#btw i did this hours ago but i had no signal
if it makes you feel better, a mature student on my course (history) used chatgpt to write an essay (on a real historical event) and handed it in (to a history professor who specialises in the real historical event) and chatgpt got the event entirely wrong. the student went to every lecture and seminar. i don't really know what the thought process was. they showed me their exact work process though (closed wikipedia next to me, put the essay q into chatgpt, and handed it in).
yay university!
Yeah, the very first student I ever caught doing this was last year. He was supposed to write a management plan for a site of his choosing, and went for the site of the old Dunvant Brickworks, now a flourishing reclaimed nature reserve with a brick dust problem.
And his Site Background section was entirely made up. Just fully fictionalised. It claimed there was now a museum and visitor centre onsite (there is not), that the brickworks were named after the family that founded them (they were named after the nearby village which comes from the Welsh Dwfn + Nant), and that the site has won awards for conservation (it has not) and now runs classes on heritage brickmaking (it does not.) Oh, and that the original brickworks had pioneered a brand new brickmaking techniques and was known during the Industrial Revolution for it's progressive workers' rights. Lol.
Anyway the first marker used to be a taxi driver in Swansea, and went "Hang on, there's no museum and visitor's centre -" and then passed it to me. Three hours later, we had proven that six of the fifteen references (already, far too few references for a MASTERS STUDENT) were fake. Two of those fake ones were then heavily used throughout the whole piece to prove everything from the history of the site (lies) to the hydrologic grid (fake) and the presence of signal crayfish in the streams (no).
It was, as they say, a shit show. And again, before I got involved and hit the ChatGPT alarm, the original second marker had looked it over and failed it - not because she knew it was AI, but because it was an utterly shit piece of work.
(That particularly story ended, btw, with that student being given leniency on mental health grounds, so he was allowed to try to resubmit with a new attempt. He was advised to return to the site, reassess it properly, then write up a new piece.
The day before his new submission date, his study support called me and asked for a meeting between the three of us, because the study support is from an IT background and so didn't have the subject knowledge to support him. We had a three way Teams call. During that call, me and the study support - hereafter referred to as Gareth to spare me typing that - both had microphones on, cameras on, and were freely talking. Student had his camera and microphone off.
First question from Gareth: "So, we have the site's real management plan, but it's 20 years out of date. Is this going to be a problem?"
Me: "No, not at all. In the industry, management plans are often out of date. Just factor that into yours - if it was written 20 years ago, you'll probably need to update the surveys to re-establish the current baseline, so what are you going to say needs to be surveyed and when. Does that make sense, Student?"
And there was, I shit you not, a SEVEN SECOND PAUSE, and then he unmuted himself and went "Sorry, what was that? I was sending a text."
And that happened a further three times over the course of that 40-minute meeting. A meeting he had requested the eve of his second chance because he still hadn't done it. A meeting he visibly did not think he had to listen in, or participate in, and thought he could get Gareth to listen to instead.
And then he submitted the new piece, and the only changes were:
He had entirely removed the site background section. It had not been replaced.
He had added in approximately twelve new in-text citations, none of which he'd added to the reference list for us to actually trace.
Which meant he was still heavily relying on the two fake references, and elsewhere in the piece, still had a paragraph that mentioned the museum and visitors centre; and THAT meant that he submitted, for a second time, work containing AI-generated content.
He was withdrawn from the course.)
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WW3 will be white supremacists vs everyone else.
Not a singular Western country in support of Israel is innocent of colonization, war crimes, treaty violations, or having white supremacists in politics.
Each one of them has been ignoring protests and strikes in their own countries for human rights and protections. Human rights and protections that have thus far been denied btw. Meanwhile they give themselves raises and protections against protesters and so called "terrorists." They inflate military budgets while their people grow more agitated and they don't care.
Not a single one of them have a thriving, happy people.
Historically they've been awful for Black, indigenous, and immigrant populations despite many of their countries being founded on immigration. And even in modern times all of them currently have trials going on to combat state violence such as genocide, rights violations, or police brutality.
None of them have ever been paragons of human rights. None of them represent the world's moral compass least of all Germany.
So why and how is it that you can look at the USA and German support of Israel and your thought is "finally!" instead of seeing a red flag.
White supremacists are teaming up in a Big way.
And this time they're letting white Jewish people count as white which seems to have short-circuited ur brains so let me remind y'all that Nazis hate Jewish people but not every white suprmacist is a Nazi. And white supremacists have a long history of providing white Jewish people with conditional white privileges
White supremacists exploiting white Jewish people for their vote or political support is nothing new and continues to be no surprise.
We can look at Trump's attempt to do exactly that as recently as 2019. We know he isn't an ally of any Jewish person anywhere and yet here he is trying to get right-wingers hyped up with virtue signaling.
The same article addressed how this right wing rhetoric and trying to incite it among Republicans is itself antisemitic and careless.
The past 24 hours have cemented President Donald Trump's reputation as America's "racist in chief." After tweeting a hateful diatribe about how four Democratic congresswomen of color should "go back" to where they came from, the President attempted to justify his racism with accusations that these members of Congress are anti-Israel. On Monday morning, he tweeted that these lawmakers "have made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S." and cited South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who called them all "anti-America" and "anti-Semitic."
[...]And despite his feigning concern about anti-Semitism, nearly three-quarters of Jews feel less secure than they did two years ago and the majority of Jews attribute their rising insecurity to Trump's policies. More specifically, many are concerned about Trump encouraging right-wing extremism and Republicans tolerating white nationalism within their ranks. In fact, according to a March Gallup poll, more than 70% of Jews continue to disapprove of Trump and only 16% now identify as Republicans.
....then Biden supported a fucking genocide in the name of trying to establish a safe place for Jewish people. When we all know his interest is actually oil in the middle east.
There is no fucking way either of them or the USA cares about any Jewish people or had their best interest in mind.
So that entire argument aside....
We can't keep letting white supremacists play these identity politic games and turning us on each other so we're keeping each other oppressed instead of helping each other be free.
Right now there are white queer people in my asks calling me (an Ojibwe) a Russian psyop for not wanting to vote blue.
That's the shit I'm talking about.
At the end of the day I don't want anyone except white supremacy and white supremacists to be decimated. I want a liberated and free people all over the globe.
Is that what you want too?
Then we have got to start focusing on the big picture. You are not my enemy and I am not yours. Our enemies are the same and they are unified.
We should be too.
International solidarity against white supremacy for the first time, for forever.
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aerynwrites · 1 month
Mixed Signals
Solas x reader/inquisitor
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A/N: the Poll has spoken! y'all chose option 2 (I love that btw) so you shall receive. Some backstory - for whatever reason and despite having all the approval requirements and everything, my game bugged and I did NOT get the solas balcony romance scene and I'm MAD!!! idk what the scene was even supposed to be other than a kiss but yeah. here's this lol. this is also my first ever DAI pic so I apologize if things seem OOC. Hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, very slight angst, fluff, kisses, petting? lost of kissing.
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 “I’ve disturbed you enough for the evening.”
Solas’ parting words ring in your head endlessly since he left your chambers yesterday. They had stunned you, making your brows furrow as his demeanor seemed to change. You were sure, so sure he was going to take a step forward in your relationship. Even though you’d both agreed to take the risk, the tension had never waned, as if one wrong move would destroy the fragile relationship you’ve built. 
When he left…you thought it had finally shattered. That not acting on the energy crackling in the air, Solas was - effectively - giving you a final verdict. 
That was until today, when you went to visit him, after hours spent in the war room. Cassandra wanted you to speak with him about his knowledge on the elven artifacts you’ve been finding throughout the region. 
You walked in, finding him sitting in his chair, thumbing through a worn leather book. 
“Solas -”
“Yes, vhenan?” 
You nearly choke on air, hiding it behind a small cough. The term of endearment was not one used lightly, especially not by Solas. Your heart was thrumming in your chest, eyes wide as Solas finally looked up from the withered pages at your silence. 
He raises a brow at you, closing the book on his thumb to keep his place. “Did you need to speak with me?” he asks, again. 
Your mind runs at breakneck speed, yet you’re still unable to comprehend his words, still stuck on his initial greeting. 
Solas stands then, setting his book down before taking a few steps to stand before you, settling a gentle hand on your arm. 
“Vhenan…are you alright?” he asks, voice soft, concern glittering in his gaze.
Finally your eyes connect with his own, and it feels as if the breath is stolen from you once more. That memory from the fade playing over and over in your mind. But you quickly shake it off, breaking his gaze and looking at the wall over his shoulder. 
“Yes, I…” you trail off, voice small, unsure. “I seem to have forgotten what I came for. Forgive me.” 
You turn without another word, hurrying from his presence with a greater haste than when you arrived, leaving a baffled Solas in your wake. 
That had been hours ago, the sun having long set, yet sleep evades you as you lay in your too large bed in your too large chambers. You are more confused now than when he left you on your balcony just a day ago. He had a chance, a chance to speak with you about…well about whatever this was. You had expected as much when he asked to speak to you alone, in your chambers no less. Yet…he didn’t take it. And now, he’s calling you endearments you’d always dreamed of hearing from his lips, whispered against your skin…
With a frustrated huff you sit up in bed, tossing the covers aside. You are going to find answers, you have to talk to him. 
Quickly lighting a candle, you reach for the robe hanging on the post of your bed, pulling it over your shoulders before reaching for the candle once more. You make your way across the room, the chill of the stone floor sinking into the soles of your feet as you pad towards the door. 
Pulling the door open, you have to stop the shout that bubbles up in your chest as you’re met with the very person you were searching for. Solas stands on the threshold of your chambers, hand raised to knock, and the tips of his ears just the slightest tinge of red at having been caught. 
“Solas-” “I’m sorry to interrupt.”
You both speak at the same time before falling silent, waiting for the other to speak. 
“I was just-” “I need to speak with you”
By now your own cheeks are burning, as silence envelops you once more. 
“Well, this isn’t going to work.” you finally say, heart fluttering at the smile your words elicit from the elf in front of you.
“Conversation will not get far that way, no,” Solas concedes. 
You step aside, gesturing him in, a command he silently obeys. 
Neither of you speak for a moment, and you take the opportunity to light a few more candles around the room, noticing only briefly that Solas seems…nervous. 
“Why do you call me that?” you interrupt, setting the last candle down on your bedside table. 
This question seems to perplex the man, his brows furrowing as confusion settles on his features. 
“Vhenan,” you repeat the term, “Why do you call me that?”
“Do you not like the term? I just assumed it was appropriate-”
“Why?” you interrupt again, all your confusion and inner turmoil and insecurities coming to the surface now that you're alone with him. “I didn’t think…I know you were hesitant about this relationship. I know you think it’s a risk. But you…you left, Solas.”
You can tell he wants to speak, but he stays silent, encouraging you to continue in his own peculiar way. 
“On the balcony,” you clarify. “I thought…you asked to speak with me and I thought-” you cut yourself off, clenching the fabric of your robe in your hands as you struggle to verbalize your thoughts without sounding like an idiot. 
“I thought there was more to  say, there was more you were going to say. About us. But then…you said that you respected me deeply but then you just left! As if you are some burden I wanted gone, or as if you aren’t worthy of my time, but I- I want this Solas. With you. I want you, and I thought you wanted me, and if you don’t that is fine. But you can’t keep sending these clashing signals-”
You don’t  even notice him approach, not until his lips meet your own, cool hands cradling your face as he pulls you deeper into the kiss. A kiss you eagerly return, hands dropping your robe to instead fist into the fabric of his tunic, pulling him impossibly closer, wishing you could pull him into your very being. 
