merveloyd · 3 days
btw this is that dimension of infinite energy where magic comes from that you've heard about
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merveloyd · 4 days
Weird things in the clouds today
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merveloyd · 4 days
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merveloyd · 4 days
the courier and their companions in the lucky 38 all sleep together in a biiiig bed and they all wear identical pjs and nightcaps and before they go to sleep they all say goodnight to one another until everyone has said goodnight to everyone and then they go snoooork mimimimi snooooork mimimimi
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merveloyd · 5 days
just a moment, my house is cooking me alive I need to put on my bacteria coat and run back and forth through the door for a bit
Getting ready to leave the house until you realize it's Friday the 13th. 👋🏼 #nevermind
Pompeii worms (Alvinella pompejana) make their homes at the top of hydrothermal vent “chimneys,” where superheated water belches from within the Earth’s crust, delivering a rain of mineral “ash.” Here, large numbers of worms live side by side, each darting in and out of their paper-thin tubes while waving pointy, rust-colored gills.
Pompeii worms build their tubes directly on the rocky vent chimneys. The base of these dwellings can experience temperatures up to 105 degrees Celsius (221 degrees Fahrenheit), and the inside of the tube isn’t much cooler either.
What’s the secret to surviving such scalding temperatures? The woolly worm scuttles back and forth between the hot water rich in nutrients and the cool water rich in oxygen—a movement that also mixes cool water into the tube. But more importantly, a fleece-like layer of bacteria helps insulate the Pompeii worm from the extreme heat.
On their own, Pompeii worms can only tolerate temperatures up to 55 degrees Celsius (131 degrees Fahrenheit), but their bacterial coating redistributes the heat to keep the worms cool. The bacteria not only help regulate the worm's temperature but also break down minerals from the vent to aid their host.
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merveloyd · 7 days
Skeletons and zombies can't digest foods due to their shut-down/nonexistent digestive system, they can however obtain sustenance from objects that have accumulated mana through a rich history and/or importance such as heirlooms which is why the government gives the undead population old tax papers and copies of documents every week
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merveloyd · 9 days
Played around with paint SAI after hearing that it used to be the best and sketched up some creatures
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merveloyd · 10 days
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Boss Game Studios was an American development studio of Nintendo 64 racing games such as Top Gear Rally and World Driver Championship, active from 1994 to 2002.
At some point during the late 1990s, Boss Game Studios pitched an idea for a Mario game to Nintendo, which was rejected. No information is available on the nature of the proposal except for this concept art, which surfaced after the studio's closure.
The artwork appears to depict Mario inadvertently waking up some sort of flat creature that begins to pursue him.
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merveloyd · 13 days
Okay so I just gotta talk a bit about the fluffiness in the Minecraft movie, I can maybe accept that llamas and sheep have the same level of fluffiness but it's the same as a bee? And I don't even need to say anything about the creepers
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merveloyd · 14 days
After tasting Fanta for the first time in 5(ish) years I can confirm that it tastes nothing like orange (fruit) but it really tastes like orange (color)
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merveloyd · 15 days
I think I may have a good way to fix the ending of Mostly Harmless (spoilers btw) that only works if none of the protagonists have ever invested a single penny:
"Too many billions of years to be interesting to name in the future, in a musty office building Jaundice noticed an alarm sounding 'hmm?' she groaned as she stirred from her nap 'oh, patrons are about to die' she pressed the single button on The Collector.
The Collector was the culmination of three universe's lifespans worth of advancements in computers and bistromathics, it can calculate the entire bill of a party of restaurant goers, calculate whoever is most likely to pay it, transport them to the present for holding and/or torture and send back a receipt made from ecologically sourced materials with a personalized comment in as little as 7 minutes.
In this activation The Collector started straining with a sound unlike any Jaundice had ever heard in all her weeks working there as the collection chamber received its teleported debtor.
'hmm' she wondered before she contacted central 'yeah I think it broke' '...' 'I know it can't but it sent me just a weird disk' '...' 'I'm pretty sure I didn't place-' '....' 'alright, do I get severance?' '..' 'can you at least send me a few years back to get my footing?' '..' 'alright'.
As Jaundice considered her imminent death in about 20 minutes she thought about her main regret, how she never got to eat at the restaurant she dedicated her entire month for, how she would never get to taste-.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a hiss from the disk, she turned around to see a single complementary bread stick from Milli ways stuck in its center.
In the last moments of the universe she was filled with mild satisfaction as she ate the bread stick while the Guide Mark II was overjoyed at finally having fulfilled its true purpose as it had served its final owner.
Meanwhile, a long time ago, a vogon fleet was destroyed by the sudden appearance of a large, static ice field that covered half of the skies of Earth, it puzzled scientists for many years until it was discovered that the icy rocks were digits making up a number many kilometers long whereupon they were more puzzled.
It took them a while to discover the message at the edge of the field, written in small, icy letters 'We hope you enjoyed your stay'.
