#bri marcos
diosasargentinas · 1 month
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Bri Marcos
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leonsliga · 1 year
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Is that Mats and Thomas on the left??
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rhk111sblog · 11 months
The Philippines is now surrounded by mostly Pro-China Countries in its Vicinity after the new Ruling Party that was just recently elected in New Zealand is one that is Friendly to China
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demonpiratehuntress · 7 months
I see you have requests opened! If you don’t mind, I’d love an Ace one.
You’re a mermaid who rescues ace when he falls overboard drunk one night. His brilliant idea is to keep falling overboard to keep being rescued by you to get your attention cuz he can’t think of any other way. The crew thinks he’s insane and stands by in case he actually doesn’t get saved. To the point reader is like you do know there are other ways to see me besides trying to kill yourself?
this is actually such a funny and cute idea, i love it XD sorry it took so long, and i hope you like it!
taglist - @kabloswrld
(i'm so sorry i forgot i had someone to tag! if anyone else wants to be added just let me know!)
just call me, idiot
Portgas D. Ace x Mermaid!Reader
summary - idiot Ace <3
warnings - mentions of drowning, one joke about Ace trying to kill himself
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You've heard them every night for the past week.
Whenever you swam up to the surface to look at the stars, the boisterous laughter and obnoxious chatter of men partying the night away aboard their ship met your ears. It was annoying, to say the least, but you wouldn't dare risk being ensnared by them for their amusement by calling them out for it.
That is, of course, until one of their crewmembers changed your mind about them.
"Man overboard!"
"The dumbass!"
"He can't swim!"
Your attention was caught one night when those panicked comments filled the air, and you looked towards the ship to see someone struggling in the water nearby. Against your better judgement, you swam over quickly and hooked your arms under the man's armpits, lifting him above the water so he could breathe. Once he was done spluttering and coughing up water, and you got a good look at him, you blushed.
He was handsome, extremely handsome. Dark hair stuck to his pale face, cute freckles dotting his cheeks. His eyes were bright with mischief, but when he smiled at you you couldn't help but think he looked angelic.
"A mermaid!" He gasped, eyes brightening even more. "This must be my lucky night." And he gave you a drunken smile, making you sigh.
You waited patiently for someone to come down to get him, keeping him afloat in the meantime since you couldn't very well climb aboard. Eventually they dropped a rowboat, and you carefully settled the now passed out man into it. You stayed to watch them pull him up, hearing shouts of 'thank you' but all you could focus on was how pretty that man was.
And how you hoped to see him again soon.
You got your wish the very next night, because Ace couldn't get you out of his head. He had been drunk, sure, but he definitely remembered seeing a mermaid. And he wanted to see you again, but he just didn't know how to get a mermaid's attention.
"You must have hit your head pretty hard to think you saw a mermaid!" Marco teased him, making the others laugh. None of them believed Ace, and every single one of them considered the idea absurd and insane - even more so since Ace is known for pulling pranks.
"But I did!" He insisted, pouting.
"Ace, there is no way you could have seen a mermaid," Marco sounded worried now. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," the 2nd division commander grumbled. "But I'll prove it."
So his brilliant idea to prove it? To pretend he was drunk again and fall overboard, so you could come and save him again.
You came to his rescue again, sure enough, but this time Ace could see you clearly and he was awestruck by your beauty. For once the talkative commander was stunned into silence, and he just stared at you for the longest time until you blushed and looked away.
"We need to stop meeting like this," you told him, laughing softly. "You need to be more careful."
"You're so beautiful," he ignored your warning, smiling like a lovestruck sailor - which he was. "Really, really beautiful."
You blushed some more, "Because I'm a mermaid."
"I'd like to think that even if you weren't, I'd still have fallen for you."
Your eyes widened at his words, butterflies blooming in your gut. Your face flushed a bright red, and for a moment you were speechless. Then you remembered he belonged on land, and quickly helped him back to his ship.
"You should stop falling into the sea," you told him, "You're a devil fruit user aren't you? You could die."
