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woodenplankstudios · 9 months ago
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What part of cursed gotg vol. 3 would bother you least?
Protectors of the Star System
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mrmossmichael · 5 months ago
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It's been 10 years since the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie came out in August-1-2014 and let me tell ya: it was an AWESOME movie and hey, I hooked on the feeling about this movie, y'all. It's about a brash space adventurer Peter Quill A.K.A. Star Lord (Chris Pratt) finds himself the quarry of relentless bounty hunters after he steals an orb coveted by Ronan (Lee Pace) a powerful villain. To evade Ronan, Quill is forced into an uneasy truce with four disparate misfits: gun-toting Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper), treelike-humanoid Groot (Vin Diesel) who always says "I am Groot" all the time instead of saying about something else, enigmatic Gamora (Zoe Saldaña) and vengeance-driven Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), but when he discovers the orb's true power and the cosmic threat it poses, Quill must rally his ragtag group to save the universe. Do you know what's gonna work? Here's the correct answer: teamwork! Always remember, there's no "I" in team.
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etcemais · 1 year ago
Netflix libera teaser de Maestro, filme estrelado e dirigido por Bradley Cooper
A Netflix liberou o teaser de Maestro, filme dirigido e estrelado por Bradley Cooper, onde veremos a vida do compositor Leonard Bernstein.
No filme veremos a conturbada relação de Bernstein com a atriz e ativista Felicia Montealegre. Durante muitos anos, o músico, que é famoso por compor a trilha de Amor, Sublime Amor e é considerado um dos maiores compositores da história, escondeu sua homossexualidade, vivendo vários casos amorosos com outros homens.
Além de dirigir e atuar, Bradley também coescreveu o roteiro ao lado de Josh Singer. Vale lembrar que esté é o primeiro trabalho de Bradley por trás das câmeras desde que estreou nessa função em Nasce Uma Estrela, de 2018. Já a produção conta com Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Fred Berner, Amy Durning e Kristie Macosko Krieger.
Além de Bradley Cooper, o elenco ainda conta com Carey Mulligan, Maya Hawke, Matt Bomer, Michael Urie e Sarah Silverman.
Maestro estreia no dia 20 de dezembro na Netflix.
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ladygagataiwan · 2 years ago
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⭐️ 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍串流突破𝟓𝟎億!新紀錄!
電影原聲帶女王 Lady Gaga 破紀錄啦!計算至今日 2023.06.07 女神卡卡 與 布萊德利庫柏【A STAR IS BORN】(一個巨星的誕生) 電影原聲帶,正式在 Spotify 突破「50億次串流點播」,成為:史上第一張在 Spotify 收聽次數突破50億的電影原聲帶。
除此之外,電影原聲帶中雖然沒有以單曲形式發行,依然入圍葛萊美獎年度歌曲獎的《Always Remember Us This Way》(永遠記得我們現在的樣子) 也即將突破「10億」次點播,將成為女神卡卡第2首進入10億俱樂部 (Billions Club) 的歌曲。
【Spotify 點播數最高的10張電影原聲帶】
❸ 42億《蜘蛛人新宇宙》(2018)
❹ 37億《格雷的五十道陰影》(2015)
❼ 25億《冰雪奇緣》(2013)
【A STAR IS BORN】電影原聲帶是一張由「19 首歌曲」+「15首電影對白」組成的原聲帶,目前有8首破億歌曲,其中奪下 2019 奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲的《Shallow》(擱淺帶) 點播次數達21億。
✯ 21億1,832萬-Shallow
✯ 9億9,614萬-Always Remember Us This Way
✯ 3億2,320萬-I'll Never Love Again (Film Version)
✯ 1億9,696萬-I'll Never Love Again (Extended Version)
✯ 1億4,054萬-Look What I Found
✯ 1億3,682萬-Maybe It's Time
✯ 1億2,898萬-Is That Alright?
✯ 1億1,890萬-Music To My Eyes
✯ 9,767萬-I Don't Know What Love Is
✯ 8,228萬-Heal Me
✯ 7,880萬-Black Eyes
✯ 7,925萬-Diggin' My Grave
✯ 7,315萬-La Vie En Rose
✯ 6,233萬-Alibi
✯ 6,199萬-Whu Do That?