You stumble blindly as Solas urges you backwards, your knees hitting the edge of the bed, Solas following you down to the feather mattress, catching his weight on his forearms. 
He never breaks the kiss, his lips molding against yours as fire runs through your veins, burning brighter than the summer sun. His hands, calloused from years of wielding his staff, slide beneath your robe and ruck up your night shirt in search of the soft skin beneath. 
You both only separate for desperate gasps of air before Solas is devouring you once more, teeth nipping at your lip before you feel his tongue slide along the seam of your lips. You clutch him tighter as he sighs into you at your willing acceptance, exploring your mouth with his own before he finally breaks away from you, nuzzling against your jaw as he presses feather light kisses there and down your neck. 
“I want you,” he breathes, hands clutching at your waist. “I crave you. And it terrifies me.” he admits. 
You take a moment to gather your thoughts, the thoughts that were scattered leagues apart from one another by his kisses, by his hands roaming over your skin. 
“You…you can be afraid and still do it,” you tell him. 
Solas chuckles then, an almost inaudible sound against your collar bone. 
“What do you think I’m doing?”
You smile, sliding your hands up to cup his jaw, urging him up to look at you, heart stuttering a the look in his eyes. 
“I thought…”
He shakes his head, turning to place a kiss on your palm. 
“I have not stopped thinking about our kiss in the fade,” he admits. “I’m sorry if my actions betrayed otherwise.” 
 “Will you stay?” you ask.
Solas smiles down at you before capturing you in another breathtaking kiss. 
“Nothing would please me more.”
Solas lifts himself from you, helping you beneath the covers before moving to extinguish the lights around the room. When the last one is blown out, you only know he joins you when the bed dips at your side, the covers lifting as he slides in beside you. 
Warm hands seek you out once more, lips fumbling in the dark until you kiss one last time, this one seeming to promise more than words ever could. 
Neither of you speak again. Not until you both settle, Solas’ body pressing into you from behind as his arms snake around your waist, legs tangling with your own. Not until you’re already in the dregs of slumber and you hear him call to you one last time.
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just-a-shark333 · 3 months
Time frame: Post Golden Wind
Pairing: Giomis (Giorno/Mista)
words: 715
Notes: idkkkkk I did basically this last night (except I panicked and so we haven't talked about it yetttt) and I'm trying to get my mind off of it, so I wrote this!
also, kinda ooc btw
While Giorno and Mista talk about dating Giorno accidentally reveals something about himself that he didn't mean to. Fluff and feelings ensue.
It was fuck knows hours of the night- or morning, probably morning at this point - and Giorno and Mista had been sitting in Giorno's room talking for hours.
Neither of them had been able to sleep. Mista had planned to go downstairs to the kitchen and get some water and melatonin gummies, but on his way, he saw Giorno's bedroom light on and decided that he had to make sure Gio wasn't overworking himself again.
That led them to where they were now, Mista draped across the end of the bed, rambling about some girl he had tried dating a few years ago while Giorno sat towards the head of the bed, hugging a pillow in his lap as he listened.
"-Yeah, but I don't know. I just don't think dating girls is right for me right now." He turns to look at Giorno "Like, wait a year or two and then we can talk."
"Wait, really?"
"What?" Fuck. Fuck he had just messed this up so bad. How do you even misinterpret something that badly!? Shit. He felt his body start to shake and he grips the pillow he's been holding harder. His face feels warm, and his eyes feel heavy, but no tears fall, he just sits there shaking and hyperventilating.
"Giorno? You ok, man?"
No. No he wasn't at all, he had just fucking ruined his relationship with his best friend. There's no way he can come back from this. Even if Mista somehow doesn't care or is able to look past it, they'll always have the knowledge that this happened. Both of them will have to live forever with the knowledge that on this night Giorno had practically confessed his love for Mista. How the fuck was he supposed to come back after that?
"Hey, Giorno?"
"Sorry." It was all he could think to say- the only thing that could have any chance of making this situation better. "Sorry, I- I'm sorry let's just...Let's just pretend this never happened, ok?"
"Giorno, what's wrong?"
"I don't understand. What happened? Why are you so upset all of a sudden?"
He had made things worse, hadn't he?
"Nothing happened. Don't worry about it."
"Giorno. Tell me what happened. Please."
"Mista...I just told you that I have a crush on you.'' His voice was barely audible against the room, silent aside from his own heavy breaths and the other's calm ones.
Mista didn't respond immediately, making a thick tension in between them.
"Look, Mista I'm sorry I- I'll just-"
"Giorno." And his mouth snapped shut, staring at the other boy, who looked like he had been thinking the hardest he had in a while. "I think," he started, pausing for a moment before continuing, "I think I feel the same way."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I knew you wouldn't-" wait. What did he just say? "What?"
"I said that I think that I like you too." Mista's face was bright red, but Giorno was sure that his was redder.
"Wait, really?"
"But I though you said..."
"Well, maybe I was wrong," He dramatically turned his head away before immediately turning it to look at Giorno again, "Also.. I did say that I don't think I should date girls right now, technically I never said anything about boys..."
"Oh yeah...I guess that's true."
"Are we...Y'know...boyfriends now?"
"Yeah, I think I'd like that." Giorno said, less hesitantly than most of the other things he'd said that night as he laid his pillow back in its original spot and patted the spot on the bed next to his, signaling for Mista to crawl up next to him.
And the other did just that. Tucking himself into bed next to his best friend boyfriend, said boyfriend doing the same next to him.
So, the two lay next to each other, staring into each other's eyes somewhat continuing their dumb ramblings from earlier, but most conversation died off as sleep took over the two. They'd work out exactly what happened tonight when they woke up, but for now, they were content with putting that off for later. And if Mista heard Giorno mumble a soft 'I love you' before he fell asleep, he didn't say anything.
this took way longer than expectedddddd
So, uh, this is my little fantasized version of what happened with me and the girl I like last night. I don't know if she understood what I meant with my response, but I'm certain that she doesn't like me soooooooooo idkkkk now we just hope for the best, I guess?
Have a good day/night/whenever you're reading this! Eat something, drink some water, get some sleep, take care of yourself! Love youuu <3
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thelasttime · 9 months
okay hey remember mixed signals guy anon it’s me <333 uhh new title sweetest bf anon?
cause genuinely he’s the sweetest most perfect bf ever and i adore him so much and he adores me and it’s all so so perfect
couple days ago we hung out most of the day at his place and i met his family and stayed for supper and he drove me home and met my mom and it was great
but! to the point when we hung out he kissed me twice but we didn’t get to kiss a lot because he was nervous to ask me the whole time lol and it was only like, well, our second and third kiss
only problem is i genuinely don’t know what to think about kissing and i can never remember enough after to decide whether i like it or not lmaoo but the thing i do like is how he physically touches me otherwise like hand holding?? the thumb thing?? arm around me or having our bodies touching any other way?? stroking/touching my thigh or arm?? i LOVE that and we did a lot of that cause we were watching a movie (and half of another) together
just yeah idk do you think i just have to get used to kissing before i start actually liking it and yk remembering it lol ??
(also also he asked so politely if he could kiss me and told me he was nervous to ask cause i was so pretty, and also that he’d wanted to for like two hours…)
(also our hands fit perfectly together btw 🤭)
yes kissing!! i felt the exact same way as you described when me and GB had our first kiss (and second and third). i totally agree that the physical touch is very very very great even if the kissing isn't as great at first. i find that, for me personally, you really just have to get used to kissing!! start slow like with a few pecks here and there (doesn't have to be prolonged kisses) and you'll get used to the sensation of someone's lips being on YOUR lips
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ejzah · 2 years
Since Deeks seems to be in the 14x12 and seeing the synopsis, could you maybe write something about him being worried about Kensi? (I hope there will be some good Densi content in this episode ^^). Thanks in advance, and I'm a big fan of your writing btw!
Thanks you so much anon! Since we don’t have a whole lot of info about this episode, I kind of had to guess at some of what is going on. I also could not find a spelling for the missing lieutenant’s name, so apologies if I have butchered it.
Gut Feeling
“Alright, well hopefully Kensi and Fatima will be able to tell us what Lieutenant Makhmad was doing before she disappeared,” Callen was saying, as he leaned against his desk, facing Sam and Deeks.
“Uh, speaking of Kensi and Fatima, have you heard from either of them recently?” Rountree asked, appearing in the bullpen with a tablet balanced in one hand. He kept his voice neutral, but he wasn’t so successful at hiding the tension and worry in his eyes.
Deeks sat forward, instantly on alert. “No, not for a while. Why?”
“I haven’t been able to reach either of them. They haven’t answered my texts and my calls just go to voicemail.”
As Rountree spoke, Deeks pulled out his phone and tapped Kensi’s icon in his contacts. He stood, pacing a few feet away while he silently begged Kensi to pick up.
“When’s the last time you heard from either of them?” Deeks heard Sam asking.
“Over an hour,” Rountree responded in a low voice. Deeks closed his eyes, stomach clenching tighter with every ring that passed without Kensi answering until her familiar voicemail greeting played.
“She’s not picking up for me either,” Deeks said, stalking back to the center of the bullpen. “Where are they right now?”
“That’s the other thing; their phones are both offline. Last signal was from the landfill, but that was 45 minutes ago.” Rountree held himself stiffly, clearly picking up on the tension in Deeks’ voice.
“It could be that they’ve got poor reception,” Sam suggested in a calming voice. Deeks flashed him a look of incredulity.
“Then Kensi would have found a way to contact one of us if that happened. Something’s not right. Where’s her SUV, Rountree?”
“It’s still at the landfill.”
“Then we need to get out there right now and find them,” Deeks said as he reached into his desk for his gun.
“Hold on, Deeks, let’s not panic,” Callen cautioned him. “We don’t want to rush in and tip off whoever might have kidnapped the lieutenant.”
“Right, because waiting has always worked out so well for us in the past.”
Slamming the drawer shut with enough for that it bounced back slightly, Deeks shook his head, and stalked out of the bullpen before he said or did something he would regret.
Callen sighed, glancing to Sam, who acknowledged it with a nod.
“I’ll go talk to him. Rountree, you keep trying to contact Kensi and Fatima and see if you can find any surveillance footage,” Sam said.
“Right.” Rountree started to head for the stair, then turned back, his mask of neutrality completely gone. “Just for the record, I’m with Deeks on this one.”
Deeks wasn’t surprised when the locker room door opened behind him a few minutes after he entered. He didn’t acknowledge Sam’s presence, continuing to turn in disorganized circles, resisting the urge to kick or throw something. His temper was just barely under control.
“Deeks, we don’t know that Kensi or Fatima are in danger. And if they are, they know how to defend themselves.
Deeks dragged his hands through his hair, nostrils flaring as he finally turned to face Sam.
“Sam, don’t try to pull that with me. You know how quickly things can change. Doesn’t matter how good or prepared you are.”
“Ok, why this one in particular? I haven’t seen you in a state like this in a while. Especially without any confirmation.”
He fought down the urge to snap at Sam, let his anger and fear loose. That usually resulted in threats of being benched and he didn’t intend to let that happen. So he forced himself to respond calmly, even though he felt anything but.
“I’ve been here with Kensi too many times before. When she went in that silo, when Sullivan took her, when she found Rosa.” He broke off and pressed his clenched fist to his chest. “I can feel it. Something’s wrong. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you, Sam?” Deeks said, quietly imploring Sam to listen to him. Before it was too late.
Sam sighed deeply, and nodded, almost reluctantly.
“I do know that feeling,” he admitted. “I trust your intuition, Deeks. I’ll tell G we need to head out ASAP.”
