of my life but I don't care, I've cut out people for less, but it makes me sad bc I really expected better from my friends and people I'd spend my free time with, like why do you want to say racial slurs so bad? I do remember watching topgun or whatever with some of those guys and one of them said something about fucking japs which is hilarious because, you know, I am half japanese, he apologized right after be I started laughing bc it was kind of wild and then he realized but it still felt weird lmao but whatever but yeah a few days ago when I saw some friends and one of them kept interrogating me about that, I fully knew that it was gonna be the last time I ever see him lmao
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Im just gonna be transparent. I'm a black queer person who does use the word queer and i prefer it. I was the one who sent you the anon about making sure that your post specified lgbt+ slurs and not racial slurs. Idk what that response was but it was racist. No, you don't get to speak on racial slurs or make jokes when a black queer person tells you to make sure your post is racial sensitive. White queers are many things but all of y'all are racist and you showed that.
like it means a lot to me that you go out of your way to comfort queer people who want to use the word queer, which is okay, but when a black person tells you just to specify your post, not even disagreeing with you, you get on the defensive and make a joke about it. I'm just really sick and tired of white queer people doing shit like this, literally being welcoming and inclusive to everyone in the community except black queer folks. Like yeah it shows me all I need to know about you.
"*facepalm* Tumblr learn the meaning of the word “can” challenge."
no you fucking racist, it's not leaning the meaning of words change. and as someone who isn't black you don't get to say that specific racial slurs - the n word in the case- change over the years, that's not your place. but i understand, the only queer people you care about are queer people who are white. so thanks for that
Woah there, I can see I accidentally stepped on some toes there, so let me clarify what I meant:
"What is or isn’t a slur can be highly contextual, y'all."
"Tumblr learn the meaning of the word "can" challenge" is something I've started saying bc people would take that post and try to twist it to mean "all slurs are entirely contextual", either to then "disprove" it by naming slurs that aren't context dependent in the same way or by twisting it to mean "therefore I'm now allowed to say the n-word" (or others, but it's usually that one).
I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was just very exasperated that people keep twisting the post that way when it literally opens with the statement that slurs can be dependent on context. Not must be. Can.
Hope that clears things up a bit.
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thefauxsport · 25 days
It’s wild reading how much these anons stalk Olivia and her family. Like that is not normal at all. It’s very apparent that she doesn’t appreciate it since she has blocked a few Joe accounts who were posting “appreciation posts” on Instagram. Also about the n word tweet, there’s no proof and I doubt it’s true. It’s mostly like a joke. Very random but it reminds of a situation with Gigi Hadid with Aziz Ansari. They were at the met gala and were posting snapchats. Aziz jokingly asked if she posted the Snapchat of her saying racial slurs. I feel like the person who tweeted that about Olivia was most likely making the same kind of joke. Also I’ve seen tweets of people saying that certain pop stars can say the f slur bc they are beloved by the gay community lol. No excusing if she did say the n word but these situations make me think it was a joke
We won't be making any assumptions on the motive or context. All we can do is verify if it is real or not.
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
in other words. again i dont rly think u can compare slurs across different types of oppression but it sure is interesting that disabled ppl, despite being The single largest minority group on earth, are still always seen as the weakest/most vulnerable. so that whether its an instance of truly caring or just edgelords trying to avoid the social consequences/getting your ass beat you ppl will come forward to denounce the n word and the f slur when it keeps your twitter followers up but then you see ur favs say smth is r*tarded and suddenly you just straight up cant read..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u guys rly do not care abt our oppression and also think we cannot defend ourselves at all. m. sad for you
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transmasc-pirate · 3 years
I feel a little weirded out anytime a queer person says "only x and y specific identities can use this specific slur" bc I feel like they're drawing a false equivalency between queer slurs and racial slurs.
For example, I see a lot of people saying stuff like "bi women can't say dyke for the same reason nonblack poc can't say the n word".
But queer slurs aren't like racial slurs for one important reason: history.
Queer people of all flavors have a shared history. Homophobes and transphobes see us all as interchangeable, as a bunch of freaks that they really don't care about differentiating between.
The same is not true for poc. The reason nonblack poc can't say the n word is because the history behind the word doesn't affect them.
