#bucci gang hcs
helenabuu32 · 2 days
My first hc post officially has 100 notes 🥹
To celebrate……
Anotha one.
Bucci Squad when their crush or S/O gets badly hurt during a mission!
RIP to the one who has awoken mama bear
Without hesitation will use Sticky Fingers to safely tuck you away from danger until the threat is taken care of.
Depending on how severe the injury is, he’ll send another member in the zipper dimension with you to make sure you’re okay. If it’s life threatening, he’ll make Giorno heal you there.
Once you’re somewhere safe, it’s go time. There’s no holding back and the rest of the team is actually a little shocked (or scared) of his lack of composure when going after the one who hurt you.
He will accept help from the others if he needs it, he doesn’t care as long as the person gets fucked up. He will however insist on on delivering the finishing blow
Will probably deliver a really emotional speech about “those who dare harm the one he loves” (he’ll do this whether you’re dating or not bc ur prob unconcious anyway so it won’t really be a confession lmfao) as he proceeds to zipper their entire body apart and rip the pieces to shreds
Once the battle is over, he’s taking you home and not leaving your side until you’re better. If you’re dating he’ll make sure there’s always a fresh red rose by your bedside ❤️
Did someone order a side of Swiss cheese?Because that’s what Mista is about to turn this person into.
He will throw himself in front of you and order one of the others to get you the hell out of there. He doesn’t care if he gets hit with an attack as long as you’re not getting hurt anymore.
The Sex Pistols are ANGRY. 5 is crying and wants to go to you, but knows Mista needs every bit of help he can get. They’re going absolutely nuts helping to riddle your attacker with bullets nonstop. Some of them are even trying to cling onto them and straight up bite chunks out of their body.
Mista will want to take care of this person himself but if he can’t handle it on his own, he’ll reluctantly let the others assist him. At the end of the day he doesn’t really care as long as he gets some (MANY) good shots in and this person is no more.
Once the fight is over, he’s sprinting to your side to assess the damage. Putting pressure on any wounds, he’ll take his shirt off to make a pillow for your head. Hell even rip it to shreds if you need bandages he doesn’t care.
If there’s a lot of damage, he’ll ask Giorno to help. He’s not letting you die on him.
Once you’re back home or somewhere safe, he’s doing everything he can to take care of you and help you. Any time you need food or water or a change of bandages, he’s the one who’s going to get it. Other than that, he never leaves your side until you’re better.
This person is definitely gonna regret laying a finger on you.
He scoops you up and brings you somewhere safe while he’s yelling at the others to give them everything they’ve got.
If your life is in danger, he will put his hatred for Giorno aside and start begging him to come and heal you. He’s so desperate that the others are kind of shocked. They never realized you meant so much to him.
Depending on the enemy stand users abilities, he knows he and his own stand may be no match for them. If that’s the case, all he asks is that the others leave them alive so he can finish them off….
Once that has been done and he knows you’re going to be okay, he’ll demand that the others stay with you while he “takes care of things.”
He doesn’t even wanna use Moody Blues. In fact, he’s called his stand back in. If there’s anything laying around like a crowbar, a plank of wood, something that can do damage, he’ll grab it. If not, being the strongest of the group physically, he has no problem using his fists.
The others will watch from afar as Leone makes this person unrecognizable as human. This person is literally begging and pleading for mercy, but Abbacchio doesn’t intend on stopping. Even when they’re long dead, he just keeps going until they’re a bloody pulp.
He’ll walk back to you and the group, covered in the blood of the enemy and tell everyone to back off. He carries you the whole way back to whenever you’re staying. If you’re dating, he’ll just hold you and silently cry when you’re away from the others as he tells you how much he loves you and never wants to lose you.
Lol the others should run
No actually. He’s telling the rest of the Bucci gang to take you, make sure you’re okay, and run. FAR. Away.
He’s literally screaming at this person as he uses Aerosmith to just unleash everything it has. If there’s cars or anything around that he can use to set a fire, the whole area will be set ablaze within minutes.
Once he knows it’ll finish them off for good, Narancia will drop Aerosmith’s bomb and absolutely destroy everything in the vicinity. He doesn’t even care if he hurts himself at this point.
When the deed is finally done, he’s rushing to you and the others, tears running down his face yelling and making sure you are/are going to be okay.
Once you’re all back home, Narancia is constantly bringing you snacks and drinks and feeding them to you. He’ll set his boombox up in your room and let you ply all your favourite songs to help brighten the mood. He acts cheery to put a smile on your face, but this boy is honestly traumatized after watching you get hurt like that.
If you’re not dating, he feels like he literally needs to guard your room at night. He has this irrational fear that someone else will break in to try to finish you off. If you’re in a relationship, he sleeps with you every single night, waking up every half hour/an hour because he’s so worried something will happen.
Will pick you flowers he found (they’re actually weeds lol) outside because he knows how much you like them
Uh yeah so he’s definitely about to prove he’s his fathers son here
He’s calm. Like SCARY calm. The others have never seen him act this way before and it’s freaking them out.
He’ll heal any wounds that need to be tended to immediately, then ask the others to take you somewhere you’ll be safer
He never once loses his composure. In fact, the others think they can see him….smiling???
His goal now is to use Gold Experience to make this person regret they were ever born. The enemy won’t even notice the strategically placed roots he’s been sprouting from the ground until it’s too late…
Once the enemy is where Giorno wants him, the others will watch this person slowly. SO slowly. Get impaled all over with thin tree branches. Giorno makes sure this person stays alive for a long time. Once he’s ready to finish the job, he will make the tree grow fully through their body, completely tearing them apart.
The others jaws are on the floor as they watch Giorno walk back over to them, the scene behind him looking like a gory horror movie. Most of them are a little scared of him right now but Abbacchio actually managed to grow a sliver of respect for him, strangely enough.
Upon seeing you, he goes back to his normal, kind self. When you get home, he will care for you until you’re better. If you’re dating, he’ll hold you tightly as he tells you how much he loves you and will never let anyone hurt you like that again.
So he actually almost kills everyone out of complete, uncontrollable rage
He’s so angry he honestly doesn’t even check on you before going nuts on this person. The others, realizing they can’t stop him and would definitely die trying, get you to safety and take care of any injuries that may need immediate attention.
Fugo honestly almost gets himself killed with his own stand. But he doesn’t care, because at the end of the day, the person who hurt you is gone and boy did they suffer greatly
He finally calls Purple Haze back in, realizing how reckless he was being in his emotional state. He feels ashamed, but couldn’t help himself when he saw you laying there, crumpled up in pain on the ground.
When you get back, he’s actually avoiding you at first. When he finally comes to see you, he explodes. “What the Hell were you thinking??? Are you stupid, throwing yourself in the middle like that to blindly defend everyone? You could’ve gotten yourself KILLED. I almost LOST YOU.”
…if you weren’t dating already, that was pretty much his confession of his feelings for you. If you are in a relationship, he’ll finally let his guard down and just weep. You actually have to comfort him at first. He just keeps repeating how much he loves you and can’t ever lose you. He’s saying he’s sorry over and over again. Sorry for letting you get that hurt, sorry for almost hurting the others. He’s just sorry. And he swears to protect you and work on being more calm in those situations.
I’ll be adding one for Trish later as I was having a hard time thinking of a good amount of hcs for her and I’ve had this in my drafts so long that I just really wanna get it out there! I hope you guys liked this one, and again, always feel free to send in a request for some hcs from me! :)
Love: your friendly neighborhood Abbacchio simp 😌
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just-a-shark333 · 3 months
I just know that mista has such amazing story telling abilities
Like, he could be telling you about how he did his laundry that day and make it sound like the most interesting thing ever
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sovereignjojoz · 2 years
Bucci gang beach day
Pairings: Bucci gang x reader
Summary: Bucci gang and reader go to the beach!
Notes-let’s go to the beach beach let’s go get away!
First of all, it would be very negligent of me to mention this excursion only happened due to Narancia’s insessant begging.
For at least three months straight, all Bruno would hear is “c’mon Bucciarati! Please, please can we go to the beach! ‘S not like anything bad’s gonna happen plus we all could use a vacation!”
He got on his knees and palmed at Bruno’s trouser legs, he even went as far as to start doing extra tasks around the house so he could appease Bruno.
Once Mista got wind of there being a potential beach day, chaos insures.
Bruno gets pestered thrice as much than he did before, when it seemed as though Bruno would say no the two teenagers visibly deflated, it was almost as though you could see sad droopy puppy dog ears on their heads.
Their capo thinks long and hard on the matter, tongue in cheek, before sighs, he finally relenting over dinner saying, “all right, just this once we’ll go to the beach, I suppose we relax a little for the time being.”
Mista’s plate and cutlery jolt as Narancia jumps up, hands flat on the dining table, looking at Bruno with astonishment.
“Seriously!” He yells excitedly, holding Bruno’s gaze and when the latter man nods he kicks his chair outta the way, walking towards Mista. “Heck yeah!”
