#building wash
sprayandwash · 19 days
Seasonal Considerations for Commercial Building Washes: When to Schedule and Why
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Maintaining the pristine appearance of a commercial building is crucial for creating a positive first impression and ensuring the longevity of the structure. One of the key components in achieving this is regular commercial building washes. However, scheduling these washes effectively requires an understanding of seasonal considerations. This post delves into the optimal times for scheduling commercial building washes and why these timings are significant for the maintenance and aesthetics of your property.
Understanding Commercial Building Washes
Before diving into the specifics of seasonal considerations, it's essential to understand what a commercial building wash entails. A commercial building wash involves a thorough cleaning of the building's exterior surfaces, which may include windows, walls, roofs, and other architectural elements. The process typically uses specialized cleaning solutions and equipment designed to remove dirt, grime, mold, mildew, and other contaminants.
The benefits of regular commercial building washes include:
Enhanced Curb Appeal: A clean building presents a professional image and enhances the attractiveness of your property.
Prevention of Damage: Regular washes can prevent the buildup of substances that might damage building materials over time.
Increased Longevity: Proper cleaning helps maintain the integrity of surfaces and extends their lifespan.
Healthier Environment: Removing mold and mildew improves air quality and reduces potential health risks for occupants.
Seasonal Factors Affecting Commercial Building Washes
Different seasons bring varying weather conditions and environmental factors that can influence the effectiveness and timing of commercial building washes. Here’s a detailed look at how each season impacts scheduling:
Spring: The Ideal Time for a Fresh Start Benefits:
Removal of Winter Residue: Spring is an excellent time for a thorough wash to remove grime and salt deposits accumulated over the winter months. Winter weather, especially in regions with snow and ice, can lead to significant buildup of road salt, dirt, and other debris on building surfaces.
Preparation for the Year: A spring wash sets a clean foundation for the year ahead, making it easier to maintain the building’s appearance through the warmer months.
Weather Conditions: Spring weather can be unpredictable. Ensure that the weather is mild and that there is no risk of heavy rain or strong winds during the wash to avoid potential issues with drying and cleaning effectiveness.
Summer: High Efficiency and Potential Risks Benefits:
Optimal Drying Conditions: Summer’s warm and dry weather is ideal for washing as surfaces dry quickly, reducing the risk of water spots and streaks.
Extended Daylight: Longer daylight hours provide ample time for thorough cleaning and drying, ensuring a more effective wash. Considerations:
Heat-Related Issues: High temperatures can sometimes cause cleaning solutions to dry too quickly, which may lead to streaks or residue. It’s important to use appropriate cleaning solutions and techniques suited for high temperatures.
Autumn: Preparing for Winter Challenges Benefits:
Removal of Fall Debris: Autumn brings leaves and other debris that can accumulate on building surfaces. A wash in the fall helps clear these materials before winter, reducing the risk of damage and discoloration.
Pre-Winter Protection: A clean building is less likely to harbor mold or mildew, which can proliferate in the damp conditions of winter.
Timing: Schedule the wash before temperatures drop significantly to ensure that the cleaning solutions have time to work effectively and that surfaces can dry properly.
Winter: Limited Opportunities but Possible Benefits Benefits:
Maintenance of Appearance: In milder climates or during periods of warmer winter weather, a wash can help maintain the building’s appearance despite the cold.
Risk of Ice: Washing during freezing temperatures poses the risk of ice formation, which can be hazardous and hinder the effectiveness of the wash. Ensure that the temperature is above freezing and that proper precautions are taken.
Additional Factors to Consider
Aside from seasonal factors, several other considerations can impact the timing and frequency of commercial building washes:
Building Location and Environment:
Buildings located in high-traffic areas or near industrial zones may require more frequent washes due to increased exposure to pollutants and grime.
Coastal buildings may need more frequent washing to combat salt and moisture from the sea air.
Building Materials:
Different materials may have specific cleaning requirements. For instance, glass surfaces might need more frequent cleaning to maintain their clarity, while brick or concrete might have different tolerances to cleaning solutions.
Usage and Occupancy:
High-traffic buildings, such as shopping centers or office buildings, may need more frequent washes to keep up with heavy use and high visibility.
Buildings with sensitive equipment or operations might require specialized cleaning to avoid disruptions.
Budget and Scheduling:
Balancing the budget for maintenance with the need for cleanliness is essential. Scheduling washes during off-peak times can help manage costs and minimize disruption to business operations.
Proper scheduling of commercial building wash is a vital aspect of maintaining the appearance and structural integrity of your property. By considering seasonal factors—such as the removal of winter grime in spring, optimal drying conditions in summer, fall debris, and the risks associated with winter—you can plan effective and timely washes that align with your building’s needs and local climate conditions.
