#btw the references in this poem are in order
quidam-sirenae · 4 months
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Thinking about dogs in the Iliad.
Thinking about Alexander and Augustus and Achilles and Antinous.
Thinking about Mesalla Corvinus’s utter devotion to Cassius that came to nothing
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
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ทำไมถึงเต็มคิดอะไรลึกซึ้งไม่เป็น = Why are you utterly unable to think profoundly?
me @ myself, trying to order my thoughts about this episode
Disclaimer: I'm still learning Thai so feel free to correct me on anything 🙏
I'll probably make a separate post about the poem since that's pretty far outside of my current Thai abilities lol but I found it was so central to the episode that I wanna take a closer look at it anyway! The book is called ขอบฟ้าขลิบทอง (khawp faa klip tawng) 'gold-trimmed horizon' and this specific poem seems to be named after its first line มิ่งมิตร (ming mit) 'cherished friend(s)'. The author's name is อุชเชนี ประคิณ ชุมสาย ณ อยุธยา (romanizations as shown in the end credits of the episode even though it's not helpful in finding info on her anyway lol). To me, this poem carries the same tone as the entire show, as I think the script/writing emphasizes kindness, empathy, and hope for the future. And มิ่งมิตร (ming mit) also speaks about equality/liberty:
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...which brings me all the way to the end of the episode, actually:
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This was what stuck with me the most. It's not just that Kawi has no living relatives left, it's that his longterm partner is not legally considered family and thus has no rights concerning Kawi. The implications of not having marriage equality already hit me hard when it came up in Moonlight Chicken but it's truly sad now after the disappointment of the 2023 general elections in Thailand (very briefly: progressive democratic Move Forward party winning the most seats but continuously being blocked from forming a government, their leader Pita Limjaroenrat losing the bid for Prime Minister and even being suspended from being a member of parliament).
I'm not sure what Pisaeng is supposed to have learned or needs to do differently, from what we've been shown. That Pisaeng and Kawi need to join Max in fighting for their rights? That Kawi, like his dad, should see a doctor sooner rather than later? That Kawi can't be giving up everything to be with Pisaeng, considering we never saw him leave the condo for work, friends, hobbies, anything?
We've also got Schrödinger's ace!Kawi, considering Kawi's feelings in that regard didn't get resolved this week plus there being no indication either which way if their relationship in this future had a sexual component or not. Actually, that reminds me- @rocketturtle4 basically predicted this episode in broad strokes last week! I basically spent the entirety of parts 2-4 in a state of slight confusion, waiting for the other shoe to drop or for the clearly-left-out conversation about intimacy we all expected last episode to be shown. Something felt, intentionally, off.
A few last notes:
What were Phong and Daow (aka Pear's dad and Pisaeng's mom) referring to with "messy issue"? The word used was วุ่นวาย (woon waai) which could mean anything from chaotic, to troublesome, to confusing, ... you see my confusion? I'm not sure if we're supposed to take this as the parents knowing about the whole love triangle weirdness or if I simply forgot about an earlier tidbit from Pear and Pisaeng's past as childhood friends. This was a lovely scene btw, the meaning of parenthood and child-parent relationships are portrayed so nicely in this show.
If you've read my post from last week about Pisaeng and Kawi switching to different pronouns and are curious about any changes this week- From the moment we hear the boys talk with each other on Pisaeng's bed after moving in together, they continuously use ผม (pom) / คุณ (khun). Meanwhile the after credit scene (that I'm not sure when to place in this time travel chaos) contained no pronouns at all! In the preview, I heard both of them use them again.
Maybe it's my love for Thai but I felt like "I'm glad you're happy." was a bit of a curt translation for what Pear said to her mom so here's me trying to preserve the sentiment: "แต่ถึงยังไง หนูก็ดีใจนะค่ะ ที่แม่มีความสุข" = But still, I'm happy. Because you're happy./...that you've found happiness. She's my baby angel and I won't hear a single word of criticism about her!!
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nicosraf · 1 year
May you list out the classes of Angels in your story? I know Lucifer is a Cherubim and it’s implied that Uriel is an Ophanim and Rosier is a Seraph! What are the list of the Angel classes from the other characters? Is there a class system with the hierarchy of heaven?
Short answer: I wrote in cherubim, seraphim, and ophanim, though there isn't any hierarchy/class-system in Heaven.
Michael is a seraph (towards the end, he's described as having six wings), and I imagine Baal to be a cherub, Asmodeus to be an ophanim, Phanuel to be a seraph, Raphael to be a cherub, and Azazel to be a seraph. (I say 'imagine' because one of these might shift but I'm like 80% sure on it.)
Long answer about celestial hierarchy and etc.,:
You made a mistake asking me this because I have really strong feelings about about The Celestial Hierarchy and about Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. I actually recently finished studying the The hierarchie of the blessed angells: their names, order and offices: the fall of Lucifer with his angells, which is some 1635 didactic poem by Thomas Haywood that I need to post pictures of because it was very pretty, so thank you for reminding me. I’m only mentioning this because Pseudo-Dionysius (and Heywood) are in this camp of theology guys who think there’s a type of angel assigned to each sphere around the Earth to correspond to the old Ptolemaic model of the universe. What this means is that most old angelology books are all trying to force this connection that isn’t biblical, and this is why the whole hierarchy is pretty messy.
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite himself was also just someone pretending to be St. Dionysius the Areopagite. Whether he did it out of respect or to try and gain some legitimacy for his angel fanfic – who knows. Either way, I'm not a fan of him (and apparently neither was Milton, who is my lover btw), and I think there's a really long conversation to be had about why early Christian authorities may have liked the idea of a hierarchical heaven with levels of authority, rather than only God's authority reigning over paradise. Hm.
Anyway, I personally don't think a paradise can exist where there's a strict hierarchy in place. And in the Bible, there is no referenced hierarchy beyond the fact that there appears to be a chief of the angels, which is Michael. (Catholic Bibles tend to include Raphael calling himself an archangel, too, if I'm remembering correctly). The only "types" of angels that are explicitly referenced are the seraphim and cheurbim. "Ophanim" as a term isn't found in most Bibles, but they're described, so I've accepted them too. (It's worth noting that the Bible never refers to the seraphim, cherubim, or ophanim as angels, so they might not even be angels at all but some other celestial things.)
The way I interpreted it is that these three are the non-material forms of angels, which they're actually not in often. This is my personal interpretation of the fact that angels are only present and described strangely (you know, that "biblically accurate angel" meme) in proximity to God's throne.
For story reasons, angels are almost always enfleshed, so their different "types" don't come up much, but they do have casual knowledge that differences exist, like when Baal instructed Lucifer to take out "only two" wings. But it's clearly a difference that doesn't have an effect on their society.
Dw, there will be more on the "types" in the books to follow. As a side note, it was kind touchy to write the categorization at all into ABM. I didn't want to make it a big thing because 1. equality among the angels is pretty significant to the story and 2. I was afraid angel categorization could become a sort of quasi-gender or, even worse, quasi-race for them.
But yes sorry for ranting I hope this answered your question ahsjdsajdhlhjsl <3333
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neoputo · 1 year
little Good Omens 2 rant. didn't think this through so just watch me come up with new ideas as i go (lol).
about: That Scene in s2 + Aziraphale being weird but also, not that weird.
[ will be referring to Aziraphale as a he & Crowley as a she to make it easier to understand whom i'm talking abt. ]
the fact that Aziraphale told Crowley she could be his second in command still haunts me. why tf would he say that? like, i can understand everything else he said (in spite of it being rough): perhaps he's deeply traumatized, perhaps he has been manipulated and had no other option but to say what he said (among lots of other possibilities). but second in command... ouch!
and look, i get the theory that talks about how Azira said all that in order to piss Crowley off and make sure she wouldn't try to follow him/protect him/stop him. but WHY would he do that, if later we find him insisting once again Crowley goes with him to heaven. i don't understand. something. feels. off.
HOWEVER, let me bring a new interpretation to the table: let's take a look at walt whitman's song of myself, 51, a poem that goes
(...) do i contradict myself?
very well then i contradict myself,
(i am large, i contain multitudes.) (...)
but neo, what are you talking about?, you may ask. well, what i'm talking about is, no matter what theory you believe to be the most reliable, Aziraphale is having an internal battle that comes down to what he has to do vs what he wants to do:
on one hand, he has to go to heaven, protect crowley, follow the plan he quickly came up with while discussing with the metatron, etc.
on the other hand, though, he wants to stay with the love of his life, kiss her a thousand times more, tell her how much he loves her & that he fell in love with her a long time ago, etc.
so, to me, Aziraphale says the things he says because he has to; he's forced to do it, for one reason or another. however, Aziraphale also has his own feelings and, even though he can be very good at disguising them, some of them pop up while he talks (he looks anxious, about to burst into tears at any moment, desperately fighting back the impulse to kiss crowley and hold her in his arms for a little longer). he almost even says "i love you" instead of "i forgive you". god, he literally tries to swallow down every last bit of Crowley that's left in his mouth after the kiss, as if he had been starving for it for ages (possibly over 6000 years)... DAMN, AZIRAPHALE, DAMN!
so, yes, Aziraphale does, in fact, contain multitudes. but remember, there's not one side more important, or valid, or truthful than the other. both sides are honest and both sides share a place in this angel's heart+mind+body. he doesn't have to choose one, he doesn't have to discard one, for he is large and he contains multitudes, and these multitudes coexist, they are what make Aziraphale the way he is. without one or the other, Aziraphale would be a completely different being... or wouldn't exist at all!
that's it. thanks for reading!
oh, and btw! if you find this analysis interesting, i strongly suggest you watch youtuber Ter's video un concepto que me ha cambiado la vida: la performance (a concept that has changed my life: the performance—the video is in spanish + has english subs for those of you that don't speak spanish). it is AMAZING and explains this "containing multitudes" concept very well.
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merveloyd · 4 months
House of Leaves theory/explanation thingy
(spoilers btw) This has been brewing (sitting in a corner of my mind mostly unchanged) for a while so first things first:
What in the godforsaken is the Labyrinth/House?
It's Yggdrasil as the end poem says, not the actual Norse Mythological world tree but a ...thing that sort of connects many worlds and holds up the whole narrative "Its roots must hold the sky".
