#business and adversity
headslikekites · 1 month
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starryluminary · 11 months
Honestly I want to know your opinion on Nemma. Because honestly I don’t like the ship either and want to see if someone agrees with me.
Oh my god hiiii nerd-chocolate!! I will GLADLY detail why I don’t like nemma. Buckle up cause I’m not exactly normal about this subject
I will preface this by saying I understand why it’s Noah and Emma. I get why if Noah had to have a girlfriend it would be someone who would match his intellect and someone he could hold a competent conversation with. Logically, on paper, I understand. It’s not so much the concept of Noah and Emma dating that I dislike, it’s the execution. The development of the relationship was a train wreck. HERES WHY!!!
From the very beginning Nemma showed problems. The Noah that couldn’t play a game of dodgeball for $100,000 and was so standoffish he could only make a good friend in Owen is now suddenly falling in love at first sight with a girl that did a front flip and I’m just supposed to accept it at face value??
You could argue that it’s been three years and a person could change in three years. I’d like to argue back: this is a cartoon. If the development happened offscreen, it didn’t happen. Noah had a drastic change in personality out of nowhere because they give us no reason to believe otherwise. This is just the beginning. It’s all downhill from here, honey.
This is very much subjective and a personal thing but do you know how irritating his face is.
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It makes me ill. Who is this.
Back on track, Noah is out of character the rest of his time competing (not that he was perfectly in character to begin with.) Both the way he treats Owen and how he acts regarding Emma is not believable to me. He’s tragically mean to Owen almost the entire time and he’s insufferably… inconsistent? When it comes to Emma? Like they didn’t exactly have pinned down how he should act when he’s in love so it changes with every episode.
[I did a bit of research regarding the more important Nemma episodes and their writers, but couldn’t draw any good conclusions from it. I did find out Laurie Elliot wrote both Slap Slap Revolution from World Tour (notorious for the most significant Noco moments of the season) and New Beijinging (where Nemma is at its worst in my opinion.) This isn’t all that relevant but it IS fucking hilarious. The writer responsible for “Cody’s got a tiny sausage!” being made to (co) write a Nemma episode and subsequently butchering it is reeeeeally funny to me.]
On the topic of New Beijinging. I cannot watch this episode uninterrupted and it’s because of Nemma. I despise it. It’s not that I don’t believe Noah would act like a bumbling fool in love… in concept. In CONCEPT, I can buy the failed one liners and the speaking your thoughts out loud and the acting out to try and impress her. In practice it’s so painful to watch. The Noah that said he’s incapable of being embarrassed in his WT biography is now spitting hot food in his love interests face and physically recoiling every time he tries to talk to her. I can’t express through text the pain and anguish it causes me.
This is ALSO after giving her a suave one liner in the previous episode. How does he go from cool and collected to cringing at her I- AAAGGHHHH.
They don’t suddenly get better when the feelings are mutual, either. They just become insufferable together and it’s tragic. This is specifically about Māori or Less and Got Venom? (though admittedly I haven’t gotten that far in my rewatch and don’t remember Got Venom? too vividly. I do know they’re annoying in it even to Owen and Kitty so.) They just become so infatuated with each other they forget the rest of the world exists and while I enjoy the CONCEPT……… it just manages to drag down both characters. At least they treat Emma with a little more respect and have her snap out of the haze to play the damn game but THEY END UP KNOCKING OUT NOAH INSTEAD. Pain agony suffering and woe. Noah going catatonic and leaving Owen to struggle is the worst it gets but he still never truly focuses on the game and even hopes to get kicked off. He won’t even play for Owen.
Do I even have to mention Owen. My poor guy Owen. Owen suffers an unnecessary amount for Nemmas development. It hurts my heart even thinking about it but I’ll list off examples. Ways Owen has suffered for the sake of the relationship include:
Being made to carry dead weight (Noah) on more than one occasion.
Being used as a flotation device, offered by Noah to Emma, after being frozen solid.
Being forced to wait for the sister team, making his team go from first place to seventh.
Being victim to Noah’s snark and insults, which he does to either impress Emma or to reprimand Owen because of something Emma related.
(Side note: have I ever mentioned that RR Noah is my enemy? I feel like I don’t mention it enough)
To wrap this up, I do genuinely believe Nemma could have been great. I don’t hate Nemma cause I thought Noah was gay, or I’m a Noco shipper, or any other superficial reason. I hate it cause it’s a terribly written relationship that had to completely destroy my favorite character of the series to try and make it work. It’s a damn shame, really. I wish I could look past how different Noah is and how badly he treats Owen and how sickly annoying he and Emma can be and just, at the very least, tolerate Nemma. But I can’t, and I never will.
