#bread in mouth
egletsfics · 2 years
Nyan Neko Sugar Highschool - Chapter 1
STORY SUMMERY: What if Rakuchan, Koneko-chan, Hitoshi-san, Bokutachi-kun, and all your favorite characters from the hit anime Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls went to... high school?! What if... they were having a School Festival at that highschool? And what if... there was aishiterus and love at steak during that School festival?!!!!!
Read to find out about all the crazy highschool dramas going on at... NYAN~ NEKO SUGAR HIGHSCHOOL! (Highschool AU/ MochiceShipping (Raku x Koneko)/ StockholmShipping (Bokutachi x Hitoshi)
Chspter 1: Neko High School
Authors AN: I used to have a old authers notes 4 chapter 1-2 but for sum reason they got deleted and i forgot wut they were so im writting a new 1 here:
Konichiwa minna-san! 2day Im back with A NOTHER FAFNICTION!!!!!!!! This is about nyan~ Neko suger girls, 1 of my faverite animes. Its a highschool AU story so DONT LIKE DONT READ dont complain in teh coments and stuff if u dont liek it!!!!
Well n e ways… HOPE U ENJOY :D !!!!!!!
1 day it was a day.
Raku-chan and Koneko-chan, who were just normal neko highschoolers, woke up on that day, and they thought it would just be an ordinary and sugoi day like every day was. But today was NOT a normal day...
The Neko School Festival was a festival at Neko High School which was where raku-chan, Koneko-chan and and their tomadachi Hitoshi-San went to school. (translator note: tomdachi means friend)
It was a festival where students did stuff and it happened at school, which was why it was called a school festival.
"BEEP BEEP BEEP" beeped the alarm clock at Raku chans house.
"NYA why r u so loud and annoying u BAKA ALRAM CLOCK!" Rakuchan yeled angerly and she hit the alarm lock until it turned off.
She yawned kawaiily and opened her eyes sleepily and saw the time on the clock:
7:50 am
"N-N-n-N-N_N-N-NANIIIIIIIIII>?!!!!!" Raku-chan said in shock. "I ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTS 2 GET 2 SCHOOL N-N-NYA?!!!!"
Raku-chan ran into da kitchen and put a piece of bread in da toaster. Then she pput on he school unifrom really fastly. It was a sailor uniform with a super short sexy navy blue and pink skirt, a white short sleeved top, a blue and white collar, a pink ribbon, sexy lacy white kneesocks, and pink school loafers. She put on sum kawaii light pink eyeliner and put on mascara and fake sparkly eyelashes and put on a pair of really kawaii wing earrings and a sparkly pink gemstone covered collar with white and pink lace around it and a silver bell in the middle.
Meanwhile, Koneko-chan was waiting outsaide Raku-chan's house (they were nextx door neighbors) and kind of worried bcuz it was already 7:52 and they had 2 go to school by 5 minutes. She wondered if Raku-chan was asleep, or if she had just overslept like she did every year on the first day of school.
Raku chan heard the toaster ding and the bread popped out. She grabbed the bread wit her hands but it was very hot.
"AH! H-h-h-h-hot!!!" The bread bounced around in Raku-chan's hands before she put it in her mouth. She got her kawaii bag and opend the door and went outside.
Koneko-chan was still waiting outside. "Raku-chan! We have to hurry, schol starts in *looks at watch* 5 MINITES!!!!!!" said KOneko-chan.
"Ya I know Nyaaaa desuuuuuu!!!!!!" Raku chan said back.
"Ok lets go!" said Koneko-chan.
Raku-chans super awesome giant sugoi boobs were jiggling up and down as the nekos girls runned to school. Konekos-chans chest wasn't as big but she didn't really care because she was not self conshis.
"Koneko~chan~ aren't you excited for da school festival today???? isn't it SO SUPER SUGOI NYA!?!!!!" said Raku chan.
"Yes, I think it will be super kimochi as well Raku-chan, everyone sure put a lot of effort into making our last school festival at Neko High School extra sugoi," said Konkeo chan.
Suddenly Raku chan was quiet. She was thinking really hard abuot something.
The thing Raku was thinking about was her super giant huge crush on her best tomadachi, Hitoshi San. Calling Hitoshi-san sugoi would be like calling the moon a rock. It was technically true, but the mere word "sugoi" failed so utterly and completely at conveying just how incredible Hitoshi-san was that it made the entire Japanese language seem like a joke.
Raku chan's eyes became misty as she started daydreaming about Hitoshi-san's piercing blood-scarlet eyes, his dark deep ocean blue hair, and his hot steamy shrexy bod. She blushed. Hitoshi-san really was so sugoi desu!
Raku-chan's daydreaming became more serious as she started considering what this school festival meant to her relationship with Hitoshi-san. This was her last chance to confess her feelings to Hitoshi-san!
She started practicing the confession in her head. Romantic music began playing in her imagination as she stood with Hitoshi-san on the school roof, watching the fireworks together. Hitoshi-san... watashi... watashi wa aishiteru anata desu!  (translators note: I... I love you desu!)
