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morganandmolly ¡ 11 months ago
Request: How about a fluffy little one-shot were Fili introduces the girl he has been courting (in secret) to his family at a family dinner...
@putm I hope you like it!!! I had so much fun writing this!!! 💖
An Unexpected Dinner
You had no idea what to do with your hands. You wrung them-un wrung them. Twisted and turned the rings on your fingers, and at this point, had resorted to biting your nails.
Who would blame you, though? Meeting the family of your love would result in anyone having a near nervous breakdown.
But Fili, oh sweet, sweet Fili had reassured you time and time again that it was ok, constantly kissing your brow, the braids handing from his beard always tickling your face.
It was one thing to meet their family, but another thing when you had been courting in secret.
Fili had not wanted to be so secretive about your relationship, as was the nature of Dwarves, always furiously proud of their One, but it had been you who had wanted to initially.
You were so scared they would not approve of you, so absolutely terrified that they would break you and Fili apart. He was heir to the newly reclaimed Erebor and you were just you. Nothing special, just a girl he had happened to fall in love with.
So this is where you were standing in the cavernous halls of Erebor, still wringing, twisting and biting the nails of your now sweaty hands. You didn’t want to wait any longer. Fili had promised to retrieve you for dinner but your mind kept spinning, and once that happened, there was no turning it off.
You were so deep in your thoughts, you hardly noticed a thick arm wrapping around your waist. The braids tickled your ear, and suddenly, all was right in the world.
“My love, what are you doing here? I told you I would come get you.”
A rich warm musk enveloped your senses. Just the scent of him made you feel safer and more calm.
You turned, keeping his arm tucked firmly around your waist, and looked up at him.
“I was nervous, I couldn’t….well, I couldn’t wait any longer.” You cast your eyes down, now feeling sheepish.
He put your chin beneath his thumb and forefinger, his gaze softening infinitely.
“There is nothing to be worried about. I’ve wanted you to meet them for as long as I’ve known you. I already know they’ll love you, just as I do Amralime.”
That was all it took for your heart to melt. He crushed you against him, his lips meeting yours. You found yourself twirling the bead at the base of one of his braids.
You broke apart and took a deep breath.
He held out his hand,
“Come, my love..”
The door leading to the Kings dining hall was larger than expected. Dwarven iron, detailed with Khuzdul and engravings stared right back at you.
Fili knocked once, then twice. Your heart skipped, suddenly finding its home in your throat.
The next few seconds would undoubtedly determine your future.
“Enter,” a commanding voice spoke. Thorin. King under the Mountain and uncle to Fili.
With reaffirming squeeze, Fili opened the door.
“Hey Fi, about time, I was thinking you got lo-“
Kili stopped, the smile on his face dropping for three seconds, before he took you in, firmly grasping Fili’s hand, and broke out into the widest, goofiest grin you’ve ever seen.
“Well hello, there,” Kili’s voice dropped an octave, and he winked at her.
“Leave her be, Ki.” Fili chastised his younger brother, a dusting of pink coloring his cheeks, but she wasn’t as interested in them as she was in the raven haired king sitting at the head of the table.
“Uncle, this is-“
“I know who this is.”
She had never quite grown accustomed to the deep baritone of the kings voice. It was a reminder of his power; his commanding authority.
Fili stiffened beside her. Oh no. This. This was what she was afraid of.
Thorin sat, hands steepled and gaze hardened, looking directly at her. Her heart had lodged itself further in her throat, threatening to explode at any given second.
An assortment of food lay on the oak table. Meads, ales, breads and meats but her stomach was filled with nerves and only nerves.
“King Under the Mountain. That is my title, Fili. Do you really think my heir can go sneaking around the castle, courting a woman, without my knowledge?”
The question was rhetorical.
Kili answered anyway.
“No, uncle he can’t,” despite the words, Kili’s face and demeanor remained bright, eyes gleaming mischievously.
Fili, ever the older brother, reached out and smacked Kili up top the head.
She hadn’t even realized she had brought her other hand over, and clasped it tightly to the one she was holding with Fili’s.
“Uncle, I-“
She stopped him before Fili could finish.
It was now or never to be brave, and she had put this off for too long.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, your grace.” She curtsied to the best of your ability, although it was probably not near as good as what the king had seen in court.
She took a deep breath. “I want to apologize. I never meant to keep anything from you. Fili didn’t either. It was my idea to keep it a secret. I was just….well…” you trailed, and took looked at Fili, your sweet prince.
Fili, who had always supported you, encouraged you, loved you like no other. Fili, who would have gone to ends of the earth if it meant your happiness. Your Fili.
His gaze softened and his eyes told her to keep going.
Your resolve hardened and you looked back at Thorin.
It was time to be brave.
“I was afraid, your grace. You see, I love Fili something terrible, and I was concerned as I am not of noble birth that you would forbid me from seeing him. That’s why we kept it secret. But I love your nephew. If there is one thing I want you to know, it is that. ” And there it was. A weight you hadn’t even known you’ve been carrying, dissipated from your shoulders.
Something flickered in Thorin’s eyes.
Fili turned your head, replacing the same movement with his fingers on your chin like earlier.
“That would never happen. You are my love, my light, the air in which I breath and all that surrounds me.”
Your heart clenched at his words. You squeezed his hand.
“As you are mine.”
Kili sighed from the table and clutched a hand over his chest, “Don’t you just love love, uncle?”
Thorin stood, apparently deciding to ignore Kili and walk over to where they stood.
He stopped three paces from where they stood.
He looked at her, once up and once down, and steadied his gaze. His face revealed nothing.
Then, something happened that defied whatever she could have expected to happen, to happen.
