#i know i know like i need to think up more ice skating related things
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dancingontheblades · 6 months ago
The beauty of accidental marriage proposals
Yuuri very likely didn’t intend to propose to Viktor at the airport but his heart knew what it truly desired and twisted his words into a proposal—or rather something akin to a proposal that resulted in a spontaneous engagement.
Let’s unpack this!
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Yuuri returns from the Rostelecom Cup with his mind full of things that he needs Viktor to know. While he doesn’t disclose any details, his inner monologue in front of Luzhniki Small Sports Arena gives us a good idea of the things he’s mulling over.
Having convinced himself that Viktor will abandon him after the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri is determined to fulfil the promise he made in his speech in ep. 5 because it’s his final chance to win gold. But even if he doesn’t win gold, there is one thing that he feels he needs to do after having seen his competitors and skating fans react to Viktor becoming a coach at two consecutive competitions.
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Regardless of how much Yuuri has profited from Viktor’s support, he is very conscious about the fact that Viktor belongs to the ice. Or at least that is what his anxiety has convinced him of. In Yuuri’s brain, giving up his own career so that Viktor can resume his own is an act of love and the only possible solution for them to stay together.
We never learn about the conclusion of Yuuri’s contemplation, but the next scene’s subtext implies that breaking up with Viktor is not an option. Or, if it was an option, it was off the table once he was back in Viktor’s arms.
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Since Yuuri has anxiety, it's safe to assume that he has been overthinking his talk with Viktor over and over during the flight, going through all kinds of scenarios based on Viktor's imagined reaction. After hours on the plane, his brain must have been on the verge of exploding, casting poor Yuuri into a state of total overwhelm. If you have anxiety, you can possibly relate.
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However, the moment that he spots Viktor, Yuuri’s mind goes blank and instinct takes over as he runs into Viktor’s arms, and instead of whatever speech he has prepared, he just blurts out the following line:
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僕も考えてた。引退まで 僕のこと— お願いします! "I've been thinking, too. Please take care of me until I retire!"
The English subs dilute Yuuri’s actual message. In Japanese, he doesn’t use the word coach here. “Please take care of me” is Japanese proposal language. The translators probably didn’t recognise this nuance and sadly, the it is still lost in the Blu-ray version.
However, Viktor correctly recognises the proposal in Yuuri’s words.
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Given the information in the previous scene and the illogical ways anxious brains work, Yuuri intended to inform Viktor about his retirement plans and to voice his desire to make the most of the little time he thinks they have left. But that’s not what his heart wants. And since episode 5 we know what it desires:
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A more accurate translation of that line is “The first person I want to tie myself to and never let go is Viktor” because 繋ぎとめたい means wanting to tie someone / something to you and never let it go (see this translation error masterpost).
Having made such a passionate declaration, there is no way that Yuuri would want his relationship with Viktor to end, and regardless of whether his anxiety his skyrocketing in the face of the GPF looming ahead, that desire has taken root in his heart and brain. However, his anxiety stops him from proposing properly and turns his addition “until I retire” into a gentle prodding to find out whether he and Viktor are on the same page.
And of course, they are.
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And this is all Yuuri has wished for. He’s been anxious since he made up his mind in front of Luzhniki Small Sports Arena. Only when Viktor recognises the proposal and responds with a yes in the same fashion as Yuuri has phrased his request, he can relax.
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To wrap this up
Absence nurtures desire, and in this case, the time apart has shown Yuuri and Viktor how much they want to be by each other’s side. Because he missed Viktor so desperately, Yuuri’s heart wins over his anxiety for once and enables him to tell Viktor his deepest desire. By recognising said desire, Viktor is able to accept the proposal and the two are now officially engaged. And that’s yet another beautiful aspect about this show.
Unfortunately, Viktor didn’t catch the part about the retirement, which will result in him thinking that Yuuri wants to break up when Yuuri announces his retirement plans in Barcelona. On the other hand, knowing that Viktor wants to stay by his side forever is a huge relief for Yuuri and allows him to enter the GPF without any emotional baggage.
Bonus: look at that cute tiny smile right between Viktor saying yes and the second hug.
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For further readings related to this please check out:
Japanese dating culture in YOI
Unwrapping "Let's end this"
On Yuuri's top-secret love life
If you enjoyed this analysis, you might like to check out my works on AO3 (link in bio) or just support me by reblogging this post.
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writesleah · 1 year ago
christmas headcannons ౨ৎ m. riddle
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౨ৎ mattheo riddle x reader
౨ৎ mentions of childhood neglect if you squint, nothing else just super adorable, fluffy mattheo
౨ৎ I ADORE THIS MAN these might just be projections of my feelings towards christmas but i swear he loves it too
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this man adores christmas
he always denies it, but he always looks forward to it
every. single. year.
when you two are just starting to speak, he might mention how he enjoys the 25th, but nothing more than that
the second he gets comfortable with you, it’s non stop rambling
“two months until christmas”
“it’s almost december”
it would be annoying if you didn’t adore him so much
it’s not just christmas day, it’s the entire month of december, the entire season of winter
he’ll always be begging you to do some sort of christmassy activity with him, thinking you’ll say no because it’s stupid
he feels like it makes him seem childish, so you have to reassure him that you love his enthusiasm and adorable date ideas
from december 1st, the two of you will be ice skating on a lake, or drinking candy cane flavoured hot chocolate whilst watching the snow fall
every single day is a new opportunity to do something vaguely related to christmas or the winter months with him
if you ask him what he wants for christmas, he’d either give you the biggest list you’d ever heard, or he wouldn’t ask you for anything and just say he didn’t know what he wanted - one extreme to the other
i think his obsession comes from the constant craving of a good christmas during his childhood
i don’t think his parents would’ve been interested in christmas at all, so it left him always wishing he could enjoy it
when he found you, he realised that there are people who do actually care about his interests or his favourite time of year
he was utterly grateful for your understanding, even if it seems incredibly simple to you
the second you ask him if he wants to watch a movie with you, he decides it has to be a christmas movie
no matter what time of year it is, always a christmas movie
his favourite movie is the grinch, you watch it every year
he also likes the polar express, but just because he can laugh at the animation and tease you for not liking its uncanny valley effect
he can’t watch home alone, it’s just a little too relatable, considering his childhood, but he never admits to that, he always says he thinks it’s boring
he would stay at hogwarts over christmas as long as you stayed with him
staying at school meant that you could have the slytherin boy’s dormitory all to yourselves, without any of the boys he shared with blabbing on and ruining your peace
on christmas eve, he likes to get all cozy in bed with matching pyjamas and a mug of hot chocolate each
christmas morning is his absolute favourite
he goes above and beyond with your presents
you always feel like he shows you up, considering that he always tells you to either pick one thing from his extensive list, or not to get him anything at all, leaving you scrambling to figure out what he wants
he reassures you that he loves whatever you get him, and makes sure that you like your presents too
the entire morning, he’s rambling on about how excited he is for the food
he loves brussel sprouts, even though you can’t stand them
he hates pigs in blankets, thinks they’re the absolute scum of christmas dinner, much to your dismay since you love them so much
so when you have brussel sprouts on your plate and he has pigs in blankets, you’ll both give them to each other, so you have double the amount of the food you like
roast potatoes are common ground. you both like them
he’ll always pour the gravy for you if you want it, and he’ll always help you to fix your food onto a plate
he can’t ever stop helping you, even if he knows you don’t need it
when you finish eating, he immediately either wants to watch a movie or play some sort of game, depending on who else stayed at hogwarts
and yes, as much as he hates it, he will watch the eastenders christmas special with you
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto twin reader
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These are for my good friend irl :) ENJOY!!
btw this is written with fem! Reader in mind. Yes I will likely do a male reader version dw 💗 (i don’t think it’ll have shoto twin reader)
So bakugo in a relationship huh? Not the first thing I’d think he’s into but hey, it’s already happened now! 🤷‍♀️
About kats and todo’s beef tho….
at the beginning I mean
katsuki isn’t the type of person to lump people in with your siblings or wtv
buttttt if you and shoto are similar/have similar personalities or interests he might somewhat dislike you at first
if not he doesn’t mind
but it’d especially tick him off if you and todo gang up on him in fights/arguments
but again he decides his opinion of you based off what you show him him or how you present yourself
which is why he didn’t remember most people’s names at the beginning of the show
bc he didn’t have anything to remember them by-
he may come up to you on some sunny callin you icy hot 2.0 n stuff but if you assert your dominance and show him you deserve respect then he lets go of that quickly
not out of fear but because katsuki doesn’t really pick on the people he respects
best jeanist is a great example of what I mean!
if your relation to todo is really similar however
he might find you a bit more annoying at first
he just thinks of you as the off brand version of todoroki until you give him a reason to respect you 😗
Although if your talking more mature kats when it’s like s4 around then he’s more likely to view you as your own person first time around
he also doesn’t do any of that crap anymore and doesn’t mind that you and todo are twins
he used to always mutter ‘your wretched brother’ this and that
but he cut that out
i mean unless you nipped it in the bun back then 🤪
and to do that you likely have to humble him
So after that phase is over nicknames can range from a shorter version of your name to aliases he/people have given you
like how shoto’s quirk is hot/cold so he calls him icy hot
But whatever he comes up with for you isn’t said with a bad intent by him, of course
And w/ cooking you already know his is FIRE 🔥🔥💥💥
like it’s canon this man can cook like 💃💃🕺👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
(that’s you dancing bc his food’s so good)
he be using all types of seasoning so you KNOW it ain’t dry
especially if your a spicy food lover
like I feel he genuinely doesn’t get people who doesn’t like spicy food
he may think your a bit of a wimp..🤓
If you inherited endeavor’s fire quirk he finds it useful that you can lite his barbecues or make fire for cooking in the woods for example
he still heated that explosions don’t work 🤦‍♀️
but ngl he’d rather you than shoto sooo..🤷‍♀️
For love languages his is quality time, acts of service and a bit of gift giving
with quality time he likes to ice skate with you since (if you inherited the ice quirk) you can withstand the cold
He’d try to impress you by saying he’s not that cold (even with a coat on) but he actually is
why would he admit that tho
he’s actually cold don’t torture him by staying longer than you need to
(or do I ain’t gonna judge 😂)
kats likes challenges because it makes him feel accomplished once he completed them
So he likes to do freezer challenges!!
