#bunny taco
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numberonetacostan · 23 days ago
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Bunny Taco!!!!!!
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kapiandkylo · 7 months ago
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Taco Thursday. 🌮🌮🌮
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galacticrain · 4 months ago
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Gijinka doodling once more
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ni0x · 4 months ago
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Me an ma eatin tacos in the freezing cold cause I can’t go into restaurants
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prostheticpixels · 3 months ago
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no onions
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graglesnov · 2 years ago
Final Fantasy XIV: The Gang Goes on Vacation
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years ago
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I was doodling some to try and warm up and get my groove back cause early May really had me feeling listless; and thus....Snaccimals...
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 1 year ago
Hoppy Halloween! 🎃
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River would like to reiterate that even though Halloween falls on a taco Tuesday, this taco's not for eating, just for lookin' at.
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mossy-doodles85 · 3 months ago
🍀- bunnies!!!? Awe!!! How adorable!!!!
🧳- here you have bunnies?????
That honestly fits you very well
🔪- does everyone here have a pet or something?
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🌮- I wish...
🎈- Aw, thanks Clover and Suitcase!
🎈- Well Lightbulb has Baxter as you all know, and I have these three, the brown one is Flo, the blackish blue one is Kim and the cream one is Honey. Test Tube and Fan have a cat named Bobby, and Bomb also has a cat named Ash.
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numberonetacostan · 15 days ago
I know this is kind of late but in relevance to your bunny taco art consider: bunnies are known to literally die out of fear and stress, and well we’ve seen what happens when Taco panics too hard!
pretty morbid, and honestly I’m not sure where I was going with this, I just wanted to make more sense on why Taco would be a bunny if anything. They’re one of my favorite animals!
Hi there!!^^ Welcome, and thank you for sending in an ask!! :]
No worries on being late, I love getting asks on things I posted less recently!!! It's fun to think about these things again!!
YES! She's so bunny!!! She does in fact die out of panic and stress just like a true bunny rabbit would. She is skittish and I like to think she also lives in a burrow. And I love them too!! Wolpertingers are my favourite animal :).
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mirrorbuns · 7 months ago
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Tengo antojo de algo rico, Vamos a los tacos de Capitán Taquito! El famoso puesto de Taquito bebé, yo quiero 4 tacos con algo de salsa! I'm hungry for some Mexican cuisine, Let's go to Capitan's Taquito! Baby bro's famous restaurant, I'll have 4 tacos please with some spicy sauce!
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spudart · 11 months ago
It felt like the bunnies going into their burrow as I stuffed them into my backpack
Also, find out how a local Taco Bell is like the coffee automation system on the Moon in the graphic novel "Mooncop."
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bear n' bunny #1 - spicy taco
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mossy-doodles85 · 3 months ago
🖌️- yeah we sometimes get spawned into Meeple
Yeah We don’t know how either-
🔪- probably the same way we’re in this computer
🧳- she smiles gently, almost sadly
Hey Balloon…
🌮- Huh...
🎈- Hi Suitcas- OH!
{Three little bunnies hop out of nowhere and huddle around Balloon.}
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🌮- Hehe, looks like your bunnies wanted to say hi.
🎈- Heh, did you guys miss me?
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alastor-x-reader-stories · 2 months ago
Could you do a one-shot where alastor is super nervous when meeting reader, not really on his face but more his body language where when she shakes his hand he continues shaking it or doesn't let go immediately. nervous smile too lol, thanks love your stuff!!
Heeey I wrote it hope you don't mind some interpretation on my part! You didn't mention why Alastor was nervous so I just did whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tags: Oblivious Alastor, Cartoonist Writer, Humor, awkward affection, Alastor is either oblivious or in-denial, Nifty is Nifty and you should all love her
Alastor’s introduction to you was not a willing one. Charlie had started a bit of a bookclub at the Hotel as some odd attempt at bonding. Alastor wanted no part of it, but after the 532nd time Charlie asked him he said something particularly scathing and the princess was cruel and told Vaggie, and the ex-exorcist would NOT stop stabbing his door until he finally relented.
