#bulk wine for sale
winesinsingapore · 2 months
Best-Selling Wines: What Makes Them Stand Out?
Singapore's wine market is a vibrant and diverse landscape, offering some of the finest wines from around the world. Here’s a look at the best-selling wines in Singapore, what makes them stand out, and how you can enjoy them by purchasing in bulk or online.
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1. Quality and Consistency
One of the primary reasons certain wines become best-sellers in Singapore is their exceptional quality and consistency. Winemakers who maintain high standards in production, ensuring every bottle delivers the same great taste, earn the trust and loyalty of consumers.
2. Reputation and Heritage
Wines from renowned regions like Bordeaux, Tuscany, and Napa Valley enjoy a stellar reputation. The rich heritage and history of these regions often contribute to the appeal and allure of their wines. This historical prestige assures consumers they are investing in a time-honored product.
3. Versatility
Versatile wines that pair well with a variety of cuisines are particularly popular in Singapore. Given the city-state's diverse culinary scene, wines that can complement different flavors and dishes—from local hawker fare to fine dining—are in high demand. Wines like Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir, known for their adaptability, are often best-sellers.
4. Innovative Marketing and Branding
Effective marketing strategies and strong branding also play significant roles. Winemakers who invest in creative and engaging marketing campaigns can attract a broad audience. This includes leveraging social media, organizing wine-tasting events, and collaborating with local influencers and chefs.
5. Sustainability
Sustainability is becoming an important factor for wine consumers in Singapore. Wines that are produced using environmentally friendly practices, organic methods, or fair-trade principles resonate with eco-conscious buyers. This commitment to sustainability not only helps the environment but also enhances the wine's appeal.
6. Accessibility
Availability and ease of purchase greatly influence a wine's popularity. The ability to buy wine online, in bulk, or at competitive prices makes a significant difference. Retailers who offer seamless online shopping experiences, prompt delivery services, and bulk purchasing options often see higher sales volumes.
Promote Wine with Ease: Buying Wine in Bulk
For events, gatherings, or simply stocking up, buying wine in bulk can be a smart choice. Here are some benefits:
Cost-Effectiveness: Purchasing in larger quantities often comes with discounts, making it more economical.
Convenience: Having a variety of wines on hand means you’re always prepared for any occasion.
Consistency: Buying a preferred wine in bulk ensures you always have your favorite label readily available.
Buying Wine Online: A Seamless Experience
In the digital age, buying wine online has never been easier. Here’s how to make the most of it:
Explore a Wide Selection: Online stores often have a more extensive range of wines compared to physical shops.
Read Reviews: Check customer reviews and ratings to make informed decisions.
Enjoy Convenience: Online shopping allows you to browse and purchase at your own pace, with delivery straight to your door.
Take Advantage of Deals: Look for exclusive online offers and discounts.
Featured Wines to Consider
Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc
A refreshing wine from New Zealand, known for its vibrant flavors of passion fruit and gooseberry. It pairs wonderfully with seafood and light salads.
Penfolds Bin 389 Cabernet Shiraz
An Australian classic, this wine offers rich flavors of dark berries and chocolate. It’s a perfect companion for hearty meat dishes.
Antinori Tignanello
From the heart of Tuscany, this wine is a blend of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Cabernet Franc. It’s renowned for its complex flavors and long, elegant finish.
Finding the Best Wines in Singapore
When looking for the best quality wines in Singapore, consider the following tips:
Research and Reviews: Check reviews and ratings from other consumers and experts.
Wine Clubs: Join local wine clubs or subscriptions for curated selections and exclusive offers.
Retailer Recommendations: Seek advice from reputable wine retailers who can provide personalized suggestions based on your preferences.
In conclusion, the best-selling wines in Singapore distinguish themselves through quality, heritage, versatility, effective marketing, sustainability, and accessibility. Whether you’re buying for personal enjoyment or in bulk for events, these wines offer something special for every palate. Enjoy the ease of buying wine online and elevate your wine experience with the best that Singapore has to offer.
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innovativesourcing · 1 month
Special Bordeaux Wine Bottles Collection From Innovative Sourcing
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The best place to find Premium Bordeaux Wine Bottles is Innovative Sourcing. Our primary focus is providing an exceptional variety of Bordeaux wines that are obtained from the most reputed wineries in the area. Every bottle in our collection is guaranteed to fulfill the highest standards of quality and flavor, making it suitable for both casual drinkers and serious collectors.
Visit our website, www.innovativesourcing.com and Contact us today to explore our extraordinary selection.
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fox-bright · 1 month
Watching the H5N1 stuff get worse and worse--I'm hoping we have until late next year before it goes reliably human-human, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was this winter--and not being able to do much makes me anxious, so I've been composing lists of stuff to do. I keep thinking, if this were August, 2019, and I knew covid was coming, what would I prepare? If this one goes off like the scientists think it might, it'll be much worse than covid.
Right now, I'm concentrating on food. My plan is to have enough hunker down supplies by mid-September that if things go bad in the normally-scheduled October-February flu season, we'll be okay simply not leaving the house at all. There are only two of us here now, and if things go bad there may be as many as four (as I have two separate friends I'd push hard to come stay here with us), so I need to make sure we have 4 meals x howevermany days I choose. I'm building up to six months, but I'm beginning the plan at three. While a lot of Serious Prepper lists have pretty generous caloric allowances, the MFH and I eat pretty light, and we're both smaller than the average adult human, which does give us even more squeak room here.
We started out with dry staples--bread flour, AP flour, semolina, rice, beans, pasta, lentils, powdered milk--though I have still to get powdered eggs (I'll dehydrate those myself), more dry beans (I'm going to use up a lot of what we have when I do my canning run for the winter, and so far I haven't been able to get my hands on kidney beans in any decent amounts), quinoa, and one more kind of pasta. Right now we have about 2/3 of what I'd want; we'll be holding things at this level, replacing staples as we use them, and if things look more serious we'll do another big shop and give ourselves additional stock of the AP flour, the bread flour, the rice (which we already buy in 40-50 lb bags anyway, we're Asian), the dry milk.
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Then there's the perishable stuff; yesterday, the MFH and I took advantage of some very nice sales and got seventy pounds of meat for two hundred and twelve dollars. Beef brisket for stew, pork butt for sweet molasses chili, ground beef for hotter chili, pork loin for white bean soup. Still have to get chicken (which was pretty much sold out at our bulk place) for chicken soup (to be pressure canned), chicken and mushroom cream soup (to be vacuum-packed and frozen).
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Very very soon it'll be time to harvest my leeks and my butternut squashes, for leek and potato soup (either finished with cream, blended to a smooth-ish consistency and frozen, or *not* blended down, and just socked away in pressure-canned Ball jars without the cream added; will it take me longer to thaw it, or to take my immersion blender to the hot individual meals later on?) and canned butternut for baking with or making soup or chili or making pasta sauce.
I might can a bunch of just potatoes, too, to keep 'em shelf stable (plus that front-loads a lot of the work of producing a meal later).
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So I need to buy onions and carrots and potatoes and celery and garlic and mushrooms and corn, cream, red wine, tomato paste (because my vines got blight this year, sigh--I've managed to can one single run of tomato sauce and that's IT), ten dozen fresh eggs to dehydrate and powder and store in the fridge in case of egg shortages, several pounds of beans to be thrown into the chilis and...hm...fifteen pounds more, twenty pounds more, to have on hand? And then for non-canning purposes we'll need butter, oil, white vinegar (I've used a lot of it for pickles this year), various Asian food staples like black and rice vinegars, oyster sauce, black mushrooms and so on. As for pre-made, mass-produced foods, I'll probably make another post about them later.
While this is more than I'd generally stock in a single season, I do generally put about 100 quarts of home-canned food by a year, and I never keep less than 75-100lb of flour on hand anyway because of how frequently I make bread. So though it sounds like a lot up front, it's not hoarder level; everything I stock will be eaten, some of it pretty much immediately (the beef stew is so good). And putting it all by now means that we'll be less of a burden on our community safety net, if push comes to shove. When the covid pandemic hit I had dozens of jars of food on the shelf already, which gave me a little peace when things were looking scary. We were able to share some of our stores with people who hadn't had the great privilege of long afternoons spent seeing to the personal stores. That's a better option, to my mind, than needing to panic-shop right as things start getting a little wild.
Basically, if things go bad, we'll have food for a while. And if things don't go bad, we'll have food for a while. It's win-win. And it keeps the floor under my feet when I'm feeling unsteady, to be able to sneak down into the cool, still basement and look at row on row of gently gleaming jars of food security.
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fatteningmenstories · 7 months
Benched - final chapter
‘What do you mean its been declined’
“Well, I went to my normal sales assistant and went to pick up my things, and he said the card didn’t go though, luckily I was carrying my Chase card …’
As Ajay went on explaining away his last shopping trip, a quickly forming reality was dawning on Devon - after all the fine foods, wines, luxuries, the funds were drying up. Sure by any means they won’t be going broke, but after a few calls and checks with his accountants the gluttonus lives they were living was not going to sustains it self for much longer,either they were going to have cut-back or they would quickly be in a whole new world
It had been a couple of days after his phone call with this manager, and Devon knew that him and Ajay really had no other choices of income, and Tom’s physio salary was definitely not going to be paying the bills for the townhouse . in fact after Tom moved in, Devon found that they were even spending more than before on his fine suits and expensive wines.
