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forabeatofadrum · 2 years ago
@boyinjeans replied to your post “What’s poppin’ LGBTs! Happy “we should totally...”:
i mean, dianna argon wore a shirt that said “likes girls” on tour so that’s good as canon for me
​That's the thing, isn't it? Is the tour canon? And even if it is, is this particular part still canon, since Dianna had to retract it and apologise for it? (don't ask me, this all happened just before I joined the fandom.) Because yes, you can argue that all extended media like the tours, the books and the games are canon, but you can also argue that since they do not fit in with the rest of the show, they are not.
Quinn is such a great "case study" for this question, because this show has been gone for 8 slutty years and yet I still don't know the answer and maybe I never will. Because what is queer? As my thesis points out, are queercoded "straight" characters queer? I say Quinn is definitely queer, but she also isn't (defining queer as "not straight, not cis"). Is it bad to still say she is? Is it offensive to add her in gifsets celebrating Pride? Can you call her a queer icon, sometimes putting her influence over actual queer rep like Brittany and Santana?
But on the flip side, you got heteroflexibility, which also applies to Quinn after her endeavors in 4x14. Heteroflexibility in theory is a way to ensure that there isn't queer representation, but on the same vein, I also know a lot of fans who go "this sign can't stop me because I cannot read" when it comes to these characters. Did 4x14 deter fans from seeing Quinn as queer, since you can argue that that's what it did? Nope. Some even took it and ran with it, yelling and pointing at it, going "see! SEE? SHE'S QUEER!"
As good ole Russo said in her articles, the boundary between subtext (queer codes and interpretations of this) and maintext (undeniable representation) is tricky. When is interpretation more valid than intent, and vice versa? People aren't passive viewers. They take what is presented and go to town with it, especially with queer gaze and identification. But also, showrunners have a clear story they want to tell. Quinn shows that.
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asian-balletboy · 2 years ago
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🌈 🇯🇵  I try on my sister's riding tights. I even wear her very sheer panties😱They feel Soooo nice 🍆
See More at My Website...full length, full resolution videos and pictures, many never shown on social media before. Website under construction but you can see reviews at: https://akira-araya.com/
#jeans #denim #boyinjeans #akiraaraya #akira_araya #skinnyjeans #🇯🇵
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sillyunicorn · 2 years ago
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Excited to be putting on a livestreamed concert with some very talented folks from the Carry On fandom this Saturday at 3 PM Eastern!! Organized by me and Band Manager/Artist Extraordinaire @jbrrring :)) Featuring @boyinjeans, @prettylightsbigcity, @cutestkilla, and @lifewithoutmotivation !
The show will be over in a dedicated server, The Rialto, if you'd like to join: https://discord.gg/UhytcAw6
I'll be playing both new and old original songs, some snowbaz and some andreil! Should be a fun time :) See you Saturday???
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shrekgogurt · 2 years ago
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Oh by gosh by golly, I miss writing for fun. I listen to my fic playlists and get sad because I do not have time and then I get mean to myself because I do not have time and the reason I do not have time is my own fault. Do you see the blame game happening?
In between writing my god papers, I have been taking the time to draft little thoughts ‘On Loving Being a Woman, as a Cis Woman Desperately Avoiding the TERF Traps’ in my notes app. The TLDR so far is: “I’m a woman because I love being one. It’s a deep knowing; my body feels warm and fuzzy when I think about it. In turn, I’m a cis woman simply because society happened to guess right when I was born.” I have also been working on editing a Captain Von Trapp thirst trap in my enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies-to lov…Adobe Premiere. I’m going balls to the walls on it. What lovely priorities I have!
I have also been playing around on my guitar more and improving! I’m no star, but it has been a fun break from using my academic brain. It gets my body moving and makes my ADHD sing. I’ve been paired with my COBB writer for my artist responsibilities and I’m excited to get to songwriting! Speaking of songwriting (not fandom related) I have this chorus of a miscellaneous song I haven’t fully written that I am obsessed with:
I have not touched Escape to Space since February 5th and am feeling so incredibly guilty about it. This is sort of a combination of vague writer’s block (I have some ideas and scene fragments but no end goal yet which makes things hard) and no time. I would say if anyone wants to be someone I can bounce ideas off of I am game but it’s not feasible for me to carve out that space right now. Spring break is next week but I have to spend that time drafting the second part of my thesis. Truly, don’t go to grad school friends.
