#brain no hush
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katiefrog217 · 11 months ago
ADHD and sleep deprivation are a terrible combination when you are trying to read
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timethehobo · 4 months ago
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Still haven’t gotten to him yet but I needed a self-indulgent doodle. 😔
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 months ago
Plot bunny that I wish to write but don’t currently have the motivation to work on:
After the who thing with Hush, Tim asks Dick to review cowl footage from the fight in the graveyard when Clayface took on the appearance of an adult Jason Todd.
After watching the footage a few times, he comes to suspect Clayface was only there at the end of the fight. There was someone else at the beginning. Tim admitted he felt the same way and let slip the fact that it was due to that fight that Bruce found out Jason’s grave was empty.
Upset he wasn’t informed of that and suspicious of the mysterious Jason lookalike, Dick ends up doing some research of his own and finds evidence of this familiar looking stranger slowly gathering information and power within the shadows of the city.
Going undercover as someone presumed to be associated with one of the Families, he eventually finds a guy who initially mistakes him for the stranger.
“What’d I do this time? Wasn’t the info I gave you enough..? Wait, you ain’t the guy. What is he? Your brother or somethin’? You two look almost identical.”
That gave Dick momentary pause, but he quickly decided to roll with it. “That’s right, but he unfortunately decided to strike out on his own in a way our family doesn’t approve of. It’s my task to find him. You know how it goes. Care to point me in his direction?”
This leads Dick on a merry chase trying to find Jason while trying to keep up the act
Edit: I was gonna post the little bit I got done a few months ago… and somehow Word deleted it? But I can see the file that was called ‘Resurrected Hope’ and the page/page and a half is gone :(
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oodlesodoodles · 1 year ago
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Harry squeezes a local Club manager to let them have a swim in the fancy ass pool in return for keeping a drugging/poisoning case quiet
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secretagentsloveblogs · 3 months ago
personal hc that hush can change his form at will, so each time he visits doc, he looks just slightly Off. but they cant really tell why. maybe its the lighting? well hush has definitely grown an inch or two since they met him, but maybe thats not concerning enough for them to notice. however, the two differing eye colors are new- could just be contacts tho, right?
they couldnt really tell you (or care that much, doc is tired) why hush is different now. all they know is something seems... Strange.
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sheawritesstuff · 1 year ago
Redacted Fic Ideas
[These are ideas I've had but writer's block has prevented me from actually writing, so I'm releasing them into the world so maybe someone else can write them :] ]
✩ Honey taking Guy to a concert they like - probably punk or metal and getting to teach him how to mosh
✩ Movie night with Freelancer, Gavin, and Caelum
✩ Darlin wrestling with Asher and Milo while they’re all shifted
✩ Ollie introducing Coworker / Mentor to his friend group - or telling said friend group that they’re a couple
✩ The pack setting up a surprise birthday party for David because he would never agree to have one of his own volition
✩ Angel and Babe trying to teach Asher how to cook because maybe David just tried teaching him the wrong way
✩ Elliott and Sunshine reunion - very sappy, very angsty
✩ Darlin explaining how important the term “mate” is to them and what kind of weight it holds in their relationship
✩ Camelopardalis checking in on Baby, just to make sure they’re still doing alright
✩ Asher tricking Milo and Darlin into watching a horror movie
✩ Hush trying to do research on humans and finding outdated, questionable material which leads him to ask Doc weirdly specific clarifying questions on things they’ve never even considered before
✩ Sam explaining to Fred and his progeny that he’s leaving the Solaire clan and offering to take them with him to be their new support system 
✩ Morgan and the seer playing a game of Never Have I Ever / 20 Questions to get to know each other better
✩ Aaron making dinner for Elliott, Sunshine, and Smartass and getting to catch up with all the non-cult stuff that they missed out on
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evendimmer · 1 month ago
I get wanting to be a witch, what if you want to be a familiar and serve a witch
like yeah my witch is my master but only because i chose to devote myself to you. because you, my witch have earned my devotion, and that itself is a privilege for you, and only you
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mulatto-macchiato · 1 year ago
Certi has me all emotional like--
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But then at the same time my brain goes:
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I'm telling you, I bet this mf can smell the bartender's emotional vulnerability through THE WALLS-- like a damn bloodhound.
Even though you never intended the second half of the chapter, the added context to Moon was *chef's kiss*
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guqin-and-flute · 9 months ago
"Y'know, this is easily the most homoerotic thing to happen to ever happen to me."
"Wei Ying."
"Wei-xiong, I don't think 'going to the ER because you've been stabbed' is more homoerotic than literally being married to a man."
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audio-redundancy · 1 month ago
Thinking about Doc staying up late because they can't sleep for what ever reason. Hush teleporting into their room, unsure how to get them to sleep, he sits on their bed, slowly rubbing their back until they fall asleep.
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ghcstcd · 5 months ago
"Why would Garou be into Kremy? He's human!"
I know more than you
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stupidvillainousposts · 3 months ago
Stan Likes to Show Off His Scars to Ford in an Attempt to Gain "Cool Points"
Stan, pointing to a scar on his stomach: This is where a buck got a lucky hit. *Points to His Left Shoulder* I've popped this out of place more than I can count! First time was when I fell out of a tree! *Turns and Points to His Lower Back* I got hit by an arrow there; Fidds said I woulda been paralyzed if it had been closer to my spine! *Points to His Neck* This bad boy is from that dumb collar they make me wear; got shocked 15 times in one day, once!
Ford: Stanley... I don't think you should even leave the house anymore...
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meowtus · 4 months ago
Hush for sure likes to infodump bizarre facts about humans at the worst times imaginable.
This becomes especially frequent in the middle of the night. Doc can’t count the number of times they’ll wake up to hear Hush talking about a grotesque thing that the human body does—unprompted, of course.
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thebusytypewriter · 3 months ago
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silencingspellsongs · 11 months ago
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prediction for how the carpe deus squad reunion is gonna start out
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suntails · 6 months ago
the book is done :D setting up a shop for it next week but i’ll start posting/open preorders in september!!
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