As he sat there in bed, ballooned in fat, he knew he was going to have to face his fears, and that started by calling up his manger
“Ah Devon, finally have you decided to make you triumph return to the team, after the season we’ve had everyone is desperate for you, Devon’
“Yh about that, Scott I am planning to, only I might be a bit bigger than you last saw me ’
“Ahh the off-season bulk - happens ti the best of us champ’
“Yh, bulk ha’ Devon couldn’t whip up the confidence to tell his old manger just how bad this bulk was over the phone
“Listen champ just come on down tomorrow, we get you sized up, I mean the whole team haven’t seen in for almost over a year now’
Today was the day, and Devon felt fatter than ever, leaving the house in the early morning in some of the only clothiers that fit him he knew as he had to catch his breaths after ever steps a walk in the park was gonna be off from this . They were all waiting for him in there, all his old teammates including Chad he imagined their faces and their ridicule and he hated that after living with Tom for the last couple of weeks he knew he was going to enjoy it all.
“I’m sorry mister, I think you have the wrong room’
Devon had walked in to the gym at the worst time, all his old teammates were shirtless running drills and workouts, and they stood Devon all 150kg of him , still holding a chocolate bar form the car
‘No coach, I don’t think I do’
The sound of weights from all over the room came crashing down as the herd of fit muscular men crowded around their hippo sized teamate
“Bloody hell’
“Is that, no way”
“Talk about an off-season”
“Coach listen, I did say I had put on a few kg”
“A few kg, is that what you call this’
Coach laughed as strolled over and slapped Devons fat gut
“I mean look a the size of you, you fat everywhere I look at you”
“What am I going to do you you fat sack of lard’
‘Hey coach, take it easier on him’ called a voice from the back
Devon dared not to look up, and he hated the fact a small part of him was loving Coach’s cruel remarks about his fat body’
But even he couldn’t believe who was strolling over to his rescue
Walking over, was a more muscular, almost taller Chad, it was obvious that after their accident the two had gone two very different pathways, Devon a spiral of gluttony and greed and Chad a rise of fame and fitness .
“What, else can I do, look at him this man was the comeback we needed Chad, I bet he couldn’t even get the kit over his massive backside, let alone make it to the field without breaking into a sweat”
“Coach, I know but shouting at him isn’t going to make it easier, anyway besides maybe even having him back is enough to turn our fate’ smirked Chad
Devon was shocked the arrogant areshole of a man that Chad had been had simply evaporated’l
‘Whatever, his contact his bullet prove, even if wanted to I couldnt get him of the team’
“We gonna be a laughing stock of the nation with this lardass’
Coach said coming and grabbing Devon exposed gut
“Hey it not like we arnt that already; chuckled Chad as he got between Coach and Devon
Coach had no words left to utter after that, he simply left in a strut leaving Devon with the rest of teammates, whom most got back to the training simply refusing to even acknowledge Devon.
Well one stayed - Chad
“Hey mate, thanks for that’
“Oh that that was nothing’
‘Nah it means a lot, and it seems like we both changed a lot these past years huh’
‘Yh I guess, not going to lie once you were of the team, and I had to step in I finally realised how much pressure it was, huh big guy’
‘Yh, I don’t even remember sleeping those days’
“You telling me, all I do is train, play and try to stay out the papers’
The pair of them, stuck together chatting about the past year as the gym quietened out, Chad hitting the machines while Devon filled him on his new life with Ajay and Tom.
“Wow you really enjoyed you time off-time huh’ smirked Chad as they made their way to showers, the rest of the team had left and it was the pair of them. Just like old times, they striped down and headed to the showers, Devon had barely even lifted a finger but he still stripped done to rinse off some sweat that came from standing about in the humid gym. Chad even helped remove his t-shirt when he struggled to get it over his fatty body.
Stepping in compleltey naked to the showers, there were never two bodies that were that different, Chads tall blond muscular body all toned up after a long work out and Devons round obese body covered in strecth marks and overgrown with hair.
‘I mean look at the size of you, talk about a transformation and a halve’
“Yh I living the good life, and I love it all’ Devon responded rubbing his gargantuan gut’
“Here let me’ Chad said as he took the soap and lathered Devon in it
It was all so sensual and hot Devon couldn’t see his cock as he turned to let Chad wash his back but he couldn’t feel it growing under his massive fat-pad. And it wasnt the only thing he felt as Chad got closer and closer to him rubbing all his back fat, the head of a fat big penis hit his fat arse. They stood in silence for a few moments until Chad broke the slience
‘Sorry about that, I can’t help myself you just so sexy’
Devon laughed, it seemed the more he blimped up men coudnt control themselves
‘Oh really, what’s so sexy about me’
“Everything, all over your just so big, I mean I used to stare at you in the showers and looking at this I couldn’t believe you could be so sexy, but now oh I can’t control myself’
Chad moved closer, his arms roamed over Devons body, taking it all in, they barely joined in the middle just the tips oh his fingers around Devons solid gut. And then he moved in, putting his face in the pillow of at that was Devon’s neck, and pushing Devon fat body to the wall and he entered Devons fat arse. They fucked for hours, long and hard it was as if Chad wanted one thing in the world and it was Devons well-fed body.
It was game day, and Devon was suprised it had all come so quickly, one the news had broken about his weight gain, the media went crazy, journalists and pappz wanted him more now than ever. The internet was filled with pieces comparing his body to its prime, everything was out it the open with his love life he was headed for being a proud gay footballer and jeered at by all sorts of sporting channels who loved to talk about his obese body for hours. He was a pneumpoan, everybody was - even Ajay’s lavish life, who had quickly become a minor celcberlity once the news broke, and now it was the first match of the season, no matter what the coach fought for he coudln’t get him removed, it was agreed though that due to Devons weight he was of course going to be no help on the field abs that all he needed to do was stand for the anthem and be Benched for the majority of the game. And so they he stood in a kit the size of tent in line with all his in fit teammates a bulging mass of fat.
The rest of the game he was sat on the sides, watching the game he even pulled put a chocolate bar as the 90min game bore on. As He looked up at the box and saw the large frame of Ajay next to a trim Tom whose hands of full of hotdogs and even appeared to be helping himself to one of two as a stuffed Ajay hesitated mouth full of ketchup and mustard. Devon chuckled to himself as he bit into the next chocolate bar that chef had packed. The game finished to a draw, which according to Chad was one of the best results they had finished in a while, Devon couldn’t believe it, had his team really fallen so far that a draw was an accomplishment. And as the rest of the team left and the changing room emptied out it was once again Chad and Devon left alone, and it seemed the sight of Devon in his humongous kit sent Chad awol, as after the final member left he couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
Coach was in trouble, it wasn’t enough that he had to put up with seeing Devon stuff his face with chocolate bars on the bench, after a lengthy call with the mangers his job seemed to be on the line, his teams poor performance over the last season was so distoruous ad campaigns seemed to back out with each loss and the team was heamorrgin money left right and centre , he had to do something quick.
After another game ended with another draw, Coach turned on the 10’ o clock sports new, most of the bloody focus was on the fat lump that used to be his star player, more focus went on what he was stuffing his face with than the game itself. After third draw of the season, Coach was hot headed, he didnt know what to do and right now he needed something sweet and the first thing that popped into his head was whatever he had seen Devon stuffing his face next to him on the bloody bench .But after 2 visits to two different supermarkets those damn chocolate bars seemed to all be out of the stock, after the third visit proved no avail he was furious
‘Oi you what’s the big deal, this is the third shop without any godamn chocolate bars where the hell are there all’
“Geez sir I’m sorry they sell out faster than hotcakes especially after matchs’
“What - the hell ”
“ If You asking me, it cus all those fatties come here straight after the game and buy us all out, its cus of the big old fat player Devon he’s like their hero or something’
What was that - everywhere he went to heard about that hippo and just when he felt another blood vessel burst in his brain an even better idea popped into his head
Devon dint know why he was being called in, Coach hadn’t even uttered a word to him all season and now he was being called in for a meeting- even Chad didn’t know what was going on
“Ah Devon, my favourite player come on in’
What was going on, but Devons attention quickly dropped when he saw the plates full of chocolates and pastries laid out on the table
“Why Devon, it seems your sweet tooth has caught the attention of some higher ups, meet the team’
They on the other side off the table were a large assortment of people some tall some with glasses all fat
“Listen bud, these guys over there will pay a hefty sum for you hands to be on they chocolate bars out there on the field - what’ya say’
Opening the envelope there concealed a number with a lot of 0s
‘OH and that’s just for one game’
This was it Devon’s money problems were solved for life and all he had to do was sit back and eat candy
Coach chuckled to himself as he saw the humongous man sign away his body with hand and grab a hand full of chocolate in the other, - looks like he had found a use fir this fatter after all
And as the season wore on that’s exactly what Devon did, it become a football phenomenon - viewship was at all time high. The fattiest of the country were glued to the screen seeing Devon pig out on various box’s of chocolates and sweets and they ran the fastest their fatty legs would carry them to the stores to pig. Coach had long forgotten about his money worries he had a golden pig out there weight his weight in advertisement - it was a plus that the team were playing the best they ever had in a long time, and leading them was Chad it was as if a big fat fire was lit under him and he wanted to do it proud. As the months draw on the team was quickly climbing the ranks faster and faster, until it was all down to for final game of the season .
