#bunraku gif
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zketylers · 2 months ago
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BUNRAKU (2010) dir. Guy Moshe
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1428elmstrt · 3 months ago
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Bunraku (2010)
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another-supernova-girl · 4 months ago
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I am very much about the color choices in this movie.
The Drifter // Bunraku (2010) // Josh Hartnett (aged 29) // my gifs
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headlesssamurai · 2 years ago
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//bunraku/2010/  //dir_guy_moshe/
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runawaycarouselhorse · 1 year ago
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Jessie and Meowth, dressed like "invisible" (dressed in all black and veiled) puppeteers, maneuvering James like a bunraku puppet.
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homestuckreplay · 7 months ago
‘scrawling notes furiously into [my] psychoanalysis journal’
(page 460-471)
8/12/2009 Wheel Spin: Long Pesterlog Verdict: One Day Too Soon
8/13/2009 Wheel Spin: Movie Reference Verdict: somehow, incorrect
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Yesterday was the one hundredth update day, today is the four month anniversary, and what do we get for the occasion? Plush Rump. Which is probably accidental but it is upsetting all the same.
cw: a lot of this post is about puppets.
So I originally assumed Dave’s bro was around 16, but this update has me questioning that. The fairly adult website that ‘rakes in thousands of dollars a month,’ the recent mention of taking Lil Cal out on gigs, and the control that Bro has over the common areas of the house all could be true of a teenager with permissive guardians, but I also wonder if he’s Dave’s sole guardian. If that’s true, I wonder if this is a long term arrangement, or if going to live with his cool adult brother is a recent move Dave’s made in response to other circumstances. It would definitely explain how Bro isn’t used to sharing his space, and maybe how Dave has latched onto Bro as someone to emulate, if he’s lost other people in his life.
Dave ‘starting to flip the fuck out’ on p.465 really plays into this. It’s really unclear if Dave flipping the fuck out about puppets and then confessing it to his friends is a regular daily occurrence, or if it’s happening for the first time now after building up for weeks, months or years. We do find out Dave has nightmares about Cal and wakes up scared, possibly even with panic attacks, and this happening regularly in the daytime hours could explain why Dave pesters John so constantly.
While Dave’s been on the computer, Cal has swung his legs round to the other side of the speaker tower and is staring at Dave. I still think Bro is hiding somewhere and messing with Cal. Honestly, just from seeing Cal’s face up close on p.463 with his too-realistic eyes, I can understand why he haunts Dave’s nightmares. But if Bro is regularly stealth-moving Cal around the house like an evil elf on the shelf… even if it’s done as a joke, that sounds like a genuinely distressing way to live.
Back to Plush Rump, I guess. :/ We’ve got categories! Following ‘Gallery’ and ‘Live Video,’ the site caters to a variety of puppet subtypes. These definitely don’t represent all the types of puppetry out there – but maybe these are what make the big bucks in the Smuppets industry. I didn’t know all of these and some seem fairly niche, so here are the definitions.
Marionette – a puppet (often wooden) controlled with strings Bunraku – a form of traditional Japanese puppet theater Plush/Foam/Felt – all materials a soft puppet could be made from Marotte – a medieval rod controlled puppet, associated with jesters Senor Weñces – a Spanish ventriloquist who lived to be over 100 Chinface – using the human chin as a puppet, where the upside down real mouth becomes the puppet mouth Finger puppet – a very small puppet worn on one finger
So how ironic is this, really? Bro is clearly spending a lot of time and energy on this, it could be his main source of income, he knows a lot about the art of puppetry. So what level is he on? Is he actually genuine about the puppet stuff, and telling Dave it’s ironic because Dave is too young to know what’s really up? Was it originally ironic and then Bro accidentally committed way too hard to the bit and backdoored his way into becoming part of an actual puppet subculture? Is Bro cool and above it all this entire time, mistakenly thinking that all the puppet fans are also doing this ironically? Or is ‘being into Smuppets ironically’ actually a massive trend among hipsters in this world, and everyone’s doing it ironically?
To be clear. I think puppetry is a genuine art form. But I think it’s written in Homestuck to be intentionally unpleasant to think about, the webcomics equivalent of reblogging a post that causes psychic pain. And I think it is definitely accomplishing that.