"It would be worth it to see you again," he smiled, and you were concerned that he was actually serious.
"Just go," you laughed.
"Not without getting your name," he replied. "Please?"
You sighed, "It's (Name)."
"Pretty," he grinned. "I'm Ace."
And once he was gone up again, you couldn't help but feel a longing for the man you couldn't have. Little did you know, he was thinking the exact same about you. You never left each other's minds, and while you could only wish to see him again, Ace made it his personal mission to see you whenever he could.
He ignored your words and kept falling into the ocean, so much so that it became a habit of his, just to see you. You could tell soon enough that he was doing it on purpose and wasn't really drunk, but he would never listen when you told him to stop. What made it even funnier, though, was that you could see his crewmates gather around every time he committed to this dramatic method, all of them ready to jump in and stop the dumbass from drowning if needs be. They clearly still assumed he was insane.
"Ace," you giggled one night after saving him again, "There are better ways to see me, you know."
"Like how?" He pouted.
"You could just call me, idiot," you laughed, handing him a shell. "Just blow into that and I'll come. You don't have to try and kill yourself to see me."
He chuckled, holding the shell close, "Fine, I'll stop. I think my crew is starting to worry that I've completely lost it. They stand by waiting to see if one of them needs to jump in." He laughed, then gave you a warm smile, "But my hero never fails to rescue me."
You blushed, looking down shyly, "Well it would be a shame to let such a handsome sailor drown."
"You think I'm handsome?" He smirked, moving closer. The two of you were sitting in the rowboat his crew lowered for you, so it was easy for you to be this close without him drowning.
"I do," you blushed more.
His smile only widened before he leaned in and slowly captured your lips with his, one his warm hands gently gripping your chin as he kissed you. The butterflies returned, and you kissed him back just as slowly and sweetly as your hand rested on his arm.
"So we don't need to keep standing here every time the idiot throws himself overboard?" Someone called from above, breaking your kiss and making you both laugh.
"Not anymore, no. Because the idiot will NOT keep throwing himself overboard," you responded, smiling.
"It's not worth dying Ace!"
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nikatyler · 2 years
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Download: Fat Hottie CAS
My twelve sims for the #FatHottieCAS challenge are now up for download!
Please, don’t change their pronouns, gender and sexual orientation.
Don’t change their genetics. Feel free to give them a makeover - new hair, new clothes, makeup etc. Don’t claim as your own, don’t reupload or use as a base for your own sims.
Also available on the gallery (veronika2212)
Download links, CC list and outfit overviews under the cut.
CC List here.
💗 Isabel Palmer (she/her)
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💗 Bri Webber (they/them)
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💗 Lien Hoang (she/her)
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💗 Damien Mattson (he/him)
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💗 Trinity Holloway (she/her)
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💗 Precious Ortiz (she/her)
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💗 Frances Nesbitt (she/her)
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💗 Marco Stoll (he/him)
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💗 Chima Levesque (she/her)
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💗 Kaori Shirakawa (she/her)
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💗 Dipti Mishra (she/her)
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💗 Cecilia Greene (she/her)
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thebootlegnerd2018 · 20 days
2 New HD Video Releases
Reefer Madness - 25th Anniversary LA Revival - August 30, 2024 - Los Angeles, CA
Cast: Thomas Dekker as Ralph Wiley, Bryan Daniel Porter as Lecturer/Jack, Rory O’Malley t/r Jesus, Anthony Norman as Jimmy Harper, Darcy Rose Byrnes as Mary Lane, Jane Papageorge u/s Mae Coleman, Patrick Ortiz, Claire Crause, Alex Tho, David Toshiro Crane, Natalie Holt McDonald
Notes: Decent HD Capture of this incredible immersive revival. One of J. Elaine Marcos’ last performances as Sally, the first video to capture Jane as Nicole, and the only video of Rory as Jesus. Shot from my iPhone at one of the tables in front so, a lot of scenes are very closeup, there are some obstructions here and there with some seats including a pole during some moments. Despite that, pretty much all the important action is captured in the show. Includes outdoor footage and a short post show speech done by original LA cast member Paul Nygro. A-
Screencaps: https://www.flickr.com/gp/141838001@N03/1929B2489D