Thorin smiled.
He clasped a hand on her shoulder.
“Well, I certainly can’t disagree with that. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. “
Kili’s smile was even brighter somehow , and could barely hold still, already calling you ‘sister’ and telling you how you need to meet Tauriel, as he believed the two of you would have gotten along wonderfully.
“Come now, Fi! My One is an elf and uncle approved of us. Well, not at first, but eventually!This is a piece of cake compared to that!”
You had laughed at that. Kili did make a good point.
Fili never stopped touching you. If his hand wasn’t in yours, it was on your leg. His fingers would deftly brush a piece of hair behind your ears, or his shoulder would bump into your own. I’m right here, he is saying. I love you.
“So, sister,” Kili grinned, propping up his head on his hand, “When’s the wedding? Fili she does know about courtship rituals, right? As well as braiding and the eventual wedding night consumma-” Thorin placed a thick hand over Kili’s mouth, stifling the rest of his words.
Your cheeks flushed tomato red and you looked to your lap. You would not be the one to answer. Sure, you were courting and naturally the discussion of marriage was something to be brought up, but you and Fili hadn’t talked about that yet.
Of course you wanted to marry him. How could you not?
“Brother, I think my love has had enough interrogation for one day,” Fili squeezed your hand and you were grateful for the reprieve. But the question still prodded at the back of her mind. Fili did want to marry her….didn’t he?
The rest of the dinner was a splendid affair, Thorin beaming, listening to the tale of you and Fili met. You could see pride in the kings eyes. He obviously held his heir and nephew in the highest regard. Fili praised you, recounting tales of your beauty, bravery and how more deeply in love he became with you day by day.
Mahal, how could she have gotten so lucky.
The dinner did eventually end, with Thorin inviting you to the next one, “With Mother, this time!” Kili made sure to add.
Two down, one to go. Although, you had never been too concerned about Kili. But you had seemingly one over the King under the Mountain, and today, that would be enough. She would deal with meeting his mother another day.
A breeze blew softly on the rampart. She had always loved coming here with Fili. It had been an escape for them. Somewhere for just the two of them.
A few tendrils of hair blew and you tucked them behind your ear and breathed deeply.
“So, was it as bad as you were expecting?”
You smiled, turning to the voice behind you.
You put on a fake stern look. “Worse, in fact. I fear, I may have to never return.”
Fili feigned pain, clutching at his chest, “You wound me, my lady. I fear I may never recover at your absence.”
A laugh bubbled out of you and he walked closer. His arm running the length of your arm, a comforting gesture.
He looked at you then, the way he always looked at you. Blue eyes softening and a smile peaking out from his lips. His golden hair was illuminated by the moonlight, giving him an ethereal glow. He could have been one of the Valar in this light.
“I love you….you know that, right?”
“You better, especially after all I put up with tonight.” You meant for the remark to come off as lighthearted, but the smile he gave didn’t reach his eyes.
He fidgeted with his hands, and looked down. She couldn’t help but think about the exact same thing she had been doing just hours ago.
“Fili…” she said softly. He looked up at her and then her chest tightened in the sweetest way.
Tears glistened at the corner of his blue eyes and suddenly worried she had done something wrong. Had Thorin changed his mind and said something to the effect of them not being together?
She cupped his face, gently wiping a tear with the pad of her thumb. He closed his eyes, relishing in her hand and leaned his face into it.
“Everything I said earlier was true, you know…” his voice was husky, but barely above a whisper.
“I knew I loved you the moment I set my eyes on you. Not only are you beautiful, but…you’re brave. Braver than I. And strong. And you love….well….you love fiercely, otherwise I probably wouldn’t be crying.”
A choked laugh escaped her, and she realized her eyes felt watery too.
He took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders.
“What I’m trying to say is…” he trailed off, and reached for something in his deep blue velvet tunic.
A breath hitched in her throat, and she could have swore the whole of Arda stopped.
Fili knelt-not on one, but both knees in front of her. Not just a pledge, but a worship.
“I had these made the day after we met.” He opened his palm.
Her lip trembled.
A ring and a bead.
They hadn’t even been together yet, and he had them made. He had had so much faith from their first encounter that he knew- he knew-he would marry her.
The Golden Prince looked up at her with so much love. So much tenderness and raw hope. A stray tear escaped again.
“There is nothing in this world I want more than to be your husband. I knew it from the moment I looked at you. I knew there was no way I would let you go without eternally pledging my life, my soul and my heart to you. All of which you have become. You are my One.”
A sob escaped her, and she found herself down on her own two knees as well, cupping his face with her hands.
“Yes. There is nothing I want more.”
Fili’s smile rivaled the sun and moon together. His shining blue eyes, his tear streaked face. He was undoubtedly the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
He took her hand gently, his thicker fingers encasing her own, and slid the ring on. A sturdy piece of Dwarven craft, engraved with intricacies she would most definitely ask about later rested coolly now on her fourth finger.
“And this,” he said handing out the bead. She took it, also cool and heavy in her palm.
They stood, and before she could even reorient herself on her feet, he was pulling her into him, arms wrapping around her waist and lips pressed together in a fiery kiss.
“You have made me the happiest Dwarf alive.” His voice was still raw with emotion.
She laughed and kissed him again. He pulled her tight and twirled her around.
“And you have made me the happiest woman. Now…”
She held up the bead in the moonlight, and thanked her old self that she had worn her hair down for the evening.
“Put a braid in my hair.”
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naww this was lk soo satisfying. a bitch with braids it is a guarantee in life that this gonna HAPPEN TO YOU AT LEAST ONCE ESPECIALLY IN A FIGHT AHAHA
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