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buckybarnesbigbang · 3 years ago
calling all writers and artists! gauging interest
recently i was going through the tags and i thought to myself, "you know what would be cool? a mini bang but for bucky barnes." enter my friend saying, "so let's do it." and here we are, i suppose.
if there was a bucky barnes (any ship or gen allowed) mini bang*, would you participate?
*writers sign up to take part in the challenge and begin writing stories. When the early drafts of the stories are available, each one is assigned one or more artists, or artists might claim stories from posted summaries. artists create fanart (illustrations and the like, fanvids, gifsets, etc) to go along with the story. since it would be our first time around, it would be a mini bang, which is a smaller commitment, designed to make it easier for busy writers and artists to participate.
if we get enough interest, sign-ups would open on August 1st!
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petewentztiddies · 3 years ago
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wherein Peggy and Steve ( + Ana and Howard) give questionable advice
a sequel to this gifset | click on the gifs for better quality
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userpeggycarter · 3 years ago
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happy birthday, @notanotherpeggycarterblog! ❤️
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teaandatale · 3 years ago
ooh I'm curious about "where they learn to hold hands"
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Thanks to both @buckinelli & @avengeclintashantasha for this one!
This is my 2nd ice skating Steggy fic ideas! I have posted a preview of this before here but I thought it would be nice to share some more about this one. This will be a saga and a half... but maybe one day I will finish writing it to share it.
This fic is more directly angsty for content reasons (though now that I think about it, so is Of Gold & Something More, but that's more romantic angst, while this one directly deals with shittier parts of higher-level organized sports/abusive relationships).
As in the link above, this one is thus far named "Where They Learn To Hold Hands" because it's literally a requirement for them to be Pairs Ice Skating partners. But it's particularly charged, because Steve has never been able to find a partner to really put him on the Olympic level. And Peggy had quit Pairs skating and gone to single skating thanks to a horribly abusive stint when she was a teen. She starts to realize that there was still a lot she never worked through, and some of it comes out of her as she finds trust & kinship with Steve.
Snippet of a Scene Starting to Learn About Peggy's History.
FYI - This does allude to abusive relationships but nothing is detailed in the snippet but does describe Peggy still struggling in the present to deal with the past:
Phillips respects that skating with a partner again is going to be a process for her. But they are working against a tight timeline here. She knows they have to actually practice together if they’re ever going to make this work. Holding hands through gloves has been working out better than she had expected, but they’re still strangers, and eventually she’ll have to take the gloves off. And when it comes down to working on movements that require Steve to touch her, the second his hand touches her hip she freezes. She instinctively breaks free of him with a gasp. Steve drops his hands immediately, looking between her and Phillips as her breathing grows labored. She skates off the ice, racing into the locker room.  
Phillips clucks his tongue.  
“What did I do?”  
Phillip sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s nothing to do with you Rogers.”  
“But I must have done something wrong.”  
“I did warn you this was a risky move before I paired you two up. Carter has a long history in competitive skating. Not all of it is as happy sunshine as you’d expect from a two-time Olympic skater, despite what you may think.”  
Steve frowns. Her reaction worried him. It pointed to something more than just some misunderstanding with an ex-partner. He doesn’t know much outside of the rumors and stories that still float around her first Olympics. But he thinks he’s just learned a lot.  
“Her old partner?”  
Phillips sighs. “And coach. Pierce was a piece of work. He’s hardly human.” He frowns. “I gotta be honest Rogers. It might be best to cut loose now. You could still try to pursue a singles track.”  
Steve frowns. He doesn’t want to quit. He already knows how good they could be, especially once they’re loose and comfortable. He’s already imagined how fun it’ll be.  
Phillips lets out another sigh. “Sorry son. I didn’t mean to set your sights so high.”  
“With all respect sir, I’m not ready to throw in the towel. Not unless Peggy says she’s done for good.” He watches Phillips nod vaguely, trying to figure this out. “Maybe we start differently. Maybe there’s a way to make this work.”  
