#btw i was gonna talk about my mistake in this post but then i realized it would be huge and i try to write short and tight texts.....
rubberbandgirlme · 3 months
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welcome back i can't stop talking about a "green-themed man" and mc's curse, here's what happened in previous episodes: part i, part ii. i was wrong about a couple of things there, but i'm gonna taunt you and reveal it in my next post 😋
anyway let's talk about how leander's protective magic works!! observation #1: when mc touches him for the first time, we see him conjuring a protective (?) spell:
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but it doesn't happen the second time??? he just flexes his fingers, and that's it (on the screenshot).
i have a few possible explanations, whichever is up to your liking:
the protective spell is still there: he doesn't need to cast it twice, and it's kind of long acting — plausible, depends on how the magic works in ts universe;
the description of magic is just omitted, but still implied by leander flexing his fingers — the most feasible explanation;
he does cast the spell for the first time, but doesn't do it for the second — questionable, why wouldn't he? he couldn't have forgotten about it (slides before the second touching scene confirm it). the curse can't hurt him anymore? he has it under control (for now?)? i call this possibility questionable because that's kind of galaxy brain storytelling, but who knows right? i find this detail quite fascinating 👀
the spell wasn't protective at all, it was just some trick to manipulate mc into revealing the curse's nature — while i personally don't buy it, i felt the need to point it out, considering leander-is-already-dead theories — the spell would be like a poultice for a dead man, as they say in my native tongue 😈
observation #2: we see a flash of magic across his palm only. does it protect his whole body or just a part of it? looks like the latter is not true, since mc is freely touching his forearm and his face, but i feel the need to point it out as well .
anyways what do you think about this 👁
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yurislotusgarden · 8 months
Hii!! I have a request if thats okay!! :) i love your works btw! Keep up the good work and dont forget to drink, eat and sleep well!<3
So i was thinking of Chuuya, Dazai, Nikolai, and any others if you wanna add with a reader with a ability who can talk, see and hear ghosts! I think its very cool and it barely has any recognition.. Its like toritsuka (from saiki k!) but the reader is less pervy.. and if its okay; can the reader be female? Its okay if its not!! I dont mind!!
So the reader has this ghost ability thing and they used to get bullied and shamed for it because people caught her talking to nothing but she was talking to ghosts, so she became insecure of their ability and sees it more like a curse. So technically a socially akward reader?
If you arent taking requests then you can ignore this!!
Also can i be 💞 anon?
ʚїɞ Separate! Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Nikolai Gogol x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 3208
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names used, reader’s gender is not specified in any way bcs of how I wrote this
ʚїɞ We're gonna ignore how long it has been since I posted, dear 💞 anon I'm so sorry bcs of how long this has been in my inbox ;-;, I decided to wait with writing this until I watched some of saiki k so I could understand the ability at least a little, Nikolai's part is damn short bcs I didn't really have any ideas for him </3, Only Dazai's part was proofread, I'm gonna edit this post later on to correct mistakes on Chuuya's and Nikolai's parts since the person who grammar checks my works is on a short break rn
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ཐིཋྀ He loves it
ཐིཋྀ This idiot didn't even realize that you have an ability at first because you didn't show any kind of signs😭
ཐིཋྀ He thought you didn’t have one like Ranpo but was told by Kunikida that you do, however, what it is was gonna remain a mystery until you decided to tell him yourself
ཐིཋྀ He found out on a mission where you guys had to chase down a guy with the ability to create a smokescreen
ཐིཋྀ Was about to say that it's over for the day because the guy was gone before you two could realize it (He had a plan to get the man anyway but didn’t feel like it) but then saw you talking to… air???
ཐིཋྀ Like you were just standing there while looking up and seemingly talking to someone
ཐིཋྀ You ignored his ass when he asked wtf you were doing
ཐིཋྀ The brunet was confused until you finally turned to look at him and said that you know where the guy went
ཐིཋྀ You had to briefly explain your ability when you  walked to where the guy ran off to
ཐིཋྀ He does anything to make you more open about your ability because he adores it <3
ཐིཋྀ He wishes you showed your ability off more AND HE VOICES IT OUT
ཐིཋྀ Odasaku is his guardian ghost so you told him without thinking about it since most of the time a person doesn't know the ghost protecting them
ཐིཋྀ He actually teared up when he realized you were serious and that Odasaku was watching over him :(
ཐིཋྀ He told you about Oda after that
ཐིཋྀ He randomly asks you if you see a ghost nearby when you two are outside (does it inside buildings too)
ཐིཋྀ He does it a lot
ཐིཋྀ Please hit him
ཐིཋྀ Dazai said that he wanted to kill your past bullies and you didn't believe him -he was serious-
ཐིཋྀ And no, he didn't find dirt on those people, not at all
ཐིཋྀ And he totally didn't use it later, not at all :)
ཐིཋྀ He once asked if you ever used it to cheat in school (let’s say you had a normal enough life like Tanizaki’s or something) and when you said yes he nearly yelled out “That’s my girl!” with a grin Kunikida scolded him for being loud, and for not doing his paperwork
ཐིཋྀ Sometimes he hears you talk without looking over and assumes you’re talking to him before realizing that no, it’s actually to a ghost that’s in the room
ཐིཋྀ Once Kunikida and he had a mission but the brunet was not getting up from the couch, so you walked up and after a few seconds you told him that there was a ghost, butt naked, right by his face
ཐིཋྀ He did not look up to see if you were lying or telling the truth, he just jumped up from that couch without a second thought before he was gone out the door. He only realized that you lied once they were back and you were laughing at him with Ranpo
Seiji thought he had everything planned out. He really was sure that there was no way to find him after he ran away from the two detectives. After all, who would search for a running thief in the damn sewers when there were so many better places that could’ve been used to hide in the area?
The plan was in fact a good one, in fact. Kuwahara made it look like he was going towards the warehouses nearby to camp out, while in reality, he came down to the sewers using the ladders, as there was one of the many entrances underground right behind a warehouse.
He was so sure that he wouldn’t be found, that he wasn’t seen, so pray tell, why was he standing face to face with the exact two people he was meant to avoid. The atmosphere wasn’t nice, it was cold, and the smell was even worse, Seiji was trying heavily not to let it show on his face since the two people that were after him seemed to be completely unaffected by the environment they were in. What he couldn’t hide instead, was distress. He did not plan on getting caught any time soon, and yet it looks like he’s 8 seconds away from being behind bars.
“How- How did you guys find me?!”
This was not what Dazai meant when he said that he would show you how useful your ability can be (you refused more against it being useful than anything else he said about it, so that’s what he settled for), but it kind of worked so he wasn’t complaining.
“How- How did you guys find me?!”
Kuwahara Seiji, a 25-year-old thief that uses his ability to make himself invisible for all of his plans, making it hard for the police to identify him.
“It was kind of easy, actually!~”
“You’re talking as if you had any part in finding him.”
Dazai really didn’t. Once the criminal ran away after throwing a smoke bomb on the ground, (The brunet has to give it to him, It was annoying as hell and many people would give up on going after him once the smoke settled down) the two of you had no idea which direction he went off to, as there was a few possible exits from the warehouse you first caught him in.
His solution? Asking you to question a ghost nearby if they saw the man. You were really skeptical about that, he could tell.  What he also noticed was how confused you were about his question. You didn’t understand why he would want that, at least at first. It was soon after that you realized he meant.
You can see invisible things, ghosts can see other invisible individuals as well, rendering Kuwahara’s ability useless when it comes to you chasing him down.
He realized that little advantage of yours some time back while lazing around on his favorite agency couch.
Your ghost acquaintances can be quite the helpers when it comes to investigating stuff. He heard from Kenji, that not too long ago, you had solved a case that was meant to take around a week, in a day, simply because it just so happened that a ghost was on the crime scene when it happened. You had an easy time getting clues and proving the words of the ghost to the police with their help.
He knows that a few times like those won’t stop you from being so negative about your ability, he’s aware of the impact your bullies had on you mentally even if you try to not show it, but all of those instances give you a step forward to seeing what Dazai and the others do.
“Oh c’mon ‘donna! I was the one who gave you the idea of asking someone!”
“We would be able to track him down anyway. Asking someone just made it faster.”
Catching him in the end was not hard at all. Kuwahara tried to sneak away using his ability once again, but you could still see him without him realizing it. You could see where he was walking off to, making it possible for Dazai to nullify the guy's ability and catch him before leading him to the police vehicle near the warehouse you guys were under.
“See? I told you your ability is really useful and fun!”
“Where do you see the fun in my predicament?” He could tell you were just done with him for the day, besides being confused.
“I mean, you’re almost never alone, right? You always have someone to talk to!~” He knows it’s annoying to see ghosts all the time without the option to just… not be able to do that.
A sigh came from you before answering, “Exactly, complete silence for me is a rare blessing.” in an exhausted tone.
“I would love to never be in complete silence.” He wished that you could have some sort of an on-and-off switch.
“Samu… That’s because your voices would be quiet-” “I do NOT have voices, bella!”
“Sure, continue being in Egypt.”
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ཐིཋྀ Thinks it's very cool actually
ཐིཋྀ Imma put you down as a florist in this one, or just some small/calm kind of job
ཐིཋྀ When he first met you, he didn’t think about whether you have an ability or not since it wasn’t his business in the slightest
ཐིཋྀ Let’s say that you’re a florist and the ginger came in to buy flowers for Kouyou for example. It just so happened that one of the ghosts hanging around in your workplace was feeling silly, and had been pranking the customers the whole day, Chuuya being no exception
ཐིཋྀ When you were at the back getting the bouquet he ordered the day before, his hat was randomly taken off of his head and was floating in the air
ཐིཋྀ Bro was so confused because he knew his ability was off at the moment
ཐིཋྀ Every time he got the hat back onto his head it just floated back up😭
ཐིཋྀ The menace of a ghost stopped only once you got back out of the backroom and scolded them
ཐིཋྀ Chuuya was confused because ‘Who the fuck were you talking to???’
ཐིཋྀ He asked that exact question and even though you were visibly hesitant and nervous, you still explained your ability since he already saw it anyway
ཐིཋྀ You did not get the reaction you expected, which was being made fun of as that was what you were used to, but he instead complimented it <3
ཐིཋྀ Make sure you don’t let a name slip when it comes to your past bullies because you will see them on the news, missing :)
ཐིཋྀ On one of your first dates/early stages of dating, he gave you Marigolds which you lightly laughed at, causing him confusion before you explained their meaning to him
ཐིཋྀ Yeah, he settled for mostly giving you Cyclamens, Blackthorns, and Bluebells alongside your favorite flowers after that, just for fun
ཐིཋྀ Going with the florist thing or just generally, he would help you around with his ability if there’s something heavier to move around 
ཐིཋྀ He would voice out how often he actually wants to see you, albeit embarrassed, but he will show it in lil gestures a lot more <3
ཐིཋྀ I can just imagine him putting his hat on your head and sliding it down over your eyes before giving you a peck on the lips as a goodbye if he was at your workplace and he had to suddenly go
ཐིཋྀ He would try to slowly get you to not be so insecure about your ability
ཐིཋྀ I feel like one of The Flags would be his guardian ghost which could actually make this man cry at the thought :(
ཐིཋྀ Alright but if you met a past bully of yours, or someone newer,  that would try to shit on you for your ability, just tell him, and he will beat them up happily <3
ཐིཋྀ Or just go and have a nice talk with them about their behavior if you don’t want him to beat them up, I can promise that they will never again be rude to you if they value their lives (Or you will see them on the news or hear about them being in the hospital if they don’t ^-^)
“Are you sure that you don’t have work right now?”
“Yes, so shut your pretty mouth up and show what else you need to be moved.”
