#im in such a mood with these two again sorry. this is what joining a discord 4 the alpha kids does to your brain
slavhew · 2 months
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i like ms paint but i like mspaint-esque pressureless brushes more.
exclusive never before seen art process snapshot under cut.
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this is what it actually looks like in the canvas. it was a warmup for a larger thing and took way too long so my frustration is justified i think
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irisintheafterglow · 10 months
hi!!! could i request pro hero!bakugo & pro hero!reader where bkgs doing an interview and they ask about relationships and his answer is “I thought you people already knew that im married”
i have no idea how to word things but i hope that was readable🙏🙏
keeping it in the family
wc: 1.6k
cw/tags: swearing, mentions of drinking and alcohol, established relationship, dialogue-driven
note: RAHHH I LOVE HUSBAND BAKUGO. anyways !!! i hope you like this, i did get a little carried away when writing it so hopefully it makes sense. thank you for your ask!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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“And we’re on in five, four, three, two…give ‘em hell.” The roar of excited applause jumbles together with the late-night show’s opening theme and the screams of excited fans can still be heard even as Kirishima flashes a blinding smile to the camera. 
“Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Heroes on Heroes! We’re so glad you’re joining us tonight, seeing as this is the finale of season one!” The audience cheers with fiery passion and it makes the three heroes onstage chuckle nervously. This was going to be a long night, especially if the superfans were crying after every word they spoke. “I’m Red Riot,” he pauses while the cheering erupts once again, “and I’m joined by my fellow pros, Chargebolt and Dynamight.” You wince from your place at sidestage from the sheer wave of noise that slams into your eardrums when the latter is introduced. 
“Thanks for having us tonight, man,” Denki grins. He eagerly drums the armrests of his chair, to the left of Kirishima. “I’ve been looking forward to doing one of these since I saw Deku’s a few weeks back.” 
“It’s a great concept, really. I love being able to just chat with you guys and shoot the shit about hero stuff. It’s so manly.” Kirishima turns expectantly to the other hero sitting to his right, whose hot-headed nature was blatantly obvious by how he was slumped in his chair, squinting slightly at the burning spotlights and clicking cameras. You admire Kirishima’s confidence in forcing Katsuki to say something. “What about you, Bakugo? How’re you feeling tonight?” 
“I’m alright,” he shrugs indifferently. Your breath catches in your throat and you can hear the Dynamight agency’s publicist put his head in his hands. “It’s been a while, so it’s good to see you guys,” he adds with unexpected fondness and you exhale in relief. His eyes meet yours for half a second and he shoots you a wink that makes your knees wobbly. “I saw that save at the bridge collapse last week, Shitty Hair. Pretty decent work.” Kirishima blinks once, twice, and then glances at Denki. Katuski’s blank look narrows into a scowl. “The hell are you looking like that for? I got shit in my teeth or something?”
“No, no. Sorry, man,” Kirishima laughs. “I just wasn’t expecting a compliment from you so early in the show.”
“Yeah, we thought we’d have to booze you up a little more to get you to be nicer,” Denki jokes and he recoils a bit when he’s struck with a molten hot glare from the hero across from him. 
“Whatever you’re about to say, bro, don’t say it,” Kirishima warns and the crackles in Katsuki’s palms gradually dissipate. “But, I’m wondering too. What’s with the good mood?” 
“I guess I feel like playing nice tonight,” he answers cryptically, his gaze flicking over to you again with amusement. You can almost sense the fainting girls falling over each other in the front row. Kirishima’s attention subtly darts over to you and a knowing smirk grows over his face. It was the first time you and Katsuki were at the same press event, since you both thought it was too dangerous to sneak around until now. “But, talk about that bridge save. I don’t think a lot of people know that the guy was wanted by several agencies.”
“Ooh, yeah,” Denki agrees with a quick sip of his drink. He swallows and sets the glass down with a light thud. “He’d been giving us hell for weeks. It's not really the best matchup for a sand villain to be going up against an electric hero.”
“It was the sand villain and his wife, wasn’t it? That chick with the melting Quirk?”
“Yep, they were a nasty couple to deal with,” Kirishima confirms. “I had to keep track of this guy’s damn sand spikes and his wife turning the floor to goop at the same time.”
“Goop is a weird-ass way to put it,” Katsuki points out with obvious distaste. 
“Yeah, but he was a pretty goopy guy.” Chuckles ripple through the audience and you can’t help breaking a smile too at Kirishima’s joke. 
“I think for me, at least,” Denki adds, “the biggest pain was the fact that they were married, and they had, like, marriage telepathy or something.”
“Bro, I thought that was just me! Here I was, thinking that I’d incapacitated one and split them from the other, when bam! Both of them appear in front of me like a damn genie.” 
“You ever have to deal with villain couples, Bakubro?”
“Nah, not recently. We’ve been doing a lot of big raids on all the crime families downtown.” He flexes his right bicep and pulls back the sleeve of his shirt to show a gnarly purple spot growing on his skin. “Got this little beauty three days ago from a neo-Hassaikai asshole.” You're not fazed by the ugly shade of the wound because you were the one who stitched up the...less visible results of the raid.
“Jeez, man,” Denki says in disbelieving awe at his friend’s injury. “If you ever need backup, we’d love to do a team up with you.” 
“I think I’d rather die–”
“My agency would also love to team-up with you,” Kirishima interjects before Katsuki can finish his thought. The heart rate monitor of his publicist begins to rapidly beep behind you. “We can have a threeway team-up! That’d be pretty cool, don’t you guys think?” 
“What if we all just merged into one big super agency? Like a big family?”
“That sounds like the stupidest shit–” Again, Kirishima cuts off Katsuki’s brash protests and saves them from being taken off the air.
"That would be so awesome."
“Would that mean we’d have to get pro-hero partners, too? Keep hero work in the family?”
“I think Salonpas would have heart palpitations if we said we were trying to keep hero work within the family,” Katsuki points out and his friends nod in agreement. “On another fuckin’ note, that Half-and-Half idiot keeps hogging the number two spot and it pisses me off.” Though you didn’t often encounter Todoroki while you were on patrol, you knew that he was adamant about keeping work life and family life separate. It made him even more of a dedicated hero and a recent bust of a notorious crime ring bumped him into the number two spot over Dynamight for that month. You didn’t hear the end of it from Katsuki. 
“He and Deku just work really efficiently, Bakubro.”
“I can efficiently slam both their skulls into a–”
“You know what would solve that problem?” Denki butts in unceremoniously, covering up his harsh words for a third time. Katsuki grunts in response and the lightning-decorated hero gives him enthusiastic finger-guns. “Combining and making a family agency.”
“What are the chances that Sero would want to join too?”
“Probably pretty high,” Kirishima guesses. “He’s at my place every other week, anyway, so he’s basically my brother.”
“Alright, maybe this could actually work, then. I just need to find a smoking hot hero wife.”
“That’ll probably be the hardest part, buddy–”
“What about Bakugo?” You stiffen and the three guys turn their attention to a voice calling out from the audience. Speaking during the interviews was strictly prohibited until the question and answer section, but getting Katsuki’s attention was a surefire way to derail the entire episode.
“The fuck do you mean, what about Bakugo? Who the fuck said that?”
"Dude, just ignore them."
“Can’t be a family agency if Bakugo never gets into relationships,” the same nasally, irritating voice argues and your face feels like it’s been set on fire. Kirishima’s attention jumps to you for a moment and then back to his friend, whose palms are starting to spark like fireworks. “Do you just get no bitches, or something?” The audience gasps and security finally arrives to escort the disturbance out of the building. The director is ready to stop the cameras and jump to a commercial break, but Katsuki speaks before he can order the sound crew to cut the mics. To everyone’s surprise, his voice is nothing but amusement, like the insinuation didn’t bother him in the slightest. 
“You think I don’t get into relationships?”
“It’s alright, Pikachu. I really don’t give a shit about whatever that guy said,” Katsuki reassures his friend with a sly glint in his eye. His friends watch him warily, like a grenade on the verge of exploding. Once again, burning red eyes meet yours with a single question that you answer with a resolute nod. “I’m not gonna blow up, so stop looking like that. Really, I don’t care.”
“Why not?” A tense beat of silence passes, then–
“I thought you people knew that I’m married.” A shit-eating grin spreads across your husband’s face as gasps of shock burst from the audience. Kirishima and Denki both shake their heads in exasperation. They knew already, of course, but they didn’t expect him to reveal his relationship status as a result of a heckler. “Yep, going on a year and a half, now. Around five years together total coming this winter.” More collective cries of jealousy, surprise, and betrayal shake the building’s foundation. "If you don't believe me, ask these guys."
"Yeah, we were at the wedding, too. It's hard to keep it a secret when all of your friends are also high-profile heroes."
“Can you guys believe that he fell in love during the winter?” Denki’s thumb juts out toward his friend, who frowns at the mere mention of cold weather.
“I fucking hate the winter,” he grumbles. 
“We know, man,” Kirishima says sympathetically, unsuccessfully hiding a chuckle. “You’ve been saying that since high school.”
“Yeah, and shit hasn’t changed,” Katsuki bites back with lighthearted indignance. “Look, they saved my ass when it was cold; how was I not supposed to fall in love with them?” To your delight, his complexion has turned a slightly darker shade of pink. “Yeah, I love them. What about it, asshats?”
“Is this a bad time to bring up the family agency again?”
“Let’s go to commercial before I blow this fucking chair to pieces.”
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fleurmiss · 2 years
ೃ⁀➷ one love, two mouths
- ,, ao’nung x fem reader
- ,, being bestfriends with aonung ever since you gained consciousness was pleasant, but comes with a side of flirting and realizations you want to be more than just friends, or bestfriends.
- ,, warnings - SUGGESTIVE! adults watch out this is a teenager ur reading abt. minors pls be careful if u dont like making out!! ao’nung is a btch but not to u, tanhì is na’vi for “star, bioluminescent freckle”, simp ao’nung yasss thats like all my characters lol gunna ignore that!!
ps : tanhì is not readers name lol, just a nickname that ao’nung gave her!!!
-‘๑’- sweater weather - the neighborhood
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Ao’nung was mean, you’ve seen how quick he is to bite back and claw at any opportunity that gives him a moment of glory against his rivals, plenty of times.
Ao’nung is mean to everyone, everyone but you, and his family, and maybe Roxto.
Excluding those people, ao’nung has never tried to purposefully hurt your feelings, maybe in a moment of childish banter, he has said mean things that are fleeting, they go away as quickly as they come because he sees the look on your face, and says sorry with a heavy heart.
Some days he is not as apologetic, and delays his apologies until a day or two, you walk away with hurt, anger, and hesitation but he always comes to u, can’t bare being away from you, his girl.
You are sitting on the sand, knees up to your chest as you gaze upon the sea, muscles sore from swimming all day. You almost fall asleep as the peaceful sound of the waves lulls you but alas, your one and only makes his presence known with his loud greeting.
“My tanhì, you look a little lonely!” ao’nung chuckles and sits down beside you, right beside you. No literally, he’s so close that your arm and leg are touching his. Why’s he so close? There’s literally so much space? You’ve stopped questioning it, he’s been touchy with you since forever.
He ruffles the top of your head affectionately, the little smile on his face tells you he’s in a good mood. “hi ao’nung” you say softly and give him a sweet smile, god he almost just melted at the spot, “you seem happy today”
“i am” he replies shortly and you lay your head on his shoulder, letting out a satisfied sigh at finally seeing your favorite person.
his hand finds it’s way to your leg and he gives you a prompt squeeze on your thigh, affection came as naturally as breathing to him when it was with you.
Your eyes roam around the sea as you look at the people smiling with their ilu’s and splashing around in the water, you catch a glimpse of a group of 4 girls as you shudder with the piercing look they give you. You recognize those girls as Tsireya’s friends, remembering her telling you about her dislike for a lot of their decisions. She told you to avoid them, they’re no good.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion when you see the said girls make their way to you and ao’nung, probably only having matters that deal with ao’nung, you’re pretty sure they’ll ignore your whole existence if anything.
You being this close to The Olo’Eyktan’s only son ignites some sort of resentment in them, automatically making you their competition and viewing you as a threat.
“bruh not these chicks again” ao’nung mutters quietly in irritation and lets out a groan into your hair, hoping they’ll go away if he can’t see them. You giggle but your smile is gone as soon as the girls stop right in-front of your bestfriend. “Ao’nung!! We we’re gonna go take a swim with our ilu’s, I think you should join us! Im sure sitting here watching the ocean isn’t that interesting” the girl’s giggle thinking Ao’nung will get up and follow them without a word.
For a second you believed so too, what you were doing wasn’t that fun, but you didn’t want fun, you wanted calm.
“fuck no” you hear pure distaste in ao’nung’s voice, it makes you cringe, the second hand embarrassment of straight rejection in the face. You smile, he’s really showing no interest in these girls, you almost feel bad, but whats it to you?
“oh- well- you can- you can always come join us later or whatever, whenever y/n lets you go” you’re a bit offended, you aren’t holding ao’nung back from anything, especially these girls, any choice he makes is solely his decision.
“nah im good i prefer y/n anyways”
“whatever” the girls huff and puff and stomp off the space you guys we’re currently sitting at
“bit mean, don’t u think”
“i don’t care” you smile at his quick response
“i think a lot of people dislike our friendship ao’nung, you’re the next Olo’Eyktan and they think i’m competition. They can’t let me ruin their chances of becoming Tsahik.”
“tanhì, what are you even saying?”
“i just.. what i mean is.. you’re almost ready to find a mate, and you must choose wisely, as your choice will be the next Tsahik for our clan, she must work with you as one, and i feel like i’m holding you back from finding a good mate”
Ao’nung pays attention to you, listening to your worries with furrowed brows, he’s so good to you, always. It makes your heart squeeze when you think of him being this affectionate with any other girl, you’re selfish, you want him to yourself.
As much as this hurts, you will be open with him, but you will not open your heart to him as of now. You sigh, he grabs your hand and his thumb rubs soothing circles, telling you to continue.
“i think.. i think re’yal is a beautiful girl, her parents are talented and she takes after them-“ you are cut off.