I have been especially missing IKAB, IKAM so very desperately. I might just chug along a little bit a day for an outlet. Oooooop look at me! I did just that!
(flashback, year 11 aka fifth year)
The scent of him hits my nostrils and it’s effort not to make a face. Great. Weed too. We have a bloody match tomorrow and his eyes are fucking bloodshot. I’m fully minging at this point. Only Baz would flaunt his privilege like this. He can afford to lounge on a roof breaking every rule because someone will bail him out. Meanwhile, it’s people like me who will do all the heavy lifting. I briefly consider letting go, watching him stumble off the ledge to the ground five stories below. The thought makes me sick to my stomach, or maybe it’s just the stench.
“We’re both rather tragic, aren’t we?” Baz mutters. I can only hear him because he’s leaning into me. His breath is airy on my ear. It makes me twitchy. I recoil on instinct.
“You think this makes you tragic? Stargazing?”
Alright! I feel like that’s enough for this post! Tagging as a thank you for keeping me in the loop this past month even though I haven’t been active with SSS and WIPsday: @artsyunderstudy @theimpossibledemon @palimpsessed @hushed-chorus @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @larkral @fatalfangirl @letraspal @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ileadacharmedlife @captain-aralias @forabeatofadrum @ivelovedhimthroughworse @blackberrysummerblog @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla you are much loved! Now, making my rounds and tagging the rest of my beloved mutuals: @gekkoinapeartree @boyinjeans @technetiumai @takenabackbytuesdays @ninemagicks @yeonjunenby @cows4247 @sillyunicorn @upuntil6am @excalisbury @takitalks @foolofabookwyrm-activated @dragoneggos @carryonmylovelies @giishu @messofthejess @aristocratic-otter @ic3-que3n @nausikaaa @thewholelemon @taramemberence @yellobb-old @whogaveyoupermission @moodandmist @asocialpessimist @onepintobean @umdiasujo @erzbethluna @bazzybelle @johnwgrey @raenestee @martsonmars @ebbpettier WHEWWWWWW okay I think that’s everyone! I’m sorry if I missed you!!!!
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you-remind-me-of-the-babe · 2 years ago
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Happy Sunday! It’s raining and a three day weekend for me, so I’m lounging and reading this morning. It’s nice.
I’m sharing a bit from chapter 5 of Depth of Reason today, which is written and getting art done by @toonysart 💛Here’s Simon at a Coven meeting, hearing from some disgruntled mages about the potential opening of a second magickal school:
Jeremy nods to another fellow who has his hand raised. The man steps forward, taking the woman’s place.
“Seems to me,” the man says gruffly, “that this is all an excuse to give more power and autonomy to the creatures. It’s bad enough our children have to go to school with pixies and centaurs. What’s next? Hobgoblins? Vampires?”
It takes everything in me not to leap across the conference table and lunge at this man’s throat.
I’m very excited to share this with you when it’s ready! I’m still plugging away on the next chapter of How to Avoid a Scandal as well. Hoping I can finish it by Monday, but it’s possible that’s wishful thinking. We shall see!
Thank you for the tags this morning @fatalfangirl @artsyunderstudy @hushed-chorus @prettylightsbigcity love seeing your work!
Tagging @toonysart @moodandmist @captain-aralias @cutestkilla @bookish-bogwitch @yellobb @aristocratic-otter @whogaveyoupermission @raenestee @larkral @palimpsessed @shrekgogurt @johnwgrey @boyinjeans @erzbethluna @facewithoutheart @forabeatofadrum @ic3-que3n @stardustasincocaine @nightimedreamersworld @theearlgreymage @ileadacharmedlife @technetiumai @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @onepintobean @chen-chen-chen-again-chen
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years ago
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El WooWoo! And a happy WIP Tuesday to you too, @wellbelesbian! And thanks @aroace-genderfluid-sheep for the Wednesday tag.
This is the situation in my writing life:
My brain: Girl, you do NOT need a new WIP. You have plenty. One of them has a deadline. MCD feels neglected. Me @ my brain: Yes, but.... what if.... Tears of the Kingdom inspired Snowbaz reunion fic?