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1eos · 2 years
hope this is ok 2 send but i really resonated w the anon you got earlier who talked about being mixed with racist white relatives like!!! i'm the same way i don't talk to a single person from my dad's side of the family bc of the way that having close relationships with some of them fucked me up so much in the past. tbh i know it's personal projection but i don't trust white ppl who get into relationships w people of color with plans to have kids because i don't personally know a single white person ready to do the work of unlearning their own racist biases + raising their biracial children with the full love/care/support/understanding/protection that they deserve + prepared to hold their relatives accountable for their racism and stand up for their kids. i have experienced and heard from friends too many horror stories and like u said facing that racism from your own family really does a number on ur psyche. anyways hope u have a good night <3
i typed out this long ass answer to this but stupid ass tumblr deleted it so here we go part 2. firstable i am so sorry you went through that anon 😔😔😔😔😔 thank god you can be separated from that part of the family. it’s a shame that so many people have to go thru that!!!! and i’m the same way tbh like i can’t help but to side eye white ppl that exclusively wanna date and have kids with people of color. like ik you should say it’s partially confirmation bias bc mixed kids with parents that actually have that racial awareness aren’t out here like ‘look at me i don’t have any racism based trauma from people in my family’. BUT at the same time i hear so many stories and anecdotes from mixed kids (or kids of color adopted by white parents) about how their parents did absolutely NO work on unlearning implicit racial biases. 
a lot of these white ppl are dregging up that stupid ass ‘colorblind’ shit but it’s like? that works for YOU it won’t work for your CHILD who is literally a person of color and unless they are crazy white passing and hide their parent of color they will never have the privilege of going thru life colorblind. like? it feels like not enough ppl are sitting themselves down and truly learning the reality of racism. are you willing to listen to the concerns and advice of your inlaws when it comes to race or are you gonna take it as a slight to your parenting skills? are you willing to go non contact with your racist family members? are you ready to pick up on the signs of your child facing possible racism in schools? bc it will fucking happen?
there are soooooo many things to consider when having a child of color bc we DO live in a racist society nd you do your child an absolute disservice when you don’t prepare them for the realities of that. or even worse brush them off when they try to talk about any feelings of race they feel!!!!!!! growing up is hard enough as is without having to navigate race politics on your own!!!!!
and one last thing when i was in college there was this asian girl that was very vocal about how she was adopted by white parents and i will never forget someone (a nonblack) brought up n word discourse nd this girl was like ‘idk why i can’t say it’. and when someone asked how she would react if someone called her an anti-asian slur she said she wouldn’t care and while i don’t know this girl i couldn’t help but to think that her ignorant behavior that whole convo was so reminiscent of that bullshit ‘i don’t see color we’re all human’ shit white ppl perpetrate while still benefitting from the racial hierarchy. and not only did that girl almost get her ass beat trying to be colorblind idk it just feels sad that your cracker parents have essentially divorced you from not only your culture but any kind of possible solidarity with virtually any person of color bc your white parents are in la la land 
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mjxmoon · 3 years
dream losing his shit 🌱
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dream x black reader
word count: 679
request: this one might be a lil rough, but can you do it where one of the mcyts has a fan thats getting a bit racist about the reader in the donos and the mcyt proceeds to lose their shit on them?
a/n i liked this prompt and should say that everyone handles racist comments differently. there's no one right way to handle a moment like this so i just picked one that i’ve done to cope with racist bitches.
warnings: swearing, mentions of racial slurs (but i don’t actually write them out bc im not trying to set the white ppl up ya know) fluff maybe i have no clue how warnings work
I don’t know why I was nervous; you think to yourself as you read through the chat of the stream you’re currently on with your boyfriend. Dream asked you to stream with him so his fans could get a chance to know you, and you were a bit hesitant. They know you exist because you’ve appeared in his merch photos, so they aren't completely oblivious to some aspects of your physical appearance, but having to talk to thousands of people live is terrifying.
But much to your surprise, everything seems to be going well. The chat is being friendly, twitter is at ease, and everyone on the SMP has been very welcoming.
“Dream help me!” you exclaim as Tommy begins to attack you in-game “Tommy, quit it!” Dream laughs but opts not to help in your survival attempt, sitting back in the extra chair he’s pulled up and relaxing, figuring you’ve got it covered.
Your laughter and squeals of excitement pause as you take a peek at the donation that comes across the screen. A chunky donation message sent along with $50 expresses how surprising it is that ‘Dream’ would ever “date someone like you,” along with some offensive slurs that make your mouth open slightly in shock. You get a queasy feeling in your stomach and chew on your bottom lip, not really sure how to react; who spends $50 just to call me that? As disappointing as it is- this is something you were expecting. You've gotten used to the stares, the comments, and just about everything in between, so while this isn't the first time you’ve had racist shit said to you, something about it being from one of your boyfriend's “fans” stings more than it should.
Dream notices the shift in your mood and looks from your slightly perplexed face to the screen. “What the fuck.” he says aloud as he reads the recent dono. He doesn't have a headset on and was nowhere near the mic, but everyone definitely heard it.
“Dream  just let it go.” you mumble, not wanting to draw any more attention to this racist asshole.
He ignores you and stands up, taking the headset off your head and leaning towards the mic. “Are you guys fucking kidding me?” Dream  says in a low, but threatening tone, “Who thinks sending this shit is funny?
