#boy kinda had a magical girl transformation
justanotherblogger · 1 month
A World Without Him
Chapter 14
Tang was uncomfortable in the taxi. The sun was barely above the horizon now, and he just felt plain awful from his apparently non-hallucinated “ghost of debatable deals”. He also noticed how Zach gave him nervous glances through the mirror, probably noticing how he had talked to himself and gave a wide variety of meaningless expressions to the empty seat.
The tension, for Tang at least, was so thick he could probably cut it with a butter knife. Zach had tried to make everything less weird; putting on music, rolling down the windows, and making small talk to name a few examples. Nothing really lifted the atmosphere though, leaving Tang to stew as Zach continued on that third option to fill the awkward silence.
“... but yeah, I don't get why her sister would up and leave with a guy she didn't know, right? I would obviously be pissed too if someone I cared about, even if we didn't talk much-” The car hitched up, causing the passengers to jump in their seats.
“OOF! Dang, another pothole. Gotta watch the road Zach… anyways, as I was saying, I don't blame Elsie for freaking out at her sister for what she did-” He had been going on for about half an hour at this point, rambling about some movie by a corporate overlord rat Tang didn't bother remembering the name of. He had been shocked out of his trance by the bump, making him refocus onto his surroundings as he started to hear the driver's talk again.
But as soon as he came out of it, he tried going back into that dull state of mind immediately. He hadn't been paying that much attention in the first place anyway, zoning in and out the entire ride as he tried to get his mind to blank. Zach didn't seem to mind. Tang just didn't like how many thoughts were swirling around his head at the moment.
Then his hands had started to twitch as he tried to zone out, needing something to do as a mindless distraction. He went to the bell around his wrist, examining it closely to see if it was still solid (and how maybe he was just imagining it all of this… a baseless wish).
It seemed to be made of some sort of metal based on the signs of rust inside of it. On a closer look, he saw there were intricate designs carved into the outside, so thin Tang wondered how it was even possible.
The images were mainly shapes; circles, diamonds, and waves were all around the outside. It seemed to have a dark color highlighting the markings, making them noticeable compared to the color of the bell.
He felt it in his hands; it was rough, chipped, and definitely aged from the amount of wear on its sides. He rolled it in his palm, unconsciously tuning back into what Zach was saying.
“... which is the most pointless reveal ever! There was almost no buildup, and nothing we could've seen to clue in that he was a villain! I know they probably wanted a twist villain to finally be impactful and unseen, but some clues in his behavior or what people could say about him with Anne would have been nice to clue in that he's not who he exactly seems!” Zach took a breath, readjusting his mirror, slowing down for a sharp turn, then going back to his rant.
“But noooooo. They had to resort to almost no clues whatsoever because the writing team couldn't think up anything clever or interesting!”
Tang nodded along to what Zach was talking about, even though he didn't understand much of it. He looked back out the window as Zach started to go on about unnecessary sequels, tuning the driver's voice out as he saw the last bit of orange trying to fight off the coming night. Tall pine trees covered the light's effort, gifting the road with long, fading shadows.
He closes his eyes again, letting the white noise lull him into a sense of peace as the bumpy road comforted him. He was actually going. Leaving and going to figure out how to fix himself.
The diminishing light covered the car in a soft golden hue. Zach paused his blabbering as he noticed the movement in the back seat ceased, then looking back and seeing Tang dozing off with his face squished against the window. A look of concern flitted across Zach's face briefly, but he only shook his head before looking back at the empty dirt road.
With the new silence, Zach looked around the back road and found he could see the mountain ranges around them: how they towered in the distance with trees all over until the top, which glistened with pure white snow. Fog had started to appear after Tang went to sleep, refracting the remaining light in all sorts of directions as it obscured the tops of the trees.
Zach didn't pay the thin fog much mind, turning on the headlights and continuing down the dirt road. This part of the Golden South province didn't have many towns or man-made settlements, mainly because of disputes with the unresponsive locals and zoning issues which in turn, let nature take its own course on the place most of the time.
Today, only some original settlements from before these disputes were littered near the middle of the place, making them basically shut out from the outside world except for each other. Zach couldn't remember what the names were as he didn't drive in the area often, but those quaint towns seemed to be doing alright as he’d seen people from those places more often lately. They seemed happy enough.
Zach smiles at the oncoming memory. I hope they’re doing alright. They seemed like a nice family. That girl ran all over the place with that poor man trying to run after her through the grocery aisles. I guess that's where the guy’s gray hairs came from. The old woman next to them kept talking with me until the other two came back and then they had left together. They looked at peace with each other.
He glanced back to Tang’s sleeping form leaning against the taxi window. Zach wondered if Tang had that same type of support, remembering how the guy seemed exhausted, falling over and mumbling stuff to himself. He probably needs that rest.
Looking back to the road, a deer suddenly jumped in front of the taxi, displacing the fog and staring the headlights down-
The driver slammed on the brakes, his heart beating rapidly into his ears as his chest was slammed into his seat belt. The deer just continued to stare into the lights, almost looking Zach Right in the eyes. He quickly honked the horn once, startling the thing as it jumped back into the trees.
Looking to the back seat to check on his passenger, Zach saw how Tang was still fast asleep, just leaning forward onto his seat belt from the sudden stop. He saw the guy was breathing just fine, snoring quietly as he continued to hang over the seat belt. Zach sighed and decided not to do anything with that: now he knew the guy really needed that sleep.
He took a deep breath before continuing down the road, trying to get his heart to stop beating so fast. Zach saw how the fog had thickened quite a bit as he went deeper into the woods, the barest hint of light only creating shadows through the branches.
After he got his bearings, Zach realized he hadn't been on one of these back roads this late at night before. That deer was weird. It was unsettling him, and he started to drive a bit slower. The fog seemed to settle onto the floor, causing the ground to be shrouded in the cloud-like cover.
Only the headlights could help them see where to go now; the road was barely recognizable under the fog and the sun had finally set, leaving the woods in complete darkness. Cell service was basically non-existent out here, which is why he couldn't use any GPS in the first place, relying on his memory. Zach tightened his grip on the steering wheel as an uncomfortable feeling welled in his gut.
Tang only then started to stir as he pushed himself off of the taxi window, wiping the drool off of his mouth and sitting up straight. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, putting them back on a blinking a few times to refocus.
He looks at Zach. “How long was I asleep?” He asked, his voice heavy with exhaustion.
“Just about half an hour. I haven't been out here this late before, and I think all this fog is pretty neat, along with all those deer! If a bit creepy, heh…” Zach awkwardly replied, nervously sweating and avoiding eye contact.
“Uh huh.” Tang said with disinterest, looking back to his wrist and seeing the bell still securely stuck to it. He grimaced at his hand heavily.
A sudden stutter in the car has him snapping his head back up, seeing how the headlights began to flicker through the road, and eventually go out entirely. The inside lights were still on, with the engine running fine; only the headlights had shorted out.
Tang anxiously spoke up. “What just happened?”
Zach looked worried, sweat forming above his brow. “I don't know. This hasn't happened before. I'll get a flashlight and go check it out. You can stay in the car.”
Tang just nodded, a bit tense as Zach unbuckled and reached for the glove box, grabbing a small flashlight and getting out of the car. His steps displaced the thick fog on the floor, making a ghostly trail behind him as he looked at the front of the car.
Shining a flashlight onto the bulbs showed they were shattered; pieces of glass were rattling behind the plastic covers. A cold sweat ran down Zach's neck as he walked back and opened the driver's door, leaning his head in.
“The bulbs are shattered. Can't replace them unless you have any extra light bulbs in that backpack of yours.” He said lightly, trying to make sure Tang wouldn't freak out.