Hmm... no, that was too straightforward. And also, she really needed to reexamine her imaginary internal music catalog. Stacy's Mom was not romantic enough.
What about, "watashi wa kimochi daisuki Hitoshi-san desu!"? (translatros note: I really like you a lot Hitoshi-san desu!)
No, it was too weak of a statement to properly convey the depths of her feelings. So how was she going to go about the confession?
She needed to hurry up and think about the best way to confess to Hitoshi-san before the festival was over. She might not get another chance after this one!
"Um, are u ok Raku-chan, ur kind of quiet today nya. Did something happen?" asked Koneko-chan.
"O-oh nya desu, n-nothing much nyahahaha!" Raku laughed awkwardly and anime sweatdropped.
"Oh, okay then. Lets go inside, we're already at school after all," said Koneko-chan, pointing at the school gates. "Just in time! We aren't late after all."
"O-ok let's go nya desu!!!" Raku chan said and then they went inside Neko High School.
RATE & REVEW 4 MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lululeighsworld · 5 months
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it was literally their moment and they just let us watch
(if you need me i'll be marinating in this for the foreseeable future)
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duketectivecomics · 5 months
‘Jason was Duke’s robin’ ‘tim was dukes robin’ YOURE ALL FOOLS
Steph as dukes most formative robin is RIGHT THERE
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canisalbus · 8 months
gonna be real with you chief something in my mind genuinely recoils whenever you draw your dog people (cannot stop thinking of them as carnivorous) making or eating bread.
surrealist horror.
I love them. I would die for them. But dear god it scares me
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smolestboop · 11 months
Bilbo when Thorin tells him he hasn't eaten breakfast yet:
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rivangel · 7 months
levi the type of man to do the BEST for you, the UTMOST. he gives you the 5 star restaurant and lakeside gazebo dressed in fairy lights treatment, all dressed to the nines, has for you your most favorite type of gift with the most specific specifications in the finest material on planet earth. which he awkwardly holds out to you without introduction.
and it’s like, a tuesday night
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gaylordthethird · 6 months
Anime character late for school core
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jamethinks · 7 days
One of my favourite headcanons (that I came up with, of course) is that not only is Melinda a good cook but she also loves cooking. Food is her love language, she is always cooking up a storm.
It's obviously based on her making Damian breakfast after the bus incident and now we have additional lore of Jeeves suggesting she cooks for him again. Bit the way I see it is that she didn't just do it to be nice she did it to provide him with a sense of comfort and an attempt to bond with him (even if she dashed immediately).
In the early days of her marriage, before tragedy (Damian) struck, she used to cook for Donovan all the time. At first, he would tell her not to, and she should focus on other stuff, but he actually really enjoyed her cooking and preferred it over all the top chefs in the world. He would actually travel for hours to get home and eat her food. He was really stubborn though and refuse to just flat out ask her to cook but she knew. Then he got the lobotomy (Damian)...
And when they were babies, she would cook everything the boys. Every meal they ate was hand-made by her. Demetrius actually got sick when he had to start eating the maids cooking and refused to eat the food provided by the dorm. She stopped doing it while Damian was fairly young, so he doesn't remember it much. Nowadays, she mostly makes desserts and pastries and give it to Jeeves to deliver to them and tell him not to say she made them because she's scared the boys would come looking for more. Only Demetrius can tell the difference. Damian, the dumbass would go home and compliment the chef for the amazing cookies he sent, and he would just be like yeah sure lil dude.
And I can imagine Yor finding this out. She finds a distressed Melinda cooking up a storm and is just in awe like this what she meant when she said she was the first lady. Then melinda gets all shy and flustered because she doesn't really think if her cooking skills are as anything special. When she first hot married, it was essentially the only thing she could do for Donovan, and it made her feel worthless and would even tell herself he was only eating to humor her. But then Yor just goes ballistic over her food because it's just so damn good and is begging her for lessons. Of course Yor Can't Cook Forger just fucks everything up and it scares Melinda but also comforts her as she realises maybe she does has a talent or two. Or maybe Yor is just a really really bad cook.
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shakerofthebutt9000 · 4 months
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How i feel when my progress on a drawing doesn't save
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I'm working on a crappy comic for school and it got deleted at some point so that was fun
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blueyoshi09 · 4 months
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Happy Gay Garlic Bread Day to those who celebrate
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seariii · 9 months
Milgram characters cutting the Rosca de Reyes (headcanons)
So, before the headcanons a quick rundown on what is Rosca de Reyes and Día de Reyes
Día de Reyes, technically, is the day of Epiphany, or when the Three Wise Men arrived to baby Jesus to give him the gifts. It's celebrated on January 6th. (but at least where i live we don't pay that much attention to its religious connotations)
It is a tradition that came from Spain to other Hispanic countries (Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay) and in some places it's a bigger celebration than Christmas because this is where the children get their toys!
There are some cute traditions like leaving out water and grass for the animals the wise men came in, or children leaving their boots to get gifts or candy in them. All that depends on the country and the zone.