Understanding the interplay between weather patterns, environmental conditions, and building materials will enable you to make informed decisions about when to schedule washes, ensuring that your commercial building remains attractive, functional, and well-maintained throughout the year.
Let's Connect!
Name: Spray  and Wash
Address: 8C Piermark Drive, Rosedale,  Auckland 0632, New Zealand
Phone: +64 800 881 123
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squeegeeboys0 · 1 year
Building Washing: Restoring the Grandeur of Your Structure
Building washing is more than a routine cleaning; it's a transformative process that renews the grandeur of your structure. Over time, buildings accumulate dirt, grime, mould, and pollutants that not only mar their appearance but also compromise their structural integrity. Building washing, performed by skilled professionals, employs a range of techniques to cleanse and rejuvenate your building's facade. It's about more than aesthetics; it's about safeguarding your investment. Read more here.
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Squeegee Boys Property Services
20 Florence Avenue, Orewa 0931, New Zealand
Phone: +64 22 692 2495
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hesitationss · 1 year
anyone can make a zine, regardless of skill level or access to materials or design programs. all you need is paper, scissors and drawing utensils (although many people enjoy collaging!) web search "8 page 1 sheet zine how to".
everyone SHOULD make a zine too, you will feel so good about it ♡ it's about putting the power of production into the hands of the people! also you don't have to sell it or anything, you can just make one for yourself or trade/give some to friends!
i really love julia grofrer's guide to analogue self publishing aka making zines on 8.5x11 paper
and jaydragon/jdragsky's thread on staple's self serve print centres (if you're area does not have a local print shop, they probably have a staples or fedex print centre)
if you can't draw, here is twitter thread for public domain art and also a mini summary of when thing enter creative commons (generally 70 years after artist death in the US and CAD)
i also have a DIY zine page on my art blog that i am dedicated to updating as i find more resources! (not accessible through tumblr mobile app, mobile friendly, just open the link in a browser)
go make some zines!!!
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boxesblr · 10 months
replaying the clip of Cleo saying "etho doesn't take himself seriously at all, but he takes other people seriously. That's part of his charm" over and over again in my head. It's so clarifying to me
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zorosdimples · 7 months
prev part. more abuse of power.
“why didn’t you tell me you were going to see him? at my own tavern, no less?”
diluc drops his lambskin gloves to the floor before tearing off his silk cravat, the smooth, slippery fabric floating down to rest as his feet. the bespoke brooch boasting the ragnvindr crest clatters atop the rosewood dresser; you sigh, thinking of the scratches you will have to buff out later.
“i wasn’t planning to meet the captain,” you explain, staring at your master’s back—broad as the horizon—as he kicks off his boots. he bristles at your use of his brother’s honorific. “he was sitting outside the tavern as i strolled around mondstadt.”
the nobleman huffs before removing his coat and tossing it to the bed. “no doubt kaeya knew it was your morning off,” he mutters more to himself than to you. he rips out the tie holding up his mane, fiery strands shrouding his profile and engulfing his shoulders.
you clear your throat. “if i may be frank, sir.”
diluc turns to you, arms crossed, features pinched in mild irritation. his crimson eyes simmer and spark—barely restrained flames—but all he does is nod for you to continue.
licking your lips, you choose your words with care. “i don’t see why it’s any of your concern how i spend my free time.”
it seems that diluc is disinterested in your statement (you miss the tick of his marble jaw). his hands stray upward, fiddling with the onyx stud that binds the collar of his shirt.
he begins unbuttoning, slow and deliberate, downy scarlet hair peeking out as he works his way down the garment. you’re transfixed for a moment—with shock or awe it’s hard to say—and suck in a breath before rushing to the door, face ablaze.
“if that is all, i shall take my leave.” the waver in your voice doubles your embarrassment.
“not quite.” diluc’s tone is thick, rich and cloying as molasses. he has trapped you with those sticky words; you half face him, gaze trained firmly on his visage, not an inch lower (though your periphery soaks in his bare chest).
“this isn’t appropriate, master diluc,” you whisper.
for the first time all afternoon, his lips twitch into a quiet smile. “there’s nothing inappropriate about you washing my hair. it’s your job to tend to me, no? now please—follow me to the bathroom.”
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
Do you remember what the first piece of mythology was that you read?
What is your favorite myth?
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and today it is probably "Coyote and the Mouse Girls", a Koryak story I read in Barry Lopez's wonderful "Giving Birth to Thunder, Sleeping with his Daughter, even if the Coyote in it isn't really Coyote but Kutkh, the Koryak Raven-Spirit who sometimes created the world, and who has a lot of back-history with the mice, at least according to the Wikipedia entry.
Tomorrow it will be something else.
