#busy bich out
yumethefrostypanda · 2 years
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Lieutenant Ghost
i can't get over his eyes, and now in slow-mo;
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Did you also see the dick on the wall? Or am i seeing dicks?
I like how he says "On the way"
#my ingame shots
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jyoongim · 4 months
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🎻 ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 ℜ𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔬🎻
Chapter One
The bitter cold of winter has finally given way to the refreshing warmth of spring. As the spring season rolls in, life and flowers are back in bloom. But that is not the only thing in bloom, no no no.
Many youth from prestigious families are in bloom as well. The refreshing air of spring has given way to the start of the biggest social event in the South.
The Marriage Market.
A time where once youthful elites, now must enter society and find a suitable match, whether that be for love or business, to secure high status.
Will this season’s market be successful? Will there be scandal? Will there be a love match made and a wedding this season?
Well, I guess that is something we should wait to see isn’t it my dear readers?
The gentle rocking of the carriage was luring you to sleep as you watched the scenery go by. The greenery and the smell of honeysuckles always had a special place in your heart. You always loved the country, preferring the quiet hum of the bayou over the hustle and bustle of the city, but you guessed you didn’t mind the jazz and festivities that lied in the city.
“Dearest?” The sound of your mother’s concerning tone made you turn your head, not knowing if she was referring to you or at one of your sisters. She was staring at you with a quirked brow.
Yep. Definitely you.
”did you hear me?”
you gave another look out the window, shaking your head “what did you say?” Your mother sucked her teeth “I asked if you were excited. Its your first season.” A soft smile appeared on your lips “hmm I don’t know yet. Maybe it’ll finally set in once I debut. I am excited to see my friends”
Your mother smiled “I heard Charlotte was debuting as well, oh I can’t wait to see how that girl has grown”
Your sisters were chatting  among themselves quietly. 
Your mother continued “We have much to prepare for dearest. This season I am hoping to have a wedding to plan by the end. Your brother wrote to me that he has found several prospects for you to look into” You rolled your eyes “Oh because he has such great taste in the marriage world. Mama please.” You laughed.
The carriage stopped and your mother stepped out. The servants bowed in greeting and began to gathering y’all things to bring into the estate.
Your sisters ran ahead inside to their rooms and you and your mother walked inside, your mother calling for your brother.
”Ah! Mother! Sister!” A voice called excitedly and your brother appeared smiling. He embraced your  mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek and you as well.
You figured they had business to discuss and left them be as you went to the balcony.
Many families were returning and you catch sight of Charlie. You waved once you caught her attention, sitting down watching the people.
Antony, Angel, hollered up at you when he jumped out of his car, making you laugh when his mother hit his shoulder to get inside the house.
You hoped to have a chance to speak with them while the events were happening.
The season.
You were the first daughter of the prestigious Biche family. One of the most influential and wealthy families to live in the South.
Your family made money by investing in sugarcane fields and horses.
You knew you were the potential prize to many of the men of the ton
”Why don’t you rest up dear? You have a busy day ahead of you” your mother chirped from the drawing room, unpacking a few knick knacks.
You nodded and headed upstairs to your room.
The servants already had your nightgown out and you changed and got into bed.
You read a little until the sky turned dark and laid there, staring up at the ceiling.
Tomorrow started the beginning of the season. You didn’t know what to expect, but you felt a little excited.
Will you meet the perfect gentleman? Would you be able to find a match? You hoped to marry for love, you didn’t need status or any material things. Just a nice man who loved you for you.
You remembered how your father was with your mother and you hoped to find those same qualities in a man.
After all…marriage was about love right? That’s what your mother always said.
@yourdoorisunlocked @certifiedcrybabyyy @aliyaharnold01 @alastor-simp @alastorsgirl48 @dickmastersworld @memoire-du-ciel @alastoralltruist @hazelfoureyes @kahlan170 @nkirukaj @voxsmalewife @theangeliclibrarian @purplecatsandhearts @amurtan @zombiesnips-blog @alastwhore666 @alastwhore666 @rulesareshadesofgrey @alastorsaries @alastors666creampie @thewinchestah @okay-babe @yunimimii @southern-bayou-beau @karolinda007-blog @justtnat @preciousbabypeter @vexendoe @evedenn @cxrsedwxrlds @cutiebimbo @orangethecarrotcoloredpaperred @sirens-and-moonflowers @alastorthirsty @siiv3r @theangeliclibrarian @nightshadelm @blubugg13 @smoky000 @boney-horse @sweet-radio @charlottemorningstarsdarling @im-so-tired52 @nyxenyo @cinnamon-galaxies @wisteria-seal @kaylopolis @prosciuttosblog @callmeoncette
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minminho0 · 2 years
◈Why her?◈
<Scaramouche x Reader>
<Aether x Reader>
-Angst ~ No comfort
Summary: All it took was a single follower to ruin your relationship with him
Gender: Female
Warnings: Murder, violence, attempted murder, replaced, stalking, obsession, yandere-ish reader, attepted suicide, bad writing skills [Thats all i think]
A/n: I hope you enjoy~!
(Feel free to correct my grammar!)
You've been with Scara through thick and thin. You were always there for him, comforting him, supporting him, listening to him, helping him, killed innocents for him, anything you could think of, you did it all for him.
"Why are you doing this!?"
"Because I love him."
After hours of listening to screams and begs, you finally heard silence.
Here you are again tonight, killing another innocent family just because Scara wants you too even if you didn't want to, you did. Because you would do everything and anything for him.
"You're home" you heard someone say. You looked at the couch of your house to see him.
"Did you kill them all?"Scara said looking at you.
"Have you eaten yet?"
"Without me again?" You said while sitting down beside him, slightly frowning.
He just looked at you with a blank face and leaned on your shoulder.
"Oh! Scara i havent washed up yet! The blood would stain your clothes" you said, trying to gently push the man off you
He then grabbed your hand and said "I dont care, stay here" he glared.
It was nice being with him afterall he was your only someone and you're his only someone. You're not really good at socializing that much and besides you're to busy worshipping Scara to even make friends.
You were kind of glad that Scara...yk only comes to..you? And aslong as he comes home to you, you're happy.
But one day, all of that suddenly changed, when Scara found out about a little follower of his.
You were sad
You were angry
You were happy...?
..You said to yourself that aslong as his happy, you're happy!.....
'but.. why do I feel this way..? Why do i feel like i lost a part of me..?' You thought to yourself.
You looked at the dinner table and saw the dinner you made him untouched.
Each day, Scara's time at home lessen. He spends less time with you and only comes home once in a while.
And everytime he came home, he always talks about that follower.
You spend the whole night at the bathroom thinking about that follower . Feeling jealous because you spent half of your life with him!? And then when a little follower of his pop up, you were suddenly a nobody! You were suddenly replaced because someone new showed up!
"Why her!?"