Anyway, here's some of that. Baz's POV, because I can. It got a bit long, but you know what, here we go:
I remember the first time I saw a Sky Island. We'd just arrived at Heathrow. We were all a mess. One moment, Simon and I were on the beach, the next Bunce comes yelling about troubles at Watford, and then we're back home in England and all of us are being ushered in a car by Mitali Bunce. (Well, almost all of us. Wellbelove refused to come along and when Professor Bunce found out Shepard is a Normal, he wasn't allowed to join.) Professor Bunce drove us to Watford and I could see something was wrong. Some buildings were destroyed. Huge boulders had fallen down on them. I was so shocked and confused by the sight on the surface that I didn't even think about the sky. The moment we got out of the car, Simon put his hand on my shoulder and told me to look up. Sky Islands. They were everywhere. Professor Bunce started talking about how they just appeared overnight and that no one knew where they came from and it seemed like Normals cannot see them. They first appeared above Watford, but they've been popping up everywhere and chunks have fallen down, creating chaos and confusion on the surface The World of Mages needed everyone who was willing to help and Bunce and I didn't have to think long about it. Simon, on the other hand, was more doubtful. "It's alright. Take your time," I said. "Right," Simon said back, still looking at the sky. Bunce and I were ordered to go to whatever was left of the White Chapel. Simon decided to stay behind for, since he wasn't officially part of this brand new investigation team. I kissed his cheek. I said goodbye. I told him that he should go home and rest and that I'd see him later. I didn't know that that was the last time I'd see him.
Yeah, so, uh, just like in AWTWB, Simon walks out. But unlike AWTWB, Baz doesn't find him again. Gosh... I wonder where he went, with his wings and everything.
Meanwhile, small update on my Klaine fic: Waffle the chinchilla has been found! If you're reading this, feel free to come up with more names for little animals. I have 7 vacant spots.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @cutestkilla ​​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year ago
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Happy El WooWoo Wednesday. Thank you @artsyunderstudy, @wellbelesbian, @cutestkilla, @larkral and @coffeegleek for the tags.
I am still thinking about a way to finish The Class Menagerie. Yes, I am still stuck on the "getting together" part of this getting together fic, but remember how I said Blaine took Kurt to meet [REDACTED]? Yes, [REDACTED] is a dog.
Kurt holds out his hand for Mimi to sniff it. He passes the test, because Mimi licks it. “She likes you,” Blaine says. “I like her too!” Kurt says and he’s beaming. Mimi is very playful and Kurt pets her. She revels in it. At one point, he scratches her head and her head tilts back and she squints her eyes. Kurt’s about to burst. He looks up and he sees Blaine looking down with adoration written across his face. Kurt gets it. He’s only known Mimi for a few seconds and he’s already willing to go to war for her. Kurt’s certain he has the same smitten look on his face.
This is her, by the way:
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No news in the podfic world this time. I haven't gotten around to an editing attempt, because classes have kicked my ass and I have been home with my parents on the weekends, which always leads to me being less productive for fandom stuff. @thnxforknowingme did film a small Audacity demo for me and the other people in the Podfic thread and I am already thinking about how to use it. I have PLANS. Just no TIME.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year ago
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Hello, hello, hello and happy Sunday. Thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @confused-bi-queer, @bookish-bogwitch, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @coffeegleek for the tags.
Today, posting period for the Klaine Back-to-School challenge has started, but I am still stuck on the ending. Am I the only one who, like, tries to daydream fic scenario's first, just to see how it goes? The daydream unfortunately ends at Blaine taking Kurt to meet [REDACTED]. What happens next??? TELL ME, DREAMS!!
As the banner suggests, I am still finding my feet in this new podcast world. I figuratively threw out my old recordings and I rerecorded everything as a .wav file in an app recommended by @cutestkilla. I am going for the "keep your fuck ups in the recording and edit them out later" approach, since that does sound easier. @thnxforknowingme did offer to help with Audacity if I need it. And I will need it. I spent a long, long time getting these 25 seconds for this post:
(Oh, and yeah, I did claim the other fic. I am on a roll.)