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gravidwithlore · 2 months
Building a Home part 2 (part 1)
(Who wants to get a little taste of Brone's POV 😈)
word count: 4,700
Brone woke to the comforting sounds of the forest. At least the sounds of the not spooky part of the Wandering Woods. Usually he would wake up quicker, already be up and alert, especially with the baby kicking him practically all night long, but this morning he just felt too sluggish, but as he slowly woke up and became more aware of his body, he also felt sore. Very sore. Something was wrong, but he couldn't quite place what. He could also feel someone curled up behind his back, their thin arm wrapped around his waist, hand resting over where the baby- the baby… THE BABY!
In pure panic, his eyes flew open as he heard the gurgle of an infant, but not within sight, too far away, much too far away. Someone was taking his baby, his little Wulf, he should have known he wouldn't be safe, he should have kept a closer eye, he should have never let himself drift off to sleep. All this ran through his mind in the split second it took to break out of whoever’s hold, and leap over the side of the wagon. Reaching for the pommel of his sword, ready to fight and give chase after whatever no good asshole thought they could take his baby, his hand grasped around nothing, and he cursed himself for leaving the sword tucked away in the cart. Then, he looked up and froze.
Melian and Rhiannon, sitting by the still smoldering remains of the campfire and holding a happily babbling Wulf, stared back at him, also frozen.
“Hey, what gives?” Jiyan broke the tension a few tense moments later, sleepily sitting up in the wagon, bed-head on display for all to see.
“I um… I thought, I- uh…” Brone stumbled over his words, suddenly feeling silly and exposed after causing a scene in his panic.
“Breakfast?” The fighter, Rhiannon, he'd have to start remembering their names. He was pretty sure he owed them his life after what they've done for him, and it's only smart business to remember the names of the people you owe and the people who owe you. The bard, the annoyance, Jiyan, perked up and hopped out of the cart. He always moved like he was swaying to some sort of rhythm, and he swayed right past Brone, who was still gathering his wits about him, and towards the smell of food.
The cleric… or was it druid? It was so hard to tell what exactly their deal was, but their name was Melian. Melian drifted up out of their seat, annoyingly graceful in the way that elves always are, and gently deposited his son in his arms. It was as if a spell had been broken and Brone could finally breathe again. He suddenly felt tired, the exhaustion of the night before catching up to him, even with a few hours of sleep.
“Come, sit. You'll both need to eat.” They guided him to sit down with the group. It was so strange to let some else lead him, outside of combat at least. He'd always kept a cautious professional distance from whoever he was stationed with in the mercenary camps. It made him feel uneasy to know these strangers had not only seen him so vulnerable, but had helped him, had cared for him, were continuing to care not just for him, but for his newborn son as well. It scared him to think what they might want in return, how high above his head they would hold this information, how they would wield it against him and twist it in his back like a knife. It scared him even more to think these people may no longer be strangers.
But still he sat, carefully, between the sore, well, everything between his legs and the small newborn he held in his arms, it was a bit difficult, but he managed.
They all sat, mostly silent, except of course for the pestering menace that wouldn't stop teasing him, about what a ‘good snuggler’ he is, about how ‘tough’ he is for going through labor just hours ago and still being ready ‘to kick some serious ass,’ about how ‘cute’ and ‘adorable’ his baby is (which is true, but something about Jiyan’s tone always set him on edge, it always felt like the lead up to a mocking laugh at Brone’s expense). And yet, he had helped Brone the night before, and if his memory served correctly, ignoring his own pain in the process. These conflicting warring emotions swirled through Brone’s chest as he ate, only broken out of his thoughts once he was done eating and Melian offered to show him how to breastfeed Wulf.
“Is that… something you need to teach people? I thought it was just, sorta… natural.” Brone blanched.
“Not always.” Melian shook their head. “Sometimes the baby does not latch on right away, and sometimes a parent needs help in encouraging their baby to feed.”
Brone relented and Melian shooed away Rhiannon and Jiyan to start packing up camp so that they could have some privacy for his ‘lessons.’ His head swam, as he began to realize just how unprepared for this he was. Just save up enough coin and fuck off to his own little imagined paradise in the middle of nowhere? Melian was right, what an idiotic plan that was, and he had even fucked up the finding a place to live part. He'd just imagined a perfect little cabin with all he and his child could ever need, and never even bothered to try finding it before it was time to squat his crying babe into the world. Maybe that perfect little cabin didn't even exist, and now he's really screwed up, and he's ruined Wulf’s life as well as his own.
Thankfully, Wulf was a hungry lad, and took to feeding almost immediately. Brone’s relief momentarily washed away the anxiety and shame and embarrassment at exposing himself in front of Melian. But just as it always had, it flowed right back in to settle down in it’s home deep in his chest. But holding Wulf, he felt the small but growing spark of an emotion he hadn't felt since he was small. Happiness. And somehow that made the anxiety and shame feel a little less heavy than it did before.