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purplesectorss · 3 months
streets (ruth) saying three stopper
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sparky-is-spiders · 1 year
Me: idk I’m not actually feeling super hungry rn.
*Immediately goes on lengthy tagrant on reblogged post*
Me: wow I wonder why that happened.
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
After making this I can just image so strongly a animatic/pmv with Iris by the goo goo dolls. DO NOT USE I am actually thinking of making this into something so plz don’t just rip it. I like the idea a lot and that’s kinda rude :/
Leafpool is the next parts, All i can taste is this moment, all I can breathe is your life. Her missing Mothwing and then as the lyrics fade to the between lyrics she’s with Crowfeather, even tho she’s with him she feels broken and hidden. The next part is them both.
And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life And sooner or later, it's over I just don't wanna miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
With them both it’s their reunion, Leafpool is hurting and knows she’s done something she can’t just push away, and Mothwing just lost her brother.
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah, you bleed just to know, you're alive
The repeating lyrics are their fates after. Leaf giving up the three in secret, her hurt and pain as she watches them grow up without her, having to keep up the lies she’s woven but being able to let it all go when she’s with Mothwing. Mothwing learning to accept the pain Hawkfrost caused her but also grief the brother she lost, pushing past the expectations she gets placed on her for being atheist, and having someone to talk to where she can show her struggle and feel better (Leafpool).
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am x3
The very last bit is when everything revealed, the first line is the fire scene, the next the gathering when Mothwing would jump up to protect Leafpool, and the last them being openly together after everything’s happened at the great battle.
I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am
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secretstalks · 6 days
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fruitmouse · 9 days
lot going on lots good lots bad but it’s WEIRD bc i’m still like surprisingly pretty present. exhibiting mindfulness and healthy coping mechanisms
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
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samerpal · 3 months
"First, I would like to thank everyone who supported me.🙏🌹
This is my new platform, friends, after my old platform was deleted for reasons unknown to me.
I ask for your help in sharing my story again to keep hope alive for me and my family, friends.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.♥️
My family and I appreciate your cooperation and hope to reach the desired goal and save us.🙏
Attached are the verification links for the old account from the supporters.
Link vetted by @ibtisams
Link vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi
Link vetted by @sar-soor
My approved number by the families in need and endorsed by the supervisors is 196."
@90-ghost @ibtisams @nabulsi @aces-and-angels @sar-soor @sayruq @fairuzfan @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive 🕊️🇵🇸🙏
I Samer Abu Ras, am reaching out to you with a heartfelt humanitarian appeal, after the ongoing war in Gaza has cast its dark shadow over my life and the lives of my family. Our lives were once filled with peace and stability before the onset of this catastrophe, but now, we find ourselves living in a situation described as nothing short of tragic.
Please note that the conversion rate is 1 USD =10 SEK
10$ = 100 SEK
50$= 500 SEK
100$= 1000 SEK
200$= 2000 SEK
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My wife, Shurooq, our three children, and I are now homeless, without a source of income, and without hope for the future. My family and I have lost our businesses and our home due to the war, and we now have nothing left but the cold streets and troubled hearts.
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My children are suffering greatly as a result of these horrific events. They have lost the security and stability they once enjoyed and are now facing new health and psychological challenges that threaten their lives. As a father and husband, I feel powerless in my ability to provide adequate protection and care for them.
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My child, who is a year and a half old, is experiencing hardships far beyond his tender age. Since the war broke out, we had to flee our home and seek refuge in a tent in a displacement camp. My child lives in extremely difficult conditions, deprived of safety and stability. The tent does not provide adequate protection from harsh weather, and food and medicine are scarce. My child suffers from malnutrition and illness, lacking basic healthcare. He cannot play or grow in a healthy and suitable environment. My only dream is to see him grow up in a safe place full of opportunities
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In the face of difficult circumstances, Samer Abu Ras and his family find themselves facing serious challenges in their daily lives. They reside in a modest tent lacking comfort and security, suffering from a shortage of clean water and food, and encountering difficulties in accessing necessary healthcare. Despite these challenges, they continue to express hope and resilience in confronting adversity, holding onto hope for a better tomorrow and a return to a more stable and secure life.
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I appeal to you today, dear friends, to extend to me a helping hand in escaping this hell. Regardless of the size of the donation, every drop of generosity will contribute to alleviating our suffering and rebuilding our lives anew.
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We need your help to secure the funds necessary to travel away from these destructive wars and seek a safe and stable environment where we can build a better future for our children
Let us stand together in these difficult times and let hope triumph over despair by providing support and assistance to those in dire need. Let us be part of the solution and build a better future for ourselves and future generations.
Thank you for listening and for the potential generosity of your giving, and for your generous donations that will change the lives of my family for the better.