Right, getting that little audio snippet was hell because I even had troubles with using the copy and paste options and then I had troubles saving it as a file. It also cut off a small part, cause the audio is supposed to end with "blooper reel or whatever", but that's mainly because I had to edit this... without sound on. Apparently Audacity doesn't like earphones and it just plays from my laptop speakers which is not fun in public, so I had to time it from the full audio and hope for the best. Well, it almost worked.
This will be a learning curve, or whatever it's called. But I said it before: I like how welcoming @caught-on-tape-fest is, because it is open to people with all sorts of experiences with podfics. I mean, I have none. Same with editing. I can make it as easy and comfortable as I want it to be. I see people in the Podfic thread talk about things that mean nothing to me, but I don't feel any pressure to do any editing magic. Well, I do want to add a kitten meowing to one of the files, but all the stuff about isolating sound or reverbing stuff or whatever (idek if I use the right terms here) or editing out certain sounds.... that is next level for me now, but yeah, it's great that I don't feel any pressure to do those things and that's an easy way to get into the podficcing world.
Although, while editing the file to get that snippet, I found out that there is a weird disruptive background noise in the later half of the file and I do not know what it is or how it got there, because my other files don't have it and I recorded the three fics in one go. Weird. Might redo it, if I don't figure out how to fix it. It was around 500 words, after all.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @cutestkilla ​ @nausikaaa ​/@wellbelesbian ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years ago
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Happy Wednesday everyone. Woo WOO! Thank you @artsyunderstudy for the tag!
The Class Menagerie is almost done. I thought that the deadline was today, but it's actually September 10th. I might be turning 25 in less than a month, but I guess that at some moments, I am Jared 19. It's a good thing I have some extra time. All the animals have been found, but I am once again stuck on the whole romantic ending thing, where my aroace ass is basically thinking: "How do they go from rescuing animals to kissing?"
This later deadline also makes me feel less guilty about thinking about my Snowbaz TOTK-inspired fic. I am having a lot of fun with the world building here. (Plot who idk her shhh shhhhh!!!)
I am not pretending to be creative here. In this fic, the Sky Islands were also created by an ancient magickal species and guess what I called them? The Sonai.
“I am a Mecha,” it says. “A Mecha?” “Yes, built by the Sonai. I am a Nursing Mecha and I have been looking over you.” I blink a couple of times. I need to process this. “What are the Sonai?” “The Sonai are an ancient civilisation. They are long, long gone. They built this place, but after many decades, they decided to leave the World of Mages. The Land Up Here and us Mechas are the only things that are left of their time.” “The Land Up Here?” I look around. I realise I am on a Sky Island. “The Sonai were powerful beings,” the Nursing Mecha says, “Yet, naming things wasn’t their strongest suit.” The Nursing Mecha makes some noises. Is it laughing?
For the non-Zelda fans, in the original game, the Sky Islands were made by the Zonai. Also, I called the surface The Land Below There.
As I mentioned, I don't want to use the story of Tears of the Kingdom, so it's fun figuring out what I can use (and potentially adapt) from the game. Right now I have the Zonai, the Constructs, the dragons and uhhhh... the ARMOUR. Yes, this is all so that I can put Simon in the Frostbite shirt:
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Come on, guys!!! It has an open back, which would work perfectly for his wings!
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If I had more artistic talent, I'd draw it. AND I WOULD GIVE SIMON THE PEARL EARRINGS TO MATCH.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @cutestkilla ​ @nausikaaa ​/@wellbelesbian @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years ago
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Hello and happy Sunday to you all. Thank you @confused-bi-queer, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for the tags, and a tag back to @aroace-genderfluid-sheep.
My Klaine fic is still being written. Toffee the hamster has been found, but it's taking a while to finish it. An anon did give me a title idea, namely The Class Menagerie, and anon, I love you for it,
In other fic related news, I started posting Dancin' on that bamboo ceiling, the fic series that explores Asian identity and racism through Glee, while also trying to find a way to place glee's own racism towards its Asian characters. I was quite nervous to post it and a bit stressed. So stressed that I straight up confused Mike and Wes in one of my summaries and in the series' summary I accidentally wrote that Mike moved to China, not from China. Oops. It's been fixed. Five fics are posted and I am not at all surprised that the Klaine-centric one has the most hits, since people still prefer shippy fics over gen fics. I just hope these Klainers (hi!!) are encouraged to also read the others.