In all of their teenage-esque the two friends enthusiastically dap each other up, meanwhile, unexpectedly, Trish smiles in excitement; attempting to cover it up behind her hand. Giorno looks on in intrigue as does Fugo, whilst Abbacchio acknowledges the statement but chooses to remain uninterested.
“Bruno?” Trish hesitates, clearing her throat. The sapphire eyed male averted his attention to the pinkette, curious as to what she wanted to add. He hummed probing her to continue; “is it alright if I invite [name].”
“Please do.” Mista added as Trish side eyed him, although he couldn’t help if he was just so excited at the prospect of seeing you.
Bruno chuckled, “Well, I don’t see why not. Would you all be alright with that?” He looked at his team expectantly awaiting their answers.
“Do what you want, I’m not coming.” Abbacchio commented nonchalantly, although he wasn’t appalled at the prospect of seeing you again.
Bruno looked at the others in the room to see if there was any verbal objections and when he was met with none it was decided you’d come.
So after Trish invited you, it was unsurprising you’d gotten a text from Mista inviting you somewhere.
Guido Mista
“Mista” lemme take you out swimwear shopping (major wink).
He just wanted an excuse to spend one on one time with you although helping you choose out swimwear is a bonus.
When you try on your favourite piece in the changing room and show him, his jaw honestly drops.
“Do you think this one looks nice?” You asked him, looking at him through your lashes. He grinned, “course babe, let me buy it for you, yeah?”
Eyeroll, cue you fanning Mista away with your hands as the pair of you walk over to the cash register to pay.
The sale assistant makes a little comment on “what a cute couple the both of you are,” and “how nice your boyfriend is for doing this.” You were about to refute the claim but Mista answered first saying “thank you.” Before pulling you by your hand out of the shop.
When you and all of the others finally arrive at the beach, Mista was a hog.
He literally picked you up the second you stepped out of the car and carried you all the way to the salty sea water, chucking you in with a dramatic splash!
You groaned, frowning at him laughing, so in your opinion it was very justified when you swam underwater and pulled him too, making you giggle when he slipped on his butt.
Chaos ensured and a water fight broke out between the both of you, you screamed running away cackling as he tried (and succeeded) in grabbing and splashing you.
You hung out with Mista for a little while until you got tried leading you to go to the sand again…
Narancia Ghirga
As soon as you stepped foot on land, you were pulled aside by Narancia, who dragged you to a sandy spot just slightly away from the others on land.
“C’mon let’s make a sand castle,” he told you, positively beaming, “okay!!”
You gathered sand in your hands, moulding it into a cylindrical shape as Narancia carved intricate designs on the one that already stood.
After a couple minutes the pair of you had made a moderately sized, but beautiful (at least to you) sandcastle, which gave Narancia the idea to have a sandcastle building competition.
You instantly agreed clapping your hands, running to get some sea water to build a moat for your castle.
You’d been working on building your castle for ten minutes, narancia had just finished his and you were just about to finish too until a horrific incident took place!
Narancia sabotaged you and stepped on your castle!
You were absolutely gobsmacked, mouth parted in surprise as his castle stood tall and proud.
So you reacted (retaliated) as any normal person would, by destroying his!
This led to a minor sand fight (bad idea).
But quickly realising this, you called a truce and opted to give Narancia a mermaid tail in the sand.
Or at least that’s what he thought, and before he knew it he found himself up to his neck buried in sand. You stuck your tongue out at him, pinching his cheeks and went away to find Fugo, that’s what he deserved for ruining your castle!
Pannacotta Fugo
“Hey Fugo, I wanna decorate the castle I made with Narancia, wanna help me look for sea shells?” You asked him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
“Why not go with Narancia?”
You shrugged your shoulders, giving him a knowing smile.
Abruptly, you stopped and started digging in the sand, enthusiastically blabbering away to Fugo when you found a gorgeous cerulean shell.
He smiled at you, patting your head, then bent down next to you and started looking for some shells too.
A vibrant pile of pale colours began to build up next you.
Fugo was just about to quit when he saw a peculiar shell, his eyes widened, perhaps it was a pearl shell, that seemed like something you would like.
He reached down and grabbed it, trying to open up the shell only to be sharply nipped on his finger.
He yelped, throwing the shell halfway across the beach!
Having seen the whole scene you stifled your giggles.
“Are you okay?” You asked him laughing.
He glared at you, “yes. I’m fine.” He snapped due to his pain.
Unexpected to him, you picked up his hurt finger and lightly kissed it. “There all better.” You beamed at him.
A light pink blush splayed across his cheeks, “thank you.”
“We’ll continue later, I’m a bit tired I’m going to go and rest for a bit.”
Leone Abbacchio
Firstly, Abbacchio didn’t even know how he ended up at the beach, after he had outright said he wouldn’t be coming.
Honestly he’s not really a fan of the beach, actually he hates it.
Outright refuses to go in the water, he’s not getting his hair wet or any disgustingly salty water in his mouth.
He opts to sit on a beach towel under an umbrella, reading and sipping on a fruity drink.
So when you trail up to him and plop down next to him, he hopes your disturbance won’t be too major.
“What do you want?” He asked, eyes still on his book.
“Nothing,” you stretched your legs and wiggled your toes. “I’m just tired.”
He hummed, uninterested.
You yawned and decided to test his limits, resting your head on his legs.
“[name].” He warned curtly.
You waved your hand sleepily, “m just resting my head, promise.”
You were not. In fact, one minute later you fell asleep.
Leone groaned, slamming his book shut. He looked at your peaceful sleeping face, he stroked your face and shifted you into a more comfortable position.
Abbacchio doesn’t know why, must have been the pesky goodwill of his heart, but he put sunscreen on your face too as it got hotter in the day.
You shifted in your sleep, snuggling closer to him.
He wanted to roll his eyes but his body betrayed him and he smiled.
Not long after, he found himself overcome with sleep, and when he woke up he found you gone, frolicking away with Bruno.
Bruno Buccarrati
“Hello [name],” Bruno greeted, “are you hungry? I know you’ve been busy enjoying the day.”
“Sup Bruno, not yet, I’m actually kind of hot.” You responded, “and I kinda wanna test out the snorkels, do you want to take a dip with me?”
He shrugged off his shirt, showing off his muscular, chiselled form. “Sure, let’s go.” He told you, leading you towards the sea by the small of your back.
You held up a pale pink float, decorated with sprinkles, “Ooh, let’s drift away in this doughnut float!”
He sat in the doughnut float first, pulling a snorkel over his head so it rested on his forehead. “Alright bellisima.”
Cue you squealing excitedly, dropping yourself onto his lap as the float started digging away.
One of his hands rested on your waist as the other skimmed against the water, similarly to your toes.
“Are you alright?”
“Uh huh! Let’s hop in, I’m sure we’ll see some cool fish!”
You marvelled at the aquatic animals, turning to look at Bruno, enthused.
Finally after around an hour, he extended his hand out to you and pushed you on the float to the shore once more.
After all that you honestly felt rather famished.
Trish Una
“Trishie, wanna eat?”
Trish cringed at the use of that ghastly nickname, you’re honestly extremely lucky the pair of you had been friends for a while because if you were anyone else she would have cut you off.
She pulled up her designer shades to look at you in the eye, “fine.”
“Great!” You ran over to the picnic basket Bruno had packed and grabbed a few snacks and sandwiches.
She extended a manicured hand, picking up a carrot stick.
Her eyes darted towards you when you exclaimed in delight, “oh my gosh, this is so delicious, here Trish take a bite!” You extended your hand out towards her, putting your food in front of her.
Tentatively and skeptically, she took a bite. “Mmm.” She agreed licking her lips.
“I know right?” You took another bite, “we should bake our own snacks and have another picnic sometime soon.” You told her.
“Yeah.” She looked up at the setting sun, “sounds nice.”
You squeezed her hand happily, “Alright, then it’s arranged!”
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno wasn’t really bothered about coming to the beach, although he also didn’t not want to come.
For most of the day he’s been enjoying and ice cream and doing some light tanning until you’d come up to him and asked if he wanted to make bracelets with you.
He nodded and sat down next to you, his knee touching yours.
You instructed him to make you a bracelet and you’d make him one.
He opted for a green and blue colour palette, resembling that of the sea, whilst you made him a red and white one contrasting greatly with his.
Then he made a silly joke about how yours is the exact opposite to his and how “opposites attract.” Causing you to roll your eyes and omit the shell heart charm from his bracelet.
This caused the blonde to tease you (Brando genes popping out) and say how you had his heart (charm) so why can’t he have yours?
