#guy moshe
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zketylers · 3 months ago
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BUNRAKU (2010) dir. Guy Moshe
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sleepsucks · 10 months ago
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 1 year ago
i don’t know who needs to hear this, but disabled punks, you don’t have to go into the pit to have a good time. don’t put yourself in an uncomfortable situation if you don’t think you’d enjoy it.
at the same time, let’s not judge disabled people who do want be in the pit! some people will actively choose to mosh knowing it might cause pain/a flare-up and, in the politest way possible, it’s really not your business. it’s their body and only they should get to make those decisions. i will always encourage being in tune with your own needs and not pushing yourself too far, but like everyone else, it’s a risk many take and accept when getting into the pit. a lot of us are gonna be disabled our whole lives. we should be allowed to do fun things too
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pls-explodingstars-pls · 4 months ago
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In a previous post I talked about how in my opinion the North girlfriend route doesn’t make a lot sense during certain playthroughs
for you, my mosh and simarkus fans
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ethereal-w0lf · 2 months ago
Yes music taste matters
Saying I’m a punk, ICP and metal fan is way easier than explaining I think the idea of being thrown around a mosh pit, getting bruised and slamming into people at terminal velocity is fun
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yanoharuhito · 14 days ago
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op turned off reblogs so
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anoxidd · 10 months ago
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I made this when I was testing new brushes, not a fan of the brush and won't be using it again,,,,but I don't hate the art so I thought I would share !! They cute silly lil guys
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zketylers · 1 month ago
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BUNRAKU (2010) dir. Guy Moshe
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pikkissis · 6 months ago
for a fun update! ive been doodling here and there as we've been exploring a bit, just going from concert to concert! i joined my first mosh pit and that was a BLAST (im usually pushed by the pit, so being IN it was delightful) i got bonked in the head more by crowd surfers than anyone in the pit, which is funny... and i think i pushed one of the band peoples as he rolled over my head... PFBFNTBTJ, literally.... saw that man go flying and i was like (⁠(⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)⁠)⁠) op.....mybad
AND!!!!! i sprouted a pikmin during one of the bands set up and named the beloved Andrés!
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doctorcurdlejr · 6 months ago
Me a little over 24 hours post my sudden collapse yesterday: so a circle pit couldn't possibly be a bad idea right
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c-53 · 1 year ago
My body feels so bad ibuprofen help me
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chlorophylll · 6 months ago
im so sad i just wanna go to a hardcore show and get the shit beat out of me by a huge drunk man who targets small young women in the pit.
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pennydew · 2 months ago
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i’m never NOT thinking about these photos
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kissmyaft · 2 years ago
Moonwake in Venice (Gekko x male reader)
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(n.) When the moon's reflection on the water seems to follow you as you walk.
With a week passing from your recent adventure another one awaits. With you being pretty new to LA anyways there's a lot for you to experience and Gekko takes it as his chance to show and take you to all sorts of places
I made a second part to this as a birthday gift for my friend (and also because he got other people invested and I was bullied into writing another chapter) Again, I'm definitely not a perfect author, but I tried and I hope you guys enjoy it.
@darkdestroyer-256 happy birthday you simp
"Whoa, slow down!" You yelped as you were practically dragged down a flight of stairs, almost tripping over your half-tied shoelaces. "Come on we're not in a hurry and it's so early too. I barely had time to brush my teeth and shower-!" Complaining was cut short when the sunlight hit your eyes making you slightly cringe from the sudden brightness change.
Going through your pockets to see if you have a pair of sunglasses while trying to ignore how the wind blew over your - already messy - hair, you heard the boot (trunk) of a nearby car open. You looked to see Gekko putting all sorts of things in it, well, trying to, at least. The bags and skateboard easily fit. The surfboards? not so much. You told Gekko before that you guys could rent them, but he insisted it's way better with your surfboards and that they'll fit. They didn't.
You watched as Gekko struggled with the surfboards before sighing and shaking your head with a soft smile before jogging over to go help him. They will fit fine on the roof of the car. Probably. Hopefully.
