#boy you need therapy get your ass to a ward
silver-and-stars · 2 years
Watching Vampire Academy season finale
Dang Tatiana is full of crap.
That feeders' lips really looked to purple. In my cdrama watching experience it means poison indeed. What a dumb way to die for such an old queen. She could at least have left a message like "Was poison by my feeder, Vasilisa did nothing.” I mean they have tablets and all. They could communicate. Why don't they have phone btw.
Victor bro where is your husband? Maybe look of him instead of praying.
And now my boy Chris is a monk. What does it imply? Is it reversible? Still married though.
Let me slowclap. Jesse, congrats on getting rid of your abusive jerk dad. You made the right call. Probably best decision you ever made.
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Haaa yes, humans! And their great capacity for hope. Dang, humans are boring. It's always the same thing. I don't see how it's different for Moroi or Dhampyrs. Andre, Lissa, Victor, they all seemed to believe in the possibility of a better future. Even my boy Christian, the outcast with monster parents hoped there was good in them. The "ability" for hope. Bro you all have it. Except in time of anxiety or depression. Dimitri is okay but damn he still has a pole far up his ass. You need vacations dude. And therapy.
Strigoi interrupting the confession, rude!
My girl Lissa, a true queen. Mia would make a great head of cabinet for her. And my girl Rose kicking ass. Oh hi there mother-in-law.
Andre using his powers in an offensive way, like Christian. Matching brothers-in-law. I love it.
Happy reunion! It's so sweet! Their smile! How gentle he is with her and how one of the first thing he says to her is that he is proud of her! Bro, my heart! No, tell her it was Tatiana. Tell her now. Tell everyone. Make a video, broadcast it! Aaaand he is gone / strigoi.
Go, you beautiful man, torch your mother (dang he hesitated, my poor sweet boy). And poor Lissa can't even enjoy the sweet reunion with her big bro. They gave her hope, a part of her family back, before ripping it away from her.
Dang, Rose's screaming was rough. People must think she is crazy.
Christian IS SO WONDERFUL. He is so gentle, kind and patient, I love it. Also he pretty.
Now that I think about it. Moroi are rich, royal, the Queen was there and no one had a helicopter to evacuate the Queen and Council?
Victor dude you're still there? Aaand she gonna eat you, won't she? Why is she pissed at him? I thought she loved him? He never forced her to heal him. Did he locked her up after she turned strigoi?
Wards are up, well down my boy! (why wasn't he stationed right next to them to beginning him though, like sitting by the pillar, all he would have hat to do was to activate it then without crossing the battlefield) that smile/laugh and hug with Rose was so cute! I love seeing them get along!
Aaand there goes Mason. Hope he isn't dead.
Are you really having a press conference, a crowning, among corpses! That's bad PR. Those are people. You bury them, you don't film their corpse in the streets while you make your "I told you so" speech. LOOOL "Why do anyone do anything. For love!" Disney princess bullshit right here. Personal gain is the true answer. That gain might be power, love, money, whatever. But for love is a bullshit reason for grand things such as ruling. How can she foul anyone?
The problem is the Council truly. BRO ! this is even worst ! 1) She loses the elections. 2) She discredits the one who won the elections. 3) she still loses the election as Vasilisa is chosen as heir BY THE QUEEN (why would she murder the one who just elected her heir?) 4) she takes the throne after the queen -who didn’t let her win- is assassinated and while the heir is missing and she ask for the heir to be arrested. It's so goddamn obvious!
Her Mia, not only your sister is Strigoi but your father his dead now. Probably. And where is your dad? (hey Mason lives, cool)
Dang I love when Christian speaks. Lissa looks good in blue. Oh damn, sorry dude for you aunt, we never got to meet her. Congrats for the promotion? It's gonna be hard to lead your family when everybody ostracizes you and when your wife is rival to the Queen. Good luck. Lissa still supporting Christian, telling him he did nothing wrong, I love it. They said "I love you"! Their smile! My heart!
Speaking of taking down Tatiana, don't you have something to confess Dmitri! Like how you MADE OUT WITH HER like only a few days ago ?! (wtf) You're lucky you're cute.
So Sonya is a Strigoi, Andre is too. And there is this whole darkness/light thing with the Spirit elements. So i'm guessing it can turn back Strigoi to human? What would be a way to get rid of the threat in the end. Were the strigoi first created by Vladimir through this element? Will the show turn into a way too long mess like Vampire Diaries (I mean Julie Plec is producer so i'm suspicious)? Stay tuned for season 2!
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anonil88 · 1 year
Warning spoilers ahead.
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-Rest in Peace Dolores. (A fitting song now that I think on it.)
-R.i.p Javi, I really wanted my fellow art kid to survive. I really did.
- Someone knock that fucking table with the Jonestown tea over please. Lottie is doing the absolute fucking most but also Shauna is correct for doing this. When your friends are paranoid you do have to talk them down, but you also need to not make them feel like they are wrong or insane. Because then they may get a little more than upset. I say this as a person with paranoia.
- Personally I think as teens they should gave never fully believed Lottie even if faith was all that was keeping them alive. They could've used that faith to be more resourceful and hop skip their asses to hike. Just like now they should use that faith to call a doctor and NOT do this faux hunt. Maybe a little belief is okay but nothing where a child is seen as prophet who helps everyone survive. Thats pressure that will crack even a non mentally ill person.
- They are all partly responsible for Charlotte being as bad as she is now and as bad as she got. She didn't start anything she just interacting with whatever force may be out there coupled with her mental illness, they all just wanted an excuse to satiate their hunger. Now the way Lottie looked at Misty when she showed up at the camp makes even more sense, she was afraid of her.. These girls, starting with Shauna, rationalized their eatting of Jackie based on their hunger. Then they rationalize it with Javi by using Lottie's belief and mental illness, even though she doesn't want that weight. And now as adults they rationalize their bad behavior and fuck ups by saying "trauma fucked me up" or "this is fine I'm just a little stressed." They know the right thing but age regressed trauma, no talking about their trauma, and pretending to have happy lives or placate it with drugs is just more rationalizing of we did that because something happened to us.
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- I was right about the masks and Shauna with the rabbits from season 1. I said in my s1 watch that the masks have always been so they didn't feel as bad about what they were doing, even though it was clear some of them enjoyed it.
- A GUN???? A shotty???
- Awww look at these cute theatre kids.
- Tai is sick very sick but not ward sick, woah lets not do this Van. They both don't need to be institutionalized but they do need proper therapy and medication.
- Shauna is hot with knives I'm sorry Melanie lynsky is my weaknes.
- Is Lottie gonna poison her followers?
- I hope that smug bitch of a cop is the sacrifice.
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- I want all these purple clothes and whatever dye they are using. I bet Walter poisoned the tea.
- Well I called that, damn I liked him. Should have been that smug bitch yelling in the background.
- Whoever made that theory about coach simply not making it to the rescue point because he's in that hole, I love you because I think you're correct. Also, the transition from striking flint to light in the cabin wonderful choice TV editors.
- They could at least idk bury the heart, have a little funeral for the boy or create a new tradition with it. Come on now.
- Well okay then Daenerys, but also the metaphor similar to Shauna eatting Jackie's ear. Those lost to the cold are now a piece of them inside them, making them a little colder everyday from the inside out as time goes on. Their trauma with time grows but so does all of the guilt they carry from the inside. Both of them coping with the fact that they both, Travis and Shauna, gave everyone permission to eat their closest person.
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- I adore the things they are doing with the audio and Buffy Sainte-Marie's song. No matter what happens i really appreciate the sound and music direction of this show. Oh Charlotte.
- Van not calling the facility wellness crisis team is so fucking stupid. NATALIE!!!!?!?!??? At least they all admit its their fault.
- This is so beautiful and so fucked up. I want them all to hug Lottie so badly, why don't they just hug her and hold her? Why don't they just be there for each other in moments of stress. They don't need to do this, I think that could be the whole tagline for this show. NO ONE NEEDS TO DO THIS.
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- SHE PROBABLY FUCKING POISONED THEM ALL. Nooooo lottie nooooo please someone stop this.
- Van was pulled back into this cult of the wilderness fast as fuck, this is what happens when you have nothing to loose. Dark Tai is about to come out to play, so is everyone else's dark side. This is so damn tense and yet Lottie is still even as an adult wishing for it to be her. Her own form of self harm and relief would be to be the queen.
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-Oh this all just got very very real.
-"IT WAS JUST US" and Lotties "does it matter?"
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- Fuck. They know what they did deep down and why it scares them isn't because its trauma and hunger, but because it was their own choice. And that is a deep deep trauma that only survivors can experience, a guilt that will never go away.
- The storyteller, the sleepwalker, the priest, the doctor, the hunter, the butcher, and the antler queen.
- Oh Lottie, she HAD to separate herself from this wilderness construct just so she wouldn't completely loose her mind. Then she passed it to the next person and they passed it to the next and the next until there wasn't anyone or enough to pass it to. And then they had to look in the mirror and realize it was just them when they were rescued. A group of kids with a false religion they created to justify the actions they made in their hunger and desperation.
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- His heart. The tension is grows please stop everyone just stop..
- Oh Nat. Oh Misty.
- She was finally sober, that card finally checked in. The wilderness is just death. It follows us all. They came so close to it in a final destination way that it just looms behind and in them, waiting. Waiting for Tai to embrace it with open eyes and the rest when their eyes finally close.
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- These girls make me so angry because of their starved or childish actions, they are so the same and yet different from before the crash. Yet still, seeing them as grown women who simply reflections of young girls and kids that are damaged and near death makes me want to hug them so tight. Misty fucked up all of their lives by smashing that black box in a juvenile attempt to be loved.
- Coach you are so fucked up for that but I get it. Those girls took everything they could, he knew they would tear eachother apart even without survival. So he left them to the cold. Any humanity and hope they had is now gone with their shelter. But it also now will provide a giant signal that may get them home in....10 months?
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- I need a drink or one of nats cigarettes.
Final thoughts: These writers know how to do a red herring right! Of course the pacing gets better in the last episode of the season but I desperately need them to work on middle of the season pacing and getting down the timeline flipping to a science. Great finale with some misses but a good wrap up if this strike lasts a long while. Imma miss my leather jacket baddie. Heavens gate honey should be the NOT cult's new flavor. Also, I think in the future the group can lie to cover up the Kevyn connection by saying that he and Nat reconnected and were doing drugs together and that's how it got into both of their system. The toxicology won't lie but they might get away per se if they say the drugs were laced. Damn her whole non soccer highschool friend group is gone.
Edit: HUGE FINAL POINT I REALIZED, all of them except Van, she is ready to die, had hidden weapons in their final hunt. Tai became sleep Tai, Natalie had her shiv, Misty had a needle with fent, Lottie brought an actual sharp knife, and Shauna had unknowingly Callie with a gun. None of them trust eachother enough to think they won't murder eachother in a *faux* hunt. What does that say about what else they did out there? Also this mimics what Shauna said last episode that she would murder their spouses if they did what Jeff did. She also left the circle terrified because they may chase her but they also might not, and she can't be sure if its because of the past or her recent fuck ups. The risk that they might have actually killed whoever pulled that card no matter the rouse to save Lottie or not was present to all of them. They are still those girls.
(Insert Gif of Natalie smiling)
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mirainawen · 4 years
for the uncommon questions ask: 7, 10, 15, 20, 21, 30 for adam :)
7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
he waffles. his untreated CPTSD and other mental issues involving severe psychological and spiritual damage (and mis-healing), automatically veer him into the negative area. he thinks he goes through the positive motions in the world at the very least, and on a good day can get his inner voice to toe neutral. even sam's inner voice kinda sucked, so it's not like the echo is a ton of help in this arena. when you put that beside real sam not lining up with the one in his head, and it's behavior he only sees aimed at him, it actually drastically worsens things. he may subjectively feel like shit, but objectively he helps people so as i said, on a good day he can get his inner perception close to neutral; on a bad day...or fighting with sam... extreme into the negative.
10. If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
he has no preference on public transportation as he sees it only as a means to an end. he projects no sense of self onto the event here, and so doesn't care if he enjoys it or not.
15. Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time?
early days, no. absolutely not. cannot multi-task. will not even look at sam & dean if he is eating bc that is all the concentration his brain can muster. so...searching for some way to keep sam safe, digging for hag stones on the beach? cannot make brain & mouth work in tandem to explain other than to just keep repeating "safe! safe! safe!" and get really upset that sam is stopping him.
later...on good days, he can multitask a little. on a bad day, it's god damn it don't interrupt my train of thought bc i don't know if i can get it back do you two ever shut the hell up?
20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
don't you mean, if adam was allowed to murder one person without any consquences, who would that person be and why would it be cas?
21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
genies are Bad News in the spn universe, but let's say...we're not looking at the fallout here. he'd wish for his mom to be alive. he'd wish that real sam would match up with the one he knows from the cage. and he'd wish that he could turn back time and not give zachariah his location.
30. Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
the boy lives on jerky and protein bars bc millennia of trauma has just thoroughly f*cked up his appetite. some days he could rival dean. most days sam's counting his calories. so one thing for the rest of his life would probably be a pb&j because there's at least some leeway in flavour / texture, but considering he doesn't really care for pb&j this sounds like he'd choose this just to say f*ck you to himself.
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cosmickyeom · 2 years
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seventeen, medical!au! ⋆ ﹕₊˚ hip hop unit as medical specialties!
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content warning: hospital and other medical-related themes
⋆ ﹕₊˚ seungcheol, orthopedic surgery ⋆ this used to be a no-brainer speciality and is now one of the most competitive and difficult specialities to get matched into ⋆ the sweetest ortho-bro you will ever meet in your life ⋆ generally pretty laid-back and most of the staff harbor a huge crush on him ⋆ but switches to business mode when his cases start ⋆ does not allow foul language or other toxic behavior in his operating room, will not hesitate to kick people out ⋆ he definitely has a routine he needs to follow before each case and gets incredibly whiny when someone pages or interrupts him, forcing him to start over ⋆ the kind of doctor to buy food for the students and residents that follow him, he just wants them to think he's cool ⋆ learns new slang and the trends from his students and then uses them incorrectly around the other members ⋆ can be found in the emergency department with hoshi, radiology department with jihoon, or in the break room trying to beat jeonghan and wonwoo at games ⋆ ﹕₊˚ wonwoo, general surgery ⋆ all the years of video games have helped him with his quick reaction times and dexterity. he's very calculated and intentional with everything he does ⋆ especially loves doing surgery with the robot, feels like he's getting paid to play games ⋆ the surgery department holds an annual olympics event where they set up fun events related to their specialty (suturing weird things, trivia, etc) ⋆ wonu definitely beat seungcheol during all suturing events because of his quick and nimble fingers ⋆ refuses to let seungcheol live it down ⋆ also refuses to fulfill the "dumb surgeon" stereotype ⋆ unlike his peers, he actually clocks in a lot of time interacting with patients and learning about their disease states, often consults internal medicine doctor mingyu ⋆ can usually be found in the break room playing video games on his phone between cases ⋆ at the start of each cohort, someone (anesthesiologist jeonghan) spreads a rumor to all the residents and students that he's actually a robot and is only as capable and smart as he is because he gets a system update each night when he plugs himself into the outlet. jeonghan isn't allowed to interact with the residents any more ⋆ ﹕₊˚ mingyu, internal medicine ⋆ jack of all trades, he's super smart and good at everything, plus goes out of his way to learn a little bit from the other specialities ⋆ he gets along with all of the elderly patients because he gets to swap recipes and other fun life hacks with them, but also gets hit on A LOT. ⋆ hands down, the worst doctor to get ahold of/find because ⋆ 1) he's got long ass legs and is able to scale the entire ward in a few steps OR ⋆ 2) he's sleeping somewhere where he isn't supposed to be and nobody has knows when's the last time they saw him. ⋆ was once confused for a family member because he fell asleep in a chair in a patient's room after exchanging home recipes with each other and was only found because his pager wouldn't stop beeping ⋆ still strikingly good looking even after pulling 18 hour shifts HELLO ⋆ nurses have genuinely considered putting a gps tracker in his shoe or in his white coat, but couldn't get it approved by the ethics committee
⋆ ﹕₊˚ hansol, pathology ⋆ home boy is in a world by himself... and his trusty microscope ⋆ he and jihoon have weekly therapy sessions where they complain and rant about how the other members keep busting into their respective offices for menial things ⋆ takes photos of cool stains and samples that he sees and sends it to the group chat, only for everyone to be so far distanced from their last histology course that they have no idea what he's freaking out about most of the time ⋆ the only person who knows what's up in the group chat is joshua, the hospital dermatologist ⋆ somewhat appreciates emergency doctor hoshi's comments about the cool colors and funny shapes ⋆ super chill, doesn't take offense when people ask him to reinterpret samples ⋆ the pathology lab always has the best music playing in it, especially when hansol's working. sometimes, can be found hunched over a microscope with earbuds in, or his personal playlist is softly playing in the background ⋆ literally vibing
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goffilolo · 3 years
Revival of Midoriya Izuku: Chapter 4 "My depression may be chronic, but my ass is iconic"
I bet you didn't think you were ever gonna see an update. well neither did I. What can I say? writing with a broken hand is a struggle.
Link to the fic on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16929483/chapters/81090403
Izuku’s first day of high school was interesting, to say the least, or it would’ve been if he actually went to school instead of spreading mayhem amongst UA’s first years. Shinjuku Metropolitan has been rather lenient in regards to his attendance or lack of thereof, thanks to whatever bullshit Shin wrote to the school on his behalf to ensure that the faculty would accommodate his ‘condition’. Which is just fancy wording for ‘I got a get out of school card’. Truth be told, this is probably the best thing that the doctor has ever done for him since Izuku was nowhere near ready to return to mainstream education, not after everything that has happened in middle school. The last thing he needed were looks of pity and guilt-induced niceties from people who otherwise had no problem laughing at his misfortune.
So instead Izuku has decided to spend his time productively - if you could count tormenting your ex-childhood friend and having an accidental family reunion as such.
Uncle Shouta always had a bit of a mean streak to him, although it never really felt as such when Izuku himself interacted with him. From what little of his childhood he could remember that didn’t involve trauma and discrimination, his uncle was a somewhat kind, but grumpy man. He believed in a brand of tough love - that somehow did not correspond with the way his mother raised him in the slightest and went above and beyond for things and people he held close to his heart. Sure they haven’t seen each other since Izuku was 4, but if his uncle’s empty threats from today’s Quirk Apprehension Test are anything to go by, not much has changed.
Which brings him back to now; sitting in an empty classroom that he does not belong to - a school that he does not belong to, writing down his ever-so-detailed notes about the quirks he will only be able to admire from afar. Not much has changed , indeed.
It almost feels like a betrayal. Almost , being the operative word, because he has no reason to cling onto the things that he no longer cares about - should no longer care about, for they had died along with him that day on the roof, and were properly buried within the four walls that Izuku called his own during his stay in the hospital.
But well...looks like today Izuku is in a mood to dig up old corpses.
Metaphorically, that is.
“God, you’re still here!”
“Kacchan we’ve talked about this” he replied, rather dramatically “God is dead and all that’s left is me”
Kacchan clearly did not appreciate his superior sense of humour, if the lack of response is anything to go by. “No seriously, why are you still here?”
“I could ask you the same”
“I actually study here you fuckwit!” the blond exclaimed in his ever explosive fashion “Besides I had to come back and get my change of clothes since that demonic pet of yours was sitting on them when we were all leaving for the test”
“Huh, that actually reminds me...where’s Bandit?”
“Oi, don’t change the subject you shitty Deku” replied Bakugou, as he kicked one of the chairs over towards the desk that was currently occupied by Izuku and slumped down in it in a way that would perhaps appear as non-caring to absolutely no one “I didn’t know your uncle was a pro-hero.”
Ah, so that’s what he was bothered about.
“That makes the two of us”
“Wait, really?!”
“Honestly Kacchan! Did you really think that IF I knew my uncle was a pro-hero that I would be able to ever shut up about it?”
“No way in hell!”
Well, now that the topic of his uncle has been cleared up, there wasn’t much else to talk about, at least not much that wouldn’t result in collateral damage or a Bakugou shitshow 2.0. Both of the boys were well aware of it of course, but let it never be said that either of them could be stopped by things like common sense, especially when it came to avoiding conversational land mines.
“So...what are you scribbling over here?” asked Bakugou in a rather poor and possibly the most awkward attempt at establishing small talk that has ever been known to man and sheep kind alike.
“Ok, no! That is not happening” snapped Izuku, who very much saw where this was going and was having none of it “We are NOT having a civil conversation!”
“Why the fuck not?!” replied the blond, his anger as booming and apparent as his quirk.
“Because that is not something we DO Kacchan!” shouted the teen, banging his hands against the desk, his notebook long forgotten.
“Well, maybe we should?!” exclaimed Bakugou, who was quick to anger, yet quicker to notice his ex-friend’s unusual mood as he tried to make an effort to de-escalate the situation.
“Oh? Should we really? !” sneered Izuku, feeling the kind of anger and disdain he hasn’t felt in a long time, not since that fateful day in the ward.
“That’s rich coming from you” he continued as he stood up form the chair, unable to keep still in his fury as he circled the classroom “All you ever did was shout at me, insult me and throw baseless accusations at me left and right for god knows how long, but suddenly YOU want to have a conversation with me? Isn’t it enough that we kinda talked about our feelings that one time when I was still stuck in the psych ward?!”
Honestly, what do you expect Kacchan?” asked Izuku, feeling raw and hysteric and all kinds of wrong, spilling his metaphorical guts to his ex-bully/friend “That we will just start having normal conversations like nothing ever happened, act like we’re friends or some shit? Because let’s be honest, we haven’t been friends for a very long time, that ship has sunk long before I even attempted suicide! ”
“Don’t you think I know that?!” screamed Bakugou, feeling equally angry, but mostly out of his depth in the situation. He expected Deku to possibly mock him for his awkward attempts at small talk. What the blond didn’t expect was for him to snap, in a way that was somewhat familiar but not quite, as even the few times they’ve spoken back when Izuku was in the hospital or when he got released, his tempter felt controlled in a way it was not at the moment. Katsuki wasn’t sure what exactly triggered such a strong response, but he was not looking forward to having another fight, at least not one initiated by him.
“I’m not trying to pretend it didn’t happen” he explained “I just want to move forward. I’m not the same asshole I was last year and neither are you, so I don’t want to be stuck on how things used to be ! It makes me feel like I’m going nowhere.”
“Ok! Fine! You wanna talk?! Then let me fuckin TELL you something! You asked me what I was ‘scribbling’ over here?” exclaims Izuku, as he stomps his way back towards the desk and snatches his notebook, waving it aggressively in front of Bakugou “IT’S THE SAME STUFF I’VE BEEN SCRIBBLING THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME!” he screamed “Those quirk analysis notebooks you used to mock me for? It’s another one of those because as it turns out  I still AM the same asshole I was last year! Now then, can YOU tell ME how many of those I’ve had?”
“Thirteen…” mutters Bakugou, feeling like he’s walking into a proverbial trap.
“Good boy, you can count! Now, can you tell me what number does it say on this one?” sneers Izuku sarcastically as he points once again at the notebook in question.
“Is this a trick question? There’s fuckin nothing on it”
“EXACTLY! And you want to know why?” screamed the distressed teen, no longer feeling angry, but tired and vulnerable, unable to stop himself from having a conversation he didn’t even want to be a part of “Because these notes used to serve a purpose, a purpose I no longer have. Hero Analysis for the Future , to be exact. But guess what Kacchan…” he whispered, no longer looking at the red eyes that used to bring him so much pain “...I no longer have a future…”
The blond hung his head in shame as he listened to his childhood friend break down in tears while hiding his face behind the very notebook that started their argument, all the while Trash Bandit who woke up due to their screaming was trying to get his owner’s attention with pathetically quiet ‘baaah’s.
“You have the right to be angry with me, after all this shit I put you through” stated Bakugou after what felt like an endless silence broken only by Izuku’s stuttering sobs. He never thought of himself as a coward, but at this moment he could not find enough bravery to sit face to face with the crying teen.
“I KNOW that you shithead-” replied Izuku as he shakily tried to take a breath in between the sobs “-but what good is that gonna do?! You’ve actually admitted that the way you treated me was wrong, hell you even voluntarily went to therapy! You’re basically going through a whole-ass redemption arc and what do I do? * sob * I’m still stuck in the past and I can’t let go of my grudges, which isn’t doing me or you any favours. I’ve told you to get your shit together, and this is exactly what you’re trying to do and instead of being h-* hic *- happy for you I’m mad-”
His rant broke off as he took another breath with tears still rolling down the freckled cheeks despite the boy’s best efforts. Izuku slumped down in his seat and with shaking hands he took out a cigarette and lighter from his backpack that was still hanging by the hook on the side of the desk. And although putting the cigarette in his mouth was relatively easy, lighting it was another matter. As Izuku grew more frustrated with the quiver in his hands, so did Bakugou. The blond became impatient as he grumbled “give it here damn it” much more quietly and gently than he normally would’ve done as he leaned forward, all the while grabbing the other teen by his shoulder with one hand, as he used to the other to quickly light the cigarette with a small explosion. Izuku’s flinch at the sudden but familiar noise and heat did not go unnoticed.
To say that Izuku was shocked by his ex-friend’s action would’ve been an understatement, but he was pleased nonetheless. If anything it proved his point that Kacchan was trying to be nicer to him, even if the attempts were somewhat awkward. The freckled teen, feeling only marginally better, leaned back in his chair facing the ceiling as he continued to blow circles of smoke up into the air, trying to regain his original train of thought.