In today’s much more pleasant update, we get Pesterlogs! Dave messages John (no reply), Dave messages Rose (we see their previous conversation from p.419), and Rose messages John (no reply). This brings Dave almost in sync with Rose and John in the timelines of their pages – he’s a couple minutes behind at most. My hope is that these three will fully sync up, and then GG will get introduced either slightly in the past, or slightly in the future.
I like when previous Pesterlogs get repeated and we see them again with new context from the other participant. Now we’ve seen the puppets and the websites, Dave processing his feelings about them feels more genuinely anguished. Rose claiming she ‘likes’ Bro’s websites takes on its own disturbing new tone, although I’d guess she just likes psychoanalyzing the mind behind those sites. But my favorite line is Rose saying she and Dave don’t have time to ‘evaluate each other's radically debilitating pathologies.’ It really paints a picture of their relationship – we’ve seen now that they both have pretty strange lives, share their homes with odd people, and maybe aren’t doing well because of it. I think the same is true for John, but Rose and Dave don’t see that from their perspectives. They do recognize this in each other, so they’re both the one person the other can be honest with about their mental state.
On p.471 Rose deploys the punch designix, and I am SO excited to see what this thing does, we are BACK and it is SBURB TIME. Rose moves the piano to place it, and it kind of looks like a piano, except with no keys and instead had a computer keyboard attached to it. It also has what looks like a slot on the upper left… perhaps even a slot for punch cards, to design them.
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otterskin · 1 year ago
Otterskin Recs: Blue Eye Samurai
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Premise: A 'half-breed' samurai with blue eyes, possessed by an evil spirit of vengeance, cuts her way across the land as she seeks her father - one of only four white men in isolated Japan. For the crime of her own miserable existence, she will execute him.
Oh yeah, it's good. This may be sacrilegious to say, but...
American Cartoons < Anime < American Cartoons trying to be anime
Somehow, that last thing can overcome the problems the first two things are usually crippled by. BES is one such incredible show. It's well-paced, designed for the screen first and foremost, builds on its continuity and has occupied my thoughts for a week.
Thanks to that excellent pacing, it was very hard to not binge the whole thing. I only made it till episode 4 by watching one at a time, and then binged the rest with only a sleep to interrupt it. Its influences range from Samurai Champloo (naturally) to Hellsing Ultimate to Shogun by James Clavell to Kill Bill to maaayybe The Last Samurai. I've no idea how accurate to Japanese history it is, but even with all the ultra-violence and impossible physical feats, I did feel very grounded in its version of 17th century Japan.
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The storytelling is compelling, the characters complex, the action exhilarating, and the voice-acting impeccable. Particular kudos given here to Maya Erskine as the titular character, who manages a convincing androgenous voice that is meant to come across to others as emotionless, but must convey all kinds of emotional information to the audience - for an entire show. That is no easy feat! The work of Randall Park as Heiji Shindo was also a favourite, managing to juggle menace and comedy. Even in the character's darkest moments, he is first and foremost entertaining.
Believe it or not, I did not at first realize that Abijah Fowler was played by my own beloved Kenneth Branagh! I should've realized it when this despicable character was so instantly charismatic, ha ha. As good as everyone else is, and they are all excellent, Branagh's menacing Irishman is the most interestingly performed, with small inflections and lilting menace that makes this odd duck out a protagonist of his own terrifying story. In a world of propriety and performance, only he and Mizu, the Blue-Eyed Samurai, are honest about who they are and what they want.
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However, my favourite character of the show is probably Akemi. To avoid spoilers, I'll simply say that she's a competing protagonist and much-needed counter-balance to Mizu's story. She enriches the story with her perspective and experiences, which is a necessary thing when the protagonist is so laser-focused on a single goal. It is through Akemi's eyes that we actually come to understand the world and how it works, before Mizu ruthlessly slices through it.
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The one fly in the ointment is that the CGI animation can't always keep up with the show's ambition. It's nowhere near as good looking as the impossible Arcane was, but once you accept its limitations, you get used to it. The animation also increases in quality as the show goes on, which means it only gets better! There are all kinds of dynamic camera movements and creative cinematography to make it engaging, too. My favourite was the use of a bunraku puppet show intercut with a flashback, which is interesting on several levels, not the least of which is realizing that since this is in 3D, that these animated characters are also puppets, of a modern kind.
