Is this all
Is this all
Is this all I waited for
To be again in a place
Where all I want to do is
Just Die
Or disappear
Seven years ago
I holded on
And look where it got me
I jumped under the train
That seven years ago
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Im running
Away from the darkness
Im tired
I can’t anymore
What If I fall
Will I ever get back up again?
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The clock is ticking
What have I accomplished?
Have I accomplished
Anything meaningful?
Am I
Anything meaningful?
What is meaningfulness based on?
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How broken people love
Why won’t you love me?
How can I
Make up
All the things I’ve done?
I want to feel loved
But I broke you
And you don’t
Know how to love anymore
Now we just
Hurt each other
Thats how broken people
-Saara’s poetry
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Love runs circles
Runs circles
When you live
The live you sent
Comes back to you
If you want to feel loved
You need to make others
Feel loved
Remember that,
-Saara’s poetry
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How will I heal?
Im tired
I can’t TaKe this anymore
I’m Not good enough
For anytime
How can someone
Be this faulty
So broken
How will I
Be enough
How will I learn
How to love
So I can
Love you back
How will I
Heal my broken heart
From million pieces
Into one
And kindness
For you
-Saara’s poetry
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He said
Don’t tell anybody
He said
He destroyed me
You can’t tell
He said
Even when all I truly wanted
Is to tell
Atleast to someone
Atleast to my dearest ones
So that they know
So that they understand
Why am I this way
You destroyed me
Again and again
With your words
With your hands around my neck
And nobody knows
You made me bleed
You cut open
My still healing wound
You knew what is the best way to destroy me
I let you in
Look in to my eyes
You broke me again
- Saara’s poetry
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I woke up
But it’s still a nightmare
I’m Not sure
Am I awake
Or not
Or not
I don’t know what is real
And what is Not
I see and hear things
Im Not sure anymore
What is true
And what is Not
Do I see demons
Or am I just insane.
-Saara’s poetry
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You don’t understand
What I am going through
And I can’t tell you
What it really is
The one thing I know
Some part of me
Wants to end my life
I can’t tell you what it really is
I can tell you only
What I feel like
But you still do Not understand
The hell I’m going through
You are just watching me burn.
You get mad
When I try to get a peace in the hell
For a while
Just a second
You just throw gas
Into my flames
-Saara’s poetry
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Im tired of fighting
The same fight
All over again
The fight inside my mind
There are so many voices,
So many
That I can’t hear my own
And I’m fighting to Not give up
To them
Because they are Not good
They’re Evil
Atleast most of them
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I can handle this and also not
How can it be
That at the very same moment
You feel joyful
And sad
You feel God is near
But the next
He is milloin stars away
And I’m left all alone
To handle the monsters
Just by my own power
Why God
You allow this
I ask
But then I say
I can handle this and I trust you
- Saara’s
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I am fragile
Like glass
I fall into pieces
Every time I fall
For one second I fly
But then I crash into the floor
Once again
I’m like sugar
When the sun shines
I am whole
But when even one dropp of Ester
Falls down the sky
I Melt
I break
But I always
Have the strenght
To put myself together
Just to fall apart again
After every fall
After every raindrop
I come out
Even stronger
I am
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Maybe I just know better
What is reality
What is real
Are they real
Things I see
I don’t know
If I just know better
That there are monsters
Inside my head
Under my bed
And lurking
Behind every corner
Maybe I just
Know better.
-Saara’s poetry
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There are atleast one monster
In every room
In the corner
Staring at me
But I am safe
The monsters just stare
Like the Salla
They are there
You just know
That they are there
Even though I close my eyes
They never disappear
But they don’t scare me anymore
I can Take pills
That take the monsters away
From my eyesight
Never of my mind though
I still know
They are there
Like walls and windows
You know they are there
Even if you didn’t see them.
-Saara’s poetry
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Who am I
Why am I myself
Why can’t I be
someone easier
Someone more lovable
Someone who has all things right
Someone strong
Someone brave
Who am I?
Am I what I want to be?
Am I the one I so hard try to be?
Or just a shadow from it….
- Saara’s poetry
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What remains
When you don’t try anymore
When you don’t have the strenght to see the light,
The rainbow during the Rain
Just are, who you truly are
-Saara’s poetry
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I look in the mirror
Who is she
Someone different
Someone happy
Someone so strong
It’s Not me looking back
I can’t recognize her
Should I?
She is someone so distant
From another planet
Sunbeams to follow her
For me they hide away
Two so different
Two opposites
-Saara’s poetry
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