#but .. it IS briana after all
cerealbishh · 6 months
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"Hey, we found you."
"I guess you did!"
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worth-this-and-more · 1 month
ahhhhh I actually have a lottt of controversial opinions but I think the hottest would be that bree lashing out at her ancestors was justified imo.
this is a story about a black girl, who is "the first", and finding your own purpose apart from being "the first" and I've seen a lot of people calling bree out for yelling at vera at volition, but me personally I agree with her frustration.
she has been given this whole responsibility of keeping herself safe as well as being "the tip of the spear" while having literally no fucking clue on how the hell is she supposed to use that power at all. yes vera has had her own share of struggles and I'm not saying that her trauma is invalid, but a bargain with all the ancestors was a risky move and now the price is being paid by bree. she is, after all, a 16 year old who is literally dragged into this whole mess.
what happened to vera was cruelest of them all, but that doesn't mean that bree hasn't lost anything of herself too. dragged into this unregulated deal with the shadow king himself, not to mention the fact that the piece of shit Arthur is literally manipulating her from the start, so she isn't able to use her own powers for good. and the warnings her ancestors gave?? how is she gonna use the warnings when the threat is unknown and noone has any clue about it?? on top of that everyone is constantly telling her how they've sacrificed everything so she wouldn't have to, but in the end bree has to give up everything anyways.
her ancestors have used their root for defense, but how long are they gonna keep defending?? her frustration was genuine and yes adults need to be respected but that doesn't mean that they're always right. at this time where she needs her power as an attack, her ancestors have no clue about it and keep reminding at how they ran so she wouldn't have to, but what is she gonna do instead of run??
no clue at all.
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
robins coming out scene was written by a het cis girl makes SO much sense now… this blog is like a st news broadcast i learn smth new every day
Lmfao byeee
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heavyhitterheaux · 12 days
Based off the song by Miley Cyrus
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AN: the wait is finally over!
Synopsis: You have been in a committed relationship with Jack for over a year, but since the two of you have released this information to the world, your jealous ex can't help but to wonder if you can find it in your heart to give him a second chance
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader, Former Joe Burrow x Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It was becoming light outside when you were awakened by Jack placing several kisses all over your face and a smile couldn't help but to break out as you opened your eyes to look at him.
“Good morning my beautiful fiancée.” You heard him say and listened to his morning voice that you loved so much.
“Good morning my love.”
“What do you have planned for today?” He asked as he proceeded to lay on his back as you moved so that your head was on his chest as he started to draw small circles along your back.
“I have a fitting with Margot Robbie and that’s about it. I might go out with Briana, Emma, and Naomi later if I'm feeling up to it. What about you?” You asked as you reached up to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“Probably just go to the studio, I shouldn’t be gone long. I have some things I want to work on.”
His answer immediately led to you rolling your eyes and you stifled a laugh as Jack looked at you curiously.
“What? What was that for?"
“Now you know good and well that when you say you’ll be at the studio and won’t be gone long that it really means 3 am and for me not to wait up for you.”
“Babe! I promise it won’t be 3 am this time! I was in the zone and didn’t want to mess that up.”
“I get it, I get it. But if this happens tonight, please tell me and not have me worrying about you. Last time you almost gave me a heart attack thinking that something was wrong.”
“I’m sorry and I promise to. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again. I… know how your trust issues are. I’ve never given you a reason not to trust me and I don’t want to start now.”
“I love you.” You told him as you pinched his cheek making him smile.
“I love you too.” Jack swiftly answered as he leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m about to go get ready, you want to join me?”
“As tempting as that sounds, you know for a fact that you won’t make it to the studio any time soon. And you getting back at 3 am will probably be 5 am."
“I-... good point.”
“I’ll probably just go back to sleep, the fitting isn’t until later anyway.”
"Oh, I wore you out last night?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Don't start."
"What? I was just asking!"
"Bye, Jackman and go get ready." You replied while laughing and lightly pushed him so he could get up.
Jack simply nodded as he moved from behind you and got up to make his way into the bathroom.
"Don't worry, you'll get this work later." You heard him yell from the bathroom and you immediately rolled your eyes as you let out a small laugh.
You had grabbed your phone off of the nightstand and you were completely caught off guard from one of your notifications from instagram.
1 New Message
Joeyb_9: Y/N, can we meet up and talk? I miss you
You felt your anxiety as well as your heart rate increase as you read the message. There was no way in the world that you were going to reopen a wound that you had healed from.
After the intense break up from your superstar NFL boyfriend, Joe Burrow, you swore that you would never put yourself in such a vulnerable position again.
The cheating, the lying, him sneaking behind your back was a thing of the past and you didn't plan on going back.
So, he had another thing coming if he thought that you were ever going to give him the time of day.
One thing that he always did every week was buy you a bouquet of your favorite flowers no matter if you were with him or not. You soon came to the conclusion that you could buy yourself your own flowers and didn't need a man to do that after seeing how he acted towards you.
Especially one that stopped buying them for you after the first year of your relationship and only bought you them with an expensive piece of jewelry because he had cheated again and would do anything in order for you to take him back.
"Baby, it won't happen again, I promise."
So you did give him another chance and once again he blew it. You should have learned your lesson the first time, but Joe being a sweet talker reeled you back in.
You blocked his number, blocked him on social media, and made sure that he gave you back your key to your condo.
A condo that he had bought but at this rate, you deserved to keep it.
You were content with being the rich auntie who got to travel the world and would bring back expensive gifts for everyone while dressing celebrities in your latest designs.
That was until you were asked to style your now fiancé Jack Harlow for The Grammys in 2022. The first time the two of you met, it was as if there was no one else in the room since your eyes never left each other.
You had heard of him and was quite a big fan, so obviously you were excited. Being Joe Burrow's girlfriend did have its perks. Once he got to the NFL and he knew how you wanted to be a designer, you would style him for events and that moved to his teammates, their significant others, and then onto other celebrities.
Jack had heard of you since you had styled Drake for an event before and he had highly recommended you. He took him up on his suggestion and soon found himself the woman that he wanted to marry.
It was hard to break into this industry and the one thing you could thank Joe for was helping you do it. You wanted to not be seen just as his girlfriend and known for your work so your relationship was kept low key. This made it easier for when you did break off things with him not having people follow your every move.
Except, Joe did follow your every move waiting for the right opportunity to present itself so that he could work his magic and his charm on you in the hopes of winning you back.
However, you weren't falling for this shit again because you had moved on and found someone ten times better.
You recalled the last time he had cheated and presented you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers which you immediately grabbed and put it in the trash can as he watched the scene unfold in front of him and told him that you didn’t need a man for shit including buying you flowers. That was the last time you had talked to him and it was over two years ago.
From that point on, you bought your favorite flowers for yourself and once Jack caught on to this, he quickly took over once he had heard your reasoning behind it.
You remember him telling you that you deserved to get as many flowers as you want from someone who loves and appreciates you and you remember your breath hitching in your throat. That was the first time that he told you that he loved you and has kept his word ever since.
What you didn't plan on was becoming Jack's girlfriend and now fiancée and Joe getting the sudden realization that he wanted you back.
All because you and Jack had gone public with your relationship not even 72 hours ago and you had a feeling that he saw it. The two of you had kept it quiet for the entire time that you had been dating, but once he put that huge ass ring on your finger, you wanted to share it with the world.
You had only blocked him from your personal account and not the one for your fashion line so of course that came with you muttering "Fuck" under your breath and shaking your head.
Jack had come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and had heard you so he was immediately concerned.
"Baby? You okay?"
"Um… "
"What's wrong?"
Not wanting to hide anything from Jack, you quickly shoved your phone into his hand showing him the message and his eyebrows furrowed and he looked confused.
"Why is Joe Burrow sending you messages on instagram?"
"Remember that ex who cheated on me multiple times but still expected me to take him back?"
"Don't tell me…." Jack said as he looked back up at you.
"That's him."
"And it's his fucking loss. You're mine now so he can go throw footballs and fuck off somewhere."
Jack handed you back your phone and you immediately blocked him, not even bothering to respond. He should have known better, you finally had someone who respected and cared for you and you for damn sure wasn't going to go back to him.
"He better get the message loud and clear too. No one told him to treat you like shit. Why did you never mention that it was him?"
"I'd rather not dwell on him treating me like that when I have someone that is a million times better in front of me." You said being completely honest and Jack simply smiled at you before leaning down to kiss you.
"This is forever and I don't give a fuck who doesn't like it or who doesn't agree. You're mine and I'm yours. Besides, can he fight?"
"I-... Jack he is a little taller than you and the most he could probably do is try to throw a dumbbell to hit you."
"Oh, so I have a chance to take him?"
"Well….. um…. you're my future husband and I'm going to stick beside you."
"In other words, no and you'll still love me even if he kicks my ass?"
"Correct, babe. But… he can't fight either."
"Woooooooow, zero confidence in me." Jack responded while shaking his head at you while you were trying not to laugh.
"Did I tell you that I love you and that I'll bring you food later at the studio?" You replied while batting your eyelashes at him.
"Don't try and butter me up now."
"Well I'll tell you again. I love you, baby. Now go get dressed."
"I might have to skip the studio and add an extra gym day instead. How much can he bench press?"
Before going to the fitting with Margot, you cleaned up around your shared house with Jack in the hopes of getting what had happened this morning out of your head. He had the absolute nerve to think that you would even give him the time of day.
You quickly sent a message to your three best friends Briana, Emma, and Naomi telling them you wanted to meet for a late lunch after the fitting and if they were free.
All three of them quickly said yes and you couldn't wait to tell them what Joe had pulled. Next thing you know Ja'Marr was about to be in your DM's and you would simply tell him to fuck off since he knew what Joe was doing behind your back, but would simply smile in your face and act like nothing was happening. He got cut off right along with him when you finally decided to do it.
There all four of you were sharing a plate of fried calamari and you had just finished telling them what had happened earlier that morning.
"Ew, are you serious? He has got some fucking nerve." Emma said before taking a sip of her drink and looking at you in disbelief.
"Same thing I said."
"Did you tell Jack?"
"Of course I did. The last thing I ever want to do is keep something from him." You replied while dipping your piece of calamari in the sauce that it came with.
"Well maybe you should hear him out." The entire table had gone silent as all of you looked over at Briana in disbelief.
"Uh? Come again?" Naomi was the first person to break the silence.
"Just hear what he has to say." She replied while shrugging and you simply rolled your eyes.
"So she's supposed to listen to the person who cheated on her multiple times and still did it after she forgave him?" Emma asked while not believing what she was hearing.
"Maybe he's changed."
"I highly doubt it and why would I even entertain this when I have an amazing fiancé who treats me like I'm supposed to be treated? Bri, since you want to hear him out so bad you go and give him a chance."
"I was just saying that maybe you should keep your options open."
"Girl, what the hell is wrong with you today? Where is the Briana that wanted to fight Joe every time this happened and would beg me to leave him?" You asked as you looked at her confused.
"I just think it couldn't hurt."
"Well if I ever decide to do it, I'm bringing Jack with me."
"Okay moving on. So, do we have a wedding date? Venue? Flowers? Maid of honor?" Naomi asked as she batted her eyelashes and was grilling you left and right while all you could do was laugh.
"We literally just got engaged this week!" You answered while smiling at her.
"And is that supposed to mean something?! We all knew from the first time you two met that this would be forever. I'm just so happy for you and Jack is the entire package. I love the way he loves you. You deserve this after how that asshole treated you. But just let Jack know if he steps a toe out of line, I'll cut his dick off." Emma said while still looking over the menu trying to decide what she was going to get for her dessert later.
"He means so much to me and I'm happy that I have him. I literally can go to him for anything and it seems that he always knows what to say in order to make me feel better. I love that man with my whole heart."
"Not you making me want to get married." Naomi said while laughing and you simply eyed her.
"I can always put in a word for you for Urban." You responded and you could immediately tell her cheeks were heating up.
"Just make sure at the wedding, we get paired together."
"Say less."
Joe let out a sigh and Ja’Marr immediately looked over at him and asked what was wrong.
"She blocked me again.”
“Are we….. surprised? I mean look how you acted towards her.” He quickly answered and Joe instantly had a look of annoyance on his face.
“This time will be different. I just need her to forgive me one more time.”
“Now… you cannot be serious. You cheated on her how many times? And not even including the times you didn’t tell her about.”
“I just wasn’t thinking straight, but now I am.”
“Now that she’s about to be a whole married woman, suddenly you grew up and matured? You literally haven’t mentioned anything about her until I sent you that pic on instagram with the two of them.”
“He doesn’t deserve her.”
Ja’Marr immediately rolled his eyes.
“Oh, and you do? When you treated her like absolute shit. You my boy so obviously I didn’t tell her in the hopes that you would get your shit together, but that clearly didn’t work out. Like Y/N would have done anything for you.”
“I just need to talk to her in person, I’m sure that I can change her mind.”
“Delusional much?”
“Will you just back me up on this?!”
“Back you up on what? Stupidity?” Ja’Marr answered, but Joe was clearly on a mission and would not let this go easily. You were his girl through and through and he was about to do anything he can in order to be able to get you back.
“You’ll see, she’s going to take me back.”
All Ja’Marr did was roll his eyes in response.
“Hmm, good luck with that. But don’t call me crying when she tells you no.”
“I won’t have to because she’s not going to.”
From that point on, it was the middle of the summer so since training camp hadn’t started yet, Joe was making you his full-time mission. He knew that because of you now being engaged to Jack, more than likely you were spending the majority of your time in Louisville so that is where he decided to go first.
He figured that if he could find you anywhere that it would be at your boutique.
Once he walked in, he immediately saw Emma who he knew was one of your best friends and she immediately sent a death glare in his direction and her eyes wouldn’t leave his. The last thing she wanted to do was make a scene, but she just couldn’t help herself and blurted it out.
“What the actual fuck are you doing here? She’s not here and doesn’t want to see you and you need to leave before I call security.”
“Relax Emma, I come in peace.” Joe answered with his hands up in defense, but she wasn’t having it.
“And you will leave here in pieces if you don’t get the fuck on somewhere. She doesn’t want you anymore. She’s finally happy and I for damn sure am not going to let you mess anything up for her.”
“I just can’t come by to say hi?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions. You might have everyone else fooled, but not me because I know how you truly are out of the spotlight. Stay away from her or I will not hesitate to tell Jack and he isn’t going to be happy.”
“I see I’ve caught you at a bad time, but I’ll be back to talk to my girl.”
“Burrow, go fuck yourself.”
When Joe had finally left the boutique, Emma immediately called you.
“Hey boo!”
“Babe! Don’t come back to the boutique for the rest of the day. Go bother Jack or something.”
“What the? What’s wrong?”
“Joe was here looking for you and I kicked him out. He needs to get a fucking grip because ain’t no way in hell you’re about to take him back. I had to mention that I was going to tell Jack in order for him to leave.”
“Just… go spend time with Jack. I got this covered, go wedding plan or something.”
Once you had gotten off the phone, you were visibly upset and needed to get your mind off of things. You were going to take her advice and go home and try to spend time with Jack because at this point, you didn’t know what to do.
You had thrown the different fabrics in the backseat of your car before going to sit in the front and dialed Jack’s number. You sped out of the parking lot in the direction of your shared house not believing that he had the absolute nerve to do this.
It didn’t even ring two times, before you heard his voice.
“Yes, my future wife? What’s up, baby?”
“Can you… can you come home?” You quietly asked and you already knew that Jack was not going to let this go without knowing what was wrong with you.
“Of course, baby. Did something happen? I can hear it in your voice. I know when something is wrong with you.”
“Don’t start that, tell me.”
“Joe showed up at the boutique looking for me and Emma called and told me.”
“He WHAT?” Jack’s voice instantly got louder and stopped what he was doing.
“I… don’t want you to get upset.”
“How can I not be? What the hell is his problem? You don’t respond to his DM and now he comes here looking for you? He needs to stay the fuck away. Nah, now he got me pissed off.”
“Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I’m not, but protecting you is my main priority.”
“Can you just come home? I don't even want to think about this anymore.”
“Give me fifteen minutes.”
As promised, within fifteen minutes you heard the front door open indicating that Jack was now home. You were simply sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket burrito as you flipped through Disney Plus in order to find something to watch. Jack walked over to you and leaned down to kiss your forehead as you popped your arms out from underneath the blanket to hug him.
“You pick the movie and I'll order food. What do you have a taste for?”
“Hmm Italian please.”
“Coming right up.”
“I'm sorry to take you away from what you were doing, I should have just waited until you got home.” You quietly said as you thought about it.
