#bruce gdi]
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mantareidraws · 6 months ago
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Giving battinson the big birb hug he so desperately needs 🫂
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damian-lil-babybat · 7 months ago
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"My Anatolia" & "My Alexander"
If DC remained truthful to their own canon, and let Talia lied about the miscarriage/abortion instead (like before the retcon, which the author admitted to have misremembered details for iirc), then my OTP since "Batman: The Animated Series", would have not crushed and burn like the city of Alexandria, rendered to ashes and dust that it could never be fully revived in canon.
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Based on this panel from Boy Wonder (2024) by Juni Ba.
Headcanon: This is the rose of taif, you cannot convince me otherwise 😭
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andyundan · 2 years ago
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@ghostbatweek ghostbat week day 4: jealousy (open for better quality)
ghost-maker: no. 1 bat breaker
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thelaughingmagician · 8 days ago
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Batman/Dylan Dog #2
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batcatlove · 1 year ago
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there's just something about dan mora's bruce/batman, i really love his artstyle and how good looking he makes bruce look
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striveattemptfail · 2 years ago
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wfa #79
some ice creams available:
yellow cat!! (idc if it's not a reference to catwoman—i'm calling it the selina pop 😂)
superman (the logo looks reversed but i'm assuming it's not referring to bizarro lol)
duke's got flash of course
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wfa #6
and bruce got himself LMAO
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blue bunny batman ice cream pop (via)
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dramatisperscnae · 1 year ago
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Bruce Wayne, absolute gremlin Never let anyone tell you otherwise.
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 2 years ago
"Let's play a game of 'How well do you know your kids?'" The being shouted, eyebrow still twitching from Robins latest remark.
"I know all my children perfectly." Batman growled at the entity. He held his ground as the spirits (demons?) smile sharpened, "Than you won't mind!"
A puff of purple glowy smoke engulfs then entire area and the next thing anyone knows is that all of Bruces children, even the ones who weren't with them previously, are locked inside magical cages while Batman is trapped in a invisible mime box with a podium and a microphone in what is quite possibly the most garish game show set up ever.
Why was everything neon green and purple? Why was the guy neon green and purple? Who were these other kids-gdi Bruce! You have more kids?
Danny could just transform and beat up the ghost. Its a pretty weak one after all. But this one doesn't seem to recognize him as a halfa and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do his homework without being attacked.
Jason stared at the kid next to him. What kinda life did this kid have to calmly get out his math homework and start solving problems while being held hostage by an unknown entity?! And with the bats no less?!
All the while Batman is getting peppered with questions about his kids and is realizing he doesn't recognize a few of the names.
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damian-lil-babybat · 2 years ago
I know I would love to have a pretty Damian, coz let's be honest, he has Talia as his mother...but seriously DC? Who is this ?
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I love Simone de Meo but the one-face syndrome for Robins is strong in this one (He looks like Tim stole Dami's Robin suit). Also, the iconic spiky edgy pre-teen Dami (with hair as sharp as his blade and bite) is such a mood even if he has some ugly panels, he still has a child's clean cut! (goin off-tangnt here, but stahp aging him at the speed of sound, while leaving all the batfam in perpetual agelessness limbo, but that's a different rant).
Thakfully, the other cover arts seems to retain his hair, so it's good.
Still, since Dami is now 14 years old (in canon), having a longer hair cut makes sense, BUT not the trademarked cut of Tim's Robin, please, aaaaahjj. I can barely recognize the two when they are in the same panels, with DC's indecisiveness executive decisions for the Robin's mantle (with having two active Robins at the same time) and 2023 comics decided to upped the difficulty level, still?!
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Batman and Robin (Sept 2023)
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gffa · 2 years ago
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All right, you know what? Task Force Z was worth reading just for these three pages alone. "Why can't you say it? I'm not something you built. I'm not a weapon. You raised me. You were a father to me. And you brought me into this world of yours and all I got was pain, and death, and the constant reminders that I'll never measure up to you or Dick." And "It's my city too. You always forget that. You aren't the only person from here. You aren't the only one who got hurt here. And you aren't the only one who wants to save it." "So I'm asking you, as the man who trained me, the man who raised me, a man who cares so much about what is right... will you please just get the @#$% out of our way?" We don't see the aftermath of Jason asks Bruce to trust him, to get out of his way, but we do see that Jason goes back to Task Force Z's mission, so Bruce does get the fuck out of his way and, yeah, okay, a lot of this series made my eyes kind of glaze over, but there's some solid banter in here, Jason gets to be a funny asshole, and the emotional moments packed a hell of a punch, because this is a Jason who is trying to make the best of shitty circumstances, but also a Jason who is trying to actually have choices in his life, because he feels he so often doesn't. This is a Bruce who does love Jason but that love is constantly at war with Jason's wilder side, that Bruce wants to protect him, showed up at the start of this whole mess before Jason got roped into this task force, saying they needed to leave because Bruce couldn't protect him from this mission that Jason agreed to do for him if they stayed, but Jason's desire to see it through meant he pushed forward even when he didn't realize the consequences. Which means Bruce isn't entirely wrong, Jason is getting in with a dangerous group that Jason didn't realize the scope of and it's clearly coming from a place of, "I don't want my kid mixed up in this." (even though he can't just say that, gdi Bruce) but also Jason is spot-fucking-on that Bruce isn't the only one that's from Gotham, he's not the only one hurt by it, he's not the only one who wants to save it, Jason has just as much right to the city as he does. And that Bruce isn't just his boss who can order him around, they're more to each other than that, and it's Jason appealing to that relationship, saying, if you want to have a relationship with me, it has to be one that includes that you raised me. Like, for all that Jason is often hot-headed and lets his temper get the best of him and pushes people away, he also is pretty clear here that he does want Bruce to trust him, to acknowledge him as Bruce's son, and acknowledge his right to the city on his own terms, not just as an extension of Bruce. It is very easy to read into Jason and Bruce's interactions in this series as Bruce coming from a place of love for Jason, of worrying about his kid, and expressing it very badly--and, honestly, I think Jason himself kind of knows that, too. He's just not settling for it, he wants acknowledgement of what happened to him and what he means to this family and this city. He's incredibly angry, he's still making mistakes, but he also refuses to let it pass by that he's genuinely trying here and he deserves some trust for that, he deserves to be recognized. And this is a start, Bruce does get out of his way. It's a little rougher with his siblings in the second volume, but Jason isn't just walling himself off from them, he says what he's mad about and there is a sense of squabbling sibling-ness to it all, like, yeah, they're all being assholes to each other, but they save each other and still let their guard down around each other and tease each other (viciously, but it does still come across as teasing) and like. Jason Todd knows what he deserves and he's going to stand up and demand it. He admits to the mistakes he's made, that he's fucked up more than once, but that he still knows he deserves trust and recognition and that he wants it.