It takes many forms to connect the worlds and it seems to need a person to 'interact' with it to move on to the next world, first it links the world of the labyrinth and the Navidsons, who are used to record it, to the world of the actors?, the movie and Zampanò, who is used to make and essay about it, then it links that one to the world of the 'essay' and Johnny, who it uses to write the book, then finally it links that one to our world with House of Leaves, Mark Z. and you.
The first thing to note is that each world is less fictional than the last, the movie seems to be made by actors completely separate from the Navidon family (no mention is made of the director having any pf Navidson's injuries or of anyone in production acting as if it was real), the movie seems to be fictional in Zampanò's essay when Johnny finds it and in Mark Z.'s book Johnny and the essay is fictional though it seems that Zampanò and Johnny where both real at the same time, just like Mark Z. and you are both real.
In all of the Labyrinth's forms it seems to affect a LARGE number of people before it is found by someone someone who obsesses over it and expands upon it in the right direction, as it grows outwards it seems to get pickier, first accepting the first person that recorded it then Zampanò among hundreds of essayists and then no one as of yet, and less showoff-y, changing hallways, confusing edits and cuts that Zampanò thinks are by Navidson, a maze of illogical references, diary entries out of order/not written by Johnny and generally maze-like chapters, in all of them it seems to have a seemingly harmless exterior that was made by people with its true form being more abstract and difficult to comprehend.
Why in the godfuckle is it moody?
It seems to react negatively only when people learn nothing or they degrade while it seems to let go those that change and let the House go as well, Navidson leaves free after he realizes none of it matters except for the family that he neglected, Zampanò never left the House both mentally and, as close as he could come to, physically since o page 320 it says "He might have spent all night drinking ha exhaustion not caught up with me" when Zampanò talks about Tom he slips himself in (more on that later) and Johnny managed to leave because of his Realization at the end, I believe the only deaths are caused by other people: Jed by Holloway, Holloway by himself, Zampanò by himself and Tom by Johny.
Why in the unholyfornication did Tom die?
Because Johnny wrote his death, in one of the fragments of text at the picture on page 552 he considers killing both of the children, when he describes how Daisy dies there is no mention only that Navidson was to slow so he wrote in Tom's death either to save Daisy or just to kill someone, maybe Tom never existed originally only written in as a variation of Navidson to save Daisy.
Who/what in the goshmashed is Johnny/The Minotaur?
Nothing, the minotaur seems to just not exist, in every single one of its appearances it wouldn't make a difference if there was nothing though it seems to be susceptible to interpretations, Zampanò feared it so much and considered such a monster that he tried to erase every mention of it, though erasing nothing only strengthens it so it ended up killing him, it doesn't really matter if it was physically of mentally through paranoia but his fear was so strong that it left a physical mark, while Johnny takes The Minotaur as a growing part of himself that he is at first terrified from but then notices that whenever it manifests it doesn't do anything its only his imagination and his actions that change it.
What in the goshe'suncle happened at the end?
Johnny realizes something due to the dog, throughout the book animals can't access the Labyrinth inside the House in any form because they can't understand it, they can't read House of Leaves but they can sit on the book, the dog at the end makes Johnny realize how to achieve his goal to make the sheafs of paper he found nothing more than a book and to get the hell away from all of this, so he realizes that the whole thing is nothing more than a book so he writes and rewrites like he has always done.
He completely removes himself from the narrative by writing stuff that proves he never could have existed, he combines the House that transcends fiction and The Minotaur that is nonexistence to write about Pelafina a mother that always has cared about him that proves that none of this was ever real, only the delusions of kind mother, whether this means that Johnny stopped existing or the labyrinth inside the book did doesn't matter, he's free, out, if we knew his fate he would be back in the narrative as his fate is unknown to us he has completely escaped in whatever form he found.
Bits and pieces taken/inspired by Tvtropes wmd page
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
This week I played Octopus Pie author Meredith Gran’s Perfect Tides, a visual novel/point-and-click adventure game about being an internet-addicted teen girl in the year 2000:
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That either makes you go ‘ugh’ or ‘omg mood’ and no one can tell you otherwise, but it nailed it for me, this game hit so many good notes. To just cover a few:
It walks the line really well of “this is a nostalgia game made by a 40-something” and “it takes itself as seriously as its main character would”. Mara is an idiot, for sure, makes naïve mistakes and takes seriously what fundamentally isn’t. But none of that tone is disparaging, how much she suffers at the hands of a social order than is utterly normal but that she still cannot grasp is felt so keenly despite your own position of greater maturity & knowledge. Some pain transcends. 
This btw is aided by the developer commentary - Mara receives a poem from her fanfic forum boyfriend which hits hard on the cringe line but that effect becomes raw as fuck when you learn that is an *actual poem* Gran wrote for someone online when she was 16, plundered from the past and enshrined in the digital museum that is this game. Perfect Tides is 50% autobiographical which really helps sell it.
There are so many little touches of ways the characters act, the things they do, they show the depth of the author’s emotive insight - character motives are not just ‘depressed teen’ or the like. Many would be spoilers to list, so Ill just note a super minor example where Mara gets stuck arguing with mom over a comparison (about the Titanic film lol) that she doesn’t remotely believe in because...like arguing with her is her default state, and she is in too deep, can’t back out of the argument now right?  This sounds so trivial, its hard to communicate why it matters, but Mara is made up of distinct little instincts & desires like these that are core to how real she feels.
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Related to that a “Meredith Gran” specialty is how many of these character touches are never explicitly stated. Mara self-narrates so she is a little direct, but the other characters all have a ton going on that can only be inferred - like what Mara/people in general have to do to socialize in real life! Personal nod to her not-boyfriend Jason who has this desperate desire for everything to be “okay” and fully resolved the moment a problem comes up as he can’t handle the anxiety of unresolution, a trait Mara never picks up on but drives several of his scenes - I absolutely share that instinct.
Finally its batshit hilarious, between the era references and Mara’s tilted worldview and the inherent insanity of teenagers and the comedic timing of animations, scene shifts, etc, its funny in so many different ways.
My only complaint would be that the ‘internet/reality’ dichotomy is not truly taken advantage of - it sets itself up as this sort of split story, of Mara being a part of an active online social circle contrasting her grim reality, but that online social circle falls away halfway through and doesn’t play as large a role as one expected. This is of course a product of development - Gran had more online content, additional concepts and a branching path for the main online romance, but it got scrapped due to time & narrative bloat. When something is this indie its hard to fault, you easily forgive these mistakes, but its there all the same.
So yeah, go play Perfect Tides. Its amazing, just kickstarted a sequel, and tiny games like these need all the support they can get.
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orbmanson7 · 2 years
So I'm bored and here's my theory about the dhmis TV series here we go (spoilers ahoy)
The three guys aren't the actual main characters
There's clearly a bunch of hints to something deeper (that could all easily be macguffins or red herrings, but still) underlying the show, but only a couple of parts REALLY stood out to me while watching the six episodes
First off, in the 2nd episode Death, the lamp talks to the yellow guy and says that his personal belief is that when people die, they go to the center of the earth, or at least below the surface, and they are expected to put on a performance. If they do a good job, they get money for it.
Honestly, I think that's it. Like, I think that's what's going on here, but I don't think Red, Duck, and the yellow guy have anything to do with it. I think the teacher characters that appear throughout the show are people who have died and in order to get some sort of reward, they are being required to put on a performance, and the three guys are just unfortunate guinea pig audience members. I don't know the significance of them supposedly earning money as this reward, but hey, maybe it's a river styx situation or something?
Anyway, whoever is running this show, the ones expecting these performances from these random objects singing and teaching and whatnot, whoever that is, they don't see Red, Duck, and the yellow guy as characters, just test subjects, guinea pigs, or just an audience for these performers. So much so that they're replaceable
In the final episode, there's a part where the yellow guy reaches the 'bigger boys room' and they show him that they are conducting an experiment on a lesser lifeform and subjecting it to what is essentially torture. They mention "there's no point learning about something without putting it to use" which could very likely have a lot to do with why the 'teachers' we see are all performers. When the yellow guy asks them to stop their test, they refuse and continue to torture the experiment subject. Deliberating on the purpose of their test, the other two say they don't know anything about their test subject at all, to the point that they can't even assume to know what emotion it may be experiencing or if it's enjoying what they are doing to it.
With my theory, I think that's most likely the representation for not just the three characters, but potentially all the teachers we see, as well. But this fully implies there is some higher being conducting this required performance...
When the yellow guy enters the room where Lesley is playing the piano, he hears them say like a poem, "batteries can be replaced, but some things stay the same. No matter how we twist and turn, we're still dancing in chains."
It certainly feels like that part explains itself rather well. Immediately after this, the yellow guy asks if Lesley "built all this" to which they give no answer but remark that they find this all funny.
And after he leaves, having learned that Lesley is up there keeping a house and dolls in place for whatever this is (which is also a reference from earlier in the episode, btw), it's shown that there's yet another set of stairs going up, implying that there's more beyond even Lesley. Plus, the way Lesley acts in that scene implies that they may ALSO be performing or expected to delegate performances to appease someone else.
Beyond the theory that all these different teachers are dead and trying to earn their way to the other side, I think it's also extremely likely that Lesley is...all of the teacher characters.
While I'm mostly running that theory based on the fact that the train in episode 5 has the same name (or at least the license plate with that name), I think it makes a lot of sense that this is all just one person who is expected to repeat this performance over and over, maybe not because they enjoy it, maybe not because they find it funny, but because they are required to perform to earn their way out. But they haven't succeeded yet or their time isn't up yet or the system is rigged against them or whatever possible reason.
I also like to think that there may be a more meta explanation, meaning that the performance is quite literally the TV show itself, and they know they have to perform something and subject these characters to this repeatedly only because they need to make content and that's why it needs to be "funny" or educational or whatever. It's an interesting thought, but that might be more meta than necessary.
(also the book was absolutely a macguffin and Lesley's promise to "help" the yellow guy in return was actually just to put things back to the way they were which was to have Duck switch the batteries back out and get the yellow guy to just shred the damn book and return to ignorance, he didn't actually have any choice in the matter, sudden brain boost or not)
That is my theory on it. And I genuinely think it's cool, whether that is what's going on or not. It's good stuff regardless. :)
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Hey, kids, wanna hear about the worst tour I've ever been on?
(Tw: Antisemitism)
So, background: last May, me and my mum went on a travelling holiday to Cornwall - mainly to visit Tintagel, but also a whole load of other places, including Glastonbury on the way back.