“No, work can wait. If my baby needs me, she needs me and I'm going to make sure she's okay.” He told you as he stroked your face and you simply nodded.
“What do you think he even wants?” He asked as he placed his phone on the coffee table and sat next to you.
“To talk to me to get me to forgive him. It's always the same thing every time. He thinks that an expensive piece of jewelry and flowers are all that he needs to change my mind. At one point in time that might have worked, but not now.”
A week or so had passed without incident, but you were in for a surprise while you were at your boutique finishing up some sketches when you got a bouquet of flowers delivered.
You smiled at first thinking that they were from Jack and quickly went to facetime him without bothering to read the note attached to them.
“Hey pretty girl.” Jack said and he looked to be eating with Urban beside him.
“Hey handsome. Thank you for my flowers, they're so pretty.” You exclaimed as you switched the camera to show him.
Jack instantly got quiet and stopped chewing as he stared at them and let out a sigh. He instantly looked pissed off. You were confused and looked at him dumbfounded.
“I didn't send you those.”
“Wait, what? But they're my favorite. How….” You trailed off as you grabbed the note that was in the bouquet and looked at it in utter disgust as you saw Joe’s handwriting staring back at you. Without finishing the note, you promptly grabbed the bouquet and walked over to the trash can, throwing it in there before responding to Jack.
“Why doesn't he understand that I’m never going to give him another chance and that he is just simply wasting his time?” You quietly said and Jack had yet to say anything. From the moment you realized that he didn't send them, he instantly knew who did.
“I don't know, but this is really starting to piss me off.”
"I think that I just need to have a conversation with him. Even though I know that the last thing you want is for me to be around him, but it's the best idea I have."
"I was thinking restraining order, but okay."
"I don't even want to think about this anymore. We have other things to worry about, like what we're wearing to Michael's party."
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yourinstagramname added to their story
The two of you showed up to the party together and were mingling with the other guests when you had told Jack that you were going to get another drink. He simply nodded at you and continued to talk to Druski. You made your way inside and refilled your glass when you felt a presence behind you. You silently cursed to yourself once you had gotten a whiff of the familiar cologne that you never wanted to smell again for as long as you lived because of the person that you knew it was attached to.
That wasn't your fiancé, but your ex-boyfriend who you did not know would be in attendance. If you would have known that he was going to be here, you would have stayed cuddled up under Jack at your hotel and not even bother to show up.
“I knew we'd cross paths sooner or later.” You heard Joe say before you turned around to look at him.
“And you can keep walking because I have absolutely nothing to say to you.”
“Come on Y/N, don't be like that. I just want to talk. Just give me one more chance. I should have been the one to put that ring on your finger, not him.”
"You blew the multiple chances that I gave you so what makes you think you deserve another one? Do you think I'm really stupid enough to take you back after all that?” You asked as you looked at him in disbelief.
"I love you, doesn't that mean anything?!"
"No and no you're not. Not when I'm in love with my fiancé and you're in love with the idea of me. Someone you can have on your arm for everyone to see, but treat me like shit from behind the scenes. Face it, you blew it and whatever this was at one time is officially over and never happening again.”
Joe didn't get to respond to you because he saw Jack approaching from behind and promptly wrapped his arms around you before turning your face to kiss you.
“Everything okay over here?” Jack asked as he made eye contact with Joe before looking him up and down.
Joe hadn't been sure if you had told Jack all that had gone down between the two of you, but clearly because of the look on his face, it was obvious.
“Yep, just fine. Got my drink and I was just about to come and find you.” You answered as you smiled at him.
“Teyana was looking for you. She's out by the pool.” He told you as he nudged you in that direction.
You just prayed that this didn't end in a fight between the two of them.
“Well that's my cue to make my way out there.” Was all you said before leaving your ex in the presence of your fiancé.
Once you were out of earshot, Jack turned to Joe and didn't hold back on how he felt about him contacting you when the only thing you wanted was for him to leave you alone.
“I just want you to listen to me and listen to me good. There's literally no need for you to say anything or respond when I'm finished. You fucked up and you lost your chance or should I say chances with her. Y/N is now going to be my wife and the last thing she needs is her ex-boyfriend lurking in the shadows because he has a sudden realization of wanting that old thing back all because you're jealous because now she's happy and with someone who isn't you. While you two were together, you broke her trust and if you honestly think that she was going to give you another chance is wild. So take this as a warning to stay away from her and we won't have any problems. The place of her soon to be husband is spoken for, okay Joe? Good talk.”
It was quiet for a few seconds and as Jack turned to walk away from him, he heard his voice.
“I like you, Jack. I really do, but sooner or later she'll realize the mistake she's making.”
“Only mistake she made when it came to you was staying with you for so long. Don't worry, I'll send you wedding pictures.”
Jack hadn't bothered to bring up what happened between him and Joe for the rest of the party, but you were itching to know. You didn't see him for the rest of it, however you did see Ja’Marr and it looked like he was trying to make his way over to you, but he noticed the death glare that you were giving him and decided against it.
You and Jack had now just gotten back to your hotel room and had gotten settled for the night when you brought it up. He was scrolling on his phone, but could feel you looking at him.
“Yes, baby?”
“What did you say to him? Because I know you don't like confrontation, but I know you were pissed about the entire thing.”
“I just let him know to leave you alone, that's all.” Jack answered as he shrugged and you weren't entirely convinced.
“You threatened him, didn't you?”
“Threat is a very strong word, baby. I make promises. He shouldn't be a problem anymore, but if he is, you need to tell me. I'm the only man that is buying you flowers.”
About another three weeks had passed and you were currently at your boutique, but also wedding planning when you got small breaks in between clients. You had gotten some wedding magazines and let Jack know that you wanted his opinion so the two of you could move forward with the process.
Of course he had told you that he would be at the studio majority of the day and simply asked Briana to drop them off for you so you didn't have to leave the boutique.
“Bri, can you drop something off to Jack for me? He already knows that you're coming to meet him.” You asked her over the phone and that's when the wheels in her head started turning.
“Yeah, sure what is it?”
“Just a few wedding magazines and he was going to tell me any ideas he had later when we both got home.”
“Not a problem, I'll be there in 20.”
Once Briana got to the studio, Jack was already on facetime with you and the woman at the front let her know where she could find Jack. She made her way down the long hallway and stuck her head in to peek inside the room to see Jack and quickly called out to him.
“Hey Jack, I brought the magazines for you.”
“Oh hey, Briana. Thanks for bringing them. I hope it didn't put you out of your way at all.” He told her as he took the magazines from her hands.
“Not at all, I didn't mind. I had gotten off work early anyway so that's why Y/N asked me.” She told him and he simply nodded, but he was confused at the fact that she was still standing there.
“Uh, Briana? Did you need something else?”
“You know, I was honestly hoping that Y/N would give Joe another chance when she first told me about him sending her a DM.” Briana said and Jack immediately turned up his nose.
“Excuse me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“I meant so that we could be together and everyone would get their happily ever after.”
“Wait, what? Briana I don't like you like that and I never have and never will. I'm marrying Y/N who is your best friend so I'm going to need for you to stop embarrassing yourself.”
Little did she know that you were hearing this conversation in its entirety.
“What does she have that I don't?”
“I… I am not doing this with you. So you can see yourself out.” Jack told her as he turned away from her, but she quickly tugged on his arm to turn him back around and attempted to kiss him, but he dodged her.
“You have three seconds to get out of my sight. I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but you can now consider yourself uninvited to the wedding.”
“Jack, she doesn't have to know.”
Just then she heard your voice come through Jack’s phone.
“Too late, because I already do.”
“Oh, um….”
"You and Joe deserve each other with how the two of you act."
As you were listening to the entire exchange on the other end, you were honestly in disbelief. Your best friend who had been your friend for years just tried to get Jack to cheat on you. And now thinking about it, everything now made sense. She started acting weird ever since the two of you got engaged all because you see how she now wanted Jack for herself.
You didn't say another word as you hung up the phone and tried to process everything that had just happened as you sat in your boutique. You only had one client left for the day and then you would be able to go home and think about how you couldn't see what she was trying to do all along.
The phone vibrated in your hand and you looked down to see that Jack was calling you back and you quickly answered.
“I know.” He quietly said because you were obviously extremely upset.
“How could she do that to me? My so-called best friend.” You asked him as tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
“Like you said, she and Joe deserve each other. I'm just happy you were on the phone and heard the entire thing. Of course I would have told you anyway, but still.”
“I want to elope.”
One week later the two of you were in the Maldives as you were admiring your huge wedding ring gracing your finger.
“You act like it's about to disappear.” Jack teased as he peered over at you.
“Shut up, it's pretty!”
“But you're prettier.”
“Hmm, tell me something I don't know.” You responded and all Jack did was look at you in disbelief.
“Hmm, not the response I was looking for. I thought that I was going to get a thank you.”
“Fine. Thank you, husband.” You told him as you reached up to kiss him before he smiled at you.
“That's more like it.”
“You know I had a thought…” You started to say before stopping mid sentence.
“And what's that thought, baby?”
“When I left him, I thought no one would be able to love me better than he could but you came along and proved me wrong.”
“And you'll never have to question how I feel about you or how important you are to me.”
“And even though I can buy myself flowers, I love them more when they come from you.”
I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don't understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can
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bloatedandalone04 · 10 months
Bets & Bargains - Part 1
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Series Masterlist
➪in which a freshly broken up with bradley agrees to throw a back-to-school party and it’s there where he comes up with a cruel way to win back his ex.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 4.5k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
“Bri, don’t be like this,” Bradley mumbled as he watched her pace around his room from his spot on the edge of his bed. When she passed by him he reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Come on.”
She stopped walking and turned to glare at him. “No, Bradshaw,” she seethed and roughly pulled her hand out of his grasp. “I can’t do this anymore. You don’t take things seriously! You don’t take me seriously!”
Bri turned once again and picked up her discarded shirt she had taken off not even an hour ago. She had shown up at his frat house, a needy mess for him like she always is, and now that he was done fucking her she just had to bring up the fact that he doesn’t put enough effort into their relationship. 
It was bullshit, because Bradley felt like he put in more effort than most guys would, and it started out as a casual thing, anyway.
Sure, it developed over time and he was going onto almost eleven months with her, but he felt fine at the pace they were going at. He was only twenty two, he didn’t need something super serious right now. 
He thought what the two of them had right now was good and enough. But apparently he was wrong. “You haven’t taken me out on a date since the beginning of June,” she continued as she shrugged the shirt on and looked at his sticker-covered mirror to fix her hair. 
When he just lifted a brow and set his phone aside, she met his eyes in the mirror with a harsh glare. “And?” He asked in self-defense. 
She spun around and put her hands on her hips. “It’s the end of August, Bradshaw!” She nearly yelled and Bradley winced, hating how she never used his real name. No one did, but she did it even after he told her he preferred if she used his first name. “I want someone who takes me out every once in a while, and not just to frat parties. I mean, I stayed here all summer with you instead of going back home and spending time with my family. You only took me out once and it was to pick up dinner from that stupid fast food place that is literally a few streets down from the campus.”
Bradley huffed and caught his shirt when she picked it up and threw it at him. “Oh, come on,” he muttered as he put his graphic tee back on. “That’s not true. I took you to that…” He trailed off when he realized he couldn’t complete that sentence. 
He looked up and gave her a boyish smile, and she really did not like that one bit. “I need a man, Brad,” she muttered and picked up her bag. “Not some boy who won’t meet me halfway. I’ve put almost a year of my life into this relationship, and for what? So you can just have me on the side? You don’t know how to treat a girl, Bradshaw. You don’t know how to be a decent boyfriend.”
She grabbed her heels and held them in one hand as she opened his door. “Bri,” he said quietly, his eyes pleading with her and saying all the words his mouth couldn’t. “Babe.”
Briana just laughed and shook her head. “This was a waste of time. It was fun, yeah, and you do not disappoint in bed, but I need more than that,” she shrugged. “Honestly, I think that’s the main reason I put up with this for so long. You’re a good fuck, Bradshaw, but a terrible guy. So we’re done.”
He scoffed and felt a little more than beyond objectified, but he still, for some dumb reason, didn’t want to lose her like this. “Briana,” he called as he stood up and made it over to her in three strides. “We’re good together. I can be better, just give me a chance.”
She shook her head and kissed the hickey on his neck that she had given him an hour ago. “I’ve given you one too many chances,” her voice was so monotone, it was actually kind of eerie. She ran the tip of her finger down his chest and stopped just above his jeans, where she full on groped him. “This is all you’re good for, and even that isn’t enough.”
Even though Bradley was currently getting chewed out by her, he still didn’t want to break up. He didn’t want to have wasted nearly a year of his life by not fighting for her. If she wanted more, he’d do more, but she wasn’t giving him the chance. “Bri, I don’t want to lose you,” he confessed quietly, gently taking her hand in his. “Or this.” He gestured in between them with his free one, and she sighed. 
“Sorry, Brad,” she patted his chest. “We’ll still see each other. Maybe we can even continue the sex part of our relationship, but that’s it. I’ll seek you out if I need someone to get off with, but for now, we’re over. I’m sorry.”
And then she was pulling away from him completely and leaving his messy room with her head held high while he was left with a broken ego. 
He heard her bound down the stairs and the sound of the front door closing before he slammed his bedroom door shut and fell backwards onto his bed. 
All she needs him for is an easy lay? That’s all she thinks of him now? How did he possibly miss the signs? Actually, now that she put the idea in his head, he couldn’t remember her ever giving him a sign. He couldn’t even remember her ever complaining about any of the things he apparently did wrong. 
This had to be a test. She was testing him, right?
She’ll be back. After she spends a little time away from him, she’ll come crawling back. Unless she just wanted him to fight for her. Or maybe she wanted him to prove her wrong, prove that he is way more than just some good fuck. He can be a good guy, and he can be an even better boyfriend. 
Bradley shakes his head as he grabs his phone and clicks on the group chat he shares with his friends and housemates.
Bradley B: Bri broke things off with me. I’m gonna get her back, though.
Eli H: Fuck her. Let’s throw a party tonight.
Bradley scoffed as he read the reply, not at all surprised that his friends couldn’t care less about how he was feeling and cared way more about getting drunk.  
Bradley B: I’m kind of sick of parties.
Westley E: Yeah right. I’m down for a party. It can be a back to school thing. It’ll also be a good way to get a rebound. 
Of course that was all they were thinking about. Rebounds, girls and partying. 
They had so many parties at their frat house last year, and had the cops called on them more than once. Bradley wasn’t kidding, he really was getting sick of the partying. He’s here to start his career, not find someone to settle down with when he’s still trying to figure out his life. He’s not here for the parties or the girls or whatever else. 
But no one would take him seriously. They never did. 
He really couldn’t wait to get out of here. 
School starts again tomorrow, and he should really be spending his time getting himself ready and organized for his final year, but he was agreeing to another pointless party. 
Bradley B: Fuck it. I’m in.
“Ooh, a party!” Sam says excitedly as she enters your room. You look up from your place on your bed, your hand shoved in a box as you tried to find your notes from last year. “Y/n/n, there’s a party tonight!”
You scoff as you resume your rummaging, not even glancing at her twice once you locate your notes. “Already? School hasn’t even started yet,”
“Yeah, well, you know how college boys are,” she pointed out as she moved to sit across from you. “What do you say? Wanna come to a party with me tonight?”
You look up at her with a blank expression on your face. “Not really,”
Sam rolled her eyes and moved to lay back against your pillows. “Oh, come on,” she whined, typing something on her phone. “You’ve been so moody lately, it’ll be good for you to get out and have fun for once.”
You scoff again and stand up, taking the box with you. “I’ve been moody? Hm, wonder why,” you muttered as you set the box down in your closet. “Maybe we should ask your brother.”
Sam looked up with you, her phone dropping from her hand as she lifted them both up in surrender. “Hey, I had nothing to do with that,” she says and gives you a smile. “Speaking of, when are the two of you going to get back together? I still want you as my sister-in-law one day.”
Shaking your head, you close the closet door and move onto your suitcase. “Yeah, maybe tell your brother to stop acting like a dick and then we’ll see about me becoming your sister,”
“Luke’s always been like that,” she brushed off your words and sat up. “And you still fell in love with him somehow. Come on, you were together all through high school, don’t waste those years just because you two got into a fight.”
You narrow your eyes at her. “I’m not wasting them,” you mumbled. “And it wasn’t just a fight. We want different things right now, that’s it. This break from each other will be good for us.”
Sam lifted a brow and gave you a skeptical look. “So it’s just a break? You’re not broken up?”
“No, we are,” you give her a shrug and a smile. “For now.” 