Of course, his choice of book was one called ‘Blank’. It was a notebook with nothing written in it. Very easy to discuss at a bookclub.
Charlotte was not impressed and Vagatha once again starting throwing vague threats in his direction. How tempted he was to just kill both of them, but alas this hotel has been the greatest form of entertainment he’s had in years (is what he tells himself.)
Darling Nifty came to his rescue, offering up a variety of different light-reading to be discussed in the future. Most of which were….not to his taste. Nifty’s interests highlighted most definitely, but Alastor quickly chucked the books out the window when the story turned to ….that.
As the number of books dwindled, he was just about prepared to give up on this stack entirely and fetch something meaningless to pretend to read (who’d check, anyway?).
He picked up one, a flimsy comic-book like thing and rolled his eyes once before giving it a go. The story wasn’t anything particularly interesting. The plot was just two bunnies going to get some ice cream. But the wordplay, the exaggeration of all the smallest obstacles, how self-aware and absurd it was gave him a good laugh. The Radio Demon’s first introduction to your work.
Although the bookclub idea ended up going nowhere, Alastor found himself seeking out more of your works. Another about a man just making a taco, one about a woman folding her laundry. So many little, day-to-day situations amplified to a ridiculous amount. Clever one-liners and humorous puns sprinkled throughout kept it intelligent enough for him to maintain interest despite the absurdity of it all.
Eventually he got a cartoon you drew that seemed just the same as the rest. Some random cute cartoon raccoon drawing some random little cartoon things. There was a scene in it though that stuck to Alastor’s mind (and dare he say, heart) like glue.
In it, the raccoon was confronted by a shark. “Why do you bother making these?” the shark sneered “No one reads these but you, no one looks at them but you, there’s no point.”
“Why does there need to be a point?” The raccoon said. Alastor’s ears straightened up on their own accord as he read “Even if no one sees it, it’s something I made and it’s some I enjoyed making.”
“Even if you put it out there, no one will care about it.”
“Someone will. They might not say anything but there’ll always be at least one.”
“Do you know how stupid you sound? No one gives a crap about your ‘passions’!”
“I do.”
“Do you know how stupid you sound-“
And then the raccoon pressed a button and an anvil fell onto the shark, comedically turning it into a pancake. “Your argument doesn’t have any depth.” The raccoon said. The story moved on from there.
It struck a bit of a chord with Alastor, he could admit that much to himself. And the raccoon’s way of dealing it was something he’d keep in mind for his next encounter with an annoyance. He didn’t put much stock in it, as storytellers and their stories don’t always agree on all things.
Your comics were a little joyful distraction when he needed them, that was all. Nothing deep and profound.
Alastor slammed shut the book he was reading, his grin never faltering though his twitching ears indicated a slight nervousness. He tilted his head in acknowledgement. “Hello, Nifty! Did you need something?”
Nifty scamped up his chair and onto his lap, settling down andstaring up at him with her one big eye. “BOSS BOSS BOSS BOSS I MET THE DEMONESS WHO DRAWS THOSE CARTOONS YOU LIKE”
Alastor’s eye twitched “Oh? Well, that’s neat.”
She stood up, squishing his face between her hands and stared more as her grin grew wider and more manic “Did you want to meet her?”
“Now, now, Nifty.” Alastor said as he removed her hands from his face “There’s better ways to waste one’s time.”
Nifty tilted her head, staring at him as though it would allow her to see into his mind. Her expression shifted into….One he hadn’t seen on Nifty, admittedly. The best way he could describe it was ‘smug’. But what would she have to be smug about?”
“If you say so, Boss!” She chirped, hopping off his lap and trotting off “But yeah I was at the Evermore Book-Store and she was there working ‘cause I guess that’s what she does for a livng….” Nifty’s voice faded away as the little maid walked off, not caring her rambling were being said to no one.
After Alastor had finished his errands for the day, he happened by that very store…for…Reasons. Upon entering it, he realized he had no idea who- what- he was looking for. The store itself wasn’t large. A couple patrons, one large hulking demon with tiny spectacles at the desk and a much smaller one organizing shelves.