“I hope you do not mind.” Melian interrupted his thoughts. “But I had Rhiannon rework your cloak. It may no longer function as it once did, but it will be immensely useful in helping to carry Wulf around.” They added before he could object, as they held up his old tatty cloak, patched and repaired with neat sturdy stitches. It turned out, she'd cut and resown it to be one long strip of fabric that Melian instructed him to wrap around his waist and shoulders and how to secure a fed and burped Wulf to his chest.
“I had some towels that might have worked, but I had a feeling you'd want something of your own to hold your son.” Melian smiled sweetly at him. Brone felt like the rug had pulled out from under him at how thoughtful the gesture was. Not only did this help him keep his arms free and handy in case of an ambush, but they were right. He wouldn't have trusted anything they would have provided unless his was his own ol’ trusted cloak. Although not having the cloak to cover him, to disguise and obfuscate his body anymore left him feeling naked in a way he hadn't even felt while naked and giving birth. It made him uncomfortable and he couldn't quite say why, but Wulf's comfort and protection was more important, so he just mumbled out a gruff ‘thanks.’
Later that night, the group found a sparklingly clear pool of water to camp by. Once everybody confirmed with Brone, who was still their guide, the pool was safe and not one of the deceptively peaceful but extremely dangerous spots in the Wandering Woods, they went about unpacking for the night.
Brone was relieved to still be a little help at least, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty for being a useless liability in his state. It didn't help that Melian wouldn't let him lift the heavy horse harnesses, or chop firewood, or do anything that required physical exertion which was… most things you need to do in order to survive and make camp in the wilderness. The most they would let him do was start the fire and start cooking dinner. Plus, everyone kept fussing over him, asking if he needed to sit, if he was comfortable, asking if he needed to take a break from carrying Wulf. It was starting to feel overwhelming, and Brone was worried if he snapped at them they'd just leave him here and his son alone, the second half of his contract unpaid for failing to provide protection for the entire journey. By some miracle of the gods, he managed to hold his tongue.
While dinner was still cooking on the fire, Melian approached Brone and he tensed, ready to rebuff another attempt at coddling him.
“Would you like me to show you how to bathe little Wulf while we're here?” They asked. Brone blinked in surprise.
“I- uh, didn't know that was… another thing that needed to be taught.” Brone deflated, realizing for the 1000th time that day how in over his head he was in this whole new parenthood situation. Oh gods, how did he ever think he could do this?
“Not necessarily, but babies have a lot of… folds. I thought it might be helpful to show you some best practices, to save you from struggle later down the road. No pun intended.” They smiled and glanced back towards the path they'd spent the last four days traveling.
“Yeah, uh… sure.” Brone awkwardly agreed as he stood, slowly and carefully, his body still quite sore from the combination of childbirth and the days of traveling. Melian guided them over to the clear pool, discarding their cloak and flowy robes to just their linen underclothes. Brone hesitantly followed, stripping down to his underpants before following Melian into the water with little Wulf held tight in his arms. They didn't go very deep, the water barely up to their knees as they guided him to a spot with a large flat rock just barely under the water's surface, a perfect place for a baby to lay while they get their first bath. They instructed him on what type of soaps to use and which would harm his baby's skin, on which hidden baby folds to make sure get washed thoroughly and what parts to avoid getting soap into. Brone had never been a gentle man, in fact he'd had a long and storied career of being explicitly ‘ungentle,’ but something in him clicked when Wulf was born that activated some long dormant instinctual softness that he'd never thought he'd ever be capable of. Which is why it left him reeling in confusion when Melian accused him of being ‘too gentle’ while guiding him through the bath.
“What?” He said a little too forcefully.
“Whenever he fusses you begin to panic and hold back. He is just uncomfortable, but he will survive a bit of soap and water. Human babies are surprisingly resilient.” They explained.
For a moment Brone gaped at them like a fish. Then realizing how he must look, he snapped his jaw shut and nodded. He continued bathing Wulf, being a little less overly cautious than he was before.
“Brone… I apologize if I-”
“Thanks.” Brone grunted out before they could finish their thought. It was Melians turn to gape like a fish, confusion creeping in their usually calm demeanor. He cleared his throat.
“Thanks.” He said again more clearly. “For not mincing your words. You're straightforward. I-uh… I appreciate it.” He got quiet again, using his concentration on the task at hand as an excuse to avoid acknowledging his vulnerability. All of his instincts fired up as he felt their hand on his shoulder, but he fought down the urge to tear himself away.
“No thanks needed Brone. I… appreciate that you appreciate my… demeanor. Most are not quite so… appreciative.” Melian looked down, their eyes momentarily full of sadness, and Brone was startled to learn he couldn't stand to see such an expression darken their face.
“Well, most people need to pull their gods-damned head out of their asses. I wouldn't give their opinions much thought if I were you.” He said. To his surprise Melian snorted into a laugh, any trace of sadness banished.