(basically it’s this challenge where you go into a walk in freezer and see who can last the longest—don’t try this at home I’ve only seen this on YouTube and idk if that’s the actual name)
and of course your immune to the cold so it’s easy for you
so if he beats you it’ll make him feel proud
don’t think that just bc your his girlfriend he doesn’t compete with you
there’s no way he’s seeing an opportunity to become the number 1 hero and not taking it to let his girlfriend be happy
don’t blame him who would……
when you first get into your relationship things might be a little awkward and you may or may not be a little intimidated by him
which if you are he feels sorta bad and he doesn’t want you to be
he doesn’t want people he cares about to think he’s some monster
if you were just come class b rubbish what does he care what you think?
but your his girlfriend and probably his first of course he cares what you think of him!
you likely address this early because he doesn’t like the feeling it gives him
so no worries :)
if you were never intimidated by him tho
its probably just awkward silence..
even more so if you were as aloof as todo was back in the first season
or if your just a quiet/socially awkward person
kats isn’t awkward he just doesn’t really know what to say either..
deeper in relationship tho!!
things are a lot less tense and more casual
a thing you do a lot is kinda just be sprawled in bed together doing your own thing
not necessarily cuddling but your both just comfy
you guys have picked up on your couple routines and habits and what not
so things have definitely smoothed over
with baths kats prefers not to take them together
like he just doesn’t see the point
and it’s prob quicker separately
yeah no he’s not doing it
if you’ve been together for years by now, however
he might let you wash his hair
only cuz he likes the way you scrub/scratch his scalp
its relaxing
he still doesn’t wanna do it all the time tho
You two def always work out together
so at least that
he always makes sure you pack everything before going to train/work out
he’s more meticulous than you know and it annoys him when one of you forget something
“it’s fine katsuki just leave it!”
”no I’ll just go run and get it it’s fine!”
you might as well wait bc he just has to have this one thing
idk why
you guys take a good amount of water breaks and such but you go really hard core while your at it
He’s probably either silent or a yelling motivator..no in between
Your friends lowkey ship you guys
and tease you
mina tries to get you to do pranks on katsuki
mostly bc she gets more backlash if she does it
like little stupid pranks like drawing on his face or acting like your cheating 😊
“give in to peer pressure!” >:(
Dont katsuki will explode
ok my bad but I just had to put at least one bad joke in there..
I had fun writing this and it didn’t take long at all :)
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nevernonline · 1 year ago
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #09 seeing red.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt, (g)-idle minnie&soyeon, oc’s
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 2.7k
masterlist ▸ 008 not the bath mat.  ▸ 010 coming soon
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“You okay?”
Seokmin’s voice rang through y/n’s ears as she drove her car away from of Vernon’s white apartment building. 
“Yeah, I think so. I’m just nervous for some reason like I can’t put into words why, but my gut is telling me something is weird.” 
“Gut instincts are rarely ever wrong, but I’ll be by your side until you tell me you don’t need me to be. Okay?” 
Pulling up into the parking lot of the glass framed building just on the edge of the city overlooking the water, y/n felt her nervous sweating start to begin, almost begging for air conditioning to surround her like a chilled hug. 
“Want to hold my hand?” 
“Yes please, they’re clammy I’m sorry.” 
Gripping onto Vernon’s firm hand the three boys almost looking like her bodyguards bypassed the frenzy of people outside waiting to get their own peak at Minghaos installation themselves and walked through the door. 
The room was filled with small tables, made by hand as a final touch to Minghaos work, adorned with dainty black table clothes and bottles of champagne placed in ice buckets. 
The room was softly lit with yellow and white lighting making everyone have a glow that bounced off of them almost as if they weren’t real. 
“Would you guys like a drink? We have champagne and two signature cocktails, one is a gin based drink called ‘delicate’ and the other is a whiskey ginger based drink called ‘storm cloud.” 
The beautiful waitress signaled at y/n’s small group and pointed out the drinks on the table. 
“I think two storm clouds and one delicate one for sure. Y/n? What would you like?” 
You spun to look into Junhui’s big eyes, skating your head saying anything is alright with you so he made the conclusion to just order you the same as Seokmin to be safe. 
“Thank you.” 
Y/N placed a tip in the small bartenders jar and bid her a smile knowing she’ll be back for more later in the night 
“Should we look around now and try to find Minghao? Or wait a bit?” 
“Seok lets just wait here, it doesn’t seem like anyone is looking around yet, I'm trying to spy for Minnie and Mingyu.” 
“And Mimi.” 
“Yeah. Her too.” 
“Guys, Vernon and I are going to go find Vernon’s friend Seungkwan. We'll be back in a second.” 
“No problem.” 
Y/n and Seokmin waved the cute couple off into the crowd. 
“So y/n.” 
“How are we feeling now? What was going on in the car?” 
“I don’t know. I told you I’m alright.” 
“Yeah but you don’t have to lie to me about that.”
“I promise you I would never lie to you, we basically took an unintentional blood oath as kids it stays” 
“Okay. I love you, you know that right? But I rarely see you nervous like this so I can’t help but feel concerned.”
“Shut up. Yes I do and I love you too. I promise im alright.”
Averting her gaze back to the front door she watched as Minnie and Mingyu walked hand and hand, strutting past a very devious looking Mimi standing to the right, chit chatting with someone who was unrecognizable to y/n. 
“They look good together.” 
“Yeah, they do.” 
“Do you think this fake dating is going to lead to them.. you know.” 
“Well. If I can be honest with you y/n which I'm sure I can, I think it already has.” 
“Are you alright with that?” 
“I am actually. Any other time it would’ve killed me I think, but now.. I don’t know? I’m content. They make sense.” 
“You shine too bright to have someone who shades you.” 
“What does that even mean?” 
“I don’t know actually, I think im drunk already.” 
Y/n placed a small kiss on Seokmin’s temple laughing at his flushed cheeks before a familiar yet irritating voice cut through their ears. 
“Y/n, Seokmin. Hi! You both look absolutely gorgeous. Mind if I sit?” 
“Hi, Mimi. Sure.” 
“How are you guys? This is so beautiful and we haven’t even seen his art yet, how crazy. He’s so talented.” 
“Yeah it’s nice. You look great, I love your bag.” 
“Thank you. You look nice. I see you didn’t go with the outfit you picked out the other day.” 
“Hao told us to come in black so it just didn’t feel right.”
“Mimi, can I ask you how you know Minghao again?” 
“Oh wow, well it’s a long story. We met a few years ago, I haven’t seen him in a while actually.” 
“Ah, I see. Did you go to school together or?” 
“Wow Seokmin, someone’s nosey.” 
“Oh, sorry no, not nosy just curious is all. I didn’t know you knew him.” 
“It’s okay. Our parents actually work together.” 
“Do you know if he arrived yet? I’m sure he’d love to see you in this gorgeous outfit. Leaving everything to the imagination, he likes conservative girls.” 
“No we haven’t seen him, we're just waiting for Junhui actually.” 
“Aw, cutie. His boyfriend seems so nice, I stalked them online today. Dumb and dumber vibes, you know? I’m more curious though did you see Minnie and Mingyu? How trashy getting with your friends hook up? Maybe she truly has it out for you. You’re too pretty to never be the one to end up with the guy. But actually you should just date Seokmin, everyone knows how much you guys love each other, it could work out well.”
“Oh I-
“Well, I have to get going and find my way to the girls room. I’ll see you later. Toodles.” 
Seokmin’s voice gained a depth that you haven't heard since someone pushed him in the fountain at your high school during senior prank week. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
“Fucking weird is what that was.” 
Seokmin’s tone turned quickly into a quiet mocking of Mimi’s.
“Dumb and Dumber vibes.”
The two of them laughed as they shrugged off the interesting encounter with a former foe.
A bartender came over to the pair and handed them both a flute of champagne, as the rest of the patrons erupted into a roar when Minghao made his way into the building, Wonwoo walking beside him, smiling at his friend who was receiving praise from his acquaintances, hugging and high fiving him for his success, some chanting for him to make a speech.
Minghao walked straight past Mimi who was stealthily placed behind a tall gentleman the star of the night was not paying any attention to her whatsoever, almost like she was invisible. He strode over to the small table where y/n and Seokmin were awkwardly standing clutching the glass flutes, wrapping his arms around the both of them at the same time. 
“You guys look.. amazing, thank you for coming.” 
Minghao took a deep breath and looked up and down at the girl he had his arm around. 
“Seriously. Thank you.” 
“Our pleasure.” 
“I’ll be back after I say some thank yous, maybe we can all walk through together okay?” 
The intimate crowd surrounded Minghao and Wonwoo handed him the matching glass of sparkling wine and he held it up as a small cheers. 
Y/n peaked through the crowd and spotted Minnie and Mingyu to her right, still looking as loving as ever, Vernon and Jun to her left with an unrecognizable boy, who threw a small wave in her direction that she could only pass off as Seungkwan the only one she couldn’t place was Mimi.
“Hey guys. I just wanted to say thank you for coming tonight to the opening of my show. It’s been about a two year process to finally get through to this night. Many of you have been around much longer than that, so thank you for supporting me even when I was up late at night calling you upset about how it wasn’t going to work out. Vernon, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, and Mingyu, you guys truly were the only reason I didn’t jump ship many times from achieving this goal. It’s nice to see old faces like yours mixed into a group of new friends. So thank you, everyone, really. We’re going to take a peek through the gallery now, feel free to bring your drinks and grab some more along the way. And yeah, just enjoy yourselves. Thank you.” 
The clapping dwindled down as the group followed Minghao through the journey he went through over the past two years starting from just a week ago up until the beginning. 
Y/N stopped Seokmin to look at a very small white canvas decorated with various pastel water color paints mixed with an oil that looked almost the color of fresh blood. 
“Do you know when I did that?” 
Minghaos voice spoke up behind them quietly, not wanting the room to echo as the group was admiring the work during their part one journey. Seokmin smiled down at his female friend and decided to take the opportunity to wander off on his own like any good wingman would do. 