“i couldn’t care less for re’yal” you tilt your head in confusion
“na’yi is a good healer”
“she is a good healer.”
Ah. It’s Na’yi that he’s chosen then. You look up at him, unable to stop your head from moving. He smiles. Ouch.
“i have the stupidest girl sitting in front of me right now” you hit him gently in the chest, he catches your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours.
Woah. You’ve held hands multiple times but not this way. It feels different. You’re almost about to throw up.
Your eyes quickly drop down to his lips, god, you pray to Ewya that he doesn’t notice.
He does notice, and he thinks you’re so cute he could make-out with you right now.
“she’s so stupid but she’s also the prettiest, she’s really cute too, i think she’d make a great tsahik” you’re embarrassed now, what does this mean? why’s he such a jerk?
“i don’t think Na’yi wo-“
“tanhì, i don’t care about Na’yi, i do not want her.”
“Ao’nung.. allow me to help you, you cannot delay this anymore”
“y/n you just don’t get the hint do you?”
Ao’nung groans frustrated, he looks around to see if anyone is watching, what he’s about to do right now might cause issues, he can’t find himself to care any longer though.
Ao’nung cranes his head enough so his lips are an inch away from yours, he looks at you with lidded eyes and you’re already looking at him
“let me kiss you” he asks and you don’t wait, you nod and he smashes his soft lips against yours, desperately. You’ve been wanting to do this, been wanting to kiss your bestfriend.
He grabs the back of your neck to deepen the kiss, damn, he’s a good kisser. Not that you’ve kissed anyone else before, but he’s making you feel really good.
It’s fast, and you both are desperate, impatient, and incredibly in love. He grabs your waist to pull you closer and you whine into the kiss. Sweet. He’s never loved a sound more. His confession comes between kisses.
“y/n, i want you,” kiss. “and only you.” kiss.
you pull away and you’re breathing heavily, you look at ao’nung, pretty sure your eyes have hearts in them. “i-“ you don’t know what to say.
“I see you” you whisper, only meant for him to hear, with sincere eyes.
Ao’nung looks at you and his lips twitch into a small smile.
He goes into kiss you again and your hands find their way behind his neck, he pulls back and trails a few kisses from your jaw to your neck, you gasp softly when he finds your sensitive spot and sucks on it, sinking his teeth into your soft skin, you’re so sure this is gonna leave a bruise.
He kisses you again but this time openmouthed, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip to ask for permission, you open your mouth more to let him in. “i love you so much” he whimpers into your mouth and you realize you wanna get out of here. Your feel yourself getting embarrassed as you realize the 4 girls probably saw your full on makeout session.
“what’s wrong baby?”
“lets get out of here ao’nung” you plead, doe eyes looking up at your lover. God, you make him crazy.
He takes your hand and leads you to his marui pod, you guys pass the 4 girls on your way there and by the look they’re giving you, you know they saw it, maybe even enjoyed it a bit. (jk) The girl’s eyes travel down to your neck where your fresh hickey lies and they immediately turn their backs around, unable to watch your love bloom any longer.
You laugh loudly and that causes ao’nung to turn around, your hands still intertwined as you giggle, ao’nung gets the hint on what you’re laughing at and smirks as he watches you, amused.
“bit mean, don’t you think?” he mocks you and you slap his arm, he throws that arm over your shoulder as you guys walk , the sound of your laugh rings in ao’nungs ears and he swears he’ll never love someone like he loves you.
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captain-mj · 9 months
God I need a fic where Simon makes one of those offhand trauma comments before Johnny and gaz got used to them and they are just horrified
I was hoping I would get this ask! Obvious CW for talks of trauma, Ghost is nonchalant but others are horrified
Ghost sat down at one of the tables next to Soap and Gaz. He wasn't interested in eating at the moment, but if he sat in his room for another minute, he was pretty sure the walls would start talking to him. So he was in here instead.
Soap and Gaz waved at him and continued to talk. They usually did this and Ghost could just jump in whenever he felt like it. So far, he didn't find himself in a talkative mood so he just listened.
The current topic was their plans for the upcoming weekend. It wasn't technically a weekend, just three days they all had off due to two missions being scheduled a little further apart than expected. They planned to go down to the tracks for some reason to watch dogs race. Neither gambled to Ghost's knowledge and just watching them race seemed a little boring for such a convenient weekend time, but if that's what they wanted to do he supposed.
"You wanna join us Lt?" Soap smiled. "Maybe you can put some money down?"
"Last time someone around me gambled, I was gangraped. No thanks." Ghost flicked his eyes elsewhere to scan the room. He heard the clattering of silverware and turned towards them again. "Yes?"
Gaz looked... angry? "Lieutenant. It's really not right to joke about rape like that. Rape jokes are for victims and-"
"Who said I was joking?" Ghost stared at him. "And I believe if victims can joke about it, that means I'm allowed to."
Soap covered his mouth. "Oh, Simon I'm so sorry that's so terrible. I'm happy you were able to talk to us about it but..." He kept talking but Ghost just tuned him out.
"Ugh." Ghost eventually broke his silence to interrupt Soap and then leave. "Don't be such babies about it."
Gaz and Soap looked at each other and then tried to follow behind Ghost.
"Hold up. You can't just joke about that and then leave!"
"Just did. It wasn't hard."
Gaz quickly tapped Ghost's arm. "Sorry for assuming you were being insensitive."
Ghost shrugged, not really caring. "I'm a big guy. At least you guys believe me. Most people don't."
He wasn't sure what he said wrong but that seemed to make them more upset. “I thought you guys would appreciate that? Jesus.”
Soap looked so upset on Ghost’s behalf. “But that’s awful! You deserve support!”
Ghost stared at him, thinking about how he sometimes had panic attacks and could barely handle women touching him anymore. He had dealt with people hugging him, touching his back, trying so hard bring him back from that dark place. “Nah. Im good. Get fucked.”
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osferth · 4 months
request: She is the sister of Uhtred and she’s a total badass in combat. Maybe that Uhtred sees how Osferth looks at her and when he says something about that he gets all flustered.
pairing : osferth x reader
@unleashthelion im so sorry its been so long 😭 u might not even be into tlk etc anymore but take this anyway
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You were only a baby when Bebbanburg was usurped by your uncle Aelfric upon the death of his brother and its heir, Uhtred, captured by the Danes. As a result, you grew up in the fortress never knowing your brother, only anecdotes from Aelfric and your mother Glenna - the former dismissive, the latter loving and wistful. 
Glenna was your one saving grace during your time at Bebbanburg. Having been married to Earl Uhtred after his second wife passed away following Uhtred’s birth, she became his stepmother and loved him as her own. She spoke often of the days following your own birth with fondness in her eyes, describing how Uhtred was a permanent presence by your side - how he had loved his little sister more than anything. 
It was Glenna that inspired your desire to meet Uhtred again, but for years you never got the chance. 
For your safety, she never once voiced her anger and disapproval over Aelfric’s usurpation until you were together in private. He was never fond of you to begin with, and you learned early on that had you been born a boy, you would not have been allowed to live for very long. 
She was the only true protection you had, and when she sadly succumbed to illness you knew, even at the age of eleven, that until you found Uhtred you were totally alone. 
The year following Glenna’s death, you accompanied Aelfric, his priest Aidan, and his army of 200 men to Eoferwic, to meet with King Guthred and march on Dunholm. The infamous brothers Sigefrid and Erik were also there, but that hardly registered. After being told rather gleefully by Aelfric that Uhtred was dead, you were in little mood to do anything except passively go along with everything… until the Northmen inexplicably revealed that your brother was still alive. 
You successfully hid your joy while Aelfric raged and planned to leave upon the advice of Gisela, Guthred’s sister. With little love or need for you to begin with, your uncle left you in Gisela’s care, perhaps hoping that some misfortune would befall you and rid him of his unwanted niece. 
Recognising your neglect at Aelfric’s hands, Gisela led you from the meeting and promised to keep you safe. The two of you escaped Eoferwic together and found sanctuary in a nunnery, where you spent the next three years in relative peace. Understanding your desperation for any information about your brother, she revealed her knowledge of him and described everything - how he had grown up and found a family alongside Danes, his appearance, his personality, his love for her, and the words he spoke of his beloved sisters: blood and adopted alike. 
When the nuns could protect you no longer and your uncle’s priests arrived to forcefully marry Gisela to him, you feared losing the only constant you had found in your life - until you were joined by four more people. 
At once, your eyes locked on the man that angrily strode forward. Though he had grown tall and his hair now long like a Dane’s, you knew that this was your brother. 
Too stunned to speak, you could only watch as Uhtred ordered the abbot to release Gisela’s hand. Although he did, he refused to stop repeating the fact that she was married to Aelfric despite Uhtred persistently telling him to stop - which resulted in him killing the man, and it surprised you less than you thought it would. Glenna had always told you what an impulsive boy he had been, after all. 
After reuniting with the man she loved, Gisela beckoned you over, and it was only then that your presence was even recognised. 
“Who is she?” asked Uhtred as you stood before him. 
“Your sister,” Gisela replied, beaming at you. “Y/N.” 
“Hello,” you mumbled shyly, unsure of what else to say. 
Uhtred stared at you for a moment, his eyes wide. “You are certain?” 
“Your uncle left her in my care three years ago, just after you were taken.” 
You could see the tears swimming in your brother’s eyes before he swept you up in an almost bone-crushing hug. 
“I missed you, ástin mín,” he whispered. “I wish I had been there to see you grow.” 
You were crying too, but your tears were those of joy. “Mother told me all about you. All I wanted was to find you, but I never thought I could.” 
“You are here now,” he said, “and I promise I will never lose you again.”
Uhtred was a man that kept his word. He brought you to live with him and Gisela in Coccham, where you stayed as a family. You had always hated feeling so powerless, and so you requested your brother to train you as a warrior - you had only been foolish enough to ask this of Aelfric once, but you knew Uhtred was nothing like him. 
He agreed at once, jumping at the chance to bond with you at the same time as improving your ability with a sword. 
Under the tutelage of your brother and his friends, you quickly grew into an adept fighter. As the years passed, you became a worthy opponent in sparring matches, your skill nearly as refined as those who had taught you. 
Despite the upward turn your life had taken, there were things you still wanted. As much as you loved Uhtred and his friends, you needed someone your own age - a companion you could spend your downtime with. 
Just as you were on the cusp of becoming a woman, your wish appeared to be granted when Osferth entered your brother’s service. Although Uhtred was sceptical of his potential, you couldn’t care less - Osferth was the same age as you and would surely improve with time, just as you had. 
His gentle manner and soft-spoken words were such a vast difference from the brusqueness you were used to that you instantly took a liking to him. He was always careful to address you as ‘Lady’ until you insisted he used your name instead - which was a slow change, given that he would often accidentally revert back to the term of respect. As much as you jokingly scolded him for it, you never truly minded - he was so sweet that you could never be annoyed with him for long. 
You trained alongside Osferth and saw him through Beamfleot, the first taste of battle either of you had ever had. It was equal parts terrifying and exhilarating, and it brought the two of you closer than ever. 
Although battle, maturity, and time spent with Uhtred’s friends had greatly improved Osferth’s confidence, there was only one prospect that rendered him as nervous and shy as the day he had first asked to join Uhtred. 
Although the two of you were close friends, he had long wanted something more. His heart had yearned for you since the day he first laid eyes on you, and every day after that. He loved everything about you - your laughter, how you fought, the way your hand slotted perfectly in his, the cheeky grin that often graced your features… he could go on. 
He wished you knew the truth, but he could never bring himself to admit it and risk ruining the friendship you had. 
One afternoon, you were sparring with Sihtric while Osferth sat close by with Uhtred. 
He watched you parry a blow with a deftness that made it look ridiculously easy, and smiled fondly. You were incredible in combat, and he both adored and envied you for it. 
His gaze was solely on you which, unfortunately for him, was soon noticed by your brother. 
“Enjoying the view?” Uhtred teased, nudging him a little. 
Flushing, Osferth quickly averted his eyes. “I don’t know what you mean, Lord,” he mumbled. 
“You have all the subtlety of a nun in a brothel, Osferth.” 
Uhtred snorted. “Well, your affection for my sister has hardly gone unnoticed.” 
Osferth’s head shot up at once. “She knows?” 
“I meant amongst the men. As far as I know, Y/N has no idea.”
An amused Uhtred watched his shoulders visibly sag. “I’ve never seen someone look so disappointed and relieved all at once.” 
“I don’t know what to do,” Osferth sighed, his gaze returning to the sparring match before him. You had just managed to knock Sihtric to the ground, laughing as you helped him back up. 
“You could try talking to her,” Uhtred suggested, a wicked gleam in his eye. 
Osferth looked at him sideways. “I am not you, Lord.” 
Your brother hummed. “No, you are not.” 
When he said nothing more, Osferth rolled his eyes. “Well, I’m going inside-” 
“No, you are not.” 
Huffing, he sat back down. “Why, Lord?” 
“You will talk to her,” Uhtred decided. “You’ve been yearning long enough.” 
Osferth frowned. “And what if it goes wrong, or- or what if she doesn’t like me? I can’t ruin our friendship, Lord. It’s not something I want to lose.” 
“You have a choice, Baby Monk. Either you take a risk and maybe get somewhere, or you can remain silent and get nowhere at all.” 
Before Osferth could respond to that, you and Sihtric approached the two of them.
“Did you see me knock Sihtric on his arse?” you snickered, leaning on your sword slightly. 
Uhtred smiled. “I did, ástin mín.” 
You looked across to Osferth, but his gaze remained fixed on the ground for some reason. 
“Do you two want to come to the alehouse with me?” you suggested, hoping Osferth would respond, but your brother spoke up first. 
“I think I’ll miss it today,” he said. “I’m going home to my wife.” 
“And I’m going to mine,” Sihtric added, but you already knew that. 
“S’pose it’ll just be us, then,” you smiled at Osferth, “unless you’ve also got a wife that I don’t know about.” 
Finally, he looked up at you and returned your smile. “Lucky for you, I haven’t.” 
The alehouse was bustling when you arrived, but you managed to wangle a small spot in the back corner, half-hidden by a wooden beam. It was cosy enough, and neither of you minded one bit. 