There it was the last game of the season, Ajay, Tom and Devon boarded a much bigger limo to take them to the stadium than they had needed to at the beginning. . Other the past 9 months it wasn’t just the money on Devon’s wallet that grew but all three of their waistlines thanks to the replenished funds the three of them were back eating like kings, and it showed on Ajay’s much fatter gut Devon’s hippo sized arse and Toms beginning double chin. Devon had suspected that Ajay and Tom were having secret feedings sessions where Tom loved stuffing Ajays till he was too stuffed to move and was helping himself to the odd cake here and there . Seeing the pair of them across the limo Devon chuckled to himself as he saw that Tom was living the blissful lie that he had once lived as it seemed Ajay had found another young hot man’s body to ruin. Tom hadn’t noticed it but as he was stuffing food down Ajays food he didn’t notice his portions getting bigger and meals more frequent. Living with two obese men was definitely rubbing of on the poor PTs body, he hardly needed to work at the gym now that Devon’s money troubles were solved, his gym kit was growing dusty in the wardrobe just like Devon’s once did and the effects were beginning to show. A year of living with them was fattening Tom up faster than he could clock on, as he sat there next to Ajays the six pack he was proudly showed of was now rounding out into a beginners belly and his thighs were beginning to swell up. Ajays had of course taken the needed precautions of size up his wardroom secretly and reminding him of how fat he was at all times belittling Tom’s beginner gains
As the pair of them fiddled with each other in the back of the limo offering the other small treats and what nots , Devon didn’t feel any jealousy, especially after how he knew his heart was taken by another. What started of as after gym sessions soon bloomed into longs date nights with Chad, over the past 9 months Chad and rocked Devon’s world in more ways than none, filling up with food at dinner than fucking him like there was no tomorrow. And just when Devon was about to unlock some more thrilling moments the Driver honked - there had arrived
Devon’s role on the team had shunk to nothing more than a ballooned obese mascot that the camera would turn to when the audiences attention dwindled. And there was no other way he would have it, as the game wore on his assortment of snacks never ended he ate himself away watching Chad run around the field like he once used to. Except now he was a fat whale of man in kit that had long been upgraded to beat his ever growing fat gut
It was such a close game, 85 minutes had dreaded on, and there were still drawing 2:2, Devon couldn’t watch and so he ate - it’s as all down to Chad. And at the 89 minute, Devon scanned the field and saw the hunk of man that was he lover, and Chad saw back a fat blob of a man that he couldn’t keep his hands off. And just like that he kicked it in and it flew past the other teams goalie and went straight it.
And on that second after winning his first league, there was one thing Chad needed to do - and he ran straight to Devon and jumped on to the 180kg lover and gave him the biggest kiss of his life
And Devin thought to himself if this was life on the bench he would happily be Benched
The end
If any of you guys have any ideas for future stories lmk
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moodmother · 2 years
Expansion Phase
The devil appears as Jerm turns to leave the wine cellar. He gasps and nearly drops the bottle of Dom, but his look of surprise quickly gives way to a grin.
"I'm ready," he says, gesturing to his clothes: an oversized hoodie and matching, generously-cut joggers, all in charcoal with tasteful neon yellow piping.
The devil only looks confused. "Does it matter what you're wearing?"
"Wouldn't it?" Now Jerm is confused. Why shouldn't it matter?
"Well the house isn't going to fit anymore, nevermind your clothes."
Jerm blinks, uncomprehending. "What?"
"I suppose I thought that I'd find you outside somewhere, but this will certainly be a bit more fun."
The fabric of his clothes is already starting to pull tighter across his skin, but Jerm has not yet noticed that he has begun to grow. He is still trying to grasp what the devil could mean. "The house…?" A knot of dread settles into the pit of his stomach.
"Well, you remember the deal."
"I…" Jerm looks down at his belly, slowly swelling out like an inflating balloon, and registers his predicament. The bottle of champagne smashes to the floor.
"No," is all he can say as he staggers out, through the bright light and crisp whiteness of the kitchen. "No, no, no--"
Out in the foyer, between the two symmetrical staircases that lead up to the second floor, hangs a portrait of Jerm looking just as he did moments ago: slim in a very specific, fastidious way. Not scrawny or wiry. Just full and toned enough to suggest a breezy fitness routine, yet without any muscular bulk that might belie vulgar, meat-headed vanity.
Now, tottering beneath that portrait, Jerm is already unrecognizable. He is expanding all over, swelling outward in all directions, his flesh sitting taut instead of sagging down. The waistband of the joggers is digging into his midsection. But he continues to steadily grow.
"Why?" he gasps.
"Our deal! Today's the day!"
The seams of his clothes are pulling tight.
"I thought…" he gasps, "Only…a couple hundred…pounds…."
The stitches running down his pant legs begin to pull apart.
"A couple hundred?" The devil gapes, incredulous. "Didn't you do the math?"
With a POP the waistband of Jerm's pants snaps. He groans against the oppressive tightness of the hoodie wrapped around his chest and arms. "Just a…tiny…fraction…."
The devil conjures up a brimstone-pocked scroll and consults it. "Right here," it goes on, tapping the scroll, "one thousandth of a pound per dollar. You didn't specify 'profit,' so we settled upon total sale price. That was the deal, Jeremy. You must have known what that meant."
Jerm only moans. The hoodie finally shreds, defeated at last by his relentless growth. He has started to take on a domed shape. His feet are buried beneath the bulk that used to be his legs. His barrel-like arms lie straight out, resting atop his impossibly huge sides. His entire midsection is all of a piece, still firm and rounded like the hull of a boat.
"Make it…stop…."
"Jeremy," the devil leans in close to Jerm's great broad face, "a deal's a deal. You just sold the company for three billion dollars. You know what that means."
"Nooo," Jerm sobs. Tears collect atop his cantaloupe sized cheeks.
"Three million pounds. That's what you agreed to."
Jerm wails. His growth continues unabated. The floorboards underneath him groan as if in sympathy.
The devil pokes pensively at his chest. "This will be very interesting to see."
"You…really are…the Devil…."
"No. I am only a devil."
Breaking news:
"Emergency personnel are on the scene at the home of Jeremy 'Jerm' Scallon, creator and former owner of Skdli.do. Scallon recently made headlines thanks to the high-profile sale of Skdli.do to Meta, a move that turned him into an overnight billionaire. It seems that a neighbor called 911 following some sort of disturbance at the property. It is not clear at this time whether Mr. Scallon or anyone else is at home."
Jerm can hear vehicles pulling up outside but he has gotten stuck here in the foyer with his back to the front door and windows. All that he can see is his portrait up on the wall, taunting him above the burgeoning horizon of his belly. Himself as he was. When he stepped on the bathroom scale this morning, it read 175 pounds. Now….
With a soft pap the underside of his belly reaches the floor and the whole thing continues to swell. Behind him, his titanic ass cheeks are already spreading across the floorboards.
"Much more," comes the devil's voice in his ear. "You've gained, what, a thousand pounds, give or take? You're going to pack on three thousand times that much before it stops. That was the deal! I did warn you." With that it disappears in a puff of sulfurous smoke.
Someone is knocking at the front door. Of course Jerm cannot turn to look. His head is completely smothered, his face pinned between cheeks the size of sofa cushions. His hands have disappeared into the burgeoning barrel-like appendages that used to be his forearms, and those will soon be swallowed up by his now mattress-sized upper arms. Overall, he has taken on the rough shape of an enormous dome. And every part of him continues to grow steadily. Bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Heavier and heavier.
"Mr. Scallon? A neighbor ca--"
The cops entering through the front door cannot parse what they have walked into. An advancing wall of flesh, nearly as tall as a man, cleft vertically. Two impossibly huge ass cheeks, surging inexorably toward them and toward the door.
"Gnnhh…." Jerm moans. His belly is now touching the wall beneath the portrait, and pressing ever harder against it as he grows.
"M-Mr. Scallon…?"
"Some kind of scene continues to unfold at the home of Skdli.do founder Jeremy Scallon. Law enforcement have not released any details except to report that Mr. Scallon is alive. Multiple ambulances are on the scene now but no one appears to have been taken out of the home."
Jerm has grown flush with the walls but his expansion continues unabated. All that he can see is his own belly forced upward against the wall in front of him. Before his eyes it swallows up the portrait of his former self. Except for an upturned face floating in a sea of flesh, all vestiges of his humanity are gone. And still he continues to grow, filling up endlessly like a monstrous water balloon.
The walls are so, so tight, and getting tighter. He moans in discomfort, and even begins to weep. Alarmed voices chirp around him; he can feel tentative hands against the skin of his impossibly huge buttocks. But no one can help him.
"At this time we have secured the scene, and have taken every precaution," says an FBI spokesman during the press conference. "We cannot rule out the possibility of some kind of pathogen."
Jerm has completely filled up the foyer. With no more room to grow, his obscene bulk has been swelling upward, such that the buried core of his skeleton and musculature is buoyed within it like a morsel of fruit suspended within a gigantic jelly. His flesh begins to squeeze out into other areas of the house: into the kitchen on one side, into the library on the other. Up the staircases, which groan in protest. Pressing against the front door and windows….
In the news footage of the Scallon mansion, there is a sudden flurry of panic among the assembled firefighters and paramedics. The first storey windows break and…something oozes out of them. The front door bulges outward ominously. It buckles, the hinges break, and the same fleshy substance fills the frame.
Jerm is utterly alone. His flesh blots out the light from the windows, and muffles the sound of sirens and screams. His immense weight has splintered the floorboards and collapsed the staircases. Still he grows and grows. He is starting to forget who he is. All he knows is that he is horribly confined, squeezed. Outgrowing the house, just as the devil had said.
"Authorities believe that the object is human, or human in origin, and that it is still alive. It is not clear what has caused the extreme growth, or whether the effect may be contagious. Residents of the surrounding neighborhood have been evacuated for their safety."
In the live footage, personnel in hazmat suits mill around the perimeter of the mansion. The fleshy mass continues to swell and ooze out of the windows and doors. The figures start and flee as, all at once, the house seems to come apart at the seams. The walls burst, forced outward by a relentless tide of flesh.
Unheard by anyone else, the thing that once was Jerm moans in relief as he finally bursts free of the house. Everything is too small. He needs room. Unfettered by walls, he can continue to expand unabated. He has forgotten everything: his money, his name, how his face used to look. Everything except the sensation of growth. The feeling of his own unfathomable weight.
Using a crane, they are able to remove the roof--the only thing that remains of the house--from atop the mountain of flesh. With a drone-mounted camera, they confirm that there is the vestige of a human face sunken into the top of the thing.
"Authorities believe, but are unable to confirm, that what we are looking at is Jeremy Scallon himself."