Her limbs are still shaking as she sits on the bench, blankly facing the full-length mirror on the wall opposite. Her body feels cold, and whatever void she had taped shut has come undone, and all of her deep seeded issues are spilling out. She sees his face so clearly for the first time in ages. She blinks away the tears but it’s futile.  
A knock breaks the trance. She sees Steve standing there, just barely in the doorway.  
“Peggy?” he calls softly. “It is alright if I come in for a minute?”  
She swipes frantically at her tears, her heart still pounding as she works to relax her expression, to make her face fade back into smooth, immovable stone. He lets the door close behind him but he stays across the locker room.  
“I wanted to check on you. Can I bring you anything?” he asks.  
He doesn’t sound upset. She’d be livid if someone skated off the ice during practice like she had just done.  
“I’ll be there in a minute. I’m fine. I’ll be right back, I swear.”  
“Peggy…” he starts. “We can take a break. Call it a day.”  
“But we haven’t done anything yet. I’m better now.” He hesitates. “Phillips told me to call it a day.”  
She feels the heat of shame. She’s made Phillips give up on her already. She drops her head into her hands. What was going on? She used to be able to handle this.  
“So Phillips has given up,” she says matter of factly.  
“Phillips hasn’t given up,” he says. “And neither have I.” He holds her gaze for a long moment. “But only if you’re sure you still want to do this. That’s the only way this’ll work.” She’s surprised by not only his words but his tone. It’s relaxed, calm, caring she might even dare to say. It’s not only unexpected, but completely foreign to her. “It’s okay if you don’t want to do this Peggy.”  
She remembers that night they skated together, and of the few days recently on the ice that had gone smoothly. She did want to do this. She wanted to continue to skate.  
“I do want to. I do want to keep trying.” He nods, giving her a half smile. She wraps her arms around herself and sighs. “But if Phillips left…”  
Steve shrugs. “I actually had a few ideas. For us. For us to get comfortable working together first. For us to work on our partnership. Phillips think it’s a good plan.” She works her jaw, already worried about what exactly Steve and Phillips have decided would be a good plan. “I think we should start off the ice. Work on all the elements off the ice together first. Go to the gym together in the mornings. Dance classes, anything we can find. I think it’ll help our programs but also help us learn to be in sync. To get to know how we both move. And then I thought regular yoga and meditation in the evenings or mornings. So that we bring relaxation and peace of mind into our habits.”  
She finds herself astounded again. Stunned. He’s put a lot of care and thought into it. Into training that will help. Into rituals that would ease her comfort.  
“I know that’s a lot of shared time but we can’t do this if we don’t get to know each other, if we don’t try to build something instead of forcing it. And I can’t earn your trust if your uncomfortable around me. So there’s one other thing I’m going to insist on. We don’t lie to each other. If something doesn’t feel right, or if something makes you uncomfortable for any reason, of if I do something you don’t like, please tell me. We can work at this. I know we can. But I need to know how you honestly feel Peggy.”  
“And skating?”  
“Schedule sticks. Exercises and warm ups, and then we can take it day by day.”  
She makes a point to look at him. He doesn’t make her stomach clench. Instead she feels steadied, and something near hopeful again. When she looks at him, thoughts of Fred fade. 
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missmarvelnerd · 3 years ago
BRB thinking about how Bucky and Angie are the superior couple
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petewentztiddies · 3 years ago
*shoves Spotify playlist, my literal Tumblr url, and like a dozen fics aside* haha can't relate
getting other people into rarepairs is so hard. wtf am i supposed to show them?? the 30k+ multichapter fic… written by ME?? the multiple pieces of fullbody fanart… ALSO by me?? the 12hr long spotify playlist… curated by ME?? i don’t think so. nuh-uh. no sir.
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krystal-callahan · 2 years ago
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John’s first Christmas
A gift for @buckinelli for the Secret Winter Exchange! John’s first experience of the holidays with the gang! I hope you enjoy it <3 
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chrrispine · 2 years ago
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@themandaloriandaily secret santa - for @buckinelli
The Mandalorian: Chapter 4
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geekynerddemon · 3 years ago
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Happy New Year @buckinelli Thank you for being patient with me. There were at least 3 ornaments that died that year.