You groaned, relenting and tied it on his wrist, he laughed to himself as you walked away from him.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
how i think bucci gang would confess their love
i don't even know anymore man, enjoy the hcs
Bruno Bucciarati
very calm about it
it just slipped out one day lmao
he was just chilling with Abbacchio and he was talking about something
"I understand how you feel, Abbacchio. But you have to be more careful, ok? I love you." "I know- WHAT?!"
bruno acted like he meant to say that
he was screaming on the inside tho
the moment he got home he was giggling and kicking his feet
he has a boyfriend now
Leone Abbacchio
he probably confessed while drunk
he's the type of guy to push his feelings away and not pay attention to them
but spoiler alert, you can't push away your intense love for Bruno, dumb goth whore
probably tried to avoid Bruno for a bit
it worked until Bruno took care of him while he was drunk
"Ok Abbacchio, it's time to go home now-" "but I love you!"
Bruno just stared at him for a second before bringing him home and hoping to GOD that Abbacchio wouldn't remember what he said
he did
they had a deep conversation after and started dating
Abba looked a little happier that day
Giorno Giovanna
very straight forward about it
walked up to Fugo and said "we need to talk"
istg Fugo almost shit his pants, he thought he was gonna get in trouble or some shit
instead giogio just sat him down and told him he liked him
"What did you need, Giorno?" "I'm in love with you." "...." ".........." "....WHAT?!"
Giorno started listing everything he loves about Fugo and strawb boy almost fucking fainted he was so flustered
Giorno had to stop halfway through his rant to make sure Fugo was ok
he ended up gaining a boyfriend and was super happy and giddy for the rest of the week
everyone else was wondering why he was smiling so much and flapping his hands (it's because he's autistic)
also clung to fugo like a glue trap
Pannacotta Fugo
another one to push down his feeling and try to dismiss them
he couldn't look at giorno for more than five seconds before turning bright red and looking away
EVERYONE knew he liked giorno lmao (except giorno)
he probably didn't confess, instead giorno overheard mista and narancia teasing him about it
"Still got a crush on the golden boy, Fugoo??" "shut. up." "C'mon! We just wanna know!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" "I'll take that as a yes" "FUGO LOVES GIORNO!" "I DO NOT-" "You love me, Fugo?"
Fugo immediately shut up at slowly turned to Giorno with the most terrified expression you'll ever see in his life
bro looks like he just pissed himself
cue nara and mista laughing their lungs out in the background
he just quickly brought giorno into another room and quietly explained that he had feelings for him
it was all good because he gained a boyfriend
he was a lot happier for the rest of the week
Guido Mista
verrryy flirty
but he only uses cringy flirts
sometimes they're good but most of the time...
"hey, are you lightning? cuz you're McQueen. KACHOW"
since i don't ship him with anyone YOU (yes you, person reading this) GET TO BE THE UNLUCKY PERSON MISTA CONFESSES HIS LOVE TO
when i say unlucky i mean unlucky
he'll never leave you alone
"I need to go piss hold on" "can I come?"
probably confessed with a love letter (he's a sucker for romance)
but like he just handed you a letter and ran off
he'd be very happy if you said yes
everyone would know that he's dating you by the end of the week
also do NOT sleep in the same bed as this guy, he snores louder than a nuclear explosion
Narancia Ghirga
shy. that's all i'm gonna say
he'd try to act chill and fail miserably
my guy tries to say something flirty and stumbles over his words so bad he trips
"hey, so, uh, d-did it, um, hurt when- when you, uh, y-you fell from heav- heaven? Uh, actually nevermind! OKBYETALKTOYOULATER!" *trips*
cried to Mista about it later
i also don't ship narancia with anyone so YOU, THE READER, ARE THE LUCKY ONE WHO GAINS HIS AFFECTION
and when I say lucky, I mean LUCKY
sweetest boy ever
he'll literally die for you
probably tried to confess romantically but stumbled over his words and got so nervous he almost passed out
just ended up screaming that he loves you
"s-so, basically, uh, the thing is, um, I uh... FUCK IT! I LOVE YOU!"
his face was so red
very giddy and happy for a long while if you say yes
he'd proudly show you off
Trish Una
once again, YOU get to be the one she's attracted to
surprisingly chill about it
she compliments you on a daily basis
expect her to constantly be around you
mf she is NOT leaving you alone
"I need to piss" "let's go piss together queen"
i fully believe trish is a hardcore lesbian
she cringes at the thought of dating men
"I'm sure one day you'll find a kind young man to take care of you" "EW no"
"you wanted to talk to me?" "yeah, so I kinda have a crush on you and I was wondering if you felt the same way?"
very smiley if you say yes
also she will NOT let go of you hand
the end
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure requests
- matchup trades OPEN
- headcanons CLOSED
Hello again, sweethearts. My jojo brainrot circled back to me conveniently during my holiday so to mark another peak of my jjba obsession I'm opening my inbox for a period of time.
1. For the headcanons: I'm most comfortable with writing for parts 1-5 (especially 5 since I rewatched it days ago). There's a limit of 3 characters per request. But if you want a whole gang request for part 5, send it anyways (have in mind, those will take more time to get done).
2. For matchups: It's a trade, so, you get a matchup and I do too. Please leave me a message in private and we can discuss the details there.
3. All characters and themes (sfw/nsfw) are ok. Get crazy with it and as detailed as you want. I accept oc requests too.
3. And as always, please, be patient and RESPECTFUL. (don't forget to say at least a 'hello', it's still an interaction after all)
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!🌹
Masterlist is here
Tumblr media
(gif not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
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noaltbruh · 1 year
hi you should totally do what its like do what its like to live with the bucci gang in a house all together thxx
*Kicks the air, giggles, screams into a pillow, throws up, dies and comes back to life just to write this post*
No bro I don't think you understand, you've just awoken my most unhinged side ever, literally I think about what it would be like to live with this wonderful family 24/h. There is nothing else in my brain, just them doing shit.
So yeah! I hope you enjoy ^^"
Life with the Bucci gang! 🐞🤐🔫🍊🍓⏪🎙 (or rather, a survival guide about living with them)
Alright, the main rule in this house is: "Don't kill each other. If you absolutely need to, at least hide the body well before it starts smelling like Mista"
Any other rule is either ignored, purposely broken, straight up not acknowledged, or only followed because Bruno said so and you don't disobey him.
Congratulations, you just got yourself free entertainment for the rest of your life and at any time of the day. Who needs Tv when you can just watch these guys do literally anything?
What are you in the mood for today? Trish kicking Mista with a shoe because he accidentally ruined her dress? Narancia blowing up with Aerosmith that one spider Fugo is afraid to squash? Giorno turning everything he sees into frogs? Abbacchio trying not to look like a total simp every time Bruno breathes?
With that being said, I hope you're not an introvert, my friend. There's no freaking way in hell they aren't going to drag you on their shenanigans. No, you can't choose, you will take part in whatever the heck they're doing, they're forcefully gonna make you tag along if you were to ooppose.
Buddy say goodbye to your privacy, that stopped existing as soon as you walked through the front door. 99% of the times there will ALWAYS be someone with you. Whether they're actually talking to you or are just in the same room as you doesn't matter. Rest assured that being alone will become a rare occurrence, no matter how antisocial you may be.
Don't try to lock the door of your room, they'll gladly destroy it and then ask Bruno to replace it with a zipper. Alternatively, some of them might even climb up from a window if they're feeling goofy that day.
I advice locking any snacks you may want to keep to yourself in a drawer or another place you know of. If you don't, there's a very high chance that whatever you were trying to keep to yourself will get stolen by the pistols sooner or later.
Another advice I can give you is to write down all important dates related to them, or little things you know they like. It must not be easy to remember those sorts of things when you live with so many people.
Most days you're gonna find Trish practising her singing in either the music room (yes they have a music room) or her own. Don't be shy and ask her if you can listen to her, she'll always reply with a yes :)
They have a very big and well taken care of garden. If you feel like spending some time with Giorno, helping him water the plants is a great idea! Prepare for lots of fun facts about gardening, while you're at it.
I suggest laying there particularly during summer nights. There's always a nice breeze to send the excessive heat away, and the stars look very nice from there. Someone else will most likely join you as well, you can stargaze together!
If you feel like having a conversation that requires more than two brain cells, Fugo's always there for you. He's used to some of the others calling him boring and such, but a nice chat about Latin, Politics, Philosophy or anything alongside those lines is always welcomed. Even if you don't know anything about those subjects but are willing to listen, he'll be happy.
Prepare for Narancia bursting in your room with a new dance, a song to listen to, or cool trick he's come up using Aerosmith, and way too much excitement. The latter one is only allowed if you're in the garden, but try to stop him from shooting any plants while you're there.
Drunk conversations with Abbacchio at 3 am. are a MUST. He'll only ever share his alcohol if he's feeling dizzy already, so wait until he starts getting a bit off and you're good to go. Do you remember anything you talked about after that night? Nope. Maybe you discussed the meaning of life, maybe you just yelled at the Tv watching old races of formula one, or maybe you've found the cure for cancer...But you'll never know.
Bruno is a safe space in the house. If you want to catch a break and take it easy from the others' chaos, he's the most reliable one. You don't have to necessarily do anything together if you don't want to, but his presence alone guaranteed to make you relax.