The chat can only focus on how ‘Hot’ Dream sounds when he's upset and that only pisses him off more. “I don’t know why you guys are treating this like a joke. If you send racist shit to my partner again, I'm gonna be done streaming because this is ridiculous.”
You sit there awkwardly, not really knowing what else to do as your usually reasonable boyfriend goes apeshit on some anonymous racist. Cry? Laugh? Leave? You don’t know whether or not you should be bothered by some troll just trying to get a reaction, but you have to admit that it is nice not to have to deal with it on your own.
“So stupid.” Dream mutters before forcefully ending the stream. He pulls off his headset and slams it down, his chest still heaving and his fist tightened in anger.
It's quiet for a moment before you burst into a fit of giggles. Dream looks at you, concerned at how you're choosing to handle all this. You don't even know why you're laughing either, but it isn't long before you both are doubled over on the floor in laughter.
“It's just so stupid.” You say in between laughs. There's no right way to handle a situation like this, but you figured why not try to find some light in the situation and not dwell on it. What's the point of letting them live rent-free in your head?
“Thank you for sticking up for me.” you sigh, secretly a little sad that he ended the stream since you were having so much fun. “Of course.” Dream replies, letting out a breath. He fiddles with his fingers as his mind drifts to all the other stuff he could have said or done “They’re lucky I didn't get their IP address.”
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nebulaniggatry · 3 years
Do you think mixed people can say the n word?
For the sake of narrowing down the discussion I’m assuming you’re referring to mixed kids who have black and white parents and not black ppl having mixed kids with other brown ppl. Most black biracial kids look black and deal with that anti-blackness on a daily basis, so yes, I’d say they could reclaim.
But the white-passing and rlly light racially ambiguous biracials I’d say idrc but like. They live entirely different experiences than those who do look black and hold sets of privileges that I do think it’s a bit... odd & very uncomfortable when they say it.bc it starts to feel less like reclamation and experience and more of “I can say this slur bc my dad is black.” Esp since in my experience they be saying it every sentence meanwhile the blck & other biracial folks who would actually get referred to as a thieving gorilla in a store rarely say it or sprinkle it casually in their vocab every now an then.
Jus for an example some1 like Logic (a rapper) use to rap w/ the n-word in his songs. Meanwhile he literally looks like the whitest man alive & probably has never faced violent anti-blackness unless he specifically chose in that moment to tell someone & even then most would prolly think he was lying
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cindymoon · 3 years
what is your point, anon?
but sure, let’s take a look at this link - bolding, brackets, italicizing is mine:
Some people who identify themselves as ethnically Roma (also called Romani or Romany) are offended by “G*psy,” [some is really enough to just avoid using the word altogether. ethnic and racial groups aren’t a hivemind, but that doesn’t give a free pass to use a term that part of the group finds offensive and hurtful] and most standard dictionaries have reservations about using it to mean Roma. On the other hand, some Roma people don’t mind being called “G*psies” and others even embrace the term. [and, as i’ve seen romani folks say, a romani person calling themselves this word, is not the same as non-romani folks calling them this word]
What’s more, the uncapitalized “g*psy” has meanings that are ultimately derived from the original sense but no longer have ethnic or racial associations. And those uses are not regarded as pejorative, at least in dictionaries. 
[oh, look, in dictionaries. dictionaries are not the end all be all for the meaning of a word or its implications. they’re made by people with power and with agendas. choose listening to real-life people over a big book of words.]
Our conclusions are that that “G*psy” (with a capital “G”) is offensive to some people, and should be used with caution if at all. It should be avoided entirely if any ethnic connection is implied; instead, the words “Roma” or “Romani” should be used. 
[considering this is how el*zabeth ols*n has used the word... you’re making the point for us by sending this link. most of the time she’s been speaking, so just bc whoever writes it down doesn’t capitalize it, doesn’t mean it’s not this version of the word. she’s using it to talk about a romani character].
Meanwhile, the non-ethnic uses of “g*psy” (with a lowercase “g”) should not be condemned. [see the following for some thoughts on this.]
i think the quote below is enough. the word may not offend ALL romani folks, but some is enough to avoid using it. for some, doesn’t matter the context or whether or not the g is capitalized -- it is hurtful. and that should be enough to not want to use it. if you care at all about other people and want to be respectful, part of that includes not using terminology that has been deemed harmful. and like i said, it’s not that hard. 
and if you continue to use a word, knowing that even one person is hurt by it, you’re being an ass.
“To many,” he wrote, the word “is pejorative, no matter the context.” He quoted Carol Silverman, a professor of anthropology at the University of Oregon, as saying, “It is an ethnic slur.”