Mum, in an effort to be as in-step with the intentions for the trip as possible, booked us on a walk-around tour of the town and Glastonbury Tor with a local shaman, which was already a bit of a red flag, but I figured I might as well just go along with it.
This was easily the worst mistake of the year.
Now, I'm not an expert in 'Celtic' mythology. I know enough to be able to tell what's bullshit, and I've read the Mabinogi a few times and Culhwch ap Olwen a few more, but I'm nowhere near a scholar in those fields at all, and anything more than a passing knowledge of Irish, Manx or Breton mythology is beyond me.
I say this so that when I say the entire tour felt like the Ron Swanson 'I know more than you' meme, you appreciate just how little this guy had to know for me to feel confident he was talking rubbish.
Red Flag #1: he asked us as we began the tour if he was okay to not be 'politically correct' as we went along.
He was a Norse pagan, which is not immediately a Red Flag (I know a lot of really nice Norse pagans), but combined with his previous question... yeah, Red Flag #2.
Apparently the word 'Pendragon' in relation to Arthur is derived from the Babylonian term for 'anointed one' and the 'Christians' stole it from them and brought it to Britain, and therefore Arthur Pendragon is a title passed down because apparently since MZB that's a thing everyone wants to do with King Arthur characters?
(Also, in case you missed it, Red Flag #3: he kept referring to Jews as 'Christians' even when it made no logical sense, and considering the general thrust of his arguments were 'Christians evil and weak, Pagans good and strong', that was... concerning. Gonna reiterate that tw for antisemitism, btw)
The Celts? Also had the Nine Worlds? Which, I've yet to see much evidence that convinces me 'the Celts' believed in multiple worlds at all, let alone nine of them.
Glastonbury Tor, he reliably told us, was the greatest place of learning in the Ancient World, which... I think that not only would Rome, and most of the Middle East, and Greece like a word, so would Ireland and Anglesey.
Also, he spouted the old 'Jesus visited Britain when he was a child' fanfic, but also added in that Jesus studied at Glastonbury Tor, learning the mystical arts of the Druids, and, you saw it coming, the only reason he was able to perform those miracles was because Jesus was a secret Druid.
Apparently the Tor itself was a powerful symbol of feminine energy because it's a symbolic baby bump, and the tower was put there by the Christians to violate that with phallic masculine energy, and not just because its a natural human impulse to put a building on any hill sufficiently tall enough.
He then almost immediately contradicted himself by saying that the hill was a symbol of masculine energy, and that there was this tree on an opposing hill that was symbolic of a vagina, but eeevil Christians had torn down the tree about two years ago.
If you managed to see where this is going, yes, the eeevil Christians caused the COVID pandemic.
Putting this in a general Red Flag #4 because I can't remember the exact details, but he had some familiarly weird opinions on the 'rona, like, the sort of opinions you would see on 4chan and the like.
He seemed really put out that I knew the legend of Severina and how the Severn got its name. Given the rest of his nonsense, I really don't want to know how he would have girlbossed the little girl drowning under the orders of the first Queen of England.
The discussion turned to The Green Knight, which had just recently come out, and he not only claimed that the original poem was written by Chretien de Troyes, but also that the movie was inaccurate because it did not feature the story of the Loathly Lady, which the original poem... does not feature at all.
Apparently Cú Chulainn beheaded and reanimated Scáthach's head after he was finished training with her? And this is the origin of the legend of Arthur talking with the head of Bran the Blessed, which... if you're going to assume it has a pagan origin, why not just link it to Odin and Mimir, that's actually a real legend and not something you completely made up.
That, and a brief reference to the idea that Gawain is a reflection of Cú, were the only mentions of Irish myth that I can remember.
That is, however, in large part because of Red Flag #5, which is that he seemed to... conflate, a lot of things. Like, there's the to be expected conflation of Irish, Welsh, and Gallic myths into the umbrella 'Celtic' mythology, with all of the normal syncretisms that implies, but also he threw in things like Lugh/Lleu/Lug being an aspect of Odin, who was also an aspect of Zeus, and naturally every female mythological figure north of the Pillars of Hercules is an aspect of the singular Goddess, and the Romans, Celts and Norse were all worshipping the same aspects of life and were all equally robbed when The Christians came to ruin everything, and... y'know, maybe I'm overly sensitive to this particular thing, but anytime someone treats every pre-Christian European religion and culture as homogeneous I get really wary, because it reminds me of those Nazis who keep bleating about our 'European Identity' being threatened by the sheer existence of black people.
...I will be honest, I had zoned out of most of the tour at this point, and only occasionally dropped back in so that it looked like I was paying attention, because my mum had booked onto this tour and I didn't want to be a dick about it.
...That is, until I zoned back in for Red Flag #6, although not exactly a Red Flag as much as it was a giant flaring signal of 'this man is an antisemite'. Apparently, according to this man's head, the reason Germany lost the Second World War was because Jewish bankers plotted to bankrupt them, and therefore Hitler-
It cuts out there because that's when I lost my shit entirely and stormed off up the Tor, because I couldn't imagine any way this man ends that premise without somehow justifying the Holocaust. Mum, who's much less afraid of ruining people's days than me and just as pissed off, tore into him in front of the rest of the group, but honestly the walk up the steepest slope of the Tor was honestly less painful than listening to this fucker. On the bright side, when I finally got to the top the view was fucking spectacular, and Mum got back to the hotel room having left a negative review on the website, but still... not a good time.
Bottom line, if you're going to Glastonbury... don't hire a random shaman to give you a tour?
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nityarawal · 10 months
I Love You More
(Love Bomb)
Morning Songs
I Love You More
Is It True
I Love You More
Wanna Love Bomb You
I Love You More
I'm Writing A Song
It's More Important
Than Landlord Stuff
I Love You More
Love Bombs
That's What I Got
Irany Stuff
I Love You More
So Don't Intereupt
My Song
I Love You More
So Cage Me
I Love You More
Don't Do It Again
I Love You More
With You
Felons Forever
My Sisters 
Are "Hotter"***
To Me Son
Do You Hear
I Love You More
"Of My Heart"**
I Love You More
What Prudence
Has Got
I Love You More
"Beyond Gurus" *
Eternal Quest
I Love You More
OK Grok
We'll Wipe Up Your
Elon Tears
I Love You More
Saint Francis
Of Assisi
Reap Yogis
I Love You More
'Cuz It's Easier
To Love You More
To Kiss
Build Michelangelos
And Palaces
And Not
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
*"Beyond Gurus," - By Nancy Cooke Herrera,
was an awesome book David Farley Kaplan- my Jewish Monk Godfather turned fiance sent me on Maharishi's TM "Mother Divine" when I was 21yo and took a year away from the "Dick" as a renunciate.(:
I gave up app my college/travel party habits. It was Heaven. (BTW my ™ copyright appears to be shrinking again in latest apartheid politics and Gag orders.) ):
Sister Linda- also sponsored by DFK - whom our sisters secretly referred to as "Deek," for his low balling negotiations on Spitual Center eternal- didn't love book. Yet all the ladies were curious and devoured it. Who Wouldn't love great Yogis and teachers? #IKR (Isha Kyan Rawal's initials- also a Buddha Sattva- whom needs his mother immediately. As does his sister and every estranged child crying in hlobe.) Nothing is Beyond Mothers.
**"Sisters Of My Heart," is one of my favorite Chitra Divakaruni books. She is listed with my dream agent Sandra Dykstra.
I reference this mythology in many of my songs and poems.
*** It's considered generally "HOT" by sisterhood & resoundingly noble way Influencer & selfie queen of digital era Paris Hilton goes up to bat for #FreeBritney
Mamma Paris closed conservatorships and academies that cage kids; despite lame brands pimped by Walmart & Disney etc.
We see you.
#SistersFromAnotherMother #Hot 
0 notes
Spring Troupe Live
After the disappointment of not being able to watch this live, I ordered the DVD, and it FINALLY arrived at my door today. So after dinner, I immediately set out to watch it. And.
Obviously, they performed the songs that came out on their CD (the choreography was so cute, btw), but there was additional content too.
They changed the lyrics to two songs, Itaru’s “Me, Me” and Masumi’s “Dilemma.” In the original performance, these two were pretty serious songs, but in this one I couldn’t stop shrieking in laughter.
If you all remember the “Everyone’s Old Year, New Year,” event, very reminiscent of that, Itaru’s cleaning out his room. He sees all of his old games, and then just busts out a song about the good times with his games. Yea, that’s the new “Me, Me” rendition.
Also, Citron Jr. makes an appearance, and he and Citron both just commanded the stage real well. It was so cute. And I just love how the stage makes A LOT of references to the game. As someone who once played the game, it makes it all the more enjoyable. 
Itaru is reluctant to clean out his room, and part with anything, but Matsukawa makes an announcement that he has to, because they’re going to be looking for a sixth member.
The prospect of adding an additional member FREAKS Masumi out, because he doesn’t want the Director’s attention to be split anymore than it already his, and now the lyrics of “Dilemma” changed to Masumi singing the we don’t need anyone new.
Instead of Sakoda dancing in the background, it’s Itaru and Matsukawa fighting over an old game console. Matsukawa makes a remark about how they should throw the old one away, so that Itaru could replace it with one with HIGH-SPECS (*cough cough* foreshadowing!). And Masumi once again, freaks out, because now he sees himself as the old game console. Masumi, please.
Fuyugumi makes an entrance via a recorded video, one that Homare was planning on encouraging Harugumi with a poem, but it was just a disaster. Hisoka was holding the camera and just knocked out halfway, Tsumugi tried to replace him, but he didn’t know how to work a camera so it just... Failed, LMAO.
As an aside, props to the background dancers! They all did really well! And also, props to Citron, who, while singing as S for “Omoide no Nejimaki,” the way that he sang/danced it as a robot, and then slowly transitioned to become more human-like - I just thought that it was a really nice touch.
In the end, Sakuya consoles Masumi, saying that no one could replace him, because Mankai is the place where Masumi belongs. AND THEN YOU JUST REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS IN ACT 2 WITH MASUMI!!!! THE IRONY! THE FORESHADOWING!!!! (And also, this is the last performance with Masumi’s current actor, because after this, he gets replaced).
During the last curtain call, you could just tell that all of Harugumi were trying so hard to not cry, especially Sakuya and Masumi. My hearttt
Overall, I enjoyed this immensely!!! Cannot wait for Spring 2022, and for Summer Troupe Live since the DVD for that should arrive. All in next month! Kya!!!