Renovation. A simple small renovation of your small shop was all that you planned. Moving some of the furniture, and changing the place of a few products for easier finding. You had thought that it would take a few days to take care of it since you planned on doing a few things every day so as to not close up the shop for a whole day unnecessarily (and you didn’t feel like doing everything in one day).
The problem was, he was supposedly not meant to know about that. Chuuya found your graphic open on your laptop and saw the renovation plans before realizing that you didn’t speak a word about that. At first, he was confused. Why didn’t you tell him? He could certainly make it faster by helping you.
Yet soon after that, he realized why. You didn’t want him to know because you knew that he would help and, therefore not do his work, something you were always worried about when he stopped by your shop. Well, he was never one not to help you, especially when there’s such an occasion. he wants a thank you kiss besides being a gentleman, your honor
“Is it really that hard to focus on your job instead of helping me move the furniture?” You sighed, pointing to a bookcase and then pointing to a place where a table stood before. “You’re gonna get in trouble.”
“I’m not, besides- HEY!” Looking up, his hat could be seen slowly floating away. He ignored you stifling a laugh as he chased after the hat. Chuuya would ignore it and just continue on with moving your stuff around, but the last time he did that, the hat was later found in a pot, making him have to wash it as it had a lot of soil on it. (A lot of his subordinates wondered why he didn’t have his hat on the next day, he didn't explain it to anyone)
“Can you tell them to stop?!” He could only guess how funny the situation looked to you. To anyone else, it just looked like the ginger was chasing after a floating hat, but you could see the menace that was taking the object away, so it ended up being funnier to you, if you nearly laughing was anything to go by.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, dear.”
“You’re so mean!”
You hummed softly before answering, “I would prefer to be called entertained.”
“It has nothing to do with what I said, doll.” Was said by Chuuya just as he finally got hold of his hat. Even if the ghost was still holding onto it, at least the hat wasn’t continuously floating away toward the flower-bare pots with just soil in them again.
“Let them have some fun in a while, Chuu, they don’t do it too often.”
“Yeah, and it just so happens that they decide to have their little fun almost every time that I come here.”
“They love you.”
“I wish they didn’t.” 
“It’s better than if they disliked you.”
“There’s a customer that they don’t like for being rude to me,” The ginger frowned at that information but you continued on, “And they are rude back to him every time he comes by my shop.”
“What do they do?”
“Y’know, pull on his clothes and hair, steal his things, and make them completely dirty on purpose, make him think he heard or saw something and that kind of stuff. Pretty sure they stole some of his money from the guy’s wallet.”
Chuuya was quiet for a moment before speaking up. “I think I prefer my hat being occasionally stolen…”
“Exactly!” You shouldn’t smile like that after what you said, but he’s not gonna comment on that one.
“...So the bookcase is the next to be moved, isn't it?
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ཐིཋྀ He fr felt betrayed that he didn't know immediately 
ཐིཋྀ Like he could know you for 5 minutes and be offended that your ability wasn’t one of the first things you said about yourself
ཐིཋྀ He finds it so fascinating that you can contact the dead so easily
ཐིཋྀ Don’t tell him who his guardian ghost is, no matter how much he asks
ཐིཋྀ Just hit him every time he asks, I promise it works to keep him from asking for the next 3 hours <3
ཐིཋྀ You can bet that he talks to Fyodor and Sigma about your ability (He asked you to tell Sigma that there’s multiple ghosts watching him all the time, he believed. Sigma did not sleep for the next 5 days at all because of that thought)
ཐིཋྀ You said it to him again because at some point there was a ghost actually following him, but Sigma didn’t want to believe it
ཐིཋྀ He’s gonna ask a million times for you to join him in pranks if you won’t agree the first time
ཐིཋྀ Just imagine telling someone a ghost-related thing that they can’t prove is not true
ཐིཋྀ You caused someone to be in hospital after they didn’t sleep for way too long
ཐིཋྀ You told Fyodor that there’s a ghost hanging around him all the time, but didn’t say whether it’s the guardian one or some random one, you just left the rat to ponder on which one you mean (Nikolai died when he found out)💀
“WAIT! What do you mean there’s some ghost stalking me?!” Nikolai could tell that Sigma didn't expect to be told something like that today, but again, who would?
“I didn’t say stalking, I said following you around as they seem to be interested in you.” Why did you smile so innocently at that? He doesn’t know but he does encourage you since it gets more reactions from the bi-colored-haired man.
“It doesn’t make it better?!”
“I think it does! Some ghosty is interested in our little Sigma!” He had to add something to the fire, what kind of a person would he be if he didn’t?
“Don’t call me that, Nikolai!” 
“But whyyyy?” It was Thursday, the day that the white-haired clown dubbed ‘the best day to prank Sigma!’, even though he says it every week. He also deemed himself lucky as you finally agreed to help him prank the younger man again after rejecting him multiple times.
“Because I’m not little! And I won’t believe you guys again.”
“I don’t agree,” You spoke up, “Even the ghost agrees that you’re small!”
“See Sigma? We even have your beloved ghost on our side!”
“That’s no ‘my’ ghost, and I don’t believe that they said it. [Name] could be lying for all I know!”
“But do you have any way of proving that it’s a lie?” Nikolai couldn’t wait until he took the bait.
“Exactly!” You grinned before speaking up again a moment later, “They actually have a cute nickname for you that I’m thinking of using now…”
“Should I be scared?” Nikolai regrets not getting you into the pranks earlier, after all, the younger one had no way to prove you wrong. Sigma looks genuinely frightened that it may be real this time.
“No… It’s really a cute nickname that the ghost calls you by because they didn’t know your name when they first started following you around.”
“I wanna know it! Tell us, dove!” Was it a nickname he could use himself? Or were you lying about it being a cute one and instead it’s weird? He doesn’t know which option he would like more. If he was being honest, Nikolai was feeling like you were telling the truth and not lying again like the last time.
“Cotton? Where did that come from?”
“That’s adorable! Let’s call him that!”
“I think that’s a perfect idea, Niko!”
Nikolai can already tell that he’s gonna have a lot of fun with that nickname in his vocabulary now.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Taglist ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Marigolds - Often called “flowers of the dead”, are symbols of positive emotions, like joy and excitement. They also represent energy, good luck, warmth, creativity, prosperity, passion purity, divinity, and the connection between life and death. These flowers' fragrance is said to attract souls to the altar.
Cyclamen - symbolizes the eternal cycle of life, which makes it the perfect flower that means 'forever'. In Japan, cyclamen holds a special place as the holy flower of love, causing it to be a popular choice for Valentine's Day
Blackthorn - Fate, protection, hope against adversity, good fortune, strength, overcoming adversity, purification, and protection
Bluebell - Loyalty, constancy, humility, gratitude and everlasting love
Keep in mind that flower meanings may somewhat be different depending on what site you look at, so excuse me if anything in the meanings is wrong! (hopefully not)
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noodlefluid · 2 years
Rottmnt headcanons about the bois in a relationship
I somehow got really into "rottmnt x reader" and now I can't stop thinking about it, it's slowly consuming my whole life at this point/hj
Btw, english isn't my first language so if I make any grammar mistake let me know
S/O stand for "Significant other", I would be using singular they/them pronouns and third person
Tw: a few curses, besides that is just fluff and fluffy angst, probably OOC
He loves being kiss and also knows how to convinced his S/O to giving him smoochies
His main love languages are act of service and quality time, he really likes when he's being helpful, but sometimes overdo it (this may or may have not been a trigger for a discussion)
He loves being little spoon, but he is concious of his size an that iss almost imposible, so most of the time he is the big spoon (if S/O is taller god save their soul cause their gonna have this big boi on top 24/7 /nsx)
Because of his body type and the spikes on his body he's really insecure and afraid of hurting his S/O, so even if he really need hugs, he contain himself as much as posible, he treat them as if they were made of glass
Has a "love stink"
He has a hard time telling his S/O about his weakness cause he wants to be their heroe, and the person they rely on the most
He breaks easily tho, his S/O ask if he's fine and you have a 6 foot turtle crying at their lap for at least an hour, telling how much he loves them and asking how such an amazing person is dating such a useless turtle like him, that he doesn't deserve them yada yada yada (we lub u Raphie, don't talk like that bout urself)
Loves when his S/O is spending time with his brothers, it make him feel like they're e part of his family already, sometimes refers to S/O as sibling-in-law, without noticing "Don't be disrespectful toward your sibling-in-law, Leo!, they could take your joke the wrong way" When he realized what he says his face basicaly match his bandana and hide for the next 2 hours because of the embarassment, Leo obviously tease him and start calling S/O sibling-in-law from that day on
A completely messy dumbass when it comes to his S/O, his brothers hates you (/pos) cause it's the only thing Leo is talking all day
Smile like an idiot when he sees a text of his S/O, and usually takes a few minutes for him to respond cause he just so excited, he's jumping and giggling to himself (Donnie says he's cringe, Leo says he's bitchless)
His main love language are memes, funny images go brr lmao. Absolutely would tag you on cat posts with an "us"
His second main Love language is words of affirmation, he really like the feeling of making someone feel good just by talking cause he know how it is to not have those words sometimes
Very flirtatious, chessy lines and a lot of dumb compliments, but oh man don't flirt back cause this boy's gonna melt and stop working for the next 5 minutes
He has a "S/O is amazing and this is why" time, when Leo tell everything that is perfect about his S/O, no one know what could trigger it so they're walking on eggshells everytime something slightly remind him of his S/O, he could be having breakfast and just start talking "Oh you're drinking coffee? My S/O love this brand of coffee. Hey have you tasted S/O coffee? They make the most tastiest and amazing ones in the word, and oh! the other they..." and this easily can go for hours until someone beg him to stop
He scroll over every single astrology post with his and his S/O signs in it, would send them to his S/O and talk about how perfect they are, if their sign isn't compatible with his, he would cry and then proceed to automaticaly say that astrology is the dumbest thing in the whole world
Even if he usually hates being touchy, he would probably be the total opossite with his s/o, just in alone time tho, he would never let his brothers see him like that weak. This doesn't mean his S/O can touch him whenever he want but he is more recilliant to accept them
He doesn't know how to ask for affection, so he would just akwardly stand around his S/O until they notice him, and hopefully understand what he want
Lots of gifts, his main love language are gifts, it could be small, it could be something big, but gifts is a must for Donnie, even if some of them are a complete failure
His second most prominent love language is quality time, wich translate to "We are sharing a room", He and his S/O aren't even talking or touching, S/O maybe hasn't even notice Donnie's there, but they are spending quality time with eachother
Another way of saying "I love you" is talking about the proyect he's working on, or his last hiperfixation, telling fun facts about the think his S/O likes, you like cats? "Did you know that cats came from egypt? And did you know their purr can decrease anxiety levels" S/O likes Astronomy? "Fun fact: Nasa kinda 'email' tools to astronauts because of 3D printers, really useful don't ya think?" He likes to share their interests and know more about them
He's incredibly observant and attentive towards his S/O, he may struggle with emotions but can tell right away when his S/O isn't feeling good
He have a list of everything his S/O like in alphabetical orden and separated by categories
Most likely develop stims that involved touching his S/O, it could be just a little poke or maybe bite them, he often doesn't realize
A lots of cuddles, he doesn't care if his brother are there or not, if his S/O is there he is gonna be glued to them giving them hugs and kisses until they have to go
He make a whole 'reasons why you shouldn't go and instead cuddle with me' presentation to his S/O everytime they have to go
Surprise hugs, their first mistake was being distract, the hug monster Mikey is in a hunt
His love language is physical touch, it doesn't matter if it's a hug or playing with their hair, he has to touch their S/O in someway
If S/O doesn't like being touch, he would always ask for permission everytime he want a hug or just lay in them and try to chill a little by hugging a pillow instead or maybe one of his brothers if they are near
His second love language are gifts, specially drawings, he like to draw his S/O in that amazing outfit they wore the other day, or maybe a little scene of his last date with S/O, then he give it to them
He also loves cooking for his S/O, he thinks that the kitchen is a place where you put all your heart and love for your loved ones. He feel the most happy when he has the opportunity to cook with his S/O
He sometimes goes crazy with the compliments, his S/O can be doing the bare minimun and Mikey would start to shower them in compliment about how amazing they are and how talented they are in the thing they are doing (even if it's just...breath), he sometimes gets his brothers involve "Raph, RAPH! Don't you think S/O is the most amazing person in the word? Look at them, they're so pretty and awesome and and..." Raph was forced to give every compliment he could think of to Mikey's S/O for the next 10 minutes
Usually makes something special every ocassion he's giving, my boy is making made up holydays as an excuse to hang put with his S/O, they now have to celebrate "gravity invention day", it exist now
Go and drink some water bitch, you have being scrolling for way to long
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darnell-la · 1 year
Note: Hello!! We reposted this because something went wrong with our Tumlr account. Don’t worry, it’s fixed!! Please messages us some requests and comment if we made any big mistakes in this story. We love you!