I am also nervous because I don't want to come off as if I am speaking for everyone yada yada. I did add the disclaimer that I am one sole person writing this and I am also alway open for more feedback, but it feels so nerve wracking. I usually write for me and me alone, but not this time, I guess. And even so, I am one Chinese person and damnit China is big. Catch me frantically googling whether people in Hubei speak Mandarin or something else etc. (Which I knew the answer to, cause my sister is from Hubei, but I'm just so nervous!!!) (This is also why I remember that Mike's family is from Hubei.)
Also some things in Glee are so fucking stupid. I am already thinking about changing something in Blaine's chapter so it lines up with canon, but I am still trying to explain why Tina's last name is Cohen-Chang.
Writing this fic is uhhhh A Lot, since I am delving deep into the racism that I have experienced and also the stories of other Asian people who I have spoken to about this. (JY, Todd, I haven't seen y'all in literal years, but you're in this fic.) (I do still talk to Cilla regularly.) (And a shout-out to my sister who constantly has to deal with people saying "she is too pretty to be Chinese"!). I am excited to explore this and I keep thinking about things I can add, but it is heavy, as you might expect. I do try to keep some humour and joy in it, because unlike Glee, I also want to show that being Asian can be fun and can lead to connection. I am looking forward to Mike, Tina, Wes, Blaine and Yu-Jin being friends! Here's a more upbeat part of the sad shit that I shared recently:
"Yes, yes, yes!" Yu-Jin cheers when Mike and Wes step inside the bedroom, both wearing a tangzhuang. "God, if only my grandparents could see me now," Wes says as he studies himself in the mirror. "Tina's making photo's," Blaine says. Tina's new phone has the best camera of them all and she'll send the photos to the others later. She definitely wants to save the mirror selfies that she made with Yu-Jin. Tina's hanbok has become to small and it's straining her in places, but she loves the way she looks and that's what matters.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year ago
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Happy Wet Beast Wednesday and thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @cutestkilla and @wellbelesbian for the tags.
Speaking of beasts, I am still thinking about my Klaine Back-To-School fic. It's getting... somewhere. The fact that people liked A Sandy Situation, my Madison and More fic, helps, though. Because I was also struggling with the big romantic ending for that one and I felt kinda bad about it, but hey, people like it so maybe I am better than I give myself credit for.
I am also still trying out how to podfic. I claimed another fic for the Caught on Tape Fest that's around 500 words and I recorded it in one go. Then I listened back to it and re-recorded specific parts that I wanted to redo.
This was before I saw the tip in the Podfic thread on Discord about how you can just say a line several times in a recording and then cut out the bloopers in the editing process. That sounds easier, cause I have zero (0) experience editing audio. This is gonna be fun. This thread is a godsend. I now know how to pronounce Swithin!
(Also, while looking for a way to upload these files to my computer, I came across my audio for the Dalton Audiobook. I clicked on one, just for fun, and it started with me saying "Take 4 of Marcus simping over Michelle Wright" and... yeah.) (Me too, Marcus, if I weren't aroace.) (I didn't edit for that project, so that's why I still have no experience.)
Anyway, have different variants of me saying the word "Cute", because I am not sure which one I like the most:
This is about a sphynx cat, by the way, who are indeed cute! Some might disagree but I don't!!
I do really like recording, although I have to, like, teach myself to not cringe at myself when I listen back to it, but I am sure more people feel this. This one is kind of interesting, cause it features two characters that aren't as popular, so I never really had a voice for them in my head. I do have some attempt at a voice for Simon, Baz, Penny, Agga, Shep, Niamh, Niall and Dev, but hey! Anyway, that's where I am at. I need to stop myself from claiming another 500 words fic, though.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith ​ @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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asian-balletboy · 2 years ago
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🌈 🇯🇵  New Riding pants. They feel just like my ballet tights 😈
See More at My Website...full length, full resolution videos and pictures, many never shown on social media before. Website under construction but you can see reviews at: https://akira-araya.com/
#jeans #denim #boyinjeans #akiraaraya #akira_araya #skinnyjeans #🇯🇵
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years ago
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Do you sometimes wake up and think to yourself: "Today, I am going to do something batshit insane?"