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viridiave · 3 years
Daylight Prairie- Creatures of the Light (lore dump)
I've had a couple of theories and headcanons stirring around my head regarding Prairie for a while now- so right here we're gonna tie some of them together cuz I haven't lored in a good long while XD
Note- btw I'm not part of beta so this is purely just me- a crackhead- putting together a crackpot narrative. SOME spoilers for Eden are present.
okay these guys drive me fucking nuts
We barely know anything about these guys- and what little we do know is derived purely from their closed off uh... Worshipping space. Look at this freaking thing.
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In the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by clouds for miles. Fairly advanced diamond technology. Altars with graves decked out in gold and candles. The mechanism for the entrance to the elevator to begin with is fairly complex as well- activated by butterflies and the butterflies don't even die in the process. And to top everything off, this place has a portal that leads directly to the Prairie Temple.
If this isn't sus I don't know what is- but I think I have an explanation.
There are six spaces for six more people that we are not aware of. The only people we DO know of is one bald person in the short garb and another bald person in the long garb. I propose that these six missing people are the Whisperers.
Which is... pretty out there, I know. Counting the 'voices' that we get in game, (including the ones from previous Seasons like Lightseekers and Sanctuary) we have one for Birds, Whales, Mantas, Memories, Crabs, and Jellyfish. For now, we're not counting either Butterflies or Krill- and I'll explain why in a bit.
As for the initial proposition that these Whisperers are the missing six, first we need to ask ourselves what exactly it was that the Worshippers were... worshipping. There is a possible god of which we see in game, and the name of this god is the Megabird.
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Megabird here was heavily present in concepts, and in the final product we only ever get to see traces of her and heck to this day we're not sure if she's a canon entity in the final game at all. Megabird as an entity in the concepts is basically the god overseeing the world of Sky and is comprised entirely of light. It's unclear whether or not the Ancestors were aware of her existence after or even before the King rose to power. The Elders themselves are likely privy to this information, but somehow I doubt that it's something anyone wanting to assert control over their people would encourage.
There's certainly the possibility that these Worshippers were a religious sect dedicated to the Elders themselves- but since I'm here trying to propose that they're worshipping something tangential to the possible actual god, we're going to assume this isn't the case. On that note-
I propose that the Ceremonial Worshippers valued the Light above all else- and this worship was extended towards the light creatures themselves.
'Oi. Vir. Crabs are DARK Creatures.'
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Not all of them. Heck, a dark crab might not have been the norm back then, but that's a stretch and besides- the fact is that these crabs on the far end of Sanctuary are docile.
Keep in mind that these followers were stationed in Prairie, of all places. You know what else is in Prairie? Sanctuary Isles- home to several kinds of manta, butterflies, jellyfish, and even the elusive Elder Manta (yes that's what the big chonky boi that looks like a light krill is called- it's not a whale.).  Daylight Prairie is in no shortage of light creatures- and at the center of it all is its Elder.
Prairie Elder is implied to have responsibilities toward the light creatures as presented in the SkyShop poem featuring them:
'Fields of harvest, prairies of joy.
Farmer and fauna as one.
The Elder protects the creatures of light,
For darkened days to come.
Fly up, fly away,
For the Children of Light in need.
We shall recall our days of wonder,
And feel its air once more.'
-SkyShop Poem (Prairie Elder Pin)
In the greater context of the story, Daylight Prairie is the primary source of light energy in the form of the light creatures- it makes sense that the Elder of that realm would oversee the flow of light creatures from one realm to the other, and that the Ancestors in their domain would have a greater respect for the creatures than others. They're the ones working with them, and they're the ones that know them best.
Enter the Worshippers- who were likely serving directly under the Prairie Elder. I'm not confident that the Prairie Elder could have shared information about the Megabird- or if they even know the god existed. 'The Light itself' is pretty vague for something to be worshipped, and it's possible that the Prairie Elder instead encouraged people that the Light manifested itself into the various light creatures that we see.
In this world however- industrialization marches on, and eventually these light creatures became things to be harvested rather than worshipped. It's speculated that light creatures were used in the production of diamonds- we see signs of this scattered throughout Forest, and Wasteland by proxy. The mural under the bridge in Forest and the doors to the Temple seem to suggest as much at least. Eventually, this industrialization will grow out of hand. I have a few theories on what the Prairie Elder might have done to passively rebel against this.
We learn in the Prairie Elder's cutscene that they are able to form- not summon- butterflies from fire. I'm not proposing that the Prairie Elder is single-handedly responsible for the existence of butterflies- rather I'm proposing through the Prairie Elder's abilities that light is able to be manipulated in such a way that one can create light creatures, should they know how.
It could just be the butterflies, honestly. And really it could just be the Prairie Elder that's capable of such a feat- and because of these holes in this theory it's the first to go.
And yes this is the reason why the Butterflies don't count. I think. That has holes too and I can make a case for the Butterfly Charmer technically being part of this... But I digress.
Sanctuary Islands could be a literal Sanctuary for the light creatures- there is an impressive variety of them present. It's also very out of the way, tucked away in a corner of Bird's Nest. The theory I'm proposing here is that the Prairie Elder and the Sanctuary Guide worked together to keep this place hidden from the rest of the Kingdom- and that it was the Sanctuary Guide that broke the bells that would have granted the Ancestors access to the light creatures.
This is... probably improbable, but my whole post was leading up to this so we're doing this. The missing six Worshippers are the Whisperers that we've encountered throughout the game- leaving in order to either develop their relationship with or protect their creatures of choice.
The Bird Whisperer stayed close and remained in Prairie- and is probably the reason why Bird's Nest exists at all. The Jellyfish Whisperer remained as well, opting to stay in Sanctuary- the natural habitat of the jellyfish.
The Whale Whisperer ventured to Forest- where there probably once was a small population of Whales, given the corpse we see in the Bridge Area and the live Whale in the Underground Cavern.
The Manta Whisperer went to Valley- I'm guessing to see how mantas were being used for labor and competitions? And Valley is right next to Wasteland so I might be reaching but they could have been monitoring that too.
The Crab Whisperer is a tricky one because we see them travelling with the Lightseekers, and yes I am proposing that this lady was formerly a Worshipper. But because we're dealing with a creature that we now know is more dark than light, maybe the Crab Whisperer joined the Lightseekers in order to observe that phenomenon more closely? Because she does refer to the crabs as friends in her SkyShop poem. Wasteland wasn't always a... wasteland, after all. Things could have been different, and the crabs could have been adapting in a time where they would be relatively dangerous but not so much that an Ancestor couldn't approach them.
And then there's the Memory Whisperer. For this one, I don't think a spirit manta actually exists- at least, not as an organic creature and moreso just an interactive holograph courtesy of the machinations of Vault. I'm actually not too sure on what this person could have been doing, but they have a call- and my best guess is that the Memory Whisperer is one who listens to the last vestiges of light leftover by a creature- because we do see skeletons in Vault, and one is of a creature that looks like an amalgamation of several spirit mantas.
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As far back as Prophecy, Krill don't appear to be aligned with the light. They aren't depicted as former light creatures, nor a corrupted variant of an elder manta or whale- they are presented as thenselves in that Prophecy mural. Though I'm sure we'll get a Krill call later on, I'm not going to count them until then.
This huge post is... full of holes and heavy speculation, I'm aware. Mostly I just wanted to dump a bunch of shower thoughts and leftover lore I came up in the Discord lore chat. Go check it out sometime, I've derived a few points in this from interacting with people there. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this matter, by the way- it's fun theorizing! I haven't done this seriously in a long while.
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kurosawa-sun · 4 years
Time for my ep. 8 review!!
Wow holy where do I even start. Adachi panicking over having to act normally in the office now that he & Kurosawa are officially dating is just peak office romance. And I really hope we can see the office finding out that their two boys are dating EACH OTHER (although Fujisaki would’ve already known hehe).
Also that scene of last night, when Adachi was a flustering mess and Kurosawa giggled at doing that to Adachi is EVIL (god I fucking love Kurosawa). I just love how Kurosawa now gets to openly express his desire for Adachi, I am going to die in the next few episodes seeing them flirt more openly with each other. I just love how Kurosawa and Adachi’s attraction to each other is palpable. I’ve seen sex scenes with less sexual chemistry than Adachi and Kurosawa, and the couple have only done so much as hold hands so far!!!
also Kurosawa being all giddy and high on love to the point that he was skipping in the office. I love seeing two 30 year old men get flustered, gay panic, giddy, lovestruck and be joyously in love. It’s just precious and such a special thing to see.
And then sweet precious Adachi, having that pile of clothes on the bed from figuring out his first date outfit (I’ve done that when I know I’m going to see my crush later). Also hearing him say KUROSAWA KITAAAA after the doorbell rang was ugh my heart. Adachi realizing what jealous!Kurosawa was seeing and going out there to explain that this is was not what Kurosawa was thinking was peak comedy (obligatory hamster comparison). I loved it when Adachi was introducing Tsuge and Kurosawa to each other, and Kurosawa was considerate in introducing himself as his coworker when Adachi didn’t know what to refer to him as. Also Kurosawa finding out that Adachi had talked about him with his friend, he must’ve been over the moon honestly.
I really loved seeing the friendship dynamic between Tsuge and Adachi this episode. Just two anxious introverts who get each other, it was beautiful.
And now finally the part I’ve been wanting to talk about since bearing witness to it...
But seriously I died at that scene, and Adachi’s reaction to his boyfriend’s cheesy ass poem for him is priceless. Has Adachi realized how corny his boyfriend is yet? Well he should be. BECAUSE THAT SHIT IS CORNY AND HATE HOW MUCH I’M LIKE KUROSAWA IN LOVE/WITH A CRUSH. I seriously need a support group for people who write poetry about their crushes.
Anyway on to Tsuge and Minato,
I’m starting to like their side story, especially since they’re both artistic people who refused to go down the safe career path in order to pursue what they love. And I did like Tsuge’s speech to Minato. Although I’ve been extremely lucky that my family fully supports whatever the hell I’m doing and all of my friends are very supportive of me, I still get down about society as a whole not quite valuing the kind of work I would want to do in my life. I like Tsuge and Minato bonding over pursuing creative careers together, one of my friends (who also happened to be a crush) gave me a very thoughtful pep talk once when I was feeling very off about my writing work and it was very meaningful to me.
