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breathedreamscream · 8 months ago
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ejacutastic · 2 years ago
BREAKING: A far-right coup attempt is underway in Brazil.
Supporters of Bolsonaro have stormed the presidential palace, Supreme Court and Congress. They call for the military to seize power.
President Lula vows that the mob of “fanatical fascists” will be punished
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comradedelaurier · 2 years ago
Will 2023 Be the Year of Backfiring Sanctions for the Overstretched US Empire?
The year 2022 was defined by the war in Ukraine, the expansion of NATO, and continued encirclement of China as the U.S. prepares for “great power conflict.” But the US empire is so overstretched, that sanctions have become the favorite form of warfare— to disrupt and isolate many countries at once. Could they backfire in 2023? To discuss this and more Rania Khalek was  joined by Bikrum Gill, who teaches at the department of political science at Virginia Tech.
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spacenoodle92 · 4 years ago
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Capitalist America vs. Socialist China, the game is keeping people safe from a deadly pandemic...
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didalovprofer-home-blog · 2 years ago
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*TECHNO REGENCY PADALARANG* _Dp 10 jutaan all in (free biaya kpr + pajak ) anda sudah bisa punya rumah sendiri gaya eropa disini_ *Kenapa harus beli di techno regency padalarang :* - *dp ringan* & flexible - *kontur kavling datar* bebas banjir dan longsor - *strategis* ,berada dekat ke pasar tagog dan kotabaru parahyangan - *akses mudah* via toll & stasion kereta padalarang ,transportasi online bebas masuk. - *fasilitas* pendidikan,pasar dan kesehatan dekat dengan perumahan - *legalitas* sertifikat aman dan sdh split - *ijin* mendirikan bangunan sudah terbit .pembangunan lebih cepat - *proses kpr* cepat & dibantu kerjasama dengan bank konven & syariah *dan masih banyak lainnya* Type aster 38/72 Segera survey unitnya .. Hubungi marketing terbaik anda Nama Hendra Rusnandy No HP: 0821-2764-5456 Wa.me/6282127645456 *makin ditunda makin mahal ,beli di techno regency sebelum kehabisan* #bankbtn #btnbisa #btnportal #btnproperty #kprbtn #btn #btnacademy #kprsubsidipemerinah #btn10k #btnetsy #btno #kprsubsidipemerintah #btn242 #kprsubsidi #rumahbtn #btnews #btnproperti #kprsubsidiindonesia #kprsubsidibtn #btnsyariah #rumahbersubsidi #btnpromo #kprsubsidiwagir #btntattoohouse #btnewsyoucantrust #btnrunners #kprsubsidiflpp #kprsubsidimurah #btnh #developerindonesia (at Padalarang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp59_luyvJG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mirnayonis · 5 years ago
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#Barbados anuncia oficialmente la ruta republicana. El legado político colonial que asumieron los antiguos territorio británico al asumir independencia llegará su fin para el pueblo barbadiense. La Monarquía Constitucional del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte tendrá un punto menos en sus ocupaciones protocolares, aunque el país insular caribeño se mantenga como miembro de la actualizada #commonwealth Las anuncios son para una celebración del #55Aniversario de Independencia en el 2021 con un nuevo estatus y sistema político, de República Parlamentaria, así como un proceso de transición hacia unas Elecciones Generales. Algunos titulares sobre golpe de Estado a la corona británica son poco afortunados y revela las simplificaciones de la compleja sociedad internacional. Los países y territorios del #Caribe tienen una diversidad que compromete a conocer, estudiar y hacer seguimiento para el #AnalisisInternacional #SoyInternacionalista #SoyProfeUCV #MirnaYonisAsesora #CaribbeanAffairs Reposted from @barbadostoday Preview⬇️ After 20 years of discussion, Barbados has started the process of fully cutting its ties with Queen Elizabeth II and becoming a republic with its own head of state. The former British colony gained independence in 1966 but Prime Minister Mia Mottley said the time had come to “make decisions fully on our own”. To read more of this article click on our website link in bio #BTNewsYouCanTrust #LeadingOnlineMedium #StaySafe #BTNews #BTEpaper #BarbadosTODAY - #regrann (en Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFQAC_OFpj_/?igshid=52xc4k6yhqq2
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boostyourcity · 5 years ago
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makedeoculos · 5 years ago
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#BTNews de @pausaparafeminices A @brunatavares estava conversando nos stories quando fez uma leve revelação sobre o futuro da coleção @pausaparafeminices com a @tbmakeoficial. Existe um projeto para PPF que envolve uma repaginada na coleção, transformando em uma identidade visual mais lúdica e mais teen, como já é identificável em Pausa Para Feminices (ex coleção Era Uma Vez). Como vão ser as possíveis novas embalagens? Pra quem não conhece, a coleção PPF faz parte da marca TB Make desde 2012 e lá se encontra o famoso batom Hermione, que está migrando para a Linha Bruna Tavares. Já a linha BT é uma marca independente da TB Make mas que faz parte do grupo Farmaervas (meio como se fosse Quem Disse Berenice e O Boticário, sabe?). https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tsYdTBLIu/?igshid=fulajfcgf0hg
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picturissio-blog · 6 years ago
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Catch up on the latest news in your new Full link in bio
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ithacanradio · 3 years ago
Seeing media outlets talking about protests in Cuba🇨🇺 but you don't really know what that's about and you'd like to learn more? I'll drop here ✨some learning resources✨ 💕
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BTNews, an indipendent leftist media, clearly and shortly covered here the first bout of protests that happened months ago:
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They churn out a lot of videos everyday so you can also count on them for updates on the situation. In fact, here is a btn video analyzing the situation: Cuba in the crosshairs of imperialism. What's at stake? It also gives good general overview and you can comfortably listen to it while idk cooking or cleaning.