“Thank you, Brone.” They sighed a minute later as their laughter faded, and he found he didn't want to flinch away from their touch when they laid a hand on his forearm. “That is very much appreciated.”
To his surprise, he found himself smiling back at them, Melian's laughter having the strange effect of making him feel… good? Good about… himself? Wulf's happy babbling interrupted that train of thought, before he went down a track from which he couldn't return.
“If you want to bathe yourself, I do not mind watching after Wulf while you do so.” They offered. Brone considered it for a moment. So far, Melian had been trustworthy, even helping bring his son into the world. Besides, he would be within sight and sound traveled well enough over the water, he would be able to hear loud and clear if something went wrong. In this moment, in this time, in this place, Melian was probably the most trustworthy person to hold his newborn for the couple of minutes it would take for a quick wash up.
“Just in time.” Rhiannon interrupted before he could give Melian an answer. “I was just coming to offer to do your hair.” Brone looked down at Mel in confusion, wondering if this was part of the pairs usual routine, to find Melian looking back at him expectantly. His brows furrowed in agitation as he realized she meant his hair.
“What’re you talking about?” Brone asked, as he waded into the water, until it was deep enough to quickly duck underwater. He popped back up to the surface, wet hair clinging to his face. “All clean, see?”
Rhiannon shook her head, an almost dismayed look on her face. Brone felt something in his stomach tightened as the little voice in the back of his head screamed at him that it looked too close to pity. Nothing good had ever happened when people looked at him in ‘pity.’ Pity quickly turned to disgust, disgust turned to loathing, and loathing got him dirty looks from strangers as he just tried to go about his business.
“Nope. Come on.” Rhiannon said, her hands on her hips, lips set in determination. But not disgust. Or loathing. No dirty looks. Just resolve.
“I will be just on shore with young Wulf here.” Melian offered.
“I-” Brone started to protest.
“Melian and Jiyan can more than handle themselves, and would protect Wulf with their lives. And, we will both be well within hearing distance and close enough to run to help in case of an ambush or other emergency.” Rhi said, in the same tone Brone had heard the mercenary captains discussing battle strategy. Precise, no judgement or emotion, to the point.
“And they won't steal him either.” She said, sensing his hesitation. “Even if they were the type to steal children from their parents, which they're definitely not, I trust that they wouldn't leave me behind and stranded with an opponent as formidable as you are, even when you're not royally pissed off. And again, we'll both be within hearing and seeing distance in case something does go wrong.”
Brone appreciated her directness. Blunt in a different way than Melian was. He felt like Mel would tell him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. With Rhiannon, he felt like he was calmly, but expertly, being briefed on all the emergency exits and escape paths available.
“Fine.” He growled, accepting that she wouldn't take no for an answer. Melian took Wulf and walked back up to shore, while Rhiannon, already down to their underwear, directed him to where the pool began to flow into a small stream, into a little spot where he could sit in the water and lay his head back into the flowing water.
“You sure I'm not fine just dunking it under the water? It usually works out fine.” He tried one last time, eyeing the block of soap in her hand.
“Oh, honey, no.” She said, sounding a little mortified. “After last night, I'm pretty sure there's literally blood, sweat, and tears in your hair. It's going to take more than some water to make sure your hair is squeaky clean.”
Brone groaned in a reluctant but final assent, still antsy about being so far away from his newborn, every part of him tensed. When Rhiannon moved to brush a strand off his face, he kicked himself for flinching away, for failing to control himself when Rhiannon had taken pity on him and was sacrificing her own time to do him a favor. For the second day in a row now.
“Sorry, didn't mean to startle ya.” She said gently, with not even a tinge of judgment or disappointment in her tone. He felt like somewhere over the past few days, he'd entered a strange twilight zone, the way these three treated him so much differently than anyone else did. Like he was someone deserving of kindness. It made Brone uncomfortable in a way that felt far too big and all-consuming for him to be able to step back and examine without breaking down completely.
Despite himself, he started to settle down and relax a bit, as Rhiannon’s fingers started to work through his hair, lathering up the shampoo, thoroughly massaging his scalp. He couldn't remember the last time someone else had run their fingers through his hair like this. Well he could, just barely.
It had been so long ago that she had done, perhaps, this very routine, his mother. Brone couldn't even remember her face anymore, as she washed his hair in their tub, as she told him to run and hide as their village was attacked. Since then he'd been left on his own to scramble and claw his way towards survival, so far victorious despite all those that had tried to kick him back down. It had been a long time since he'd hardened himself to the rest of the world, but now that he was on the receiving end of such a simple brief gentle touch, he found both his body and soul craving it more than anything.
“Brone, are you… okay?” Rhiannon asked hesitantly.
“Fine. Why?” Brone grunted out less harshly than he'd intended, inwardly wincing at the slight crack in his voice.
