#btw i am not saying anyone who doesn't agree with this is wrong. It's an extremely complicated issue and you can have different views on thi
polaris-stuff · 2 months
I get hating the arc with Nexus, I do too, but I'm honestly somehow more disappointed with Old Moon's return. Everything is normal. That's it, we're back to some status quo. Ignore the fact that Moon has said it's been like an hour for him, and the last thing he remembers is his family falling apart. Don't worry about how he somehow is a better brother now, don't worry that most of his main flaws are gone, the best version of Moon was always the original, ignore all the time's Sun has projected onto New Moon about this Moon's negative traits.
(I am salty we lost New Moon to this. Don't care what Dark Sun is doing, Nexus bothers me so much because why did everyone give up on him so fast.)
Sorry for ranting you make a lot of good points.
It's okay 🥺💖 Ty for saying I make good points, it makes me happy <33
I still don't believe that anyone in the family is actively not wanting to know what is happening or what happened with Nexus. I think the only ones who know that Nexus was launched into space are Sun and Old Moon, (plus Monty, Ruin and Puppet, but they are not part of the family tho).
It's just weird.
"Our brother started acting strange and hiding things from us, we confronted him but he said mean things so we instantly decided not to do anything else for him." (????
And that was just before Nexus almost killed Earth. There I completely agree with Earth for not wanting to know more about him, but it still saddens me to see how the family replaced him so quickly. New Moon was a good brother, probably the best brother Sun has ever had outside of Earth or Lunar, but something strange happens with him and Sun immediately thinks "Moon can hurt us." When New Moon has never had a history of violence against any of his family. New Moon LOVED his family SO MUCH.
And Sun saying "all Moons are toxic"? Sun, New Moon was nothing more than a loving and caring brother who cared about you, why is he suddenly toxic? Because "he grieved in the wrong way"? Because apparently everyone moved on with their lives after Solar's death but New Moon was the most devastated by that? You saw him cry his heart out in your arms until he fell asleep and even after that you only get jealous because Moon called Solar "his brother"?
Ah, and until Sun and Old Moon found out that Nexus was working with Dark Sun, Sun was thinking the whole time that New Moon was floating in space and didn't make a single effort to know if he was okay there (because, btw, machines in space freeze until they are useless, New Moon could have died there, animatronics are not built like NASA rockets to withstand the radical temperatures of space).
Anyway, the family has me disappointed. Even before the whole problem of wanting to kill Earth happened, they had already given up on New Moon.
"You can't force help on someone who doesn't want help." YES YOU CAN. Especially when it comes to a loved family member!! If New Moon didn't want help, them as his family should force him to take it! No letting him sink deeper and deeper into his loneliness until he snapped. Seriously, it worries me how much this fandom uses self-care as an excuse to not help others.
Sorry I ended up rambling, but tysm for the ask. I continue to hope that all this is the fault of a virus and that New Moon will be rescued one day because if not, the whole year we spent getting to know him was for nothing.
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emiliosandozsequence · 7 months
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okay i'm gonna be very frustrated and angry probably but none of this is directed at you guys i promise!!! i'm just!!!! upset!!!!!!!!!! (tagging you so you see this emily!! 💕 @thesparrow1996 )
let me start off by saying i am not a book purist by any means, but when visual media is being made from a book, i would like it to, at the very least, be telling the same story and that isn't what happened here. it wasn't even telling the same story as the first film in the series.
in the last film, it seemed pretty apparent that paul's visions were going to become a reality and then in this one they Sort Of did that, but Not Really but that isn't even my biggest gripe with it. my biggest gripe is that the last film was telling the story of the book and this film was telling a different story altogether.
my other issue is how chani's character was completely changed. and think is probably because i've been obsessed with her character and the lovestory between her and paul (which is CENTRAL TO THE PLOT OF THE WHOLE SERIES BTW) since i first discovered dune when i was in high school.
in the book, she's supporting paul. she agrees with everything he's doing. she and the fremen all support him because the fact that the bene gesserit are controlling things from the shadows is NOT!!!!! a well known thing!! in fact no one knows that except the bene gesserit!!! OF WHICH CHANI IS CANONICALLY ONE!!!!!! (and even then the bene gesserit are very much a 'knowledge divided' kind of people so no one knows everything about the society) she and irulan are literally narrative foils!!!! like the entire reason i made this web weave was because of how much i fucking LOVE chani's storyline, and because i really love how it shows even the most well meaning of people can fall into the trap of doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. but i suppose it makes less sense to anyone else who hasn't read the book because they also entirely erased the existence of paul's first son.
in the books, paul has a son before he has his twins and that son is murdered by the very last of the harkonnens in a last ditch effort to erase the atreides bloodline. before this, paul is refusing to take the water of life because he has a family and he doesn't want to jeopardize that!! after his son is murdered, he takes the water of life, so he can enact revenge on the harkonnens and start his holy war. by then, he his so distraught that he really doesn't care if his visions become a reality and, while they tried to do this with the destruction of sietch tabr in this film, it does not have anywhere NEAR the same emotional impact because of how it was done (without paul really ever spending any significant time among the people there).
also, as you can imagine, i've got an issue with how they leave this film especially since this isn't even really the full first book and chani and paul's lovestory seems to not be anywhere near as central to the main plot as it is in the books.
all of this is an issue if they want to make further films because they've literally wrecked the storyline with this film. as i said: paul and chani's lovestory is central to the plot. everything happens the way that it does because paul is in love with her and treasures her above everything and, without the existence of his son, without him really seeming to truly care about her, the rest of the story is just going to come across as cheap by comparison.
i wouldn't have had as much of a problem with this if they'd started out the last film by steering it in this direction, but they so very much did not do that. this film really feels like denis villenueve was writing his own fix-it fanfic and that's what i hate about it most.
as for things i did enjoy:
everything on geidi prime; the black sun was so fucking cool. i completely forgot that was a thing from the books. i also loved how the fireworks looked like ink blots
stilgar!!! he's not really like that in the books, but i didn't even care bc it was genuinely funny and i had a good time whenever he was onscreen.
the way chani refused to bow to paul because they're supposed to be equals (you deserve so much better, babygirl, i'm so so sorry for what they've done to your story)
florence pugh did exactly what i thought she would and made me like irulan a WHOLE lot more than i do in the books and the miniseries.
crazy paul and jessica and alia!!! deeply obsessed with their evil family slay
also all the weird family stuff in general, including when feyd and harkonnen made out in front of the whole population of geidi prime
the whole bit with paul learning to ride the sandworm!! that was so fucking good
the part where paul is walking toward rabban out of the fog of the sand on arrakis after he tells muad'dib to come face him. that literally was my fav scene and it was only a few seconds long.
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This person don't harass anyone in this post, so you are free to skip this ask if you find it against the rules of your blog. It's just that I find the arguments... bad, to say the least.