You hate it so much you cant even scream, you just cried your heart out until you cant no more.
And everytime he talks about her, he always refers to her as his ' first follower' like bich ass what am i?! A roach!?
You spent half of your life with him just not to deserve to be called his follower!??
You cried, you cursed, you pulled, you scratch, you scream, you did everything to express your anger.
And when you found out that Your beloved Scara watches her sleep!? You freaked out!?!!(not infront of him)
You litterly worshipped him!? Why dosent he watch you sleep!? Like wth
"This is so unfair!" I silently screamed.
You're a bit mad that Scara refers to her as his first because he unsurprisingly gets pleasure from seeing your jealous/mad face.
And after you calmed down a bit you swore you're going to get rid af her.
After days, you finally found out where she lives and where her usual spots are.
When Scara has to go away for some things you took this chance to try and assassinate her.
You were about to slit her throat when a hand suddenly grabbed your wrist to a tight hold.
You looked up and you saw him..the same man you fell inlove with...
"I- ..I-"
After all what he did to you, he never failed to still make you shy..
"IM SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!" You begged. Bowing so low you touched the ground below.
"Did i tell you to speak?"
You shaked your head, not daring to look at him.
You probably had the worst night after that.
Here you are laying at your bed looking so lifeless.
'What are you gon do now?
Your only purpose in life, left you for another..
'Why her?' You thought, recalling all your memories of him.
You were sad
You were heart broken
"Why am i like this!? Were not even together! We were nothing to begin with!"
'But i cant help it....'
You were walking around the village. Every one giving you wierd looks because you look like a zombie! You litterly tried to starve yourself to death but thought that your life aint dedicated to him so why are you doing this to yourself?
You were walking mindlessly when someone suddenly grabbed your shoulder, you turn around and saw a young man with blonde hair and on his side you saw a ..fairy?
"Hello miss, is everything alright?"
"Ye? Why did you ask ...and base on your clothing it seems like you are not from here.." You looked at him up and down.
After that faithful encounter, you two have gotten close, he visits your home everyday together with the littel fairy called Paimon, and you seem to have gotten better, to the point you start to forget him.
"Hey y/n!" Someone yelled as i turned around to look who it was.
"Oh hey Aether, do you need anything?" I smiled at him.
You admired his face, you grew fond of him and even developed a little crush but got pulled away from your little world when he asked you something.
"I wanted to ask you if you want to join my adventures!" He excitedly asked.
"Of course i would love to!" I chimed in excitement.
Months past..
You confessed to Aether about your feelings and he shyly accepted, it was such a cute sight that you just want to bite him smh.
Paimon annoying you both by teasing.
You were so in love that you completely forgot on who your first love even was.
And you three lived happily ever after~
Speaking of first love, what about him? Did he find his happily ever after or did he became a withered rose..
Scara's pov:
After that night, i slowly started to miss her..
Her sweet smile
Her sweet cuddles
Her sweet voice
Her sweet everything
I missed the time when i come home and shes there waiting for me with that lovesick smile, but now when i come home..its-..its just lifeless like me.(lol get it? Cuz hes a puppet and ye-😂😂.......🙂ye you probably didn't laugh..)
And what happened to my first follower?
Ye she moved on and forgot about me..
Cant believe i just lost another when im at my worst.
I thought about all the times i spent with her as i slowly watched her walk down the aisle to her future husband, whos slowly crying.
I settled on just watching her and protecting her from afar since Y/n seems to be enjoying her life more with another than with me..
It hurts but atleast shes happy
In the end, im just nothing but a lost soul.
And he live not so happily ever after~!
Thank you for reading this story!
The story might have changed a bit since ive been putting it off for a while😓
-January 22 2023
Happy Chinese New year 🥰
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ballistashoot · 1 year
Ayo Can I request holding hands with Jack, Retsu, and Orochi for the first time?
Porfis y muchas graciasss
Hi! This is the first request I get so I'm super excited! Anyway here you go:
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Holding hands w the Baki boys for the first time.
Jack Hanma: For me, Jack is not the type of guy to show love via physical interactions, he's not really touchy and he's aware of that, that's why I think this would be the perfect scenario:
❝ [You had been dating Jack for about a month, you knew he had other ways of showing his love for you, but still you craved that physical reassurance even if it was something ever so innocent, so pure as him holding your hand...]
Those were the thoughts you had from time to time, but not right now, right now you were focussed on the movie you were watching with your boyfriend. And suddenly you felt it. His hand gracing yours slightly before giving it a gentle squeeze.
"You know I love you right...?" ❞
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Retsu Kaiho: Look, Retsu is a busy man, and with all the training he does and the Shinshinkai classes, he surely comes home absolutely exhausted, so imagine this:
❝ You had showed up to Retsu's apartment latter than usual, when he opened the door the look on his face gave away how tired he was, man was half asleep. You entered the place and saw a bunch of ingredients lying on the kitchen counter, he was about to (try to) make dinner. Thus why you offered to do it for him.
20 minutes later, you placed the two bowls of soup on the dinning table and sat in front of Retsu as he watched you with love in his eyes. Suddenly, his hand reached out to meet yours and he looked lovingly into your eyes while his thumb rubbed the back of your hand.
"Thank you for this, for everything" ❞
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Katsumi Orochi: Even if he's a 21 year old man, Katsumi still behaves like a teenager when in love, so here's an idea when dating this man, hold his hand, he will LOSE IT.
❝ Your boyfriend had recently returned to Japan after a bussines trip with his father, as the now leader of Shinshinkai's Karate academy, he had to face some new responsabilities that were taking a bigger amout of his time that what he originally planed to. That's why, to make it up for the time he spent away from you, he decided to take you on a cute little date on the park, hence why you two were now walking arround the park's lake, admiring the view.
It was them when Katsumi felt your hand attemping to hold his.
Oh boy, now he has to act cool and be an awesome boyfriend, sure, he can act casual and interwine your fingers, hell maybe even kiss the back of you palm, but on the inside, he is screaming like a bich. ❞
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justanothervigalanty · 2 months
”you hurt my son!”
name: y/n Wayne
wanings: r@pe or assault, argument
Role:wife to Bruce Wayne mother to his kids and twin sister to talia al’ghul
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you always had a resentment to your elder twin sister she was the favourite and you well you always felt like a waste of space so ran away and met the love of your life Bruce Wayne! He was funny kind and he had a son dick. You loved that kid so much so when he left you were hart broken but soon after Jason came into your life and I think we all know the Jason Todd story and the shit talia put him through. When you found out about one incident in particular you were more pissed than when she had drugged Bruce, even this felt far for her! Talia had r@ped your son…
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“What did you say?!” You said walking over to where Jason was standing with Tim. The two had been arguing and Tim said how at least Jason hadn’t been thrown off a building to which Jason responded with “BUT HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING R@PED!?” Jason had tears forming in his eyes as he held his hands to his mouth realising what he had said. “What did you just say Jason!” You said bringing his hands away from his face. “Tim you should go” Bruce said as he came over to ask the exact same thing. Of course Tim left the room to get Alfred and ask for help. Jason had collapsed to the floor you letting go of him not wanting to cross his boundaries. “I-I can’t breathe” you heard him say clutching on to his clothes knees to chests. “Jason? I know you don’t need this right now but I need you to answer my question. What did you say?!” You responded more calm trying to get your son to answer. “Sh-she didn’t l-listen to me s-she just s-she touched me I-i told her to s-stop she d-dint listen!” Jason said trying to breathe. “Who. J who did that” Bruce said holding Jason’s arm. “T-T-Ta”- “TALIA?! (Nod) GOD THAT LITTLE BICH! NO ITS GONE TO FAR NOW!” You yelled standing up getting your motorcycle keys of the table. “Love, calm down we can”- “no you stay with jay I need to go talk to my bich of a sister!”you said before slamming the door.
