#britain was losing a degree of cultural relevance
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pynkhues · 1 year ago
I’m the anon who asked you for your take on Jeremy Strong’s awards no-show. I straight up LOVED that answer! And your point re. Kieran and Jeremy probably annoying each other, I hear that and understand it and agree! But in all seriousness, I think this is one of the things that kind of narcs me about the discourse around Jeremy’s ‘process’ and how disruptive it is, and how Kieran has to make allowances for him. It’s a two-way street! Jeremy would have been making allowances for and adjusting to his colleagues, too. I’m not sure why one style of disruption is more acceptable than the other tbh. Anyway ty for your reply, love your blog and your Succession thoughts and your industry insights!
You're very welcome, anon! And yeah, I think people just have a kneejerk reaction to method acting tbh, which I do kind of get? A lot of actors I think do use it in a way that lets them get away with bad behaviour, after all, and it's certainly an approach that's had a body count, but I think at its core, method acting is an immersive technique that, when done well, can be immensely useful for actors feeling their way into worlds that are really foreign to their own.
Benedict Cumberbatch actually talked about it in a pretty interesting way during The Power of the Dog's press tour. Jane Campion had actually encouraged him to do it, and for him it really became about using his hands in a way that he'd never really had to before, in particular in cigarette rolling, banjo playing and taxidermy, all of which are crucial to the character he plays.
But yes, that's a whole other thing, haha. I do think some of the criticism of method acting is about it's room for bad behaviour, but I also do think a bit of it can sometimes be a deliberate diminishment of the craft of acting. There does seem to be a popular sentiment that acting is just people who just get to play make believe all day, but good acting is an art form in and of itself, and of course there'd be different techniques and methods to excel at that.
I don't know! Day jobbing at a theatre company means I'm around actors a lot these days, and I kinda love just going to watch them workshop. There are so many different ways into roles, and I think the only thing to really remember is that when it comes to actors, they're all insane, haha.
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tanadrin · 2 years ago
feels like this is really easy--some people enjoy studying the humanities, so why shouldn’t they? the same reason people study the arts, or pure mathematics (cf. the discussion ‘round these parts lately about how transfinite numbers probably have no practical application and never will just bc reality doesn’t deal in mega-infinities)
but hedonism aside, there are instrumental reasons to want to study, say, history. if you want to formulate, say, robust economic models that work across many different times and places, maybe you want to incorporate historical data. and to do that you need to collect and sort through that data, and to do that you need to understand your sources, and it will really help if you don’t have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to basic historical methodology every single time. and that you’re not vulnerable to the field-specific equivalent of insane conspiracy theories because your knowledge of history is paper-thin.
and i think people really underrate the extent to which maintaining useful knowledge about some areas requires, like. continually refreshing that knowledge? it’s not enough to have it sitting in books somewhere. i remember stumbling across a discussion on new translations of the medieval scholastics a little while back (I probably linked it on tumblr?), where the translators had made some pretty basic and glaring errors because scholastic latin in a particularly difficult and finicky register of the language, and the state of latin education had decayed terribly in most of the english-speaking world because it’s regarded as unimportant. and like, sure, maybe it is. maybe not enough people want to be able to read the scholastic writers anymore to make it worth it. but this is clearly an instance where having knowledge of the latin language just sitting in books isn’t enough--people need to be trained in it, and trained pretty comprehensively, or we lose the ability to read certain authors.
and (to run with the history example) as the ability to read those authors falls off, because knowledge of the sources and the languages they’re written in falls off, our ability to double-check our theories and judgements against primary sources is also lost, and in the extreme case eventually we’re reduced to a game of telephone where we’re relying on secondhand interpretations of secondhand interpretations. that’s a terrible way to do any kind of systematic inquiry, not just history! imagine trying to write about the themes of jane austen or what you think jane austen’s political opinions were or what the culture and social climate of early 19th century Britain was like without being able to, y’know. read jane austen, or any other texts produced in Britain from ~1750-1850.
now, there’s a separate question which i think sometimes gets conflated with “why should we study the humanities,” which is “why should there be humanities gen ed requirements for people who are majoring in something totally different like STEM,” to which i would say, this is (AFAICT) principally a north american thing. in the (english-speaking, anyway) universities of Europe, if you study law or medicine or physics, every class you take is relevant to the course of study you were admitted for. though i don’t think that produces markedly better or worse education outcomes. i liked it better (it meant i didn’t have to take any math classes as an English major), but it doesn’t seem to produce notably better or worse educational outcomes. (the thing which I think American universities should more directly emulate is not making law and medical school postgraduate courses of study--you can get both a law degree and a medical degree as an undergraduate in Ireland and the UK, without wasting four years farting around in a “pre-law” course or whatever)
the underlying educational philosophy is something like intellectual well-roundedness, which is a virtue so far as we can cultivate it deliberately--if you have a little interdisciplinary knowledge you are perhaps less likely as a physicist to come up with dogshit stupid ideas like “languages lose phonemes the further they get from africa,” because you know the polynesian languages are an extreme outlier that is going to fuck up your data set; or as an economist you are less likely to get your models of past societies wrong because you subscribe to some weird theory of history that was disproven to the satisfaction of most historians fifty years ago.
it is kind of funny how every time we have discourse about the humanities, a large slice of this site will come out and tacitly endorse the opinion that everyone who didn't go to college is not a complete or interesting person
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 5 years ago
Exophonic Writing: 5 Benefits
Exophonic writing means writing in a foreign language. I discovered that many writers, including the renowned Joseph Conrad (a Pole), wrote exophonically. 
This encouraged me, since I had often put off my French writing projects to the side after losing courage. During NaNoWriMo, I have prepared a project for exophonic writing, which will examine the influence of French on Middle High German (link in German). 
While I do not have the relevant degrees, I now realise that I want to make this topic accessible to non-scholars. 
Here are some benefits of exophonic writing which all multi-lingual writers should consider:
Expanded Expression: In reading articles on exophonic writing, the one common denominator between such writers is their ability to express themselves easier in another language compared to their mother tongue. Some phrases and ideas lend themselves to particular languages compared to others. For example, when I read phrases in Hebrew, I often find the expression more succinct compared to English. I find the sentence structure of German more logical and even poetic. So the range of thoughts that can be expressed increases. 
Accessibility: The testimonies of at least 2 Japanese writers found that English was more accessible than their native tongues. One even found Japanese too hierarchial, and thus saw writing in English as a rebellion. While I have no interest in writing exophonically for social or political reasons, I think this perspective does highlight the outstanding nature of languages based on Latin and Greek. Instead of relying on characters or consonants, you have a collection of letters. This could be seen as more “democratic” to some. (N.B: I admire both Middle-Eastern and Asian languages, particularly Hebrew, Arabic, and Mandarin Chinese). 
Cultural Affinity: It comes as no surprise that many exophonic writers are migrants to foreign nations. In fact, much of the articles on exophonic writing concern the connection between migration, culture, and writing in the dominant language. Exophonic writing has often been cast as the struggle to adapt in a foreign culture, while also recognising one’s birth origins, language, and culture. But this does not only apply to migrants. For example, I am British and have never migrated. But I feel a great cultural affinity with France, and that has stemmed from my love of French. I also admire parts of Russian culture, which again stems from my study of Russian history. And so exophonic writing can help access those cultures. 
Wider audiences: To my surprise, and perhaps sorrow, translations do not sell well in the Anglosphere. Outside of translated classics, most people will read books in English, myself included. No matter how many times I tell myself to read more in French and German, the majority of what I read is inside English. And so if I wish to access French and German audiences, I must write in their language. (Likewise, those wishing to reach Anglophone audiences must write in English). The most profitable languages are those with the widest number of speakers: Chinese, Spanish, English, French, German, Russian, and Arabic. While translation is invaluable and has its place, it must remain subordinate to writing in the original language. Exophonic writers can thus cross language barriers and reach new people. 
Foreign Language Mastery: While Joseph Conrad found writing in English incredibly difficult, he is renowned today as one of the finest writers in the English language. I first came across him from Noah Lukeman’s masterful The First Five Pages, excerpts of his writing held as the gold standard of writing technique. How did Conrad, a Pole born as  Józef Teodor Nałęcz Konrad Korzeniowski, reach this level? By working at the language as a carpenter shapes wood. Evidently, Conrad would have written drafts in elementary English and kept polishing and polishing his drafts. And so the more we practice writing inside a foreign language, as well as reading widely in the target language, the further we progress to mastery in that language. So exophonic writers should not fear mistakes and errors. Rather, working and working on developing an authentic expression will produce excellent results, regardless of whether you write fiction like Conrad, or nonfiction. 
Why isn’t exophonic writing taught in Anglophone schools? I have always aspired to write in French, but many have not even had the opportunity because the quality of foreign language teaching is poor in Britain. The examination boards have now lowered standards (again) to accommodate student fears about foreign languages. More people should appreciate the importance of writing exophonically, which is essential to many writers around the world today, as well as many historical figures. Voltaire wrote letters in English when he stayed here. Handel eventually learned English and referred to himself as “Mr. Handel.” Foreign languages are too important to be failed by a mediocre education system. 
So if you study foreign languages, consider exophonic writing. 
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abrahamsen93dickens-blog · 6 years ago
Regulation And also Identification In The Life Stories Of Americans With Disabilities, Engel, Munger.
A high uric acid level (hyperuricemia) is an excess of uric acid in the blood and also can be caused, when the body either produces way too much uric acid or the kidneys eliminate inadequate uric acid. Sources of bloating are stress and anxiety or anxiety, an acidification of the body, intestinal illness, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric illness or lactose intolerance, diverticulosis, antibiotics, laxatives, irregularity, fatty foods as well as sweetening agents, a lack of digestive system enzymes, a weak point of pancreatic or liver, a weak digestive vegetation, heart failure as well as disruptions in hormonal agent balance. David Marquand argues that a post-Brexit Britain would certainly be a cross between a higher Norway and a better Guernsey, complying with EU standards without political impact to form them. In 2004, Epel as well as her team found that that psychological tension is significantly correlated with shorter telomere length in leukocytes, antibody cells that combat condition. Trump took place to insinuate that Clinton may be making use of performance-enhancing medicines to boost her discussion abilities. Previous Colombian head of state César Gaviria Trujillo informed the little group at the Grand Hyatt in New York City that the UN's purpose of a culture without drug abuse" is impractical, totally ignorant, nearly foolish". Exercise in any type of setting could boost our mental and physical health on a variety of different levels, and can be a superb method of decreasing tension However you might get back at much more benefit from your exercise by ditching the gym as well as taking a jog by the sea or a swim in the lake rather. The 'debate' pivots not on whether statins are capable of protecting against heart attacks and strokes-- nearly every person concurs that they are, however on the frequency with which they create side effects and also the extent to which those side effects may surpass their benefits. In many cases, your physician has no real idea which medicine would likely be the most effective for you due to the fact that the literary works they examine is full of disinformation. With a list of other problems where smoking is a trigger - including acne inversa, periodontal conditions and yellowing of teeth, thinning and also premature greying of the hair, and discoloration of fingers and nails - it's safe to claim no amount of your favorite anti-ageing or cold cream will balance out the mixed impacts of cigarette smoking on the skin. El Nino is connected to major worldwide environment occasions consisting of weak monsoons in India, hefty rainfall and also storms in The United States and Canada and also Europe including the UK, as well as floodings in Australia. Mays really feels the hurting even more acutely since his daughter was convicted of illegally acquiring medications from a neighborhood drug store where she worked. Vitamin D could affect just how specific drugs are taken in by the body or turned on inside the body. In spite of Ava's exposing circuitry, it is the significant type of science fiction film that is much more dependent on concepts than impacts. However it is an extremely effective sensation and has ripple effects around the world in The U.S.A., Asia, Australia and also Europe. It might be a drag to some audiences, so harsh is its sight of the medicine culture. First points initially though: to identify your eye form see the video clip over, Shape Issues: ways to find out your eye form as well as why it matters. this contact form were selected because info on other materials, such as ecstasy, hallucinogenic drugs as well as anabolic steroids, is sketchier. This form is not suggested for small brides as the complete skirt could bewilder or take away from the appearance of the new bride. One of the most seamless element of unseen effects work is also one of the most secretive: so much to make sure that it's routinely performed on a need-to-know basis as well as under privacy agreements. The addicts will be supported on morphine for a couple of days, after that gradually tapered off of the drug. This is what triggers the immediate effects of problem in breathing and coughing. A lot of individuals that read XXXholic know that Watanuki commonly went to the pharmacy to obtain medicine or something else for Yuuko, nevertheless, the 2 major personalities DO NOT identify Watanuki at ALL. Take a look via these stunning drone images, highlighting the effects of air pollution on planet earth yet likewise the possibilities to tackle this frightening problem. While this is an age-old search, brand-new alternatives have actually emerged and acquired popularity in the form of smart medications and nootropics, though many are still not knowledgeable about the benefits (and also risks) of these compounds. Variations of this write-up first show up in Concern 6 of, the Guelph Chamber's quarterly sustainability magazine, as well as the Late Summer/ Very early Autumn issue of the Chamber's Moving Business Forward publication. Several plants generate pure nicotine and also store it in their leaves; it's poisonous and also bitter in huge dosages, keeping starving pets away. To progress understanding of exactly how zero gravity affects bone thickness, researchers from Ames Research Center teamed up with BioServe Room Technologies, College of Colorado Boulder, and also Amgen, of Thousand Oaks, The golden state, for a series of three experiments performed on computer mice. Similar to various other areas of the criminal justice system, apprehension information for personal medication criminal activities shows a sharp racial variation. Albeit from a British perspective, the arguments and web content are similarly relevant to the existing medicine plan of the United States. Picture the forms as prospective building blocks, just like Lego blocks-- which you would integrate to create an image with context as well as definition. Colistin, a medicine from the 1940s, is being made use of to treat resistant stress of acetinobacter as well as other virus collectively known as Gram-negative bacteria. Under assistance to be published later this month by Government medication guard dog the National Institute for Care as well as Health Excellence (NICE), the threshold will certainly be reduced to a 10 per cent danger. The new research by researchers at Tulane University in New Orleans has reignited the dispute about statin adverse effects which lots of medical professionals say have been downplayed. As nutrients is progressively neglected as well as changed by medicines or alcohol, absorption and also metabolic rate of nutrients is progressively damaged. To show the significance of parental affection, he would certainly show the effects of its lack and, much more drastically, of its contrary. Throughout the 1950s and 60s the drug had a major impact on psychology and also psychological study, yet its adoption as an entertainment medication and also its impact on young people culture caused it being outlawed in the 1960s. The height of the medication war in the 1980s additionally saw the beginning of the militarization of local police, the arms which are attended now, most recently in Ferguson, Missouri. Brian Houlihan is a member of Help Not Damage which looks for to shift the emphasis of Irish medication plan from criminal justice to public health. Pharmaceutical business should not lose out significantly as pharmacists will still need to buy the base items and also offer only copyrighted solutions of drugs. If http://totpentrufemei.info/heart-tonic-eficienta-de-a-lupta-cu-hipertensiune-arterial/ wish to have a look at J.C.'s creating without spending a cent, he is presently podcasting Personal Results: Sword of Blood, a novella that takes place days prior to the occasions in the story. As an example, I have a buddy that is adamant that the withdrawal process is vital to long-term soberness, even though evidence with nicotine substitute and also methadone upkeep suggests that lowering withdrawal effects boosts therapy efficiency for pure nicotine and opioid addiction, respectively. However the North Korean federal government has actually mostly headed out of the medication business, inning accordance with the United States State Department's 2013 International Narcotics Control Approach Record. There is loads of detail on the way that the data is cherry selected to show that a specific medicine is a lot better compared to the competition. The medications are currently supplied to clients with a 20 percent danger of establishing heart disease to assist maintain their cholesterol degrees in check.