“Then it’s rebound time! Find a hot frat boy at this party tonight and experience someone else for a change,” she suggested and you grimaced at her words. “But don’t do anything more than that. You’re still going to be marrying my brother in the future.”
Then she was pushing you out of the way and tearing through your closet for something you could wear at the party, and you knew you would be fighting a losing battle if you were to decline more than you already have. 
What’s one stupid party, anyway?
This is exactly why Bradley didn’t like parties anymore. He wasn’t drunk yet and there were far too many topless girls around for him to be able to think straight. 
 It wasn’t even twelve yet and the party was completely out of control already. The frat house was big, but it felt way too small with the amount of people that filled every room. 
Bradley was holding his third beer of the night when he finally found Eli and Wes. They were in the living room, a girl in between them on the couch as they passed a joint back and forth. “Hey, there he is!” Eli called out as soon as he saw him. “Come here, man.”
Eli pushed on the girl’s shoulder in an attempt to get her to move, and she did with a scoff. Bradley gave her an apologetic smile as she pushed past him before Wes reached forward and tugged on the sleeve of his flannel. “Get down here, dude,” he laughed, holding the joint up once Bradley was sitting beside them.
“Nah, I’m good,” he waved off his friend’s offer of the joint. “I don’t feel like getting high tonight.” Actually, he didn’t feel like getting high ever, and the few times he did was because he was pressured into it by the very two guys beside him.
“Wow,” Eli mumbled as he took the joint instead. “You don’t feel like getting high? Bri really did a number on you, huh?”
Bradley shrugged, bringing the cool bottle up to his lips. “I’m going to get her back,” he repeated what he said over text and turned to Eli when he just laughed. 
“Dude, just get over her,”’ he said. “You were with her for so long, what’s left to experience with her?”
Bradley really hated the way his friends talked about girls. It was as if they were just an object to use then discard once they got bored, and Bradley couldn’t ever remember a time when he thought about a girl as just a way to gain experience. 
Sure, he wasn’t much of a relationship guy, but he knew how to treat a girl for the most part. 
He was sure Bri would laugh if he were to ever say that out loud, though.
“I liked her, Eli,” Bradley muttered as he finished his beer. He was definitely drunk now, or very close to getting there since his eyes were blurring and his head was spinning a bit. “I want her back.”
Eli just scoffed as Wes moved closer. “Why don’t you make her jealous? Have her come crawling back to you?” 
Bradley turned his head. “How?”
“I don’t know, man, just…” The blond trailed off as he looked around the packed room. “Pick someone to be your rebound, any girl you think is hot enough, then stay with her until Briana notices you’re not paying attention to her anymore.”
“Right,” Bradley scoffs, then realizes his friend was not joking. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Hell yeah, man,” Wes answered and leaned back as the effects of the weed began to take over his body. “If she sees you with another girl she’ll go crazy. You know how jealous she is.”
Bradley just shook his head and stood up. “I’m not in seventh grade anymore. I’m not doing that,” he announced as he pushed his way through the swarm of people. 
“Don’t be such a bitch, Bradshaw!” Eli called out after him but Bradley just shook his head as he held onto the doorframe and scanned the kitchen area. 
He was more than a little pissed off now, and being called a bitch didn’t really help. He was half tempted to go up to his room and call it a night, while the other half of him was wanting to turn around and deck Eli square in the face. But the two of them had only recently made up for the last time they got into a physical fight with each other, and Bradley knew that another one would do as much good as the previous one did. 
His eyes land on Bri, who was hanging off a guy he’s seen around campus. During the last eleven months she had never given this guy the time of day, and now that she broke things off with Bradley she was all over him.
She had every right to be, but this was Bradley’s fucking house, and she’s his fucking ex, and she looks fucking happy. 
He really couldn’t believe the nerve of her. 
Without thinking much, and using his three beers as a source of confidence, he made it over to her in four strides. “Bri,” he rasped, glaring at the guy whose name is Jensen. At least he thinks his name is Jensen. “We need to talk.”
Briana laughed and nuzzled further into Jensen’s side. “Didn’t we do enough talking this morning? We’re done, Bradshaw,”
Bradley glared at her then at Jensen again, who only laughed. “Why are you doing this? Huh? Why are you even here?” 
“It’s a party, right?” Briana leaned up and wrapped her arm around her date’s shoulders. “Isn’t everyone invited to these things? Come on, Brad. We started off as friends, can’t we go back to that?”
Bradley felt his face heat up in both anger and embarrassment, and he knew he needed to walk away before his fist got the better of him. “Sure,” he answered and gave Jensen one last glare before turning around and pretty much storming back over to his friends. “I’m in. I’ll do it.” He said, making both Eli and Wes look up at him with smirks on their lips. 
“Whose house is this?” You ask as Sam pulls you with her and into a mass of sweaty people. If you thought the outside of the house was crowded with people, the inside of it was on a whole different level. Everywhere you looked was taken over by students, and you were sure that this is what a club downtown looks like every Friday night. Maybe even worse. 
“I don’t know, but that’s what makes it exciting,” she answered as she guided you into the kitchen. 
You strongly disagreed with her on that, and you were quickly finding out that the smell of weed and loud music was not something you wanted to be around during your final few days before classes started again. “This is lame,” you say over the sound of people chatting around you. “Let’s leave.”
Sam scoffed, turning towards you with an eye roll. “We just got here,” she pointed out and looked at the array of booze lined up on the counter. “Live a little.”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” You mutter, knowing she wouldn’t be able to hear you very well. Your head was already pounding, and your comfy bed at your dorm was calling out to you right now. Why do you ever bother leaving the house?
“Which one do you want? Vodka or gin?” She asked as she grabbed two red cups. 
You raise a brow at her. “Neither,” was your answer and she gave you a pointed look. You sigh and nod at the vodka, watching as she pours an uneven amount of it mixed with coke into the cup. 
“Drink up,” she stated as she handed it to you, her own cup in her free hand. “We’re here to have fun.”
You give her a thumbs up and take a sip of the drink that tasted like straight up vodka rather than a vodka mix. “Fuck,” you grimaced and she smirked at you.
“Good, right?”
Wrong. “Right,” you force yourself to nod and move off to the side when someone bumps into you from behind. 
“Sorry,” they say, making you turn and meet the eyes of a cute brunet boy. 
He definitely was not someone you’d look twice at, but he was nice looking nonetheless. 
You weren’t able to wave him off before Sam was reaching around you and tugging on the guy’s shirt. “Tan! You came!”
Tan grins and moves to stand beside the two of you. “Oh, hey. Yeah, I was planning on staying in tonight, then you asked if I wanted to meet you at this party and thought what the hell,”
Your eyes narrow as Sam had definitely forgotten to mention that she had invited a guy to tag along. “How nice,” she beamed, glancing over at you. “This is my roommate, Y/n. Y/n, Tanner.”
Tanner lifted his cup in a form of greeting. “Pleasure to meet you,” though the way he said that gave away the fact that he didn’t care much for your presence at all. 
You copy him with your own cup, glaring at Sam as you point towards the dining room area. “I’ll be over there,” you say, hoping she will follow you.
She doesn’t. “Okay, we’ll catch up later!”
And you were left to stay true to your own words as you wandered off into the next room with your too strong of a drink in your hand and a nervous look in your eyes. 
“Oh, dude,” Eli nudged Bradley from his spot on the couch. “What about that girl? She’s hot enough.”
Bradley and Wes both look over and see a girl standing in the dining room, her back to the wall as she holds her cup to her chest. 
She looked extremely uncomfortable, and Bradley felt a bit bad for her. He couldn’t remember seeing her around campus before, but he also couldn’t see very clearly right now. She was cute, though, he could admit that. 
“Damn, I think she’s hotter than Bri,” Wes commented, earning a glare from Bradley. “Not that I think Bri is hot or anything.”
“Shut up,” Bradley muttered as tried to blink away the blurriness in his eyes. He looks over at the girl in the next room, his cold gaze softening just a bit. “She’s not my type.”
Eli scoffed, inhaling his second joint of the night. “She is so your type,”
Bradley rolled his eyes but focused on the girl for a bit. She was actually very cute, dare he say cuter than Bri, but he would never admit that. “She seems easy. I want a challenge,” he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth, and he knew that if his mom was still around she would’ve smacked him upside the head by now. 
“Make it a challenge, dude,” Wes suggested, leaning back against the couch with a hazy look. 
How could he do that? He just needed to make Bri jealous, that’s it. Why was he wanting to make it harder for himself? Maybe he just wanted to prove that he is someone who can be loved, and that he is someone who can be in a serious relationship. “I can make her fall in love with me,” he thought out loud and instantly regretted it as soon as he saw the look of mischief in Eli’s eyes. 
“Dude,” he said as if he was just told the greatest idea he’s ever heard. “You could totally make her fall in love with you.”
“Ah, I like it. Good idea,” Wes agreed, slapping Bradley’s shoulder for further effect. 
Bradley’s face fell a bit as he shook his head. “I can’t. I was with Bri for eleven months and she doesn’t give a shit about me. She never fell in love with me,” he tried to talk his way out of his own idea, but his friends seemed fully onboard. 
Eli rolled his eyes. “That was Bri, she doesn’t love anyone but herself. If she were to see someone else with you in that way she’ll come crawling back,” 
“Yeah, maybe you’ll even get her to stay on her knees,” Wes smirked and Bradley physically cringed. “I bet a thousand dollars on it.” 
That had both Bradley and Eli looking over at him in shock. “No shit,” Eli scoffed. 
“I will,” Westley says. “We all have it. I’ve got thousands of dollars saved up, Brad’s got his parents’ life insurance and your dad’s rich.” 
“I don’t like it,” Bradley mumbled but then Eli grinned. 
“I like it,” he said. “Dude, you have to do it now.” 
“What am I even doing? I have to make this girl fall in love with me or I lose? I’d have to owe the both of you one grand?” Bradley couldn’t wrap his head around any of this, or how he even managed to come up with this dumb idea in the first place, but he knew it was slipping out of his control at this point. 
“Nah, just five hundred each will be fine. You get this chick to love you, and you win a thousand bucks. It’s easy money, Bradshaw,” Wes pushed Bradley up so he was standing. “Do it, man.” He encouraged the cruel bet with a lazy smirk. 
Bradley shook his head as he stepped away. “Guys, this seems a bit fucked up,”
“Just do it, man, you came up with this,” Eli muttered. “Don’t be a bitch.”
And now he was once again pissed off. Eli knew he could get under his skin easily, and that was the exact reason they got into a fight during one of the parties they threw last year. 
Now Bradley wanted Eli to owe him money. He wanted to be able to hold that above him. He also wanted to hold that above Bri - that she was wrong. 
“Fuck off,” Bradley grunted as he walked towards the girl on unsteady legs. He definitely had too much to drink, and he’d like to think that he would’ve never come up with something like this, or even done it, while he was sober. 
His head was spinning a bit as he wandered into the dining room, though calling it that was a bit of a stretch since it only held a small round table with four chairs. 
What the fuck is he doing? Is he really about to drag a poor innocent girl into his fucked up world and pull a cruel prank on her? He wasn’t that kind of guy. His mother raised him better than this, so why was he now standing in front of said girl?
A slurred, “Hi,” came out of his mouth and she was now looking at him, and it was too late to turn back around. 
Her brow raised as she looked up at him, a shy and timid smile on her lips. “Hi,” 
Oh, God. 
That voice. 
She had possibly the sweetest voice Bradley had ever heard, and his mind went blank as he struggled to find words. “I, um,” he stuttered, his face flushing when she grinned up at him. He was usually fucking great at talking to girls, drunk or not, so this was getting kind of embarrassing. “I haven’t seen you around before. Are you starting your first year?”
“No, my second,” 
“Really?” He asked, placing his forearm flat against the wall beside her head. “Weird…you’d think I would’ve remembered seeing you around campus.”
There he was. At least he got his beloved smooth talking skill back. 
The girl hummed. “Yeah, I usually keep to myself. It’s easier that way,”
Bradley lifted a brow and leaned a bit closer. “I’m sorry, I’m being rude,” he said after a few seconds. “I’m Bradley. I live here.”
She looked at him in surprise. “This is your party?”
He nodded and her smile softened a little bit. “Why do you look so surprised?”
She shrugged, hugging her drink close to her chest. “Well, this looks like a frat party, and you definitely look like a frat guy, but…”
He felt his confidence slipping away a bit as he straightened up his posture. “But?”
“You don’t really act like one,” she shrugged and sipped on her drink. Though she tried to hold back a grimace at the taste of the liquid in her cup, Bradley caught onto the fact that she really didn’t like it. 
Now he felt even worse since it was obvious she was only drinking as an attempt to fit in. 
Bradley furrowed his brows as he raised his free hand and took the cup from her. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked over the loud music, noting the grateful smile she gave him when he discarded the drink onto the table.
“It’s not a bad thing,” she quickly says. “Really, you seem sweet, not loud or arrogant like the other frat guys I’ve met.”
His gaze softened at that and he couldn’t fight the grin that was beginning to form on his lips. He leaned in closer and was met with the sweet scent of vanilla and peach, and if he wasn’t already, he was sure he could get drunk off it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name,”
The girl gazed up at him, matching his dumb smile as she answered, “Y/n,”
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imagineredwood · 1 month
I love the headcanon you did of the Mayans leaving you a voicemail while j*rking off, could you reverse it and do a headcanon of them reacting to their s/o leaving them one.
Boy can I 😗
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He's both eternally grateful and simultaneously ready to leave wherever it is that he's at to get home and teach you a lesson. He'll call you back over and over, hoping that you'll give him a live rendition and when it goes to voicemail again for the hundredth time, he'll curse, thoughts consumed with what you looked like while you left it. He replays it over and over again, his hand working at his belt furiously as he shuffles off to the bathroom or dark corner. "I miss you, Angel. I need you. It's not the same without you." Your whines and moans and whimpers. You just sound so good. All he wants is to get home to you so he can watch you, but he'll have to settle for the audio. And better believe you're in for it when he gets home.
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He's tickled by it. He'll quickly stop it when he realizes what he's listening to and sneak off somewhere private to listen. Has a bit more restraint than Angel and is able to keep his hands out of his pants for the time being. He closes his eyes and plays it over and over, envisioning you writhing as you say his name in the voicemail. "EZ, baby. When are you coming back to me?" He loves how needy you get and he knows that when he finally gets home to you he's going to more than make up for the time apart.
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He gets worked up fast, and not entirely in a good way. He already hates leaving you behind, out of town so far away from you. He had you promise to be good and not touch until he came back. It was only a few days after all. But now here you are, moaning into his ear through the phone as you break the rules, letting out mischievous giggles as you rub it in his face. "Feels so good, Bish. Wish you were here, but I think I'm doing a good enough job." Godspeed when he does finally come home.
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He teases himself and stays right where he's at while he listens to it. Plays it over and over, listening to your breath hitch, thanking him for the toy he bought you before he left. "It's so good, Coco. Fuck. Thank you, thank you, thank you-" Trailing off as you finally come. He's practically salivating by the time he finally stops the recording, clearing his throat as someone asks him if he's good.
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He's less than thrilled, but also rock-hard immediately. Once he gets over the fear from thinking that something is wrong, he settles and growls, hearing you begging and pleading like such a good girl for him. "I tried to wait, but the sheets smell just like you. Please come home. I need it." He's got half the mind to end this bulshit agricultural meeting and just get home to you, but he refrains. He'll take his time and when he does finally get home, he's going to edge you until you can barely see.
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He loves it. He loves how adventurous you are and how willing you are to take care of yourself and let him listen. He plays it over and over, imagining how good you look all spread out and needy on the bed. "How many more days, Neron. I'm going crazy here without you." He'd love it more if he were there of course, but it only makes him more eager to get home quickly and in one piece, so he can watch next time.
General taglist (tagged in all work)
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @woahitslucyylu @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @destynelseclipsa @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95
@cruzwalters @myakai13 l @lyly00 @Zsakaystacks17 @cole-winchester @alexxavicry @savagemickey03 @fanfic-n-tabulous @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady @choochoo284 @whitetxilwxlf @ravennaortiz @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @briana-mishell24 @wrcn9fvlcver @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @appropriate-writers-name @blessedboo @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @redpoodlern @myakai13 @cruzwalters @po3ticb3auty @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous @carma-fanficaddict
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sweettomyhoney · 9 months
personally i would love to read a fic where y/n catches an assault charge for fighting a reporter who said something outta line about her man lmao
𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕠𝕦𝕥- 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕨.𝕋𝕜
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𝙿𝚘𝚟: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚊 𝚛𝚞𝚍𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚠.