“Well, uh, you're crying?”
His hands flew to his face, where the track of a single tear wet his face.
“It's probably just the, you know-” He gestured to the pool and flowing stream around them, his face feeling hot as his embarrassment grew.
“Mhmm. Sure.” Rhiannon said, in a tone that somehow managed to say ‘I'll be ready when you want to talk about it.’
“It's just… been a while. Since anyone's done, ya know… this.” Brone offered up after a few minutes of silence. “Not since… not since the raiders took out my parents.” He added, before mentally kicking himself for voluntarily supplying such vulnerable information to anyone, let alone someone he'd met only four days ago.
“How old were you?” She asked quietly. Brone debated not answering, just pretending he didn't hear her over the stream gurgling in his ears, and go on pretending as if he hadn't bared a tiny piece of his raw soul to a person he barely knew. That's what he'd always done, that's how he'd always kept himself safe, keep it all deep inside where no one can ever see his hurts, his weaknesses, his soft spots. How else would he have made it this far in his profession? In his life?
“Eight. I was eight years old.” He whispered back a few minutes later and desperately hoped she wouldn't hear him. Rhiannon didn't answer for a minute, and for some reason his heart sank when he realized that maybe she really didn't hear him.
“I'm sorry it's been so long since someone's done this for you then.” She said, as she ran her fingers through his hair, the unspoken ‘I'm sorry your family died’ hanging in the air between them. Brone suddenly didn't have the energy to do anything but gratefully grunt in acknowledgement and relax into her touch. It seemed like it was both a few seconds later yet also hours later, when she directed him to sit up.
He moved to stand, assuming the favor, the moment, the ritual over. But Rhiannon put her hands on his shoulders to keep him in place and she sat behind him and started running her fingers through his hair again. Brone blinked in surprise, as it dawned on him that she was starting to braid his hair.
“Figured it'll be easier to keep your hair out of your face, for the next few days at least.” She explained.
“Thanks.” He found himself saying, for the second (or was it third?) time that day. And truly meaning it. For a man who'd built a reputation for toughness, for ruthlessness, for refusing niceties such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ he sure was racking up a lot of ‘thank you’s’ lately.
Rhiannon finished putting his hair into a tight simple half braid, keeping his hair out of his face but still long in the back. They both decided to take a leisurely swim back to shore, taking a detour towards the deeper end of the pool to really enjoy the cool refreshing water, when suddenly they heard the plap, plap, plap sound of feet running on a rocky outcropping above them.
“CANNONBALL!” Jiyan screamed, as he leapt off the rock and curled into a ball, landing with a giant splash right in between Rhiannon and Brone.
“Ji! You're supposed to be cooking dinner!” Rhi spluttered, as she wiped water out of her eyes.
“Oh it's fine, Wulf’s got it!” Jiyan said when he resurfaced.
“What?!” Brone coughed up the water that had gotten into his mouth.
“And Melian! I'm just joking, they're fine!” He consoled the bigger man, swimming so slightly out of his reach.
“You're a dumbass.” Rhiannon smiled as she splashed him before he could swim too far away. And so began the battle. Trading weaponry for water, and battle cries for garbled teasing through the water running down their faces. Brone rolled his eyes in annoyance at their childish antics and floated out of splashing range. It didn't take long for the battle to become so intense that the pair briefly forgot he was even there.
A mischievous smile darkened his face and he sluiced through the water towards them, as quiet as any person could be while moving through water. Only his face peeked above the water's surface, his arms widespread as he gained momentum. It was only too late, as Brone already towered above them, sheets of water pouring down over them, did Rhiannon and Jiyan become aware of a third challenger in their midst.
“Truce!” Jiyan coughed out, arms flailing as he drifted away, blinded by the water flooding his eyes. “Parley! I throw in the towel! I surrender!”
“As long as Ji doesn't win, I'm good.” Rhiannon croaked out a minute later, after she'd coughed out all the water she'd involuntarily swallowed from the devastating attack.
“When you are all done playing, I think dinner is ready!” Melian called out, officially declaring an armistice on their behalf.
“Oh gods, it probably means it's burnt to the nine hells and back.” Jiyan groaned. Rhiannon elbowed him hard in the ribs.
“You're the one who left them in charge of the food.” She said.
“And Wulf!” Ji protested. Both Rhiannon and Brone rolled their eyes in almost perfect unison.
“Come on you lot. The more you argue about it the more burnt it'll be. I'm sure it'll be fine.” Brone growled, but in an almost friendly tone of growl. It felt unfamiliar to his vocal chords, but not entirely unpleasant? Ignoring that thought, he gently shoved the pair towards shore where he could smell the savory aroma of a only slightly burned dinner and hear the happy gurgles of his newborn son waiting for him to get back.