Btw, we do not give anyone permission to copy this or ANY other story we post!!
Paring: Dom/Rafe Cameron x Reader x Dom!JJ Maybank
Y/n’s pov
“Just say it, Rafe. You’re a dick! You harass my friends, you harass me and you scare every dude away that I talk to. What’s up with that shit!?” I yelled at Rafe after I barged into his room and argued with him for a good few minutes.
He just scared a boy away that I actually found nice and attractive. Rafe tends to scare boys away somehow and for no reason what so ever and not tell me why.
“Don’t need you makin' anyone a victim around here, y/n,” Rafe said as he walked over towards his desk and took a sip of his alcoholic drink that’s probably been up here for days.
“That’s not your decision to make, Rafe. And what the fuck do I even do to you? I barely fucking know you!” I yelled at him. “I just moved here 4 months ago and it wasn’t hard to realize how fucked up you were,” I said, making him laugh.
“Fucked up? Ha, that’s funny. No, no, what’s fucked up is that you and your little Pogue friends keep getting in my way. You guys walk around here like you own shit,” Rafe argued.
“Why does that matter? It shouldn't bother you at all! All you do is bitch and cry about how Pogues are coming over to your part of the Island and having fun,” I said.
“Not every Pogue is gonna be working for you or suck on your dick, Rafe! It doesn’t matter how fucking good-looking you are. Not everyone wants that life!” I yelled at him, getting angry.
Rafe chuckled as he thought to himself. What was it? Did I say something wrong? This isn’t the time to laugh. Anytime he laughs, it's never the time to laugh.
“You even think I’m hot. Shows what you Pogue’s wanna have,” Rafe said, sounding cockier than ever. “What the- When the fuck did I say that shit!?” I asked him, in a are you crazy voice.
“You said I was good-looking. I mean, that’s not hard for me to see, but coming from you, it's a compliment. You don’t seem like a lair type or even the type to call just anyone good-looking,” he said, making me roll my eyes.
“It’s sad that you only heard that out of every other thing I said,” I said. Rafe had walked around me and towards his door. I thought he was going to kick me out until I turned around to see him closing his room door.
“No need for that, I gotta go anyways. You’re a waste of my time,” I said as I walked towards him, thinking he’d get out of my way so that I could leave and get back to JJ who’s probably taking shots and smoking a joint with the rest.
“You know what I think is a waste of time? You think I’m somewhat attractive but never put your thoughts to use,” he said as he began stepping toward me so I started stepping back.
“I have no thoughts,” I said as he scanned me. Rafe has looked at me like this before but being in this situation makes it different. It’s like he’s actually making a move instead of just talking.
“Are you sure about that?” Rafe asked as he grabbed my waist tightly but softly and pulled me into him. “Rafe, what are you doing?” I asked as I tried pushing his hands off of me until he lifted my chin softly with one hand.
“Stop acting like you haven’t thought of me fucking you instead of these bitch Kooks. I bet you get jealous that I’d get with anyone, knowing you’re better for me,” Rafe slightly smirked at me.
“I have to go,” I said, trying to move to the side and leave but he kept me in his grip. I looked up at him, very shocked at his actions until he cut my thoughts off and softly pressed his lips on mine.
I never thought of Rafe doing anything like this to me. Mainly because I’m a Pogue. There are plenty of attractive Pogue’s that have tried getting at him but he never tried it out. He hates us. Why is he kissing me?
Rafe moved from my lips down to my neck to suck and make love marks, causing me to let out whines as I gripped his shoulders to push him back but I couldn't. I can’t. It’s like I don’t want to.
“Wait, Rafe, no. No, we can’t be doing this. Rafe! Rafe put me down!” I demanded him as he picked me up and brought me to the side of his bed where he dropped me. “Who said we can’t?” Rafe asked as he pulled his shirt off. I stayed quiet and just stared at him.
“Because of JJ, huh? You scared he’ll get angry at you fucking his enemy?” Rafe asked. I wasn’t even thinking of that. JJ would be pissed off if he found out I even stayed in a room alone with Rafe.
“Aren’t you too old for bro code, baby?” Rafe asked as he tugged on my skirt until he got them off. “Rafe!” I shouted at him, acting surprised like I didn’t know what was next. Why am I not fighting him away? I can’t just let this happen.
“Yell at me again, and I’ll make a tape and embarrass you,” Rafe threatened. “Or do you not care? You’d probably like how angry the girls would get,” Rafe said as he pulled his shorts down, just enough for me to see his cock jump out. He’s big…
“Turn around so I can see a view of that pretty ass,” Rafe said but I didn’t move. I just looked at him, shocked and shy. I can’t do this to JJ. Not just because he and Rafe go at it all the time, but because me and JJ have a small thing going on. This would break him.
“Y/n, we’re too far into this for you to make me do everything,” Rafe said with a slight tone but I stayed still. “Why am I always doing shit myself,” Rafe angrily said as he roughly pulled me up, turned me around, and pushed me onto my stomach.
“Rafe, this isn’t-“ I tried saying but he quickly grabbed a full hand of my hair and slightly tugged as he leaned closer to my ear. “I don’t have time for that shit right now, y/n. Either you moan my name or shut the fuck up,” Rafe growled.
I kept my mouth shut, listening to everything until I felt his tip brush up against my entrance. That’s when I started moving and trying to push him off, now realizing how messed up this is, but it was too late.
Rafe forced himself into me with a hard thrust, causing a loud moan to escape my mouth. “That’s more like it,” Rafe said before using his free hand to push my waist into the bed and thrust into me.
“Rafe,” I choked out as I grew wet every second. My stomach began tightening. “You good, princess? This Kook dick gettin' to ya?” Rafe chuckled as he sped up his thrust, knowing I was close.
“Slow, slow,” I begged as tears formed in my eyes but he liked that. He loved the sound of me struggling to breathe and speak. “I don’t think you like that, baby. I think you like it rough and mean,” Rafe moved the hand that was on my waist to my face and tightened his grip.
“I think you want me to fuck your cunt full of my cum so you can fantasize about it every time I yell at you in the future, huh? Am I right?” Rafe seriously asked which is sick but he's not wrong.
“I bet you get wet and throb when I call you out or get smart with you. You love the nasty comments and pervy looks I give you,” he said reading me like a book. “You’re just another slut, dick drunk for me. I’ll make you come back to me,” he growled in my ear.
“It’s better if you come back to me because if I come back, I'm gonna fuck you harder than the last time I did, and I don’t think you’d enjoy that overstimulation. I’ll fuck you for hours until I’m satisfied with my cum leaking out of your pretty little cunt,” he growled in my ear as I cried in pleasure.
“Aho! Guess who decided to join us,” Rafe said, confusing me until he turned my head towards a shocked JJ. Ah shit... I fucked up.
“Rafe,” I struggled to say as I tried pushing him off. “Rafe, get off,” I started panicking as JJ watched Rafe fuck the life out of me. I can’t let this happen. I can’t. Shit!
“You didn’t want me off of you a few seconds ago. What? Now that your little best friend is here, you wanna act different? Wanna act like you weren’t about to cum on my cock?” Rafe asked as he began to roughly slam every last inch into me.
“Rafe!” I cried out as tears began to stream down my face. Unfortunately, it’s not because I feel bad. It’s because I can feel the best orgasm right around the corner if Rafe keeps fucking me and talking to me like this.
“She’s been tightening around me ever since she saw you. She likes the thought of you watching her,” Rafe said. “No! No, no, no,” I repeated, trying to get up but he was to strong. “Come over here and drop the angry act. You can’t be mad, seeing a body like this, knowing you could be in it, easily,” Rafe said.
“JJ, I’m sorry. Just, please, get him to stop. Get him off,” I begged, trying to get on JJ’s nice side as my legs began to shake. “Please get him,” I whined as my eyes rolled back. I soon came hard around Rafe’s cock and legs.
“Fuck,” I breathed heavily at the feeling of Rafe keeping his paste. He won’t even let me come down from my high. “Rafe, Rafe!” I whined in the sheets but he didn’t like that. He pulled my head back by my hair and gripped my face tightly.
“No, you’re gonna moan and show JJ how much of a good time he can have if he came over here,” Rafe said, turning my face towards JJ once again. “JJ,” I whined, just to whine as I’m too fucked out to think straight.
“You can only think about how hard you're getting fucked, huh?” Rafe asked but I didn’t want to answer. I couldn’t answer. “Fuck, I’m close,” Rafe groaned low as his hands gripped my waist tightly to fuck me rougher as his thrusts slightly got sloppier.
“R-Rafe,” my voice cracked as my eyes rolled to the back of my head once again. “Sucking me in? You want me to cum in you, huh? Want all this Kook cum, hm? Tell me, baby. JJ won’t mind,” Rafe said in a slightly desperate voice.
“N-No, I can’t” I sobbed, embarrassed at my actions. Embarrassed that I love the way Rafe is fucking me. I’m embarrassed at how I’m sucking him in, so desperate to feel every inch and all his veins that he so desperately wants to give me.
“Say it,” JJ said, catching me off guard. “What?” I asked low. “Say it!” He repeated more angrily. “Jay…” I said, not knowing if he was pissed off and would walk out if I say it or if he’d like it. “Say it y/n. Now!,” JJ demanded.
“I-I want it, Rafe,” I whined. “More,” Rafe demanded as he gave my ass a slap. “I want it so bad. Please, give it to me,” I begged. “What exactly do you want, princess?” He asked, causing me to sigh loudly. “I want your c-cum. Please cum in me, please!” I begged and soon after, Rafe bucked his hips, pushing deep into me as he filled me up.
I moaned mixed with cries as I felt his seed leak out of me. Why do I love it? Why do I want more?
I covered my face in embarrassment, hoping they’d both leave me here but I soon felt a hand grip my hair harshly and pull me to my knees. I looked up to see JJ. Jay fondled his belt buckle then pulled his jeans down as well as his boxers.
“Wait, JJ, what are you doing?” I asked, my voice still having cracks on it from Rafe fucking the voice, moans and cries out of me. “You wanna whore around for Rafe, but not me?” He asked as he jerk himself in front of my face. Why are these boys so big?
“You wanna cum on his cock, beg for his cum, let him cum in you, breed you!? But you can’t fucking kiss me when you’re drunk out of your slut mind and flirting with me!?” JJ angrily asked.
Before I could say anything, JJ pushed his cock down my throat right as I opened my mouth. I instantly gagged on him, causing his hips to buck.
“Fuck. Look at those lips around my shaft. Never knew I’d fall more in love with those eyes with my cock down your throat while making you cry,” he said. I moaned at how my pussy throbbed…
“What? Do you like being dragged around and used like it’s our last day on Earth? I bet you’re growing wet at just a dick in your mouth, huh? So fucking pathetic,” JJ growled. I can tell he won’t last for long. He’s trying his best but his thrust is beginning to become sloppy.