Next to Normal - Ovation Theatre - February 9, 2024 - California
Cast: Lisa Ramos as Diana, Miles Barnum as Dan, Bri Deras as Natalie, Jesse Magdaleno as Gabe, Paddie Patterson as Henry, Chris Bradford as Dr. Fine
Notes: Great HD Capture of this emotional production of the show. The cast was very phenomenal. Some heads are in the way at some points but, it is mostly unobstructed. A
Screencaps: https://www.flickr.com/gp/141838001@N03/63i5H6VP7Q
Just like with my last release, I intend continuing the trade or buy options but, I changed it a little bit for this release. Below is how this release will work
$10 for each video, $20 for both
2:1 Trade for any of the videos
Once receiving any of the two videos or both, it is NFT until January 2, 2025 and it is NEVER TO BE SHARED ON ANY ONLINE STREAMING SITE
To inquire for any of the videos or for both, please contact me at [email protected], DM me on Discord, or DM on Tumblr (not sure if I’ll see message but, I’ll check)
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rxshl · 3 months
1. After the decolonization period, disputes turn colonial resistance into border conflicts. UN cannot direct the said hegemons since the permanent members of the security council are the superpowers themselves. The capacity of global superpowers can be countered by equally strong hegemon or alliances of multiple states (example is NATO). Although UNCLOS already defined the territorial boundaries, China blatantly imposes its might on its neighbor and dismisses any evidentiary recordings since they are firm in their stance that the nine-dash line is a valid claim and neighbors are merely visiting their territory. This is why legal rules are important - to control power to prevent it from being dangerous and to provide to each his own. Legal rules must not be treated as suggestions to be complied only when convenient. Perhaps, China's aggressiveness will shift once the CCP leadership is altered (parallel to how Gorbachev helped to end the Cold War).
2. I am not aware of other countries employing the debt trap diplomacies other than China since IMF and World Bank are the primary agencies that lend loans to different states. China's Belt and Road Initiative is a form of debt-trap diplomacy to allegedly fund projects (example is BBB) but with consequences that might be detrimental to the participating state. Marcos administration already withdraws from BRI but the national debt remains high despite the said withdrawal.
3. National debt is affected by different factors. Debt percentage depends on the debt servicing from the national budget. National Debt isn’t bad in the first place as it fills the remaining gap that cannot be catered by tax collections or other sources of national income. What will be problematic is the improper balancing of the budget when the debt doesn’t translate to programs and policies that will enhance productivity and instead pour the budget more on debt servicing. Tax collections and economic conditions will influence how national debt is managed. Extreme national debt to fund corruption (similar to what the president's father did) will cripple the economy and debt payment will be unfairly transferred to the citizens through taxation. Not sure if the numbers are correct but I found out that outstanding debt as of April 2024 is 61%. The high rate can be attributed to post-pandemic recovery since supply chains are limited during the pandemic and the resurgence of demand contributed to the rise of inflation.
4. Hobbes could be right in stating that life in the state of nature is solitary, nasty, brutish, and short. Corruption is enabled by the system of impunity and lack of transparency. Since human behavior is affected by the environment they inhabit (from Bourdieu's habitus), they are also susceptible to corruption and pressure to conform. Some commentators or proponents of technology suggest that corruption can be eliminated if human intervention is minimized.
5. The story of Ozymandias said that megalomaniacs and power wielders are bound to fall at some point in time. Meddling with the constitution itself can be seen as opening Pandora's box to unleash unspeakable horror that the only thing left untouched is the fickle of hope. A shift to an authoritarian state produces a question under whose leadership and how power will be exercised. Authoritarianism can be a boon or bane. It is a matter of readiness to face the possible consequences of the shift. More often than not, authoritarianism consolidates power within a person (strongman) or group of persons, rare is the case where it leads to positive development. There are indicators that there was a wave of authoritarian leaders that was installed out of people’s frustration for liberal democracy (a.k.a democratic backsliding) to address their plight. Constitutional change is a welcome idea but it must be kept under guard to prevent it from being seized to legitimize vested interest.