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It was raining poring it down but you didn’t care you needed to find talia and you needed to find her now. You knew that the shadows were all the way in Europe but that didn’t mean talia was. You had heard she had been talking to Damian and you just so happened to know where she had requested to meet him. Her address. So that’s were you went. “Talia!” You said storming in to her sat at her table with two cups of tea out with a cat stuffed animal next to her. “Hello dear little sister i was expecting Damian but i assumed he sent you to collect his cat toy from last week” she said tacking a sip of her tea “please do come sit” she asked gesturing to the seat opposite he that you sat at. “So what brings you here darling sister can my son not make it this afternoon?” She asked so casually as if she even had the right to be visiting Damian behind the courts back?! “You lost all parental control over Damian last month, by law me and Bruce are his only legal parents you are well aware of that fact talia” you practically hissed at her “so what brings you here?” She questioned “my son” you decided as you sat up straight. “You’ll have to elaborate, after marrying Bruce didn’t you also adopt his sons and daughters also don’t you both have that toddler Tom or was it Tommy?”she laughed “why haven’t you been busy?” She smiled stering her cup of tea “it’s Thomas, tommy is just a pet name. And I don’t mean him!” You said glaring at her emerald eyes. “Jason, Jason Todd i believe you should remember him.” You said you hand turning into a tight fist “ahh yes J, I remember him rather good with a gun.” She said a bit nervous “you don’t get to call him that! Not after the shit you put him through!” You said trying to stay calm. “Jesus, so I was tuff on the boy. Did I hit him yes but all I did was to help him you must understand that y/n.” She said as if that made her actions any better “oh yeah because that’s all you did to him!” You yelled slamming your fist on the table “I don’t know what you’re talking about so calm down for your sake!” She replied even now she sounded calm “you fucking r@ped him! You assaulted a 15 year old boy! Who happens to be my son!”you yelled tears streaming down you face “all my life you tried to make me miserable you ruined my childhood with your snitch ass atachued, broke my dead mother in law’s Perl necklace that had been a wedding gift from Bruce and the kids oh yeah and you drugged and fucked my husbanded, attempted to kill most of my kids I bet you don’t know half there names! And you fucking r@ped my second eldest and still call him by a pet name!he is back at home hyperventilating right now because of that trauma you gave him! What is wrong with you!” You yelled standing up knocking the chair down o the floor. “The kid isn’t even yours and like I did shit to add to his trama. I’m not the one who let there him die to the joker and if anything I’d be a better wife to bruce I mean it took me a drink and one night to have Damian how long did it take your fertility issues ass to conseev Thomas! Not just one night that’s for sure and how many misscaregis oh yeah 6 and 2 off those were this year!” She yelled back making the tear’s from your eyes keep coming. “That’s enough!” You heard Bruce’s voice say as he walked over to comfort you. “Come on love let’s go.” He said holding his arm around your waist as you both walked out. “Oh and by the way talia I would never even consider leaving my wife for you.” He said “why because I ‘hurt’ one of your little soldiers feelings?” She said mockingly “no because you hurt my son.”he said taking you out to the car.
One the drive back he put his hand on your thigh “you know if you are feeling like you’re ready we could try again for another?” He said jokingly “I think we have enough kids Bruce!” You responded playfully “then why have you been pregnant three times in the past 2 years?” He laughed “because you don’t know what self control is and apparently you keep on forgetting to bye condoms!” You said playfully pushing his arm. “You know I’d choose you and all our little demons over anyone right?”he said kissing you hand. “Then why are you so desperate to add more demons to our lives?” You laughed “well now you’ve just got me in the mood! Thanks a lot!” Bruce said as you started laughing
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Note:I do know that Jason enjoyed himself during his and Thalia’s sexual encounter and did kiss her back but keep in mind this was a 15 year old and a neer 30 year old so it would be like a teacher having a relationship with on of there students.
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Minor/Side Character Date Scenarios
Under the cut as per usual, tonight it's Molar Boatworks' time to shine! (and a little surprise under the cut)
Olga: She finally managed to save enough ahn to take her partner to the beach. The proper, clean and beautiful beach she always sees but can never go to. She wants to give her lover a day without the stench of rotten crabs and trash, and she succeeds! It's such a lovely outing. She's a little blushy when she has to put sunscreen on their exposed, bare skin. Her calloused hands carefully massage her partner's body, spreading the substance evenly on them. They swim together and even play BICH VOLIBARRR beach volleyball! There's a lot of pda involved; holding hands, kissing, playing in the sand and splashing water at each other. It's lighthearted fun. Of course, she has a bottle of premiun crab brain wine saved to give them once they're back home. As a treat.
Rain: He hasn't planned this date in particular, in fact the date is a secondary stop for him. He's out on an errand and his partner is accompanying him this time. He thinks it's only fair that he treats them to something nice before they're back to the workshop, so he spends the ahn he saved on a coffee shop date. He's not buying anything for himself, as he's busy with jotting down a few things he has to keep in mind for his current project, but he tells his partner they can get whatever they want regardless of the price. He's a little on the quiet side this time around, but he listens to them talk while he goes through the list of parts he's procuring. Rain is just glad to be able to give his partner a bit of his very limited time. It's how he shows his appreciation for their endless patience with him.
Mika: She's super focused on a personal project of hers, so there isn't much time for going out on a date. It's been always like this, so her partner doesn't pay it much mind. They hang out quietly for the most part, but eventually Mika comes around to sit by her partner's side and leans her head onto their shoulder, letting out a weary sigh. They put an arm around her shoulders and pull her closer. She thanks them for always waiting for her to give them her attention. She knows it's hard to be her partner, because she's always focused on her work, but she does love them dearly. She kisses them on the cheek and makes a mental note for herself. Her next project will surely be a gift for her beloved.