Sam squeezed his shoulder, and Deeks closed his eyes, grateful.
“Thanks, Sam,” he choked out. He just hoped they hadn’t waited too long.
A/N: Thanks for the prompt!
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papersparrows · 1 year
april 22, 2023
tw: mentions of domestic abuse
After ng show ni Phum, tumambay muna kami sa isang café sa loob ng Town. Kasama ko HS best friend ko, and kumain lang kami kasi hinang-hina na ko that time dahil lahat ng kinain ko bago umalis ng bahay ay sin*ka ko lang din. Need din namin magchikahan, so that's what we did dahil fresh from breakup ang best friend ko. It was a fucked up situation so wala kaming pakialam kahit nag-iiyakan kami sa gitna ng café hahaha.
Nung lumabas na kami ng Town, nagbook kami ng Grab pero magkahiwalay kami kasi pupunta pa siyang Makati para magdinner with coworkers naman. Ako, need umuwi dahil nilalagnat pa at yung show lang naman pinunta ko. There was an older lady na nag-aabang din ng ride sa tabi namin, and she approached us to ask kung may taxi pa. Sabi namin di na namin nakikita talaga puro Grab na lang kasi mga sinasakyan, so napa-book din siya ng Grab. Dumating agad ride ng best friend ko, so naiwan na lang kami nung tita. She asked for my help dahil mahina signal para mag data, so I obliged. I helped her look for the right license plate rin kasi hindi na niya makita masyado. And then, she asked me if Catholic ako and I told her that I was. She then asked me if I could pray for her, if I could pray really hard... and then she started crying so I tried to comfort her. She told me na battered wife siya to a cheating husband, and that her kids are kind of blaming her for what's happening. "You are what you tolerate" pa nga daw, which I found to be extremely unfair. Nobody wants to tolerate these things. Hindi madali umalis sa ganong sitwasyon lalo na if malakas yung kontrol ng taong yun sa buhay mo. Sabi rin niya na her husband basically killed her on paper (always wrote "single" sa legal documents regarding properties and valuable possessions nila as a married couple) and apparently lawyer din pala asawa niya kaya nakakalusot. She said that if she left, she would have nothing. If she was left by him, and he's been gone for 3 days na daw, she would have nothing as well. It was clear to me that she needed to vent, so I let her. I don't think she was being allowed the space to talk about it at home with her family. She told me more details about her life, and even showed me a bruise she had on her forehead that she got from her husband. 😔 My ride arrived and I told her I had to leave, but I asked for her name so that I could contact her through fb and offer to listen to her troubles, offer possible legal advice because my family runs a law office as well, and just let her know that she has a friend and that I'm ready to help any way I can.
Here's the crazy part!
When I mentioned that we run a law office, she asked for my full name and where I was from, and then asked if I was related to Atty. *insert my dad's name* from UP Diliman daw. I was shocked!! Sabi ko sa kanya na dad ko yun, and she was equally surprised! She told me that she was a batchmate from when my dad studied there. I confirmed to her that that was my dad she was talking about, but had to deliver to her the news of his passing and that he was gone 2 years ago. I promised I would text her to check if she got home safe, and I rode my Grab. I had a hellish ride btw but pagod na kong ikwento because it was so bad!!! I was genuinely terrified and texting family members na. The driver was clueless, relied on me for directions despite me telling him di ko alam kung san niya kami dinadaan (he chose a route he NEVER went through just to avoid traffic), and then after a supposedly 40 min ride that stretched into nearly 3 hours, guards wouldn't let us in from where we passed through so he ended up having a full-on altercation with them. Siya pa yung nagalit sa ginawa niya and he was driving so recklessly due to anger. I ended up being way more sick that night when I got home because of the stress I felt like I was dying haha. I was legit ready to ask to be dropped off along the way na lang from being so scared but I couldn't because I felt so sick. Tiniis ko na lang.
Later that night, the tita replied to me and told me she got home safe and told me that I'm an angel sent her way. She told me her husband's full name din, which I took note of, and realized that my dad has mentioned this name before. Even my mom recognized him by name. But I don't think they really knew each other (my dad and that lady's lawyer husband) dahil not from the same vicinity naman kami but small world lang din ang lawyers they at least know almost everybody by name.
I just think it was such a wild coincidence like who would have thought we would cross paths? I know this is such a heavy topic, but I am completely not at all inside her world and her life, and I can't do anything she won't allow me to as a stranger she just crossed paths with. We do still talk to each other through messenger, kamustahan, just reminding her that she has a friend from afar. It makes me happy to know I can offer her some joy and friendship. Maybe my dad brought her and I together in that short moment. He does like to pull the strings from heaven after all, I've noticed.
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Yall I wrote something! Hope you enjoy!
This is for my Prince x Gardener story that I started thinking about in June lol
(It's in the form of a diary entry btw, Tara is the diary)
Dear Tara,
In Axia, we have a tradition for people who identify as a different gender. Today, it was my turn to carry it on. 
I woke up to Grandma and Pop Pop screaming “Happy Transitory Day” over and over. Mother ushered them out as she saw I was waking up and handed me the ceremonial robes we had received, made by a royal tailor. 
I had told them (my parents, I mean) many times that I didn’t need to have something so fancy (I am relatively poor, you know; that's why I started this job as a gardener), but putting it on felt… right. The proportions were perfect. They showed off my now flat chest and it was in the perfect colour. It was lined with the slightest amount of fur, enough to make me feel comfortable without burning me alive in this heat or overstimulate me with the ticklishness.
For a while I was just attending a party or two; one at my parent’s, one at my grandparents, et cetera. Eventually, there was one party left. I mentioned that I’m taking a job as a gardener, but what I didn’t mention is that I got promoted to Junior Royal gardener. Because of this, I was invited to attend a party inside the castle. My protests were met with more and more people insisting that I go.
Though, as I write this, I’m thankful that I did, because I got to meet the royal family. The queen was very nice and supportive (she even gave me a hug) but that’s not entirely what I’m talking about. I met the Prince, Prince Adrian. He’s about my age, and I think he is SO CUTE. I was standing in a corner trying not to get noticed when he comes over and says, “hey, you’re Peter, right? What are you doing over here?” I could barely focus on what he said cause I couldn’t focus on anything other than his dark green eyes, but eventually I told him that i’m not really good with new people and he said “Well, you stared into my soul for around 10 seconds, so maybe you aren’t as bad as you think.” We both laughed and we sat down together on the wall. We talked for what felt like an hour before I even realised that he was the prince! In the meantime he complimented me quite a bit. I'm wondering if it was flirting… hopefully? 
Anyway, I said to him, “Wait, aren’t you… Prince Adrian? Why are you talking to me? There are definitely better places for you to be than a dark stone corner talking to a poor kid.” He laughed softly and got all flustered, he even tucked his hair behind his ear cutely and AUGH IM GONNA FALL ASLEEP THINKIGN ABOUT THAT HNUIHBDSO-
Sorry, I got off track. He told me the reason was that he “Doesn’t really like anyone else at this party”. I swear I wanted to hug him. Didn’t get the chance to though, cause the bells signalling the ceremony began ringing. We said goodbye and we told each other that we’d see each other at the ceremony.
When I stepped onto the beach, I was met with the cheers of what looked like the entire village. I tried for a polite smile but at some point it was getting so loud I had to cover my ears. The crowd quieted down, either out of respect or because the main event was about to start. I scanned the sea of faces and found Adrian, smiling and waving like we had last seen each other 3 months ago, not 30 minutes. I hoped my face wasn’t turning bright red.
I stepped up to the waves, careful to not step on any of the names that were already written in the sand. It appeared to be high tide. I carefully walked in. Drums beat in the background, playing the music made for this tradition. When the water receded, I wrote the name my parents originally chose for me. A few people booed (it’s not required but some feel that it can show support). I watched as the water came up and washed away the name. I could barely tell it was there in the first place.
I took a few steps backwards, to a place marked by flags. It was at a point that even the high tide could not reach. There, I slowly and carefully wrote my name.
Cheers erupted from the stands again, but suddenly stopped. I turned around to Prince Adrian running up to me and throwing his arms around me. I would have stepped on my name if he had not decided to pick me up and spin me around… my gods, it felt amazing. He smelled like watermelon… I think I would have kissed him, had we not met a few minutes ago…
Shit, i'm getting off topic again… well, that's basically the end of the story anyway. I can't wait to work at the castle! (Maybe I could see him again…)
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loveyourlovelysoul · 6 months
So all of my friends asked cornered me and asked me why I don't talk with them
I told them they ignore me and that it is mutual
I also told them that they give me mixed signals
It didn't go well
There was some other girl that just saw everything, she is in our class
I told them that I didn't talk much bc they talk about topics that I don't know
And I think I had written in my previous ask that I was closer with one girl bc we traveled together last year
But she didn't support me, in fact she attacked more than the others.
She and the others said, we talk about everything, our day and our bfs[I don't have one, to start with] and you just don't talk and you are being mysterious, we don't want anyone mysterious
I feel like this drama was unnecessary. I told them that I don't require them to talk about everything and that anyone has the right to say whatever they want to. Bc they multiple times said that they talk about everything and that I don't. And that I ignored them yesterday. Yes, I did, and I said you guys ignored me too. And it was like that.
But I got mad bc that girl I traveled with, we had talked so much for a year, and today she said ,, don't know anything about you". It was all bullshit. After that I talked with them more and now I'm going home. With them, it feels like every day is different.
They said if you don't enjoy us just tell us and I said if I didn't enjoy hanging out with you I wouldn't (not in class, about hanging out outside of school)
Idk they all just played blind and evil.
I even said, I talk but you ignore me. Bc before this I said something to one girl about the topic she was talking and she just nodded her head. I told this to them and they didn't say anything specific about it, just repeatedly out don't talk"
I am sorry but I feel like I cannot help you any further now: I have already said what I could say about this situation. I understand you're still mad and hurt after this last event and that you need to vent and probably have nowhere else to go than here, but except suggesting you to focus back on you and not on them (despite it's very hard), grounding and then processing your feelings and what wounds they may be re-opening (if it's the case, Idk), I cannot tell you what else to do (maybe it's my past speaking here, but I feel like you need something from me even if you haven't openly expressed it). Try journaling, working on your emotions through writing. The only thing I could add is that having a friendship shouldn't be stressing, and that it's weird that all this is happening now all of a sudden but yk, everything could be: there's only one way to try and find the reasons. And also, communicating should be done with peace and curiosity, and not through letting our insecurities make us sound harsh or accusing (this from all sides -I reblogged a post about this a couple of hours ago or so, maybe it can help you also in expressing what you need in your relationships)
It'll prolly sound to you like I'm letting you down and I am very sorry, but that's not what my boundaries are about: I am a nobody online and for as much I try to help y'all, I cannot outrun my limits or judge people/situations I don't know (btw no, you didn't write about the trip but that's unimportant anyway: it's not important what I know or don't about your life or what I think, but how you try to process your emotions and decide what's better for you from an objective space of mind. How you see yourself and the situation: we're the best judges the moment we try to let our emotions out of it).
Best of lucks, take care<3
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foreveragayicon · 7 years
92 Truths Tag
Rules: Say 92 truths about yourself and when you’re done tag 25 people.