If zutara fanfiction is a form of critique, then the alternatives they suggest should be better than the critisized ones? And yet:
Ambassador Katara - I don't know why but I suspect that the ambassador should not have any romantic affairs with the ruler of the country in which she represents the interests of her people. Because, you know, if these ineterests are opposite to the interests of the country, but the ambassador and the ruler are intimate... yeah, this will not end good. Such relationships are concidered unprofessional for a reason. It "gives Katara an important political role" - which she already has, being Avatar's waterbending master and one of the world heroes herself, as one of the previous asks already mentioned. So, what to fix here? Couldn't they just write fanfiction about Katara (without Aang in the plot, since they are too obsessed with their pathetic miserable Fantara whose will is paralyzed by Aang's sole presense) doing important political stuff? Or the real point is to wrap Katara in red silk, adorn her with gold and make her spread legs for Zuko in some fancy royal bedroom?
Bloodbending as healing - while the idea itself mmay have potential, Katara is not a suitable character for it (also was discussed here). Yes, her trauma probably limits her, closing some opportunities; hey, that is also an interesting idea, by the way! "That’s a critique of Katara seen as the paragon of goodness, especially by Aang." Hmm, as far as I know, Katara fans who don't ship zutara often admit that Katara can sometimes be wrong, mean, petty and enjoy how many-dimensional she is because of that. And where had Aang ever seen her as paragon of goodness? When he approved her stealing from pirates, while agreeing that it's dangerous for the group? I don't see what to critisize here in the first place. But I see some ignoring of Katara's canonical trauma.
Painted Lady/Blue Spirit. "it’s fun and symbolic that Zuko and Katara both had alter egos" - as well as Aang, Sokka, Toph... Also, the Blue Spirit never was a vigilante, which is obvious if you understand the complexity of Zuko's arc. Again, what is critique about? Katara and Zuko had worked as a team just enough, they had an episode with badass teamwork that zutarians love so much, they had a teamwork sequence in the training battle and a whole real final battle against one of the main villains. The show really doesn't need more (ahem, because it's not about zutara, ahem). Katara's empathy for people was shown multiple times (and she managed just great without any Zuko, btw), Zuko was not that empathetic most of the time to begin with. "their perseverance to do pretty much anything once they set their minds to it" was also developed really good - the only thing to "correct" is the fact that in the canon most of the time these things are different for Katara and Zuko and have nothing to do with the other character, but again, the show is not solely about them.
In conclusion, if fanfiction is a form of critique, it seems that from zutarians' perspective the major problem of AtLA is that it's not a love story about Katara and Zuko being always together, being similar in every little thing, being in love. Well, yes, it isn't? Because it shouldn't be?
Anyway, I myself am not a good critic, so I'd like to know your opinion.
"I myself am not a good critic" *proceeds to give excellent criticism* Anon, I think you should work on that self-esteem.
You really cut straight to the central issue with zutarians main "criticisms" of the show - they're all rooted on their bias that the story can ONLY be good if Zuko and Katara are in love and endgame. And somehow, that's objective to them, instead of a subjective preference. They can never admit "This isn't what I wanted, but it works" or even "This isn't perfect, but it doesn't ruin the story"
I very much wish we had seen Toph have a field-trip with Zuko, and that the writers had not given up on making an episode on Aang's parents. I still acknowledge that the show works fine without these, despite thinking it was a wasted oportunity.
I love Maiko. I think it perfects sense for them to be endgame, and I don't have much to criticize on how their relationship was handled in the show. Mai is still not my first choice of romantic pair for Zuko, Azula is. Yet I was not surprised or angry that my OTP didn't happen, because despite some bait moments (bedroom scene) it was very clear that the show was never going there - not just because it is a kids show, but also because they clearly didn't WANT to go there.
I love Azula and want her to have a redemption arc - I still think that the ending of the show, with her simply being defeated but not redeemed, makes sense, as it would feel cheap and be a deep betrayal of her character to just make her have a change of heart at the last second (though I'll still die on the hill that Yang's comics were ableist as fuck and a disrespect to the original story).
It's REALLY easy to have your preferences and stick by your opinion that they are good while still acknowledging they are SUBJECTIVE.
Zutarians refuse to do that. They don't accept any position of power for Katara that doesn't involve her sleeping with Zuko." They don't accept any romantic endgame for her other than Zuko. They don't accept that bloodbending doesn't represent her power, or her as a character, because she did it in Zuko's presence. Don't accept any team work between her and anyone but Zuko.
This is clear ship bias and lack of interest in Katara herself, and instead of embracing it (after all, there's no rule that say you HAVE to like every character equally, or uncondionally), they make it into a "the narrative disrespected this female character" or "certain things are inherently sexist" debate - a debate they're doomed to lose and come accross as the ones that are truly sexist since they clearly don't care about Katara outside the context of a potential romance with Zuko because they think that's the ONLY way to enjoy a female character: as the object of affection of their prefered male character. Anything else is imposssible in their minds.
They're saying the quiet part out loud without even realizing it.
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dtmsrpfcringe · 1 month
You really are a dumb fuck, aren't you? You repeated exactly what I said, then told me I was wrong for saying what you parroted back to me. Living in your brain must be fucking insufferable.
Your own words were that they did not know each other ten years ago. Incorrect.
They have both said that they have known each other socially (i.e., friends) since 2001. They did not become close until they were in Good Omens. Yes, that is what I said. That's what you agreed to after I corrected your initial false statement. My god, little wonder you think this blog is a good idea when these are your thought processes.
Nothing else you said makes the slightest bit of sense. I can't even decipher the point of that word salad, and I am a teacher. Why would Michael use the names of the characters when he is talking about the show that the characters are in? What? You are reaching so hard that it is comical.
You are a class act making jokes about a congenital defect that kills newborn infants. Is that the kind of thing the mother of a newborn infant who claims to be a nurse would do? We have established that you are lying about both of those things. You are just an awful person. When it comes down to the real point of this blog, you don't care about the greater good of the fandom. You only want attention. You are shouting about a tiny corner of Tumblr that draws no attention to itself. You bring attention to it. You make it loud. Even when it disappears, you keep bringing it back. What's the real point here? You want attention for yourself. You want to be the hero in a war that doesn't exist.
Maybe you don't ship the hairband. Maybe you just have bad taste in music? I don't care. Either way, you have no place calling out anyone when you support those losers. They are the epitome of the scum of society. Actual misogynists. One of them even murdered someone while driving drunk. That is just the tip of the iceberg. But someone no one knows said something mean about Georgia Tennant on Tumblr? Someone suggests that two men who keep talking about having sex and being in love might be in love. Better clutch your pearls over that! Pathetic.
bae that isn’t what you said. You said they’ve been friends for almost 25 years. Do you write things and just fucking forget them? Or can you just not stop lying?