As you sipped on your ale, you quietly observed the man before you. Every time your eyes dropped to your mug, Osferth’s gaze would find itself back on you - although he was trying to be subtle, you noticed, and it amused you to no end. 
“You’re awfully quiet, Y/N. Is something bothering you?” 
Osferth received a grin in reply, one that made his heart flutter in his chest.
“Not at all. I was just waiting for you to say something. I’ve realised I talk far too much, see, so I thought you might like a turn first.” 
“You don’t talk too much,” he said at once, his expression hardening. “I don’t mind. Why, has anyone told you that you do?” 
“No,” you assured him. “Just some introspection, I s’pose.” 
His features softened at that. “Perhaps you should do a little more of that, then,” he smiled, “if that’s your conclusion.” 
“Perhaps,” you chuckled. 
After a moment, he took a rather large swig of his drink. “You fought really well today,” he said, his gaze meeting yours. For the first time, you felt you saw something else in his eyes, something beyond his usual fondness for you, but you could not be certain. 
“Thank you,” you replied, beaming at him. “You… did see me knock Sihtric on his arse, didn’t you?” 
“Of course I did,” he answered, “and I thoroughly enjoyed it, too.” 
Both of you laughed then, only breaking eye contact to take another well-needed sip of your drink. Your heart was starting to beat uncomfortably quickly, and you suddenly felt the need for a little extra confidence just by sitting across from him. 
“You and Uhtred seemed deep in discussion about something,” you pointed out. “Was it something important?” 
Osferth exhaled before answering. “It was - it is. It’s really important.” 
“Care to share?” 
He frowned into his cup before finally answering, refusing to meet your gaze once again. “I like you.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’d hope so.”
Despite whatever he was seemingly wrestling with, his eyes momentarily shot up to give you an exasperated look. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Sorry. Go on?”
“What I meant was…”
He trailed off for a moment.
“Y/N,” he groaned. “Give me a second.”
You grinned. “Alright. Sorry.”
Although you were being as patient as you could, the time he spent poring over his drink was beginning to feel like an eternity. Above all else, you did share Uhtred's blood... and your brother wasn't exactly famous for either his tact or his patience.
"D'you have feelings for me or something?"
His head shot up at this but, despite what you had expected, he didn't deny it. Instead-
"Yes. I do."
And for once, it was your turn to be silent. You felt incapable of saying or doing anything except staring at him.
The silence that descended upon the two of you stretched on for an uncomfortably long time as you processed the news with wide eyes. Osferth was beginning to fidget uncomfortably, his eyes fixed on his mug of ale - this silence could not bode well for him, surely-
“So do I.”
At once, his head shot up again, and if this moment was not so serious, you might have laughed at the comically shocked expression on his face. His eyes were wide and his lips parted, as though he truly had not expected such an answer from you.
“For you, I mean,” you added stupidly. “Not - not me, obviously.”
Why on earth would you say that?
Osferth stared at you for a moment, an unreadable look in his eyes, before he started laughing. Soon, you joined in, the two of you in fits of giggles, perhaps brought on by happiness or sheer relief that your feelings were mutual.
When they eventually subsided, you regarded him with pure fondness… though there was a gleam in your eye, too. At once, he picked up on it and raised an eyebrow.
“What?” he questioned, his lips quirking up into a smile.
You grinned at him, reaching across the table to take his hand. You didn’t miss the faint dusting of pink on his cheeks when you did so.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Laughing, he obliged at once and stood up to walk home with you. And for once, neither of you let go of the other.
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rookiesbookies · 10 months
Different relationships that the CoD boys are in and will probably be in for most fics I write bc they give these vibes?
Featuring: Price, Soap, Ghost, Konig, Keegan, Gaz (in that order under the cut)
Wife. You both met on a dating app when the Captain was feeling lonely. Poor man got so anamored what was supposed to be one date and a fuck turned into one date, two days, four dates then fucking, then well yk. He kept you under deep protection, the boys never really learned about you but Price sends you photos of them all the time, referring to them jokingly as his sons. You’ll meet them eventually, but only when Price knows Graves and Sheppard aren’t a problem anymore.
Soap :
Fiance. After a couple years and a lot of confidence talks by Gaz, he built up the courage. He knew you’d say yes, everyone knew. Everyone knew the night you came to the bar to pick Soap up when he was blackout drunk and didnt kill him when he vomited all over your car’s dash. Ghost knew of you first to snatch up Soap’s phone to call. He was gruff and to the point about it but he felt sorry seeing Johnny cry over missing you but not wanting to leave the team during a celebration for another successful mission. Price made you promise him he’d be allowed to walk Soap down the aisle since it was, as he said, “clear who wears the pants in this relationship.”
(Fic about this posted and in my masterlist with in pinned on my account)
Situationship. He has too many attachment issues to be super stable and he knows it, especially with his line of work. You dont here from him for months at a time after goodbye dates, but when he comes back he’s basically living out of your apartment because it just feels better than living on base. He crashes on the couch because he doesnt want to join you in bed to make you uncomfortable or steal your bed by accident. He kicks and flops in his sleep like a fish.
Wife. He couldn’t have put the ring on your hand faster out of fear of makimg you uncomfortable. After the second date he knew he wanted to marry you. But he waited a year to ask, it was painful for him. He asked the two of you elope, promised a ‘real’ wedding with a big white dress and anything you could ask for when the world was safer or his job slowed down. He has large enemies so he mostly keeps you as on the downlow as he can. Everyone knows not to mess with the Colonel's Wife.
Fiance. He promised you when you both graduated he’d marry you, lost contact not long after, reconnected a bit later, and he put a ring on you- promising he wouldn't lose you again. You’ve been engaged for a couple years but you want to be financially stable enough to do the dream wedding you both have planned on a Pinterest mood board. You’ve been his best friend since forever and met in a math class when he didn’t quite understand algebra. He says, “im not a math person,” quite often to this day.
Girlfriend. You met at a bar during his training way back while a friend was working as a bartender, they let you bust his ‘fake’ ID just to talk to him. He comes to see you every time he can now, cozying up in your bed and telling you the happy and fun moments he has with the boys on missions. You play Its Raining Men and he jokingly acts like he’s having flashbacks as a running gag.
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ravenromanova · 11 months
My girl
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Pairings: Wanda x Female avenger
Warnings: SMUT DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18+! Mommy kink, Innocence kink, Strap on, Fingering, Oral, Praise kink, Mommy/ little girl dynamic, BOTTOM WANDA!!!!!!! (Not really a warning but still) DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE!
Summary: When you tell Wanda you have a date she thinks all hope is lost… Until you show her differently. (I have a thing for blanket forts and idk why)
Kinktober masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you recover from the blast. And even though you’re disoriented you get back up in fighting position. The women smiles and tilts her head before sending another blast your way that your dodge. She frowns when the blast hits the wall and you move to sweep her legs from under her. You successfully get her legs from under her and pin her arms to the mat.
“I win” You say smugly earning an eye roll from the redhead.
“Cause you cheated” Wanda retorts sticking her tongue out at you admitting defeat. You chuckled as you stood up and held your hand out for her to take. She begrudgingly takes your hand and helps herself up with a huff.
“Let’s go again” Wanda was eager to pin you at least once during this training session.
“I would but i have a date i need to get ready for im sorry, But we can do more tomorrow i promise” You say with a slight pout and gather your stuff. Wandas entire mood drops when you mention your date and just just nods in response not wanting to speak.
You grab your stuff, give her a kiss on the cheek and then head up to your room. When you get back to your room you are quick to get into the shower and wash off the dirt and grime from training. After your shower that’s when you go ahead with your plan.
Wanda had been in her room watching full house re-runs after she had left the training room. She had finally stopped crying a few minutes ago and was just sulking. The thought of you going on a date with someone else killed her inside. Wanda had been in love with you since she joined the team and she thought you had felt the same…clearly she was wrong.
You on the other hand you were getting you room ready with candles, blankets, snacks, popcorn, drinks to set up the blanket fort. Once the room was set to your liking you headed out to search for your date. You had checked all her normal spots but couldn’t find her. That was until you decided to check her room and lightly knocked when you had approached the door.
“Come in” The voice on the other door was soft as they spoke. When you opened the door you didn’t expect to be greeted by a tear stained Wanda.
“What’s wrong?” The concern dripping from your voice as you approached the younger witch. She tried to wipe her tears and shake her head saying ‘nothing’
“Dont lie to me witchy what’s wrong?” You asked again this time sitting on the edge of her bed next to her.
Wanda had debated on if she wanted to say anything but instead she just shook her head again. That’s when it clicked… Your date was what’s wrong. You laughed a little at the obvious misunderstanding making her look at you confused.
“Come with me” Is all you said holding you hand out for her to take. She looked at you still confused but you just kept your hand out for her. Wanda took your hand and held it as you lead the two of you to your door. When you had gotten to your door you covered her eyes before walking in.
“Open” You said taking your hands off her eyes. Wandas eyes lit up when she saw all the halloween blankets, pillows and snacks you set up. She turned around to face you with a smile on her face.
“Is this all for me?” She asked with a slight shake to her voice.
“It is” You nod grabbing her hand and bringing her into the room where the scent of roses filled her nose. Wanda squeezed your hand in excitement looking around the decorated room.
“But what about your date?” Wanda asked suddenly remembering the date you told her about. You laughed a little again earning a pout from the redhead.
“Darling… The date is you” And suddenly everything clicked and she smiled brightly. “I was too nervous to ask you out so i thought this would be a cute way of surprising you” Your words made Wanda tear up.
“It’s perfect” She said happily jumping into your arms making you stumble back a little.
“I queued up all your favorite movies on the tv. Go pick one you wanna watch” Wanda nodded and did as she was told and crawled further into the fort to pick out a movie. Once she had picked hocus pocus she patted the spot next to her for you to sit. You happily sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her holding her close.
The two of you happily watched the movie laughing together and the three witches and their antics. Half way through the movie you could tell something was up with Wanda. She was squirming slightly every couple of seconds and rubbing her thighs together. It took you a minute to realize that she was trying to relieve herself.
“Wanda?” You cooed moving your hand down to rub her back under her shirt. She shivered at your touch and rubbed her thighs together again.
“Yes?” Her voice was shaky as she spoke. You lifted her up and sat her on your lap so she was facing you and her thighs were spread apart.
“Are you okay sweet girl?” The concern was definitely there in your voice but it was being taken over by lust as you looked at her.
“I-I’m okay… I just have a funny feeling” She spoke feeling herself slip into a small headspace.
You tilted your head and rubbed her soft thighs making her shiver. “Where’s the funny feeling bunny?” You asked and her eyes widened.
“I-Uh” Her voice shook and her eyes went down to in between her thighs. Your fingers moved from her thighs to brushing over her core when her eyes trailed down. She shuddered feeling the soft touches of your fingers against her sensitive places.
“Do you want mommy to take care of it?” She nods frantically at your question making you laugh.
“I need words bunny” You said rubbing her cheek earning a small smile from her.
“Please touch me mommy” Wanda begs grabbing your hand and moving it towards her throbbing core.
“Well since you asked so nicely” You smiled picking her up and laying her against the soft pillows and blankets. She giggled as you kissed her thighs and ran your hands up nod down her body. You were quick to remove her shirt and shorts leaving the younger woman in her led lace lingerie.
“So pretty bunny” You praised making the woman turn beat red in response. Your hands roamed all over her body making her shiver and squirm under your touch.
“Oh please please touch me mommy” She begged bucking her hips against your hand. You happily obliged and took off her matching set in swift motions. You groaned at the sight of her wet pussy glistening in the light.
“Oh fuck bunny youre so wet” Two fingers made their way to Wandas clit making her moan in delight. You wasted no time in connecting your mouth with her clit and started sucking. She tasted like candy and from that second you were addicted.
“Oh-Oh fuck mommy yes right there” She moaned her hands finding home in your hair and bucking her hips against your face. That’s when you took two fingers and thrusted them into her at a slow pace while sucking on her.
Wandas senses her on overdrive as you fucked her bringing her to her first orgasm. “I-I’m gonna cum mommy fuck-“ Her moan came out broken and hoarse as she spoke. You tapped her thigh with two fingers of your free hand telling her to let go. Thats when the she lets loose and finishes on your tongue.
“Oh fuck” She moans trying to catch her breath still holding onto your hair for dear life. You groan happily as you clean up her mess and then lick your fingers clean with a sinful moan.
“So fucking sweet” You praise before bringing her into for a sloppy kiss. Wanda moans at the taste of herself on your lips and shamelessly sucks on your tongue.
“Please fuck me” She begs clawing at your back. You chuckle at her eagerness and grab the strap on from the bedside table. Her eyes go wide at the red cock on your hand and she doesn’t take her eyes off you as you secure the harness to your waist.
“Your wish is my command bunny” You said in a low sultry voice as you grab the strap and run it along her wet folds to get it wet. Once the strap is wet enough to your liking you settle yourself between her things and tease her.
“No teasing mommy” She whines bucking her hips against the tip trying to put it in. That’s when you grab her wrists and pin them above her head.
“I will do as i please with you bunny” You husked in her ear giving her a kiss below her ear. Wanda whined but nodded her head in understanding. After you successfully get the witch worked up you slowly push into her.
“Oh fuck mommy” Wanda let’s out a pornographic moan when she feels you bottom out. You give her a few moments to adjust to the size before you start thrusting into her.
The moment you bottom out Wanda looses her mind feeling you kiss her g-spot. You thrust into her hard but not hard enough to hurt her.
“Take me so well bunny” You praise staring at where her pussy swallows the strap. The room is filled with the sound of you fucking her and her sinful noises.
“Right there mommy right there!” She screams leaving scratch marks on your back. Wanda was so lost in the pleasure she didn’t even realize she squirted on the strap.
“Oh bunny” The words are sweet as the pass your lips. “So fucking good for me baby” Wanda smiled at your praise and kept grinding herself on the strap.
“I want more mommy please” She asked and you nodded in response. You lost all control as she looked at you with doe eyes. You started thrusting into her harder than before making the witch squeal.