With sincere gratitude and appreciation
‏Samer Abu Ras and family.
@heba-20 @soon-palestine @marnota @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @i-am-aprl @nabulsi @sayruq @communistchilchuck @palipunk @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @faggotfungus @ghost-and-a-half @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @three-croissants @interfacefox @appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @flower-tea-fairies @90-ghost @victoriawhimsey @ficsforgaza @aria-ashryver @mangocheesecakes @humanvoicebox @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural @commissions4aid-international @palestinegenocide @ghost-and-a-half @bibyebae @heritageposts @norrriey 🍉🌹🍉✍️
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sharkspez · 3 months
Badge: 🚬 🚬 🚬
If you young and all then I can see why you may not want to join but for people who haven't made 💩 shit of themselves by early thirties, this a good way to get your 🌎 life together and maybe have a better life if survive wherever the 💰 rich folks send us to protect their interests and businesses and corruption.
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rsayoub · 4 months
Surviving Cancer Six Times: Tova Gaisin on Empathy and Resilience
Embracing Change and Cultivating Positivity Introduction In a world that is constantly evolving, it is essential to adapt and embrace change. This sentiment holds true not only in our personal lives but also in the business world. In a recent fireside chat, I had the pleasure of speaking with Tova Gaisin, a professional speaker and Toastmaster, about her experiences and insights. Tova shared…
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tvmblrsillyman · 6 months
If I don't talk to you/reply back it's Becuase [tv static noise]
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silhouettecrow · 9 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 360
Adjective: Defeated
Noun: Seed
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Defeated: having been beaten in a battle or other contest; demoralized and overcome by adversity
Seed: a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant; a quantity of seeds; the cause or latent beginning of a feeling, process, or condition; semen; (archaic) (chiefly in biblical use) a person's offspring or descendants; any of a number of stronger competitors in a sports tournament who have been assigned a specified position in an ordered list with the aim of ensuring that they do not play each other in the early rounds; a small crystal introduced into a liquid to act as a nucleus for crystallization; a small container for radioactive material placed in body tissue during radiotherapy
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georgedfouni · 1 year
Facing Adversities in Life and Achieving Success
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. It is a rollercoaster ride where adversity often plays a significant role in shaping who we become. Adversities, whether they are personal, professional, or circumstantial, are inevitable. They test our resilience, determination, and ability to adapt. However, it is not the adversity itself that defines us but rather how we respond to it. Through determination, perseverance, and a growth mindset, individuals can transform adversity into a stepping stone towards success. This essay will explore the various facets of facing adversities in life and the path to achieving success despite them.
Adversity comes in various forms and can strike at any time. It might be the loss of a loved one, a debilitating illness, financial hardships, failure in one's career, or any other unexpected life challenge. These adversities can be emotionally, physically, and mentally taxing. However, it is essential to understand that adversity is a universal human experience. No one is immune to it, and it is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it is often through adversity that individuals discover their inner strength and resilience.
One of the first steps in facing adversity is accepting it. Denial and avoidance can only prolong the suffering. Acceptance does not mean resignation, but rather acknowledging the reality of the situation. It is the foundation upon which one can build a plan to overcome the adversity.
One prime example of someone who faced adversity head-on is Helen Keller. At the age of 19 months, Keller was struck by a severe illness that left her both deaf and blind. For most, this would have been a life-altering and debilitating adversity. However, Keller's indomitable spirit and the support of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, enabled her to overcome these profound disabilities. She not only learned to communicate but also went on to graduate from Radcliffe College and become an author and activist. Keller's story illustrates that even the most daunting adversities can be conquered with determination and the right support.
Another crucial aspect of facing adversity is maintaining a positive mindset. Adversities often come with a barrage of negative emotions such as fear, anger, and despair. While these emotions are natural, dwelling on them can hinder progress. Developing a positive mindset involves reframing the adversity as an opportunity for growth and learning. It's about shifting the focus from "Why is this happening to me?" to "What can I learn from this experience?"
Walt Disney is a remarkable example of someone who faced numerous setbacks but maintained an unwavering positive mindset. Disney faced bankruptcy and rejection several times while trying to establish his animation studio. Yet, he never lost sight of his vision. His positive mindset allowed him to persevere, and eventually, he created one of the most iconic entertainment companies in the world. Disney's story teaches us that a positive outlook can help turn adversity into a stepping stone towards success.
Resilience is another key trait that plays a vital role in facing adversity. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and keep moving forward. Resilient individuals view adversity as a challenge rather than a threat. They understand that setbacks are a part of life and use them as opportunities for personal growth.