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harryweaver · 4 years ago
Written in 2013
Who Are They?
I took a plane flight the other day.
While waiting for take off I was looking round, noticing the ever decreasing amounts of metal employed in the interior of aircraft these days, consistent with the need for weight saving. Even the little there was appeared to be aluminium, or an aluminium alloy type, to make it lighter and I thought about the degree of fossil fuel involvement in: its removal from the ground; transport to the foundry; during the processing and moulding; and then transport to the assembly facility. Even the minimal amounts employed by the power tools necessary for assembly. Then I thought of all the other metal aspects in the wiring and the exterior fabrication, the fossil fuel requirement there and the associated transportation factor. After that, I envisaged the insulation involved, looked at the plastic, overhead locker housings, the vinyl seating and paint, the polyester involved in the carpeting, stewardess' uniform and even her nail polish. All petroleum based.
I thought about what our 'civilisation' would be like without oil and realised we'd be back in the days of the horse and cart, looking round for something to grease the axles.
The thought then occurred how foolish it would seem to have the entire basis of your economy in someone else's hands.
Not two wars, but two fronts in the one war with a blockade to provide the siege factor between. With the blockade in the Gulf of Arabia ensuring that such things as wheelbarrows were not permitted through as they might conceivably be employed as tools in the construction of nuclear weaponry sites. Vaccines were not permitted through, as they were deemed capable of being employed as the basis for the production of biological weaponry, although, as any secondary school biology student could tell us, the bacteria that make up the vast array of vaccines are dead. As a direct result of this latter action 200,000 Iraqi children, in their first five years of life, died during the Iraqi occupation while doctors in hospitals begged, unsuccessfully, for the release of the vaccines needed to save them. These are just two examples of assessment guidelines imposed, to facilitate the degree of compliance required, that had nothing to do with international rulings.
Not to mention such aspects as the destruction of Fallujah. One of the more direct modes of winning hearts and minds.
The carefully targeted destruction elsewhere in Iraq, destroying some of the very foundations of known civilisation. Destruction of cultural identity - the hallmark of genocide.
All this in a country where, before the latest Kuwaiti invasion (No, it hasn't always been a convenient part of Britain), 98% of households had a potable water supply and the same percentage of the population had unrestricted access to a quality tertiary education. But none of this has relevance in relation to our own requirement, obvious when it's observed that the high-minded motive for the launch of the second front was a decidedly fuzzy, high-resolution satellite picture of a garbage truck. The siege simply wasn't meeting the time frame.
Moslem acquaintances of mine had been united in the assessment that, in traditional Arabic tribal culture, even if Saddam Hussein was removed, somebody just as bad or even worse would take his place. The tribe in power always abuses the privilege (and in this, I see little to differentiate Western cultures), other tribes that were associated in their ascendancy reaping concessions, with ancient grudges ensuring placement in the substrata of the social order. This tribal mode of behaviour is practically genetic in Arabic culture and not about to transpose into a 'Rag-Head' copy of 'America the Beautiful' as the result of some eye-blink stop-over, which makes zero difference to a cultural outlook that was ancient before America was mistakenly discovered by Columbus.
'America the Beautiful' is losing some of her sheen now, with the rapidly growing efficiency of direct information exchange mediums making it obvious that, for example, a new trade good described as 'foreign aid' is to be supplied to some deserving situations that have some strategic value while others just as deserving, but with no advantage to offer, receive none. Some, like Eritrea, are not even 'recognised'. This appears to do nothing toward slowing the death rate, however. Nothing of their plight appears on the pages and screens of a corporate media that has a product to sell that, these days, appears to have nothing to do with the concepts implied by the terminology, 'journalism'.
As far as the armed forces go, sentient beings, even in those instances where their full intelligence quotient might not have been permitted full flight by peer pressure and their adversary has had their humanity stripped from them by appellations such as 'Rag-Heads', know when they are being conned. They are aware, if only on a subconscious level, that they are involved in the first of the major corporate wars.
Being asked to die for corporate requirement instead of the principles laid down by Founding Fathers that created an admirable American ideal, that exists now only in the memories of a rightfully proud and ever diminishing American few. Could this be the reason American servicemen are at their lowest ever ebb in regard to the morale factor? And American armed forces conscription is at an all time low also?
There appears to be a great level of confusion on this level, as illustrated by the case of Bradley Manning, a Private, First Class in the American Armed Forces who hears one stance espoused by the commanders of those forces, sees what are obviously radical discrepancies that contradict that stated stance, takes those discrepancies to his direct superiors and is told to 'Go away'. Then, apparently having no other direction to go in, he decides to go public with an ethical stance that does himself, the armed forces he serves and his country proud. As a product of the confused maelstrom of contradiction posed by stated policy and actual practice, he is branded a traitor, locked up on the sole evidence provide by a madman and subjected to the latest fashion in psychological torture practices for a grossly extended period, before, and this is yet to happen, he is sent to trial to determine his guilt or innocence.
And then there's Afghanistan. There are too many other examples of global tragedies, that have no fiscal/material benefit to offer that go ignored and unattended, to have any faith in the much trumpeted ethical stance any longer. Let's not forget that the Taliban were originally founded and funded by the American taxpayer, to the tune of four and a half billion dollars, in order to destabilise the Soviet presence in Afghanistan.
And now, with regard to Afghanistan's massive predisposition for poppy farming, the world's basis for pharmaceutical commodities of everything from basic Codeine all the way through to Heroin (oops, sorry, Morphine) placed in 'Protective Custody'? Suddenly there appears to be the outline of what could be interpreted as an intentional drive toward a stranglehold on oil and pharmaceuticals, the two largest global corporate economies.
With other bonuses
Which are enacted upon, as quickly as possible
Idealistic standards of the past supply no more than a format for the oratory, that enables the future plundering of assets, with techniques that bear little relation to the rhetoric.
While the location, location, location aspect screams to be recognised with the border of mainland China just a short flight up the Hindu Kush. And in the middle, between Iraq and Afghanistan (Oh! Amazing coincidence!), Iran, with a production of over 4 million barrels of oil/day.
Who are the terrorists?
If your party spills over into the neighbours’ backyard and you start stealing his beer, you'll get a negative reaction.
If you invade half the middle east, taking from them control and ownership of the only commodity they have that keeps the desert warm at night and cool during the day, you don't think you are going to get an adverse reaction? Go back and repeat the slow learner class!
As Noam Chomsky once said, `If you want to stop terrorism, stop participating in it’.
There are many conspiracy theories surrounding such phenomenon as the Twin Towers tragedy, but when a complex of this size, where 50,000 people worked on any weekday, with another 200,000/day passing through as visitors, it's a marvellous thing to me that only 2,800 were killed - including over 400 utilities workers who came along afterward. The complex was so large, it had its own zip code: 10048, so nobody had to leave the complex to go to lunch when it happened, at 8.45 a.m.
It was the Twin Towers incident that 'launched' the 'War On Terror'.
But perhaps there is something else at work here also?
Barack Obama and his would-be Mini-Me, the then Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, both arrive on the last day of the recent international climate change conference to abundantly demonstrate how concerned they weren't with the issues. Massive industrial outsourcing investments have gone into both China and India, to take full advantage of the cheap labour overhead, so they'll never be asked to cut emissions. No advantage in that. It'd just drive up the price of the product. That's the reason they were outsourced in the first place. The demand for oil will only increase within industrial and commercial environments that follow production processes that require them. An entirely new definition of pollution, powered by over half the world's population, will be carried along by water-tables, ocean and wind currents, phenomena that have absolutely no respect for national boundaries either.
As pollution increases, natural resources will suffer in quality and availability and, as a consequence, escalate in value. Future wars will be fought over water and that won't be too far into the future. The overtures have already been well and truly played.
As I have said previously: We consider our 'selves' to be a separate entity to our environment, rather than an integral, interacting aspect of it, so any harm we inflict on the environment has no real effect on our situation, we surmise. (The comparative example of this would be that of a race of people, travelling through endless space, systematically destroying the space ship they are travelling in.) There have been highly qualified dissenting voices to this supposition, even economists like E.F. Schumacher who advise that, "If we ever find ourselves in the position of winning our battle with nature, we will automatically find ourselves on the losing side".
As a species, are we really this stupid? Or do we employ our elected political heads to make these awkward decisions for us, while we fiddle as our ethical state burns and we hide our heads in the sands of short term profit? And we pretend not to know until, only occasionally, the truth of the situation finds its way through the cracks in the walls of mainstream media platitudes. Truth finally hurled in our faces to the point where we can no longer ignore it and we throw our political, human sacrifices on the fiery, self righteous altars of our conscience?
Let's do it again!
Is this the trade off?
'Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.'
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca.
Terrorism, the new religion?
We'll live quietly, in our allocated suburban box and pay you very well, if you'll perpetuate our preferred illusions? The veneer of civilisation, over the greatest predator in the history of the planet, isn't even rice paper, Bible-page thick.
Yes, we can go ahead and pretend that none of this is happening, but if we create a Golgotha that is free of any chance of vice, we will have removed the only stage where virtue has the opportunity to dance, so what spiritual aspect to existence will we have to console us then?
Spirituality is no longer a required attribute in a Production Unit however:
Religion, as described above, will do as a substitute;
Basic diet requirement, yes;
Health maintenance, also (any need for it to be preventative would be associated with the lowering of retraining cost);
and a little R&R as a last condescending concession to our humanity, to aid in compliance and prove corporate benevolence.
It'll suffice.
After all, why not give up our civil liberties?
We weren't using them anyway.