The thing resembles a massive organic dome, cleft fore and aft where it apparently has monstrous ass cheeks and the hemispheres of an obscenely vast belly. It is still growing, spreading upward and outward in all directions, threatening the neighboring mansions.
"While he appears to be alive, it remains unclear when or if Mr. Scallon will stop growing. No plans have yet been announced as to how the situation will be addressed if this…mass cannot be contained."
Jerm made his infernal pact in secret: in exchange for the successful sale of his company, he would gain one thousandth of a pound per dollar of the final price. When Jerm weighed himself this morning, the scale read 175 pounds. And so the thing will only stop growing when it finally weighs just about 3,000,175 pounds.
Of course no one has any idea, they cannot possibly know, exactly how big the thing will get. It cannot speak, and will never speak again. Viewers and bystanders, Jerm's buyers and colleagues and family, can only watch helplessly as it swells bigger, and bigger, and bigger.... +++
Down in the offices of Hell, the devil sighs as it adds the last bit of data to its quarterly report. "You'd think a computer guy would have been better at math."
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weilongfu · 9 months
AkkTheo celebrating a romantic Christmas in Paris~
Prior to his time in France, Akk knew that Christmas was a largely commercial holiday in many countries. Sure it had many more connotations in those countries; a time of being together with family and friends, gathering to share warmth and light in the cold dark, and most importantly the sharing of kindness and generosity. But in Thailand where the bulk of individuals were Buddhist and there was never much of anything in the way of a winter wonderland, the most Akk looked forward to were the Christmas lights in the mall along with cotton fluff snow and maybe a present if his other friends were in the mood to exchange.
So upon moving to Paris for his program and staying with Theo, Akk had a feeling Theo would be more excited for Christmas. The other boy had spent many of his formative years in France, living with a different culture, so naturally, his affinity for the winter holiday would be different than Akk's.
Akk did not anticipate the degree to which he would be correct.
Winter came swiftly upon the European city and Theo was already prepared with piles of sweaters, warm coats, scarves, hats, and gloves. All of which were shared with Akk, who had come completely unprepared for the cold.
"I thought we were going back to Thailand for the winter," Akk groused as he huddled down into his borrowed scarf which smelled like Theo's expensive cologne.
"We'll go back for the new year," Theo promised as he reached for Akk's gloved hand which was further stuffed into a jacket pocket. "I want you to experience Christmas here with me! We'll get mulled wine, gingerbread cookies, maybe make a croquembouche and decorate it like a Christmas tree..." Theo rambled on and Akk took a mental snapshot of Theo's sparkling eyes against the backdrop of nighttime Paris, awash in the gold and red of Christmas lights. It would have had to be a color print, Akk decided, for only then could the wash of colors in Theo's brown hair be truly appreciated.
As Christmas approached, Akk watched as lights went up in their shared apartment along with a genuine pine tree that Theo bought from a tree lot and had Akk help him drag up the three flights of stairs. The entire apartment was filled with the smell of pine which made Akk sneeze until he acclimated. Boxes of old ornaments from Theo's grandmother were brought out and Theo told Akk the story of each ornament painted by a child Theo.
Their date nights after classes were spent going to shops to see their Christmas displays. Gifts on sale were purchased for family along side cups of warm mulled wine as Theo promised. Akk made a particular attempt to keep his gift secret, waiting for Theo to wander off to the other side of the jewelry shop before purchasing it.
Instead of gingerbread cookies, Theo could only find ginger snaps filled with bourbon cream which Akk found overly sticky and sweet, until he had one with extra bourbon and sprinkled with a hint of nutmeg. Dark chocolate oranges, however, became Akk's favorite holiday treat as opposed to Theo's preference for peppermint bark.
Christmas day itself was spent with a late morning, Akk refused to get out of their warm bed to face the cold morning, but emerged once Theo made coffee. Afternoon lunch was cold sandwiches as they both worked to prepare their private holiday dinner.
Shopping for the smallest turkey possible had still been quite a task and Akk was sure they'd be eating its remains for the next two months. Theo had also insisted on other traditional items like gougeres, roasted carrot soup, gratin dauphinois, and green beans almondine.
"It'll be worth the work," Theo promised as he sliced potatoes on the mandolin. "You'll see."
"I can't even pronounce half these dishes, Theo," Akk said as he mixed choux pastry for the gougeres.
"You don't have to pronounce them. Just eat them with me later."
After all their hard work, Akk had to admit that the small dining table lit with candles and decorated with holly was quite romantic, even with all their dishes piled around it. Theo fed Akk the first bite of everything and Akk begrudgingly admitted that the traditional dinner had been quite good.
Snow began to fall again as Theo and Akk looked out over the Paris skyline, glasses of dessert wine in hand. "So, how was your first Christmas in Paris," Theo asked as he took a sip, his other hand fussing about in one of his cardigan pockets.
"Colder than I expected," Akk replied before thrusting a small jewelry box at Theo. "So here's your reward for making Christmas interesting."
Theo frowned. "That's not the point of Christmas," he said as he took the box. "I- Oh..." Theo's expression softened as he looked at the silver bracelet with a camera charm.
"Just something small," Akk said with as much nonchalance in his voice as he could spare. "I know I already gave you a ring but..."
Theo huffed and finally pulled out what he'd been fussing with in his cardigan pocket. "Then here, this is for you. Something just as small." In the candlelight, Akk realized it was one of the other bracelets from the jewelry store, the one with a book charm instead.
With one hand, Akk gently accepted the bracelet and with his other, he cupped Theo's cheek and pulled him in for a kiss.
In the coming Christmases, regardless of where Theo and Akk were, Akk's photo of their clasped hands with matching bracelets shining in the light was always in the forefront of their decorations.
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foundinfantasy · 1 year
Not a Modder (Just like to think creatively)
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These were ideas I had before the pack came out with just knowing we were getting horses, nectar making, and mini-goats and sheep and just thought of how much more they could've done.
Tabletop dancing -> broken arm, leg, drunken antics, ie consequences
Bulk -> sell to bars, shipping, packaging, (carton of eggs, wine, boxes of apples), (personally would like to see cat and dog food as a purchasable item, cans and bags and tupperware)
Scouts update - > fundraising, bake sales / cookie drive, and horse camp
Lasso -> toddler to elder, child+ competitions
billiards -> social activity for teen+, random outcome, betting, pool hall
motorcycles -> we have bikes, wouldn't this basically be the same animation without the moving feet.
Rodeos - > with zero pixel animal abuse - social event and competition (using mechanical bull riding) at a saloon lot type with saloon doors
glasswork, ironwork, stones -> gold or stones from river, mining, making horseshoes, glassblowing, bead-making
any indigenous gameplay?! Sage harvestable, burnable, craftable sage, weaving skill, dreamcatchers, totems, blankets, books/conversing with sim about culture - > beads, jewelry, knitting addons - > crafting table
horse plow -> attachable wheel barrow to mass harvest all
mischief and politics -> new protests, new policies, and the urban legend of cowtipping
petting zoo - > update to barn to free llama and cow, ability to lock bunnies in, employee a fox, [just adding snakes and lizards]
nectar making - > should've been in mws - winetasting, order bottle during meal, blends, nameable, snob interactions and/or moodlets about the notes, make box wine [low, get drunk quick quality],
stare down - > rude introduction
pianola - > upgradable to play on its own [even though not historically accurate] - > ability to play piano drunk
MY IDEAS AFTER THE PACK WAS RELEASED (and I've spent like two days in game, not bored just drawing out that single drop of gameplay) - this is mainly where the "not a modder" comes in as I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be to add these things.
First off, lock that dance behind a skill or something
A Wandering Cowboy Mod - a cowboy NPC shows up randomly at my doorstep, is he hurt, is he friendly, is he a burglar, is he here to start a quest???
^^^ same concept but Alien Crash landing
Horses that steers goats/cattle back.
Ability to lead horses
Horse betting / mini game (make my rich sims poor)
Obvi, wild horses
Ability to brush teeth and/or an actual horse bath
Horsegirl books, toys, interactions,
Holster gun match with chances of misfire, with either possibly dying, etc, (historic version of this too)
Gunslingers and Bounty Hunters
obvi, Unicorn things; could be cool if used to cure all sickness/alignments from other mods and/or resets their age and/or work like Father Winter.
Bank Heists
A fiddle or banjo.
Ability to craft all the furniture with woodworking table.
Falling off the horse -> consequences
Replace in-game harvestable grapes with debug grape vines
Dual riders, teach to ride for children, romantic kiss where one sim is on the horse and the other is standing below them, lift onto horse to kiss, thrown over the horse and taken, watching stars together while sitting on horses
Nothing to do with westerns but the rocking horse mod made me want a rocket ride coin machine mod
Add with more thoughts later.
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Three Effective Tips to Reduce the Amount of Waste Generation
This fact will surely surprise you that on a per-person basis, Australia is the biggest producer of garbage in the world. The garbage and waste that we generate impact nature in multiple ways and in all situations, bulk waste collection services must be availed. Without these services, our environment suffers a lot like the nature starts getting depleted and more non-renewable resources are required for waste management. According to the experts in waste collection in Adelaide, reducing the amount of waste generated from our homes and offices is very easy. The only stipulation is that those interested in this must follow the waste minimisation strategies and hierarchy discussed here.
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The most effective step regarding waste management is reducing the amount of waste we generate. This can be done in different ways, such as using as many things as possible rather than simply throwing them in the garbage bin. Similarly, setting up a compost bin for fruits and vegetable scraps will help you reduce the amount of food waste going into your dustbin. Other steps can also be taken, such as using reusable cloth nappies that can help you reduce the waste sent to our landfill sites daily.