“You’d think they would have a fire alarm in here or something” mused Bakugou as he stared at the disappearing circles.
“Hmm” replied Izuku, absentmindedly “You’d think”
The silence has once again stretched between the 2 boys, although this time it felt less oppressive in its need to be filled. Bakugou was happy to wait for Deku to finish what he started, it was the least the blond could do seeing as he was at fault for the current state of things between them.
“I’m so fuckin angry...” stated Izuku as he crashed the burnt out cigarette against the desk, which Bakugou conviniently ignored seeing as the desk was his. “I’m so fuckin angry-” he repeated despite his tone and words not matching at all “-because this proves that you could’ve gotten your shit together this whole time” he continues while gesturing vaguely between the two of them.
“You could’ve stopped this bullshit and apologised to me!” exclaims Izuku in a tone that is half resigned and half accusing “You could’ve spared me the misery, and yet you didn’t. I feel like I’ve suffered for nothing-”
“You did!” interrupted the blond.
“You’ve suffered for nothing” clarified Bakugou “There’s literally NO good reason for you to have gone through even half the shit you did”
“I dunno about that Kacchan” teased Izuku “I’m pretty sure the reason is sitting right in front of me”
“I said no good reason damn it, don’t go around twisting my words you fuckin Deku!”
And Izuku couldn’t help but break out in laughter, because he was pretty sure that this was the first time ever that Bakugou had made a joke at his own expense and this moment was going to live in his brain rent free from now on.
“Oh God, Kacchan-” he wheezed, trying to stop himself from laughing “You were right, you really aren't the same asshole that you were last year!”
“I sure fuckin hope not” replied Bakgou who was just as close to laughing “Otherwise I would’ve had to demand refund for all of those shitty therapy sessions”
“Look at us Kacchan” said Izuku, his laugh now subdued “We’re still a fuckin mess”
“I guess we are” agreed the blond as he stared down at his friend’s notebook in a thoughtful expression.
After the truthfully embarrassing heart-to-heart with Kacchan, Izuku wanted to do nothing more than sink into the void for the next eternity, or at least until he gets his reminder text that he’s running late for yet another therapy session. Unfortunately neither of these options were viable seeing as he was on a self-appointed mission to catch up to his uncle. The boy hoped that uncle Shouta would still be somewhere on the premises seeing as his ugly-ass sleeping bag was still in the classroom. Izuku used that to his advantage as he gave the sleeping bag to Bandit who promptly sniffed it and began to follow the scent of a premature-midlife-crisis. Who knew that sheep could make such good hounds?
Bandit had dutifully led their owner through an ever inconvenient maze of corridors, which eventually ended with the two entering the teacher’s lounge like they had every right to be there (which they kinda did, shoutout to Nedzu!). As expected, Izuku’s uncle was in the lounge, surrounded by fellow members of staff as they tried (unsuccessfully, at least by Izuku’s standards) to get any information out of him regarding his class this year. Uncle Shouta for the most part looked like he’d rather be doing anything else and so Izuku has made an executive decision to insert himself obnoxiously into the situation.
“In my humble opinion-” he said, as he sat down next to his uncle, while Bandit jumped up on his lap “that Mineta kid should’ve been expelled. Like, we get it uncle, he has potential ” continued Izuku, as he spat the word distastefully “But how far is that potential gonna get him when all he does is harass the entire female population, like every other mediocre straight guy with self awareness of a sea cucumber?”
“A sea cucumber? Really?” asked uncle Shouta, sounding like the unimpressed bitch that he is.
“I mean don’t get me wrong” he continues, completely ignoring the unnecessary commentary “Straight people are already embarrassing as they are, but this guy is on another level, the kinda level that usually leads to a straight jacket, am I right?! Hah- I just made a pun!”
“The little listener does have a point, Shouta” replied Present Mic.
“Also, did he just say uncle ? Shouta, is there anything you’d like to tell us?” asked Midnight, you know, like a traitor.
It wasn’t until they walked past the gates of the school that his uncle finally stopped in his tracks to voice at least a portion of the questions that have been bubbling in his mind since the impromptu family reunion with his nephew.
“Izuku” says Shouta, with as much concern as an uncle-who-you-haven’t-seen-in-almost-a-decade is allowed to voice “What the fuck?”
“Look, I heard that question far too often in my lifetime, mostly from my therapist, so you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific” replies Izuku sounding like the unimpressed bitch that he hopes to evolve into through the sheer power of genetics and generational trauma.
“Look kid-” says the hobo looking man that has the privilege of being related to Izuku as he puts his hands together, takes a deep breath and prays to whichever God he believes is not yet dead for some guidance on how to handle this “-as much as I’d love to elaborate on the sheer amount of confusion I am experiencing right now due to your questionable way of life, I do actually have to go on a patrol so this conversation is gonna have to be postponed. In the meanwhile give your mother my regards, and I’ll hopefully see you in the near future when you decide once again to wreak havoc in my classroom.”
“No” replies the freckled teen in a total disregard for other people’s prior engagements, thus truly earning his title of a problem child.
“What do you mean no ? Izuku, I have a job to do!”
Instead of replying, Izuku has decided to simply pull a pro-gamer move, by quickly taking out a familiar pair of handcuffs from the side pocket of his backpack, cuffing one side to his uncle’s hand and the other to his own. That on its own is probably not particularly impressive, however it is the speed of the action that has earned it the title of a pro-gamer move, which Izuku is quite proud of. His uncle on the other hand is definitely less so, looking at his cuffed wrist like it has somewhat betrayed him.
“Please tell me you did not just do that”
“I did not just do that”
After wasting about 10 minutes of his life on fruitless struggle of trying to get the handcuffs off like an untrained dog trying to chew off its own leash, Aizawa Shouta; the underground hero Eraserhead, the infamous Erasure Hero has slumped in defeat, internally swearing to himself to one day get revenge on his unruly nephew.
“God, I am so going to have a talk with my sister about this” he says, as if a threat of authority had any meaning to the green headed teen.
“Yeah, no shit, that’s the whole point, we’re going to my house now” replies the teen, completely disregarding any attempt at ‘ an adult asserting their authority ’ over him.
“I still have to go on a patrol tonight” repeats Shouta, as if it was somewhat relevant.
“That sounds like a you problem”
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In the spirit of my previous headcanon post, here are my muses as patients in my day treatment program
I’ve been hospitalized numerous times before and day treatment was a Trip so here you go. Inspired by real events, some headcanons are inspired by real people I’ve met.
Basically treats it like a prison
The guiet guy who has the worst mental breakdowns imaginable
drama queen
comes there dressed either like a runway model or like he just crawled out of a dumpster, no in-between
the weirdo everybody talks about during breaks
group therapy is his stage and boy does he monologue
if you befriend him? nicest person you’ll ever meet
will bring you coffee unprompted and hug you when you’re feeling down
DOMINATES art class
overall just an unstable ball of trauma and anxiety
If this was a class he’d be the class clown
The popular one everyone flocks to
Doesn’t know when to shut up, has a habit of talking over other people during group
Is down to party 24/7, always participates every activity with the energy of a 4 y,o on cocaine
When he is down he’s DOWN. EVERYONE notices.
A bit of a fuckboy but a friendly one
Will not tolerate backtalk, claps back, even at staff
Probably tried sneaking alcohol or drugs into the hospital once (and succeeded)
Thresh (Classic):
Literally the oldest no matter who you put him with so he’s constantly surrounded by people he views as literal children
The only one immune to Kayn’s sass simply because he is sassier than him
Generally cooperative with staff until he just doesn’t feel like it and causes a huge scene
Laughs at other people’s expense, earning him a lot of callouts and complaints
Likely picked himself one or two people to hang out with and sticks to them if he’s not isolating himself fully
The most likely to skip days or be late because he just didn’t care enough to come
Is extremely petty and spiteful and will get back at you for the tiniest things
Doesn’t understand why he was even referred to this dumb as shit program
Thinks his psychiatrist is overexaggerating- Well, everything.
Goes there regardless because arguing with his psych led to a dead end.
Cooperative with staff but only out of pure etiquette.
Does not bond with ANYBODY save for maybe ONE person.
Judges everyone to their face, not behind their back.
Keeps his diagnoses and medications a pentagon-level secured secret.
Comes there early just to be alone for an hour before everyone else arrives.
His mental breakdowns/triggers are silent and withdrawn.
Jock jock jock jock jock
Seriously he and the hospital gym go hand in hand
Also a major showoff
Anger issues 100%
The laid back type who hangs with his own crowd but won’t really be opposed to mingle with yours if you asked
Can snap in the blink of an eye
Gets physical real fast
Cries in the psych’s/nurse’s office after
Teases Swain often but is also best buds with him
Has a weird ass hobby that’s OOC as fuck like gardening or painting
Is there because the alternative was a locked ward
Is basically on probation
Problem Patient
Appears quiet but he’s snarky and cynical as fuck
Leaves in the middle of group, fucks up classes, skips days/comes in late like Thresh, pisses all over the rules
Getting him to cooperate is like herding cats
Has a major crush on Shen
Probably got into fights with Darius
The only one Kayn listens to
Will never admit he needs the help or talk about his own feelings
Actually fucking behaves
Follows the rules and listens to staff
Absolute wreck after one on one therapy sessions but is a ray of sunshine during group therapy, happy to be helping other people with their problems and offering insight
Oblivious to Zed’s crush on him
Sometimes throws the occasional tantrum during which he acts very childlike
The ward’s favorite but also the ward’s laughingstock at the same time
Very polite and composed but laughs at the dumbest shit
the one with the braincell
Right there with Zed and Thresh, Akali often comes late but she makes an effort to come anyway
Besties with Kayn, helps him tease the fuck out of Swain and everyone else
VERY ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT HEALING OKAY. Aggressive positivity for EVERYONE, participates in all classes like a grunge/punk cheerleader
Not the “aww it’s ok bb here’s a cupcake” but “YOU’RE A BADASS NOW PULL YOURSELF UP BITCH YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS”
Is all “eugh” at Shen to be honest but also kinda friends with him
Zed is 50/50
She’s the angry type of depressed
When she’s having an off day she’s snappy and mean, but after she feels better she will apologize
Is eating ALL the time. SHe ALWAYS has a snack in her hand, be it a bag of chips or a sandwich she made. And yes, she will share.
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quillfeather21 · 4 years
Psych Ward Story
Recently, I stayed for a week at a mental hospital due to depression and anxiety. Here’s some of the stuff (names and personal information ommited)
. A 11 year old claimed me as her ‘emotional support human’ and wanted to be my roommate despite her STRESSING ME TF OUT. (No hate on her she was just creepy and my longest conversation with her went like; “oh, what’s your favorite anime?” “My Hero Academia” “oh same. Bakugou is my favorite!” “I like Deku” ) and that was IT.
. The day before I got discharged a boy came in. He seemed normal, so my group (all girls) wanted to know more. So we asked him why he was there.
His answer?: “I called the cops on myself because I tried strangling my baby brother”
Not the craziest thing we’d heard so we let it slide at the time.
. A boy threw a paper crane through a crack in the door to me. He whispered “keep it”. So I did. I still have that pink origami crane.
. My group did Just Dance by finding routines on YouTube for 2 hours. I did word searches.
. Girls in my group ate crayons because they were bored. The only reason they stopped is because I told them I needed the crayons to color my picture.
. So many word searches. I did 30 in a span of 3 days. That’s 10 every fucking day.
. They kept deadnaming the trans guys that were stuck with us girls and it pissed us all off. (One was amazing and I miss him. We bonded over Doc Marten’s and our love of teas)
. Speaking of which, the nurse didn’t give another girl her bra because “she didn’t have boobs”
. Gathering around the hygiene cart to see what names were new and then going to find the new people to introduce ourselves. Hygiene cart was where we got our news.
. Watched TikToks because we are depressed Gen Z.
. Played Heads Up Sevens Up like a group of kindergarten students.
. One girl kept hoarding the orange juice that they gave us with breakfast. She would have like... six juice boxes surrounding her section of the table. And not even the good kind of orange juice. Just the crappy sour one
. How a conversation with the tech about condiments for rice went
“Hey, do you have soy sauce?”
“Teriyaki sauce?”
But they had BBQ SAUCE of all fucking things, so me in a desperate attempt to make the damned rice edible, mixed the BBQ sauce with the rice to create a rice similar in color to a pink and with the taste of well... BBQ sauce. I was so excited that it didn’t turn into a complete disaster that I actually ate my BBQ’ed rice monstrosity.
. The heat for the room I was in broke, and they left the door open when it would work so my room was always like the NORTH POLE.
. The graffiti on the window wire could be summed up to “fuck this place”
. Would watch the adult rehab patients smoke in the morning because I had nothing better to do.
. All of us were nosy little shits and would go look at the road as any vehicle with a siren would pass.