If you wanna learn cuban history there is a great intriguing podcast: the blowback podcast (season 2). It's done as a documentary with sources and interviews and funny quips and even a sountrack.
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A cuban-made documentary that focuses on life under the US blockade and is still ongoing is Belly of the beast's the War on Cuba
And finally: another good introductory doc, easily found on netflix, is Cuba and the Cameraman. And a great one that focuses on afrocubans is Black and Cuba.
Godspeed and don't uncritically listen to corporate media 💕💕
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comradedelaurier · 3 years ago
FREE THEM ALL: Dr. Mutulu Shakur & All Political Prisoners!
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busbookingindia-blog · 5 years ago
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Use Coupon "BTNEW" at Bustrawler to Get Flat 10% Up to Rs.150 Discount on bus booking.
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didalovprofer-home-blog · 2 years ago
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*Dapatkan Promo Spesial* Khusus *Gathering Konsumen* *Perumahan Nuansa Villa 2Lantai* Harga Spesial mulai 600 jutaan di Botanical View Residence Dapatkan Promo Spesial nya *KPR DP mulai Rp.15 Juta All in *Cash Keras DISKON mulai Rp. 69 Juta *Free pajak-pajak, Biaya Balik nama & Biaya KPR Kami Mengundang Bapak/Ibu Terhormat untuk Hadir dalam acara *Gathering Konsumen* : Hari : Sabtu, 18 Maret 2023 Jam : 09.00 s.d selesai Tempat : Kantor Pemasaran Botanical View Residence Bagi bapak/Ibu mohon berkenan untuk Mengisi Form Pendaftaran Kehadiran Gathering 👇👇👇👇👇 http://bit.ly/gathering_botanical Info wa.me/6282127645456 Hendra Rusnandy. . #bankbtn #btnbisa #btnportal #btnproperty #kprbtn #btn #btnacademy #kprsubsidipemerinah #btn10k #btnetsy #btno #kprsubsidipemerintah #btn242 #kprsubsidi #rumahbtn #btnews #btnproperti #kprsubsidiindonesia #kprsubsidibtn #btnsyariah #rumahbersubsidi #btnpromo #kprsubsidiwagir #btntattoohouse #btnewsyoucantrust #btnrunners #kprsubsidiflpp #kprsubsidimurah #btnh #developerindonesia (at Padalarang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1s0xlOTQr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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makedeoculos · 5 years ago
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#btnews quentíssimaaas! Dona @brunatavares nos atingiu em cheio essa madrugada com a primeira foto exclusivona do #BTLux, os novos batons em bala da @linhabrunatavares! Eles virão substituindo os primeiros batons da linha, e terão esse acabamento de bala bem matte veludo, mas que desliza super bem nos lábios, como os batons Powder Lips da MAC ou os da Huda Beauty. Inclusive, eles foram feitos na Itália, na mesma fábrica da Hudinha e da Pat McGrath! Chiquérrimo! A embalagem é de acrílico e é aquele super projeto internacional de BT. Vai ser bem luxuoso mesmo! Acho que por isso o nome, ein? As cores estão bem bonitas real! Mas a Bru vai revelar ao vivo pra gente nos stories, então vamos ficar de olho, ein? E aí, ansiosos? Obrigada a todos pelo super update! Não consigo colocar senão o instagram acha que é spam, mas sintam-se super agradecidos, vocês são demais! https://www.instagram.com/p/B4evLfBBbIw/?igshid=4iw1cl7mntwb
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thoughtportal · 2 years ago
US sanctions in Zimbabwe
something to keep in mind now that Zimbabwe has banned exports of Lithium https://www.africanews.com/2022/12/29/zimbabwe-bans-all-lithium-exports/
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happynaijablog · 5 years ago
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#happynaijablog + Everyone in Minneapolis just got this text message. As a news organization, BreakThrough has the right to remain in the streets and it is our mission to be alongside this movement. ————————————————— FOLLOW - @happynaija 👉📢🎥🙌 ————————————————— . . 📸 BTNews correspondant #happynaija #Law #GeorgeFloyd #minneapolispolicemurderdhim #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #Minneapolis #BlackLivesMatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #georgefloyd🙏🏾 #georgefloyd💔 #happeningnow #georgefloyd😔🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 #minneapolispolice #policebrutality #sdv #blackandwhite #sdvtodos #sdv❤️ #sdvnahora #sdvgeral #trocolikes #blacklivesmatter #trocodivulgacao #troco #likesforlike #likeforlikes #sigodevoltasempre #sigodevoltatodos . #regrann @btnewsroom (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA19TLbg1WZ/?igshid=am88wvmf725d
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