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You can also opt to reuse the items as much as possible to reduce the amount of waste collection in Adelaide. Experts of bulk waste collection services recommend several tips for this, such as using reusable shopping bags rather than plastic bags. These reusable items greatly reduce the amount of garbage we generate regularly. Another option is switching to the reusable version of single-use items, including rechargeable batteries, razors, nappies, and so on. You can also consider buying or swapping your old clothes with friends and family. This is a cheap and easy way to reduce the garbage. You can consider selling or donating the furniture to those needing it. You can also hold a garage sale, where you will not just sell your old furniture but also earn some quick bucks while reducing the amount of bulk waste collection.
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Recycling is considered the most effective step in reducing the amount of waste collection in Adelaide. According to the experts in waste collection services, more than 70% of the garbage or items sent as waste materials can be recycled. This mainly includes paper, cardboard, metal cans, plastic bottles, containers, glass bottles, jars, etc. Here is a complete list of what can be recycled by the experts in waste collection services.
Aeroguard Cans
Baby formula tins
Bottle tops (preferred separated from bottle)
Bug bomb spray cans
Coffee tins
Cooking oil spray cans
Deodorant spray cans
Drink cans
Fly spray cans
Foil pie trays
disposable food cans
Food cans
Insect spray cans
Hair spray cans
Milo tins
Lids (preferred separated from bottle or jar)
Olive oil cans
Paint tins (empty and under 15 litres)
Pet food cans
Cardboard packaging
Cereal boxes
Egg cartons
Fresh milk and juice cartons
Greeting cards
Junk mail
Laundry powder boxes
Office and computer paper
Pizza boxes (clean)
Phone books
Wrapping paper (not foil or plastic)
Biscuit trays
Body wash bottles
Detergent bottles
Cleaning spray bottles
Cream containers
Drink bottles
Ice cream tubs
Laundry liquid bottles
Lids (separated from bottle, container or jar)
Margarine and butter tubs
Sauce bottles
Shampoo and conditioner bottles
Strawberry and tomato punnets
Take-away food containers
Yoghurt tubs
Beer bottles
Jam jars
Juice bottles
Medicine jars
Pickle jars
Sauce bottles
Sauce jars
Spread jars
Wine bottles
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hbclark1 · 27 days
The Function of Drinks Providers and Beer Wholesalers in the Beverage Sector
The beverage industry is complex and fast-moving. It relies on efficient supply and distribution to meet consumer demand. Beer wholesalers and drink suppliers are vital. They ensure bars, restaurants, and stores have a wide drink selection. This article highlights the role of beer wholesalers and drinks providers in the beverage supply chain. It examines their roles, benefits, and challenges.
Recognizing Beer Wholesalers
Beer Wholesalers of buy it from breweries and sell it to a variety of retail establishments. They handle large amounts of beer and ensure timely delivery to sales locations. They are a vital link between producers and consumers. Wholesalers at times handle beer brands. They range from regional artisan brews to some of the world's most renowned brands.
Beer Wholesalers' Inventory Management Roles
Inventory management is one of the major tasks that a wholesaler of beer has to take care of. To keep stock levels steady while selling beers, they maintain large inventories. Good inventory management will forecast demand, track levels, and ensure the beers' quality. It must keep them fresh.
Logistics and Distribution
A beer wholesaler's main role is to arrange logistics. They move beer from the brewer to the retailer. It involves scheduling deliveries, managing the fleet, and finding the best ways to store and transport beer to keep its quality. Effective logistic management will ensure customer deadline satisfaction and avert stock-outs.
Promotion and Marketing
Wholesalers also market and promote beer brands. They can help breweries with marketing plans for ads and POS materials for their merchant customers. Distributors help raise brand awareness and boost sales by endorsing beer brands.
The Function of Drink Providers
Drinks providers supply many businesses with a wide range of beverages. These include wine, beer, spirits, and non-alcoholic drinks. They are a one-stop shop for hospitality businesses. They offer a wide range of goods to satisfy diverse customer tastes.
Drinks Suppliers' Roles in Product Sourcing
Drink suppliers must acquire a wide range of drinks from many manufacturers. An eclectic product portfolio can reach beverage manufacturers, like breweries, wineries, and distilleries. Drinks suppliers provide a wide range to please their clients' tastes.
Control of Quality
A vital role of drink suppliers is to guarantee the quality of their offerings. They must confirm that their goods meet the required specs. They must also ensure they are handled with care in storage and delivery. Quality control measures include regulatory standards, proper storage, and routine inspections.
Client Assistance
Drink suppliers help customers. They guide product combinations, manage orders, and help choose the best items. Great customer service builds client connections. It also ensures smooth operations for the companies it serves.
The Advantages of Using Drinks Suppliers and Beer Wholesalers
Practicality and Effectiveness
Beer wholesalers and drink suppliers can save venues time and money. A single source of beverages can help businesses. It can ensure timely deliveries, streamline procurement, and reduce admin work. This lets them focus on their main tasks: customer service and promotion management.
Possessing a Broad Selection of Goods
Suppliers and wholesalers give consumers access to a wide range of goods. This includes niche and artisan selections, as well as well-known brands. Due to this diversity, companies may offer clients many drinks to suit their tastes. To draw in and keep consumers, it also enables firms to launch new items and keep up with trends.
Savings on Costs
Working with suppliers and wholesalers can help firms save money. Wholesalers can negotiate better prices with producers by buying in bulk. They can then pass these savings to their customers. Also, seasoned wholesalers and suppliers are effective and reliable. They reduce costs from product spoilage, overstocking, and stockouts.
Regulatory Compliance: The Difficulties Beer Wholesalers and Drinks Suppliers Face
Beer wholesalers and drink providers must navigate complex rules. They govern the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages. To stay out of legal trouble and keep their licenses, they must abide by these rules.
Market Rivalry
The beverage business has many suppliers and wholesalers. They compete fiercely for market share. To stay competitive, wholesalers and suppliers must excel in customer service. They should build strong ties with producers and customers.
Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Suppliers and wholesalers must excel at supply chain management and logistics to succeed. They must control transport costs and ensure timely, undamaged deliveries. They must also respond to unexpected supply chain disruptions. Strong contingency planning, effective processes, and a solid infrastructure are needed for this.
The beverage sector relies on beer wholesalers and suppliers for drinks. They ensure the effective distribution and availability of many products. They save costs and provide convenience. They help businesses meet customer demands through inventory management, logistics, and quality control. Despite market rivalry and regulations, suppliers and wholesalers are vital.
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conciergebloom · 29 days
The Best Budget-Friendly Ideas for Your Custom Garden
Creating a custom garden doesn’t have to be expensive. With a little creativity, some strategic planning, and a few smart investments, you can design a beautiful and functional garden without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out.
1. Start with a Plan
Before diving into the fun part of selecting plants and decorations, take the time to develop a clear plan for your garden. A well-thought-out plan will help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that every dollar you spend contributes to the overall vision of your garden.
Begin by measuring your garden area and sketching a rough layout. Consider the sun’s path, existing trees or structures, and any drainage issues. Identify areas for flower beds, vegetable patches, pathways, and seating. By having a clear map of your garden, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about what to plant and where to place it.
Determine how much you’re willing to spend on your garden project. Break down your budget into categories such as plants, soil, tools, and decorations. Prioritize essentials like soil and plants over non-essentials like garden ornaments. Sticking to a budget will keep your spending in check and encourage you to be resourceful.
Take the time to research plants, materials, and tools before making any purchases. Compare prices from different suppliers, and look for sales, discounts, and bulk deals. Many garden centers offer discounts at the end of the growing season, so plan your purchases accordingly.
2. Choose Affordable Plants
One of the most significant expenses in gardening is the cost of plants. However, you don’t need to splurge on expensive varieties to create a stunning garden. There are many budget-friendly options that will thrive in your garden.
Perennials are plants that return year after year, making them a cost-effective choice for your garden. While they may be slightly more expensive upfront than annuals, they save you money in the long run because you won’t need to replant them each season. Popular perennials include lavender, echinacea, hostas, and daylilies. These plants are not only hardy and low-maintenance but also offer beautiful blooms and foliage.
Starting plants from seeds or cuttings is one of the most budget-friendly ways to fill your garden. Seeds are inexpensive and offer a wide variety of plants to choose from. Many vegetables, herbs, and flowers can be easily grown from seeds. For perennials and shrubs, consider propagating them from cuttings. Ask friends or neighbors if they have plants you can take cuttings from, or join a local gardening group for plant swaps.
Native plants are naturally adapted to your region’s climate and soil, making them easier to care for and less expensive to maintain. They typically require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which can save you money in the long run. Additionally, native plants support local wildlife, including pollinators like bees and butterflies.
3. DIY Garden Features
You don’t need to spend a fortune on garden decor and features. With a bit of creativity and some basic DIY skills, you can create beautiful and functional elements for your garden at a fraction of the cost.
One of the best ways to save money on garden features is to upcycle and recycle materials you already have. Old pallets can be transformed into raised garden beds, benches, or vertical planters. Empty wine bottles can be used as garden edging, and broken terracotta pots can become charming plant markers. Not only does upcycling save you money, but it also adds unique character to your garden.
Create Your Own Compost
Compost is an essential element of any garden, providing vital nutrients to your plants. Instead of buying commercial compost, start your own compost pile using kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials. Composting not only reduces waste but also saves you money on soil amendments and fertilizers. Raised beds are a great way to improve soil quality and make gardening more accessible, but they don’t have to be expensive. Consider building raised beds from inexpensive or free materials such as reclaimed wood, cinder blocks, or even straw bales. These materials are durable and can be sourced cheaply or even for free.
Garden pathways add structure and functionality to your garden. Instead of hiring a landscaper or purchasing expensive paving stones, create your own pathways using affordable materials like gravel, wood chips, or stepping stones. You can even use flat stones or bricks salvaged from other projects to create a unique and rustic path.
4. Water Wisely
Watering your garden can become expensive, especially during hot, dry months. Implementing water-saving techniques not only reduces your utility bills but also helps conserve this valuable resource.