✯ 6,161萬-Out Of Time
✯ 5,258萬-Before I Cry
✯ 4,829萬-Too Far Gone
✯ 4,582萬-Hair Body Face
✯ 2,598萬-Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Dialogue)
✯ 2,316萬-Parking Lot
✯ 1,826萬-Trust Me
✯ 1,352萬-Twelve Notes
✯ 1,341萬-Scene 98
✯ 28萬-I'll Wait For You
✯ 23萬-Fabulous French
✯ 7.7萬-Unbelievable
✯ 5.0萬-Intro
✯ 4.5萬- I Love You
✯ 0.7萬-First Stop, Arizona
✯ 0.6萬-How Do You Hear It?
✯ 0.5萬-SNL
✯ 0.3萬-Memphis
✯ 0.2萬-Vows
女神卡卡至今發行了2張電影原聲帶,分別是【一個巨星的誕生】與【捍衛戰士:獨行俠】,都帶來了空前絕後的成功!女神卡卡更在後者挑戰了「配樂領域」與傳奇配樂家 Hans Zimmer 等人合作,並以一部電影躍升總票房最高的女性配樂家(14.9億美元)。
⭐️ 2018《一個巨星的誕生》A Star is Born
✈️ 2022《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》Top Gun: Maverick
🃏 2024《小丑2》Joker: Folie à Deux
🎬 女神卡卡也將在明年 2024 上映她第3部主演電影【小丑2】,不及待啦~ Little Monsters 絕對跟小編一樣超級期待這次會帶來怎樣的「原創歌曲」與「原創配樂」吧!
#女神卡卡 #女神卡卡臺灣粉絲團 #環球音樂 #西洋 #西洋音樂 #音樂 #年度專輯 #年度歌曲 #一個巨星的誕生 #レディーガガ #레이디가가 #ladygaga #gaga #pawsup #littlemonsters #taiwan #ladygagataiwan #queenofpop #albumoftheyear #songoftheyear #recordoftheyear #spotify #bradleycooper #asib #astarisborn #soundtrack #songwriter #music #grammys #oscars
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praphit · 2 years ago
Guardians Vol 3: A fatty, salty gift.
(No Spoilers)
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May I be honest be with you? I’ve been thinking about letting my PMB card (Proud Marvel Bitch) expire.  I know. I KNOW. Perish the thought, right??
I've been defending Marvel throughout all of the recent tough times. 
While errbody out there was talkin smack, I defended you, Marvel!
When people said "Thor 4" was too goofy & had tone problems, 
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I said "LOOK, this dude just got his body back, his lady back, and his hammer back. Let him have some fun! Quit being a grump!"
When people said that "The Multiverse of Madness" suffered from too much CGI. 
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I said "LOOK, it's called THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS! It's about a fight between a Magical Doctor of Strangeness and a Super Witch! Give me ALL of the effects & colors! There can't be enough CGI! How were y'all expecting anything other than an overload of all of that?! You just want them to duke it out in one room, throwing Skittles and glitter at each other??!"
When people said that She-Hulk didn't have no business twerkin with Megan Thee Stallion.
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I supported that badly CG'd booty! "If ya got it, shake it!" is what I said.
And then, "Ant-Man 3 happened.... 
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THEN, J.Majors had his... alleged... issue...
THEN, I saw that "The Marvels" trailer... a movie that no one is asking for... 
I wouldn't say that my faith in Marvel is broken, but doubt has certainly crept in.
Can these Guardians of Vol 3 restore my faith? - maybe, but it ain't gonna be easy.
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They're kind of a mess right now. Rocket is playing what I call "The Secret Sadness Game". 
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Have you ever played that game? -  I bet you have. It's when something is wrong with you; you're very sad, but you're not letting anyone know about it. It's a horrible game. Nobody wins in that game, but it's apparently popular these days, with social media making us all pretend to be happy, dignified, and pretty all of the time. So, popular that Mantis is playing that game a lil bit as well.
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Drax is too simple-minded to play that game 
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(side note: Dave Bautista [Drax]  said that Marvel dropped the ball concerning Drax's story. And I couldn't agree more. There's a lot to explore with his back story, but... I'm hoping that they'll either reboot the Guardians cartoon series or give Drax a "What If... " story. That show really likes depressing people; here's a golden opportunity.)
Groot is... 
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well, Groot.
And Nebula (whom I LOVE!) 
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is grumpier than a lot of us Marvel fans have become. To be fair she has to keep all of these bozos together while Peter aka Starlord is getting drunk and dropping F-Bombs. 
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He still hasn't gotten over Gamora.