. In art therapy my new best friend (a trans guy named Kai) just painted pride flags and basically wrote “fuck normal it doesn’t exist” and honestly he is such a mood and I miss him. He is also the one I bonded with over Doc Marten’s and tea.
. One of the techs told us stories about the people they had in the past as patients- they were wild and I’m so glad we didn’t have any ‘crazy’ people. We were a pretty chill group.
. A lot of us were cat people and if people try and tell you depressed teens don’t love animals then they are WRONG. We got mad that COVID made them stop doing animal therapy because we all missed our pets at home.
. Day Crew were a lot nicer than night crew. Night Crew had a jackass lead who wouldn’t get off his lazy ass. No one liked the night crew lead. Night crew lead didn’t like us either. Mutual scorn that sucked.
. I was the only person with a two parent, loving home. Kai straight up asked me “what’s it like having a dad?” And I just... didn’t know how to react because I’ve never not had a dad? Like, my dad is my whole world.
. Parents were pissed because they weren’t telling them anything. My mom straight up called my case worker and was like “I’m not sure how used your establishment is to parents who don’t give a damn, but that is NOT US. Tell us shit so we don’t find out from our daughter”
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First of all, CONGRATS on finishing your first year!!!!!! Second, what are your thoughts on the fact that the obx writers have about 4 or 5 seasons planned -- what do you think they would fill those seasons with?? Basically, what is the shows continued plot and esp what happens w jarah b?
ok ok i have lots of thoughts!
(also thank you so much! i am very glad to be finished)
things that (i think) need to be covered in seasons 2-4?5?
the gold: what happened to it in the bahamas? do the pogues get it back? are they allowed to keep it at all? i feel like the gold could carry for at least another season if not more
the camerons: pardon my french, but that family is fucked. i want to see rafe and ward go down (rafe needs some therapy and rehab while ward can go to jail) (also i saw a hot take where sherrif peterkin is not dead bc she was never explicitly said to be dead? so maybe rafe is not a murderer but he still shot someone on purpose). how does sarah deal with her dad and brother? also ward is a very good villan i would love to see him involved (from a jail cell) for several seasons, maybe trying to meddle in his children’s lives
POGUE REUNION! i will be very mad if they keep the pogues apart for long. if they find and get to keep the gold, what do they do with it? do they go full kook? (i hope they don’t, but i’d love to see how their lives change when they go from having to work 2 jobs to stay afloat to having a lot of money available, it would definitley change the pogue vs kook dynamic)
establishing kie, jj, and pope as individuals: give me insight into kie’s kook year, show me jj’s talents and passion, give me MORE DEPTH to pope than just the level headed brains of the group. i feel like we got to know them pretty well but not at all season one. and as much as i will hate watching it, the pogues need to have some infighting i think. give me some going their separate ways when they think john b and sarah are dead and then finding each other when they need each other most type shit! (also i’ve seen gay/bi jj stuff swirling around the interwebs recently and i do not hate it.)
jarah b. (more to come on this later)
relationships (romantic and otherwise) outside of the pogues (i don’t ship kie with pope or jj, sorry guys... GIVE HER A GIRLFRIEND!)
topper neutralization/redemption arc: at the very least i want topper to stop fighting the pogues. once the cameron family shit hits the fan he’ll realize how fucked some kooks are and hopefully be chill, if not friends, with the pogues. i also need this boy to realize that he was not in love with sarah like he thought he was. i think that him seeing sarah with john b will make him realize that he didn’t really know her
john b and sarah’s return: this is gonna be tricky, they broke a LOT of laws in the last few eps of season one. i want them to come home at LEAST before season 3 (ideally early/mid season 2), but i don’t want them to go to jail and stuff. also DCS CANNOT TAKE JOHN B AWAY (although i could see the show going in that direction and making a major plot point be the fact that the pogues are reunited only to be separated)
give jj a loving home: no i didn’t forget about jj’s ass of a dad. that man can rot in hell. jj needs a loving home. (possibly with pope?) also hot take what if lana grubbs took him in as like a foster parent. i have nothing to support that idea but anything’s possible right?
i need jarah b to be endgame
i am going to be VERY DISAPPOINTED if jarah b is not endgame
honestly i’d even hate them breaking up temporarily
i do, however, want to see them grow as individuals
we don’t really know anything about sarah and i really want to get to know her as an individual
also i hate to admit it but john b wasn’t the best guy at all times (i refuse to agree with the “john b is a shitty friend and bad guy” people out there but i will acknowledge that he handled some things poorly) so i’d like to see him learn from his mistakes and become a really great guy (that he already is... but like more mature and self aware)
these kids have just been through so much and i love them together. let them be happy.
(you cannot convince me that john b hasn’t crushed on sarah for years) (that look at the boneyard kegger...) (that is pining right there)
so here’s what i think might happen:
SEASON TWO: we get some bahamas content with jarah b and the gold while the pogues think they’re dead and the camerons get fucked in the obx. we end with a pogue reunion but we’re unsure about the gold and john b and the law
SEASON THREE: we get some legal stuff and the gold (hopefully) things are weird and the class wars dynamic is odd because the pogues now have money. ward cameron is trying to get in his daughter’s good graces. we end with the new lifestyle (from being rich) causing issues in the pogues
SEASON FOUR: i believe this would be their senior year/ them turning 18!! the future is looming: college for pope, sarah, and kie and jj and john b never planned for that. there’s still residual tensions from last season. the pogues realize that the life as they know it is coming to a close and things are a bit sad
SEASON FIVE: idk what would happen here honestly. college? jj stuck in the obx? jj goes to vocational school or community college (i go to a 4 year, prestigious university but will be the first to tell you that college is not the only road to success and that community college is still college and a great way to get where you want to go however you are able)
honestly thank you so much for asking this... i’m gonna try to remember to look back at this post when all is said and done with the show and see if i got anything right :)
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dragoneyesstuff · 4 years
My ideas of a modern avatar au.
( I've seen others headcanons of the gaang in more modern times so I wanted to share mine!)
(Some small notes on the gaang)
Lived in an orphanage for a long time until meeting katara and sokka
Likes aesthetics ranging from cottagecore to frog core.
Loves puppets (in the style of the muppets of course) and made one that resembles Momo.
Absolutely LOVES Nintendo games, with pokemon and animal crossing being his favorites.
Vegan, but doesn't force it on others, he just reminds his friends that he is a vegan when going out to eat or when they have the occasional sleepover.
Goofball. Katara constantly has to watch him and sokka so they dont get into trouble, since together they share one braincell and katara has it.
Because of her caring nature, I could see her wanting to be some kind of doctor.
Makes sure that no one gets into trouble.
If she didnt wasnt apart of an argument, either her or aang will stop arguments.
Acts like a mom, despite her age. (And has probably done the classic "mom arm" at some point.
The best way to describe his intelligence: Has been a straight A student throughout his entire life, but has also has done things like microwaving raw eggs because he thought it would hard boil them. (He found out it didn't)
Laughs at stupid memes and probably has either the best or worst sense of humor.
Plays soccer and is a part time coach.
Eats a lot and will eat random things at random times (zuko once caught him eating a bowl of cereal at 3 am and was like "wtf, dude?")
Like aang, he likes to play video games, but plays games like doom or super smash brothers.
Used to be sexist and kinda tight minded, but now he regularly chugs his "respect women and men juice"every day.
Will pull either really good or childish pranks on everyone. Ranging from that time attacked katara with a nerf gun, to that time he wrapped everything in zuko's room with Christmas wrapping paper (beware of him on April fools day)
Doesnt really spend money on herself, rather, she spends it on her friends. Most of the time its things that her friends cant really afford but they want, things like a Nintendo switch for aang, or tickets to a baseball game so sokka could take himself, suki, and zuko. But shes also used her wealth to personally help her friends, like helping them pay off tuition and student loans while in college, to personal things like buying an absolutely beautiful headstone for katara's mother, or personally paying for zuko's therapy sessions after he ran away from his abusive home life.
Even in the modern world, toph can still kick your ass with very little effort.
Wears baggy clothes often.
Wants to be a professional wrestler.
Appa was originally her seeing eye dog, but he wasnt really good at it, and she could already used her seismic sense to see, so she ended up giving him to aang
Came from a really abusive and toxic home and still has trauma about his scar, but he never told anyone how he got it, except for his therapist.
Has major depression and anxiety. Sometimes he has an endless amount of energy, and sometimes feels like doing nothing all day and lies in bed. Iroh has tried his best to help his nephew, and is proud that zuko eventually realized he needs help.
Did some pretty bad things as a teenager. Ended up serving a stint in juvenile hall.
Had some really unhealthy coping mechanisms. Ranging from shoplifting to setting things on fire.
He started opening up more after befriending the gaang and even discovered more things about himself that he never really focused on.
He is a huge dork/nerd. Dont let that glare fool you.
Loves theater and will talk to suki for hours about their favorite musicals.
Is actually a really good cook. Aang, katara and sokka opened him up to showing this talent that nobody thought he would have.
Lived with his uncle iroh for a while until he had enough money to live in an apartment.
Goth boy. Absolutely loves going to concerts (especially grunge or metal)
Secretly craves the sweet release of death.
Has a thing for idiots.
Football player
Once absolutely destroyed sokka in a wrestling match and katara couldn't stop being smug about it for weeks
Was the catalyst for sokka realizing that sexism is worthless.
Sokka's ex.
Died from a terminal illness in her teens
Sokka occasionally visits her grave and leaves flowers on it.
Power hungry and really insecure.
Capable of really terrible things
Eventually gets admitted to a psych ward.
Ty lee
Bubbly cheerleader
Loves drama and people-watching
Kind of an airhead at times.
Loves to show off.
Goth girl.
Loves cryptids and witchcraft. Has a lot of merchandise relating to both
Deadpan in just about every kind of social interaction.
Very blunt. Is not afraid to call people out.
Will detect bullshit.
Works with zuko.
Ran away from her family in her teens, but is still financially supported by her parents.
(Now for the adults)
Hard working single dad.
Loves and supports his kids equally.
Basically a father figure to both aang and zuko.
Loves taking everyone on trips.
Will tell sokka to stop messing with his sister.
Police chief.
A good dad.
Owns a very valuable business company worth billions of dollars.
Secretly a cult leader.
Wins the worst father/husband of the year award.
One of the few people who ran away from ozais cult and lived to tell the tale.
Hopes his nephew will get his life on track.
War veteran.
Has a great inheritance that he got from his father, but he uses it for three things. 1. To expand or pay off debts for the jasmine dragon. 2. Donating it to non for profit charities. 3. Helping his nephew get through life.
Some general stuff about places and events)
The jasmine dragon isnt just a teashop, its also a bistro/bakery. It's just more famous for its tea.
Ozai's cult is the reason why katara and sokka's mother is dead. Her murder has remained unsolved for years and hakoda has dedicated a good portion of his life to solving his wife's murder.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Shins-bro
Also on AO3!
TL;DR: Izuku and Shinso are best buds. Thats it. 
shinsou has a terrible mum and he's complaining about it "ironically"
like : "lmao my mum is gonna beat my ass for this shitty mark" and he's shocked when izuku is like 3 seconds away from tears
izuku drags shinso to his house and his mum is home and shinso is Spooked bc,, adult?? friends???
hes so scared that inkos gonna yell at him for doing something stupid but as soon as he walks in the door izuku trips over his own feet taking off his shoes and tackle hugs his mum
so izuku and inko are laughing and like, half-fallen over bc izuku is a chunky boy and shinso is so lost??? at the door and inko uses her quirk to pull him over by the shirt and join in the hug
udhihdsf she!!! picks both of them up and squishes these good heroes in the best mother hug
izuku is laughing and shinso is sh o o k bc this is the nicest hug he's ever had???
inko puts them both down and flushes a little, says sorry for hugging shinso but she hasn't seen her boy in so long! and he must be a lovely young man if he's friends with izuku
she bustles off to go stir dinner on the stove and izuku just grins and looks at shinso
"isn't my mum great?!"