Don't go into the basement, please. It used to be a nice and tidy place where Bruno kept old stuff he didn't need anymore, but it progressively became more and more messy once the gang came along. Now legends say that old artifacts and mystical objects, such as Mista's hair, ended up there and were never found again.
The house has a lot of very pretty balconies with a wonderful view of the city. A couple of times a day you should go out and take some fresh air admiring Napoli, it's very soothing.
The roof is also a perfect place to if you look for a great sight of the town. If you're brave enough, you can climb up from one of the balconies. If you're not, that's fine: there's a safer ladder that will bring you there in the backyard, and you always have the support of the others if you felt scared anyway :)
Speaking of which...Yes, they may come off as extremely annoying and overbearing sometimes, but remember that once you settled in, you're family to them and there's no changing that.
They will ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what the problem or your reaction to it might be. Rest assured that you won't have to face it nor suffer alone, they'll all there to lend a hand for you and help you through it. Even if you're just feeling sad for no reason, someone will undoubtedly try to cheer you up, and succeed in doing so.
Sure, maybe some of them are not the best at expressing that they care, but they truly do and will show it to you in one way or another, whether it's direct or subtle, they will let you know you can count on them.
Movie and game nights are...Something else for sure! Every time one or two people get to pick what you're gonna play or watch, and since they have very different tastes, you can be sure as you can be that you'll enjoy yourself and have fun.
For example, one week you're watching the most gut-wrenching disturbing, complex and traumatizing movie of all time, picked by Abbacchio just to scare you all for his own amusement. Narancia will be screaming, Trish is acting like she's fine but is actually holding on to someone, Giorno is getting shushed by everyone because he's got a third eye and is somehow predicting the whole plot. A loud "SHUT THE FUCK UP, GIORNO!" from our goth man is gonna be obligatory.
The other week, instead, Mista and Narancia decided you were going to play Smash, and you WILL be playing Smash. Poor Bruno is trying to find the pattern to the attacks and fails to realize that those two dorks just spam random buttons hoping to win. Needless to say, they end up losing anyway. Also, Fugo almost threw the controller and broke the Tv a couple of times, but shhh it's okay they're rich, they can buy a new one.
The sweetest part about these "events", however, is that at the end of the night, you're all super tired. You'll just end up falling asleep all together in the salon, cuddling up against each other to feel warm, without even realizing it. The Morning after, whoever wakes up first usually makes breakfast for the rest, so you all also eat together before actually starting your day ^^
Get this through your system: no matter the time of the day, someone will be up. There isn't a single moment during those 24 hours in which they are all asleep. You'll find Mista sleeping at 3 pm on the living room couch, just to see him stealing salami from the fridge at 2 am while you were just trying to get a glass of water. He won't even let you leave and just ramble about his latest theory about salami.
Yes, your sleep routine is gonna get fucked up too, cope. Also, very often you'll hear noises coming from other rooms, although it's probably just Bruno and Abbacchio banging like there's no tomorrow . When that happens, spend time with someone until you both fall asleep, or get yourself something to block out the noise. (I'd choose the first option, but you do you).
The house has a sort of balcony that acts as an entrance to the garden. On some nights, you may find someone (usually the quietest members) hanging around there. Stop to talk to them for a while, they're weirdly more open about their feelings at that time of the day.
Mista, Narancia and Trish are going to CONSTANTLY ask you to hang out, these guys enjoy the outdoors way too much. Before you know it, you're dressed up to go party in the hugest, loudest, most crowded disco you're ever seen.
Or maybe they're dragging you to a bar and gossip about people all night, OR they're planning to infiltrate in some rich guy's party they only found out about because Trish is famous and knows way too many people.
Don't worry if you get nervous though, they'll stick around by your side to make sure you feel comfortable, and they'll leave if they see you starting get overwhelmed. All of you need to have a good time or it's no fun.
Group reading with Fugo and Giorno. I repeat: group reading with Fugo and Giorno.
Okay, the stuff they recommend might not be the most exciting, but I can guarantee you that if you manage to actually read it, the discussions and conversations you're going to have about it will make up for it. You can basically see their eyes light up and soon as you begin talking and discussing its themes, you'll find yourself carried about by their excitement without even realizing it.
While it's something they usually do alone, sometimes Bruno and Abbacchio will take you fishing with them. It's a complete moment of chill away from the excitement of your everyday life, not to mention that Bucciarati is a great fisherman and dinner that night will be delicious.
If you think these guys are enough chaotic as they are, brace yourself for Holidays time.
Get ready to help decorate the whole house, which, considering its dimensions, is no easy job. The best thing you can do in this case is go with the flow and, most of all, follow Narancia's lead: the two of you will be setting up everything for even DAYS, if it's necessary.
Prepare for constant snowball fights, dudes blasting Christmas music ridiculously loud, alcohol disappearing at an even faster rate than usual, presents flying all over the salon aand lastly...An actual quiet Christmas night where you'll simply be watching a movie together and drinking hot cocoa in front of the fireplace.
Don't be tricked, the next day the extroverted trio is already asking you to go with on them on a Christmas themed party. Good luck.
You guys fight over the best spot under the air conditioner during Summer time, and the winner always turns out to be Trish. Alternately, if someone's able to compromise enough, you'll go get something fresh to change the mood a bit.
One last thing I'd like to mention is that, in the middle of the living room, there is a big frame with all eight of you smiling together. If things ever get rough, look up and remember that your family is always there for you :)
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unaluv · 9 months
ੈ✩ bruno thoughts that nobody asked for ¡! ❞
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gender neutral, these are just hcs that have def been put out there before but i just have some things to say
suggestive! not smut but proceed w caution??
a/n: when im writing this its legit 5am and the birds are chirping but my bucciarati thoughts wait for no man
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maybe this goes without saying but in comparison to the rest of the bucci gang i just knooow hes such a romantic lover (caesar style)
this man is HANDSY. hands are always on you when you’re around each other, not even necessarily sexual, he just loves to feel the warmth of your skin under his palms!
and even when it is sexual, his hands are never leaving you- i’m imagining like running all over your torso type situation like they are always moving (god i love him)
he just wants to feel you close!! understandable
idk if this is a popular opinion in the jojos fandom but i feel like he would be possessive too like not in a toxic way just
like he is prooooud of his s/o and he wants the whole fucking world to know it but if ANYONE tries ANYTHING my man yelling sticky fingers he don’t play
(my man like 😭😭💕)
he looooves when you run your fingers through his hair
that man has a well maintained haircut (ik y’all seeing the fuck ass bob) and so naturally he loves getting it done- even just dragging your fingers through the strands of his hair likeee ik hes eating that up
he def does not mind you taking the lead, and i just know he’s into ts
i feel like hes super into a dominant s/o like this man just wants you to feel good, but when you take control, even in everyday life i just know he loves it
even if a more shy s/o occasionally showed a bit of sass likeeeee
i feel like he’s totally down for polyamory likeeee idk
i reckon he’d be fine with just one s/o, but he’d also def be down for polyamory, or even just a non-monogamous sexual relationship & he has def experimented with it in the past
hes def bringing a certain long-haired someone in (if you’re comfortable w that ofc)
this my man just has so much love to give!
definitely big on eye contact
idgaf he’s flirty as FUCK like the eye contact goes crazy w him, and he’s gonna be noticing every little detail of the way your eyes flick over his face when he’s close to you
loves to see you shy away and blush but will also find it sooo attractive when you hold your ground and stare right back
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a/n: for some reason this post keeps glitching so if u see any duplicate paragraphs ignore it 😭😭🙏
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illubean · 10 months
Hello! Could you write cuddling hcs for bucci gang?
