#suddenly bunnies!
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mossy-doodles85 · 3 months ago
🖌️- yeah we sometimes get spawned into Meeple
Yeah We don’t know how either-
🔪- probably the same way we’re in this computer
🧳- she smiles gently, almost sadly
Hey Balloon…
🌮- Huh...
🎈- Hi Suitcas- OH!
{Three little bunnies hop out of nowhere and huddle around Balloon.}
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🌮- Hehe, looks like your bunnies wanted to say hi.
🎈- Heh, did you guys miss me?
{Start} {Next} {Previous}
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spindle-and-nima · 5 days ago
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He had a tummy ache here but 4 cc of gas drops and 3 hours later he tooted and ran around with renewed fervor
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theonekierce · 4 months ago
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Moreover, we dropped into a very desert of a country road, nor saw a soul when we doubled back beneath the outer study windows, nor heard a footfall in the main street of the slumbering town. Our own fell like the night-dews and the petals of the poet; but Raffles ran his arm through mine, and would chatter in whispers as we went. -The Field of Phillipi
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shaibonbon · 4 months ago
Draw Bonbon with green eyes 🟢👅🟢
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Fine, just this once. 🟢👅🟢
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mothfables · 10 months ago
Rabbit in a Wolf Den
The Chain are all turned into wolves- all of them except Legend, who’s a rabbit. This, understandably, causes issues.
This was, Legend thought, the worst possible scenario.
He’d jolted awake in incredible pain. After laying there for a few minutes doing his best to breathe through it, he managed to gather the strength to look around. He appeared to still be on the path they’d been walking down before... whatever happened happened. But... something wasn’t right. Legend shifted slightly, hissing at the bright sparks of pain it caused, and took a closer look at his surroundings.
With a start he realized everything was bigger than he remembered. Dread began to build as he scrambled upright- or tried to.
Legend’s breath quickened as he glanced down at his feet. Only, they weren’t feet, but paws. Small, delicate, fluffy pink paws. His ears, long and floppy, pressed against his head as he began to tremble. This was not good. They weren’t in the Dark World, so how had he been transformed? Had he been the only one to get hit by- by whatever it was? Where were his brothers?
The dread was building into a wave. Really, the only way this could get worse was-
The sound of shuffling and confused whines had him freezing in place.
Goddesses but he didn’t want to turn around. He had to know, though, so he could determine if whatever was making those noises was a threat or not. And what happened to his brothers. Because there was no way he wasn’t the only one affected.
Swallowing hard, Legend slowly turned to look. The sight that met his eyes had him wishing he hadn’t looked at all- or even better, not woken in the first place.
Lying scattered on the road around him were wolves. And they were moving. Stretching, stumbling awkwardly to their paws, glancing around in confusion- just like Legend had been, but he refused to entertain that thought when his instincts were screaming.
‘Run run hide stay still where are my brothers don’t move what happened stay still stay still stay still-’
Then one of the wolves glanced over and it’s gaze locked on to him. Legend very carefully did not move.
It’s head tilted in confusion and it sniffed the air before it’s tail began to wag. It let out a yip, gaining the attention of several of the others. In the back of his mind, Legend noted severe scarring along it’s face and side. Then he quickly discarded the observation because there were suddenly wolves surrounding him, getting closer, their mouths were opening and oh goddesses those teeth looked sharp-
He bolted.
There was a flurry of surprised yips that quickly turned into excited barks and the wolves gave chase. Paws pounded the earth as Legend dodged and flailed to avoid snapping jaws. It was no use. They had him surrounded.
That led to where he was now — crouched in the middle of the path, surrounded by no less than four wolves as he trembled and shook with terror.
Teeth flashed and he shrieked, curling up as tight as he could in an effort to avoid being bitten.
A sudden snarl had him curling even tighter.
Confused whines interspersed with growls and barks sounded before they were suddenly muffled by an enveloping warmth and soft pressure all around him. Another whine made him shiver and cringe away only to be met with a mass of something soft. Blinking open his eyes in surprise, Legend found himself facing a wall of tawny fur.
It moved, brushing against his nose, at the same time a wuff sounded from above him. He froze again. It moved again, slow and repetitive. ‘It’s breathing,’ Legend realized. He waited, tense, but nothing else happened.
...Whatever it was didn’t appear to want to eat him, at least. He tentatively pressed closer, pressing his nose into the tawny fluff and snuffling at the scent there.