One notable example of resilience is the story of J.K. Rowling, the author of the immensely popular Harry Potter series. Rowling faced a series of adversities, including the death of her mother, a divorce, and financial struggles. She began writing the first Harry Potter book while living on welfare, and it was rejected by multiple publishers. However, her resilience and determination led her to persevere. Eventually, the book was published, and the rest is literary history. Rowling's journey reminds us that resilience can turn adversity into a catalyst for achieving our dreams.
Support systems are also crucial when facing adversity. Whether it's friends, family, mentors, or support groups, having a network of people who can provide emotional and practical support can make a significant difference. It's important to lean on these connections during tough times, as they can offer guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear.
Stephen Hawking, the renowned physicist, is an example of someone who relied on a robust support system to overcome tremendous adversity. Hawking was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease at the age of 21, which gradually paralyzed him and confined him to a wheelchair. Despite these challenges, he continued his groundbreaking work in theoretical physics. His family and colleagues provided him with the support he needed to communicate and continue his research. Hawking's story shows the power of a strong support system in the face of adversity.
Persistence is perhaps the most critical factor in turning adversity into success. It's easy to become disheartened when faced with repeated setbacks, but those who persist despite adversity are the ones who often achieve greatness. Persistence involves setting clear goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and consistently working towards them.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is a prime example of persistence in the face of adversity. Lincoln faced numerous failures and setbacks in his life, including multiple losses in political elections and personal tragedies. However, he never gave up on his vision of a united nation and the abolition of slavery. His persistence ultimately led to the Emancipation Proclamation and the preservation of the Union. Lincoln's journey teaches us that unwavering persistence can lead to profound change.
In conclusion, facing adversities in life is an inevitable part of the human experience. Adversities can take many forms and can be emotionally, physically, and mentally challenging. However, it is not the adversity itself that defines us but how we respond to it. By accepting adversity, maintaining a positive mindset, developing resilience, seeking support, and persisting in the face of setbacks, individuals can transform adversity into a stepping stone towards success.
Throughout history, countless individuals have demonstrated the power of determination, resilience, and persistence in the face of adversity. Their stories serve as inspiration for us all, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, success is possible. As we navigate our own journeys, let us remember that adversity is not the end but a turning point on the path to greatness.
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julia-keleher · 1 year
How To Look For Companies That Support Female Leaders
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A great deal of attention has been paid recently to women in leadership, or more accurately, the lack of women in significant leadership positions. While women are certainly stepping into more  key roles, many of these roles do not have broad spans of authority or financial management responsibility. According to a recent study on women in the workplace, the pandemic heavily impacted the opportunities to create an equal workplace. A situation that was not favorable to begin with just got worse. With current trends, it is expected to take another 135 years to close the gender gap. 
Additionally, of the 1.1 million workers that left the workforce in September 2021, an estimated 865,000 were women. Many women still shoulder a disproportionate amount of responsibilities related to childcare and the home. Getting a sense of just how much support women receive in a company can be difficult, so here are three ways to spot companies that genuinely support female leadership. 
Look at the organizational chart and policies When you look at the faces of the senior leadership, what trends can you identify?  Even if there are a few female or BIPOC faces, if the senior leadership is more than 80% male, there’s a good chance this company still has significant work to do in terms of supporting a diverse workforce. You can also review the corporate strategy and look to see if promoting women as leaders is a priority. Accenture has developed an excellent program that focuses on nurturing women leaders. 
Ask for a tour of the office after your interview While many companies are still in a state of flux in terms of work-from-home positions and office attendance, you can tell a lot just by walking through an office. How many women do you see, and where are they located? If women are mostly located in the center spaces of an open office and don’t see any women in the outer offices, there’s a good chance that women aren’t holding senior positions. Similarly, if you walk through an office and it’s all women, it could mean  women are left to hold down the fort and manage administrative and operational details which are less likely to land them in a CEO role. 
Interview them as they interview you If a business or company is interested in cultivating female leadership, they will most likely have at least one woman as part of an interview team. Observe the dynamics between the panel of interviewers.  If only one person interviews you, and that person  happens to be a man, don’t assume that  the company doesn’t support female leadership.  During the interview, consider asking how the company supports female leaders. When listening to the answer, pay attention to the content as much as how the response is delivered. 
Given the recent exodus of women from the workforce, it’s more important than ever that companies consider the degree to which their workplace policies support female employees. Every person in an organization can contribute to more equitable work environments – it starts with demonstrating respect for each person’s individual contribution. Your skill set, not your gender, is what matters. Female professionals might also consider organizing affinity groups to explore ways in which their employer could be more supportive. This is a great starting point to help make long-term changes in a workforce where the gender gap is expected to grow.
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“You have to show up for yourself. You have to out your foot on the gas and go. The drive doesn’t come first. You out your foot on the gas and then you create momentum.”
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