he and shinso go to his room and izuku pulls out his old console
admits he used to make his mum play this fighting game over n over when he was little, and that she always used to pick this female hero with a big white cape because she liked her hair. he giggles and tells shinso that if he wants izuku can maybbbeee let him play allmight
he picks endeavour for a sec and asks shinso if je just wants to beat up endeavour for a minute before they really start
it turns into them setting like 6 AI to level 9 endeavours and them both playing allmight to beat the crap out of them
inko walks in w tea and little cakes she made and gasps happily bc she loved that game! so they restart the round with 2 allmights + 1 nana plus all the endeavour AI
izuku and shinso keep protecting inko's character from all the fire bc she doesn't deserve this
izuku shoves a cupcake into shinsou's mouth when he goes to ask izuku something
shinsou like, lights up bc he's never had home-baked stuff before and its sooooo good so he just kind melodramatic puts his controller down and says "i guess this is kamino ward 2.0" as all might gets crispy fried by the AI and shoves the cupcake into his face
izuku c a ck l e s
izuku and inko, melodramatically "we can't let allmight 1 fall!! protect him!!!" and they try to save this idle allmight as shinso watches w icing on his face
inko and izuku save idle allmight and shinso cheers softly. inko shoves a cupcake into hers and izuku's faces and hands another to shinso in celebration
she then ducks out to go take care of the dinner again. izuku giggles and puts dollop of icing on shinsos nose, who sneezes then looks offended that his nose dared to sneeze
shinso tries to lick the icing off he nose
but like
it's not working
and izuku is losing it laughing but shinso is stubborn and won't stop just bc what he's doing is v stupid. they end up w shinso's legs on izuku’s bed w his back on the floor, izuku leaning against the bed. shinso isn't really sure why he thought this was a good idea
and they run through English homework and shinso and izuku are both shockingly good and both refuse to admit its bc they spend too much time on tumblr/youtube
shinsou: gee izuku why are u so good at english
izuku, who has been reading self insert all might x reader fics for like 50% of his life: no reason :)))
fdguhdfghufh shinsou, who has been reading angsty fics of all his faves instead of going to therapy: wow same ,,,
also im sorry but, izuku def reads allmight self insert that isn't like "uwu dating you" but its like "what if allmight was ur best friend" or "allmight is your secret dad??? uwu"
u know all those old ass watt pad fics where one direction adopts u, that but all might and all the chapters are just
all might tucks u into bed after a hard school day and tells you he’s proud of you
all might fucking detroit smashes ur class bully into the concrete
u and all might attend the premiere of his latest docuseries and u cry bc there’s a whole preface abt how u changed his life for the better and he could not ask for a better child
izuku and shinso go through their old tumblr/wattpad/deviantart accounts and cry laugh
its all in terrible english and one of the comments is "are you 10 or can you just not speak english"
6 years later, izuku responds
"both, actually"
izuku writing vent fics but they’re like
“all might punches my classmate bc he stole my fuckign apple juice kacchan i hate u”
"all might tells me i don't need my fuckign dad i haven't seen since i was 4 and he becomes my new dad"
“all might tells me i have no bedtime and makes my mom dinner bc she’s stressed and she needs a nap”
"all might adopts me and marries my mum and has a kid who becomes my brother and best friend"
he wrote them all between 6-12 he started writing better shit when he was 12 and made a new account (better, not good.)
his first round of fics were like all in first person and shinsou’s w h e e z i n g like why’d u think this was a good idea. izuku s cryign bc hE WAS SIX HITOSHI STOP IT. its like really terrible english too
izuku is mad but then he realizes he was hitoshi's deviantart open and he g r i n s (its all shitty drawings of cats and his OC Hero ) there are like twenty pictures of his actual cat taken on a shoddy ds camera
also as like, a soft dumb thing izuku is like speed typing on his laptop and shinsou is like??
izuku shushes him n tells him he wants to finish it before dinner
what hes done
is he wrote one of the shitty self insert fics, intentionally shittily but w allmight as izukus dad and eraserhead and shinsous and they live together for no reason at the "hero apartments" and can be brothers
shinso is laughing and crying at the same time and izuku is like
",,,, im gonna send it to present mic"
"do you think ill get extra credit?"
izuku in retaliation sending in some of shinsou’s oldass oc comics and mics just
“i mean
it’s in english,,,”
they get extra credit but it's not really helpful bc they both had As now they both have A plus' but dont wan them
(mic sends it to all might and eraserhead but like, redacts shinso and izukus names and aizawa is twitching w either rage or laughter, all might is bright red and giggling like an idiot)
pls the teachers gc is just “all might and eraserhead tuck u in and call u a Good Boy” for the next three months
as a running joke, whenever they can, that's what izuku and shinso write for English
like in german we had to write plays and act out little skits in german. in english, they do that but like, izuku is eraserhead and shinso is a cat stuck in a tree 
they have to write sentences w different words? and they get "comfort" "rescue" and "light" and its all shit like
"my dad eraserhead rescued me from homework because mic is terrible"
"all might's fatherly love lights up the hole in my heart"
"the fatherly aura of allmight and eraserhead brings me comfort on my darkest days"
izuku gives the ol puppy dog eyes to aizawa who begrudgingly lets them sleep over at inko's house
and there is only one bed! and they cant decide who gets it
neither of them sleep in it and they both stubbornly lay on the floor. it takes like 5 seconds for them to start laughing
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justimajin · 5 years
Catching a Case of the Doctor Blues ⌠Part 1⌡
⇢ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
⇢ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (2.8k) Doctor/Surgeon AU, Enemies to Lovers AU 
⇢ Summary: When asked about Dr. Kim, a string of beautifully aligned words are ready spew from your lips. You could possibly go on and on about how his wonderful stubbornness wasn’t similar to talking to a brick wall, or how his observation skills were especially great in preparing your blood vessels for a drastic rupture or even how one gracious stare of his nearly had you on the verge of ripping your essential documents in half. But it seems that, perhaps, there was a lot more to Dr. Kim then what meets the eye...
⇢ Warnings: some swearing, this is the first time I’ve tried to put all the members in one fic and I hope I was able to somehow balance out the chaos 
⇢ Disclaimer: I have done my research but this will contain some medical inaccuracies. They should not be taken seriously and are only being used for the sake of fictional purposes. 
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⇢ Next Update: Friday, April 12  ┈ find the prologue here 
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You reach over to turn off the dripping tap, taking the used blue colored latex gloves hanging on the side of the counter and discarding them promptly into the biohazardous trash. Your eyes carefully skim over your hands, flipping them over several times with precise inspection before agreeing that they were clean and sterile. Walking outside the dark confines of the room, you reach over to grab the familiar white coat and drape it over your shoulders alongside clipping the laminated plastic onto the front pocket.
The lingering images of the previous scene re-play themselves in your mind.
A success. A win. A victory.
The words radiated throughout the operating room in bliss when you had managed to remove the tedious tumor invested deep inside your patient, but in an instant you feel defeated when you notice the individual that had so patiently been watching the entire process unfold in front of his eyes.
The image of his satisfied smile, alongside a subdued gesture in clapping for you lights your veins on fire and aggregates them. Your hands clench into fists and your teeth grind at the prospect that it wasn’t a simple congrats, but his exact way of performing an act of mockery for you.
Your efforts are to be rewarded, but now you just see them all drown in vain.
The thoughts continue to pester you to no end, but as you make a turn into the patient ward, you decide it was time you had brushed them away. Because at the end of the day – your patients were your number one priority first and foremost.
“How are we feeling today?” You question, clipboard in hand and a fresh pen clicked when you approach one of the nurses replacing an IV for an elderly man. Your prior knowledge about him was particularly vague, only knowing he recently gone through a major stroke and was brought through an ambulance urgently. He appears to be looking well awake and from your own physical perspective you don’t see him residing within the hospital for long.
“Better, but I’ve been having some pain in my right arm.” He gestures towards it and you immediately place your clipboard down to examine it. It didn’t appear to be swollen which was a relief to you, but it could essentially indicate that there was some sort of problem ensuring within his nerves. You quickly wrack through your head, accounting that he physically appeared to be fine which meant the blood clot lodged in his brain had been successfully removed due to therapy by medication, but the nerve issue must have resulted from the aftershocks of the clot. 
You scribble down onto your clipboard your observations, “It could potentially be an issue, are you able to move the muscle?” You gesture for him to reach forward and a crease sets in your brows when you notice him struggling with the action – leading to more scribbling in your notes.
“I’ll give you some medications to deal with the pain temporarily, but if it continues then I’ll have our head doctor take a look at it.” You give him a soft smile before making a couple more notes. Moving across to the next patient, you continue the process until you have properly assessed every patient in your individual ward and decide to head into your office to secure the documentation. 
Your mind still swirls back and forth in regard to the events this morning, but they dissipate when you open the door to your office and scoff at the sight before you.
“Seriously?” You question, the man in front of you bolting up in his seat and hurriedly securing his food into a nearby drawer cause you to roll your eyes at the failed attempt in doing so. He gives you a cheeky smile, the food being painfully way too obvious when it piles in his cheeks at the gesture.
You walk towards your desk, which was in corner placed in front of his. “Listen, I understand that you get hungry and need to eat, but I’m not going to be the one cleaning up after we have a mouse infestation.” You wave your hands away, sinking into your chair.
The black-haired man quickly swallows the rest of his food before swinging his chair to roll and bump into your desk, startling you, “That’s inhumane! Someone needs to be sharing with those mice.”
You snort, “Tell that to Namjoon next time.”
“What, are you crazy?! But don’t tell on me Y/N, pleaseee.” He pouts and you keep wondering to yourself how a grown adult could act in such a childish way.
“Fine. I won’t tell if you can get this done for me.” You stand up and graciously stack up a pile of paperwork for patients onto his desk, a devious smile on your lips.
He lets out a loud groan, looking at you with pleading eyes before he rolls back slowly to his desk, knowing you were being serious. He had been slacking far too much and being your intern meant he needed to live up to the role.
“Y/N, what’s this?” He questions, displaying a document that wasn’t traced in your own writing and your eyes widen.
“Damn it, why is Jimin’s stuff mixed in with mine?” He shrugs and you abruptly get up. He innocently side eyes you when you grasp for door knob and you roll your eyes again, turning around to which he beams up at.
“Do you want to come too Jin?” He furiously nods his head, possibly in attempt to get himself away from the paper work, before hurriedly joining you and you let out a small chuckle.
He was pretty endearing for being a pain in the ass to deal with.
Leaving your office, the two of you stride down the halls and you flinch when the sound of fluttering laughter boom through the entirety of the hallway. You glance around to locate where the sound was exactly coming from, but upon arriving at Jimin’s office the large group of female workers are spotted crowding closely near the entrance. Your eyes land onto their field of vision, finding the rare sight of someone standing front of the office and leaning down to give a small boy what appears to be a yellow lollipop. A soft smile decorates the corner of his lips, gorgeous white pearls being showcased alongside light crinkles in his eyes. The man raises himself up instantly when he catches the two of you staring at him, the young patient he was attending to happily running off into his designated ward.
“A-ah, Dr. L/N.” He greets, ignoring the pending female eyes that are glued to him, but his voice is so low that you have to subtly lean forward to hear him.
“Hello. And you are?” You question, leaning again to hear him but the answer doesn’t come out from his mouth.
“Y/N, are you hitting on my new intern already?!” The loud, obnoxious voice blares out, alerting quite literally everyone in the hospital of his presence. He swings an arm around the quiet boy, black tousled hair pushed back and only clothed in a white dress shirt; complete absence of the essential white coat.
“Greetings Dr. Park.” You muse and Jimin frowns at the title, suddenly mimicking a crying face.
“Y-you know, I miss the days you called me Jimin.” He pretends to fake sob into his intern’s shirt and you don’t fail to catch the roll of eyes the intern does when he subtly pats Jimin on the back.
“Dr. Park can you stop ‘crying’ already and introduce your intern?” Jimin hurriedly stands up, a bright smile on his face when he hugs the living daylights out of the man.
“This is Jungkookie!” Jungkook does a subtle nod as confirmation in the midst of trying to separate himself from Jimin and you let out a low chuckle at the display already. He was going to have to put up with a lot.
“Nice to meet you Jungkook. If you need any help around here, you can ask me or Jin who is also my intern.” You gesture towards him and Jin kindly nods, before Jungkook suddenly narrows his eyes and shifts closer to him.
“How old are you?” Jin is a little taken back with the question.
Jungkook’s eyes widen with the response. “26.”
“You’re five years older than me!” Now you’re a little taken aback with his age, but Jin’s eyes blow up and he looks completely flabbergasted with the sudden new information.
“Five? Y/N, we need to get this kid out of here, they’re hiring literal children now!” He begins to frantically search around and you can already hear Jimin protesting at the idea in the background.
“Children? You’re five years older than me and you’re an intern! You haven’t even moved up to being a doctor!” Jungkook says and there’s immediate silence, before Jin launches himself forward and grabs a fistful of Jungkook’s shirt. You widen your eyes, knowing it wouldn’t be good if they started fighting there.
“ARGH. Shut up. All of you.” An annoyed voice pitches through and you get a jump scare when the blonde-haired doctor strolls behind you, eyes flickering in irritation.
You feel at ease that everything has cooled down, a comfortable silence in the air but it soon diminishes when Jungkook opens up his mouth.
“Isn’t it nice knowing you’ll be dead before me?” Jungkook mutters and you slap a hand on your face when the banter continues, volume increasing even more.
You sigh, “Nice try Yoongi.” You look at the man who holds a dead-pan expression.
“I was sleeping in the back and they ruined my nap. Who even is this guy?” Yoongi gestures to Jungkook, who suddenly doesn’t look like the same shy boy you had encountered minutes ago.
“Jungkook. Jimin’s new intern.”
“Yoongi! Yoongi! Isn’t he amazing?” Jimin exclaims, gesturing towards Jungkook.