That's me today. I'm doing another WIP Wednesday Hospital. Since it's been 8 months since the last one, here's a quick reminder of the Hospital metaphor, copy-pasted from the previous Hospital post: "the WIP Wednesday Hospital is inspired by a post by @facewithoutheart​ called a WIP Wednesday Graveyard, where Christina put her abandoned WIPs to rest and I was obsessed with the idea, but I also realised that I wasn’t ready to put my WIPs to rest since I had the intention of finishing them. So instead of a graveyard, my WIPs reside in a (long-stay) hospital ward. All my WIPs are waiting for me to discharge them (aka finish them)."
As usual, I recommend people to do this as well, since it's a fun way to look back on older WIPs. Below the cut are 10 patients waiting for a visit. You can go say visit all of them, or just skip to the ones that interest you. I bolded the fandoms/ships etc. for easier browsing.
Leave your name at the desk and be safe: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @cutestkilla ​ @nausikaaa ​/@wellbelesbian ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather @artsyunderstudy
I have two summer challenges that I signed up for, namely the Madison and More (OMGCP) and the Klaine Back-To-School AU (Glee) and both challenges are due in August and unfortunately for me I have written nothing yet. But that will change today!
I cannot tell you which prompt I claimed for Madison and More, since it's an anonymous fest, but I think this doesn't give away a lot:
Jack's tired. He's been tired for a while, which is why this vacation is needed. He's on the beach. He's lying in the water, but at the shallow part, enjoying the sun. Damn, he needed this. He can feel himself doze off.
I think I am allowed to share the prompt that inspired me for the Klaine Back-To-School AU. Like I said, I have written zero (0) words for this, but I have been thinking about this fic so here we go.
Kurt is about to lose his mind. He has no idea where it has gone wrong, but it's gone wrong. "Fuck," he yells, because he's fucked. He is so totally fucked. It's his third year as a pre-school teacher and this has never happened before. He needs to reel in the swearing before the kids arrive. He also needs to fix this mess before the kids come in. They will be devastated if they find out that ten of the classroom pets have gone missing. "Fuck!" Kurt says again. How did this happen? These animals are all cared for. They live here. This classroom is reserved for them. Kids come here to see the animals, not the other way around. Suddenly, Kurt hears a voice. "Everything all right in here?" he hears, "I heard swearing."
The joke is that I don't know how this fic ends (yet), because like Kurt, I also have no idea where the animals are.
Anyway, up to the next patient. It's the small fic idea that I came up with during my vacation. Here's Simon's POV of the "cat leaves paw prints on Baz's fancy car" fic:
Buttered Scone is a typical housecat, but every now and then I take her out for a walk. Yes, she wears a collar and a leash and she doesn’t complain at all. Penny says it’s a good thing, because this way I can keep an eye on her, since London is huge, and Buttered Scone doesn’t disrupt the local biodiversity by roaming freely. So yes, I have her under control. Most of the time. Except this time, I looked at my phone and when I turned back to Buttered Scone, she was atop of a car.
This made me realise that Buttered Scone's initials are B.S. Huh.
I am still thinking about my good ole Sarah Jane Adventures Extended Universe fic aka Luke Smith's Gay Adventures at Oxford (mostly) aka me exploring the alien side of Luke as an added bonus, so uhhh:
"Have you been up every night?” “I guess.” “That’s fine,” his mum says, “Just… please be a bit more quiet next time, okay?” “Why?” “Because you woke me up. From sleep.” Luke stares at his mum. Sleep. He’s heard of that. Maria once came over and she said she was tired because she didn’t get enough sleep. His mum told Luke that he can ask her anything. “Mum, what is sleep?” His mum looks dumbfounded. “You don’t sleep?” “I don’t know. Do I?”
Look, his super alien brain is the cumulation of thousand other brains, it makes sense that it is hard to turn off.
Patient no. 5 has been here for a while. It's Matty Chris D, our boy, aka Just Some Guy, aka the Snowbaz from an outsider perspective fic. MCD still doesn't care about the guys at all, but the existence of Simon and Baz is noticable. So what happens when Simon doesn't show up?
