#bruising waters
slavhew · 3 months
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i like ms paint but i like mspaint-esque pressureless brushes more.
exclusive never before seen art process snapshot under cut.
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this is what it actually looks like in the canvas. it was a warmup for a larger thing and took way too long so my frustration is justified i think
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supreme-burrito · 3 months
And I say that unironically
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letitbehurt · 8 months
That little moment when Whumpee is in so much pain that they’re grabbing onto anything within reach.
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ellieshaze · 2 years
I hear somethin purring…
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
zutara is my very favourite dynamic because they're just judgy bitch besties together. stupid shenanigans duo. impulsive yelling duo. sokka is like 90 percent of their impulse control so when he's gone they go haywire. this is even canon sokka leaves them alone for one minute and suddenly they're off to kill a guy. good for them. let them be crazy besties together, striking fear into the hearts of sexist twats
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Inconsistent art style my beloved
ALSO HAPPY MERMAY I DIDNT POST YESTERDAY BECAUSE IM A MAJOR LOSER BUT.... FORGIVE ME. I've been BUSY working on a clawcode animatic :((((( it's consuming my life :((((((((((
I'll try to post them often since it's mermay but also I'm a busy man and they may simply be doodles....
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jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
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pov you have a coworker with literally the most Noxious vibes
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deluxewhump · 27 days
Ethan Byrne- 2
Part one
CW: Cameron has just turned 19 in this. abuse, very incestuous overtones, controlling whumper, intimate whumper, bruises, bruise touching, noncon kiss (back of neck), dunking underwater, standing dishwater (this is a new cw)
Ethan approached Cameron in the kitchen, where he was dutifully finishing up their dishes for them. He took a fistfull of ashy brown hair, shoving Cameron suddenly and forcefully down so he flung his hands out to keep his head from going into the dirty water. He gripped the edge of the sink with whitening knuckles, keeping his face out of the water by six inches. Ethan slotted one leg between Cam’s from behind to better control him. 
“What’re you doing?” Cameron hissed. His agitation possessed a note of panic.
“Nothing, Cammy. Just seeing how cleaning my house is going for you.” He pushed Cam an inch closer to the sink full of water. He braced himself, using all his strength to keep himself as upright as he could against his half brother’s heavier, more muscled body. Despite Cameron’s height and lanky sort of strength, Ethan had a clear advantage. This was nothing but a crude display of it, and they both knew it.
“Ethan,” Cam said seriously, as if this might just be rough play. “Let me up, man.”
Ethan pushed him closer still, so his forehead broke the surface tension and he whimpered, straining to stay above it. 
“Why should I?” 
“Because— I did what you asked. And I’m… you’re my brother.”
Ethan hummed in barely restrained glee, leaning close to the back of Cam’s neck. “You may have just carved out a new soft spot in me. But don’t brothers do this sort of stuff?”
With his mouth open to answer, Ethan dunked him under, submerging his face in water that was equal parts soap suds and slimy food debris. Cam struggled violently, but he was pinned underneath Ethan’s unbudging weight. After many long seconds, he let him up. 
All pretense of horseplay was gone, now. Cameron coughed wetly and gasped for air. He spat into the water in abject disgust. “Let go!”
“Ask me nicely.”
“Get the fuck OFF of me!” He sent a sharp elbow backwards into Ethan’s chest.
Ethan’s exhale of surprise trailed into a laugh. “That’s not nice.”
“Nicely, Cameron,” he said, and dunked him quickly in and out of the water again. 
Cameron sputtered and spat, blinking soap from his eyes. “Stop,” he begged, more like a sob than his earlier demands. “Just please stop, Ethan. Let me up.”
“Please,” he repeated, water dripping from his hair and the tip of his nose. He sounded wrecked. “I get it. You’re stronger than me. You don’t fucking like me. I give up. Please, get off of me.”
“That’ll work,” Ethan said, leaning over and kissing the back of Cameron's neck. He cringed in Ethan’s grip and sobbed between grit teeth.
Ethan let him go.
“Look at you,” he said, watching Cameron in the reflection of the kitchen window. “Soaking wet. Let’s get you into some dry clothes. C’mon, you can borrow something of mine.” 
Cameron didn’t move. Hands still on the edge of the sink, he stared straight ahead at Ethan’s reflection in the window, still breathing hard from the struggle.
Ethan tilted his head. “I was just fucking with you. I have to make sure you’re not a pussy.”
Cam turned to look at him over his shoulder. 
“And you’re clearly not,” Ethan continued. “Come on. I have a shirt for you.”
Reluctantly, Cameron followed him into his dark bedroom. Ethan motioned for him to strip, and Cam pulled his wet shirt gingerly over his head. Ethan approached with a dry one in hand, but stopped when he noticed the dark and angry bruising that still bloomed over his ribs from the beating he’d taken back home. He reached out to brush his fingers over the purples and yellows. Cam stiffened. 