Yoongi scoffs, “Amazing until you drive him away like you did with all your other interns.” You stifle back a laugh when a horrified expression arises on Jimin, who begins stuttering at the new shade of red that colours his face.
“T-those were-“
“Remind me again why they were all females? Caught in the bathroom doing what exactly?” Yoongi lets out a gummy smile and you turn your head to the side when the laughter comes spilling out, but its soon cut off when two men walk towards the crowd of doctors and interns in the group.
Immediately the volume lowers down and you muse how much power Namjoon truly has, his presence only being needed to quiet everyone down. He’s carrying some documentation with him, but his head perks up at the sudden silence and he lets out a small dimpled smile. Walking towards Jungkook, he pats him on the back.
“I hope you guys will treat our newest recruit well.” Jungkook frantically nods and you laugh a little on the inside. It was his first day here and he’s already managed to capture Jimin’s heart, strike a loud fight with Jin and irritate Yoongi at the same time. From your prior experience, you know he’ll fit in just as well.
“Ah! Y/N!” He excitedly turns over to you and then pats you on the back, “Congrats on the successful operation, your patient is doing significantly better now.”
“Y/N’s surgery was a success!!” Jimin cheers.
“Such a good surgeon.” Jin claps dramatically behind him, a huge grin on his face.
Jungkook comes over and gives you an awkward thumbs up which makes you laugh. Yoongi approvingly nods at the news.
“It could have been better.”
The voice breaks through your cheers and your eye subtly twitches when the familiar heavy steps enter into the vicinity. Clad in an elegant white coat alongside perfectly framed glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his long brown hair brushes subtly against his forehead with his large strides and a fire has already been lit inside you.
“What was that, Dr. Kim?” His professional name grits out from your teeth and he smiles, the constant appearance of it making you wonder if there even was a possible way to wipe it off his lips.
“From what I saw, your patient entered a critical zone twice, not just once, and if it wasn’t for the nurses assisting you, you could have very well punctured into the pancreas, a vital organ if I might say.” He cocks his head to the side, letting his observant input sink in and you squeeze your eyes shut when it all processes.
He was right.
Entering the critical zone was something to be prevented at any measure because of the patient’s life being at risk and you could have easily punctured their pancreas thanks to the faint shaking of your own hands. It wasn’t something you had incrediable regard for because your patient survived the operation, but the faint light in the darkness of the situation is covered up when he points it out and it is one of the many reasons of your deeply rooted hatred for him.
He was observant, he was able to pick on such small things and he would use any gate of opportunity he could get to criticize your work. It irks you when he decided so kindly to do this in front of Jungkook, coincidentally at the same time you had met the new member of your institution.
He keeps staring at you, patiently waiting for a response and you’re at a complete loss of words. It doesn’t help that his stare feels so heavy on you, boring dark lasers that dig into you. You let out a deep sigh, resuming back into your professional state before you stare back at him, the fire in your eyes being up again.
“Thank you for the input Dr. Kim. I’ll be sure to keep in mind of it.” You give him a tight smile and he stands up straight again, pleasantly nodding before he swiftly turns away. The atmosphere long dying out when his heavy footsteps fade away but the anger seeps out of you when you want to stalk up to him and give him a piece of your mind.
“Easy girl.” Jin grabs your arm, “You’re here to save people, not kill them.”
“W-who was that?” Jungkook quietly asks, a hand on his racing heart to steady it from the new intrusion.
“Dr. Kim. He works as a doctor as well as a surgeon here. Him, Y/N and Namjoon are the only ones qualified here to do operations.” Yoongi states, a disinterested look on his face.
“Why was he talking to you like that?” Jungkook questions and you let out a stiff smile, before Jin jumps into the conversation.
“Him and Y/N have this...” He stares at you for a moment, contemplating, “Rivalry? Super distaste of each other? Basically can’t leave them in a room together or they’ll murder each other, in fact this one tim-“ You slap a hand on his mouth, glaring at him.
“That’s enough Jin, he doesn’t need to hear about all that.”
“He seems a little scary...” Jungkook squeaks out, but Jimin laces an arm around him.
“Don’t worry, you’re my intern so you won’t have to put up with Dr. Kim at all. That guy never even takes anyone under his wing.”
“Why not?”
“He likes to be independent. Doesn’t really being here unless he gets payed. It’s all about the money for him in the end.” You say, rage still boiling inside of you at the bitter words.
“He is the best surgeon among us though, he was once able to do a full heart transplant by himself and save the patient in time.” Namjoon looks at you and you know he has a point. Dr. Kim was known for his prestigious reputation among all of you, but the claim that it was unbeatable wasn’t something you necessarily liked.  
“Yeah he did...” You roll your eyes along with the statement.
“Personally, I think the two of you could be good friends.” Yoongi states, and immediately your ears perk up in confusion.
“Friends? These two? Are you so sure about that Dr. Min?!” Jin exclaims but Yoongi nods.
“You won’t want to admit it, but you guys are similar in nature.” His conclusion makes you want to laugh, the very suggestion seemingly sounding so fabricated that you wonder in what possible universe, could you and Dr. Kim possibly get along.
“Yeah right.” You scoff, turning with Jin following behind you when the thought appears once again but you simply brush it off.
There was no universe that could be created, in which you would get along with the likes of him.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
5x11: Sam, Interrupted
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Chuck wrote some Grade A bullshit back in the day
At Glenwood Springs Psychiatric Hospital, a doctor meets with a patient, Susan, who’s reluctant to take her medicine. They make her sleepy and if she sleeps, the monster comes. It already killed her roommate. The doctor dismisses her concerns with a definitive, “There’s no such thing as monsters.” Later that night, she’s alone in the dark in her locked room. She hears noises in the ceiling, something starts unscrewing the grate, and the hospital staff ignore her cries for help. The next morning, a nurse finds her dead on the floor, wrists slashed.
Later, the Van Halen brothers are at the same psychiatric hospital. It seems Edward Alex is a bit
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(Uh, the paperwork said Edward was the patient but the doctor just called Sam Alex…) Anyway, Alex IS FINE. He’s just a little depressed because he started the apocalypse. So what, so he killed a demon named Lilith and now Lucifer is free. So now him, his brother, and an angel are going to stop it. Edward insists that it’s not his brother’s fault and then he jumps into how another demon, Ruby, got him addicted to demon blood. He’s not evil. Eddie would really like the doc to fix up his brother so they can “get back to traveling around the country and hunting monsters.” (Sidenote: I have to admit, this whole scene is me trying to explain to any friend the show I dedicate 98% of my life to.)
Thanks to Dean’s compelling plea for Dr. Fuller to fix his brother, they both get to spend a couple of days at the hospital. Dean’s smug little grin at that is so cute. His grin is not so smug after a thorough checking in process.
It seems that they’re there not just because of the case, but because, Martin, an old hunter friend of John’s is there. Before finding him, the brothers take a quick moment to touch on just losing Jo and Ellen. Sam wants to keep working (WHOA, Sam likes to power through heavy stuff?? No way!) Dean doesn’t want to talk about it (WHOA, Dean likes to bury his emotions?) They find Martin, who tells them there have been 5 deaths in the past four months --the doctors are labeling them all as suicides, but he knows they’re wrong. He just doesn’t know what they’re up against.
Dr. Fuller finds the three of them talking and invites Alex and Martin to group.
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He tells Eddie that he can go to afternoon group because he finds the brother’s relationship “dangerously codependent.” LOL. (I sense Andrew Dabb was itching to be showrunner way back in season 5 just to break this spiral.)
Once in group, another patient, Ted, wants to talk about the monster in the hospital. Dr. Fuller thinks this isn’t a good idea. Ted saw the monster though. Dr. Fuller threatens Ted and so Ted quiets down, but not before Sam is aware of the situation.
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Dean, meanwhile, is playing a game of checkers all alone (and seems to be having a great time!) Dr. Erica Cartwright introduces herself as Eddie’s new shrink. They sit down and Dean does his best Hannibal impression (I do so love a boy and his pop culture references.) Then they get down to asking each other questions. Dr. Cartwright learns that Dean doesn’t sleep much, he hunts demons, he drinks A LOT, and he’s never been in a relationship longer than two months. Dean learns there hasn’t been anything strange associated with the deaths and demons or ghosts don’t seem to be the issue. (Boy she learned a lot more about him than he learned about the murders! Hmmm.) And then we cut away before we learn about Dean’s feelings on his father.
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Sam finds Dean later and they agree to talk to Ted about the deaths. Dean wants out ASAP. Then another patient surprises him with a kiss (and he’s not pushing away from it….Uh, Dean, Please Stop.)
That night, they head to Ted’s room while the nurses are on rounds. Before they can jimmy the door open, Ted starts screaming, and it’s clear something is attacking him in his room. They bust open the door, but it’s too late. Ted is hanging from a bedsheet on his ceiling.
Later, they’re at the hospital morgue inspecting the body. Sam finds a puncture mark on the neck that goes all the way to his brain.
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Sam decides they need to do an autopsy. While Dean keeps watch, Sam saws off the man’s skull to find a dried husk of a brain inside. Dean hears a noise and rushes in to warn his brother. They reassemble the body, but have no time to do anything else before the nurse finds them.
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Dean drops trou and exclaims, “Pudding!” The nurse tells them to come with her. Crazy works.
They reconvene with Martin to discuss what their intel might reveal. Martin says they’re dealing with a wraith. So how do they handle it? Silver. They can pass as humans though. They can only see a wraith in a mirror.
Dean takes up guard near a hall security mirror. Dr. Cartwright comes to visit him again.
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Dean tells her that he’s hunting a wraith.
Important Dialog Alert:
DEAN: Why me, what?
DR. CARTWRIGHT: Why do you have to hunt monsters? Why not let someone else do it?
DEAN: Can't find anybody else that dumb. It's my job. Somebody's gotta save people's asses, yours included.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: So, is there a quota? How many people do you have to save?
DEAN: All of them.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: All of them? You think you have to save everyone?
DEAN: Yep. Whole wide world of sports.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: How? Believe me, whatever you've got, I've heard weirder.
DEAN: It's the end of the world, okay? I mean, it's a damn Biblical apocalypse, and if I don't stop it and save everyone, then no one will, and we all die.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: That's horrible.
DEAN: Yeah, tell me about it.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: I mean, apocalypse or no apocalypse...monsters or no monsters, that's a crushing weight to have on your shoulders. To feel like six billion lives depend on you...God...how do you get up in the morning?
DEAN: That's a good question.
(Spoiler: This is Dean talking to himself here!!!)
Just then Dr. Fuller walks by and Dean sees that he’s the wraith!
Under the cover of night, Dean and Sam get ready to hunt Dr. Fuller. They’ve got silver-plated spikes raided from nurses’s stations. Time to head to battle! They’re interrupted by Wendy, who kisses Sam this time and moves on just as fast. Ooookay. Nothing like an assault with weird consent issues everywhere to start your night off…uncomfortably. (God, that’s such an understatement, really.)
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Martin panics to hear that he’s expected to take part in the hunt and takes off. Sam and Dean split up. Sam inches down a dark hallway and finds Dr. Fuller walking down the hall. (Side note: do these doctors live here? Take an evening off, my dudes.) Sam slashes at him with the silver tool and struggles against the orderlies who jump on him, breaking free and making a run for the doctor. Martin stops Sam from stabbing Dr. Fuller at the last minute because the cut on the doctor’s arm isn’t burning. He’s human!
A little while later, Dean finds Sam in his room. Sam is EXTREMELY drugged. “You always were a happy drunk,” Dean says, resigned. They talk about how the doctor isn’t a wraith, but Dean saw his wraithy face as clear as day. Sam proposes that they’ve both gone a little crazy. In fact, supportive little brother moose tells his brother that Dean has been “half crazy for a long time.” Accurate, but also words hurt, Sam. No!filter Sam thinks his brother has finally lost it. Dean is…unamused.
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“I made a mistake,” Dean admits through a clenched jaw. But he’s gonna find the wraith and fix everything. Hey! Who wants to imagine this line repeated with his Dad over and over and over again?
“It’s okay,” Sam says, “because you’re my brother and I still love you.” Then he boops him on the nose. Awwww Sam, you’re too precious for this world.
Dr. Cartwright finds Dean in the hallway, and grills him about his “monster hunt.” She tells him he’s crushing himself under his self-assigned burden of guilt. “You can’t save everybody. You can’t.” Somebody…really needs to tattoo this on Dean’s hand or something. Maybe print it on a bumper sticker?
The hallway therapy session quickly turns from insightful to accusatory. “These days you can’t save anybody,” she accuses him. She brings up Ellen, Jo, Lucifer, Lilith, his slide into torture in Hell. YIKES. The doctor quickly eviscerates Dean’s very fragile self-worth. An orderly interrupts to tell Dean to calm down as he starts to shout. Dr. Cartwright grows even more insidious, pleased with Dean’s reaction to all her terrible insider knowledge. Dean asks the orderly who the doctor is but, uh, the orderly can’t see her at all. Dean’s the only one who has ever been able to see Dr. Erica Cartwright. Ooooh dear. Dean Bean.