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pannaginip · 3 months
The administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. added five new measures to the list of its top priorities for passage in Congress before the current batch of lawmakers adjourns in May 2025, but progressive measures on divorce and prohibition of gender-based discrimination remain excluded.
A press release issued by [House Speaker Martin Romualdez]'s office said the five new pet bills are:
Amendments to the Foreign Investors’ Long-Term Lease Act
Amendments to the Agrarian Reform Law
Archipelagic Sea Lanes Act
Reforms to the Philippine Capital Markets
Amendments to the Rice Tariffication Law
The said five bills are in addition to the 23 priority measures that are pending before the House or the Senate, and have yet to reach the President’s desk for his signature.
The passage of the divorce bill in the House breathed new life into debates on the subject, but senators are divided on the matter, with Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada saying it’s not the new leadership’s priority.
Marcos said during his campaign in 2022 that he was open to the legalization of divorce in the Philippines.
The SOGIE equality bill, meanwhile, already hurdled the committee level in the Senate in December 2022, but the leadership won’t calendar it for deliberations in the plenary. In the House, it has reached the plenary, but is still in the period of sponsorship.
2024 Jun. 24
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garythingsworld · 11 months
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pandarpposts · 1 year
VTM 5.0: Bryanne - Memory Lane
Bryanne was restless, another night in the massive penthouse apartment, that oddly felt like a cage. She could hear Nate, tipsily laughing as he played games on the Xbox, Robert was playing his Gregorian chants at that level where it was just a tic to loud but complaining would make you look like a jerk. Pushing from her bead she, moved to her closet, it caused a faint smirk. One side held the lovely clothes Marco had designed for their court nights, the other side look like she did several goodwill hauls. Grabbing a plain black t-shirt, jeans, socks, and boots, getting dressed was quick work. Slipping from her room to hear Nate mid conversation.
“Yea well, Phoebs, just how us professionals roll you know. I got your back, no worries.” His tone was more then a bit flirty, and Bri could feel her teeth grit a touch. When did this stupid jealousy shit start? She had come to terms with this whole crush thing, and it was annoying her how much her brain was locking on it. With an eye-roll accompanied by a low grumble, her jacket was plucked from the hook on the wall. She made her way to the door, hoping to slip past, but to no avail. “Oh, Hey Bri…” A pause in Nate’s voice as he saw her en-route to the door. “Uhhh where you headed?”
“Out.” Was her clipped, cold response. The door almost coming to a slam behind her, she missed the frown at her back from Nate, as he turned back to his game. She pushed the elevator button, her foot tapping lightly, fighting the urge to run down the stair well, this odd choking sensation in her throat. Thankfully the ping, and swish of the door opening. Stepping on, she pressed the ground floor and leaned her head back on the cool marble of the compact box.
Soon enough she was offering Ed the doorman a nod of hello as she stepped out into the night. The moment the night air hit her skin she let out a pained, heavy breath. Perhaps not even the breath, but the muscle action of it, her shoulders dropping. It felt like someone had thrown the door to her jail cell open. She turned walking down the busy sidewalk, the night a buzz with couples, tourist, and late-night office workers coming home. She wasn’t interested in any of that, she stepped to the sidewalk and flagged down the first taxi she was able to. 
Once inside, she gave the address and settled back, her eyes locked on the window. The spires of downtown gave way to the lowered roofs of suburbia, and Bri watched as a familiar path started up, her eyes locked on the late-night streets. She could almost see shadows of 3 kids walking home from school, laughing, and carrying on. Not a single thought of the future ahead of them. Signaling the driver to stop a few streets back from the address, she paid him out, slipping from the cab. 