“YES YES YES!!” She chanted as her tits bounced and her mind went blank. Wanda’s back arched and her hands come flying around your neck as she came for a third time.
“So fucking pretty” You groan in satisfaction fucking her through her orgasm.
“Thank you mommy” She whispered breathlessly as you pulled out making her whine.
“You’re so welcome bunny” You kiss her head before throwing the strap on the floor and laying next to her.
Wanda takes this opportunity to crawl into your lap and rest her head on your chest. Your hands wrap around her and you kiss her head.
“ ‘M tired mommy” The witch yawns in your lap making your heart swell.
“Get some sleep little one” After you kiss her head she drifts off to sleep wrapped around you like a koala.
You couldn’t help the smile that found its way against your lips watching the woman you love feel safe in your arms.
~The end~
I do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other cites
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ohdeerfully · 5 months
I live
Well, barely
Your writing. I swear. It's so good. Like when I read any other alastor x reader fic I have this nasty voice in the back of my head going 'He wouldn't do this'. THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE
You are a genius. (Thabk you for speepy Alastor coming from an insomniac is good praise, no?)
My personal favourites are
a. Either of the sleepy Alastoe fics (obviously)
b. Dry bed. Istg the writing in that.. Augh
Could you do a part two to Dry bed? Maybe they just wake up (Together!!!) and awkwardly get their way down to breakfast. Then they simply avoid each other all day, not talking, but still stealing glances at each other when the other isn't looking. Then reader finds Alastor chilling on the hotel roof the following night and they TALK about it. And figure things out.
Omg thabk you for listening to my rant I hope you are doing well byeeee
P. S. You and your fics are my new hyperfixation
hello!!!!! in general sorry yall for my absence, finals are literally next week so it Will happen again
im so glad u like my depiction of alastor hes literally so annoying to write... a dry bed is honestly probably one of if not THE fave fic ive written (though might be a tie with mourning dove) so i hope part ii does it a bit of justice (,: i kind of deviated from ur request at the beginning (they dont wake up together >_<) but otherwise i hope u enjoy! hopefully its not too obvious i kind of rushed it
mwah! <3
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A Warm Bed
(sequel to A Dry Bed)
Alastor x Reader (hurt/comfort, fluff) TW: none really, alastor is probs ooc but who cares
join my discord!
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It felt a little bit too cold when you woke up, but you couldn’t immediately find a reason why. Your eyes squinted open, facing the curtains that were drawn just enough to where a peek of the morning light rudely shone against your face. You turned over with a dissatisfied groan.
Peering at the empty bed beside you, you stared blankly as wheels began to turn in your mind. It only took a few seconds to remember the previous night, and your face quickly warned as you hissed in a breath through clenched teeth, wrists coming up and rubbing your eyes with a sense of dismay.
Man, what were you thinking. You felt a strong mixture of regret and embarrassment but also… you felt lonely. The strong, strange affection from Alastor the previous night directly compared to him disappearing and leaving you alone in the morning made you feel all the more cold. The room also had an uncomfortable silence to it, but at the same time too loud with the hum of your ceiling fan.
Whatever, you feigned indifference to yourself and lifted yourself from your mattress, legs dangling over the side of your bed for a few moments, allowing yourself to get a quick stretch in before sliding on some comfortable slippers while you went to your restroom, protecting your feet against the cold tile.
You quickly freshened up, pulling on some comfortable loungewear before leaving your hotel room and walking down the long corridor that led to the steps. Maybe it was just your current mood, but the ambience was too quiet and uncomfortable.
Your spirits slowly lifted as you made your way down the steps, and you could hear the faint clashing of kitchen tools being dropped and thrown, alongside unintelligible and arguing voices, one doubtlessly being Vaggie trying to tame—or, no, threaten—the chaos.
The air, at the very least, smelled good despite the racquet. Though you were in Hell, the food was still appetizing—even if you weren’t exactly sure what it was half the time.
You must’ve made it just in time, as right when you turned the corner you nearly hit your head against Charlie’s shoulder as she rounded the same corner. You tripped over each other for a moment before she ultimately steadied you with a hand and a breezy laugh.
"Good morning! I was just about to tell everyone breakfast was ready…” You smiled at her gesture. Every morning she tried to host some sort of typical continental style breakfast that was standard for most hotels—that is if Niffty’s behavior permitted a successful morning—and the quality was usually higher than what you remembered in your time alive. Of course, you were dealing with the Princess of Hell, who obviously wouldn’t want anything mediocre for her treasured guests.
“Thank you,” was all you could offer in return before she passed you, doubtlessly to gently announce the food to the other guests. There had been an increase in residents lately, so you weren’t shocked at the piles of delicious looking food that met your eyes when you stepped into the kitchen. You could practically imagine sparkles dancing around the fluffy pancakes and still sizzling pans of various breakfast meats.
You helped yourself to a meal, carefully stepping around the growing crowd of other guests, who all, for the most part, seemed a little aggravated at being woken up but nonetheless pleased at the free meal.
A brief hush filled the room as the air seemed to get just a bit heavier, more ominous, alongside the new presence of a prickling against your skin. You didn’t have to look up, nor did you even want to look up, to know who the culprit of such a suffocated atmosphere was; you knew him well enough.
The kitchen slowly came back to life, albeit a bit stiffer and with quieter conversation. You kept your eyes glued to your plate of food as you made your way towards the dining area. As you passed through the entrance, out of your peripheral you saw the large, looming figure of the demon you had become unnaturally attached to. You didn’t look up or even acknowledge him, pretending to just not notice, but you could swear you felt his red gaze burning a hole in your skin.
A few minutes passed after you sat down before Alastor joined you, sitting in his unofficial assigned seat. The only difference was he didn’t scoot his chair nearly as close as usual, as well as the way his body was turned just slightly so that his back was facing you. Not enough to be noticed by other people, but just enough for you—though, maybe you were just overanalyzing things?—to notice how he was pointedly uninviting you from any interactions with him.
Why even bother coming to breakfast, you thought coldly to yourself, deciding to just feel mad about it instead of stewing in your own self-hate and regret. You had already spent all morning feeling stupid for the night before. It’s not like you even eat this shit. Go eat a dead deer or something.
Your fork poked aggressively against the food on your plate, head propped up against a fist as you mindlessly scooted the food around in a pool of syrup. You hoped to convey some sense of hatred to the demon next to you as you jammed a fluffy bite of pancake into your mouth—oh, that’s so good, your spirits were lifted just a bit as the slightly sweet and buttery pancake touched your tongue.
A hand touched your back, and you jolted in surprise. Naturally your eyes first went to Alastor next to you, thinking maybe he was finally over himself, but he had his hands folded on the table in front of him as he watched another table argue over something probably meaningless. Maybe you’re crazy, but did you see his eyes flick to your just as you looked away? You shook off the idea.
Vaggie sat to your right, and was currently eyeing you with a hint of concern in her eye. You shrugged off her hand as politely as possible before smiling at her with a raised eyebrow, trying to play it off with an ‘I’m alright.’
“People that are ‘alright’ don’t usually have some personal vendetta against a plate of breakfast food,” She said in a low voice, trying to keep your conversation private, particularly from a certain set of prying, fluffy red ears. “You know you have friends here. Especially Charlie.”
“Really, I’m all good, just… long morning,” You did your best to wave away her worries again, suddenly feeling a little childish. From the way she spoke, you would think she was talking to someone going through something serious—you were just having some guy problems.
It seemed to work well enough, because after looking at you for a few more beats she raised her hand and turned away, picking up a conversation with her girlfriend. You sat in your spot for a few more minutes, but the growing anxiety from silently and awkwardly sitting next to Alastor, sifting through so many racing thoughts and doubts, gnawed at your stomach. You finally stood up and excused yourself with a thank you and left the room.
You had no specific place to be, so you just wandered into the lobby and slumped against a couch. You briefly wondered where Angel was; he was surprisingly good at listening to romantic troubles, though honestly you probably wouldn’t divulge your whole “thing” with Alastor. That would probably meet no welcomed response.
You must have dozed off, because the sudden sound of raised voices startled your eyes open. Arguments and general anger were commonplace here, so you weren’t particularly shocked to find Vaggie and Angel Dust going at it about something regarding his behavior and the Hotel—a recurring theme in their conversations. Vaggie’s words fell on deaf ears as Angel tutted at her words with a waving and dismissive hand.
“I’m sure ninety percent of these guests would love to have a piece’a me!” He said, taking long strides across the room as he fixed up his chest fluff with two hands. He leaned his hip against the large chair that, much to your dismay, sat Alastor, his grin tightening as Angel approached. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as the spider laid his torso across the head of the chair.
“Even this one…” Angel said with a pouty lilt in his voice, finger dragging up the embellishments as he tried to play flirty. Alastor clicked his tongue distastefully in response before he stood up, hands folding neatly across the top of his cane.
“Not quite to my taste, thank you!” He said, looking down at Angel with an ugly curl in his lip. Angel only huffed in response before slinking down the back of the chair and taking up the space where Alastor previously sat, leaving said demon just standing there.
Alastor’s eyes glanced at you, so brief that you honestly may have imagined it, before he simply hummed with closed eyes and melted into the ground, the shadow where he once stood inking across the carpet before finally coming to a rest… behind the couch where you were laying. You grimaced as you felt his presence manifest again, sending a ripple of that familiar prickle down your bare arms.
Was this going to be your eternity now? Playing some game of cat and mouse where you have to leave every room you’re in just because Alastor gets too close for comfort? You turned your head to try to get a look at him from the corner of your eye, but immediately looked away again when you saw he was already looking at you. You couldn’t read his expression.
You sat up and thought for a few moments. Honestly, it was probably best to just go spend a depression day alone in your room. As pushy as Alastor could be, he wasn’t typically the type to barge into rooms without invitation.
Slowly standing, you managed to avoid the attention of the couple of others in the room—though, realistically, none would care if they happened to see you leave; you were just on edge to everyone and everything. You quickly made your way up the stairs, frowning down at your feet as you walked. You shot a sideways glance at Alastor as you rounded a turn in the steps, finally meeting his gaze for a few seconds before your view was blocked by the wall.
You sighed as you found yourself in front of your hotel room, a heavy feeling making you suddenly choke up. You ushered yourself into the room before you embarrassed yourself by crying openly in the hallway, but the comforting solitude of your room as you leaned your back against the door to close it made it a bit easier to breathe.
After ensuring the door was locked, you went to stand at the edge of the bed, frowning down at the still unmade sheets. Thoughts of that tender night came to the front of your mind at full force, and you bit your lip anxiously. The warmth of his body against yours, the tangle of legs and soft touches of lips… was it all actually, in a cruel turn of reality, a fake expression of care from him? When you had finally begun to think you could read the affection on his face…
You settled into the soft mattress, uncomfortably aware of how big and cold it was. You were no stranger to sleeping alone by any means, but after finally experiencing the shared space with someone you loved, the contrast was stark and unwelcomed. You did your best to ignore it as you tucked yourself in, letting your eyes fall shut in a poor attempt to sleep away your worries.
Your attempts were unsuccessful, and an empty feeling of longing and despair in your stomach grew stronger with each hour that passed as you watched the red hue of the daylight sky turn darker. You felt both restless and tired at the same time, lacking any energy to actually do anything to pass the time. 
It all proved to be counterintuitive to the whole “sleep your worries away” as the hours you spent just lying down only gave you ample opportunity to melt in your own thoughts as the memories of last night kept returning. Man, why did you have to kiss him? You unwittingly ignored the fact that he had also played a part in closing that gap between you; you were honestly just pinning the blame fully on yourself.
Finally sick of stewing in misery, you kicked off the heavy blanket and stood up. You needed some fresh air. 
You tried to walk quickly with a fake sense of purpose so, in the odd chance you passed someone, they hopefully wouldn’t ask about your absence all day—you were typically more present and friendly with everybody as you would often help Charlie with event organization. Lucky enough for you, you passed nobody on your way to the door that opened to some stairs up to the roof of the Hotel.
After a quick pace up the echoey, metal steps, you pushed open the large doors and greeted with a pleasantly cool rush of wind. It was still warm, of course, being Hell and all, but cooler than usual. You quietly closed the heavy doors behind you.
There was a spot on the roof you typically sat at during long, restless nights, and you turned the corner of the door before promptly backtracking and pressing yourself up against the metal door once again, jaw clenched in a mix of shock and anger.
Why the Hell was Alastor on the roof at your spot with your blanket that you had left up here on some previous night? Was he doing all this on purpose? Constantly getting all too close to you while simultaneously acting cool and indifferent towards your existence? Was this all just some sick game to him? Well… it is Alastor.
You peeked over the edge from where you hid to get a better look at him. He sat serenely with his back towards you, legs hanging over the edge of the roof. You couldn’t see his expression, but his body waved just slightly, most likely to the tune of some song in his head. Despite all the frustration you felt in your soul towards him, looking at him under the blanket of a dark red sky with a sprinkling of stars… he still endeared you. Especially when he looked so harmless and relaxed.
Just as you were about to turn away again and find somewhere else to relax, he cleared his throat, stopping you before you could even move.
“It’s rude to stare,” He stated, projecting his voice just enough for you to hear the light humor in his voice. “You seem like a stalker, darling!”
You straightened your shoulders before walking out from behind the wall, a frown on your face. You didn’t walk any closer—God forbid you accidentally do anything to hurt your relationship anymore, if that was even possible.
“I didn’t mean to, I was just… surprised, that’s all,” You reasoned, tapping your foot impatiently. “You are kind of in my spot.”
He hummed, absently pointing at the surface around him. “I didn’t see your name on it.” 
You couldn’t really think of a response quickly, so you just stayed quiet, continuing to just stand in place a few meters away from Alastor.
He briefly put his hand down on the space next to him, patting twice in a vague invitation for you to join him. You thought for a brief moment before cautiously walking towards him, steps growing slower with each foot you got closer. He made no move to send you away—in fact, he even started moving the blanket in a way to make the concrete just a bit more comfortable to sit on. He still didn’t look at you.
