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tamazakisart · 4 months ago
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Hace mucho que no subo nada, y google me anda fastidiando las vistas y desaparece mi trabajo so.... vamos a ver si aquí jajaj puedo hacerlo funcionar :3 Se que es el husbando de mucho y, pues voy a pasarselos por aqui :D
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lekkiimotylek · 12 days ago
zjedzone : ?? kcal
spalone : 300 kcal
waga : jutro się zważe na czczo
Rano przed szkołą wypiłam kawę z mlekiem , a w szkole jabłko.Jak przyszłam do szkoły na korytarz gdzie miała być pierwsza lekcja, zobaczyłam go. Siedział na ławce ze swoim kuzynek i kolegą z naszej klasy. Pomachałam mu i mi odmachał. Później jak jego kolega poszedł gdzieś to usiadłam obok jego. Powiedziałam hejka i mi odpowiedział. Grał w brawla xddd chwilkę patrzyłam jak gra i zaczelismy gadać o tej grze. Ta chwila trwała może z 3 -4 minut ale była najlepsza. Później poszliśmy na pierwszą lekcję. Poprzednie lekcję i przerwy go celowo ignorowałam żeby nie było, że tak często się na niego patrzę,ale i tak nie zwracał na mnie uwagi tak jak myślałam :(. Przed geografią się chwilę patrzył na mnie a tak to nic.Po szkole byłam mega zmęczona i głodna. Szczerze mówiąc dużo zjadłam i jest mi wstyd :/ Zawiodłam się na sobie i czuję się tak obrzydliwie naprawdę. Jutro się zważę i mega się boje co waga pokaże.
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zweiherzen-a · 7 years ago
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I was gonna say “you know who you are” but u know what. im just gonna do a fuckin callout @brawla && @sootsouls tbh
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pushspacetocontinue · 7 years ago
We all bleed RED (closed for brawla)
He honestly couldn’t believe he had survived being shanked in the side by that Sniper, not that it did him any good. It hurt, he was bleeding a lot and his team had lost. He just had to ignore the pain until he found a dispenser or dropped dead, whichever came first. It wasn’t something he could treat by himself.
That would be easy enough. He stepped away from the wall he had been leaning against and then he stiffened like a deer in the headlights when he saw the enemy Scout.
“Uh, hey, ehehe, you did real good out there today,” he said then, nothing but awkward honest in his voice. No point in being in a sore loser, “I’m sure we’ll do a better job next time, ehehe...”
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mcka-a · 7 years ago
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      ❛   i’m beginning to think you purposely break your things, just to come talk to me. you can not do that, and just talk to me like normal, yeah ?   ❜
      she wouldn’t outright admit she liked the company, though. she was far too stubborn for that.
       ❛   what is it this time, though ? let me see.  ❜
                                          |||  ♡ 『 @brawla 』
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featheredbabe-blog · 7 years ago
Closed RP with @brawla
The world was a cruel and unforgiving place.
But Bridge made do. Frankly, she didn’t care if it was all that cruel and unforgiving. Her life had gotten a lot better as of late, and that was all she cared about. As long as she was getting by and making do, it was all okay.
Going from being trapped in a desolate laboratory to having escaped and having practically the whole world to explore was exhilarating. Sure, she had to stay away from civilization, and sometimes finding animals to eat was difficult. But there was so much to do, so many starlit skies to fly under and clouds to gaze at. So many waterfalls to mess around in and animals to see. It was all too good. Life was almost perfect. Almost.
There was… one small issue keeping it from being utter perfection. Loneliness. Since she had to stray so far away from humanity, it was rather lonesome, traveling around all on her own. She wished she had someone to talk to but… you can’t have everything, right? It was fine, or at least, that’s what she told herself. She could talk to herself, and she liked doing that. It was fun. So it was all good.
She flew way above the treetops, her catlike eyes scanning every detail below. Currently she was in an area she didn’t know too well. Always being on the move helped her not deplete resources, and not only that, but it also meant she was much harder for humans to notice. The defeated, knocked down trees and abundance of deer remains meant she’d attract attention if she stayed in one place for too long - and usually it was unwanted attraction.
The giant stopped gliding when she saw a river peeking through the trees, a flash of white foam from the churning current catching her eye. With a flutter off her great brown wings and an Earthshaking thud, she landed, folding her feathery appendages to her back and getting down on all fours. She went to press her lips against the water and drink, only to snap her head back up again.