He reacted better than Zach expected. “Heh, just great. Well, these things happen, I guess. Is there anywhere nearby to pick up more; we can't go on without them, right?” Tang asked, wringing his hands together nervously.
Zach nodded. “Yeah, we kind of need them to get through the fog. Moonlight can't get through, so we're stuck here until we can get new bulbs or the fog clears. Now I'm totally gonna be late…” He mumbled. He started moving to get inside, hand on the door handle.
“But yeah, there isn't anywhere modern that close by, but there's one of those remote places past some of the trees that way. I think it was called something starting with a B-”
A shrill scream echoed through the woods as Zach was pulled violently out of the car, leaving the door he was about to close wide open. Tang quickly unbuckled his seat belt, scrambling to duck under the back seats on the floor next to his backpack.
The outside was unnaturally silent as Tang covered his mouth with his hands, trying to quiet down his erratic breathing. He was hunched over trying to hear anything else happening outside. The lights in the car went out after a few seconds, the car shutting off as it left Tang in the dark.
Then long, heavy footsteps sounded from the side of the car. Slow and deliberate, as if whatever was making them was looking for something- trying to find its prey. Tang continued his attempt at silencing his breathing, digging his nails into his cheeks in a panic.
Whatever was out there sniffed the air, growling something deep that shook Tang's resolve. The footsteps trailed off in his ears, almost like they were leaving… He carefully took his hands off of his face, looking up at a nearby window.
Fast steps suddenly bombarded his ears, growing louder as they got closer and closer. He had barely any time to react as something rammed into the side of the car, making it flip towards the wooded area.
He screamed as he was thrown about, his voice burning as it was already raw from before. His head hit the ceiling, then he landed on his right shoulder as he rolled and got thrown onto his back. It flipped again as he got his nose slammed into the side door, and then landed harshly onto his stomach as the car finally came to a stop, causing him to cough violently.
His glasses were hanging off of one ear, with his bag on top of one of his legs. He groaned in pain as he tried to push himself up by his elbows, making it to his knees before the thing ran into the car again, crumbling the two front seats as Tang stared in horror.
He heard the thing start to back up again, leaving the area in complete, utter silence. Tang knew what would happen next as he scrambled to open his side door that was luckily unblocked from the crash. The door clicked and swung open after a few pulls; Tang quickly tried to run out but his leg got caught onto his backpack strap, making him tumble face first into the floor of fog, grass, and pine needles with his bag still hanging off his foot.
He was just in time too, as almost right after he fell he heard the fast footsteps again, and a deafening crash behind him from what he assumed was the rest of the taxi he was in. All he could hear was ringing in his ears as he grabbed his bag strap and his behind a nearby tree, begging to whoever listened that he wouldn't be found so fast.
He heard the thing's steps slow, stalking the area again presumably looking for him. His breathing was heavy and he felt something drip from his nose but he couldn't really think about those things right now. What is that thing!? Why am I being attacked!? How do I get out of here!? Is Zach okay?! Oh no oh no oh no-
He heard sniffing again, then heavy steps coming towards his hiding place. This stopped his spiraling as the world seemed to stop. The steps got closer as Tang's heart beat faster, trying to break out of his ribcage if he had to guess.
It crushed the dead leaves on the forest floor, walking through the trees loudly, as if to taunt him. Suddenly, he heard the steps grow a bit faster, heading in his direction. He was panicking as the sounds got closer and closer, not knowing what that thing would do if it found him.
He could feel the tremors coming from its direction, and he knew that he didn't have much time left to make a decision. He quickly rubbed his nose, blood now covering his scarf and hand as he saw his blood flow through the crevices of the bell on his wrist-
A small chime rang out, echoing through the trees. The bell started to glow as a huge gust of wind blew around him, picking up the fog and displacing it everywhere creating a smokescreen. Tang could only shield himself with his arms, scared of what was happening.
‘I see you've already gotten yourself into trouble’
Tang's head shot up (getting a bit dizzy in the process). “What the hell…?”
Cian stood in front of him, in all its golden glowing glory, leaning over Tang in a mocking manner. It stared into his eyes.
‘You don't have that much time. I have done what I could, but I can't help you anymore unless I lend you my strength.’ It explained briefly, grabbing Tang’s bell and lifting him up to his feet with ease.
Tang quickly spoke up in defense, shock and fear clearly on his face. “What?! I can't do that! I know that-”
A loud, furious growl interrupted him. It sounded dangerously close, as if it would jump out at him at any moment. He was right, yet again, as the fog suddenly parted. All he could catch were red eyes and black fur before it pounced. Tang dodged, tumbling out of the way as its claws got embedded into the tree he was hiding behind, struggling to get them out.
‘You know you won't make it out of this alive without me.’
Tang shook his head as he got up and started to run. He weaved through trees and fog as he heard a crunch from behind. Out of instinct, he looked back and only paled at what was looking straight back at him.
It stood on two legs. Long black hair cascaded from its head to its back as its red eyes stared Tang down, locking onto him as it flicked the remaining bark out of its claws.
Tang ran faster. His legs felt strained and his ankles felt like they were about to collapse but he had to run. Hide. Do anything to get away from that demon.
Cian just floated with Tang’s vision, hovering in front of him as he ran. ‘Just let me help you. You need to make it back to those friends of yours, right?’
He grunted angrily at Cian as he made it back to the road somehow, running across it, going into the opposite piece of woods and sliding to a stop back against another tree.
Putting a hand on his chest, his legs wobble as he doesn't think he can take anymore running on his ankles. The ringing in his ears hasn't stopped. He doesn't think he'll make it out of here in one piece.
He focussed back into reality as loud steps came closer and closer yet again, making Tang freeze in his hiding spot. The steps thankfully passed behind him, going further away as he slumped down for the moment, resting his legs.
“*cough**cough* Ugh…”
This isn't something from the demon. He quickly looked towards the noise, glancing anxiously past the tree to a nearby one. The fog obscured most of it, but he could see a vaguely human body slumped on a tree a few feet down.
It was Zach. It had to be Zach. Who else could it be? Tang didn't know what to do. Zach could be dead. Should he help? Will that get them both killed…?
He decides to risk it, trying to run over to Zach’s (hopefully) unconscious body. The demon immediately knew what he was doing, locking its eyes onto him and starting to run at full speed towards the open shot. It was faster than before, with Tang stumbling back as it caught up to him in seconds and aimed for his neck.
He raised his arms subconsciously, fortunately only costing him only some skin on a forearm instead of his limb as he fell back. The gash was still deep, though, causing blood to slowly drip through the ripped cloth as he landed on his side into the thick fog.
Tears ran hot down his face. He looked around frantically for a way out before the demon's next strike, seeing how it rolled its shoulders back, as if preparing a final blow before taking slow, heavy steps towards him.
‘You know this won't end well.’
Shut up.
Pure red looked deeply into his eyes as he scrambled backwards.
‘Just agree to my offer. I can help you break this pathetic worm in no time.’
No, no, stop talking.
Its slow steps echoed in the silence, continuing its pursuit even when its prey was already cornered.
‘LISTEN. If you die here, what was the point? In making your bonds, maintaining everything you have, trying to fix yourself?’
I can't change anything…
It started to move faster. A brisk pace as it snarled and dragged its claws through the fog. Agitation started to build in Tang’s gut.
‘You would leave everything behind without showing everyone who you could’ve become from this feeble failure that you insist on dying as.’
His breathing was too shallow. It was coming at him fast. 12 feet, 8 feet, 3 feet-
‘You could have been someone special. They could have DEPENDED on you, had you not selfishly given up. You could finally be someone worth living for.’