“Fuck, y/n. Look into my eyes. I wanna watch your eyes grow while I feed you,” JJ’s legs slightly shook as his cock twitched in my mouth. Before he could say anything else, his own moan stopped him as his seed traveled down my throat.
I whined as my vision slightly got blurry. JJ tried keeping his eyes on me but his own eyes kept rolling back at the intense orgasm.
“Agh fuck,” JJ pulled out and slouched over, trying to catch his breath with his hand still in my hair. “That front seat show made me rock hard again but I sadly have to get out of here,” Rafe said as he started putting his clothes on.
“Y’all can stay up here and sleep with me tonight. I’ll start shutting the party down and maybe we can uh, you know, threesome?” He asked. He was genuinely asking. Rafe Cameron asked for something. From Pogues!
“Is that okay with you, baby?” JJ asked me. “Of course,” I said. “Okay great,” Rafe said in a slight exited tone as he made his way towards his room door. “Oh, and if you guys come down and drink a little, make sure she’s on your hip. One word to any dudes, even my friends, then you take her back up here and fuck her in her ass until she’s drenched every inch of my sheets,” Rafe said.
Of course, my pussy throbbed at that thought. I’ve only experimented anal with myself and honestly, I’m ready for someone to help me out.
“Got it,” JJ said with a chuckle as he looked down at me. Rafe left the room and seconds later, JJ picked me up and placed me on the bed. “I know you’re aching,” JJ said as he leaned down toward my core.
“I can hear how wet you are when you move those pretty thighs,” he said, now separating them. “JJ, wait. I-I’m too sensitive right now,” I said. “Do you think I care? After you gave all What’s mine up to Rafe? I should fuck you anal just for being a dick-drunk slut,” JJ angrily said, only making me throb.
“S-Sorry,” I apologized. “It’s okay, baby. But the only apology I’m accepting is that pussy in my mouth, okay?” He said, making me nod my head. “Words baby,” JJ rubbed at my clit, causing me to clinch around nothing.
“P-Please eat me JJ. I want you so so bad. I-I can feel myself going crazy. I-I just need it. Please,” I begged. JJ wasted no time to dive into my starving pussy. I needed someone’s lips and tongue lapping around my cunt. I couldn’t take it anymore.
I grabbed JJ’s hair, causing him to groan on my cunt as I humped his face. “Fuck!” I moaned loudly as he gripped my hips to pull me closer. “My pussy,” JJ breathed heavily then went back to violating my cunt.
I can’t believe I let my best friend and Rafe Cameron do this to me tonight. They’re the two people I’ve never thought about having anything with. How could I? It’s sick. Maybe I am sick… Or maybe they just make me feel too good.
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malicedafirenze · 1 year
I unintentionally skipped a lot of the romance content in Baldur's Gate 3 and I want others to learn from my mistakes:
So: I managed to lock myself out of romance entirely and ended up alone, which was a huge bummer and a serious crack in my motivation to play the game. I finished my playthrough (because I was already close to the end of Act 3 when I realized it), and plan to do another one eventually. I'm making this post in hopes of a) keeping others from making the same mistakes and b) to possibly get some additional insight re. what to watch out for in my next playthrough.
PSA: Pick a Partner before Act 3
The key learning here for me was this explanation from the poly mod
In BG3, romance is divided into 2 steps: dating and relationship(also called partner). Dating is basically where you are at after the 1st romance scene. Relationship is where you are at after the 2nd romance scene (relationship also unlocks the kissing menu). BTW, If you enter A3, all dates will break up with you (partners won't, ofc).
I hadn't realized this until well into Act 3, at a point where going back to a save to properly fix it would have meant replaying large parts of Act 2 as well - I decided to finish my run instead and then start a completely new one later.
Note: lots of spoilers below. (click here to read this post on reddit instead)
My Romance Woes
I read in advance that you couldn't romance multiple people (except for the specific Halsin combos with Shadowheart and Astarion) and therefore turned down Gale and Lae'Zel early in the game (not realizing you could just date/bonk them without fully committing or getting anyone upset)
I didn't take approval all that seriously, thought I'd have more opportunity to fix things later. I was playing pretty good guy, and ended up with high approval for Karlach and Shadowheart, but low for Astarion. Weirdly, I don't recall an option to romance Shadowheart (no clue what I missed?) and the only option I had for Karlach was at the Tiefling party, where I went with Astarion instead. I had a scene or two with him, but then didn't progress further in the relationship, without really realizing what I was missing.
I wanted to romance everyone, sat on the fence for too long, and ended up not romancing anyone at all, by missing a thing or two in act 1 and 2 and being too late to fix it in act 3. Don't be like me, it feels bad man.
Early Act 3, I got Astarion's breakup dialogue ("we haven't spent a night together in some time" --> him explaining it was just transactional and he doesn't see the value in it anymore) and got super worried, but when trying to look up if I'd messed up, I didn't find a clear answer for without more spoilers, so I just continued playing Act 3, including all of the companion quests.
I later learned that I missed out on at least one important Astarion romance interaction by not going to Moonrise Towers until after freeing Nightsong. (when the Towers are already on high alert, i.e. I could only fight and not have a lot of conversations)
After realizing I had messed up companions romance, I instead fucked everyone it was unwise to fuck (Emperor, Mizora, Harleep...) for fun and to see what would happen... but chickened out and reloaded after Emperor and Mizora. Still, got to enjoy some fun content that way!
The ending I got (going to Avernus with Karlach) was really cool and made me cry a lot. I then did try to reload my last save though, to see if I'd get any other epilogue content if I didn't go to the Hells, but... apparently that scene on the docks (Astarion goofily running off, everyone kinda agreeing to go party after this, no other conversations with anyone again.... is just... it?
Idk how much of this is the lack of romance, but I really felt like something was missing there. I at least wanted to talk to everyone again one last time.
This is a post about my romance failures and regrets so I'm not gonna talk about everything else that I loved about the game, but just in case this is getting a bit too negative: I had an absolute blast with the whole game regardless, I'm stoked to give it another go the "proper" way (i.e. with romance). I also generally think it's really fucking cool that this game's romance options depend on how you behave, and that you can't just e.g. give someone the right kind of gift 20 times in a row to make them love you, like it works in games like Stardew Valley.
Next Playthrough Plans
I'll probably wait for another patch or two - considering how much got fixed and tweaked with the first three patches, I suppose it's worth to wait a bit and see what's coming
I'll play with the Poly mod next time and try to romance all of the Origin characters.
I plan to play with the camp notifications mod, as well as the approval ratings in dialogue mod. Both in hopes of being able to game the romance a bit better and get much of the romance in one playthrough
I'll play Dark Urge (haven't seen any of that so far!), but probably still go for a "good" playthrough mostly
I plan on equipping & levelling all Origin companions and switch them out more freely, in order to get approval from everyone and edit my party as makes sense depending on story events (e.g. take Lae'Zel to the Creche, take Gale to the Ketheric fight...)
I want to romance everyone. I already saw some tips for early game Astarion approval and assume the aforementioned mods will help in optimizing this
Am probably not gonna do anything all that differently otherwise because my heart can't take an actually evil playthrough
Aand that's about it. As mentioned, I'm mostly posting in case this helps anyone else.
I was really damn sad when I realized I had locked myself out of all romance, because the romance was a significant part of my motivation to start playing this in the first place. At the same time, I loved so much about the game that I still got a lot out of it in 110+ hours even with minimal romance content.
If you see any red flags about my plans for the next playthrough (or if you have experience with the mentioned mods!), I'd appreciate comments and insights. Other than that, here's hoping others can learn from my mistakes. Thank you for reading <3
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exquisitelyrandom · 1 year
hi i know one of them is kinda old but if you're okay with it i would love to do a fic of either of these tacophone comics of yours, maybe even both (with credit ofc)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
oh my god ofc you can w credit holy sh
YES!!!! AAUGQHZHHQ I'D LOVE FOR YOU TO!!!!! yuo have no idea how much I've been looking for reading content of them plsplspslsplspls
btw where would you be posting the story? I'd love to read it,, if you do make a fic of them, please tag me/send me a link!! ^^
going into small detail abt the ideas behind the comics below because im insane abt them vvv
they're actually very similar to each other so they may as we 🐝 connected/have the same situation lmao
first comic is leaning more on mic's. side
;After getting into the hotel, she's. absolutely miserable but keeps trying to pretend she's fine (she is not). Of course, Soap and the others notice her mood and one of them eventually get to talk to her about it. But even as she does open up, she never outs Taco. Ever. And blames it on the contest. Soap/Whoever confronted her knows it isn't true, but doesn't push further. After the talk, Mic basically just sits there and contemplates, before deciding """past is past""". Eventually, she starts thinking about the whole thing less, and she's smiling a lot more the next few days/weeks. Er. Until. That one night.
The second comic - or, in both comics - , here's Taco's side
There was actually gonna be more similar..things.. in both of the panels i put up above,, but i decided they'd look too similar to each other so Taco looks angrier in the second one
It all starts when Mic walks through the portal. Yeah. She didn't expect that. Taco's not someone to be caught off guard; her moves are calculated, and she knows the outcome of something even before it had a chance to start. She's memorized the puzzles and patterns on an object's mind, knows how to use it to her advantage - knows how to manipulate it into what she needs it to do. So why was it that she..?
She's teleported to their little spot, and her emotions are. overwhelming. At first, she feels.. sad. Distraught. Distraught that Mic left. Then, she feels.. angry. Angry at Mic for even leaving without any further word. Angry at Mic to have the AUDACITY to blame ..her. And she's angry.. at herself. Then, she's sad again. Her mind goes back to the words Microphone last spoke to her, and it stings, just as much as when she first heard them, if not more. She sits on the log -[soft thud]- oh, nevermind, she's on her knees in the soft grass, head in hands. She grips her shell tight and tries to shout, to let out the scream that's been trying to claw its way out of her throat, to get all of the overwhelming thoughts out of her head, but all she can manage is a choked sob, her throat tightening as she curled into herself.
And I'm only now realizing I'm getting WAY too carried away so fast forward everyone:
Taco thinks back on all the mistakes she's made, and back at one of her.. biggest mistakes yet. And, after a while, she decides she's done running, and she's not letting her slip from her grasp that easily. Not again. Not like him.
So, she writes, and writes, and writes, and writes. Until, after over fifty crumpled papers and about three half empty cups of - now cold - tea, she's finished. A letter to Microphone. She spilled her heart out on it, not leaving a single detail on everything she's done, opening herself up completely to the object never expected to break down years worth of built up walls. She's a little hesitant as she sends it to the hotel's mail, and then she waits.
She doesn't respond. Its not the first time. She takes a deep breath. No, she's not letting it faze her. She needs Mic to see she's being genuine. Why couldn't you be genuine from the start? When she most needed you to be?
She sends another letter, this time, directly into her room. She drops it through the little window, and she runs off before anyone notices her. A week passes. She doesn't respond again. She doesn't give up. She sends another letter, and another, and another, and another..
Two months has passed since then - has it really been that long? - And she's on the floor, miserable. The cracks have gotten worse and she can barely see with her right eye, she can barely stand, and her knees feel weak. Her head feels heavy, and her mind goes back to quiet picnics, white bowties and purples hues. And it just.. hurts. It hurts. It hurts, so much and she doesn't want it to. It hurts, and she's angry. Angry at herself for even considering to leave Microphone after they get the million. She's angry at herself for not paying attention to what may have caused the whole thing. Angry at herself slipping up the one good thing she had.
Did you ever have her?
She's angry at herself for being the reason Microphone left.
She feels lightheaded, yet her head feels heavy. And she's so, so tired.. she blacks out
The next thing she knows, she's on her way to ..hotel oj.