There were fish in this river! Her tail shot up with excitement. Despite the scaly things being so small in comparison to her, only worth a tiny mouthful, she loved how they tasted. Catching them was tricky, but sometimes, if she was just fast enough, she could hook the very tip of one of her claws into their gills and pull them out to shore. She shifted on her haunches, wincing at how her joints ached, and started to aim her claws, watching the fish intently, with a predatory gaze. She looked just like a cat trying to hunt. After a few moments of waiting she striked. The fish managed to slip away with a flash of silver scales.
“Bridge, that isn’t how you fish! Damn slippery things...” She berated herself with a growl and kept at it, brow furrowed with concentration as she watched them swim by.
She was so distracted with fishing she wasn’t alert, all of her senses drowned out by the sound, sight and smell of the rushing water. Just about anyone could sneak up on or stumble upon her in that moment. At least, to a certain point. She suddenly got the prickling feeling like someone had seen her, and she could have sworn she heard the snap of a branch. The giant’s head shot up as she looked about, warily trying to spot whoever she felt had seen her. Sure, it could just be a deer, but she had to be sure...
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aeiiopus-a · 7 years ago
ヽ( ´O`) && (´∀`)
Physical Details || Accept.
Both are already answered Here and Here 
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kcblooie-a · 7 years ago
brawla replied to your post: ( cursed[[MOR]
i love him????? and this is taboo but do u want my scout inkies
👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
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misspauling-archive · 7 years ago
👄 [ i cant remember if ive already sent one but if not: a gentle cheek kiss should she accept it ]
Smooches | Not Accepting
The kiss is brief but not without a softness she hadn’t been expecting. She would return the kiss with one of her own, to the Scout’s forehead, but the height difference between them makes it rather difficult.
Instead, she places a kiss to her forefinger and presses it to him with a smile.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years ago
“Alright, let’s see...Looks like we’ve got a fight tomorrow, Jessie!” The Doctor unfurled a piece of paper from the machine. “First round for Specialists, it looks like; Phantom vs Red. It’s been awhile since Phantom stopped by the office, hasn’t it?”
“...Phantom?” The Feline shrugged; she’d seen records of that Operator before, but never actually encountered them herself.
He sighed. “Right, stealth specialist with mnemonic Arts. Regardless, it’ll be interesting to see what happens, especially since Red- actually, I haven’t seen her recently either. She hasn’t been on a mission, has she?”
“I don’t think so?” Jessica flipped open a tab and scrolled through some of her notes. “No, but she has been on leave for awhile.”
“Really? What kind of leave was it, again? I think you approved that one.”
At that exact moment, Projekt Red walked into the office with a baby in her arms. “Maternity leave.” [not exactly the same universe but hush it’s fine]
“Awww!” The two immediately approached. “What’s their name?”
“Scarlet SilverAsh. I don’t think I can be in the tournament for a while, Doctor; we haven’t moved her to formula yet.” Scarlet fussed a little, which the Lupo solved by licking her forehead.
The Doctor nodded. “That’s alright, Red; I think I know the person to take your spot. Let us know when you’re ready to fight and we’ll put you in the rotation.”
“Thank you, Doctor. I’ll be watching today’s match from home. You can both come over, if you want; Encio’s making burgers.” She watched both of them blink several times. “What?” 
“He can cook?” Jessica asked.
She nodded. “There’s nothing he can’t do. I need to feed her soon. Let us know if you want to come over.”
“Will do!” Once she’d left, the Feline smiled to herself. “I’m looking forward to that someday.”
“Having a kid with me?”
Jessie set her head on his shoulder. “Yeah...We should call Waai Fu now, before too much press goes out.”
“Good plan.”
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Operators, Staff, and Esteemed Guests! Welcome one and all to the Top Operator Tourney!!! *crowd cheers*
“Thanks, Hung! Hiiiii everyone! It’s your lovable idol and Penguin Logistics delivery girl Sora here, filling in for Click on account of some rather inflammatory commentary she gave during the last one. Joining me in the booth, filling in for FEater after she punched the person who told them that, is Croissant!”