The smell of wood and faint feathers mixed with a familiar perfume met his nose. ‘...Sun’s perfume? But that’s only on Sky’s sailcloth... What’s going on?’
The padding of paws accompanied by the gentle clinking of a chain had Legend’s ears pricking to attention. He only knew of one wolf who wore a chain... Could it be? There was another quiet wuff and soft whines before something settled down nearby- or rather, behind him from where he was practically nestled into whatever creature it was that smelled like Sky.
Well, nothing had happened to him so far. Might as well see what maybe-Wolfie wanted, right?
Legend took a deep breath, gathered the tattered remains of his courage, and turned around.
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milk-box-16 · 11 months ago
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I finally finished this thing that I had for a month- So, yes it is an AU where it would be the other part of the Subcon Kingdom also putting a bit of my Oc's lore in this case :D
This Au is going to be called "Forget Forest" on the recommendation of a friend
Edit: I just noticed that there are a lot of spelling errors in the description of Blade, but it's fixed now :D
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tamaiory · 2 years ago
!!!! This is very important !!!!
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That's all I had to say Thank you for your attention I hope you have a wonderful day ✨
Commissions info ✨
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roozible · 5 months ago
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Roo told me to make this post because he wants to remind everyone it's okay to not be okay. Take a deep breath, drink some water, lay down for some snuggles with a plushie or a pet if you can.
Roo loves you ❤️
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aestheticbisque · 5 months ago
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hellooo, sailor!!!
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velveteen-vampire · 2 months ago
How tall is jieliang?
Like is she a small angry kitty like Yi or a tall angsty kitty like Jiequan?
Do you think we could have a fam portrait so we can see all the heights??
Pretty please with a small angry Yi on top!
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she is approximately this bigs
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vanillazou · 5 months ago
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me: it would be funny if like no nut november i'll just avoid drawing mpreg for the entire month lmao
izou: *shoots me in the face-*
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ultraspookystudentgardener · 3 months ago
Hello, good day, it’s weird thought process o’clock
Hazbin hotel story where all the overlords get turned into preschool age toddlers.
Little Rosie having a severe biting problem. Like, “she keeps trying to bite the other kids” kinda problem.
First she bites Little Zestial. She wasn’t mad at him, she wasn’t even thinking, he was just sitting next to her and she bit him.
She gets told not to do that, of course, very gently because toddler. She says she’ll try to remember, but she’s still a little little kid so she promptly forgets the instruction the moment she’s distracted. She gets caught in the act the second time before her teeth can make contact and she’s all sad cause she forgot not to bite. Not because she got caught, she just genuinely wants to be a good girl.
The above scenario happens again, and she’s warned that if she bites someone again she’ll be put in timeout.
So of course the moment she’s distracted again she bites someone.
Charlie: Rosie, we told you not to bite people.
Little Rosie: Oh… I forgot again…
Charlie then scoops Little Rosie up and plunks her in essentially baby jail (read: a toddler playpen in the corner). There’s toys, she knows what she did, she got ample warning, she’s fine. She’s just kinda sitting there wondering why she can’t stop herself from biting.
It was only a five minute timeout, and Vaggie showed Little Rosie how sharp her little teeth are so she knows how much damage she can do with them, in the hope that it would make it easier for her to remember not to bite.
Afterwards, Little Rosie goes to sit with Little Alastor, who’s sitting at a table by himself having a little snack, and he offers her a piece, so she takes it and ends up biting herself.
Vaggie: I heard an “ow”, what happened?
Little Rosie, showing Vaggie her finger: I bited myself..!
Vaggie: *Blinks twice* How did you manage that?
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loveryss · 1 year ago
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Kitchen 🍳
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leolaroot · 2 months ago
do u have Any special advice for becoming the fave gay uncle of ur six year old niece. shes so funny + epic but i live across the country and soooo fun twice a year
Yes omg the number one advice i have is find out what shes Into and teach yourself about it. watch at least three episodes of paw patrol or whatever it is. and that way you can engage with her on something that most other adults dont know anything about it. like just being able to say "i like gabbies dollhouse! have you seen the cowboys episode?" will in a child's eyes put you on THEIR level and prove you actually will gaf about what matters for them. understand that a lot of kids hear "not now" "im busy" or "aw thats nice dear" like 100x a day. so you can make yourself stand out so severely by being the person who they can rely on to say "im listening." "can i play too?" or "is that a song from ms. rachel? you know all the words!"
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ooliecat · 2 months ago
the bunnies in ur pfp are adorable everyone loves them
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ty im posting this to immortalize it
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