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I was going to be a jerk and say that he should have gotten over her by now, BUT I forgot that she’s kinda dead, but kinda not... (#ComicbookUniverseProblems)
It's hard to move on when your lover IS dead, but... still around, kinda, you know?? (If you actually don’t know, then... wow, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do)
I know (in the Christmas Special) they brought Peter the gift of Kevin Bacon to cheer him up, but maybe they should have brought him a woman. A good 80's star like he likes... maybe Heather Locklear 
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or Kathy Ireland. Remember her?
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Not the best message though, I guess - "If you're depressed, then simply drown yourself in booze and pretty women (whom only exist to make you happy :)." But, he's kinda there anyway.
Like I said, they're a mess.
But, if one thing can bring family together it's tragedy.
Something bad happens to one of The Guardians, they sober-up the Starlord, wash his mouth out with soap, and they're off on an adventure!
Mostly a typical Guardians jam. I know some have complained about too many laughs while serious things are going on, but they kinda started all of that in the MCU. And to be fair, if you have survived as much as they have, perhaps you'd be laughing more in the face of danger as well. I loved the comedy duo of Mantis & Drax. And the... unromantic comedy duo/toxic partnership of Peter & Gamora.
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  And with Nebula (WHOM I LOVE!) in the middle of it all... PERFECTION.
The colorful new worlds and creatures we meet are cool. And the CGI is excellent. I don't know where those artists were when She-Hulk and MODOK were being created, 
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but whatever:) The action is excellent!  A lot of murdering going on here for a PG-13 rating, when you stop and think about it, but I loved every non-drop of mostly non-existent blood.
The stuff that's different is the darker tones in here. There's some serious drama happening in this film. Of course we have more of Peter’s brokenhearted ass, but there are a lot of family dynamic stuff here as well. There's plenty of funny bickering between them, but it's also covering up some pain that the movie gets into.
Plus, we learn about Rocket's origin. That's when things get really dark and cruel. His past sucked. You WILL get emotional.  Especially when in his story we meet our villain
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He brings new meaning to the word "Narcissist", and you will hate him. There's a lot to hate. He's pretty much getting his Dr. Frankenstein on, using parts from animals, humanoid creatures, and robotics. His victims suffer much and he don't give a SHIT!
Bradley Cooper (Rocket) is good! I always forget that he's part of the Marvel Universe. I was kinda hoping that Rocket's origin included being Bradley Cooper, but had his brain removed and put in a raccoon. And maybe something similar with Groot
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Some dark stuff, but also a lot of LOL moments. I think they maneuvered the tones well.
I do wish that we got more of my main woman Debicki!
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  And like many, I had hoped for more Adam Warlock, but I know time was tight in that regard. 
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That's prob my main complaint about the film - TIME. It's 2hrs and 30 mins ----- TOO LONG, and yet the endings for these characters seemed rushed. Like... where they end up, individually, makes sense, but it feels like we skipped some emotional steps.
This is Rocket's story, and it's full of laughs, feels, and bad ass action! I really enjoyed this movie! PMB card renewed!
Grade: B+
What made this movie extra enjoyable for me was the news that someone dies in this movie (NOT a spoiler. I already told you about all of the murder. Murder always begats more murder, kids.
Any explosion near The Guardians --- NOOOO! One of them gets shot --- NOOOOO! Any time one of them was alone --- NOOOO! Eating a delicious, fatty, salt encrusted meal---- Heart Disease, NOOOOOO! On the toilet ---- isn't that how Elvis died? or is that a myth? People die that way though.
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. What an interesting way for a Marvel character to die. “We'll all remember when Mantis crapped herself to death.” :)
Although, anxiety-inducing, it was certainly a more exciting way to watch. It was a kind of a gift. A gift which I now leave with you.
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froisier · 1 month ago
A Star is Born
AWESOME film!😲😍😻😸💯
Copyrights to owner
Bradley Cooper Lady Gaga
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I'll Never Love Again - Lady Gaga
Interscope Records
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todayjuornals · 1 month ago
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helloavatar · 3 months ago
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Bradley Cooper
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Movie vs Real Cast with Name
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andiidayz · 4 months ago
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honest opinions/thoughts about anything:
-a celebrity's political opinions does not always mirror their partners opinions
-Katy perry working with dr. puke is NOT defendable
-idk why people are always bringing up ronaldo when irina shayk is mentioned
-Celebs having plastic surgery is fine unless they lie about not having any
-Bradga was just an act, if they were really in love they would be dating by now
thats all guys be nice
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ukdailymail · 5 months ago
Guests attend Taylor Swift's mansion party in Rhode Island
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funwithrandomfacts · 7 months ago
Interesting Fun Facts About American Sniper 2014 | Movie
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omanxl1 · 7 months ago
Its Time For Transition (Circulating) Part Six
Check us out as we proceed and continue to get over the hump per this HumpDay Extravaganza; it’s time for transition. We’re broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta but through local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers we’re circulating! But opposition is met out here and it was expected from internal and external forces /sources; even…
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kicksaddictny · 8 months ago
Celebrity Sneaker Sightings: Bradley Cooper Rockin a 9dcc Cap, NYC
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Discover the epitome of refined luxury with the 9dcc Essential Ball Cap, the ultimate accessory for those who appreciate timeless elegance. As showcased by none other than Bradley Cooper himself, this cap exudes effortless sophistication.