“That’s right, Sora, and I ain’t goin’ any’re! Now earlya Baws ‘nounced we had a lil’ bituva skejul shift, but looks like we still ‘ave a real good’un on our ‘ands. On the north side, wi’ 14 years of fightin’ ‘sperience, she’s student by day and brawla’ by nite, WAAAAAAAI FUUUUUUUU!” *cheers* “Ye, dat’s wut I wanna hear! Annnnd on the south side- hey, where’d they go?” *confused crowd noises* “Uh...Now I ain’t gonna lie, I never did meet dis Phantom guy? We sure he works ‘ere?”
“I mean, Medical had enough data to evaluate with, so I guess he does? Aaaanyway, looking at the numbers, it looks like Waai Fu has more combat experience and raw strength, but Phantom’s faster and trickier to deal with, so hopefully he shows up long enough for us to watch him work!”
“Ye, let’s ‘ope so! Baws itn’t at the podium today, but Amiya’s down there doin’ the hands, so let’s ‘ear it! 3! 2! 1! LET’S RUUUUUUUUUUUMBLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE!!!”
Down on the ground, as the commentators blathered away, psyching the crowd up, Phantom watched his target from the shadows, blades ready but simply observing. His opponent, an orange Feline he’d never seen before, likewise watched, patient. This wasn’t his usual style...but if it was a show they wanted, then he’d give them a show.
“So you are my opponent.” He took a step forward. “Shall we dance our dance for the masses?”
“The Phantom, in the flesh...I expected to face you later in the bracket, but this works, too.”
His eyes narrowed. “You recognize me?”
“I’ve spent my life clearing the street of scum like you, who skulk in the shadows and take others’ lives for your sick games.” She took a defensive stance. “Your ring of thieves deserved its fate-”
“Do not speak ill of the dead, lest you join them sooner than you expect.” A step backward, and he’d vanished.
Two Phantoms emerged from her shadow, blades drawn to strike as they flanked her, only to find she was ready for both attacks; Waai Fu evaded their swords as knocked both Phantom and his mirror image to the ground. “Repent while you still have time.”
And then everything was a blur.
“It’s like it started out of nowhere! They stared each other down forever, and then BAM! Also, why are there two of him?!”
“I ‘unno, darlin’, but I ‘ope Junior ain’t watch’n this! They’re go’n at it ‘arder ‘n an’thin rite now! I can’t even count ‘ow many blows they’re tradin’, but not a single drop of blood on the ground yet!”
“You can tell Waai Fu’s struggling, though - two on one isn’t a fair fight for anyone, but she’s holding her ground someh- OH, what?!”
“Oh! Oh! That’s the Seven-Styles Kick!! ‘Oly shit, I ain’t ever seen it in person bef’r, but damn that was some’n! And one of ‘em’s gone now!”
“Things have slowed down, and she is absolutely whaling into him! Punch, punch, kick, kick; he’s doing his best to evade them, but I don’t think he can keep up like this for long! Especially since he can’t- never mind, he managed to slash her once, at least, but that just left him open for a solid haymaker! He’s not getting back u/p! 1! 2!! 3!!! SHE’S DONE IT!!!”
“Wowza...Not as bloody as last ‘un, ey darlin’?”
“Waai Fu’s getting medical attention, as is Phantom from the looks...Hey, wait a minute, honey, did you see that?”
“See what?”
Aak was there at Waai Fu’s side, local anesthetic applied and staple gun going to work. “A bit of medi-gel will get this patched up in no time...Hey, who was that guy, anyway? Never seen him around before.”
“The Phantom Behind the Curtain, Treasurer of the Night. He was the leading man for a theatre troupe known for less-than-savory wetwork who traveled the world as a closely-knit ring of assassins, although many didn’t realize their actual business until the day it collapsed.” The Feline sighed. “That one killed a crowded theatre with his voice alone. He didn’t want me dead, not enough to speak to me with his true voice.”
“Truer words, vigilante, have yet to be spoken” a spectral figure whispered in her ear, disappearing before she could identify them.
The other Feline next to her cocked her head. “See something? Mighta gotten some hallucinogens in the anesthetic again.”
“No, it’s...nothing.” She shook her head. “It’ll pass, whatever it was.”
“You’d best win the tournament now, child...For your father’s sake.” From the other ear this time, as if standing in Aak’s place.
On the ground, as Warfarin ensured Gaspard began his recovery, a black cat stepped out of the shadows and, once the Sarkaz was done with the greater part of patching him up, sat on his chest, gently pawing at his face. A slight smile came to his face as he and his Christine were taken to Medical for full evaluation; he might have been defeated in this battle, but the war for himself was far from lost.