I recommend this show for fans of Claymore and Afro Samurai in particular. It's violent, dark and carnal, but unlike so many anime that are so, it has excellent writing for its female cast and the wider story. This is the rare 'adult animation' that is actually for mature viewers, who expect mature writing and sensibilities.
Give it a go. And let me know what you think!
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zketylers · 1 month ago
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BUNRAKU (2010) dir. Guy Moshe
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1428elmstrt · 3 months ago
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Bunraku (2010)
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another-supernova-girl · 5 months ago
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Obviously didn't have the mental space to write anything today, so I figured I'd put together a gif set before I go to sleep. This one is for @gt-rxn who has a fic request in my ask box for Hartnett's character, 'The Drifter', from Bunraku (which I have only bounced around and not really watched yet, but...he's hot, whatever, I'll watch it before I write it, of course.) I do not apologize for the slutty tongue and fingers appreciation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Drifter // Bunraku (2010) // Josh Hartnett (aged 29) // my gifs
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anetaen · 5 months ago
ability - user, police sergeant under tokyo metropolitan police department - port mafia member acting as an an undercover information siphon + eliminator of the defected. 24. she/her. 5ft5inches.
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etsuko niki was a japanese novelist born in 1928, noted for becoming the first female japanese writer of mystery fiction. her novel, the cat knew features characters etsuko and yuutarou niki a brother and sister duo solving crimes within the clinic that they reside above. inspiration taken for etsuko's alias comes from one of the background characters, a deputy inspector kinuta.
KINUTA 依田 ⁽ 依, to rely + trust in 田, rice paddy ⁾ HISAE 長恵 ⁽ 長, chief + leader 恵, blessing + favour ⁾
the port mafia is not all etsuko has ever known. having lead a fairly normal childhood, her parents owed hefty gambling debts to the previous boss of the port mafia, and in the months leading up to his death when his mental state deteriorated, he had them eliminated when etsuko and yuutarou were seventeen and nineteen, respectively.
the debts remained outstanding and so in an effort to claw back her family's dignity, etsuko and yuutarou joined their ranks. noting that her ability could provide useful, she was kept out of high profile assignments so as to keep her relatively hidden, and in the meantime the plan was formed to have her slip into the tokyo metropolitan policing ranks, siphoning information and keeping tabs on potential issues. yuutarou resides within the port mafia's guerrilla squad.
three years later, her name was changed and ability - user status wiped, and all relevant historical documents were forged including those to show that she had attended university and had graduated with grades reflecting that of a normal student. she passed the policing course and began her journey as double agent, kinuta hisae.
SPECIAL ABILITY, NINGYŌ JŌRURI - ningyō (puppet manipulation) jōruri (to the sound of a joyous tune). otherwise known as bunraku, this is a form of japanese puppetry dating back to the 17th century, in which strings are attached to the necks and limbs of puppets, otherwise referred to as dolls, to perform a narrative to song. hisae's ability manifests as thin, invisible strings that stem from the tips of her fingers and find home in the necks and limbs of her chosen real - life puppets, in which the string at their necks links her to their central nervous system, effectively allowing her to siphon information and emotion from their bodies, alongside controlling them at her will. when she takes control, it renders her chosen puppet unconscious to the sound of a distant song, which is the only thing they remember once they regain consciousness. within the police department, it is not known that she is an ability user, and within the port mafia she is simply known as ningyōtsukai - the puppeteer, a contact in which people rarely see and other than the executives, do not know the true identity of.
standing at 5ft5inches, hisae has long, dark hair that is mostly kept tied away from her face with thickly cut pieces stopping at her chin to frame her face, eyes an earthen brown. she is quick - witted and sharply intelligent, as expected of someone that leads two very different lives and exists merged as two separate people. well - versed in kendo and judo as per her police training, with knowledge of firearms stemming from her time within the port mafia and her training as an officer. she is naturally deceitful in line with the nature of her role in the organisation, but forges real and honest relationships with friends and colleagues, where possible.
her chosen method of transportation is a suzuki hayabusa. on most friday nights, she can be found taking her colleagues out for drinks at a local police - affiliated bar not too far from the station. she rarely takes vacations - if she does, it's a cover for more work needing to be done within her role in the port mafia. when she meets with other mafia members that do not know her identity, she keeps her motorcycle helmet on and the visor down.