Crafted with precision, the 9dcc Essential Ball Cap features the iconic 6-panel structured fit, adorned with subtle yet striking metal hardware accents. Complete with the distinctive 9dcc signature and '9' embroidery, this cap incorporates Networked Product technology for a seamless blend of style and innovation.
Designed for comfort and versatility, the cap boasts a discreet adjustable strap and stainless steel buckle, ensuring a perfect fit for every wearer.
Made from a blend of 80% Acrylic and 20% Wool, the materials used in crafting this cap speak to its superior quality and durability.
Whether you're running errands or attending a casual outing, the 9dcc Essential Ball Cap effortlessly elevates any ensemble, adding a touch of sophistication to your everyday look.
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childgolden · 10 months ago
"Shallow" - Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper (Cover by First To Eleven ft. @Ten...
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intellectures · 11 months ago
»Oppenheimer« und »Poor Things« dominieren Oscarverleihung
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Viele hatten auf den Barbenheimer-Effekt gesetzt, doch am Ende ging Greta Gerwigs emanzipierter Turn der Barbie-Story bei den Oscars 2024 fast leer aus. Yorgos Lanthimos Frankenstein-Variation »Poor Things« hält die Fahne des Feminismus hoch, Hayao Miyazaki bekommt für seinen letzten Film seinen zweiten Oscar. Die drei deutschen Oscar-Kandidat:innen sowie Altmeister Martin Scorcese blieben ohne Auszeichnung. Read the full article
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months ago
In a recent interview on the Armchair Expert With Dax Shepard podcast, renowned actor Bradley Cooper delved into the profound impact fatherhood has had on his life, expressing sentiments that resonate deeply with many parents. Parenthood as a Lifeline: Cooper's Honest Admission Cooper's candid revelation about how fatherhood potentially saved his life underscores the transformative power of becoming a parent. The Oscar-nominated actor acknowledges that without his daughter, he might not have found the anchor needed to navigate life's storms. Embracing a New Perspective: Priorities Shift with Parenthood The actor reflects on the seismic shift in perspective that occurred upon welcoming his daughter, Lea, into the world. Cooper acknowledges that parenthood reshaped his priorities, emphasizing the importance of something greater than oneself. Evolution of Love: From Skepticism to Unconditional Devotion Initially skeptical of the profound love parents professed for their children, Cooper admits to a gradual awakening to the depth of paternal affection. His journey from uncertainty to unwavering devotion highlights the transformative power of parenthood. Overcoming Adversity: Cooper's Journey to Sobriety In addition to his revelations about fatherhood, Cooper has been transparent about his past struggles with addiction. The actor's commitment to sobriety, spanning nearly two decades, reflects his resilience and determination to lead a fulfilling life for himself and his daughter. Self-Reflection and Growth: Parenthood as a Catalyst for Personal Development Cooper acknowledges that fatherhood motivated him to confront his flaws and strive for self-improvement. His desire to minimize any negative impact on his daughter serves as a driving force for ongoing self-reflection and growth. Frequently Asked Questions: Q: How has fatherhood impacted Bradley Cooper's life? A: Bradley Cooper credits fatherhood with grounding him and providing a sense of purpose and responsibility that potentially saved his life. Q: What prompted Bradley Cooper's realization about fatherhood? A: Cooper's profound shift in perspective occurred upon welcoming his daughter into the world, prompting him to prioritize her well-being above all else. Q: What struggles has Bradley Cooper overcome in addition to his revelations about fatherhood? A: In addition to his journey as a parent, Bradley Cooper has been transparent about his past struggles with addiction and his commitment to maintaining sobriety for nearly two decades. Q: How has Bradley Cooper's approach to self-improvement been influenced by fatherhood? A: Fatherhood has motivated Bradley Cooper to confront his flaws and strive for personal growth, driven by his desire to be the best possible role model for his daughter.
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