#bpd barty crouch jr
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ttroubledwaters · 2 months ago
In every single au, regulus was rosekillers gay awakening.
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dyl-z · 1 month ago
176 | 177 | 178
cw: implied mental health issues
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xkittyxkattzx · 3 months ago
bdp james or bipolar James ? i feel like they both are so GOOD like girl look at him Is not mentaly stable.
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until-the-house-shakes · 25 days ago
James crashing out and forcing everyone, including Sirius and Regulus, to leave him alone.
Except Barty.
Barty can bother him because Barty knows how to handle James at his worst. He knows what James is going through. And he will never take it personally or use it against him.
Plus he holds his own very well in fights.
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incandescentwarmth · 7 months ago
Dying over a super toxic Jarty relationship where they both will lash out at each other and hurt themselves over and over again but they understand and sympathise too much with the others anger to allow themselves to leave
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k-llforme · 1 month ago
Some Mental Disorder or ND that I hc they may have:
James Potter - Adhd and BPD (or Bipolar Disorder)
Barry Crouch Jr - C-Ptsd and Bipolar Disorder (1) (or BPD)
Pandora Rosier (or any other surname you prefer) - C-Ptsd, possibile simptoms of Schizophrenia (which mixed with her actual visions make her confused about what's real and what's not) or Schizoaffective Disorder (+ also possible Autism)
Evan Rosier - C-Ptsd that led to BPD (+ also possible Autism), Phycosis with heavier auditory hallucinations
Regulus Black - C-Ptsd, Arfid, Autism or Aspd
Sirius Black - C-Ptsd, Panic Disorder, Dysphoric Disorder and possible ED (+ possibly another disorder that affects emotional instability or Adhd)
Marlene Mckinnon - IED (?), Adhd and/or BPD
Dorcas Meadows - OCD, Trauma and possible psychosis or hallucinations
Remus Lupin - (C-)Ptsd, Depression, Dysphoric Disorder and possibile Tic Disorder
Lily Evans - Trauma, OCD, Dysphoric Disorder and/or an ED (+ also possible Autism)
Peter Pettingrew - Anxiety Disorder, Dysphoric Disorder, Depression or Aspd
N.B I'm not saying they have all of the Disorders or ND that I mentioned but only that I found probable for them to actually have one or more of them.
N.B. 2.0 I just want to mention that C-Ptsd (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is quite an heavy disorder which shows some or all the same simptoms of many other MD and it could lead to misdiagnosis etc. So if you wanted a quite troubled individual with all in one, C-Ptsd (or even BPD) is basically perfect on its own without the need to add any other disorder or nd.
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maladaptivedaydr3amer · 9 months ago
Bellatrix and Barty are bestfriends prove me wrong.
And Bellatrix and Rita adopt him and they become the most crack family
I can give so many headcanons about their friendship
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aibremlk · 9 months ago
Nothing.... just me thinking James Potter with BPD after the prank so fucking mad with Sirius like he never been so angry before. James always the happy person, the friend when you need advice or a shoulder to cry to, the friend who even if you're completely shit will cheer you up or crack a smile to your face, the platonic soulmate of Sirius Black never leaving his side and never getting mad at him, being so fucking mad and specifically to Sirius Black none has ever saw him like that before. Him having a fucking breakdown or an episode and everyone is so shook by it, but also not figuring out anything because it's "probably" just a big fight. James Potter threatening Snape that if he opens up his little fucking mouth is fucking dead. James Potter who has a fight the first few days with Sirius in public that the skittles happen to be around, and one second he's yelling at Sirius pretty bad, saying so many things he didn't actually mean while the next Crouch out of nowhere grabs him physically and takes him to an empty classroom to shut him up and calm him down because he's noticed Potter before. After so many hours listening to Regulus talking about him he picked up stuff, noticed the man and realized before anyone that Potter had BPD just like him. At first James is shook and gets way madder at Crouch but Crouch is not getting really mad and James gets confused. That day the talk for a long time. Crouch understood. They didn't talk after that for quite a long time but they knew they had eachothers back if some sort of episode happened again. Crouch paying close attention to the marauders because James understood him.