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I can’t imagine being a teacher and just constantly being so goddamn wrong, I bet your students can’t stand you.
also saying you don’t have a brain isn’t making fun of a congenital defect babe. I’m neither lying about being a mom or healthcare professional. Most people I talk to pretty regularly here have seen my baby, and it would be pretty hard work to have an entire baby to…fake being a mom??? I’m not going to put my baby’s face on here to prove to someone like you that she’s real, and frankly I think it’s a little strange you wanna see that bad babe. Like? Your obsession with an internet stranger’s newborn (i guess infant now omfg) is kinda creepy.
As for my health certification, you don’t know shit actually. I busted my ass in high school to be licensed because of the people who helped me as a kid. Also I’m not a nurse😉 you are right about that. There’s more to healthcare than your RN and MDs lol. You seem like you’d yell at underpaid healthcare workers in the worst way possible.
you obviously did understand, but didn’t want to lick your wounds and slink into the corner.
btw this group absolutely does draw attention to yourself. I found these people by looking for cute Georgia and Anna stuff and finding hate and misogyny spread about them. As for Motley Crue, I hardly listen to them anymore, if literally ever. I haven’t posted anything about them in over a year and that is why I removed 2000 of my followers on instagram and made it private to have a personal acc. I just never bothered changing the username lol. So try again I guess.
Anyways here’s my daily reminder to you that David and Michael would be disgusted with you. Hope you have the day you deserve!
Keep sending these I think we’re falling in love boo🚨🔵🚨🔵
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
Ok Andy this had been on my mind for a while now and I really want to hear your thoughts on this!
So we all know that Shouto is pure husband material, the kinda guy you'd be proud to introduce to your parents! But yk all those years of abuse and trauma (our poor bby ;-;) would definitely take a big toll on anyone, right?! So I was reminiscing about the earlier episodes where he is all closed off and cold to everyone, and that really got me thinking... what would dating Shouto REALLY be like.
How much of his behavior in a relationship really be affected by his past? Obviously nobody is perfect and even though our princess man comes close what do you think his shortcomings are as a person/partner? What do you think his toxic traits would be? What could be some of his bad habits? How would he react during an argument? I used to hc that he would be really calm and passive but then I remembered this scene
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Ofc us being his partner would change things, but he DOES lash out at times. The police officer hadn't yelled at them, he was just explaining what they did was wrong according to the law (which could be unfair but thats his job) and he straight up called him a slur 💀 (well yk in this society where so many ppl have animal related quirks it probably is a slur? Idk tho). He was sorry later but still. I was so shocked when I internalized the fact that Shouto does infact have quite a temper, even when he's not rude/ aggressive about it. It doesn't make him bad or anything because 9/10 times it's well warranted and I am just a pussy who doesn't handle other's anger well but yk...
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I am really wanna take his character and study him under a microscope and I am really interested to see your pov on this. Also don't feel inclined to agree with anything I said if you dont, I asked you precisely cuz I wanted a different way of looking at him from mine.
Btw none of this is to paint him as a bad person or partner because of a few shortcomings or his trauma. We all know he's too precious for that and that would be hypocritical of me especially since I have many of my habits and unhealthy ways of dealing with stuff that I dislike, but I also feel like he has so much angst potential in issues that aren't necessarily rooted in his family but moreso his own personality. Healing is often a "one step forward and three step back journey" and while I hate to watch him struggle, his perseverance gives me a lot of strength. Also obviously people change over the course of time and character development and all that, but we see even after the MASSIVE amounts of character development Bakugo has he still retains a lot of his previous qualities and obviously still struggles with a few things. I wonder if it's similar for Shouto. I wonder what he struggles with 🤔 (idk why I am scared but I don't want ppl to take these dumb sleepy thoughts of mine the wrong way yk lol)
I support my mans rights, his wrongs and everything in between :>
(p.s. I am so sleepy rn I don't even know if any of this is coherent cuz the points are flying all over the place but I hope you get a gist of what I am trying to ask. I love myself some sweet angst when it comes to all my blorbos but when I think of Shouto nothing obvious comes to mind. Also whenever I write even an ask or question like this my respect for writers keeps increasing tenfold! How do you guys write fics at like 4 am and it's still a masterpiece and I can barely string my thoughts together... )
Yes!!! I have so many thoughts about this, particularly as someone who also has daddy issues and a hot temper but actively works to be better as well lol.
I do think for the most part we've really seen Shouto move past who he was in those earlier episodes. That is not to say he still doesn't have those feelings, but he arguably manages them in a more regulated way. He has the temper but now he also has the tools and the perspective to better articulate himself.
I think generally Shouto would work hard to be calm and patient during an argument, but as with any human being, mistakes will be made and tempers will spike. I think during particularly bad arguments he'd get more closed off, like in those earlier episodes, would try to go off by himself so that he doesn't explode with that white-hot rage.
I do think, thankfully, that Shouto's ability to show empathy and compassion even in the middle of what we know are the most emotionally trying times of his life (the fights with Dabi), bodes well for his future ability to communicate and regulate himself on the whole. I do not see him as the kind of man who would yell or break things; I see him as the kind of man who now does everything in his power not to be like that.
And also with a face like that, would we not just let him win any argument anyway?? LOL
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
Why Short Sirius Black Mattered to Me
So I'm having some feelings about the whole "sirius black is tall" discussion that's circling my dash right now, and I don't want to comment on anyone else's posts with my *feelings* because it really doesn't relate to the actual factual information they're sharing, but I did want to put them out there.
At first I felt pretty defensive about how angry people seem over people headcanoning Sirius as shorter than Remus, and I am still taken aback by the level of anger/frustration being felt about this whole thing by some. But I am also a very logical person so I read the posts and I mean, the "sirius black is tall" people are not wrong. It is canon that Sirius is tall, I just read @pommedeplume's post about it that really laid it all out well and with the canon sources (thank you for doing that, btw), and yeah, it's just true. Sirius Black is canonically tall.
But I'm still finding that I feel hurt by the discourse around it (namely, the animosity toward the "short sirius black" idea), and I wanted to flesh that out a bit -- not because I'm trying to tell someone to change their thoughts/opinions/feelings, but just because, maybe this will offer some insight into why short Sirius Black is fanon and means something to some people.
I didn't always imagine Sirius as shorter than Remus, but personally, since returning to the fandom after transitioning to a trans man, I started imagining him as 5'10" (~178cm) or so and Remus as 6'1 (~185cm) or so, mainly because I started reading fics about Trans Sirius Black and they were just so...validating. Trans men try to make ourselves feel better about being shorter and not having dicks by calling ourselves "short king" or "tiny dick solidarity" or whatever, but frankly, it's incredibly dysphoric, especially as a gay trans man. It's intimidating and sucks to know that most of the guys I am attracted to and want to be with will be 5-7 inches (13-18cm) taller than me.