Simon Snow does skip class. I don’t care. But then he skips again. And again. And again. Not only that, but his friend Penelope Bunce isn’t attending classes either, and that’s extremely weird. Weirdly enough, she’s not the reason something feels off. Sure, she usually is very present in class, constantly asking questions and adding her own commentary, but it’s Simon’s absence that is weirding me out. I usually do not care about his presence in class, since he doesn’t participate as much as Penelope Bunce or Tyrannus- oh, I mean, Baz Pitch, but his absence is noticeable because there is a lack of magic surrounding us. I didn’t know I had gotten so used to the Chosen One leaking magic until now.
For context, this is the 3rd year, where Simon and Penny disappear for a few months. In the scene before this, Matt's friends lament that being the Chosen One must have some perks, cause it means you can skip class in order to save the world or something.
Okay, next one! I actually read The Sun and the Star during my vacation and it completely throws everything out of the window re: my Solangelo fic, but that's the beauty of fanfiction, isn't it? My version of getting-together is more angsty.
Nico leaves the infirmary before any more deaths occur, but they do occur in the days after. It feels like a blow to the camp that even days after the big battle against Gaia, people still die, but that is how it is. Nico spends most of his time in Cabin 13. It’s empty without Hazel, but he makes it work. He told everyone that he’s staying, and Nico is committing to that. He asks Annabeth for some decoration tips. The Stolls steal his shoes and he can’t even be mad at them. He congrats Clarissa La Rue when she gets her university acceptance letter. Jason tells Nico about his new plan for honouring the gods. Camp Half-Blood is still grieving, but life goes on.
Not going to lie, I do not know if I will ever finish this, but that's also what I said about, for example, aap noot mies.
I also published a Love, Victor fix-it last year after the series finale and I said I was going to write more fix-its (the ending really sucked, guys) and I did start one and I have been adding things to it every now and then:
Benji hurries to the bar and Victor does a double take when Benji comes back with a glass of milk. “Did… you just order that?” “You should’ve seen the barperson’s face,” Benji says with a wink and he raises his glass, “Good for your bones, you know?” “Cheers,” Victor says. “So, you come here often?” Benji asks.
I am somewhat a Venji-truther, but I just didn't like the way how they ended up together. It felt rushed and they didn't discuss why their relationship failed in the first place. They just kissed on the ferris wheel, which is a nice way to bookend the series, but come on! So in my fix-it, they meet again after 3 years of not seeing each other.
No. 7 is a quick check-in with the Glee/CO crossover. I mentioned it to @bitbybitwrites, who has recently read Carry On! In a shocking twist of events, I actually managed to come up with (a draft of) the summary before finishing the fic. The fic is far from finished, but I thought it'd be fun to share the summary:
Baz thought that his obsessive and insufferable Gleek days were behind him when the show ended, but when Simon accidentally transports the two of them into the Glee universe, his knowledge might pay off. Blaine is very confused when he realises something’s wrong at Dalton Academy and that there are two new people roaming around that clearly don’t belong here. He and Kurt try to understand what is happening. Can the four of them find a solution to this situation that doesn’t involve Baz outing himself as a Klainer 12? Will Simon finally make sense who he is now that he has Kurt and Blaine to guide him? And can Kurt and Blaine ignore the fact that their unwanted guests clearly know more about Kurt and Blaine’s lives than they let on?
No. 8 is a fic I have been stuck on for a while. It's a The Legend of Zelda fic and it definitely an example of the two cakes principle, because it's about Link being sad after Link's Awakening. I also don't know if this will ever get finished, but I like this:
Link’s playing his flute in the grass of the castle. It’s a lovely song and Zelda takes her time to enjoy it. She closes her eyes and she lets the music overtake all her senses. She lets out a happy sigh. The music abruptly stops. When Zelda opens her eyes, she sees Link looking at her with wide eyes. “Don’t stop on my account,” Zelda says. She sits down next to Link. “I don’t know that song. It’s lovely.” “Thanks.” “What is it called?” “The Ballad of the Wind Fish,” Link says and he shoots Zelda a serious and almost pleading look, as if he wants Zelda to recognise it. She has to disappoint him.
Hey, remember AU, Please!, the OMGCP fest all about AUs? I wrote Center Ice for it. I love that fic. But I actually had another prompt that I claimed, but I had to let it go since I didn't have time to finish it. It's about Dex's unusual power. The mods allow writers to publish it later outside of the fest, ....