Smee: Her lover will get nothing but the best of the best. They don't even need to go out to a restaurant, because she made sure one of her 'guests' is a renowned chef. Of course, the chef's life depends on whether or not the dishes her lover asks for are cooked to perfection. It's a candlelit dinner with her subordinates playing the part of waiters. She showers her partner with love, attention and kisses. By the end of the dinner date, she also has a mountain of gifts waiting for them.
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champagnepadre · 6 months
Fatimaaaaaa how are you bith awww I missed you I just remembered my old tumblr password and I had flashbacks of you listening you and I in the bathroom lmao, what have you been up to this past years 🤧🤧🤧
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omggggg dis is crazy cuz I just commented on a 1d TikTok n somebody calling me fatimaam this past week djdjdkek wow thank u for thinking of me 🥹 I am doing pretty good ummm I been thru a lot of life tings…. Realizing things…. Real eyes realize real eyes 🧍🏻‍♀️
Tbh w u my life been a bit mf rough but also beautiful 😗 like I live in richmond va working as an independent contractor for instacart sjekdkdk I do not have a boss or coworkers so tht cool but in general I’ve been making my coins and being in the shadows minding my business 🫣 but idk with this twilight saga eclipse (2024) coming up I feel a change is coming bith… like time to get out de shadows n be seen ! I wanna take my online presence srsly like I naturally did as a teenager cuz I’m 25 now and I’m a cool bich like I be in de gym n listening to cowboy carter on repeat n shi n idk my kid I feel I should just share my story n who I am to ppl again like de fact u still care about wat my ass up to so inspiring to me! God bless but ye anyway I do believe there hope for a better world n the uglies need to be called out n I c it slowly happening ! Free Palestine n God help de ppl suffering rite now in this mf economies! 🙏🏼💙
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angy-lane · 1 year
How do you think Monsieur Rook would react to fem!MC having a bunch of different interests? I can see them being a Renaissance person, the type to be endlessly curious and unearth as much as possible. Probably invited both him and Grim to sneak into the Hall of mirrors at some point.
Hella autistic. I be collecting special interest like Pokémon
Personally it’s the adhd for me, we be hoping back and forth between interest so I love this
Authors note: i decided to do this in head cannon format. I hope that’s ok.
Rook with a FemMc with many interest
Rook would be absolutely enamored. As a man with so much passion, he personally respects someone who can have such passion too. He could find MC just chilling with their head in a book and go all starry eyed “oh Mademoiselle, what now has caught your mind. Tell me so” His little flamboyant ass pulling out a chair so that he can sit and watch the sparkle in your eyes. Rook, who’d utterly adore hearing about what you’ve taken an interest in this week. He may be busy with Vil and stalking Leona, but he can always stop to lend an ear. Now renaissance, rook greatly appreciates the renaissance. A time of such love and emphasis on art has stricken the hunters heart. An MC who shares his love for that will surely excite him. He can’t wait for the next time you can sit and chat about all of your special interest. Just invite him and y’all can go to a Ren fest together. He’d have a blast eating food and seeing the beautiful scenery and ALL OF THE HAND CRAFTED ART✨. But whaat if it was romantic🫢👀 ohooho, sweet French words X 1000%, “mon ange” “mon amor” “Cherí” and my personal favorite “ma biche” which despite what it looks like , actually means something much sweeter. Rook would surely rather spend his time with you. He’ll show up at your windowsill with a soft look in his eyes. Knocking on the glass, and you can take out the earbud of your most recent documentary to hurriedly greet him. Late night, brushing each others hair, gentle giggly touches, going on and on about your favorite paintings or even pretty renaissance dresses. He’ll bring your favorite snacks and surprise you with tiny sculptures of your favorite animal hoping that it’ll cause you to burst out more cool facts about it. On a breezy day he’ll stare into your eyes, watching the way the sun glimmers in them. He’ll lean closer to give you his coat, but stay near to “keep you warm”. Your breath will hitch and your ramble hesitates as he gets even closer to brush a strand of hair out of your face softly. And there he’ll stop and stare. Thinking as he always does to maybe land a kiss onto your oh so passionate lips, but vying to rather wait. As to kiss you would stop your pretty voice from entering his ears. send in request and have a lovely day ✨
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Bloody Star AU 🩸⭐️ Stardust Crusades stuff
So the way this part opens up is the Cult of Dio finally finding their founders body in the special coffin as well as a special container with a majority of Jonathan’s body that has been preserved in a special box. (Kinda debating if Jonathan would still be alive and aware of what was happening he probably wouldn’t stay alive for much longer or worse, I’m just gonna say he’s dead for now) the cult basically goes “hey let’s try and revive our founder whose body is in remarkably good condition because of the Hamon coffin using the remains of the original Bloody Star Vampire and the new power we discovered called Stands!” And thus the Cult of Dio enters its mad science era.
Basically the final fight will be against a Frankenstein‘s monster thing made out of Dio’s and Jonathan’s parts. Definitely some metal and other stuff in their to prevent the hamon from effecting the vampire parts. Perhaps they stole the info of the experiments data of Joseph that the SWF did in the part 2 era and that furthers their research even more.
This AU Jotaro isn’t as rude or a punk and is a bit leaner, because he mostly lived a mostly solitary lifestyle with his mom in Japan. But he is still very quiet and doesn’t like to show emotion. Although I think he would be a bit of an explorer, wandering the streets at night. He basically becomes a local myth in the city. When he gets his stand he panics and instead of going into a police holding cell he runs into the woods and stays there stubbornly isolating himself (and adding new rumors to his ever growing cryptid stories). His mom does eventually find him but he refuses to go home, snapping at her and calling her an annoying bich for the first time, Star bringing Everything he needs. It’s hard but she had to go home before the sun came up.
Joseph and Alvdol come to help. With the Fortune teller getting Jotaro out of the forest by having him chase him and some encouraging words from his grandfather (little Jojo, I know that your scared of what’s happening, that you may become some kind of monster, but it’s kinda silly to do so because we come from a family of monsters, but we’re all human on the inside, and this new power of yours doesn’t change that one bit) Jotaro heads home.
Yea Joseph and his friends call jotaro Little jojo.
Joseph stays with Holly and Jotaro for a while with Avdol as his bodyguard, because the cult of Dio was acting more suspicious and moving towards his home. He had been able to lead a somewhat normal life and run his own business for a while besides he’s been getting more irritated lately for some reason. But there is no rest for the wicked for the wicked and the cult is waiting and preparing something something Big! And the Kujo household is ironically the best safe house they have. Not many people even know where the Kujos live and you can’t even find their house without knowing how to look for it. The Kujo family is one of Japan’s most hidden secrets. Sadao doesn’t let anyone know he has a family but he loves them all the same.