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Essay代写:Buckingham university
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Buckingham university,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国白金汉大学。白金汉大学的前身是创立于1976年的白金汉大学学院,在获得英国女王的特许状之后正式升格为大学。白金汉大学是英国唯一一所2年制私立本科大学,其人才培养包括大学预科、本科、研究生3个层次,其卓越的办学质量得到了英国政府、公众及学生家长的一致认可和好评。
Buckingham university is a private university of Great Britain, in more than 30 years of practice, school funds always independent of the government, to provide high-quality education and humanized service as own duty, with its "independent, small-scale operations, provide two-year undergraduate education, with students as the center" and other characteristics, among the universities in Britain, for the development of private colleges in China provides a model of great significance.
British higher education has a long history. Its private higher education can be traced back to the university of Oxford founded in 1168 and the university of Cambridge founded in 1209, with a history of more than 800 years. Nowadays, most of these traditional private universities are funded by the government or even by the government, which is obviously different from private universities in China. Only the university of buckingham is completely independent of the government in terms of funding, mainly relying on tuition fees, donations from the society and enterprises, which is the closest to the private universities in China. Therefore, the investigation and analysis of buckingham university's school-running mode and its characteristics have more realistic reference significance for the development of private colleges and universities in China.
The University of Buckingham was founded in 1976 as the University College at Buckingham. It received a charter from the queen in 1983 and was later officially upgraded to a university. Former British prime minister Margaret thatcher was chancellor of the school. The current chancellor is a former British cabinet minister in charge of education and science.
The university of buckingham is located in Bukinghamshire in southeast England, less than 10 miles from the famous university town of Oxford and 50 miles from London. The current two campuses, Verney Park and Hunter Street Campus, include seven schools including Business School, School of Humanities, Law School and School of Science, offering degree courses in four major fields of Law, Business, Humanities and Science, of which the Law School is quite famous in the UK.
The university of buckingham is the only 2-year private university in the UK, and its talent cultivation includes three levels: pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate. The school is small, with fewer than 1,000 students from more than 80 different countries and regions around the world. The rich cultural resources of different countries and nationalities gather here, forming a strong and diversified cultural atmosphere of the school and becoming a veritable global community.
The university of buckingham is an outstanding private university, and its outstanding quality has been recognized and praised by the British government, the public and students' parents. The school was awarded the queen's foreign educational achievement award in 1994. In 2003, the school passed a rigorous review by the government's quality assurance agency, reaching the highest level. In 2006 it was named one of Britain's top comprehensive universities of the year. The university twice topped the National Student Survey conducted by the Higher Education Funding Council for England in 2006 and 2007.
In the field of higher education in Britain, the university of buckingham's "maverick" is obvious. On the one hand, in order to maintain the independence of the school and enjoy full autonomy in running the school, the school insists not to accept government funding. On the other hand, in order to provide high-quality education and personalized services, the school does not expand the school scale, but insists on group teaching and small-scale operation. It is this insistence on "independence" and "quality" that has contributed to the first-class quality of education and the distinctive characteristics of buckingham university. It has also made buckingham university one of the most prestigious universities in the UK, which is recognized by the government, recognized by the public and desired by students.
The university of buckingham is famous for its independence. "independence" is the essence of the university and the main mark that distinguishes it from other British universities. Professor terence keeley, the current vice-chancellor, said: "a lot of people forget that you don't need government money to run a school, including most schools in Europe in the past. The establishment and development of a university should be determined by market demand. In 1914, there were 14 independent universities in Britain, but after the World War I, because of the four-year war, the universities had no students, plus inflation, all of these universities went bankrupt. In this case, the university has to apply to the government for funding. In this way, British universities lose the tradition of running their own schools. The fundamental purpose of the university of buckingham is to pursue 'independence', to distinguish itself from the government and to keep the university free from government control and influence.
In order to maintain the independence of the school, the university of buckingham in funds, which is totally independent of government, even in today's universities have received government funding, buckingham university, also do not go with the flow, but always adhere to the British tradition of free educational philosophy, refused to accept government funding, as the only contemporary British higher education field in the true sense of the independent college. Because of this, the school is not only enjoy the height of the school-running autonomy, can according to the changing needs of industry and commerce enterprise, setting the professional, independent adjustment of teaching contents and curriculum system, and operation and management in school, also can be as much as possible to reduce or exempt from relevant government intervention and interference, a more sufficient autonomy and the autonomy of running school. Therefore, in the university of buckingham, students are truly placed at the top of the school's work, which is the starting point and destination of all the school's work, thus becoming the true consumers of education. At the university of buckingham, every strategic planning and development decision is student-centered, rather than in order to meet and fulfill the relevant strategic objectives and educational tasks of the government.
The university of buckingham is no exception. The university of buckingham matched those of other universities in the Quality Assurance Agency's Quality Assurance Agency survey, with Quality Assurance Assurance. But the difference is that the process of popularization of higher education in the UK, buckingham university, is not like other universities expand, but take the quality as the core, not blindly expand the scale of enrollment, always adhere to the small-scale operations, team teaching mode, to keep the high student-faculty ratios, to guarantee and improve the teaching quality of school education.
In the context of the popularization of higher education in the UK and the expansion of university scale, buckingham university always sticks to its own scale and does not blindly expand the campus area and enrollment scale. Currently, the number of students in the university is less than 1,000, far lower than the average size of 11,000 students in British universities. Neither accepting government funding nor expanding its student body means that buckingham university is far less well-endowed than other universities, yet able to live on its own terms. This small-scale operation has effectively guaranteed the steady improvement of the education quality of the university of buckingham, making it one of the top universities in the UK with high quality education and a model of "small but excellent, small but strong".
Oxbridge-style teaching in small groups. This teaching mode emphasizes group teaching and individual tutoring. Comparatively speaking, this teaching mode has high cost and low efficiency, and is losing its due position in modern colleges and universities. However, in order to ensure that students have access to adequate educational resources and services, the university of buckingham has always adhered to this traditional teaching model, and has deliberately limited the size of the school in the development process, maintaining a high ratio of 1:10. This kind of group teaching mode and high student-teacher ratio make almost all the teachers and students in the university of buckingham know each other, which is hard to imagine in other British universities.
As an independent educational entity, buckingham university represents the traditional British concept of free education and has formed its own distinctive educational characteristics in daily teaching and management, among which the most remarkable is the two-year undergraduate education known as the "fast track". Currently, buckingham university is the only university in the UK to offer a two-year undergraduate education.
In the UK, the length of an undergraduate degree is usually three years and 90 teaching weeks. The undergraduate education at buckingham university lasts two years and 80 weeks. In terms of time, the length of schooling of buckingham university has decreased by one year, but the total teaching time and learning content have not decreased, and the quality of education has not decreased. Different from other universities, buckingham university has reduced the number of holidays for students during their study. The year is divided into four semesters, and the term starts in January, July and September respectively. Students can choose the time of admission according to their specific conditions. The university of buckingham has fewer holidays and does not have a long summer break like other universities. Because of the compact and intensive schedule, students are able to make more efficient use of the whole year to study. Therefore, although the length of study of buckingham university has been shortened, the total study time and content have not been reduced. To complete their studies on time, students must work twice as hard and more efficiently, spending two years to complete undergraduate courses that would take three years at other universities.
This intensive and efficient undergraduate education not only saves one year of study time for students and enables them to enter the society one year earlier, but also reduces the cost of education invested by students to a certain extent. It is highly competitive among British universities and has won a steady stream of excellent students around the world.
The student-centered, learning support system is complete in the university of buckingham. The student-centered, anytime anywhere personalized service for students is the eternal goal of all staff. As prof terence keeley says: "I left Cambridge for buckingham because it is the only university in the UK that puts students first." To this end, buckingham university has developed a comprehensive and personalized learning support system.
Unlike many universities in the UK, buckingham university has student accommodation, a dining hall and accommodation for all first-year students. These student apartments and restaurants are close to the teaching area and library, which greatly facilitates students' study and life. At the same time, there are also various Service centers for learning and life on campus, such as the Student Support Department, Careers Service, English Language Centre, Student Liaison Office, etc. This complete and thoughtful logistics system has relieved many students from worries and greatly facilitated their study and life, especially for overseas students.
The university of buckingham attaches great importance to library construction and computer teaching, and constantly expands the size of the library. It has multi-functional audio-visual classrooms, 24-hour computer center, computer-assisted teaching equipment, translation equipment and other modern teaching facilities, which provide a good platform for daily teaching and student learning. The university of buckingham is the most used for student libraries and computer equipment in the UK after the three universities, according to a new survey. The university of buckingham is the fifth most expensive university in the UK, costing an average of 281 a year.
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unlevelplayingfield · 6 years ago
In your corner?
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On the 21st March 2016 Nick Blackwell, the existing British middleweight champion, was busy preparing for the fight of his professional career against Chris Eubank Jr. A bout that, only 5 days later, would become the emphasise of Blackwell’s boxing and sporting profession.
His routine involves:
Eating well (a strict diet)
Training hard (a vigorous daily routine)
Letting George Groves hit you with the ‘hardest punch I’ve ever been hit with’ in a sparring session.
In an interview with talkSPORT Blackwell states he ‘lost some feeling in the left side of his body’ and suffered ‘severe headaches’ during his training in the days leading up to his career defining bout with Chris Eubank Jr. Nick Blackwell went on to lose the fight definitively, with the fight getting stopped by Victor Loughlin in the 10th round. Blackwell went on to suffer severe head injuries and was placed in a medically induced coma after collapsing immediately after the fight.
The questions that spring to mind are why would you go forward with the fight? Knowing you’re against one of the toughest opponents within your weight division with it all to lose? Did Blackwell even have an option? Was the value of his identity as an athlete more important than his health and belt?
What exactly is athletic identity? One definition is that is it the ‘degree to which an individual identifies with the athlete role and looks to others for acknowledgement of that role’.  
Was Blackwell’s social status and athletic identity at the centre of his own downfall?
Allison in 2000 states, ‘whether we are talking about nationalism or patriotism or the development and expression of national identity … it is clear that a national dimension is an important part of sport’. This suggests that in order to be successfully affiliated in sports such as boxing you must possess a dominating athletic identity.
Had he become so engrossed by his athletic identity and didn’t see it as an option to put his health before his sport?
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No. The answer is that he no longer has control over his own body, sport does.
“Boxing is the toughest and loneliest sport in the world.” – Frank Bruno.
To emphasise this further, during the same interview with talkSport. He spoke about his interview on Good Morning Britain, a couple of weeks after his recovery. It was labelled ‘a total disaster’ by Nick. His contractors told him prior to the interview, what he must and can’t say. He ‘couldn’t get his point out’. Again, presenting Nick with a lack of choice, all in an attempt to keep his social status intact. He is being manipulated to keep his publicity and relevance within the sport.
The masculinity that surrounds organised sports such as boxing sculpts boxers into powerful, win at all cost athletes. Without conforming to the normality of these masculinities it is near impossible to succeed. Cultural values such as ‘competition and toughness’ become engraved when ‘sports socialise boys to men’ according to Messner. 
The social norms of boxing are sacrificing health for performance, for the gain of others. Nick is a victim of the sport. And the worse part of it is, that this is normal.
At the hands of boxing, Blackwell has lost much more than a boxing match. He has lost his quality of life. He has lost his freedom and the ability to act as he wishes.
Do the negatives of boxing outweigh the positives? Is it possible to be successful without conforming to the norms?
Allison, L. 2000. “Sport and nationalism”. In Handbook of Sports Studies, Edited by: Coakley, J. and Dunning, E. 344–55. London: Sage. p. 345.
Van Raalte, J., Brewer, B., Linder, D. and DeLange, N. (1990). Perceptions of Sport-Oriented Professionals: A Multidimensional Scaling Analysis. The Sport Psychologist, 4(3), pp.228-234.
Messner, M. (1989). Masculinities and Athletic Careers. Gender & Society, 3(1), pp.71-88.
talkSPORT interview: https://talksport.com/sport/boxing/421893/in-depth-nick-blackwell-former-boxerlife-altering-injuries-recovery/ (By Michael Benson 13th September 2018, 12:58 pm)
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theendbythedoors-blog · 7 years ago
Lonesome Crowded Britain
For anyone who doesn’t know Modest Mouse is an Issaquah indie band that reached their height in the early 2000s, in 1997 they realised The Lonesome Crowded West. The album is over 20 years old and more importantly to this article never did well abroad according to front-man Isaac Brock this was because it was about the “dehumanising of America” but I think in 2018 it has a striking relation to modern Britain. Britain at the moment has a desperate apathy to it, people are angry at the government for a slow and painful Brexit and angry at each other for being on opposing sides of the argument surrounding it. The housing crisis is making the future look bleak and looking to our biggest ally America and seeing chaos and division in what used to be a beacon of hope but to quote an economist article it’s “anger without answers.”