“Uh, no. Is this a trick question?” 
“No it’s not, but it was that night I found you on your floor, looking at those pictures of you and your friends.” 
“I- You got inspired by that? How?” 
“Not sure I have time to explain it right now, but look at the title.” 
‘About you’ was written on the plaque to the right side of the artwork. 
“Wow. Thank you.” 
“No thank you, I couldn’t have finished any of this without you actually.” 
The art curator swooped Minghao away from your side moving the group into the second room, where the energy was colder, the lighting was turned down slightly, causing the fading colors the feel cold and dark and full of sadness especially coming from the front of the house that was bright and full of life. 
y/n was on her own now, sitting near the back of the group losing her sight of all her comfort blankets that were her friends. 
She spotted the red lip of Mimi directly across the room, also slipping to the back, trying to blend into the crowd as she looked around. 
After spending a good ten minutes looking around the group was led through a vinyl curtain into a room full of dark red lights, the canvases on the wall now sunk to the floor of the room and scattered themselves alongside ripped and tattered papers on the concrete floors.
Something in y/n’s stomach had told her she should leave now, the growing anxiety of the light and coldness of the room, with near to no talking as the faint look of paint splatter sunk into her eyes on the walls almost like old blood. 
She tried to turn around and make her exit through the same vinyl door when a hand came up to her wrist. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Oh, Mimi hi, shit you scared me. I actually don’t feel well. I was going to dip out for a second.” 
“Aw, come on y/n you can’t leave Minghao now. Not before the big finale.” 
“Be right back, I’ll find Seokmin for you.” 
“Thank you.” 
All of the sudden as Mimi walked away a projector screen hit the wall, various old videos shot on a cam recorder. 
Y/n had recognized the faint pink colored walls, her own childhood room.
“Let’s go fucking crazy.”
The words came from lips that were set behind the camera only y/n knowing it was the sound of Mimi’s voice as she was being filmed sitting on the bed of her old room, a bottle of cheap vodka in her hands. 
“Okay, y/n I want you to see how pretty you are. We can send this to Joshua as a birthday gift. Should I turn the lights off more?” 
She watched herself as she nodded awkwardly giggling on top of the zebra sheets, her hands pushing the red bottle of liquor to her lips, dribbling the liquid down her chin, the sight of tears welling up in her round eyes.
“Y/nnie don’t be sad, nobody will ever find out we accidentally hurt anyone, okay? My dad said she’ll be okay, just a broken leg. Just let loose.” 
The lights flickered off the screen straight into her soul pushing down the memories of Mimi stealing her dads car while intoxicated to go and buy more alcohol before this very moment played out. 
Suddenly she saw red. All of this had been a set up to embarrass her. Another nail in her coffin. 
Her eyes filled with tears as she watched Mimi turn the people in the room to sit and stare at her face.  Watching the scene play on as Mimi told a very naive twenty year old girl to strip herself of her own clothes to impress the boy she liked and forget about the worst day of her life. 
The people in the room sized her up and down, some turning back to the screen, others reading a small handout that was stuffed into a map of the museum while giggling at the journal entries she wrote about her once crush and the man she had fallen for now before she even made the connection of who he was to her all of those years ago.
Y/n’s legs felt like jello, yet something in her built up the strength to bolt through the vinyl curtain, her heels echoing through the white walls like bullets hitting a glass window. 
She heard a voice cutting through the sound of her heels behind her calling out, but she decided she couldn’t stop to turn around and face anyone. It was a secret that couldn’t be shared, something that Mimi used as a final dagger to cut everyone out of her life the same way she cut the girl out of her own. 
As she reached the fresh air of the front doors, the same cute bartender was sitting out on the curb smoking a cigarette looking concerned for y/n’s well being. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Want a cigarette?” 
“A ride maybe? If it’s not too much to ask. I dropped my phone somewhere, I have cash I can pay you. I just need to get out of here now.” 
“I don’t need your money, it’s okay. Let me help you get a cab okay?” 
“Thank you, really. What’s your name?” 
“Rena. Yours?” 
Rena walked quickly with y/n to the outside cab pickup on the corner of the art museum, quickly hailing you a cab and shutting you tightly inside, leaving you with the last four cigarettes stuffed inside her metal case. As you drove off with a wink from her, meaning she had a feeling she’d see you again. 
“55 Miles Avenue, please” 
The driver sped through the night lights avoiding cars like it was a game. Pulling up outside the familiar front of Joshua’s building. 
Basically throwing money at him and whispering a quick thank you, y/n ran her way up to his elevator, finally reaching his floor, and knocking heavily on the door. 
In the few seconds he took to come unlock his apartment to her, she realized how desperate and deschevled she must look. 
“Y/n? It’s still early, are you okay?” 
“Come in, come in.” 
Her tears suddenly grew stronger, sinking down to his wooden floor, feeling his hands grab her shoulders and sink down with her. 
“What happened?” 
Words couldn’t form in her mouth correctly, she managed to spill a couple of sentences that made a way to fill him in. 
“Fuck. Y/n come on, let’s get you a shower and some fresh clothes.” 
Joshua’s arms picked the girl off the floor and led her into his black marble bathroom, which suddenly felt like an oasis to her. 
The water ran hot, scorching her body of the sins and embarrassment she had just gone through, spending more time scrubbing away at her skin and hair, feeling like it would help if she rubbed her skin nearly raw. 
Stepping out of the shower she grabbed the gray hoodie and soft sweatpants Joshua had laid out for her, taking her time to step into her clothes and walk out into her reality. 
“I ordered you some food. Come on.” 
As she finished eating in her daze, the boy to her left carefully rolled the thin paper over the green flower and lit the end, handing her a relief from her stress. 
“Thank you.” 
“Want to talk about it?” 
“Not right now.” 
“Okay. But im sorry I made you befriend her again, I should’ve known better y/n. I really thought she had changed.”
“Stop. Please, I really don’t want to talk about her right now.”
“Okay, just one last thing. Why do you think she did it?”
“I honestly have no idea.”
“But do you think Minghao had something to do with it I mean she basically ruined his whole night just for her own revenge. Seems weird that he-“
“Okay. okay.”
Joshua and y/n sat in the haze of their shared joint, not talking until she finally had enough of a high to fall asleep next to him on the couch and chose to deal with her problems the next day. 
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note/s: part one of y/n’s wild ride fr. i feel like yall all know we can trust seok/bernon/wonu/junhui for sure 😌✊🏻 but for everyone else the jury (me) is still out lmao. IK MY ASS USED THE WRONG YOUR ok thank u lets just chalk it up to seokmin being drunk and silly lmao <3 i kept telling myself this is too rushed but i also didn’t want to overwhelm and put more of the drama here so lol. def prob typos etc etc bc i was editing at night which i def shouldn’t do anymore lmao. ok ttyl ily.
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tag list:  @sun-daddy-yoriichi,@hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo, @minhui896, @wonwooz1, porridgesblog,,  jasssy051, @soonyoungblr, @saucegirlreads, @musingsofananxiouspotato, @young-adult-summer, @punkhazardlaw, @bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo @k-drama-adict
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loviebugzie · 1 month ago
🥨 + 🧇 for the baked goods ask game!
Hi!!! OMG thank you for sending in an ask!!! it was so much fun to do!!! :D @runeofseverance also asked for the same two so I'm tagging you here as well!
baked goods ask game
╰┈➤ future bakery dr
🥨 : PRETZEL . . . create a mood board of your home in your desired reality. your favorite rooms, the exterior, the interior, the vibe, etc.
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: ̗̀➛ Detroit 2038 - Me and my husband, Elijah, live together in a waterfront house on the outskirts of Detroit! From the outside you'd think it'd be much more... cold?.... than it actually is but I assure you, it's very homey! In the winter, a fire is more than likely going in the living room, and we have heated flooring. In the warmer months, I almost always have the windows open. There's lots of good natural lighting and the space is very open, it never feels too stuffy.
I'm a very big nature lover, so I always try to include it in any space I'm in. If you're in any room in our house you will most likely find a vase of flowers or some sort of flower pot somewhere. Pictures of friends, family, life events are scattered throughout rooms and hang on our hallway walls. A few art pieces stand in corners here and there, Elijah's touch.
Our kitchen is very nice, its probably my second favorite room and where I spend a lot of time working out recipes! 2 ovens, a bread proofing box, my pink stand mixer, etc. It has everything I need and more! Elijah made sure I got my dream kitchen. It also has an open layout so we can lookout to the living room & outside patio (very nice if we are hosting dinners with friends).
Since our house is on the water (like right on the Detroit river pretty much), we have a patio connecting to a dock. Its very calming to sit out there on a lounge chair and read. It also provides a very pretty view of the city at night! We have a small fire pit where we have "bonfire" nights and roast the occasional smore or two!
If I had to pick a favorite room it would be my craft room/office... Its one of the smaller rooms in the house (my choosing) so its quite cozy and it's decorated with knick-knacks/small trinkets I've collected over the years. There's a big window looking out to the river that I love to open in the warmer months which brings in a really nice breeze. My sewing machine, scrapbooking supplies, etc. are all in one place so I don't need to go scouring around the house for them. There is a big comfy bean bag in one corner if I decide to read or want to take a nap. I can also play my music as loud as I'd like without worrying I'm disrupting my husband if he's working in his home office. (not like he really cares either way)
🧇 : WAFFLE . . . create a mood board of your hobbies in your desired reality. do you draw, paint, bake, cook, sculpt, game, etc?
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: ̗̀➛ Gonna be so honest.... I'm only recently finding a good work-life balance so I'm just now starting to have more time for hobbies outside of baking/work. It's what I live and breathe pretty much so even if I'm not doing any actual baking, I may be working on cake designs or pastry ideas.
When I truly have downtime/force myself away from anything bakery related; I really enjoy playing chess, gardening, flower arranging, doing puzzles, ice skating, and scrapbooking!
I have multiple scrapbooks for different things. One is of friends, another of me & my husband, one filled with little things I find along my adventures... putting them together is very calming for me. I know there's new tech that can do something similar/store photos but it just feels so much nicer to be able to flip through something in your hands that you put together/created on your own... ya know?