Cuddling Headcanons
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Characters: Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Fugo Pannacotta, Giorno Giovanna, Trish Una Type: Fluff, Headcanons, Gn!reader
man I love the bucci gang so much :( I think p5 might be my fav even though the ending absolutely destroyed me
Warnings: none
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Bruno Bucciarati
I think he likes the more traditional way of cuddling, you know face to face and stuff?
he likes to have one arm around your waist and the other stroking your hair (unless you're bald??)
if he's busy he doesn't mind having you in his lap while he works
one arm would be secured around your waist yet again while the other one writes away at whatever he's doing
if you fall asleep before he's finished, he would carry you to the bedroom and lay down with you
he kisses you on the forehead before apologizing for working so long :(
he tells you how much he loves you, even if you aren't awake to hear it
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio likes laying on your chest as a reminder you're still with him and that your heart is beating :((
he also likes it when you lay on his chest
he would hold you close and say something like "Hear that mia cara/mio caro? You will always be close to my heart"
he likes to cuddle with you for comfort
this man has been through a lot, even though he's not big on pda in private he likes to be close to you as reassurance
(can you tell he's my personal fav)
Guido Mista
ah yes my favorite stinky man
first off make sure this guy showers before even thinking about cuddling with him unless you want to smell like man sweat
I think Mista likes cuddling any way he can rest a hand on your chest or ass
nothing inherently sexual, just a layer of extra affection
he likes being the big spoon so he can slip a hand in the front of your shirt
or when you lay on top of him so he can put his hands on your ass
he also likes being able to plant kisses on the top of your head
Narancia Ghirga
as previously stated in another piece, he's the biggest cuddle bug of the group
he likes laying in a position where he can wrap all his limbs around you like a sloth
or alternatively he lays sprawled out on top of you, giving you no means of escape
when he wants to cuddle he WILL get his cuddles
if you're busy, he doesn't care and will 100% come up to you and wrap himself around you
he would also whine about you not giving him enough attention
"c'monnn, forget the papers and come cuddle with me!"
he's not above sitting in your lap either
basically, when he's in a cuddly mood you're not getting rid of him <3
Fugo Pannacotta
another one who likes laying on your chest
or on your lap
he likes cuddling in a way where you can easily run your fingers through his hair
it's a nice way for him to cool down after something agitates him <3
he cuddles with you when he feels like he needs to relax
give him gentle head massages!!! it puts him at ease
you're his rock and he doesn't know what he'd do without you
Giorno Giovanna
honestly? it doesn't matter to him how you cuddle, as long as you're close to him
sometimes he needs a break from all the mafioso craziness, seeking you out for that break
it doesn't matter if you guys are laying on top of each other or simply sitting shoulder to shoulder, Giorno just enjoys having you present <3
I think he likes to hold hands while cuddling
it makes him feel grounded and he forgets about all the stress of being a newly initiated don
Trish Una
she likes to sit up cuddled next to you underneath a blanket
like the stereotypical way couples do when watching movies
she likes resting her head on your shoulder with one of your arms wrapped around her <33
she likes cuddling with you when she's sleepy, whether that be laying down together or sitting next to each other on the train
another one who likes holding hands
though she probably won't outright say it, she's grateful to be this close to you
it makes her feel protected in the midst of all the "boss' daughter" shenanigans
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bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
Idk if you’re accepting requests but if you are I have something I’ve been think about for a bit now,,,
How about HCs for the bucciarati gang where the gang is teasing the member about reader but he denies it to get them to stop their constant teases (even though it’s obvious their in love with them) and reader hears it (because they walked into the room or something) and become sad/sulky and ignores them as a result like basically how each member would react to that!
If you can that would be awesome! I’ve become so obsessed with your writing so please continue writing for as long as it makes you happy cause I guarantee it brightens other people’s days as well! 💖
Facade (Bucci gang x gn! reader hcs)
in which they are being teased about liking you...
bruno bucciarati, giorno giovanna, leone abbacchio // i currently have no idea what to write for mista, fugo nor narancia, please, give me ideas in the comments.
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"Come on, man, just admit you like them!" Trish laughed and a sigh escaped past his lips. The man felt like one of the veins in his neck was about to pop. He despised being teased about his feelings towards you. He thought he was doing a good job at hiding them, but apparently, the whole gang knew except, well...you.
"No! I don't like them at all, shut up! We were, we are and we will always be only friends!" He yelled and, when he turned around to leave, he felt like his world was going to crumble. You were standing right there and the look on your face said everything: What you just heard completely broke your heart.
Without saying a word, you turned and left, and, from then on, everything went down the hill. You either ignored him for weeks or when you spoke to him, only a blunt coldness was showed in your voice.
☆Bruno Bucciarati☆
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Bruno felt his heart break every time you looked at him with such hatred...Well, at least on the times you looked at him. Because yes, there went weeks without you sparing him a glance;
And all of that because his friends just couldn't keep their mouths shut. That, and because he was too much of a coward to admit the fact that he did like you;
Bruno went from looking like the most put-together man to looking like one of those homeless people. Big, dark circles could be seen around his eyes from all the sleepless nights he had been thinking about how can he fix this. His hair was a mess. Wait, scratch that...He was a mess;
He decided he couldn't keep going with this facade and that you two needed to discuss it. You were adults now. You had to communicate;
Even if it wasn't at easy to do as it was to say, he abused the fact that he was the boss of the team you were in and called you into his office because of a "mission" he had to assign you;
"Are you going to tell me the mission, or do I have to sit here forever?" you spat five minutes after stepping into his office. "Take a seat, please," he said calmly;
"Tell me the mission." you insisted, and he sighed. "Sit down first." Bruno countered, and you rolled your eyes. The faster you did what he said, the quicker you would leave. The more you sat and looked at him, the harder it was for you to not let your tears flow, his words clear as fresh water in your head;
"There is no mission. We need to talk." The moment you heard that, you wanted to get up. "At listen to me, please." His voice sounded so...pained. You sighed and sat back down, a quiet way of telling him you were going to listen to him;
"Look, I know that the situation I put you in a few weeks ago was a painful one, hearing your friend say they don't like you at all...It is a pretty difficult thing to manage. I wish to say...It was all a big misunderstanding. I-" You raised a brow at that, your soft voice interrupting him;
"You mean that saying you indirectly hate me is all a misunderstanding?";
"Yes! I wasn't saying that I hate you...I was saying that I don't like you in...that way." You opened your mouth to talk back again, and he raised his hand to stop you. "Before you comment, let me finish. I was lying when I said I don't like you. I love you, Y/N. I was just scared of you not...feeling the same. And I know my friends, they can't keep quiet when they know something.";
You stared at him wide-eyed. No words were coming out of your mouth and only now you noticed the absolutely horrible state he was in. You don't think you've ever seen Bruno this stressed;
"I really...don't know what to say, Bruno. I'm sorry for reacting how I did, I just...I thought you hated me. And it broke my heart knowing the one I'm in love with hates me." You admitted and he gave you the same stare you just gave him;
"You mean you like me back?!"
☆Giorno Giovanna☆
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Giorno had no idea what to do for you to forgive him;
He was never good with expressing his love and gratitude for others, and he was especially worse at it when it came to you;
The day he met you was the day his world was turned upside down. He was ready to do anything it took for you to love him back, but it seemed that all his effort was crushed after his little outburst;
Everytime he tried pulling you away from the rest to talk to you, to explain you why he said that, to apologize, you gave him the cold shoulder. And, with every cold, unamused gaze you gave him, his heart shattered;
Unlike Bruno, he couldn't just make you come to him. The only thing he could do was sit and watch you from afar. Sit and watch how pretty you looked when you laughed during those weeks, but it was never with him;
"Please, just look at me" was his thought every time you avoided his begging eyes. Quietly, Giorno begged you to look at him. To forgive him. And he never begged;
His only option was writing you letter. He wrote, and he wrote. The blonde poured his feelings and his explanations that you refused to listen to into words on a paper and slipped them into your purse, disguised as a ladybug;
He only knew that you read them when you showed up at his door at one in the morning, messy hair and teary-eyed. No words were spoken between the two of you, but you both understood what each other meant;
You crashed your body into his and he was there to catch you. He was there. And he will always be there for you, to soothe your pain, even if he was the cause;
As you sobbed into his arms, emotions overwhelming you, he rubbed your back and planted a kiss on your head. There were no words needed anymore, the two souls of yours were connected into one as both of you acknowledged and realized your feelings for each other;
"Now you finally know I love you more than anything in this world, tesoro."
☆Leone Abbacchio☆
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Abbacchio hated you. He really did;
He hated the way you made him feel love for the first time in years. He hated the way he loved your smile. The way he cherished every moment spent with you. He hated how he was always there, watching your every move, but not daring to step in. He hated the way you never backed away from him, the way you always searched for him and considered his opinions. And he absolutely loathed the way he was craving your presence;
Ever since that little...incident, should we call it, happened, it was like he was invisible again. You didn't even look at him, let alone talk or be near him the way you were before;
He wanted to curse at you, at his so-said friends who brought this upon him. It was only their fault, if they only knew when was time to shut the fuck up, he wouldn't be in this shitty situation. But, most of all, he wanted to curse at himself. For being such a coward and never admitting his feelings for you to himselft, let alone others;
And right now, for the second time in his life, Leone was desperate;
The only solution he had was drowning himself in alcohol. The substance he was so used to was his only solution to end his despair. He thought that, if he couldn't think, you would leave his mind;
But oh, how wrong he was. He found himself thinking even more about you. It's like you were stuck in his head, exactly like the roots of his hair were;
That's exactly why he was there, in front if your house, desperately knocking at three o'clock in the morning, desperately seeking you;
Annoyed by the never-ending sound of knocking on your door, you opened the door to your house, wondering who could it be at this hour. However, you certainly didn't expect seeing your usually stoic teammate, drunk and with such a look on his face;
"A-Abbacchio?! What are you doing here?" you asked and were met with silence. Pure, cold silence;
Without saying a word, he pulled you into his body, and this was the first time ever since you met him that he hugged you. Even if he didn't say anything, you somehow understood everything;
The silence was now comforting and, even if you had no clear explanation, you didn't exactly care at that moment. You could speak tomorrow, now, you just enjoyed his warmth;
"I love you, Y/N."
the queen of angst lmao
hope you liked it anon <3
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
hc of bucci gang reacting to sr reader getting hit on/flirted with while she’s out and about? Or maybe when they’re on a date or smth but the npc doesn’t realize it? It’s totally fine if you don’t wanna write this, thank you!