Lone Crowded West (Referred to as LCW from this point on) refers at many times to broken engines, this constant reminder of broken systems works to create a feeling of powerless throughout the album; this feeling is further enhanced by Isaac's shifting between shouting and soft singing as if neither really have an effect and he’s just stuck in a constant loop. As I mentioned before most people in the UK don’t like the current government seeing it as divided and weak, but the only other option is an equally unpopular party that’s lead by a controversial leader with claims of antisemitism being rampant. A sense that the system has failed us is constant and for all the shouting or sweet talking we do we’re powerless to change it.
LCW is a very simple album instrumentally with often only a few chords with Bankrupt on Selling being made in a van on the way to a gig by trying out a guitar piece and putting lyrics over it there on the spot. This makes the album feels very personal and human as if this was the thoughts of your friends or just some man on the street. This is very effective to modern Britain because of how similar the issues of LCW and your average British citizen is: LCW uses religious metaphor all over the place and not in a positive manner: naming one of the songs - Jesus Christ was an Only Child and the opening lines of Bankrupt on Selling being “Well all the Apostles-they’re sitting in swings saying I’d sell off my saviour for a set of new rings.” Britain is an increasingly secular country with people not just losing faith but being born without it leaving a parodied and twisted image of what Christianity used to mean to people making these lyrics seem all the closer to home. Another great example on Bankrupt on Selling is “well I’ll go to college and I’ll learn some big words” reminding Americans and Britons alike how screwed their education systems are: forcing people to take on big loans to get degrees that might be completely useless. These are just a couple of examples of how similar the worries of LCW are to the average British citizen.
America’s been the UK’s biggest ally for a long time and worries towards what this means for British culture have been talked about for a long time with The Clash in ‘77 singing “I’m So Bored With the U.S.A” but now it seems to have reached a fever pitch with Trump’s arrival in Britain being surrounded with protests. LCW is a very American album with Isaac saying with songs like Cowboy Dan that they “wanted to sound like the west” and with constant reference to obscure parts of American culture. This works as a criticism of America because of the cynicism of the album with lines in which people go to buy another “Orange Julius” instead of dealing with problems. This will particularly resonate with a British audience as more American culture seeps over we deal with the same problems of apathy and commercialism but because of the fact that most of the products he mentions are American it adds this layer of the unknown to these references and shows how America is still somewhat alien to us.
I really enjoy this album not just because of its themes and how it relates to my life but because it’s a great album with stunning vocal performances and well written lyrics and so even if you’re not British I highly recommend you check this out. But if you are British then I think you may find this album to be more relevant to you than you would think from an American album from 20 years ago.  
My quotes from the band come from this video.
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thechasefiles · 7 years ago
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 5/30/2018
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Wednesday, 30th May 2018. Mid-Week Nation Newspaper (MWN), via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS).
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CABINET MEETS FOR THE FIRST TIME – GOVERNMENT ENGAGED in its second straight day of meetings yesterday as Prime Minister Mia Mottley and Cabinet met for the first time. From around 9:30 a.m. affiliates of the 26-member group could be seen making their way into Government Headquarters ahead of the planned 10 a.m. start. While most, including Mottley, declined to comment, Minister of Labour Colin Jordan briefly told the MIDWEEK NATION that a proposal for the Social Justice Committee, which was mentioned in the Barbados Labour Party’s (BLP) manifesto, would soon be on the way. “You know we have some issues to deal with and so they engaged with the Social Partnership yesterday [Monday] and they’re doing it again on Friday,”  he said. There was also a pledge in the BLP manifesto to broaden the Social Partnership framework to include a Social Justice Committee which would see the inclusion of groups such as the church and civil society in the discussions. “There are non-governmental organisations, religious organisations, community organisations that are not a part of the tripartite arrangement right now, but in a few weeks they should have a proposal on how they are going to incorporate them,” he added. Meanwhile, Minister of Maritime Affairs and the Blue Economy Kirk Humphrey said yesterday’s meeting would see a number of logistical matters addressed. He said he was pleased to be heading that new ministry and underscored the importance it was taking worldwide. “The blue economy is a very interesting portfolio; I’m very happy to have it,” Humphrey said. “If you follow what’s happening in the United Nations and across the world, issues with the blue economy are starting to take precedence. In fact, in the G7 Summit, one of the things that came out was the need to address the blue economy,” he added. According to the World Bank, the blue economy involved “the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health”. It added this encompassed renewable energy, fisheries, maritime transport, waste management, climate change and tourism. (MWN)
MINISTER LOOKING TO CHANGE BLOCK CULTURE – A transformation of the block culture will be among the priorities of new Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment, Adrian “Medic” Forde. After arriving for his first day on the job Monday at his Sky Mall, Haggatt Hall, St Michael office, Forde said he was excited to be involved in such a ministry. “I really have an interest in redefining the blocks because persons believe that block life is just about guys sitting down in the ghetto doing nothing. I want to see the blocks being economic centres [and become an] oasis of businesses,” he said. The Christ Church West Central parliamentary representative, who toppled former Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth Stephen Lashley, said the business strategies he successfully initiated in that constituency would be expanded to wider Barbados. He added he planned to traverse the country with the objective of turning blocks into businesses. “I really think we have to get those blocks working. I will be going around Barbados to ensure that the blocks don’t just remain a block culture where people believe that they sit down and do absolutely nothing, but that there are businesses on the block,” he reiterated. Forde said this vision would be combined with the creativity of young people. “We have to give them the wherewithal so that they can develop and become self-sufficient and global citizens. That’s my dream, so I will work with alacrity to ensure that we have a change in the direction and meaning  of the blocks. “Obviously, it will have an impact on the community at large because if you redefine the blocks, inadvertently you change the concept of community life, where persons have more respect for each other and there is growth,” the former community leader noted. The pharmacist also emphasised economic equality in Barbados. “There must be fairness across the board where persons from the bottom of the spectrum feel that they have a sense of entitlement. There must be social justice,” he said, while making reference to the Barbados Labour Party’s manifesto proposal of assisting small business people within communities. The former secondary school teacher said it was a “surreal” feeling to be chosen by Prime Minister Mia Mottley to head the Youth ministry. “It is something that I have been doing for the past 20 years, working with young people. I believe young people will provide the wheels for the new millennium, in terms of whether it is the green economy, the innovative sector or e-commerce,” he said. “I think there is an untapped potential with young persons and there is no better creative mind than the young people of this country. Barbados must be able to be gassed by the efforts of the young people in terms of the engine. “So I am happy to be involved in a ministry that will transform Barbados because I think that we have to build a creative economy, and we can only do that by using the tentacles of young people, the creative imagination of young people,” he added.  (MWN)
ANOTHER ADAMS IN THE MIX - RAWDON ADAMS, the son of Barbados’ second Prime Minister, Tom Adams,  has finally been baptised in the politics of Barbados. He is among the 12 Government senators named by new Prime Minister Mia Mottley on Saturday. The 49-year-old Adams, who was 16 when his father died in 1985 of a heart attack while in office, returned to Barbados from France in 2017 to head the financial technology company Bitt Inc. as chief executive officer. Educated at Harrison College, Adams was based in France for 20 years. He holds degrees in economics and political sociology from the University of South Carolina and the London School of Economics. He has an impressive career background in finance, having worked as an expenditure analyst in Britain’s Finance Ministry. He also worked for Rank Xerox in the United Kingdom and General Electric Medical Systems in France in finance roles, ranging from revenue analysis, research and development cost control, and inventory management. In 2000, he co-founded Sparrow Holdings LLC, an investment company focused on finding undervalued companies quoted on the United States and UK stock markets.  Adams has been a keen observer of developments in Barbados. In 2010 he delivered the annual Tom Adams Memorial Lecture, in which he demonstrated the charismatic oratorical flair which his father and grandfather, Sir Grantley Adams, the first Premier of Barbados, were known for. He has an older brother, Douglas, while his mother, Genevieve, also lives here in St Philip. (MWN)
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BANISH OLD GUARDS – The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) needs “a cleansing and a purge” to rid itself of the old boys’ club who have kept it back, a member of the old guard has said. In a frank assessment of the state of the party, former Minister of Social Transformation Hamilton Hammie LaLashley charged that too many of the old guard were determined to hang on despite the embarrassing loss in last Thursday’s general election. “I know I am going to get cursed for it but I am accustomed to it. The party needs a cleansing and a purge,” Lashley told journalists at a news conference at the Marcus Garvey Resource Centre in The Pine, St Michael. The social activist, who held the St Michael South East seat for both the DLP and the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) between 1994 and 2013, said the time had come for a complete overhaul of the party, along with a change in thinking from “the old traditional way of doing things”. He called on those who hold positions of power in the DLP to put country before party and step aside, even as he expressed scepticism that they would willingly relinquish control. “There would be a number of the older members who have already resigned their official position and it gives us a pathway forward into the future. However, you would meet up on the old heads who believe that they have a God-given right to make the final decision,” he said. “It is quite obvious to me that a number of the old boys and girls have to sit back in an advisory capacity and let younger, brighter persons take the lead. The Democratic Labour Party has to be very serious. It can’t be the old boys club anymore. We need a new dynamic force going forward in the future,” he stressed. Joining Lashley at the news conference was his protégé Rodney Grant, the losing DLP candidate in St Michael South East. Grant suggested that his party had lost its soul, claiming it had moved away from the principles established by its founding father, Errol Barrow. Grant was seen as one of the DLP’s brightest prospects after he was hand-picked by the hierarchy to contest the seat which the BLP’s Santia Bradshaw had won by only ten votes in 2013 over  Patrick Tannis, who since switched allegiance to the Bees. However, he became a victim of the near 30 per cent swing against the DLP, suffering a massive loss by 2,704 votes. He attracted just 1,099 votes, or 21.84 per cent, to 3,803 by Bradshaw, who garnered 75.56 per cent of the votes cast. The smaller parties, Solution Barbados and United Progressive Party (UPP) polled 131 votes between them. Today, Grant argued that the party needed to return to its core principles of people-centred politics if it wished to become relevant again. “There has to be a return to the social democratic stance on which Barrow built the Democratic Labour Party,” he told journalists at a news conference at the Marcus Garvey Resource Centre in The Pine, St Michael. “We have to find a way to get back there and the party has to find a way to get back to that point on how it engages with people going forward into the future. This is the key thing that must engage the party going forward, it can’t be anything but people-centred,” Grant stressed. In a stinging commentary of the DLP’s performance in the election, in which it polled just 33, 985 votes, or 22 per cent of the 153,745 ballots cast, Grant suggested that the Dees had been relegated to virtually third party status. “This defeat almost puts the Democratic Labour Party on the same platform as the UPP, BIM [Barbados Integrity Movement] and some of the other parties. The thing that sets the Democratic Labour Party apart from the others is its history,” he said. It was only yesterday that the man in charge of the DLP’s disastrous election campaign, Robert Bobby Morris, said the party would do some introspection, while pointing out that defeated Prime Minister Freundel Stuart had already served notice of his intention to quit. Morris said party officials would therefore put their heads together and bring about a transition of leadership to take the DLP into the next poll. The party took the initial step toward preparing for the future when the various organs met yesterday to review the outcome of last Thursday’s general election. “Agencies of the party were discussing and getting views on the experiences of what happened in the election,” General Secretary George Pilgrim told Barbados TODAY. He added that the executive council would meet tomorrow to set a date for a post mortem which would involve DLP members who sat in the last Parliament. (BT)