His mother had sat him down when he was six years old. She crouched in front of him. “My son, one day, you will unlock the family’s secret power. It’s been passed through from generation to generation and only one person each generation has the power. We do not know how it works exactly, since it’s not passed down from parent to child, but it is within our family, and we have reasons to believe you are the chosen one.” Now, Will loved Superman, so he was stoked to hear that he had powers. Unfortunately for him, the powers of his family are less fortunate. “You will have the ability to turn into a lobster, my son. Use it wisely.”
And lastly, a returning patient who will be semi-discharged soon. It's my fic about Asian identity in Glee. It got some renewed interest after I mentioned it on my post about Jenna's comments on the racism she experienced. As a result, I am thinking about posting it as a series of standalone ficlets. The reason I haven't started doing that is because I don't have a title or anything. Classic.
Anyway, this was inspired by, I guess, my life, but it is in on my mind again after I saw someone wear a bamboo hat on the train station. I wish I had the courage to just... do that. Kinda messed up that I am too afraid to wear Chinese clothing in public due to backslash, but that is life.
Tina stares at her hanbok. It is beautiful. It is by far one of the most beautiful pieces of clothing that she's ever owned. It's to small for her now. Her mother bought it for her when she was in Korea with Mrs. Danvers and An Unnamed Character. That was years ago. Tina was still a child and she was so happy when her mother showed it. Times were simpler back then, because Tina would soon learn that others did not share her joy. Every time she would wear it in public, people saw it as a reason to target her with racially slurs. Tina wanted to feel pretty, but they made it clear that she was ugly in their round eyes. So Tina put it back in the closet and she could only wear it once a year during Halloween, when she would dress up "as a Korean" and she'd be surrounded by all the other white girls with cheap Geisha-esque wigs, taped back eyes, flimsy fans and whatever "Oriental costume" they bought from Target. It's such a beautiful hanbok, and it got reduced to a Halloween costume, and now Tina's grown too much to wear it.
I actually cleaned out my childhood bedroom today and I found the shoes that my mother brought from China (together with the cheongsam that inspired this snippet) and yeah, they don't fit anymore, just like the cheongsam.
Okay, damn, sorry to end this visit on a bummer, so have an extra snippet from the same fic that is more upbeat:
“Mike, it’s Wes!” Tina says excitedly and she clutches her boyfriend’s arm. She is completely ignoring the fight she had with Mike, since she is so excited. “AsianDancer?” Wes asks, sounding expectant, “Or just Mike?” Mike takes a look at Wes and he does a double take when he sees that Wes is wearing a Dalton uniform. “GavelMan92?" Wes nods. "You’ve got to be kidding me,” Mike says as well.
AsianDancer 🤝 GavelMan92 🤝 XxGothGirlTayTayxX BFFS 4 ever!!!
Anyway, if you've made it this far, have a flower 🌺 as well.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year ago
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Hello folks! Thank you @artsyunderstudy, @bookish-bogwitch, @cutestkilla and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for the tags.
I aimed to finish The Class Menagerie this weekend but uhm, I am not doing well because I my philosphy degree is leading me to some sort of breaking point. Ah well, at least I get a philosophical mini-essay about Time After Time out of it. But we're not here for my mental breakdown, we're here for Mimi!
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Yes, I am writing this on the spot, but these SSS/WW posts at least keep me writing. I just genuinely had no time for last Wednesday's post, which is why you got philosophy instead.
Blaine returns with coffee and the two of them spend the remainder of their time together looking at pictures of adorable dogs. It starts with Mimi and Mimi’s family, but then Kurt learns that Blaine also volunteers at a shelter when he has the time and he has many pictures of animals there. “That’s partially why I hoped to do my traineeship at our preschool,” Blaine explains, “I like that this particular preschool has the animals.” “Well, it’s important to learn kids from a young age how to care for other life.” “Exactly!”
(Of course Blaine volunteers at a local shelter.)
Shout-out to my now-13-years-old cousin Ricki who, at age 3, tried to pet my bunny, but he basically started slamming his hand down at a rapid pace, scaring her in the process. You've made it into this fic. Luckily, his mum intervened, but yeah, little kids don't understand how strong they can be.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @nausikaaa ​/@wellbelesbian @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybit @blackberrysummer @whatevertheweather
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