Uh oh
so um when I said "small detail" i may have.. lied HEJHSJQJZNNQJXN I WAS GENUINELY GOING TO JUST DESCRIBE MY IDEA FOR THE COMIC IM OSRRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY i had many things to say about tacoy
YOU DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW THROUGH W THE PLOT I'd love to see ur take on the comic!! Ignore my gay little writings hehr
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vergess · 2 years
I think you’re right to be upset with the antisemitism present in Letters to Watson, but I think you risk hurting people who are in your corner by framing those who have disagreed with you as violent antisemites. It’s not my place to tell you to calm down and that isn’t my intention, but I think it’s worth reconsidering a call out post, and redirecting your energy into a discussion, if you’re so inclined. I hope you’re doing well.
Oh man, oh man, you would not believe the vigour of my victorious dab as I slammed open the unpublished draft of part 3 that I barely, barely resisted posting because I felt I had adequately made my point, and surely, surely no one could possibly find room to be weird about it as a """"callout"""" and not sheer fucking exhaustion at yet another fucking microaggression.
But alright!!!!!! Let's goooooo!!!! :D
I've no qualms whatsoever with the substack operator, btw. They have done a lovely job thus far. The CW list available on the collaborative google doc looks very thorough, far better than anything I could have organized.
I'm not upset with the book club as a whole, I'm not going to quit or anything.
I just don't think many gentiles understand the scale of antisemitism. So many of you, bless your kind intentions, think it's a historical thing. You think that because it's old and gone, you're on our side by simple virtue of history.
It isn't over. These are not old scars lightly touched.
These are bleeding wounds, often torn open that very day, being poked and prodded during what should be our relaxing hobbies.
Think about whatever marginalizations you have, I'm sure you have them.
And then imagine antisemitism as another one, added on top. Another whole stupid bonus layer. Another shit-icing on the shit-cake.
And then think about all the people telling you that you should just be more grateful for the google doc telling you in advance about the shit corn!
Think about all the kind-hearted anons withing you a good day, with a smile and a wave, so sweetly confused that you aren't smiling back.
That you're not grateful for their utterly, spectacularly useless, meaningless, unhelpful advice. The google doc with the whole "hey, there's gonna be some corn in the shit" warning doesn't really make the shit less shitty.
And it certainly doesn't make the entire process more fun or bearable to have a bunch of condescending little fuckers telling you that the goddamn google doc full of corn warnings really should be more than enough I mean what more do you want them to do, listen to you talk about how unpleasant all this shit-corn is? It's a bit gross you know. Kind of impolite really.
Honestly, at this point you're making it more uncomfortable for everyone else. Can't you just, you know. Leave the poor baker alone?
It's so mean.
So, anon, I appreciate the advice.
But, with all my fondness and all my kindness, may I in turn offer this advice to you:
If you're one of the people who Did The Thing?
You're not a "violent antisemite" or fucking whatever.
You're a person who made a mistake. You accidentally did an antisemitism. Happens to the best of us. I myself probably do about 3 antisemitisms a day, and I'm Jewish. It's the nature of the world we live in.
The trick is to acknowledge it when you realize you did one, apologize to anyone you hurt, and try your best not to make the same mistake in the future. You will make it again, btw. You're human. And when you make that mistake again, the solution will be to repeat the same steps then.
What it damned well won't be, it to fucking pretend you're incapable of doing any harm, claim that the real victim is the person running the email chain, and then double down on the bugshit insane idea that antisemitism ended 100 years ago.
So try. The fuck. Again.
You goddamn fucking morons.
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moondragon618 · 1 year
@stemms Hi I thought you might like this :)
I had a dream abt that two c!Tommys idea you had lol. It was a little different in my dream though- I remember I was a post-prison break Tommy and there was another slightly younger Tommy. I think he was either disc war era or maybe like mid-exile based on how he was around c!Dream? I'm inclined to go with disc war though bc he didn't really seem scared at all. Also c!Dream was definitely kidnapping us btw lmao but the other Tommy didn't seem to realize that's what was happening. Then at one point c!Dream started talking to the other Tommy in that soft, sickeningly sweet tone he uses and I just went off on him, I think I said something like "Fuck you, I'm not gonna let you fucking exile us again, Dream!!!", and then I started fighting him and yelling at the other Tommy to fucking run. And then I woke up after that L.
Anyway now I'm thinking about Tommy from the end of the server meeting himself from the beginning of the server, seeing this version of himself that hasn't gone through literal hell and back several times over yet, and deciding that he needs to protect him from Dream at all costs. There is one problem though- Dream is the one who figured out how to drag himself and Tommy back to the past in the first place and he is determined to have both Tommys all to himself. Because imagine just how fun it would be to use his Tommy's own past self against him :)
I imagine Dream would not let his Tommy out of his sight, so there wouldn't be a whole lot he could do to protect his past self. Dream would easily be able to gain past Tommy's trust since Tommy already looked up to him at that point and considered him a friend. As for present Tommy? Well, past Tommy is already clearly unsettled by seeing his future self looking like that- covered in scars, looking like he hasn't slept in forever, constantly angry and snapping at Dream, going on about how terrible Dream is with a desperation that borders on hysteria and generally seeming less than stable- so it's not hard for Dream to feed him a twisted and exaggerated version of every mistake his Tommy ever made and convince past Tommy that he's just trying to protect him from becoming that :) When past Tommy asks why he still keeps him around? Well, Dream wants to help him too, it's just going to be a lot harder and will take some time :)
So now you have Tommy helplessly watching in horror as his past self falls into Dream's trap, desperate to protect past Tommy from ending up like him, while Dream uses that exact same reasoning to manipulate him. When he acts up too much, Dream takes him aside and reminds him that he hasn't even hurt past Tommy yet, and makes it clear that it won't stay that way if he doesn't behave :) Meanwhile, past Tommy isn't completely oblivious- he gets the sense that there's something very off about his future self and Dream, but he's kind of scared to say anything. And Dream hasn't even done anything bad yet, he's just been really fucking clingy.
That is, until he eventually stumbles upon Dream standing over his future self with an axe, the slightly older Tommy cowering in fear and pleading for mercy :)
Dream is okay with this though- now he can switch things up, try and convince past Tommy that this is necessary to help his future self, and see how far that can go :) He would already have them pretty isolated at this point (aka he takes them to what would have been Logstedshire) and he knows neither of them would leave the other behind, so the possibilities are endless :) :) :)
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fish-gutssz · 9 months
first post!! (its a lis rant)
Ok I've been watching and consuming a LOT of lis content lately and I'm suddenly conflicted on Chloe
now I have always been a bae over bay person for a lot of reasons
1: like my friend always says when asked bae or bay "I just spent all that time and effort im not just gonna go back and let her die"
2: shes hot
3: I know she can be very annoying (I haven't really realized HOW annoying till now) but I've always thought she redeems herself at the end of the game
I've always thought these reasons were great! good enough for me to love Chloe as she is. buuuuuuut recently I watched a WHOLE ENTIRE VIDEO on why a person does not like Chloe.
The video made me realize soooooo much about what I don't like about Chloe and made me start thinking if I should even be picking her over the whole of Arcadia Bay
Okay so I have also been seeing a lot of videos around tiktok like those "do you think we're soulmates in every universe?" and its either cute, funny, cute AND funny, or angsty. The life is strange ones are just HEARTBREAKING when I say heartbreaking I'm talking found family trope but then the entire found family DIES in front of the person (or somthing like that). I mean imagine getting your heart ripped out of your flesh, muscle, and bones then it just gets stomped on, set on fire, stabbed, ect. I'm explaining too much but you get the point
one I saw was max saying the "do you think we're soulmates in every universe?" and I go to the next slide and it is Chloe saying: "is Rachel dead in every universe?" WHAT THE FUCK. this brought me to the brink of tears.
Then I made the mistake of opening the comments.
THE FIRST COMMENT the VERY FIRST made a tear fall from my face. I took a ss and can fucking quote it.
"it breaks my heart that as max i destroyed Arcadia Bay for her, but she would destroy max and Arcadia Bay for Rachel."
Hence my soul shattering into a million pieces.
The saddest thing is that this is 100% true, and it had not crossed my mind once.
One of the things the video brought up is Chloe, throughout the entire game guilt trips Max, if you do somthing she doesn't like, she gets mad at you for it and brings it up constantly
Let's take the phonecall from Kate for example, as Max at this point we very much know Kate is struggling, she's getting bullied, stalked, and questioned by David, she's being RELENTLESSLY harassed by Victoria and her posse and also just like most of the school (btw I do not trust anyone who ships Kate and Victoria. its literally bully x victim and it is not ok.) she's also just generally upset and feeling a lot of shame because of her video.
So we know she is in a time of need, she needs freinds and a support system at her side, the obvious option is to call her. (it literally brings her closer to death if you do not answer the call) Max tells Chloe that she needs to answer a call from a freind, Chloe literally responds to this by guilt tripping Max. Basically saying "oh wah! but maaaxxx! you havnt had time for ME me ME for years! but now you have time for some blackwell hoe?! TRAITORRRR" which oh my gosh I mean yes Chloe, Max didn't talk to you for a very long time but she has taken accountability for it and apologized, you have her NOW and can spend way more time with her doing whatever and definitely talking longer that a call. One singular phonecall won't mess that up, ALSO you have no idea why she's calling what if her dad just died YOU KNOW A LOT ABOUT THAT HUH. there is just no reason to be a bitch about it and there's definitely no reason to scold your BEST FRIEND who has been NOTHING BUT NICE TO YOU SINCE YOU HAVE RECONNECTED.
The guilt tripping comes up a lot for frank, especially if you don't try and fail to shoot Frank in the junkyard she brings it up CONSTANTLY even though she is supposedly Max's best friend and anyone who even is acquainted with Max would probably be know by obvious hints how she feels about guns, Chloe isn't just an acquaintances with her she is her BEST FRIEND. Also Max littlerally tells Chloe that guns scare her and make her uncomfortable. Then Chloe expects her to littlerally SHOOT someone? she wants MAX a fucking kind and sweet person to potentially SHOOT somebody. Let me say this again she wants MAX to possibly take a LIFE and gets mad if she doesn't.
Thats not even the the beginning, she's just genuinely mean to Max the whole game when she doesn't get what she wants or hear what she wants to hear, then she lashes out at one of the only people trying to help her.
Although one thing I feel the video didn't touch on enough was the end, the end where Chloe DOESNT APOLOGIZE but she does show appreciation and genuine love for Max, although I feel even that then, she would still kill all of Arcadia Bay along with Max to bring Rachel back.
But also from a BTS perspective? We play as Chloe, She is still very much hurting still from her dads death, lowkey obsessed with Max but from her perspective (and I see why she's being irrational) Max has left her behind and she's all alone, then Rachel comes along and suddenly things get way more complicated BUT Chloe is happier, she isn't as lonley, and Rachel makes her feel complete. After the whole story thing is over the game implies that after that, Rachel and Chloe spend a LOT of time together. THEY ALSO HIT US WITH THAT GUT PUNCH OF THE PHONE IN THE DARK ROOM. So I'm just saying I SLIGHTLY understand Chloe perspective.
ty for reading :3
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loudstan · 1 year
u know, when i realized that u were the same writer of all of my lately fav fics and that these were connected (bc it's the same universe) i was kinda in shock 🤯🫣 and didn't realize it until i was close to finish 'the moon makes no mistakes'. so u can guess how i was feeling like, oh wait a damn minute.. then i went to your masterlist and literally my mind just 🤯 finally, (i must confess) i kinda stalked your profile started to read all those anons u replied and was like omg im dying to know and be able to read all of the next stories! specially the yuta one that you gave us a lil spoiler (thank u sm for it i really appreciate it) taeyong since he's the leader and i'm so excited to see how it would be during his heat and all the other stuff with his mate 😻 but also chenle! bc here on Tumblr the lele fics are few and talking about him as an idol, he shows such a personality and i'm sure you're gonna be amazing doing his fic as well (and if his mate is older than him 👌) but btw, whatever you post i'm always so excited about it 😌
sorry if this is too long, boring and unnecessary BUT i wanted to let u know 🙈
Waaaa thank you for reading my stories! They all have been very fun to write and I’ve received really nice messages just like this one from readers 💚
I myself get very excited for the stories to come but because of my daily routine it’s hard to find time to write. Still, I’m looking forward to other member’s stories and I know I’ll have fun writing Chenle because he won’t take any unnecessary drama. If he wants to be with you he’ll do it, it’s as simple as that. And no matter how many reasons you have to reject him, he’ll simply reply “is that so?” before getting rid of the obstacle easily and proceed to ask you where you wanna go for honeymoon like nothing happened.
