#business philosophy
spotsupstuff · 2 months
weird request, but id just like to see moon and boreas interact at all
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would've been a weird request if I hadn't gone into a private turbo brainstorm mode about them back in November. there's quite a bit to make them an appealing duo
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yuridovewing · 4 months
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Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw dynamic to me
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
Professional men run the business started by the courageous men.
Amit Kalantri
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year
You know, I'm not sure it's recommended, but I really do enjoy running my business/social media (especially Tumblr) with the general attitude of a Monty Python Frenchman anytime a hater appears :3
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waterghostype · 14 days
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i jhavent posted in sucha. long time. but this is really urgent and important
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franeridart · 1 year
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Ep 02 of The Housecat Philosophy is now up in preview on patreon! 💚
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anglerflsh · 7 months
What would your video essais be about if you get to do videos?
I have a dream research project about the way the architecture of places of worship influence the mind and reflect the view of God (a là Ficthe's ''religion is reverse anthropology'' and Weber's sociology of religion but specifically about architecture) and what that means for the current era of megachurches in America, and I have longed for that to be a video essay for a full year now but I can't commit to making it
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makeyourlifehappiness · 9 months
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Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
#love #happy #life #motivation #lifestyle #healthy #happiness #health #healthylifestyle #business #peace #selflove #selfcare #motivationalquotes #money #mindset #truth #dream #mentalhealth #time #free #hope #mindfulness #thoughts #wisdom #future
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melonnade · 9 months
Had a really long talk with my roommate about this & we came to opposite conclusions. What do you guys think?
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thesirencult · 5 months
Know when enough is enough.
In all aspects of your life.
There are people who always want more.
More money, more attention, more power, more sex...
These people will never be happy.
Know that there must be "a spot of satisfaction' for you. The spot where when you exceed that it's just a surplus, additional profit.
Getting rid of greed will help you advance. You will be happier, not because you will gain more, but because you'll know you don't NEED more.
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
To impart a moral responsibility to exercise fairness in leadership builds greater leaders of strong character.
Wayne Chirisa
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finkisun · 8 months
major headcanon of mine that Jay was a foster kid. in college, Alex would invite Jay over for holidays with his family and they’d be so welcoming. i think Alex would do this consistently every year so Jay, for once, had a sense of consistency and people that treated him like family
that probably all changed when Marble Hornets was coming up. the closer it got the holidays and Alex hadn’t said anything about holiday plans, so Jay asked about it. Alex said that they’re not going to his family’s place but they’re going to stay around campus to work on Marble Hornets. they don’t need a break, he said
probably hurt a lot for Jay. he felt like he was losing his friend and losing people he considered to be almost family, even if he didn’t see them often
i think, even after Alex moved away, he still wondered if Alex’s family would’ve wanted him back
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theloveinc · 7 days
none of those boys are going to college but the windbreaker boys would have such funny majors lmdaoooo
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queerofthedagger · 1 month
someone explain to me why i'm getting emails from my old uni's econ faculty about course election. i dropped out a year ago. that wasn't even close to my major. that wasn't even close to my faculty
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random-xpressions · 3 months
Work when you're bored, rest when you're tired. That's the millionaire mindset. Make no mistake of confining yourself to schedules or routines. Keep an energy radar and monitor it well. Deals are closed when there's a surplus energy flow. Somehow people miss the esoteric side of doing trade. Everything is about movement and action. An invisible channel is created when your mind, body and soul is focused on something which opens unimaginable pathways to the very psyches of your target market. A secret tunnel is built subconsciously without both parties even realizing what just happened behind the scenes. Abundance is all out there. How you connect to it is the real talent. Passion, zeal, enthusiasm - these are precisely what unlocks earthly treasures. But when you find a sluggishness setting in, then learn to withdraw gracefully and wait for the high tidal force of energy to hit your shores once again. Throw the fishing nets into the sea when there's a storm!
Random Xpressions
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limelocked · 3 months
thinking again about how fucked up other countries stores must be because i some months ago realised that our biggest supermarkets in sweden follow the ikea model
there is a Path and you Follow The Path unless you know well enough to fare well on the shortcuts
sometimes me and my mom enter lidl and its like entering hell because there is no Path and no order
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