“FINE!” Tang screamed, shaking the trees and parting the fog around him.
This seemed to shock the demon out of its reverence, making it step back at the sudden noise and hold its ears in pain. It narrowed its eyes at Tang, who couldn't care less at the moment.
Blood and tears mixed onto Tang's scarf as he continued. “I accept! I will take this fucking deal if that's what you want! Just do whatever you like, because what's the point anyway! I'm a lost cause, MIGHT AS WELL DIE KICKING AND SCREAMING!”
The wind started to pick up as Tang's words became more heated, with the trees bending in all sorts of ways at the force and the fog colliding and becoming some sort of tornado around him, forcing the demon to stumble away further.
Orange light started to build up in the middle, growing brighter and brighter until it became blinding to anyone witnessing it. A beam of orange light shot into the sky, parting any fog, trees, or clouds in its way.
Then the light thinned almost immediately, clearing out the remaining fog as Tang's body fell to its knees. His hair was wild as it blew in the harsh winds whipping through the forest. Both the demon and Tang had regained their composure, Tang standing up tall as the demon went defensive, a sliver of fear in its eyes.
Rolling up his sleeves, Tang ran a hand through his hair, sporting an unnatural grin on his face as his forearm glowed orange in the wound. He laughed, cracking his knuckles before staring the demon down, now dawning pure white eyes.
“Now, let's finally get this started!”
Tang woke up sitting against a tree. His head was killing him, with his hands feeling like they were thrown into a blender overnight. He rubbed his temples and lazily looked to his side, seeing Zach in a similar position as him, with the crushed taxi in the distance.
Seeing those sprung Tang into action as he stumbled over to Zach, feeling that his pulse and breaths were steady. He did see a big bruise on the guy's back peeking through the shirt, but he couldn't really help with something like that at the moment.
He fell back against the tree in relief, seeing the moon high in the sky as it graced everything in soft shades of gray. Looking back at his hands through his dirty glasses, he saw the knuckles were bloody, with dirt and black blood covering his arms and hands.
He also saw the bell was still on his wrist, maybe it was a part of whatever deal he made… oh no.
He groaned heavily into his hands, remembering that he had made a deal with that pest he's still 15% sure is a hallucination. “Awwgh… just great.” He groaned, crossing his legs and leaning back. He is alive though, and that has to count for something, he guesses.
All he remembers was yelling at Cian, then agreeing panicked to that offer, then… nothing. He decides not to think too much about it, as Cian isn't here, that demon isn't here, and he has an unconscious body to take care of plus find somewhere to crash for the both of them.
He readjusted the backpack on his back before trying to wake Zach up. He yelled, hit, and shook the guy with everything he had. Apparently, that wasn't enough as Zach was still unconscious after all that effort. Sighing internally, Tang decided to lift him onto his shoulder, and start dragging.
As you probably expected, this wore him out. By a lot. He had to take breaks every 2 minutes just to be able to carry the guy again. But he still did so, as he didn't want that demon coming after him again and staying in the same place he was attacked was not good for that sort of thing.
He remembered Zach saying there was a place past a few trees over… that way, he guessed. So, now with direction, Tang began to drag this guy's body through the woods, hopefully going to find some help.
After what felt like hours maneuvering through the forest, getting lost, and then yelling at the sky that Zach was still unconscious, Tang finally found something other than trees and weird deer. It was a billboard next to a small dirt path. The writing was so faded that he couldn't make much out, but anything man-made here was a good sign.
Quickly taking a breath before throwing Zach over his shoulder again, he started going along the dirt trail, hoping to find literally anyone with something to at least wake the driver up.
After a couple of minutes, Tang saw smoke rising in the distance. He immediately brightened, going faster than his usual pace. His face was definitely red with exertion at this point, but he really didn't care as he got closer and closer to the smoke, seeing light through the branches.
When he finally emerged, he saw houses, people, and campfires littered everywhere. He collapsed almost immediately after getting there, with his ankles and upper body strength suffering at the sudden use. He could hear people stand up and crowd around them, but farther than Tang would usually think of crowding. Raising his head, he saw everyone there was at least 6 feet away from him, whispering to each other.
When he tried to sit up after a few seconds, everyone went deathly silent, he only got to his knees when every single person drew a gun on him and Zach, some with lasers even aiming at their heads.
He was shocked at the response, looking around the area trying to make sense of the harsh treatment when he saw a wooden sign behind some of the crowd. A very familiar sign, he might add. it said “Welcome to Bellfield: part of the 4TA!” in a loopy font.
His face dropped immediately, shooting daggers at the sign as fell (slowly, don't wanna get shot here) back onto the floor, trying to erase that stupid sign from memory.
“Of course, it had to be Bellfield…”
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akkivee · 1 year
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remember when jyushi’s speakers destroyed kuukou’s temple lmao
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nosyrobin · 5 days
prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Summary: relaxing with the white knight vigilante, it soon ends with a small answer to what they are.
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You both were sitting on a random roof. Admiring the stars of the night.“So why were you waiting for me? You couldn’t help but miss me?”
Damian usually would just scoff and right out deny, which he did without the scoffing. He had to admit, the white allured him towards you a lot. “I didn’t miss you, I just rather…” he paused, knitted brows as he now chewed his bottom lip.
You caught him right where you wanted him, smirking as your sharp canines showed. “Ah~, Robin himself missing little ol me..” you said as you look up in the sky. Damian rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help as a smile crept onto his face. “So..how did you forgive out I was Robin, you’re working for someone?” He narrowed his eyes at you, you started at him with this enchanting eyes that kept him hypnotized.
“It’s easy to figure who you are, who else is the only kid with hair and a grumpy attitude like you.” You said as you looked back into the moon and stars. Damian only snicker, eyes widening before stopping. He was acting like a girl who had a crush on a guy. For crying out loud he was an ex assassin and is now a vigilante. But he couldn’t help but act differently around you.
You had some kinda of magic aura that made him feel comfortable to be himself….
Your ear twitches, hearing someone swinging across buildings. You chuckle before getting up, missing the begging long for you to stay by the boy that say seated. You went to the edge of the roof, the wind blowing the white silky cape as wide white bat wings sprout from the bat of yours. Damian’s eyes widened with amusement as he couldn’t help but ask…
“What are you?” You turned around, your cloak still covering your face. “What am I?”
“Well…im a bat.”