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mcka-a · 7 years ago
brawla replied to your post “,,,,,shipping call,”
question: am i allowed to like this but platonically
yes of course; any kind of relationship is welcomed !
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pushspacetocontinue · 7 years ago
🌅 !
Russell gazes at the trash cans and the dumpster which are right at the back of the base. To think, so much time had passed since that had happened. He still thought about it every time he saw them.
He had been returning from a run, or had been heading out on one. He couldn’t exactly remember now. But he had remembered the quiet thumping and rattling behind it. He had called out, thinking it been someone planning an ambush.
But instead, that small grey fluffy cat, probably not even a year old at the time, had come out. Her little white mouth was stained with whatever she had been licking at in order to get food. She had instantly come over when he knelt down and held out a hand. 
He had tried to find her owner, only to find she had been cruelly abandoned and left to freeze or starve in the snow. He still didn’t like to think what might have happened if he hadn’t found her. Thoughts of taking her to a shelter had crossed his mind, but he simply never got the chance or even the will to act on them…
Misty suddenly meows, bringing him out of his mind. She’s bigger now, and fluffier than ever. To think, she’s about three years old. How quickly time passes, especially when you’ve not been around. 
“Ehehe, sorry, Misty,” he says, reaching up to stroke her head as she lays across his shoulders, “I was just thinking, ehe…”
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tr0phyhusband-archive · 6 years ago
How many of your favs are actually evil and how many are just chaotic himbos
Evil (most of which I give redemption arcs):
Captain Hook
“Honest” John Worthington Foulfellow
Professor Ratigan
Dr. Nefarious Tropy
Vlad Masters/Plasmius
Meat Sweats
Lord Licorice
Chaotic Himbos
Buzz Lightyear
Wade Wilson “Deadpool”
The Great Papyrus
Propeller Knight
Space Dandy
Ash Williams
Luminos Brawla (OC)
Hotshot (OC)
As you can see, I have a type.
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brawltalk · 7 years ago
Nicol Brawlas, the Ravager
Maybe I’m just flying in the wrong circles, but it seems as if the front face of this card, the lowly creature, isn’t getting as high marks as it deserves. Don’t get me wrong, it’s getting high marks. But I think it deserves even more credit. If I have a 4/4 flyer that netted me value on ETB, I don’t even really need to sink more mana into that on a later turn. I can cast other spells and keep swinging in for 4 damage and be really happy.
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Sure, this is a nice fall back plan:
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But I’d say 9 times out of 10 I never even look at the Arisen in a game. In fact my deck would much prefer to get even more value out of the Ravager. Here’s how.
Step one, we get the Ravager on the battlefield. Easy enough. Step two, we return it to hand or even let it die. You heard me. Blink of an Eye and Baral’s Expertise get Bolas back into our hand. Baral’s Expertise is my favorite because I get to bounce two of my opponent’s creature or artifacts, immediately cast Bolas for free, and then they have to discard, maybe one of the spells I just bounced back to their hand!
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Letting him die is something you shouldn’t readily do but which you absolutely should in certain circumstances. Those circumstances are when you have any of the following cards ready to use: Liliana, Death’s Majesty, Dark Intimations, Rise from the Grave, or Wander in Death. You have to be a bit more careful about Dark Intimations or Wander in Death as he’ll go back to hand first, but the point here is to avoid commander tax and get that ETB discard trigger again. Plus these are all spells that will do great work in situations where we haven’t let Bolas go to our grave.
Cancel, Disallow, Essence Scatter, Negate, Supreme Will, and Syncopate make up our counterspell suite for this deck. Pretty straight forward business here. Then we have a massive removal quite because Bolas is all about controlling the game and only letting things he wants happen. But let’s be real, you don’t have enough spells to say no to everything, so you’re going to have to kill a lot of stuff you dislike. With a slight exception in that we’re packing River’s Rebuke so we might have a chance to counter something we missed the first time.
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Vraska’s Contempt, Hour of Devastation, Murder, Cast Down, and Abrade make up our spell-based removal. For the rest we’re rocking Noxious Gearhulk, Banewhip Punisher, Ravenous Chupacabra, and Gifted Aetherborn to discourage blocks and net us a little life here and there. The creatures that remove creatures are great considering the reanimation suite above. We can take out a creature, use something to block, then recur it for another use or three. OH YEAH! METEOR GOLEM! Say goodbye to that pesky enchantment or artifact and again, raise it from the dead later to take out another one.