‘HAMMIE LA’ WANTS DLP TO ACCEPT OFFER OF SENATE SEATS – A member of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) old guard and his protégé have stopped just short of ridiculing stalwart Robert Bobby Morris’ advise to the party to reject any offers to take up seats in the Senate. Former Minister of Social Transformation Hamilton Lashley and the man who sought to mimic his every political move, Rodney Grant, today said it would be a dereliction of duty if the DLP does not accept the seats, which would open up through a proposed constitutional amendment. As matter of fact Lashley identified Grant, the losing DLP candidate in St Michael South East, and Henderson Williams, who was whipped in The City, as his picks to take the offer extended by Prime Minister Mia Mottley. Lashley, who assisted the campaigns of both Grant and Williams, argued that to reject the offer would be an insult to voters who maintained their faith in the DLP despite the massive nationwide shift in support. “There are obviously persons who had faith in the DLP and put their support behind them and to miss this opportunity would be to dismiss those persons who went out to the polls and this would make us guilty of the same old behaviour of which we have been accused,” Lashley said as he offered his views on the way forward for the DLP after Thursday’s humiliating loss to the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) in the general election in which it mustered just 22 per cent of the approximately 153,745 votes cast, compared by 72.63 per cent by the BLP. At a news conference at the Marcus Garvey Resource Centre in The Pine, St Michael, Lashley, who jumped from the DLP to the BLP and back to the DLP before he retired from active politics, told reporters the DLP must focus on rebuilding the party through young talent. Therefore, he said, it was only fitting that the newcomers be given the opportunity to serve in Opposition, albeit in the Senate.the newcomers be given the opportunity to serve in Opposition, albeit in the Senate. “The Democratic Labour Party has to be very serious now. It can no longer be an old boys club, and it is a new dimension. I know the old boys and old girls club would like to pick from among themselves. I strongly believe that one of those persons has to be Rodney Grant. The other should be a young person like Henderson Williams,” the former representative for The Pine said. Like Lashley, Grant jumped from the DLP to the BLP and back to the DLP in order to contest the recent poll in the seat which Lashley first won in 1994 while still a member of the Dees, before jumping ship to join the then Owen Arthur administration during the period of Arthur’s so-called politics of inclusion. He held onto the seat until his retirement in 2013, but returned home to the DLP after it defeated Arthur in 2008. Grant, who has been a Lashley disciple, today shared his mentor’s position on the Senate issue, as he admonished his party to grab the opportunity with both hands. “If there is an opportunity to represent the country I believe that they [DLP] should take it. Although the electorate dismissed the entire DLP candidacy, I believe that any opportunity to speak on behalf of the people is good for democracy. I think democracy would be weakened without any opposing voice,” Grant said, while going on to state that he would also respect the DLP’s decision to fight on behalf of the people outside of Parliament. With just 33, 985 votes, the Dems suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the BLP, failing to win a single seat in the 30-member House of Assembly, meekly surrendering even its bedrock, St John, in the process. Had it won at least one seat, it would have had the opportunity to name two senators as provided for in the Constitution, which makes provision for the Opposition to appoint two senators in the 21-member Upper Chamber. However, in the absence of an official opposition, newly-appointed Prime Minister Mia Mottley revealed on Saturday she had discussed a proposed amendment with Governor General Dame Sandra Mason, which would allow the party securing the second largest number of votes in the election to name the two Opposition senators. However, Morris quickly shot down the idea telling Barbados TODAY in a interview yesterday, such an arrangement was unnecessary since his party would prefer to earn its place in Parliament. “My view is the Democratic Labour Party would be getting back their seats and claiming rightfully by that action, their place in the legislature in due course. I think that is going to happen. So I don’t think there is any necessity to create a position specially at this point in time. The Opposition in Parliament is not the only type of opposition that is possible. But I don’t think the Democratic Labour Party wants to be compromised in terms of their participation,” the former campaign manager said. (BT)
NEW MINISTER GETS UPDATE ON SEWAGE CRISIS – Two days after he was sworn in as Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Wilfred Abrahams got down to work today on the worrying sewage crisis on the south coast. Abrahams met with General Manager of the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) Ketihroy Halliday to discuss the sewage leaks that have been plaguing the commercial and tourism belt between Hastings and Worthing, Christ Church for well over a year now. “I would be a negligent minister if I didn’t,” Abrahams told Barbados TODAY when asked if he had reached out to the BWA on the vexing problem which has forced the closure of some businesses on the south coast. However, he declined to provide any details of the talks, saying a statement would be issued shortly. The talks came on the same day that the Mia Mottley-led 30-member Cabinet met to address critical issues affecting the country. The previous administration led by former Prime Minister Freundel Stuart had said a lasting solution to the chronic sewage flare-ups was the construction of a new treatment plant, and that it was approaching the Inter-American Development and the Caribbean Development for financial assistance. Even so, the BWA had begun to dig a number of injection wells to facilitate repairs to the compromised sewer lines, Charles Leslie, the BWA’s director of engineering had said the wells would have been ready by the middle of this year. (BT)
EXPANDED SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP UNDER WAY, JORDAN SAYS – Newly elected Minister of Labour Colin Jordan today promised that the Mia Mottley-led Barbados Labour Party (BLP) administration would stick to its campaign pledge to expand the Social Partnership. The BLP said in its 76-page manifesto for the May 24 general election it would invite additional members to the partnership, including non-governmental organizations.   Following yesterday’s meeting of the Social Partnership at Government Headquarters, which was described as upbeat by those who were present, Jordan, who has responsibility for Social Partnership relations, told Barbados TODAY the inclusion of more partners was still on the cards. “There are ongoing matters that the Ministry of Labour and the Social Partnership will look after. The one I can tell you about right now is from our campaign manifesto, which seeks to include and expand the Social Partnership to include religious and non-governmental organizations. “At this point it is tripartite – we have Government, unions and the representatives of business – but one of our early areas of focus in terms of transforming Barbados is to include some others in the dialogue,” Jordan stressed. However, Jordan, who comfortably won the St Peter seat in last week’s general election, admitted he was still unsure how the inclusion of the new members would proceed. “We just have to work through the mechanics of it to see how it will be done. The Social Partnership is a main area of focus. We met with them and we are in focus immediately. We are not sure what form it will take but we will work through that in the coming weeks,” he said. “It is clear in our manifesto and that is what we will be proceeding with. We have always seen our manifesto as a social contract with the people of Barbados. They elected us based on that and we are going forward with the implementation of policies based on the manifesto,” Jordan stressed. The Social Partnership is set to meet again on Friday. (BT)
NO QUICK EASE – The island’s private sector is warning consumers not to expect an immediate fall in prices after Government removes the hated National Social Responsibility Levy (NSRL) on imported and locally produced goods. President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Eddy Abed, who yesterday joined the Social Partners in talks with Prime Minister Mia Mottley, said he was confident the newly-appointed leader would keep her campaign promise to repeal the onerous tax. However, Abed cautioned that it could be up to five months following the repeal before prices begin to fall. “Therein lies the problem because although the NSRL may be repealed today the adjustment of the prices would only occur when the inventory is replaced. One must be realistic,” he told a news conference at the offices of the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC) where the private sector body signed a memorandum of understanding with the BIDC to increase collaboration over the next two years. It was in his 2017 Budget presentation that then Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler announced a 400 per cent rise to the NSRL introduced the previous September – from two per cent to ten per cent of the customs value of imported and locally produced goods  – as part of an austerity package as the administration sought to curb a burgeoning deficit problem. During the campaign for the May 24 general election the BLP pledged to repeal the tax, a decision Abed said would cost the Treasury $141 million which “will have to be made up somehow”. The BCCI head said the private sector and the labour movement had been tasked to come up with a means of making up for the shortfall. “We have been asked as part of the private sector association and the trade unions, to give suggestions as to how the shortfall in revenue will be made up,” said Abed, who refused to give details, only adding that “surely it will be made up”. Asked how businesses would be kept in check once the tax was removed, Abed suggested that competition would take care of that. “There is nothing more wonderful than competition, frankly. If you are prepared to lose market share or if you are prepared to get the wrath of irate customers going on social media then I say to you, carry on,” he said. The BCCI head said now that the general election was out the way there was a general “feel good” atmosphere within the business community with some indicating that the “dark clouds have cleared”, despite the continuing economic problems. “The reality is that we are still in the same mess we were in before. We may have a new driver driving the bus but quoting from our new Prime Minister ‘many hands make light work’. This is a job that will require all of us to participate in,” Abed said while describing the economic situation as sad, and calling for urgent implementation of the necessary corrective steps. “So from that point of view I think people are a little resistant. They would like to get a greater sense of the short-term measures that will be implemented and the medium and long-term measures as well, and that causes a bit of hesitance.” However, he said many businesses had made it clear they intended to proceed with some of the plans they had placed on hold for at least the last six months. “I fully expect not necessarily within a day or week, but within three to six months, you will see activity. I am absolutely certain that we will see activity,” he insisted. The business executive said that in addition to the struggling economy the lengthy wait for the general election to be called was a main reason for the lack of confidence and uncertainty which led to little or no investment. However, he said with a new Government in office, confidence was returning. “People want to have a greater sense of how things will be solved. We are all aware that there will be some pain but it must be gain with that pain. It can’t just be pain,” he said, adding that businesses were aware that a lot of work had to be done in order to turn things around and protect the value of the Barbados dollar.  (BT)
PRIVATE SECTOR WANTS TAX RELIEF FOR FUNDING START-UPS – The Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) has revealed plans to apply to the newly elected Mia Mottley-led administration for tax write-offs to established businesses that invest in start-up companies. BCCI President Eddy Abed said the private sector grouping had raised the issue with the last administration but there had been no action. Explaining that capital was a critical component to new businesses, Abed said established companies could help to provide the funds needed if there were tax incentives. “We see our role . . . as assisting some of the capital requirements of the young start-up companies who historically have been yearning for finance by way of debt or equity, and we would like, with the assistance of the incoming Government, perhaps to look at a tax write-off that our members can use to invest in these smaller companies,” Abed told journalists at the signing today of a memorandum of understanding with the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC). “A lot of them are starved for finance and frankly, a good idea is only as good as getting it into the marketplace and we see our role in assisting in that,” he said. The business executive said the BCCI was in the process of putting together a proposal to present to the new administration, making its case for a tax break in those circumstances. “The idea is quite simple. If you are putting out venture capital you do so because you are expecting a greater return than what the banks are currently giving you and equally because it is a start-up that capital could be lost. So you need to know the downside is covered, you can write off the capital should you lose it and if you don’t the advantage or attraction is for the greater return,” he explained. Abed said this would “free up Government” from having to provide financing for those businesses, adding that the private sector understood how to run businesses and the approximately $8 billion sitting in the banking system here needed to be invested. The two-year agreement between the BCCI and the BIDC provides a framework for the two organizations to collaborate in a number of areas, including sharing of resources, training, promotion and market research. It also has as its objective, the facilitation and promotion of cooperation within the business community and increased commercial activities for businesses locally and internationally. Sonja Trotman, the chief executive officer of BIDC, said the intention was to grow local companies and increase exports. “We know that the chamber here can use their resources and their membership and relationship with chambers throughout the region and throughout the world . . . so we can see using that kind of relationship to help us to touch base and develop relationships with persons in the international arena so that we can collect information, identify market opportunities and promote Barbadian products and services,” Trotman said. (BT)
SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE COMING SOON – With the Social Partnership meeting yesterday and set to meet again this Friday, Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Relations Colin Jordan says the Social Justice Committee could soon be established. Jordan was speaking to the DAILY NATION before the start of the first meeting of Cabinet this morning when he made the announcement. “You know we have some issues to deal with and so they engaged with the social partnership yesterday (Monday) and they’re doing it again on Friday,” Jordan said. “There is also a pledge in their manifesto to broaden the social partnership framework to include a social justice committee. “Because there are Non-Governmental Organisations, religious organisations, community organisations that are not a part of the tripartite arrangement right now, but in a few weeks they should have a proposal on how they are going to incorporate them,” he added. The Social Justice Committee was one of the agenda items which the Barbados Labour Party announced in its manifesto. According to the manifesto, that committee would see the inclusion of additional groups such as the church and civil society added to social discussions.  (MWN)
MORE SECURITIES SERVICES NEEDED – Amid a growing need for quality security services, a senior police officer is suggesting security guards regard themselves as another arm of law enforcement. The observation came from Assistant Commissioner of Police Oral Williams, as he highlighted a shortfall in the police force of just over 200 officers. “The increase in demand for police services by private persons and organisations has stretched our police resources,” Williams said in a feature address to the recent 30th anniversary awards dinner of A&C Security Services. He reminded the audience that the role of a watchman or unregistered security guard was a punishable offence under Barbados’ laws and such services were “a thing of the past”. Williams said over time there had been a general increase in crimes committed against property, to include burglaries, theft and trespass. “This list is by no means exhaustive. We need the assistance of private persons and security to assist us in preventing and detecting crime, arresting and prosecuting offenders,” the Assistant Commissioner said. He identified the market for security services while underscoring the importance of building a professional security outfit for Barbados. Williams asked whether insurance coverage was provided for employees, whether a code of discipline, job descriptions, a speedy grievance procedure as well as “reasonable rates of pay” and other considerations to encourage employment as a security guard were in place. “Have you done background checks on existing [people] and do you intend to have them done on prospective employees?” he queried. The importance of loyalty and professional service, as well as risks on the job and attempts of inducement by criminals, were underscored by the senior police officer. “Just remember that if you are paying nuts as wages, you will attract monkeys,” Williams stressed. (MWN)