Embarrassingly your hands had started to shake, which you realized when you reached your hand down to support your body as you lowered it to sit. You just hoped Alastor didn’t notice. You let your legs fall over the ledge, swinging slightly next to Alastor’s. You didn’t notice how he shifted his knee a bit closer to yours.
The two of you sat in silence under the still-darkening sky, and you couldn’t decide if it was a comfortable or awkward silence. Alastor didn’t seem to mind, so you tried to convince yourself it was comfortable despite the itching anxiety in your chest.
“I’m really sorry about last night,” You blurted out, unable to contain it anymore. Was it a bad idea to even bring it up? Maybe. But you felt that your relationship was already irreparably damaged so it couldn’t hurt to at least apologize. You saw his eyes turn towards you out of your peripheral, and you were too ashamed to meet his look, instead opting to fiddle with a fray of the blanket edge.
“Whatever for?” He responded after an uncomfortably long pause—this stunned you. Fuck you mean ‘whatever for?’ Your head whipped up to look at him, brows furrowed.
You had spent all die scared that you ruined everything between you and Alastor, regretting everything that led up to last night’s events—it didn’t help that Alastor himself was also blatantly avoiding you. What the fuck is he acting so confused for?
Apparently you said that all out loud, as Alastor’s smile was growing more and more strained with each loud word that tumbled from your lips. You didn’t even realize until you were done and catching your breath, but at this point you couldn’t care less to apologize or feel bad about it. You folded your arms and fixated your eyes on some random pedestrian below as another long stretch of silence filled the air.
“You confuse me,” He finally said, with a voice that lacked its usual radio tone. You didn’t respond, so he continued. “I feel these alien emotions when I’m near you—you bewitch me. And I don’t like it. I hate you for it.”
You couldn’t control the slight slump in your shoulders and the sharp pang in your stomach that his words brought you. Hate. 
“But… I kill the demons I hate,” He said, looking away from you and up at the sky. “And I can’t find myself wanting to kill you. That has to mean something, though I’m really no man to figure it out myself.”
You cautiously returned your eyes back to him, shoulders curled forward as if to protect yourself against the blow of any harsh words. But, as he spoke, you felt that anxiety slowly lighten as you pieced together what he was trying to convey in his own strange way. Although, you weren’t really sure what to say in response, filled with too many swarming emotions—both new and old. 
Suddenly you looked at the space between the two of you—was Alastor’s hand there just a minute ago? You looked up to try to get any hint of his goals; but, unsurprisingly, he remained unreadable. It was definitely safer to just ignore it.
Well, that got a lot harder when his pinkie finger stretched towards you just a bit, practically inviting you. You looked at his face one more time, swallowed your fear, and tenderly laid your hand down next to his. You moved it cautiously closer, just enough so that your pinkie touched his own. His lifted up and curled over yours, tightening in a way to bring the rest of your hand closer and enveloping it with his own. Your gaze was fixated on this exchange and you felt heat warm your cheeks and ears.
You both said nothing, but you thought the pounding in your ears would drown out any attempt.
Your attention finally broke from the hands that now clasped together between the two of you, turning up towards Alastor. You found that he had been looking at you with such an intensity it made you feel like an open book before him. His eyes had a slight glow to them now that the sky had fully darkened—eyes that were usually so malicious and secretive seemed to now burn with what you could only assume was affection.
“I can’t promise I’ll be a good man,” He finally broke the silence. His smile was small but strained, and his voice uncharacteristically quiet. 
In response you shook your head with a breathless laugh, tightening your hand just slightly around his as you focused on the street below, watching the scattered presence of night owl demons.
“I probably couldn’t promise the same, either,” You admitted, leaning back and stretching out your legs in the open air over the ledge of the roof. You froze momentarily when Alastor shifted a bit closer, his knee now barely knocking against yours.
He reached his hand out, fingers curling gingerly but firm over your chin and pulling your face closer to his. He examined your face for a moment, red eyes trailing over every curve of your features before settling back to look into your eyes.
“But I can promise, cher,” The new name he referred to you as made the already present flush in your cheeks only intensify. “That as long as you own what’s left of my heart, no demon in Hell can keep you away from me. Not even you.”
His words were spoken almost like a threat in an ominously low tone, that heavy radio affliction dripping from his words. In his eyes was a sudden look of sinister intensity and devotion, something you had never even dreamed of seeing, especially from him and especially towards you. As menacing as the words seemed, you couldn’t stop the wry smirk that inched up your lips, slightly smushed between his fingers that still firmly held your head in place.
“I’d like to see anyone try,” You responded in an attempt to match his energy. This seemed good enough for him, as his smile lifted for a moment as he released you from his grasp and faced forward again.
You yawned and stretched out your arms above your head, popping a few bones in your back before you stood. He followed suit, deftly touching his clothes with one hand to smooth any wrinkles or crooked buttons—his other was still holding your own.
He stepped closer, nearly pressed against you, when suddenly the atmosphere around you seemed to melt in a swirl of black before being replaced with the familiar decor of your hotel room. He gave you a light nudge and you fell back onto the bed.
After recuperating and settling, you watched him from your spot on the bed as he draped off his coat and slacks before joining you in the sheets. His body language was tense and unsure, but to your own pleasure the stiffness in his shoulders lightened just a bit when your hands tenderly rubbed against his skin.
The bed that was only hours before too big and too cold was now inviting with the warmth of Alastor’s body against your own, his scent filling your nose with every inhale as his hair brushed against your cheek. Every movement was a shaky blur as you were still filled with a sense of disbelief and maybe a little bit of adrenaline from the unexpected switch-up from him. The mattress dipped and creaked as he tried to make himself comfortable, which took an awkward few seconds, but after finally settling in you found yourself laid against his chest, fingers trailing down his skin.
Alastor’s own clawed fingers trailed through your hair and he hummed the quietest tune, lulling you further into an exhaustion that you didn’t realize had been creeping up on you. You fell asleep to a comfort that you hoped you wouldn’t have to spend another day in eternity without.
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serverusslaype · 11 months
just a random short angsty, sort of fluffy one-shot, Severus Snape x professor!reader
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i just wrote this right now because im in an angsty sort of mood, and i wanted to post something. i miss you guys, and i am now currently writing part 14 to shameless!! woo!! that break did my brain well. i feel refreshed hehe. <3 thank you for giving me some tips on how to get rid of that godforsaken writer's block, good lord. i hated it. but i'm free now, until next time ;)
this is a drabble/one-shot so it's sort of vague-ish, so yeah, if there's any mistakes or anything i'm sorry. ;(
(i also didn't put the taglist since it isn't part of the shameless fic! just in case you wondered!)
warnings: mentions of cheating
"If it makes you stop crying," Snape began hesitantly as he stared at your tear-stained face, frowning with a scrunched nose of what seemed like disgust. "We can go back to my office, and I'll make you some tea." He said, shoulders rising and falling slowly as he sighed. Watching you be so sad and cry wasn't something Snape was fond of, and it was effecting him - more than he wanted to admit. He just hoped you'd accept his request of making you some tea, then perhaps he could figure out what was making you so upset, and punish the culprits. Snape had always had a little soft-spot for you ever since you'd joined Hogwarts as a professor a year or so ago. Usually he didn't feel such a way towards younger, new professors, however, your kind and sweet aura had him unexpectedly mesmerised the moment you'd introduced yourself to him. The Potions Master wasn't exactly sure why he felt this way towards you so soon, but he knew it couldn't be good - the last time he felt something like this was back when he was a child.
You looked up, still sobbing quietly, managing to slip a confused frown upon your face. "Tea?" You repeated quietly with a sniffle, pausing for a moment to ponder on Snape's offer. "...Tea would be nice."
You hadn't expected to bump into your usually gloomy, rude colleague whilst having what you thought was going to be a private breakdown after learning that your partner had cheated on you with your best friend. Almost two years down the drain, just like that. Snape had accidentally walked in on you hunched over your desk, crying hopelessly. He was about to walk away when you'd heard a deep sigh, startling you. And here you were. Being offered tea by him.
"Let's go then." Snape said with a flat tone, looking away from your sad eyes, unable to withstand the pain that was gathering in his chest.
You were at least two or three cups of tea down when you'd finally explained everything to Snape. From the start of your relationship to the unexpected demise. It dug up old, painful memories, and you were crying again.
"What's wrong with me?" You sobbed, taking another sip of the tea that Snape had made you; hot tears soaking your cheeks and dripping into the cup. Another deep, frustrated sigh slipped from Snape again as he watched you from his desk with a sad frown upon his pale features. "I don't get it," you sniffled, gripping the handle of the tea cup with white knuckles, "did I do something wrong?"
No, you couldn't do anything wrong, Snape wanted to say. He wanted to tell you how wrong you were, and how perfectly good you truly were. But he knew you wouldn't listen, and so he kept quiet, only muttering in disagreement.
"I doubt that, Y/N." Snape mumbled, though you didn't give him much time to say anything else before you stumbled into a self-deprecating rant.
"Maybe I wasn't worth it, I mean, it's not like I'm anything... special," you laughed dryly, avoiding Snape's cold eyes, "maybe I'm just the girl that everyone dates before they find their true love. I'm the girl that they use to find the one, I don't have any good qualities, I'm a pushover, and-"
Snape inhaled sharply, "Stop it, Y/N!" He bellowed, slamming a hand down on the desk that the two of you were sat at. Instantly, you went silent, your mouth hanging open in shock as your heartbeat suddenly sped into an incredibly fast pace. You glanced up at Snape with wet and wide eyes, startled by his unusual outburst.
"No, Y/N," he held up a hand, silencing you, "you're wrong about yourself. You are special." Snape sighed, moving his hand to massage his temples. You couldn't believe what was coming out of this man's mouth. "You're more than enough. Your ex was clearly a fool to do such a thing to you. In fact, I can't fathom why they would choose your friend over you." Snape said with a stern tone, clearly distressed. Your mouth still hung open as you stared at him, flabbergasted. "You're kind, sweet, considerate, and your heart is twice the size than it should be."
"I..." You uttered quietly, staring at Snape, evidently speechless. He shut his eyes momentarily, suddenly realising what he'd just said. Yet another deep sigh slipped from his heaving chest, rendering you silent.
"You..." Snape stumbled, avoiding your eyes. There was no way he could look at you right now. He'd just opened the floodgates on what he truly thought of you. He probably looks like a right blithering idiot.
The room went quiet, and the two of you sat there in what felt like a somewhat-comfortable silence, taking the moment to acknowledge what had just happened.
You stared at the man opposite you, a sudden and unusual warmth blooming in your chest. For the first time since you'd met him, you took the opportunity to truly look at him. Snape's black eyes glittered in the low, soft amber light from his candles as he reluctantly glanced up at you, pressing his lips into an awkward thin and flat line. His shoulders rose a tad, tensing as he inhaled, and he shifted his gaze to the desk again. Clearly, he was unsure on how to navigate this current moment.
A tiny smile picked at the corners of your lips as you looked at him. "Thank you." You whispered, glancing down at his splayed out hands. Taking a chance, you reached out your own hand and placed it atop of one of his, feeling it flinch. Snape's eyes darted up to yours, and he returned your smile, though it seemed a little awkward.
Snape didn't say anything to you, he only nodded gently before pulling his hand back to himself after a few long moments, clearing his throat.
"Well, since you've stopped crying," he began, sitting up straight in his chair, "we can assume I've done a good job." A little chuckle escaped you, and it caused a loose, genuine smile to erupt on Snape's face. You noticed it, but chose not to say anything, instead silently admiring how well it suited him.
"Now I know who to come to when I'm sad." You joked lightly, and as quickly as the smile had arrived on his lips, it disappeared. You laughed, feeling a tad lighter. Though the awful situation still sat within you like a dead weight, waiting to be dealt with, it felt good to smile and laugh, especially with a man you thought to be devoid of such emotions.
"I don't think-"
"Thanks, Severus." You cut him off with a bright smile, making his heart flutter. Perhaps he would wander past your classroom a little more often than before.
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kisses4lao · 11 months
If Kung lao yelled at me to make him a sandwich I’d make it for him in a heartbeat- I’d make him a full course meal- but ahem-
I got the idea of Kung lao and his lover going at it then raiden accidentally walks in but instead of like immediately leaving he gets aroused by the sight and ends up joining in with the permission of Kung Lao and his lover-
I'd be in the kitchen so fast. Absolutely no questions other than what he wants on it. He could spit in my face and I'd thank him
tw/cw: AFAB reader, threesome, very dirty and horny id fuck them both, Raiden so HAWNY, Kung Lao gets off to seeing reader get off how caring, I crack jokes in these types of fics sue me
Not proofread fuck you
You and Kung Lao have been dating for quite a while now, two years to be exact. More than enough time for you to be introduced to his friends and more than enough time for you both to start experiencing more sexual things in relationships
Kung Lao is a very insatiable man. He's always in the mood but would never force you to do anything, it's always up to you. With this, you've been exploring many things with him
Kung Lao is always down to try something at least once. All you have to do is ask him and he'll be right there with you
He was actually the one to bring up a threesome, surprisingly enough. And you both decide theres only one person that would ever make sense to choose: Raiden.
It was extremely obvious since you first met him a year and a half ago that he had a thing for you. You didn't mind, neither did Kung Lao, even as his best friend. In fact, Kung Lao would often tease him about it, mainly because he knows Raiden wouldn't do anything
Raiden would often get rosy cheeks when you were around. And if you even spoke a word to him, he'd be stuttering and sweating profusely
Lao had confessed to you that ever since he realized his best friend had a thing for you, he'd been fantasizing about a threesome. Gotta share a slice with the homies
You two spoke about it for a few nights before settling on Lao asking him, that way it isn't too awkward to talk about
So here you were, in a mating press with your boyfriend as he pounds into you, quickly but gently. Leaning down to suck on your neck as he whispers praises into your ear.
It was the night before you had scheduled to ask Raiden about anything, fucking each other for the upteenth time that day to help Kung Lao vent a bit of stress from the training earlier
You'd talked about Raiden before starting this particular session, until Kung Lao decided he wanted to skip proper formalities.
While you were both lost in the sauce, you hadn't even heard a light knock on the door. And then another. And another.