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Champion of Wits, Divination, Opt, and Chandra, Torch of Defiance give us some card draw and selection (plus Chandra brings a whole lot more to the table, of course. I additionally want to run Torrential Gearhulk. The two gearhulks (Noxious above) are awesome value and can be recurred later in game to do even more for us. Drop in Nezahal, Primal Tide for the end game potential and we’ve got a solid game plan.
I normally just tell you to toss in lands at the end, but we’re running three colors and need added utility from our lands. I don’t want to just toss in 8x each of Swamp, Mountain, and Island. Instead, I’ll do 4x of each of those and then the following singleton lands:
Memorial to Genius Memorial to Folly Drowned Catacomb Submerged Boneyard Highland Lake Spirebluff Canal Sulfur Falls Cinder Barrens Crypt of the Eternals Evolving Wilds Field of Ruin Shalfirin Void Detection Tower
This is actually the deck I’m looking at taking to the Brawl Championship in RIchmond, Virginia so it’s evolving still. My goal is to put myself in position to deal with the worst threats to me and bargain with the table by letting some things live longer so long as they don’t get pointed at me. It’s a tricky balance to pull but with proper control, no deck is going to win on its own merits alone. It’s my job to make sure I can say no at the most important moment, when an opponent is asking themselves if they have the win in the bag. 
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blakjak-theyshouldknow · 3 years ago
Rytikal, BlakJak - rytikal chosen, rytikal 2021, rytikal show dem up, rytikal cookie jar, rytikal where i'm from, rytikal chosen lyrics, rytikal living, rytikal ready, rytikal story, rytikal vevo, rytikal king ina war, rytikal we okay, rytikal dolla bill, dancehall, (official, video), cookie jar, reggae, onerpm, records, one, time, music, eastsyde records, skillibeng, one time music, eastsyde, quenga, jahvillani, jada kingdom, group, rytikal chosen, skeng, chosen, 2021 dancehall, 2021, 2022, story, droptop, we dont fear, dancehall 2020, murdah, rytikal dolla bill, rytikal my world, rytikal cookie jare, skillibeng crocodile teeth, rytikal king ina war, arcus, eastsyde queen, think, about, (short, story), compass, dangerous, intence, chronic law, rytikal story, ready, zojak, world, wide, nebula, space kid, out, break, outbreak, mixtape, nebula and tony stark, tony stark, space kids, space kids song, trinidad, jamaica, caribbean, spider man trailer, spider man trailer no way home, cookie, jar, modern dancehall, jashii, silkboss, ratty gang, hello, audio), austin, okay, we okay, the, ultimate, rytikal - chosen, where, im, from, fuze, rytikal music group, one brawla music, dynasty, entertainment, dj mac, 100 kilos riddim, romeich entertainment, onesyde, popcaan, unruly, street gena, hapilos, yuh sih, quada, my world, crocodile teeth, king inna war, the prodigy, living, bug time riddim, free, freedom, shawn dan production, vybz kartel, squash, streets, vybz kartel ft. squash, aiko pon di beat, vybz kartel 2021, vybz kartel & squash - moon walk, vybz kartel squash chronic law, squash 2021, squash racketeer
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talariismoved-blog · 7 years ago
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▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺   Holy shit, I love you all!    ༻ ⟡ ༺
You know, I have remade my blog one time because I had over 1k followers, but very few muns actually talking to me (and the second time because I lost my Password for the blog), so finally seeing my follower count climbing back up and actually having several muns not only talking to me but befriending me... that’s wonderful.  Emotionally & mentally wise, everyone knows I wasn’t doing the best. And life still is pretty rough for me. health & financial issues and other real life problems are sadly still very strong and yet, every time I log into Tumblr, I receive support and love. It’s those wonderful Positive messages & anons, those fantastic positivity campaigns and the funny muns I surround myself that make everything a bit more bearable. And with your guys constant kindness and your excellent writing that I’m here now.  I’m sure you guys are tired of hearing this but.... Thank you.  It is you with your understanding and nice messages, it’s you with your memes and edits and aesthetics, it’s you with your canon and oc muses, it’s you with your inner light that make this community a wonderful place that makes me proud of being part of. I could write and write and write, but no words could ever describe how grateful I am and how much I love all of you.  And with that.... let’s go to my lovelies:
▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺ @dracdad: You have loved me when I still used to write “owo” and when my alias was Lola-chan, and you still love me when I write :^) and my alias is Annie. You are the sweetest, kindest and most hardworking person here, and everyday I’m glad that we’re together. I love you so, so much bae. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and though I haven’t done much for you lately, I promise- you’re my major reason to get better soon. Thank you bae- I love you.
▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺ @refiinedrogue: I barely know where to start. Rose, you have been a wonderful friend who listened to me whine and cry and to my shitty puns and shitposting; you saw my up and downs and you’re still there and that says a lot. Seeing you on my dash always makes me smile and I know that just as much you are welcome to land in my DM, so am I. You’re a presence in my life I’m blessed for. Thank you. For everything; listening, talking, just being there. You are a wonderful person: and I sincerely hope you know that. Your headcanons, your research, everything- a fantastic writer and an even more fantastic mun.
▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺  @pisscff: Woody, how do I even start? You are smart and kind, and until this day I will always be grateful for having those long talks with you. Talking to you makes me feel safe and happy and I just... I love you, dude. Is it even possible to say how much I like you? Probably not. Here, have this heart instead because words, how do I even word: <3
▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺  @ncvabcrn: Nerd, the end. I’m joking! Nah, you are a great person. You care when something happens and you’re the first to message me whenever I make any worrying ooc posts. You are an immensely creative person, and I’m so glad the trade between you and my son Jackieroo went well. You are amazing and hard working- I respect that a lot. Know that whenever you need anything, you can hop into my DM and I will immediately talk to you. Even tho it doesn’t seem like that when I respond to your memes quickly-
▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺ @vxlkyrieonline: Sometimes I wonder how you do it. How you manage to pick just the right words, the exact right ones, to make me cry and smile. It feels like you have a gift- and every time you speak to me, you manage to talk directly to my soul. Being your friend is a wonderful feeling and I love hanging out and talking with you. Thank you so much for your constant support- one day I will give back everything you gave to me.
▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺ @crocodun: Lotte, you are a wonderful person. I know how real life sucks, and you going through all and still being strong and fantastic? I’m so proud of you. You are smart and funny and I love love LOVE all you do. I hope things go better for you because you deserve it. You are great and amazing and I believe in you <3
▎▏༻ ⟡ ༺ @wiire: Wren, when I say you are just like Engineer, I mean it; you are gentle but so strong at the same time. You are always so kind and someone so easy to talk to, hanging out with you and talking with you just... really relaxes me, to be honest. You are an endless source of softness and it’s like you infect everyone around you with your happiness. You go, Wren!!
@shoot-straight-shoot-first  ⟡ @vasvvani / @aropoakande ⟡ @ttaube  ⟡ @kcblooie  ⟡ @redheav  ⟡  @mcka  ⟡ @mcrtimersmith  ⟡ @sootsouls  ⟡ @vertounda  ⟡ @southernfriedengie  ⟡ @cutieunderthesea  ⟡ @claysouled  ⟡ @coldkissed  ⟡ @hcntrcss  ⟡ @hanamuran  ⟡ @calavcro  ⟡ @wdwskiss  ⟡ @sheboops  ⟡ @plasmahearted  ⟡ @horishi  ⟡ @revcnga  ⟡ @resetkid  ⟡ @lcbrat  ⟡ @mumblingmaniac  ⟡ @brawla  ⟡ @bloominghands  ⟡ @atyped  ⟡ @faithruns  ⟡ @misspauling  ⟡ @bloodflew  ⟡ @zweiherzen  ⟡ @sonxfdoom  ⟡ @breakiitdown  ⟡ @chronal-anomaly  ⟡ @valflame  ⟡ @snsdva  ⟡ @impenetrableshiield  ⟡ @teufcl  ⟡ @teufortsquidman  ⟡ @caliente-y-picante  ⟡ @onehpwonder  ⟡ @legacycarried  ⟡ @doctorscrders  ⟡ @helioshero  ⟡ @thewitchofice  ⟡ @dreamsxfcruelty  ⟡ @solvigil  ⟡ @obliiviscatur  ⟡ @rubyscout  ⟡ @filmlaced  ⟡ @stygicniron  ⟡ @deriision  ⟡ @ibellator  ⟡ @outbraves  ⟡ @diktown  ⟡ @impxvidus
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