And now back to Kurodachi.
Adachi finally was open about dating Kurosawa, and Kurosawa expressing that his heart was about to burst at that declaration was KYAAAAAAA
I really wanted to note the little acting details here from Machida when Kurosawa said that his heart was going to burst. His breathing was a little hitched and I could see his chest reflect that. Like goddamn Kurosawa was so overwhelmed by Adachi confirming who he is to him.
And then the hand holding. SUKI KAWAII SUKI SUKI DAISUKI. Jesus christ Kurosawa is both flirtatious and smooth, yet also a huge dorky lovesick idiot. I didn’t realise I could love him even more than I already do.
Overall, I’m still amazed at how the show keeps getting better. This is such a high quality piece of television and there’s still 4 episodes left. I am both dying from the one week wait, and also not at all ready to see the full relationship on display.
(btw I am just as shocked as you are seeing Minato get kissed at the end, I was completely blindsided by that and curious to see how that gets resolved).
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1zashreena1 · 4 years
Quarantine- New Ranch Flavor! -5
18+, m/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary: Princess is stranded in NYC with her Murder Panther for the duration of the quarantine. As a high risk patient she has no choice but to isolate as much as possible. Simulated domesticity ensues. Princess texts a running commentary to her bff Lisa.
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and ‘the code is more like guidelines’ outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
No actual smut, nasty ass snack foods, plus size insecurity, unprotected sex, feels are icky, plus size woman+fit man, bad boys with too much money and not enough impulse control, secondary OCs, excessive swearing (???), illegal business dealings… I mean, its DIEGO
A/N: Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me (plus size, white, short, blue eyes, curly hair). If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I’m not a fan of “plot” so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
TAGLIST: @chelsfic​ @symbiont13​ @nicke0115​ @bunnykjm​ @rosee-sensuelle​ @girlpornparadise​ @mandoplease​ @heresathreebee​ @xxsteph-enrixx​ @jetiikad​ @joalsglasses​ @mutantcookiesecrets​ @demoncatstone​ @squidlywiddly87​
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged.
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Incoming Text
Thursday 11:22am
From Princess
Day 1 and I literally have an ice pack on my pussy and
Hold on he’s not wearing pants again gtg
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Friday 9:49am
From Princess
Video chatting with sister when Diego walks past in the background… shirtless.
She put her phone down (my entire screen was just ceiling) and I could hear her crying. Hung up after 10 min
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Friday 10:14pm
From Princess
He sucks ass at Jenga and its adorable
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Saturday 11:49am
From Princess
I was provided a to-do list for the day.
It's just his name
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Sunday 1:32pm
From Princess
We have sorted every liquid in the penthouse into 2 categories:
Potential Lube
Definitely Not Lube
Except we’re arguing about ranch dressing
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Sunday 2:17pm
From Princess
Update: Ranch went into the Not Lube category because it “smells nasty when it gets warm” This fact was previously unknown to me and I was afraid to ask for more details
Incoming Text
Monday 8:40am
From Princess
Morning announcements include the fact that 8:37 is the earliest he has ever gotten up
I’m worried about losing my job. Diego advises me to apply to Dyson because I “never lose suction”
Am I offended or proud of myself?  It’s not even 9am
Incoming Text
Tuesday 1:12am
From Princess
This is the most weed I have ever consumed in my life (I know, not a high bar) Why is he hanging upside down off the couch making motorboat noises??
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Tuesday 1:14am
From Princess
Ahh. He was composing a poem about my tits
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Tuesday 2:49am
From Princess
The railing up the stairs to the bedroom does not in fact support my weight. Pole dance competition is OFF
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Tuesday 2:57am
From Princess
You know that thing you do with my bras? Where you put it on like a headband and it makes mickey mouse ears?
Incoming Text
Wednesday 11:17am
From Princess
Julio required to give 10 min warning prior to arrival so Diego can take off his pants
Yes you read that right
Incoming Text
Wednesday 11:19am
From Princess
Yes you do so know who Julio is. Big, round, only wears ivory/eggshell/off white/ThisIsMy 2ndWedding  colored blazers. Jeez Lisa you're not old enough for dementia yet girl
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Wednesday 12:52pm
From Princess
I have played myself. Just ate an entire cheesesteak while being a cockwarmer
Turns out I’m the freak
Julio present and accounted for
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Thursday 9:37am
From Princess
He’s crunching  a bowl of something via spoon. I ask what it is. Crushed cheez-its and mayonnaise. What in the actual fuck this man is a literal monster
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Thursday 12:10pm
From Princess
Edible body paint works on windows. Had to sit on his shoulders but this is the largest ‘FUCK’ I have ever written. Very proud
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Thursday 12:22pm
From Princess
Bottom half of the ‘C’ has transferred onto my ass. But 7 orgasms. Pick your battles
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Thursday 11:47pm
From Princess
Tried a pickled habanero. He’s still face down in the rug crying with laughter. It’s been 10 min dude come on
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Friday 10:12am
From Princess
Me: Why are you so heavy?
Diego: I keep eating you
Me: High five
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Friday 3:17pm
From Princess
He’s trying to “conduct business” via 3 cellphones. Would offer my tablet but I’m too pretty for prison. Gonna take a nap
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Friday 4:41pm
From Princess
Pants are forbidden in the bedroom. We’re just making the rules up as we go I see
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Saturday 9:59am
From Princess
He’s sitting in the corner of the window walls staring dejectedly outside. I hear the tiniest forlorn whisper “THOSE people are outside”
Too cute--must blow---BRB
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Saturday 1:32pm
From Princess
Angry texting. Muttering “No I can’t go outside and no you can’t come in here. Bitch…. No no, delete delete delete”
Me:  Where is your sister anyway? LA?
Him: Very Squinty Eyes
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Saturday 9:22pm
From Princess
My ass is stuck in the kitchen sink. While he was very helpful getting me in here he is of no assistance getting me out.
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Saturday 11:46pm
From Princess
Apparently ‘douchecanoe twatwaffle jerkface’ is the most hilarious insult he has ever heard. My brilliance is unparalleled
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Sunday 5:51am
From Princess
Me: Hey what’s the worst thing you’ve ever put in your mouth?
Him outrageously offended: I’m not answering that!
Him:  ... you first
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Sunday 7:12pm
From Princess
Is it a legit massage if he has to pause in the middle to jack off?
Incoming Text
Monday 11:06am
From Princess
Ordered groceries via Amazon Prime drone delivery. Sitting on the rooftop patio wrapped up together in a ginormous blankie waiting.
Does this count as a date?
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Monday 1:13pm
From Princess
Drone arrived. I lost my shit. Coolest thing ever. He’s frantically ordering more stuff because I haven’t looked this ecstatic since the time he rubbed my feet then went down on me for 2 hrs
Hold up change of plans
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Monday 2:28pm
From Princess
stubble burn on bottom of feet :-/
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Monday 6:44pm
From Princess
We can both fit in the jacuzzi tub. Almost drowned when his phone rang and we both spazzed out
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Tuesday 10:10am
From Princess
Today’s formal edict: He will only be referring to himself in the 3rd person. I am required to do as told. Should not be this turned on
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Tuesday 11:58am
From Princess
Watching him try to answer calls like this is a level of hilarity I could not have predicted
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Tuesday 1:53pm
From Princess
He gave me a crash course in chem. Still don’t know anything but it was hot as hell
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Tuesday 2:57pm
From Princess
Despite all evidence to the contrary I’m a Good Girl. Did as I was told. Got rewarded. 13 times
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Tuesday 5:33pm
From Princess
Unlocked a tiny piece of tragic backstory*™: He’s never been to a zoo   :-(
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Wednesday 11:24am
From Princess
Julio and Bastian brought 4 pizzas. Currently eating them individually sitting in a giant square in the living room SOCIAL DISTANCING
Like he wasn’t inside me 10 min ago wtf
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Wednesday 11:25am
From Princess
Yes cute driver Bastian. Btw you are barking up the wrong tree girl. His favorite animal is bears lol
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Wednesday 12:39pm
From Princess
Garlic butter: lube or no? Round table discussion happening.
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Wednesday 1:19pm
From Princess
I won in favor of No
Me: slams hands down on table
All men present:   :-[
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Wednesday 1:32pm
From Princess
Diego: puts garlic butter cup in the empty box and slides the whole mess off table to the floor without breaking eye contact. My sugar daddy is truly a murder panther
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Wednesday 3:49pm
From Princess
Flipping channels (he only has 5000) when he comes downstairs from the bedroom wearing Ginormous Blankie as cape.
Him: Can we do the thing again?
Me: Gotta be way more specific babe
Him: Flaps blankie like wings and gives me puppy dog eyes
Him: You know. Thing. On the roof. ...please?
Did he just ask me to cuddle???
Incoming Text
Wednesday 5:58pm
From Princess
Can confirm roof cuddles.  He fell asleep with his face mashed into my neck-shoulder after watching sunset. Every time I move he whimpers and squeezes tighter. I don't know what is happening but it kinda hurts in my chest
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Wednesday 9:12pm
From Princess
Me: You know those girls you send away when I come up? There's one that sorta begrudgingly likes me?
Him, stuffing a 2nd Oreo into his mouth(there's already a whole 1 in there)
Him: Frahnthessga?
Me: Yeah! Can I fuck her?
….I should worry about my job again pretty sure Murder Panther Sugar Daddy is dead
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Wednesday 10:48pm
From Princess
We splintered the plexiglass-divider-shower-wall thingy. His solution was to just hold all 215lbs of me up in the air and finish. I have no words
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Thursday 4:12am
From Princess
I can hear him on the phone downstairs listing names. I don't know these people. I'm going in the bathroom to run water so I can't hear anything else
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Thursday 9:02am
From Princess
I slept thru a breakfast meeting. There's a laptop  and a box of 1 doz Boston cream donuts labeled PRINCESS on the bar counter. He's watching news with Julio + Bastian on the couch. Odd but ok I got fave donuts so whatevs
Incoming Text
Thursday 9:17am
From Princess
On 3rd donut when I catch him staring. Can only see from eyes up bc he's peering at me over back of the couch. Have inadvertently activated Horny Murder Panther mode via accidental slutty licking of cream filling. 