I was tagged by @jinglebellslou and @rosebhd ily guys💜💜
Drink: coke
Phone call: just was facetiming my friend baily :)
Text message: “fuck antis” in the @/pan/bi gc
Song you listened to: HIM- Sam Smith
Time you cried: ummm like yesterday lmao
Dated someone twice: nah fam
Been cheated on: nah
Kissed someone and regretted it: yep :))
Lost someone special: lots :/
Been depressed: ha ha ha funny what’s depression? I don’t know her
Been drunk and thrown up: I don’t drink
Made a new friend: so so many :) I appreciate all of you in the GCs and irl
Fallen out of love: yep
Laughed until you cried: everyday
Met someone who changed you: Rosalynn :)
Found out who your true friends are: oh like the time I was outed to the entire school and had so much shit talked about me behind my back😍😍😍 so no everyone is always nice to me
Found out someone was talking about you: when is someone not talking shit about me, this the question
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: none atm but I really want to meet my best friend Rosalynn (she doesn’t have a tumblr anymore but I love her) there’s loads of people that I’ve just met recently that I’d love to meet in the headbands GC
Do you have any pets?: 3 dogs and a horse
Do you want to change your name?: no
What time did you wake up this morning: 5am because I had to get up and go to start our 8hr road trip!!
What were you doing last night: rewatching forensic files bc @heterophobiclarry made me remember what a good show it is
Name something you cannot wait for: when I can be freely out as pan
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: ye
What’s getting on your nerves right now: do we have all day?
Blood type: idk
Relationship status: single ;)
Zodiac sign: gemini
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite show: the office will always be #1 but idk TBH I like a lot of shows
College: I want to go to Boulder in Colorado but we’ll see
Hair color: brown
Do you have a crush on someone: on like 5 different people 😍😍
What do you like about yourself: I’m loyal, I think I’m funny, I’m pretty caring, and I’m glad I use my brain unlike some people :)
First surgery: I got surgery on my wrist because I had a completely torn ligament from volleyball
First piercing: normal ears pierced
First sport you joined: I started skiing at 3 and then riding horses at 7 so ya :)
First vacation: I have no clue honestly. Probably Mexico
First pair of sneakers: uhhh,,,
Eating: nothing
Drinking: water
I’m about to: go to a party w all my family friends and trying to convince to come
Listening to: No Control lmao
Want kids: definitely when I’m like 28
Get married: definitely
Career: I want to be an occupational therapist and using horses to improve people’s conditions :) I’ve been volunteering at this one barn and I really enjoy it. Hippo-therapy is super interesting to me
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: it depends. If it’s a guy I prefer taller, girls shorter, and nb can be whatever as long as they’re cute ;)
Older or younger: just a little older
Romantic or spontaneous: that’s hard both
Sensitive or loud: bothhh
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: wtf I legit can’t decide between any of these ermmmm
Kissed a stranger: ya
Drank hard liquor: no
Lost contacts/glasses: honey do I have something to tell you,,, I lose my glasses literally everyday bc I take out my contacts and then I can’t see rippp
Sex on first date: I don’t think I would but never say never
Broken someone’s heart: idk maybe but I don’t think so
Been arrested: no
Turned someone down: yes
Fallen for a friend: ….what….how could that ever happen? I totally did not fall in love with my friend who was painfully straight…no never happened to me :))))
In yourself: kinda
Miracles: ya
Love at first sight: no u can’t fall in love just from looking at someone, but I guess I felt that way for louis so who tf knows
Heaven: ye
Santa Clause: who doesn’t???
Thanks for tagging me guys this was so much fun!! Haven’t done one of these in a while :)
I’ll just tag my frands in the headbands gc bc I love all of u: @louismushroomhair @headbandslouis @missyouofficial @oiiilivia @larrysoulmates @gimmieshelter @harryftdua @jewishdyke @jollysaintlouis @poinsettialouis @harryscinnamonswirl @louisbells @ltalbum
Ok I got tired that’s all I’m gonna tag jsjsjs
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 years
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➪the one where you get invited to a jackass pool party.
Word count: 1.5k
Bam’s like 22-23 in this btw
  The sun was unbearable today.
  It was the day after Jackass: The Movie hit theatres and Johnny had invited the crew over for a pool party. Bam, your boyfriend of two years at that point, had invited you along with him.
  The jackass guys didn’t mind at all as they all agreed that you kept Bam happy and content and he was less likely to mess with them when you were around.  That proved to be very true as you had been there for just over two hours and Bam hadn’t tried to prank or piss off any of the crew at all. He seemed too content with you laying in between his legs on the lounger to care enough. 
  Your back was against his slightly wet chest, the cool water from the pool making goosebumps rise on your skin. Bam’s right hand held a cooler while his other one hung loosely over your shoulder, his fingertips tickling you every time he breathed out. 
  The sun was beating down on you and you could feel the burning on your thighs and shoulders. You had applied sunscreen about three times now yet it didn’t seem to be doing its job very well. Your bright red skin should be enough of a giveaway. 
  “You’re burning up, babe,” Bam’s voice said from behind you as you ran your fingers up and down his leg.
  “‘M okay,” you replied. “It should cool down in a few hours.”
  “You should go in the water,” he suggested but you shook your head. The sun was hot, but after dipping your feet in the freezing pool a couple hours ago, you decided that you would put up with the heat rather than freeze to death. “Too cold.”
   Bam had already gone in and you weren’t quite sure how Steveo and Pontius are still in there. Dunn and Knoxville were sitting on the edge with their legs dipped in the water and Dave and Ehren were fake boxing on the grass. Preston had given up on the heat and decided to go indoors for the rest of the day and Wee Man followed to “keep Preston company”. 
  Bam brought his hand to grip your shoulder and he pressed into it, signalling his wanting to get up. You moved off him, your back and bikini bottoms damp from Bam’s black shorts. He placed his drink on the pavement beside the chair and stood up. You stood close to the pool, allowing the water from Steveo’s movements to splash onto your feet. Bam came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist tightly, his chin coming down to rest on your shoulder. “You should go in,” he repeated.
  “No,” you say then laugh at the loud kisses he began to press to your neck. He turned you around in his arms and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before giving you his famous smirk. “What?” You asked but before you had time to realize what he was doing he had already pressed one final kiss to your jaw before pushing you backwards into the pool.
  You screamed  as soon as you felt yourself being pushed away from him and had little to no time to prepare yourself for the water before you were fully under it, landing a bit on Chris in the process. He had tried to catch you, you guess from his natural instincts, but failed and instead you ended up taking him under with you. 
  When you resurfaced you wiped the water from your face, proving to be ineffective due to your already wet hands, and looked up at the still smirking Bam. “I can’t believe you just did that,” you seethe and quickly apologize to Chris for landing on him. He dismisses you and goes back to splashing Steveo. Bam laughed and extended his hand to you. “No, fuck off.” 
  “I’m sorry, babe,” his laughter was uncontrollable and you glared at him. “Just take my hand.”
  “I don’t trust you,”
  “Just take it,”
  You slowly approached him and reached up, letting his long fingers grab yours. He easily pulls you up and out of the water with one hand and goes to hug you but you move around him and push him. He falls back into the water, creating a big splash and the waves hit both Pontius and Steveo who are busy laughing their heads off at Bam’s possible back flop.
  “Ow, fuck,” Bam says once he resurfaces. 
  “That’s what you get,” Ryan says as you grab your towel and wrap it around you, sticking your tongue out at Bam in the process.
  “Shut up, Dunn,” he says before using both hands to send a big splash Ryan and Johnny’s way, getting them both soaked. Bam moves back over to where you were and climbs out of the water, taking the towel you pushed against his chest. “Thanks.”
  “I’m mad at you,” you say and turn away from him. 
  “Don’t be like that,” he says and wraps his arms around your towel covered form. He gently pushes you into the direction of the lounger and away from the pool. “That really fucking hurt my back, by the way.” He groans, referring to the way his back smacked off the surface of the pool. 
  He ignores your word and instead presses a kiss to your wet shoulder, feeling the cold skin against his lips. “You can’t tell me that you don’t feel even a little bit better now you’ve cooled off,” 
  You rolled your eyes and let him sit you down on his lap once he sat down on the chair. “I would have preferred to have gone in slowly and not get my hair wet,” you mumbled. “I just washed it last night.”
  “That was stupid of you,” he said. “I told you we were going to Knoxville’s today.”
  You lightly smacked his shoulder at his words. “I wanted it to look nice,”
  “Your hair always looks nice,” he says and grabs his drink from beside the chair. You adjust yourself on his lap so you’re more comfortable while he brings the drink to his lips, his arm tightening around your waist. 
  “Suck up,”
  “Are you two going to fuck?” Pontius slightly yelled from his place in the pool. “No offence, Bam, but the way your girl was just all over me makes me think you’re not keeping up with your dues.”
  “Fuck off, Pontius,” Bam says and you hide your face in his neck to stop the laugh that was threatening to leave your lips. 
  “Be nice,” you whisper in his ear and graze his lobe with your teeth. It was one of his turn ons and it was no surprise when he turned to look at you again before pressing his lips to yours. Your hand comes up to rest against the side of his face, bringing him closer to you. His hand still held his drink as you made out, a bit of the liquid spilling out and onto the pavement below you. 
  You had to remind yourself that there were six men nearby and quite possibly all of them were watching yours and Bam’s heated make out session. After a few more seconds you pull away and keep your hand on his face to keep him from connecting your lips again. “Come here,” he mumbles. 
  “We’ll continue this when we get home,”
  “Or we can continue this now and prove dumbass over there wrong,” he says, obviously referring to Chris. 
  “Yes,” you say and turn around on his lip to properly straddle him, taking the cup from his hand and reaching behind you to set it down. You lean in and let your lips brush against his as you continue, “let’s just start passionately fucking in front of all of your friends then pretend it never happened tomorrow.”
  “Fine by me,” he says and connects your lips once again, this time more roughly. You break away quicker this time, much to Bam’s disagreement, and grip his shoulders. 
  “So you don’t mind them seeing me completely naked?”
  This makes Bam’s face turn serious. He looks over at Dunn and Knoxville who were smirking at the sight before them. “Aboslutely fucking not,”
  “Hypocrite,” you say and allow him to lean back on the chair with you in his arms. “I’ve read your stunt ideas for a possible second jackass movie and showing your ass and dick is one of them. Millions of people will get to see you naked.”
  “It’s just an idea, baby,” he mumbles. “I probably won’t even end up doing that one.”
  “Mhmm,” you hum and lay your head on his chest, the heat from the sun seeping into the damp towel that was still somewhat around you and creating a warm feeling on your back. You sit in silence for a little bit, your fingers tracing the long tattoos on the sides of his body. “I wish everyday was like this.”
  Bam didn’t answer you and instead pressed a kiss to the top of your head while watching his idiot friends mess around in the water. 
  He’d never admit it out loud, but he wouldn’t mind more days that involved doing absolutely nothing productive and instead spending the day with you in his arms. How could he ever want to do anything else when he could have the best thing in his life for the entire day instead? 
