#brazilian queer film
fiercynn · 11 months
queer short film: "carne | flesh"
queer short cuts is a biweekly newsletter where i share queer & trans short film recommendations. i'm featuring some of my favorite films on tumblr because why not
this film was screened at the 2021 queer cinema for palestine film festival, where filmmakers pledged to boycott the israeli-government sponsored lgbt festival TLVfest. the next queer cinema for palestine, which is a global festival with screenings in many cities and some online, is from november 29-december 10, 2023, and you can sign up for updates here.
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brazil | 11 minutes | 2021 | documentary/memoir short film audio in portuguese; english subtitles embedded
carne | flesh, written by ana julia carvalheiro and camila kater, and directed by kater, tells five stories of women’s embodiment: a girl who has dealt with fatphobia since childhood; a pre-teen beginning to menstruate; a black trans woman who sees her body be hypersexualized, devalued, and framed as threatening; a middle-aged lesbian awaiting menopause as a new chapter in life; and a woman in her late seventies welcoming old age and continuing to learn how to live in her body, but not be ruled by it. each story is gorgeously and viscerally illustrated by a different animator, all women as well, and each medium and art style is perfectly evocative of the emotions behind how each woman exists in her body and how she feels treated. visual trigger warning: the last story, which plays from 8:20 to 10:40, has a lot of flashing and shifting animation, though i don’t know if the flashing is bright enough or the contrast distinct enough to be a trigger. but please proceed with caution! - read deepa's full review, including content notes at the end
watch on ny times op-docs, and find camila kater’s work at her website
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alfredsnightmare · 4 months
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Our queer horror musical, PHANTOM SUMMER (Verão Fantasma), is now available to watch for free through the end of Pride Month on Vimeo. Somewhere along the Brazilian coast, Martin and Lucas fall in love while investigating the disappearance of a local kid, but their summertime romance is threatened by supernatural forces lurking underneath that idyllic summery landscape. Hope you enjoy our all-singing Lovecraftian ghost story!
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esqueletosgays · 3 months
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Director: Nara Normande & Tião Cinematography: Evgenia Alexandrova
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celluloidrainbow · 2 years
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HOJE EU QUERO VOLTAR SOZINHO (2014) dir. Daniel Ribeiro Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best friend, Giovana, he plans to go on an exchange program abroad. When Gabriel, a new student in town, arrives at their classroom, new feelings blossom in Leonardo making him question his plans. (link in title)
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taísa from alice júnior is bisexual (canon)
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submitted by anonymous
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midnightb-movies · 2 years
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Verão Fantasma (2022, dir: Matheus Marchetti)
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artebar · 2 months
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🎬 Deserto Particular [Private Desert] (2021) 🇧🇷 dir. Aly Muritiba
“He cruzado todo el país para verte y no me iré hasta encontrarte”
La cinta sigue a un policía suspendido de su cargo que viaja desesperadamente al norte de Brasil en busca de su amante, a quien conoció en internet y quien ya no responde a sus mensajes.
Un viaje de autodescubrimiento, en un país polarizado por sus paisajes y su idiosincrasia, el peso del dolor y el deseo de ser amado, esa necesidad constante de escapar de ese estado de soledad opresivo impuesto bajo la sombra de la masculinidad que marca las reglas de convivencia.
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fixy8ed4xys · 2 months
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thequeereview · 1 year
TIFF 2023 Film Review: Toll (Pedágio) ★★★★
Following last year’s Charcoal (Carvão), Brazilian filmmaker Carolina Markowicz returns to TIFF for the world premiere of her captivating sophomore feature Toll (Pedágio) and to receive the festival’s Emerging Talent Award. Maeve Jinkings in Carolina Markowicz’s Toll (Pedágio) which receives its world premiere at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival. Courtesy of TIFF. Luis Armando…
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“The Same Place as the Music” Lighting & Color
“Where is the light coming from?” “The same place as the music.” Andrew Lesnie, Cinematographer of LOTR
How & Why It's A Problem
If I had to summarize the frustration I have with this topic in one image, I'd use JeCorey Holder's (queer Black creative!) meme:
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Now here's the thing. I'm not saying you have to be a master at lighting. I'm surely not. Hell, I still play around with lighting in my art in ways that aren’t the ‘most realistic’. You can’t ask me the technical explanations behind ‘color theory’ or 'contrast' without me doing some more reading. However… I don’t think anyone needs an art degree to understand this point:
We should be able to SEE your brown skinned Black characters!
I brought this up in my lessons about skin tones and blushing, and it applies with lighting as well. If all of your other characters have focused light and shadows, so should your Black characters.