While Dean walks through the hallway, he sees wraiths in every reflection. We end a scene which began with him striding purposefully down the hall hunting monsters with him cowered in a corner, absolutely surrounded by visions of them.
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Meanwhile, Sam and Dr. Fuller talk. Sam apologizes for attacking the doctor and orderlies. The doctor’s merciful, letting him stay in the lower security ward. In return, Sam tells him that he realized there’s no such thing as monsters. The doctor, rather unhelpfully in my opinion, tells Sam that he’s got incredibly massive anger issues and the rage transforms him into something barely recognizable as human. That’s…a lot to unpack, Dr. Fuller. Also, pretty sure telling a patient he wasn’t acting like a human isn’t in the standard manual.
In the common room, Dean confronts Sam, telling him that Sam is the root of all the bad things that happened with their family and the apocalypse. Sam starts to punch invisible people, then visible people when orderlies try to restrain him. Meanwhile, Dean sits alone, hunched and small in a corner of the common room. “What’s happening?” he says in a small voice. “What’s happening?”
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Later that night, Dean breaks into Martin’s room. “Crazy is the clue,” a severely distressed Dean tells him. Because both he and Sam started seeing things at the same time, he thinks they’ve been infected or controlled by something. He begs Martin for some clarity and while they’re clearly both struggling with grasping reality, they both agree that a monster that feeds on brains could also probably make somebody go insane. “Maybe it’s the ghost of my dad,” Dean digresses in a small voice, breaking my goddamn heart.
“Focus!” Martin commands. ERRHEM yeah, I’m fine. Dean thinks that kissy-face Wendy might be the wraith since she exchanged fluids with both Winchesters. Dean tippy toes with Martin to Wendy’s room (he can’t step on the cracks, guys!).
There’s a scream!
In Wendy’s room, she’s lying on her bed with slit wrists while the nurse smiles over her. The nurse’s reflection is a wraith. “Is this real?” Dean asks, pleadingly. Yes bby. The nurse pulls out her little brain-sucking blade and licks it. Uuuuh gross.
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The nurse sics two orderlies on Dean and Martin. Dean has some seriously big problems focusing on the world around him but he manages to evade the orderlies and stumble down the hallway. He follows a trail of blood.
Sam’s tied up in a padded room, totally strapped to a thin hospital bed. UGH, this is a terrible hospital. Get out while you still can, Martin! The nurse bursts in and tells Sam that she figured out they were hunters immediately - on account of the whole “We’re monster hunters” cover story they used. I mean, fair, right?
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She tells Sam that she loves overly hormonal brains - like those mid-breakdown - because of the flavor. It’s like a heavily-seasoned crock pot meal, I guess. She doesn’t plant any thoughts or motivations - just amps up whatever’s there already. So Dean unraveling at the seams, the weight of the world crushing him flat is all cooked from his own mind. And Sam is angry at everything because he’s...angry at everything. She unsheathes her sucker spike to feed on Sam when Dean bursts in. Unfortunately for her, Dean’s been fighting in mental breakdown mode for months or years now so he fights through his confusion and vision problems and wins the fight, killing the wraith.
The effects of the wraith’s poison wear off instantly and Dean and Sam make a run for freedom. At the Impala, Dean asks Sam if he’s okay. That’s…a loaded question. Dean wants to head out so he can get a drink…or twelve. (Dean bby.) Sam confesses that the anger he felt in the hospital IS completely real and he’s felt that way his entire life. Oh, Sam bby. “You’re gonna take all that crap,” Dean counsels in his best angry counselor voice, “and you’re gonna bury it.” That’s…not the best advice. Oh, these two. They drive off, a little more scarred, a little more broken.
Nurse Quoted, I Presume?
No, no, his name’s Castiel. He wears a trench coat.
Alright, look, Nurse Ratched, let's get one thing straight. I've seen Cuckoo's Nest, so don't try any of that soul-crushing, authoritarian crap on me.
The relationship that you have with your brother seems dangerously codependent. I think a little time apart will do you both good.
You think you have to save everyone?
It's spectacu-lacular.
Is this real?
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adorealeclightwood · 6 years
SH Live Review, 3x11: Lost Souls.
I am not ready for this, but here we go. 
I totally forgot Clary was on death row at one point. Damn.
Oh, this recap is hurting my goddamn feelings. 
Simon and Jace on the roof ):
WAIT. PAUSE. TIME OUT. HOLD ON. FLAG ON THE PLAY. How much time has passed? Last time I saw Alec, he had a whole arrow in his chest. I know they didn’t just say “fuck it!” and rip it out. Pressing play. 
A decoy? What was that thing?
Why is Jace’s voice so deep? 
Why isn’t he picking up his blades?
Ohhh. Oh. Oh man. 
Oh my God, Simon with the flashbacks. 
OH MY GOD? He can’t even hurt himself. Fuck, that’s rough. 
Magnus? I’m going to CRY. STOP. 
Jace, don’t you open that door. 
Clary drew him while he was sleeping. Someone get me a drink and some tissues. 
Why does this remind me of that part in Breaking Dawn right before Bella woke up as a vampire? Maybe it’s the lighting. 
Who the hell is that????
He’s offering her breakfast like he wasn’t trying to kill her whole crew a few days ago. The nerve. 
Siberia? For what?!
This is so weird. I keep thinking about when he was in Sebastian’s body and he kissed her. Now he wants to be brotherly. Boy bye. 
Clary, it’s cold outside ma’am. 
SHIT Alec is fine. I missed the neck rune. Fuck. Fuck. 
His smile? I’m dead. I am dead. 
This is so fucked. I get why she left, but the timing was so shitty. It’s not fair for either of them. 
Simon ):
I am in awe. My man looks incredible. 
Jace literally needs therapy, holy shit. Why is he always by himself? 
“What are you doing?” Oh you know, just redecorating. 
Pauuuuuse. He went through a whole possession, killed innocent people, killed Imogen, damn near killed Clary like three times, begged for them to kill him, stabbed his parabatai, and he still remembers everything. Somebody get him to a psychiatrist ASAP. Pressing play. 
No, Izzy, you really don’t. 
Magnus watching them in the doorway is so precious. I love them. 
Madzie was like “look at the flick of the wrist” and threw a moon lmaooo. She’s too cute. 
Alec doesn’t give one shit about that movie. 
Nana? Excuse me? 
How’d she get in? I thought that hoe was dead? I’m lost. 
You mean to tell me Clary can create runes no one has ever seen, but she can’t activate one to stay warm? Okie-dokie. 
Ah, I see. No magic = no wards. 
This whole scene is very season one to be honest. 
Oooh, that was an interesting look. 
Alec is such a realist. Jace needs it. 
Jace you know damn well Alec couldn’t kill you. Even after he decided he was going to, he physically couldn’t make himself do it. Lower your voice. 
Both of them have a bit of a death wish if we’re being honest. 
That boss to big brother transition was lovely. 
Damn Izzy, rude much? She’s been in your face for two seconds, chill out. 
GIRL. That was uncalled for. 
Jonathan can’t warm her up either? Well damn. 
Can Iris quit popping up? I almost dropped my fucking cheetos. 
WHAT THE- *sigh*. 
Clary looks mad as hell. I’m hollering. 
STOP. PAUSE. “We’re not that different, you and me.” Guys, I hate that line. Let me turn my caps lock on so you can hear me. I FUCKING HATE THAT LINE. I cringe whenever I read or hear it. It’s overused and...ugh. This whole try-to-make-the-villain-relatable trope needs to die. Every time a character says some shit like that, it’s always a situation where they’re the exact opposite of the person they’re trying to relate/compare themselves to. My blood is officially boiling and my skin is definitely crawling. Next. 
Having shitty parents doesn’t mean you get a pass to try and kill people, Jonathan. 
What is Luke doing in a hotel? I’m lost again. 
Who is Ollie? What?
Luke is such a cop. Look at that wall. 
Oh my God, this dialogue. They’re going the this-dude-sounds-crazy-but-he’s-absolutely-right route. Yawn.
I want Iris dead. 
My head is spinning. When did Rafael get to Detroit? 
Why is Heidi still alive? Loose ends, tsk tsk. 
Pause. When I hear “oldest vampire in the world”, I think of Klaus Mikaelson. Now I’m crying again. 
Magnus got that 264 gigabyte memory. 
He knows it’s a trick though, right? Right?
I’m willing to bet money that’s not Madzie. 
I forgot she could throw the whip!
Gia ain’t shit. 
Alec and Magnus stay circling each other like cats. 
Can Simon and Maia kiss and make up already? My chest hurts. 
Jonathan was gone all night and came back with a few twigs for firewood? BOY IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE AND GRAB SOME LOGS. 
CLARY ARE YOU SERIOUS? DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THE MARK LILITH GAVE YOU? You literally held a knife to your own throat and threatened to kill yourself in order to kill Jonathan. Remember!?
Girl, I guess. 
We really hit the ground running huh? I have so many questions. 
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juupajaa · 5 years
(P1 of 2) Hey! I really enjoy your blog. Sometimes I think about what it‘s like to be a fat person with an ED (recovering or not) reading your blog/ other blogs on this community. Even in recovery the hatred of fat is the boogeyman. “I feel fat” is one of the most common mantras. The fear of becoming or staying fat drives us. Anyway, this is just a thought. Yes I’m on anon because I’m nervous for your reaction. This isn’t an attack, but a tap on the shoulder. I can’t help but think about it when
(P2 of 2) when I read some of these posts. How do fat people ever recover living within this rhetoric ? Especially when the rhetoric is “Ive thankfully realized I won’t get fat by not starving myself”. That is a great realization to have! But what if you’re, you know, already fat? Thank you for your time. I hope my thoughts do not in any way upset you.
No worries, I get what you mean ✌
Honestly, I doubt anyone with a restricting ed is actually afraid of simply getting fat. It might be worded like that bc it's so much simpler to just say that fat is the main fear, but usually fat is just one word for a whole bunch of words. When I was in the ward, one of the first things that we did in therapy was to figure out what fat means to me personally. What is the thing that makes my own fat so bad in my opinion?
To me it's honestly just the fact that I feel more visible and memorable when I'm bigger. I'd like to be smaller so fewer people notice me when I stumble or sneeze or just walk by. Or when I make some mistake, I feel like I'm easier to ignore and forget. I also feel like if I have a lot of fat on me, I'm in the way of other people, which might be annoying, or my ass and tits might be too big and that gets attention as well which is not a big hoot for me personally.
It isn't that much about the actual fat and what I look like, but how I feel about myself and I imagine it's like that with almost everyone.
This insecurity and feeling of being in the way, lazy, a burden is what many fear, and since food is what makes you "fatter" aka all these bad things, you get afraid of eating and boom you have a restrictive ed. (Ofc there's a lot more to eds and every ed is different and this is just one aspect of it all. My ed was so much more focused on the whole control aspect, especially my emotions and behaviour. Yeah food and my body and weight played a big role, but boi my ed was anal about emotions.)
I imagine this is also why a lot of peeps with eds don't think that fat is disgusting as a whole. Thicc gurls are amazing and my knees get weak when I see cute girls and boys, big and small and all the sizes in between. Yall don't even know how badly dad bods get me every damn time😭 Yet when that fat is on me, I feel all those bad things about myself.
What's been really cool about recovery is that sometimes I can see myself as I would see any other girl my size. I'm not all bones anymore, which still hurts at times, but as a trade off, I sometimes can look at my body and realize that ooooh mama I love my thighs, which has been so amazing I can hardly put it in words.
But yeah, the thing is that fat is simply the word a lot of us use to cover a whole bunch of other words and most of the time we don't even know what those words are bc we hardly stop to think about it. I had never even considered that "I feel fat" was simply shorthand for "I feel like a burden and in the way", until I was pressed on to elaborate on what I meant by "I feel fat".
And it's a shame if someone feels worse by my realization that I won't get fat even if I eat multiple meals a day, but that's my relief and I'm gonna have it in order to fix my distorted beliefs about food and my body.
If it needs to be said again, I'll say it: it's my own fat that freaks me out. My dad is morbidly obese and I love every pound of him and I'm tryna learn to love my own pounds as well (and wow I haven't checked my weight since like April which is pretty damn amazing tbh and I'm free as a fecking bird 😎😎😎)
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jq37 · 6 years
I'll be the one that bites the bullet. Fantasy High episode 11--thoughts?
**spoilers for cool kids, cold case**
Hoo boy. 
That could be my entire write up honestly because, geez ya'll. 
Let's break it down. 
Sidenote, I just got mildly into Overwatch so every time I say that and I say it a fair amount, I hear Lucio in my head. 