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merveloyd · 17 days
Guardian of the dead
Keeper of the graves
May all wayward souls
Rest forevermore
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design comm for a divine lich
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merveloyd · 18 days
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a cornucopia of slugs in their natural habitat ☢️
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merveloyd · 20 days
Now I'm thinking about first contact with aliens going like this
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Indigenous groups across the Americas had all encountered Europeans differently. But where other coastal groups such as the Haida or the Mi’kmaq had met white men who were well-fed and well-dressed, the Inuit frequently encountered their future colonizers as small parties on the edge of death.
“I’m sure it terrified people,” said Eber, 91, speaking to the National Post by phone from her Toronto home.
And it’s why, as many as six generations after the events of the Franklin Expedition, Eber was meeting Inuit still raised on stories of the two giant ships that came to the Arctic and discharged columns of death onto the ice.
Inuit nomads had come across streams of men that “didn’t seem to be right.” Maddened by scurvy, botulism or desperation, they were raving in a language the Inuit couldn’t understand. In one case, hunters came across two Franklin Expedition survivors who had been sleeping for days in the hollowed-out corpses of seals.
“They were unrecognizable they were so dirty,” Lena Kingmiatook, a resident of Taloyoak, told Eber.
Mark Tootiak, a stepson of Nicholas Qayutinuaq, related a story to Eber of a group of Inuit who had an early encounter with a small and “hairy” group of Franklin Expedition men evacuating south.
“Later … these Inuit heard that people had seen more white people, a lot more white people, dying,” he said. “They were seen carrying human meat.”
Even Eber’s translator, the late Tommy Anguttitauruq, recounted a goose hunting trip in which he had stumbled upon a Franklin Expedition skeleton still carrying a clay pipe.
By 1850, coves and beaches around King William Island were littered with the disturbing remnants of their advance: Scraps of clothing and camps still littered with their dead occupants. Decades later, researchers would confirm the Inuit accounts of cannibalism when they found bleached human bones with their flesh hacked clean.
“I’ve never in all my life seen any kind of spirit — I’ve heard the sounds they make, but I’ve never seen them with my own eyes,” said the old man who had gone out to investigate the Franklin survivors who had straggled into his camp that day on King William Island.
The figures’ skin was cold but it was not “cold as a fish,” concluded the man. Therefore, he reasoned, they were probably alive.
“They were beings but not Inuit,” he said, according to the account by shaman Nicholas Qayutinuaq.
The figures were too weak to be dangerous, so Inuit women tried to comfort the strangers by inviting them into their igloo.
But close contact only increased their alienness: The men were timid, untalkative and — despite their obvious starvation — they refused to eat.
The men spit out pieces of cooked seal offered to them. They rejected offers of soup. They grabbed jealous hold of their belongings when the Inuit offered to trade.
When the Inuit men returned to the camp from their hunt, they constructed an igloo for the strangers, built them a fire and even outfitted the shelter with three whole seals.
Then, after the white men had gone to sleep, the Inuit quickly packed up their belongings and fled by moonlight.
Whether the pale-skinned visitors were qallunaat or “Indians” — the group determined that staying too long around these “strange people” with iron knives could get them all killed.
“That night they got all their belongings together and took off towards the southwest,” Qayutinuaq told Dorothy Eber.
But the true horror of the encounter wouldn’t be revealed until several months later.
The Inuit had left in such a hurry that they had abandoned several belongings. When a small party went back to the camp to retrieve them, they found an igloo filled with corpses.
The seals were untouched. Instead, the men had eaten each other.
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merveloyd · 20 days
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pippy in her foot soak
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merveloyd · 20 days
good meowning everykitty!! dogs.. go eat dirt or something
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merveloyd · 23 days
I'm SO SAD that I've only just learned of sea dragons I love the little pals, it always bugs me in fantasy when atlanteans ride giant ones but they just act like regular horses and don't do anything also I've always thought of a Pegasus but it's a sea horse instead of a horse (makes more sense due to Poseidon) is there anything that depicts an ecosystem with sky-sea horses?
I just don’t get it. How can our society act so goddamned normal about seahorses. How can anybody so casually accept that that’s a fish???
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This is one of nature’s most anatomically perverse of all beasts. A FISH, like a carp or a bass or a beta is a fish, but it bent its body straight up only to bend its head permanently back down. It stretched its skull into a pipe. It tapered its tail like a lizard, specifically like a chameleon. It can also move its eyes independently by the way, you know, like a chameleon. Fun fact, it can change color to express its mood, like you know whatever does that. It doesn’t properly swim anymore. It buzzes its few remaining fins like an insect’s wings to float itself around at a snail’s pace. It lives its whole life clinging to coral branches or seaweed, which means it decided to become a “tree dweller” in an environment where gravity didn’t even matter anyway. The males get pregnant. They make noises at each other by rubbing some of their neck bones together. Every day, EVERY DAY a mated pair does a little dance and a little neck bone song so they remember which two seahorses they were. They’re a beautiful precious obscenity. Nothing so adorable ever made such a strong case against a logical creator.
They have as little skin and meat as they could get away with. Their skeleton is almost all they are.
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