“That hurt?” Ethan asked, his voice edging towards tenderness. Cam looked at him guardedly, his body language closed and hostile. Ethan touched two fingers to the bluish center of the bruise. Cameron closed his eyes. 
“Yeah, it does,” Ethan murmured, but continued to touch. He applied light pressure and watched Cameron’s breath catch. 
“I don’t mean to take it out on you,” he said gently, walking two fingers over the dark contours of the bruise so Cameron inhaled sharply. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Our father did. But that’s got nothing to do with us. Not anymore.”
“I thought I was fucked up,” Cam said, his eyes still closed, brows knit in a soft expression of pain. “But there’s something really wrong with you.”
“How fucked up are you?” Ethan asked, massaging two fingers in the center of Cam’s wounded ribs in the way he might touch a girl. 
Cameron took hold of his wrist and pushed it away. “Not that fucked up,” he said, and snatched the dry shirt from Ethan’s other hand.
Ethan smiled to himself as Cam retreated to the shower.
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cyberwhumper · 1 year
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The freezing water hitting fevered skin feels excruciating. He screams, tries his best to protect his body from the cold but with his wrists zip-tied together there is only so much that could possibly be done. His body is completely soaked, and the shivers set in fast.
Baxter shows no interest in letting go of the hose.
The excuse is always the same. We gotta keep that wound clean so you don't die on me. Bullshit. That sadistic smile plastered on his face says otherwise, he enjoys every second of tormenting his captive he can get. Pointing the stream straight into the broken ankle gets another set of agonizing screams out of Whiskey, blood and grime easily washed away down the drain until it was possible to see where the bolt went straight through bruised skin into the shattered bones beneath.
How many days has it been at this point? Time is a confusing mess and the only thing that remains constant is the daily hose-down with freezing water. Even the beatings seem to be completely random. He stopped counting at three, when the infection started to set in and staying awake was becoming progressively more difficult.
Baxter will eventually get bored. He'll leave, and the cold is all that will remain. Seeping whatever was left of his strength, making it so the next beating might as well be the last. He shudders at the thought. If he stays captive for who knows how long now, it wouldn't be a matter of whether they'd kill him or not, but when.
Baxter will eventually get bored.
Tag list: @whumpsday // @demondamage // @squidlife-crisis //
If you’re interested in being added to the tag list, please let me know!
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axolotlclown · 6 months
I suppose I'm a little late to the party, but I needed time to collect my thoughts.
Here's the thing, everyone's caught up on Caiti's age and whether she consented. To me, that isn't anywhere near the point. Her being so young is certainly creepy and strange, but not the point.
Here's the first thing, though less important than the next. As an adult, it is blaringly clear how irresponsible these "adults" were. Two grown ass men supplying alcohol to underaged girls in a hotel room. They were up drinking until 6am. They were one noise complaint away from getting the cops called.
Second thing. While underage drinking in the US is fairly normal, 18 is still pretty young here. Also, publicly admitting to supplying alcohol to an 18 year old is crazy, but not the point.
18 year olds can't compete with grown adults when it comes to alcohol. They don't have the same tolerance. There never should have been any "one upping."
No one should have gotten that drunk. The fact that there was a girl leaving, vomiting in her hand is fucking ridiculous. When someone, regardless of their age, is drinking too much too quickly, you cut them off and give them water. This is how college parties are run. Once you start wobbling a little too much, your speech is slurred, and you stop being a person, someone gives you water and walks you home.
And nobody walked her back to her hotel room?? Two grown men. I don't give a shit how tired you are. You always walk a girl home. Who the fuck raised you??
I am an adult man in college. I have been around a lot of different men. I have hung around men that behave like this. Let me promise you this: they got those girls drunk like that on purpose. They both wanted something. When they didn't get it, they just let the girls go. They were never interested in their safety. They were never interested in who they were.
And let me promise you this: there's never just one girl. And any well brought up man would have cut them all off and sent them on their way. There is way more to this situation than lets on.
And of course George never asked for her consent. It was never a question. They brought those girls back to that hotel room with the thought that they'd get something out of it. To George, he heard 18 and thought, "oh cool, she's legal."
I see this happen all the time in college. Usually men don't grow out of all of it, but they usually grow out of begging like a shitty dog in some random girl's DMs. To hear a grown ass man, 26 years old, behave like a fucking 19 year old sophmore in college is pathetic. I'm not interested in giving pathetic men any more time.
Also, love and light to Caiti, she looks like she's 16. "I didn't know she was 18!" First off, doesn't matter. Second off, I would've guessed she was a minor, so I know you checked first. Or else you're even dumber than the fucking college kids. Damn.