One of the workers, then?
Not that he cared.
“Pardon me!” Alastor chirped to the desk demon. Their big eyes seemed to move in slow motion to him, a low grunt accompanying the acknowledgement. “I’m looking for someone, yes? The author of some silly comics?”
The demon slowly narrowed their eyes, lips curling up into a snarl as a growl emanated from them.
“Ah, so she is here?”
The demon planted their very large hands on the desk, pushing themselves up to stand at their full height. They were taller than Alastor by a good three feet, and much more muscular as well. Their nostrils flared, blowing hot air into his face.
Alastor wasn’t the slightest bit phased. (He found it funny, actually). “So may I speak to her?”
The large demon opened up their gaping jaw-
“That’s me, hi! How can I help you?” The shelf-stacking demon interrupted, getting between Alastor and the clerk demon. A nervous little lady with a wobbly unsure smile and bags under her eyes that looked like they could carry the entirety of Hell in them.
Alastor held up one of your comics- a book that has been very obviously well-read “You’re the creator of these splendid little things?”
“Splendid…?” You repeated him, trailing off into an amused snort “Er. Yeah, I wrote and drew those.” The Clerk behind you closed their mouth, setting back down on their chair and adjusting their spectacles. The glare didn’t leave Alastor.
“Well, my dear, I find I quite enjoy them! It’s quite a pleasure to meet you.” Alastor said, not paying the larger (glowering) demon any mind. He found himself wondering why you were so tired and so timid. A woman like you should be so much more cheerful! Alastor was a tad offended….Because you weren’t smiling like he did. That’s it. Really.
“Well. I’m glad you like them.” You said. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” You offered your hand for him to shake.
One of his ears twitched. You must be fairly new to Hell, to offer a handshake so easily. Or perhaps a bit sheltered or on the naïve side. Alastor briefly considered making a sly deal to take your soul, but… Well, there was no need for that.
He took your hand and gave it a firm shake. Your hand was so much smaller than his own, but it felt as though it warmed his entire body. This was strange. Perhaps you were casting some spells on him? Why was he finding it so hard to focus- why did he feel like he didn’t know what to say next- why-
The Clerk gripped Alastor’s arm in between two fingers, gently but assertively pulling it away from you. You took half a step back, cradling your arm to your chest as if he burned you. Alastor glared up at the Clerk “Is there a problem?”
The large demon growled. You intervened again “Er….You were just. Holding my hand for a while. It was……kind of weird.”
“Ah.” Alastor cleared his throat, straightening his posture with a flourish “My apologies! Mind was elsewhere, you know how it is with us creative types.”
You blinked. Then your timid smile turned a bit more confident. A bit more…like a smirk. “Er. Yeah, I guess so. Well. See you around, I guess?”
“If I have the time, I suppose!” Alastor grinned “Well then, I must be off! Ta-ta!”
You watched as the strange demon disappeared into shadows and slivered off. As soon as all trace of him was gone, you laughed quietly into your hand “Well, I can certainly say for certain I know someone ‘awkward as hell’ now.”
Your friend groaned, gently pushing you over as they continued their own work.
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numberonetacostan · 6 days ago
(same anon of goo n taco) IS TACO A CAT? IS SHE CAT? SHE HAS CAT QUALITIES, SHE LOAFES, IS SHE A CAT? (this is very important)
Hi there!!^^ Welcome back, and thank you for sending in an ask!! :] Now that you're a returner, you get a nickname!! Uh, hm, well there's already a (warrior) cat, so you'll be Loafy!!^^ Hello Loafy!! :3
She can be!! She is quite cat-coded!! The post is from a bit ago, but I like to make her a bunny too, with lettuce leaf ears and a little tomato tail!! Bunnies loaf as well!! :D Taco can be whatever she pleases, I suppose, but she'd probably pick cat over a bunny-rabbit herself. I suppose she could be some sort of bunny-cat hybrid? Or a Wolpertinger, they're my favourite animal!!
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