Collecting rainwater is an excellent way to save money on watering your garden. A rain barrel can be easily installed beneath a downspout to collect runoff from your roof. You can use this free water to hydrate your plants, wash tools, or fill birdbaths. Many municipalities offer rain barrels at a discount, making this an affordable and sustainable option.
Mulching your garden beds is an effective way to conserve water and reduce the need for frequent watering. Mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. You can create your own mulch from materials like grass clippings, leaves, or wood chips, which are often available for free from your local municipality or tree service.
Watering your garden in the early morning or late evening reduces evaporation and ensures that more water reaches the roots of your plants. Additionally, consider using soaker hoses or drip irrigation systems, which deliver water directly to the soil, minimizing waste.
5. Save on Garden Tools
Garden tools can be a significant expense, but there are ways to save money without sacrificing quality. Check out local thrift stores, garage sales, or online marketplaces for gently used garden tools. You can often find high-quality tools at a fraction of the cost of new ones. Alternatively, consider borrowing tools from friends, family, or a community tool library, especially for items you’ll only use occasionally.
Invest in Multi-Purpose Tools
Instead of buying a tool for every task, invest in a few versatile tools that can handle multiple jobs. For example, a sturdy digging fork can be used for loosening soil, turning compost, and harvesting root vegetables. A hori-hori knife is another multi-purpose tool that can be used for weeding, planting, and cutting. Taking good care of your garden tools will extend their lifespan and save you money in the long run. Clean tools after each use, sharpen blades regularly, and store them properly to prevent rust and damage. Well-maintained tools work more efficiently and are less likely to need replacement.
6. Create a Low-Maintenance Garden
A low-maintenance garden not only saves you time but also reduces ongoing costs for water, fertilizers, and other supplies. Group plants with similar water and sunlight needs together. This method, known as “hydrozoning,” allows you to water and care for plants more efficiently. It also reduces waste and ensures that each plant receives the appropriate care.
Drought-tolerant plants are an excellent choice for a low-maintenance garden, especially if you live in an area prone to dry spells. These plants require less water and can thrive in poor soil conditions. Succulents, ornamental grasses, and certain herbs like rosemary and thyme are popular drought-tolerant options.
Minimize Lawn Space
Lawns require frequent mowing, watering, and fertilizing, making them one of the most high-maintenance and costly aspects of a garden. Consider reducing your lawn area by replacing some of it with ground cover plants, gravel, or mulch. Alternatively, create additional planting beds or a vegetable garden in place of your lawn.
7. Decorate on a Budget
Garden decor adds personality and charm to your outdoor space, but you don’t need to spend a lot to achieve a beautiful look. Incorporate natural elements like stones, driftwood, or shells into your garden decor. These items can often be collected for free and add a rustic or beachy vibe to your garden. For a more structured look, consider using recycled materials such as old bricks, metal, or glass bottles to create unique garden features. Get creative and make your own garden art using inexpensive materials. Paint old pots in bright colors, create wind chimes from cutlery or seashells, or fashion sculptures from wire or scrap metal. DIY garden art is a fun project that allows you to personalize your space without spending much money.
Outdoor lighting can transform your custom garden into a magical space at night. Solar-powered lights are an affordable and energy-efficient option. You can find inexpensive solar garden lights at most home improvement stores, or create your own by placing solar lights in mason jars or hanging lanterns.
8. Incorporate Edibles
Growing your own food is a practical way to save money and make the most of your garden space. Incorporating edibles into your garden can be both budget-friendly and rewarding. A small kitchen garden can provide you with fresh herbs, vegetables, and fruits throughout the growing season. Start with easy-to-grow plants like tomatoes, lettuce, basil, and strawberries. Many edible plants can be grown in containers, making them suitable for even the smallest garden spaces.
Companion planting involves growing certain plants together to improve growth, deter pests, or enhance flavor. For example, planting basil next to tomatoes can improve the flavor of the tomatoes, while marigolds can help repel pests from your vegetable garden. This method allows you to maximize your garden’s productivity without the need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
If you end up with an abundant harvest, consider preserving your produce by canning, drying, or freezing it. This way, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor long after the growing season ends, saving you money on groceries.
9. Get Involved in Your Community
Gardening doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor. By getting involved in your local community, you can access free resources, share knowledge, and connect with other gardeners.
Community gardens are a great way to share gardening space and resources with others. Many community gardens provide tools, compost, and even seeds at no cost to members. Additionally, you can exchange tips, plants, and produce with fellow gardeners, further reducing your gardening expenses.
Plant swaps are events where gardeners exchange plants, seeds, and cuttings. These swaps are an excellent way to diversify your garden without spending any money. Look for plant swaps in your area or organize one with your friends and neighbors. Many local gardening organizations, extension offices, and community centers offer free or low-cost workshops on various gardening topics. These workshops can provide valuable knowledge and skills that will help you garden more efficiently and economically.
10. Be Patient and Let Your Garden Evolve
Gardening is a journey, not a race. Creating a beautiful custom garden on a budget takes time, but the results are well worth the effort.
Don’t feel pressured to complete your garden all at once. Start with a small section and gradually expand as your budget allows. By focusing on one area at a time, you can invest in quality plants and materials without overspending. Gardens are living, evolving spaces, and they don’t need to be perfect. Embrace the imperfections and learn from them. A few weeds, a little chaos, and some trial and error are all part of the gardening experience.
Finally, remember to enjoy the process of creating your garden. Gardening is not just about the end result, but also about the joy of nurturing plants, spending time outdoors, and connecting with nature. Whether your garden is large or small, elaborate or simple, the satisfaction of growing something with your own hands is priceless.
Creating a custom garden on a budget is entirely possible with a little creativity, planning, and resourcefulness. By following these budget-friendly ideas, you can design a beautiful, functional, and personalized garden without overspending. Whether you’re starting with a blank slate or enhancing an existing space, these tips will help you make the most of your garden while staying within your budget. Happy gardening!
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heistvodka · 2 months
Everything You Need to Know About Buying Vodka Online
In today's digital age, buying almost anything online has become the norm, and vodka is no exception. Whether you're looking for premium brands or budget-friendly options, buying vodka online offers convenience, variety, and often better prices than physical stores. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about buying vodka online, from selecting the right type to ensuring safe and legal purchases.
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The Rise of Online Alcohol Shopping
Online alcohol shopping has surged in popularity over the past few years. This trend is driven by several factors:
Convenience: You can browse and purchase your favorite vodka from the comfort of your home.
Variety: Online stores often have a wider selection than brick-and-mortar shops.
Price Comparison: It's easier to compare prices and find deals online.
Delivery: Fast and reliable delivery services bring your purchase directly to your doorstep.
Choosing the Right Vodka for You
Understanding Vodka Varieties
Before you buy vodka online, it's essential to understand the different types available. Vodka can be categorized based on its ingredients, production process, and flavor profile.
Plain Vodka: The most common type, made primarily from grains or potatoes, known for its neutral flavor.
Flavored Vodka: Infused with various flavors, ranging from fruits to spices, perfect for cocktails.
Premium Vodka: High-end vodkas distilled multiple times for purity and smoothness, often made from superior ingredients.
Consider Your Preferences
When selecting vodka, consider your taste preferences and how you plan to use it. If you enjoy vodka neat or on the rocks, you might prefer a premium brand. For cocktails, flavored or mid-range vodkas could be more suitable.
Buying Vodka Online: Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Research Reputable Online Stores
Not all online liquor stores are created equal. Look for reputable retailers with positive reviews, a wide selection, and transparent pricing. Some well-known online liquor stores include:
Dan Murphy's: Known for a vast selection and competitive prices, ideal for those looking to buy vodka online.
Liquorland: Offers a good range of both cheap vodka and premium brands.
BWS (Beer Wine Spirits): Convenient for finding the best vodka Australia has to offer.
Step 2: Compare Prices
One of the advantages of buying vodka online is the ability to compare prices easily. Look for discounts, promotions, and bulk purchase options to get the best value for your money. Remember, the cheapest option isn't always the best; consider the quality and reputation of the brand.
Step 3: Check for Authenticity
To avoid counterfeit products, ensure that the online store sources its vodka from reputable distributors. Look for seals of authenticity and check if the store is licensed to sell alcohol.
Step 4: Read Customer Reviews
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of the vodka and the reliability of the online store. Look for feedback on the taste, packaging, delivery speed, and overall shopping experience.
Step 5: Place Your Order
Once you've found the right vodka and a trustworthy store, it's time to place your order. Ensure you provide accurate shipping information and choose a delivery option that suits your needs. Most stores offer standard, express, and same-day delivery options.
Step 6: Verify Age and Identity
Online alcohol purchases typically require age verification. Be prepared to provide a valid ID to confirm you are of legal drinking age in your country. This step ensures that online retailers comply with alcohol sale regulations.
Best Vodka Brands to Buy Online
Grey Goose
Renowned for its smoothness and premium quality, Grey Goose is a favorite among vodka enthusiasts. Made from French wheat and distilled in Cognac, it offers a clean, crisp taste that's perfect for sipping or mixing.
Belvedere is another premium vodka brand known for its exceptional quality. Made from Polish rye and distilled four times, it has a rich, velvety texture and a hint of vanilla and white pepper.
For those seeking a balance of quality and affordability, Absolut is an excellent choice. This Swedish vodka is made from winter wheat and offers a smooth, clean flavor with subtle hints of fruit.
Smirnoff is a globally recognized brand that offers a wide range of vodkas, including flavored options. It's a great choice for cocktails and is known for its versatility and budget-friendly price.
Finding Cheap Vodka Online
Look for Sales and Discounts
Many online liquor stores offer regular sales and discounts. Keep an eye on special promotions, holiday sales, and clearance sections to find cheap vodka without compromising on quality.