Thank you @steggyfanevents for organizing again this year.
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bonusholegent · 3 years ago
I was trying to figure out who the other half of this pairing was until I realized it wasn't a show I watched.
stages of loving a rare pair
Stage 1:    oooh they look cute together
Stage 2:    hmm, maybe i’ve a crackship here
Stage 3:    ngl, they do have a pretty great dynamic
Stage 4:    okay but why did they never interact in canon?
Stage 5:    hey but they do have some fanfics/fanarts still! yay!
Stage 5:    hmm, but if they want to be together the road is gonna be lengthy and not to mention very angsty hmmmmm…..
Stage 6:    why is there so LESS fanfics and fanarts??!! can’t no-one get their potential?? i want more :<
Stage 7:    imagine their scenarios in your head, and trying to find anything that reminds you of them
Stage 8:   <<insanity>>
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bonusholegent · 3 years ago
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The template is below the cut!
Edwana, Benthos: Married in canon, only deserve good things
Steggy: Consistently endgame, canon angst
ScarletVision: Consistently endgame, more canon angst
Pepperoni: Canonically married, fight a lot
Danbeau: Canonically good friends, Carol is like a second mom to Maria's daughter. (I ship this even though I haven't watched Captain Marvel yet).
ThorJane: Dated in canon but broke up, no strong feelings towards this one
JaneDarcy, Science Husbands: close work friends, sweet to each other
FrostMaster: Friendly in canon, mutually manipulative
FrostIron: Enemies in canon, same energy
Buckinelli: Never met in canon, ray of sunshine girl and brooding boy
WinterFrost: Never met in canon, mutual villains with redemption arcs
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Text is Arial, 25 points for heading and 20 for ship names
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petewentztiddies · 3 years ago
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wherein Angie and Bucky discuss whether or not he’s a morning or a night person
part 3 of the nothing bad happens series (yes i finally named it) | click on the gifs for better quality
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bo-kryzze · 2 years ago
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STEVE AND PEGGY AS AVENGERS ↪ Steggy Secret Santa gift for @buckinelli 
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teaandatale · 3 years ago
ask game! fanfic wips
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by two absolute lovelies @beautifulwhensarcastic & @thesokovianaccords
I also don't think my wips have changed much since the last time I did this ask game, but I am omitting (for everyone's sanity) the wips already up on AO3 awaiting updates. And I tried to add some that I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned on tumblr before. All Steggy fics.
The One Where Peggy Turns 35
Personal Trainer AU
70s Steggy
Feeding Her Cat Coworkers AU
Bodyguard AU
Where They Learn To Hold Hands
Sequel to A Glimpse, A Glimmer
tagging: @behindthelabels, @roboticonography, @melliabee, @thebeautifulfantastic, @avengeclintasha, @notanotherpeggycarterblog & @buckinelli anyone else who wants to!
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missmarvelnerd · 2 years ago
Reposting because Roman and I have the same crack ship (Also Bartinelli/Buckinelli) <3
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ao3feed-agentcarter · 3 years ago
First Time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3382pCZ
by josephine_diaries, Notanotherpeggycarterblog
Timestamp: June of 1955
Bucky Barnes used to be the king of getting dates. That was until he fell off of the train and became the winter soldier. Now rehabilitated, Steve and Peggy decide to help him find some normalcy again.
Enter Angie Martinelli: Peggy's best friend and current secretary whose got a soft spot in her heart for her best friend's husband's best friend (complicated, I know) and his cute behind
Words: 1366, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 23 of The Steggy Extended Universe
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Agent Carter (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Peggy Carter, Angie Martinelli, Steve Rogers
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Angie Martinelli, Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Steggy - Freeform, SEU, WinterWaitress, Buckinelli, First Date, Bucky Barnes deserves love, angie martinelli deserves love, Rarepair, marvel rarepair, Double Dating, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), multiple timeline theory
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3382pCZ
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