I grew up ice skating and playing chess. My mother passed her love for both onto me and my sisters! I was a competitive figure skater for a few years but stopped and focused more on competitive chess once I reached high school. My love for puzzles came from my grandmother! We'd always do them together when I'd go to her house after school. The last one we completed together is hanging on the wall in my craft room.
Gardening & flower arranging just helps me feel more connected to nature. Technology is so intertwined with everything nowadays so it's nice to disconnect and ground myself by getting my hands deep in soil. I love having plants around my house, and even in my bakery so customers can enjoy them too!
all images from Pinterest!!
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lady-divine-writes · 2 months ago
Kurtbastian one-shot "Bad Breaks" (Rated M)
After one of Kurt's skaters suffers from a horrific accident during competition, Kurt contemplates whether or not they should allow their daughter to continue with the sport. (1861 words)
So everything in this one-shot has happened to us as skaters personally, people that we know, and at a rink we go to XD There is a mention of an implied bone break but there is nothing graphic. Blaine friendly.
Part 71 in the Outside Edge series
Read on AO3.
"How is Dorothy doing?" Kurt asks, putting dishes in the cabinet and wiping down counters, giving his hands something to do other than wringing one another to oblivion. He nods to himself as Dorothy's mother fills him in from the hospital waiting room, phone wedged between his ear and shoulder as he paces the tile floor. "What did the surgeon say? A-ha...a-ha...oh...oh that's...that sounds awful. I'm so sorry."
Sebastian looks up from his phone screen when he hears his husband's tone change. As concerned as Sebastian is for the welfare of Kurt's skaters, this one time, he doesn't want a seat at the table.
After his own sordid history of skating-related injuries, it's unfathomable to think about that bright, bubbly girl experiencing that level of pain.
But Kurt sounds like his heart is breaking, and unfathomable or not, Sebastian wants to be there for his husband.
Kurt takes a seat at the table across from Sebastian and puts a hand to his forehead. "If there's anything we can do to help, anything at all, please, let us know." Kurt nods a few more times before bidding Dorothy's mom goodbye and hanging up his phone.
"Poor Dorothy." Sebastian doesn't know the details, but his imagination works overtime filling in the blanks. "How is she?"
"Good, physically," Kurt relays, putting his phone down and pushing it aside, subconsciously needing to separate himself from the situation for now. He can't imagine how Dorothy's mom feels. Hanging up the phone and shoving it aside, even hiding it under a pillow, won't give her a breather from what's ahead for her and her daughter. "The doctor says that Dorothy is strong. With time and therapy, she should make a near-full recovery. But she's pretty depressed." He shakes his head in disbelief. "She's out for the whole season. And possibly part of next season, too, which, let's face it, means she's out for that season as well. This was just the second competition of the year! I feel so bad for her!"
"That was a pretty bad break. I was in the dance room above the rink when she fell. I could hear it from up there."
Kurt flinches. He knows what Sebastian means. When it happened, he thought a piece of equipment overhead had fallen onto the ice. It was that loud, that pronounced. More than anything, he remembers the shock on Dorothy's face before the pain registered, when she scrambled to get to her feet but couldn't get her leg to move.
The rink was stunned into silence. Everyone was stuck on stupid. No one did a thing to help for a good ten seconds. It's frowned upon for a coach to enter the ice for any reason during a competition, but Kurt did. He has never skated across a sheet of ice that fast before, not even for his daughter. "She's landed that jump a hundred times. Double Lutz? It's not even hard for her. She could do it in her sleep."
"That's usually the way it goes, though, isn't it?" Sebastian says. "You can spend all day trying to land a quad, fall on your ass every time, and limp away with one hell of a bruise but nothing else. But you decide to go for a nice leisurely skate, trip over your toepick, slow-mo land on your arm, and boom - compound fracture."
"Yeah," Kurt mumbles, recalling the accident his husband is referring to and how it ended the career of one of Sebastian's best students. Brad went on to be a gold-star coach, but he never returned to competing. Sad, too, because he could have been an Olympian. He had the guts, the talent, and the ambition.
One small stumble took it all away.
Sebastian watches his husband, lines creasing his forehead as he concentrates too hard for 10 a.m. on a Sunday, especially when they have the house to themselves for the first time in months. Blaine, who had come down specifically to watch Elizabeth compete, was nice enough to squirrel her away while Kurt dealt with things. Kurt and Sebastian had been getting pictures of their escapades all morning. "What's going through your head over there?"
"You mean besides feeling incredibly responsible?"
"Which is ridiculous because you did nothing wrong."
Kurt pauses, chewing on his cheek and picking through his thoughts, shaking his head as if trying to convince himself not to say them out loud. But he's troubled. And if there's anyone he should discuss his troubles with, it's his husband. Sebastian would never judge him.
At least Kurt prays he won't.
"Should we let Elizabeth continue in figure skating?" Kurt asks softly as if he's hoping his husband won't hear.
"I don't worry about her too much." Sebastian waves Kurt's anxiety away with false confidence, unwilling to admit that he has had the same thought every day since their daughter tied on a pair of skates, lept on the ice, and immediately took her first big fall, bouncing right off her chin. She bled so much, Sebastian was convinced she'd bitten the tip of her tongue off. "She knows how to fall. She gets a ton of practice."
"So does Dorothy! That's the point! And Dorothy is a much more accomplished skater than Elizabeth is!"
"Yeah, but Dorothy lands hard, collapses her posture, and doesn't recover well. That makes a difference." Sebastian gets up and starts brewing himself a cup of coffee, having caught Kurt's anxiety and restless legs. He didn't plan on having this conversation today. He wants to spend the day easing Kurt's worries, not exposing his own. "Add the soft ice from that old rink, and you have a recipe for injury. They were basically competing in a barn. The ice by the zam door was nearly melted halfway through. Dorothy wasn't the only skater who got injured during that competition.  If you ask me, her parents have grounds for a lawsuit."
"Unfortunately, that's what waivers are for. And her mom definitely signed one. You can't pay for a competition until you do. Safe Sport." Kurt huffs. "Ironic."
"We're not obligated to let our daughter be a figure skater because we were figure skaters."
"True, but it was inevitable, don't you think? Neither of us could stay away from the ice if we tried, so she was going to want to do it sooner or later. You have your own rink, for crying out loud! We weren't going to melt your ice and turn it into a giant bouncy castle!"
"No, but that does sound awesome," Sebastian teases.
"Kurt, listen to me." Sebastian returns to the table with his mug. He sits beside Kurt and takes his hand. It trembles slightly in Sebastian's grasp and he gives it a reassuring squeeze. "Safety isn't guaranteed. Not anywhere. Lizzie could give up skating tomorrow, take up soccer, get clobbered blocking a goal, and end up with a concussion. Or she could give up sports altogether, start sewing costumes like you, and lose a few fingers. Those machines are dangerous. You said so yourself. Especially that industrial one you have."
Kurt scowls at his husband. "Jesus Christ! You are really awful at pep talks, do you know that?"
"So I've been told. But what I'm saying is," Sebastian keeps on, not wanting to admit the amount of thought he has put into these scenarios, "all we can do is hope for the best while expecting the worst. I mean, you remember Kevin Mercer?"
Kurt barks a laugh even though he shouldn't.
"Defense," Sebastian continues, in case Kurt doesn't recall. "Best player in the league since birth. Probably fell on his face, got body checked, and tossed over the boards more than any hockey player I know. I don't think most of his teeth were his own. He was unstoppable...until he stepped on a Lego BB8, rolled his ankle, and landed face first..."
Kurt puts up a hand to stop him. "Let's not go into the rest."
"Accidents happen, on and off the ice."
"Maybe it's time to bring back the pads," Kurt suggests. "She only recently got rid of her crash helmet and elbow pads. We could encourage her to put them back on. Maybe use Dorothy's fall as an example."
"That sounds like manipulation."
"We're her parents. We'd be acting in her best interest."
"You say tomato, I say emotional damage." Sebastian takes a sip of his coffee and makes a face. He hates black coffee. Actually, he hates coffee in general. Kurt has no notion as to why he made himself a mug except he's commiserating with his husband. If Kurt is suffering, they'll suffer together. "Besides, pads are just measures. They don't ensure her safety. Plenty of people break bones because of their pads, not despite them."
"I guess you're right." Kurt sighs. It's long and heavy and sounds like defeat.
Sebastian watches his husband sink into his worry, his feelings of helplessness. Kurt doesn't know what to do, and Sebastian isn't exactly helping. Sebastian doesn't want to villainize Kurt for voicing the same concerns Sebastian has. At least Kurt has the courage to admit them. Sebastian has kept his feelings close to his chest for years, not wanting to sound like the overprotective parent, which he is, in sharp contrast to his own parents who left for a fundraiser in Milan when he was around five and rarely came home after.
Sebastian loves being a parent. He has tried his best to be the parent he needed growing up. It's easy when you have hindsight to guide you, as well as a loving, compassionate, intelligent partner like Kurt, who happened to be raised by the greatest parents on the planet.
Now the greatest grandparents on the planet.
"We can figure something out," Sebastian says. "Make safety feel like fun, not a punishment."
Kurt smiles sadly. He is not going to stick his daughter back in pads after she'd been so proud to graduate out of them. There are alternatives - mature alternatives. The pads the professionals wear. And better ways of framing it. For good or bad, comparing Elizabeth to another skater is not the way to go. "We could roll her in bubble wrap," Kurt jokes, intent on dragging himself out of his funk. "Hose her down with high-impact foam."
"Or dress her up as an inflatable snowman."
Kurt raises an eyebrow at his suddenly sour husband pouring more than an acceptable amount of sugar into his coffee. Sebastian's dry delivery of that sentence zaps the moisture from Kurt's mouth. "You are never going to let that go, are you?"
Sebastian gives his concoction a stir. "No. No, I am not. Not when you made Blaine Prince Eric that same year."
"We kept that stupid costume forever," Kurt chuckles. His expression darkens, and he lowers his voice as if someone might overhear them in their empty house. "Still the best sex we ever had though, right?"
"Yeah." Sebastian rises from his seat. He takes Kurt's hand and tugs him to his feet, eager to recreate that experience sans costume. "But let's leave that part out when we suggest it to Lizzie."