It had been drowned out by the sound of skin on skin and moans filling the air. That was until Kung Lao halted his movements suddenly. Opening your eyes that were previously screwed shut in pleasure, you look up to see your boyfriend looking at the now open door that has his best friend standing in the doorway.
The three of you are silent as Raiden took in the scene before him, a painfully obvious tent growing in his pants. You and your boyfriend look at each other briefly, exchanging small nods and looking back at Raiden
Raiden realizes how long he's been staring at the two of you and covers his face in embarrassment. He began to stammer out an apology while trying his best not to look at the two of you. "I-I'm so sorry, I just wanted to talk to Kung Lao about something- I'll go no-"
"Raiden." Kung Lao interrupted him harshly. He turned back around, looking his friends in the eyes as he began to turn red again. "Do... You wanna join us?" Lao gives him a soft smile for reassurance as he helps you lean against the headboard.
Raiden thinks for a minute before taking a small step forward and taking his hat off. You and Kung Lao both smile as he began to undress himself more, leaving him in just his boxers as he slowly crawled into the bed, awaiting any sort of protest.
When none arose, and instead Kung Lao began to guide his hands to the inside of your thighs, he began to sweat. "You can apply some pressure if you want, she can handle it." Kung Lao said with a smile as he led Raidens hands to your heat.
"Go ahead. You can touch her if you'd like, she's already prepared so you can fuck her now if you really wanted to." Kung Lao glanced over at you as you nodded your head in content. Raiden sat for a moment as he went over his options a bit more.
He finally decided on taking the chance while he has it and began to take his boxers off. As he was doing this, Kung Lao decided to go to the side of the bed, opting to simply observe. As Raiden grabs your thighs and aligns himself with your hole, he silently asks for permission before pushing himself in once granted.
Raiden leaves out a whine as he begins to thrust into you. You begin to cling into him, digging your nails into his back as he increased his pace
He was gripping at your hips and breathing heavily into your ear as he thrusted into you so hard you could feel the headboard slam against the wall.
Soft pleas and moans escaped his lips as he grew closer and closer to his orgasm. "Please-please- I need you-" he repeated as he started to whimper louder and louder into your ears
Kung Lao could tell he was getting close by how loud he was. "Outside." He said sternly, luckily Raiden got the memo and pulled out, cumming on your stomach and collapsing onto you.
As you both caught your breath, you could hear your boyfriend in the bathroom getting a washcloth. When he came back, he handed it to Raiden who then began cleaning you and himself.
When he was done, he stood up and got dressed. The silence in the room was maddening as he walked to the door. Before he could open it, Kung Lao called his name, making him face the two of you.
"Come over again sometime. I'll show you how to make her feel some pleasure too." He said with a cocky grin on his face. Raidens head was practically a tomato as he sped out the door, leaving the two of you simply laughing to yourselves
Kung Lao crawled back into bed and planted himself on you again, kissing you up and down. "Now then, where were we?"
A/n: to everyone who has been using my ask bar as a way to send me kung lao edits and pictures, I love you
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crienneoftarth · 11 months
Wildest Dreams
Larissa Weems x inexperienced fem!reader
hi everyone! this is the first chapter (maybe?) of the snippet i posted a little while back. I had a few people ask if i would write/post more so i finished a little bit. this is my first fic that ive ever posted so im super nervous to post but i hope someone enjoys it :)
ao3 is here in case you’d prefer that. there’s no cw for now but will add if i decide to write more chapters as needed <3
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You find a clear spot in the loud bar and begin leaning on the wall. Taking a sip from your glass, your eyes glance over to a tall, blonde figure, seemingly floating through the chaotic crowd. You start to panic as the curvy, tall woman confidently walks in your direction. She stops a few feet away from you, staring intensely. People cross in between the two of you but her gaze doesn’t leave yours. You feel your face get hot and quickly look down at your drink. Your eyes dart back up and she’s suddenly gone. Trying not to look obvious, you glance around as casually as possible.
She was literally taller than all the guys here, where the hell could she have gone? You sigh and bring the glass back to your lips. After a few more sips and scans of the room, you give up and decide to leave.
Slowly, you start making your way through the sweaty crowd towards the exit.
“Leaving so soon?” You hear a sultry voice ask behind you.
Quickly turning around, you see her again, smiling and holding out a drink towards you. You stumble over your words as she walks closer towards you.
“Here, darling. I guessed what your drink was, I hope that’s alright. But if you’re leaving, I suppose I’ll just have to keep it to myself.” She says with a red-lipped smirk.
You stutter, “N-no, I was just… Getting some air, that’s all. Thank you.”
She gives you the glass and your hands shake as you take it from her. You take a sip, trying to avoid eye contact.
Why am I so fucking nervous? What the fuck is wrong with me?
The tall woman smirked and leaned over closer to your ear, “I’ll be honest, I’m very happy you’re not leaving. I was hoping that you would leave with me.”
You swallow deeply, suddenly your mouth was completely dry despite the alcohol you just drank. You shiver as her long fingers move a bit of hair off of your shoulder. You look in her eyes for the first time and are amazed at the endless blue color. “I’m sorry, I-I’m not usually this nervous. I’ve just… never been flirted with so outright. Especially not by…” your eyes widen while you scan her tall, curvaceous build up and down. “Someone as beautiful as you…”
The woman smiles brightly at you, “I don’t believe that for a moment. my name is Larissa, may I ask what yours is, darling?”
Her accent and cadence made a shiver go down your spine. You almost completely forget what your name even is. “Uh… It’s Y/n.” You smile and look down at your drink again, swirling the liquid in the bottom of the glass.
“How beautiful, very fitting for a beautiful woman.” She beams at you again, leaning back close to your ear. “Would you be interested in joining me somewhere a bit more quiet? I’m friends with the owner, she lent me a key to the rooftop.”
Your head nods instinctually. Larissa grins and puts her arm out for you to hold onto as she guides you up a small set of stairs to a locked door. Pulling out a set of keys from her purse, she finds the correct one and opens the door and holds it open for you to step outside.
Shutting the door behind her and taking a deep breath of the cool air, “Isn’t it lovely up here? Sometimes it’s just nice to step away from the chaos for a moment.”
“Yeah, it’s really nice. I didn’t even know there was rooftop access here.” You respond as you look around at a small set of couches and a coffee table, with Christmas lights strung around the sitting area.
Larissa gently takes your hand and guides you to a couch. You both sit down for a moment before you let out a quiet sigh.
She notices your slight change of mood and rests her hand on your cheek, “Is everything okay, sweetling?”
Her hand was so soft and calming against your cheek. She slowly moves it into your hair, tucking a small strand behind your ear. You meet her stare and suddenly you feel as though you can’t breathe. “I’m sorry, I’m fine. Just… nervous, is all.”
“I understand perfectly. I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you while I’m around. I’ll take good care of you, my darling.”
Your body is seemingly paralyzed as she slowly leans in to kiss you. It’s the most wonderful feeling you’ve ever experienced; her soft lips against yours, her fingers running through your hair. You never want it to end.
You begin to feel an unfamiliar tightness and warmth under your stomach, but you can’t find the will to stop kissing the woman. You impulsively place your hand on her exposed thigh. She lets out a small moan as your skin touches hers.
I need to fucking hear that again.
After another minute of kissing and rubbing the skin on her leg with your thumb, you slowly slide your fingers underneath the hem of her tight skirt. Again, she moans in response to your touch. She pulls away from your lips and smiles, “I appreciate your boldness, darling, but we can’t do this here.”
Please, I’ll go wherever you tell me to.
“I understand, I may have gotten a little carried away, I apologize…” You respond, trying to steady your heavy breathing.
She chuckles quietly and tucks a piece of loose hair behind your ear, “No need to apologize, just… Can I take you home with me?”
Yes! God, yes please.
You smile nervously in an attempt to not show how badly you want her to take you right there. “S-sure… Of course you can.”
Her eyes light up and she grabs your hand, pulling it up to her mouth and kissing it softly. Your arm is covered in goosebumps as a red lipstick stain is left on the top of your hand. She smiles up at you, “Let me call a car for us.”
You nod as she pulls her cell phone from her bag and you watch as her tall figure walks away for a moment.
What the fuck am I doing?
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movedtone0mile · 1 year
bf!jaemin x F!reader
warnings: fluff, smut, unprotected sex (they're in a relationship but still-), bad English from a French person
summary: ever since you broke your leg, Jaemin takes perfect care of you
word count: 1,6k
what can I say Im in my fluff Jaemin era. It’s quick ik I just have to find more inspiration for longer and bigger projects but I have my exams soon :(
Knock knock knock.
You tried your best to get up on one leg with an exhausted sigh. You grabbed one of your crutches and hobbled over to the door with difficulty. 
However, your mood lightened up when you opened the door and found your boyfriend on the other side. He offered you a bright smile and you threw both arms around his neck, letting your crutch fall to the ground. 
“I’ve missed you!” you exclaimed as if Jaemin didn’t spend every day and night in your apartment since you broke your leg. “Well, one of us has to play the knight and the other the damsel in distress,” he chuckled, before lifting you up in his arms, “and for once, it’s not me!” True, it had been two weeks since Jaemin went to school for the both of you and bring his notes home.
He carried you to the couch, worried that you might have been standing for too long already. “You know I’m getting bored…” Jaemin looked at you, his sad expression matching yours. “I know baby, it’s not funny for you to stay all alone in here all day long, but you need to rest unless you won’t recover.” He was the one who insisted on practically moving to your apartment because of your injury. Jaemin wanted to make sure you would have everything you needed at hand -it was also a good opportunity for him to constantly shower you with affection.
“I took sushi on my way home, you’re hungry?” he said, putting you on the couch, and lifting your casted leg on the coffee table. Opening up the takeout box he had set up on the table, Jaemin handed you a box of California rolls, and you began to chat together as he shared with you the last gossip you’d missed at college. 
Eventually, Jaemin reached for the remote and turned on the TV, settling on a movie you both had been wanting to watch, you snuggled up on the couch. Jaemin had wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed the top of your head every once in a while, his attention unequally shared between you and the film. 
When the credits appeared on the screen, you were already half-asleep, your head resting on Jaemin’s shoulder. “Thank you,” you mumbled when Jaemin’s movements woke you up. “Sorry baby, I was going to put you to bed.” Your hand gripped his bicep and you looked at him with half-lidded eyes. “Thank you,” you repeated. “What for?” He asked. You cradled his face into your hands and continued, “For taking such good care of me. You always know how to cheer me up.” Your cheeks slightly blushed at your own confession and Jaemin leaned in to kiss you softly. A wave of warmth and love washed through you and you melted into his embrace.
When you pulled away, Jaemin carefully scooped you up into his arms, mindful of your injured leg and carried you to your bedroom. He gently lowered you onto the bed, making sure you were comfortable. He tucked you in, fluffing your pillows and adjusting the blanket to keep you warm before joining you.
“You know I hate to see you like this,” he said, stroking your belly under your tank top. “See me like what?” you asked as you played with his hair strands. “Well, hurt…” Jaemin pouted. Your heart melted at his words and you invited him to sit up to face you. « It’s ok Jaemin, I’m not hurt. It’s true that I get bored staying home all day, but I’m glad you’re here with me, and you make me feel so loved and cared for, it takes all my pain away. » His eyes softened and he leaned in for your lips to meet again. 
At the first chance you got, you slipped your tongue inside his mouth to entangle it with his, wanting to feel more of him. The kiss grew more intense as heat rushed to both of your cheeks, and you had to hold his shoulders for support. His hands sneaked under your shirt, giving you goosebumps as they travelled your skin. With his thumbs right under your chest, he pulled away and asked with joined eyebrows “Are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you…” For only answer, you lifted your top beneath your head, guiding his head toward your cleavage. Immediately, he executed and kissed every part of your body he could reach, laying you down in the process. When his mouth got to your nipples, he accorded them extra attention, licking and sucking each one after the other. Entangling your fingers with his locks, you relaxed onto the mattress. 
You had missed the intimacy. Jaemin was too scared of hurting you to do anything, even though you assured him you would be alright if you both were careful of your leg. However, of course, you two couldn’t stay apart for very long. 
“Please baby, tell me if it hurts,” he demanded, his expression genuinely concerned. “I will, but please, do something,” you begged, impatient. Sometimes he was so cute you just needed to have him. After discarding his own shirt, Jaemin got on top of you, his head plunged into your neck, where he licked and kissed your tender flesh. Gently, he pulled down your pyjama shorts and began to play with your clit all while kissing you feverishly. His fingers alternated between stroking your entrance and drawing circles on your bundle of nerves, this he did more and more quickly. Your moans and sighs died into his mouth as your tongues danced together. 
You groped his arms, feeling the muscles contract under your touch. For a moment, you allowed yourself to relax into his embrace and enjoy being pampered once again. It was good to be close to him, the warmth of his touch and the sweetness of his kisses were both soothing and exciting. Gradually, you wanted more, you needed more of him, so you pleaded to. 
With his signature smile, you loved so much, he pulled down his sweats and briefs, before doing the same with your panties. “Wait!” You looked down, worried. “I have to get you more comfortable than that.” He insisted, and you smiled fondly at him resting your broken leg on a pillow. You cradled his head into your hands, redirecting his eyes on you, “I’ll be fine Jaemin.” He pouted for a second but finally gave in. 
Experimentally, he slid his length along your slit, getting it wet enough for his next move. When you begged him to do something, Jaemin entered you inch by inch, careful not to get too excited. It had been weeks since you last did it. You were both eager to touch each other, but Jaemin couldn’t get past the fear of hurting you, yet. 
Sliding your arms under his to grip his back, you invited him closer, your nipples now brushing against his chest with every thrust he made. He started slowly, mainly grinding while deep inside of you. His eyes were shut tight and your head was thrown back onto the pillows, whimpers flooding out of your mouth. 
Even if he wanted to keep it as soft and slow as possible, the more you get, the more you want. So Jaemin, mainly mindlessly, began to slip out more, in order to hit deeper with every thrust. He managed to keep it slow and gentle, but you both felt that the act was becoming more intense. Your voice faltered every time Jaemin bottomed out, and his sighs turned into moans. 