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Thursday 11:40am
From Princess
Me: I don't like avocado
Diego: bitch what the fuck 
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Thursday 12:10pm
From Princess
He asked what the deal was with white people and meatloaf. I requested clarification on food or music. He's confused it's fucking adorable
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Thursday 2:14pm
From Princess
I'm making a meatloaf for dinner. Also brownies. TV is still on???
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Thursday 4:24pm
From Princess
Found a big round can of guava paste in the back of the fridge. He's spoon feeding it to me while watching me make meatloaf
Diego: I did not realize you were so… domesticated
Me, no brain to mouth filter: Yeah well gettin dicked down 3x a day will do that to a girl
Please send hitman asap 
Incoming Text
Thursday 5:10pm
From Princess
He just turned TV off. Local news was listing all major crimes in NYC today. Last story was 6 bodies found inside meat plant freezer, execution style kills with "on-site" equipment. When I whisper Dafuq??  he distractedly mutters 'captive bolt pistol'  
He's texting again
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Thursday 5:39pm
From Princess
I kinda wanna come home now
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Thursday 7:48pm
From Princess
I have converted another person to meatloaf lover (food not music)
On 3rd brownie when he declares: I am never letting you leave again. Mine now
Look up from rolling my eyes to receive Super Intense I Can See Into Your Soul Diego Stare
Incoming Text
Thursday 9:50pm
From Princess
He's looking for a scary movie via voice command on remote. Other hand is on my foot. I can't even see my foot. What is the actual purpose of hands that big?? What is the evolutionary goal to this endgame? ?? Why am I wet just thinking about a    h a n d    ?????
Incoming Text
Friday 12:34am
From Princess
Con: This asshole is delighted to learn that I don't like scary movies
Pro: Hiding my face in his chest means I fucking feel the rumble when he laughs at me. I think I'm developing a heart condition. Hurts again.
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Friday 1:40am
From Princess
He's rubbing his face all over my stomach. I don't like this. Sir why. Please it's literally the least attractive part of me
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Friday 2:11am
From Princess
He likes it…? I don't see. How does. But it's.
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Friday 3:47am
From Princess
He's asleep on my stomach after spending 40 min declaring his love for belly
I'm crying and I can't stop. My whole chest hurts. What is this. Is this the most long game prank ever. There's no way he's for real. I'm afraid. Do you think I should try to escape?? Please you know I'm not easily frightened but I just. Please text back I need my BFF
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Friday 7:18am
From Princess
Woke up in bed alone and naked. Gonna grab a shirt and handle this. I can't just ignore it. This is probably a bad idea but I can't just let it go. If you don't hear back from me by noon call my parents. I love you
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Friday 11:38am
From Princess
Halfway down the stairs 3 dudes I don't know come out of the office, Diego and Julio follow. They take 1 look at me and launch into laughter and some rude fucking spanish. I'm rusty but I know fucking "fat bitch" tyvm. Diego picks this mf up by the throat and throws him into the elevator. Drags the other 2 in and... no one has come back since
Been locked in the bathroom. I'm afraid to hear anything
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Friday 1:48pm
From Princess
Relocated to closet earlier. Reading. I'm 2 chapters in and I don't even remember the title. Gonna take an ativan. Hands are shaking
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Friday 2:27pm
From Princess
You know what? I don't even care. Like as long as it's never directed at me I just don't care.
It's too late I'm in too deep. I don't know if I can even come home after this. I'm not who everyone thinks I am. I don't know who I am. I'm turning the phone off now I'm sorry but I just need everything to stop for a while
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Friday 7:48pm
From Princess
I'm ok, sorry for the dramatics. Woke up still in the closet corner but under Ginormous Blankie and can hear shower running. Decide it's time to put my big girl panties on and march in there. No I did not learn from the last time. Standby
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Friday 9:22pm
From Princess
We're good.
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Friday 11:49pm
From Princess
Ok. Marched into bathroom, launched into speech: I'm sorry but I did not know anyone was here. You have to leave me a note or something. Please tell me I did not ruin anything
Him, still in shower: Get your ass in here.
It was a literal growl
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Friday 11:50pm
From Princess
Apparently that guy had been fucking up small time and Diego was waiting for him to fuck up big time. I will never see all 3 of them again (No do not ask)Yes it was frustrating but not mad at me. Ok a little because his sister hired that guy and now he has to explain the dude's ...disappearance. Without mentioning me. No one can know about me I am a "liability"
Um ouch..? I think?? Chest pain again
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Friday 11:51pm
From Princess
He's been asleep, I'm just staring at the ceiling. Demanded I let him prove that he would never put hands on me that I don't want. I thought he was gonna cry. I did start crying but said yes. Not gentle per se, but definitely ...emotional? Like soft sex. Slow soft sex but with emotions?? I'm lost
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Friday 11:54pm
From Princess
Please tell me no. Talk me out of this. Tell me I'm fucknuts and I need to just come home and be reasonable and sensible. You know when you stand at a ledge and a little voice tells you Just jump. Do it. Go
Do I want all in? Can I do this? I should not do this. I should not care about him. Especially like this. I just. When I'm not here this is all I think about. No one else makes me feel this way
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Friday 11:56pm
From Princess
I'm hysterical right? This will go away if I just sleep. I can't stop looking at him. Touching his face, hair. Ever since the Kitchen Blowup (after the first fight??is it a fight if you're not technically in a relationship?) he's been different. Careful?? Like he really listened to me and heard. I can see him trying. Like reining in his knee jerk reactions and stopping to think before he says stuff to me. What am I supposed to do?
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Friday 11:59pm
From Princess
I want to trust him. I want to be spoiled and fucked senseless and all the giggles and private planes and shopping sprees and sleeping in til noon. But what about the other side? Constantly looking over my shoulder? Worrying that he might not come home from whatever the fuck he's out doing? The other actual supermodel hot women??? I'm not naive.
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Saturday 12:10am
From Princess
I just need to turn this off. Shut it down. Cut off emotions and just fuck. I can't do this and I can't have him for keeps. So it's time to be realistic. After this shitty quarantine ends I'll take whatever cash he wants to give me and go home. I can move if I have to. It's not hard to change your name these days. This whole nightmare will be the hilarious rumors in my future nursing home
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Saturday 4:44am
From Princess
Got up at like 350 for the bathroom. When I crawled back into bed he yanked me backwards to be smashed into/under him. Buried face into my hair and ordered:
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Saturday 9:10am
From Princess
Woke up alone. Gathered shirt. Did surveillance from top of stairs. Music blasting. Bastian and Diego are working out. I had to sit down for a while
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Saturday 9:40am
From Princess
Finally made it down the stairs. Eating donuts while watching live action porn
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Saturday 10:27am
From Princess
Show's over. Diego announces he is going to shower with a wink. I am staying on this barstool with my donuts. I am determined
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Saturday 10:38am
From Princess
Sharing donuts with Bastian. He is staring at me
Me: ...wut?
Bastian: You know I haven't driven Franchesca anywhere in 4 months
I don't know how long I've been sitting here staring at this half eaten donut but Bastian is gone
Shower still running
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Saturday 1:36pm
From Princess
Slut level 7: Shower blowjob
Realized I have to wash my hair now. He demands to do it??
Diego: How much fucking conditioner is this going to take?
Me drooling blissfully: Uhhh... please not that word right now
...I literally heard Horny Murder Panther transition happen.
He did not touch anything but my head. Came via voice command. How the fuck
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Saturday 1:39pm
From Princess
Then it was Round 2 still dripping wet in the bed. No idea how he recovered that fast not looking gift horse in the mouth.  Haha   Horse
Also slow soft again? Does this mean something?? I feel like I'm missing some key piece of info. Never had a dude like kiss all over my face and stroke my hair. What is this gentle?? Don't like the whole looking into my eyes thing
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Saturday 3:02pm
From Princess
Received an assignment. Was trying to budget for next month (on my new laptop! Whole Microsoft office package!! SPREADSHEETS!!!)
Instructed to help fix what I fucked up…?
It's resumes. He wants me to look at resumes.   Um
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Saturday 4:12pm
From Princess
We traded laptops. I picked 3 resumes for 'warehouse labor'  This is fucking surreal
Got my laptop back and… all the internet tabs were closed?? I was paying all my bills dude wtf. His phone rings but before he walks off tells me the title will be mailed to me. ?????
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Saturday 4:47pm
From Princess
He's still in the office on the phone. I'm in the closet in shock. He paid my loans. He paid my Loans. He Paid My Fucking Loans OFF
$$$$$   30,000  $$$$$
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Saturday 4:52pm
From Princess
No you can't have him if I don't want him!! Fuck you
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Saturday 5:32pm
From Princess
Bastian came back, left a big box on the counter, said "This is for you honey" and left again. Diego still in the office.
...should I open it or wait for him to come out??
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Saturday 5:36pm
From Princess
Fuck it. I'm opening this shit
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Saturday 5:42pm
From Princess
It's a very large Brahmin bag.
Holy fuck its gorgeous 
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Saturday 5:47pm
From Princess
You know what? You Know What?
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Sunday 8:42am
From Princess
I think we're ok? I actually uh, accidentally recorded um… everything-ish. And I might send it to you later. But right now things are kinda wobbly and I just wanna enjoy everything while I can. I'll check back in later. We're going to bed now
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Sunday 1:58pm
From Princess
Woke up to 1 gigantic hand stroking down my back. 2nd hand stuffed up my pussy to the knuckle. Villain voice directly into left ear. Memory hazy after that
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Sunday 3:01pm
From Princess
Do Oreos in bed at 3pm count as breakfast? My hips hurt
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Sunday 6:40pm
From Princess
Ok we all know I'm very much A Freak. Trysexual if you will. Only way to know you don't like it is to try it right? So anal. Never really worked. Great in theory really unpleasant in practice.
Turns out others were trying to insert the wrong appendage. Related: I fucking love beards
e v e r y w h e r e
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Sunday 10:40pm
From Princess
Yes I know you wanna know about KITCHEN BLOWUP 2.0, someday I'll tell you about v.1. It's complicated. There are feels. I can't take the vague, wishy washy, up in the air status. So it went kinda like this
Me: You want to "keep" me? Wtf does that even mean?? And how, via purchasing me??? Don't get me wrong, I like being spoiled. I'm not an idiot. But you don't even know me
He looked like I stabbed him. It was horrible
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Sunday 10:42pm
From Princess
So I laid it all out: I lived in my car for a while in my 20s. Escaped an abusive ex after 8 yrs. Survived cancer at 26. Did 2 rounds of trade school just to be scraping by at like $15 an hour. That you just paid off like it was nothing. You try to protect me from you and your life. But you have no idea what I've already survived.