So there was something about picturing Sirius Black, who I already relate to as a person, being able to contain all of his big personality, all of his attractiveness, all of the things about him that make him so Sirius Black in a body that was simply an average height for a man. Not even my height! Just a height that didn't make him feel cosmically out of reach from me. And, really, that's often the driving force behind something that becomes fanon -- a thing that makes the character more relatable to the readers. Because 6'2" (188cm) Sirius Black is not a trans man (I mean, obviously some trans men are that tall, but...clearly that is VERY rare), and doesn't feel like he could be a trans man. And as someone who is a minority and doesn't get that representation ever, it's nice to feel like there are small things about the characters you love that mean that maybe they could be like you, too.
What I'm trying to say is - I think that short Sirius Black came from the queering of the marauder fandom, which as an older queer person who only recently came out, is really cool to see. I definitely don't agree with all of the fandom interpretations of characters that have come from this queering (i.e. femme sirius), but I'm also just...not gonna tell people how to view this character who might be helping them feel more safe and proud about their own identity. Short Sirius Black makes me feel less shitty about being a short guy. And seeing everyone be really pissed at the idea that Sirius Black is imagined by some people as short...hurts. At the end of the day, I know it's about just wanting to stick to canon, and I get that. I am that way about a lot of things. I just wonder if we can be more understanding of why people might be clinging onto what they want to believe is canon. Because I'll be honest, I'm disappointed to have read that it really is canon that he's a tall guy. I'm gonna change how I picture him and Remus (flip their heights basically), and I'll live. But I wonder, at what point can we say that sticking to canon is less important than letting people feel represented by their interpretation of a character?
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melishade · 1 year
This is more of a PSA announcement if anything. A warning of people you should DNI. Like at all! Because this situation is getting so fucking ridiculous the longer I learn about this shit.
There was this Youtuber that I followed: Lily Orchard. I used to follow her for years. I started following her...between the fourth and fifth season of My Little Pony Gen 4. So since I was in high school. I followed her for at least a decade. I looked up to her and her work for years and thought she was a good role model.
I was wrong.
I've heard rumors about some of the accusations and chose to ignore it when I was younger, thinking it was slander. But it wasn't true. I had actually found out about all the shit she's done just a few months ago from @asunnycoffee and it is absolutely horrid. I mean there's:
Racism Sexism Homophobia Transphobia Brownfacing Lying Support of slavery through her written fanfics Grooming of her fans (BTW she's thirty) Stalking Harassment Hard Implications of Incest in her work Manipulations Gaslighting Emotional abuse Mental Abuse Complete and utter narcissism of this bitch. And so much more that I'm certain one of it could violate some international law.
She's like a fake liberal Catilyn Jenner. But as far as I know, Jenner didn't fucking molest her sister. Because that's exactly what Lily Orchard did to @pleasetiemyshoe AKA Courtney Orchard.
I can't believe I actually looked up to her I feel so fucking sick
Now because I am new to this and really just an outsider perspective learning about this, I'm going to botch any and all explanations of this in detail. Luckily there is a masterpost of all the shit that Lily Orchard has done in detail. https://www.tumblr.com/lily-orchard-gossip-blog/692978295298572288/a-quick-summary-of-lily-orchard?source=share
And there are a bunch of trigger warnings to this and it will be in the tags if you cannot handle it. That is fine to avoid.
But instead of Lily, ya know, owning up to her mistakes and possibly explaining her side of the story, she's done nothing but double down and accuse everyone that come out to expose her for her shit behavior as 'stalkers', 'TERFs', 'Racists' (even though she's fucking brownfacing. Which by the way, fuck her. I already deal with blackfacing enough as it is and she wants to appropriate a culture for views. GOD WHY DID I LOOK UP TO HER WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!) She will slander anyone that doesn't agree with her and do everything in her power to destroy them. And she will use her fanbase to do so. If the fans so much as harass, slander, misgender, and tell people to off themselves that have critiqued Lily in the past, she does nothing. She lets this shit happen. And usually when a creator or a person of power doesn't say anything to stop their fans from doing heinous actions, it's basically giving permission to the people to fucking do it. A perfect example of this is how Trump weaponized his own people to attack the US Capitol.
And it's not just Orchard. It's also her wife Mikaila Orchard, and a former ex now friend, Ginger. Both have followed Orchard's behavior, refused to call her out on anything and have also actively used their platforms to harass people that Orchard deems as an enemy.
And I wish I was fucking joking about any and all of this fucking nonsense, and if I'm wrong I would take it all back! But there are so many people who've come out against her and explained how much of a shit person she is including:
@as8bakwthesage (BTW check out their art it is lovely. And Sage I'm on a transformers forum if you want to join. We have fun.)
@asunnycoffee (A sweet delight. Who's 18, BTW! So Orchard is not above harassing fucking teenagers! And she's not above grooming them either!)
@pleasetiemyshoe (Her sister. She also posts pictures about cats. But the stuff she talk about with her sister gets really fucking intense. Proceed with caution.)
Lizzy Orchard (Which in summary, was Orchard former girlfriend. Orchard claimed Lizzy abused her when really it was the other way around. Lizzy was harassed and bullied off of tumblr and Orchard took her last name which is weird because why the hell would you take the last name of your abuser.
Blake (Lily threatened violence on Blake's fiancee)
Josh Scorcher (An MLP fan. He and Lily used to be friends and there was a fallout)
Patch (IDK if Patch is on tumblr or not)
Poppy and Zena
And that's from what I can remember! That's over ten people that is ringing out warning signs to avoid Orchard at all costs. If it was one person, I'd be skeptical. But 10?! 10! That should be enough to avoid her at all costs! Another perfect example of this situation is when 30 women came out against Cosby and said he SA'd them. Again, when it is multiple people telling different stories that come to the same conclusion, then it's not something that you can deny.
Orchard is a terrible, human being, and you need to avoid her at all costs, and Mikaila and Ginger. These are the names of the channels you should avoid (because sometimes she'll use other people to spy on accounts that critique her and make alt accounts herself to spy on others and make herself look better:
lily-orchard mikaila-orchard lily-orchard-fanart sucky-boi (an alt account) lexyr-kryo (not an alt of Orchard, but the user misgendered Sage and I don't take kindly to that) ginger-snap-talkin-nonsense (Gringer has been known to harass Sunny, who is 18) So block those accounts and follow the others that I mentioned above. Please boost this post as much as you can to help other people avoid them. Although there will be some heavy stuff in some of those accounts, so please proceed with caution. also there's evidence that she wrote an incest story called Stockholm
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 11 months
What do you think of the timothee chalamet SNL joke? Do you think it was in poor taste and just really bad timing or do you think it speaks to something deeper. I honestly no longer know what to think of him anymore. Dating Kylie Jenner and now being a part of a terrible SNL skit. Sure he didn't write it but he did agree to say it. I don't know part of me wants to believe the better in him but another part of me doesn't want to feel like an idiot if I am wrong.