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bbiemochi · 3 years
hey there! I was wondering if you can do Diluc and the reader sleeping then their child cries at the middle of the night? And diluc goes to comfort the kid and the reader walks in and smiles at them? thank you in advance :D <33
𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 | diluc ragnvindr x reader
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[an]: this request is so cute im sobbing. tysm for requesting ! ^^ (note: c/n stands for child’s name !)
summary: late nights are supposed to be the most relaxing nights for everyone to just rest and sleep in, just not for your little child…
pairing: father!diluc ragnvindr x fem!mother!reader (the kid here is g/n btw so it could either be a son or a daughter whichever you prefer…! ^^)
genre: super fluffy i have warned u
great archons.
if it weren’t for the loud thunderstorm this evening, then diluc would’ve been asleep an hour ago. cuddled up in bed with his head resting on top of yours, diluc listens as the thunder and rain mash together to form a loud tune outside the winery. it was super difficult to catch some blink of sleep due to the rain bothering diluc to the bone—he wasn’t expecting a loud storm approaching tonight here in mondstadt. guess barbatos had plans.
shifting his head, his eyes scanning around the room he’s in with you (his lovely wife), diluc decided to sneak out for a while to fetch himself some cold water to clear down his throat. even though the night was young (which felt like the opposite because of the heavy rain outside his house), the young man’s eyes was already droopy tired from taking care of angel’s share along with charles for an hour. almost even felt like a day. and the fact that he hardly got to ever hang out with you nor his child because he was too busy to do so, he felt terrible.
diluc wanted to be a good father for his child after all. he promised you that when you found out you were pregnant.
in the kitchen, diluc grabbed a glass and poured himself some water as he ignored the storm that flashed through his window; like it was nothing but a boar running by the bushes. at this point, storms felt quite normal for him already—just not when it comes to sleeping of course, diluc could hardly sleep well with such loud noise to ruin his good rest for the day, just him and you. as he gulped down the water, he heard a thud coming towards the direction of the manor’s stairs. he was quick to turn his head to where the noise came from, and what he saw was his little child, crying at the base of the stairs steps.
diluc dropped the glass in a hurry and ran towards his child. “c/n? hey what’s wrong, sweetie? what’re you doing up so late…?” he hushes them, wiping the child’s tears away from their eyes. their tiny hands wrapped around diluc’s neck, signaling him to carry them—which diluc noticed and obliged quickly. “papa, i had a nightmare…” they cried into his neck, diluc pats their head, holding them tightly in his arms as he comforts them. “shhh…it’s alright, no need to cry anymore, daddy’s here…” he whispers.
diluc never usually was this soft until the late hours of the evening, after all he was a tired working man. the richest bachelor in mondstadt. but this, was his first time feeling so different under his roof after work. it was odd, yet he had no complaints. when the thunder roared, c/n flinches and sobbed even harder from fear. diluc wasted no time and went back upstairs to his child’s room to shepard them back to bed..
at their room after comforting his child, the rain was slowly fading away—leaving only small patter drops of rain shower left to fall throughout the night. ‘guess he needs the maids including himself to clean the weeds of his orchard yesterday after this. great. his child was still in his arms, humming a peaceful tune he thinks that will somewhat bring c/n to sleep. he was no good at lulling a child to slumber, however he did recall moments of how his father would…and that would make diluc try to at least give it ago since he was now one.
c/n was still hugging diluc tight, sniffing and their sobs hushing down, fainter and fainter. diluc made sure to rub their head to reassure that everything is fine. because he was there. with his child now breathing calmly on top of his chest, diluc slowly makes his way towards their bed, plopping c/n down thus laying down beside them to make sure they’re asleep for sure. c/n looked adorable right now. with their fluffy red hair just like their father’s, eyes fluttered shut and sleeping so wonderfully made diluc realize a blessing was seated right in front of his very eyes. he cherished every single moment he had with his child. everything. just like he had cherish you. diluc yawns from the thought.
after all—the new sheets the maids had placed on the bed earlier afternoon for his dearest child was very comfortable to lay down on. made from the finest silk and wool in mondstadt they said. some even rumored the silk to come straight from fontaine. wherever it came from, it was perfect. the perfect amount of comfort to receive and to relax on. diluc felt his eyes shutting down, yet before that happened…
“diluc…?” a faint voice entered the room. diluc felt a wave of comfort rush through him when he saw his lovely wife enter, beautiful white night gown adorning her exquisite body as she smiled at him from the door.
“i thought you were downstairs. turns out you were in our child’s room,” you laughed. diluc smiles softly, removing his arm that was holding c/n and extended it out, reaching yours. “darling, come sleep here with us…” he whispers, and you said nothing else but walked towards your two love ones. you laid down beside your child, grabbing a hold of diluc’s hand before the both of you gently lied it down on top of c/n’s heaving chest. forehead’s sticking to one another, your eyes shifted from c/n to locking them into your husband’s, whispering an ‘i love you’ to him.
diluc kisses your cheek, whispering the ‘i love you’ back—before the three of you went into deep slumber as a family. and now, there were three in the dawn winery, and diluc was never alone until he met you.
a/n: fucking diabetes in me rn
requests: closed </3
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Part Six. Movies and Speedruns
warnings: swearing, many memes word count: 3.8k (not including pictures) (wow okay ash pop off!) 
behind the screen (irl!dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
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Unknowingly and unintentionally, Y/n let out a big sigh as she poured a glass of water.
"What's wrong, Y/n?" Naomi asked gently, coming up behind her and hugging her tightly.
Naomi hummed, a sign that she was waiting for Y/n to lead the conversation so she could follow because if it were up to Naomi, she would immediately start trash-talking Peter and she wasn't sure if that was the vibe right now or not.
Y/n shook her head in disbelief as she jumped up to sit on the counter. "He got so mad when he found out I slept over at Karl's."
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I wish you would just cut him off completely."
"I don't know. I know I should but... part of me wonders if he could ever go back to how he was when I met him. I would probably date that guy again but not who he turned out to be."
Naomi looked horrified. "No. You sound like you're considering hearing him out. No, is that a joke? He's a bad person."
"I'm not," Y/n reassured. "I'm just thinking hypothetically. Probably because I miss having someone..."
"Y/n, you have a ton of thirsty people in your mentions. If you really want someone that bad, just scroll through, land on one and I bet they're a million times better than that sack of burned potatoes."
Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled lightly. "Most of those are jokes."
"Not all of them," she teased.
"I know you're going to tell me anyway so just say it. Who specifically do you think isn't joking?"
"Dream," Naomi sang.
"Okay, crazy." Y/n reached over, staying seated on the counter as she grabbed a bowl from a cabinet on her left. She then leaned all the way right, reaching as far as she could, but couldn't quite grab a cereal box from the top of the refrigerator.
Naomi rolled her eyes as she helped, handing Y/n the box. She even went the extra step to get Y/n a spoon and the milk because she was that nice. "I'm not joking. Neither is he. Karl and I have talked about it and we both agree."
Y/n paused at her friend's words, her hand hovering over the milk that Naomi held out for her. "You guys gossip about my love life?"
Naomi set the milk next to Y/n, tired of holding it out for her. "Of course? Like we don't do that about Karl? Or you and him about me?"
She couldn't argue there.
"Karl says there's a different vibe from Dream when you join calls and I believe it. I mean, I've seen it during streams myself so I can only imagine how much more obviously in love with you he is during private calls.
"That 'vibe' is Karl's delusional mind creating things. He's too scared to talk to cameragirl so he's projecting onto Dream and I."
"Yeah, okay," Naomi agreed sarcastically.
Y/n huffed. "Besides, he's in Florida. I'm in North Carolina, in case you weren't aware."
"So you're saying if you lived in the same state, you'd date him?"
"I didn't say that." She honestly had never thought of it. Sure she liked hanging out with Dream and her stomach got butterflies when he talked directly to her and he made her smile harder than anyone ever had and he—
And she didn't like him like that. She had only officially met the guy like a week and a half ago and she didn't know what he looked like. There was no way you could catch feelings for someone without seeing them.
Naomi's expression fell again. "Distance doesn't matter, anyway."
"I swear if you say something about George I will slap you," she threatened through a smile and Naomi gave her an innocent grin back.
"If you're lonely, get on Tinder, not Peter. Or get on Dream. I have no qualms with that."
"Peter isn't even an option, Naomi." Y/n sighed, ignoring the comment about Dream.  "Also," she swallowed the last of her cereal and set the bowl down with a clank. "I'm gonna tell Peter I don't want to be friends anymore. Dream and George can be added to the list of Peter haters."
"You talked to them about it?"
She nodded. "You know how I have little gossip sessions with George? Well, Dream was there too this time."
"Well, of course Dream would hate Peter. We've established that he likes you."
"No, no, you and Karl delusionally hypothesized that."
Naomi tapped the counter methodically, a sign Y/n knew to signal that she was thinking hard. "Somehow, one day, I'll prove he does."
"Good luck."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yes," Y/n perked up. "Go pick something, I'll get blankets."
She went to her room, grabbing her favorite cuddling blankets. She started leaving her room when she heard a ding on her open desktop, signaling that she had a call incoming from Discord. Cool timing.
"I'll be just a second, Naomi!" she called across the house before dropping the blankets on her bed and sliding her headset on, answering the call from Dream. "Hi, Dream!" She sat on her chair and tucked her knees to her chest.
"Hi," he greeted sweetly. "How are you doing today?"
"Much better than when we last talked. How are you?"
"Great now that I'm talking to you," he said smoothly. Y/n rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. "Are you busy?"
"Unfortunately, yes. My roommate and I are about to watch a movie."
"Ooh, what movie?"
"Not sure yet. Any suggestions?"
"Dark Knight. Unless you wanted me to say, like, Tangled or something."
"Yeah, girls' night is exclusively princess movies. Do you know nothing?"
"Apparently," he said with a laugh.
"What's up?"
"Oh, well, I was just gonna see if you wanted to be on call later with me, George, and Sapnap while I stream speedruns, but you're hanging out with your roommate so nevermind."
"Oh," Y/n deflated. "That sounds fun."
"I can push it back if you want to be part of it. If not, that's fine. I just thought it would be cool."
"No, no, no I really do want to, but I don't want you to have to push it back. When were you planning on starting?"
"In about an hour."
"I'll just join later if you're still playing. If that's okay that I come late."
"No. You have to be on time or not at all," he joked. "Of course that's fine," he assured. "And if I'm not playing anymore, you can still join... we usually talk for forever after we play games and it's fun. I would, er, we would love for you to hang out with us."
Y/n couldn't help the large smile on her face from staying even after they hung up and she walked back into the living room with her pile of blankets. She couldn't help it even when Naomi pointed it out and asked why she was so happy.
"Oh, uh, I've been invited to join Dream and them later for a stream."
"That vague answer doesn't warrant the shit-eating grin you have."
Y/n shrugged and cuddled more into her blankets. "What movie did you pick?"
As the end credits rolled across the screen, Y/n yawned and looked over to Naomi in the dark. She was out like a light. Y/n stood up and made sure Naomi was covered in the blanket and she had a pillow. She crept back to her room and slid her headphones on, pulling up Discord where she saw the three boys' names still in a voice call.
She pulled up Twitch on her second monitor and looked for Dream's stream. It was already about an hour in. She clicked on it and her headphones echoed with the sound of George and Sapnap laughing like they said the funniest thing in the world.
"Shut up," Dream muttered. "Guys, what were the coords for the portal? Seriously, come on."
"Nobody tell him," George joked.
"Where's Bugsyyyy?" Sapnap whined. "I want her to make fun of you with us."
"Half the stuff we're making fun of him for is about his big fat crush on her so..."
"George!" Dream yelled again. "No, it's not!"
Y/n smiled as she heard that, knowing it was a joke but laughing at the way Dream laughed at the accusation. She knew it wasn't serious or else they wouldn't talk about it on stream. George and Sapnap teased a lot, but certainly, they wouldn't out someone's crush in front of a hundred thousand viewers live.
Tumblr media
"Oh!" Sapnap spoke out loud as George laughed loudly, both reading the text at the same time. "Speaking of..."
Dream waited for either of the two boys to elaborate but neither of them offered one. "What happened?"
"Bugsy texted us," George said off-handedly, typing a response to her. "She's coming in a second."
"What do you mean 'oh'?" Sapnap laughed.
"You guys have a groupchat?"
"Aw, jealous?" George asked.