as an officer of the law, hisae is fair and just and works well with her colleagues. she is good - natured and kind, and works quickly and efficiently with other departments when necessary. with her status as an ability - user kept hidden, it is easy for her to source the information needed to close her cases, and does so in a quick and efficient manner whilst being smart enough not to draw unnecessary attention to herself. having only been an officer for 3 and a half years, she has climbed the ranks quickly and sits as a sergeant in charge of her own cross - section of the force, ironically focused on illegal activity within yokohama (avoiding the port mafia both on account of their status as a legal operations unit and that of the nature of her position with them).
within the port mafia and her role as a double agent, hisae's main responsibilities are directing attention away from any activity that does not operate under the port mafia's legal operations permit, collecting information on operations from rival groups and happenings within the city itself, and taking care of those who have defected - either waltzing into the police department's buildings to claim they possess information on the port mafia and any of their branches, or those that have been imprisoned and will later begin to tell tales. she eliminates those she can with the port mafia's signature method, and any individuals she cannot reach, she will find a solution that mostly aligns with the use of her ability to force their own hands, or the hands of someone else into killing them.
she is loyal to the port mafia but in her second - nature as an officer, her morals are upright and something she holds in high regard. lower - ranking members of the port mafia scarcely come across her unless there is a direct need, and she has the most contact with mori himself and his executives and is fed direct orders through either party. she meets with someone once a month to report on any findings and notes of interest (she always arranges a time suitable for herself, as to avoid suspicion) though otherwise she is largely left to her own devices as she understands what is expected, and in certain situations, what is needed from her. she does not take issue to killing as it is something she was exposed to within her first years in the port mafia's ranks even if indirectly, though she finds issue in deaths that are unnecessary and will chastise those of the lives she has to claim because they have overstepped the boundary and forced her hand.
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pepsicoolgal-owo · 1 month ago
Raiden Shogun Redesign
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I'm going to be completely honest; I don't really care for Raiden, and I especially dislike her original design. She doesn't look like a warrior or a soldier or a Shogun or a puppet. She just looks baseline pretty and that's it, it's boring as heck!
So, I decided to look into some lore stuff, maybe figure out what she's supposed to be since she isn't human. What I found is that she is supposed to be like Raijin, a Japanese lighting god.
Then I looked at Japanese puppets and I found bunraku puppets, which are super cool!
So I based the Shogun off bunraku puppets that have the face of a young woman that can split open to reveal horrifying teeth and horns. I feel like this would also be very cool story wise.
The traveler gets to Inazuma the first nation with a god that doesn't hide them self from their people. So when they stand against the Shogun she looks down upon them with a calm face, a human face. Then as she declares them an enemy her features change; a maw of sharp teeth, a pair of horns and glowing purple eyes.
Also, I stole her legs. Bunraku puppets don't have legs and I also though this could be a interesting bit of story telling for the Shogun, Ei and the Wanderer.
Wanderer, much like the Shogun, wouldn't have had legs when he was first created. He didn't need them. He was a puppet to be directed by Ei's hand, just like the Shogun is today. But when she saw that he couldn't handle the power of the gnosis and abandoned him, she left him with a parting gift of sorts. Wanderer was given a pair of legs and his arm grips (you can see a little bit of the Shogun's under her sleeve) were taken. A way for him to truly be free of the archon's control. But also a sure sign that he wasn't needed, that he would never be taken back.
So, yeah. They are wooden puppets that possess both a human and non-human face.
Next up clothes! I decided to take a middle ground between typical shogun attire and armor. She had armor and a helmet, but she also has long flowing sleeves and decorative tassels. Her hair is still in a long braid. I also tried to push her hair a bit into a sort of bun (either a maru-mage or a ichi-gaeshi), but you can't really see it with her helmet.
Speaking of which, I added the drum circle that Raijin is depicted with onto it. I put her hair pin onto her armor as well as her bow.
Here are the references:
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¹Oda Nobunaga's armour, The Samurai Museum, Shinjuku.
²The kabuto(helmet) of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
³Sculpture of Raijin, Sanjūsangen-dō temple, Kyoto, Kamakura period, 13th century.