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cleromancy · 1 year ago
can you imagine being the brentwood janitor and opening the shed for like a mop and robin the boy wonder is fucking tucked up asleep in the corner. wyd
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from robin 1993 #87. he sleeps in this rooftop maintenance. cabinet? shed? for 12 hours and misses all his classes that day LMAO
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vmkhoneycomb · 2 years ago
Ok but comics had to make Tim and Damian sworn enemies bc w/o that they’d take over the world and probably solve 90% of the family’s problems.
Like. Dick goes to take Robin from Tim and Damian is like ‘preposterous. I refuse to steal Robin from him. I must earn it or it means nothing.’
Tim, readily creating Red Robin: I love this stupid kid so much I’ve decided to give it to him.
(Dickie, upon receiving pushback, realizing what a stupid fuckin idea it would b to take Robin from Tim)
Damian, who informs Tim that Dick probably doesn’t admit he believes him abt Bruce because he’s Too Sensitive and Emotional and if he believes him and Tim is wrong then Nightwing might never fly again.
Dick, having a mental breakdown:
Damian: Timothy. I require your assistance. You’ve pulled father out of worse woes, you must help me with Richard.
Jason hating on Tim for a while bc pit rage and Damian is his threatening little shadow like We Have Both Been Trained By Mother And I Guarantee, Whatever You Do To Timothy I Will Do To You In Much More Violent Ways.
Damian and Tim arguing 24/7 but dami actually really respects Tim’s intellect and perseverance and knows that his brother is constantly dancing on the same line that Damian has to (I.e villain/assassin vs. hero) and watching him make the conscious choice every day to do what’s right helps dami do the same.
Make them friends gdi
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bigskydreaming · 6 months ago
Going back into the writing cave now to do some more Actual New Content, starting with that Blue Lantern Dick Grayson ficlet that is NOT going to morph into a full blown fic, gdi, I already wrote its last line for a REASON. Also still have to finish that Dick introducing Jason to the original Titans fic commission that's mostly done and probably would be except Lilith keeps trying to weasel her way into it because I Am Me, but the Blue Lantern one is flowing fast at least, mostly because its pretty much just a Dick and Bruce fight that the whole self-reblogging spree was in support of, specifically TO get me fired up about the topic I have them fighting about hfaslfhlkahfal. It uh. Might have worked a little too well though. My short-notes/dialogue only version of it is already 1000 words long so I don't think I do that correctly, but oh well.
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dramatisperscnae · 2 months ago
this doesn't have to mean anything. [ hal to bruce ]
Bruce just gives him a flat look, entirely unimpressed. No one's looking right now, Hal's blocking pretty much everyone's line of sight on his expression, which means he can let the act drop just a bit.
There's only so much of that insufferable smirk on Jordan's face he can take, after all.
"That's because it doesn't mean anything," he grumbles back, even as his hands tighten their grip on the Lantern's waist. His expression is one thing, but his body language still needs to read as 'interested boyfriend' while they're in this stupid club. Not for the first time does Bruce silently curse the fact that they couldn't just send Oliver and Dinah to check this place out.
Well. They could have, but Oliver Queen is about as subtle as a freight train most days. Not the best choice for a low-key operation. And Clark had insisted they draw lots to assign the partners for this one, and somehow Bruce had drawn the short straw.
The other short straw.
He pulls Hal a little closer, both to clear a little more room for someone passing by and to see just what the man's reaction will be when Bruce whispers in his ear, "Why, did you want it to mean something…?"
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keirou-kun · 1 year ago
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Why does almost no one draw him with scars like this? This man has been active on the field since he was nine [or thereabouts; continuities change but still] and yet this is the first time i have seen him with scars like this. That he would absolutely have because he is just like Bruce and barely pays attention to his own injuries when on the job.
Give me more scarred-up Dick Grayson gdi
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hyenaswine · 4 months ago
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gdi bruce
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