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freezegirl · 30 days ago
headcanon time / @flashpointed
01: kie hasn't managed just yet but one day, she swears, she'll get barry, cisco, iris and caitlin to make a silly little dance video with her through the halls of star labs like she did with wally and jesse, set specifically to the instrumental version of this beyonce and bruno mars medley or something else akin to it. joe and cecile can tape it.
02: the subplots that i see barry and kie being involved in, specifically, have to do with minor characters that i may or may not have taken from smallville and relocated to central city aka jesse watts, coldfront and randy klein, shadow killer. the deceased mary pierson, aka lamprey, also gets brought up a lot.
03: speaking of kie and barry: sparring sessions are, indeed, a thing. think oliver and barry in s1. except without the arrows. or the sneaky shots thereafter.
04: barry is more of a science-whiz than kie is so she'll ask him for school related help. that also grows into barry offering his know-how for kie's ice skating shenanigans.
05: that thing between bea da costa and tora olafsdottir (potentially) being / getting married? it is both a running gag and something that pays off because team star labs will get an invitation to their wedding in season nine, thank you, and when that invitation falls on the mat, kie will be running as fast as she can to tell barry about it.
06: kie has made it her personal mission to acquire golden gliders' old skates. barry was the first one she told about this self-appointed mission.
07: when barry (as well as the team) finally meet kie's friends (who also double as her would-be superhero team, let's be real here) it feels as though he already knows them because kie is actually incapable of not talking about them, ever.
08: kie has made it a habit to buy barry a killer frost drink or the drink that is named after himself from cc jitters. she knows he said she has no need for bribery, it's just a little something to showcase her eternal appreciation for him.
09: "how many killer frosts have you had?" / "five!" / "yeah, okay, kie, that's enough of that."
10: barry is basically the older brother kie never had.
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thejakeslayla · 1 year ago
╰▸ ❝ melting ice ❞ 002 ⎯⎯ salchow ,, a park sunghoon written series
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synopsis; you put your everything into ice skating; blood, sweat and tears. unexpectedly you're being partnered with someone you despite, your number one rival - park sunghoon. together, you must overcome your grudges, navigate your differences and find a way to convey emotion on the ice. as you face this challenge, you discover hidden depths of him, leading you to question if there's more to your connection with sunghoon than just hatred and whether you can make this unlikely partnership work, potentially reshaping your career and the dynamics between them. little do you know that sunghoon never hated you.
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warnings: reader gets injured, arguments, profanity
Days turned into weeks, and you and Sunghoon found yourselves locked in a relentless cycle of practice. Daily sessions became a routine, yet the tension between you and Sunghoon only seemed to intensify. You both worked diligently on perfecting the throw triple loop, with the coach drilling you on every detail. It was an intricate move that demanded trust and synchronization. At first, the attempts were awkward and full of stumbles and falls, but with time, your coordination improved. It wasn't the most harmonious partnership, but you were making progress.
Despite your initial concerns, Sunghoon turned out to be a dedicated partner, putting in as much effort as you did. His resolved determination surprised you. As much as you disliked him, his precision and your grace created a unique blend and even if you wouldn’t like to think of him like that, each time you just found yourself pretty amused.
One chilly evening, you found yourselves alone at the rink, the bright arena lights casting an eerie glow on the ice. Sunghoon's mom had left for a work-related trip, and your mom had a prior commitment. It was just the two of you and the echoes of your blades cutting through the ice.
Sunghoon stopped, panting heavily. You noticed the sweat glistening on his brow, the strands of hair clinging to his forehead. You already tried multiple times to synchronise your step sequence, but each time one of you messed up.
He met your gaze, and for the first time in weeks, you didn't see hostility in his eyes. Instead, you saw determination and, perhaps, a hint of vulnerability. "Y/n," he said, his voice softer than you'd ever heard it, "I know we don't get along, but we have to make this work. Our future depends on it."
You stopped in your tracks, the ice beneath your skates glistening with a thin layer of frost. His words hung in the air, and for a moment, you considered his words. But then, you shook your head, a hint of disagreement in your eyes. "I appreciate your concern, Sunghoon, but I've made it this far on my own. I don't need you to determine my future."
Sunghoon's expression shifted, a mix of frustration and determination. "This isn't just about you, Y/n. Stop being so fucking selfish. We have a real chance to get into olympics, if we can put our differences aside."
You were filled with anger. "Put our differences aside? You've got to be fucking kidding me, Park. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to even stand here next to you, let alone skate with you? I didn't ask for you to be my partner, and I’m fucking sure that I didn't ask for your pep talk. I've been working my entire life to get to this point, and I don't need you telling me what's at risk."
Sunghoon's voice suddenly rose, matching your frustration. "This isn't about forgetting, Y/n. It's about acknowledging that we're both skilled athletes, and if we channel that rivalry into our performance, we could be unstoppable."
Your jaw tightened. "Unstoppable? The only thing that's unstoppable is your ego."
With that biting remark, Sunghoon's anger peaked, and he abruptly turned away, storming off the rink. You were left seething, your own fury burning as hot as his.
After leaving the rink in a huff, Sunghoon couldn't shake off the frustration that had been building within him. He wandered aimlessly through the corridors of the training center, his mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions.
In the beginning, Sunghoon had viewed this partnership with you as an opportunity he couldn't pass up, but the reality of working with you had been far more challenging than he had ever imagined. The clash of your personalities and the weight of the long-standing (or should he say one-sided?) rivalry had tested his patience more than anything else in his skating career.
However, there was another layer to Sunghoon's frustration, one that he was unwilling to confront even in the depths of his own thoughts. He had watched you from afar for years, not only as a "rival" but as someone he greatly admired. Your grace on the ice, your dedication, and your unwavering commitment to the sport had drawn him in.
There had been moments when he had secretly hoped for the chance to work with you, to get to know you on a different level, and to prove himself not just as a “self-centred and cold as ice you skate on” athlete but as a partner. And now, with this unexpected opportunity, his longing to work with you had intertwined with the harsh reality of their situation.
As he approached the vending machines, he couldn't help but replay their argument in his mind. His frustration stemmed not only from the difficulties of the partnership but from the fear that he might lose this chance to get closer to someone he had admired for so long.
As Sunghoon retreated to cool off, you were on the rink, trying to focus on your skating, but the heated argument still echoed in your mind. Your determination got the best of you, and in a fit of frustration, you decided to attempt a triple axel – a move you hadn't mastered yet.
You executed the jump, the world spinning around you, but the landing was far from graceful. You hit the ice while still rotating, causing a harsh impact. Pain shot through your hip and ankle. You bit your lip, fighting back tears, but it was impossible to ignore the throbbing in your ankle.
Your heart pounded with pain and frustration, but you tried to push through it, determined not to give Sunghoon the satisfaction of seeing you vulnerable, as he might come back any second now. Gritting your teeth, you tried to stand, but the pain in your ankle was too much to bear.
And as if universe deeply hated you, he appeared.
Sunghoon entered the rink, the tension still hanging in the air. He immediately noticed that something was wrong, as you struggled to stand and make your way off the ice. He hurried over, concern replacing his anger, as he realized the seriousness of the situation.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Sunghoon asked, his voice echoing, genuine worry on his face.
You clenched your jaw, suppressing the pain in your ankle, and quickly replied, "I'm fine. I've had worse falls."
But Sunghoon wouldn't let it go. "Y/n, you don't look fine. Let me help you."
You hesitated, torn between the embarrassment of showing your vulnerability to your rival and the throbbing pain in your ankle. Sunghoon insisted, reaching out to support you, but you resisted. "I said I'm okay. I don't need your help."
Minute or two passed and Sunghoon had enough of your bullshit, he grabbed your wrist and wrapped your arm around his shoulders. You finally gave up, leaning on him as he helped you get off the ice.
Once you were seated on the bench, Sunghoon remained frozen, his concern barely concealed. When he helped you take off your skates, tears welled up in your eyes, escaping despite your best efforts to hold them back. Your pride was wounded, you embarrassed yourself in front of someone you hated the most, nothing went the way you wanted. And you just wanted to prove him wrong.
A minute of heavy silence stretched on, each second feeling like an eternity. Sunghoon's struggle to hide his worry was evident in his furrowed brow and his fidgety fingers. He was torn between wanting to help and not wanting to overstep the boundaries of your rivalry, or should he say your hatred towards him? His eyes darted between your teary gaze and your leg.
Finally, he couldn't contain the storm of emotions within him any longer, and his voice broke the heavy silence. "Should I call the coach?"
Your head moved slowly from side to side as you shook it, indicating your refusal. "No, Sunghoon. It will just worry him, and we won't be able to practice. I can't afford to miss practice right now."
Sunghoon was taken aback by your response. He knew the importance of practice, but the consequences of ignoring your injury weighed heavily on his mind. The argumentative tension that had simmered earlier now resurfaced, and the two of you found yourselves locked in a silent battle of wills.
The sudden change in his voice surprised you. His voice was firm and commanding as he responded, "Y/n, your health is more important than practice. You can't keep skating on a sprained ankle. Even though you don’t want to, we have to work together; we need to make the right decision here."
You were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, torn between your pride, the importance of practice, and the undeniable logic in Sunghoon's words. God, how much you hated him. It wasn’t even about the rivalry anymore, you just hated the fact that he’s right. The silence stretched on, and it seemed like a decision was hanging in the balance.
Finally, Sunghoon, directed by a small crush on you, broke the silence once more. His voice was softer, almost pleading, as he said, "Y/n, please. Let me help you. I promise it won't change anything between us, but it's the right thing to do."
Your gaze returned to him, as he continued to speak. “Y/n, what if…” His voice trembled slightly, clearly showing you signs of hesitation. “I take you to my home instead?"