Consider Lesser-Known Brands
While popular brands like Grey Goose and Belvedere are excellent, lesser-known brands can also offer high-quality vodka at a lower price. Explore reviews and recommendations to discover hidden gems.
Buy in Bulk
Purchasing vodka in bulk can significantly reduce the cost per bottle. If you frequently enjoy vodka or are planning a large event, buying in bulk from an online store can be a cost-effective option.
Best Vodka in Australia
Australia boasts a growing number of local vodka brands that are gaining international recognition for their quality and unique flavors. Here are some of the best vodka Australia has to offer:
Archie Rose
Archie Rose Distilling Co., based in Sydney, produces a range of award-winning vodkas. Known for its meticulous craftsmanship and use of local ingredients, Archie Rose offers a distinctive Australian take on vodka.
Vodka O
Vodka O is an Australian-made vodka that's become a favorite for its smoothness and affordability. It's made from premium wheat and undergoes triple distillation for a clean, crisp taste.
Hippocampus is a boutique distillery in Western Australia known for its handcrafted vodka. Made from organic wheat, it offers a smooth, creamy texture and a subtle sweetness.
Legal Considerations When Buying Vodka Online
Age Verification
As mentioned earlier, age verification is a crucial step in online alcohol sales. Ensure you have a valid ID ready to confirm your age during the purchase process.
Shipping Restrictions
Some regions have specific laws regarding the shipment of alcohol. Before placing an order, check if there are any restrictions on delivering vodka to your location. Most reputable online stores will provide this information on their websites.
Duty and Taxes
Be aware of any additional duties or taxes that may apply to your purchase, especially if you're buying vodka from an international retailer. These fees can affect the overall cost of your order.
Storing and Enjoying Your Vodka
Proper Storage
To maintain the quality of your vodka, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Avoid extreme temperature changes, which can affect the flavor and texture.
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Serving Suggestions
Vodka is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways:
Neat or On the Rocks: Premium vodkas are best enjoyed neat or with a few ice cubes to appreciate their full flavor profile.
Cocktails: Vodka is a staple in many classic cocktails like the Martini, Bloody Mary, and Moscow Mule. Experiment with different recipes to find your favorite.
Infusions: Create your own flavored vodka by infusing it with fruits, herbs, or spices. Simply add your chosen ingredients to a bottle of vodka and let it sit for a few days to develop the flavors.
Buying vodka online offers numerous advantages, from convenience and variety to competitive prices. By following this guide, you can ensure a safe and satisfying shopping experience, whether you're looking for cheap vodka or the best vodka Australia has to offer. Remember to research reputable online stores, compare prices, check for authenticity, and read customer reviews to make an informed purchase. With the right vodka in hand, you can enjoy a world of flavors and create memorable moments with every sip. Cheers!
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bandfwines · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Wine Suppliers and Wholesalers in Ireland
Introduction to Wine Suppliers in Ireland
In Ireland, the demand for high-quality wine suppliers is met by a diverse array of wine wholesalers and wine warehouses. These wine suppliers play a crucial role in sourcing, distributing, and delivering premium wines to various retailers and hospitality establishments across the country.
Understanding the Role of Wine Wholesalers
Wine wholesalers in Ireland serve as pivotal intermediaries between wine producers and the end consumers. Their responsibilities encompass wine importation, storage, marketing, and efficient distribution. This comprehensive approach ensures that Ireland's wine market remains vibrant and responsive to global trends.
Wine Warehouses
A wine warehouse in Ireland is the hub of activity where wines from around the world are stored and distributed. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art storage and logistics capabilities to ensure the quality and integrity of every bottle.
Specialty Wine Suppliers
A specialty wine supplier focuses on niche markets, offering curated selections of wines that cater to specific consumer preferences. They often specialize in boutique wines or limited-edition releases, appealing to enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Wholesale Wine Suppliers
Wholesale wine suppliers provide bulk wine purchases to retailers and hospitality venues across Ireland. They offer competitive pricing, extensive inventory, and reliable delivery services, making them essential partners in the wine distribution chain.
Extensive Wine Selection
From classic varietals to new world discoveries, wine suppliers curate their offerings to meet diverse consumer tastes. They source wines from renowned wine regions like France, Italy, Spain, and beyond, ensuring a comprehensive selection.
Logistics and Distribution
Timely and efficient distribution is a hallmark of reputable wine suppliers Ireland. They leverage robust logistics networks to ensure that wines reach their destinations promptly and in optimal condition.
Customer Support and Consultation
Wine suppliers provide expert consultation on inventory management, pricing strategies, and market trends. This advisory role helps retailers and hospitality managers optimize their wine offerings and enhance customer satisfaction.
Choosing the Right Wine Supplier in Ireland
When selecting a wine supplier in Ireland, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Reliability
Opt for a wine supplier with a solid reputation for quality and dependability. Look for testimonials and industry recognition that highlight consistent service excellence.
Product Diversity
A diverse product portfolio indicates a wine supplier's commitment to catering to varied consumer preferences. Seek suppliers who balance well-known brands with artisanal selections and exclusive imports.
Technological Integration
Choose suppliers who embrace technology for order management and tracking. This ensures transparency and efficiency in wine delivery and inventory control.
Future Trends in Wine Supply and Distribution
The wine supply and distribution landscape in Ireland are evolving, driven by emerging trends such as:
Sustainability Initiatives: Increasing consumer demand for sustainable practices influences wine sourcing and distribution strategies.
Digital Transformation: The adoption of e-commerce platforms for wine sales and customer engagement enhances accessibility and convenience.
Collaborative Partnerships: Collaborations between wine suppliers and local producers promote regional diversity and support community initiatives.
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liquoronlinee · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Liquor Online: Tips and Tricks
In today’s digital age, buying liquor online has become increasingly convenient and popular. Whether you're a connoisseur seeking rare finds or simply looking to stock up on your favorites, navigating the world of online liquor purchases can be both exciting and rewarding. Here’s your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of buying liquor online in Canada and beyond.
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Why Buy Liquor Online?
The benefits of purchasing liquor online are numerous. It offers unparalleled convenience, allowing you to browse an extensive selection from the comfort of your home. Online stores often carry a wider range of products than local shops, including specialty and international brands that may not be available locally. Moreover, online shopping provides the flexibility to compare prices, read customer reviews, and take advantage of exclusive deals and promotions.
Choosing the Right Online Liquor Store
Reputation and Reliability
When selecting an online liquor store, prioritize reputable sellers with positive customer feedback and a history of reliable service. Look for secure websites with clear policies on shipping, returns, and customer support.
Product Variety
Opt for stores that offer a diverse range of liquor online, including your preferred brands, spirits, wines, and craft selections. A well-curated selection ensures you can find exactly what you’re looking for.
Shipping Policies
Review the store’s shipping policies, including delivery times, shipping costs, and areas they serve. Some stores offer free or discounted shipping on bulk orders or for loyal customers.
Legal Considerations
Ensure the online store complies with local laws and regulations regarding the sale and delivery of alcohol. Most reputable stores will have mechanisms in place to verify age and ensure legal compliance.
Tips for a Successful Purchase
Know What You Want
Before browsing, have a clear idea of the types of liquor you’re interested in purchasing. This will streamline your search and help you avoid impulse buys.
Read Reviews
Customer reviews provide valuable insights into the quality of products and the reliability of the online store. Pay attention to feedback on packaging, shipping speed, and customer service.
Compare Prices
Take advantage of the ability to compare prices across different online stores. While pricing should not be the sole determinant, it can help you find the best value for your money.
Check for Special Offers
Many online liquor stores offer special promotions, discounts, or exclusive releases. Sign up for newsletters or follow stores on social media to stay informed about these opportunities.
Secure Payment Methods
Ensure that the online store uses secure payment methods to protect your financial information. Look for SSL encryption and reputable payment gateways during checkout.
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Mastering the art of buying liquor online involves researching reputable stores, understanding shipping policies, and making informed purchasing decisions. Whether you’re exploring new flavors or stocking up on old favorites, the online marketplace offers a wealth of opportunities for every liquor enthusiast. By following these tips and tricks, you can confidently navigate the world of online liquor shopping and elevate your drinking experience from the comfort of your home.
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promowads · 3 months
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      DESIGN     YOUR    PACKAGES    WITH     YOUR                          
                                 OWN      IDEAS     
 Imagine a world where every box, bag, or bottle held a story. Instead of generic designs, your packaging would be a canvas for your enthusiasm.
Think about what excites you: are you a baking enthusiast? Design whimsical cookie tins adorned with hand-drawn illustrations. Into astronomy? Create space-themed packaging for bath bombs that sparkle like constellations.
Focus on the user experience: How can the packaging enhance the product's enjoyment? A puzzle enthusiast might receive their game in a box that unfolds into a giant game board.
Embrace sustainable materials: Let your passion extend to the planet! Explore recycled cardboard, plantable seed paper, or reusable fabric pouches.
Incorporate personal touches: Design packaging with musical notes or instrument silhouettes. A writer? 
Create packaging with inspirational quotes or hidden messages.
By weaving your passion into the design, you'll create packaging that's not just functional, but truly special. It'll be a conversation starter, a collector's item, and a reflection of your unique voice. So, grab your design tools and let your passion ignite the packaging world!
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A packaging design company helps businesses create visually appealing and informative product packaging. This packaging is a customer's first impression of your product, so it's essential to make it count. A well-designed package can help to:
 Increase brand awareness
Improve product sales
Convey product information
Protect the product
When choosing a packaging design company, it's important to consider your specific needs and budget. Here are some factors to keep in mind
The type of product you are selling: Different products require different types of packaging. For example, food products will need packaging that is safe for food contact, while electronics will need protective packaging.
Your budget: Packaging design can range in price from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. 
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Once you have considered these factors, you can start to look for a packaging design company that is a good fit for you. Here are some tips for finding a packaging design company:
Search online: There are many online directories of packaging design companies.