So here's the deal: You wanna keep me?? Then I get to keep you.
But it's everything. If I can't have everything then I don't want anything. And if it can't be ONLY me then I gotta go. I'm not a back up plan or a convenience.
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Sunday 10:50pm
From Princess
At this point I'm scream-crying, gesticulating like I'm hysterical. He's collapsed on the floor at my feet looking like I just killed his dog. Only makes me worse. I'm demanding an answer right fucking now. This is a disaster.
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Sunday 10:54pm
From Princess
He starts yelling about how he can't keep me if I'm dead. This isn't a fucking game and I'm just like Do I look like I'm playing right now?!?
Lisa, he was crying. Just kept repeating "She's right. She's fucking right. That bitch is right."
Head in his hands sobbing.
I couldn't. 
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Sunday 10:59pm
From Princess
So I got down on my knees in front of him and reached for his hands. Just like the first blowup. I was terrified because he's obviously not in control and like I don't know the things he does but I Know. And the PTSD from ex… but I finally got him to look at me and asked him to just Tell Me.
And he did.
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Monday 12:04am
From Princess
If you had told me that night in the club that any of this would happen. That this man was capable of everything these past 10 months have brought. I would've taken you to the hospital myself.
He collapsed on me and was just begging me "Don't go don't go. Please stay. Stay just for now. Please. No one else no one."  I have a lot to consider. Probably gonna be quiet for a few days. I'll text you when things calm down. He's asleep on my chest right now
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Monday 12:10am
From Princess
I mean 10 months...how many weekends have I been up here? 12? 16? And only twice did I reach out first and ask. I have stuff here. You saw the closet section. Every time I arrive there's coke and ketchup in the fridge. My face wash and toothbrush and a huge bottle of gel in the bathroom. Last time here he gave me the safe combo???
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Monday 12:14am
From Princess
I mean, I've never seen ...other… in the fridge. I don't think it needs to be refrigerated???
I Don't Know Okay
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Monday 6:40am
From Princess
Woke up around 5 and he was just staring at me from like 2 inches away. He left once he realized I was awake. I didn't follow. He still hasn't come back to bed yet. Should I go find him?
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Monday 11:38am
From Princess
Found him on the couch. Coffee table covered in vast array of firearms. Did not realize there were so many in this penthouse. Little uncomfortable. But I'm a fast learner with good mechanical skills so now I can do gun stuff. Please don't ask me about it
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Monday 11:41am
From Princess
Ok yesss. We had the stupid movie cliche moment of big tough guy stands behind damsel to teach some physical skill. Gawd.
...yeah doing it feels better than watching. You happy now???
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Monday 2:28pm
From Princess
Mood swing. He declared vengeance on behalf of his closet. I have worn too many shirts. This cannot continue. ????? Stay tuned
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Monday 2:59pm
From Princess
This man runs the largest distribution enterprise in the western hemisphere.
Currently stuck in one of my $6 tank tops from Target. 
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Monday 4:17pm
From Princess
I'm out a tank top. And a thong. Go ahead and just think about that
...But I'm still wearing one of his shirts :-D
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Monday 5:48pm
From Princess
Instead of admitting defeat he decided to forcibly remove the shirt from me. Since I have to be difficult, I ran. If this place wasn't soundproof there would be so many police here.
What level of fucked up is it to enjoy screaming No!, while struggling, not less than 3 sec prior to orgasm??
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Monday 5:52pm
From Princess
The scale only goes to 10. You don't gotta be a bitch. Damn
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Monday 8:17pm
From Princess
14 days will be up this Thursday. But they're talking about extending it, really bad here. I'm scared. Gonna try a drink, maybe ativan because I'm starting to freak out.
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Monday 9:57pm
From Princess
Watching the news and I just sorta came unglued.  Diego not really a soft/gentle guy (obvs) but once I got thru a blubber-cry explanation of immuno-compromised and cancer treatment I got full lap cuddles. I want this every time I'm upset. Warm and solid and big hands and soft nuzzles and scratchy velvet cheek kisses. Feel so tiny and safe
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Monday 11:40pm
From Princess
Think I'm fukced up. Everything feels good. Petting all the things
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Monday 11:44pm
From Princess
I'm fiiiiine. One drink. Once ativan. Thats it
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Monday 11:49pm
From Princess
Omgod ill be fine it's good donot call me
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Monday 11:55pm
From Princess
What are fiddlesticks? Like the worrd not a instrument accessory?why do we say that
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Tuesday 7:42am
From Princess
Holy shit I slept so good. I looked back thru the texts. Wtf was I doing?? I don't remember any of this
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Tuesday 8:32am
From Princess
He's giving me that all teeth smile. I'm very suspicious. And surprisingly not horny?? Am I dying?
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Tuesday 9:46am
From Princess
Have been informed that I was very adorable last night. I'm afraid to learn his definition of adorable
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Tuesday 10:12am
From Princess
Omg he has 3 hours of video
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Tuesday 11:17am
From Princess
I spent 45 min yelling about Pluto planet status being revoked and the kilogram definition being forever altered. He was very invested in the 2nd part. Legit academic discussion
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Tuesday 11:49am
From Princess
Next part: I decided to make a fried egg sandwich. He started recording like a cooking show. I almost lit my hair on fire.
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Tuesday 11:57am
From Princess
Oh I see where everything went wrong. I had 1 drink and 1 ativan. Then I finished his drink. Then I drank his replacement. Why tf did he let me do that??
"You were so cute! How could I say no to this face, bonita?"
...I will remember that
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Tuesday 12:13pm
From Princess
Apparently we exchanged playlists. This is not good
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Tuesday 12:28pm
From Princess
Omg I revealed the Murder Panther Sugar Daddy title. Oh fuck. Shit shit shit
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Tuesday 12:42pm
From Princess
I spent 40 min petting him all over while listing everything I liked and why. He is going to be insufferable for forever after this
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Tuesday 1:22pm
From Princess
Lisa. Lisa. Holy shit. He said we made a porno. I laughed. He fucking narrated an opening to it. I am dying  I am going to die   I am dead
Him, offscreen: Diego and Bicki make a Porno!
Me, onscreen, twerking on the bed in lace bra
Me: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ASS AND TITTIES!!!
Diego pops into shot, giggling: Pretty Princess Pussy!!
The whole thing just dissolved into shaky blur and us laughing hysterically
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Tuesday 1:24pm
From Princess
No I'm not sharing it. What is wrONG WITH YOU??????
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Tuesday 3:44pm
From Princess
It… did not go the way I thought it would. And apparently he had not watched it either because we were both surprised.
That. Was not sex. Seeing the soft slow with emotions from the outside was pretty damning.
That was lovemaking
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Tuesday 6:32pm
From Princess
I'm locked in the bathroom. Everything is fucked.
I just… I just hid my face and said "I want to go home." Like a fucking coward hiding behind my hair, I took off upstairs and now I'm here. It's been a long time. I'm still alone
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Tuesday 6:39pm
From Princess
No shit Sherlock, I know I have intimacy issues.
Men don't love me. Sure I'm fun to fuck for a while. But they don't take a poor fat girl home. Come on, you've seen it firsthand. Clearly, since here I still am by myself
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Tuesday 6:42pm
From Princess
I don't know what I was thinking. I don't belong here. Guess I'll just ride out the last 2 days then come home
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Tuesday 6:45pm
From Princess
I think Julio is here. I can hear their voices but can't make out the words
Oh no his sister is here. They're yelling in Spanish, I can't catch any of it
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Tuesday 10:14pm
From Princess
They screamed for a while, then she finally left. Been silent ever since. I don't know if he's still here
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Tuesday 10:40pm
From Princess
He's definitely still here. There's a tantrum going on
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Wednesday 12:32am
From Princess
Fell asleep in the closet corner again. Except when I woke up he was wedged in there with me
Me: … um
Diego: I think I see why you do this
Then he went to sleep on me
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Wednesday 5:48am
From Princess
Have been talking since 3. Still in the closet.
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Wednesday 7:10am
From Princess
I'm coming home when this is over. I need some time and space to think. 
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Wednesday 7:12am
From Princess
Is that even the right term? Do you 'break up' with a sugar daddy???? 
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Wednesday 7:13am
From Princess
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Wednesday 7:16am
From Princess
Gonna shower and go to bed. You mention that last text and I literally will stab you. BFF or not
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Wednesday 4:40pm
From Princess
Just listened to an hour of descriptions of Mexico.
I am… tempted
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Wednesday 6:54pm
From Princess
I'm flying home Friday, they just lifted the travel ban here.
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Wednesday 6:59pm
From Princess
No, no one is happy here. We're both clingy disasters today
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Wednesday 7:17pm
From Princess
Went downstairs. It's a war zone. We came back upstairs 
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Thursday 6:19am
From Princess
Couldn't sleep so I'm packing. Diego is watching me from the bed with the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes in existence.
Effect kinda ruined because I can see his bare ass
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Thursday 6:22am
From Princess
Why would you ask me that? You know he's an exhibitionist 
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Thursday 6:23am
From Princess
I can't decide if you're the Best or the Worst BFF ever. Gawd
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Thursday 6:25am
From Princess
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Thursday 6:27am
From Princess
Yeah. You see my dilemma now???
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Thursday 6:28am
From Princess
Yes I bite it! What is wrong with you today???
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Thursday 6:43pm
From Princess
He spent entire day attached to me. I..??? What do I do with a clingy cartel boss drug lord?? Its too much
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Friday 8:52am
From Princess
I'm on the plane. He rode here with me. Looked so… broken. Feel like a monster. But I'm scared
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Friday 1:45pm
From Princess
I'm home but but he. Omg
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Friday 2:38pm
From Princess
There's a tiny stuffed panther in my bag with a note:  I just want to be with you
My very own Tiny Murder Panther 
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secret-engima · 5 years
Hibari Kyoya reborn into the FF7 universe??? Who is he reborn as??? Cloud??? Sephiroth??? Zack??? AERITH????