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© 2023 — all rights reserved to user thejakeslayla, please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work ! taglist: open
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yantisocial · 1 month ago
hi . hey. you know what time it is it's dandy's world time I'm not here to overload you with requests but holy shit im so autistic about these stupid ass roblox cartoons and I need MORE OF THEM. A Shelly , Vee , and Glisten ........ The only section we don't want is the paras and we enjoy either shittons of genders or neopronouns. mayhaps both. also MUDs, MUDs my fucking beloved. other than that go off do whatever. enjoy yourself also . while we're here can we claim 💉 anon (or toxinon cuz its fun to say) ,, like sure you already know who we are but. I want my own tag damnit cuz I plan on coming back!! /silly
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I did dinos for a divider (by @\roomwithavoid) because you made me think about shelly too much (i looked at her dialogue on the wiki TvT </3)
oh also this was made with the old req format. and im tired. so im not fixing that. also also i only felt up to linking to art today :sob:
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Name(s): Shelly, Dino, Dianna
Nickname(s): Shels, Lia, Lee, Lili, Di
Age: mentally 26, has existed physically for 10 years
Gender(s): dinogal, dinoplushgirl, galligirl, fossilgirl, lesboy, girlboy
Orientation(s): asexual lesbian
Pronouns: dino/dinos/dinoself, she/her/hers/herself, he/him/his/himself it/its/itself, fos/fossil/fossils/fossilself
Interests: fossils, dinosaurs, collecting dino plushies and dino (+other prehistoric animals) facts. LOVES anything dino-print (example)
(Cis)IDs: extroverted, toon, ammonite, fossil, cute, dinosaur fact hoarder, autistic, fragile x syndrome
TransIDs: transpopular, transwell-known, perma-many friends, null-lonely, transarthritis, transpots (alt 1 / alt 2), transtourettes
Role (if any): gayxenorole, dinoxenorole and archeologyxenorole, adhd holder, hyperfixation keeper (in general, but especially Roblox + Dandy’s World related things), rolemaster, stim holder
Emoji and/or Proxy Tag: 🐚🦖 or 🦴📜 or 🪨🕸️ or {SHELLY}[txt]
Appearance: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8
Extra: kingenic, isolgenic & lonelagenic
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Name(s): Vee, Veronica, TeeVee
Nickname(s): Tech, Tee, TV
Age: mentally 20, has existed physically for 10 years
Gender(s): ASPDbodiment, glitchboy, tvgirl, staticthing, computergirl, voidboy
Orientation(s): bisexual lesbian
Pronouns: tee/vee/tvs/tvself, green/greens/greenself, screen/screens/screenself, mon/moni/mons/monitorself, game/games/gameself, mic/mics/micself + they/it ++ no gendered pronouns!
Interests: game shows, winning, competing, sports (only to win lol), gambling (safely!)
(Cis)IDs: Computer, Toon, Scammer, NPD, ASPD
TransIDs: TrisSZPD, veroKorean, TransGameShowHost, transhater, transgamer
MUDs: SDZD, PermaDD, AAS, Verdenopia, GMD
Role (if any): Plurvigil, Narcmate, NPD Holder, Overwatcher, Overseer, Perceptionalist
Emoji and/or Proxy Tag: 🖥️💚 or 💚🤍🖤 or 🔋📡 or 📺⚡️ or VEE-![text] or [text]-vee⚡️
Source: Dandy’s World ; Vee
Source Talk: sometimes, always ask
Appearance: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8
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Name(s): Glisten
Nickname(s): Glis, Mir
Age: mentally 28, has existed physically for 10 years
Gender(s): MeanttoBeYoursSongic, FUInMyHeadSongic, AgainstTheKitchenFloorSongic, NPDAngel, BlueStaric, Anxiefemme, YanDeity, HPDollic/NPDollic, Calmgelique
Orientation(s): HyperRo due to DPD, Asexual, Thistlian (Flag)
Pronouns: he/they/she/it + Glis/Glisten/Glistenself, shine/shines/shineself, mir/mirror/mirrors/mirrorself, ref/reflect/reflects/reflectself, cute/cutie/cuties/cutieself
Interests: Roger (lmao), Dandy’s World, Rooms-style games, ballet, ice skating
(Cis)IDs: CisManipulover, Toon, NPD, HPD, Mirror
TransIDs: TransPolish, TransDPD, TransAvPD, TransAutistic, TransFigureSkater
MUDs: MMrD, MOD, OCRD, MPD, ICCD, UORD, InPhD, PDyD, Reflexunopia, GPPD
Role (if any): subsystem Corelet, Chaosnaut, Narcmate
Emoji and/or Proxy Tag: 🪞💖 or 💕✨ or 💘♠️✨ or ✨glisten✨[text] or glisten~💖[text]
Source: Dandy’s World ; Glisten
Source Talk: Yep!
Style: Casual Balletcore ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6
Appearance: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8
Extra: CritHarmed/Harmful, Ichorist
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kennymcchronicle · 2 months ago
for lotta!!
[21] When they’re sick, would they want others to visit and take care of them, or they would rather prefer not to be seen at not their best?
[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?
[50] What are they really good and really bad at?
[21] When they’re sick, would they want others to visit and take care of them, or they would rather prefer not to be seen at not their best?
Well, it's safe to say Lotta definitely wouldn't expect anybody to visit her when she's sick (especially if it's something contagious, like come on guys, she has held enough monologues about the dangers of droplet infections hasn't she). Since she views herself as knowledgeable on most subjects relating to health, she would prefer making her own decisions on how to deal with whatever sickness she has, safe for, say, a diagnosis from a doctor. So, it ultimately depends! If she thinks lots of rest and alone time will be the key, then she definitely wouldn't appreciate people barging in no matter how nice they are being, and would politely ask them to leave. On the other hand though, even if she won't admit it, she does enjoy being doted on from time to time. What can I say, being the doctor is rough! And it's nice to have that (albeit self-imposed) responsibility taken from her shoulders sometimes! She will absolutely intervene if she thinks whatever somebody is doing isn't going to be good for her recovery though, can't take the doctor out of a patient!
[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?
I have toyed with the idea of giving Lotta one of my fears (being underwater) because it would make for some neat drama, seeing the usually more stoic Lotta break down crying after someone just wanted to prank her by pushing her head underwater. I am ultimately still on the fence there, tending toward not going through with it, but if there is a more silly fear I can totally see Lotta have? Ice Skating. This was likely never an issue for her until she moved to South Park, and absolutely not something she would disclose beforehand. She'd be too afraid to lose her dignity, since everyone else seems to be fine on the ice, and come up with some sort of excuse not to go along. Only if she trusted someone enough would she open up about it, as for everyone else, it is strictly confidential!
[50] What are they really good and really bad at?
Lotta biggest strength, by far, is her medical knowledge, rightfully the biggest (and more or less only) thing she prides herself with. She can analyze physical conditions incredibly precisely, and has the skill to properly treat patients and perform various medical procedures, even if she lacks formal training or correct equipment. Her factual, sort of emotionally detached approach can sometimes even aid her in social situations, by observing the crux of what is ailing someone not just physically, but mentally.
But it's this sort of approach that can also fail her on many other occasions. Using it in a social setting requires her to know at least a little about the person in question. Is it somebody she is not particularly close to or invested in? This can quickly turn into her making unwarranted remarks that hit right where it hurts, completely unintentionally. And she really isn't good at making that distinction between "This is the factually correct thing they need to hear right now" and "This is factually correct but completely inappropriate to mention right now" most of the time.
The aforementioned factor of closeness is another thing; If she's your friend, all of the above can be of great value, Lotta can help you not just rationalize your physical but also your emotional condition, with a sort of birds-eye perspective. If you're not friends though, or not friendly at all? Sure, she will treat you, all patients are to be treated equally, but the latter aspect of cold disregard for someone's emotions will definitely shine through more. In a lot of cases, she cannot for the life of her care what somebody is going through, if it doesn't make rational sense to her why somebody would feel that way, and this can also depend person-to-person and situation-to-situation, but is overall something I would say she isn't good at.
Oh uh but if we're looking for a tangible skill she's bad at, uhm. She probably sucks at rope skipping lol
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rikeijo · 9 months ago
My friend doesn't think Yuri and Victor is in love romantically and it's more of adrenaline/trust is what's fueling their actions including some of the clickbait stuff since there isn’t anything official. I can understand where she’s coming from since I don’t usually like shipping unless it’s cannon but Yuri On Ice is a special case. Is there any comment from the creators about this? I saw say the creator confirmed they’re soulmates in an english blog but there was no source so I wasn’t sure if it’s legit
Hi! Thank you for the ask!💜
I also can't say I don't understand where your Friend is coming from.
Unfortunately, there was never any concrete confirmation that the relationship between Y&V needs to be seen as romantic. The official statement has always been that everything is open to personal interpretation of each fan.
The soulmates comments are from here and here.
Otsuka Manabu was pretty close to confirming Y&V during a con, but I have never heard/seen a transcription of his statement in Jp - it seems, however, that he indeed confirmed that Sayo wanted to portray 'romantic love'.
Adding my personal opinion - for me, the biggest 'proof' is that Yamada Reiji, Sayo's personal friends, talks openly about their relationship as gay. In Jp, it is still a taboo to some degree, and certainly was 10 years ago, to suggest that somebody may be gay - like there is zero openly gay Jp figure skaters, but there are countless discussions about ホモ疑惑, 'suspicion that somebody may be gay/the f word' (probably people, who are into Jp fs, know who has the longest history of being discussed in this way), but the word 'giwaku' is also used for eg. when somebody is suspected of doing something bad/illegal etc. That these discussions aren't 'neutral' is pretty clear. Because of the general taboo/negative stereotypes&connotations, imo, if Sayo wasn't content with Y&V relationship being seen that way, imo, her friend would surely respect that and wouldn't talk about it so openly and consistently - but 2016-2019, he always talked about YoI as a gay romance (and yeah, you can find negative comments from YoI fans under his videos bashing him for that). Fun fact is that he also admitted that Sayo used one of his works as inspiration for YoI, a manga titled... 'Agapes' 😆. The plot is about a gay guy in love with a straight guy. It's not my interpretation, but on Jp side, one interpretation of YoI's story that you can come across reading metas, is that it is indeed a story about a gay guy (Victor) in love with a straight guy (Yuuri), who really just looks up to him as his hero=the champion figure skater, and doesn't see him as romantic interest; that's why figure skating is always the bridge between them etc. In 'Agapes' the bridge is also a sport, to make things even more interesting - baseball.