« I’ve missed it so much, baby. » He said between gritted teeth. Your hand reached out for his cheek and you took in his features quietly as he ranted about how good it felt. « Been craving you for weeks. »
When you kissed again, it was even more sloppy and messy. It wasn’t like how you used to do it. You and Jaemin usually went at it like bunnies, grinding and bouncing on each other restlessly. But now that your injury prevented you from doing so, you had to find an alternative, try something new. 
It was good to relax with each other, to move slowly and feel the moment. Jaemin laid his upper body on top of you, trying his best not to put all of his weight onto you, and focused on chasing both of your highs. The feeling was new, you usually felt almost overwhelmed when you slept together, but right now, your body was so relaxed that it was hard to distinguish the coil building in your abdomen, between all of this mellow atmosphere. 
And when it snapped, it didn’t feel like anything you’ve felt before. It was sweet, and refreshing, like a cold shower on a burning summer afternoon. You clung to Jaemin, who continued to move, despite your walls clenching around him so tight it was getting difficult to pull out. When you sucked him in a last time, he let go and achieved to come. His body tensed and he waited for every drop to be milked, the sensation of his release flooding inside of you wresting whines from you. 
You stayed like this for a moment, still, catching your breaths, Jaemin still inside of you. Eventually, he reluctantly pulled out and peppered kisses all over your tired face, before he got up and went to the bathroom to fetch a washcloth. Cleaning you up, he whispered sweet words to you, which soothed you, despite the uncomfortable sensation of the wet fabric on your skin. 
Back under the covers, he snuggled in your chest while you lazily stroked his blonde hair. “You see, you didn’t hurt me,” you murmured, but he was already fast asleep. You would probably have to remind him tomorrow.
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
Hi, um idk if you’re in the mood to write this and you don’t have to if you don’t feel the energy to, but could I request a story where its Latino male reader x Loki?
Like where its smut and the plot is that the reader speaks Spanish everytime he and Loki “do it” just to tease and fluster Loki, and the reader always feels proud of himself.
But a few nights go by and Loki really wants to learn how to speak Spanish; not only because it can be a way to communicate with the reader better but to get back at him and remind him who’s in power. (So like a smut and power kink story basically). And Loki takes lessons from one of the readers’ family members (but they don’t tell the member the reason ofc)
And then when the night comes, and the reader and Loki are invited to come to this super fancy party with the Avengers, and the whole night, the reader decides to tease Loki discreetly and later, Loki can’t tolerate it any longer so they both teleport back to the tower, and blah blah blah they start to have steamy sex.
Loki then decides to tease him and starts whispering Spanish in his ear all seductively: and suddenly the reader gets all shy. And then they do it, and the end there’s the obvi aftercare, and they live happily ever after :)
(Idk if you do POC readers, but I’m asking bc I haven’t seen barely any that do. I know this was a lot and in detail so I deeply apologize for that. Again, you don’t have to do this cuz ik you have a busy life rn or u just don’t feel like doing it. Have a good morning/night! :D)
Right side of the bed
Loki Laufeyson x Latino Male Reader Smut
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A/N : I am so sorry that I haven't gotten to this sooner, I've been giving excuses but Im finally getting on track with writing and here we are.
CW : (Kind of) Public sex, Magic use, Alcohol, Use of 'Sir'
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"Focus, Carino."
You hummed, Looking down at Loki's disheveled state below you, tendrils of black hair sticking to his pale forehead, Mouth hung agape as your hips bounced on his.
"Love- slow do—ah~ slow down~"
Loki whined, Slender fingers holding your hips, though he begged he never stopped rutting into you, Tip grazing your prostate each time your body connected with his.
Grabbing one of his hands, you placed it on your lower abdomen, letting him feel as tip rutted near your stomach.
"Siente lo profundo que eres mi rey~"
You said, feeling your end draw near, your words failing you as you fucked yourself on Loki, Stroking your twitching length, White spurting from your head and onto Loki's stomach.
"Fuck, That felt amazing Carino."
You hummed into his ear, smiling as his pale skin became even more red than it had been, kissing his cheek before hopping off of him.
"I'm gonna take a shower, Amor, Feel free to join me~"
You said, your voice trailing away, Leaving Loki to clean up after himself, Stuck in his thoughts, Never understanding what you were saying, He felt so lost.
He needed to show who was in control.
But how? Thor didn't know anything, He wouldn't expect him to, And he wasn't going to ask any of the Avengers, Definitely not.
Who did he know, Who knew Spanish?
"Oh! Ohoho.. My prince is going to regret this."
Loki muttered under his breath, becoming quiet as he dressed himself, Contacting a certain someone Via. Your silly human devices.
"What are you doing, Amor?"
You asked, slinking over to your dresser and slipping pajamas on, Slyly revealing bits and pieces of yourself as you did.
"Oh nothing my prince, Just thinking."
Loki hummed, Placing the phone aside, opening up his arms to welcome you into them, hands hugging around your waist, his peachy lips kissing your forehead.
"You should rest, my love, You heroes are always so busy."
Loki hummed, rolling you over with him, spooning you in his tall figure, letting him bring a blanket over the two of you and drifting off to sleep in his arms.
It had been a few weeks since then, Being that you were busy, You hardly noticed Loki's absence from your shared flat.
As days went on as per usual, Tony had decided to throw a party in the Tower, Even though you had wished to rest in your flat, maybe go out to dinner with Loki, you had agreed, and Loki—Although Hesitantly—Agreed to go aswell.
The party consisted of most of the Avengers, and some people you didn't know that you assumed were invited by Tony, though you didn't care to engage with them either way.
"Whiskey, Please."
You said to the bartender, crossing a leg over the other, leaning into Loki's presence beside you.
"Make it two."
He hummed, the bartender nodding and pouring your drinks, passing them to you both before walking off to deal with other people at the bar.
"You're deep in thought, Carino, es lindo."
You said, looking at him smugly.
"Thinking of all the the things we could be doing if we weren't here."
"Me encantaría que me jodas sin sentido ahora mismo, amor."
You whispered in his ear, swirling the amber liquid in your glass before downing it, returning the glass to the bar, where the bartender poured it another round and shuffled off again.
"No me gustaría nada más que eso."
Loki hummed back, Eyeing your face as it contorted into shock, Standing from his seat and downing his drink, grasping your hand and weaving throughout the tower, finding one of the guest rooms, and hurrying inside.
Quickly shutting the door by pressing your back against it, he wasted no time locking the door and putting his hands on you, lips sloppily smashing with yours.
Tongues sliding against one another, the taste of alcohol still tingling on your tongue, tugging on Loki's suit, whining as he pulled away from you, clasping your wrists in one hand above your head.
"ah ah ah, Amor, I'm the one in charge, no olvides."
He hummed, pressing his knee between your legs, though using his free hand to keep your hips pinned to the wall, forcing you to take what friction he gave, his mouth closing in on your neck.
"You smell sweet, Mi amor, Delicious.."
He groaned, rolling his thigh against your groin, prompting a sweet sigh from your lips, your attempts to rut against him hopeless.
Magic tingled through your body, making it hot and on point, your body staying pinned as it was even without Loki's hands on you.
"You look adorable like that, Carino, aunque te ves mas lindo sin ropa."
And in a blink of an eye, he pulled off your blazer, tugging your tie off, then your shoes, and so on until you were bare, save for your button up and briefs, erection pressed against the stretchy fabric.
"Loki- ah~! We- we can't do this here.. someone will find us.."
You squirmed, body flushed as Loki sent waves of magic through your body with every touch he made, and you couldn't fight it.
"I wouldn't mind that, Darling, Someone seeing you get corrected for thinking you're in control."
Fingers danced around the hem of your briefs, slipping up your shirt and running over your nipples, thumb pads stroking the erect buds.
"No matter how many times I play with these, you never do seem to get used to it."
Loki sighed, the shocking waves of pain and pleasure forcing your back off the door as he pinched the bud.
"Let's take this to the bed, Shall we, Carino?"
He hummed, hand guiding your movements to lay on the bed, body shaking with anticipation, Precum spilling out of your cock head and staining into your briefs.
"Darling, You're making a mess, Let's clean that up, Shall we?"
Kneeling down on the bed, he pulled your briefs off tantalizingly slow, his smirk becoming wider—if possible—as your cock slipped free of it's constraints, twitching as it was met with cold air.
"Loki... "
"Shhh... amor, don't speak unless spoken to, understand?"
"Y- Yes sir..."
"Ooh.. sir? I like that name."
Loki hummed, the tip of his index finger teasing the slit of your cock, trailing down your length before pulling away, leaving you to whine in his absence.
"Now, tell me my prince, what would you like me to do?"
"Fuck me... Please.."
You whimpered, arms straining with a need to hold Loki, as if you feared he might up and leave just to toy with you.
"como quieras, mi amor."
In swift movements, Loki threw tossed his blazer off, rolling the sleeves of his button up to his upper arm, Unbuttoning his black dress pants and pushing down his briefs, his dick presenting itself eagerly.
Sitting on his shins, one hand slipped underneath your knee, holding your leg up, the other guiding his cock to slip inside of you, eyes trailing up to yours with a gentle smile before pushing in, causing your breath to thin.
"Ooo... Fuck-"
"No, Talking, Carino, Break the rules again and I'll have to punish you."
"Yes- Yes sir.."
He hummed, hugging his arm around your thigh and pulling your ass to connect with his hips, your leg resting over his shoulder while the other one sat beside his thigh.
"Te sientes tan caliente por dentro, My prince."
He sighed, running a free hand over your stomach, Magic seeping out of you as you found your hands no longer stuck to the bed, instantly clinging around Loki's neck, Smashing your lips together as his hips began to rock into you.
"Shit... You feel amazing."
He moaned, pressing his forehead to yours, nearly folding you in half as he fucked you, heat building with each thrust, sweat beading on your bodies.
"Speak to me, Darling, I want to hear you."
He groaned, tip grazing your prostate, rutting against it each time.
"You feel so good Loki~! Fu—ck.."
You whined, Your spine arching off the bed, the crown of your head pushing into the mattress, your insides felt like they were melting as you both chased your climax.
"I could say the same, darling, you fe-ah.. you feel wonderful.."
He whined, you could feel his cock twitch inside of you, threatening to burst.
"I'm gonna cum.. ah... Loki- "
You whimpered, your cock spilling out precum as it rutted against your stomach, the friction bringing you closer until your body halted, taking your breath away as white spurted from your slit, spilling on your stomach.
It didn't take long for Loki to finish himself, pulling out and cumming between your legs, panting as you both came off your high, hair sticking to your faces.
"That was... Exhilarating."
Loki sighed, wiping his forehead before whipping his head around the room, locating a bathroom and rushing off to wet a rag, coming back looking refreshed, pants buttoned and all.
"Come here darling, let me clean you up."
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A/N : Hope you guys all liked this!!! I hope it came out to your liking Anon!!!! I tried my best to not drag on everything but keep everything true to the plot so 🫶
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
SWEETPEA (Joel Miller x reader)
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summary : when failing to live it in new york  sweet pea goes home only to meet two new faces at her families barbeque that leads to new job and new friends and maybe more 
warnings: no outbreak au  , mechanic au , cheating , goofy i guess , softjoel!
Reblog to be added to taglist ♥️
This was that same old tale , young girl leaves home to make it in the big bad world alone , except this time the big bad world chew her up and spit her back out in ten folds. first it was the stress of trying to make it in a big city  before the  limitations of the workspace meant she was on the chopping block to come home and find her boyfriend in throws of heated passion with someone she thought was her best friend. she didn't think twice kicking his ass out  the while he told she was nothing to him , she ended up packing up her apartment and heading home tail between her legs .  so here she stood outside her house , she could hear the chatter of the crowd making her realise the date  and wanted the ground to swallow her whole . she had showed up on the day her parents host their annual backyard barbeque , meaning a backyard  filled with loved one , friends and god knows who were there . 
" well hello there " a voice drawl making her jump .  turning she could two men standing the younger one giving her a flirty grin  but for the life of her she couldn't help just start crying .
" oh shit  sorry " his wide eyes and scared face .
" idiot you scared here , hey miss you lost , need help " he asked coming closer to her .
" sweet pea darling what you doing here ... crying " her brothers head popping up behind the men .
" all i did was say hello jake swear  " the younger of the two moved to side.
" sounds like reason to cry to me " the older one snickered .
" hey tommy , joel could you get my parents " her brother smiled weakly wondering what the hell was going on .
" im home for good because i'm a failure and my boyfriend cheated on me and new york was a bad idea " she began ramble as the two men walked quickly into the house.
" ok ok calm down there , cheated on you sure cause matt isn't.. "  .
" his dick was literally in her when i caught them " she sniffled . 
" ok well if he shows his face around  i'm sure me and jessica can kick his ass right" he hugged .
  that's were his dick was " she looked down to ground .
" shit sorry sweetpea " he hugged her looking up to see his parent stand sad looks on there face.  " hey honey come on " her mom smiled holding her arms out making her rush to the two . now  sitting with them explaining everything before heading to her room needing to shower after her long flight . 
after a shower and good cry she decided to join the festivities hoping the good mood wasn't ruined by the sudden turn up and her emotional outburst  .  she walked around as everyone smiled brightly welcoming her home and awkward nod from her former best friends parents .  she walked over to the cooler pulling out a beer before heading to the grill where he dad and brother stood along with the two men from earlier.
" hey sweet pea , you feeling better " her father gave her quick side hug before turning his attention back to the grill .
" yeah , i'm feeling better , sorry about earlier " she rubbed the back of her neck barely looking at the two  now noticeably attractive men which giving the recent luck in the last three weeks of being in new york and the one day home seemed to be on par .
" nah your all good,  i'm tommy and this is my brother joel  , so your the famous sweetpea we have heard all about " the younger brother smirked .
" i mean it's what they call me i don't know why  , also it nice to meet you both and again i swear i don't make it habit to just burst out crying at strangers  , you just  caught me in a shit storm " she smiled weakly taking a big gulp of the beer in her hand .  " anyway enough about me , how do you know my family " she  turned to the men eye lingering a little longer on  the older one .