And that was the last he’d seen of you before you transformed and flew away
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alanaartdream · 18 days
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Sketches before bed with my ideas of Fairy Timmy and nicktoons unite /
Timmy power hour
Might add some more to this in the morning but here
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Was going with Jimmy trying to figure out how Timmy’s universe functions so he can better help Timmy learn to use his new powers better
It’s also around this time (well more like when Timmy was missing (getting turned into a fairy) and had to go looking for where Timmy went) that he realised he was rather found of Timmy (also didn’t help when one gets turned into a fairy one tends to get cuter than they were before; and we all know Timmy had the baby girl vibes before he was turned into a fairy so now he’s just dripping those vibes now when before he was just giving out a few hints of it)
Now unlike when he studies ghosts from Danny’s universe Jimmy cannot help but be extremely careful now while he’s trying to study fairies that pop in now to ask for photos of Timmy and Poof/peri before Wanda goes mama bear on them and shoos them away while cosmo hides Timmy & Peri/poof behind him
Or Jorgen comes checking in to make sure everything going well or my fairy oc comes checking in making sure Timmy handing the change to forever fairy now and teaching him a few things she had to do to get use to the change (she ends up acting like a big sister and Jorgen like a Uncle) Jorgen will have things to help test out both Timmy & peri’s powers most of the time while felicity will now only have helpful advice will sometimes bring comics manga for them she thinks they’ll be interested in
(( now Wanda makes sure both Timmy & peri/poof get all the help they need with their schooling so Jimmy / Danny are at their schools (or college in Danny’s case) Timmy & peri go to fairy school; also to keep Wanda happy to let Timmy visit his lab he sometimes offers to tutor Timmy a little bit helping Timmy become more of a C-B grades kinda student with math and science (witch is much more than that crazy Cocker could ever hope for being as he just liked to Fail Timmy all the time) )
To Jimmy now that Timmy is a fairy 🧚‍♀️ it’s like the first time he’s actually gets a proper look at fairies; Jimmy’s trying not to think too much on why he’s so interested in trying to understand how fairies work all of the sudden until Carl pops into the laboratory results in Wanda Cosmo & poof/peri to magically transform themselves into lab equipment while Timmy who’s not had the chance yet to practice transformation magic yet ends up diving into Jimmy’s hair to hide
So Jimmy has to lead Carl out of his laboratory without giving him hints About Timmy Wanda cosmo peri/poof being there but this ends up taking awhile because Carl came over because he needed some help on a school math homework test thing and being as Carl has been his friend for ages Jimmy isn’t the type to say no to his good friends so helps him so when Carl finally leaves it’s pretty late in the day so Timmy has fallen asleep in Jimmy’s hair while Wanda cosmo and poof/peri were sleeping as lab equipment so Jimmy has to gently get Timmy out of his hair and gets a closer look at him as a fairy and part of Jimmy thinks Timmy looks so tiny and vulnerable and like some kinda instinct that he needs to protect Timmy seems to come over him
But then Wanda & Cosmo wakes up so he quickly hands Timmy over to his fairy parents to cover up how he couldn’t help but stare at tiny fairy Timmy in his hands while Wanda & Cosmo are just awing over sleeping Timmy and peri struggling each other in their sleep in their arms while they bit Jimmy goodbye and head back to fairyworld to put the boys to bed not taking note of that Jimmy lost in his own thoughts while they poof away
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abrakuxas · 3 months
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Should I do a part 2 with Lilith, Mal, Gnarrk Karen and Duela?
Hey, it's the Teen Titans!
My iteration of the fab5 with both Donna's costumes
Current headcanons of this version:
- Dick Grayson | Robin (14): mostly the same but I'd say he kinda forced Bruce to accept him. Bruce kept saying he would deal with Zucco with his billionaire influence but Dick would not accept it, telling Bruce he can and would escape the mansion to take revenge. When Bruce noticed Dick would end up in the same path as him, he decided it would be best to guide him through it and that having an adult around to help him do it right is better than letting him do it alone with no training and Dick would 100% do it alone if necessary.
- Wally West | Kid Flash (14): I'll be honest, I don't think I have any relevant or little difference in my head for Wally. Mostly because I haven't read him outside of Titans comics and I think he's cool there. He starts off a little annoying but then he drops off and as Flash he is just a great friend to Dick and everyone so idk?? Not enough knowledge about him.
- Garth | Aqualad (13): My immediate headcanon for Garth is him already being able to use hydrokinesis. I feel like he'd be the youngest and least experienced of them along with Donna as both of them came from other places and are still learning about other cultures and all that. He has particular beef with Roy who mocks his whole dependency of water thing but he comes to learn that Roy is just trying to feel better about his insecurity as Garth is not only capable of doing magic but also being raised underwater means he is actually very very strong while Roy feels shooting arrows makes him the weakest member of the group so messing with the youngest kid, the fish out of water makes him feel more powerful. I'd say Garth and Donna would be easy friends as they know about each other's culture far more. Garth is also the wisest and calmest of them, I'd say but when he does get angry it's a very scary thing as his magic powers are no joke.
- Donna Troy | Wonder Girl (14): Donna Troy is a mystery. She's not the only child in Themyscira as Amazons here are quite capable of having children with each other (hello, DC comics, you don't need to make them r*pists if your canonize trans Amazons. They can literally just have women centered pregnancies without magic or abusing men for it), but Donna was adopted by none other than Queen Hippolyta. As far as she knows, Wonder Woman saved her from a burning building but after never finding her parents and sensing something different about her, she decided to take her back home where they found out Donna is not only quite similar to Amazons, but quite similar to Diana specifically... But Donna is NOT an Amazon, nor a clone. Donna was created by the Titans of myth, from clay to life, just as Diana once was, she was named Troia by them as she was designed to work similarly as the Trojan Horse, infiltrating the Amazons and eventually growing into their champion to destroy the gods and free them from Tartaros. What they did not expect is that Donna would follow Diana's footsteps and go to men's world in her younger years where she would meet her best friends and learn not to be a warrior but a human girl. She is a great fighter, of course, the strongest of the team, she became fast friends with them and even thought at first they could even be demigods: Aqualad had power over water and came from Poseidon's Atlantis, Kid Flash ran like Hermes, Robin was a strategist as Athena and that Speedy boy? His bow and arrow and handsomeness could only be taken from Apollo, right? It took a while for Donna to learn about humanity and teenagers but she fell in love with that world, even developing her own sense of style and fashion, changing a lot from the Amazon warrior into a teenage girl. A superhero teenage girl. (Maybe I'll develop this more with her transformation into Troia later down the line)
- Roy Harper | Speedy (15): My biggest headcanon is that Roy's mother (who as far as I know we have no info about) was Navajo and died in childbirth. Roy's dad raised him until dying saving Brave Bow and Brave Bow took Roy and raised him knowing who his mother was. I'd just like to make him a little bit less of the white guy raised by natives trope that lots of golden age comics did for some reason. Well, Roy here was not much different, eventually being adopted by Ollie and training with him and Dinah. In the Team, Roy is the rival to Dick. He is flirty, a showoff and wants really bad to be a badass not only to impress Donna but to come on top of Robin as he feels GA and Batman are rivals and so should they as the only regular humans on the team and at points he even denies being part of the Titans, only being at the same place at the same time. After his insecurities and anxieties take him to a dangerous path and conflict with Ollie, he learns to warm to the Titans as friends and family after they take care of him and don't judge him, trying their best to help and understand him.
What do you guys think? :)
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foone · 8 months
So I watched @atopfourthwall 's latest (and possibly last!) History of Power Rangers (Cosmic Fury) and I have to say that I'm very happy to learn that Power Rangers said Trans Rights.
But... It seems like they could have definitely done it better, easily: just make the alien who hates being in a human body have a different gender of human body (than their alien form). Then you don't need to do anything extra in the dialogue, but now the "trans rights" subtext is much clearer.
Or hey, remember that you're a show about TEENAGERS THAT TRANSFORM INTO NEW BODIES. You've basically had a built in trans allegory, you just need to use it.
Introduce a new side character in the ranger's civilian life. A coworker or fellow student or something. Then you introduce a Sixth Ranger character: mysterious and powerful! And you have them be different genders... And then when the rangers finally befriend them, you reveal that they're the same person! A teenage girl who morphs into a man, or a teenage boy who morphs into a woman.
You could even have someone ask if it's weird that they switch genders when morphing, and they go "at first, but then I realized I really like it. Now it feels weird to not be morphed."
And then in the finale you tie it all together: they make a big sacrifice in the fight against the bad guy, and then get restored by The Morphing Grid or whatever. Except now their unmorphed form matches their morphed gender, they got a magic transition.
Bonus points if you brought this up beforehand in the penultimate episode: have them say that they're gonna miss being able to morph after they finally defeat the local gravely-voiced bad guy, since then they'll have to give up their morpher and won't get to be their morphed form anymore. The ranger they're talking to goes like "yeah... I'm gonna kinda miss being this powerful!" because they don't get why they like being morphed.