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i'm always weak for ideas like this ... reader here is fem!
[Scarlet Ribbons Index]
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The Brando genes are ready to come out in full force. Giorno is just looking for an excuse to unleash untold horrors upon the soul who saw fit to flirt with the one he holds most dear in the world. This little debacle gets him thinking about the diamond ring he has for you in his blazer’s inner breast pocket, an item he’s been waiting ever so patiently to reveal at the right moment. Surely, that would help serve as a deterrent for unpleasant scenarios such as this. No one in their right mind would be so brazen as to flirt with the wife of a Don. In the meantime, he commits himself to being borderline passive-aggressive, settling his hand on your waist and wondering aloud who this person might just be. Any onlooker might consider Giorno the epitome of self-control, but you see past the façade. The charming smile on his face doesn’t meet his eyes. If this guy doesn’t want his clothes to be turned into a swarm of hornets, he’d do best to swiftly depart. 
Naples’ sweetheart may be able to handle a lot, but something like this would really test his patience. He knows he should be the better man and take the high road, it’s just... seeing another make such clear moves on you really gets to him. It’d be so simple to unzip the perpetrator’s hand that dared place itself on your arm and watch the horror that’d ensue. Alas, Bruno is better than that, and comes to your rescue with a smile that feels as strained as it looks. He’ll peel the hand off with a touch more force than necessary and ask if everything’s alright. The menacing aura Bruno exudes should be enough for the unwanted third party to depart. Any lingering resentment melts away the moment you start laughing at how oblivious that dude was, your warmth thawing away at his frozen heart. He’s quick to move on so that your date can proceed as intended. Upon later reflection, even Bruno is surprised with himself over how quickly his thoughts got dark. His love for you borders on worship. 
Fugo is internally seething yet does his best to shove these tumultuous emotions down. Purple Haze is roaring with dissatisfaction within, practically begging to be released so it may wreak havoc. Fugo’s a peculiar one. He would actually have an easier time dealing with/processing an aggressive interloper than someone half-decent who apologizes for overstepping and leaves it at that. In the case of the former, Fugo feels his explosive rage is justified, whereas in the latter... it’s more of a quiet insecurity that starts eating at him. He’s the type to dwell on these things for days on end without telling you what’s bothering him, because he feels it’s so petty and almost embarrassing. Would you think less of him if you knew how prone to jealousy he is? It isn’t that he doesn’t trust you, but more that he doesn’t understand why you chose to be with him of all people. With enough graciousness and gentle persistence on your part, you’d eventually get to the root of the issue. The subsequent heart-to-heart is very important for your relationship.
Mista is probably the most relaxed out of everyone regarding situations like this. He gets it, he has eyes too, he knows that you’re the catch of the century. He honestly can’t blame anyone for wanting to shoot their shot because wow. Every time he looks at you he’s in disbelief that you chose to be with him. Mista will apologize to the dude for his loss and genuinely mean it, because he couldn’t imagine how much it would suck not to have you for a girlfriend. What’s even the point of living at that point honestly. However, if the dude starts getting aggressive, Mista’s ready to change his tune real fast. He’ll showcase his revolver on the sly and ask if this is a conversation that’d be better off continued elsewhere. For the unfortunate guy’s sake, it’d be best if he took the hint and ran off with his tail in between his legs. If not, then well… Mista isn’t above roughing him up for a nice lengthy stay at the hospital. Mista’s a chill guy, but when it comes to someone bothering you, he’s got a very low tolerance.
He’s ready to fight at the slightest provocation, this time is no different. Although anyone who has the gumption to flirt with you is considered a major infringement, so they can expect to be met with unmatched hostility. Narancia doesn’t pay much mind to your surroundings; you could be in a dingy alleyway or a Micheli-star restaurant, it’s all the same to him. He’ll flick out his knife and start uttering threats before you can blink. It’s not so much that he’s thrown into a fit of rage from jealousy — although that definitely plays a small part — it’s more that he’s extremely protective of you. Almost to a fault. You’re the best thing he’s got going for himself! Following a lifetime of being cast aside, he’s grown sensitive to the mere thought of losing you. This fella obviously doesn’t know who he’s messing with and how feral Narancia is willing to get if need be. It’s up to you to de-escalate the situation. Because no matter how far he wanders, you’re able to reel him back with just a few reassuring words.
Abbacchio doesn’t even waste his time with a pretense of cordiality — he outright tells the dude to fuck off. He doesn’t understand why you bother doing a whole song and dance to avoid upsetting a complete stranger, who by sheer probability, you’ll likely never encounter again. He wouldn’t admit it, but it makes him worry about how you’d handle these situations when he isn’t around. It’s an odd paradox of knowing you’re capable of handling yourself yet acknowledging how people may take advantage of your benevolent nature. Abbacchio doesn’t have the mental capacity to get jealous in the moment, since he’s so preoccupied with ensuring your well-being. Regrets not pummeling the dude later though. The shmuck needs to go find his own ray of sunshine — Abbacchio worked hard to win you over!
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helenabuu32 · 18 days
We had a little thunderstorm the other night so this hc idea popped up in my head!
Bucci squad with a stand user S/O or crush who’s afraid of thunderstorms
In this situation, s/o or crush does actually like light storms, but when they’re so strong that the power goes out and the house is shaking, it gives them a lot of anxiety
Doesn’t even hesitate for a second or care that he thought you liked storms. The moment he sees you in distress, he goes protect mode
He’ll wrap you up in the biggest, fluffiest blanket he can possibly find and sit beside you on the couch until the storm is over, he doesn’t care how long it takes or if he’s up all night
If it’s dark outside and the power goes out, he’ll light some candles to make you feel a bit better
He’ll keep asking every 5-10 minutes how you’re doing and if there’s anything else he can do to make you feel better. Need water? Snacks? Want him to read to you or play a board game with you? Just say the word, he’s on it.
Jokes that he can zipper open a pocket for you guys to sit in to get away from the noise. If you say yes, he’s actually willing to do it.
If you’re really freaking out, he’ll sit close to you on one side and get Sticky Fingers to sit close on your other so you feel more protected
If you’re dating, he already knows about this fear and actually keeps track of when there’s supposed to be really bad storms. He’ll make sure to have your favourite snacks and drinks stocked up for the occasion, take you upstairs to his room and get under the covers with you and just hold you until the storm is over
He’s confused at first because he thought you liked storms! When you explain that you do, but sometimes they get too loud for you, he’s really understanding.
He’ll bring Sex Pistols out to comfort you and tells you “wait there, I’ll be back soon!”
When he comes back to get you, he’ll grab your hand and lead you to the living room. He had just spent the last 10 minutes making a blanket fort filled with any battery powered light he could find and a stack of drinks and snacks
He’ll sit in there with you and talk about anything and everything to try to distract you through the storm. His stand will stay out so it feels like you’re all just hanging out and having a good time!
If you’re dating, like Bruno, he’ll prep if he knows there’s supposed to be a bad storm. He’ll set the fort up in his room with all those fairy lights you like and even set up a portable DVD player and just make a day of it. You guys hang out in the fort all day leading up to the storm, sometimes the Pistols come out for a bit too. Once the storm starts, he’ll put his stand away and just hold you and continue to talk you through the storm. You guys usually fall asleep in the fort.
Wtf he thought you loved storms??? You never shut up about how much you love the rain
Once you tell him it’s just when they’re super loud like this, he kinda gets it, but will still tease/make fun of you
When he sees that you’re actually in a lot of distress he’ll feel bad and throw a blanket around your shoulders and place his headphones over your ears. He’ll hand you his music player and let you choose some music you like and just sit on the opposite end of the couch to make sure you’re okay
If you’re dating, he won’t prep for storms, but he’ll wait them out and knows the second they start getting too loud for you. He’ll grab your hand and a bottle of water, take you upstairs to his room and just lay next to you/hold you while you listen to music with his headphones. He knows all your favourite bands and songs and actually put together a playlist specifically for this situation that is several hours long so you two can just lay next to each other and maybe even fall asleep
He bought a few battery powered lanterns after the first time the power went out during a storm and you screamed. So he keeps them around his room and turns them on for you as soon as that happens
Also keeps a stash of snacks in his room in his bedside table so if you get hungry or want anything he doesn’t have to leave you alone durning the storm
He’s also very confused because what the heck he thought you loved storms???
He doesn’t make fun of you, but he just doesn’t really understand. The moment he sees how upset it’s making you he tries his best to make you feel better!
He’ll start talking about anything he can think of to try and distract you. He’ll even start making up these elaborate fantasy stories!