Okay so I originally wasn’t gonna talk about this just because people are so reactionary with it and I’ve seen friends of mine get like death threats and shit, so I will preface this by saying the following:
1) I am not a Zionist, more on my beliefs in second. 2) I am a smut writer with various mental illnesses, please do not rely upon me as any sort of authority because I am a certifiable mess. 3) If anyone sends me hate, I will report you immediately. I’m not going to engage with it or respond to it; the only thing you will get from sending me hate is reported and blocked.
So I do think the joke was mostly a situation of bad timing. Something I’ve learned recently is that in other cultures, joking about this kind of thing is very much not done. That’s not the case here. In the US, we make those kinds of jokes all the time. This is the kind of joke you might see on, say, South Park. There is something to be said about the fact that the death is still happening, but, well… that hasn’t really stopped shows like South Park and Family Guy from making those kinds of jokes before, has it? But yeah, either way, it was bad timing.
Do I think Tim is a Zionist? No, I don’t. The beliefs of most Jews I’ve spoken to about this is basically, “yeah, Jews should be allowed in Israel if they want… and so should anybody else.” I think he likely has a similar viewpoint. I think he was given a line and he said it. The joke, I’d like to point out, was just, “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” That’s it, that’s the whole joke. It wasn’t suggesting or implying that they (SNL) were pro-Israel, nothing like that. Just “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” It didn’t mock anyone who had died or was suffering, it was just saying that you don’t wanna publicly associate yourself with Hamas. That’s it.
I was not remotely bothered by the joke when I saw it, honestly. It didn’t occur to me that people might be this upset by it until the next day. If anyone is so bothered by it they think Tim deserves hate, I think you should really dig deep and figure out where you being upset is rooted. Is you being upset about it just a reaction to what other people said? Did you feel that way upon first viewing? If so, I think you should ask yourself why. If you’re angry about what’s happening over there (and I think we all should be, because it’s horrifying), don’t misdirect that anger at some actor who only has a platform becauee we gave him one and whose opinion would otherwise be irrelevant. Direct it where it belongs: with the Israeli government.
Edit: also btw anyone who supports Hamas is gross and that includes the Israeli government
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majorbaby · 1 year
Please explain why you think Hawkeye didn't deserve what he got in Fallen Idol. Hawkeye is a full grown man, yelling at Radar for doing something Hawkeye encouraged him to do in the first place. Radar looks up to Hawkeye and because of Hawkeye's pushing for Radar to go out he got hurt, so Hawkeye yells at him. Make it make sense.
To be fair to you, I didn't specify what it is I disagreed with re: Fallen Idol. To be fair to me, that doesn't mean whatever assumptions you make to fill in the blanks are correct.
I'll be clear, Hawkeye the doctor should not have yelled at Radar while he was lying in a hospital bed, though I would have had to have made that point in order to concede it. Nor am I woobifying Hawkeye here and saying that under no circumstances should anyone ever yell at poor little meow meow when he does something wrong. Hawkeye gets hot under the collar all the time when he believes he's in the right - although as it happens, I usually agree with him on whatever it is he's yelling about. And here, though again, I don't think he should have yelled at Radar while he was recovering, I do think he's right to be upset.
Hawkeye does not yell at Radar for going out and getting hurt as you claim. Btw both you and Hawkeye seem to think it's Hawkeye's fault Radar gets shelled because Hawkeye encouraged him to go, but I'm gonna side with BJ on this one, I'm pretty sure it was the mortar fire. He yells at Radar because Radar unfairly puts him on a pedestal, as does everyone else at the 4077th. It's unfortunate that this is the only instance of MASH exploring how people do that to Hawkeye, and it ends with no resolution of that conflict unless you count Radar being "all grown up" for the fifth time at the end of the episode when he drinks a beer. I don't, because the Radar-is-a-19-y/o-10-y/o beat continues right up until Goodbye Radar.
This episode wants to position Hawkeye as being in the wrong for having an issue with Radar's hero worship of him and I disagree with that. His misplaced guilt is never addressed. Potter doubles-down on what Radar says when he's yelling at Hawkeye, claiming that it was especially wrong for Hawkeye yell at Radar because Radar "worships the ground he walks on". How dare Hawkeye the human being take any issue with being the object of Radar's hero-worship but I don't see how he's not forced to concede that very valid point because the episode doesn't circle back to it.
What does get prioritized along with Radar's feelings, is a half-hearted attempt at an anti-drinking message, which is pretty rich coming from Potter. This is the show where people are constantly getting wasted, driving drunk, and Hawkeye's not the only person to ever be shown hungover in surgery but he is the only person to receive zero sympathy for it. Should Hawkeye refrain from fucking up on the job because it might disappoint the people who look up to him? Or should Hawkeye refrain from fucking up on the job because his patient's life hangs in the balance?
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indestinatus · 2 months
Hi, different anon, i dont know who sent the others. i want to say some things but please don't take any of this in the wrong way. ive followed you for a long time, you're well liked and well respected in the tiva fandom for good reason however, i agree with the anon that there has been a change that has nothing to do with your life commitments (which im happy for you BTW!)
You said its overwhelming on twitter because of the number of people there now but this isn't accurate, if there were a large number of people being kind on there then there wouldn't be a problem but these people are continuously unkind to anyone who isn't in their "troops".
You reference "tiva fights" on twitter but i don't remember a time before the spin-off was announced that there was drama on this constant scale like this in the fandom. you say you won't support "content stealing or random rudeness" yet the only people you now interact with on twitter are the very people doing this (i think this is an issue the anon was talking about).
You say you've made real friends here over the years and that's true! but like the anon said its like you've dropped these friends and are only focused on the people who are intent on tearing this fandom apart for their own egotistical gains.
Your "new" friends have created nothing but trouble since they appeared when the spin-off was announced. they have been rude, insulting, belittling, condescending, aggressive etc towards anyone who doesn't share their mindset. they gang up on people who say one thing they don't like and are also attacking random people not in the fandom who comment on announcement tweets. either you don't know the full extent of the damage they've caused inside this fandom to people who are friends with you (which is fine because there are many people who can explain it to you), or you know what they've done to people and you simply don't care. i think the ambiguity of this particular part is unsettling people because it seems as if you're condoning what they've done.
I think you yourself are a really nice and kind person but the friends you've now got are affecting the way people see you. i saw also you had quote retweets from hawaii fans and that's because your new friends have done nothing but attack them for months, so now you are receiving it too because you associate with them.