Extra bonus points: in your season requisite clip show, have it be dream-based... And show that, a la Batman in Batman Beyond not calling themselves "Bruce" in their head, their dream self is the morphed form, while the other rangers are in their civilian mode. You could even use this as part of the plot: they're attacked by some kind of dream monster, which is trying to defeat them in their dreams like Freddy Krueger. The rangers are powerless in their dreams, until they manage to meet up with the sixth ranger, who is morphed in their dream, and thus able to fight the monster, while the other rangers use their dreams to help out: flashing back to great moments in the season, with the dream monster greenscreened in.
(Help, I'm writing fanfic for a show I don't watch!)
Anyway... It just seems they could have easily done quite a bit better without making it too obvious to the point where it feels like a PSA.
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nanami1chu · 5 months
I’m sorry for any spelling errors!!
I just wanna put this out here, I been dreaming about for like two weeks it’s like a series in my head. So this happens when Alastor was still alive, he falls in love with a woman who was a bit younger than him, she was a sweet doll. They slept together once!(sexually, they were each others first) But they were never officially a couple, Alastor wanted to but hasn’t made a move on it (cuz he was busy killing). So after they slept together she founds out she’s pregnant, since she was younger than him she was scared to tell him because they weren’t even in a relationship and didn’t want to ruin his career and reputation,  (she kinda knew what he did at night another reason why she was scared that he was gonna hurt her or the baby, still loved him)  but she was just scared so she told her family and her family sent her way and she never told Alastor. He was kinda of heartbroken when he found out couple days later that she moved away. Her family wouldn’t give him any information where or how to contact her. So he never saw her again. 
That’s the basics of it! 
Anywho, so she’s pregnant with twins one boy one girl (girl looked like her mom while the boy is a copy of their father), Alastor dies 3 week later when the twins where born, a hard working single mother. She did talk about their father to her kids and what he was like also looked like with the one picture she had. Years later mother dies of a sickness when the twins are 18 years old. (Mother goes to heaven)
The point of this is that the twins took up, dark magic, same as their father, but didn’t know that he did that to.
(Idk why but I like the names Maddie(boy) and Louisa(girl) for the twins, the boy is older by a couple minutes or months idk how the twin thing works )
By now the twins are 20 years old and for some reason Lou (short for Louisa) wants to know more about the mysterious Alastor, who is known to be their father. So she’s going through looking for information, anything about him. She just feels a little sad she never got a dad like the other girls she went to school with or when in middle school she couldn’t go to the Father daughter dance. She just wanted a little bit of a father figure while Maddie wasn’t really interested in knowing about their father, he sees their “father” as a guy who’s just a guy.
(As you can see both Daddy issues in two different ways, Maddie more of a mommy’s boy also was very protective of their mother when alive, and sister. Promising his mother to look after his sister) 
I have more to this but I wanna get into what kind of powers the twins have.
Louisa ability is more of a witch more like the Scarlet witch but she’s more a soft girl so she doesn’t really use it for evil. She very more connected to nature (like kiri from Avatar). She is the kindest person you’ll meet, she’s every understanding about others (she’s someone you can talk to without feeling judged) she doesn’t really care if she’s hurt physically, but emotionally not just to her but to the ones she loves… things get dark.
Maddie is more of a… fuck around and found out will inflict pain on you for just looking at them or his sister in the wrong way , like Alastor smiles a lot too, I wouldn’t say he’s soft but he’s very aware of his emotions but it’s hard for him to talk about it( rather suffer in silence)  ability is… it’s kind a like Alastor, but not really, but the form of it is also a Wendigo. he does know dark magic like spells, but he transforms into a beast like a Wendigo. (yk how Alastor and his shadow are like “friends?” They talk to each other and stuff) well Maddie has that too but it’s not a shadow kinda more a (venom) thing of his Wendigo who is his friend and they are bound together.
I have more but I can’t put it into words for right now Alastor does come up in this and meets the twins but this right here is more about them
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More outfits
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fuedalreesespieces · 7 months
one of their downtimes in the present after school, kagome braids inuyasha's hair (twins, french, dutch, etc.) while they watch magical girl anime. inuyasha is surprisingly into it (the anime and having his hair played with)
oh, you are so right about this.
"So he's the other guy?"
Kagome's fingers raked through his hair, parting it in two. He had no idea what she was doing, but it felt nice. So nice, in fact, that his attention was starting to wane from the television screen in front of him, if that was possible.
"Sort-of," Kagome amended, bringing a comb to the right side of his hair. Silver locks spilled down his shoulders, brushing against the enormous bowl of potato chips they shared. "He's kinda like a vessel for him, but he doesn't know it."
"Geez," Inuyasha grumbled. "All that power and he doesn't even know it exists."
Kagome let out an airy laugh. On screen, the boy called Yukito transformed into Yue. The bright colors fascinated him just as much as the feeling of Kagome's hands carding through his hair. He didn't quite get the concept of animation until she made him an example and even then, that simple jumping ball she'd created was leagues away from...whatever this was.
How did this even get on the screen, anyway? He'd suspected there was someone trapped in the back, but the box was much too tiny for even a kit like Shippo, and it was all clogged up with tangled wires. She'd explained the broadcasting system to him, but he still didn't understand how waves could translate to pictures. Eventually he'd given up on working out the concept, and his confusion never kept him from settling under her gentle hands and letting the story unfold in front of them.
She'd called it anime, a category for the style of art and animation used in the show they were watching, and Inuyasha had to admit it was wildly entertaining. Convoluted plots be damned, the fights were terribly engaging. Sota had told him that the sort of shows Kagome dragged him into were called magical girl anime, and which thereafter prompted a giggle from the younger boy. Inuyasha didn't quite get the joke, if there was one to be had. The way he saw it, the magical girls were just like the metal golems ("Mechs," Sota had corrected him) in the things Sota liked to watch - albeit better dressed.
On screen, Yue spoke, voice eerily cold compared to his counterpart. A chill ran down Inuyasha's spine. "He looks like Sesshomaru," he muttered.
Kagome finished one his braids and peered over his ears, her chin digging into his shoulder as she leaned in to see what she'd missed. "You know...I haven't really thought about it, but he sort of does. Minus the angel wings, of course." At Inuyasha's bark of laughter, she inched closer and smirked. "Think he'd make a good magical girl?"
An image of Sesshomaru wearing a skirt seemed to enter their minds at the same time, and upon making eye contact, they both collapsed in a fit of laughter. "Evil," he said between breaths, "absolutely fuckin' evil, what you just said."
"I was merely asking a question," she said innocently, her grin wicked. "But now that I think about it, I think you'd fit in better than him."
"Me?" he said incredulously.
"Why not? You've got a weapon-"
"A massive sword, not a magic wand-"
"One of 'em is useless and the other kills people-"
"You are not useless," she said immediately. "You're wonderful just as you are."
He was thankful the room was dark. "Kagome-"
"All you really need," she said, "is a change of clothes. Have you ever even been out of the Fire Rat?"
He scoffed. "Why should I? It's my armor. Why, you suggestin' I wear your clothes?" His attention returned to the television, where Yue was drawing an arrow back, but Kagome's ridiculous smile quickly emerged in his vision. She'd finished his hair and had come to sit beside him, fiddling with one of the two braids she'd done.
"Well...I do have an old school uniform-"
"Oh, come on, Inuyasha! Please?"
"I'm not wearing one of your skirts!" he shouted, face as bright as a plucked tomato.
"But I just finished your hair!"
"And what the hell does that have to do with it?"
"You would look good, I promise!" she assured. "Nobody's around."