Anyway, like I said in an earlier post, I'm now pretty sure that the bloodrush fight didn't go the way Brennan expected. Like either he didn't expect them to win or that they would win but not kill Daybreak because there was so much exposition and change and repositioning in this episode. It was a lot like the first session with all the setup. It's like he needed to get them on a new trajectory so he took an episode to time jump and change the status quo before--BAM. But we're getting to that.
In another show or even another episode of this show, the opening convo with Ragh might have been the wildest part of the ep. There’s just so much to unpack there.
Fig making him kowtow to Gorgug and everyone being like dude, stop making it weird. 
Before she did that, Emily paused and you could just see every other person looking like “What insane thing is gonna come out of her mouth now?”
Kristen getting the scoop on his super gay dreams. 
Adaine trying to get him to got to therapy (and also to realize that he's gay). 
The group whole ass making him cry for possibly the first time?
Fabian trying to shut everything down.
“You’re cumming from your eyes.”
 Kristen, please stop. I’m begging you. 
As I suspected, the group reached the point of yeah, we NEED to call Riz's mom this ep. Like, they *had* to call her. You can only realistically take shenanigans so far before it becomes straight unrealistic to not just call a responsible adult. 
And, speaking of, yay! We got to see a little of everyone’s parents just like I wanted/predicted. 
We actually got a lot of stuff from my wishlist. There’s so much time jumping and stuff in this episode I don’t even know where to start. 
This is probably the wrong place to start but I remember wondering what their Christmas equivalent was because they can’t have Christmas because of the Christ thing so when they were like Solstice I was like, oh duh. It’s literally right there. How could I miss it.
OK I guess 
Christmas Solstice party at Gorgug’s house! I knew his house would end up being the hang house.  
Sklonda handled the situation pretty close to how I thought she would. I really think Brennan was forced into a, “This adult is too responsible to not wipe out my next ten plot points over the course of a week,” corner and that’s why he had to pivot. More on that later.
Fabian just refusing to eat any of the fast food she got them.
I totally forgot Adaine has diplomatic immunity. Which actually means she’s the ideal Bad Kid to do anything shady they need done, even though that’s not really her style.
Unlike, other people
We’re getting there
I’m glad Brennan drew the line at Kristen’s parents actively being in a cult. He was like, OK no. They’re willfully ignorant but they’re not PART OF THE CULT.
I also think it’s interesting that they didn’t actually kick her out? Like they sorta kinda did but not really because it seems like she’s couch surfing of her own volition a little and staying home sometimes too? I wonder how her brothers are doing.
Both of Fig’s dads just work at her school now. I wonder is they commiserate about her w/ Goldenhoard.
I can’t believe Brennan is letting her just ruin the life of this random, full-adult dwarf doctor. Like, imagine if any adult in her life found out about that.
Brennan says bud a lot. Almost as much as he says rad.
Gorgug choosing playing the drums as his proficiency, but not well. Just, like, a simple drum beat. Bro. Why.
Adaine’s makeover!
I knew we were gonna get to see that. Or at least I really hoped we would.
And it was in boutique setting similar to what I imagined. A little surprised that she went straight for the jeans and t-shirt thing but dope. I want fan-art. 
Also, if I hadn’t already been convinced, that scene would have convinced me that Fabian got everyone the gifts (before it was confirmed later).
“You’d look nice as a sailor.” Is that like a pirate thing, bro?
Real talk, does Fabian for-real, for-real have a crush on Adaine low key?He’s complimented her looks more than once, which he hasn’t done with the other girls. They’re at a similar social class which might be a factor. And he clearly has a thing for blond elves.
I am Concerned about Adaine’s jean jacket, regardless of how dope it is.
Someone needs to talk to Fig about the rat thing. Possibly also Emily. 
42069 LANE (or whatever it was). I hate that I love Brennan for that.
“The worst thing about you is that you’re rich.”
But aww, Fabian. I’m glad it ended up being him (and shoutout to the anon who pointed that out to me). This is exactly the character growth I wanted from him.
When Gorthalax said that tryouts had already happened, I was legit upset for Fabian for a sec. Also, how did I know Gorgug was gonna somehow end up on the bloodrush team?
Guys I feel like there’s still a million more things to talk about.
Adaine finding out about Riz’s dad. God I hope there’s a heart to heart soon but she won’t just drop that info unless she has a really good reason.
GILEAR. I can’t believe that was him on a NAT 20. God, he has zero game. Also, imagine Fig and Riz as siblings. Lord.
The return of Tracker. I was concerned that she was in college but she’s like a Sophomore so Kristen is good to go as soon as she stops being a total disaster so actually that’s probably a moot point. 
Sidenote, kinda surprised that she’s a cleric. I thought she was off religion totally but I guess she just switched. But I feel like it’s hard to be totally non-religious in a world where gods 100% for sure exist?
Adaine going, “Mrs. Gukgak. Actually Captain Gukgak,” to her racist-ass dad gave me life. 
OK so re: the whole conversation about perditional contradoxy and treaties and war and such. How much of that was in the plan and how much of that was last minute retooling by Brennan? Because, I’m going to be honest. If it wasn’t for that comment by Siobhan, I would never have guessed that we were off the rails. But, with that in mind, this feels like the work of a GM who needs to keep the game going because things ended up moving too quickly.
It does answer the question of where the story is going now that the Harvestmen seem to be taken care of. I was a little surprised when Brennan was like, “Yeah Riz’s mom gets them all arrested,” because I’d assumed that the bad guy was going to be just the higher guy on the totem pole. 
OK, I’m sure I’m missing some things because this was a JAM PACKED ep so, if I missed something you wanted my thoughts on, please tell me and I’ll be super happy to write more words but let’s get into that scene. 
Before we start, I’m so pumped about all of this development but I hate how often I’m going to have to type the word Eolwyn because my fingers refuse to accept that that’s how that’s spelled.
Dude, the pacing, switching between Adaine and home and the rest of the gang at the party. Like, I knew what the reveal had to be as soon as she walked in but I was still like, “Oh my God. Oh my GOD.”
Sidenote: It was very convenient for Brennan that Adaine never actually read those books because it was an easy and non-cheating way to dole out exposition now, later in the game.
What were the mechanics of Adaine not being invited to that party? Did Eolwyn specifically get her not invited? Did she actually get invited but couldn’t go because of the dinner at home? Did all her friends still decide to go, knowing she wasn’t invited? Was she OK with that? How exactly did that go down?
BUSTING into that party
Magicking up a bunch of LOVE SLAVE PUPPETS
SNORTING magic coke
Playing Spin the Bottle DEATH ROULETTE 
DAMN BRENNAN, I did NOT Expect you to go THAT hard.
Assuming they all live, I can’t WAIT for the, “YOU KISSED MY SISTER????” conversation. 
Which means they’ve either never met Eolwyn or only in passing and not enough to remember her. 
Shoutout to Riz for being the only person to give Adaine a heads up. 
Her eyes glow blue when she does certain types of magic so I’m just picturing her walking into that room, eyes blazing blue, ready to F up her sister (even BEFORE she finds out what’s going on).
I don’t remember if she called Eolwyn a c**t in this ep or the promo for next but I was like, “Oh damn.” Like you got her to escalate her cursing that much that quickly? Damn.
Also, I love that when she’s really upset, Adaine skips the magic and just starts hitting people. 
OK, so remember in the first ep when Eolwyn tried to have Adaine steal that book? The book that I’m pretty sure is the one they mentioned as having wards on it to keep monster stuff from happening at school? So, here’s what I want to know. Has Eolwyn always been a part of this? Because, clearly, it looks like she is right now. But it’s possible the original intent was that she wanted to get Adaine to do it as a prank, not knowing it was important and then, Brennan checked his notes while salvaging the plot and decided to work it in.  
Also, unlikely, but imagine if Eolwyn somehow induced Adaine’s panic attack during her entrance exam to Hudol specifically so she would fail, have to go to Augefort, and steal the book for her. Wouldn’t that be wild?
Idek what else to say about that last ten minutes or so that isn’t just incoherent, Ally-esque screeching.
I have to say, battle eps are never my faves but I’m looking forward to this one more than any other one so far. 
Man, I can’t believe I thought Eolwyn asking for that textbook might turn into a sister bonding moment. Lol @ past me.
Anyway, kick her ass Adaine!
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Bmc prompt: Rich and Michael waiting for Jeremy to wake up at the hospital. Or, Rich's promposal to Michael
It feels like forever, the waiting.
Michael hadn’t expected it to take so long for Jeremy to wake up, honestly; he hadn’t wanted to go home, in case his friend woke up alone, which left him sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair with little to do since his phone was almost dead. The doctors had already stated that physically, Jeremy should be fine- a relief, for sure, though Michael had been trying to remain optimistic regardless of the doctors ‘possible outcomes’.
“What’s a cute guy like you doing in a place like this?” A familiar (though more lispy than the last time he’d heard him) voice pulled him from his silent contemplation, causing him to look over at the other occupant of the room. Rich looked…to be honest, Rich looked rough. Most of his burns were covered still, though Michael assumed he had recovered enough to be moved from the burn ward into a regular hospital room since he was apparently sharing the semi private room with Jeremy. He remembered his Mom saying that she was working Rich’s case pro bono- he had no idea if that meant Rich’s family couldn’t afford a lawyer or that she just felt compelled to help him (“It could have been you, Micha. Clearly that poor boy needs help, needs someone on his side from the conversations we’ve had.”). Moving to push himself from his chair, he lifted it to carry over to Rich’s bedside.
“Apparently it’s the happening place to be. How you doing, dude?” Rich had been an ass to him for the past two years, sure. He’d done a lot of shit that had made Michael miserable, made him feel like the lowest of the low and made him have depressive mood swings, but…well. Michael remembered freshman year. Remembered Dickie Goranski, who was seemingly scared of his own shadow as he crept the halls, mostly ignored. He remembered how Rich had been even lower on the social totem pole than he had been, how suddenly he had gone from invisible to amazing in the span of a week. And he had seen how the Squip effected people first hand- Jeremy had completely ripped him from his life, treated him as though he wasn’t worth the time of day, and while it had hurt (a lot, more than he wanted to admit, so much that his desk was still destroyed from the manic panic attack he’d had after the Halloween party) he understood now that it had been the Squip’s actions more than Jeremy’s own. He knew that Jeremy wasn’t completely blameless, but it helped in his forgiving that Jeremy acknowledged his behaviour while squipped, and if he could give Jeremy, who had caused him to do some not so healthy things, a second chance than he could certainly give Rich at least an opportunity to explain himself and work for forgiveness too.
“Squip Ward, party of two.” Rich gave a toothy grin, shifting his bed more upright as Michael set his chair down beside Rich’s bed with a casual glance back at Jeremy to make sure he was still asleep. “I hear you saved everybody with 20 year old soda, dude. That’s bad ass.” Michael gave a shrug, leaning back in his chair to stretch some.
“Gotta be good for something, and MDR is delicious man. How are you doing?” He knew that Jake had been to see Rich several times since the fire, and through Jake he knew that Rich was recovering as best he could. Rich gave a small shrug, rubbing the bandage on his left arm gingerly.
“Alright I guess. Everything hurts, and…dude. Michael. I’m really sorry about everything I did to you and Jeremy the past two years. I feel super fucking shitty about it, about everything…I’m going to therapy, now that the squip is gone. She use to tell me all these awful things, say I deserved to die and wanted me to do awful things to you guys and I’d listen or else she’d shock me but I still made the decision, it was still me doing the bad th-“ Rich’s ramble cut off as a warm hand took his, and he glanced up to stare at Michael in confusion.
“Hey, it’s okay. I mean it’s not, but it’s okay that it’s not. I understand that you were basically being controlled by a voice in your head telling you shit. I understand, on a basic level, why you might have wanted to get the squip. Am I pissed with how you tormented me? Yeah, dude. You made me feel like shit with the stuff you did. But I get it. And if Jeremy deserves a second chance to fix shit between us, I don’t see why you don’t either. I liked the old Dickie, back in freshman year.” He offered a smile, squeezing Rich’s hand before letting go. “He was the only one who ever got my rad 80’s memes.” Rich gave a snort at that.
“I didn’t think anyone remembered me from freshman year. Jeremy sure didn’t.” Michael chuckled at that.
“Of course not, you weren’t Christine Canigula. Dude. He barely noticed me freshman year, and we’ve been best friends for twelve years.” He pat Rich’s leg, grinning at him. “I figured we could start fresh. You’ve apologized. There’s no point in holding on to how you acted before if you’re sorry about it and most of it was outside of your control. So this is me, saying lets start over.” He held out a hand. “Hi, I’m Michael Mell, hot gay mess.” Rich grinned as he took Michael’s hand, shaking it.
“Uh. I’m Rich…bi guy trying not to cry?” Michael’s grin widened, and Rich let their hands drop.
“Dude. Bi? Welcome to the party! Hey, do you like video games?” Rich gave a shy nod, and Michael beamed at him, going into a tirade about old games as Rich settled back against the bed.
At least he didn’t have to wait alone now.
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