Don't get me wrong, James forgives Sirius sooner than later at the end and Remus keeps telling him that because he is still mad at him and hasn't forgiven him yet doesn't mean he and Pete can't hang out with him. But the first few days, not to say weeks, even if James is Sirius brother is more angry than he has ever been in his life -the only exception when Sirius came to the in Christmas after walburga almost killed him- and that's when some of his friends realize they never have seen James like that before.
Also thinking about how Remus after the prank starts to spend more time with the skittles to piss off Sirius and Regulus playing along to piss his brother off too and the rest just following. But at the end of the day the end up liking eachother a lot and end up becoming friends. Also that's when Remus realizes the little crush the younger Black has for his best friend. And because of Remus and how he's been doing James starts asking Regulus questions and following him around till he gets over heels for him and that how sunseeker started seeing eachother. Barty and James become instantly friends and none figures out how and why they get so defensive for eachother. Slowly Regulus realizing that James has a disorder and because of Barty he connects it.
That's it thank you.
(Sorry for my English idk if I make sense at some points I hope you get what I mean)
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regulusunset · 1 year ago
i haven't appeared here for months, but i decided to appear to recommend one of the best jegulus fics i read on ao3: pathological people pleaser by rweoutofthewoods (a writing genius, honestly).
probably the best representation of bpd and it broke my soul into a thousand pieces and healed it at the same time. i had never thought before that the way we saw james; like the sun, outgoing and kind, it could be a façade to hide the true messiness of him, and it was like reading something new and fresh <3
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james-but-not-potter · 10 months ago
Bipolar Barty 🤝 BPD James
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slagneto4life · 9 months ago
Reblog If you want to be moots :)
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ttroubledwaters · 5 months ago
I read pathological people pleaser and I must say, that is like the ONLY fic I've read that made me feel things. And like sure I get all giddy when regulus and james have a moment in another fic but I'm not talking giddy feelings. I couldn't breathe reading it, I wasn't crying or anything I just could breathe and my eyes were completely blurred over during james' breakdown scene. Not blurred over with tears but like everything was blurry and I couldn't breathe, I don't know what the feeling is but it was fucking INTENSE and I haven't been the same since. NORMAL PATHOLOGICAL PEOPLE PLEASER EXPERIENCE??? 😻😻
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dyl-z · 1 month ago
174 | 175 | 176
cw: mental health issues
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xkittyxkattzx · 28 days ago
i really like really wanne write a textchat fics With marauders and main focus James and the slytherin skittle LIKE hear me out the Little sunshine griffodor boy a cute potato who Is actualy mentally ill whit the slytherin skittle 💀 i dont know if make thing like mostly platonic or romantic-- its Will start whit James and regulus ofc but i think BOTH, i really wanne make Evan and barty also like get tò know James and not only a regulus/James thing?? like yea also idk if make jegulus and rosekiller or rosestarkillerchaser but idk!! also like i think i wanne make James haveing bdp as a trauma respons to smth BUT CANT TELL WHAT RN
It probabily Will have SOOO MUCHH ANGST like so much bcs im Always sad lol
i also JUST LOVE sunkiller Dynamic so muchh so i Will OFC make barty and James like at the start barty Is like a bit insane tryng tò Scare James away but James Just much Is insanity in a diffrent more sweet and discretely way (YOU CANT TELL ME HOWAGWARTS IS NOT AFRAID OF BARTY BCS THEY ARE)
gonna make a also james and Evan Close ofcc
gonna make Sirius jelous BCS why not hehehe also mybe Sirius unconsciolly mean tò him sometihing!! but still really love and carring whit James Just unconsciolly possessive?? ykk like Sirius being Sirius
gonne make the skittle and marauders on the same year too like the 6.
also not everyting Will be on text yk?? also call and mybe James coming tò the slytherin dorm AND REGULUS LIKE SUPER WORRIED AND AFRAID bcs his Friends are insane and Is a bit bit jealous ?? and he dont what them tò make James cry (James Is gonne make them cry and sobs)
genderfluid pansexual James 🤤/
idk abt the other hc for now
AAAA I WANNA MAKE IT SO BADD Is also a really Easy type of fics to write since school...sigh school.
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crackkbabyy · 4 months ago
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fic: pathological people pleaser, by rweoutofthewoods
honestly this made me cry. serves me right for being a barty and james kinnie.
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incandescentwarmth · 9 months ago
No hc will ever beat bpd James and bipolar Barty for me
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