Y/n joined at that moment, the first sentence coming from her Discord instead of Twitch being from Sapnap saying, "Would it make you more jealous to know our group name is Bugsy's Boys?"
"No, Sapnap, that's the one with Karl," George corrected. "The one with just you, me, and her is Bugsy's Boyfriends."
"I still don't approve of that, by the way," Y/n commented.
"Bugsy!!" Sapnap giggled happily. "You're finally here!"
"BUGSY!" George cheered.
"Hi guys!" Y/n laughed at the enthusiasm she was greeted with. "Hi, Dream!"
There was a few seconds of silence before, "Dream!!" George yelled right before the death screen appeared on the Twitch tab still opened on Y/n's right screen. "You idiot, what are you doing?! Why did you throw that run??"
She covered her mouth with the hoodie collar and laughed. "Off to a great start, bud."
"NO!" Dream yelled, knocking something, or somethings, off his desk. "Noooo! I didn't throw it, George, I FELL! Oh, that was going to be such a good run."
"What happened? How did you miss that huge ravine?" George asked while laughing. "It was literally right in the open. You didn't even try to use your water bucket."
"I-I was... I was distracted."
"By what? The completely open field with nothing blocking your vision?" Sapnap criticized with a laugh as well.
Y/n giggled to herself before letting her eyes trail to his chat, which was filled with the same accusations and guesses.
user5: BUGSY!
user4: imagine saying hi so cutely that you make a man fall into a ravine
user1: are they dumb? obviously bugsy saying hi made his brain short-circut
user6: guys stop it wasn't bc she said hi. it was the g i g g l e
user8: HI BUGSY
user10: how to kill a man: hire bugsy to giggle and say hi directly to him
Y/n immediately blushed and covered her face again. She really had a habit of hiding even when no one could see her.
"Oh my gosh," Dream groaned, leaving the world and starting a new one. "Oh. My. Gosh. That's so annoying. I was doing so good."
"Oh," Sapnap laughed. "I understand now."
"What? What did I miss?" George asked.
"Just read chat," Sapnap explained. "They have the answer. Dream, your chat is so smart. Thanks for solving the mystery, chat!"
"No, they aren't ri— that isn't true!" Dream defended. "Chat, shut up."
"You sure?" Y/n asked teasingly, watching as his character paused when she started talking. Was she really making him this flustered just by talking? Surely not. He was just playing into the joke. He continued playing without saying anything, which made George and Sapnap laugh more.
The subject eventually changed and the atmosphere quickly became more relaxed and chill. Tonight was not a feral night like George had texted in all caps.
"Hey George," Y/n started, biting on her hoodie string with a smile because she knew Naomi would hear this when she watched the VOD the next day. "My roommate says hello."
"Oh my gosh," he muttered, making her laugh. "Let it go."
"Wow, I guess that's one way to treat your fans..."
"Fine," he sighed. "Tell her I say hello."
"Well, not if you don't mean it," Y/n teased.
"Yeah, George, you sound so unenthusiastic?" Sapnap asked.
"He's just flustered," Dream commented. "It's okay George, you can have feelings."
"Dream, you fell into a ravine because Bugsy said hi."
"Oh, come on! That's not—I just— I missed the jump! That's it!"
"I'm not flustered or unenthusiastic, I'm just tired, okay?" George explained, ignoring Dream, a yawn spilling out of him to prove it.
Y/n smiled. "Well, you could always let me give her your number if you really want..."
"No. If she had Discord you could give her that but not my phone number."
"Wait, really?" Y/n gasped. "Seriously?"
George laughed lightly. "Yeah, sure, why not?"
"YES! Okay, a huge win for the girls. Well, a huge loss for the fangirls but a huge win for the girls of this apartment."
"Oh my gosh," he muttered and she could practically see him rubbing his face in embarrassment.
"I'll send you her hashtag when she makes one so you know who to add back."
"She's going to make an account just to talk to George?" Sapnap giggled.
"Yes, dude!" Y/n defended. "She at least wants to be his friend, let her shoot her shot!"
Dream ended the steam soon after, not being able to focus enough to beat the end on any of his runs. He had streamed for just under two hours so he seemed to be getting tired as well. George went to bed soon after and after 20 minutes of talking with Sapnap and Dream, Sapnap mysteriously disappeared.
Y/n was about to leave as well, not wanting Dream to feel obligated to stay on the call with her when he spoke up.
"Does Naomi actually like George?"
"Yeah, she does."
"Then I want him to accept her love."
Y/n laughed. "How is he with long-distance relationships?"
"Well, he and I do just fine..." Dream joked. "Oh, not what you meant. I don't know, you guys are the ones that talk about each other's love lives apparently."
"You're still bitter about that?"
"Suck it up," she laughed. "Naomi would do probably anything to date him so I doubt distance is a problem for her."
"George's sleep schedule is completely messed up, so the time difference wouldn't matter too much. And when he comes to America they can meet in person."
"Wait, he's coming to America?" Y/n gasped happily. "When?"
"There's no set date, but yeah eventually. He'll probably just come to Florida but we've all talked about having a huge meetup with a lot of our friends."
"Oh... cool..."
"Bug? You know you'd be invited to that, right?"
"Oh, really?" she smiled.
"Of course. You're part of the group now."
"Sick," she muttered to herself, but he heard.
"Bug, you're one of my favorite people, do you know that?"
She blushed. "Really?"
"You barely know me, Dream."
"Yeah, well, I know enough to know that I'm sorta attached to you."
"Attached to me? In what way?"
He suddenly sounded nervous as if his brain caught up with what his mouth was saying. "I don't know, nevermind."
"No, Dream, what do you mean?" her voice was soft and understanding and it made him feel safe.
"I just... I don't know. I care about you a lot. We met only, what, like a week or two ago, and I already worry about you a lot. Playing games doesn't feel the same anymore unless you're playing with us."
"To be fair, we have been tweeting at each other for much longer than a week or two."
"Yeah, that's true. But it's not the same as actually talking to you."
She smiled shyly. "I care about you a lot too, Clay." His name sounded strange as if it suddenly made everything much more serious. "Sorry, that just kinda slipped. I won't call you Clay if you don't want me to—"
"No, it's okay, it, uh, I like hearing you... say it. But, uh, you can call me whatever you want."
She smiled widely at the nervousness in his voice and the hard pounding of her heart. "I've heard from multiple people that you never stop talking about me."
He laughed timidly. "Maybe. Do you talk about me?"
"Ask Karl," she giggled. "My guess is yes." Her stomach felt tingly and her hands shook lightly. Why did she feel like this all of a sudden? It was late, she reasoned. That, or it was because Naomi had planted the seed of curiosity in her mind. Did Dream like her? No... right?
"I'm sorry if my chat was making you uncomfortable at the beginning when I died..."
"Don't worry, I wasn't uncomfortable."
"It was true, by the way," he paused, "what they were saying. Just... in case you were wondering."
Y/n couldn't wipe the smile off her face, which was growing painful at this point. "What, my voice makes your brain short-circut? That was one comment I saw."
Dream laughed. "More like your entire presence, but... yeah I guess so."
How is someone supposed to respond to something like that? The sweetness in his voice almost made her sick but in a good way.
And just like when he named her Minecraft flower something sweet knowing that no one would see it, why was he still playing up the joke when no one was around?
Not knowing what to say, she decided to let him in on a little secret. "If it matters, you're one of my favorite people too."
"It does."
There was a deathly moment of tense silence as if both of them were screaming to say something but neither did.
"Basically, if we do have a meet-up, I'll sue you if you don't come."
Y/n laughed. "My pockets are empty, sir, so... good luck."
He laughed and it was music to her ears.
"Are you not nervous to show everyone your face? Like, if or when we do all get together."
"Not really. Especially not if it's just to our friends. Are you?"
"Yeah," she admitted.
She sighed. "I'm sure people have me painted in a specific way in their heads and I've seen fanart of me that is way different and way more attractive than I am. I just don't want to let anyone down by not living up to their expectations."
"Bug," Dream said softly, "you couldn't let anyone down."
"You don't know that."
"You can't disappoint real friends or real fans with the way you look."
"To be clear, Dream," she laughed nervously, afraid she would sound conceited, "I don't think I'm ugly. I like the way I look. I'm happy with me. But that doesn't mean I can't still let people down."
"Different than expected doesn't mean disappointing."
His words smacked her in the gut. He was right. Reality and imagination are very different. Neither has to be better or worse than the other. She could look the complete opposite of how someone expects but that doesn't mean they will be either disappointed OR pleased. And why does it matter anyway? If she likes how she looks, who cares what other people think?
"It's also scary to think of getting recognized in public," she admitted. "Being recognized from the start is one thing because it starts off slowly with only a few people knowing your face but if the first time people see your face is when you have millions of fans, the recognition would be overwhelming."
"That's true. I don't think I would mind that much, though."
"Of course not, you're you."
"What does that mean?"
"You like the spotlight."
"I guess. Not all the time."
"Well, what about you?" she asked. "Are you afraid of people knowing what you look like?"
"No. I want to do a face reveal soon but I don't know how I would do it. I want to do it at some kind of event or something but I don't know."
"I need to schedule around when you do it because you'll break the internet. Give us content creators a warning so we can prepare to not get viewers for a week."
Dream laughed. "Oh come on."
"Twitter would just be full of the same picture of you in every single tweet."
"It won't be that big of a deal."
"Something tells me your millions and millions of subs say otherwise."
"Whatever," he said. "As if you wouldn't break the internet too."
"Maybe for a day or two. But you'd break everything for weeks."
"Sure." There was a long pause before Dream softly said, "Karl's lucky."
"How so?"
He didn't speak for a moment, almost like he wasn't prepared for that question because he didn't mean to be heard. "I wish I could know you the way he does."
"You could. He and I knew each other in person first so it's different. You and I could get there eventually."
"You think so?"
"I know so. I trust you a scary amount for someone I met weeks ago."
"I didn't mean to sound like I'm trying to pressure you into showing me your face or telling me your name. I didn't mean like he gets to know what you look like and I don't. I meant, like, I wish we could hang out in person because I prefer that over talking in Discord."
"I get it, Clay. I feel the same way," Y/n said softly. There were a few moments of silence before she spoke again.
"Oh, gosh, it's already four."
Y/n's head snapped to look at her clock, which read 3:57am. "Already?" she whispered. "Dang."
As if acknowledging the time changed the atmosphere, it suddenly felt like 4am. Her back ached from her shifting in her chair so much over the last few hours, never being able to find a good position. The house was eerily quiet and all she heard was the low hum of the heater. The house felt stale, not used to its occupants being so alert and awake at that hour.
"I should probably go to bed..."
"Yeah, me too," Dream agreed. His voice sounded tired. "Thanks for joining us, it was really fun with you."
"Thanks for inviting me. Sorry I made you die. Hopefully you'll still let me back again."
"You're always invited to barge into my streams. Actually."
Y/n giggled again and mentally slapped herself for sounding like a little kid. "Well, you too. You can interrupt my streams anytime."
"I'll hold you to that."
"Goodnight, Clay."
"Goodnight, Bug."
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @jabby16 @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk @haseulreturns @queenwastaken @peteysgf @losingvienna @bi-narystars @zero-nightshade
932 notes · View notes
unactive-shroom · 3 years
⩨͢ Baking With Venti
⋮ Character: Venti/Barbatos
⋮ Warnings: Lots of food mentions, loads of spelling errors
⋮ Fandom: Genshin Impact
⋮ Format: headcannons + one shot
⋮ A/n: i cant hear out if one ear :( and im trying anew format? yeah. Requests are open btw :)
↳ Headcannons
Good luck.