He had to admit, Jiyan had a lovely singing voice. He was an excellent lyre player as well, but his voice just on its own was truly mesmerizing to listen to. One might think that's what would be expected of a bard, but Brone had met plenty of ‘bards’ on his travels that could barely define what a tune was, let alone carry one. Despite the fact that Ji was singing lullabies to help put Wulf to sleep, Brone couldn't help but find himself getting sucked in as well. He almost wondered if there was some magic in his song.
“I can weave some into the melody if you'd like.” Jiyan winked, and Brone was startled to learn he'd actually said that thought out loud.
“I-uh, no. No thanks. I just want to get him used to, uh, falling asleep naturally, I guess.” Brone stumbled over his words as he momentarily stopped swaying and rocking Wulf to sleep. No point in getting used to the blessings of magical sleep on a newborn, when they were just going to go their separate ways in a couple of days. Then Brone would be left with a fussy newborn already conditioned to be put to sleep by magic, and as usual not an ounce of magical ability in his body. Jiyan, no, the bard who he'd probably never see again once they parted ways, shrugged and continued to sing when Wulf, half-asleep, started to fuss.
Brone began to sway again, gently keeping rhythm with the melody. He tried to subtly eye Jiyan, who looked at Wulf so fondly and tenderly one would think the babe was his own. And the way he looked at Brone… it made Brone uncomfortable, but in a way that he'd only admit deep down inside himself, that he never wanted to stop.
Eventually his baby boy settled down to sleep and Brone settled him down in the back of the wagon so he could go about his evening routine without waking him up.
“Last night…” Brone hesitated as the last notes of Jiyans song faded.
“Yeah Papa Bear? It was a pretty big night huh?” Jiyan playfully winked and lightly elbowed him.
“I broke your hand didn't I?”
“Pfft! What- no! My hand? Never!” Jiyan lied. Badly. All it took was Brones eyebrows to furrow together, then one raised in mild frustration, for him to break.
“Okay, yeah fine, you did. But Mel fixed it with magic already, see? All healed!” He said as he raised up the hand in question and flexed it to prove that Melians magic had worked. “I just didn't want you to worry. You had way more important things to worry about.” Jiyan added, so earnestly and wholeheartedly that it took Brone aback for a second.
“I- uh, well… thanks.” He stammered out as he tried to look anywhere but into Jiyans eyes. “And sorry.”
“Don't worry about it Papa Bear, like I said! Good as new already!” Ji proclaimed, smiling as he continued to flap his hand around as proof, as he wandered off, presumably to go off and complete his own evening routine. Brone sighed and shook his head, as he tried not to smile back at him. Now he was up to four ‘thank you’s’ and one ‘sorry.’ It had only been one day of parenthood, and he was already getting much too soft.
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veone · 1 year
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the hot waters out again.
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goyurim · 10 days
what's your favourite seok-ryu and seung-hyo moment so far??
omg my favourite??? my favourite ONE???? gosh there are so many good moments between these two, what's yours???
it's so difficult to pick just one but if i absolutely have to have to then it'll probably be this one:
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it's just!!!! such a beautiful moment for so many reasons bc seok ryu is having an epiphany about what she loves and it's intoxicating and she can't help but smile about it and seung hyo is simultaneously having an epiphany about who he loves and it's also intoxicating and he too can't help but smile! and it's such a cute lil spin on the *person a*: "it's beautiful", *person b, while looking at person a*: "yes, it is" (one of my favourite tropes mayhaps it gets me every! time!!) and also how seok ryu says she's been there for all of his "firsts" but here we get to experience first-hand seung hyo being there when she discovers her her very first dream!! and the fact that she gets to be so unabashedly happy about it bc seung hyo is her safe haven; one of the only people in her life who will not only unconditionally support whatever she decides to do, but also genuinely be just as happy for her alongside her. she doesn't need to hide, she doesn't need to pretend. it's such an emotionally raw and vulnerable moment for the both of them, and it's so pure and joyful it makes my heart melt
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sprayandwash · 2 months
Auckland’s Trusted Choice for Fast and Affordable Commercial Building Washes
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Keeping your commercial property clean and presentable is crucial for making a positive impression on clients and maintaining a professional appearance. At Spray and Wash, we specialize in fast, affordable, and high-quality commercial building wash services in Auckland. Whether you need roof washing, deck washing, or a comprehensive cleaning for your entire building, our team is dedicated to ensuring your business looks its best without disrupting your operations.
The Importance of Professional Building Washing
Enhancing Curb Appeal
The exterior of your commercial building is the first thing clients and visitors see. A clean and well-maintained facade not only enhances your curb appeal but also reflects positively on your business. Regular building washes help remove dirt, grime, and unsightly stains, ensuring that your property always looks inviting and professional.