*stares off into the distance*
*stares even more*
*cackles evilly*
No, come back, sit down, lemme explain (oh no a new ramble). My first impulse is Sephiroth, but if that happened the world would burn in fire and law of the wild allegories and no one would be able to stop it because Cloud probably wouldn’t even be BORN yet or something. Gene-bari grows up as an eccentric child of loving, rich parents, and promptly decides that his home town of Banora needs more discipline and set off on a one-bby rampage to take over his town. Which he succeeds at, because Science Experiment With Hibari’s Soul.
Meets Angeal, a young boy already filled with dreams and morals and ethics and honor and generally all the things Hibari has no time for and decides that Angeal would make a GREAT replacement for Kusakabe.
Angeal is just pleased to make a friend that will spar with him (even teaches him things, because he quickly realizes Gen is a GENIUS and knows way more than he lets on to the adults).
Banora quickly learns to fear Genesis and praise Angeal because Angeal is literally Genesis’s only non-violent braincell here, and Genebari is fond of the omnivore and so can actually be talked out of a lot of things by Angeal (Fluffy Carnivore has rubbed off on him, much to his annoyance, and now he WANTS a ... what’s the herbivore word for it ... FRIEND at his side and will do anything to keep Angeal there).
It’s a really good thing Angeal has ironclad morals from like- age 4 because otherwise the world would Burn.
Hears about Sephiroth, the darling war hero and weapon at age way-too-young-Hojo-you-hack and of COURSE wants to meet and fight another potential predator. Angeal takes this to mean Gen wants to join Shinra. Gen bares his teeth at the thought of taking orders from anything, but if it means more fights ... and Shinra is already powerful, once he gets in, it wouldn’t be too hard to work to the top and be able to TRULY reinstate the disciplinary committee of his previous life....
Very well. He will deign to join Shinra. From there he will take it over (Angeal just laughs at Gen’s declaration, because Angeal is a boy and hasn’t QUITE figured out yet that Genebari can do quite literally whatever he intends to do.
Somewhere along the way between that event and joining, Angeal tentatively suggests that Genesis learn to use terms other than nature ones when talking to other people. Angeal understands him but some people might get confused and a commander is always clear, right?
Genesis, not wanting to learn but seeing the logic, randomly picks up a book to read because reading words is more tolerable than listening to blithering herbivores. The book he picks up turns out to be an epic poem called Loveless.
Years later Angeal will quietly tell Sephiroth that the frequent poetry quotes is Genesis ... attempting to speak somewhat normally. When Seph gives Angeal a look that is befitting that statement, Angeal shrugs and just says that Gen has always been a ... off the wall thinker.
They leave and join Shinra the day after their birthday that makes them the eligible age and all of Shinra’s lower ranks quickly learn the new order of life. Namely that Genesis is Terrifying and can and will fight anything and WIN (after terrifying all his classmates, the Soldier 2nd drill instructor decided to try sparring with the brat to humble him, the Soldier 2nd ended up getting both arms and his nose broken before Angeal could drag Genesis off. This gets Attention.)
Genesis nearly murders the entire science division over the mako treatment thing, but Angeal talks him into it. Genesis, who’s soul still has Cloud Flames, enhances his immune system during every injection to the point that would normally make his immune system eat his body from the inside out, but instead just steamrolls right over the Jenova parts of the formula and subsumes the mako to make his Cloud Flames EVEN STRONGER.
Live in terror Shinra, this monster is thine own making.
Of course, with Genesis leading the way, winning people over through terror and awe left and right and Angeal gaining a horde of devotees through his ability to keep Genesis from murdering them all, the two rocket up to first class in a timeframe that almost rival Sephiroth’s. Sephiroth is, obviously, curious.
He challenges Genesis to a fight.
It is only AFTER he finds himself wheezing on the floor of the utterly demolished training room, bruised and cut all over and with one arm that is Very Definitely Broken does he understand why Angeal solemnly, seriously said he would ensure Seph got a proper funeral.
To be fair, Genebari is only slightly better off, because what Seph lacks in experience he makes up for in talent and stubbornness.
Yes, Genesis decides as he grins past his bleeding nose, split lip, and multiple lacerations, THIS new minion will do VERY nicely.
To sum up a VERY long story short, Genesis ends up climbing the ranks and then cheerfully manipulating, murdering, and charisma-ing his way to the president’s position of all Shinra by age 23. Casually plops Vice President Shinra into the ruling chair on the unspoken (threatened) agreement that Rufus can have the money and glory and run all the usual stuff, but only on Genesis’s guidelines. Genesis would take the chair but that would mean no more fighting and well ... HIBARI. Kusakabe did all the paperwork for a reason in the last life.
Also Cloud ends up being Genesis “secretary”. Angeal, Seph, and Angeal’s new puppy Zack all know that Cloud is really Gen’s apprentice/pet and thus the Smolest, deadliest thing on Gaia to ever breathe, Tonberry included.
Genesis gleefully murders Hojo and Hollander and puts a moral scientist in charge, adopts all of Deepground as his “pups”, and saves the world when he signs off on giving Reeve complete control of HOW Shinra electric gets its power and Reeve promptly starts a slow but stable transition away from Mako energy and to alternate sources.
Also Genesis tracks down Jenova’s corpse personally after finding Hojo’s references, sets it thoroughly and totally on fire (Cloud Flame enhanced materia, so no surviving that) then backtracks to the Mansion to investigate and finds Vincent.
Genesis takes one (1) look at what is CLEARLY an immortal vampire and lunges, because he’s always wanted to fight one for reals and this is his chance.
Vincent, after nearly being murdered by Genebari, somehow ends up following this madman home where he finds Lucrecia’s son happy, stable, and in charge of his beloved SOLDIERs (Lazard is now vice president) and his old friend Veld still running the Turks, this time with actual failsafes in place to prevent corruption in Shinra. Vincent ends up getting smacked repeatedly over the head by Veld (who’s family never died btw) and dragged off to become co-head of the Turks because DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAPERWORK YOU LEFT ME TO DO. DO YOU???
Aka that time Hibari got reincarnated and proceeded to save the world by accident because he wanted to Fite People and reinstate his Disciplinary Comittee.
Also Genebari takes one (1) look at Aerith and immediately declares her a “Baby Omnivore Sky” and dotes on her like a distant big sibling. Aerith just rolls with it because the planet is basically sobbing in relief for all he’s done, and besides that he introduced her to Zack (more like dragged Zack down to the church, plopped him at her feet and declared that “I have been informed that females enjoy doting mates, so I have brought you a suitable one. He is well trained and very affectionate, but needs to be exercised several times a day or else he gets bored. I recommend sending him on errands or monster hunts to make him more placid and suitable for your smaller home”)
So yeah, that’s how Aerith got her boyfriend.
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direnightshade · 4 years
Lapis and Baby blue (why limit it Greek gods lol?) for all your guys, please! Those just sound fun! I loved your Clyde weekend btw!
This ask took me SO MUCH TIME, but it was worth it. I really loved this one. Had to double up on the Gods, though. There weren’t enough that matched each personality individually. lol Also, thank you so much! Clyde weekend was a lot of fun. I really am tempted to do another weekend with one of the other guys.
Lapis: Are they superstitious?
Charlie doesn’t consider himself to be very superstitious in his every day life, but even he can’t shake the superstitions of the theater. While he may not follow every single one, he does always leave the ghost light on when he’s the last to leave the stage, and he never ever allows for whistling backstage.
Flip’s not a superstitious guy. He’s too logical a thinker for all that nonsense.
What’s a superstition?? Kylo’s got too much going on, what with conquering the galaxy and taking down the Rebellion, to concern himself with such things. 
To sum Toby up in a nutshell:
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Paul is not a superstitious man by any stretch of the imagination. He’s too analytical, too rooted in science to be.
You best believe that Clyde is as superstitious as they come. The man does believe his family’s cursed after all! If he finds a penny that’s heads up, you can guarantee he’ll pick it up for good luck. He supposes the only superstition he doesn’t believe in is the one about them black cats. He don’t fancy himself much of a cat person, but he figures there ain’t any harm in ‘em.
Paterson doesn’t fancy himself to be superstitious either, though he likes the idea of it, the fantasy people create in their minds because of them. It gives him good source material to work with for his poems sometimes.
Sackler says fuck your superstitions! He doesn’t care about them, doesn’t believe in them, doesn’t give them the time of day and that’s that on that!
Baby Blue: What Greek God/Goddess are they most like?
Dionysos was the ancient Greek god of wine, merriment, and theater.
Often referred to as the Father, as the god of thunder and the ‘cloud-gatherer’, he controlled the weather, offered signs and omens and generally dispensed justice, guaranteeing order amongst both the gods and humanity from his seat high on Mt. Olympus.
Ares was the Greek god of war and perhaps the most unpopular of all the Olympian gods because of his quick temper, aggressiveness, and unquenchable thirst for conflict.
The city protectress, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason.
Not only was Artemis the goddess of the hunt, she was also known as the goddess of wild animals, and wilderness.
He is especially known as a god of wine and ecstasy. Dionysus had the power to inspire and to create ecstasy, and his cult had special importance for art and literature. 
Apollo is the Olympian god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture.
God of love, or more precisely, passionate and physical desire. Without warning he selects his targets and forcefully strikes at their hearts, bringing confusion and irrepressible feelings or, in the words of Hesiod, he ‘loosens the limbs and weakens the mind’.
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rattusrattus3 · 5 years
Hello, I saw the zine you made and its soooo cool! :D and I was wondering, how does one make one? and also what are some topics to do it on? I really like your style btw, its amazing, you're amazing, and yup. you're really cool I like your hair and clothes and glasses .-. ye. xo
Oh hi!!!! I’ve written many zines and I’m not super sure which you’re referring to but I’m assuming it’s the most recent one (the super embarrassing one about my trauma and gender for my class lmao) for that one I just folded pages in half,
illustrated and drew on them (printing out the words I wanted on them) (u have to decide first how many pages u want in the zine and then number bc the pages will be not in the same order when they are unfolded)
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Once everything was glued down and arted I photocopied it and then sewed all the copies together
but I’ve also made tons of mini zines (1-pagers) and that’s how I got started and I highly recommend it; this is what they look like: (pen for size comparison)
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And unfolded:
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You can write them about anything! They can be comics, or art, or a collection of thoughts, or a journal type thing, or pressed leaves and flowers, or poems, or odes to your house cat or rants about your neighbour like literally you can write it about anything or not even write anything and just make it art!!!!
I would check out this rookie tutorial for how to make a zine it’s how I got started :-) good luck I hope you make the zines of your dreams!!!
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