"Your entire family is in the house, Kagome."
"And I'm sure they would all support your decision to finally be the magical girl you were born to be."
He rolled his eyes and twisted his head so she couldn't tempt him with that smile of hers. "You're crazy."
She slipped into his view and batted her eyelashes. "For me?"
"Woman, if you don't-"
"Please, Inuyasha?"
He told himself not to look. Her voice alone couldn't tempt him. He thought of happy things in his mind, like ramen, or cooked steak, but the image of her sad, droopy eyes kept tainting the images, and when he eventually cracked one eye open, she was still kneeling in front of him, hands clasped and wide, grey eyes lit up like silver by the artificial light of the television. The decision to keep staring at her, like a stubborn fool, damned him. She had him wrapped around her finger the second he chose not to close his eyes - or perhaps he'd been doomed to agree from the start.
Either way, all paths lead to him wearing the skirt.
"Oh my god," Kagome whispered. "Oh my god."
"Shut up," he snapped. The waistline was too tight, but he'd somehow managed it. The outfit he wore was simply a spare uniform she had stashed away in case hers was ripped up in the feudal realm, but she insisted that plenty magical girls wore similar clothing (did the schools purposefully let their girls dress up as magical girls?) At her request, he'd worn a pair of elbow length gloves, boots, and "Happy?"
"Oh, Inuyasha," she sighed, and his face turned another shade of red. "You have no idea."
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twistyrob-1425 · 3 months
Guess who at Artfight2024
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This is my first time being here so wish me like probably post the character eventually but here some the art work and yes Matsuri is also there probably to film the fights to help her show
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The frist teammates
Aoi Mizuki she probably my first ever madoka oc I made back I think it was 2019 when I got my first drawing tablet and procreate for first time.So this Aoi her wish was to see her best friend again and she other little void element.
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The second teammate
Emi or Emiko Setsuko a trans magical boy in early draft I made pmmm magical boy oc and two other character but than mash 3 together to this character.His wish currently unknown since was contacted when he 9 yr old (Some Childhood Trauma) making him Veteran basically his element is Light.
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Teammate 3
Ribbon is from my playthourgh of Pokémon explores of sky but as Magical Girls and Ribbon is other main character maybe I release the rest of her group of team Majestic someday let me know.
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Team mate 4
Rinko Mazikeen
Again also my oldest oc right side Aoi she gotten bit transformed organically a had military theme but overtime I turned into a ghost theme her wish was that she wants to do something Fun to happen before she dying of boredom she in trio of magical girls called Team Mystic wings and doll named Lilith her element is Dark
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Last but least
Matsuri Amari
if you remember way back I enter a Create a human challenge 2 I probably reworked her design someday but for now for rest who are still new what she wish for Matsuri made her wish for web show to reach the big screen and feel her element is flame I kinda imagine her being friends with Iris and Aria
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That’s all I have to say and wish me like 👍
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moonlightreal · 15 hours
The Mermaid Magic post
I guess Rainbow needed a show to prove they could still make shows with season 9 taking so long, so they made a little Netflix-length thing called Mermaid Magic. And it’s good fun!
And, I think, it’s the practice run for season 9.
Mermaid Magic stars young mermaids Merlinda, Sasha and Nerissa. Merlinda is the princess of Mertropia, and is basically Bloom with different hair. Her color scheme is even aqua and pink. She’s brave and determined and when she discovers that her father and the kingdom are in danger she heads to the mystic portal to Earth to find the magic pearls they need.
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Sasha has the name they almost gave Stella, and she’s kind of an airhead and very social media obsessed. Sasha also gets the most derp faces. The animation is quite good in general but when it does go wrong it seems to always go wrong by stretching Sasha’s face in weird ways. Sasha has a pet merpuppy named Beau Junior who runs around being cute.
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Nerissa is leader of the royal guard and the princess’ bodyguard. She’s athletic and very protective of Merlinda. And yeah, she’s kinda Aisha.
I really like the look of the show. Yeah, Sasha gets weird-face but in general the characters are able to make facial expressions and have some body language. The male characters are noticeably less good than the female ones, so I’m not sure how the Specialists are gonna look. There are a lot of background citizens in Mertropia and they all look different from each other so that’s good. And it’s pretty! The transformations when the girls turn into their warrior form are really good! Their magical girl-ed up tridents look great!
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When I first was the warrior mermaid forms my thought was, “Ooh, I hope the Winx get a transformation like that!” and… wish granted, in the video we talked about last time! Now my wish is, “I hope the Winx get transformations that AREN’T like that, eventually!” The look is very structured and warriorish, so this CG can definitely handle something like Bloomix. But softer looks like Enchantix? We’ll have to wait and see if the animation program can handle something that looks like softer fabric.
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As for the story of Mermaid Magic, it is in a word, predictable. Not one single thing happened that I didn’t see coming a mile away. Gee, I wonder if they’ll get rescued by a cute human boy? Gee I wonder if they’ll find themselves having to go to human school and be humorously fish-out-of-water? Gee I wonder if there will be signs of Merlinda’s lost Mom? Gee, I wonder if they’ll do a bit of idol singer-ing sooner or later?” “Gee, I wonder if that mysterious merman is Merlinda’s uncle?” So yeah, the story didn't surprise me or wow me or even make me laugh, but it was a nice chill time watching the tropes unroll. I do hope Winx doesn’t go quite THIS predictable though. The joy of Winx is how it does dumb stuff with style and panache and that’s why it’s the show I love!
Mermaid Magic is ten episodes. It does tell a complete story but there are some threads left dangling for a second season, and I hope it gets one. In the last episode we have one villain still undefeated, Merlinda’s mother still missing, and the school’s mean girl just discovered our heroines are mermaids.
And I think this mean girl will have a big part in future seasons, because she has interesting hair.
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So since I had good luck predicting season one, I’ll have a go at predicting season 2! The remaining villainess will recruit the mean girl and give her a magic doodad that turns her into a mermaid. They’ll start making trouble and the cute boy and his sister will call their mermaid friends to come help. Then... hmm... Merlinda's going to want to get her mother's magic ring back from the villain and well, of course in the end they find Merlinda's mother. Yeah. Now we can wait and see if I'm right or not!
My friend Lisa over at The Princess Blog is more of an actual professional blogger than I am, here’s what she thought of Mermaid Magic.
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cru5h-cascades · 4 months
Ah... the Serafina series...
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Ight so in middle school I'd avidly read the books from this series that I could get my hands on (which were only two out of the four OG books: Black Cloak, which I owned, and Twisted Staff, which they had in the school library) (I read Black Cloak more since I had easy access to it) and gah DAMN these were my bread & butter back then after I grew out of the Spiderwick Chronicles (which I might make a post like this soon because I loved that series, or at least the original 5 books). I dunno I just like the kinda dreamy feel of these books I guess. After 8th grade, I wasn't as interested in these books anymore and I didn't bother get the other two (oh boy... the stuff I missed out on...) and shoved these books into the backseat of my mind. But then a few months ago, I remembered this series out of nowhere... and then realized how weird the series was (or at least the two books I actually read), and things only got weirder after I decided to look up the series & see what I missed out on...
Here's just some of the stuff I either randomly remembered from the books I read or found out via Google:
The first & second book keeps repeating the same line (something along the lines of "she was a creature of the night" or whatever), or at least a lot towards the beggining of Twisted Staff & a lot towards the end of Black Cloak. Like we get it bro this kid's the decendant of catamounts (or, as I'll be refering to them as, werecats, 'cause that's what they basically are). Like I wouldn't mind if this line was in the books once or twice but for me personally, it feels kind of excessive.