𝙰𝙽: 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙼𝚛. 𝚃𝚔𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚞𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜.
Prof read is a no/ this is a long one
Matthew knew what type of woman he had on his hands from the day one. You were sweet, kindhearted and loving. You were the girl of his dreams and his family absolutely adored you. After all, you did have a temper that only a Tkachuk could love. You were a perfect match for Matthew.
On the other hand, you were a force to be reckoned with. If someone even dared to test your gangster you would give them exactly what they dished out. You were a very protective person, especially when it came to Matthew, or the people that you loved. You were not afraid to get your hands dirty if need be. And today was not the day for someone to want to get on your bad side.
Moving from Calgary to Florida was a huge transition for you and Matthew. But, the both of you knew as long as you had each other everything would be fine. Sadly, ever since you’ve gotten settled in the state it seems like the chaos had not stopped. From unpack, adjusting schedules, getting settled at work, time difference, dealing with new people, and Matthew traveling, it was overwhelming. Now, your main concern was making it through family media day.
Today was the first family day for Matthew with his new team. Since you are now Matthew‘s wife, that ment your day would be filled with nonstop interviews from different local media outlets.For the most part things went smooth, until your last interview with a reporter from a hockey podcast you were not familiar with.
You made your way to your designated interview room hoping to be joined by your husband. As you took your seat ,you were informed it was a solo interview due to Matthew needing to meet with the NHL Network. Then a older blonde women entered the room.
•“Mrs. Tkachuk! it is so nice to meet you.” She said with a smile.
• “Hello it’s nice to meet you too” You reply happily.
• “You are even more beautiful in person.” She said now shaking your hand.
•“I’m Carla. Media Manager for the Panthers and I wanted to introduce you to your interviewer today.” She continued.
Before you could even get a word in, a much younger brunette entered the room.
•“You’re the new WAG I need to interview right?” The brunette said coldly.
•“Yeah that is me, and my name is (y\n) btw.” You replied confused.
•“Not important we are here about Matthew anyway.” She replied with an eye roll
•“Matthew will not be joining us for this interview.” Carla introjected.
• “Great! Another interview with an air head.” The brunette muttered under her breath.
• “Excuse me?” You replied taken back.
• “ Well! I will leave y’all to it!” Carla said quickly before leaving the room.
• “This is going to be fun!” You said to yourself sarcastically.
You then made your way over to your designated seat. The camera crew made sure that your mic was on,and that the lighting was working for you. Once everything was good the interview started.
•“ 3.2.1… Action! ” The camera man counted down.
• “ Welcome back to the Hockey Babes Podcast! I am Brianna! Today I am joined with the new Mrs. Matthew Tkachuk!” The brown haired reporter said enthusiastically.
• “Oh so you have a name? Brianna is it?” You said with a smile.
• “Yes! That is me.” She replied with a hair flip.
• “But anyway! Let’s get into the questions shall we?” Briana said sharply.
• “ We shall.” You replied trying to play nice.
• “So (y/n) what is it like marrying into the most hated NHL family?” Brianna said with a smile.
•“ Excuse me? Hate is a strong word don’t you think?” You replied taken back.
• “ Well it’s not like you married into a truly classy family like the Nylander’s. The Tkachuk’s do have a reputation for being white trash.” She said with a laugh.
“Is this bitch for real?” You thought to yourself. What type of interviewer asks a question like that. You were trying so hard to keep your patience. Luckily, It was the last interview of the day. All you needed to do was get through this last thing, then you were back with your loving husband. You continued to answer the question as calmly as possible.
• “ I do understand that my husbands family has a reputation for playing rough. But, white trash is the last thing that they are. Also, if you were good at your job you would know what WE Tkachuk’s are pretty close to the Nylander’s . My husband was drafted the same year as Alex. Also, his former team mate Auston Matthews now plays on the same line and team as William. So, I am pretty sure if we weren’t classy we wouldn’t be as close as we are.” You said confidently.
•“ You keep telling yourself that.” She replied laughing it off
• “So how did you and Matthew meet exactly?” Brianna continued with a snarky grin.
• “It was after he was drafted. I work with nonprofit organizations with the goal to make sports accessible to everyone. I have worked with Nike, Adidas, Reebok, and Dicks Sporting Goods. I met Matthew when the Calgary Flames volunteered to work with at risk kids. I have been in love with him ever since.” You replied reminiscing on the very moment you knew Matt was the one. 
•“ How cute! Got to make up for the lack of talent he has somehow. Glad to see you have a working brain as well!” she said light heartedly.
•“ What do you mean by that?” You replied getting angrier by the second.
•“ I mean you are with the less successful brother. Brady is the youngest captain in the NHL. And tell me what exactly Matthew has accomplished?” She remarked doubling down on her rude comments.
“ You know what? I think this interview is over!” You said angrily as you stood to take off your mic.
“Aww…Did I make the Air Head mad?” Brianna said antagonizing you.
Before you could think, you lunged at her your fist connecting with her face. You grabbed her hair and pulled her out of her seat. You were full on twirling on this hoe.
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• “YOU WANNA TALK SHIT LIKE A BITCH THEN IMMA DOG WALK YOU LIKE ONE!” you said dragging her across the floor.
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• “ RIGHT BITCH! WRONG IDEA! DON’T EVER TRY TO BAD MOUTH MY FAMILY HOE!” You screamed as security and Matthew proceed to try a pull you two apart.
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•“ Y/N IT’S OKAY! IT IS OKAY! YOU GOT HER! IT’S OKAY” you heard Matthew yell as he held you back from going at her again.
As Security dealt with Brianna, Matthew walked you to the medical room. You took a seat on the patient table. Matthew tried to calm you down as best as he could. You had a few scratches, so Matthew decided to find some things to clean you up. When you were calm enough, Matthew asked you what exactly happened.
•“ Baby what happened? Are you okay?” Matthew asked you wrapping his arms around you.
•“ NO! I am not okay! I just spent the last 45 minutes listening to my family be bad mouthed by a random podcast bitch.” You said brokenhearted.
• “ WHAT!” Matthew replied now upset at what he was hearing.
• “ YES! That bitch was talking about how the Tkachuk’s are white trash. How you are not successful cause you’re not a captain yet! And a bunch of other shit about my intelligence!” You told Matthew getting upset again.
• “ That is fucked up! I’ll take care of whatever bullshit comes next okay?You don’t have to worry about that. But,I want to make sure you are okay?” Matthew said concerned.
• “Well I just whooped her ass, so I guess I’m good” you said brushing your tears away.
• “ You did get her pretty good babe. Maybe you are a Tkachuk after all. I should take a few fights lessons from you. ” Matthew said cracking a grin.
• “ Matthew shut up!” You replied rolling your eyes.
• “ What? All I’m saying is that my father would definitely be proud of you.” Matthew replied causing you to crack a little smile.
• “ You think?” You asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
• “ I know for sure my little hot head.” Matthew continued leaning into kiss your forehead.
• “ Now you lay back and rest I’m going to sort this all out. Then we will be on our way home.” Matthew added giving you another forehead kiss.
• “ You don’t think I’ll have to deal with the police right?” You questioned him before he left the room.
• “ No way! The most that will happen is needing to pay a fine. Also you know I have a Fight Fine Fund. Triple F for short .” Matthew reassured you with a slight laugh.
• “It is the NHL after all.” You said laying your head down on the padded table.
Matthew managed to sort some things out for you. The most you had to pay was a fine of 8,000 bucks. This was a standard financial investment for Matthew. The man had 100k stocked for fines he might rack up during the season. Brianna on the other hand, was prohibited to conduct any future interviews with the Panthers. In the end, never mess with a woman who is in love with a man like Matthew Tkachuk. You will end up with your ass beat.
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sadaveniren · 9 months
Why none of this matters
Sada's Yearly Post Christmas BG round up I guess?
A study of 2015 (since we've lost a lot of resources since BG started)
Shit from 2015 with Evidence
1. She got a nose job while pregnant
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Left: the “night” of the conception*. Right: her at the London 1D show in September, “pregnant”
*Louis didn't go home with Briana she instead spent the night with Calvin, Ashley and Oli (the two were dating) and there’s a pillow fight video of the four of them while Louis "slept upstairs" that @luckyagain found 🤗🤗
2. The Disappearing Christmas bump
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Left: Briana on Christmas 2015 (8 months) Right: Lottie in July 2022.
3. The only bare bump pic we got of her… with her 2016 face
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4. She didn't even use her own pictures to post her baby belly
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Left: Picture of "her" pregnant belly with no mole. Right picture of her stomach post pregnancy with a mole (also, this is just me but while you may be able to convince me there is a belly button piercing with no jewelry on the pregnant belly, as someone who had a belly button piercing AND a pregnancy that's.... the right picture is not what that looked like post pregnancy)
Shit I can't find evidence for* but I saw with my own fucking eyes
1. The fucking changing timeline of her pregnancy in the early dats (10 weeks to 12 weeks pregnant after we bitched about it being too early)
2. Is it a girl? Is it a boy? The Clarks sure don’t know and also Briana did have a baby show- wait no she didn't have baby shower. No baby shower for Briana.
*probably because i didn't bother to reblog it at the time because 2015 was fucking wild and I honestly didn't think I'd need to - you know - archive EVERYTHING. And the few people who did have since deleted/were deleted by tumblr 🙃
Shit that isn't "evidence" but always bears repeating
It's not real
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2. Dirty Dancing Tweet and one of the subplots of Dirty Dancing is a pregnancy thing.
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3. The! Pregnancy! Announcement! Was! About! Larry!
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4. Were they friends? Were they enemies? Who knows! Not us!
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5. This was 2016 but GOD THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. Her post partum attire was WILDLY inconsistent with someone who just gave birth.
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I will forever die at the thought of wearing a fucking mini skirt* so many days post partum holy shit.
*reminder the time period post her birth was convoluted as all hel probably to try and get us confused and mixed up in the future (no i don't think they intended bg to go on this long)
And ultimately... even if you can excuse all that, just remember, she literally can't be the exception for everything.
Thank you for your time please enjoy some of the stuff I wrote about last year:
Believe in the Douis break up rule
You're not crazy or dumb or weakfor being frustrated for this
Try not to let shit affect you!
Some more long posts I made last year
Remember! Time is BG's best friend because people end up forgetting a lot of shit that's happened!
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twopoppies · 5 days
Maybe is also worth to share with anon:
Before xmas/21 the last time Louis and Freddie were seen together was 2017/2018 right before elounor 2.0
Middle to end of 2020 after making headlines by dating a Jenner and setting herself on fire with Freddie allegedly next door, Brianna got engaged to a fireman (?)
She then was sued by a former sugar daddy/boyfriend for taking his money to have a boob job and "doesn't let him enjoy" (check tag boobiegate)
This man went to a gossip website and spilled about how he was the one buying groceries and toys for Freddie and how he also wanted to make a dna test of the kid (guy was a total creep) because Louis was absent physically and financially
All this brought attention to bbg again but it was in a very little corner of internet, never made it to big tabloids. The gossip website shared the theory and linked Gabi's masterpost, within weeks her original blog was simply gone. Fiance breaks up with Brianna
The lawsuit was postponed and after the 2nd or 3rd date (around apr/21) was dismissed cause no one attended
Nor Louis, his team or anyone in his family ever publicly mentioned this
Christmas 2021: Freddie visits the UK for the first time since 2016, a month later Louis tweets HBD to him also after a few years and in march/2022 Freddie attends the LA concert
Never again we heard of the sugar daddy, also Brianna is almost gone from tabloids ever since
Make of that what you will
Yeah. I agree. Dad of the year was definitely a result of Boobgate and Briana/her family having no oversight. Louis needed to step in and get it under control. It absolutely sucks, but hopefully he’s done it with some plan to eventually extricate himself.
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daisyblog · 11 months
Uncle Popstar
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Freddie goes to one of Harry's shows.
YN was ecstatic when Louis and Briana agreed that she could take Freddie to Harry’s show at Madison Square Garden. But Freddie was even more excited to go and watch his Uncle sing. 
Harry and YN picked up their nephew before they headed off to the venue. Freddie was sat in the backseats of Harry’s Range Rover telling his auntie and uncle all about his morning adventures on the beach. 
“Auntie YN…look at what I can do”. YN turned around in the front seat to see what Louis’ double could do. At the sight she burst into laughter at the little boy holding his fingers up in a peace sign, causing Harry to take a look through the rear view mirror.
“That’s so cool little man”. Harry complimented him as he turned his eyes back to the road.
“I was copying you and Auntie YN”.
Once the three arrived at the venue and was escorted backstage by Harry’s security. Harry took Freddie on a tour of the arena whilst YN stayed in the dressing room with Sarah and Mitch and their little one. 
Freddie’s little hand held Harry’s as they walked around. Harry was introducing him to everyone that they passed and telling him what was planned for tonight’s show. 
“When your Dad and I were in the band we played here”. Harry began to explain that One Direction had performed in the exact arena.
“Really?” Freddie’s American accent shone through.
“Yeh..shall I tell you a little secret?”. Freddie nodded his head as he waited patiently to hear what his Uncle’s secret was.
“I’m a bit scared”.
“It’s going to be a really big show here…and of course I have a special guest watching”.
“Who?”. The excitement in Freddie’s voice could be heard as he looked up at Harry with his father’s big blue eyes.
“It’s you little man”.
When Harry and Freddie got back to the dressing room, Freddie was quick to run over to his aunt and tell her everything he had seen. To keep Freddie occupied before the show began, Mitch showed him some of his guitar collection and even allowed him to have a go.
Before YN and Freddie were taken to the side of the pits to watch the show, they wished Harry a good luck. Freddie and Harry doing their handshake and ending it with a big cuddle. YN pecked his lips with an “I love you”.
YN and Freddie were taken to their spots and due to Freddie being at the show, Harry insisted that two of his security stayed with them the whole time. YN placed Freddie’s ear defenders on him just before they entered the arena. 
Fans were quick to notice YN but even more excited to see her nephew at the show. Fans in Jonny’s place waved at them and even gave one of the marshals a bracelet to give to Freddie. 
YN and Freddie sang and danced together all night. They jumped up and down during Daydreaming, Freddie loving the “ba ba ba” part of the song. YN covered Freddie’s eyes during Keep Driving when Harry sang a particular inappropriate part. During Satellite, Freddie tried copying the Satellite stomping moves, quoting “I’m just like Uncle Harry”. But after Harry sang Treat People With Kindness, he took his microphone and began to walk closer to where YN and Freddie were standing.
“I have a special guest here tonight”. The fans scream with excitement, but some fans already knowing that Freddie was there. “He’s a very special little boy, who I absolutely love with all my heart…and that’s my nephew Freddie”. Again, screams are heard and Freddie is jumping down with excitement at Harry saying his name. “This is first time at one of my shows…and I know this his favourite song…this is What Makes You Beautiful”.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh-oh
You don't know you're beautiful
Harry included Freddie in his concert once more by asking him if he wanted to open up the song As It Was. After one of the stage crew passed Freddie a microphone and YN helped him to hold it, his sweet voice spoke “C’mon Uncle Harry we wanna say goodnight to you”. 
So they could both be backstage to greet Harry when he finished the show, YN and Freddie headed backstage before Kiwi ended, waving to fans as they walked passed.
Freddie was the first to spot Harry coming off stage, “Uncle Harry” the little boys legs ran towards him and Harry catching him and lifting him up into the air.
“So how did you I do?” Harry smiled brightly at the boy in his arms.
“Best show ever!” Freddie shouted, making everyone around them laugh.
“Well don’t tell your Dad that, okay?” Harry joked.
YN walked over and Harry wrapped his free arms around her and pecked her lips, after she praised him for his performance. 
“Okay little man, let’s go for the best sleepover ever!” Harry placed Freddie back down on the grown so he could hold his and YN’s hands.
“Yaaaaay! Best Auntie and Uncle ever!”.
YN's Instagram Story:
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liked by louisfan, harryfan, and 455,698 others
tomlinsonupdates Freddie at Harry's show tonight! View all 32,987 comments
ynfan I was there!! He was with YN and they were singing and dancing all night❤️
harryfan So cute!!
1Dfan9 Why wasn't Louis there?
louisfan He's Louis double 💙
harryynupdate Harry looked so happy with Freddie there!
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @indierockgirrl @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @jerseygirlinca @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage
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sadhornyygirl · 11 months
Day 18: Hate-fucking (billy loomis)
- Fear? — Eric repeats the same question in a provocative tone.
She turns her face in the macabre, dimly lit environment, letting me see her irritated expression.
— It’s going to take half an hour, damn it — He says between his teeth.