Jotaro goes out to get some groceries, (cus he is one of the only people in the house that can go outside during the day). His hight does make him stand out but he just pretends he’s a forager visitor only speaking in English. He buys the ingredients for dinner and begins to head home. But on his way back he falls down some stairs because something injured his leg. On high alert after that he accepts the help of some strangers who were around and decided to take the long twisted way home. Some of the groceries would have spoiled but it would be worth the extra caution.
While he is walking home he finds a slip of paper with a message on it in his pocket.
“Today you will burn in the glorious light of life, with my emeralds I will cut you down using my stand.
-Kakyoin Noraki”
Shortly after he processed the information he is thrown into an alleyway, making him cornered. He sees a red headed Japanese boy, wearing some green robes, a circlet with a silver peace in the center and an iconic sun pendant that was essentially the cross for the cult of Dio. He was followed with two people also wearing similar circlets. Jotaro saw green tendrils spreading all around him even above him forming a inescapable web. So yea they fight and they argue during the fight about morality, during the confrontation Jotaro notices that there is something wrong with the other boys eyes.
Jotaro finally wins but something is wrong with his opponent who was knocked out had his eyes shot open and starts spazing. Blood starts dripping from the circlet, namely the center of his forehead. His two companions(?) start grinning sinisterly their circlets are different (basically hamon powered thought remotes) saying that Kakyoin served the order well, he fell to one of the Bloody Stars, they would have to take him on himself. They both get the stuffing beat out of them because they didn’t have stands. Like come on…. I guess they tried to take him on while he was weakened from the fight but still….
Jotaro takes Kakyoin and the remains of the grocery’s back home. They remove the killer circlet with some trouble (similar to the flesh bud) and hand it to the SWF for study, they give the red head some vamp blood (it is great for healing that’s cannon, I mean Joseph was right as rain after the blood transfusion.)
Kakyoin was smug and righteous before but now he just looks haunted…. He doesn’t run away but he is clearly scared and not talking to anyone. He is constantly gripping his sun pendant. Despite the circlet messing with his head he was apparently an genuine worshipper. After being betrayed by members of his own religion and now basically in the presence of their version of the devil and demons, he is not having a good time. Everyone gives him some space and they have him out of the Kujo house hold and into the company on the SWF, he isn’t being held prisoner at all, he can leave any time he wants.
A week pasts and the Jostar family is currently bunking down with minimal contact. It’s now obvious that the cult is doing something BIG.
Then one day Holly just goes feral for some reason, right in the middle of cooking. Jotaro, Joseph and Avdol all do their best to calm her down and constrain without hurting her,Joseph even awakens his stand in the mess but nothing works. Holly actually almost kills Jotaro, it is then her stand awakens and constricts her, vines grapple with any leverage, pulling the kind mother turned savage farther and farther away from her son, tears now falling from her eyes. Finally the stand locks her in a room and binds her hands and legs.
They get the speed wagon foundation to come over quickly and Kakyoin comes along as well. The researchers and the doctors do some research/ try to helpon both Holly without hurting her as well as looking over Jotaro and Joseph. They learn that something is messing with Hollys instincts, she is basically a prisoner of her own mind, whatever this effect is it’s due to the unique bloodline connection the Joestars have (it wasn’t discovered until Holly’s youth, mainly because most parents don’t see their kids grow up in this family) the whole ‘connection’ thing is still pretty mysterious, after confirming that it wasn’t Jotaro and Joseph fault they learn something even scarier, they being effected too. That’s why Jotaro was being more rude, and Joseph being more irritated than usual.
The scientists estimate that in 30 day’s every member of the Jostars would either be overpowered by their body’s instincts or become addicted to feeding on the innocent.
After seeing how scared Jotaro was Kakyoin finally decided to help, “it’s kinda silly and stupid to think anyone is pure evil, we’re to complicated for that, even the devil is a person after all. Just don’t make me regret this,” He tells them about his past, how he and his family were casual worshippers (just go to church on Sundays nothing special that kinda thing he wasn’t going stop his life or make it his entire existence for it) he wasn’t supper hardcore or serious about it. Then one day he gets approached by someone in the church, saying that they knew about hierophant green, and that he had a special power that they called a Stand. Wanting to learn more Kakyoin talked more, they learned a lot about stands, how they worked and others like him. Then they got him to wear the circlet and that forced him to go from a causal worshipper to a full blown zealot willing to die for the cause, they didn’t even see him as a person. He also revealed that the religion had uncovered the corpses of both Dio and Jonathan, about the whole reviving their founder and ‘Purifying’ the bloody stars by studying the original bloodstained Star. The bond of bloodline has been tapped into by the cult.
So yea after learning all that they all decided to stop them from doing anything worse they have to find the lab where the experiments are taking place. Joseph accidentally learns about spirit photography in a fit of rage. They discovered the location (similar to cannon) and Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin(he wants to confront the people in his religion) head to Egypt.
But the cult of Dio will not let them taint their holy ground without a fight, they will do what they can to stop the, from reaching their destination.
Thanks for reading ('ω')
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adarkrainbow · 2 years
So recently people have been interested in my Cinderella’s glass slipper post.
Which leads me to actually point out something about this whole shoe business.
As I said, the problem with non-French reception of French fairytales (the literary ones) is that people tend to overlook that they were works of literature. Not just copy-pasting ancient stories: these stories were composed with clear intentions, filled with specific modifications, with new inventions, with puns and literary devices. As a result, they always are more than just a “simple” little story.
And with Cinderella you have one specific ambiguity concerning Cinderella’s behavior. As some pointed out, she seems to be in Perrault’s tale much more cunning and intelligent than people tell her to be - almost manipulative. And one of those ambiguities comes with the shoe.
The version known by everyone is that Cinderella had her shoe falling off because she was rushing away from the palace... But Perrault’s text actually leaves it much more ambiguous.
The exact expression for when Cinderella loses her shoe in the original text is “elle laissa tomber une de ses pantoufles de verre”. And later, when she returns home in rags it is said she only has one glass slipper left, “just like the other that she had let go of” the same “laisser tomber” but here in past tense “qu’elle avait laissée tomber”. Perrault never uses words like “it fell off”, or “it slipped away”, no... he always uses a verb which has Cinderella as a subject, “she let it fall”, “she let it go”. And while it can be used figuratively as an expression - the same way “to let go of X” can be used figuratively to mean someone dropped something by accident, it is still very literaly “laisser tomber”, to LET it fall, to LET it go, and just like the famous Disney song taught us, to let go of something can be a very conscious decision. 
So already we have an ambiguity... is “laisser tomber” used figuratively, as in “she was in such a rush she let go of one of her shoes by accident” ; or is it literaly “she actually let go of the shoe”? “Laisser” is even more ambiguous because it can be interpreted in two ways. 1) “to let go”, aka she consciously drops the shoe. 2) “to allow it to fall”, aka she doesn’t cause the falling of the shoe but she “laisse” it, she allows it, she doesn’t pick it up. 