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LEGAL LASHES – A week ago, he was the minister in charge of the transport ministry and it was under his watch that an ugly incident occurred on May 3 in the River Terminal that led police to bring criminal charges against two public service vehicle (PSV) workers. However, as fate would have it, Michael Lashley’s Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Government was swept from office in the May 24 election in which the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) was catapulted into office. Immediately, the Queen’s Counsel sought solace in his legal practice, and today made his first court appearance on behalf of the two embattled PSV employees. In fact, while in the past Lashley would have had reason as minister to complain about the behaviour of these private transport operators, today he stood solemnly in defence of 34-year-old PSV driver James Anthony Andrews, of No 236, Apple Hall Terrace, St Philip, and 30-year-old conductor Travis Tremaine Brathwaite, of Sealy Hall, St Philip, who are facing separate charges following the recent incident with police, which was caught on video and made the rounds on social media. It is alleged that on May 3 around 8:45 a.m. Andrews, the driver of ZR42, loitered in the area of the Nursery Drive Road for the purpose of soliciting passengers and was not properly attired with boots, shoes or sandals and such apparel approved by the Licensing Authority. He is also accused of assaulting Police Constable Donette Cadogan, as well as threatening to rob and kill her. Andrews pleaded not guilty to the charges. Brathwaite also denied obstructing, assaulting and resisting Police Constable Denis Murray in the execution of his duties on the aforementioned date, as well as damaging a shirt belonging to the Crown. The duo was remanded to HMP Dodds on May 4 when they first appeared before Magistrate Graveney Bannister who had deemed the allegations against them to be “serious”, given that they were reportedly committed against officers in the line of duty. However, today the two accused were granted $2,000 bail each when they appeared before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant, with Lashley stating he was not ruling out filing a charge against one of the  officers involved in a violent clash with his clients. “I believe given the instructions from my clients I certainly will have to look at bringing a cross charge against the police officer,” he revealed, adding that he was concerned about the current trend of accused persons being tried on social media. “I find that a lot of matters that are sub judice are being tried on social media. Accused men are being tried and convicted on social media and even with this matter there was a lot of hue and cry and persons making conclusionary statements about the matter and I think it is wrong,” he said. The former Minister of Transport and Works said presiding judicial officers “should really send a warning to people on social media to really leave these cases out. “Because some of them could be indictable matters that have to go before judge and jury and if you are out there on social media and you are influencing persons who likely will make up a jury, the question is whether this person will have a fair trial under the Constitution,” he added. The matter is due to come back up in court on June 7. In the meantime, following last week’s humiliating general election defeat, Lashley, the former Member of Parliament for St Philip North, said he was currently concentrating on his law practice and not his political future. Lashley, who lost his St Philip North seat by just about 1,600 votes to BLP first-timer Dr Sonia Browne, said it was early days yet. “But I am back in the courtroom now, so I feel good. I am not ready to talk [about the election] I am concentrating on my practice. I spent years in here before Parliament so it is a natural step back for me. I appeared in many criminal assizes so it’s just a natural transition,” he told reporters on the precincts of the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court. He thanked the people of his constituency for their confidence in him for the past three election cycles. “I am concentrating on my practice . . . . All I can say is that it will continue to help the people in St Philip, particularly in my practice of law, and assist those who need help, particularly the needy and of course the schools and other organizations. “I just want to thank the people of St Philip North for reposing their confidence in me from since 2003 and want to thank them for their support,” he said.  (BT)
SKEETE SENTENCED TO NINE MONTHS IN JAIL – A 29-year-old man who was unable to compensate his victim has been sentenced to nine months in prison. Jamal Ahmal Skeete, of Bedford Lane, Greenfield, Roebuck Street, St Michael, had previously pleaded guilty to damaging a car window belonging to Ivan Roachford on February 14 without lawful authority or reasonable excuse. Skeete needed to compensate Roachford $300 for the damage. However, when he reappeared before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant yesterday he was unable to pay the sum and was sent off to jail. However, his three months and 11 days on remand will be taken into consideration. (BT)
NO BAIL FOR CLARKE – A 24-year-old man, who allegedly escaped police custody while being charged for an offence, has been remanded to prison. Rodney Darian Clarke, of 6B Bottom Close, Wildey, St Michael, was not required to plead to the charge of sending the menacing message, “I gine kill you. Everyone in the Pine will know me. It gonna be war”, via computer to Shameka Blanche on April 26. The offence allegedly occurred in the District ‘B’ jurisdiction. He is therefore due to appear before the magistrates’ court there on May 31 to answer the charge. Today Clarke was also not required to plead to the offence of escaping police custody along Constitution Road without the use of force on May 16. However, Prosecutor Sergeant Cameron Gibbons objected to his bail based on the strengthen of the evidence against him and the need to protect Blanche from the accused as there was already another matter pending before the court pertaining to the alleged victim. “I don’t have a computer. I ain’t message nobody because I ain’t got no computer. I feel frustrated, I trying to get my little girl,” Clarke said in his application for bail, which was denied. He returns before the No.1 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on June 26. (BT)
BISHOP YET TO FIND A SURETY – A 19-year-old man will spend a second night at HMP Dodds after he was again unable to find a surety. Anthony Junior Bishop, 19, of Chapman Village, St Thomas, yesterday pleaded guilty to loitering at the Cheapside Terminal, The City, on May 27 with intent to commit theft, as well as to possession of cannabis. He was interviewed by a probation officer and was offered bail but was unable to get someone to sign on his behalf. There was little change to the teen’s situation today and he was again remanded to HMP Dodds for another night. He will get a third chance at bail tomorrow. (BT)
OFF TO DODDS - A 28-year-old man is currently on remand at Dodds prison, charged with murdering Nicholas Blagrove. Richard Barry Boyce, of 2nd Avenue Kellman Land, Black Rock, St Michael, appeared before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant for the second time in less than 48 hours, accused of committing the indictable offence on May 19. Blagrove, 34, of Promenade Road, Bush Hall, St Michael, was reportedly among a group of men who were liming and playing a game of dominoes at Seales Avenue, Tudor Bridge, when they were approached by a man armed with a gun who fired several shots. Nicholas was hit and died at the scene. Boyce was not required to plead to the capital charge after the magistrate read it out to him in the presence of his attorney Naomi Lynton.     It was only yesterday that he appeared in the No.2 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court charged with five other men for a number of offences under the Firearms Act. His co-accused were remanded to the St Philip penal institution for the next 28 days but Boyce was kept in police custody. He returns to the No. 1 District ‘A’ Court on June 25 with his co-accused. (BT)
FAMILY DEVASTATED OVER VAGRANTS DEATH – Police and family members have identified the decomposing body of a male found at Trents, St James as that of a well-known vagrant, who has been living on the streets for years. It was around 9 o’clock this morning that the gruesome discovery was made of the body of 60-year-old Trevor Clavier Marshall, alias Jungle, whose last known address was 1st Avenue, Jackson, St Michael. Lawmen say Marshall’s lifeless body was found on the ground under a canopy of trees. The discovery was made in a track, about 50 metres from the main roadway opposite the Frederick Smith Secondary School, by a man who was rummaging the area for bottles. When Barbados TODAY visited the Jackson, St Michael home of Marshall’s sister Joan Greenidge this afternoon, she was too devastated to speak. However, his nephew Dwayne Cave said he was at work when he got the tragic news “that Jungle had passed away”. He also revealed that his uncle was briefly hospitalized last week, but later discharged himself and had not been seen since. Cave also said that while he was close to his uncle when he was a child, the two had drifted apart after Marshall decided to live on the streets. “Everyone has their habits and I guess he had a habit too and I guess that could be one of the reasons [that he went on the street],” Cave, said suggesting that his uncle was battling drug addiction. “At the end of the day, the family still looked out for him when he would come by, but there is so much you can tell a person and you cannot make them do something that they would not like to do,” he said, adding that Marshall death had hit the family hard. Junior Lampkin, who is Greenidge’s boyfriend, also explained that Marshall, who lost his mother a year ago, frequented their Jackson, St Michael residence from time to time. “He would come and go. . . . He is always on the west coast, St Peter areas and in Garden Land.  . . . That is where he hangs out. That is where he actually lives, down that side.” However, he said the circumstances surrounding Marshall’s death remained a mystery. “No one really knows what happened, but a woman called and said he passed out somewhere, where no one knows [and] then a man claimed that all he did was to drop him to the highway and tell him to go by his close relatives, so if anything happens someone would be there to take care of him and look after his interests. But he never, ever came,” Lampkin said. Police investigations are continuing with an autopsy due to be performed to determine the cause of the vagrant’s death.  (BT)
FATAL BLOW – The untimely death of Omari Jabari Bynoe, of Glebe Land, St George, has cast a dark cloud over the Farm Road, St George community. The 26-year-old was pronounced dead last Saturday, less than a week after he fell from a truck during a Democratic Labour Party (DLP) sponsored motorcade on May 21. Bynoe was reportedly sitting on the railing of a Toyota Hiace pick-up, driven by 57-year-old Ken Forde, of Sargeant Road, Ellerton, St George, when he lost his balance and fell into the road as the motorcade, given by St George South candidate Dr Esther Byer Suckoo, was returning to her constituency office. He was subsequently admitted to hospital in serious condition and despite a brave battle, eventually succumbed to his injuries, after reportedly suffering major brain damage. Even though they were bracing for the worst, members of Bynoe’s family, including his mother Joycelyn, were hoping and praying for the best. With their worst fears now materialized, his aunt Sonia explained today that his death had been particularly difficult for his mother, who has lost her only son. She also said that his older sister Tiffany was devastated by the tragedy. “Everybody break up . . .  . It is a sad, sad situation,” Sonia said. “He gone, gone. There is no coming back. We ain’t seeing he at all, unless it is in the box [casket],” she said with grief written all over her face. Residents in the close knit St George community, including Collin Moore who knew Bynoe from the time he was a child, were also stunned to learn of his passing. Moore, a friend of the family, described Bynoe as “pleasant” and “productive”, adding that he was always willing to offer assistance. He also said that his death had thrown a pall over the entire area. “After we heard he was in the hospital  . . .   [a cloud came] over the community, and even after he passed, you could still feel and know that something really serious has happened in the area,” Moore told Barbados TODAY. “It is a sad loss. All of us are going to miss him,” he added. (BT)
FIFA’S HOME – Barbados is now officially the home of the FIFA Caribbean Development Office. Presidents from 23 regional member associations including Barbados Football Association head Randolph Harris, attended the inauguration ceremony held this morning at Welches, Christ Church. Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Football Association [CONCACAF] president Victor Montagliani along with Director of FIFA Member Association Development, Veron Mosengo-Omba and former Manchester United and Trinidad and Tobago-born legend Dwight Yorke, joined FIFA’s first female Secretary General Fatma Samoura in cutting the official ribbon. Shortly after the opening and a brief tour led by the manager in charge of the FIFA development office, Marlon Glean, Samoura said Barbados was specifically chosen because of its central location and infrastructural development. She also thanked the Barbados government for its support. (BT)
DEVONISH MAKING BIG STRIDES – Barbadian quarter miler Anderson Devonish has qualified for the 2018 NCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships in Eugene Oregon to compete in the 400-meter dash. On Saturday Devonish ran a personal best of 45.97 seconds to place second in his heat to 400M Indoor World record-holder Michael Norman in the NCAA Outdoor Track & Field West Preliminary Round. The runners-up finish meant that Devonish secured an automatic qualifying spot to the Championships slated for between June 6-9.  It means the 24-year-old Illinois State Red Birds senior now becomes the first Redbird to qualify for the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Games since 2016 when Ryan Rutherford did the same feat. It will be only his second appearance on a national stage after he competed in the same 400m event back in 2015 at the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships. Also representing Barbados at the meet will be Lisa Ann Barrow and former CARIFTA gold medallist and Harrison College sprinter Mario Burke. (BT)