However, this does NOT mean making them lighter-skinned!!!!
It's not funny nor logical at all to suggest that they somehow can't be seen like your other characters when you’re the one creating the piece. It's like a classic fifth-grade racist joke, “You blend in at night”. Har-de-har.
I was once rudely told to my face (well in the DMs) that a Black character that was completely Europeanized looked like that “because of the [sepia] lighting”. So I'm going to give you all, gracious readers, an example to show that that's not true.
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This is Ana Flávia, Afro-Brazilian model! Gaze upon her beauty! Notice how in both of these filters, Ana did not, in fact, turn into a white woman! Because, my friends, that is not how that works! At all!
Here are some other examples of Black people in non-color lighting:
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None of these people vanished from the frame just because there was no color. They didn't have to paint on lighter makeup to be captured by the camera. What do they all have in common (in this example)?
Now let’s discuss different ways to think about and potentially try instead!
What I want you all to keep in mind, is that the art you’re painting:
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And I know that's silly right, like yeah no shit Ice, we knew that. BUT my point here is don’t be afraid to study photography, theatre, and staging for ideas. They actively work with light! It’s why I share so many images of models; it’s purposeful, focused staging of light with many of these compositions!
Brown-skinned Black people- brown-skinned people in general- GLOW in the light! Our skin reflects environmental light! There’s so much opportunity to play with that, and you can see different examples in those mediums.
Here are a couple articles of lighting in film focused on Black actors.
When lighting a person with dark complexion, the answer is not LIGHTENING THE SKIN, it’s understanding how light reflects off of dark skin.” -Nilah Magruder
Nilah Magruder (Black creator!) has an ENTIRE, thorough and wonderful essay on the topic, far better than I could give! She incorporates the use of cameras, lighting, painting, and more- so rather than be redundant here, I'm going to spotlight (ha see what I did there. It's okay, I know I'm funny) her and her explanation.
Incorporating Blackness in Color/Colorful Lighting
@dsm7 has an excellent and short visual explanation of how picking certain colors will lead to washing out or whitewashing Black characters, and how certain lighting and backgrounds (think the black and white photos on brighter backgrounds) will change the way their skin tone looks.
@nicosbighead has one of my favorite images on here, that shows how many different colors can still be used to convey the image of Blackness. Notice how all those pinks still worked?
@gaksdesigns has a beautiful picture here that I feel utilizes the light in a very minimal yet effective way to show highlights even on a palette that's fully brown.
This article approaches from a lighting perspective via filmmaking, but essentially Sade Ndya suggests instead of increasing the amount of light, change the color/lens of the light based on your character’s skin, as well as for the circumstances of the scene. They'll remain vibrant that way, and you’ll still capture what you need.
I know one way I do this on CSP (I think I’ve mentioned this but I can’t remember) is to use the Add Glow tool with the same or a similar shade of the character’s brown skin tone as a highlight under natural light, or maybe use different colors or filters depending on the sort of light on their skin at the time.
Here’s a reddit about it too, just because I know y’all value Reddit on here, and someone else discussed the topic that both Nilah and Sade discussed.
Is It Intentional?
There are going to be times where you intend for the light to be minimal. Maybe it’s a style choice. That should still show purposeful composition. Here’s an interview with famed Black director Ava Duvernay discussing the intentional darkness on Black actors in the prison scene in the movie Selma. To show that they're both trapped in prison AND that Martin is temporarily low on resolve- it's a part of the story that's being told.
I'm always talking about this: there is a difference between intention (and following through), and neglecting to think about it at all. And neglect isn't what we want, because often we can tell visually when it is- when an artist simply did not think to do it for one versus the rest.
Sidenote, on Youtube in the suggestions after Ava's interview, are also plenty of videos discussing lighting for dark-skin as well- why not take the chance to look?
We do not lack for light! We aren’t flat and lightless when you see us in life. It's actually a pretty awesome part of being brown-skinned. If you’re giving proper, flattering lighting to everyone else, give it to us as well. Study and experiment with ways to highlight brown skin.
You already know what I’m going to say. It’s going to take practice, same as anything else, because it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
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mauesartetc · 10 months
Trying to keep this blog more art- and creativity-focused in general, so I'll be removing the Gaza-related reblogs that are about a month old. But I'll use this post as a permanent archive that will update periodically (some of this information will grow dated as the situation develops, but I think it's important to keep a record of just how fiercely opposed people were to Israel's actions from this moment forward). We should all continue to raise our voices about this, and refuse to support politicians who enable genocide. Remember, they work for us, not the other way around. Keep going.