You’ll need it.
“Hmm? Oh yes, i *know* it says 2 cups of sugar. Why do i have 4? Isnt it obvious? It needs to be sweeter!!”
He constantly is trying to double the mix so you have more when its baked
He’s very stubborn aswell, inisiting that he knows the recipe better.
“Im an *archon*, y/n. I think i know how to make scones better than you. …...oh, we’re making cookies? Um… i was just testing your baking knowledge.”
Will eat the dough/mix
Guaranteed to make you laugh at every few minites
Please explain to him why you cant just guess what you need.
He has tried to microwave a spoon before to “see what happens”
↳ One shot
You ran a finger down the recipe book, double checking that you have everything you need. As a surprise fir venti, you were going to make jam tarts, using the apple jam that you had made a few days ago. You had just gotten a bowl out of the cupboard when the front door swung open and you heard “y/nnn!! Im back~!”
Oh. Oh no. The last time venti had baked with you it was a disaster that ended up with several pancakes stuck to the roof, flour everywhere, and egg mix in your hair. Dont get me wrong, you love venti and all, but he cant cook to save his life.
“Oh, youre home early, i thought you’d be another hour!” You called out him, signalling you were in the kitchen. “Hmmhm, i changed my mind. Missed you.” He said simply, walking into the kitchen.
He froze when he saw you and the ingredients behind you. “Ooooo what are you cooking? Can i help? I promise i wont add anything this time!”
“Venti, you said that last time and added a bottle of dandelion wine into the mix. Inti the BREAD mix. I dont know if i can trust you” you said with a sigh.
He winced at the memory. “How was *i* supposed to know it was for a charity bake?”
“Because i *told* you, venti.”
“Alright, fair. But this time i promise i wont mess anything up.”
“Y/nnnnn” he whined, wrapping his arms around you.
In the end, venti got his way and you both prepared to cook.
Apart from venti eating the dough raw and stealing spoonfuls of jam, it went pretty well. Until, of course, you put the tarts in the oven, and started doing the dishes while venti cleaned yhe countertop and table. After a few minutes, you began to smell burning, and looked over at the tarts. *someone* had turned the oven up full blast, and the tarts were already burning.
“Oh-“ venti began, before running to turn off the oven.
Needless to say, the tarts were burned pretty badly. Venti did apologise though, but he insisted the tarts were fine. Just a little crispy. To proce his point he bit into one, before wincing and spitting it out.
“Okay, im sorry. The jam tastes nice though! 10/10
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This is what i think happened after the whole aftermath of Memento mori (S01E04). Hope you guys like it. Btw, this is like a pure smut... so i suggest don't read it unless you're comfortable with it.
Pairing: La'an/Spock
La'an paced her quarters relentlessly. The steady sound of Enterprise's engines usually calmed her down, but tonight it only aided in making the persisting itch under her skin flare up even more. The ship was vibrating under her feet, though not as smoothly as only hours earlier before it took damage from the Gorn and the incredible gravitational pull of the singularity.
She froze for a second as the ship groaned, resisting the vacuum of space as it limped through the web of spacetime towards the nearest starbase. An image of her brother flashed before her eyes and she clutched at her chest as moisture welled up in her eyes.
La'an, unfortunately, was all out of tears.
The thought of events that happended few hours ago brought up an image of Enterprise's chief science officer and an uncomfortable feeling under her skin grew before she squashed it like a bug. She shouldn't be thinking about that. With a day they've all had, she should've been in bed and on her way to la-la land hours ago. If only there wasn't a jolt in her brain every time she closed her eyes and tried to relax. She wondered for a moment if the mind meld she and Spock shared today had something to do with it, and despite her best efforts, the thought whether or not Spock was facing the same difficulties, popped up. She shook her head.
Spock was Vulcan, years of practicing control would prevent him from experiencing, the undoubtedly illogical, train of thoughts she was riding on.
She was about to climb into bed, for what was surely to be another unsuccessful attempt at falling asleep, as the computer signalized someone was at her door. La'an frowned, her eyes landing on a digital clock on her bedise, the 02:17 glaring brightly at her. She strutted towards the door, straightening her black starfleet issue sleeping shirt out of habbit. She was about to tie her long, now considerably more out of order, hair before deciding that whoever was at her door at middle of the night could deal with her not so professional look.
She opened the door, fully expecting to see some Ensign on gamma shift filing their report and getting the facefull of wide torso clad in an unusually bright science blue shirt instead. La'an gulped.
"Lieutenant Spock." She nodded in greeting, her throat suddenly dry.
Spock stood before her, not a hair out of place and still dressed in his uniform with his hands firmly behind his back. La'an watched, her gaze almost unwillingly dropping to his shoulders, as the muscles flexed when he inhaled and exhaled and she suddenly had the urge to put her tongue to them and find out how he tasted.
She almost recoiled in fright. 'Where did that come from?'
Absorbed well into her own thoughts, the train of unusual thoughts absolutely derailing, La'an failed to recognize that she wasn't alone and that Spock has been standing in front of her quarters, worry creeping up onto his face with every passing second as he gazed at La'an, suddenly and unexplainably frozen.
"La'an!" The sudden exclamation of her name jerked her out of her stupor. With a dose or mortification, she realized she has been standing like an idiot, frozen, while Spock tried to call her. She shook her head and cleared her throat.
"My apologizes Mr. Spock. What can I do for you?"
Spock shifted on his feel, almost uncomfortably. "I apologize lieutenant. I am aware that it is late but I found myself aware that I had not checked on you after what has transpired today. I also find myself..." he paused for a momen, searching for an appropriate word, "unable to enter REM phase."
Translation: "I'm sorry I'm disturbing you at the ungodly hour, but I just remembered I didn't aks you if you're alright and I can't fall asleep."
La'an shrugged and moved one step behind, inviting him in. Spock stepped into her room and an automatic doors closed behind him, the light from the hallway suddenly cut off. Feeling awakward in the dark, La'an maneuvered herself towards her bed, creating a bit of distance between the two of them.
"Computer, lights at 20 percent."
The sudden change in illumination caused her to squint slightly, her eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. She blinked rapidly couple of times.
"I assure you, I am fine Lieutenant." She stopped at the foot of her bed, her hands clasped behind her back, her stand almost mimicking his.
"Spock is acceptable. We are off duty." His eyes were warm and if she looked close enough, La'an could see specks of yellow swimming in his irises.
She nodded, feeling slightly awkward, and averted her eyes. "Then I insist you call me La'an as well. It's only fair."
He nodded, his piercing eyes never leaving her form that strived to shrink away from him. A rather strange reaction from an otherwise very confindent officer. "La'an."
His voice was incredibly soft and deep and it sent a jolt of something straight down her spine only for it to settle low in her belly, a pleasant warmth that seemed to spread and somewhat calm that annoying itch under her skin.
"I do find myself," she began, her mouth reacting before her brain caught up, "experiencing some strange sensations."
Spock straightened, his spine as rigid as a metal pole. "Please, elaborate."
The muscles in his arms shifted, the shirt pulling tightly around his chest and La'an once again found herself wondering what those muscles would feel like rippling above her, under her... 'Snap out of it!'
"I haven't been able to fall asleep either. Every time I try to shut my brain off," his eyebrow jumped towards his hairline, "figure of speech..."
Something that was almost a smirk tugged at the corner of his lip and La'an took notice for the first time how full and kissable and delicious they looked. "Humans are exceptionally easy to tease."
La'an almost jumped out of her skin when his voice came out deeper than his usual tenor. Terror spread through her veins when the heat in her belly rushed south and she realized she was getting aroused. She squeezed her legs together, praying to every diety she didn't believe in that he didn't notice.
"C-Could this be a consequence of a mind meld?" She wanted to slap herself when she stuttered. 'What are you five La'an? Get a grip!'
"I am almost certain that it is. Humans, as psi-null beings, tend to not cope well in the aftermath of a mind meld. The unique circumstances under which it has been conducted have no doubt caused your mind to become overwhelmed."
Gods above, he was speaking in words that were too big to comprehend on a normal day, let alone after the chaotic one they've had.
"To put it in plain English," the smirk was back at almost full force, "your mind is in a state of shock."
"Then.." she stopped for a moment as she looked at him, impossibly handsome (why was she taking notes of his appearance now), the lights playing hide and seek across his body, making him look somewhat similar to a statue of Greek gods. She licked her suddenly dry lips, too busy panicking to notice his eyes flicking down to follow the action. Her eyes ran wildly across the room in an effort to anchor herself, her fingers squeezed into a fist behind her back.
He took a step towards her and she took a matching one back almost instinctively. Her knees made contact with the matters and she was stopped from falling backwards onto it by a pair of strong hands that took hold of her bare forearms. The skin to skin contact sent a zip of pleasure to her brain and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from moaning out loud and making a fool of herself. Spock stiffened slightly at the action as La'an locked her gaze straight ahead, stubbornly not looking at him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." she mumbled several apologies as she tried to move away from him once she regained her balance, not realizing her fingers were no longer compressed into a fist and were twisted into his shirt. His fingers rubbed comforting circles at her forearms as he stepped even closer and effectively pressed her aginst him. La'an subconsciously gripped his shirt tighter and leaned onto him, his chin resting at the top of her head.
"La'an, breathe." His voice was calm and she tried to follow his instructions but her mind was all over the place and all she could see, feel and smell was him. He took hold of her hand, spreading her fingers apart, which sent another electric shock through her and this time there was no way to prevent a gasp from leaving her mouth. Once his shirt was released from the prison that were her fingers, he placed them flat aginst his chest. "Breathe." He took a breath and La'an struggled to copy his movements. After a few moments she got the hang of it and was slowly relaxing her stance, her head slumping forward slightly. Her forhead was pressed onto his chest and his other arm was now surrounding her in a one arm hug. She resisged the urge to think twice about how well she fit into his side and how amazingly he felt wrapped against her.
The hand on her back started rubbing up and down and she leaned onto him even more, shamelessly basking in the comfort he was giving her. He shifted his stance slightly and La'an found herself eased into an easy two step movement as his nose brushed her temples. She instinctively tilted her head up and was met with pupils that were so large, they almost swallowed up whole iris. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders as she rose on her toes to reach his lips.
"What are we doing?" She asked breathlessly, the critical and rational part of her brain waking up enough to make her rethink her actions.
"I must warn you," he whispered as his nose rubbed against her's, his lips coming closer, "the effects of a mind meld are still active. What you are feeling now might not be what you will be feeling later."
"So," her voice almost broke, "what is the logical thing to do?"
"The logical course of action for me would be to remove myself from your quarters and let you rest."
La'an licked her lips, his eyes following every move. "And what do you want?"
"I wish... to not be parted from you."
That was all La'an needed to close the final distance between their lips, Spock meeting her halfway. He kissed her with precission and grace only he possessed, the hand on her back pulling her against him tighter while his other hand enveloped hed fingers into a Vulcan kiss.
The itch under her skin was flaring up again, her nerves on fire as he broke the lip contact only to start placing butterfly kisses at the column of her neck. His fingers were doing something else entierly and La'an was pretty sure just the sight of it would cause many Vulcans to gag at an obviously passionate display. His fingers were caressing hers in what was probably a french kiss or the Vulcan equivalent of such. La'an wasn't Vulcan, she didn't have the nerve ending of a Vulcan woman and therefore, the Vulcan kiss shouldn't have any effect. Except, that kiss was sending bolts of pleasure through her body and making the crotch of her panties become wet more so than what his actual lips were doing.