And to add to the ambiguity of the whole thing, if we actually look closely at the text, the falling of the shoe is NOT explicitely a consequence of her rushing away. The actual text goes in a step-by-step process 1) she hears the first strike of midnight, despite her thinking it was one hour earlier. 2) She gets up and flees. 3) The prince follows her but can’t catch her. 4) she lets drop/lets go/lets fall her glass slipper, that the prince takes. These are the divisions made by the text itself. 
Is her fleeing done in a rush? It is implied because when she arrives home she is out of breath. BUT... when she flees, it is not said that she flees in a rush. It is said she flees “lightly” “légèrement”, “aussi légèrement que l’aurait fait une biche”, “as lightly as a doe would have done it”. So we have here the comparison to something fast, graceful, not weighing anything - a very gracious fleeing. Not the kind of rushed panicked flight that would let one to drop their shoe randomly. Second point: the prince tries to run after her but he can’t, and it is only AFTER it is said that the prince cannot catch her that we suddenly see/learn that she drops the shoe, and the prince picks it up “with precautions”/”carefully”. Again, the prince takes the shoe in no rush, he takes his time - implying she is already away and is not hunting Cinderella while doing so. Which does fit the order of the text - first the hunt, then the shoe dropped. 
All of these elements do form an ambiguity - a person readng quickly the text without paying attention to details will understand “Oh yeah, she just dropped the shoe because she was in a rush”. But if you pay attention to details, you go “Wait... Did she PURPOSEFULLY drop the little glass slipper?”. 
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lexicorp · 11 months
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Adventure time is in my brain so much now-
I'm round mid season 5 rn buuuuuut already started theory crafting and au incorporating one of my peeps
Amory Führer taking Simon's place as the local ice wizard ~
I'd think that this universe would come about from the wish "I wish Simon never found the crown" and thus someone else replaces his biz
Simon and Betty don't get into that absolute batshit, tho I'm sure they'd still have some shenanigans in their years lolz. But ye, it works p well for them, they deserve chill vibe time-
Base amory is always obsessed with magic, so it was perfect to translate to this. He would love Simon's books and study antiquarian stuff on the side of his chemistry science nerd degree. And when Betty and Simon can't find the crown, amory with his stubborn ass would find it a perfect way of proving his metal to retrieve it where a famous person couldn't lolz. He always feels like he has something to prove, which manifests in his reckless determination and stubbornness. His goal was to prove the existence of magic and theorized the artifacts were tools and a map to determining the code to spells with your own hands. His dad always thought it was absolutely stupid, that he was wasting his potential on silly fantasies, daddy-o wasn't a fan of Simon either when amory would talk about a lecture of his. Amory's dad is kinda like, take Marcy's dad, and remove the goofy cray cray, he's kinda jus a gruff and generally aggressive ass. Abusive in many flavors and imprinted a lot of the trauma response behaviors in amory.
(I'm tryna summarize best I can but omyglob-)
The gal on the bottom right was amory's fiance, who didn't know much bout this stuff but tried to support him, yet something didn't sit right with her about seeking objects like those that are buried away. Amory was wrapped up in his head and didn't listen, which leads to kirona leaving, as she couldn't deal with his progressively worse obsessive behavior, especially after he found the crown and put it on. He did not keep it together with the crowns effects, and nearly hurt kirona before she managed to land hitting the crown off his head. He was so engulfed in what he saw that he didn't even hear her when in her high adrenaline state was scolding him. When kirona tried to take the crown to get it away, he reached out to take it back which made her more angry. High emotion time and all that she rushed out from the apartment.
Amory tried to show the crown off as proof of his theories, that he just needed to study it more. They didn't believe what he told them of it, so in his frustration he put it on to show them, trying to keep it together this time, but it went a bit crazy with him freezing some peeps and getting in ppls face hah.
His deal is that he totally is like, "itsfineitafineitsfine-" thinking he totally has it all under control, that he can figure it out.
Over the years, he thinks he's found a way to stifle the madness to get a clearer head. In his chaotic potion making, made a sort of toh eda elixir. It helps but doesn't fix fix it, and he'll start growing a tolerance so he keeps changing it and trying to figure out other ways. So he's kinda in between ice king and winter king in sanity lol
Instead of capturing princesses like ice king, glacier king (amory) tricks wizards into signing a contract to basically give their body to science, door to door business bich in the wizard City lmao, jus like I got ✨free healthcare✨ XD also collects various creatures of ooo to study mutations and differences between how the natural creatures are and hexed creatures. Glacier would also be fascinated by bubblegum for her own mad scientist side lol. He would a hundred percent steal her candy people making instructions or randomly bug her for tips or share his own.
Finn and Jake would be a nuisance cuz y'know they'd sabotage his hostage lab rats biz, but after getting over that he'd find it kind of amusing and a cut between the cycle he's been in. So later in the show would study them lol not entirely sure how all the parts would work- but that's most of what I got so far
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moonless-if · 2 years
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happy moonday!
hope you're all having a good start to the week like i (mostly) am. it's all much as usual for me with work and home, although my workload will soon get a little heavier again, with student evals coming up and me going on a union rep training trip in two weeks, which means i have to make sure i got all the work done that i need to have done and also made plans for my sub teacher, so they know what to do and blah blah. not a lot that's interesting for you guys, but just to remind you that i'm entering a busy phase with my work life soon!
anyway, onto the update!
what i did
still chipping away at the prologue! still not really getting all the words out that i wish i could, but i'm honestly just feeling so good about getting something written every day, even if it's not a lot every day.
i'm nearing the end of one variation of a branch though, which means the other variations will be quickly written and hopefully allow me to get to the other two branches fast. a lot of it will need to be rewritten/edited because i didn't have a clear picture in mind of the environment/layout when i started to write this scene, but editing is for later! right now i just want to get the scenes out.
i've also spent the week working on game art (mainly during the weekend) and trying to figure exactly what i want to do with it so it's got a clear theme and isn't just a wild mix of stuff, but i will share a snek pek;
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(i am good at thumbnails /s)
as you can see, i'm fiddling around with the colours for the game UI as well (probably won't be this bright blue, but that's for a later stage) and i'm hoping to do two different start page images, depending on if you have light/dark mode (or rather, dark blue, light orange mode) and then include those in the main game UI as well somehow. i'll probably also be adding a third option that's like low contrast/black and white, but then it probably won't be getting its own art. as for the mobile UI... i'm hoping i can do it's own thing for that which is a bit simpler than if you play on laptop/pc, but the mobile UI has been my biggest pain in the ass at every single turn so....
the main issue with the game art is me not knowing what i want with the background. part of me is like "just keep it simple, don't pull attention from the main motif" while the other part of me is yelling "PROPER ART WORK BICH DO BACKGROUND".
so. we'll see.
but that's what i've been up to last week!
plans for this week
for this week, i'm mostly planning on chugging along, again focusing a little more on my side project than the Moonless so i can get going with that in november, but i'm still gonna write a little bit and hopefully work on some art! so the plan is;
finish the branch variation i'm on
sketch on backgrounds for blue/dark mode artwork
sketch on ideas for orange/light mode artwork
and that's it from me for this week! thanks for now and see you next moonday!
