#brandon f
God Dammit, Dude.
TFW your blorbo is late to his own Youtube collab.
Jesus Christ sir, how long is your video going to be?!?!
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lyledebeast · 7 months
A lot of this is discussion of historical accuracy, which is not the most interesting thing for me when it comes to this movie. However, one thing Brandon brings up that I hadn't considered is that the people at the party looking shocked will look a lot more upset when everything that just got blown to heck--wood, metal, and human--is incoming from the force of the explosion. He also compares this scene to the church burning, which is presented as the worst thing that could ever possibly happen (even though everyone in the church is going to be dead in a matter of minutes given how Very Flammable the building is. Men aboard the ship who were further from the blast are unlikely to be so lucky).
One of the more egregious double standards in this movie is the assumption that suffering the audience does not see counts for nothing. Almost all of the visible bodily trauma we see involves Patriot bodies, as though Patriot violence does not produce the same effects on British ones. We only know British bodies have blood in them because Mel Gibson ends up wearing a few gallons of it after That One Scene. Part of the closeting of Martin's violence is that its effects are always out of frame, if sometimes only by a few feet.
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peakvincent · 2 years
new game is to type one through ten in your tags and see what comes up. i think my favorite of mine is ‘my uncle told us he spent seven and a half hours in a sensory deprivation tank once’ but ‘gideon the ninth motherfucker’ is a close second
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kaxen · 2 years
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389 · 2 months
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Summit - Brandon F. Wilson
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thefutureisintheair · 4 months
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shelfperson · 1 month
i definitely make jokes about daniel being a “cokewhore” on occasion but i feel like some of y’all didn’t grok that he was actually for real real prostituting himself for drugs and it’s kind of an import detail about his character that’s been alluded to throughout the show.
idk i’ve just been seeing a lot of posts about daniel’s sexuality lately and like. in addition to Older Queer Male Repression Classic Flavor, it kinda thunks your thinker that the time when Daniel was most sexually involved with men he was also in a really terrible place mentally and physically, and that sexuality was intrinsically related to his drug use and poverty, and now he does not openly acknowledge his obvious hOmOpHiLe status huh?
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Sunarin is a new dad. And he’s good at it.
He’s constantly hovering over his little boy, there’s no where in sight that the newborn is, that he isn’t right behind him.
And it’s good, that way. Rin’s always been able to keep his infant calm and from screaming, something he teases he’s also good at when it comes to you (he puts a fake pout on his face when you give him a playful smack on the back of his head), and in turn, you’re able to handle your domestics with minimal hassle. Rintaro loves his son, he’s so good with him and he’s so good at soothing him before he’s able to cry too much.
But then Rintaro goes back to practice. And you’re finally thrusted into your very own seventh circle.
You’re convinced your new little boy hates you. Clean and simple. The way he screams and cries is absolutely nothing short of constant, no matter the circumstance.
You put him down for a nap, he’s screaming, you try to feed him, he’s refusing to nurse, in the rare instance he does stop crying and you sit down on the couch, he wails once more, and you feel your sanity slip.
You’d cry yourself, if you had the time and mental strength. If you had time to think about it, you’d feel hurt at the idea that your infant likes Rin so much more than you, that he’s the only one who can soothe the baby and you’re the one he’s stuck with at home.
Lucky, for the both of you.
After the absolutely grueling day, you finally manage to make him stop crying, just in time for Rintaro to come home to the two of you- both exhausted and in shambles and covered in poop, but to you none the less.
He smiles the minute his eyes lay on your disheveled form, shrugging off his duffel bag making his way towards you. “Hey momma bear,” he hums, reaching out to hug you. “How’s my beautiful, sexy-“
“Back off,” you snap, watching Rin’s hand fly back as if you’ve bit him. “Your son just projectile shat on me, and I’m not in the mood for your flirts.”
You glare at your husband as he fights, with all his might, to not cackle at your tense words. “I-I’m sorry, he what?”