Her free hand found the edge of his uniform and started tugging it up. In a lightning fast movment, he lifted his arms and threw the shirts away from him. At the same time he took hold of her own shirt, her arms raising up on instinct, and he flung it away from her. He brought both of his hands to her breasts, rolling them in his palms, pinching her nipples and making her moan. He smirked in his usual Vulcan fashion and lowered her onto the bed before climbing on top of her. He kissed her lips, down her neck, across the sternum before flicking his tongue against one of her nipples, her body curving up to meet him halfway. He sucked on one breast while one of his hands played with the other.
La'an gasped, moaned and whimpered as her legs coiled around his narrow waist in an effort to bring him closer to where she needed him the most.
Spock kissed her way down her stomach, the wet kisses he left on her breast meeting the cold air of her cabin and making her shudder. Her fingers wowed themselves into his hair, the strands of it impossibly soft beneath the pads. He looked up at her when his mouth came into the line of her sweatpants,  a silent question clear in his eyes. 'Are you sure?' Without missing a beat, La'an slid her fingers out of his hair and brought them to the waistband of her sleep pants, Spock's own hands helping as hers were shaking, slipping both the sweatpants and her underwear off in single motion.
An air of awkwardness hit La'an as she realized she was absolutely naked in front of her colleague who, at the moment, was busy running his eyes all over her body before locking onto her own. She brought her legs closer together in a self conscious move to close them but strong hands prevented her from doing that. Spock held her legs open as he positioned himself between them, the rough material of his pants rubbing against her in the most delicious way making her buck her hips.
Spock ground his hips against hers, his torso coming to rest against her, his face buried in the junction where her neck met her shoulder.
La'an twisted beneath him, her hands altermating between ripping into the sheets and scratching at the hard muscles across his back. Spock growled and bit her neck, sucking onto the same area which meant La'an would need to get up at lesst half an hour earlier than normal to cover what was sure to be an epic bruise. She slid one of her legs between his, her wet heat rubbing against the rough material of his pants. If she wasn't too far off into the pleasure land, La'an would be embarrassed by the fact that she was so wet he could probably feel it through his pants and that she was effectively humping his leg.
At a particularly loud moan that tore out of her mouth, Spock sat up, breaking the contact between their bodies, his hands immediately reaching for the fly of his pants. The pants were lowered just enough for him to free himslef before he returned to hover over her.
La'an twisted her fingers into the soft material of her bedsheets, her eyes running over his form. He was beautiful , for lack of a better term and he was about to take her, with a rush of arousal she realized she wanted him to take her.
Spock shifted above her, one of his elbow planted firmly onto the mattress, bearing the full weight of his body, as he took himself in his other hand and positioned himself at her enterance. He stoped. "La'an... are you certain?"
Instead of answering him she wrapped her legs around his narrow waist and pulled him into her. At the first contact of hard flesh and wet heat Spock dropped his forehead onto her's, his control hanging by a thread above a very high cliff. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling surrounding him and La'an felt a surge of pride that she was the one making him feel this way, the one making him loose all of his Vulcan training.
She wasn't immune to the effect he was having on her either. The way her body stretched to accomodate him was delicious and La'an was aware of tiny gasps leaving her mouth but she was neither willing nor capable to stop them.
She was so lost in her thought she missed the moment Spock's hips came flush against her's. She didn't miss, however, when he pulled himself back, her inner muscles working to keep him inside, before he slammed himself back, making her cry out. He set a gruelling pace, his hips slamming into her, alternating their angle every few thrusts or so, searching for something. It wasn't until a particularly hard thrust that he touched something deep inside her that made her see stars and her upper boddy jolt upwards in surprise. He made a point to do that thing with every single thrust and, sure enough, he had her approaching the curve of what, she was sure, was to be an amazing orgasm.
Spock burried his face in her neck, his own moans almost inaudible compared to her own, the rhythm with which he was moving never changing though she could feel, through the light bond through skin to skin contact, that he was close. He licked her neck and for a fraction of a second she wondered why Spock managed to sink his teeth into it and bite down, hard. The mix of pleasure and pain was too much for her to handle and she tensed up in his arms, crying out his name as she came violently.
She came through few minutes later, the aftershocks still surging through her body, tucked saftly into his side with his fingers mapping the skin of her shoulder. She turned herself towards him, so she was laying on her side, facing him. He had a softest smile on his face, his hair in complete chaos, baby hairs curling slightly from sweat.
"Well... that was unexpected." There was no awkwardness, she realized, her body relaxing completly.
"I disagree. The meld we have shared in the shuttle pulled us together to this very moment. If anything, everything that transpired from that point up until this very moment was... logical."
She rose up on her elbows, the fact that she was completely naked not bothering her in the slightest. "So what your saying is, having sex with me was logical?"
"Indeed. And if I may add, it has been the most incredible feeling."
The smile on his lips grew slightly and La'an realized, a thrill going through her, that he was teasing her. She smacked his chest. "Smooth talker."
He hummed in response, his eyelashes grazing his cheeks as his eyes closed. "I should leave, you need rest before your shift."
"I think that ship has sailed already." She glanced towards the clock on her nightstand. She would need to be up in 2h or so to get ready. "Stay." She whispered, slightly self concious and apperhensive of his response.
"If that is what you wish me to do, then I shall stay." She smiled and lowered herself back onto the bed, slightly moving away from him. A set of strong arms pulled her back into a hard and warm body and La'an let out a laugh as his hands tightened around her. "Sleep La'an." There was no need to tell her twice, her eyes already halfway closed.
"G'night Spock." She mumbled against his chest, his hand tracing a pattern against her back, lulling her to sleep.
She felt a gentle kiss being pressed aginst the crown of her head, a soft voice whispering against her ear. "Good night La'an."
She smiled. And slept.
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musings-from-mars · 4 years
I request some Weiss finding out she's on the spectrum after Ruby and Penny... open her eyes so to speak.
((Okay but neurodivergent!Weiss is so underrated and needs more love, thank you for requesting this!
Btw, instead of saying “on the spectrum,” it’s totally cool to just use “autistic,” or “neurodivergent” to be more broad. I’m not sure of the consensus among the wider autistic community, but “on the spectrum” has always felt like a euphemism to me, when there’s no need to dance around the word “autistic,” so feel free to use it! 😊 ))
Weiss wasn’t sure how she’d managed to get roped into hanging out with Ruby and Penny in the Beacon library so often, but with every passing “study date,” she’d become content with just sitting and listening to the two girls talk while Weiss read from a textbook or wrote an essay. Their chatter was great background noise, as Weiss had adapted to living with the rest of Team RWBY by managing to do everything with some sort of chaos going on in the background, and that included schoolwork. She didn’t really engage in conversation during these study dates, as Ruby and Penny were content with her company while Weiss did her best to be academically productive with her time.
Today, however, the topic of conversation tugged at Weiss’ attention. There was usually an intense focus that would overtake her when it came to studying, like she was viewing her crystal clear text book on a blurry background and nothing could breach her attention. But Ruby had said something to Penny that made Weiss’ ears burn:
“Oh yeah, I do that all the time!” Ruby said. “Like, it’s super embarrassing sometimes, but if some asks me about my weapon I’m like BLAGH! Word vomit.”
“Just like how I infodump about bugs,” Penny said with a bright smile. “They are so interesting, especially the kind that fly or are bioluminescent.”
“Yeah! I remember that time you infodumped about fireflies for, like, thirty minutes!”
Weiss looked up from her book and listened to the two for a moment. Infodump? “What’s infodump?”
Ruby turned, her silver eyes lighting up when she heard Weiss chime in. “Oh! It’s a thing that’s common with neurodivergent brains.” She made her point by pointing to her temple. “Something that captures your interest so much that you get the urge to just go on and on about it.”
“Neurodivergent?” Weiss asked.
“Like how I’m autistic,” Penny said with a nod, “And Ruby is autistic and has ADHD.”
“And dyslexia,” Ruby added.
“And dyslexia,” Penny agreed.
“My brain has trouble being a brain sometimes,” Ruby said with a grin.
“Ohhh, okay,” Weiss said with a nod, understanding a bit better now. “So when you, like, talk about Crescent Rose or fairy tales for a really long time, that’s you infodumping?”
“Yeah!” Ruby said. “It’s fun, like...writing an essay, just...saying it as it comes to you.”
Weiss glanced at her dust theory essay to her right. Or, well, her “outline” for her dust theory essay. It was more of just a piece of notebook paper for her to put word vomit while she...
Hang on...
“I think I’ve done that, actually,” Weiss admitted, remembering back to a couple days ago. She had just finished reading a book about dust theory. Not a required reading, but something she just picked up for fun (yes, she is a nerd and Weiss was content with that). Since she knew Pyrrha was super interested in dust theory as well, Weiss went to her and talked all about the book. Pyrrha had listened kindly and bounced questions off of Weiss, but Weiss had pretty much dominated that interaction. That realization really hit her when, after she had finished talking, Pyrrha had giggled and said, “Wow, when you get interested in something, you dive in 100-percent, huh? That’s cool!”
Weiss explained that example, and Ruby’s eyes seemed to sparkle under the library’s fluorescent lights. “That’s exactly what it’s like! Let’s see, uhm...okay, when you’re doing something that you really like, do you focus on it for hours on end without thinking about anything else?”
“Well, yeah,” Weiss said, never having thought much of it. She was just doing that a minute ago, of course.
“But like, hours,” Ruby reiterated. “And you focus so hard you forget to eat or drink or go to the bathroom because you literally can’t think about or do anything else.”
“I mean, doesn’t everyone do that?” Weiss asked with an uncertain shrug.
Ruby simply stared at her in response, her jaw hanging open.
“That actually is uncommon,” Penny chimed in, missing the confused tension that radiated off of Ruby. “What you are experiencing is called hyperfixation. It occurs when your brain locks onto a single source of mental stimulation that triggers your brain’s chemical reward system and maintains that focus for as long as it can in an effort to continue to reap rewards in the form of firing neurotransmitters. This can cause your conscious mind to miss other common bodily functions and signals, like hunger or the need to urinate.”
“You know a whole lot about things you can’t do yourself, Penny,” Ruby said, both as an observation and a compliment.
“Thank you! The organic person’s mind is complicated and fascinating!”
“Yeah...” Weiss agreed, absorbing all the information Penny had just given her, all about neurotransmitters and whatnot. “I do those things a lot, actually.”
Ruby then slammed her hands palms-down on to the table and trained her eyes on Weiss’ with a serious determination. “Does your brain’s immediate response to any form of rejection include an all-encompassing feeling of dread and a blazing hatred of your own existence that makes you want to punch the nearest wall and scream out the nearest window until your heart and/or voice gives out?”
Weiss stared back at Ruby with wide eyes. “I, uhh...” Then two seconds later, she had an answer, and her shoulders dropped along with her face, which settled into a begrudged but well-worn scowl directed in no particular direction. “Yeah. That was my entire childhood.”
“That’s depressing!” Penny said. “And also another common symptom called Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.”
“It’s like regular rejection,” Ruby said. “Except more sensitive, and dysphoric!”
“I got that,” Weiss said with an understanding nod. “So...what I’m hearing is...I should see a professional.”
“Wrestler?” Ruby asked.
“Mental health professional,” Weiss corrected.
“Oh nice! Maybe you can be brain cousins with us!”
“Brain cousins?”
“ADHD and autism overlap in many ways and are often comorbid,” Penny noted. “But that does not actually make us related.”
“That would be super weird!” Ruby added.
Weiss looked down and nodded. “Okay. You two have given me a lot to think about.”
“Sorry about that,” Ruby said sympathetically.
“No, in a good way,” Weiss assured her.
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