October 2023
-Donation links
-Social media links
-US congress ceasefire script
-Decolonizepalestine.com (information, mythbusting)
-More donation links
-Ways to pressure politicians for a ceasefire
-HUGE resource list
-"Is there anything I can do to help Palestinians besides call my representatives and beg them to stop killing people?"
-"We are isolated now"
-Palestine and landback
-210 PAGES of dead people's names.
-Bail money for Palestine Action
-Article list
-US action items
-Boycott info
-Grand Central Station shut down by protestors
-Message to white American citizens
-UK ceasefire petition
-How YOU can help Palestine (regularly updated!)
-"Please try amidst all this fury and grief to still have faith in the common people." (+donation links)
-Reminder about protest etiquette and privacy
-Prints for Palestine
-"We have no communication with the outside world. They are using their military might to harm us. We have no power but the power of God, no one but God. Please, pray for us." (spoken over mosque speakers)
-DAILY donate button + more donation links
-"Doesn't Israel have a right to exist too?"
-Script for US Congress calls
-Queerness under apartheid
-Sudan is also at war
-Hundreds of thousands of protestors in London
-Half a million.
-Tips for folks with phone anxiety
-This comic got real
-European and Canadian ceasefire scripts
-"The people of Gaza see the protests. That is reason enough to come even if nothing else." WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU. WE ARE HERE.
November 2023
-More genocides than just Palestine
-How to buy e-sims to circumvent Gaza's internet blackout
-"Occupying territories is illegal. Resistance to occupying forces is legal."
-MASSIVE resource list
-"For decades now the media has told us Muslim men are savages, terrorists, wife beaters and everything in between. I want you to challenge this trope the next time you see it in the media. Let these photos serve as a reminder."
-"Don't stop talking about the Palestinian genocide. IT'S WORKING."
-UN resignation letter
-Israel won't allow Irish or Brazilian citizens to leave Gaza
-"Palestine must never be forgotten. Promise me that." (from the documentary "Children of Shatila")
-Gifs of pro-Palestine rallies around the world
-Support Palestine's last kufiya factory
-Protestors flood the streets in Washington DC
-Explanation of why calling representatives is a numbers game
-FREE ebooks on the history of this conflict
-Petition to screen films by Palestinian directors
-Call to boycott Gal Godot's work
-Indigenous activists block weapons shipment to Israel
-If you're attending a protest, DON'T TELL YOUR GOVERNMENT SHIT. Y'know, friendly advice.
-Links to support Palestine Action and Palestine Legal. Get in the way.
-Parallels between Israel and the surveillance tactics used by NYC mayor Eric Adams
-Don't spiral into doomerism. Persevere.
-Want a different strategy to contact your representatives? Try faxing them!
-Florida rep Michelle Salzman calls for the death of all Palestinians
-"The phone doesn't stop" :)
-Indian trade unions call on the government to scrap deals with Israel
-An overview of Israel's human rights violations, and two major political groups that have exacerbated Zionism in the US
-Israeli man explains why he's protesting
-"Whoever stays until the end will tell the story. We did what we could. Remember us."
-US House of Representatives votes to send billions of dollars worth of weapons to Israel
-Canadian email campaign and petitions
-"Canada's First Nation standing with Palestine"
-"Freedom is infectious as it is just and no one is free until they ALL are."
-Israeli forces invade al-Shia hospital
-Leaked list of weapons the US has sent to Israel
-Only 32% of Americans believe the US should support Israel
-Cop City action demonstrates how to protest effectively
-Refugee grandmother "doesn't have to imagine a multicultural and integrated Palestine- she remembers it".
-Protestors block the Bay Bridge in San Francisco (plus bail fund)
-Israeli forces attack schools in northern Gaza. SCHOOLS.
-Journalist shares an update from an Indonesian hospital and pleads for others to spread it around as it "may be the last video we are able to send"
-Scottish Parliament votes overwhelmingly to demand a ceasefire
-Sobering texts from a friend providing humanitarian aid in Gaza. "They have been distributing guns to the civilian settlers and allowing them into the West Bank to terrorize people" "We have been given option to leave. None took it"
-"the absolute bare minimum in this situation is 1) a complete ceasefire and immediate humanitarian aid in Gaza, 2) complete halt of all military foreign aid to the Israeli government, 3) the Israeli government being prosecuted for its war crimes in the International Criminal Court, and 4) land back and reparations for the Palestinian people. free Palestine means free Palestine, not just temporarily stop carpet bombing Palestine."