You soon find yourself in the passenger seat of the car, socks and sneakers discarded on the floor and feet resting on the dashboard waiting for Gekko while he's getting the little crew from the apartment. It's not long until you hear him opening the rear door of the car and the babbling of his pets as they get into the car. However Mosh being Mosh he quickly found his way over into the palms of your hands instead, preferring that over the crowded back. You carefully adjust him into one palm of your hand to put your seatbelt on with the other, having to fight with the seatbelt a little before you finally get it on. Removing your feet from the dashboard and letting Mosh get back comfortable you were ready for this trip.
The sunglasses on your face being snatched from you snapped you out of your thoughts. "Hey-!" You protested. Gekko laughed and slid the sunglasses on his face poking your cheek before sliding the car key into the ignition and putting on his seatbelt.
The car sprung to life, the car's blower motors kicking in to cool the interior of the car - before you turned them off because the cold air was hitting your feet - and opted for having the window down instead. While Gekko reversed out of the parking spot you grabbed his phone with one hand, Mosh comfortably in your other hand, and connected it to the car's aux, putting on the playlist you two specifically made for the trip.
Gekko gently nodded his head along with the beat of the song, eyes intently on the road ahead.
The trip there was chaotic, but when is being with Gekko not chaotic?
You had to stop multiple times because you needed to pee. At first, he'd handed you a bottle and told you to pee in the bottle. That ended with him getting a smack on his leg and you begging him to pull over and that you're 'not pissing in no damn bottle'. Road trips make anyone hungry so you two ended up in a little store at one point too. While you two were picking out snacks and water for the rest of the road, Wingman, Dizzy and Thrash got to stretch their limbs as well. Mosh was content being on your head instead, snoozing away. Gekko may or may not have sneaked a picture or two. But can you really blame him? The sight was just way too cute for him to not take a picture.
By the time you were back in the car, you were trying not to cringe at the feeling of hot leather seats against your bare thighs. You weren't even away from the car for that long, but it being summer and the sun high in the sky heating the car, it sure felt like a damn sauna. You were busy playing with the car blowers to keep you cool when Gekko returned from his own side trip to the shop toilet.
You swore it almost looked like Mosh was going to melt into a puddle right in your hands. Honestly so did everyone else in the car.
Windows down again, music playing and Wingman trying to drink water from the bottle without spilling it all over the back seat. Gekko's hand occasionally reaches over to steal your crisps, despite him having his own bag of sweets right next to him. With you having nothing better to do, you humour him by feeding him the chips so he won't constantly have to reach for them. Of course, also putting a quick video of your trip on his Instagram story is a must. Thrash definitely didn't excitedly shove his face into the phone camera that ended up making both you and Gekko laugh. At some point, you found yourself dozing off, the heat and sitting still making you sleepy. Gekko turned the music down enough for it to not disturb your little nap.
A cold, moist feeling on your face stirred you from your nap, hand coming up to rub your eye before pulling away, suddenly wide awake, "BRO- Why is my face wet?" you squawked at a giggling Gekko and an overly mischievous looking Wingman in the back. "Abd why the fuck is it sticky?? What did you put on my face".
"Well, you see, mi amor. I and Wingman were a little bored." Gekko began in a honey-sweet tone which was quick to leave you suspicious, "And we wanted to see if Kool-aid would leave your face blue when it dries-" you quickly interjected "You two put Kool-aid on my face??? How did you two even come up with something like that?" You blurted, the shock on your face enough to make Wingman snort, of course awkwardly going silent when your sharp gaze found its way over to him.
" I know right? It's so random! Come on you can't be mad, you have to admit it's funny. Even just a little!" Gekko stated. You pouted at him "It's funny when I'm not the victim- Ohhh man, come on I washed my face this morning and now it's all sticky and disgusting!" You cringed and snatched the water bottle from him to wet a towel you pulled from your bag to clean your face. It must have taken a while or maybe the time just flew and you didn't notice the car pull into a parking lot and stop until Gekko pulled your car door open.
"Oh, we arrived?" you asked and Gekko smiled while throwing your socks at you "yep! Anyways hey, how about I take you to that nearby suuuuper awesome food place to make up for the kool-aid thing, eh? sounds good, right??" This caused you to roll your eyes "weren't you supposed to take me there anyways?"
"Well yeah, but-! Uhhhh, then how about…Chick-fil-a?" He inquired giving you those puppy dog eyes, causing you to giggle "I'm kidding, you dumbass. Just get us into our hotel room so we can put our bags there and I can properly wash my face. Also, return my sunglasses and get your own."