- spacedfoxes
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sand-through-glass · 1 year
My Guild Wars 2 headcanon concepts before the canon story rolls anything out:
Please reply with your headcanons/theories, I love reading them!
The Pale Tree/Sylvari
The Pale Tree never recovers, it's been 10 years and there has not been one update on her health, and SotO makes no mention of her recovery either, only Sylvari lost for purpose.
The newborn Sylvari have been severed from the Dream, they awake like Malyck, with no memories or connection to their people like Sylvari should. After years of trying to understand why and re-establish their connection, the Sylvari have to face facts: the Pale Tree is dying.
These new Sylvari, that I've dubbed the "Voiceless", are the last generation of Sylvari. So soon after their appearance in Tyria, the Sylvari are looking at the last of their kind.
But are they?
The Commander find Malyck, and go on a search for other trees like the Pale Tree, that maybe their connection to the Dream is lost, but it doesn't have to spell the end of their race. During this search, it's explored just how broken the Sylvari are - the nightmare court in shambles, the Soundless mostly either dead or disappeared, and just the Sylvari themselves completely directionless.
Jade Tech and the Inquest
Following the borders opening, Tyria, Elona, Ascalon and every race begin to indulge and become aware of jade tech as it gets introduced to the foreign market. Even after the Dragon's End disaster and Soo-Won's death, following the discovery of the ley-line, Jade tech continues to grow in demand as Tyria grows eager to become more technologically advanced.
The asura, arrogant sons-a-biches they are, aren't enjoying competition with another business, not used to having to share a playing field in Tyria. While the smarter of them are eager to adapt to the times and become a healthy competition to jade tech, the Inquest, armed with their usual amorality and a lot of funding, decide the only acceptable option is to drive the tech back to Cantha, and sabotage the Jade Crisis efforts being made.
The Commander and co. had heard of the inquest making waves again, particularly of them sabotaging ships and bugging the tech so it came off as faulty and unreliable, but it all finally kicks off into a power struggle of tech giants when the Emporess Ihn gets assassinated in Divinity's Reach after Queen Jenna wished to speak with her about modernizing the city further with Jade Tech and establishing more trade connections.
Initially the Inquest are the ones at fault but more Asura begin to buy into their propaganda, even ripples in the arcane council's the Inquest are still a recognized college and are allowed to make their waves in Rata Sum.
And Tyria sees a tech war for the ages, eventually leading to nuclear fallout in parts of Cantha and Tyria.
Give me my Asura expac dammit. They've not gotten enough attention.
More to come when I can be bothered to type it out.
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celestialaugust13 · 2 years
My name is River Debonair Hades, and I’m a daughter of Hecate and live at canp half blood. She’s the coolest goddess, and I have powerful magic powers and I’m usually busy on quests… but not today. I think Percy has a crush on me (but first I’ll have to get rid of the stupid blonde pick me Anna Beth!!!!)
‘Hey river’ I hear Percy say as he passes me practicing archery. I was wearing my Folklore cardigan, with beige cargo trousers and some blue converse. My crochet cat beanie matched the colours I’m wearing on my long sleeve striped T-shirt which has earthy tones, and my blue wolf cut is tied into a cute pony taiI.I would say I have pretty W rizz right now.
‘Heya Percy’’ I winked back at him..
I then hit 2 arrows at into the centre of the target and laughed. I’m not even a daughter of Apple but I sure am good at bows.
‘Come on Percy we’re leaving !!!! ‘Said Anna Beth. I rollled my eyes and Percy looked at me with his eyes apologeticaly with his really hot eyes before he left.
‘We shold hang out Soon!’ Said Percy, but Anna Beth dragged him away And scoffed.Fucking bich, she shouldn’t try to keep percy when’s she knows she has no chance!
When I got back to my cabin,that is covered with winding ivy and has a magic aesthetic, I saw that Taylor swift had Anjounced her concert and I used my powers to make 2 tickets for me and Percy - I know Percy loves Taylor. We might have ti sneak out so Chrion doesn’t see us, but it’s worth it for Taylor!!! Ticket master can go to Tartarus
(4 pts to ravenclaw if u got this far)
I turned on my iPod that is blue and played my favour it’e taylor swift song ( Karma))( that’s what Anna Beth will getsoon)) I then was walking and Will solace offered to play me a song on his ukelele and I sat and listened cutley to his song boys will be bugs’ by a normie called cavetwown . But then his emo boy friend wanted to play Mythi magic so they left me(nerdss!!!). I was so shocked that I ran crying into the woods( so swiftesque) and I cried into the tree. All dryads comforted me and made me a flower crown because I’m friends with everyone ( except Anna bich) and I felt better soon…
Then all of a sudden Luke cam out from behind a tree!! He had been running and he had sweat on his pale forhead. He looked tired - no wonder, he was Supposed to be DEAD?!’ All the dryads screamed and ran away, leaving us all alone…. My purple eyes met my EXES blood red ones.
‘’why.. why have you returned!!????!!!!!’ I shook
(Like 4 part 2, thanks 4 rewdin:))!!!’ And creds to misty for editing love u all)
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skyesilva24 · 2 years
Assigning TWST Boys STRAY KIDS Members
Content: Various TWST Characters (Azul, Jamil, Deuce, Epel, Rook, Ace, Leona, Jade, & Silver), mentions of struggles like self-worth, detailed and lengthy writing
A/N: I've been a fan of Stray Kids for the past year and a half, and I had these headcanons for a while now. I mostly matched them based on the vibes I got, sooo heheh ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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Bangchan's hardworking nature reminds me of how Azul got to where he is now
The octoboi created his own business. IN. SCHOOL. LIKE, PROPS TO THE GUY
Azul being the "dad" of the group just makes me giggle like an idiot
*recalls all those videos of Chan taking care of his 7 kids*
I can see Azul freaking out if one of the guys gets lost AHAHAHHAHAH
*proceeds to look for three freshmen, a sleeping lion, and a prince for hours on end*
Jamil is just laughing in the back
Azul can't even get mad at him right now, he's missing 5 members!!
this leader needs a well-deserved break😭
I also see Azul having cute ass dimples when he smiles--- MAH HEART
TWST!Stray Kids's residential Octopus
*deep inhale* it's the visuals. THE SHEER BEAUTY these two hold
Lee Know's story makes me see the potential of Jamil especially after the events of Book 4 and so on
I'm happy he's not holding himself back, not letting his hard work be overshadowed by anyone
He knows what he wants, and he's determined to work hard to get it
If Azul is the "dad" of the group, Jamil is for sure the scary mom you don't wanna mess with
Though, I can already see when Azul takes a much-needed time off, Jamil is gonna have fun with the others💀 ...in his own unique way
Azul: *shows a clip of them being chaotic during practice*
Jamil: "........"