Also, I dare you to get annoyed at him because of the money he spends on you because he’ll look right into your eyes, scoff and say with the cockiest smirk “I can do whatever the fuck I want with my money, Y/N” And yeah even if you’re older he’s not calling you noona. He likes to challenge you and make sure you know he won’t acknowledge any gap between you two
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
hello my lovely loveliest dearest favorite quil <333 I have finally actually returned with a slight rebrand and many tales to tell.
How are you bestie!!! I missed you So SO much and it's literally so rude that I can't send you all of the things that make me think of you. Like I swear my partner is gonna be jealous at this point because I'm literally like omg I literally need to show this to quil. It is a necessity. (If you're wondering it was a hoodie that had the classic university logo and said Silly Goose University and I decided that we needed them to match with our friendship bracelets.)
Anyway I am eyeing your new writing up very very closely and am itching to go to Ao3 and read ALL of it. (The urge is quite strong now that I have started Thinking about it, however this ask is taking long enough bc I have to take Wiggle™ breaks because holy bestie I am SO happy to talk to you once again.)
Speaking of your writing I was struck with the most incredible fantastic amazing art idea after looking at some of my old wings AU doodles. However, my drawing tablet went through the shredder (<- Puppy) I have to WAIT. To give the full idea justice but trust me bestie I'm so excited to show it to you.
Anyway I've been extra ramble-y but HI HOW ARE YOU I MISSED YOU WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
I'd love all of your thoughts and feelings and I miss you and ily and I'm so happy like I kid you not this ask has taken. So much effort because I cannot sit still writing this to you. I have. The Dumbest Smile on my face. <3333333
(Please note that this ask is meant to be read as if I am laying on your bed kicking my feet in the air while excitedly talking, thank you 😌)
TOBI!!!! I was just thinking about you the other day!! My dad and I were watching Labyrinth for the first time in a while, and when I realized the baby's name was Toby (i'd forgotten) I just went...ah..Tobi...I hope he's doing well...
I'm doing alright! I've been very busy this semester, and we are approaching finals so it's probably only going to get busier soon. But! This has been my first semester mostly in person in a very long time! And I'm officially fully in uni rather than dual credit, so I'm somewhere else now and have met SO many people. Actually am planning to meet up with one of them tomorrow to go to a restaurant/museum for class! And to watch a few movies with two others sometime soon.
lots of reflections on that because relationships of all kinds have been. rather difficult my whole life, so we'll see what happens here! also would 100% wear some silly goose university hoodies with you <3. move aside tobi's partner I need to glue BOTH of his hands to mine. forever
Also!! If you read my fics I'll love you forever and ever and ever even more. This new titz one has been sitting for several months, but I finally pulled it back out! And I am rather nervous about it because Fitz and Tam are both particular characters, and so combining them just makes them even harder to write. and THEN! throwing in Fitz's Alvar feelings makes that EVEN MORE difficult. but! it was also an absolute delight to work on so I hope you like it :)
and holy shit wings au art!!! i trust you so much I am so excited to see it--and don't worry about however long it takes! wings au is years in the writing, i've got experience with patience. wait btw, I don't know if you're aware, but I'm attempting to post the epilogue soon! I have the rough draft and the anniversary is coming up, so I'm hoping to have it edited to post on the ending's anniversary. it's a little over a week away, but also finals are descending AND its nano, so we'll see what happens. it WILL be out by the end of the year for certain though (and during october I went through and re-edited the whole thing for grammar and details--it's ridiculous how many its it's mistakes there were because i KNEW the difference. i'd just autopilot do one or the other and not catch it in my quick edits)
I keep pausing to do little claps and stim because. tobi!!! it's so so cruel we can't lay in bed kicking our feet together, i have missed you so so so much! what has been up with YOU? how has your life been? what's up with the blog migration--if you want to talk about it. also totally cool to simply accept it and move on. i just like talking to you and it's very nice to see you again :)
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callmejuliett · 2 years
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Hello everyone! Happy manifesting & happy day 6 of my reprograming to me! <3 💌🤍
This is gonna be a long post btw but in this post I’ll essentially be sharing my daily manifestation and/or revision advice as well as my daily manifestation & revision post where I share what I manifested and revise and ofc how I did it! essentially all in one <3
The whole purpose of this is to really show that all you need is you, manifesting & revision is easy, quick, simple, effortless and tbh it’s very fun & exciting 💌
Manifesting & revision is truly as natural as anything else we do 🤍
My daily manifestation advice for today will be to not label your manifestations as big or small. This was a mistake I made at some point in my journey and this is my personal experience on how I dealt with it, solved this problem & what I experienced truly in all of it.
Remember this is a blog where I talk about my own personal experiences and everything that relates to me. If it isn’t for you, then it simply isn’t and that’s okay.
Because personally what it does (what it did for me) is create this idea that some things are harder to get than others which can result in us having difficulty to manifest them or even over complicating them which makes us feel overwhelmed and just not the best really. It made me feel so upset, angry & confused truly. Like I felt I could only manifest certain things when really I can manifest whatever the fuck I want yk (and I’m so happy that I’ve been able to prove that to myself in the rest of my journey especially currently)
We should be able to enjoy our manifestation in the same way we enjoy the process of said manifestation <3 (I’m in no way seeing we always have to be happy when we manifest for it to manifest but I’m saying wouldn’t it be nice to feel happy & great about our manifestations no matter what because tbh we deserve to feel good about this!) to know that no matter what, not even any emotion we have or anyone/anything can stop what is truly meant for us)
Sometimes when we feel upset we feel that we are no longer worthy or that we will no longer have what we want (in some cases need) but that’s just not true at all. You will always get what you want, what is already yours <3
Instead what I recommend is to celebrate every single manifestation & revision you do!
Remember everything you want is meant for you, it is made for you and it very much is already yours <3
Realize that it is just as simple & easy for you to manifest a car as it is for you to manifest anything else ofc
And by celebrating your manifestations I really mean doing anything & everything that makes you feel happy, excited and that makes you feel like you’re having a lot of fun.
This in my opinion even helps you manifest better because you become programmed into seeing it as something that brings you joy & is fun for you. (More on this later in the next few weeks with a post that I’m so excited and fucking ready for it to come out & share with all of you but more on that later like I said before)
With that all being said, I hope you enjoy the daily manifestation advice for today!
remember to enjoy manifestation & become ur own success story <3
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Now onto the daily stuff I’ve manifested & revise pt 6 <3
I actually manifested in a time crunch of a week for my old sp to change his profile pic on insta literally just because I wanted to & Bc I said so.
I just command my subconscious and I would affirm whenever I felt like it or had doubts that this was something he had already done. I even picked what picture I wanted it to be and it was literally the same he changed it too. On the 6th day I believe it was I went to shower and when I got out of my shower I saw I had some messages from my cousin telling me he had change his profile pic and when I went to look I literally saw he had.
Even though I’m no longer manifesting him (might in a future who knows) atm this was such a big deal for me and I remember how happy & excited I was. For a very long time he was the manifestation I was the most excited for because he meant a lot to me & in a lot ways helped me learn things about myself that I hadn’t learned or even knew before. You’ll definitely see a lot of success stories about this because like I’ve said before I would do a lot of manifestations revolving him or about him. Same with revision.
Either way I hope he’s doing fucking amazing because I only have love for him & want the absolute best for him.
I actually revised a grade I got that I didn’t like. I would like to add that it wasn’t a bad grade. It was an A however my grade was meant to be a perfect score Bc it was an error within the exam itself that marked my answers wrong when they were right.
However the teacher was very strict and I wasn’t really sure if I was gonna get the grade I was actually supposed to get Bc of how intense & intimidating she was at times tbh (btw I also manifested for her to become very sweet & kind with me & everyone else in the class)
So after I say it wasn’t a perfect score and noticed the test result. I affirmed to myself this is a mistake, I’m revising know it goes my way. That night I sent her an email already knowing she would change my grade.
Like literally in the email when I told her about the error I was already saying to her how I understood my test grade was a perfect score. Because of the error and everything. I went to bed and the next morning I had an email from her (she would take forever to respond so I feel like I also manifested this) that I was right about the error, that she would fix it now and congratulated me on my grade. Within a few minutes the test score that reflected originally 96 said 100%.
I hope you all enjoy these as much as I do making them <3 lots of love & peace for you all 💌
Juliet <3
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siongkiedongkie · 1 year
Apr 29, 2023
It’s interesting how just like that, it has already been 5 years since my last bog post. I actually considered journaling again and I just tried the pen to paper approach and after 4 back to back pages, my hand got sore and that made me decide to find another way to journal. 
I never really had any intention to bring this tumblr back to life, I mean come on, there’s already so many social media outlet and also it felt a little too public. But as I scrolled through Tiktok, I saw one influencer who still used this platform to journal. She added though that her journal entry was password protected so that made me want to try it to see if it would work for me too. 
And sadly, I think it did. 
I say sadly because before typing all this up, I had to do a mini scroll on the things I was blogging about back in my 20′s (damn) and it made me realize that 10 years ago I was so obsessed and I mean OBSESSED with losing weight. Like I did almost everything. From juice cleanses to yoga to blogilates to circuit training to boxing to crazy portion control. It was insanity. And to think that I carried that to this day without realizing it was just depressing. It was all I ever talked about and though I no longer talk about it as much now, hell, I think about it still like a mother. 
Coming from a different vantage point made me feel sorry for myself. You are more than your weight man. Yes, we want to still lose the weight, can’t deny that, but this time around we want to be healthy. No more crazy portion control. This time around, we show up for ourself because we’re slowly learning to love life and ourselves genuinely. We are the main character in this movie so we damn well act like it, because we really are. 
So past me, that’s okay. We’ve always wanted this. Our reasons may have been really superficial like people pleasing, to look good in photos and to be liked more but hey, that’s okay. Those can still be one of our reasons but they won’t be the the main ones anymore. Self love trumps all those now. 
Oh and btw we’re no longer just addressing our physical health. We’re checking in on our mental, emotional and financial health too. Pretty cool right? More holistic as I would say. Oh and none of those crazy promises anymore okay? We’re allowing ourself some room for mistakes. When we fall off the wagon, we just dust off and get back on again. 
This time around though, I’m gonna do this for us. To that chubby kid who was told that she was pretty enough to date if she lost a little weight. To the kid who didn’t want to post her photos online because she was fat and was afraid to be bullied. To the kid who was so harsh on herself that every time she ate too much, punished herself for it. No more man.
So strap on. You and me are gonna enjoy this journey until we get to the destination. And when we get there, we’re going to have to set up new destinations again that’ll make up for another memorable journey. And hopefully, we get to bring or even meet awesome people along the way that we can take with us. :) 
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darnell-la · 1 year
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Note: Hello!! Please messages us some requests and comment if we made any big mistakes in this story. We love you!