BEST: TIME FOR SELECTORS TO GO - TINO BEST is calling for the heads of the Barbados cricket selectors. Angered by some of the choices, or more specifically, the non-selection of others during last week’s draft for the 2018-19 Professional Cricket League, the outspoken former Barbados and West Indies fast bowler feels the time has come for Hendy Wallace, Sherlon Greaves and Hendy Broomes to make way. Arguing that that the selectors lacked vision, Best proposed former Barbados captain Ryan Hinds as his choice as chairman of selectors and another ex-West Indies player Corey Collymore as head coach. While expressing his concern as a fan and commentator, Best was especially vocal about the omission of all-rounder Roshon Primus and the selectors’ preference of two wicket-keepers, Mario Rampersaud and Tevyn Walcott among their five draft picks for Barbados Pride for the next regional season. Roshon Primus is 22 years old. He bowls quickly. He bowls a heavy ball. He has the ability to score 60. Last year he beat Barbados single-handedly. The opportunity comes up to pick this young man. It is a crying shame. I honestly believe that the selectors are very emotional,” Best told MIDWEEK SPORT. “I believe the BCA should hold an emergency meeting and fire all of that panel. They are not moving off of talent and match winners. They are moving off of emotion. Last season, we lost a game to Leeward Islands in two days. That is the most embarrassing thing ever in Barbados’ cricket. I am a former player. I was hurt and devastated that the Leewards came to Barbados and we were bounced out by Jeremiah Louis and Gavin Tongue.” During last Wednesday’s draft in Antigua, Primus, a beefy all-rounder, was left out in the cold after two solid seasons for Trinidad and Tobago Red Force in which he averaged 23.50 with the bat and took 33 wickets at 25.87 apiece. His most impressive effort was a match-winning performance against Barbados Pride in 2017 when he scored two half-centuries and took nine wickets in a day/night match at Kensington Oval. While Best welcomed the selections of the young fast bowling trio of Keon Harding, Dominic Drakes and Chemar Holder, he also argued a case for the inclusions of batsmen Aaron Jones, Rashidi Boucher, Craig St Hill and off-spinner Chaim Holder. Citing his own non-selection as an example, Barbados said the selcetors’ policy appeared to be one to look to players they viewed as West Indies hopefuls. “You had a situation where a year and a half, two years ago, you get rid of me and Fidel Edwards because you basically said West Indies don’t want us. you don’t want us,” he said. “We didn’t have a problem with that. When you have guys in the squad that CPL [Caribbean Premier League] doesn’t look at, West Indies don’t look at, why are they still playing? Why not bring young Primus in to replace some  of those guys.” Since the introduction of the PCL, Barbados Pride have never won the title as Guyana Jaguars swept to the championship for four successive seasons. In the circumstances, Best is calling for new blood, both on the selection panel and coaching staff. “The panel should be removed after the season Barbados had. I honestly believe Ryan Hinds should be chairman of selectors and Corey Collymore the head coach. You have two young men who know the young players and who are winners in their own right,” he said. “We are not going in the right direction. We picked two wicket-keepers in a draft and left out Roshon Primus. You can’t tell me that those people deserve to be running Barbados’ cricket.  Collymore is a top professional, he knows how to coach people.” (MWN)
HALF PIG, HALF MONKEY ON ST LUCY FARM – Some sort of monkey business has gone on in the pig sty of a Cave Hill, St Lucy farm. And it has produced a half pig-half monkey baby, being referred to as a “porkey”. That was the shocking sight which confronted pig farmer Daphne Boyce when she went to check on her sow, which had given birth to 12 piglets last Saturday. One of them was acting strange, not mixing with the others, and when Boyce turned it over to see what was going on, she just could not believe her eyes. “I say this pig ain’t look right to me. I take a stick and try to turn it over ’cause it was keeping ’pon one side; and when I turn it over, I say no, this got to be a monkey face. I call my brother and I say, ‘Roger, Roger, this pig look like a monkey’.” Boyce said its eyes were close to the forehead like a monkey’s, while it had one pig ear and a monkey’s ear. “It don’t have no snout; it got a mouth just like a monkey,” she said, mimicking the animal’s mouth movements. The little “porkey” also refused to nurse from its mother or mix with the other piglets. Boyce’s brother, Roger Feliciano, who took photos of the strange-looking pig with his cell phone, said he tried to feed it milk with a baby bottle, but that was not successful. The animal died yesterday morning. Boyce said she could not stop the monkeys from “monkeying around” with her pigs since they were rampant in her neighbourhood. “They all ’pon the roof. I got a mango tree there and they does eat all the mangoes. When people ask me if I ain’t got no mangoes in the tree, I does tell them the tree belong to the monkeys.” The 75-year-old woman said this was not the first time monkeys had dabbled with other animals. She recalled one of her friends having a “monkey sheep” a few years ago. (MWN)
TWO NEW JUNIOR MONARCHS FOR 2018 – Two new junior monarchs will be crowned this year. There are no defending champions as they have both aged out of their categories. Last year’s 7-12 Monarch Kiara Carrington ‘Mhizz Kibabba’ will now be competing in the 13-18 category (the winner in the senior category was Teri Sparkle T Williams.) When registration closed on April 20, 2018, the Scotiabank Junior Calypso Monarch Programme in association with IGM Stage Lighting showed record numbers of 48 in the 7 to 12 category, a 50 % increase on the previous year, while there was a marginal increase to 30 in the 13-18 category, up from 21. The results in the preliminary round revealed that three tied for 9th place in 7-12 category and there are six first-timers. In the 13-18 category, two tied for 12th place and there is one first-timer.   (MWN)
CAMP TRANSITION 2018 TO FEATURE JUNIOR AND SENIOR CAMPS – Students making the transition from primary to secondary school are invited to register for Camp Transition, which will be held at The St Michael School, Martindales Road, St Michael, from Monday, August 13, to Friday, August 17.  This year, the camp will again cater to two groups – junior and senior campers – to equip them from orientation to graduation and beyond. The programme for junior campers is intended to help build their confidence while jumpstarting them with techniques for overall success. There will also be a heavy focus on life skills development to help campers overcome the social, physical, academic and emotional challenges that are commonly experienced by students new to the secondary school life. Senior campers will be part of the second Career Success Summer Camp which will comprise students who have already spent two or more years at secondary school. This camp will target teenagers only (13 to 19 years old), ranging from those entering Third form to those who are leaving Sixth form. The emphasis for senior campers will be on career planning to give them a sense of direction through career testing and point them towards the path of success in their respective subjects, skills and careers. Camp Transition 2018 is also intended to ease the transition process for parents/guardians, helping them to build a healthy home-school partnership. As an added bonus, there will be a free seminar, dubbed the Parents’ Empowerment Seminar, on Tuesday, August 21, at The St. Michael School from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Common challenges encountered by parents and children at the different transitional points throughout secondary school will be explored and techniques to overcome these will be shared.  Registration for Camp Transition and the Parents’ Empowerment Seminar will be held on Saturday, June 30, Tuesday, July 31, and Thursday, August 9, at The St. Michael School between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Each camper will receive a copy of the book, Entering Secondary School:   A Survival Kit For Students With Helpful Tips For Parents, along with other relevant resources, while the senior campers will receive additional career-related and educational planning material. For further information, parents or guardians may call Margaret Grant at 250-1960, or e-mail [email protected]. (BGIS)
OPEN DAY AT DEIGHTON GRIFFITH SECONDARY SCHOOL – The Deighton Griffith Secondary School is inviting members of the public to its Best Practices in Sustainable Organic Agriculture Open Day, which takes place at the school this Friday, June 1, at 10 a.m. The event is the culmination of a three-year agricultural science project spearheaded by the school’s Parent-Teacher Association and its Science Department. The project was funded by the Global Environmental Facility’s Small Grants Programme and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. It was designed to reinforce the aspects of the current Agricultural Science curriculum at the school and to expose students to new techniques in crop husbandry. (BGIS)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 216 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles  #dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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clusterassets · 7 years ago
New world news from Time: The Radical Reason Why March 8 Is International Women’s Day
As people around the world celebrate International Women’s Day on Thursday — an annual March 8 observance — countries from Kyrgyzstan to Cambodia will officially honor women’s rights and achievements across the political, economic, social and cultural spheres. The day has been designated as an official United Nations observance since 1975, which was International Women’s Year, and is a national holiday in many parts of the world.
But the day’s origins go much further back than 1975 — and are more radical than what we might expect from a day so widely celebrated.
Centering around the socialist movements of the early 20th century, here’s more on how International Women’s Day (IWD) came to be:
How Did the Day Begin?
The impetus for establishing an International Women’s Day can be traced back to New York City in February 1908, when thousands of women who were garment workers went on strike and marched through the city to protest against their working conditions. “Like today, these women were in less organized workplaces [than their male counterparts], were in the lower echelons of the garment industry, and were working at low wages and experiencing sexual harassment,” says Eileen Boris, Professor of Feminist Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara.
In honor of the anniversary of those strikes, which were ongoing for more than a year, a National Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time in the U.S. on Feb. 28, 1909, spearheaded by the Socialist Party of America.
Led by German campaigner and socialist Clara Zetkin, the idea to turn the day into an international movement advocating universal suffrage was established at the International Conference of Working Women in 1910. Zetkin was renowned as a passionate orator and advocate for working women’s rights, and her efforts were crucial to the day’s recognition throughout much of Europe in the early 1910s.
The Most Consequential Women’s Day Protest
Although International Women’s Day had started with action from the women’s labor movement in the U.S., it took on a truly revolutionary form in Russia in 1917.
Just as Zetkin’s idea was spreading through Europe, Russia (where International Women’s Day was established in 1913) was facing unrest for other reasons too. It was against the backdrop of a country exhausted by war, widespread food shortages and escalating popular protest that the nation’s 1917 International Women’s Day demonstration was held on Feb. 23 of that year — the equivalent of March 8 in the Russian calendar, indicating the significance of the date of the commemorations today.
Though it wasn’t Russia’s first International Women’s Day, historian and activist Rochelle Ruthchild of Harvard’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies points to the differences between earlier protests and this demonstration, which took place in the then-capital Petrograd and involved thousands. “Women were mostly the ones on the breadline, and were the core protesters,” she says. “In fact, male revolutionaries like [Leon] Trotsky were upset at them, as these disobedient and misbehaving women were going out on this International Women’s Day, when they were meant to wait until May,” referring to the annual worker’s protests on May 1.
Despite the initial directives from revolutionary leaders, the protests that began on March 8 grew to daily mass strikes of workers from all sectors demanding bread, better rights and the end to autocracy. A week later, the Tsar abdicated, signaling the downfall of the Russian Empire and paving the way for socialism and the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922.
“You could argue that these demonstrations sparked the abdication of Tsar Nicholas and the end of the Romanov dynasty,” Ruthchild says. “This was probably the most consequential of any International Women’s Day demonstrations of any time.”
Fototeca Storica Nazionale—Getty ImagesMarch 8th (23 February in the Julian calendar) the Bourgeois Democratic Revolution, was the first of the two revolutions in Russia in 1917.
Suffrage and International Women’s Day
Russian women demanded — and gained — the right to vote in 1917 as a direct consequence of the March protests and after more than 40,000 women and men again took to the streets demanding universal suffrage. This made Russia the first major power to enact suffrage legislation for women, a year earlier than Britain and three years earlier than the United States. In fact, suffragettes in the U.K. and their counterparts in the U.S. both looked to Russia as an example, and held what they saw as the country’s progress and liberation of women up as a mirror to their own governments, warning that they were lagging behind.
“Women’s movements, be it suffrage or labor rights, have always had an international connection,” says Boris. British suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst visiting Russia in June 1917 and the creation of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom during World War I are examples of these early 20th century global links.
Bettmann—Bettmann ArchiveThese two suffragettes carried their banner to a White House gate on June 22, 1917. The message indicts Woodrow Wilson, but he later came out in favor of the Nineteenth Amendment. The words “free Russia” refer to the women’s voting rights introduced by the provisional regime that had overthrown the Czar in March.
However, the celebration of International Women’s Day itself did not hold as much weight in the U.S. through the 20th century as it did in other countries, largely due to its political associations with the Soviet Union and socialism amid increasing Cold War tensions. The fact that an official U.N. day observance was only established in 1975 underlines this point, and may go some way to explaining why the day still isn’t as widely recognized in the U.S. today as it is elsewhere, though it is no coincidence that March is the nation’s Women’s History Month.
“I think it’s really interesting that all over the world, people observe this day that actually originated in the U.S.,” says Ruthchild, “but the U.S. doesn’t observe it to the same degree.”
‘Many More Steps to Take’
In the century since it was first established, International Women’s Day has come to be marked just as frequently with celebration as it is with protest, but the day’s legacy remains steeped in the struggle for women’s rights — an element that has gained renewed relevance in recent months, particularly as the #MeToo movement has taken on global dimensions.
Looking to the history of International Women’s Day today in Russia, Ruthchild points out the “irony” of recent developments in laws affecting Russian women; for example, last year Vladimir Putin signed a controversial amendment to a law that decriminalized some forms of domestic violence. “How did a society which touted women’s liberation turn so quickly into a society that has reacted so strongly against notions of women’s equality and women’s rights?” she says.
And Russia is by no means the only country where women continue to face challenges to their rights. “Certainly, there are people and leaders in the U.S. who would like to turn back the clock too,” says Ruthchild. In the time since President Trump’s election in 2016 and the Women’s March in early 2017, American women have been mobilized to action by conversations surrounding sexual harassment, equal pay, threats to reproductive healthcare and more.
International Women’s Day doesn’t seem likely to lose its radical flavor any time soon.
“Days like IWD are a time to celebrate the gains that have been made and to measure how far we have come,” Boris says, “but also to see that there are many more steps to take and to rededicate to the struggle ahead.”