On the other hand, it's also true that there was a lot of accusation of queerbaiting on both sides of the fandom - especially, after some of Mitsurou's statements. Here, imo, it seems the Eng fandom simply filtered out her less nice comments over time, to protect YoI's reputation of not being just another queerbait sports anime. (I don't think that it is anyway, but I also don't think it's as simple as 'Y&V are engaged and if we ever see a continuation they will get married'. It seems that this is what a lot of people in the Eng fandom want to believe.)
There is the rings-related stuff, about how engagement rings are not for engagement (but it's in the name...? yk, engagement? like people get engaged to be married?), but there is much more out there - listening to her mental gymnastics, I personally could summarize it as 'I wanted to portray 'deep emotions™' the way I wanted to, and yeah, people may misunderstand that, but that is their problem and I don't care, I'm not afraid of being misunderstood'. A lot of more progressive fans and YoI-antis alike were ridiculing these gymnastics in combination with eg. the 'exchanging of rings in front of the church' scene, as 'if you want to fujo-pander then pander, if you want to make them gay then make them gay, if you don't have the courage to do either, then just stop, bc that's pathetic' - in this context, it seemed she tried pretty hard to make people 'misunderstand' the relationship, including all those romantic/some people say 'pandering' scenes in the show, but then, when asked, it was always 'no, it's not like that, you see, people who work together...', but people are not idiots, so they were calling her out for that, simply speaking.
I was ranting a few times in the past why, imo, she decided to take this stance.
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owldart · 2 years ago
I saw mentopolis and I enjoy it VERY much. All the characters and players are so fun and creative and I love the setting, so I can't wait for next thursday
Spoilers under the cut!
My favorite characters so far are probably Conrad and the Fix, but everyone in the cast is just instantly endearing.
Anastasia and Imelda are great contrasting characters and I want to know more about their family drama! About how Ana wants to climb the ladder and how Imelda is fine with being at the top of it from the start!
Daniel Phucks being instantly ready to throw down or seduce a cop is great, Hunch Curio is the Himbo PI we all need in our lives.
The thing that struck me like, ten minutes ago is that the Fix funds the Wayward Interests orphanage- and he does want to see all the kids grow up to become parts of the Big Guy. Conrad USED to live at the orphanage, but something happened- something Madame Loathing explicitly doesn't want to tell Fix about- and he ran away with Justin and some ice skates.
The kids at the home are almost all explicitly object heads, usually relating to their represented special interest. Conrad isn't an object head, and neither is Ronnie, but the other kids are described as having a train for a head, a deck of cards, etc.
So the thing that's odd is WHY Conrad would leave. What was that inciting incident? It likely wasn't the file- that's a fairly recent development, and the Home holds old childhood interests, mostly.
We are given one strange piece of information- Conrad leaves, with seemingly no reason, a pair of ice skates, and Justin Fication.
What justified the conscience finally leaving loathing? I think it was the death of one of the big guy's special interests. Finally completely giving up on a childhood dream to focus on other things.
I think Madame Loathing killed one of her charges- whether on purpose or through negligence, I'm not sure- and Conrad saw it. He knew it was wrong.
So he took what remained of the body and ran, spurred on by Justin.
This is a really long way of saying 'I think Elias wanted to be an ice skater for a long time but self-loathing killed that dream and his conscience wouldn't let him completely forget something he loved'.
And now the Big Guy's conscience STILL won't let him forget that something in that file is very wrong.
I am so ready for more mentopolis
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imthepunchlord · 1 year ago
Ok, so I'm just gonna apologize in advance, I'm sorry, I know you're probably sick of these types of asks. I was gonna wait till call the polls were done, but since you've been talking about how you've already started brainstorming ideas, it like I should probably just say this idea sooner rather later. So, have you considered using the power system you used for your A Declaration of Love and in your old "Miraculous Fox and Peacock powers" post. I felt it would be fitting since these new powers (like the ones in that fic and post) are based on the animal's symbolism, and this setup could allow for multiple powers. Plus, these new versions of the miraculous feel much like a return to back to how we thought the miraculous would be before season two so it could feel fitting.
Nah don't worry about it. And votes seem to be slowing down for the polls, and I've been itching to get brainstorming so might as well get into it.
With these polls, and plans being made to change, I've actually been gradually rewatching Miraculous, taking notes on eps and on characters to refresh myself and it's just taking me back to that time before s2, and just how creative and fun it was to get into ML fanworks. As it gave us so little info we had to get creative.
Like, on artist who used to do really cool ML art suspected Wayzz was a Grasshopper before we got the confirmation of him being a Turtle.
And man I found I enjoyed those days more, as what a lot of people thought of was far more interesting and fun than what we got. And everything that came post s2 really kinda railroaded us and stifled that creativity.
And a lot of the things brought in were:
Frustrating, like Miraculous are more powerful for adults, which why did Fu pick 2 kids and not do anything to help even the playing field? And we got the confirmation he has 16-17 Miraculous on him, why did he release the very two Gabriel needed? Especially as, arguably, Cat's just not that necessary for facing the Butterfly. Also! There's honestly more powerful perks to misusing a Miraculous, why are they so easy to misuse? And according to Paris Special, why is it that Miraculous are willing to gradually kill off kids misusing them, but won't do anything to adults who misuse them? This is all rigged.
Pointless, like the potions, which aren't really "power ups" but just suit changes. Changes that Miraculous already naturally do as the suit comes down to the user. If someone loves ice skating and it's naturally integrated into their suit, the Ice Potion is pointless.
And just entirely baffling: the entirety of the Rabbit, and Alix, a 15 yo girl, being made to be the Timekeeper, live away from her family and friends to manage the timeline, which, why is that being given to a human? Who are going to be biased and not neutral, made worse to be given to a 15 yo who's not fully matured, and clearly we see her involving herself in the timeline which I'm not sure she should be doing as that's influencing outcomes. And why did they even think a time traveling Miraculous was a good idea? That power is so OP and can get so easily complicated you can get a headache trying to make sense of what they rolled out with it. And honestly, what does time traveling have to do with Alice in Wonderland? If they wanted to really reference AiW with Rabbit, I would've voted dream hopping, cause dreams are wild, imaginative, chaotic, and nonsensical. And that could've worked in ties to the moon as people sleep at night, and that could've been tied to healing too, as dreams can be tied to the subconscious, and you could've done something with dream influence and help people face what they're dealing with. Or if Rabbit had to be another time related Miraculous, do something with influencing the flow of time, either slowing it down so the user appears to be going fast, or speeding up the motion of the user and others and objects.
Tangent aside, I am going to be aim to dismiss and change a lot of what canon has brought in and just kinda go back to working off those old days. I am planning on working off a lot of animal symbolism and myth, and some details that Thomas has rolled out I'll consider (like Pied Piper was a Fox, which suggests Fox should have also have a power tied to hypnosis/subconscious suggestion through music). And just go back to those days where we were more creative and better worked off the possibilities with animals. And ideally do some uniqueness that's not going to have a lot of similar powers, aside from healing and mass restoration, as I feel if there's going to be any repeated powers, those would make the most sense.
I will give ADoL a reread (cause it's been years and typically when I get a fic done, it goes out of my mind as I'm not giving anymore attention to it, so I don't remember everything with it); and it's just a little funny as this is the fic that gets brought up to me the most on relating to Miraculous and kwami changes. Like, Nobody has mentioned to me that Juuno was their favorite take on the Peafowl kwami's personality before canon rolled out ditzy and emotional Duusu. Which maybe got toned down post fixing? I'm not sure. Either way, it gets brought a lot and I don't remember everything so I'll be giving it a reread to refresh myself.
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invinciblerodent · 2 months ago
5, 6 and 17 for Marcus and Bellara :3
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(oh, in these shots they even look a little bit like the leads in a fantasy-flavored romantic drama, that's fun. That was very much unintentional, lol.)
5. Do they have different cultural backgrounds (e.g. a Rook who was raised in Antiva with Harding who was raised in Ferelden)? If so, do they ever share parts of their culture with each other? If they're similar, how do they celebrate their culture together?
Yep, very different! With her being Dalish and him being a Nevarran mortalitasi, I don't know if there is much more different one can get- but I feel like it works, since with their backgrounds within that culture (both scholars/researchers, both with a vested interest in the Fade, history, and the way things work, etc.), there is quite a lot for them to connect over- though since he is one of the Mourn Watch (with not much life experience outside of that), I think he finds it easiest to connect based on their different cultures' burial practices.
Which... doesn't sound like a very fun thing, but it mirrors nicely some of the Dalish practices, and the veneration of the dead and the burial practices of a people is rooted in history, in belief, in respect as well as loss. (I particularly like the thought of relating the Emerald Graves and the Ancestral Pageants a bit!)
I think it's her personal quest's end that'll bring them actually the closest on this, with him being essentially almost a grief counselor in his everyday, and the experience of sharing that, her needing him and him being her rock in such a vulnerable moment will definitely be a meaningful experience for the both of them.
Outside of that, I've mentioned before that Marcus has a very good ear for languages- I really like to think that Elvish kind of sticks to him like dirt, both through their studies, and the time spent together, so I feel there is a lot to play with there, too. (Maybe he'll be the one on the team to actually remember the full name of the power crystals, lol.)
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6. What is their favorite thing to do together? Do they share any hobbies? Does your Rook teach their partner their own hobbies? Does the partner teach Rook theirs?
Oh, I like how this ties into the other- and there is quite a bit there too!
But instead of going on for hours again, I think I'll just emphasize one: skating the Minater in winter is a very sweet image in my mind.
I read somewhere that, like the other games with no discernible time skips, Veilguard is also supposed to roughly take a year's time, so I like to think that the beginning and the endgame are roughly during late spring, so there's a portion of the late-ish game part where the relationships are established, but it's the absolute dead of winter.
I like to imagine Marcus taking her skating then. And while he's not very good with most physical activities (he's a city mage, most of the time he gets winded running up a flight of stairs- honestly I've been kinda toying with the thought of leaning even more into it, and giving him some sort of a chronic condition, that's up in the air tho), but if there's one thing he is, it's a decent skater.
.... there is no ice in Arlathan tho. Or if it does get cold, there are no rivers peaceful enough to freeze over. So teaching her to skate, and then having spiced tea and chestnuts after would be really cute for them.