As he pulled away, she walked back up a few blocks, standing outside the middle school they attended. Her mother had been ecstatic when she realized the school was so close. She could work later hours and they could walk home a as a pack. And they did, you never found any two with out the third, in any combination. Everything was so much simpler, her eyes roved over the windows and doors as her mind remapped halls long ago walked. Her fingers curling into fists in her jacket pocket, bitterness welling in her mouth like an ichor. 
Turning back, she walked towards the sidewalk once more, heading down a familiar path. Turning up two streets before her old one, she moved silently along backyards until she found the old fort tree. It was still an empty lot, locked up in legal battles, they had made it their wonderland. She leapt easily up the tree, landing on branches above the creaking wood structure in the larger lower branches. Shifting a bit to make a seat she settled, looking across the roofs, into the backyard of a single home. 
The large bay window into the kitchen glowed like a movie screen. She sat patiently watching the small glass rectangle, and sure enough in a few moments, an older woman was in the kitchen. She was putting food away in the fridge, one still covered in pictures of smiling faces of a boy and girl, along with the shy grin of a third boy. No one would think looking at the image, those faces where now lost to the woman in the kitchen. 
As she closed the door, she paused, gazing at the images on the white surface. Bri felt her fingers dig into the bark of the branch as she watched those slender shoulders tremble then shake. The hand gripping the handle of the appliance turning white knuckled, struggling to keep the grasping woman upright as grief rolled down her body in a near visible wave. Bri felt her own cold tears well, dripping crimson stains down her cheeks, everything in her screaming to burst through that window and hug her mother. Tell her everything like she used to blurt out the nightmare of her new existence. How she felt so lost. But that, that was selfish. Her jaw hardened as a male figure, supposedly the boyfriend, rushed into the room. Her fangs slid into the soft flesh of her lower lip, her body coiling to strike. But then she watched how he wrapped his arms around her mother, pressing her tear-streaked face to his shoulder and held her. No eye rolls, no mocking shaking of his head like her father would do at her mother’s emotional outbursts. There was gentleness, patience. He reached up and pulled off a picture, speaking to her. Her mother’s head lifted, and she looked at the picture and gave a watery laugh. She started to talk, animatedly, about the photo, her tears giving way to precious, happy memories. Bri knew the photo; it was of their 13th birthday. In the picture Robert and Bri where beaming, Nate tucked between them, arms around necks, looking like an adolescent set of musketeers. It had been a big one, both being teens, Robert was given his own laptop to do his research, Bri was given her first iPad to work on her art. Nathan had moved in the summer before, and their mom had worked hard to include him in the planning. He was almost as excited as the twins to show off the surprise. Bri would never forget that day. It was the one-time Nate called her pretty. 
Bri had been thrilled to get her first little make up kit. One her mom had worked hard to make sure was perfect for her daughter. Opening the gifts, she squealed and looked at her mother breathlessly. “Oh mom! Thank you!!” She was bouncing in place. “Now Lindsay won’t make fun of me!! Who has the best look now??? HAH!” “What do you care about what LINDLAME says any way, Bri. You don’t need that goop, you’re pretty with out it…” Nate had rolled his eyes, looking confused as to why she was so excited. And with that simple kindness, Nate won her heart. She could still feel the heat in her cheeks, shoving the make up back into the box. She didn’t touch that make up for another two months, until Nate was mooning over some silly girl in their school. She shook her head with a faint laugh, wiping the tears off her cheeks. Stupid Nate. STUPID Nate.
The golden glow suddenly snapped out, making Bri almost jerk back. But her mother and her paramour were going back into the rest of the house. The sudden darkness reminding the young kindred of exactly her lot in life now. Her head hung a moment, her fist slamming into the trunk of the tree, indenting the bark. Rage and anguish swelled up in her throat like acid, the lump making her jaw clench, fangs bared. It wasn’t FAIR. DAMMIT. Nothing was how it should be, the world was wrapped in shadow, and pain. Why didn’t she just DIE on that damned floor? This was worse. Being Dead but Not. Alive but rotting. She didn’t want to live forever; she had wanted to live a LIFE. Maybe convince her idiot best friend to have babies and a house. Her brother to become a renowned historian, his own damned Discovery show. Her mother to be a grandmother. But NO. Some stupid game, making them pawns. She turned her gaze towards Nate’s old home. Someone who KNEW and did SHIT to help them. Someone who placed them in the sights of a world they NEVER needed to know about.