There is also the tradition of cutting the Rosca de Reyes, which is a colorful ring of bread (left picture below) with a sugary cover and dried fruit glassed with sugar. It comes with little figures of baby Jesus inside the bread (the white doll on the right picture), and the tradition (in Mexico at least) says that who ever gets it has to cook Tamales for the Día de la Candelaria, on February 2nd. We eat the rosca with hot chocolate.
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Now the headcanons!!
This are based on the experiences I've had with family and friends, just silly stuff <3
Haruka. When he looks at the rosca he feels happy and excited, of getting to try something new. He only wants to eat the white part and refuses to even try the colorful dried fruits, tho. Seeing him so excited, Shidou suggests on letting him cut the first piece, reluctantly he accepts. He apparently doesnt get the baby, but when he takes a small bite of his piece, there it is, its head peaking through the bread. He panics slightly but feels happy for the surprise of the little toy. First finishes the bread and afterwards drinks the hot chocolate.
Yuno. Doesnt want to get one of the baby figures, but wont care much if she does, she doesnt wanna go through the trouble of getting/making the tamales. Seeing most are getting the white part, she gets from the colorful one with just a bit of the white. She doesnt get a baby and she eats her slice dunking it in the hot chocolate (she enjoys the warmth <3).
Muu. She doesnt care if she gets the baby or not, shes just super happy she gets to eat something sweet and delicious, and hot chocolate? she gets even happier that she gets more to enjoy! she gets a bigger slice than the others, including white part and colorful part. As she is happily eating, she bites down on the baby figure and after cleaning it, she gifts it to Haruka, who is just happy to have two little figures.
Fuuta. The moment he hears he has to bring tamales if he gets one of the babies, he is determined to not get it. As he cuts his slice he quite literally sees the baby poking his feet through the bread, pretends not to notice and continues grabbing his piece. He hides the baby figure on his mouth, determined to swallow it if necessary. Kotoko calls him out when he nearly chokes and he ends up admitting to it and taking the figure out of his mouth, not without yelling "IM NOT COOKING FOR ANYBODY". Actually enjoys the bread afterwards, he also only took from the white part.
Shidou. He is probably the one walking in and out of the kitchen with Es, giving everyone their cup of hot chocolate. He insist a bit to Amane to take a cup too, but when he sees her about to spill the hot chocolate on him, he backs down. He kinda wishes to get one of the figures, but doesnt have his hopes up. He gets a slice of the colorful part.
Amane. Really wants to participate, but is conflicted because of her dietary restrictions. This all is too much of a temptation and she hates it. When she hears the dried fruits are glassed with sugar she starts to debate herself if shes allowed to eat them or not, once more reaching the conclusion that is too much sugar :c Mahiru manages to convince her to at least cut a slice to help her have another chance to get one of the babies, but doesnt get any. She gives her piece to Mahiru since she was who made her do it. She drinks a cup of hot milk to ease herself.
Mahiru. The moment she heard there were baby figures inside the bread. She. Wants. One. It will bring good luck, right? Its a baby, maybe it means one day she will have a baby too! She is determined to get one, and gets at least 3 slices of different parts of the rosca, but always comes back empty handed. Looks at Haruka's two figures with longing and he feels guilty and offers her one, keeping the one Muu gave him. She gives Haruka the slice Amane gave her as an thank you for the baby, and he gives it to Muu.
Kazui. He thinks getting one of the figures would be too much of a hassle, hopes he doesnt get any. He gets a piece from the colorful part with no baby (yay). (cant think much for him sorry).
Mikoto. Just like Mahiru, He. Wants. A. Baby. Figurine. But unlike her, he doesnt get any. After everyone has cut their slice, he cuts the rosca in smaller portions "to store" the leftovers, in reality he was searching for one of the baby figures, but he didnt find any.
Kotoko. She doesnt want one of the baby figures, but doesnt care much about anything of this either, shes just there and was dragged into it. She waits to be the last and gets whatever slice is already cut, has a bit of the two sections, white and colorful. Silently eats her slice and enjoys it more than she wants to admit to, she'll never say it out loud, tho.
Es. Doesnt care much and is just doing this thinking itll help them understand the prisoners more. After everyone has their hot chocolate, sits down and pokes fun at Fuuta for almost choking with the figure. Later at night, they go to the kitchen and take a slice of the leftovers, when they sink their teeth into the bread, they bite down on the last of the baby figures. They just stare at it, making a silent judgement of the thing that could've almost chocked them to death, and afterwards puts it in their pocket, fleeing the scene.
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doodle-or-die · 2 years
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I'm a mosaic of everyone I've ever loved.
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schizononagesimus · 9 days
anybody else feeling. a way. about the state of the world
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kookjinnies · 2 years
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JIN // Japanese FC Magazine
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poppyseedmuffiin · 2 months
no. stop. you are NOT about to get me to buy something from a damn tumblr ad after resolutely ignoring them for years. you have not shown me a product that appeals enough to break me. no. absolutely not. n
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wanton-votaress · 9 months
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I may be a nerd but I wasn’t the one who baked cookies based on my current interests
That was all @existing-is-bothersome
(Even if was a attempt to prove they are superior to me in the kitchen)
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