Preventing Damage
Dirt, mould, mildew, and algae can accumulate on your building’s exterior, potentially causing long-term damage. Regular washing helps prevent these issues by removing harmful contaminants that can lead to deterioration. By addressing these problems early, you can avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your building’s exterior surfaces.
Maintaining Safety
A clean building is not only visually appealing but also safer for everyone. Algae and mould can create slippery surfaces, increasing the risk of accidents. By keeping your building clean, you reduce the risk of slips and falls, contributing to a safer environment for employees and visitors alike.
Our Comprehensive Commercial Building Wash Services
Roof Washing
Your roof is one of the most important parts of your building, yet it often gets neglected. Our roof-washing services are designed to remove accumulated dirt, moss, and algae from your roof, restoring its appearance and functionality. Regular roof washing can help prevent damage and extend the life of your roofing materials.
Deck Washing
Decks are high-traffic areas that can quickly accumulate dirt and grime. Our deck washing services are tailored to clean and refresh your deck, removing stains and buildup while preserving the wood’s integrity. Whether you have a wooden or composite deck, we use appropriate techniques and cleaning solutions to ensure a thorough cleaning.
Building Facade Cleaning
Our building facade cleaning services cover all exterior surfaces, including walls, windows, and other structural elements. We use advanced equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to remove dirt, stains, and pollutants, restoring the building’s appearance to its original state.
Why Choose Spray and Wash?
Speed and Efficiency
At Spray and Wash, we understand that time is money. Our team is committed to providing quick and efficient services, minimizing disruption to your business operations. We work around your schedule to ensure that our cleaning activities do not interfere with your daily activities.
We believe that maintaining a clean and professional-looking building should not break the bank. Our services are designed to be affordable without compromising on quality. We offer competitive pricing and value for money, ensuring you get the best results at a cost-effective rate.
Expert Team
Our team of experienced professionals is equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle any commercial cleaning job. We are trained in the latest techniques and use state-of-the-art equipment to deliver superior results. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we are dedicated to exceeding your expectations.
Maintaining a clean and professional appearance for your commercial property is essential for making a positive impression and ensuring long-term durability. At Spray and Wash, we offer fast, affordable, and high-quality building washing services tailored to meet your needs. Whether you require roof washing, deck washing, or a comprehensive cleaning, our expert team is here to help.
Contact Us today to schedule your building wash and experience the Spray and Wash difference. Let us help you keep your commercial property looking its best while you focus on running your business.
Contact us,
Name: Spray and Wash
Address: 8C Piermark Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 0632, New Zealand
Phone: +64 800 881 123
Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/bk4ENmJUuwmxHapP8
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home-phoenix · 4 months
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Eglise Sainte Croix. Nantes. France.
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warpstaffs · 10 months
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sento kiryu being a pathetic wet rabbit born in a cardboard box all alone in the rain moodboard
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bluebeetle · 1 month
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Progress!! Still needs wings. For now im forgoing his extra limbs as i cant think of a way to make them that i like that doesnt involve fabric matching
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nico-di-genova · 3 months
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Zak Brown is the Leonardo DiCaprio of racing and I’m praying for his downfall.
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godbirdart · 1 year
okay so it's now onto week four post-op
i can say that week three was the Roughest so far. week one was a little cumbersome with the drains, week two was a bit sore and tendy, but week three was when i got my dressings off for the first time and i was the MOST tendy afterward and wHEW ;; ouchie!! week four is startin strong being a lot less tender but we'll see how it goes ;w;
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eyeofnewtblog · 4 months
Things that happen at home:
Asked my mom what she wanted for American Mother’s Day, and she said she wanted an empanada press. It kinda shorted me out for a second because she’s a white Irish (descendant) Catholic city girl, and she only ever makes Hispanic food with one person, who already has all the tools.
Me: Is Tia Lorenza teaching you how to make empanadas next time you see her?
Mom: Well, no, but I found a recipe online for her favorite kind. She says it’s pineapple. I’m gonna try it out before I give her some that I make, because she’s really picky, and even though she’s really nice about it, you can tell when she doesn’t like something. But I also want it because they’re perfect for making Cornish pasties and little French meat pies.
Me: Oh, that actually makes a lot of sense.
For those of you who want the tried and true recipe for wonderful Cornish pasties…google the recipe, it’s literally yummy meat wrapped in dough, you cannot fuck this up, season meat the way you like it and then press it into dough. The original idea was to reheat or re eat leftovers, so always look at your leftovers as “how can I pack this as a lunch for tomorrow”
Just to clarify, my mom met Tia Lorenza at church. Since I was 14 years old, my mom has been totally A Okay with Tia Lorenza nailing me in the back of the head with a shoe for doing Shit I Should Not Have Been Doing. She’s my Auntie in every way that matters. When I got my first apartment she showed up with three big boxes of cleaning supplies and made me go over every square inch of that apartment so that I knew how to keep it “properly” take care of my home, and then
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