She RIPPED her claws along the tree bark, jumping down, as she landed, she shifted towards that house. For a moment, she thought about the nuclear option. Just RAZING it to the ground, and kicking the cart over, letting the oil and fire burn the world down. The beast CHAFFED at the waiting, urging her towards that spiral of chaos. Eat your fill then DIE. Leave the world in ashes. God how she WANTED TO. Release all this pain on the very world that inflicted it. But what then, with her dead, who would protect Robert? Look after Nate? Keep their mother save from Bri’s actions.
“Fuck off” She whispered to the beast writhing in her skin, turning she walked back towards the sidewalk. Checking the sky, she knew she had enough time to make it back to the haven, even if she had to jog. She kept herself walking, her eyes glowing that faint amber, hopefully by the time she got home she would feel a bit normal. Hah. Normal? What the FUCK even was that? Nothing was ever going to be normal, at least as she understood it, again. Normal was now shadows, intrigue and learning who you could trust. Which now was a horridly short list. With that thought, she made her way back to the Haven, just a little colder on the inside.
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leonsliga · 11 months
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Manuel Neuer vs. Marco Reus | FC Bayern München vs. Borussia Dortmund | 4.11.23
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radiocalamar · 1 year
Algo bueno, luego del robo. Bri Marcos va a relatar a Boca by u/Juanrodrigo1 in BocaJuniors
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Helena Jackson: Don’t ask why, but part of me thinks that Bri (Misfits OC) would fall for her. Also, I think Helena helping Bri come to terms with her fear of the water powers she gained would be really endearing.
Kit Cooper: So, I still don’t know much about an OC I started on called Kieron Samuels (Legacies OC), but I have a feeling he would fall for her. I think he’d be so excited to show her things, to help her get used to the world beyond what she was used to – and yes, he’d be that person that occasionally tried to show off some of his magic without fully giving away what he was.
Cara Henderson: Honestly? I think Marcos (Stranger Things OC) might fall for her. I think she’s really different to the person he does have a crush on, but I feel as though that’s part of it. They’d start off as friends, and sooner rather than later he’d realise that there was more to it than that.
Scout Stilinski: For some reason, I think Castor, if they were more similar in age, (The Devil in Me OC) would fall for her. I know your write up of her calls her ‘vapid’ but I think he’d see the deeper side of her. He’d be drawn to the survivor part of her, and he’d know the struggle of people thinking one thing when the truth is so much deeper.
Andromeda Hargreeves: No idea why, but I have a feeling Tasha (Scorpion OC) would fall for her. I think she’d want to look after her, she’d want to be the supportive person that Andromeda might not have had previously. She’d be there for nightmares, be there to try and bring a little peace into Andromeda’s life however she can.
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samdelpapa · 2 years
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I risultati della cooperazione tra Africa e Cina sono grandiosi e il cosiddetto attacco della "trappola del debito" dall'Occidente mira a "rallentare i successi della Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)", ha affermato l'ex primo ministro egiziano Essam Sharaf in una recente intervista con Adel El Mahrouky di CGTN. Confrontando i risultati raggiunti nell'ambito di vari meccanismi di cooperazione tra l'Africa e altri paesi del mondo, Sharaf, che è anche membro dell'InterAction Council, ha affermato che spicca il Forum sulla cooperazione Cina-Africa (FOCAC).
Marco Meloni
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beaniegyu · 5 years
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mark and his flower arrangement
for bri’s birthday @jaehours
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
Twenty-Fine Here I come!
It's my birthday month!
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Birthday sex fics coming soon 😉
But really what new content do you all want to see this month?
Let me know
Comment, reblog or DM!
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