Btw, we do not give anyone permission to copy this or ANY other story we post!!
Paring: Dom/Rafe Cameron x Reader x Dom!JJ Maybank
Y/n’s pov
“Just say it, Rafe. You’re a dick! You harass my friend, you harass me and you scare every dude away that I talk to. What’s up with that shit!?” I yelled at Rafe after I barged into his room and argued with him for a good morning.
He just scared a boy away that I actually found nice and attractive. Rafe tends to scare boys away somehow then leave and not yell me why.
“Don’t need you makin' anyone a victim around here, y/n,” Rafe said as he walked over towards his desk and took a sip of his drink that’s probably been up here for days.
“That’s not your decision to make, Rafe. And what the fuck do I even do? I barely fucking know you!” I yelled at him. “I just moved here 4 months ago and it wasn’t hard to realize how fucked up you are,” I said, making him laugh.
“Fucked up? Ha, that’s funny. No, no, what’s fucked up is that you and your little Pogue friends keep getting in my way. You guys walk around here like you own shit,” Rafe argued.
“Why does that matter? It’s not bothering you at all! All you do is bitch and cry about how Pogue’s are coming over to your part of the island and hanging fun,” I said.
“Not ever Pogue’s Gonna be working for you or suck your dick, Rafe! It doesn’t matter how fucking good-looking you are, not everyone wants that life!” I yelled at him, getting angry.
Rafe chuckled as he looked like he thought to himself. What was it? Did I say something wrong? This isn’t the time to laugh. Anytime he laughs is never the time to laugh.
“You even think I’m hot. Shows what you Pogue’s wanna get to,” Rafe said, sounding cockier than ever. “What the- When the fuck did I say that shit!?” I asked him, in an 'are you crazy' voice.
“You said I was good-looking. I mean, that’s not hard for me to see, but coming from you is a compliment because you don’t seem like a lair type,” he said, rolling my eyes.
“It’s sad that you only hear that out of every other thing I said,” I said, after I stood a deep breath and walked around and behind me towards his door. I thought he was going to kick me out until I turned around to see him closing his room door.
“No need for that, I’m gotta go anyways. You’re a waste of my time,” I said as I walked towards him, thinking he’d get out of my way so that I could leave and get back to JJ who’s probably taking shots and smoking a joint with the rest.
“You know what I think is a waste of time? You think I’m somewhat attractive but never put your thoughts to use,” he said as he began stepping toward me, causing me to start stepping back.
“I have no thoughts,” I said as he scanned me. Rafe has looked at me like this before but being in this situation makes it different. It’s like he’s actually making a move instead of just talking.
“Are you sure about that?” Rafe asked as he grabbed my waist tightly but softly and pulled me into him. “Rafe, what are you doing?” I asked as I tried to push his hands off of me until he lifted my chin softly with one hand.
“Stop acting like you haven’t thought of me fucking you instead of these Kooks. I bet you get jealous that I’d get with anyone, knowing you’re better,” Rafe slightly smirked at me.
“I have to go,” I said, trying to move to the side and leave but he kept me in his grip. I looked up at him, very shocked at how he was being until he cut my thoughts off and softly pressed his lips on mine.
I never thought of Rafe doing anything like this to me. Mainly because I’m a Pogue. Plenty of attractive Pogue’s have tried getting at him but he never fell in. He hates us. Why is he kissing me?
Rafe moved from my lips down to my neck and began sucking hard, causing me to let out whines as I gripped his shoulders to push but I can’t with all force. I can’t. It’s like I don’t want to.
“Wait, Rafe, no. No, we can’t be doing This. Rafe! Rafe put me down!” I demanded him as he brought me to the side of his bed and then dropped me. “Who said we can’t?” Rafe asked as he pulled his shirt off. I just stared at him.
“Because of JJ, huh? You scared he’ll get angry at you fucking his enemy?” Rafe asked. I wasn’t even thinking of that. JJ would be pissed if he found out I even stayed in a room alone with him.
“Aren’t you too old for bro code, baby?” Rafe asked as he tugged on my skirt until he got them off. “Rafe!” I shouted at him, acting surprised like I didn’t know what was next. Why am I not fighting him away? I can’t just let this happen.
“Yell at me again, and I’ll make a tape and embarrass you,” Rafe threatened. “Or do you not care? You’d probably like how angry the girls would get,” Rafe said as he pulled his shorts down, just enough for me to see his cock jump out. He’s big…
“Turn around so I can see a view of that pretty ass,” Rafe said but I didn’t move. I just looked at him, shocked and shy. I can’t do this to JJ. Not just because he and Rafe go at it all the time, but because me and JJ have a small thing going on. This would break him.
“Y/n, we’re too far into this for you to make me do everything,” Rafe said with a slight tone but I stayed still. “Why am I always doing shit myself,” Rafe angrily said as he roughly pulled me up, turned me around, and pushed me into my stomach.
“Rafe, this isn’t-“ I tried saying but he quickly grabbed a full hand of my hair and slightly tugged as he leaned close to my ear. “I don’t have time for that shit right now, y/n. Either you moan my name or shut the fuck up,” Rafe growled.
I kept my mouth shut, listening to everything until I felt his tip brush up against my entrance. That’s when I began to move and try pushing him off, now realizing how messed up this is but I was too late.
Rage forced himself into me with his hard thrust, causing a loud moan to escape my mouth. “That’s more like it,” Rafe said before using his free hand to push my waist into the bed and thrust into me.
“Rafe,” I whined as I grew wet every second and felt my stomach tighten already. “You good, princess? This Kook dick gettin' to ya?” Rafe chuckled as he sped up his thrust.
“Slow, slow,” I begged as tears formed in my eyes but he liked that. He loved the sound of me struggling to break and speak. “I don’t think you like that, baby. I think you like it rough and mean,” Rafe moved the hand that was on my waist, to my face and tightened his grip.
“I think you want me to fuck your cunt full of my cum so you can fantasize about it every time I yell at you in the future. Am I right?” Rafe seriously asked which is sick but not wrong.
“I bet you get wet and throb when I call you out or get smart with you. You love the nasty comments and pervy looks I give you,” he said like he was reading me like a book. “You’re just another slut, dick drunk for me. I’ll make you come back to me,” he said.
“It’s better if you come back because if I do, ima gonna fuck you harder than the last time I did, and I don’t think you’d enjoy that overstimulation. I’ll fuck you for hours until I’m satisfied with my cum leaking out of your pretty little pussy,” he growled in my ear as I cried in pleasure.
“Oh, guess who decided to join us,” Rafe said, confusing me until he turned my head towards a shocked JJ. Fuck. “Rafe,” I struggled to say as I tried pushing him off. “Rafe, get off,” I started panicking. JJ watching Rafe fuck the life out of me. I can’t let this happen.
“You didn’t want me off of you a few seconds ago. What? Now that your little best friend is here, you wanna act different? Wanna act like you weren’t about to cum on my cock?” Rafe asked as he began to roughly slam every last inch into me.
“Rafe!” I cried out as tears began to stream down my face. Unfortunately, it’s not because I feel bad. It’s because I can feel the best orgasm right around the corner if Rafe keeps fucking me and talking to me like this.
“She’s been tightening around me ever since she saw you. He likes the thought of you watching her,” Rafe said. “No! No, no, no,” I repeated, trying to get up but he was strong. “Come over here and drop the angry act. You can’t be mad, seeing a body like this, knowing you could be in it easily,” Rafe said.
“JJ, I’m sorry. Just, please, get him to stop. Get him off,” I begged, trying to get on JJ’s nice side as my legs began to shake. “Please get him,” I whined as my eyes rolled back and came hard around Rafe’s cock, onto his legs.
“Fuck,” I breathed heavily at the feeling of Rafe keeping his paste. He won’t even let me come down from my high. “Rafe, Rafe!” I whined in the sheets but he didn’t like that. He pulled my head back by my hair and gripped my face tighter.
“No, you’re gonna moan and show JJ how much of a good time he can have if he came over here,” Rafe said, turning my face towards JJ once again. “JJ,” I whined, just to whine as I’m too fucked out to think straight.
“You can only think about how hard you're getting fucked, huh?” Rafe asked but I didn’t want to answer. I couldn’t answer. “Fuck, I’m close,” Rafe groaned low as his hands gripped my waist tightly to fuck me rougher as his thrust got sloppier.
“R-Rafe,” my voice cracked as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. “Sucking me in? You want me to cum in you, huh? Want all this Kook cum, hm? Tell me, baby. JJ won’t mind,” Rafe said in a slightly desperate voice.
“N-No, I can’t” I sobbed, embarrassed at my actions. Embarrassed that I love the way Rafe is fucking me. I’m embarrassed at how I’m sucking him in, desperate to feel every inch and all his veins that he so desperately wants to give me.
“Say it,” JJ said, catching me off guard. “What?” I asked low. “Say it!” He repeated more angrily. “Jay…” I said, not knowing if he was pissed off and would walk out if I say it or if he’d like it. “Say it now, y/n,” JJ demanded.
“I-I want it, Rafe,” I whined. “More,” Rafe demanded as he gave my ass a slap. “I want it so bad. Please, give it to me,” I begged. “What exactly do you want, princess?” He asked, causing me to sigh loudly. “I want your c-cum. Please cum in me, please!” I begged and soon after, Rafe bucked his hips, pushing deep into me and filling me up.
I moaned mixed with cries as I felt his seed leak out of me. Why do I love it? Why do I want more?
I covered my face in embarrassment, hoping they’d both leave me there but I soon felt a hand grip my hair harshly and pull me to my knees. I looked up to see JJ. Jay fondled his belt buckle and then pulled his jeans down as well as his boxers.
“Wait, JJ, what are you doing?” I asked, my voice still having cracks on it from Rafe fucking the voice, moaning and crying out of me. “You wanna whore around for Rafe, but not me?” He asked as he jerk himself in front of my face. Why are these boys so big?
“You wanna cum on his cock, beg for his cum, let him cum in you, breed you!? But you can’t fucking kiss me when you’re drunk out of your slut mind and flirting with me!?” JJ angrily said.
Before I could say something, JJ pushed his cock down my throat right as I opened my mouth. I instantly gagged on him, causing his hips to buck.
“Fuck. Look at those lips around my shaft. Never knew I’d fall in love with those eyes more with my cock down your throat, making you cry,” he said. I moaned at how my pussy throbbed.
“What? Do you like being dragged around and used like it’s our last day on Earth? I bet you’re growing wet at just a dick in your mouth, huh? So fucking pathetic,” JJ growled. I can tell he won’t last for long. He’s trying his best but his thrust is beginning to become sloppy.
“Fuck, y/n. Look into my eyes. I wanna watch your eyes grow while I feed you,” JJ’s legs slightly shook as his cock twitched in my mouth. Before he could say anything else, his own moan shooed him as his seed traveled down his throat.
I whined as my vision slightly got blurry. JJ tried keeping his eyes on me but his own kept rolling back at the intense orgasm.
“Agh fuck,” JJ pulled out and slouched over, trying to catch his breath with his hand still in my hair. “That front seat show made me rock hard again but I sadly have to get out of here,” Rafe said as he started putting his clothes on.
“Y’all can stay up here and sleep with me tonight. I’ll start shutting the party down and maybe we can uh, you know, threesome?” He asked. He was genuinely asking. Rafe Cameron asked for something. From a Pogue.
“Is that okay with you, baby?” JJ asked me. “Of course,” I said. “Okay great,” Rafe said in a slight exited time as he made his way towards his room door. “Oh, and if you guys come down and drink a little, make sure she’s ok your hip. One word to any dudes, even my friends, then you take her back up here and fuck her in her ass until she’s drenched every inch of my sheets,” Rafe said.
Of course, my pussy throbbed at that thought. I’ve only experimented with myself and honestly. I’m ready for someone to help me out.