Changing Serafina's look after she turns into a big cat wasn't that nessisary, nor did Beatty have to choose a singular, specific big cat for Serafina's big cat form. Panthers can mate with mountain lions (and the same applies for other big cats and cats in general) Serafina should have just been able to turn into a panther/mountain lion(?) hybrid and could have kept her original human form traits because people can look more like one parent than they do the other. It's how genetics work.
SERAFINA FUCKING DIES IN SPLINTERED HEART?? AND COMES BACK TO LIFE? Girl's got some major plot armor. Dare I say kid's maybe even a Mary Sue (doesn't think people will like her for her two tone hair and junk, managed to beat up two grown ass men with magic powers, got her werecat powers even if we were told in the begining of Twisted Staff that Serafina couldn't transform, and has survived near death experiences and was brought back from the dead)
I'm probably forgetting some more stuff but damn... this series was weird. I feel like some stuff should have been handled better, tbh, specifically the stuff I just listed. I liked what they did with Serafina's abilities in the first book, with her having big cat-like abilities while in human form, and I feel like they should have built up upon that concept instead of just giving Serafina her big cat form when her mum specifically says it wouldn't be possible for her to transform. But damn... not even my nostalgia for this series can stop me from critisizing the series like this. Of course, I, a teen in high school, isn't quite the main demographic for the series, so I might be looking too far into this. Like for middle schoolers, I can see them enjoying the series for what it is (I should know 'cause I was one of them), but yeah looking back on these books, they were kinda weird. I liked them, and they're fun to look back at, but still weird.
I know they made some graphic novel adapations of the series (or at least one for Black Cloak) last year. If anyone reading this has read what's been released so far, how is it? I kinda wanna know :D
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lovable-chica · 3 months
The Hybrid-Husky Sisters: Pride Month Edition (Remake HeadCanons) Note: The HeadCanons Are Inspired By @asktrio516’s ttte human au head-canons and the human design of them belong to her.
-Is A Girl From London, So She Speaks In The British Accent Some People Sometime Don’t Understand What She Says Properly If She Talks too Fast Or If She’s Upset.
-Was 7 years Old When She Lost Her Parents and Had A Long-Lost Sister Name Suzi, and In My TTTE Au, She’s A 14 Year Old Hybrid.
-During TATMR In This Au, She and Yap Both Help Mr Conductor, Junior, Burnett Stone and Lily Help Restore Lady and The Magic Railroad, At The End Of TATMR, Mr Conductor Gave Amber Gold Dust That Transformed Her Into A Alli-Dog, Every Now and Then, She, Yip and Thomas Would Go To Sinning Time Station to See Mr C and Junior, Even Lily and Patch, She Wound Bring Percy Along With Them.
-She Enjoy Her Powers, She Is Kinda Like Lady Being Magical.
-Please Don’t Make Her Mad, She As A Short Temper Problem.
-Best Friends With: Thomas, Rosie, Percy, Yap and Yip, Chantal, Darla, Valarie, Bah-Bah, Abby(Sister), Suzy(Real Sister), Angel(Sister) and Rebecca.
-The Scottish Tom-Boy Hybrid
-She Is A Little Similar To Douglas,Duck and Percy, Cheerful, Cute and Preppy
-Just Like Amber, She Is Also Difficult To Understand due To Being Scottish Accent.
-She Never New Her Actual Birth Mother, She Thinks Her Birth Mother Is Honey.
-She Is A lot Like Rosie, Tom-Boy, Cheerful, Cute and Fun
-She has A Very Short-Tempered More Worst Then James, Zippy(Yap) Has to Deal With Her In A Fight.
-Best Friends with: Zippy(Yap), Rusty, Peter Sam, Duncan, Thomas, Rosie, Percy, Amber(Sister),Angel(Sister), Suzi(Every Now and Then), Chantal, Valarie, Bah-Bah, Yip, Doll, Henry, Edward, Nia and Rebecca.
-Was Shy Before, But Know She an Quick and Quick Girl
-Was Similar to Rebecca, Clumsy and Shy But Kind and Soft
-She Wears Early KidCore Cloths, She Once Showed Toad Without Oliver Thinking She was Flirting with Toad :>
-Swears Often, But Since Murdoch, Arthur and BoCo, They Tell Her to Stop Saying That, That’s A Bad Word! She just Thinks No-No Words Are Fun (For A 14 Year Old Like Abby and Amber)
-She is Amber’s Long Lost Sister and Only One Year Younger Then Her.
-She Really Missed Her Parents Along With her Real Sister Amber.
-She and Toad are Best Friends, They Both Have A Similar Personality.
-She wears kawaii fashion pastel goth soft clothes, she thinks that they make her look cute.
-Her Room Is Filled With Kawaii Unicorn Plushies and Trains From TTTE Show (She Obsessed With Both)
-Keep Her Long Brown Hair in A Ponytail With a Rainbow Bow On Top.
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue 3: The Boys from Red Fountain
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no hesitation, no mercy
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How did Tecna not immediately kill him for this
Also the fact that Tecna is offended that Timmy didn't have a good pick up line for her
You're going to quickly realize that Tecna of the comics is a VERY different person than Tecna of the show
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Everyone's face when Tecna didn't slap the shit out of him and actually helped him find the battery is amazing
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The comics have removed Musa's pick me energy but they made her a worse I can fix him girl so it balances out
Also Riven hanging out outside because he's an introvert we love it
All Riven says to Muss is "hi" btw before going on with his business
Stella basically calls Riven an asshole, which is very funny because she continues to say, you should find someone else if you want to get anywhere
Which implies her problem isn't that he's an asshole, but that he's an emotionally unavailable asshole. Amazing
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This is so adorable and YESSS an explanation for where Winx came from. We love love love it!!
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I love that the comics tell you where the fuck trolls come from and live. One of my major questions from the show XD
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Omg not Stella manipulating Musa's desire to have close friends right after they made a group name 😭😭 girlll whyyy
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Sky, in a world where most of the girls he's around are magical "He'll have to take care of everything himself! It's not like Stella fought off a troll by herself" shut up Sky
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Anyways I'm sorry I offended you" comics Sky is somehow worse than 4kids Sky
Which is actually kinda impressive, it gets worse from here
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I love that the Trix have more minions than just Knut, adds flavor
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Musa defending Stella's dumb decisions is so fucking weird when I'm so used to her always being the first to drag her filth
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I wish more spells had a strong negative effect on the users. Like Bloom should not be able to summon god with no physical consequences, I do not care, she shouldn't be able too
It would also be a good way to get certain Winx out of the game and raise the stakes of a battle. They use a super powerful spell and now have a migraine. The tide of battle has changed but we're down a member. It's very cost benefit analysis
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Stella is being stopped from transforming bc her ring is bent I love it
The comics made me so annoyed that the show brought up this idea and then ignored it for most of the first season!!! Like it's not all that interesting of a concept but the different ways Stella gets stuck is super interesting
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Stella said I'd do it again and now they're beating her with pillows I love the comic girlies so much they're so silly with each other
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
I’m absolutely obsessed with the idea of Amaranth being the darkhold child post transition, not least of all bc I know multiple trans witches irl with botanical names. I know I’m setting myself up for disappointment but it seems like it has so much potential? (Also just. Seems tidy to tackle two plots at once by integrating them into a single character instead of half assing them elsewhere)
Trans people are really underrepresented in marvel comics and like you implied, maybe making the darkhold into a trans girl isn’t the best move for inclusivity. But afaik there arent any trans magical characters besides Loki? The fact that there isn’t already a trans kid at strange academy kind of bugs me; marvel routinely introduces entire teams worth of new people at a time but besides escapade and super trans, there haven’t been many trans additions afaik
I feel like I need to say that there's no reason to lend this theory credence. We haven't actually seen anything pointing in this direction-- quite the opposite, actually, as the Darkhold child was last seen joining Strange Academy, where Agatha, apparently, no longer teaches, in the Blood Hunt tie-in. Also, these characters don't even look to be the same age, which I guess doesn't matter when you're the magical personification of a book, but that kind of leads me to my next point--
I kinda feel like magically aging the character up and transforming them into a girl is not really the same thing as trans representation. I always seem to get in trouble for saying this, but at this point in modern comics, I would really much rather see more characters who are actually trans, than magical or supernatural beings who get to explore and embody gender in a way that, while resonant, often falls short of being representative. I like both, I'm just saying that the limited number of trans characters we do have trends more towards the latter.