Jack barks and tries to go after a doll that walks by us singing a little children's song that isn't peaceful.
Eric laughs, but stops when a bloodcurdling scream rings through the room we're in. More people who entered with us begin to scream and scatter throughout the house, disappearing from our sight.
— You talk about me so much, but you're also peeing your pants — Briana teases Eric.
— Oh, shut up and walk — He orders, pushing us forward.
When I go to stow my small bag on my shoulder, my eyes lock on the person with a mask and black hoodie staring at me through the countless pieces of glass. My heart accelerates and I look back, seeing him disappear through a door.
— I don't think we should have come to this shit — I say, still staring at the door where the clown disappeared.
—Are you scared? — Briana laughs, but seems nervous.
— I have a bad feeling... — I say, looking around.
I feel something strange and the masked man intrigued me, even if he was just another attraction.
— Have you seen the place you are in? — Eric is sarcastic, but I see his throat swallow hard.
We move to another room and I scream softly when someone runs their hand through my hair, and when I look back, there's no one there.
— Someone also touched my arm! — Eric says, looking around.
Jack barks and growls, position ready to attack.
— Relax, they're just fantasy people... — She stops talking when a faceless, all-black figure advances towards her. Briana does the most unexpected thing in the world. She punches him.
The figure, which appears to be a guy, staggered back a few steps with his hand on his non-existent nose. Jack barks, but at least he doesn't seem aggressive.
- Cum! — Briana curses, grabbing the hand she used to punch the man.
— Shit, Briana! — Eric says, but he seems to want to laugh — The guy is just working — He walks up to the guy.
Briana rests her hand on her heart looking at her victim with an awkward smile, but I can say for sure that the blood has disappeared from her well-defined face.
Eric laughs, but it stops when zombies start coming through the door Briana is heading towards. She stops in place and starts walking backwards, pulling Jack with her.
— I... I'm afraid of zombies... — Eric whispers next to me, his eyes wide.
When I least expect it, he runs through the other door and Briana follows suit, tugging at the skirt of my dress so I can follow them. Jack tries to stop in place when I see that I haven't even left mine and barks, as if calling me.
My breath catches when I see a spider crawling up the face of one of the zombies, specifically in its eye. Or what's left of it. I scream and run in the direction my friends went.
I see Eric running in another direction and when Briana goes to follow him, a woman dressed in white blocks her path, making her go in the opposite direction. As if her neck was broken, she slowly turns it towards me, fixing her eyes on me.
She walks towards me and I look at the door next to me, seeing the zombies coming. Unable to follow my friends, I run in another direction. I clutch my bag against my stomach, fearing it will fall in the process. A man with a knife comes up to me and I widen my eyes, entering the first room I find.
I slam the door, locking it and move away from it a little. Someone turns the doorknob trying to get in, but fails miserably. I sigh, relieved that at this moment I have at least a little peace in the chaotic environment.
That's what I thought, but chills rise throughout my body and I swallow hard, looking back. Standing just a few meters away from me is the same masked guy who stared at me in the mirror. He takes a step forward and I take another step back.
I turned my back and walked towards the door, grabbing the handle. Just as I'm about to turn it, a hand slams against the old wood, making me jump in fright. My heart is in my mouth, refusing to beat properly again.
He's after me, and has me right where he's wanted me this whole time. Alone.
I take my pocket knife out of my bag and slowly turn towards him, raising my eyes to him.
- Who are you? — I ask with a trembling voice, gripping my knife tightly.
The stalker is leaning on the door by his elbows, his arms on either side of my head, trapping me in his cage. And I don't know if I'll be able to get out of it.
- What you want? — I insist, ready to kill him if necessary.
The stalker tilts his head to the side, seeming to study me.
— I won't ask again — I say through gritted teeth — Who. Cum. AND. You? — I ask for the last time.
He takes one of his hands away from the door and carefully, I see his hand go up my neck, his fingers sliding over my skin in a gesture that I almost don't feel. He grabs my neck, pressing me against the door.
The gesture is so familiar that my heart missed a beat when I recognized it.
— Billy… — His name leaves my lips in a whisper.
For proof of something I feel deep in my bones, I reach for the back of his head, and rip off the mask in a quick motion.
A gasp escapes me as I stare at the messy strands falling into the cruelest icy eyes I've ever seen. And they're staring at me with unparalleled amusement and mischief.
—Are you calmer, love? — He asks in a hoarse voice, looking into my eyes.
I swallow hard, trying by some miracle to get through the door with the strength of my mind. He's too close for my own good.
— Are you silent now? he asks, stroking my chin with his thumb.
His eyes scan my entire face with a kind of adoration, but there's also anger in them.
— I told you to leave me alone, you psychopath — I find my voice, moving his hand away from my neck.
Even though my skin misses your touch, I ignore it.
— And I said you only had a few hours to calm down — He says, resting his arms on either side of my head — Tick tock, time up, little monster... — I smiled.
I take a deep breath, clenching the blade.
— I don't want you anymore, can you understand that in that sick mind of yours? — I touch my own temple — We're done here, whatever shit we had — I lift my chin.
Billy laughs softly, shaking his head. I just feel the anger slowly grow in my chest, radiating throughout my body.
— Own, I love your naivety — He leans towards me until our noses almost touch — You'll have to kill me if you want this to end — He slides his nose along my cheek.
— As you wish — I reply, raising the knife towards his neck.
I don't know if it was anger or an impulsive desire, but I really intend to kill Billy. But he notices it too quickly, managing to dodge in time. But not enough to stop me from cutting your left cheek.
Billy lets go of me, taking a few steps back. He touches his cheek, staring at his blood-stained fingers. Then he lifts his head, letting me see the small cut, about two centimeters long.
I slightly widen my eyes when I see his darken darkly. I move my gaze down when a bulge in Billy's pants catches my eye. He's hard?
In response, I clench my thighs as I feel my core throb.
- Congratulations love. You just need to be more accurate — Billy says through his teeth in a dark voice, approaching me with blood running down his cheek.
He makes to grab me, but in one quick movement, I manage to hit his groin with my knee. Billy lets out a grunt, falling to his knees in front of me. I don't think as I turn to the door and open it.
Before I can pass it, a huge hand grabs my ankle and I turn to Billy. I kick his face with my other foot, making him fall on his side and consequently letting me go.
— If you wanted to play tag, you just said so, love! — I hear Billy scream, and it seems so, so close.
Desperate, I quicken my steps, feeling my heart want to come out of my mouth. It's like a horror movie and Billy is the ghostface trying to kill me. Following me. He comes without rushing because he knows that at the end of this, he will eat me alive.
I go into a room where there is no one and lock the door.
— Little monster... — Billy knocks on the door — Let me in, okay? You don't want me to blow and knock it over... — He says between his teeth, then laughing.
— Fuck you, you sicko! — I growl, running towards the other door that will lead me out.
— I bet you're wet right now... — Billy says, making me stop with my hand on the doorknob — Are you turned on by all this chasing? Is your pussy dripping for me, love? — He asks in a hoarse voice.
I rub my thighs together, denying myself. Refusing to believe that I'm enjoying this. No, I abhor what he's doing now. Because admitting that his pursuit turns me on is also admitting that I'm just as sick as he is. I ignore how affected I am and open the door, running into the other room. I need to get out of here, I need to find my friends and get out of this damn house.
I walk past her when they grab my hair from behind and pull me back inside, making me scream. I try to hit Billy again, but he grabs my arm and pins it behind my back, turning me to face him.
- Let me go! — I command, trying to pull my arm from his grip.
Billy looks up at me and my breath catches in my throat when I see the cut I made on his cheek and the thin, short trickle of blood escaping his nose. Consequence of my kick.
— Every time you use that knife on me, I get harder — He says, licking his lips while staring at mine.
Yes, I can feel the bulge poking my belly.
— It's because you're crazy — I say with disdain, raising my chin in affront.
— Yes, for every detail of yours — He says between his teeth, grabbing my hair with one of his hands again — But damn, I want to kill you now — He growls, squeezing my throat.
I stand on my tiptoes as his grip becomes almost unbearable and I feel my pussy throb. Traitor.
— She calls me sick but she's rubbing her thighs like a masochistic little bitch just because she's being hanged — She tilts her head to the side, looking at me.
— I knew you were sick, but not to the point of delirium — I tease with a smile, my voice muffled by his hand on my neck.
— I love your debauchery, but I'm very angry with you, love... — He says — You hurt my dick, but I'm sure it wasn't because you wanted to, right? — He asks with an affectionate intonation.
— I'm sorry, next time I'll make sure your heirs aren't born — I smile disdainfully.
I try to free myself once more, but it seems impossible.
— Next time, they'll be growing in your belly — Billy smirks, letting go of my hair and running his thumb along the wrist of my neck.
— Kneel — he orders, making me throb.
— I'm going to hate you at the end of all this, Billy — I whisper.
He nibbles my lip.
— Lie with your mouth on my dick — Send it.
He squeezes my scalp and I moan, falling to my knees in front of his body. Looking from below, it gets even bigger. It's like a giant that can crush me at any moment.
He lets go of my hair and takes his own hands to the zipper of his pants, pulling it down and undoing the button. He reaches into his underwear and pulls out his dick. It stands before my lips and I sigh, seeing it harder than ever.
The head is so red and the veins stand out around it. The pre-cum leaks out, sliding through him.
"Him," Billy ordered.
Looking at him in defiance, I place the thick head of his cock in my lips, sucking it. The salty taste of cum explodes on my palate and I go down even further, putting almost half of it in my mouth.
I see Billy throw his head back and groan, but still looking down at me. I narrow my eyes at him the moment I bite down on his dick. He curses, gripping my strands hard enough for me to let go and walk away.
— If you only knew how much this turns me on... — I smiled, sliding the head of his cock past my lips.
The gag reflex kicks in but controls it in time, at the exact second that Billy drags himself out and comes back with a vengeance. Tears well up in my eyes from the lack of air, but I find myself relaxing my jaw and moaning around his cock. My thighs tighten and I try to keep up with his rhythm.
He doesn't let me reason when, with his hand in my hair, he pulls me up. Billy turns me onto my back and presses my cheek to the cold wall, and I feel his cock between my thighs. He lifts my dress and then I feel a tug and the sound of tearing fabric. My panties.
- What are you doing…? — I ask even though I know the answer.
Billy doesn't answer me, he just shoves himself inside me and in a quick gesture my eyes widen at the sudden intrusion, my head kicking back and a scream escaping my numb lips.
— Fucking beg — He orders, his hand grabbing my neck.
I smirk slightly, pulling the knife away from his neck and grabbing the back of his head as I lean towards him. My lips brush his as I wrap one of my arms around his shoulders, hugging him.
— Please fuck me. Take me…” I whimper, pulling his lip towards me.
I scream loudly when in one quick movement, Billy thrusts himself inside me without an ounce of gentleness at the same time he bites one of my nipples hard. I should be disgusted by all this violence towards me, but I look more and more ready to explode.
I hate that. I love that.
I scream as the orgasm explodes, taking over my entire body and clouding all my senses. I hear nothing but a thin buzzing sound and see nothing other than the stars twinkling in my field of vision.
I whimpered as my orgasm-sensitive pussy contracted around him. Around your dick that seems to want to tear me in half. He fucks me so hard that I choke and I don't know where he starts or where I end.
— S-Stop... I can't take it anymore — I moan, scared by the desire that grew again in my stomach.
Billy's laugh makes my pussy throb and suck him in, like it's hungry and only he can finish it.
My body is turned sideways and one of Billy's hands is on the side of my head, while the other is holding me by the thigh, pulling me against his body. This position allows me to feel his cock from a different angle.
It feels deeper.
— I...I'm going to cum again — I cry. I'm so sensitive it hurts.
His hips don't stop and my breathing quickens.
— I-I'm going to... I'm going to pass out — I whisper with a broken voice as my legs shake.
But Billy ignores me, his hips speeding up and his thrusts becoming more animalistic. I cry, shaking my head as I flatten my hand on his broad chest through his sweatshirt.
— Even if you deny it, your body is mine, as is your heart. And no one else can have them, love.
Just when I think he's going to continue, his whole body goes rigid and he stops abruptly, spilling himself inside me. Hot jets fill me and it's impossible not to moan and whimper at the sensation.
— You have until tomorrow at 11:59 pm to stop acting like a spoiled brat and start believing in me again. — Speak, giving me a peck.
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skepticalarrie · 10 days
what are you referring to with the fake child policy and eleanor? Im quite new 😅
I’m not sure if I have a tag for this, but to sum things up: Elounor 1.0 ended right before Briana came into the picture and “got pregnant.” When Eleanor returned, it was around the same time Louis moved back to the London, and during that time, he didn’t interact or talk about Freddie for years. When they revived the babygate narrative after several years, it was just months before ending things with Eleanor again.
Personally, I think this is because Louis doesn’t need both stunts running simultaneously. Having a child already gives him the cover he needs to keep his real life private. But there’s also a theory that they wanted to make Eleanor pregnant and stage this narrative of Louis being married to his long-time girlfriend with a child, but she apparently wasn’t on board with that and wanted nothing to do with babygate. That’s when Briana and all the mess came into the picture. But during all the time Eleanor was around, there was no Freddie. And I love her for that 🤌
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ficnoire2 · 4 months
A Little Legendborn/Bloodmarked
Top 10 Selwyn Kane Moments
Happy Gemini Season!  What better time to reflect on my favorite chaotic, angsty, and delightfully poetic Cambion.  Sel has given us so many moments that either made us want to ask “Who the F@$K you talking to?”, want to give him an all encompassing full bodied squeeze, or left our jaws on the floor at his assholery or reverent sweetness.  Whatever the case, Selly knows how to make an entrance and leave an impression.  There are so many Selwyn Kane moments that live rent free while hiking up the thermostat in my mind, but here are my top 10.  Hope you enjoy!
10. Weirdo in The Woods 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.  A wry voice from behind startles me and sends a few birds, hidden in the canopy above, squawking into the sky.  I hadn’t seen anyone approach through the underbrush, but a tall, dark-haired  boy leans casually against the tree as if he’d been there the whole time; arms over his chest and black combat boots crossed at the ankles.”
When I read this scene, I could not believe the level of nerve and confidence this dude had.  The lurking in the darkness was creepy as hell and then he upped the ante by putting his pale paws on Bree!  I thought “Why the fuck is he touching her!?”  I had to reread to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.  Not only did he have a smart ass, arrogant vibe, but getting handsy to boot?  We would have been rolling around in the woods… and I don’t mean the fun way. 
9. Dripping Wet at The Door
“Half a second after that I’m struck thoughtless-because Sel flings the door open wearing nothing but a deeply annoyed expression and a pair of low-slung jeans.  I can’t help but follow the banded muscles from his abdomen to his chest.  Intricate black and gray tattoos encircle his arms, cover his shoulders, and connect in a Celtic knot on his breastbone.”
This delightful turning point had me squealing with antici…pation.  Tracy’s got some nerve really.  I remember being this age, and having an angsty, beautiful, asshole fling open the door half naked would have been a problem.  This was the point where Sel begins to soften for Bree.  The point where the two of them set off on a journey of personal discovery and develop a deeply intimate bond. They share a moment of realization about their mothers and how parallel that loss runs, about Nick, and about their own relationship.  I loved this moment so much because their masks begin to slip ever so slightly.  Bree being able to recognize the grief in Sel that she had become accustomed to, was beautifully written.  It gave us a bit of depth into his inner chaos and the pain that drives him.
8. The Gala/Kneel
“He admires my hair, taking in the size and shape of it, then his eyes follow the line of my temple to my borrowed earrings, down my neck and shoulders.  ‘You look stunning this evening Briana, it’s the truth,’ he says with a shrug.  ‘You do.  Even Though you’re distraught’.”  
“I’m not distraught.”
“He leans down so close that his lips brush against my ear when he whispers, ‘Liar’.”
This moment was so delicious. First, the way Sel takes her into his senses is divine.  His attention to detail in everything he does, whether in his detective work or being a silver-tongued devil, encompasses a space.  The act of admiring Bree’s appearance, covering every inch of her face and hair was top notch adoration. The two of them dancing at the gala was playful and intimate. I mean, telling someone you can smell their magic is…next level.  Bree was tuned into his very essence and he responded in kind, whispering LIAR in her ear as his lips brushed the delicate flesh, splaying his hands across her back knowing the heat from them radiated   through her gown.  Admiring all that she was becoming to him. Not to mention turning her around to face Nick while holding her at the hips, and whispering in her ear as he stewed across the room. It wouldn’t be right if he didn’t put a little Selly in it.