“I was changing him,” you snarl, your whipping the pack of baby wipes at him. “And I thought he had to fart, but instead, he fucking shit himself. Everywhere.”
Sharp eyes follow down the stain at the edge of your shirt, forcing back a snort once again with a grin, “everywhere?”
“Everywhere,” you growl. “And Rin, so help me God if you laugh I’m filing for divorce-“
“Hey hey, come on now,” he says softly, wrapping an arm around you. Despite not wanting to be touched, you can’t deny how good it feels to be back in his arms. “No need to throw around the ‘d-word,’ you know I was going to laugh regardless of what you say.”
“Asshole,” you growl, but any facade of true anger melts into one of tears, and Rin pulls away slightly to look at you in concern. “… he hates me, Rin.”
“No he doesn’t,” he promises, shushing you softly. “He adores you, you know that.”
“He won’t stop crying,” you wail. “And he wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t sleep, I haven’t peed for nine hours, for gods sake he shit on me-“
“And that’s because he’s two months old, baby,” Rin says, kissing your pounding temple. “He’ll do that. For a pretty long time. That’s what babies do. They’re not really picky with that, they kinda hate everyone.”
“He doesn’t do that with you-“
Rin chuckles, “you just don’t happen to see it. You’re out and about being super mom, all I can do is hold the fort until you get home. And you don’t see the chaos he can cause, yeah?” When you say nothing, Rin nudges his nose against you. “He loves you, babe. He just doesn’t know it yet. And that’s okay.”
He plants a kiss to your head, his warm hand settling on your belly to rub soothing circles in- carefully avoiding the poop stain- and when he finally feels you melt against him, he smiles encouragingly and guides you back into the bedroom where your son lays on his back in the middle of the bed.
“Hey, lil’ dude,” he hums, laying on his side next to the baby, while you blink in exhaustion. “You makin’ mommy crazy?”
“Yes,” you whine, laying on the other side of the baby boy, who grunts and smacks his lips up at his father. Your eyes close in a feeble attempt to ward off the migraine that’s forming, but when you hear a soft “I’ve taught you well,” followed soon by a “pound it,” you scowl up at your husband, whose fist is balled and ready for a fist bump. But even you can’t fight the chuckle that breathes through your nose when a tiny, mitten clad hand knocks against Rintaro’s, an excited “yesss,” easing past your husband’s lips.
Green, sharpened eyes flick over to you, and he offers you a loving smile before re-lifting his fist to you and mouthing another “pound it,” directed at you this time. Your smile falls to a frown, and you whine an exasperated “no,” before pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers. Instantly, a noise of distress comes from your son, and Suna clicks his tongue, “babe you’re making him upset, we need to pound it!”
Reluctantly, you lift your fist to bump against Rin’s, and he sighs happily as he looks down at your son, “and that’s how you were made, little man.”
You scowl and smack his hand, a playful “ow,” falling out of Rin’s mouth. You watch the hand you’d smacked rub soothing circles on your baby’s belly, his lips pressing small kisses against his chubby cheeks.
“Well, I’m proud that you are making mommy crazy,” he begins, resting his head against the bed to lay his forehead against his son, almost as if he’s recharging.
“But make sure to leave some chaos for me, okay?”
“I swear to God, Rintaro.”
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Brandon Sanderson: Fantasy vs. Sci-Fi
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Almost all of BrandoSando's books straddle the line between the two genres, and after seeing @approximateknowledge's post here, I wondered how they would lay out on that chart. I was also inspired by this fascinating WOB about Skyward's genre. These are just my opinions, so let me know if you agree or what you think you'd change!
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theinfinitedivides · 2 months
category 5 Devil's Minion San Fran '73 moment ('it'll feel like a bath. rest. like honey on your tongue.') vs category 5 Loumandiel Dubai '22 moment ('what's he taste like?' 'i didn't ask that.' 'you were thinking it.' 'stay out of my head.' 'honey and pineapple. he stuffs himself with both for days before he offers himself to me. would you like to sample?')