Look at portfolios: Be sure to look at the company's portfolio to see if their style is a good fit for your brand.
Get quotes: Once you have found a few companies that you are interested in, be sure to get quotes from each one.
There are two main ways to interpret
Packing Supplies: This refers to companies that sell packaging materials such as boxes, bubble wrap, tape, peanuts, etc.
Packing Services: This refers to companies that help people pack and move their belongings.
Packing Supplies Company:Products: Cardboard boxes in various sizes, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, packing tape, strapping, stretch wrap, void fill pouches, cushioning materials, specialty boxes (wine, wardrobe), mailing tubes, customized packaging solutions.
Services: May offer cutting and folding services for cardboard boxes, online ordering with home delivery, bulk discounts for businesses.
Content for Website/Marketing:
Highlight the variety of packing supplies available.
Offer guides on choosing the right packing materials for different items.
Showcase examples of how their products can be used for safe and efficient packing.
Promote their competitive pricing and bulk order options for businesses.
Packing Services Company:
Services: Packing and unpacking services, furniture disassembly and reassembly, loading and unloading trucks, secure transportation of belongings (may partner with moving companies), unpacking and furniture placement in the new location, packing supplies sales.
Content for Website/Marketing:
Emphasize the experience and expertise of their packing crews.
Highlight the different packing services offered (full-service packing, partial packing, fragile item packing).
Showcase testimonials from satisfied customers.
Provide clear information on pricing structures and service options.
Offer free estimates or consultations.
Additionally, both types of packing companies can include:
Educational content: Blog posts or videos with tips on packing techniques, how to choose the right boxes, or packing for specific situations (e.g., long-distance moves, fragile items).
Sustainability efforts: Highlighting the use of recycled materials or eco-friendly packaging options.
Customer testimonials: Building trust by showcasing positive experiences from past customers.
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By providing valuable information and showcasing their expertise, packing companies can attract customers looking for a smooth and efficient packing experience.
 PromowAds is top package designing company in Thrissur,  visit our site for more details
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bethestaryouareradio · 4 months
Summer Splash
StarStyle® Empowerment is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
“If children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A MESSAGE from Founder/Executive Director, CYNTHIA BRIAN
Who will be the first in the pool? Within a few days, schools will be out for the summer. As the warmer days of the season approach, our children are focused on fun in the sun. We need those summer splashes but we also need to maintain our educational achievements.
On average, students suffer a learning loss during their vacation. Some students sign up for three or four-week summer programs.  However, studies indicate that to yield a measurable academic benefit, instruction needs to be for three hours a day for at least five weeks.
Taking time off to recuperate, rest, repair, and play is equally important for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Families want to spend time together, take a vacation, travel, or enjoy time at home. Taking a vacation reduces stress, improves moods and sleep, and increases the bond in family relationships by making memories. The bottom line is that taking a time out will boost your happiness. 
To reduce learning loss for all ages, choose to read stimulating books. Students can join our Star Teen Book Review Team to write a review that will be published after a book is read. Our talented Book Review Coordinator, Stephanie Cogeos, evaluates each review submitted for accuracy and provides feedback to the writer. It is then published at http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews. To be considered for the team, a volunteer questionnaire must be submitted and approved. The Star Teen Book Review Team is one of the most popular and productive outreach programs BTSYA provides for teens to reduce learning loss at any time. Check out the program.
Our two award-winning radio shows, StarStyle® and Express Yourself! Teen Radio broadcasts weekly all summer with new episodes, so check the lineup and tune in for unapologetically authentic information and edutainment. Live, learn, laugh!
Here at Be the Star You Are!® we are still basking in the limelight of our Moraga win as the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year. We will continue celebrating all year, and we encourage you to mark your calendars for Saturday, September 28 as Be the Star You Are!® continues the party by participating in a parade, ribbon cutting, and the Pear and Wine Festival. 
Congratulations to all the graduates from pre-school through grad school! Be a genius and continue to be kind!
May you have a marvelous summer with enchanting festivities filled with family and friends frolicking. Live fully, laugh loudly, love boldly, and learn daily.
Make a Splash! It’s summer!
With gratitude for your support.
Sending love and peace,
Cynthia Brian
Founder/Executive Director
Be the Star You Are!®
PO box 376
Moraga, California 94556
DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
The third book in the children’s picture book series Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventure is Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer!, a delightful tale based on the true story of a baby fawn who is rescued by children and shares a secret superpower. Proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit Be the Star You Are!® charity.  While the book is being published, presale orders are discounted through June 3, 2024. The regular price is $14.95 but the presale price is only $11.95. Buy your copies now, ask for autographs, and reap the extra rewards. If you want to buy books in bulk, email [email protected] for a greater discount. Visit https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
To find out more about the Stella Bella Barnyard Adventure series, read the terrific article penned by Vera Kochan. Vera also took this photo! Thanks Vera!
Are you looking for first-edition book packages as keepsakes or gifts?  Be the Star You Are!® offers our special book package containing six books in our most popular two series for adults, teens, and children.
The total donation is $125 for the six books including tax and shipping. Visit https://www.bethestaryouare.org/book-gift for order information.
Looking for a great book? Check out our two portals with proceeds benefiting Be the Star You Are!®
Amazon Store: http://www.amazon.com/shops/be_the_star_you_are_charity
StarStyle® Store: https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
by Karen Kitchel
Summer is a time of year when smiles seem to be abundant.  It might have something to do with the intoxicating scent of flowers or the virtually cloudless and miraculously bright blue sky. Adding to this sunny state can be a satisfying feeling of knowing you’ve just made someone’s day.
 Here are a few simple summer kindness ideas:
Interrupt the ordinary
Think about the people who help you get life done (trash collector, mail delivery person, etc.) Interrupt them on an ordinary day with a bottle of sparkling water or a candy bar and a “Thanks for what you do.”
Ice cream scattering
While at the grocery store, pick up a box of popsicles or ice cream bars and drop them off at a local shelter or food shelf for the volunteers.  All you have to say is “Enjoy!”
A line to say to make someone’s day
“You are really good at what you do!”
Kindness cards
Make up a few note cards to keep in your car or purse to randomly give to those wonderful folks who keep restrooms clean, police officers, teachers, or those who make your life a bit better. Cards can say things like: “You are appreciated” or “Thanks for all you do!”
Karen Kitchel is the Kindness Coordinator volunteer with BTSYA. She purchased the book, No Barnyard Bullies, as a gift for every kindergarten student where she is a volunteer teacher. www.scatteringkindness.com
On Saturday, September 28th, as part of the 50th Anniversary of the Town of Moraga, volunteers of Be the Star You Are!® as the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year, will participate in the parade and be acknowledged on the BandStand at the Pear and Wine Festival. Since we will be celebrating our 25th year of being a 501c3, we will have a ribbon cutting and celebration at our festival booth. Our teen coordinator for the 25th-anniversary celebration is Ella Kalpakjian and our teenchairpersons for our booth at the Pear and Wine Festival are Saanvi Phanendra and Sharanya Roy. We welcome sponsors and those interested in participating to contact us at [email protected]. Details will be posted at https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org during the summer
Positive Results: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/positive-results
About Us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/about_us
Programs: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/programs
How to Help: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/how-to-help
Blog: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/blog-1
Events: http://www.bethestaryouare.org/events
Contact us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/contact
GREAT NON-PROFITS REVIEWS: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/be-the-star-you-are-inc
GUIDESTAR: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/94-3333882
We invite you to volunteer, get involved, or make a donation. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES:  https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Enjoy books! Reading is succeeding! Be a GENIUS!
Splash and have a safe and fun summer!
Thank you for reading StarStyle® Empowerment . This post is public so feel free to share it.
StarStyle® Empowerment is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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b2bbusiness · 4 months
The Storied Italian Wine Market: Tradition Meets Innovationpen_spark
Italy, the land of rolling vineyards, ancient traditions, and delectable wines, remains a dominant force in the global wine industry. But what's the current state of the Italian wine market? Let's raise a glass to explore its production prowess, evolving consumer trends, and future prospects.
A Legacy in Liquid
Italy boasts the title of the world's largest wine producer, with a staggering production volume reaching close to 50 million hectoliters in 2022. This rich heritage is evident in the vast swathes of land dedicated to grape cultivation, amounting to roughly 658,000 hectares. Interestingly, organic viticulture is flourishing, particularly in regions like Sicily and Tuscany.
Beyond Bulk: A Focus on Quality
While Italy's production volume is impressive, the market is experiencing a shift towards quality over quantity. The bulk wine segment is witnessing stagnation, with consumers seeking out wines with distinct character and regional flair. This is reflected in the rising popularity of Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) and Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) wines, classifications that guarantee a wine's origin and quality.
Evolving Preferences: A Digital Toast
The Italian consumer palate is also undergoing a transformation. While Italy holds the fifth spot in global wine consumption per capita, the overall volume is Italy wine market decreasing. However, there's a silver lining: online wine sales are experiencing a boom. The projected growth rate for online wine sales in Italy (7.2%) surpasses the global average (2.7%), indicating a growing tech-savvy consumer base.
Looking Ahead: Embracing Change
The future of the Italian wine market is brimming with exciting possibilities. Here are some key trends to watch:
Tech Integration: From robotics and AI in vineyards to blockchain for traceability, technology is poised to revolutionize the industry.
Sustainable Practices: Eco-conscious consumers are driving the demand for sustainable packaging and organic wines.
E-commerce Boom: Online wine sales are expected to continue their upward trajectory, offering convenience and a wider selection to consumers.
Despite challenges like the unfortunate 2023 vintage impacted by weather extremes, the Italian wine market is brimming with resilience and a willingness to adapt. By embracing innovation while preserving its rich heritage, Italy is certain to remain a leading name in the world of wine.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
For more insights on this report, download a free report sample
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