“Got it,” JJ said with a chuckle as he looked down at me. Rafe left the room and seconds later, JJ picked me up and placed me on the bed. “I know you’re aching,” JJ said as he leaned down toward my core.
“I can hear how wet you are when you move those pretty thighs,” he said, now separating them. “JJ, wait. I-I’m too sensitive right now,” I said. “Do you think I care? After you gave all What’s mine up to Rafe? I should fuck anal just for being a dick-drunk slut,” JJ angrily said, only making me throb.
“S-Sorry,” I apologized. “It’s okay, baby. But the only apology I’m accepting is that pussy in my mouth, okay?” He said, making me nod my head. “Words baby,” JJ rubbed at my clit, causing me to clinch around nothing.
“P-Please say me JJ. I want you so so bad. I-I can feel myself going crazy. I-I just need it. Please,” I begged. JJ wasted no time to dive into my starving pussy. I needed someone’s lips and tongue lapping around my cunt. I couldn’t take it anymore.
I grabbed JJ’s hair, causing him to groan on my cunt as I humped his face. “Fuck!” I moaned loudly as he gripped my hips to pull me closer. “My pussy,” JJ breathed heavily then went back to violating my cunt.
I can’t believe I let my best friends and Rafe Cameron do this to me tonight. They’re the two people I’ve never thought about having anything with. How could I, it’s sick. Maybe I am sick. Or maybe they just make me feel too good.
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I posted 1,115 times in 2022
That's 346 more posts than 2021!
821 posts created (74%)
294 posts reblogged (26%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,096 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#fnw39 alternate timeline - 753 posts
#gacha comic - 358 posts
#tumblr buddies - 334 posts
#strawberry's moods - 230 posts
#gifts for valid fruit fam members - 219 posts
#ship au - 120 posts
#reblogs from fruit fam members - 115 posts
#creator z - 110 posts
#five nights with 39 - 87 posts
#gifts for the berry girl - 87 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#this just further proves my point that i need to stay the hell away from tik tok x'd
My Top Posts in 2022:
You have my blessing (Bittersweet au Rp post)
Cheech requested this one, BTW ----------------------------------------------------
It was a few days after Accurate’s attempt at taking his own life. He was curious on why he was repaired since he felt like he didn’t have a right to get repaired.
He didn’t want to experience the painful reminder that Tiana was now with Ac.
Ac was upset that Accurate did that to himself, but was even more upset over the fact & belief they might have caused Accurate to do that in the first place. & as a result, they tried to seek him out & apologize to him. But, they had no luck finding him. Until now.
It was one of the days they visited the studio & they went into the backroom since they were allowed to. & the first thing they see is Accurate sitting on the backroom’s table.
Accurate was a little happy to see them since he had alot of things to tell them about Tiana.
But, before he could get a word out, they rush over to him & hug him very tightly.
Guess this experience effected them more then he realize.
( @cheechdog1 )
15 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Am I a bad person? (RP post) (Feat.: Kylie)
Because of Dorky’s amnesia, she’s lost all memories of being close to 39 & believes he hates her.
& also believes no other version of him will change, including Fem.
Fem would never be a cruel person, & he knows she doesn’t truly mean it, but it still stung for someone like him.
Fem was at Kylie’s house & didn’t leave her bedroom for hours. & Kylie had no idea why he was acting like this
It wasn’t until she decided to check on him where she found out what was bugging him. 
( @cheechdog1 If you’re confused, read the comments on these two amino posts)
16 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Confessions, but at a cost (Bittersweet au Rp post)
Wanted to do an Rp, had no ideas at first, but I got one, baby!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The events that made Tiana resent Accurate took place. There’s no mistake Accurate regrets more then this one.
He was so confused as to why she still visits the studio despite it. But, he later realized that she still visits because of Ac.
Accurate was walking around when he heard Ac & Tiana talking around the corner. He stopped & hid so he could listen. He then noticed Ac & they looked a little nervous. They were finally brave enough to confess to Tiana.
& it would be a very pleasant surprise for Tiana, but not so much for Accurate.
( @cheechdog1 )
19 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Arriving & looking around (Rp post) (Feat.: Shadow)
*After teleporting Accurate out of Z’s house & into Shadow’s accommodation*
Accurate, dizzy after being teleported there: Auuuugh.... Good lord, that never gets any easier.
( @cheechdog1 )
24 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Getting revenge (Bittersweet au Rp post)
Yes, yes, I know, Cheech. I know I said that any Rp I wanna do with you will be on Amino since you’re back on there, but I’m taking a break from there & I gotta stop posting there so much, so it’s gonna be here. So, shush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After finding out that Ac has won over Tiana, Jade was fuming.
The one source of happiness Accurate had was gone forever.
Since Accurate isn’t going to do anything about it, she took matters into her own hands. She found a steel pipe & set out to hunt Ac down.
She finally spots them & creeps up behind them. They soon realized something with a sinister aura was behind them, but before they could react, WHAM! Steel pipe to the head & everything went black.
Eventually, Jade suspends Ac to a chair with their hands tied behind it. This was it, it was time to end this once & for all.
Little did she know that this would soon backfire horribly.
( @cheechdog1 )
42 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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insomniactalks · 2 years
I’m finally on my summer break (at least till the end of August, when I’ll start classes again) so I’ve got plenty of free time to express my thoughts on the show, starting with this post! The thing I wanna talk specifically about is the very end of the episode (3.01). 
I will not deny that this scene deff looks like foreshadowing for the rest of Portwell’s journey in S3:
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First things first, how cute was Ricky in this scene? He rushes to camp to spend the rest of his summer with his friends after his breakup with Lily. And the way he says these two lines? So adorable! 
Given the framing here, and the fact EJ talks about how “nothing is gonna ruin our perfect summer t/g” then shortly after, Ricky enters the scene and stands in the middle of the shot deff makes it seem like Portwell’s perfect summer just might be ruined. I know how it looks. But I just don’t think that’s gonna be Ricky’s intention, nor do I think he’ll completely ruin EJ and Gina’s summer (tho he may temporarily.) I wanna point s/t out before talking more about this moment. We have to keep in mind the scene that immediately precedes the scene above:  
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EJ was just handed a shit ton of responsibility for the rest of his summer by Dewey. He’s been promising his girlfriend and the rest of the Wildcats the best/greatest summer ever b/c that was always his intention and he really meant it. EJ had no plans to be the director for a high-stakes musical and take on the role of someone who was doing it for 40 plus yrs. He just wanted to spend a fun-filled summer making memories with his friends and girlfriend, before life threw him for a loop. It’s implied in 3.01 that EJ convinced the Wildcats to go to Camp Shallow Lake by making them promises on what to expect (which he fully meant at the time until the moment above happens). EJ even tries to reason with Dewey on why he shouldn’t direct the musical (I mean, look at the poor boy’s face!) He desperately wants to get outta this situation he’s found himself in to no avail. Dewey’ gotta pin this responsibility on someone, and EJ just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Not only is EJ a counselor-in-training, which comes with its own set of responsibilities, he now has to shoulder the task of directing Frozen the musical and prove s/t to himself, Dewey, Corbin, his father (Cash), the rest of the campers, and even Disney Plus. All he wanted to do was make this the best summer ever, and now he has to juggle a lot of tasks all at once. This show probably has to be perfect or the best so that EJ can prove to everyone he could do it. That he’s not a failure at this. There may not be time for mistakes or slacking off, which brings me to my next point.
I know the first gif looks like the start of the EJ/Gina/Ricky love triangle for the season, but you have to keep in mind what leads Ricky to camp in the first place. He just broke up with Lily, the person he chose to spend his summer with instead of his friends b/c he thought that would make him “feel free.” Obviously Ricky realizes the error in his ways and rushes off to Camp Shallow Lake to be with the Wildcats. He sings this in “Finally Free” (which is such a good song btw. Been stuck in my head the whole week!):
Ricky really wants a fresh start so that he can feel free, finally. And he states the way for this to happen is to “break away” from the “broken hearts.” Last summer, he broke up with Nini b/c of the relationship drama b/t his parents. Then, he admits to talking to some girls over that time, even if he was talking about Nini to them (1.01 I think?). Nini makes her boundaries clear in 1.04 (I believe), then Ricky has an interest in Gina (1.05-1.07). By the end of S1, he and Nini are back t/g, until they break up in 2.08, and a few weeks later, maybe over a month or so, he calls up Lily by the end of S2. He goes into the summer with a new girlfriend, who ends up betraying him. For 2 seasons straight, Ricky’s dealt with a ton of relationship drama in regards to his own romantic relationships and his parents’ deteriorating one. For the rest of his summer, Ricky wants desperately to “break away from the broken hearts” cuz he’s done with all that drama in his life. He wants to finally feel free and more like himself (outside of his romantic relationships). Which is why his two lines at the end of 3.01 are so telling (and just overall adorable!): he’s seeking comfort in his friends, even if he’s in an unfamiliar environment. Ricky is fresh off a break up with Lily and he decides to drive to camp. Unlike in S1, when Ricky auditions in the first place for Nini, to prove to her he’s not over their relationship, Ricky drives to camp for himself, not for anyone else. It’d be one thing if he showed up to camp for Gina, which would heavily imply the love triangle aspect, but that’s not his intention. He rushes into the scene and says, “Do you have room for one more?” pauses then “Group hug?” Both statements imply the 3 of them having to work t/g as a team this season more than ever. The boy wants to get away from all the girl/relationship drama in his life. It just doesn’t make sense for Ricky to be a part of someone else’s relationship drama now. I’m not saying he won’t play a part in the bumpy road ahead of EJ and Gina this season, I just think it’ll be completely unintentional and accidental. Why escape his own relationship drama this summer to now join in on someone else’s? I don’t think Ricky wants any part in that (he just wants to spend time with his friends, it seems.) He rushes into camp, stumbles across the first 2 ppl he sees, which happen to be fellow Wildcats, and poses 2 adorable questions to them: “Do you have room for one more?” and “Group hug? cuz he’s just happy to see them and be there with the rest of his friends. That just might be his best shot at feeling free, which is what Ricky is after. I love that he poses these questions to both EJ and Gina, cuz he’s happy (and slightly nervous) to see the both of them. He had been spending most of his time with Lily, so seeing some familiar faces was probably comforting for him.    
Breakin' away from the broken hearts
No more mistakes, no more empty starts
I'm finally, finally free, finally, finally 
Last point, I think EJ’s issue with Ricky this season may have more to do with Ricky’s reliability as a performer, not so much Ricky and Gina’s friendship. I’m not saying Gicky spending time t/g won’t play a part, I just think EJ being the director for this musical that has a lot riding on it may fear Ricky won’t be up to the task as a lead. EJ was present for both of Ricky’s auditions in S1 and S2, so he knows that process doesn’t always go well for him. Ricky showed improvement when he finished the whole musical in S2, but EJ and the rest of the Wildcats had to help him along. With Val casting the show, maybe EJ feels a little uneasy with not only Gina and Ricky playing romantic leads, but also with Ricky as the lead in a musical EJ has to direct. The show has to go on without a hitch, and if Ricky doesn’t take it as seriously as the rest of the cast, EJ may take issue with that. Ricky wants a summer of fun which might just clash with EJ’s need to make the musical perfect. If Ricky goofs off too much, or doesn’t take rehearsals seriously/ try hard enough, EJ might feel frustrated with that, with him. That’s where EJ 1.0 might make an appearance, until EJ is reminded of what’s really important (literally like Mitchie and Troy in Camp Rock 2 and HSM2). Remember how their friends reminded them of what’s really important about their summers? Even tho Mitchie and Troy (and EJ!) lost their way for a minute there? Yeah, I see the vision... Totally fine if you disagree with my take on where the season is headed. These are just my thoughts given each of their character arcs and the storytelling aspects of the show.
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