If that doesn’t seem to be working, he’ll grab his boombox and a bunch of lights and just have a little rave with you in the living room to get your mind off the storm! Who can be scared when they’re dancing???
Narancia always has a HUGE stash of the best snacks and he’s happy to share them with you to make you feel better
If you’re dating, he’s a little oblivious and usually won’t notice a storm is getting too much for you until he sees you cowering under a blanket, but he will drop everything he’s doing to comfort you once that happens
He bought one of those cool starlight projectors and even found a music player with multiple headphone jacks so you guys can rock out to the same music and drown out the thunder while his arms are around you
He’s confused and doesn’t get it. Logically, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a storm and it can’t hurt you from inside the house, and he also recalls you saying you enjoyed storms.
When he sees how much you’re freaking out he kinda panics and doesn’t know what to do. But he still wants to help.
He’ll ask you straight up if there’s anything he can do to make you feel better. Want water? He’ll go get it. Need a snack? Just tell him what kind.
He won’t make up stories like Narancia, but if you ask him to just sit and talk you through it, he’ll get flustered and just start spitting out random facts. About animals, space, history…anything to distract you (and himself tbh).
If you’re dating, he’s taken note of the things that make you feel better during storms. He’ll charge his portable dvd player all day until the storm starts so you guys can watch documentaries and shows about all the different things that interest you. He also makes sure to go out and buy snacks and drinks that you like if he knows there’s gonna be a bad storm in the next few days
He bought you a weighted blanket and will drape it over you while he holds your hand snd waits for the strom to calm down
While he’s not afraid of storms anymore, he does understand. He remembers being so young and alone and having nobody to go to during bad thunderstorms. It was really scary.
He doesn’t care that you usually like storms, he can see why it would be different when it gets this intense
He’ll light some candles/turn a lantern on, give you a blanket and just sit with you. If you wanna talk, he’ll find things to talk about, but he doesn’t mind just being silent company if you prefer that.
If you like animals, he’ll turn a pillow into a dog/cat (whichever you prefer) so you have a snuggle buddy to calm you down.
Every once in a while he’ll ask how you’re doing and if you need him to get anything for you, he’s happy to do so.
If you guys are dating, he’ll bring you up to your room once the strom starts, even if it’s not too loud for you yet. He’ll use Gold Experience to turn something into your storm buddy and just lay with the two of you and stroke your hair to calm you down until the storm is either over or you fall asleep
Confused at first but also gets it because she can be jumpy with severe storms as well!
Her fear is definitely not as strong as yours, so she does her best to try to help you through them
She’ll take you up to her room with some snacks and get out a stack of magazines for you guys to read. She has a lot of pillows and blankets and fairy lights so her room is really cozy!
Need a big stuffed animal to cuddle with? Trish has ya covered
If you guys are dating, she’ll put together a charcuterie board and some fresh fruit before heading up to her room and doing your usual storm routine
Once she started lightly singing to you and you told her she had a really pretty, soothing voice. So when the thunder gets really loud or you’re especially scared, she’ll wrap you in a hug and sing to you until you fall asleep or stop crying
She also likes to play with your hair or will even rub your shoulders/back to comfort you
Hope you guys liked these! I’m honestly this way with storms….I LOVE them and even don’t mind if they get a little loud, but if it’s constant, house-shaking booms or the power goes out when it’s already dark out, I can get pretty anxious!
My ask box is open so feel free to send me some hc ideas if you enjoyed!
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just-a-shark333 · 2 months
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dicentsalve · 1 month
You shared your La Squadra headcanons... Now what about L' Unità speciale?
// also,, I love your work! It's interesting :)
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Thank you VERY much, bb!!!!! I don't know if this is the same person who asked me about my La Squadra hcs, but if this is, then I'm waiting for you in the bedroom in my new lace lingerie And it's ps2 colors again
● Squalo
Squalo is Tuscan, Tiziano is Sicilian and there are a couple of reasons for this: Tuscany is a treasure trove of the Renaissance and many precious artistic creations, and Tiziano is reference to the artist Also in Sicily is very I mean, is VERY common and in demand fish, and Squalo is literally a shark, as his stand
The accent in speech is almost undetectable, but he often uses the Tuscan dialect and actually pronounces “Tizzano”
He and Sale are brothers. Sale doesn't know that his appendix is ​​a member of the Boss’s elite guard, but believes that he simply found a rich friend in Tiziano, which he sometimes uses with gnashing of teeth. They are also the direct personification of jokes: - I fucked your mother! - We have the same mother, idiot.
Squalo has a Stand from birth and for this reason doesn't eat fish.
Living up to his name, he bites quite often, as sharks bite the object of their adoration as a sign of courtship. (But if think so, he only bites Tiz)
Squalo loves and often goes swimming, especially early in the morning or late in the evening, and carries Tiziano with him, who, in turn, doesn't like to swim, but loves to spend time on the shore, watching Squalo, who sometimes brings him beautiful shells or stones from the bottom.
Can't stand white wine.
He knows a lot of different and ridiculous facts about sea creatures and loves to tell them to Tiziano.
Regarding the Bucci gang, has a particular dislike for Mista (this hc is based on private comparisons between The Clash and Sex Pistols and disputes between fans)
Having a difficult relationship with parents.
● Tiziano
Has the softest, almost inaudible accent, especially to an unknowing interlocutor, which is also well disguised behind purring.
The great love of Sicilians for women played a certain role in his appearance, which gave him great attention from men in Sicily and beyond. From the women, by the way, too.
Tiziano damnably loves money and is ready to do anything if he is paid well for it.
He also doesn’t eat fish, but he didn’t do that even before the stand appeared, he’s just sick of it.
Tiziano values ​​his personal space very much and hates when it is violated against his will, but he himself does this quite often, if not constantly.
Is the information side of the Unità Speciale.
He has the habit of pampering and treating Squalo, who, in turn, is ashamed of this.
Not particularly talkative or smiling, but has a good command of the language. (In terms of speech patterns and traps for the interlocutor, but in a different sense too)
At home he has several plants, which he carefully cares for.
Father is a farmer. Doesn't maintain contact with his mother, but has a stable relationship with his father. (His dad also likes Squalo) Final screamer, but Tiziano and Squalo are just friends, at least officially (This turns me on even more)
● Carne
Carne is almost completely deaf. He can speak, but does so rather vaguely and quietly.
He's afraid of cats and I'm not going to explain it.
His height is 211. It seemed strange and illogical to me that since Carne is meant to be cannon fodder and the stand itself demands that he be killed in any case, he is very short. And the higher the cabinet, the louder it falls.
Regarding the work of Notorious B.I.G: Yes, Carne needs to be killed And he will die, then his soul in the form of a stand will crawl out of his body. However, when Notorious B.I.G. reaches the target and kills the victim, it returns to the owner’s body and restores the wounded parts.
● Cioccolata
Cioccolata is the last one who is also Sicilian for me and I'm ready to explain why: In the anime adaptation, Risotto (who, according the canon, is Sicilian), Tiziano and Cioccolata have a single, unique manner of speech, which is especially clearly heard from Cioccolata. I can’t explain it, but just listen to their voices and compare with the others, they have some kind of abruptness, “stammers” and breath before syllables.
Based on this, Cioccolata has the thickest accent.
As a child, Cioccolata wore braces, which he installed for himself. However, he still has a natural "unevenness" and his front teeth protrude slightly, causing his upper incisors to show through unless he consciously closes his lips.
He sleeps a lot, which can be attributed to his slight excitability and extreme emotionality at work, although otherwise he is quite calm and even silent.
During each new medical experiment, he tries not to repeat himself, because otherwise the process will no longer cause the same pleasure.
Despite certain inclinations, he still adheres to extreme sterility in his work.
● Secco
He has no fear of Cioccolata. In the sense that he is still afraid of him as a person and an unstable personality. However, he is not afraid, because he is firmly confident that Ciocco wont harm him.
He has a slightly sinewy, but large and elastic physique, broad shoulders, to which a significant contribution was made by the stand, which requires good training of the swimmer, and we all know what swimmers look like.
Due to the huge amount of sugar, he is very restless, nervous and twitchy.
After being with Cioccolata for a long time, he really began to forget and confuse some words or sounds.
He is a Neapolitan and knows every corner of Naples like the back of his hand, so he poses a much greater threat in pursuit here.