"  we work with jake and well for your old man " joel spoke up  suddenly she wasn't so concerned on her break up after hearing the gruff yet some how smooth voice .
" well my sympathies  having to listen to jakes shit all time " she giggled . 
" he's well matched with tommy so i'm used to it " joel chuckled.
"  i ain't two of them " her dad shook his head.
"  so how long you sticking around for ?"  jake asked ignoring the insult.
" erm for good  , i need to find a job " she winced .
" i could use your help down the shop "  her dad turned handing her a plate . " like in the shop shop ? " tommy asked confused.
" sweetpea here is dab hand around an engine " jake boasted .
"  i mean once i'm not in the way " she asked. 
" nah nicky left last week , joined the army and we've been over run so really you'd be helping us out" her dad spoke up as she ignored the now curious gaze on her .   
" ok well then  i'm happy to help " she beamed.
" well morale in the shop just went up that's for sure " tommy winked  while both joel and jake punched each arm. 
" hey shit sweet pea good to see you darling " mark called coming over .
"  hey boomer " she smiled hugging the man.
" hey boomer sweetpea is coming work with us " tommy wiggled his brows only to dodge the incoming punches.
" thank god  she can fix your fuck ups " his laugh boomed  which is how he earn the particular nickname . 
 " so more mature even if she's the youngest of the team now " her dad chuckled at the good nature banter.
" well i look forward to see your skills little lady " joel winked  making her think matt who ? . 
" she was the one who actually loved being in the shop, we all thought she would start her own in new york to our surprise when she said she was a waitress in some restaurant" jake shook his head.
" that's cause they didn't take me serious out there  plus it was a diner and lets not talk about new york please it's awkward enough their parents are here" she rolled her eyes.
" well i didn't know their kids done mine dirty " her dad defended.
" what did i miss " boomer looked around the group.
" well matt and jessica decided to fuck and i didn't want to be a  third wheel and i got fired so i came home " she said bluntly.
" sweetpea language" her dad warned.
" ellie would love you " tommy chuckled . " ellie ? " she asked confused.
" she's one of joel's daughters  and sarah " tommy smiled.
" their with their mom and her new husband in austin  " joel suddenly felt his own cheeks heat .
" 50 /50  custody " tommy droned on .
" oh like jake and lydia with luka " she nodded in understanding . " yeah actually exactly like that " jake patted her back .
" oh shit mom's looking pissed and walking towards  jessica's parent , i'll see y'all later  " she rushed off shoving the plate and beer into her brothers hands . 
joel watched her guiding her mother away and to a different part of the yard and thought her eyes still reddish from her earlier burst of emotions she still was the prettiest little thing around . he felt like a pervert as the others talked to her while he smiled and unable to speak and now she was going to be working in the shop .  everything about her was calling to him like siren  and yet he barely only met her putting it down to being single for too long and little bit of the heat . even though he hit his brother for his remark , he couldn't help agree having her in the shop was definitely going boost the mood .  he watched as she talked to the women like she wasn't just crying her eyes out hours before , keeping her mother from  causing a scene .  he barely even listened to the couples that came up apologising and leaving .   he pretended to listen to the men around him though his attention kept steering towards sweet pea .  even thought he was definitely too old for her and knowing she probably didn't want a single dad   , it didn't hurt to look right? .
" so  she gonna need help around the shop " tommy asked .
" no seriously we weren't kidding , she spent her child and teen years either helping my old man and his own old man fixing cars , girl knows her way around an engine better then town " jake chuckled.
" she worked in shop for   years before she and dick for brains went to new york too " boomer agreed. 
" funny you two showed up in town the week she left " her dad tim  mused. 
" we would of been here the week before but tommy got food poisoning " he could help mentally curse his brother. 
" that your kids gave me " tommy shot back . " i warned you " joel laughed .
" they still coming next week " jake asked.
" yeah  i can't wait , apparently ellie going through a swearing like sailor phase though " he winced.
" don't have her around sweet pea then or it will get worse" . 
" bring them down shop be good to see them again " .
" will do tim " he nodded his eye once again looking toward the woman. " it definitely didn't hurt to watch " he thought as she threw her head back laughing.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 10 months
Behind the Scenes:
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𝒍𝒆𝒆: Minho
𝒍𝒆𝒓: Seungmin and Felix (Chan is slightly involved ig)
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨! 💗🧋
𝕥𝕨: *bondage*, video taking, i got flustered reading this 🫠 AND IM WRITING THIS
𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpages @lajanaa
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“HYUNG!” Seungmin screeched when Lee Know stuck his finger in his armpit again. 
“Hm?” The older asked innocently, boba eyes blinking slowly and a mischievous smile playing on his lips. 
“You know what you’re doing.” Seungmin whined, shoving at Minho’s hand. 
“Aweee. Seungminnie is too ticklish~” Minho cooed, watching as the younger visibly short-circuited, eye twitching as he blushed up to his ears. 
“Ugh. Don’t do it again.” Seungmin threatened, stifling a giggle when the older mocked him. 
Lino decided to find a new victim, choosing the person who looks the most unlikely to try and wreck him back. 
He was in his tickle monster mood, and he was thriving.
“Yongbok-ahhh~” Minho teased at the boy’s side with his finger. 
Sadly for the dancer, however, Felix had been watching the whole scene with Seungmin while posing for the concept pictures, since that’s what the group was doing. 
And Felix was already frustrated with how things were going, as the pictures weren’t coming out the way he hoped, and he had to do multiple retakes. 
He called for a break, snatching the handcuffs off of his belt. 
It was a look for the comeback, but it would certainly work in his favor to have his hyung vulnerable for some stress relief. 
Lixie stuck his tongue in his cheek, slowly approaching the nervous older, who giggled and shrunk under the younger’s intense gaze. 
“Please! I’m sorry we can talk about this! AHH!” Minho shrieked when Seungmin grabbed his wrists from behind, successfully immobilizing the oldest. 
Felix snapped the cuffs snug around the cat’s wrists, making sure to attach them round the pole above the begging older. 
The second he was open and vulnerable, Seungminnie ducked down and squeezed at Minho’s sides, already coaxing loud giggles out of the older. 
“plehehehease! noho tihihickling!” Minho giggled, shrieking with laughter when Lixie joined in silently, wiggling fingers into exposed armpits and watching him squirm and try to yank his arms down.
“Awe. Poor hyung. Should’ve thought of that before you decided to be a brat.” Felix chuckled darkly as Minho blushed a bright red. 
“nohoho PLEASE AHAHAHA!” Fingers in the bunny’s sides turned into fast digging in the crevices of his ribs, leaving the oldest in hysterics. 
“FELIX! FEHEHEHELIXAHH STOHOHOHOP!” Minho tried to sound stern, but the wide smile on his face and hysterical laughter didn’t help one bit. 
“Hey! I’m here too!” Seungmin immediately ducked his arms down to tickle at Lino’s hypersensitive thighs, leaving the older thrashing and screaming. 
Lee Know’s knees were shaking and on the verge of buckling due to the intense sensations, and he was practically bucking in every direction possible to escape the two pairs of hands tickling him to pieces. 
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t escape. He had to stand there and endure it all, at least until the two lers decided to granted him some mercy. 
“MIHINNIE! LIHIXIE! MEHEHEHERCY! PLEASE I CAHANT TAHAKE IHIT!” He screamed and thrashed as the fingers lifted off his body for a split second just to descend onto other, more sensitive spots. 
Tears of mirth welled up in Lino’s eyes. He tried to contain it, he really did. 
However, once they started to flow down his cheeks, they didn’t stop. 
“HAHAHAH! IHIHITS TOOHOO MUHUHUCH! IHIM SAHAHARRY I WOHOHONT DOHO IHIT AGAIN!” Minho let out a frustrated scream when the fingers never let up, only managing to keep him consistently in incoherent laughter. 
They finally granted him a minute’s break, watching as the oldest slumped against the poll.
Seungmin continued to poke at his side after the minute though. He made sure to have Felix squeezing harshly at the other side as well, and the contrasting tickles threw Minho into another round of laughter.
“What are you doing to him?” Chan’s voice drifted from behind the three boys, breaking off into giggles when he sees his eldest kid in such hysterics. 
“Ahhh. I see. What did he do this time?” Chan crossed his arms and grinned when Minho tried to beg for help, but was cut off when Lixie dug into his armpits again. 
“Go ahead. Tell him.” Seungmin’s eyes narrowed as Minho threw his head back, and Minnie made sure to protect the older’s head against the pole. 
“IHIHI WAHAS BEHEING A BRAHAHAT! IM SOHOHORRY PLEHEASE HELP ME!” Minho managed to make out through his choked laughter; he was starting to reach his limit. 
“Hmm. I actually have a better idea.” Channie started, following by pulling out his phone. 
“What are you…ohh. Okay, I see you!” Felix grinned as Chan snapped pictures of the poor boy, who screamed with laughter when Seungmin attacked his hips. 
“Ouuu Minho hyung! Smile for the camera, baby~” Felix teased. 
“Oh these are for the museum! Why are you so cute?!” Chan exclaimed, continuing to change angles just to fluster the poor boy. 
“Oooh! Take a video! STAYs will love it. So would you, hyung. No no, don’t try to deny it.~” Felix cooed when the bunny’s blush only deepened. 
Chan clicked start, and that’s when the two lers really went all out. 
“Hello STAYs! Look who decided to be a brat today~” Chan smiled at poor Minho from over the camera
“NOOHOHO! SOHOHOMEONE HEHEHEHELP! STOOOOP! I CAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IHIT!- ” Lino’s hysterical laughter turned into desperation, sobs of laughter racking his whole body as the two boys switched between spots, so fast that he started to see stars in his vision. 
“Oookay! I think that’s seriously enough guys, he might actually die.” Chan wiped the tears off of Lino’s exhausted face. 
“please…noho mohore…” He breathed out, body still jerking from the agitation. 
“Oh my god, did we go to far? Hyung i’m so sorry we got carried away and-” Felix worriedly started to ramble. 
“It’s okay…I-I didn’t mind.” Minho shyed away from the three boys’ cooing, face turning an adorable shade of pink. 
“Posted!” Chan suddenly chirped, staring down at his phone. 
“CHRISTOPHER! hey-GET THESE OFF OF ME, YOU BRATS!” Minho yanked at the handcuffs, screeching when the three ran out of the room in boisterous laughter.
[10 Minutes Later]
“Hyung? HAHA what happened?!” Changbin giggled when Minho shot him a grumpy look, shaking at the handcuffs yet again. 
“Can you just get these off-”
‘Ding!’ Came the notification from Binnie’s phone. 
The rapper pulled out his phone, staring at it for a few seconds before bursting into giggles.
“Dang. They really wrecked you, huh?” Changbin sent a cheeky smirk at the older.
“Huh?” Minho frowned. 
Binnie showed him the video that was posted on Chan’s official Instagram, and Lino groaned as the view count skyrocketed. 
“Hoorah. Now can you get these off? Please!” Minho whined. 
“Fine fine, just stay still.”
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i hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! love ya! 💕💗💖
also this is the fic with the two lers everyone wanted 🥺
idk about this one it seems too…rough ig
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Send Me On My Way- 141
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A/N: Okay but please tell me you also don't see this song fitting for this one!?
Based on a request:
Ive seen your 141xf1 fic bestie I know you do weird(and also amazing) crossovers so i have one for you How about 141xsailor!reader Not like a pirate but a competitive sailor, like they race and take a part in regattas Feel free to ignore and have a great day Idk how to comment on the stuff you wrote me about the sailor request so im just gonna leave it here :] Im fine with the reader being rich, i honestly though of it as a family thing, generation after generation of competitive sailors but needles to say that rich kid option is easier I love the thought of the reader teaching them though, amazing, stunning, beautiful I also honestly admire your work, mate, the shit that you have to put into it, and you do it for FREE Anyway, thx for everything, stay safe and take care of yourself mate ❤️❤️❤️
GN!Reader, sailor!reader, competitive sailor!reader, posh(wealthy)!reader, fluff?
Since you can remember, your family has participated in regattas. It has been a sport your family has carried through every generation, it started with your great-great-grandfather by The Whitsunday Islands. And now as an adult, you have found yourself teaching Kyle and his three other mates.
Soon you learned Kyle was nicknamed Gaz. Soap and Price let you in on the story behind that. As the five of you headed down to the perfect spot for them to learn how to learn the way of the waters in your small but amazing sailboat. Ghost was in some rather comfortable trousers, Gaz in the most fitting outfit for such time, Price and Soap in a more relaxed attire than you or the others. Those two are in for a treat, that is for sure.
The men are all excited as they board the sailboat, you helped them all, mainly because they were nervous and you teased them too much to make them feel this way at the moment. As you helped them put on their vests and gave them a rundown of what each rope was meant for and how they could control it, they seemed less nervous.
Hours went by and the four men had the hand of it, that was until a gush of wind that was too strong for them almost flipped you all over. The men did their best until Soap lost balance, tried to hold onto his captain and soon they were overboard. "Soap!" Price said, Bonnie hat floating away. "Sorry sir but I was falling."
"You didn't have to drag me down!"
The three of you on board laughing, Ghost took a picture and will be using it anytime Price dares to brag to the soldiers at base about today. Gaz had to sit down after watching Price get back in, not because he was exhausted but because he laughed too hard his stomach hurt a little. For hours, the five of you sailed the waters, enjoying the peaceful moment. It was something new amongst the four soldiers, having such a peaceful moment that you brought upon them. After the laughter and the shared stories and the booze, silent feel upon you all. Ghost sat on the edge, and placed his hand in the water as you guided them back to land.
Gaz sat by you, watching what you do. It was like seeing younger you all over again. Waving the trophy as he watched your family win that year. Then back when you were 24, watching you from land you gained places, winning over the other solos in the water. That was something he admired from you, no wind or bad weather seemed to affect your mood or readiness. Price envisioned himself doing this once he retires, maybe bringing the other three men along him and who knows maybe you'll even join them.
Five months after that memorable moment, the four men watched as you, once again won. They felt normal like their hands were clean and their guns were non-existent when they were in the crowd. Maybe there is a life after the war they go through each mission.
Tags: @agasawit
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