The car beeped as it was locked. You and Gekko made your way to the front lobby to check in. Waiting while Gekko was talking to the lady was miserable, the heavy bag slung over your shoulder making it hurt. By the time you two made it to your designated room, you were more than happy to finally go wash your face and then flop on the bed, spread out like a starfish. Gekko smiled at your childish behaviour. He makes his way over to your laying form and basically lets himself fall on top of you making you wheeze. "you're heavy-!" He laughs and rolls off of you. Taking this as your getaway chance you sit up and slide yourself off the bed. Going to rummage through your bags to look for a shirt to change into, the one on you right now being all sweaty from sitting in a hot car. While at it you toss Gekko a new one too before pulling your shirt off. However, you don't notice Gekko sneaking up behind you and before you even have a chance to reach for the fresh shirt you double over in laughter, Gekkos fingers poking and tickling your sides. "S-stop! Gekko!" Your pleas for him to stop only encourage him on and soon you're crying from laughter on the ground with his fingers still running over your body begging him to stop before you end up pissing yourself. Luckily for you, he has mercy on you and stops his relentless tickle attack. More than happy it's finally over you rush to the bathroom to relieve yourself before you actually end up peeing yourself.
While you're busy in the bathroom Gekko takes the stuff out of the bags and places them in their correct places so you wouldn't have to deal with unpacking once you two come back tired afterwards.
With your things unpacked and taken care of you and Gekko take it as your cue to go outside. Gekko tells you all about Venice and gets distracted by excitedly rambling about the times he was here as a kid while dragging you all the way to Linnie Canal park where you spend some time exploring and taking pictures before he drags you to Baja Cantina, a food place. You swore this might become your new favourite place to eat. If you ever return to Venice. A lot of your time was spent at the skate and cycling trail. It was a good place to let Gekko's little crew run about too. You didn't really want to admit it at first, but you ended up loving them just as much as Gekko. He took you around introducing you to a few friends he has in Venice that lived right nearby.
The sun was setting and the sea was calm with minimum waves as you two just sat on your surfboards. Sure, you hoped to try and catch some waves, but this wasn't bad, not at all. Gekko playfully bumped his board against yours before you decided to try and push him off of his board which ended up with both of you in the water instead, laughing and splashing each other.
"Race you back to shore?"
"you're on." You challenged.
You ended up winning, but maybe it was because your lover slipped off his board at one point.
By the time he reached shore, you had already gotten to drying yourself and changing into dry clothes. As Gekko made his way to you, you threw the towel at him. He made quick work of drying himself off and getting on his dry clothes. But he opted to wrap the towel around his head since his hair was still moist, making him look like a diva which you were more than happy to poke fun at while you two put the boards in the lobby and the swimshorts in your room to dry before heading back down.
The beach too had gotten a lot quieter, many of the people returning to their homes or other nightly activities. The calming sound of waves, wind breeze and seagulls made the moment so much better and almost unreal as you two stalked along the shoreline hand in hand. The full moon shone brightly, reflection glimmering on the water, the reflection of the moon following you two. The walk on the beach was filled with quiet jokes, giggles, kisses and sweet words whispered to each other. When you two decided it was time to head back to the hotel and get comfortable for the night. You, Gekko and his crew enjoyed the cool air on the balcony. The two enjoyed a few glasses of dry apple cider and Gekkos buddies munched on their snacks. Having to retreat to your room in silent laughter when Thrash threw a water bottle against the head of the rude hotel resident on the balcony below you. Soon the curtains were closed, and teeth brushed. With you two in bed and the little guys already asleep the room was dark and fell silent.
Well, almost silent. The shuffling of sheets and quiet chuckles filled the room, soon turning into quiet sounds of pleasure, bodies rubbing together and sweet nothings whispered to each other as the night lived on.
The wind picking up and the sounds of waves crashing were promising, perhaps tomorrow will be a good surf day. But for now, maybe you can allow yourself to be a little bit louder.
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salemontrial · 9 months ago
Coming out and telling you guys my favourite hidden talent which is I can dance like Ca$h.
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rochenn · 1 year ago
anyway people don't warn you enough about being male-passing at concerts!! dudes just start assuming they can launch themselves at u like a stinky breathing 6'2 missile
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