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swiftfootedachilles · 2 months
ians favorite part of sex is the aftercare idk argue with the wall
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svejarph · 1 month
donald glover gif pack
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CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW and you will find a $0 ko-fi shop link (or join my discord server to gain access to a payhip link) for #487 268x150px gifs of Donald Glover as John Smith/Michael in Mr. & Mrs. Smith Season 1 (2024)! Do what you want with these, just don’t repost/claim as your own, don’t use them to play Shane, don’t use in any smut/smut-based blogs, and like/reblog if using. This is a commission that was made public by the commissioner. If you like what I’m doing, feel free to commission me (/commissions info) or send me a kofi. Donald was about 39-40 during filming and is black (African-American).
tw: implied death, murder ; alcohol, blood, bruises, cuts, drinking, drugs, drug use, eating, flashing lights, flickering lights, food, guns, injury, kissing, marijuana, shaky camera, shirtlessness, smoking, violence, water, waves, weapons
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lucyw260 · 3 months
Water Reveals All - Nobunaga
Another birthday of mine is here, so that means my yearly Nobunaga fanfic must be written. I wasn't having a good day today so I knocked this out in record time but then accidentally deleted most of it and had to rewrite it, it was way better before so I'm mad. I haven't posted since the last yearly fic, I hope you all are well
Words = 664
Warnings = establilshed relationship, bruises, water
Excerpt = “I conquered your thigh at this very hot spring. Have you forgotten?. It is mine, not even you are allowed to harm it"
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After joint hard work trying to unify the country, Y/n and Nobunaga deserved a relaxing break away from castle life and responsibilities. So here they both were having a short hot spring vacation together.
Nobunaga was already lounging in the hot spring, steam obscuring his body so no prying eyes can take advantage of his visage, well he doesn't mind the prying eyes of his lover.
Y/n was hesitating at the edge of the hot spring, she wasn't even in the warm water and yet her cheeks were as red as the sunset behind her.
“We didn't come so I alone could bask in the water” Nobunaga declared as Y/n paced around the edge and he watched her
“Hang on, I'm trying to sike myself up” she said while trying to shake the nerves off. It was silly to be nervous as it's not like her beloved would see anything he hadn't seen before.
“I guess you don't love me enough to keep me company” Nobunaga had the audacity to pout and show his childish side while saying that.
Y/n laughed slightly, feeling glad that her beloved was free from stress and showing weakness.
“Okay okay, I'm getting in” she chuckled and dipped her toes in before sitting down a ways away from Nobunaga.
“Come closer” Nobunaga demanded in his lordly voice.
“As my lord says” Y/n jokes and makes her way over to Nobunaga but not close enough for Nobunaga’s liking.
He sighs before grabbing her waist and guiding her onto his lap, she wraps her legs around his waist in surprise so she doesn't fall backwards.
“That's better” he stated, staring into her eyes with his own carmine ones. He smirks as she puts her arms around his neck as he adjusts his grip.
The movement of them both had caused Y/n’s thin, almost seethrough bathing robes to ride up her thighs. Blushing furiously, she quickly tries to pull the cloth down before Nobunaga can get any steamy ideas.
Nobunaga can't help but try to sneak a peek of her perfect thighs but something else catches his attention instead. He firmly grabs her hand before she can fully cover her thighs.
Startled, she looks up at Nobunaga only to see him staring down at her thighs with trembling eyes.
“When did you get this?” he questioned in a nonchalant voice but those who knew Nobunaga well would be able to pick up the hint of obvious worry that was apparent.
He reaches down and lightly brushed his long fingers across a brown bruise on the top of her thigh, in no more than a phantom touch.
Y/n looks down to see what Nobunaga is talking about and sees a bruise decorating her high but she can't answer his question because she doesn't recall when she got it but then suddenly remembers something.
“Oh, I remember. I was organising the archive when a book fell off the top shelf and the corner of it hit my leg” she revealed before looking up at Nobunaga.
She could see the telltale signs of worry for her wellbeing in the set of his face so she continued talking.
“I didn't even know it had bruised, it was only a slight pain” she adds to try to soothe her black haired lover.
Nobunaga lifts his eyes off her thigh and looks into her eyes before his next action makes her gasp.
He bends slightly and presses a soft kiss to Y/n’s thigh, like a mother kissing away the pain of their child's wound.
“I conquered your thigh at this very hot spring. Have you forgotten?. It is mine, not even you are allowed to harm it" Nobunaga asserts with admonishment in his eyes.
And just like that, Nobunaga the warlord has come back to the forefront but his strong minded lover will cherish the brief and rare show of concern for her that came from his slow thawing heart.
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Please don’t repost, edit or steal. Reblogs are more than welcome though!  
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asfateentertwines · 11 months
Baby Spider was absolutely littered in bruises and cuts from trying to keep up with his siblings but never complained. He’s always worn the injuries like a mark of pride, like somehow they’re the stripes he doesn’t have because they come from his siblings and they don’t see him like a human, they just see their brother
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whumpetywhump · 11 months
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Bad And Crazy - Ep. 1
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anglerflsh · 5 months
Actually I thought about that poll and I would rather be able to ride a horse around the city than a bicycle. At least 30% of the responsibility if something bad happens would be on the horse
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