“I fight against Arthur’s will, but he will not yield-not on this.  He demands obeisance.  Homage. And deference.  Especially after Davis’ public betrayal.  Thankfully, no one moves.  Then someone does."
"No," I whisper, because I don’t want to hear it.  But when Sel speaks, his voice is strong and clear.
"Y llinach yw’r ddeddf."
"The Line is Law.”
In the Ogof we get another glimpse of what makes Sel tick. The fact that he is so married to the idea of honor and procedure (to a fault) shines in these moments because of what he is constantly willing to do to show his care for Bree. It is telling when he witnesses Bree pull Excalibur and he falls right in step with his duty to his King.  When he is the one to kneel and speak before her, it is because of duty and procedure yes, but his devotion for her leaps off the page.  
7. Mother
“Suddenly, Sel is on his feet. He paces to the end of the room, the back of his hand pressed hard against his mouth like doesn’t trust what could come out of himself.  It takes everything in me to stay seated when he kicks his closet door and the wood splinters into a boot shaped hole.”
On the heels of coming to the door half naked, we begin to see some of Sel’s inner turmoil made real.  Unpacking this a bit, we know Sel has been lied to and we are watching in real time how it hits him.  He is dutiful, procedural, and used to being in control in some respect.  He seems to enjoy the fact that he is needed, deep down, he wants to be wanted, not out of duty, but out of sheer enjoyment of his company, his being.  This revelation about his mother causes his mask to slip.  The hard exterior cracks enough that Bree is able to seep into the jagged edges, and he lets her, if only briefly.  This was such a revealing moment because it is one of many instances that they see not only each other, but also themselves mirrored in one another.
6. Cariad
“I feel Sel’s attention on my cheeks-and wonder when the sparks in his eyes had become a comforting heat…’You are my king now, cariad.’ His voice carries all the intimacy of a caress and his eyes are a melted gold.  I turn away, overwhelmed at the meaning in both.”
I don’t know why I didn’t have sense enough to Google what cariad meant at the time I first read Legendborn.  Perhaps it was because Tracy blew my wig back with the story of Briana Irene, that I needed a moment to collect my thoughts.  This was the point in the story that Selwyn vocalized his feelings for Bree.  It was another peak at the vulnerability he would ever so slightly let come out to play.  And because our Selwyn is precise, his intent (in my opinion) was also.  He has studied Bree, yet she still mystifies him, challenges him.  Calling her cariad, however, was laced with a bit of challenge in and of itself.  He knows she is determined and inquisitive and if she really wanted to know she would do what needed to be done to find out.  We also get that at that moment she was not ready to know, despite her curiosity.  It was just enough of a breadcrumb for her to follow, if SHE chose to.  Also, his sense of duty and willingness to accept her as King even when the order so readily wanted her gone when she did not serve their purpose or fit their shitty standards.  It was such a sweet, quiet moment after all they had been through that left us hanging onto that balcony for dear life. 
5. The Not So Safe, Safe House Bathroom
“Can I tell you a secret, Briana?” His voice slips into the sliver of air between us, silk and heat. “ I like hearing the way people respond to me.  A pause. You in particular.”  
“It’s involuntary.”
“Oh, I know.” His mouth quirks…..Sel’s amusement skips across my cheeks.  “See something you like?”
First of all, telling someone, ANYONE, that you like hearing the way people respond to you is full on iconic, sex demon realness.  Excuse me, sir?  You just walk around doing shit to tie folks up in flustered knots? Kick your combat booted feet up and watch your handiwork?   And you like it?  My kind of fun!  The way Joniece Abbott Pratt (she voices our favesl in the books) reads this scene is so deliciously spicy and devilish.  She put an extra bit of Sazon on it.  It was the closeness for me.  He knew what he was doing (aside from mesmering Bree to oblivion) , caging her between his arms and enveloping her in full on Cambion heat.  It is almost as if the tease is more fun.  Taking off his shirt to pull her in. Catching her gaze in the mirror.  Acting like he can’t put tape on his wounds (because of course a dude who can forge shit out of thin air can’t operate tape!), telling her he likes how her body is responding, asking her if she sees something she likes!  Bree has the resolve of a bug that hangs onto your windshield while you are doing 90 on the freeway. 
4. Sel’s Birthday Surprise (Cariad Part Two)
“Okay.  All right.  His voice is low and soothing.  He takes a slow step closer with an outreached hand, as if waiting for me to bolt.  “This isn’t an interrogation.  I am sorry.  It is your birthday.  And I had questions…but I don’t want you to leave.” His fingers wrap around mine, and he rubs a slow circle across my palm with his thumb."  
 I nod.  “Okay.” 
“Let’s keep this simple?” He smiles softly.  “Tell me what you learned about cariad?”  
Talk about a full circle moment.  For damn near two books, this man has been stewing about cariad and why Bree had not mentioned it again.  After being attacked by Jonas, and Bree begins to speak a bit of Welsh to William, I could almost envision Sel saying “Yeah, you over here practicing with William, but what about that cariad shit though?”  Ok, I know he wouldn’t have said it that way, but sometimes I read with my own voice in my head.  First of all, the planning.  The fact that he discovered a hidden gem in the woods with fireflies no less, and decided to make it a present (not a gift) to honor Bree’s birthday was delightful.  Plus being in the woods seems to be his happy place.   It was full circle in more ways than one because when we meet Sel (in the woods yet again) he is the epitome of ASSHOLE. This scene showed us how far the two of them had come and let us see that he truly values how Bree sees him and how much he wants her to have joy.  It seems like everytime these two are in the woods they have some sort of revelation.  The way he teases kisses on each cheek, then her forehead (third eye) showed us that he was done hiding and wanted her to fully understand the depth of his feelings.  And when she takes the kiss she wants, he responds in kind letting himself have the wish he has been denying himself by Merlin twirling her into the tree bark and KISSING HER DOWN!  Then, not only does he stop himself, but stops to watch the effect he is having on her, while telling her he likes it.  Damn you Selwyn Kane!  
3. Sharing Root With Bree/Most Gifted Merlin in a Generation
“Sel gasps, head thrown back as my aether climbs up his forearms, spiraling around his elbows.  For a moment, it feels like I’m wrapped around him.  His eyes snap open, and then he’s on his feet, bringing his hands together so the flames spread faster.  FWOOOM!  We explode together.”
I was shouting in my car listening to this scene.  Sel had been manacled by Erebus (to Valec’s amusement).  I remember thinking “Ain’t no way they are going out like this!” This was an edge of your seat, shout at the screen, moment.  The way he was in sync with Bree and knew exactly what to do when she shared her root was the boost I needed in that moment.  Sel was back like he never left!  Hair all shiny and shit!  The unspoken communication, the desperation in his eyes when he thought it wasn’t working was equal parts nerve wracking and rage inducing.  Plus, the whole scene was infused with a hint of sexy Cambion tension.  That last line is a double entendre if you ask me.  What better way to explode together than to blow Erebus’ ass back into the opportunistic shadows from whence he came?
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“I’m not gonna….”
“Yes, you are!”  The muscles work in his jaw.  His eyes shine-he blinks it away.  “You are.  You just have to hold on a little longer, Bree.  For me–”  His eyes are fixed on my side, a strained grimace on his face.  His hands hover an inch above my flesh.  Aether shimmers in the space between my body and his palms in a thin layer.”
“Don’t move,” he grits out.”
“What are you…”
“I’ve got you.  Stay with me.”
“The floating dullness claims me again, but Sel’s magic is there on the edges, keeping the darkness at bay.”
“Stay with me, Bree.”
On the coattails of the high I felt when Sel and Bree took Erebus out of the game (if only temporarily), was the accompaniment of Sel holding Bree together for three hours when she was nearly killed by demons in the woods.  I tell you, Tracy knows how to make you feel the discomfort and pain of constant loss.  No sooner than I cheered for the two of them, before I knew it I was biting my nails again.  The terror he feels here is palpable.  Nick has just run away from both of them.  He has just done the seemingly impossible and made a root bomb (untrained move) with Bree to stave off Erebus.  Now he is at the threshold of loss yet again.  I can’t imagine having all of that occur in the span of 30 minutes.  Not only that, he creates tiny aether constructs to serve as medical aid for Bree not knowing how long he can maintain it while pushing down the hurt and fear.  Even Valec thought she was not savable.  Thought only to be able to use his aether for violence, it was beautiful to see Sel use his aether to sustain life.  It really hints at how special his abilities are and how much about himself outside of the order’s grip he doesn’t know.  When he says, “I’ve got you” and “Stay with me,” I had to step away from the book for a hot lil minute. 
2. No Other Merlin 
“No other Merlin can protect you like I can, because no other Merlin feels about you the way I do.  I want you to live, because I want you to be happy.  Not because of a spell, but because so very many things would break and go dark if you weren’t in the world.  Myself included.”
Can we talk about how down bad Selly is here?  Like, the boy is threw! I say “Gah damn!” everytime I read and/or listen to these words. He let her know, “Ain’t nobody got you like I got you!”  Something about the most powerful and gifted Merlin of his generation saying he would break and go dark if Bree was not in the world.  Sheesh! It’s the kind of soul-bearing that makes you sit up straight.  Have you rethinking your whole approach to life.  That is a far cry from questioning how she managed to keep ending up in his path.  A far cry from trying to wipe her off the face of the earth!  I love this scene because at this point we are seeing the power and effect of experiencing softness, love, care.  Being touched and him letting the wave of vulnerability settle in.  The willingness to lay himself bare in front of her despite his many fuck ups.  He told her, I want you to be happy even if I am not the one, just as long as you are here.  Tracy certainly wrote him hella mannish! But in all seriousness, this was a bar.  Had that man pouring out his soul in the middle of the woods.
1. Worth This and More 
“Merlin crawls on hands and knees.  ‘Just know Briana Matthews,’ he says, ‘That you are worth this and more.’ Without a second’s hesitation, he pulls me close enough that we nearly kiss-and inhales my power into his body.  Devours it whole.”
This scene hit me right in the gut for so many reasons.  It was the culmination of all that Selwyn had learned, endured, and sacrificed…for Bree.  Despite how much he had risked throughout Bloodmarked, he was still ready and willing to risk even more for her.  Pure veneration and sacrifice just for her.  In the Ogof, he kneeled to Bree and here he crawls to her, spent, and wants her to know that even at this moment he would do it again without question.  The poetry in how he approaches her.  The juxtaposition of kissing her in the woods and losing himself to that moment (even though briefly), giving in to that bit of euphoria and vulnerability, to losing himself as we know him totally, by devouring her root.  Because he knew the cost of that act and did it anyway, nearly did me in!  Tracy wrote the hell out of that and it is one of the chapters I have a hard time going back to.  Something about reaching a point of seemingly no return and pushing forward against all odds because you love the person before you so deeply. 
 No other Merlin indeed. 
What’d you think? I think I kicked Gemini season off right!  What are your favorite Selwyn Kane moments? What lives rent free in your head?  I am so excited that there are two more books to look forward to.  For me, those are more opportunities to talk my shit! 
Also, in case you missed it, here are my Top 10 Briana Matthews Moments
Happy Gemini Season Y'all!!!!
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
I've not watched a single episode of riverdale but good fucking christ do you tempt me with the manlet and skeet ulrich
literally do not do that.
the only things you need to know about riverdale are what i post on this blog. the rest? irrelevant and false and fake
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rosiestalez · 20 days
Taking a Gambit
WC: 3,400
Gambit (Remy LeBeau) x afab!mixed!reader
Summary: on a girls trip turned spending time with Remy after a bad breakup, you find yourself making a decision that will change the rest of your vacation and maybe even your life
Warnings: 18+, mentions of cheating, bullying, childhood trauma doesn’t go into detail, a little bit of smut, alcohol, not my gif, bad French, a girl from Georgia trying to write a deep southern & Cajun accent
Happy reading!
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It’s so humid out, you got the wonderful idea to straighten your hair for your girl’s trip to New Orleans, huge mistake. As soon as you stepped off the plane the humidity hit you like a wrecking ball, you’re from Georgia so you know that humidity could be bad, but you never knew it could be this bad. Your makeup is sliding off your face, your once silk pressed hair is attempting to retreat back to its normal curl pattern.
You and your girls pile into an extremely over priced Uber that arrives to an equally over priced ARBNB near the French Quarter. “How much did you spend on this Beebee?”, you ask tipping your sunglasses down. You put your hair in a bun a little bit ago ‘out of sight, out of mind’.
“I dunno, it’s was like $80 a night!”, she remarks, “but that’s okay, the man covered it all!”, you all giggle and grab our luggage from the car.
When y’all walk in there’s a wonderful smell of food. You drop your luggage and make your way to the kitchen. When you walk in you see a man, you jump back, you’re a tad frightened not expecting someone cooking in the kitchen. You knock over the broom behind you, the man turns away from the stew on the stove top and turns to you.
“Hello?”, the man has an extremely thick Cajun accent, and not to mention his crop top.
“Uh hi? What are you doing in our house?”, I tilt my head to the side
“Your house? Last time I checked my name was on the deed, ma chérie”, okay not Cajun , maybe French you think to yourself.
“Hey gi-“, one of your friends walked in to the kitchen a smile beaming on her face when she sees the handsome man standing in the kitchen. “Hey, I’m Briana, and I see that you’ve met y/n”, she sticks out her hand to him. He waltz over kissing her hand.
“Bonjour Belle”, you roll your eyes at his charm targeted to your taken friend.
“She’s married”, you point to her flashy diamond ring on her finger.
“Okay, and I’m Remy!, he introduces himself with a dramatic bow.
“Wow”, you huff, “what are you cooking?”, you walk over to the stove.
“I’m making GUMBO!”, he answers, flailing his arms outwards, his crop top lifting up slightly exposing the rest of his ripped torso, “would you masdames like some, there’s plenty t’go around. Judgin by the luggage in the living room y’all mus be starvin.”
“That would be perfect Remmy”, Beebee beams walking over to a cupboard pulling out four bowls. “Riley, Cora, there’s food!”, she yells. Two more girls shuffle into the kitchen stunned by the man serving up Gumbo and rice.
After dinner you’re practically falling asleep at the table while Remy chats up your friends, all of them are blushing and giggling like elementary school girls talking to the life guards in their Justice mermaid swimsuits. “Guys I’m gonna go ahead and unpack, and get ready to go out. Take your time though. Thank you for dinner Remy”, you stand up placing your bowl and spoon into the sink. You hear another chair scrape the floor.
“Lemme help you mon amour”, he smiles at you. You nod and he follows behind you picking up your luggage. He takes it up stairs to the biggest room, “this my room”, he remarks.
“Cool, when are you leaving the house, this is really unprofessional?”
“I’m leavin t’night, I just wan to make sure there s’food b’fore I left. Mamma always told me to feed the guests.”
“How cute, so all of this is yours?”, you ask and put your purse on the bed, “I hope you washed the sheets, you look like a player.”
“I worked hard, and they’re clean Remy got more respect for women than that, doll.” He gives you a tour of the room and you follow him, it is huge and the bathroom is insane.
“Wow.”, you are stunned, “do you think my friends would be mad if I stay in tonight, your food is on the verge of putting me into a comma”, you plop yourself onto the bed laying back and sighing.
“No, I don’t think they will”, he grabs some extra pillows for the other rooms, “lemme walk these to the other rooms and I’ll be right back.”
“Okay”, you sigh and roll over to your side, your eyes drift close and like that you’re out.
Remy walks back in and lets out an obnoxious sigh, but realizes you’re asleep, and he quietly tip toes back out after writing a note and slipping it onto the night stand before leaving to a hotel.
You wake up to your phone buzzing beside you nonstop:
Cold & Suffering😀🙄:
B- “where is y/n?”
Coracola- “she went up stairs w/ Remy and never came back down😏”
B- “omg😭”
*Rizzles laughed at a message*
Coracola-“I did see Remy leave so maybe he laid it and dipped 🤷‍♀️”
B-“Doubt that, she’s still hung up on Miles!”
Rizzles- “okay, but having rebound sex with the man who cooked dinner for you is very ✨demure✨”
You roll your eyes at the messages before replying:
Me-“we didn’t have sex, I fell asleep”
B- “oh she lives!”
*Rizzles thumbs down a message*
You turn your phone off throwing it across the bed. You roll over and look up at the ceiling before standing up, the note catches your eye.
‘You looked extremely peaceful and I didn’t want to wake you. You’re very beautiful btw! I am leaving now and I wanted to say enjoy your stay. Here’s my number if you need anything, or want anything…if you know what I mean. (765)432-1010.’
You make your way back down stairs to see your friends all dressed up on the couch waiting to go out for the night. They all turn to look at you, “why aren’t you ready?”, Beebee questions.