He also quoted Petra Gelbart, a curator at RomArchive, a digital archive: “The fact that the term G*psy is so often used to denote free-spirited or traveling lifestyles has real-life repercussions for actual Romany people,” reducing them to “ridiculous stereotypes that can make it difficult to find employment or social acceptance.”
and lastly, as far as i can tell, neither of the website’s authors are of romani descent. non-romani ppl don’t get to be the ones to decide if this term is a slur toward romani ppl. u get how that doesn’t make sense, right? their opinion on the matter is worth infinitely less than that of someone who is actually romani -- like all the folks writing about the mcu’s antiromani racism when dealing with the maximoffs. 
so frankly, idk what u were trying to get across by sending this link...but thanks for having some random grammar blog confirm that using the g-slur in regards to romani folks is offensive.
but look, a couple great articles about how it’s a slur from romani folks (these took 2 seconds of googling to find, just fyi): 
The “G” Word Isn’t for You: How “Gypsy” Erases Romani Women
The Harmful History of “Gypsy” by the awesome Jessica Reidy
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uselessheretic · 3 years
the "dont call landlord parasites bc smtimes disabled ppl are called parasites" discourse is still so wild to me like dude disabled and other marginalized groups have been called every derogatory term under the sun. you can say the same thing of "dont call landlords exploitive bc ppl say disabled ppl are exploiting the system" or "dont call landlords scum bc thats the language used against ppl who arent valued in society"
convos around what is and isnt ableist language always end up so fucking weird and stuck on "listened to disabled voices bc its not that hard to not say a word!" as if there is a complete consensus in the disabled community about what is and isnt harmful language. and also like?? a tumblr user saying shit isnt the final word on ableist behavior esp when that dialogue around "parasite is ableist" flat out doesnt exist outside of this site. it literally doesnt exist off this site and if someone manages to find an obscure article almost vaguely hinting at "dont call landlords parasites" ill be shocked. its borderline egoistical the way people state things as fact and claim it as the community consensus that cant go unchallenged.
which is why "listen to x voices" doesnt work!! it doesnt work!! its a meaningless phrase that becomes obsolete as soon as someone says "im x and i disagree" like thats why i never say "listen to black voices" bc ik theres gonna be some hentai addicted white pussy chasing dudebro out there ready to hand out n word passes and cookout invites
ugh also the discourse around ableist language is so tainted by white dominant spaces that are often not even involved in or informed of disability activism but are just replications of racial slur discourse applied haphazardly to any derogatory term usually just so white people can do a "gotcha!" and say that criticisms of racism are meaningless against them bc a black woman used the word crazy when telling them to stop being racist
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sortagaysortahigh · 3 years
Y’know what, Ima say it. Do I think I’m better than some people? absolutely. 
And I’m not sorry for that. I’m not sorry for thinking I’m better than racist, purposefully ignorant homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, and people just genuinely driven by hatred. 
I can acknowledge that people have done shitty things in their lives, hell I can acknowledge that I myself have done shitty things in my life-but guess what-you can acknowledge that something is bad without framing someone as a bad person. Not everyone who’s done fucked up shit in their past is a bad person, but those who have the same behaviors over and over again, I don’t believe in third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc chances. 
Unlike some of you bastards who got to grow up in a bubble of socioeconomic and racial privilege-I didn’t. I had to-and still have to-sit through a multitude of sexism, racism, homophobia, and transphobia in my daily life. Not to mention the classism that I experienced and lived through as a kid? the way that I was looked down on for being an afro latinx kid from the “ghetto”, and the way that I was shoved into a box by society. I have vivid memories of being hate crimed as a CHILD, so please excuse the fuck out of me if I think I’m better than the cunts who sat there and called me slurs and threatened to call immigration on my grandparents when I was seven. Or the bastards that choose to paint the n word with the hard r on my grandparent’s brick fence in their front yard because they were one of two black families living in that predominantly white neighborhood. The kicker is I had to help scrub that shit off, when I was nine. 
Mfers are so quick to hit us-as bipoc and/or members of the lgbtq+ community-with the “im tired of your holier than thou attitude” or the “bitches like you think you’re so much better than the rest of us” but cannot comprehend the fact that we’ve had to STRUGGLE THROUGH A MULTITUDE OF THINGS THAT YOU’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND. Your version of growing up and developing character was way different than ours. So while you get to sit there on a high horse and say that you hate our ‘holier than thou attitude’ and act like we’ve never fucked up in our lives-you don’t understand why we have that “attitude”, you don’t understand the shit we’ve been through and continue to go through. My fucks ups are a lot different than people being blatantly racist and homophobic bc omg slurs are so swag! 
As a bipoc i’ve had to grow up a lot faster than some of you white mother fuckers will ever understand and that goes for a lot of bipoc members of the lgbtq+ community-and yes i excluded white members of the alphabet mafia in this case because guess fucking what? your whiteness still puts you above us in society. Your whiteness will always be a pillow for you to fall back onto, and that’s a simple fact.
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