-"It's important that you keep posting and speaking about the ongoing genocide. This 5 day agreement isn't the end of things."
-Boosting the incredible, FREE daily donate button again
-Protests at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
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fiercynn · 11 months
queer short film: "inferno"
queer short cuts is a biweekly newsletter where i share queer & trans short film recommendations. i'm featuring some of my favorite films on tumblr because why not
this film was screened at the 2021 queer cinema for palestine film festival, where filmmakers pledged to boycott the israeli-government sponsored lgbt festival TLVfest. the next queer cinema for palestine, which is a global festival with screenings in many cities and some online, is from november 29-december 10, 2023, and you can sign up for updates here.
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new zealand | 7 minutes | 2019 | documentary short film audio in english; no subtitles or closed captions
inferno, directed by andrew blackman, is an immersive documentary short about brazilian artist gui taccetti, now based in new zealand, who talks about growing up gay and catholic, the depression and anxiety he experienced from religious trauma, and the way that it fuels his work. the film itself is intense and harrowing, almost horror-like in its atmosphere and tone; director andrew blackman does a fantastic job of taking the surrealistic and fantastical elements of taccetti’s art and folding them in with the pain and fear that taccetti experienced. but ultimately this is a hopeful story of how both taccetti’s art and blackman’s film about it can be healing – not only to taccetti, but also to other queer people who experience them. - read deepa's full review; content notes at the end of the post
watch on vimeo, and check out the websites of gui taccetti and andrew blackman
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alfredsnightmare · 8 months
A young man interviews former child-actor Rodrigo Usher, only to be drawn into his idol's nightmarish web of debauchery, murder, and other erotic delights from beyond the grave.
Here's a brief look at my new film, O Solar dos Prazeres Noturnos (Palace of Nocturnal Delights), a 30-minute homoerotic nightmare inspired by the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. Coming soon!
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thisonelikesaliens · 6 months
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yeah that's not what she said (re: what she's watching)
愛情的模樣 is the Taiwanese title for The Way He Looks (Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho), a 2014 Brazilian queer coming-of-age film
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celluloidrainbow · 3 months
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ANA E VITÓRIA (2018) dir. Matheus Souza After a chance meeting at a party in Rio, former and once-distant schoolmates Ana and Vitória form a deep friendship, bonding over being so far away from their hometown deeper into the country. After an impromptu music session, they decide to pursue a career as a duo, all while helping each other through life and all the romantic entanglements that might come with it. Starred and inspired by real-life musicians ANAVITÓRIA. (link in title)
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modelsof-color · 5 months
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Photographers Mar + Vin ( Marcos & Kelvin )
Mar+Vin is a duo, formed by Marcos Florentino and Kelvin Yule. With backgrounds in Graphic Design and Journalism
MAR+VIN has contributed to a revolution in the way images are made in Brazil, adding artistic refinement to their photography to create stories that go beyond, while also playing an important role in the inclusion within the industry. Marcos and Kelvin often say that they are always looking for the "fantastic element" in the ordinary, creating powerful images with deep meaning and valuing their Brazilian roots.
Mar+Vin’s visual style is influenced by classical art with sculptural silhouettes and nods to symbolism, but they’re keen to incorporate local references from their Brazillian hometowns through locations and colour palettes.
 Marcos was born in the state of Piauí, in a small village in the northeast part of Brazil. He started experimenting with drawing at a very young age and tried other medias as he grew up. Living his childhood in such a remote place, he found in the fine arts and in the books a way of dreaming with different and fantastic realities, helping him to accurate his vision, while watching his mother sew his sisters’ dresses for traditional Brazilian celebrations and graduations, which may have been his first contact with fashion. At 18, he moved to São Paulo and got a degree in graphic design through a scholarship. There he began to use photography as a form of expression and also expanded his art through experimenting with sculpture, ceramics, textiles, drawing and oil painting,
 Kelvin is from the coast of Bahia, also in the northeast region of Brazil. He developed an inquisitive personality, mainly during his childhood as a queer kid growing up in a small town with a religious familly. At the age of 17, he went to university to study Social Communication and Journalism, where he directed his first short film and did some exhibitions exploring photojournalism, which led him to develop his interest in storytelling, bringing it to his photography as a way to reimagine things. Fashion appeared to Kelvin as a world of possibilities where he could express himself in multiple ways, telling untold stories through his own eyes. After meeting Marcos in 2016, he moved to São Paulo to develop his work in fashion, at which point they decided to unite their visions and creating the duo
( Informations took from their official website )
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