“I’m not going out, I’ll go out with yall tomorrow, I’m not feehling to good the flight drained me”, you respond.
“Ugh”, they moan in unison.
“Okay we’ll call us if you need anything please?”, Cora states as they pile out the door to the Uber.
You walk back up to the room, and undress, you unpack your toiletries and begin wiping off your makeup from the day. You get the bright idea to text Remy, while in the process of unwinding. You talked for a while about how happy you were to leave your lame ass city in Georgia and visit a historic city. He threw in some French and unfortunately, you swooned. Your phone starts to ring, it is a FaceTime from “LeBeau (NOLA)”, you answer reluctantly. You see a big smile beaming across his face.
“Bonjour, belle”, his French accent shining through, “oh by the way I have a liquor cabinet help yourself”, he adds.
“Oh, I don’t drink much”, you respond.
“Fair nough ”, he nods.
You reposition yourself to lay on your stomach propping your head up with one of the pillows.
“Are you enjoying?”, he asks smiling.
“Yes I am, I decided to stay in, not feeling good”, your face softens to sorrow.
“What’s wrong ma chérie?”, his voice fills with concern.
“No tell Remy, something is bothering you. You’re to pretty to be bothered by something”, He raises his concern again.
“No, it’s pretty irritating and it’ll go away, that’s why I’m here to get away for this weekend.”
“So why are you staying in if it’s gon go away?”, he asks once again. You roll your eyes at his persistence, “Remy gives very good advice, but shit you don’t gotta tell me. I’ll just find out f’myself soon.”
“Fine”, you sigh, and inhale a deep breath before sitting up and propping the phone up on the lamp on the night stand. “It’s my ex”, you pause, twiddling your thumbs, “he keeps sending me sex videos of the girl he cheated on me with and saying really fucked up things about me.”
Remy has a stunned look on his face, jaw practically touching the floor. “What the fuck?”, his Cajun accent more pronounced. His bright red eyes fill with anger. “Thas fucked up, that jus don’t make no sense, why?”
“Like I would know, I don’t even know why he cheated on me in the first place. I did nothing to him.”
“No s‘not your fault cher, some people are jus filled wit evil”, he responds. “How long were yall together?”, he tilts his head to the side like a puppy waiting for a treat.
“One year”, you follow, “we broke up two weeks ago.”
“Woah, s’insane he would do a beautiful masdame like that”, he follows this, “d’ya know tha girl?”
“Yeah”, your eyes sink lower, “Riley.”
“Ya amie?”, he asks
“Your friend”, he translates the French
“Yes”, you remark, “that’s why I don’t want to go out.”
“You got that right”, he adds, “get him back.”
Your eyes widened stunned by his ‘good advice’, “what?”, eyes widen.
“Ya heard me, get em back”, he beams, eyes lighting up again.
“Why would I do that?”
“You a very beautiful woman, I assume he ain’t, get em back wit a good lookin man.”
“Remy”, you sigh, “I don’t want to do that, I don’t just have sex to get revenge.”
“Fair”, his tone direct.
“Yep, so that’s why I’m not going out tonight”, you roll your eyes grabbing your phone and laying back down on the bed. “Where are you?”
“Hotel!”, he flips his camera around to show off the sorry room that he’s in.
“Yikes”, you chuckle out your nose. “Come back here, we can party”, you smile. You surprisingly enjoy his presence, he’s a little cocky, but he makes you smile.
“Ha, d’ya play poker?”, he asks.
“I can play 21”, you smile.
“Close nough, imma be there soon.” He hangs up the phone, and you change into some more presentable clothes, but yet still comfortable. You take it upon yourself to borrow one of his purple sweatshirts because you weren’t expecting his house to be freezes cold. You make your way down the stairs and into the kitchen searching for something to munch on, you smile when you see a snack cabinet specifically for guests and renters. You nestle yourself into the plush vintage couch that matches the aesthetic of the French quarter.
You flip through a couple channels on the tv before landing on the Animal Planet because reruns of your favorite childhood tv show ‘Dirty Jobs’ was currently on. You’re hair fully curled back up, because you did rinse out the rest of the silk press earlier, revealing bouncy, but some what frizzy 3c curls. You let out a long sigh when the door knob starts jiggling you jump up making a run to the door grabbing a random baseball bat, when the door opens you swing the bat hitting Remy in the stomach.
“Ooo”, he groans dropping to the floor holding his stomach. You drop the bat cupping your mouth to stifle a giggle. You quickly rush down to his aid still trying not to laugh and planting a look of concern onto your face.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!”, you exclaim.
“S’all good”, he grumbles out, “jus-ow-needa-minute”, he exhales, “good arm you got there.”
“Yeah, I played softball in highschool”, you respond. You help him off the floor closing the door muffling the outside noise and bring him to the couch. “Let me grab some ice!”, you spark.
“That’ll be great cher”, he responds shifting slightly. You return with a bag of ice placing it on his abdomen, he looks up at you and smiles. “Thanks.”
“I’m so sorry, it’s definitely gonna leave bruises, you lift up his shirt to reveal a spot begging to form.
“Well at least I’ll know a beautiful woman gave em to me”, he chuckles. You roll your eyes, still enamored by his body, his voice, his charm. You didn’t understand why it’s only been one day, but you would drop everything to have him around all the time.
“You make me blush”, you say with a slight hint of sarcasm lining your voice, “I don’t think they’ll be back anytime tonight, I bet you around midnight Cora will call and say they found another party”, you sigh.
“you’s ain the party type?”
“Not really.”
“I ain’t either, I like stayin home and watchn a good movie, playin cards”, he responds. He looks down at your hands lightly resting on his torso, “you’re nail s’pretty, I like purple”, he compliments the dark purple color you just did for your trip to NOLA. “You look good in my sweatshirt too”, he adds lightly grabbing the sleeve.
You blush, “thanks”, you remove your hands from his abs swiftly pulling the sleeves of the sweater over your hands.
“Don’t hide mon amor”, he pulls your hand and holds it tightly, rubbing his thumb on your knuckles.
“No it just hit me that I was touching you, I’m sorry”, you chuckle.
“Don’t be Remy don’t mind!”, he exclaims placing your hand back on his belly.
You’re 3 rounds deep in 21, he keeps winning and you keep busting, never trusting your gut. The air is filled with laughter as you both tell funny stories about your childhoods and about current day. “So are you from here?” You ask shuffling the deck to prepare for another round.
“Born n’ raised”, he remarks with a smirk, “are you from Georgia?”
“I am, I was too born and raised, but I didn’t live in Macon my whole life, I moved there when I was a girl, I’m actually from Moody”, you answer. “It’s a smaller subset town of Valdosta!”, you chirp.
“Oh wow”, he responds.
“Yeah, crazy right”, you smirk dealing the cards. You behind the fourth round and as quickly as it started it ended, finally you won a round, “YES!”, you exclaim fist pumping the air!
“You took a gambit cher and it put you in a good spot”, he responds to your win, “I’m bored of this game, do you wan watch a show?”, he asks cleaning up the card and placing them back in their spot inside the coffee table.
“You’re not bored you’re just upset that you lost”, you laugh.
“Damn you’s caught me”, he sarcastically sulks.
“But yes we can watch a show, I’m not picky we can watch anything!”
“Okay, do you like Disney?”, he asks taking a spot quite close to you in the couch. His arm is stretched out behind you, and you subconsciously lean into him without even realizing. You nod at his question and he opens Disney+, “is that your natural hair?”, you nod, “it’s beautiful cher!”
“Thank you”, you blush at this compliment, it’s very rare for a white man to compliment your hair without touching it or comparing it to something else. He puts on a movie.
“This is MY favorite move”, he remarks clicking on ‘Princess and the Frog’ you chuckle, and how adorable this man actually is. The movie starts playing, he gets up to dim the lights and sits back down next to you, he pulls you in a little closer.
About 30 minutes into the movie you receive a text from Cora:
Coracola: “hey found another party, we ain comin home tn don’t wait up!”
Coracola: “have sex with Remy!”
Coracola: “love you N/n!”
Me: “okay be safe, please call me if you need me! I’m not going to have sex with him, love you guys too!”
You close your phone and place it on the coffee table. You hear a light snore beside you and turn to see Remy asleep head rested on the pillow. You smile grabbing the remote and turning off the movie, “not done watching”, he shuffles awake.
“I’m sorry, I am”, you respond.
“Oh”, you could probably hear his heart sadden.
“Yous sleepy?”, he asks, “go on to bed”, he smiles at you. You stand up hands gently cupping his face rubbing your thumb against his stubble. You turn to walk up the stairs, you know he’s looking so you sway your hips with each step you take.
You make it upstairs and you softly close the bedroom door behind you, stripping off all of your clothes except for your underwear and crawl into bed letting the warm blankets embrace you tired body. With that you’re relaxed, your eyes closing as you drift off to sleep.
The smell of breakfast wakes you up from your deep sleep; the smell of fresh coffee, sausage and eggs fill the air. You roll out of bed putting your discarded clothes back on before stumbling down stairs wiping sleep from your eyes. “Bonjour, belle dame”, he remarks when you walk into the kitchen he’s standing over the stove cooking breakfast for you and him and it looks big enough it could also be for your friends when they decide to stumble back in. “I have some grits jus bout done, and French roast coffe brewin, and sausage fryn up”, he points a spatula to different parts of the gigantic kitchen. “You like grits”, your pouring some coffee and putting in your absurd amount of cream and sugar, “woah there doll, you don’t wan no coffee wit ya sugar?”, he mocks.
“I like my coffee sweet.”
“You don’t need it to be sweet you already sweet enough, sugar”, he reverts his gaze back to the sausage in the skillet. You blush taking a sip of your sweet ass coffee.
“Why do you cook so much?” You take a seat at the island setting your blue mug down gently. The windows were propped open the humidity fills the room.
“My momma taught me s’really jus somethn I always did wit momma.”
“Oh I see.”
“Do you cook?”
“Here and there sometimes I just get to busy with work.”
“What ya do f’work?”
“Oh I’m a teacher”, he turns away from the stove eyes widening.
“Yous a teacher?, still filled with shock.
“Yes sir, I teach first grade, sometimes it’s a little rough, but they’re little angels just wanting to grow”, you smile taking another sip of the coffee.
“We-you know, you’re a special woman. Your heart truly is as beautiful as you are”, his red eyes look at you deeply. “Oh well! Everything seems to be done let me make you a bowl, lovely.”
After breakfast Remy encourage you to get ready so he can take you exploring through the city now that it’s daylight and a bit safer. You do your curly girl routine and put on a little waterproof mascara, changing into one of the summer dresses you brought for your trip. You still have yet to hear anything from your friends so you allow Remy to show you around instead.
You walk around the FQ for a bit, snack on some delicious food, and even try some of Remy’s favorite drink, Whiskey Neat, to you it was not neat and you may have even gagged a little. You found yourselves hand in hand at one point while walking around, he says it’s for your protection as he’s just trying to be a gentleman, but you know better than that. “I don’t know if I told ya that you look very beautiful today, Une beauté dans le bayou.”, he compliments.
“Thank you Remy”, you find you and Remy sitting in a cafe that he said he went to all the time as an ‘enfant’.
“Of course cherie”, he responds.
“So are you Cajun or French?”, you finally expose your curiosity to him and he just chuckles.
“Both amor”, he follows, “mostly just a ragin Cajun”, he smiles taking a sip of his beverage.
“That’s pretty cool, so your related to the Canadian French people?”
“Somin like that yeah.”
“That’s interesting”, you smile eager to learn more about this mystery man who seems to care about you more than your friends who you still not have heard from except Beebee who’s keeping you updated here and there.
“I reckon”, he states plainly, “Tell Remy bout you.”
“I’m not as interesting as you are”, you chuckle re adjusting yourself in the seat.
“Try me, gon ahead, doll”, he just smiles.
“Well, I’m mixed, my dad is black mom is white”, memories flood back from your childhood, all the adoption rumors that floated around your school, all the stories your mom told you about how people called you a devil child, and how you were unnatural, all the racism you faced from both sides of the family.
“Hey that’s pretty cool”, he smiles, “why you lookin sad, belle”
“I just had it a bit rough growing up up that’s all”, you drink your water practically chugging in. This has been your go to tactic when you’re anxious, just chug water and hope your nerves calm down.
“Oh”, he pauses and reaches accross the table to grab your hand, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay! When I got to college the bullying stopped!”, you exclaim
“Well thas good cher.”
After a couple minutes your food arrives and both of y’all go to town, you ordered the best burger you’ve had in a while, and Remy got a some crawfish and he went to town on their little heads, you just giggle, he’s absolutely adorable. He pays for both of you not without heavy protest, but he just ignores you saying, ‘this jus what men s’posed to do’.
You two arrive back at his house, and you finally see your friends running around the house like mad women trying to figure out who’s shoes are who’s, and who’s going out clothes belong to who. “Bonjour, mesdames!”, Remy pipes closing the door behind y’all.
The girls stop running around facing the door, “Hey!”, they exclaim together before going back to what they were doing. You and Remy just laugh and make your way back upstairs. Closing the door behind him you both sit down on the bed, just laughing at the women down stairs.
“My friends think we should have sex.”
“What?”, he looks at you Turing sharply. You have to admit he did look completely fuckable in this moment, but you just couldn’t fuck him, you don’t like the idea of having a rebound partner.
“Because of Miles”, you add.
“I mean, Remy wouldn’t mind bein a rebound, but I do get a lil clingy after sex, I will bother you”, he chuckles.
“Yeah, me too, that’s why I don’t want to do rebound sex.”
“Cher, remember how I told him yous should get him back?”
“Do it, you’re only here for a couple more days, so jus gon ahead and get tha ass back”, he adds, “gon and find a man and get him ba-“
Before you could finish his sentence you kiss him, you’ve wanted to do that since he came back to spend time with you last night. He responds to the kiss without hesitation. Your lips match movements. He leans you back on his bed, crawling on top of you deepening the kiss. His free hand travels up to your face holding you tightly with the other. You’ve never experienced a kiss this deep and this passionate ever. He’s filled with passion, it has to be his souther and French roots tied into one. Man is it beautiful, it’s great, until he stops, “doll? yous okay wit this, I’m okay if you okay?”, you nod your head pulling him back down into the kiss. Before anything could happen you hear a knock on the door, you pushed him off you and he hits the floor with a *thud* and an *ow*. You jump of the bed straightening out your clothes before opening it wide enough just for you to only be seen.
“Hey bad time?”, Beebee asks.
“No, yeah, no- you’re good, what’s up?”
“We are leaving again, we found another spot do you wanna come?”
You look behind you at the man still sitting on the floor rubbing his head.
“I’m staying here again, I really don’t want to be around Rylie.”
“Fair, okay well I will see you tomorrow, tell Remy I said hey”, she giggled and makes her way down stairs. You close the door as she leaves letting out a long winded exhale before walking over to Remy and helping him stand up.
“Do you have super strength?”, you look at him confused, “this the second time you’d hurt good ol’ Remy. Startn to wonder if ya dislike me”, you just giggle and rub the back of his head. “What kinda music ya like cher?”, he asks while getting up from the bed and walking over to the record player on the dresser.
“I don’t know Rem, I’m not picky. We can listen to whatever you pick”, he smiles and picks out a Louis Armstrong record. He starts swaying, he grabs your hand and politely forces you to start swaying with him.
“Beautiful belle”, he whispers, his chin rests at the top of your head, “stay with me. We can dance like this forever.”
You giggle softly, “I wish Remy.”
“It’s summer break stay wit me for the rest of summer”, he adds lowly. You let out a content sigh, pondering the idea for a second. He spins you around towards the bed and you take a seat, he walks over to you with a sensual look on his face. You scoot back spreading your legs so he has room to lay you back, pressing his lips against yours with so much passion you could practically melt into liquid form. He kissed down your jaw and neck, he finds a spot under your ear and sucks on it, that will definitely be a hickey; the sensation leaves you breathless and your eyes begin to roll back pushing your hips close to his. He forces your thighs apart more using his thigh, he’s pretty much straddling one of your thighs. You rub against his toned thigh out of instinct searching for release of the tension building on your bud.
“Ma chérie, ralentis”, he whispers in your ear. You whine, the accent is way more thick than it has been. You don’t know what he’s saying, but you can only assume it’s about your movements. “Oh don’t whine belle, that makes me go s’crazy”, he smirks. “Can Remy take off your dress cher?”, you nod. He pulls off the yellow dress revealing you in nothing, but a lacy purple thong. Your tits are perky, and your nipples have turned into mounds at the feeling of the cold air. He smiles like a goofy kid, “Remy likes that purple, s’bad gotta go”, you smile with him, looking up at his red eyes.