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eliseliedl · 18 days
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Wind and Truth - End of The Stormlight Archive, Era 1 By Michael Whelan
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Psst: Brandon F.'s Doing An Auction Thingie.
Blorbo Bleebus returns at last this Sunday November 12th, 6pm EST for a livestream auction of books and militaria on WhatNot!
I'm just so intensely curious to see what he's going to be auctioning and yeah, I'm probably going to have very poor impulse control for anything 18th century.
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lyledebeast · 1 year
There was a segment of the Sexism in The Patriot video of all the women watching their men ride off, and I kept expecting to see Tavington watching Martin as the fort’s gate closed, but nothing.
That’s discrimination!
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nevertheless-moving · 6 months
"Fornication," Wit whispered, staring with haunted eyes at nothing. "That's not Rayse at all. He stole - that reproducing bastard. He stole my breaths."
The rage in the generally amicable man's voice was enough to dissuade Kaladin from asking about the bizarre word choice.
Shallan, evidently, did not have that problem.
"Fornication?" she repeated incredulously.
"It's a curse word," Wit said through gritted teeth. "Used to be common, but it's fallen out of favor among shardplanets the last several thousand years for some stupid CHILD CREATING reason."
Wit snarled, pacing the tent furiously.
"Which is a real PLEASURABLE PHYSICAL INTERACTION shame because now i sound really copulatingly stupid swearing with connection based direct translations, but cursing by 'Gods' or the dead or the weather or whatever intense intimacy else this vigorous impregnation planet swears by is NOT as satisfying when i am this LOVEMAKINGLY angry."
Wit kicked a chair, which flew with shocking force, tearing a hole in sturdy canvas siding. He stared at the tear, exhausted, then collapsed, arms wrapping around himself.
"I'm sorry," he whispered to Jasnah, who was approaching cautiously, in full Armour. "I shouldn't have done that. I generally don't have enough of a temper to lose it like that, but...gender neutral attempt at babies. He stole my breaths. I don't even know how much I lost...it will take decades to do an inventory, and even then...there's important secrets I vowed to protect. Lost people I swore to remember. Oaths I can't even properly remember making anymore, but I have to - I..."
Jasnah knelt down, taking Wit in her arms as he wept softly.
"And I can't even coitally curse right anymore," he sobbed.
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direwolfrules · 10 months
The Weirwood Queen Memes Part 7: I’m running out of quippy titles, much like how the Eyrie ran out of food
Spoilers for The Weirwood Queen series by @redwolf17. Go check it out, if I’ve made seven meme posts about a fanfic then it’s probably good. Unless you like show-based bashing fics. This is a book-based fic with no bashing (the Cersei stuff isn’t bashing, it’s just in character).
Part 6
Part 5 - has links to all previous parts, I’m too lazy to link all of them again.
Master Post
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lisascomplicated · 6 months
Callback to that one time I wrote a 2-page essay about a book for fun
Be me
13/14 year old girl with an unhealthy obsession with books
currently hyper fixated on Skyward
Seminary class lets you doodle on the whiteboard
draw Boomslug
Someone else draws a sea bunny
someone draws hearts, and now there’s ship art
my doofy ass decided to write on how the baby’s magic would work.
nobody knows wth skyward is
prints it up
tapes it below Boomslug and Sea Bunny
the original drawer of the sea bunny writes “why” on the bottom
I was bored. Be afraid, mortal.
Sorry this is a tangent but what reminded me of this
Be me now
15, this month has been a Thursday and I slept through most of English (1st)
we have to submit a research question about a topic that we interest in, we have to write 3-4 pages on it.
question is due as class ends
I had jokingly asked my teacher if I could do it on fantasy technology (fabrials because I’m currently re-reading Stormlight for the 3rd time in 15 months)
she says yes
later I panic and say “how do fabrials work” as my research question.
I now have to write 3-4 pages on Fabrials.
I cannot tell it this is a win or a loss
… yes.
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