Source: Wikipedia
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Bunraku puppet head. Source: Tumblr blog-Approaching Inagi sableaire
(Not going to tag them, but I will put their blog if anyone wants to check it out)
Here (⁠。⚫ω⚫。⁠)⁠ノ🥔
Potato for your time.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 year ago
Ok you win! You win, I read your amazing RotTMNT AU and now I want to know more about Usagi Yojimbo!!! Do you have any recommendations and also I would love to read your bibliography for that fic 😭🙏 your writing is ~superb~ it's so poetic and evocative aaaagh
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welcome!! welcome!! come on in. Usagi canon isn't actually as intimidating as it looks--and I'm not saying this in the way often applicable to comics where that means 'only one flowchart is required to understand the reading order.' i think. There's only one major continuity, and two spinoffs in Space Usagi and Senso,* neither of which is required to understand the main order. Each issue is often overwhelmingly self-contained, so you can really pick up anything and start reading. The split comes in where the series being published at like. four different companies over the years. means that there are different publishing rights that change the way stuff comes out. technically we're at 38 trade volumes. thinking of it like that is the way madness lies.
The bulk of the series is collected in The Usagi Yojimbo Saga, a 10-volume set published out of Dark Horse. Each one is about as thick as a phonebook. This is not the beginning of the series, it technically starts with the overall series' volume 8, Shades of Death, but the first book of the Saga has a 4-page intro comic at the beginning that does very well setting the scene. This is where I started. I still think it's a great place to start because it's fun to go back to the origins with all the knowledge of the later books behind them. (Books 1-9 are in sequence; Usagi Yojimbo: Legends collects Senso, Space Usagi, and Yokai)
If you want to start at the very beginning, you need to look for Usagi Yojimbo, vol. 1: The Ronin. After Volume 7, Gen's Story, everything's published in the Saga.
The beginnings of the series are also collected in Usagi Yojimbo: Origins, which is a recent republishing of the early comics in full color. They've got four volumes--Volume 1,** Wanderer's Road, The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy, and Lone Goat and Kid. If you start here, you'll be switching over to series Vol. 6, Circles, after LGaK.
Once you get through the Saga, you're into IDW publishing territory, which so far has 5 trade volumes--Bunraku and Other Stories, Homecoming, Tengu War!, Crossroads, and The Green Dragon. That brings you up to the Ice and Snow issues, which just started publishing in September.
But quite honestly, given that the overall premise of the series is 'watch this man wander around the early Edo period experiencing Problems,' I really do think you can start anywhere in the grand tradition of 'what's at the library/comic shop' and have a good idea of the series.*** Have fun!
*Technically Chibi Usagi is a separate continuity, but I feel disingenuous putting it in the same category as Senso.
**No, it doesn't have a name. Yes, really.
***tbh between stories that are told As Flashbacks and how only about half the stories have things that squarely indicate exactly what the previous story was, I tend to assume that it goes in non-chronological order unless a story contains evidence otherwise. this opinion has gotten me booed. but i stand by it.
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rainbowxocs · 11 months ago
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TW: Child Neglect.
Name: Meari Sutkina. (メアリー 素敵な)
Username: @puppetsbymeari
Nicknames: Mini Are (ミニアレ), Mob (モブ), Copycat (模倣者), The Main Character, Normal Girl.
Age: 16.
Pronouns: She/Her. (In English.)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A neutral pronoun that is seen as formal and polite.)
Sexuality: Lily (Yuri,百合,Lesbian.)
Gender: Cis Girl.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Social Anxiety, Depression, CPTSD, Insomnia, Autism.
Religion: Cultist.
Club: Sewing Club. (Leader.)
Grade: Year 10, Highschool.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’2”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Yamanote.
Vehicle: Green Bicycle.
Voice Claim: Lain from Serial Experiments Lain (JP Dub)
Weaknesses: Basic Human Weaknesses. Will faint at the sight of blood.
Weapons: Pepperspray.
Alignment: Neutral.
Text Color: Green.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Bunraku, Ventriloquism, Reading, Writing Fanfiction, Photography, Crochet, Bracelet Making.
Favorite Drink: Kombucha, Sunflower Tea.
Favorite Fruit: White Strawberries.
Favorite Meals: Melon Bread, Instant Ramen, Fruit Salad, Finger Sandwiches, Jam and Toast.
Favorite Desserts: Hanami Dango, Jello, Sugar Cookies, Scones, Finger Cakes, Macaroons, Strawberry Frozen Yogurt.