March 08, 2018 at 11:24AM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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gravitascivics · 7 years ago
Some time ago, in a posting entitled “The Façade of the Will,” this writer quoted Lawrence Lessig:
There is a feeling today among too many Americans that we might not make it.  Not that the end is near, or that doom is around the corner, but that a distinctly American feeling of inevitability, of greatness – culturally, economically, politically – is gone.  That we have become Britain.  Or Rome. Or Greece.  A generation ago Ronald Reagan rallied the nation to deny a similar charge:  Jimmy Carter’s worry that our nation had fallen into a state of “malaise.”  I was one of those so rallied.  And I still believe that Reagan was right.  But the feeling I am talking about today is different:  not that we, as a people, have lost anything of our potential, but that we, as a republic, have.[1]
This concern seems very relevant as the nation engages in the most recent debate over taxes.
         One side of the debate over the pending legislation promises lower taxes and the other side states that with the GOP plan taxes are going to go skyward for million of Americans.  This posting will not settle this seemingly contrary arguments, but it will point out a concern associated with the argument:  US politics and US politicians are up for sale and whatever the “donors” want will become the message they will “sell.”
Lessig points out that this is not the first time this charge has been made. During the last years of the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century, the commonly referred to “Robber Barons” – the heads of industrial America – were buying off government officials left and right.  Through this corruption they were able to secure legislation (and some would say judicial decisions) to line their pockets with higher profits from their business interests.  
But at the same time, this malfeasance spurred the reform efforts of the Progressive movement.  In turn, along with, in later years, the New Deal, many of the unethical, immoral, and illegal practices were in large measure brought under control.  Perhaps today, a similar movement is called for; at least that is what many commentators, regular citizens, and reform politicians are demanding.
         Is there evidence that this alleged degradation is currently describing the behaviors of business leaders and their politician friends? Lessig provides evidence that while behaviors from these business people and their business policies might not be so blatant as those of the earlier time, they still are present and still causing many detrimental results.  
This posting wants to point out one example to illustrate the general point – an example provided by Lessig.  The medical drug companies of the US have used their financial clout – the funding of political campaigns – to influence the drug laws of the nation.  
That influence, it is alleged, is not to bolster the overall health of American citizens.  If it were, perhaps the US would rank higher on indices reflecting the overall health as compared to other countries.  Instead, as the charge goes, it is to bolster the bottom lines of the drug companies.  
They are in the business of selling drugs and a more liberalized policy concerning the production and selling of those drugs – mainly through the abandonment or easing of regulations – can accomplish higher profits.  So, for example, regulations that existed against drug companies advertising directly to the US public have been abandoned.  
Only New Zealand and the US allow such advertising.  Now, one doesn’t go to the doctor to find out what medications he/she should take, but goes pre-“informed” what those drugs should be. Further, drug companies provide income producing opportunities for doctors – speaking gigs, for example – and then keeps track whether a doctor prescribes those companies’ drugs and to what degree.  
This is subtler than a quid pro quo arrangement (what was common in the Robber Baron days), it is more of a dependency relationship that is set up.  Lessig calls this type of practice setting up a “dependence corruption.” He claims it is not limited between business people or between business people and professionals, but extends between business people and government officials (more on this in subsequent postings).  
And to that point:
… [W]hen we think of an institution in which key individuals have become distracted by an improper, or conflicting, dependency … [I]t is this pattern that explains precisely that weakens our government.  It is the pattern that explains that corruption without assuming evil or criminal souls at the helm.  It will help us, in other words, [to] understand a pathology that all of us acknowledge (at the level of the institution) without assuming a pathology that few could fairly believe (at the level of the individual).[2]
         Such patterns undermine the people of this nation to seek civic humanism or social capital.  It not only corrupts those so engaged, but it can corrupt the foundations of a republic.
         A more concrete example of what this posting is attempting to point out is illustrated with the institution of scientific research. One question that is found to be of current importance is whether certain chemical substances, used in the production of goods, is harmful.  
This example somewhat parallels the research that was done to find out whether cigarettes were harmful.  The example here is whether the plastic substance, Bisphenol A (BPA), used in the manufacturing of certain products for babies – like pacifiers – is safe.  Lessig reports on the results of over 160 studies.
First, the studies can be divided between those funded by independent agencies and those funded by the involved industry.  Among those that were independent, they found, in 152 studies, BPA to be harmful (86%), 11 independent studies found it not to be harmful (14%). In the 13 studies funded by the industry, no studies found it to be harmful (0%) and all of them found it to be not harmful (100%).  
Whether one side of this divide is right or wrong, this writer has no idea – although he does have the logically derived hunch as to the safety of the product. But his point is not whether BPA is harmful or not, his point has to do with how one views this sense of dependency between the individual scientists and his/her funding source.  
It was pointed out that the focus of the independent studies was the potential hazard the product might introduce or not introduce in the use of the eventual products (like pacifiers); that of the industry studies, on the other hand, was the risk exposure the product posed the producers.  The effect is to undermine the trust one puts on scientific studies.  
One logically reads such results and walks away with the question:  if any of the independent researchers were funded by the industry, would they find opposite results?  Are these scientists corruptly dependent on who pays the bills? No, there are no satchels of money being handed over, the relationship is subtler.  It takes on a more respectful veneer.
But, upon reflection, the institution of science loses some of the trust the society once collectively placed on it.  When that happens, one can readily see how much more difficult it is to maintain “a social environment of trust and cooperation” generally among the population, when a venerated institution is besmirched.  As stated earlier in this blog, an environment of trust is a central attribute of social capital.
This blog will revisit this concern in the future.
[1] Lawrence Lessig, (2011).  Republic Lost:  How Money Corrupts Congress – and a Plan to Stop It (New York, NY:  Twelve, 2011), 1.
 [2] Ibid., 17.
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Essay代写:Influence of traditional factors on modern British higher education
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Influence of traditional factors on modern British higher education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了传统因素对英国近代高等教育的影响。19世纪,英国高等教育的缓慢发展与英国的传统力量是密不可分的。牛津大学和剑桥大学虽然也进行了一些改革,但是依然遵循传统的主流思想。一些近代大学的出现,对传统提出了挑战,但是在其发展过程中,逐渐向牛津、剑桥靠拢,走向回归传统的道路。这种现象有着其深厚的政治、经济和文化根源,所以教育改革一定要遵循教育自身发展的规律。
​In the 19th century, the slow development of British higher education was inseparable from the traditional power of Britain. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge have made some reforms, but they still follow the traditional mainstream ideas. The emergence of some modern universities challenged the tradition, but in the process of its development, it gradually drew close to Oxford and Cambridge and returned to the tradition. This phenomenon has its profound political, economic and cultural roots, so education reform must follow the law of education's own development.
Compared with other countries, the development speed of modern higher education in Britain is relatively slow, and the influence of traditional forces is deep.
British people always advocate the policy of "laissez-faire". In their opinion, "the government with the least management is the best government". With the development of society and higher education, the survival and development of universities are increasingly dependent on the financial support of the government, so they have to accept the government's management and intervention.
The UK government's control of higher education has been hampered by deep-rooted traditions of "academic freedom" and "university autonomy". Since the power of government control and university autonomy were on a par, the two compromised and established an intermediary institution to coordinate their relations.
The vast majority of city colleges or universities do not have the same degree granting rights as traditional universities or universities in London, and most colleges or universities can only issue professional qualification certificates.
Unlike traditional universities or universities in London, most colleges or universities offered professional education courses in engineering, machinery and shipbuilding by the end of the 19th century. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, basic courses of electronic engineering, electrolytic chemistry, physical chemistry and biochemistry were added.
The curriculum of each city university has a strong local color, which basically focuses on the needs of local industrial and commercial development.
In line with the training objectives and curriculum, the vast majority of urban university graduates are employed in industries related to technology development and application.
Although city colleges or city universities started out with local business and industrial development, they offered a large number of courses in science and technology. But its emergence and existence can't constitute a challenge to the traditional university, not to mention the existence of negative, just make up for the traditional university city university of science and technology and other courses, therefore, in order to improve the academic level of itself and reputation in the community, especially the same with the traditional university degree award, around city university also gradually in the course of the introduction of relevant social and cultural aspects of the course. By the beginning of the 20th century, many city universities had opened a wider range of courses, and more and more students were learning both practical courses related to science and technology and education contents of classical humanities similar to those offered in traditional universities.
Therefore, in terms of a certain sense, since the end of the middle of the 19th century, especially the British higher education development performance one are different for various forms of institutions of higher education to pursue common education values, namely the traditional university also gradually add the part of courses in science and technology, and other forms of city university of new type and in the institutions of higher education to Oxford and Cambridge university as the direction of development, introduced the content of the humanities education in the curriculum. In order to apply for degrees from the university of London, these city universities have to follow the university of London in terms of courses, and the degrees awarded by the university of London cannot be influenced by the traditional university model. Therefore, the need to serve local industry and commerce is gradually weakened, and humanism and the tendency of "free education" are gradually strengthened. As some scholars have pointed out, by the beginning of the 20th century, city universities "had completely deviated from the mission of attaching importance to higher technical training and tended to pursue the functions of traditional universities". It can be seen that traditional forces had an important influence on the development of modern British higher education.
The reason why the UK's modern higher education has such a phenomenon is inseparable from the traditional strength of the UK, which has deep historical roots, mainly reflected in the following aspects:
In the mid-18th century, Britain took the lead in completing the first industrial revolution and gradually gained the monopoly position of world industry and trade. But in the 1880s, Britain was caught up by the later United States and lost its industrial monopoly. Later, it was caught up and surpassed by other countries one after another.
One of the reasons why the British economy is backward cannot be ignored is that it is caused by the historical inertia of adhering to the tradition, with the decline of enterprise and the rise of the concept of punctuality.
The first manifestation of the conservative thought is the reluctance to give up the old equipment and technology. For example, by the late 19th century, textile machinery was mostly products and replicas of the industrial revolution, and most coal mines were still excavated by hand.
As the mid - 1960 - s, a British scholar named Harold Wilson said: "the leadership position of the industrial revolution in 150, in our industrial manager too much on an inner resistance to change. This is especially true of inherited family businesses. 'it's useful to my grandfather, and it's useful to me. '"
Slow to respond to new technologies, especially technological revolutions. For example, as early as 1855, the continuous steelmaking process was invented in Britain, but it was not adopted yet. Later, it was widely adopted by other countries.
In the 17th century, a civil war broke out in Britain in which the emerging bourgeoisie seized power from the king. During the civil war, the development of universities was seriously disrupted. Under the control of royalty and religion, non-believers were excluded from university circles. Under the unified law,150 university and other school teachers were expelled as heretics, while universities denied admission to non-conformist students.
British universities to classical courses, confine its function for country gentlemen class and the pastor of the church to provide education a narrow range, but the wheel of history is rolling forward, classical subjects of education can not meet the needs of the emerging bourgeois boarded the stage of history, at the same time, the development of the emerging capitalist countries also urgent need of higher education and the national economic life, the university was unimpressed. This is not only the result of the long-term control of religion and royal power over universities, but also the inertia of the feudal and conservative traditions formed by universities in the middle ages. This historical inertia makes the university lose the initiative consciousness of seeking development in the university reform and become a laggard of The Times.
Engels said: "tradition is a great conservative force in all ideological fields."
The most influential tradition formed by the long history of the English nation is the gentleman culture, because the ideal personality of the English nation is the gentleman and advocates the classical humanistic spirit, which leads to the formation of the British cultural tradition represented by the "gentleman culture". It is believed that the purpose of education is to improve the moral quality of gentlemen, not to train for certain professions. Education is the institution that changes social class, not the place that fosters labor force for industry. Generalist education is highly respected, and the needs of industry and technology are pushed to the edge of the position, and it is worth mentioning that in the society, people treat doctors and lawyers with excessive respect, while engineers are despised and belittled.
The thinking mode of traditional British conservatism abides by elegant education and humanistic quality. Such education tends to place too much emphasis on theory and too little on practical application. As Newman said, "a university is a place where general knowledge is taught. This means that, on the one hand, the purpose of university is to promote the development of reason rather than morality; On the other hand, the purpose of universities is to disseminate and disseminate knowledge rather than to promote the development of knowledge. In his opinion, the ultimate purpose of education is not only to cultivate gentlemen, but also to promote social civilization.
Just like the gentleman culture accumulated by the English nation in the long history, the humanistic tradition of advocating classical education has formed the cultural tradition of "valuing humanity and ignoring science and technology" in the whole society. The British nation has obvious prejudice against science and technology education, and there seems to be an insurmountable gap between the humanities and science and technology.
So the two traditional at Oxford and Cambridge university have strong support from the aristocracy, its school-running idea also subtly into many traditional factors and forces, and the city university of new city college or school run counter to the purpose and the culture, and the little power to try to change it, but eventually melt by the traditional culture of strong power, returning to traditional.
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