I don't know, if it was well-written, I'd be fine with it. The Darkhold child is a new person who is learning to define their humanity on their own terms. Wanda is a great character to support that kind of storyline-- it was a huge part of her relationship with Vision-- and adding an element of gender exploration would make a lot of sense for a modern comic. But I'm also wary of the kind of optics you'd get if Amaranth had to "reveal" herself as the Darkhold boy, or for Wanda to "discover" her true origins, you know?
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shipcestuous · 11 months
One time I had the weirdest (and most ridiculously detailed!) incest-related dream. It was about a fictional anime, and while it's all kinda blurry now, I remember dreaming up the plot of a couple of episodes. I'd like to preface this ask with a big fat TW because the anime itself was kind of... old school in a sense, with ecchi-like jokes and gags that were handled in a very lighthearted way but objectively would have had to be treated as molestation of a teen girl in any more serious work.
Basically, the anime was about this high school student who was also a magical girl heroine. She had to balance her school life and friends with her secret identity while fighting a mysterious supernatural Big Bad and their lackeys as well as more mundane criminal. So far, so normal, right? But the twist was the her sidekick was her father, who didn't have any powers but drove her around to wherever she needed to be to fight evil and took care of her injuries after her battles.
Except... the dad was young, kind of DILF-y, and both a goofball and a total pervert. He perved on his daughter both in her magical girl/crimefighter persona (cheering whenever he got to see a panty shot during a fight thanks to the skimpy frilly outfit she naturally got during her transformation sequence, roping her into infiltrating some crime syndicate's hideout by masquerading as an exotic dancer) and in her civilian identity (trying to get her to wear a maid outfit while doing her chores around the house, gleefully suggesting he should spank her when the stress of trying to figure out what the Big Bad's goal actually was caused her to have a a bit of an attitude).
The daughter was understandably weirded out and embarrassed by his behavior, but it was played less in a "her dad is a creep and she should try to get away from him asap" and more like she thought he was a cringy loser who frustratingly insisted on behaving like an irresponsible kid. There was plenty of slapstick humor where she punched him in the face or hit him with over the head with whatever was at hand to get him to leave her alone, but also a lot of times where she just made comments like "ugh, Dad, I shouldn't be the mature person in this house" or "stop being a gross old man, we're in public!" She didn't think much of her father's attraction to her, but it seemed to be mostly because she wanted to date boys her age with whom to do cute teenage romance stuff.
Obviously, the dad was extremely jealous of any boy who showed an interest in her, but he showed it less by being openly hostile to them and more by getting extra handsy and possessive around them to weird them out and turn them off the idea of dating her and dealing with more of that, or even by tricking them into appearing even more perverted than him. At least until she met a shy, quiet boy who was supposed to be her endgame love interest, who surprisingly took it all in stride, blushing a lot but being very polite to him and still very affectionate towards the daughter at the end of the day.
Eventually, a flashback from the point of view of the dad was shown and it turned out he was a widower and his wife had died when the daughter was a baby. Grief had thrown him into a downwards spiral, not helped by the fact that, because he and the wife had married very young and against the will of their families, they were struggling economically. But taking care of the daughter had become the one light in his life and he had resolved to fight against his despair, get his act together and give her the life he'd been unable to give her mother. Through the years, his feelings had turned into outright adoration, and while the daughter was growing up from an adorable child into a smart, determined, responsible teenage girl, into romantic love. And eventually, when her body started developing, also into physical attraction. He had initially decided not to act on any of it... but his feelings were just too strong to repress them or ignore them, so he decided it would be easier to deal only with the sexual side of things, because he could deal with his daughter refusing him over and over again when it came to that but he feared he wouldn't be strong enough to stand her telling him she'd never love him the same way.
Unfortunately, I don't remember how the story ended after that. But I like to think the dad would have eventually had to have an open conversation about his feelings with his daughter and that, no matter her response, they would have been okay somehow.
Wow, that's so detailed!
It was so easy for me to picture it as an old anime.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
A clueless anime only reacts!
So @yumeka-sxf (thank you, publicly this time!) volunteered to send me out-of-context, non-spoilery manga screenshots, and I was so happy about it and amused by them that I'm making a post reacting and very vaguely predicting what they could be about.
THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION TO SPOIL ME. If I'm incorrect, let me have fun being incorrect. If you decide to send me manga screenshots too, make sure they follow the "rules" about what I consider spoiler and what not. I might be very unserious in my reactions here but I'm very serious about getting spoiled. I'd rather not get more screenshots than get spoiled.
All that out of the way, time for funsies! For anyone who is also anime-only... I don't think there should be warning for spoilers here but you're welcome to skip. (I'll tag this "nette reacts" in case I do more of these, you're welcome to filter it)
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Anya best gremlin for real. She's unstoppable. I love her. I kinda wanna hug the top right one, though, she seems to be Going Through It. And she deserves a ton of hugs anyways. But I genuinely love how Endo shows both natures of Anya; the cute, unassuming, innocent little kid, and the GremlinTM.
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What is happening to my man. What is he holding in. A fart? A hopeless scream? Dare I say... a laugh? (rhetorical questions)
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YOOOOOOOOOOR 😭😍😭😍😭😀🤩😀😌😭👀💕😍
She's adorable and her smile lights up the world 😭😭 she deserves the world and doesn't even know it 😭😭 I'm sensing a soft shoujo filter so I hope whoever she's looking at had better be reciprocating her soft look. Or I shall commit felonies 👈👉👀
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Carefree Yuri? In this economy? Hope there's more of that down the road.
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Bond! Bestest Boi! I don't know what confuses him but he's being adorable about it but also. What is he sweating about. Is Anya trying to like, teach him a card game or something. (again, rhetorical question)
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Anya having her second magical girl transformation? She looks so badass!
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WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY MAN 😭 (don't answer) he looks sad. I wanna hug him ;_; or give him a cookie. Something.
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Your otp could never. They do anxiety like no-one else!
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Again. Is it a fart. Do you know how hilarious it would be if it was just a fart she was holding in. It's probably her worrying again about blowing her cover but until I know for sure imma go with the fart option. (I don't think Endo would resort to fart jokes but it's a hilarious concept)
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Knowing this dude he's probably upset about something ridiculous. Like, having to fight a dog armed with a bomb? No big deal. Having to handle a conversation with his target, an incredibly violent and paranoid man, without arousing his suspicions? He eats that for breakfast. Anya expressing a slight distaste in her meal? OPERATION STRIX IS IN DANGER I SHALL FIND THE BEST GOURMET DISH WITH THE FINEST PEANUTS ON TOP-
Yeah I'm willing to bet it's something absolutely ridiculous he's panicking about. Don't correct me if I'm wrong 😁
This was super fun and the best part about it is I have no single clue when those panels take place so they'll be a very pleasant surprise when I see them happen in the anime. Again, thank you yumeka-sxf!
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