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossoms.
Scent: Green Apple Detangler.
Handedness: Left Handed.
Blood Color: Red.
Soul Form: Blue, Pink, and Green Flame.
Awareness: Aware (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: May 10th 2008. (Taurus, Rat, B.)
Fun Facts: She looks up to Are allot because she wants to restore the timeloop. Little does she know Are doesn’t.
Special Interests: Puppetry.
Stims: Uses her Puppets to Stim, also likes soft things and toys.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashion Board: LINK
Comfort Objects: Her collection of puppets, Her childhood toys, Calico Critters, Tea Set.
Kimiko Sutkina, Tetsuo Sutkina. (Parents.)
Hikari Sutkina (Sister.)
Friends: Baburu Gamu (BFF).
Romance: Baburu Gamu (Crush.)
Patrons: Are Yoru.
Brief Personality: Meari is very.. quirky.. ever since the time loop ended she has become more and more unhinged, she wants the sense of routine that she got back then, but unfortunately that time is long gone. She often talks about her devotion to the curse of okutama, which tends to push her classmates away. It makes you wonder why someone would want to go back to that kind of torturous existence in the first place.
Brief Backstory: Meari had a somewhat normal childhood, normal to her anyway. She was always overshadowed by her older sister, her parents heavily favored Hikari giving her all the latest clothes and gadgets and toys, while Meari was left with almost nothing.
Meari was one of the few people who enjoyed the time loop, the consistency of it calmed her when she was in her early years at school. No matter what it was always spring, and even if something bad happened that week nothing truly mattered.
Until, Are broke the timeloop and allowed everyone to be free. To age, to grow, and Meari hated that. Everyone’s body caught up with them and she was suddenly a teenager. Her sister moved out and away from Okutama as a whole, and her parents moved out as well, leaving their other daughter to fend for herself. Which broke Meari a little bit.
She wanted to save her “family”, and have everything go back to the way it was. If she was able to convince Are that the time loop was good, she could go back to normal. She could have her family back, even if they hated her it would all be worth it, of course Meari is a child and doesn’t quite understand that this wouldn’t work in practice.. But what’s the worst she could do..?
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cyberphuck · 11 months ago
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If any kind of puppet would be cursed it would be a bunraku puppet, but I still kinda want one.
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Look at him. Hims a lil man.
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faggoty-andi · 9 months ago
Unironically one of my favorite movies ever is Happytime Murders, BECAUSE of the puppets. They could make that movie waaaay more raunchy and “gorey” than they ever could have if they had an all human cast, because instead of guts and fluids and drugs, it’s all stuffing and silly string and sugar. They got away with a really over the top sex scene, because they didn’t have to worry about hiring porn actors or simulating anything. They got to tell a way more fucked up story than any grimdark r-rated movie really tries to make, AND it was far more digestible than it would have been with an all human cast, because of the inherent comedy in that juxtaposition. And to top if off, the actors/puppeteers clearly had so much fun during production, as we get to see in the outtakes at the end.
And that’s just one example of how the art puppeteering can improve cinema. Lest we forget about the iconic Audrey II.
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Also was talking to a friend recently about how “voice actor” has been a career in Japan since the 17th century. If you’ve never see anything about Bunraku, or Japanese Puppet Theater, I highly encourage you to. It’s fascinating to watch. It’s essentially a porcelain muppet. They take two people to operate, and usually the more experienced of the two controls the head, because there’s so much nuance to controlling their expressions. And then Every Character is voiced by One Guy. It’s an impressive art to say the least
So all that to once again say, let’s make puppetry popular again!
can we as a society make puppetry cool again. like lets make it trendy. Mainstream. more people should get into doing it and more people should appreciate it. puppetry requires craftsmanship and charisma and physical acting and vocal performance!! you can’t get that from ai. it has a charm to it that neither 2D nor cg animation has. Have you ever watched a puppetry performance and realized you were genuinely convinced that the puppet was getting into bed or eating something or giving a hug that you wholly forgot there was some guy’s arm in there.
isn’t it lovely. to make a funny little guy to tell stories with. is that not so human of us. it’s such a lovely art form. I love you puppets I love you muppets I love you marionettes I love you handmade sock puppets I love you paper bags with googley eyes I love you armatures I love you I love you I love you!!!!!
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