#bring back lee
carebooks · 2 years
say what you will about Marisa, is she a bad mom? yes. is her love toxic beyond belief? also yes. but at least it’s there. the way Assriel talks about his own daughter, i mean yes, he may think it’s all fake, no prophecies at all, the Magisterium simply just believe his daughter is Eve, he may think it’s all bullshit but that fact that they believe it’s true is real enough to be a danger to your daughter and you can’t even show the tinniest bit of concern? or what, you’ll spontaneously combust?
he says that Lyra has put “quite a spell” on Marisa, while im pretty sure it’s just fucking love. is it twisted and toxic love, yes, but love nonetheless. at least Marisa is doing anything and everything to help her daughter stay alive (she did drug her for months but again, i’ve already talked about how she’s not a great mom).
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flamingthespian · 2 years
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strayklds · 7 months
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mari-annawheelan · 2 years
love how Brennan rolled up with Neverafter like “alright gang it’s the horror season time to explore the Depths Of Dread And Terror” and the most fucked up thing Murph could think of was “what if my wife left me”
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baesiv · 3 months
that’s how you get me to get up in that mf fr js
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xzinbdg · 3 months
riize reaction to "would you fight for me?"
pairing: riize x reader
author's note: hello!!! so i decided to add riize to my list of groups I write for!! requests for them are open (like for anything that I write for) and so I wrote a quick lil something! I hope u enjoy!! byebye! 💕
riize masterlist // main masterlist
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christakisbang · 8 days
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chanlix moments i think about a lot (9/?) - Channie's Room Ep.59
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vampirehayfever · 4 months
now go away, literally forever <3 *blows you like dust out of the palm of my hand*
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linoyes · 4 months
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fiona-fififi · 5 months
I cannot even begin to articulate how beautiful and heartbreaking the Kevin moment was.
The idea that this man who Chimney loved as a brother, who he lost too soon, came back to him in his moment of need and pointed him home? The way Kevin is one of his ghosts, but only in the most loving way.
As tragic as it was, losing Kevin brought with it a realization of unconditional love in the Lees—because not only did they manage to love him through the hurt, but they needed him, too. He wasn't a reminder of their pain—he was the son they had left who they could have lost, too, but didn't. He was love and joy, even through all the hurt. They were a family. A little bit broken, but built on the kind of foundation Chimney had never had until them, at least not since he'd lost his mom.
For Kevin to be the one to point him home? To send him to the two people whose unconditional love had kept him alive, if only in their hearts? To the parents who'd raised them both and didn't deserve to lose another son? To the two people who had never let him down?
It's just a lot.
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pain-is-too-tired · 6 months
I'm thinking about the Apollo Cabin and crying again y'all fdhdg
Just thinking about Little Will struggling to find a talent that fits with his other siblings, watching them ace Archery and Music no problem, and feeling really self-conscious about it.
Lee making the decision to have him shadow Michael in the infirmary and Michael immediately being taking him under his wing.
First time Will's healing abilities show up Will's confused as to what had just happened but Michael is pumped. Lee practically could see him glowing when they meet back for dinner Michael's so proud.
Anytime anyone even tries to talk down to Will about his lack of Archery or Music expertise like his siblings Michael has to be held back from throwing hands. Especially cause he knows Will takes it to heart.
After BoM, Will's self confidence plummets due to losing his biggest support system and having to take care of so many lives on his own. It doesn't really start to build back up until Nico starts noticing and helps him through it.
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gainahan · 4 months
naruto driving headcanons
Naruto - definitely not licensed. debatable whether he actually knows which one is the brake pedal. as long as Sakura is alive he will not be allowed behind the wheel of a car. unknowable/10
Sasuke - also not technically licensed, but all things considered a pretty decent driver. probably started driving well before he was legally old enough to. 7.5/10
Sakura - road rage extraordinaire. swears up and down she goes the speed limit but in truth goes at minimum 10 over. “speed limit is a suggestion” more like speed limit is a challenge. at the very least she gets them where they need to go. 5.5/10
Sai - never learned to drive until he met team 7. between Naruto and Sakura’s influences, he won’t be getting licensed for at least the next 6 years. good luck/10
Shikamaru - truly cannot be arsed. if asked to drive he claims to not have a license, but he definitely does. another unknowable/10 but I like to think in a pinch he’d be pretty good at it.
Choji - reliable driver but has a tendency to be late. gets stressed out when he has more than a few passengers. 6/10
Ino - wants to be a passenger princess soo badly. unfortunately for her, she’s the best on her team. being good at driving is her curse. woefully, 10/10
Kiba - team 8’s designated driver, believe it or not. he is…not good at it, per se, but better than the rest of them. having two sets of eyes on the road tends to help. 6.5/10
Hinata - gets so stressed out she forgets how to brake. she’ll be white knuckling the wheel going 50 in a residential while her passengers pray for their lives in the backseat. -2/10 her dad’s insurance is through the roof
Shino - morally opposed to driving. he hasn’t confirmed why but the running theory is that a swarm of his bugs faceplanted into the windshield once and traumatized him. unknowable/10
Neji - doesn’t believe in right-of-way. refuses to use his mirrors. whole heartedly believes he is god’s gift to the interstate. by some miracle has never gotten into a crash, but if any of his passengers are sensible people he is banned from the wheel. 0/10
Tenten - makes Sakura’s road rage look like divinely inspired patience. honestly she’s not even mad she just enjoys it. has to be actively talked down from brake checking people. banned from the wheel 0/10
Lee - while technically a perfect driver (obeys every speed limit, never makes an illegal turn, maneuvers like butter), having him in the front seat is such an intolerable experience he’s also banned from the wheel. those unfortunate enough to have witnessed it don’t speak of their experience, but rumors involve something along the lines of a custom-made Gai inspirational quotes driving playlist. 0/10
Temari - grew up driving her brothers around. Absolutely hates it. when she’s in a car she’s got her feet up on the dashboard and always has the aux. if she were to drive again, 9.5/10
Gaara - an…extremely calm, level headed driver? side effect of RBF is that everyone is always waiting for him to snap and run someone over. he never has. probably listens to calming classical music or something while in traffic jams. 10000/10
Kankuro - I find it funny to believe he’s the actual passenger princess. unknowable/10
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t-hirstreview · 5 months
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waterberry-strawmelon · 4 months
Oh I can’t BELIEVE Kristen’s Junior Year epilogue did Gertie so dirty like that
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atlantis-area · 4 months
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Throwback SHINee: Onew at Music Core (Don't Call Me, 210227)
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mavenbeeee · 2 months
“interesting that your son is a big ol thief huh” LMAOOOO IM SCREAMING ALEX IS SO FUNNY
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