Overall it just seems like there is confusion to you not talking to these new people at all to suddenly they are the only ones you talk to. I know you can't control what other people do but this is more of a reflection of what your friendship with them is presenting.
hello, anon. this ask has made me immensely sad.
first of all, who am I in the grand scheme of things. for you to be monitoring my activity and debating who I should be talking to like... I admit I am a person moved by fandom. In the ncis fandom, especially the tiva fandom, there are waves of activity both here and on other socials like twitter and instagram. I've spent almost 2 years not posting on twitter and only making content for tumblr, both gifsets and fics, and talking to the fandom in here. Likewise, when it's more active there I tend to float toward where people want to talk about it. And who share fandom content and who are actually excited about what I also share.
I talked about some stuff you allude to in this ask only in my private twitter which means you're one of my closest friends in the fandom, and it makes me sad. And no, I never categorized myself in any friend group. I don't take sides in fights inside a fandom (which, idk if you know this but the ncis fandom was really big in 2010s and every big fandom has fights and wow do I even need to talk about the drama back then) and if you monitor my activity so closely I think you also know I wasn't aware of the details of this until a few days prior. Since then, I've collected myself again and I haven't shared content I know is from other people whom I respect and I don't interact with arguments about cancellations and other drama like this. I hate it. I'm here to talk about fictional characters and share stuff I'm excited about.
that said, I haven't dropped any friends. I'm not inside any "new troops". from what I remember, I tried my best not to be "rude, insulting, belittling, condescending, aggressive" against anyone. My real friends from this fandom know who they are and we talk constantly, they have my private phone number and my personal instagram. we support each other. I don't know anything other than seeing a few friends talking about having their gifs been stolen (so no, it's not like "I simply don't care") but also idk if I'm interested in fandom drama. since then, I voiced my opinion about taking someone else's content as one's own and focused on making my own content again, sharing the ones I know are from people who created them and staying silent.
since the spin-off news dropped I've been overwhelmed with the number of new people who suddenly arrived in this fandom and also with the zero amount of time I now have to create fandom content about stuff I'm so excited about. I didn't even have the time to digest this news and am constantly bombarded with new things and no time to process them like I wanted to. no time to make the gifsets, fics, or talk to people like I did before and also who aren't as active anymore anywhere. it breaks my heart to be excited about stuff in a way my life doesn't allow me to be.
anyway, after this whole ramble, I hope you realize I hate fandom drama and that is why I post my content, voice my opinion, and make myself scarce. if you want to explain what happened or simply talk to me, feel free and I'm OK with being judged. but also I don't intend to be as active anymore currently because of things like these and asks like these from anons. I'm sorry. if anyone wants to talk about tony and ziva, let me know.
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circular-bircular · 2 months
this is gonna be a vent really so. sorry about it. I have nothing else to say except The Absolute State Of Syscourse tm
so. I made a post yesterday where I tried to directly talk to anti endos about the shit going down the last few days, namely... whatever the fuck has been going on with AEV. their behaviour confuses the fuck out of me but not the point.
I made that post, and tagged it both "anti endo" and "pro endo", not maliciously, but because I wanted everyone interested to see it! that was assholery at its finest and I don't want ANYONE to do it again!
something like, 3 minutes after I posted it, an anti endo came kicking and screaming at me that I was cross tagging ("can you not fucking cross tag?") and "delete it cause we don't want to see this shit"
I went and deleted the anti endo tag since they asked me to, and told them to have a nice day, because I think everyone deserves a nice day even if they're rude to me. it's not personal.
my good fellow, I'm talking to you. this is not cross tagging. or if it is, PRO ENDOS should be the ones mad at cross tagging, since that wasn't about them but merely I wanted them to also be my audience. just because you don't like to hear what you've done, it doesn't make it "shit"
this is what I'm referring to when I talk about echo chambers btw. no one wants to hear that they're doing something wrong, but sometimes you have to. sometimes you have to acknowledge that you've hurt people, and you've hurt people you're claiming you're protecting. and it fucking sucks.
and I'm fucking tired that's what I am.
(Ask is from May, good lord....)
I’m sorry that these people automatically assume that anyone who criticizes them is on the “bad side” somehow. I'm sorry that people do this sort of shit constantly, and that's a major reason I exited syscourse spaces (or, well, at least, will not be participating 24/7 like I have been for so many goddamn years).
I think, at the end of the day, I don't care anymore about people's feelings on here -- not in a bad way, but in a "My brother in Christ, this is my blog" way.
I am a 26 year old blogger with opinions. I will post my opinions online. If that upsets you, get upset, whatever, I don't care. If I tag it in what I feel is a correct way -- which I feel your original tags were correct -- and you're upset, I do not care and I am under no obligation to change. I will simply give you instructions on how to block me, or, even better, will simply block you myself.
And this, to me, is an echo chamber. But I'm realizing something important about the words echo chamber: echo chamber has become something completely different.
An echo chamber is when people close themselves off so much that they only hear beliefs that agree with their own. So.... how on earth is blocking the assholes an echo chamber? If you had to argue it is, then you're arguing that my echo chamber is only people who agree to be nice to people. That's.... fine.
If anti-endos block people who are assholes, that's also fine.
But how are we defining assholes? How are we defining--
Bluh. You see how this keeps getting twisted up and circling around? There's so much there, so many things that need defined, so many things that are hard to determine...
I just can't bring myself to care anymore. If a 20 year old anti-endo is shouting to the high heavens about their (from my perspective, incorrect) opinions, whatever. I don't care anymore. That's not my circus or my monkey.
If I see an asshole online shouting and doxxing people or revealing private things about them, then I'm likely going to make a post about it to remind people that it's not okay to do. I may even let them know directly that it's not cool. But I'm not getting twisted up inside anymore. I am so fucking tired of that shit.
I hope you can block, anon, or that you already did.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Wanna save some lives?
Don't you all just love it when someone decides that because you do something they don't agree with, you should be murdered?
It's not at all like people can do whatever they want to with their own damn lives. No no, some people are determined to ruin everyone else's lives because people do something they don't like.
So they chose to murder those people like that doesn't make them entierly in the wrong regardless of the situation.
If you know why this is happening, you know what group I am talking about.
If you for some reason, agree with fucking murdering someone for *gasp* being gay or trans or not behaving in a "proper, natural" cishet way, I've got a fucking news flash for you dickhead, very few things on this planet are 100% heterosexual, almost everything engages in a lil homo, and only us big brain dumb dumbs decide to throw hissy fit about it and kill each other for it.
Truly, the more advanced life forms.
Also literally every man was a woman at some point, fucking think about it, use your brains and think critically instead of just believing whatever some authority figure told you.
I really wish humanity was more like bonobos than chimps, there'd be very little way for any of this to happen cause 1, Bonobos aren't very violent, and 2, they are all pansexual, everyone's fucking everyone when you're a bonobo.