“Remy?”, he looks at you.
“Yes ma cher?”
“Be nice.”
“I’m always nice, mon amour”, with that he slides your thong and tosses it somewhere in the room. He looks at you silently asking permission to go down on you and you nod confirming that everything is okay. He dips his down into your throbbing cunt. He lives light kisses on the lips and around where you want him.
“Rem, please”, you beg.
“Not yet, sugar”, he keeps up the teasing until his fingers get involved and they lightly pass through your folds softly rubbing your clit. You buck letting out a soft moan, “I can’t hear you cher, a lil louder so Remy can hear you, yeah?” You nod your head.
He has you moaning a writhing underneath him for about 30 minutes, he’s taken his time making you feel good, talking you through everything. He’s laying next to you playing in your hair and rubbing your back, as both your heart rates attempt to drop back down to normal. “Cher you did so good for me”, he smiles, pushing some curls behind your ear. “I’m sorry if I was rough”, he says staring deeply in your eyes.
“You’re okay Remy, it felt good”, you respond cupping his face, planting a kiss on your forehead. “I’m gonna shower and it’s starting to get late, I’m sleepy.”
“Okay mon amor, any thoughts t’my question yet?”, he asks looking up to you as you wrap yourself in a towel.
“I have, I’ll stay”, you smile and waltz towards the bathroom.
A/n- hey author note at the end! I noticed there’s not a lot of Gambit content which is so sad. So I’m currently taking requests for him! I’m sorry this one got long, I’m going to be working on a part 2! Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to reblog🫶!
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Bets & Bargains - Part 12
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Series Masterlist
➪in which you ask for space, and bradley reluctantly gives it to you, but that doesn’t stop him from sending one last (and kind of desperate) text.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 3.4k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
The second Bradley saw you, his entire body tensed up, because he knew what this looked like. His ex was damn near naked in his bed, and he had just left the bathroom and looked like he just woke up.
Of fucking course it looked bad. 
But nothing happened, and he knew that, but you did not. And you didn’t even give him the chance to say that before you were turning around and practically running out his bedroom door. “Baby,” he called after you and was instantly crossing the room as he glared at Briana. “Get the fuck up and go, alright? I mean it.” Was all he said to her before he quickly followed after you. 
You were smaller than him, and probably pissed off beyond words, so you were a lot faster than normal. When he passed through his doorframe, you were already out the front door, and he had to run down the stairs to be able to catch up with you. 
“Y/n!” He called your name, but you weren’t answering him. You bolted down the front steps and began speed walking down the sidewalk, and Bradley briefly wondered how you could possibly move that fast with such short legs since he was having a hard time closing the distance. 
Just as you reached out and tossed the takeout bag you were holding into the trash can, he was finally given the chance to reach out to you.
His hand wrapped around your wrist, his grip gentle but firm as he turned you to face him. “Please, please, listen to me okay? Please, what you saw, that was-”
“I don’t want to hear it, Bradley,” you cut him off and pulled your hand away from him so quickly, he didn’t have time to tighten his grip before you broke the contact. “I don’t, alright? Just…please.”
Bradley furrowed his brows and shook his head. He needed to make it known that what you saw wasn’t at all what it looked like, even though that was the oldest excuse in the oldest fucking book on earth. “No, baby, just listen, please,”
“I don’t want to,” you quickly say and step away from him. “I just saw your ex in your bed, Bradley. I don’t want to be anywhere near you right now, okay?”
Your words hurt him more than he thought they would, but he still didn’t let you get too far before he was trying to close the distance again. You were the best thing in his life right now, the last thing he wanted to do was fuck that up because of a misunderstanding. “Babes, just stop for a second, okay?” He begged, trying and failing to get you to meet his eyes. “It isn’t what it looks like, alright? And I know, I know, everyone says that, but I mean it.”
“Bradley, please,” you said quietly and he didn’t even need to see your eyes to know that you were crying, and he felt like the biggest asshole in the entire world right now. “Let’s not do this, please. I think…I think maybe we rushed into this.”
That literally left him speechless, because to him it couldn’t be further from the truth. Maybe he rushed into it at the beginning, but everything felt like it was going at the perfect pace to him. And he knew it was the same for you, he could tell. You were lying to him right now in an attempt to protect yourself from him, and that left him with the worst feeling settling in his bones. 
“Y/n, please,” he tried again but you just shook your head. 
“Maybe you’re not fully over Briana, and…and maybe I’m not over Luke. Why else would your ex be in your bed, Bradley? Maybe we just need some time away from each other to figure things out,” you whispered and wiped your eyes. “Can you give me that? Please?”
He didn’t want to give you that. Fuck, he really did not want to give you that. He wanted to beg you some more and fully explain what you saw in his bedroom, but the look you were giving him told him that you were so close to breaking down, and he didn’t want to push you to that point. 
So he nodded slowly, his hand aching to reach out and grab yours as he asked, “Can I call you later? Or…or text you?”
You looked up at him and finally let him see your pretty eyes, then your gaze drifted behind him, and his heart fell even more. He didn’t need to turn around to know what you were looking at as you shook your head. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,”
Then you were turning away and fleeing down the sidewalk towards the other side of campus before he could get another word out. “I’m sorry,” he called out pathetically after you, but you ignored him until you were out of his sight. 
Bradley turned and saw Briana swaying on her feet on the steps of his house, her shirt and skirt back on and her heels in her hand. “She ran off quickly,” she laughed as she stumbled onto the sidewalk. “I didn’t even get to formally introduce myself.”
He rolled his eyes and pushed past her as he stepped back into his house and went to slam the door behind him, but her hand stopped it from fully closing.
“Wait, aren’t you going to drive me back to that frat house so I can find my bag?” She asked as if she didn’t just single handedly ruin his relationship with you. 
Bradley’s gaze hardened as he glared at her. “Why the fuck,” he started and she quickly stepped away before he could finish his question and began walking down the sidewalk, not even bothering to put her heels back on.  
“Alright, Brad,” she laughed again, winking back at him. “But since you’re single again, maybe you and I can reconnect and-”
Bradley didn’t even want to hear the rest of that as he slammed the door shut behind him and went back up to his room. Briana had left his sheets sprawled all over his bed, and her mascara was on his pillow, and he wished he could go back to Saturday night when you and he were so fucking happy.
When he stepped forward, his foot touched something soft, and he looked down to see his jersey on the floor, right where you had dropped it before running out of his room. He reached for it, and when he lifted it up, a wave of coconut and rose filled his senses, the same exact scent his bed smelled like before Briana tainted it with the stench of booze.
Now he was miserable as he plugged his phone in and tore apart his bedding, shoving the alcohol smelling sheets into the washing machine down the hall. When he got back to his room, he fell onto his bed that no longer smelled like you, and grabbed his still charging phone. The single text that was sent nearly forty minutes ago made him feel even worse. 
Babes🩷: I miss you, flyboy. Breakfast? On me 😚❤️ 
You were a mess when you got back to your dorm.
Your eyes were sore from holding back the tears in public, but as soon as you entered your house, they poured down your face
You felt so stupid and embarrassed. Briana was fucking stunning, you knew that from all the photos you deleted of her on Bradley’s phone as he went down on you. At the time, that was one of the hottest experiences of your life, but now you just felt fucking dumb.
She was beautiful, of course she managed to push her way back into Bradley’s heart and bed as soon as you left. 
You were literally speechless as you leaned back against the door, and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall made you cringe, because you knew Sam was going to have a field day with this one. “Hey,” she said flatly as she crossed her arms. “What’s the matter with you?”
“Not now, Sam,” you mumbled, wiping at your ruined makeup as you crossed the living room in an attempt to hide in your room until you had to go to class. 
Of course that wasn’t going to happen as Sam reached out and grabbed your wrist. “Hey,” she said again, turning you to face her. “What happened? Wait, let me guess.”
She almost sounded excited now and you squeezed your eyes shut as you felt another wave of embarrassment wash over you, because you were about to get brutally ripped into. You defended Bradley when she called him a rebound, and you were so convinced that you had a real thing going on with him, and it totally blew up in your face. Oh yeah, she was going to have a fucking blast making fun of you about this. 
“Your ‘boyfriend’, aka your rebound, turned out to be just that. A rebound,” she started, pulling her hand away from you as she laughed. “And now you’re crying because you thought he was actually into you when all he wanted was an easy lay in a newly single girl.”
The words leaving her mouth were cruel and awful and had you questioning how she was ever your friend in the first place. She really hid this side of her well, you guessed. “Sam-”
“And to think you ended things with my brother, who was waiting for you to get your shit together and get back with him, only for you to dump him,” she let out another humorless laugh and crossed her arms. “And here you are, crying over the guy you chose over him, the one who never actually wanted you in the first place. Am I close with this?”
You sniffled and glared at your roommate as best as you could, but you probably just looked even more pathetic. “You know, Sam, you’re supposed to be my friend,” you say, your voice a bit hoarse from all the crying you’ve done since you got home. “You’re supposed to be comforting me and supporting me, but you’re just making me feel worse, and for what? Because I broke up with your brother months ago, and it only just clicked for you now? You’re fucking mean, Sam, and I’m not going to stand here and listen to this anymore.”
Sam opened her mouth to respond, but you just turned on your heel and speed walked down the hall until you reached your room, and you quickly opened then slammed the door as more tears fell down your face. 
After the sight you walked into at Bradley’s place, and now with your ex friend, you felt exhausted and worn out, despite it only being nine thirty in the morning. Sam pissed you off, and you wondered if this was how Bradley felt after Eli’s interruption of your heated makeout session on the couch. And then you started thinking about Bradley again and how happy you were yesterday. And now you were sobbing harder.
You dropped your school bag onto the floor before stepping further into your room, and soon enough, your eyes landed on Bradley’s flannel he gave you the day after he asked you to be his girlfriend. 
You knew you should throw it out the window or maybe set it on fire, but instead you walked over to it and ran your fingers over the blue and white fabric. The first time you saw the shirt was when he was wearing it as he made you dinner, then asked you to be official. Then you asked him to bring it to you the next day so you could keep it, and you shamelessly wore it around your room pretty often. 
It still smelled like him when you brought it up to your nose, and you felt like you were going to be sick as a swarm of emotions hit you hard. 
Anger. Embarrassment. Sadness. Longing. 
You already missed him, even though it was clear he didn’t miss you.
You hadn’t even been away from him for more than sixteen hours before he had another girl in his fucking bed, his ex no less, and you wondered how many others there were that you were so blind to. 
Thinking that Bradley had a handful of girls coming over to his place after you left was a hard thing to think about, and you really wanted to believe that it wasn’t true. He was so sweet to you, made you feel adored and seen. He was the best boyfriend you had ever had, even though it was short lived. You didn’t want to believe that he was actually a terrible guy. The person you saw when you were with him wasn’t like that, but what choice did you have after seeing what you did?
He didn’t even try to get you to stay with him, even though you practically begged him to leave you alone. But still, you were hurt. 
Your mind was filled with the worst thoughts, and you forced yourself to believe that the only reason he sounded so upset was because he was caught, not because it was one massive misunderstanding. 
Bradley was pretty much useless in class as he stared at the wall the whole time.
He was pissed off at Briana and himself for not fighting harder for you on the sidewalk this morning, but you were so sad and certain, he didn’t want to make you feel even worse. So he stupidly and regretfully let you walk away without even mentioning the fact that he did not sleep with his ex, let alone intentionally allow her to spend the night in his bed. 
He wanted to spam you with texts, but you asked him for space, and even though he didn’t want any space from you, he respected you too much to go out of his way to deny your wishes. 
You wanted a break, or a full on break up, and he didn’t want that at all. You already meant so much to him in such a short amount of time, he was scared he wouldn’t be able to get over you for a long time if you were to clarify that you and he were no longer together. You hadn’t said that yet, but he had a strong feeling that it was coming soon.  
He didn’t want to break up. The weeks he’s spent with you have been the best he’s ever had since starting University, and he didn’t want to give that up. It was too soon, he hadn’t had you for nearly as long as he wanted to. It was too soon. 
Once class was over, Bradley was walking back to his place when Eli and Wes spotted him across the campus and began making their way over. “Fuck,” he muttered, closing his eyes tightly as he stopped walking and waited for them to reach him. “What?”
“Ouch,” Eli laughed, nudging Bradley’s side in a way that made Bradley want to rip his arm off. “Rude way to greet your friends, dude.”
“Yeah, man, lighten up,” Wes agreed. “What’s up with you?”
Bradley huffed and rubbed at his eyes before letting his arm drop down to his side. “Y/n and I got into something today,” he answered as simply as he could, because he didn’t want either of these guys knowing his business.
“Damn,” Eli mumbled, “And here I thought you two looked inseparable this weekend.”
Wes furrowed his brows and looked between Eli and Bradley. “Wait what?”
“Yeah, dude,” Eli laughed again. “That chick was all over our boy here, and he was pretty much all over her, too. What happened, Brad?” He asked once he looked back at Bradley. 
He was not about to tell them about Briana, but he didn’t need to, because a fourth guy joined in on the conversation, and Bradley briefly remembered him from the night at the party he met you at. What was his name? Jackson? “Hey,” the guy grunted as he stepped into Bradley’s space. “You just had to take her back, huh?”
Bradley furrowed his brows as he looked at the guy whose name he couldn’t remember. “What?”
“Briana,” the guy said, and it clicked. This was Jensen, the dude Briana was all over in the kitchen at the party. The dude who helped motivate Bradley to make that dumb fucking bet. “I asked her to come over last night, but she told me she was going to see you. Said she was going to get you back or some shit.”
Eli and Wes, of course, perked up at that, but Bradley was confused. “What?” he asked again, gripping his bag strap as he looked at Jensen. “Briana was at a party last night.”
“Yeah, and she said you were there with her,” Jensen scoffed as he pushed his finger against Bradley’s chest. “You already had her, man, you couldn’t let me try her out? You just had to get back with her, huh?”
Eli let out a low whistle as Bradley shook his head, even more confused now. “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t get back with her, dude, I already have a girlfriend,”
“Had,” Wes corrected and Bradley glared at him before turning back to Jensen and pushing his hand away. 
“I didn’t get back with her, alright? I picked her up from a party and let her crash at my place. That’s it,” he said and held his bag strap a bit tighter. “I don’t know what exactly she told you, but I’m not interested in her anymore, okay? We’re done.”
Jensen gave him a look that showed his disbelief, but Bradley honestly didn’t care about this conversation anymore. He just wanted to go back home, maybe send you a quick text, and finish making his bed so he can lie in it for the rest of the day. 
“Look, she’s all yours,” he mumbled. “Though you might want to rethink the way you talk about girls. It’s probably why she dumped you.”
Eli snickered then he and Wes quickly followed after Bradley as he walked away from Briana’s other ex. “Dude, you didn’t tell me Bri slept over last night,”
“Yeah,” Wes chimed in. “Looks like we owe you some money.”
“No, you don’t,” Bradley quickly said and stopped walking to turn and face the two. “How many times do I have to tell you that the bet is off, and how it was never really on in the first place? Y/n and I are…fine, okay? We’re gonna work things out.”
“Uh huh, that’s what you said about Bri,” Eli grunted, then quickly put his hands up when Bradley gave him a look of warning. “Anyway, party tomorrow? I have a guy coming over to deliver a bunch of beer.”
A party on a Tuesday night? What the hell was wrong with these guys?
Before Bradley could turn down the idea, Eli added, “You can invite Bri,” he grinned with a raise of his brows. “Maybe you two can get back together for real.”
“Yeah,” Wes agreed, “Really piss off that fucking guy back there.” He gestured towards Jensen, but Bradley was already forming an idea in his head.
Maybe the party was a good idea…but not because he wanted to invite Briana, fuck that…but maybe you’d come? You came to his last one, even though you got ditched early on, you told him that he saved you that night by coming up and talking to you.  
Yeah, you were very clearly pissed at him right now, rightfully so, but there’s a possibility you may come, and Bradley would be fucking dumb to not take it. He hoped you would see it as an opportunity to scream at him for doing something that he didn’t actually do, then he could bring up the fact that you’re completely out of your mind if you think he would ever cheat on you. Let alone with Briana fucking Prescot. 
So Bradley walked home with Eli and Wes, and he immediately went up to his room. He tossed his bag onto the bed and pulled out his phone, clicking on your contact. After looking at the cute picture he set for you that was taken the same night he asked you to be his girlfriend, he began typing out a text, and he hoped he didn’t sound too desperate, but he kind of was.
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