Jamil yelling out "ICE CREAMMMM" (or curry) lives rent-free in my head
If Jamil had the luxury, he'd have three parrots (to terrorize Azul and the other members, but mostly Azul)
I can see him secretly and extremely being offended when no one in the group recalls his three parrots😭
Jade: "You have three parrots? I thought you only had one."
Jamil: 🗿🗿🗿🗿 ("This bich foh real?")
Changbin's aesthetic also fits these two the best imo
Changbin's "jutdae" and overall personality makes me really think of Deuce's and Epel's own principles in the story
These two can seem intimidating and unapproachable, but they're really just cinnamon rolls (more so Deuce than Epel cause farmer boi be feral)
I see these two always being hungry😭😭 so you often see them snacking during practice or smthn
Ace and/or Leona: "Hey, ByBix. System restart."
Deuce: *proceeds to attack Ace*
Epel: *country smack talk as he tries to cancel the command*
Thankfully, their phones needed fingerprint recognition to complete the command, but they ain't trusting their belongings with those two for a long while... or ever
Both their gazes are so captivating
their visuals are also 👏GORGEOUS👏
They're both artistic people as well
I'd like to think they'd be good friends and would often have art sessions with one another
When he feels all the support and love of the people, Rook would bawl and would want to do his utmost to see and hear the audiences' smiles and cheers
Hyunjin with blonde hair HITS DIFFERENT
Rook having the half up-half down hairstyle will bring me to MY KNEES
*recalls the Maniac music video*
Hyunjin's captivating voice also fits Rook to a T
I see the both of them being the most empathetic in the group, comforting everyone when they have problems and helping in their own way
I dunno how he'll comfort Leona, but he'll do his best😭😭
♥️ ACE as HAN JISUNG (my bias 🕳️🚴‍♀️)
I dunno what it is, but the second I laid eyes on Han, I was reminded of this redhead🤡
Their energies just match? So well??? Like, have you seen the chaos this Quokka does with the other members😭
Then BAM! I get reminded of Ace in those moments
They're both so silly, my heart can't take it--
Pre-debut Han.
In all seriousness, though, and if given the chance to prove himself, I see Ace having a similar mindset to Han, being hard working and putting his soul into his work
Turns out they both like the color red????🗿
Seeing Ace with chubby cheeks makes me wanna-- *fist-fights air*
British Han being Ace's English dub voice🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Ace singing when he gets hurt😭😭😭
*stubs his toe*
Ace: "Should have gave you all my hours~~! When I had the chance...~"
You and I both know, Leona is Felix cause of the DEEP ASS VOICE
Though, the thought of Leona going high-pitched and spelling "dispatch" will have me rolling on the floor LMAOOO
Leona 🤝 Felix ---> swearing
Felix's journey to get to where he is now kind of reminds me of Leona's journey
Both went through their own struggles, and Leona is still growing from his (...I think🗿)
I just wanna see the day where Leona can prove his worth to everyone, and that he can put his strengths to good use
Then again, Leona is a stubborn beastman🗿... Still rooting for him, though!
This man will use the image he's built within the group to mess with them so badly
Oh, you thought he had no role in *insert game name* cuz he seemed disinterested and wasn't doing anything sus?? Jokes on you, he was the motherf-ing mafia, fool👁️👄👁️
Though, OOC, Leona being the T*kT*ker of the group... will be something
I see Jade being the "underdog" of the group
But don't get me wrong. He's a strong force to be reckoned with when he's given the center stage
He will be the residential jokester of the group
"Azul is ???"
Jade: "Azul is old."
"Rook loves...?"
Jade: "Rook loves Leona~."
*cue more chaos unfolding*
You can't predict this man's moves👁️👄👁️
You think you've got him where you want him to be, but then he switches up his tactics-- *flips the table*
♠️⚔️ DEUCE and/or SILVER as I.N. (yes, Deuce gets two)
I can see everyone in the group spoiling these two and treating them as the "babies" of the group😭
Sure, they'll be confused, but they wouldn't have the heart to refuse their kindness and help
Baby bois will work themselves to the bone to ensure they're satisfied with their work😭🥺
If they think they messed up in one part, they'll start overthinking about it and possible get tunnel vision😭
Reassure these babies please🥺 They did a splendid job in their performance
Granny!Silver will just embody Lilia while Deuce often breaks character from his granny persona
My gut tells me that Silver can do the dolphin scream👀
I see Silver liking kids a lot, wanting to protect them from the harsh realities of the world (his Peepaw raised him well asfdggghlkg)
I feel like Rook pulled these two aside one day, and said that they should smile more, to bring out more of their charms
From then on, Deuce and Silver started smiling more (i'm ded--💀 they're too bright--)
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rielzero · 1 year
Life Update 16/4/2023
Feeling a bit more ‘’okay’’ at the moment. I did have a really bad meltdown a week ago(?) I seriously can’t tell how much time passed since then, but it is what it is. I can’t change how that went.
I’ll unpin that health thingy pinned post a bit later, I’m going to try a new routine (again) and see how it goes. I can’t make any promises on activity because I do not trust myself to function given how much my disabled body has been a bich this year and this year alone.
As for mental health- my self esteem seems a bit ok right now, all though my anxiety is still standing on a column and I can’t tell if its going to tip over any time soon, but I’m trying to stay positive and just go with the flow of the river.
I was very concerned I was really depressed again- but it might have just been a big dent, not full on depression. It’s hard to tell when you have CPTSD wether or not you’re having a fall back into depression- general gloominess is part of my day to day life and has more to do with my body’s reluctance to maintain or produce enough energy throughout the day. The recovery from my actual life-long depression into early adulthood was a mess, but I did beat it. I have been much healthier than I was in 2018-2019. Which is why I DON’T want that to come back. I beat its ass!! STAY AWAY DEPRESSO. Yeet!!
Exercise is still going great! my diet is fine, so otherwise I’m just hoping now that spring’s coming, we’re out of the big sad pile of whatever earlier this month was.
One of the first order of business is still to replace some images on my tumblr with glaze crunchy ones, just in case- before turning my tumblr on publicly viewable again.
There’s always the possibility I’m just going to feel bad again tomorrow. I don’t know. I do my best, I want to be happy.
I know my limits better than ever, and just gonna keep on holding my head high enough so I can headbutt whatever bullshit comes my way.
This disabled person ain’t done with life yet!! 2023 suck my d*** !!! I’M COMING THROUH-
Vroidstudio official v2 Rielzero reveal sometime soon [tm] weeh.
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He’s gloomy if you couldn’t tell :D *jumps around*
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