Bonobos are our closest relatives btw.
If you believe that people should be murdered for being gay, you are wrong, no one should be murdered for something like that. Go fuck yourself and consider becoming a better person, the world needs less assholes and I need some faith in this dumpster fire of a species. Feed two squirrels with one scone and don't be a garbage person. It's not that hard. It really isn't.
I would say sorry for pushing this bad news on you and ruining your day(it ruined mine, trust me) but, I am not, it is important to fight against so, maybe donate or protest or stop supporting the groups who use political power and influnce to push their agenda onto the governments of countries dependent upon their aid and make them do atrocious things like this.
I swear if anyone tries to fight me and say it is somehow justified, I will fucking destroy you.
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rin-sv14 · 6 months
A very random first post, I know. But I'll be listing what I like about my favourite characters (yes, this is an excuse to talk about my pookies) from series, games, etc.
(4 characters only though, I'm lazy)
Miya Atsumu (Haikyuu!!)
Literally my first love.
The moment he appeared on screen, I was trying my best not to smile cuz my entire family was sitting in the living room. If I did, they'd of course ask why I'm smiling..
Who can blame me, tho? He's pretty, cute, majestic, gorgeous, breathtaking, handsome- 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙖𝙥
I've always looked towards personality more, and he just so happened to be my type. Like LITERALLY
Of course everyone has flaws, including personality flaws, but I've never minded people like him (yes I'm aware he's fictional 💔)
Dramatic, stubborn, impatient, childish? It's fine. Cuz me too.
But really- I don't really know how to explain it, but even though he has many personality flaws, it's nothing most people can't handle. He was and will always be my #1 favourite hq character.
Itoshi Rin (Blue Lock)
Cutie patootie
"Hey, what do you mean?"
Alright alright, I'm pretty sure at least half of us can agree that he's pretty (so is his brother 😻)
Tbh I don't even know how I fell in love with this emo boy. No, I don't even know if I fell in love with him or Sae first.
I can treat him better than Sae
His eyes are so pretty :((
Listen I love Sae too but I'll never forgive him for making the spark in Rin's eyes disappear. (That is, until they show us his backstory in spain and then I'll decide if I wanna forgive him or not)
His behaviour is questionable sometimes but it's fine cuz it's Rin
I'm literally meant to be with him. His name is Rin, and one of my nicknames is Rin.
Fushiguro Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Ok I'll stop. "Megumi" doesn't even look like a name anymore
He's so cutie patootie
I'm actually so obsessed with him. I need a Megumi in my life
He. Is. So. Pretty.
Do I even need to say more?
I love him
I love him.
Yes, maybe I'm going insane
I just love him
Rafayel (Love and Deepspace)
Do I even need to explain?
One thing. He suffered a lot more than just waiting for MC 800 years. And no he's not a red flag.
He has more patience than me actually
Do I need to mention everything he's done for MC?? He's the best frfr
Don't get me wrong tho, I Iove the other two as well. Rafayel just always stays on top.. of me
I'm married to him btw, none of y'all can take him 😻😻
Am I aware that they're all fictional? Yes. Am I still going insane for them? Also yes.
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mistbow · 1 year
toz negativity rant
it's honestly really disingenuous to say that Z fans can never take criticism and that they always take things too personally when the loudest voices (but ultimately I believe are minority) are always about how bad it is and that the fan environment is not healthy at all when genuinely expressing even the slightest bit of positivity about it in a very unapologetically subjective manner often makes people hostile towards the Z Liker (Opinion Haver), which is far worse than people expressing annoyance at constant negativity surrounding it because at the very least it's still in their own spaces (you don't have to like/agree with everyone, and the least you could do is just leave each other alone. who the heck cares if you like that anime for example, I'm not saying it's wrong as long as you don't bother anyone else. this is actually a proper netiquette/manner in fandoms too to leave others in their spaces for their own preferences, likes/dislikes). I'm talking about unwanted attention like troll replies (both in JP and EN) or recently, something like being downvoted to hell for actually clearing up misunderstandings about Z (not even about any of the game controversies btw) objectively without arguing back (because I sure as hell am already long past convincing anyone who's hell-bent on seeing it as "bad" as actually good, we're not gonna meet eye-to-eye anyway), as if one couldn't say anything positive about it, even if it was a fact.
which is not to say that what I'm saying is a fact. I'm always putting up disclaimers (on here and anywhere else) that my opinions are very subjective. that includes interpretation, and that includes what I value or not in a game, writing, anything. I've always said that I've long accepted that what I often find "good", others often find "bad", and that's okay, but what I don't like is the insinuation that people who genuinely believe something is good must admit that it is indeed bad when you can't force feelings. and yes I say feelings because I'm honest in admitting that these are very personal, very subjective. I dunno what business do people have with me having "bad taste" because I clearly don't mind them having "good taste", just that we will never mix, and oftentimes "good taste" havers will act condescending to me (oh man I don't know how many times people, in this [Tales in general] fandom or not, have lectured me about my own cultures and languages). good for you if you have your own opinions! and I really mean this.
it's hard to put it in words but how can I say something is bad when I do feel it's fine myself? and why must I be forced to think in a way that I don't agree with? that is my actual problem with people who keep saying "Z fans are just coping and lying to themselves and others about it being Good, Actually" (which people often do despite 1) the fans can actually elaborate what they love about it, 2) the fans don't owe anyone any explanation or justification), and it's honestly no one else's business that I'm "uncritical" or whatever. what influence do I have? I barely have any followers here tbh, most are just long-time friends. bannam definitely has long decided that Z is not the way to go judging by how they keep lifting Ar and putting down Z along the way too for some reason. I'm not convincing anyone who doesn't already have Z as their favorite game, because that's pointless. and again, even if people are willing to listen to me? that's... honestly I don't even know why it's my problem tbh?
but anyway tired of people continuing misconstruing what I'm saying lol. there's an honest observation of things seemingly being lost in translation and hard to explain when it largely resonates with a group of people and not with another, but if people want to take it personally when I don't really mean anyone then okay? (though my wording might have been too passive aggressive and I genuinely apologize for that, but really, this is not anything directed/personal) this includes the execution of the narrative btw (I admittedly have really unpopular opinions on writing, judging from how I've often genuinely liked things people, to put it simply, hate). and while we're at this: despite being a part of the group, I will never speak for the entire group (long-time friends can vouch for me), because even then, values are different between each individual. being aware or even understanding doesn't always mean agreeing. the game is polarizing even in Japan after all.
people like Z for the characters, ships, potential (even what they think of wasted potential), it's fine. I personally like it most for the bigger picture of themes and messaging (this includes, yes, the execution of it) and would like to bring up that hey, maybe what you think as objectively bad isn't actually objective. you still can think of it as bad, but other perspectives exist. I happen to like the way things are even before the devs themselves had confirmed that things were intended that way, which meant I had similar perspectives and understanding to what the devs had. a lot of people don't, and that's okay, but then you have people pointing out "this is undeniably objectively bad" even though in a way they are the intended experiences and for people who enjoy it that way, it can come off as condescending too.
okay I'm trailing off because it's been a long day but maybe at this point I should start embracing being an uncritical z fan, because at the end of the day, it really still is just a videogame to me, and I'm not delusional enough to think I have enough of an impact on anyone to change their mind about z. the point is not what actual opinions I (or anyone else) have on the z itself, the point is that please just let me be for having these opinions without people making it their problem that I have these opinions. because people definitely have and are still doing it, and they're doing it when I'm talking about z only and never other games (d2 was a bit controversial when it came out because well it was a sequel lol, yet me expressing my love for what d2 did "wrong" according to people who didn't quite like it doesn't invite uncalled response), and this doesn't happen to just me.