Cioccolata often kicks him out of the office or forces sits halfway under the floor, since Secco loves dirt.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 6 months
How the bucci gang sleep hcs
This has been in my drafts since January wtf
all over the place
there is not a single time where these two have woken up in the same position they fell asleep in
like they'll fall asleep spooning, then they'll wake up with half of Bruno's limbs zipped off and Abbacchio sprawled across the bed in a position that looks uncomfortable with her foot in Bruno's face
one of Bruno's legs is probably on the floor and Abbacchio is most likely cuddling one of his arms
they're just used to it at this point
"Leone can you pass me my leg?" "m'kay"
Narancia came in to wake them up one time and screamed because Bruno zipped his head off in his sleep
Mista and Trish teased him about it for weeks
anyway i bet on my life that Bruno and Abba bring out their stands in their sleep
just randomly while they're sleeping Sticky Fingers and Moody Blues pop out
they just look at each other, then down at their users, then back to each other
they end up cuddling too (SENTIENT STANDS SUPREMACY)
it's so cute when Bruno and Abba wake up and see that their stand are cuddling
also Bruno's hair may look perfect 24/7 but in the morning it's SO. FUCKING. MESSY.
he has to immediately brush his hair so no one sees it like that
except Abbacchio
when she wakes up her hair is also a mess
just slightly less messy
she has breakfast before she does anything else, then she immediately does her make-up
also don't be surprised if Bruno has Abbacchio's lipstick stains all over his body in the morning
it just means he sucked some girl dick last night
usually on those days Abbacchio wakes up with smudged make-up that she forgot to take off
also Abbacchio has frequent nightmares and often times wakes up in the middle of the night
she doesn't like telling anyone and calms herself down before going back to sleep
Bruno knows about it though
these guys are like the opposite of Bruno and Abba
they'll fall asleep cuddling and wake up in the exact same position
usually Fugo's the big spoon because he doesn't like being the little spoon
brings back bad memories y'know?
but anyway they sometimes also bring out their stands in their sleep
GER most of the time
it just likes to pop out to see what's happening
sometimes in the morning when Fugo wakes up, he'll roll over and see GER staring him dead in the eyes
he screams loud enough to wake everyone up
nara, mista and trish all tease him about it
"Did someone get scared~?" "SHUT UP NARANCIA! IT WAS JUST STARING ME DEAD IN THE EYES!" "Pussy lmao" "MISTA" "Nah the boys are right, you are kind of a pussy" "TRISH!"
sometimes purple haze comes out while Fugo's asleep
GER just pops out and hangs out with ph for a bit
anyway Fugo's hair is always a pain in the ass when he wakes up
as for Giorno... uh...
picture Dio's hair but longer
he looks like a younger version of shadow Dio too in the morning lmao
also Giorno bites shit in his sleep
and he's got some sharp canine teeth
the pros of being half-vampire
don't be surprised if when they wake up there's bite marks on Fugo's arms
or if Giorno's biting a pillow
if Giorno's had a stressful day he might move around in his sleep too
not much usually, but one time he ended up sleepwalking
Fugo woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Giorno wasn't there
he eventually found Giorno wandering around the garden and muttering to himself
it was really funny when Fugo snapped him out of it
then they went back to bed and Giorno bit Fugo's hand so hard it drew blood
true love at it's finest
sometimes Fugo has nightmares and Giorno has to wake him up
on more rare occasions Giorno has a nightmare and wakes up Fugo because he's trembling and shaking so much
that's about it
he'll sleep in any position there is possible and he'll be comfy in all of them
he's also the deepest sleeper in the team
this guy moves around a lot too
he'll fall asleep in fetal position against the wall, then he'll wake up halfway across the room with his blanket tangled in his legs
sleepovers with him are a nightmare because not only does he snore, but this man also sleeptalks
one time Narancia and Trish were sleeping in his room and they woke up to him mumbling about how far his ass is
they recorded it in case they ever needed to blackmail him
but yeah this guy is a mess
He sleeps naked too
Balls out and everything
Unless Trish and Narancia are sleeping over
In thy case he leaves his pants on
Also on hot nights he SWEATS
This guy naturally runs warm, he gets hot during the night
Bro sleeps like a baby
Nara just kinda sleeps wherever
He hardly even uses his own room unless someone carries him there
Honk mmimimimi honk mimimimimi
Also they sleep with their blanket wrapped around them like a cocoon
My guy is snug as a bug in a rug fr
This mf does not make ANY noise in their sleep
Completely silent
The amount of times people have thought they were dead because of this is quite a hefty amount
The missile is very sleepy
If they sleep next to someone they cling on for dear life
Also they're a blanket hog
They do not move at all either
She sleeps in a princess bed
Also a quiet sleeper
But she does move, unlike Narancia
Goes to sleep like she's in a casket at her funeral and wakes up face down on the opposite side of the bed
If she forgets to take her makeup off before bed she screams and tells Giorno to buy her self-care products
Live laugh love Trish
Sometimes she sleeps with Sheila E (I wish lesbians were real💔💔)
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failedintsave · 23 days
and now for another edition of
Bucci Gang HCs Nobody Asked For
Cooking Edition
Never really learned to cook and eats mostly takeout; has been known to burn the pasta water (gets distracted); can filet anything; always happy to help in the kitchen but should probably be kept to prep work and salad assembly
Proficient in a handful of simple recipes and has one or two specialties passed down from his nonna; cannot cook without a glass of wine; will judge you for using store-bought noodles; hates doing dishes
Charcuterie king; makes the world's best sandwiches (his words, but no one is arguing either); over-salts because he heard the iodine was good for you; pesto goes on everything
Follows the recipe to a tee; prefers spicy dishes over anything else but sour is a close second; enjoys using utensils with specialized designs (mezzaluna, ricer, etc); gets offended if someone won't try his food
SOUP; likes to make stuff out of everyone's leftovers "because half the work is already done"; has a surprisingly refined palate and a gift for unusual spice blends; how did that get on the ceiling?
Has taught the rest of the team how to use chopsticks with varying results; can make a satisfying and delicious meal out of the cheapest possible ingredients; also comes up with some of the most horrifying Japanese-Italian fusion dishes imaginable; always forgets to turn off the oven light
Apps all day; can cook but would prefer to go out for every meal; all produce must be fresh and organic!; very particular about the correct way to dress a salad (oil, salt, vinegar, in that order); always has a dessert pairing for any meal she prepares, but usually bullies one of the boys into making it, most commonly Fugo
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1ovede1uxe · 4 months
not sure about requesting for multiple characters (plus I've seen your blog before and interacted with your posts, but for some reason I never requested lol) but I was wondering if you could write some hcs for Bucci Gang (each member individually) with a s/o who loves rock music. idk, on a date maybe, she starts playing queen or gnr songs at full volume? And when they both leave the place, she continues humming the songs? idk if this makes sense because… well… English is not my first language but anyway, have a nice day :))
hi! yes! thank you so so much for the request! I'm so sorry it took me an eternity to get to this, things got really busy really quickly. your request makes perfect sense, but it was super fun writing this! I don't write for characters under sixteen, specifically in a romantic setting, so I excluded Giorno from this, hope its okay!
bucci gang with an s/o who loves rock music :)
Bruno Bucciarati:
Bruno has a sophisticated taste in music, but he's completely open-minded and enjoys experiencing new things with his s/o. He appreciates the spirit of rock music and how it speaks to his s/o's nature. More than anything, the smile it puts on s/o's face.
Bruno finds it charming when his s/o blasts classic rock tunes, and he's not afraid to sing along or even tap along a little. It took some adjusting to, but he's found himself researching and listening more, initially for you, but now for the both of you!
He loves seeing his S/O so passionate about something, and he often surprises them with tickets to concerts as a way to bond.
in reference to both queen and gnr, I'd say Queen is definitely a bit more up his alley.
Leone Abbacchio:
Abbacchio, our emo king, absolutely loves rock. He may not want to admit it openly, wanting to appear sophisticated, but the heart wants what it wants.
He finds solace in the lyrics of rock songs, relating to the themes of rebellion and defiance.
Abbacchio appreciates his s/o's love for rock music, finding it refreshing and invigorating, and honestly grateful he has someone he can share this part of himself with.
He's not one to express his emotions openly, but when his s/o plays their favorite rock songs, he can't help but let loose a little and enjoy the moment with them, joining them in the silly moment.
Guido Mista:
Mista is a big fan of classic rock, especially when it's played loud and proud. He loves jamming out to Guns N' Roses with his s/o, belting out the lyrics and air-guitaring along with the music. Especially in the car, blasting loudly and singing on the way to a concert, or even on a super fun trip to just the grocery store.
Mista finds it so exciting to share his passion for rock music with his s/o and he's always up for an impromptu jam session.
He loves how his s/o's love for rock music brings out their playful side, and every moment they spend rocking out together is just as memorable as the last.
Narancia Ghirga:
Narancia is the epitome of energy and enthusiasm, so it's no surprise that he's a huge fan of rock music.
He may not know the bands or lyrics by heart, but he just loves to have fun with his s/o, singing along at the top of his lungs and headbanging like there's no tomorrow.
"hey can you put on that one song?" and it could literally be about any song.
Narancia finds it s/o, and he's always on the lookout for new bands and songs to enjoy together, even if he doesn't fully remember them, but he'll immediately know "hey s/o would love this song!"
He's constantly humming his favorite rock tunes which is a playlist made by s/o, and he loves it when his s/o joins in!
★ masterlist
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