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17. What is your Rook's favorite thing about their partner? What is the partner's favorite thing about Rook?
Marcus' favorite thing about Bellara is her enthusiasm, no doubt. I think he, being very cautious and self-aware as he is, finds it both very impressive, and very cute how she throws herself into things, how she dares to experiment, and lets herself get excited- which also inspires him to let himself do the same, and let his white-knuckled grip on his filter and his composure loosen slightly. She makes him laugh, and that's not a feat easily accomplished.
On the flipside, I think what she likes about him IS that composure- how he radiates this sort of calm, this feeling that he knows what he's doing, even when he's not. I think she appreciates his self-awareness, and also that he's cautious without being judgemental, that he's kind without being condescending, and that he gives good advice without being preachy. That kind of thing.
(Oh, on that note, I just recently heard the line she says at one point about how, when meeting Rook, she was "like 'wow!'", so I kinda also like to think that yeah, his face also ranks quite far up on the things she likes about him, lol. There's no shame in admitting that, he too immediately thought that she was very cute when they met.)
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bluedalahorse · 5 months ago
Friday is for Felice and Sara’s friendship
I thought it might be nice to make a rambly, less polished post about Felice’s friendships, so I’m going to make it.
I’ll start by talking about Sara. I thought about adding other characters, but I might just have time for Sara today, so I’ll add other characters at another time.
This morning (and other times) I’ve been thinking about what Felice and Sara’s friendship will look like post-Hillerska. I’ve been thinking about this in terms of challenges they might face—not no a way where I want them to suffer or want to give them pointless arguments for the drama of it all, just in the way where most friendships have challenges as the participants grow up, and watching friends grow up and overcome challenges together is part of the joy of friendship stories.
The first thing I wonder about is distance. Are Sara and Felice going to be physically in the same space, in the future? It’s possible they aren’t. I do wonder about Simon and Sara moving to Göteborg to be with family, and maybe ending up there, while Felice ends up in another place altogether. In one of my fics I had her heading to a girls’ boarding school abroad in Scotland, which is an idea I’m still pretty fond of. (Even though I know single-sex school is not a thing that Nordic countries do, so maybe Felice’s family wouldn’t want her doing that, who knows.)
With and Felice and Sara physically far apart, how do they make time to connect? Weekly FaceTimes? Texting one another pictures of something specific from their day? Old-fashioned post cards? I imagine they’d come up with some sort of cute ritual that would be important to them during this time.
The next thing I wonder about would be new friend groups and new hobbies and areas of interest. Felice is Sara’s first friend, and Sara is Felice’s first honest friend. Having established that bond, I think they’d be able to make more friends in their new places.
I’d love to see Sara make other neurodivergent friends and gain some language around disability politics and self-advocacy. In the immediate aftermath of Hillerska, I also see her jumping from hobby to hobby, and trying out new things to fill the parts of her heart that are probably still a little sad about losing horses. I can see her trying out things like crochet and collaging. Maybe she does poetry and that sticks a little more. I read a friend’s fic snippet where Sara is trying ice skating and it lives rent free in my brain.
On Felice’s end, I’d love to see her in a very different friend clique than the one where she was part of at Hillerska, and potentially one organized around a shared pursuit. Maybe a girls’ sports team (football/soccer? field hockey? women’s rugby?) or a theatre troupe or something like that. Something where everyone could work toward a common goal. Of course I want Felice to continue to develop her cooking skills, and maybe she could have cooking friends. (Felice in a Just Add Magic AUfic?) That said it would also be fun if she had a cooking rival, where they dramatically compete one another but deeply respect one another deep down.
As the girls branch out, I can see that creating points of tension they need to work through. Felice might feel intimidated at first as Sara starts talking about ableism and activism, and there may also be times where Sara feels more comfortable talking to an AuDHD friend than Felice about something AuDHD-related. It might take them some emotionally stressful moments to realize that’s ok! Meanwhile if Felice goes to school abroad or even attends an international school in Stockholm, Sara might worry that Felice’s new friends are going to be more worldly and interesting than she is, and periodically feel insecure. There may be times where they don’t talk as much and perhaps worry that the other is growing away from them. I think they could work through it in time but it might take conversation and practice!
The other thing I have considered is how I work out the Felice-Sara-August interactions in a fic universe where I do a saraugust Second Chance Romance. If I’m writing that I don’t want Sara to have to sacrifice either relationship.
I have an idea about that, where Felice gets invited to the palace as part of a Young Chefs of Sweden event and August has an opportunity to apologize to her and they navigate a conversation as adults who’ve both learned a lot, but maybe I’ll share that on another post.
Anyway, what stories do you have in mind for future Felice and Sara? How does their friendship grow and change over the years?
Discussion welcome.
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Thank you so much for opening up matchups, I always love seeing my results! As for myself, I’m an asexual girl who’s somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. I adore history, reading, tea, writing, ice skating, art and sewing!
I’m pretty introverted and can get quickly drained being in large social groups or gatherings so I tend to prefer small hangouts or just time spent with one individual. When I really click with a person though I don’t find myself drained and can get pretty touchy and talkative! I have ocd, some past trauma and anxiety issues so if I did have a partner I would hope that they would be open to those parts of me and willing to be there for me when dealing with anything related to that. (And if they had that I’d do anything to help them work through it or just to help them feel comfortable and safe!)
I’m pretty easy going and relaxed for the most part although I am told I can be a bit blunt and that it looks like I’m always glaring (I’m not). I’m pretty upfront in setting boundaries and letting people know what I am comfortable with or not. While I do enjoy easygoing and light conversations, I also appreciate deep and intellectually stimulating discussions (or even just taking the piss out of someone).
Honestly as long as someone is open to engaging with my interests, is there for me both physically (not sex) and emotionally, and accepts me, then I’d be content! I’d be happy with that person no matter what (aka gender and orientation aren’t factors in whether I would like someone or not) although I would hope they are a more clean and tidy person or at least can learn to be one.
A/N: For you @amefuyuu, I’m thinking your best Baldur’s Gate 3 match would be Gale! 
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☸ Gale is the right person for you! There’s been some discussion of the lack of ace representation in Baldur’s Gate, however, I read a very interesting Twitter thread that suggested that the characters of Gale and Asatrion could be interpreted as asexual if you squint. Astarion because he’s endured so much trauma, and in Gale’s case because his character makes a point to be clear that what he wants isn’t “just sex”, and that love and romance for him is something much deeper, much more spiritual than anything we could understand in just the physical realm. I’m not sure Larian would label Gale as asexual outright; instead, I believe it’s meant to be up for your interpretation. In this case, I see Gale as greysexual/demisexual. For him, sex is only wanted or a positive thing if he's developed a true romantic connection first. That being said, I think he’d also truly value a mostly aromantic companion, as long as your relationship is based on mutual respect/admiration and communication. He’s been holed up in that tower of his in Waterdeep for so long, so alone. He needs a companion he can't open up to. A companion he can enjoy quiet studying with. Someone who won't judge him too harshly for the mistakes of his past; someone who can see past his shortcomings into the kind of man he could be. And in return, I’d imagine he’d do the same. 
Gale loves history! He’s a bit of a history buff himself. Sure, most of it pertains to the history of magic or The Weave, but he’s also quite knowledgeable about the history of Waterdeep. He’d love exchanging knowledge with you- you tell him what you know of your world and he’ll tell you what he knows of his. And reading, oh my goodness! The man practically has his own private library back home with hundreds of tomes dedicated to all sorts of subjects. And although he may initially be hesitant to admit it, he has an entire section dedicated to nonfiction. 
Gale would love nothing more than to spend a beautiful sunny afternoon with you outside his home in Waterdeep, picnicking and having tea while you each sit in each other’s company, reading your respective favorite books. When the weather turns colder, he’d love to go ice skating with you. Well, he’d like to watch you ice skate, while he keeps his feet firmly planted on the ground beyond the rink. He’s not the smoothest of people. But that doesn’t mean he won’t go above and beyond to make it happen for you! Even conjuring an ice rink himself with a spell if he has to. If it really makes you that happy, then it’s worth it to him. 
Gale may not be the finest connoisseur of art, but he does enjoy showing off the things you create. And he’s very happy someone between the two of you knows how to sew. It’s also so bothersome to rip a hole in your clothes after an adventure or battle and need to go all the way to a tailor to get them fixed. 
Gale prefers smaller crowds as well. And he comes with his fair share of trauma- being raised by a single mother, his fallout from his unbalanced relationship with Mystra, to being infected with a Mind-Flayer parasite. He can be rather anxious himself, which is why he tends to talk in circles sometimes. He’s not always trying to be elusive, it’s just that it can be hard openly admitting your feelings when you don't know if the audience is right. He won’t ever judge you for the things you deal with, be it your anxiety or OCD. He knows he has his fair share of quirks and absolute ‘no-nos’ that most partners would find a bit annoying. He’s extremely grateful for how patient you are with him. He understands, even more so with you by his side, that healthy relationships are give and take across the board. Everyone has their moments. Everyone takes their turn. And that’s alright. It just means you’re human. (Or you know, whatever humanoid Faerun creature you happen to be!)
Typically easygoing himself, Gale is happy you’re not overly boisterous like Karlach. He too prefers more stimulating conversations. (He also secretly enjoys ribbing those he’s closer to, and he’s a fairly big fan of puns. But it might take a while for him to reveal those little fun facts to you.)
And while his workspace might be a bit messy, he’s more tidy than not. Granted, things may get strewn about here and there after a night of spell research, but he makes a point to eventually put things back where they came from. He learned this the hard way when he left a book out on his bed only to come back to it to find Tera sleeping soundly on its open pages. He was forced to wait for hours to finish his spell! All because he didn’t want to wake her by retrieving the book. (He has since done what he can to ‘tressym proof’ his home lol.) 
Honestly, Gale doesn’t mind not having sex. He’s used to it. He just really misses the other kinds of physical affection: hugs, pats on the back or shoulder. Touch can be so healing and grounding, but it’s hard to get any of that when you isolate yourself in a tower for years. He’s very pleased you care enough about him to give him that much. 
He thinks himself so blessed to have you in his life. 
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