(and yeah I will admit that I will stop caring about others' opinions as well, again I was indeed being a bit passive-aggressive and I fully own up to that. genuinely sorry if people took offense with my wording.)
but anyway back to the usual agenda lol sorry this turned out really long and not coherent at all
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
So. Fan games. They make me think. In one of the current fan games I'm playing it's being constantly mentioned how the elite 4 is pretty much doing nothing about the not one but two evil teams present in the games, as well as a secret third thing. And it got me thinking about the canon games, right.
Now. This isn't a Chosen thing. This is a general public thing. Cause when you really think about it, the league has failed their respective regions a lot. Sure, the champion is there but so is the rest of the league. You can't tell me that people had justifiably lost their faith in them after failing to show up for during yet another world ending event that has caused harms to millions. Like, okay. Gym leaders, in my eyes, are for the ground level works. They protect their town/ city to the best of their ability. But when the threat is bigger than just a town/city, you expect the strongest trainers in the region to help, but they don't. They hardly ever do. I wouldn't be surprised if people rightfully assumed that the title of elite 4 and champion is literally just for show, and that the league doesn't care about them. Which is fair!
Okay, side tangent, cause Steven Stone and his connections just fascinates me, we can agree that Devon Corp probably made a lot of lower income people's lives miserable as they continued to expand and become a monopoly. Like they use the energy of dead pokemon to make products ( very simplified way of what actually happened btw), so who isn't to say that they haven't screwed people over too? I can totally see people holding Devon Corps and Steven's association to it as the heir to go against him.
Okay back to the initial insight. The only leagues I can fully excuse is the Paldea league- kinda- since for once,the threat was believably unknown, and it was literally just a group of meddling kids getting into something bigger than themselves. Basically, it was honestly pretty isolated, so I can excuse the league for not getting super involved until after the fact. The other league I can excuse is the alolan league, cause they didn't even have a league until the end of the game. And even then, the kahuna's were pretty proactive throughout( I don't think in the universe anyone knew the corrupt nature of the higher ups in the Aether Foundation, so they wouldn't have really known All Of That). I could be really nitpicky about this but I'm already being nitpicky with games that are meant for children so I'm not gonna. Except I am cause what the fuck is up with the Unova league in b2w2, the only league members who really did anything of significance were Cheren, Burgh and Roxie. Oh and Drayden. Like BW, I can excuse it because things were complicated and Alder made a dumb call that I think adds to his character, but when the threat is so apparent, why is no one else getting as involved as they were in BW???
Like damn.
Anyway, all of this is to say it would be kinda cathartic to watch someone call out the league for their negligence. Yes, things could be a lot more nuance than they actually are but I think the feeling of feeling left to rot is entirely justified.
I should also make a note now that this is mostly directed at the mainline games! I think the manga gives the league members ( both gym leaders and elite 4 and champion) much more to do, and have them generally be more proactive.( I could be wrong, I haven't read much of the manga. Also not counting that one evil league).
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toothlesshat · 2 years
Hello I am an anon who agrees with you and previous anon about 2012 April and I wanted to take a moment to rant if that is okay.
2012 April had so much untapped potential. I'm not sure what the writers were doing with her. It seems like they couldn't agree on anything so she became a messy character. Even her concept art made her more well rounded than the final product? (Concept art is on the wikipedia page btw). It was like she was supposed to be this silly prankster but they never took it there. Concept art of her dancing and making pizza with Mikey? Idling chatting in the rain with Donnie, unplugging his inventions to make him seem like something is broken when its not even on? Where was that April at?
I actually like her better in the later seasons cause I feel like she's chilled one more once she becomes an experienced fighter. I feel like they pushed too hard for her to be the "powerful female" in the earlier seasons in the wrong ways. Her snapping at the turtles for protecting her even when she isn't experienced enough to fight on her own? That made no sense. I feel like once she has her abilities and skills that she is more likeable because now she is "one of them" and therefore doesn't feel like she has to fight her for place on the team.
Maybe a lot of her potential was lost when they tried to introduce her as a romantic interest. Which was fine in the beginning but really should have been dropped later on. The Bigfoot episode in season 2 when Donnie basically says "hey I see I'm making you uncomfortable and I'll stop pursuing you because of that" AND THEN SHE KISSES HIM ON THE CHEEK AND SAYS "oh but you're my mutate Donnie" WHAT KIND OF MIXED SIGNAL IS THAT?
They should've dropped the romance right there and let her focus on her relationships with the rest of the turtles. It would've been a growing point for Donnie and then we could see her hanging out with Raph, Leo, and Mikey more often cause I agree, I really could not tell you how she feels about them. Obviously she cares for them and they all see her as a part of their family but beyond that? No idea. Not to mention we never even see the beginnings of their friendships in the show. They save her and then a couple episodes later its like "Oh yeah, April is our friend and she's been our friend for weeks now" but we never see that happen? She's just there all of a sudden.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my ted talk. Sorry if this was exhausting to read lol
It’s like you took everything I wanted to say and put it here because YES OH MY GOD!!!! Especially the thing about them trying to drive home the powerful girl message when she couldn’t fight yet, that was so frustrating because there’s other ways to show that April is headstrong and not afraid of defending herself, but they just made her sound so damn mean in the end! It drives me crazy because April is very clearly not supposed to be mean. I almost kind of wish they just leaned into her being a bit meaner like Raph, or the prankster the concept art made her out to be. Like, I swear the writers couldn’t write a woman to save their lives unless she was a villain, and even then they still fuck it up.
I really don’t think April should be demonized like a lot of people tend to do. Especially with the whole Donnie thing because idk if anyone remembers but Donnie stalked her!?!?!?! But the criticism is just… there, yk? I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with the idea of her, or a lot of the things they tried to do with her, it’s just that the execution of her character… leaves something to be desired, big time.
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